kg build- V Cloth- mhnnnti -. onauannaa Wlxcut, \vhitc-. do red... do goose...... do sprmg..... Bm'lev..._._ , ,, cu. DU LU `JG. ' Potnt;oes-Mnrket (or old shows a little more life. u.s`tlm holdings have been almost. entirely cleaned upi ~ on the truck here m'c.quotel at. 25:: to 30c per bag. and potatoes out 0! store zufc held at 35c to 40. New potatoes are in good demand. and the ollerings are still coxiiparatively light. Job'b_e1's .n.rc paying $1.10 per bushel for large lots and pota- toes out. of store sell at $1.20 -to $1.25. Tlnlnrl '|'.I'nu__`lfn..I...L :. -...2-A _su_ - tu. nut: to 2510. Eggs--0!`1'erings are large and mar- ket. is active. Hot weather causes heavy shrinkage in shipment, and it is not easy to make up a case of se- lected stock. The best eggs are quoted rm at 12c. and fresh gathcr- V ed are selling at 11c to _11c. . Se- conds nre dull and in poor demand at 80 to 9c. \a\r\JAV n Il.I. .I. |L\JIJUL/Ill. hot weather has caus- ed at depreciation in the quality of the dairy butter now ul1'ering, and dealers report. that. it is ditcult. to secure "choice stock. only u`snmll percentage of shipments of tubs, pulls and crocks can be rated as rst-cluss: these lots sell at 16.50. ..kcehest. dexnimi! is _for pbund rolls, V which are very scarce. and those selling have been held in _cold stor- 'uge for a. month or more. They bring 17 remlily. The bulk of the oerings is of medium `grade and sells at 140 to 15c. while some lots _ bring only 12c. Creamery is active and both pr'ints and boxes are selling at 20c to 21. 1o`.rrc__l\|`u'n-in..." ...... 1-....- -..A _-A.- quuwu [IE LC I088 than smoked. Lnrd--'I`ic-rces 10`.'c, tubs 11c and pails 11ic. I'1I'\fY\!II1I\ uv u-u- .\_-. ..._ vy muss, 91:! Co $19.50. V Snxoketlund Dry .Saltcd Meats- Long clear, tons and cases, 11c and small lots at Jlic; breakfast bacon, 1450 to 15c; hams. for small and. mcdium, 13zC;`I`OS, 11.51: to` 12c; shouldcrslllc to llic; backs. 1-1c to 15c: green meats out of pickle x_u*c quoted at 1c less than smoked. l'.nr(I--'I`im-r-nu 1n.'ln on}... 11.. ....,I J. .||\J V J.L`It\J.L\b3. The market is very strong and pri- -.-os are rm for all classes of. hog product. There is an excellent de- mand and stocks are moving well. quotations are unchanged. Pork-Cmmdn shnrf. nnf 391- hon- nus. ' ' Pens--Are firm at 70c middle trcights. - V - TTDHXIYQYAKTQ quuutuons are unchanged. Pork-Cmmdn short. cut, 321; hea- Vy mess. $19 to $19.50. Smnkml nnri `hm: .Qulo.-"I 1u....4.._ Iur Julxcu VVGSIL. Outs--Aro lirm_at 33c {on-'_ No. 1 whil.e east. and 82c for No. 2 white middle frviglxts. New crop for lu- turc delivery -are quoted by local deu.lors mpnbout 3c less than these prices. l\nQ1y\nnl_'Ta u... ..o (to H1: 1.... ....__ uzua, u. y, nine (2 yours istment. I-ply of of stu- rth be u u. an, 14: Luca. ()atmenl-'-Is farm at $8.75 for cars of barrels uml $3.65 for bugs in car lots 'l`orom.o, and 20 more for sjmul-' lcr lots. " `!3...u;__, A .. 4-...... - A -A , , - - -- u'u1gnI.H. - Corn-.--Is firm on small offerings at 44: to 45 for yellow and 430 to 44 for mixed west. nd-u_A.-n 0...... -4 00.. 1.... wr. -- usuunuol Ill]: 1` D. Toronto, J ufy 28.--Wheat--There is not much.inquiry and the 1_na.rket is` dull. Local exporters (mow ;red'a'1'nd' white at 61c -`middle `Heights and holders are asking a cent or. two more. `No. 1 spring whea.t'sold`a.t 62c cast today. Goose wheat is dull at 61c for No. 1 east, and 60a for No.2 middle frcights. Manitoba wlncat is rmer at 70c to 80;: for No. 1 hard. 77:2 in 79., my Mn 0 Im-I aucul uuuvcry '1'orom.o and west. 7 1*`lour-Is quiet. _ Some s)0'per cent. patents sold today at $2.50 in buy- ers bags middle frcights. Choice brands are held at 15: to 200 high,- cr. Mmxitnbu our is quoted at $4- for Hungarian patents and $3.70 for strong bakers `in car lots, bags in- cluded`, 'l`m'onto. lvHlH'nnrl_ln ..o.....z.. Q; Q-In ;- e-A man In cm` lots west. I5urlcy-_-Is nominal at 41c.1'o1' No. 2 oust, 40c for No. 2-middle trcights und 39: for No. 8 `extra middle frcights. nnr|1-Tu u-rm nu avian,` ..A'....:........ -4 The Ruling Prices in Live Stock and Breadstns. wm.-u.r. IS nrmer at 79c to 80;: No. hard, 77 to 78 for No. 2 hard, and 73c to 74: for No. 3 hard, grinding in transit, and 2c less for local dclivry Toronto and west. 5 ].;`!OUl."-IS Hllif. Qlntl 0l\'nnr nnnf uuucu, 1'()l`On1'.0. , Millfccr`.-ls-st,eady at $18 to for shorts and $11 to $11.50 bran in cm` lots west. Ihn-Iru.-...`(u nnnlluunl A` A1,. 4--.. |LlJAllINl} MA1Ims.| nu ma uvn nun Go FARMERS MARKET. I ...L.:;- nuuuuy. 1,500 my noth- xzrlc cut- d your Lhe rate ore now ts have It: week ..-.v- COUNTRY PRODUCE. |.... 1111.. u n V- n1iE;\1)sTUFFs. rizov1sIoNs. .I...A. x_ __-,, , . 31.41) 8.00 4.50 nun U.UU 5.50 no. .. .ou;,- ..13.00 .. 8.00` `. 9.00 1/1 .00 3.25 1 1:1 -IU .104- An oU *.12; 7.00 Al! -UK! 9.75 3.75 5.50 7.25 6.00 (V? :1`!:. in. IL mm; of another" rchnsing Trts, al- the fac- Lters at \sl\ ninth .01 0.00 9.50 10.00 10 ago ` 3.50 1.15 , -OH .uU 1.00 r.n .uu 1.50 10?. 1.00 10! . ...'4U .12} nn $14 for l.'1'errible Spread o':ne Bnbonio Plague at I - Eons Kong. - A despatch from Vancouver, B. `C., suys:'--The Steamer Empress of In- din brings news of n. ste:Ldy_ increase in the appalling number of deaths ` by plague in Hong Kong, "and the fact. that the percentage of *Eui'o- perms who have succumbed" to the disease is much higher than on any occasion -of former epidemics. Latest advices ,recorded the moljtality in Hong Kong from plague at 45 deaths every 24 hours. and the num- ber of new cases at 50 a, day. The number of`nce the outbreak has been about 1,600, in spite of the close watch kept on steamers by' the uutliox-ities, who are unable to pre- vent the spread of the disease in ` quarantine at Nagasaki, it being dis- covered tlmt. plague had broken out zunonglchinese passengers, '- were nvmg In :1 tool's paradise. Sir William's speech, which was throughout undoubtedly pessimistic, drew angry interruptions from Joseph Chamberlain, the .Coloninl Secretary. The latter. in the course of his reply to Sir William, took a. sanguine view of the situation in South Africa. He said nobody doubted the war would soon be over, mid when ;the Boers recognized that they had been-thoroughly beaten and had returned to peaceful occupation, interest. on the - [`r,un:~:v`a.:tI debt and sinking fund would be easily payable .' ___._; ` 1-- Saya Expenditure \ .'in,Not Fall at End of tho War. A, despatch from London says:--In the course of a debate on the Fi- nance Bill in the House of Commons on Wednesday afternoon Sir William Vernon Hm-court, (Liberal) tren- clmntly criticised the Government's financial policv, and said tlios per- sons believing thc statement. that; the general expenditure would fall Azifter the tcrmiuation of the war were living in fool's paradise. William's snnnnh min`:-I-. mm. I114, an v 0 com- thc uni- .'nn nu:-I Commandant Pretorlus Shot through ` the Eye.. A despa.t,ch' from Edenburg snys:.-- Some days ago n. squadron or Rim- ington's-Guides attacked Pretorius' commando, which was about 200 strong`, and held rm'exceedingly dif- Jicult, pvsitiun near Kotzespoort. |'.`, which was carried on among the bushes and rocks at close qu_m'ter.-, lasted twenty minutes. Several. Boers were seen to fall, and Commandant I ret.orius was wounded being` shot. through the eye. , The Boers were dispersed. and were chas- ed {or a. considerable distance, but. they evcntuallyescaped on reaching the open country. A few dnvs: nrnuhmalu n:...c.....o....v.. mu: upcn lillllllbfy. A few days previously Rimingt.on's Guides engaged the Boers at Brak- foutein, when C0mma.n(|m1t Acker- xnnn was "wounded. in the shoulder. A number 0! his men were also` wounded . DLUCK8l'S, QUU L0 DUUID do of!`-colors ...... Milch cows, each . . . . . . .. Sheep, exp. ewes, cwt.. do bucks, per cwt. .... .. > dq culls, co,c11...,,...._,. Lambs, spring, each..... Calves, per head... Hogs, choice, cwt. ...... .. Hogs, corn-led, cwt...... Hogs, light, per cwt...... Hogs, fat, per cwt. ...... .. Saws, per qwt ............. .` Stags, pm.` c\`vt...... ._..;.` MaI'kets. [Bonn GENEnAs:sTvonNnEn.[ UU UU\VE n . - - - a no do bu1ls..-. ...... .... .. Bulls, cxp., heavy, cwt. do light, pcr4cwt......... `Feeders, short-keep..'. do mcdium..`.... dolight ................... .. Stockers, 400 to 6001!). (`ll nlnnlnl-e _1y active demand. The principal ac~' wanna. a..a.4n.4 AlAJlAUJ\L1|. a Toronto, July 23.-'l`he Western cattle market. was fairly active to- ' day, with heavy olrcrings and a. fair- tivlty was in exporters and good butchers , both of which classes_sold freely. Other cattle were rather quiet, the inquiry being -limited. Sheep were 0. trie rmer and other _ small stun` was steady. Hogs were Lmchanged. The total run was 66 leads, including` 1,027 cattle, 770 sheep and lambs, 62 calves and 800 hogs. , _ _ Export `cattle, choice per cwt...... ........... ..$4.75 $5.25 do cows, for cwt......... 3.75 ` 4.40 .do medium, per cwt..`. 4.40 4.75 Butchers cattle, picked lots ...................... .. 4.40 4.75 do choice...... 4.00 4.40 " do fair . ' 3.50 4.00' u nnuun . 1! fl!` 5` HE lJL'l' 8501 V00. ,-_ ` Pru-is-Closc--Whcat, tone,` steady; July 20! 40c..Scptcmbcr xu1d* De- ccmbcr'21f 40c. Flour, tone steady; July 25f 95:, September and Decem- ber 27f 5c. quxer. at. n. uecun_e on em. , Liverpool, July 23.--Close-Spot. wheat. rm; No. 1 st.:Lnda.rd Califor- nia, 599:! to 5s Qgd; Walla, 5s 9d to 53 9411; No. 2' red winter, 5s 63d to 53 745:]; No; 1 northern spring, 55 6d to 5s 7d; futures easy; September, 5s Gad to 55 7'd. Spot/corn steady; new, 43 1:}d to'4a 1}d; futures quiet; September 45 Bid, October 45 3d. Flour, 17s to 18s 3d; Paris, -July e23.--\Vhent, tone steam-; dy; July 20! 35c; September and De camber 211` 25c. Flour, tone, quiet; July 25f 85c, Septenxber and Decem- ber 26f 95c. ' . ' 13.. ..:c_m.`m.._un....`4 . ......- ..4.....:.... steady. _ Corn zairly steady; trade light; No. 2 yellow, 53c; No. 8 yel- low, 52320; No. 2 corn, 52c; No. 3 corn, 52c.- Oats quiet; No. 2 white 36c; No. 3 white, 36c; No. 2 mix- ed, 35c; No. 3 mixed, 34c. Ba.r- ` ley 48c `to 54 for store lots. Rye dull; No. 1 offered_ at 55c.. Canal freights steady; wheat. 33c, corn 2-Zc, outt 2sc, rye 3c. " EUROPEAN GRAIN MARKETS. London, July, .23.-0pening-Whea.t. on passage quiet and steady. Corn ' oh passage quiet and steady. Weath- ' er in England line, in France ne.. . English country markets- dull. T .nnrInn- {`.lna-- lHn`rl( T .n nn---Ivhnn t, IHHSIIBH |JUl.lHLl'_y' lJllI.|'KUl4H ' uuu. London-Close-Mu`rk Lane-Wheat, forcign quiet but steady, English quiet; our steady; American corn quiet. at decline of 3d. Tvtarnnnl Juli: `.7!-I ._(".Ina:n--.Qnnf. (1 such ortions their which pouring A I hni t _HARCOI_JRT IS P`ESSIMI$'fIC. FIFTY DEA"?!-IS A DAY. `CATTLE MARKET. THE BARBIE 0.)U .. 3.25 3.00 L. 8.75 . 8.50 7.. 4.25 .. 3.50 8.25 J. 3.00 .. 2.50 ..30.00 . .'`..4O 41 (`:0 ..4.i)U 2,00 _ 2.00 1.00 '- 5701': 0.l)U 47.00 -J r.r: sh sup- versury on pre- ont 01' pair of now? In. 0.0;) 2.75 3.00 AHPI uuu AVU\V I \ I uuuutuu . Three Chicago stud'r:nts]of electri- city have invented a, system of wire- less tclegraphyj said to be a decided improvement.-on other methods. .. .... ........ an uun Nathan Gava.nt, aged .18, had 11 mother arrested in New York on charge of theft; of 3500, part, of sum he wonrin a. lottery. ' n:-.....y.... -.. .1 I ---I -~-~ ~ 7 -..- - ..... -..... .........v . . ~ . V... The Baltimore Board of I`r:1dc has sent a petition to 1 rcsident McKin- ley urging reciprocity with Canada and Newfmmmand. on. A J . ..- ...,-- -.. .. .vu~.\.-_v. Disorder and lawlessness have greatly increased in Pekin since the policing" of the city was restored to the Chinese authorities.' -.... lrnvuvllv Jusu. A swarm of bees diszu-ranged the system of the telephone company in Bellevillc, N. J., by swarming in a. transmitter box. - 11'--:,, ~ A - * - -. ----vvvvsa, w. Empcmr Nicholas has issued an br- dcx` that 308,500 men shall be re- cruited for the Russian army during the present year. . - A n-u........ _: 1.4, V UK lready ucd at A III\_ Chicago mumissinn mv:'cl1a1'1t.s,a1'c charged with dosing t.hcir_ produce with for1m1.ldchyde to keep it from rotting. - 71"...- -I_:I,I,, I ' ' " _ .. ....-..b. Two children, dzmglxterns of Calvin Snellbaker, were fatally burned by the explosion of a. c"oal oil can near Yorkhaven, Pa. ` 71 - -_ .. ............... auuu: U1 9-) u. uay. The parole of a. convict in India1_m. penitentiary was postponed because he chewed tobacco before the Pardon Board. ,,V--.-.D vvrr-.-. - Members of the Iron Mou1ders' Un- ion arc on strike. They were refus- ed a. minimum scale of $3 a. day. T110 nnrnln nf 4-. nnnu-:-4 :.. 1..-I=-~- ,- .. -...- ...~u.. Frmxlc `McCray, of Hallstad, Pn., declares he has discovered the lost. [Egyptian art. or lmrdcning copper. 'II'A-..I...._.. -1 AI 7 -- V..- uulallllls awupn W Ul'KCl':5.. VVilliams't.own;_ M1ss., has two `cas- es of smallpox, the daughters of Prof. Russell, of Williams College. \Vnrnnn will an t..o...... 1.- _-L~-U ` ..........u, u: uuuuuns poucge. `Women will in future be mdmitted to the University of IIeI_singfors, V Russia, on equg, termswith men. .. . -...-. Drought. at Jex'uSalem threatens a.'_ famine. ` ' v. .. _ >I$r,i1.ish troops at Tien Tsin will _ be inc}-eased by 1.000. Lexington. Ky., has a record of five incendiary res in eleven days.- Paris is nxnitml ah.-.4 .. n..u=-- The Federation of Labor promises to contribute $500,000 weekly to the striking steel workers. . IlHn-.....'a..-'...- it - lL"COt 'hen it rments roof is 'lun(-nt 1d day imlico, 'cusiou ....-- s .............u bunnulu-I uunuagcr. The probability is man the Mon- treal Street. Railway Company will reduce its rate in the near future, at least in so far as the fares-=-of work- men are concerned. Instead of eight. tickets for a quarter; as at present during certain hours of each day. the likelihood is that ten will be obminable. 'I`here is to. Spain. T\. _ __~-- ...m._uuuu`y nuts in UIEVGD (lays.- Paris is excited 7 about a. British_ maritime survey of the Chgmnel Is- lands. ' V An emphatic contradiction is given to a.story that General Manager. Reeve of the Grand Trunk is to re- sign, and that he will he succeeded by Mr. F. W. Morse, who was re- cently appointed third vice-president and assistant general manager.` T"hn nu.-.\k-L.:I:A.. 1.. n_'_. -.._ "4 ....-.... unuv vs u. uucuucao hloulln `P1-cmicr Roblin, speaking at Bran- don,_Mnnit.obx1,. .o.nx1c_>t.;,x1_<;ed,_t_l1at 9n and after October 1st, 1901, wheat -will be carried on the Canbadimx _tion Irom the present turin`. Northern line at a two-ceut;,reduc- A........... .11).-.. 4|_1_.__ . vv '--- - -..... .. V... mu. ya uncut. you xu. . Among ther things that Her'IIigh- ness the ' Duchess of Cornwall and ' York will perform will betlhe unvcla ing of an elaborate drinking foun-. lain, erected at. the junction of put`- fcrin nnd.S:_:.ppers' Bridges, Ottawa. \a.r\rIl w --u\..u.. uusunw. The British Columbia. runs of sal- mon arc reported to be small and disappointing. The . fish:-rmen's strike has been ScLtle(l by the Board "of Trade acting as arbitmtor. Jul... 4...... -__, .,,-, A n , - .- - --......v ...v.....u u w. vAvAUuVVlb "Phe trans-contincntu.l service of the C". P. R. will be increased to two trains each way next summer, one of which will be very fast. and the, other more of a business train. 11...._.:_.. -n_Lus - o - The Bozlrd of Education of Wood- stock "is making a.r1-angc-mcnts. for ,the introduction of manual training .u.nd domestic science Into the schools upon a liberal scale. nil... 1'I._:n.--1. (V_u..,,,L-, - - -..,uvv gun... ...v-um.-an \lv\.l Juan: _y<.'u.A. During the hot. spe_ll the Ottawa water works pumped on an average 12,000,000 gallons daily, or 30' per cent. more than under ordinary cir- cum`st:mcc_s. Illa UI 5.`-18.75 Llnntl , -.....--.. .......... van VI. . The improvements now being car- " ricd out, at the House of Commons will include the laying. of a.-oor 0! mosaic in the main lobby. Inl... .......t..... _: _ . _ _ _ _ _ .__v_ , ,n_,- , # ...v......- ... ...... .....~... .v...:_,. The number of sea vessels arriving `in Montreal port from the opening of navigation` till July 1st shows 10,000 tons increase over last year. T`Inn...'m.-an AL` Lat ..-`All Al... l\AA____ The Departnxent of Fisheries has under consideration a. scheme for systenmtic cultivation of oysters in the Island of Cape Breton. - nu._ 1-.v..-_._.r__._ -; -r._.u- __, ,- __v.. -4- uncl- The MonLreo.1~Hzu'bor Board will call for tenders for the erection of an elevator with a. capacity 01 1,000,- 000 bushels. Recorder Weir thinks citizens have` _a right. to sleep in Montreal parks after hours, but Rccox-dcr'I arier thinks nil... _'.._......______._..4_ __A_ 1___-,_,, ,_,, g-.-.-...- -.. -...- -.......... .It, is said that the New York Cen- tral is'maJ prepa.rn.tions to se- cure un independent entrance to Mo_ntrenl. IIIL -.- . . -- . _ - ...... __........._ V- --vrV ...-..v.-. The Empress of India. made the last run from Yokohama; to Victoria in 11 days,~the fastest. time ever made across the Pacic. fl1e;Very Latest Items From All Parts of the Globe. nnun uunnv unwoun- ' It; is believed that one chief gfain inspector will cover Ontario and Quebec in the future. r; :.. _-:.| LI,-L .n_- '1v,,_ .1 . A Mr. John.G.v Bpwes of Hamilton, stove manufacplxrcr. is dead, nun- -_.,_,, 4:-,. , Ir ... \VH UR` clothes he has 1 pock- . ho is clothes ncy u.l- ' served 0 pairs nonths Army lio . ..-.. . . ........-........... -.. , -~_ -vUu\-u - The n.s_sz_1y' oice-.in_ Vancduver will be in operation `by the end of the month. uunvllt Miss Murplfy bf St. Catharines was run down by it careless cyclist. and her ankIe`b1-oken. ' ' |NEWS BRIEFLY TOLD] EXAMINER, THURSDAY, JULY 25. 1901., FOREIGN. " plague of locusts in DOMINION.` his (\-\ At Work on Improvements andstudylng German Models. A despatcli from London says :- The interest of King Edward in or- my matters is well known, and it was generally expected that some p!`:1(:| .iC{Ll cects of this would be seen after his accession to the throne. The South African war, however. is probably the reason why King Edward has conned himself `to the army tailoring department. Gennm1i7.imr" Hm n.-anal. .......m w uu: uruiy uuxormg department. " Gcrmauizing" the British army is his pet scheme. He has been anx- ious. to introduce the Cont.i_nent_a1` custom of oicerswearinpg uniforms at all times, but when Seem.-t:u'y of War Brodrick and Earl Roberts warned him that at least, 50 7 per cent. of oiccrs on. tlicvactive list would iminc.-dintely send in their papers, his Majesty ab- andoned the project. `I14: is now de- voting his timc to devising improved uniforms a.nd'kits, studying especial- ly German models. , - The Unexpected Failure in Due to the Ex: cessivo Beat. A despatch from Paris says :-The French'\.vheat crop is now being ra- pidly harvested, and returns from the departments indicate that the entire crop in France, exclusive `_of Algeria, cannot exceed 95,000,000 - heetolitres, which is equivalent. to ' 261,345,000 bushels, a. result which causes general disappointment. This ' unexpected shortness is ascribed to the unfavorable condition of the last few days, when the` excessive - heat prematurely` ripened the green and backward crop and `forced the harvest. The leading dealers here now estimate that France will this year be obliged to purchase from six- ty to seventy million bushels of for- eign \vhen.t. A prominent, wheat" merchant, who does a very large business with New York and Chiea- f go, when asked whether the Tunis - and Algerian wheat crop would not - diminish the amount that would be requireclirom abroad for home con- sumptionin France, replied:-" The Algerian and Tunis crops do not af- . feet the problem one way or the other, beacause all the Wheat that comes into France from Algiers and Tunis invariably returns to those - portsvin the form of flour." least. Ward's ..t I\. aululvll no uu: l.a0nSp1C1l0US DOFVICC Cross, to be awarded for distin- guished service before, the enemy on the part of warrant, ofcers or sub- ordinate oicers, who, by reason of not. holding` a commission in the Royal navy, are not eligible for up- pointment to _aL11y-existing order of decoration. 1 A New Brunswick, N. J., Metho- dist pastor provides a free dinner on Sunday to induceihis congregation - to turn out, and a. Suolk, Vat, min,-' ister has offered to buy dresses'for those who stay away on the excuse that they have no clothes- Iit- tu_ weal-.` Francis Schiatter, known as the ."Divinc Ilealer," is under arrest at Washington, charged by the Central Union Mission authorities with ere - ,o.ting a disturbance, and examina- tion will be made its to his mental condition. ' " ` ' Rev. E. Lacey, pastor of the Meth- odist, Church at Cambridge City. Ind., who has been a. leading spirit. in the warfare agains t. alleged vio- lators of the liquor` law, found on. his doorstep xx bundle of switches, with` a. note of warning to cease his interference. nu vb. _ _-. ~4v- nu unquy. The Ifing has approved of a. new decoratlon for the navy, to be known as `the "Conspicuous Service Cross. to he nlvnrdnrl mp mun..- -.. --vu uv auu;u_yu On account ofthe riots at Sara- gossa, Spain, the major-it`y of the clergy have fled from the city, some going to neighbbring - villugczs. while others have left. the--p1'dvince. The-con.v_ent.s and most of the churches are closed and barricaded. V .4_, . nun-xv Samuel M. Jones, the "Golden ` Rule" Mayor of Toledo, has been {in- ed $5 and costs_ for contempt of Court. He made uncomplimentary remarks regarding the way justice ` is dealt outgin the Police Court. At Edinburgh, Robert and Walter Pattison, manztging directors of the Pattison whiskey firm, which failed in 1899, have been imprisoned for fraud in outing their whiskey busi- ness as a limited liability company. After reversing the power, Samuc: Waters of Syracuse, a. motorman, plunged lieudforemost through the window in the vestibule of his car, and lighting on the fender seized a little girl, and pulled her from the track to safety. (`In nnnn-..`4 ..:`u.._ ._:.A_ .A by After r 1 and line! . _--...- r. vvuvwhvlna Major Alex. W. Davis, a. Syracuse millionaire, now residing in London, Eng., has declared `himself a`subjccL of King Edward, and hand his nmnc stricken from the personal tax roll ' at Syracuse. o-__.._,n -up - - unnuau unu 1nu1g1n troops will` go to destroy a fort built by_ the Turks in the territory of'the Haushadi, who are under British protection. 'nt-:,,, II _. _ .....- .u vvuLLuADDlUlI- At Rushden, England, Cave &. Sons'.shoe factory, which was one of the largest in the Midland Coun- ties, was completely destroyed by fire, at a. loss of $100,000. -'Oici; Paris say "The difficul- ties in organizing an effective Euro-' peun customs league against the `United States are considered insuper~ able. J.t.)U. xcludcs hes at :30 per :4 pale 1' the .. Ila From Akdn, Arabia, a force of 500 British and Indign troops will` destroy built. bv thn 'rm1,.- Thc two new armored cruisers to -be.built by the-United States Gov-. crnment will be able to make voy- ages. far exceeding any by the ships now in commission. ` A L 71.. ,1, ,1 ` v- u -The United States Treasury Dc- purunent has begun an invetigation into alleged smuggling from Canadi- an ports by lake captains and sail- ors. - ` The United States Government in- tends to occupy, control and defend the fortress of Morro Castle, at. the entrance at Havana harbor. Tn uu 4.. -1 .u,- - - -....- ......v \(I uuruur. V In spite of the war the. South Af- rican Breweries Company of Johan~ nesburg has paid 17} per cent. divi- dend and looks lorwnrd to increased business. nu. -v -. . ... KING'S INTEREST IN ARMY.` WHEAT CROP IN FRANCE. . Two Killed. One Wounded and Sevontee Captured. . ` A despatch from London says :- The casualty lists r-rceivcd last. night at the War 01119:: ':mlicnte that a party of South Africzm Constabulary was ambushed near I ctrusburg on July 16; that mo members of the; party were killed, one was dtmgcr-i ously wounded, and seventeen are! missing`, and are believed to havel been taken prisoners by t.he.Bocrs. > Thorold Town council" Has Established a Precedent. A despatch from St. Catharines stLys:-At a. special meeting of the Thorold Town council held Wednes- day night, Miss Mina. Dougun was appointed town treasurer in the stead of her brother, who recently resigned the position. By their ac- tion last. night the council establish- ed a. precedent in the matter of the appointment, as Miss Dougan is the first lady to be honored with the po- sition in Ontario, if not in Canada. She is thoroughly conversant with the work and the town accounts. Ilia: Ylnnn-an nnfnu-go .....-.n 1.... .._..... uu: worx mm me LOWII accounts. Miss Dougan enters upon her new! duties at once, and is receiving con-1 gmtulntions as the first lady muni- cipal `treasurer _ of Ontario. ll. n this pings nnr nf _, __.. _.._,-.-. "A dcspzitch from Toronto says:-- 'I`he Provincial Medical Health` om- cer hzis made up :1. statement of the smallpox situation in the Province. Following are the; localities where the disease is known to exist at the present time:-C11nadian Northern Railway camp, Thunder Bay district, one case: Michipicotcn, one case, Bur- ford township, Brant county, 20 cases; l`ownsend township, three cas- es; Brimtford city, `six cases; Walker- ville, . one case; Burlington one, -Brampton one, Toronto six, York . township two, Princeton, Oxford` county, one; Simcoe county six, Wal- pole, Haldimzmd county, three. Dufei-ant Centres of the Disease Reported - bv Dr. Bruce, Father And son can-led Away From the .. _ Falklands in a Small Boat. A.despat. from Buenos Ayres, Ar- gentina, says :-The Argentina. trans- port/Gum'-din. Nncional, which has just, arrived from a southern trip, picked up at little boat with two V persons in it, :1 man named Newman and his son John, 9 years old, of Fallcland Islands. They were carri- .ed away from Stanley in the little boat and were tossed about for six- ty-tivo days. They had in the boat 1!. small supply of potatoes and tur- nips when they left Stanley. Newman is `:1-narnmnnr nnll hue nuns wnun ulcy ICIL numlcy. Newman is `a. -carpenter, auul has not, the slightest idea about naviga- tion. He had neither a. compass nor any other nautical instrument. His little boat was carried far south, and he says he saw many icebergs. The current brought his boat. with- in the path of the Argentina trans- port. ' n fhrr nu-rhml 1...... 41... A-..4I..... 11011.. On their arrival here the father and son were linnized. President Roca. gave the boy $25. upiu uxulu. - . The Sultan first believed the con- spiracy wus directed against himself. The fire did not occur All :1 room ad- V joining thn.tL used by the Sultan, as first reported, but in a corridor quite a. long Way from his Majesty's \ apgrtments. Set Fire to the Sultan : Palace to com- 'p:-omise an Enemy. A despatclr irom Constantinople says:-Owing to the mystery and se- crecy enslnrouding all occurrences in the Yildig Palace, the real cause of the recent.~1ire there has only now transpix-'ed.. The incident. was the re- sult of an intrigue by the ladies of the harem against the lady treasur- er of the harem, whom they wished to get rid of. At the instigation of the conspirators, ,0. negress plgcerl materials for a. conrlagrntion in a. corridor of the palace and lighted them under conditions compromising the lady treasurer, so that she -would be suspected of the act. and dismis- sed. The desired result was obtain- ed. The .ln.dy treasurer was not on- ly dismissed but she was imprisoned in the palace. ' 'FTnr rnlnfivna qu`-n :nn..-..4:..1 .._.1 I um: ptuuce. ` . Her relatives are inuential, and have been endeavoringfto obtain her release. There have been numerous arrests in consequence of the nttcmpt at incendiarlsm, and somcvof the W0- men lmvc been subjected to torture in the hope of extracting confessions from them. 71311.` 1L`..`lL.... 41..-; L-n,_,,,s n _.._......... tutu on us: anuloxonl: Hands For the Harvest. A despatch from Winnipeg says:- : The Provincial Department of Ag~ riculture has inaugurated a unique and novel method of advertising Manitoba's. need of `harvest. hands to ' take `of! this season's crop. Two hundred packages of grain in straw were received at the Depm-tment to- day`. and are to be shipped to Mr. Hardy, Immigration agent at Tor- onto, for distribution in Ontario. . '1`hese'sumpies will serve as an ob- ject lesson to the east to show the kind of crop Manitoba has this year. It is not possible to send suf- iieient. speakers east to'tulk this matter up, but it is anticipated that. these samples; placed `on exhibition, will do as much good as talking. The samples `average between four and five feet in height. `The chief J clerk of the department has -returned from Pilot Mound. The one ques- tion nsked by all i'armers.was : - "AI-n vnn .un:...... 4.. ._... _ .. ... -....., Auvuull. JIIU one fm'mcrs.was : "Are you going to get r.-nxugh hur- ves't.`l1a.nds to help us in taking on the crops ? At Pilot, Mound, \vherc_ in former years; 100 men were sul- cient for extra help, they will need three hundred this year.- puuu 5 Albeit uppliod seldom ground `c than of unl- e and man at Manitoba : Plan to Get Snmcionf Band: For thn Kin-want LADY MUNICIPAL TREASURER. CONSTABULARY AMBUSHED. NOVEL METHOD OF RECRUITING. ADRIFT` ON OCEAN 60 DAYS. SMALLPOX in oummo. LADIESOF The HAREM Kitchener Making Determined Elforts to ' End the War. `A despatch from London says:--- A dz-sputch to the Daily News from Bloemfontein, says that (Ion. Kitch- ener is closing 11's grip on the 01'- zmge River and Cape Colonies. De- termined e:`f'orts are being made to ,end the war. Gen. Frr, has an [uphill task in the Cape Colony. Mr. Steyn and Gen. De \\et- um now fu- gitives in the Vrcdn di.~:tx'ict. of the Orange River Colony. Sent Through the M.1.ils-ReceXver Loses Band and is Otherwise Injured. , A despatch from New York says:- An exp!osivc machine sent through the mail to Jno. J. Kletcka, of Brooklyn, a clerk in the c-fce of the Board of Public Ixnprovczxxent, was opened on Thursday by Edgar Schroeder, :1 drnughtsman in the same office. .Schroedcr's left. `hand was blown on at the wrist. He was also badly injured in the face and breast. ,_.L E1: Sickness 1: Mega Serious Than the Public is Aware of. A despatch from London, Tuesday, says :-Thq times says that the ill- ness of Gen. Ba.den-Powcll is more serious than the public is aware of. When he left, Cape Town he was pro- stra.ted from the long strain he had undergone. He VVSI.) ordered to an- tirely cease Work for three months. clothe s, and -illiant the ex-,\u.:. M. Paul Leroy Beuuliu, writing on the dcpopulntion question, discussed the feasibility of importing French- Canadians to the predom- inance oi the French over the rising tide of lorcign immigrants. Increase of Inhabitants During Last Elev ` Years Was $12.38!. A dcspatch from Paris says :-M. Waldcck-Rous.<.cuu has written to two senators about the census relations. He records an increase of 412,364 inhabitants within the last. ve years compared with 175,027 during the previous quinquennial period. Mr. \Valdeck-Ilousse-a.u points out that during the ten years ending with 1896 the increase amounted to only 299,072. `IT T`D....I 1' ...A__ T\,,..I'., 7, '4' I;u._v xlus not DCCXX rzunwusnea 1n weeks. Sunstrokc.-s, npoplexy, and heat. prostrations are fr:.-quont, and the hospitals are busy. The` live stock market. is unusually crowded, as` owing to the absence (2! pxxsturage farmers are forced to sell their cat- 1.- te ,> ` Excessive Heat Does Serious De.inage'1n Parts of England. ' A despatch from London says:--A1- though Scotland and Ireland have recently enjoyed local thunderstorms thefc is no prospect for rain in the middle n;nd southern parts of Eng- land, and a. steady increase of heat for several days to come is predict.- ed. There are general complaints from the country that the sun is burning up the crops. The sunshine is everywhere greatly in excess of the average. The tem[3ern.ture is above the mean, and the rainfall is far short of the average. London is a. great sullerer from the heat, as the city has not been rainwushed in nu-l.-c .Qnnu:h-nlum nvlt-\I\`nuar ......I Government omomxs Greatly Alarmed Over E proud of Disease. A despatch from Moscow says :- Government. otcials are greatly alarmed over the unprecedented spread of leprosy. For some time the medical authorities have been en- gaged in a. careful compilation on statistics concerning the plague. Their investigations reveal the fact that it infesis forty-nine districts. The worst conditions prevail in. the Baltic provinces of Lifu and Kur- lund. In Lifu Provinces 609 lep- rous victims have been locatui, while in Km-land Province 201 have been found. rm... -.....:...a.- ..--_,_ 4, L- rAA----- UUUH PUUIIU. The malady seems to be appearing throughout Caucasus and the Rus- sian dominions in Central Asia, Eastern Siberia and in Crimea. Drastic precautions are being taken tr ) prevent the scourge from inva.ding the large districts in Western Siber- ia, Poland and Finland. So far 72 deaths have been ofcially reported as being due to leprosy. - ? l They Were I-`lnallyblspersed by the Australians. ' A despatch from Cape Town says: ` -A number of the Boers who "are in- vading the Cape Colony began an at- tack on Aberdeen at seven o'clock one evening last week. They ob-" taincd excellent shelter in a donga, ' but their tire was inellcctive. .'1`he militia, a.portio_n of the town guard under Capt. Miller, 01 the North Lancashire Regiment, advanced steadily under 9. heavy fire. and drove the Boers from- their position, the burghers retreating precipit-a.tely. One of the British was wounded. The Boers renewed their attack the following night- It was densely dark, and this mztde it dilcult to locate them. They contented them- selves with sniping at the pickets un- til midnight, when the Australian artillery, with n. fteen-pounder, dia- perscd the Boers, who retired to the mountains. `It 3.. ........._;...I 41.,` n, - UUIUKLIIJS operating m the Colony. Sir Richard Southey, formerly Colonial I`reasurer and Colonial Seo- retary, is dead. IILULIII |-lllll` . It is reported that Gen. Delarcy has informed the Klnrksdorp com- mzmdo that there is_no longer any- chance of European intervention, and that they must. ght the War out to the bitter end entirely on their own account. A r;nu'1 nnlnwnn h. l....'..... n..___..,_u ;_ uu:u' uwu. ILCCOUIIL. A new column is being formed to 'work in conjunction with the other columns operating in the Colony. Tlinhnrrl Qnnflunv In.-nun-lay d the o_unt.ry~ ivn nf BOEBS muwxj ABERDEEN. FRANCE ?`:A.INIl;G POPULATION.` i BADEN-POWELUS ILLNESS- MUCH l.:l:`.PRGSY IN RUSSIA. INFERNAI: MACINE.` CLOSI\ G YIIIS GRIP. , `CROPS BURNING UP. Hlllllkl` . only s. The 0-) KO *.ITABY Ylmt not re made `nlrlvin (u 0. 1 a bland- r\u\`I1 st year. -ial rst they are the pur- cruclal _ whether nu .. .p An, UUUII` Army. either. ctors. mills, cloth. nrl n1. L` 5L'L'H 'tmcnt 1. silly nice Us he no\v-- iut, in, DIEBS. Ul .11 for- India. II-url III? a rds. great l`|l'f\l1- JHLIILU l the D !.u` unt` VVIVIIQIIIV J IIIBVI IVVVIUO A handsomely Illustrated weak};-. largest ctr. cnlatlon or any nu-lexmno our-mu. Terms. 33 0 war: four month. I1. Su d bynll ncwudenler.-. D u Ql:n_..-.l.....- I -nun nah mnx'm1n.'$l.' 'S'u`ld Diiii n6v'vb'(1Es3l'e'x-.-`I MUNN mgs~=dwav-Newjggk Branch 3' st. Wuhumon. L/lU|4ll' whencd tho ml!- ing sup- nnunlly. I 1 K00 _ ' ' V V V ` ' COPVRIGHTS &c. _ Anyone sending n sketch and dcacrl non may quickly ascertain gm` opinion tree w ether an Invention In prolm Iy mlemable. Commuuim. tlcnnutrictl condential. llundbookonlmtcnts Iunt. free. men: ngency for securing patents. Patents taken t rough Munn .3 Co. receive one (name, wlmout caar e. In the A:AAA`xA. ;.A;A.Q--.. Annnnss INVESTED IN CANADA ACCUMULATED FUNDS . l`0 l`.-\ I; A$.`~'URAI\'CE.. . . .` INCOME, UVER............ OHNSON ck SARJEANT. DEA ` mm in UOAI. of all kinds, imported not from the mines; nlso Lam and ghlnglgl, WlI't`o IndFqreyBI.yn}`e, % lu!tercx'- 11.: ..a'ver pea xro ric , ire on.-, Platter of Paris (lament:-, et('., allot beg! qunllly. and 591:! at very roaaunuble rates, urncm: 28 Elizabeth St., erg?-ly opposite wellington Hotel. y,-`e'c`I`:`3'3.`.':x e`.," v`}n3E`c"`~.`.'e':r`'}i`:x`?o' `` scientic mericmt. A knnrhnmnlv lllnnhvnhnl Ivnnlxhu I on-mugo .... WESTERN uwsu/W576 --0F TORONTO.- 0loc-0ver Hcnderson's Hardware Store. Entrance. Owen street. 34-ly . .085 W- D. MaoI.A.REN ' Dentist. Barrio. Vinita coolntown, every Wednudny. (mice -Ross Block. East. of the Post Oiue, Bnmo. . --uv --u yr juufrwv PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ETC. haw Resident Physichm and Sur can of the '1'orom.o Gen`er'o.l Ihnpitnl. with npeclu attention- to Dxscues of Women and Note and Throat. walk; nnd nlsu Suugeuu to Elncrgency Hospital, Toronto. - .. nm..- n...A_n... 1- u.. nu- -_1_.;,. n. . I13 uluuu lcggins e rms .--A n l n I Ul'UIIlUo Ok-e~Upatnlrs In the Mccdrthy Block. nex.` to Ma-Cnrmy 6; Oo s.0tllces. two doors cast of Duugnll Bros. Fun-nltu1'eb'to1'e. 29 v- vv 0 rlallhlilll [ B A1mis'rz;u. SOLICITOR. I\'0'I`Al Y. CONV EYANCER. &c. MONEY TO LOAN on most favbrable terms. `VIN! Probnlcd. Estates Administered, Ac counts collected. 0mcc--McCnrLhy's mock- South Side Duulop Street. Barrio. 6 --pal vv nun` 1 IJIVB3 VI LURE! ARIUSTEBS Solicitors for tho Sup:-em _Conrt of ndicnture tor Ontario, Pro ton Jsoturios, Ounveynuccr:-, etc. Money to Loan. Omces : Ross Block, Barrie. ` c E. mus pm.-. A. E.H. Omuvncn. B 1 . ' `gxfnexxcln 0llicca-L:-nnox & Ardnrzb. Graven- hurn; Lennox, Ardagh, Cownu & Brown, Cree mote und Alllnon. MONEY TO LOAN. R. T BANTING. ' COUNTY onmm, will be at ma onico in the Court House. .BuI'1ie, every Saturday Residence and P.().. Ouokamwn. .l. Colllor Streets. Burris Orrxcr: AND Rzaxnxmcn :-Comer Owen and .|J - Ut-.'&Vl.UL nnu:.'u."x'. Uhltlilhi. JEFFREY A. llcunmw. ` W. A. Boys. D. U. Mutxcnxunx. Money to loan from 4} to 6 per cum. on im- proved farm property. "of - vv. aavanlni ' B ARRISTFIR. SOl.l( Il'l`l)R. PROCTOR. ` QNOTA RY. (JON VEYA1\'L`l'ZR, ETC: `apex-lial attention In the Dnuvlng and Probuuw; W} Lu. _ohuIining Leuers at Adnnntslrnuou and Gavxdlnnship. and collu-tlon of accounts, t.`-c. Money to Loan. Oicca. .'T.(;ss Block. Duulop street. Ban-Ie. LEHNGX. ARDAGH. GOWAH & BROWN. ARRISTER8. s:.>l!(-hora for obtnlulng urn bate cl will:-. guunuaxwhi ; and udminlatrn non, and General ollcuors. lwturlca . convey unccrs, etc. , Hwuwrsm Luuxox. Au-:x. Cowm. B. llouronn Anmuu. G. E.J. BROWN, L.B.B. Olcoa: Hinds Bldck. No. 6 Dunlap Street. Bn_g'r1e. _ 7,_ _ Olcea Bnme. Brnnc lath are .9 `van - Iluu, ltu DR. J. 0- SMITH- PEYBICIAN, SURGEON dcc OFFICE Ann Rw:unr.:xvnn: e_(!mvn}n r STRATHY & ESTER AIlBIB'.l ENE, :40! titers in high! Oonrt 0 Justice, Nolulivs Public. Conveynncer omcezz Over in run 0! Toronto. Barrie. Money in` sum or (21:00 und upwarlr, to Lox-.n at 5 per cent. H._u b'!'nu-uv, Q,(:,, G. H. Bans. auuuI.'_y lo noun. Doxaw Ross, Lb.B. ` ru. !hUlAN, uuuuwuu. ac. OFFICES nu) Nwlrr Lu-mixhxcrz: uxowun Flock llunlo x Sb. Bnrue. ' .'.l`e1c|hI us `:7. A 21 T- Iascoz-pox.-nvwed. 1851. ASSURANCE commit. JOHN RTJTBERSON I nnnn nl [Ilium 2:-nnn MCCARTHY. BOYS & MURGBXSON. TV. Al')'I')`lQVlIu\I'Ln -nn- rnnunnn . _ AI\l(1s'1`ERS S()l.ICl'l`0Rs. Nolnuhxcs. uoxvmnxcsns. &c- ()Ices-- Bunk of '1': romo Buildings. Ban-rm. Brunch olce. Goldwater. Money to Loan. . Dnxn n nan Ll. n 1 n I)nnur.\v:I.'v _._.-_--_-_--y ----v cu you--van--1-wavy ARRISTERS.'SOLICI'l'ORS &(7.. V , DUNLOP 5'I`REE'I`. BARKIE. EIIFREY A. linlhnnlv. \V_ A nnvn way QU- le of be he stun- ory and s bales. the cut- miforms lull. umces H056 1510011 , Barrie, )R. W. A. ROSS, L.R.0.S. Edin. F. C. P., London. " .}!EWSON a cnnsmcx? .nnnIcm\r.vuu u..u-n___'.. ._ . u - n,,_, IV. Wu 1|. ICUH `DIIVQIVI A tn. 1:. 1.. nnnnmgow. nlznmsr. F, M, Momcomcav, AGENT. BARRIE. Bank of Toronto Building, Owen Street. sa -VI II` n\J\lEl'10\. Insurance Agent, F3- .....I Ht- DR. R. S. BROAD. .vII\Y c \v A \vv\ or name... can... B088 81. 8R0kb'V'BKI. I1`l(IIl\I.1vIn (taxi in ....... .. WUIIIUII rgc lmll martust rld are by hand rc than 4, .-I. . . q Ua I -' .lJl'IlUUlIu ' PIIYSUIAN, SURGEON. Sac. as 131-owul M 6- iv. pnaxrou. "l`la'D En! vnvmnu 41-3 u-u-vv :15` Fire and Life. l'lII'bll1IAN8, ETC. lIlS(!I.`lalul&'l-10!!-i P. O. Box 214. BARBIE ; W. AULT. . I) an! numnu n OIPFICILI ' LEGAL; J. 0. Bnoxovsxu rso mil- beut. In ut. and d with mplcto. s" hard ..,.812, . 41.-1.~',nuu . u.:m.ono 5.450.000 vsu: uunvun, u[.;uI.a, IU... -UU .UU do choice, per lb .... .. .072} .08; BUFFALO GRAIN BTARKETS. Buffalo. July 28.,-\"Vh(-at quiet; No. '2 red, '72c;; do new oered at 71c;` No. 3 mixcg1._71c. Flour quiet but _A 1._v.u:ua, ,yuuruug, Au.... do spring`, pcr Mutton, per cwt....... . V0-.11_ calves, light, 11).. ID...... 'l'}T`|l'.`Y2\A`I f\ rv1Av1Y \.:ucu%mocx-s, per aoz.... do smll, per doz...... ,; Lettuce,. per doz.......... Onions, green, doz. 5 Parsley, per doz.......... Pens, green, per peck... Pofutocs, per bag... do new per Ubl... do do per bush... Radishes, per doz.........' Rhubarb, por. doz ....... .. Tomatoes, per basket. \Va_tercress, per doz...... Dressed I-logs. per cwt. Beef, luindquartoz-s....... do forequmjters... do carcass, choicc..... do common ............. .. Lambs, yearling, 1b..... {In cur-inrr nor .111 ` uxxluntcns, on], })(\u`...... do spring, pnixz... .L. .40 Ducks, per pair . . . . .. .. .75 Turkeys; per 11) ......... Aspumgus, per doz...`... .60 Beets. per doz.....; .... .. 420 Bonus. butter. bushel... .75 Cabbugcs, new, doz..... .40 Carrots, per doz ........ .. -.20~ Cauliflower, per doz.... 1.-()0 Cucumbers, doz.... 1.00` do inll, nnr rim: 9:`: uuI.u:I`, puunu mus. do cracks...-.... ICggs...... Chickens, old, pain. sm-lmr, nnir nu. aalann ---nu Straw, ton... Butter, pound rolls do nrnol.-c sprmg...... . Bm'lcy...... .. Rye ...... ...... .. Oats .................. .. Hay, old, per ton.. do nmv,,,_, , Buled Hay--Mat-Rut is quiet, with a fair demand and -moderutely large `receipts. Prices are unchanged at. $9.50 to $10 per ton for car lots on track here. ` `nnhul Qt-..-. QL..._.I.. .,..x 7., J, Lrucn uuru. 7 Buled St.ruw--Steud_v and unchang- ed at $4.75 to $5 per ton` `for car lots on track here. 1-\ n vuunrunn. .. - ..--__. L: ID ltl` Int.-coat, -nu nun ..