A cedar Canoe. almost new. very fut and `steady. for En.1e.at less than lmlf cost price. A >b1s:bargnln. Pu.rI:lcuhtri-nt 27:!` THE EX.-\.\1I!\'ER OFFICE. Steamer En.t"e1-prise . . -n_.......,,.. I.`_.u........ 4- -. Vhlllll `.11 V Idh County of Slmcoe. Tennis jBAR'RIE,.ONT., THURSDAY, JULY I3, 196:. Lennox, rd-agh,.Cowan & Brown notied the Council of the ;appeal made by Nottawasaga against; the county assessment so that Barrie A might be prepared to defend its inter- ests. A. uxotuon was carried leaving it for the Mayor to c_all on `the Town Solicitor in this case.1t' necessary n-u- run crv nu u--u . ... . '31:1s His VVorship did nbt thinkl would be needed as it was only the assessment Of the townships that was involved. T Geo. B. Simmons advisedhe Coun- cil of the__.gre.:zc necessity ofa. new crossing before his residence on Ross Street. He built the last one at his own expense ten years ago and as he has paid over $450 in taxes the town should attend to this at once. The secretary `of the Collegiate Board notified the Council than the Collegiate would require $2,200 for maintensmce and $500 for permanent improvements. V ` VV. Llrossland secretary of the Separ- ate School Board notied the Council that their school rate for 1901 is the same as last. year, viz 9 mills. -an 1-. uvw . I\ -.. 1 a-'.. . Thus. Gray, West. Bradford St. ask- ed permission to cut`. down one willuw tree opposite his qoadway promising to plant a. maple in Its. stead. His request was granted. _ - Ii` ' C .c . _ *FIours--11 to 1; 7 to 8. ll7r1;;OlV1ese'man And others asked for a cement walk on the south side of Collier street; between Owen and Bay- ._eld streets. . v - _ - -v . Donald Ross, on behalf of Miss Me- Bride, called attention to injury done to her propertv, the shop occaied by E. B. Reid, bf the s1dewal' being mused. The wet K is now higher than the oor of the building and the tenant refuses to pay rent till the damage is remedied. He asked that the matter] be attended to without delay. G. W._H:1;z;zz1rt offered to pay $5 per year for the exclusive right _to use the P. 09. square for advertising purposes. I (*4 rI'?,-I-__ -11,,.,,,1 AI .1 01' And Mlu I1cBrlde wants Damages Repaired- Councll Cnnnot compel Owners to Remove Ban-berry Hedges - Engineer Chlpman to Report on Repairs to Waterworks Station. The regular meeting of the Town Council was held on Monday night with a. full attendance. For over two hours the members sat sweltering and managed to get; through a. lot; of busi- . HESS. L -_ ___ Messrs Lennoyx. Arclagh, Comm & Brown. on behalf of Mrs. Jos. Mari-in. `wrote in reference to the cement walk being put down on the south side of ` Collier street. Shesaid thatthe walk encroziched _ upon her` property and warned the Ct(l)l1I11Cll dto tillesist flC)1l1`l tres assing on er an .ot erwise sxe '0LdblI`ll.`ll.1i ?.Cl.l0n for damages and ro a yas oraniniunction restrain- Fng the niunicipzility. Her solicitors lsbated that she and Mr. v Malrrin and other residents upon the south side of Collier street were lmdly treated by the Council deciding to inztke such it narrow walk as the work had been left undone for ,2. very long time and ;it was distinctly promised them that` they would` have ll ye foot walk. Flinn this In.-xtrrnr was m2::n`mrl m Hm [TROUBLE OVER MRS} J05. MARRIN THREATENS ' AN INJUNCTION u L "n '~--~ - S. Wesley addressed the Council } asking that the B.u'rie:'1`anning Co. be | 1-eliex-_ed`o ` taxes charged against. their 2 old property on Dunlap street. as the com any bad complied with the terms of t e by-law granting them exemp- tion. Lqey wouur nave `aye mot Walk. W hen this matter was reached 111 the ' order of business. Alpd. McLean. second- ed by Ald. Bvemmn; moved that the sidewalk on the south side of Comet` street: he built ve feet: wide and as` far out as the tx'_ees will permit; after the poplar trees 111 front of Mr. Meek- ing- s be removed as requested by him. Ald. McLean said than :1. five fnnr. mgs ue removed requested by mm. Ald. McLean said than a five foot walk was necessary for this street and he thought; the sidewalk should he put out as far as possible . as it would be better in every way l\l..\2.......n I).-.n-..-.11 .-...:,J J.l...c. ... l:....\4. uuuuun. Au s;vcL_v H I.t._y 0hz\irma_n Powell said that a1c = he had thought :1 ve-foot walk necess- Ia1-yhut on exaunination had decided `that four feet. would be wide enough, ..-Ind the Uouncd, including: Ald. Mc- it 1-atimr stmnge that these people did not make" objections when they saw the proposed work as given in the lpnpers instead of waiting till the walk was torn up and then thx-eatening law. He did not" see any 1-eason for haste. These people had wuzsed the delay and nshould 'be_ m.-1d_e to beam` the incon- 'veu`i'ences-till the com_mit.tee had full !time to consider the question again. 1 AI.Jo1'v thought that ;1. fm12'-Font Leam, agreedawith him. He thought` I Canada Permanent &Weste rn Canada Mortgage corporation. _..__-._-._..- ..n ; nu-us n-rum [LHIIE [O COIISILIEF EH9 (.ll1C S[l0D ag-run. I _ Aid. Jory tbou_z`.xL than :1-row;-foot ` .\v;1lk wusmuple for this part: of thel `street: ';' while Aid. B_x'eunanw.'1s of the 9 opinion that :9. foot wider would be little enough. > ; Thu .\lnvm- ,cn`r! Hm? rvhpn thza (`,mw- i MI [18 enougn. The Mayor sa'ic'. that when the Coun- cil proposc-d_to give these px-opL=x':v- owners this imp:-oved'siden'ulk at the expense of the whole town. it xv.-ms {at very strange proceedmg {or them to ' receive the prhposnl with threats of an inj=mc'tiou. Hoxvevex`, the Council would not bebulldozec`.. He believed the matter should go to coxmnittee `:1,r;:1ix1 and be fully discussed. "l"I... 1.`! 2 ....s.\ ..._ 4 .. .. LI... , ,.-. lithll-All lbLA\A Vb hull: QIGBLIDECLIO I I The -. vote_bei_ng taken the u:0Li0nE .'.u;as lost on the 't0l1oWEz`;;_ division:--- . .1eus-T5'rex', Ht-Lean,_ -Bmnnzxxz. '; Nz1}`s-'Vz1i).',' Powell. _Joz-y,,::m1 the Mayor. | '3 uch trees plzmten} he1`or`C the passing Hewson & Croswicko, on behalf of 1. \_\'. Rntclitfe. who had been requested gto remove l1is'l):\rherry lzecllfze, stated ' `llhut they .11,-ad advised him that. in 1Lheiropinior). the Act only -applies to of the Act;(A-pril .3021]. 1900) as are an farming lands. ' As Mr. Ra.tcli e s property on which the shrnbs- grow is town property not used - as f;u-wing ; lands" they _think he does not come] INJ LTNCTIOVN THREATENEID. COMnIUNI_CATIONS; SIDEWALKS. uvsuu. uur ua yuan UL Igua- That a. cement walk be laid on West side of Ulapperton street, from Dun-I _ lop to Vvorsley street, ve feet, Wide to Collier street at distance of _495 feet; and four feet wide to Worsley street, 473 feet. including crossing on Worsley street at 21 cost 0: $440. - 'l`l...a- 5|... ........-.:..-._ 1.- ._..a.I._'-.:__a 4.- an no wvuv un. vuv. Clauses held over from last meeting providing for cement [crossings east and west of post olce and plank cross- ing on Owen street between Banks of Commerce and Toronto, were adopted. \VA'1`ER\V'ORKS STATION REPAIRS. The Water and Light `committeere-H commended the purchase of one by- drant of the kind` used -in the old _system and also an outside shell or barrel to replace one practically useless at Queen's-park gates. _Also. the pur- chase of one hydrant of the kind used in the Allandale extension as two of these are in bad shape. Regarding the condition of the building and foundations and also foundations of pumps the committee recommended that Engineer Uhipman of Toronto be engaged to report what is best to be done at as, small 3. cost as possible. The committee also recommended the purchase of ten 10-ampere meters for the Electric Light plant at a. cost of $19.25 each. . ` anauu IV Lu.;;r..1 var. 'lhe Fiimnce committee recommend- ed that :he taxes of LS9? and 1898 against: the old Electric Light Co. be written off asthey were included in settlement made with this Corporation on the purchase of their plant etc. A by-law was passed providing for the lpustpouement till 1902 of the sale of cex-min lands for taxes. MOTIONS. Va.ir-Tyrer-Tbat Mr. Meeking or the Chairman of the Board of works be empowered to cut down poplar trees in front: of Mr. Meeking`s p1:ope1t_v- Carried. ' ` It 1- 1-: - u an "7 7 3 B I DEBENTURES AT 4 PER CENT. INTEREST PAYABLE HALF YEARLY. I/`A . ....-uunuda nan Vain--PowelX-'1`hat~ steps be taken to have Jame street extended to'E!iza.- beth street, the necessary lands. lots 5 North Perry and .3 South Elizabeth street, to he purchased from John Wilson and Judge Boys at at costof ` S230-Ca.n.-ied. me beam or w 0l'KS were a.uop:ec1:- That Mulcaster street; south to rail- way be graded and side-walk repaired and extended at cost of $30. T111...` -84.. .....I.- ..._ 7.1.. ..A..__... ___L nun uavuuuvu uu uvwu UL wvvn Tbat side-walk on John street, west side, from Elizabeth to Wilkinson s mill be repaired and extended to oice at cost of $50. 'I'VI_..L- Q..- l!__L ,..,_.._A __,II, L, I,!,1 nu uvav vs vuvu That a. ve-foot. cement walk` be laid on west side of Mary stx-e,et J from Simcoe brewery ate a. point 170 feet uort:ha.t a cost: of $85. - 'I`l....4. .. ..........._A. .....II_ L. 14:2 __ __--4. qusuuu my on yuan UL cxxv. '1`hat the committee be authdrized to purchase a. new Watering: cart; as the present one is not; worth repairing and may collapse any time. 'l"k.x!- n nnnnnnk 1\vnI\nn=v-\- kn |...:u. u.u.-4; uvuuyau mu I.u..uCu That a. cement; crossing be built across John stveet; on Elizabeth street: at: a. cost of $30. ~ ' nI.......... l.,.I,J ...L.._.. 4...... 1 .4. .._--4_2_._ \.1u.s I Auua McLean-Powe1l--Tlm.t the cement sidewalk beihg built in front of Mr. ` ;Hau'pe1- s property be extended to in- clude the crossing on Be;-czy street- Carried. ` - . rv - n n nu uuy. = ~ _ Iureference to this matter Mayor Radenhurst said that when tbrentenecl with legal proceedings re barber -rv hedges, be consulted theTo\vn Solicitor - as to the town's ower to enforce the order passed, an Mr. Boys gave as his opinion that: the Act only includes thoseelands used for farming purposes. MORE SIDEWALKS. The following recommendations of the Board of \Vorks a.dopted:- That Mulcastzer street south m mil- 1 Hy. Freeman, whose license for the Wasaga. Beach hotel was cancelled in May, evidentlythoiiglit he could work thinp:s_nnder the old license and did not cease from quenching the thirst of `the frequenters of his hotel. The In- lspector mal-'.ii1;:;a sudden visit to the hotel discovered 8. quantity of ale and other liquors which he proniptly con- scated. Besides this, he laid infor- mation against Freeman for se.iing liquor without :1. license and tor keep- ing the liquor for sale. , The trial was xed fol-July 12th, but Freeman told the witnesses that he liadtixed the matter up. it good time on the glorious Twelfth, they did not answer their summons, and when the court openecion Friday. neither the defendant or witnesses put in an appeurzmce. A Warremt was then _I_issuedI01' Freenmn`s urrestizmd Dan Sweeney startcal for the Beach to -get his man and to bring the witnesses to time. Dan secured his man all right, and thev cat :1: far as Midimi-.er. on So being anxious to have. they got as far as Midhursn on their way home when the horse was knocked out by the he-a`t.a.nd Din had to walk into town with. his prisoner. {The case came up on Szltl11'dn.)' :Li':;er- noon. P. 31. Ross ned Freem':m $50 on the first ch;u'ge and 320 on the second, making, with costs, a. total of! I811 ->`..S1. . Of this, D m Sweene-y got` . 0 - o - I ::`29 to pay for ms work and live:-_v hare. llllle. Uilli SeL`ll[`8(l [HS 1113.1 ! an rxgnt, I `.20th. by U. R. 1<`-mu, All luvs. apply to Au--z:.-near. \itl1in `the `scope of the Act. Mr. Rae-.-lie. however. is open to sell _the shrubs if the interested parties care to buv. E011 of one wing. i- The tenders for the `new hospital were considered by the Boa :-d on Mo11du_v aftemoon. hey were found to exceed the estimate from $3.000 to -$4,000. It was decided to return the gphms to the ztrchitects with insttmc-tiou ` [:0 nmkesuc-1:1 reductions as will bring lthe work sajnnew'aere near the estixx;ut- I hsclcnst. This may mean the cuLting| I v-u-vu nauvvnau us) uunnvua:_y nun I ! 1 On Tuesday afte'.'nom1 Mr. James E n\'z11-daj, posnm.ster at Barrie for the ` `I:_1s_: 33_ 3-'e:z:*_s, \'_'as st1-i_cjken ujth p:a.raIy- `sxs. Ins let: svle lJem;: aftected. ASI Mr. Edwards IS 77 years of `age 311;! 5 lis is his second stroke of pztralysis; ! rave fears for his recovery are e"nte1-- mined at the time of W1-iting zmd the a members of his f:U.1`li1V,' have been `sum-`I moned to 1123 beds1de_._ - -C)m: four blends of tea. ar uur1vnl- `ied at `. .3c., 35c., 45c. and 50. Try them. lH_oble_v Bros. ' James Edwards Seriously Ill. 1.. FF.-.,~.'!.-..- I\c`l`.I)l \1.. `r.. Hospital Tenders Too Hi$h.b Hotel-Keeper Fined. Dena rcomnson, Nora. xcomuson. No. 7 0ro.-A. P. Caldwell. Geo. N. Campbell (R), Annie Bonney (R), Ger- tie Caldwell, Jessie McCullough. No. 6 Or-n._()li\-p \Vim==_ (1 TC` (`.2 v. ue uamweu, Jessxe xucuuuougn. _ No. 6 O1;p.-Olive \Vines, C. `K. Cav- anagh. No.17 Oro.--Va.ssie Brown. No. 13 Innisfil.-Percy Morrison, Ab- T bie Wright; No. S Essa.-EtheI Brooks. Jonnston (R). 7 No. 6 Vespra.-J. P. Paton. Ruth Black. Myrtle Coutts, Isabel Fax-qul1a.r- son, Marion O1-rock. Mn '7 Tfnnnum , Jlnnhan.-In r\.1:r\r\ Tan- .PAlNT NOW... son, Marlon urrocx. N 0. 7 Vespm.-Gertrude Quinn, Jos- - ephine Quinn (R). - No. 5 Vnanx-a.__Flnrpnnra YVinovr-nvp, epnme Qulnu (R). No. 5 Vespra..-Florence VVingrove, F. T. Pratt. No. 1 0ro.-Mavtie Campbell. No.20x'o.-J. A. Johnston, E. H. Luck, A. M. Partridge. Effie Gough, Be!la Rohmson, Flora. Robinson. N11 7l1r-n_;\ D r`.nlrIn7n" flan N E LMVALE E!mva1e.-Annie Burton. Etta Gil- bert, Bella Houden (R), Lennord Mc- Fadden, Harold Polkinghorn. N0. 6 Flos.--'Mav Kpnm=.rI'v_ Gm-dnn xzacmen, narom rounngnorn. No. 6 Flos.--May Kennedy, Gordon MCLE-Han, \Vi1bert M. Brumby (R). No. 7 Flos.--Miles l\IcDe1-mott. No. 10 Flos.-Gre1'tie Brolley. No. 12 F1os.-Dais_v Langu.-an. No. 14 Tiny, -R~.1tl1 Brock, Milton Brock. - muer (R). unas. IS 1.40Ve(R). Barrie Separate Sc.-hool.--J. M.Cr0ss- land, S. M. Furlong, L. A. Marrin. M. J. V;\Izu'ri-v, M. -J. Oliver, Geo. Wells, Minnie Powell, Rose Sibbald : Madge Mahoney (R). Nn_ 9 Vp:nrn,_'R.u1rh R1-pnxnnv IR], mauoney uq. _ No. 9 Vespra.-Rnth Bremner (R), Evelyn Kerfoot (R). - N o. 12 Vespra.--.\Iaggie Johnston. No. 10 Vespra..-El1a Gilchrist; Sadie Johnston (R). N0. 3 V'p:nrn,_.[ P pnfnn Pnfh mo. 11 L1nv,-mm1 .|:Sl.`0CK. Brock. \ No. 15. Tmy.-E.lxch Herbert. At the meeting of Barrie Presbytery held here last week, the call from Col- lingnjood to Rev. J. A. Cranstou, of . Rnckwood. was sustained. The stipend 1 is 81.400 without a ruause. In connec- I tiou with this ca.1l,'Rev. H. D. Cameron I I was appointed to represent the Pres- bytery before the Guelph Presbytery. Rev. J. J. Elliott. rennrrml .1 mmni. oycery uemre me uuexpn Bx-esnytery. ' Rev. J. J. Elliott reported a. mxaui-! mous call from the Vasey eid to Rev. ' G.C. L1ttle.of Corbetton. This will be dealt with at the next: regular meeting. Rev; L.'McLea'n. of Dunn-oon. was! next year.--- _ _ - Barrie Public Schoo1s.-Haines Bo\v- ea, VVa'lcer Hunter, W. 0. Johnson. M. Lount, R. K. McCarthy, Jno. Mtscampbell, A S. Monkman, A. P. McLeod, S. H. Ormsbv, R W. Poweil, H. A. Smith. J. A. S eers, G. McL Stevenson. E. R. \VelIs, ennie Bailey; Lola. Campbell. Can"-rie Uulver- well, Annie Dodds. Edythe Edwards. Fanny Hallett. Kathleen Healy. Ethel Heard, Minnie Hickling, Jessie Ken- nedy, Bessie Lett, Beatrice Metcalfe, Mary 1\1oitt.- Edith Otton. Iola. Plax- ron, Nora Ra.denhurst,Est.b.er Rodgers, |Carz-ie Scott, Isabel Scott, Zita Shaw, Clara. Shepherd, Gertie Sin1_mon_s.g\Ia1-y Thomson,Loftie Webb, Lilhe Wnllmms, Annie Vvilsnn 2 Nfnornrip Sr ntf (R\, f`., V, 47 Dunlop, St, Barrie, .Ll10!11SOXl,hO1":1e wenb, 1_.1u1e wxmams, Annie VVilson ; Maggie Scott (R). C. V. Elder (R). Chas. E Love (R). Hart-in Snna.r:1tp Sr-lmnl......l'_ M'_(`!r-nee. water next. Tue.=d:1y, July 231:1. I mean: mm at me next. regular meemng. 1 L.`McLea'n, of Dunn-oon, was granted leave of absence for two months. A rearrangement of the charges .of Vasey, Moonstone, and Victoria. Han-bor and Goldwater. Fes-9 semen and Waubaushene was discuss- I ed. It is thought that the elds would . be `much more easily worked if Fesser- ton, Wauba1usl1ene, and Victoria Hm-I bor were cne clxamze. and Coldwater, ; Moonstoneyand V-asey, amotller. The I ulatter will be fully dealt with at :1` special nleeting to he held at Cold- ` "' " ' I The Board of Trustees of the Royal Victoria Hospital. B:u-rie. desires to place on record an expression of its sorrow at the death of Mr. P. H. Stewart. and its appreciation of his Iestimable character. The -Board re-{ cognizes with grateful feelings thei valuable services which Mr. Stewart! has rendered to the hospital from the: beginning of its Work until no longer} able for any duty. He devoted much; time and thought to the interests oi`! the institution and greatly contributed i to its successful nm.u:1_zeulent by hisi faithful and constant attention to its. finances. The Board recognizes that in the death of Mr. Stewart, the hospi- tal has lost a. valued and sympnthc-tic ~ friend. he town has lo t a. citizen deservedly esteemed by all classes. ` while the Board has lost a. member who was held in respect and condence ` by ex-iery member of it. \h. Qrm.-....+ ..n-.4 .. ....-+....,\~..,1 .....1 l |de1`.r:e on the 27:11 clan` of June, 1931. I U) V_8l'_V lI)ell1U'1' 0I_ It. . I Mr. Stewart, after a. protmctecl am`! painful illness borne with exemplau-y ' inrtxtude and patience, died at l1i:~:r:-s'z- Names ot Those Who Passed at Barrie and! Elmvale. The following list shows the success- ful pupils and the schools from which they came. Those marked (R) are recommended. C. V. Elder broke his arm after he had started his examina- tion, but the papers examined made `suchagood showing that he will be - allowedto attend the Collegiate; but ` will have to take the Entrance. exam. next year.-- Raw-r-in Pnhlin Qnl-um-sis _1'.!..:..,... 1)-... A fatal accident ncc:u-tor`: in the G. T. R ym`d.<', Allatndule, on -`-Vednesdaxy nighpof 1: at week, Jos. Hearn, (-;u- in- spector, be-iu'g the victim. He was u\':x vninhicr H1-2 .-n !n-:1L'I- nn :1 h'!:~0:'\n'uv- exaxxxining the :Lirb_x;z1kc-011:1 p;zs=engez' SEJBCLUF, Uelug" [DC VICUIH. I18 `V3.5 lcoach and did not notice two other x.-zuupueu. or turn nope. Miss .\'iL:n. .\}_c-1.:-1111.-111 is in clxru-_.:c during her absence.` - ` VI -com-11es_that we're .s`-,1unter.1 along the _ D1-,A(1.1,g;on, fm-me;-]_\~ gf B_,u-1-;e_1mS Smile t1`ilCk- H`? Wils CINE`-33 "'35'_`39 elven up his pnsitihu with the Hullzmd the CW5 imd 1115.'C`1`95t "33 h01`1`1b1.V Enwry 00.. of B,\`n; Inlet, to accept an |l-'1'l15h0d-- N9 0.115: 53W U19` =1C`C'id`3t }pn;si1_.ion _:1s :'lIh`|. l_\`tiC:l.I L-lxemi. with the [``d the `_`f,"t_l1.i'1~0 Fl `\ i\S__Y0UU'~1gDa\".-.-5 glen: Uo.. M` 'l`or0ntQ. He is :h:_n'1y l5tef::]."\VE:1l.'(`1`S1 1(3;%11s.; 39:10:30 {hi sl`1(`((/`.`c31`l(_1cLlI1t Bl_vng_Ix1IeL by Dr. Crosby, I`; C . ' : '1 S i V ' `_ ,, 111:! `of Q mgwo-;.( , ' -Aobligiug nature and xvajs hi':;l!ly : v _ }este'emed by all who knew him,-' He; -B;u-me :1m1,_.-\11-ancl-I.1e Urangouxen |lea\"S -.1 wife and three su_m11 children. f}\fex1t `_t_} B1-'z1cl1 r_m the Twelfth; ;TI1e.fumar-al on Srmxliday was attended 1 _ll1e (.-mzeus B:.z_1d w.-: thex-e mo, hav- [by the (.`.'-M. B. A. an_a 1!. Im-gzcmxulhet-11mg been e_n;I,:1gecl by L1-mgvztle Lodge. 015 C11vZ=`U5- T110 SCYVIPG W115 C0l1dl1Ctfi d. | Miss .\Ic(i1'og01' of B0wm.'1m'ilIe died by Rt`V- D9341 E?.'i1i7- last \\'e:`u:esde1y on the .\Iuskuk.'1 Ex- - ` lretwc-en Sew31 z1 Bridge and -L. 1.1. She \v:1spn her w.1yto'l`o1'mx- for t1-`ezmuent. The `rem.-tins were --On Sn.tl1'l`C_in}` the young F1-en:-h Caxladmn gxant. nzunud. B~:;u.xpro. of \Ioosg_]a_w. });1sse< _ chrough i.emm-e`d to G_ G_ Bax-1-xe. I:1e xs seven feet; ten xnches m :.,.,...n . :1: 0' t:I..\en fmm the tr.1i,n -:1r.- BzLrrie:1m1 Sx1xiLif.~'. where they L-nix` ...!ns:..,... ,. .. , 1 , 1 *`-UH DH.L\ll'.IH._\' [[18 .1`I eI`.'.'D giant. munud Moosejaw. N.\\'.'1`.. pzlssed um-ougb -He is in height-and weighs three lumdrcd rm] fifty-six pounds. A ` ENTRANCE EXAMS. His Death Rgretted. ooooj n. H. MacLARENA, Druggist and Optician 5 Barrie i 9099999999999 ` Barrie Presbytery. ms. ,.LI1USL`1'V'1l'G Wi1SC0m111CE0U. .`-Jiss .\Ic(ix'ogo1- - ` press Sr.-W311! , . . _ Orillin. wasnn D=lU}'1`~T1?*}' ~F95', tofu:-t1-`c-nt1uent.' 3" f~ }m- M taken the *V- h"f~'h i'ell`.0\`(1 the) 11719 i5_59" `9 i," were kept Lill relatives an-1'1ve1 and and and` ; x for interment. shad them conve_ved to Bmvmum'ille- Cushed_ to Death. .___.:. $1.00 `PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE. .-....,. M1-. Jansen of Elmira, Ont , is s end- ing 9. few days with his brother. nrry Jansen` - `, 1-` . q -.. -. - _. v Iunuunl Mrs; Prince and `.\Iiss Ross. of To- ronto. are the guests of Mrs. E. F. B. J ohuston. vs 1\ `Ir a .-. -__ _ u uuuquvuo Rev. Dr. JicLeod a.nd.Mrs. McLeod are 7 speuding_ this Week at Lake Rosseau. an-_ 1-u'n rvo . n. .. . A a vmsuu-5 nun. onaucs, LVLLUI vv. 1'4.l.`U3LCl.'. Miss MacDonald and Miss Prues, of Cincinatsi, are summering at R. R. Rogers. - xm-. 1\[.-.......:,. `L1........ -1: nv_:-._,_ 2 ;vu5un~n Miss Maggie Hayes of Chicago is :pending her vacation at. her home in pto. _~r _ _ _ _ __ ,L-vwu, - l'\ . . . gvueauuuo Miss E.'F. King left thxs week for Siutaluta, Assa, where she will spend vacatlon. It can I` - simrni0ns\& cat v uu.u.unvu. Mrs. E B. Crompton and children. of Bmntfoz-d. are summering at Big Bay Point. \l2..-. \l...... l'\.-._-A.. -1` Y ' '0` ....J -. vnutn Miss Mary Duncan, of Inuisfil, was visiting with friends on Sophia. street Ilast week. umf. nun nuuuucx. Rob Henderson left bu Tuesday for a. trip up the lakes. Miss Bocldy of Bradford, is visiting at J. McL Stevenson's. Frank Bemro_se. of Toronto, is spend-' mg a few days In town. Yllinn Tnvt~f:r|n `LI .-.......:..,.._ .1: 711,-, ,,,; vuuyu. un. vvccnu Au .I.|.uanUbi1. Miss Dom. Dutton. of Beterboro, is visiting Miss Madge Mahoney. Mrs. Tegart and Miss Minnie Robin-I son are visiting in Toronto. AH-.. Dani.-.... D.:I........:I.. ..c r'n__.__,-, ... ..-V uuuu .-E, says uuuuuya Au IJIVV :1. Mrs. Hogg. of \Vn.tex-loo, and her two sons are visiting Mrs. Geo. 'Hogg. Mrs. Peregrine. of G1-eencastle, Ind., is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. E.B`oster. Alim-u \f.-.n`l1n.....l,`l ......1 11:-.. *n_,_,, ,0 n nuns Arthur Gray. of l ew York, is spend- ing his vacation Wxth Ins parents on Max-y street. `Inn \`.' I 'I'\......-,.-. ---`J `5- 7` Ku...-, Va. huh LIFJJ ru 7 ALuuLIa l..I.U:|Jllil.l. Miss McLeod of Woodstock and Mr. Kennedy, cf Denver, COL, were the gusts of Rev. Dr. McLeod.la'st Thurs- ` ay. i H..- n-:n:...._ `Ln, -- 5 sun. Auucu vv gun- Geo. Lennox, of Winnipeg, was in town this week. 1.. I\ nuvn vsn. .., Anna 5. I.\ u um : Au nu I` u. _ Miss Justiqa. Ha_m'ison. of Toronto, 18 visiting fnends 1.: town. Dal-1 UV". \`r....,. ..u ai.-.._._.1 :_ _-,-.- ua vnau./11.15 Lxlcuua Au uuwu. Rev. Wm. Ness oi` Stroud is visiting his brother, R. \I. Ness. __ 1| ..- 1 `r f\!I'I-II -- - ulo usuuucx, Lu. Lu. M635. Mrs. J. J. O Rilley of Toronto visiting Tbos. Higgins. \f:aa T.an-1 \I':IIn.. 2.. .._...__1:..-_ uvAl u... vlclunlls nu ;.uzyu|.u. Miss Evelyn Edwards, of Toronto, is spending her holidays in town. `Alum LIAIDIU l'\c \`lr..4..-.I.... .._.1 L- .uuA _y inn. CCL. Mrs. W. A. Turner and Miss Pauline Ottawaty are visiting with Mrs. F. H. Robinson. Oz-iliia. I 11," n n rt rs - ~ .1.-.uu.uauug Vununlc Rev. E. C. Harper, B. A.; preached in the Presbyterian church at both services on Sunday. ' 'l"L,. \f:..-,.... \I-rV__y__n _p n as: v u.u.a uu uuuuay . - The Misses l\IcCaskell. of Bezwerton, Iwere the guests of Mrs. C. A. Shepard [during the past; week. ."1.:B T.-.n`.~!.. D,.....L...... _.nn~_,,,, . uunnu-5 uuv lnuav H CUR. Miss Lousia Penstone, of Toronto. isi visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. `F. Penslone, Sophia street. Mk: rm..n.... r\........\.,.u ,.c 11-..; n _,, .- . .. -....n.u.u, uuyunn aou:cL. Miss Eclythe Campbell. of Port. Hope, has been visiting her aunt, Miss Camp- bell, of the Royal Victoria Hospital. I Nncs X1!-T.nnr'| nf \Vnnr1m-nnl; Ann` \I'.. IIAIIJC |, Mrs. William McDonnell and two ,children, of Gladstone, l\lich.. are vis- Viting Alex. McDonnell and friends in `Barrie. 1\ r\.. n. . _ - uun 4. u.- . Dr. Otto Plaxton, of Pm'r_V" Sound, ?unc1erwent :1 successful opemtion for appendicitis at the hospital last, Wed- uesdav. I T\.. \\'....LE...._.,__. .11 un- n.,ouu4 y a Dr. \\'ashin,zmn of Winnipeg is gspending his vacation in town and t will visit the Pan Ame;-ic:1xI' before re- turning home. 'I' (V WT .-.....`.. Y`? `I LV_.LI, ,1 1 cu il. MILNE. MERGHANT TMLORIII \ J. Frank Jackson, -.uv.. a.'AK\G\JlIll4 \JL |Ll\l uuugt`. I 9 Miss Dame Milne left for her home iin Port; Arthur on Saturduv, after `spending several weeks with her Iconsiu, Miss Nomua vLeR0y. `\f:.. \l:_.;.. 111.1: 1 `n v - -.........._,. Miss Lola. Campbell is holidaying in Innisl. Mrs. S. M. Wells is visiting in C01. lingwood. man 17.... AC `D..L....I.... ..:-:n.,..: \r:-_ zone n uuuu Miss Ker:-,_ of Petrolea, visited. Miss Fair last Week. II `-1-. uv n u cant: vv ccna Miss Crease of Nelson, B. C. is visit- ing her mother. W` LI ....l-___-_. 1,5; . , rn , 1 4- uni; u-ub nuanc- J. 0. Morgan, \V. J. Sutlu-1-land, F`. M. Montgomery, W. J. Haett, and Alex. Cowan are in` Hzuxliltollattending [the Masonic Grand Lodge. I \a: Tl-avnn ":`r\n Info 0.... L-.. 1.-...- ixuncsnug Luna: -1\.u nun. '14tJ.\U_\'. I Miss Minotn. Todd and Miss Jennie ,A1len. of Gait, `and Misses Aggxe !zmd.Jessie Hogg. of Waterloo. are {guests of Mrs. A. G. Habbeck. I `\,..1.\m-H.-....... L- 'tV:....... r.. II, an-.u.n.. Miss Elith L'rq'.1h:_u't and Miss Jean R. Findlay of Barrie and Horace W. K91-foot of Btinesing were among the successful c.-mdi'.l:1:es an the "recent ?N0rm::}-exzunin-ttions; 1..--H." v..n-.-up, ...uua. u-55:113. Miss Lena. Miller is spending couple of weeks in Muskoka. xn-.. ha-.. n..LL..... -2 lI.A;,,|, Duwuua U1. -u.:.:. :1. U. Ll(l.UUCL'l\a I ` According to the Times. Dr. McDon- nell of Ori1li.'L was so seriously ill last {week that the mem|)e-1'5 of his family who were away were sunnnonied gnome. sq. w-nu-.. vv - . - -- A ;-uv..u. u-;.\:uu-u u.-uuca Mr. M. A. Fountain. of the Fount:1in Prim-`.iu;: L'o., Chicago, IIL, was .Cil.HC1' at the Erczuninc-r office on Momlay. ike exfc-1'_vLo(1y else. M1`. Fountain was gtleliglxted with B.1l'l'i9. ! 11: _,:-.,,,1 n- .. . _. nuuuu; us :1; nw.u.- . u. R. L. BARWIOR. 25-31110 B.1ukot':l'.`crouto Building. Bztrrl ME.-5 Gum)`-1:-`xi, Lcupe-1-intendent of the hospxtzy. h-ft yestex-day, for :1 holidzw iin .`.I-askoka .nccorup:1nie(1 by .\[x:=s Camp|)eIl.0f Port; Hope. Miss` Nita. H. E!H{"0_' u.v.u.u. xv `. Dr. Addison. E2\'eu`tx1l1is ygrf:-.iti_os.:[\s'liLl1 H(,)IIzLn(1 mux-y 'o., nyng in cc, ncce t. 1pn.sigion_:1s 5lIl:1])`tiC:L1 withpthe iDav'.-.-5 1succeedcLlat B_vng_InIeLby E02." Colliugwocod. a , LlJl\-LI Jack Taylor left, for innipeg on Tuesday. "\`lm~ T.-J.` I"nn-ska 3.. I-.,.l:..l.__:__ M ,- ! Mrs. C. A. Wilson is visiting in Elora. Harry Butler is home from Byng Inlet. n-9,41,, 1 on n --- Personal. That valuable property 1'eceutI'I_ advertised For sale by Mrs. B|`u1I\Ilt3 ml Russgll. ._\I1-lhu_r_at_Lw,1l`l RRIE EXAMINER. THE Johnston 6: Warren. For Sale by Auction. DR-. J? ARTHUR ROSS. Von. `xxxvu. No. 29. mieadquhrters for Cnmernsj _and Photo Supplies 3 cases of A Boys straw Hats I1`-.. LL- rv , 1 Emoe For Sale. Studio: 32 Dunlop Street 113. R.- 1:. VIVIZLN. ' HOMU-l1PATHIS'['. 156 Dunlap Street. `Barrie. 11 '7 ' Residence and Oioe. me Post Um Phone 5;. sum or um nuns V .\-Jen's-50:. I\ For the I1o`xid.ws. 10c, 90c, 25:, Maker of Pot-`traits ,ud Ru.uwu.y St` P.0. Box 96. 7 Gases ; of Rustic} Braids` ? l 81.u9. -A L L-`TI 1:} Assurance C onnpauy. Cu.plta.1.86.0D0.000. Founded 1809. A Application forms furnlihed and rates quoted by GEORGE PLAXTON. AGENT. Barrie. Unt. Oice in McCarthy Block. advertised for by Russell. .\I1-lhurat will be sold by Puhllc Auction. at the vu~eu's otel. Barrie. at 12.3-v mu . .m SATUR. AY. JULY sown. by G. R. Furd, Auuzhncc.-. For particu- apply ~ :8-29 As houselceppr in 5. small fzunlly. In Bv.u-x'le or . vlclmt-y preterred. Apply at this office. 9-so Canadian Brunch Oice. . Head Ofca. MONTREAL LONDON. ENGLAND M. C. Hmsxuxv, Sam. J. L- n=xu::. Branch Manager. I ` Manager. A'Il.`I.4'AS A gauununuutro nlliil -.lI\' Every pairot` shoes in this list are all this seusozfs make, and at the regulm: prices are recognized by shrewd, careful buyers to be excep- tional vaIues-how much more im- portamt when we cut the pice at third 01-thereahouts. \Vith the 1-eputzttion of our shoe stock you are sure of get- tingthe style that's pleasing to you. and with the`1uwerinig in prices it shows how plain are the advantages here. Here are the details: CANADIAN GAANITEWARE INTOWNI 1 . These shoes are ban-gains you have `not; the clumce to pick up evc-1-_v clay,` and you'll shy so, too, `when you see them. Cpme before Sz1tL11'L1z1}',.:;'}'()11E are _sm'e of better choice in the size you Wear." ` E .:|-i.Vi:I..;u6`t'lt3'i*If` Son, I\|_-..- _`I I I l r n n Illfn Frawley 6: Moore] lsummer Shoes !Reducedin Pce 25 pairs Ladies` regular price $1.05 Dougola. Kid Oxford Shoe, kid lined, kid tip, tum sole; sizes 2!; to 7, very dx-essy style, Specia.1_price - $1.25 1S pairs regula;r price $2.00 and $2.25 Ladies` Vici Kid Oxford Shoe, kid tip, kid lined, hand turn sole, in the latest shapes, very lmndsome shoe. sizes 2 to 7, bpecial price - - - $1.65 1' 1. |n.1n.\`rr-1r\n in: 1-1 _`, _ Boots. toe cap, medium heavy sole. I I Men's Dongolu Lace and Cong:-ess sold 1-egu1my for $1.50, special $1.20 L.-R. C. P. & S.. Edlnburg. M. F. P. 8; S.. Glasgow. Member of Brltish Ophthnlmolomcal Society. I SPECIALTY-DISEASES or Eve EAR. Tunonr Ann Nos: 3, 0tI1ce-S4 Duulo ; Street. Botlm'ell s Block. Bun | r:le, opposlue Post icc and Ru.1lwu.y Station. . H. H. mow & sow, .'::.':.u| A . EXGELSIOR g ' 9 15 % - E g; BUSINESSGQLLEGE 3 , 13.s.Iz,mz-j:. oxmnxo. ` S os~s~w9s~.s~_~so _ FRAWLEY 8; MOORE, ' 5;. MADE. :7 Is THE smusxv arm zumsun wane` Every place is guo.mn'teed for live Wars. Call and see it. Also. the lamest stock of We have Kettle: Iron: 250 up Large 16 quye {or 750. Our Granltewure is all rs: quality. We kep no second quality goods. l'4.\.\./l'_l.JO1UA\ _ Uh-!Ls\l2D3 \4UIJ- LEG E had such am attumhmoe. or given so much s:ttist':1c'.'i-_'-u to its patrons as dur- i11gt!1C`1:z`e.=ex1: Session. Three` iimes has it been xxecessary to extend its seating ad-couxxnotlaumx.and as fast as they can - be got ready. out the Dupils go to Sit`..I`.* tions. ' 7 - A complete. equipment, :1` thorouglxly up-to-date csmb1i ~:hmr.-nz. in every line thorough, prz>\ctiv.-nl. satisfactory. _It pays to attend the E. B. C. Get 11 Clrculau` free for 0. post cau'd_. Next; Door to Telegraph Ofce. 7 msatisfaction G uaranteed... 7\`E\ ER in its -history_l1t.s the - IZXCI-LLSIOR BUSINESS COL. 1.1.-r; L` 1...): run`! .... ..'n.....1.....n r.I0 mm... Phone J4 ` Barrie s Leading Shoe Men. situation wanted. ___j mssnvmu TIME '13 on` NOW . 'I=]v:'FnIu'1 We lead? with .our immense atockof V ~E"n'ameled Ware We have Just lm ported some of no 393: Granitaware Before the flies come, and me sure you get; the best mint. We lhuve the BEST AT RIGH PRICES. OTICE is hereby given that I have trans- mitted ordeiivered to the nersons mentioned in Sections Sand D'ot THE O.\"i.`ARIO VOTERS LIST ACT the co ies required by mid sections to_be so transmitte or dehvered ofthe List made pursuant to said Act of all %rsons appearing by the last revised Assessment on of thesaid t nu - cipnlity to be entitled to vote in the said Munici- pality at elections for members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elect!-'ms.nud that the said List was first posted up at my oice at Midhurst on the 19th day of July. 1901. and re- mains there t'o1'inspect_ion. . Electors are cn.l.ed upon to examine the said _ Genera.l,servnnt, must be good cook and laun- uress. Reference. 81: . Apply atthls omlce: 1-row1**`1s;jrj.`;".*sf(;."v*as mg u A E ntnna mains there t'o1'inspect_iou. Eiectox-is upon Lie: and. if any omissions or any other errors are found therein. to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. Dated at Midlmrst this 19 th da or J ui . 1901. 31 GEO. SNE.-\'1`H. 0 erk of espm. -Cvollingwood Collegiate Board is advermsiug for vii. complete staff of teachers. A an. no Insuu. ucnaa -The town of Culliugzwood is raising. $2,000 by debentures for th Public Library. 4 I.._ n__I__v, .1,-In .uv.,._ -Wu. A-iQvnsnnyI :7 -Juo. Carley s skiff, "Shoo Fly" was shipped to Muskokn last: week. having been purclmsed by W. J. H.-allett. 4'Y`l\n :r\v\:v\nn- `Dn-n2n~ l"Inl\'o night KICK-Ll [JV-|l.I-llll-`C\l II II 0 Us LLNIIICUIAI -The Winnipe _ Rowing Club's eight; for the Philnde phi.-L regatta gassed tht-ough Ban-ie on. Monday. ne of the eight is P. H. Jory, brother of Ald. Jory. 'I"I\n -u\nb.~.n~Ln.. at I .....:-l2I ...l-.2...... ` Both in 111-stcIo.s9 condition. Bugfgy recently varnished and complete! overhnu ed by the xnanufncturer. Reasonabe terms. -Anply to FRANK C. HARPER. 182 Dunlop Sh. B-.1rrle.i9 . l'V'oters list, 1901.] ll-I I. nmvuna O o no g n--- .-.-__ _ _ -_--_ _ Any person lmvin: frozn S1- ,0:u; upwards can procure an ulll.lul\b'.\.'d xuvustwn.-1:: lu.:ue Deben- .-tureslssued by this Curpox'a:1ou. ASSETS OVER 823.000.1500. - _..- ;-......a A-.... ...... um... ms .a.n\-|I vus 1 n -The ostzmaster at Ixmisl advises `us that t e bundle of apers for that office aid not; reach nim hush week; This is through no fault`. of THE ExA.\:- INER as the papers were mailed` as usual. rI'II,,Y\_I n 1 mu 1 us: uun . - 1`he Presbyterian Sunday School will run their` excursion to Big Bay Point next Wednesday. July 21th. There will he l .lll`6l-` trips inc-ludiusr a mooulipziu. FH.Y.'l`, 25:. and 15a. The band will be in attendance on the even- ing trip-. 1' .....I..... ulna. ...... ..:..:,. l..,J:.!.._ ...,., ....,,_. _ _ -In order that our civic holiday may not be the same day as To;'onto`s civic holiday. Mayor Radenhuz-st has fixed Balm-ie s for the 12th instead of the 5tl1.\The reman have engaged both boats for their excursion to Pen- insular Pm.-14. The Presbyterimis will I run their excursion to Sans Souci. ,1-,,, ,1 lull I/LJCIL Cl-aL|L5|\.I|l LU NJGUD KJULJUKJ -VVe call the attention of our read- ers to the meat sale of \V'e.stern horses conducted by John King. the great: Kansas st.ockman,' whic will take lace at Barrie nu Wednesdav. July ` {bl}. Mr. King has been engaged in the horse business all his life. and onlv I Buggy &'C,utter For Sale.' Zifall. LLLI. Lung DIES DEED engaged In horse all his life, and oulv handles the best-stock. His W`estern horses are handsome to look at. of splendid build, hardy. and are as docile and kind as the native horse. People who have purchased these horses speak In the highest terms of them. He has hundreds of testimonials as to the qun._lity of the stock and their adapt- ability to the requirements of the people ofthis country. IV. D. Mc- Conkey. Auct. \\ iunhxnn II`-onn D-Inna VIVL.-. ...........1 K vvu-ny; g 4.:-u.u.c -\\ innipeg Free Press.-The funeral tnnk plac-eon Wednesday afternoon of Edna. -Pearl. aged 12 years and 9 months,.youn;zest damzhter of Dr. J. F. and Mrs. Taylor. .No. 139 James street. who diedof, appendicitis on Sunday last. while on .-1 visit to friends .'1tDnn1inion City. .Dr. Will Taylor` and W. Hunter arrived from Barrie, Uut., on the morning train to attend the funeral. Deceased "was :1. bright and loveable child, and endeared her- self to all who knew her. The bereaved fmnilv have the sympathy of it large circle of friends in their sad bereave- ment. The oral tributes were inzmv and beillltiflll. _ Messrs. Bogs. Stew.-u't. Chopin, and` Percy Plummet went tn` Uxln-idge on 1 Friday. and in :1 lmzrd-f-.-Llght battle,` ' lost to L'xbr u;1ge b_v,th1-ee events to_ two. The greatest in-terest: centred [around the game between Boys and !VVvi.m; accurate placing was the jfegttu}-e o_1' the` play, the hou`ue waver` | wmmng 1u.sLra1.1ght sets. bumm.-u'y: , \ _V,\'iz\11(Uxbr1dge) beat Bn_vs(Bu1-rie) I |- . 1-D. ` near. boys mm uucpm um, 0--1:, u--:5. I f (lm-k and \V:11I:ex- (U.) heat: Stewart :_ and Plummez-'(B ), 6--2. 6--3. _ 1 - Tho v-ptnrn nmh-h ic r:x'nnr-9:98 in hnl , .,........-. ......-.,,...... V 3 The Stveamraz-' Enterpi-ise will com-- mence her 1-e-gulur Sauu-dav trips to Big Bzuf Point; and Jnc-kson s Point on ; Sauu-d.jL_v nexL, 22.1 iust., 1e:u'ing'Bar-` rie at 2.30 p.m. anc1.A.1!ax1(1z1Ie2.45 p.m., ireturning to Barrie qt, about 8 p. m , [calling at B:g Buy Pcmt; each \_vs.y.. I A ' 11-mm: - Tc`) Big `Bay Point, Adults, -159. ' *` Children,-10r._~. To Inclzsoxfs Point, Adn1ts,-2.'>c. " " . " Child:-en.-15c.' En;m_:e111em.s fox"-`c-xcxwsions can be arr-angecl with -.\3 1`. Jchr.`Powell,A,':ent nnwnuou; -u v any. 7-... These Debentures are Issued for one year or -lon:_:e1'.wlth Interest payable lmlt yearly. ho costs to me Investor. A positive sectlrlt . acceptable in .z1nymouey market. For purtlcu urs, apply per- sonally or by letter. to -3 r. nnnun-.2 ` one an m.) ue._u LJUWK \u.), u-_'.'. 15 -`D I 1 ' Don )1es-Vvvmn and Bascom (L ) l beau: Boys and Chcpin (B.),` 6--`.2, 6--3. ! (`Hm-k lld \V.-11km-lU.) he-nr. Srpwnrf . {UNI rll1llllllt`1"[D ). U~'Z. U-'6. The return nmtch xs expected {played here next Tuesclay '"I:`l`12T&R1\ .~-Accitlently` killed` at _th I G. 1`. R. _v:u-cl. Uland:L1e, on July 1U:h, Joseph Heat-u. aged 41 years. men 7 ":ARV.\"()LI').'-At Asmclale. O21 Ju1v 11, Txilie L Ax-udld, aged 22_yea;'s. Qvxvxrnvc ,_ Tn `D.nu.?n llng-uh-.-.1 Au` +uu\. 4.4 .1u.4uAu, u.:_1\;u --4 Jtsio .SIM1IO.\'S.-_-In Barrie Hospital, on. July 10th, Richard Simmons, aged `*5 VBHYS. ' -0, U-+. - _-1!`-i~te\vu1't(B..)1)ent Bascom (U.). 03. 1}- Clio in '(B.) beaf cm-1; (U.), 6-2. s -6 =nnn \,l4i--vV\'i1lI\ and R.-x=r~m'n (T71 LOCAL? NEWS. Servant Wanted. V. nxuxxcrmnrrr or THE `7L'I_lII\ l'\I" I 7I"(V `Telephone lsb.