Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Jul 1901, p. 3

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want eet steamerl ng ships, .y in tho uy more the Rus- stu. alive to urine, rind Hv.ull{u-st! including ' B,ut.Ler-OITcx`ihgs of (mI1'y !n tubs`, pails and crooks are large and the- n1'm`ket. is active. I"1'1ces.hold steady and the choicest, lots are rm at 160 to 16,c. Medium to low grade butter is in fair demand and is steady at 18c to 15. C1-vumery is in gaod dcnmnd and steady at the recent ud- vnnnn - nnhafc nun nnll:n..- no. nn,. 4.. uL:un.LIlu u.uu. au:i'..uy _lI.L l.Il_U l'UCL'nL uu-' vuncu; prints are selling at 20c to 210 and solids ut 191.: to .20c." -l`)gp;:3--I\I:u'l is steady, with fair- ly large offerings. Selects are quot.- ed at. 11c to 12c and seconds at 90 In (lln ~ LUII UH l/l'll.CK LUFOIILU. ' [ Bulcd Stru\v-'1`he market. is steady 5 Car lots on truck here are quoted i at $4.75 to $5 per ton. V I-`l\RMEI{S" MA RK ET. Wheat, white . . . . . . . ..$ .67 do red . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. `.67 do goose .......... .. .61.} do spring .. .67 Tlnrlnv 11.!-I ujuuu. l Pork"-'-'Ca.no.dzL short cut, 820 to $20.50; heavy mess, $19 to $19.50. Smoked and Dry Salted Meats-_-Long clear, tons and _cases, '10,`,c, and small lots at 11c; breakfast bacon, 14}c to 15c; hams, for small and `medium, 1'3{c; rolls, 1140 to 120; shoulders, 11c; bxLcks,.1'1c to 150; green nnouts out of pickle are quoted at 1:`. less than smoked. Tuml_'I`:.-nmnu 1113.. +..I.- 11.. .....a up .u'. lus ulun SIHOKCU. Lm`d-'l`icrces 10=;c, tubs 11c and pails 111.-c. V \VUDhu There is no change in quotations and all classes of hog product are rm. There is a. heavy demand for mcnts and dealers report. an active Lrvndc. ' `Dn..I.',` `r\........1.. _y..-_.;_ '___; Ann L, LFILUK nuru 1s quouzu at asgc. ` Outs-Arc steady to rm. No. 2 white are quoted at 29-,`.'c north and west, o.nd_at 30c middle frcights; and No. 1 white at 31c east. nnh1nnnL_.Tc ctnn;-In .-.4 no 1-1:: a... uxu mu. 1. wmw an 61.0 east. Oatmeal--Is steady at $3.75 for cars obnrrcls, any $3.65 for bags in car lots on the .track here, and 20 more for smaller lots. ' `Dug e_'l`lu. .. Ivan: um- .. .... 1 .- -1. g _ ._ .2 auu xuuru 101` sxmuler IOLS. _ Pcas-'l`he offerings are light. and the mzu'ket is firm at 68c north and I west. ' Vt\l....... :.. ..... ..1.-....- 2,, .W--- -- Russian xdicution The Ruling Prices In live stock and Breadstuifs- Lu wxx. 111 cm` JULS west. Burley-Is dull at 42c for No. 2 and 41c for No. 3 extra. middle freigllts. - Ryo-Is sieady at 48c cast. Cor_n-'1`he market is steady at 40c I for Canada yellow and 395C for mix- ' ed west, and Cmmdu yellow on the track here is quoted at 4513c. 0uts-Arc steadv tn rm. Mn 9 4---..- V- 4. -us Toronto, July 9. - Wheat - The xnarkctais` dull. `The demand is not active and holders are not anxious to sell at, present prices. Export- ers quote 68c for red mm mhifn mm- w mm at, present; pnccs. Export-` quote red and white mid- dle trcights and holders are asking :1 cent more`. Goose wheat is nom- imd; E0. 2 is quoted at 62c east. and middle Wfrcights. Manitoba wheat. is steady at 81c for No, 1_ hard, 79c for No; 2 hard and 75: for No. 3 hard grinding in-1.rm1sit, and 2c less for local delivery west. 1~`lour-Is stendv - 9n nnr onnf huf- .~.u was 101' xoczu ucuvcry west. ]:`lour-Is steady ; 90 per cent. pat- ents are quoted at $2.25 to $2.60; in buyers bags middle" freights. Choice brands are held 15c to 20c higher. Manitoba. our is steady at $4 for Hungarian patents and $3.70 for strong bakers in car lots, bags included, .[`oront.o. ' `Mi I I fn.;:l_"rL. no .... .I.. on. ___4 .. - ..- uunuuuu, ._|'Ul'0llL0. Millfeed--Is steady. Shorts. are quoted at $12.50 and bran at$10.5O to $11 in car lots west. R,"-l;ny._1c dull as An. 1.... rr- n Iusnmm: ]nKRxa1's.] Ual Clll V133, l|B|Il/,lU -\.'-1 do choice......... .. .071} I3UIv`IALO GRAIN MARKETS. CE)UN'.l`RY PRODUCE. 111:1, uuauu u. . butter, per + uyI:u.u 1\1ussiu., o nn As- wernmc-nt ul dues. . ... nun. , BREADSTUFFS. .003` 10.00 8.00 1 A UvIJU .7; .11 6.00 it `J:-QJU 6.50 5.50 ._;.'u 8.00 AKA .;)u ' 20 17.00 1,00 OK oUU 1.00 '1 `I .20 :'nn -`0 .50 001 ailll .33; 1 H0 . foreign- Led in the Lcrnul na- kcwise all Mmubc un- -Up 13.00 0.00` 10 UaUU .12 7.00 nn 0- ill} 1.40 on 1.:-3%) ' 6.00 .uu 8.75. RED 4;) 1.00 10K :UU .085" -U`) ` .443 ' no `I ..:au .15 on I` ) ? I . 1 I 3 C I . v- _ 3 Lord Roberts Tcstinea Before Ihenoyal. Commission; ' A dcspntclr from London says: Lord Roberts testified on-`Wednesday before the `Royal Commission which , is considering the claims of foreign-' . ers deported from South Africa. The f 1 commander-in-cliicf dealt. with the `I plots against,his_liic, and the dopor-E tation of the ringlcnders. He said 3 the olcors and exiriploys of the N'eth- _. erlands Railroad were so hostile to: the British that many of them had to _be deported. Every considem-M tion was shown them. He personal-`M 15' investigated the great mu.jority of cases," and s'a.'ncLi_6ned none unless onl adcquctte g'1'ounds.- No difference; was made on account of nationality. 1 pUI'u:u In Russian ice on the und ports 1, pay the sod on tho" Juuuuy uuu.u5ura, luuluuulg LWO WG-- men. All charged have been re--: mended for :1. week. It is supposed` I tlmtj. the theft was effected by means: 01 a. duplicate key, stolen from the Clmrtored Bank of India. The princ-i i $250,000, but neWs>of his arrest. is E ipul thief has sailed-for Madras with expected. Obtained Over Half a. Million Dollars From _tho Hong Kong, Bank. i "the money has been -received. ~ I A desputch from Singapore says :- I`ourtecn arrests have been made in connection with the recent. robbery- .m; the Hong. _ Kong and Shanghai bunk of .$(300,(_`,0() and u. portion of The prisoners are both tambics and` money clmngers, including two wo-' man. All (xlmvrvnd lmvn hm-n ms." Juuuurbh Huu U11 1lluI'.`3Ll1Ly I-- 3 "The theft; was p1`obrLbIy due to the ovcx`c1'oRdin_a; ol `the mint. The cashier's vault has :1 normal capac-' ity of $6,000,000, yctrecently it con-` tained $25,600,000, which practical- ly filled the place, so that the check-' ing up of" contents was very diicult. ? This glut of coin probztblysuggestcd '_ his opportunity t_o the thief. The` Government; can lose nothing, as the; superintendent and cashier are rc-' sponsibic for'tho sl1ortug`c." Six Bag; `That contained $3.01!) Each! ' Are Missing. ` Sun Framcisco, July 4.--Thirty E thousand dollars in bright new; '1.went_v-dolim` gold pieces is missing 4 from the cashier's vault of the Unit.-, : ed States Mint. Although the mintf [officials hzwe` been working on the" 1 case for four days they have no clue` ; to the disnppcu.ra.uce- of the coin.! j Director of Min-t.. Roberts uppeared' here last. `week for the semi-annual: -inspection of the mint. Local of-; ficials `preceded the inspection of-i Iicers by a. few days. and in checking; up the coin in the cashier's vault. they discovered timt six bags of $5,000 each were niissing`. The` '.cushie1"s books were all right, but,- thc count. showed tlmt someone had , stolen the coin. The director at `i once clmnged tho.co1nbina.tion of the I vaults. 7 The coin is checked up every night by Cashier W. K. Cole and Chief Clerk Wil.l N. Dimmick. The cush- ier s bond is `$30,000, and. the chief. clerk's $10,000. Every month Sup-E crintendcnt Leuch inspects the mint` T andyis supposed to count the cash.- ]~Ic declares that this vault. was all" right one month ago. 'I)ircctor Roberts said on 'I`hux'sdzLy':-- Q "The thfl`. urns nrnhnlu (Inn I-n o|.uum:1'.s`, `.LUU to DUU IDS I . do off-colors. .;. . ....... .. . Milch cows, each...... ....3` Sheep, export, ewes, per cwt... . . . . .. . .... ..: - do bucks, per cwt... I do culls, each .......... .. 1 Lambs, spring, each .... .. 1 Calves, per head... . . Hogs, choice, per cwt... ` Hogs, corn-fed, per cwt. ' Hogs, light,` per cwt .... .. I Hogs. fut, per cwt .... ..1 .Sm\'s,per cwt. ........... .. 4 istngs, pt,-1' cWt....... f .... .. 1 1 Cl. '15 .I.[u. l.`l_Uul`, .l.lS (:0 .108 cu. Paris-Opening-Whea.t. tone rm ; September and December 22!`, July 20! 85c. Flour, tone rm-; Septem- ber and December 27f 95c, July `_ 6f 65c. ~ _ Pa.ris~-Closc--Wheat, tone quiet and 5c lower than yesterday; July 20! 80c. September and December 21! 90c. Flour, tone quiet mid 10c lower than yesterday ; July 26f 55c, September and December 27f 85c. CATTLE MARKET. Toronto, July 9.-Tho Western Cattle Mm-ket was dull to-day" and ' trade was almost >at it standstill. There was a fair demand for`strictly first-class stock, but the other grades were very slow. The run was light,` but drovers lm.d(!i1m:ultv in dispos- ing of their holdings. The tendency of the market is towards lower g- ures and quotations for exporters and butchers` show (I. decline. Other cattle are about steady, `but both demand and supply are so light that there is little business. Sheep are weaker, but lambs, calves and hogs, are steady. The totalvrun was 43 ` loads, including" 596 cattle, 779 ~ sheep and lambs, 87 calves and 1,- ` 200 hogs. ' Export cattle, choice, per cwt. ................. .. 4.75 5.12; - do medium, per cwt... 4.40 4.75.` do cmvs____._ ,, ' Ann 44n ` .|U|,b' . . . . - - . . . . -u no u..... . do choice: ......... .. _ .... .. do fair do cows do bulls ................... .. Bulls, export, heavy, per cwL...' ............ ........ .. do light, Feeders, short-l .... .. (lo medium .... .. do light. . . . . . .. Stockers, 400 to 600 lbs (In 4'-\`-nnl nu-c per cwt .... .. 4 UU CU\VS . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Butchers` cattle, pickoci 4 lots ' l'r\ HUUII Q) `win that. 'ithdruwn V rictly en- xis dccroo Q6nr.n\_ vxuur, uoullug uomg. '- Livcrpool--Close~-Spot wheat rm; -No. 1 standard California, 53 9d to .55 9-3d ; Walls, 55 9d to 55 9i-d ; No. 2 red winter,` 55 6d to 55 8d; No. 1 northern spring, 5s 5d to 53 7d ; futures steady; September 55` Gid, December 53 75d . Spot, corn rm; new, 43 2d to 45 25d ; futures quiet; July 45 d, September 4s 1d, Octob- er 48 lid. Flour, 17s to 18s 3d. 1"nV'i--(3nnninrr-.\Vl1nnf fnnn n-rn - small business ; corn, American quiet at an advance of 3d, Dunubiun rm, Flour, nothing doing. Livnrnnnlm-(`.1 nnn_.Qnnl- whnn 4* vn-1 - W!-lY.THI'SY WE'RE nnsroxuzn. THEFT mom FRISCO MINT. BANK Rosnxzias ARRESTED. m J Vimiuiin u. H) 4.00 2.00 l.l'.`i, Uvlll` anchors, iling'-ship free into 0.4:). 3.00? 50 oo 7 , IUYHIHUU 01 111111. ' . V 8: "Many horses h:.tve been imported ` intu South Africa. from /\ustriu, but.` those seem to be too delicately bred E1 and are not up to the_lmrd work tlmt. they have to do, so they are 0.1 `fuilure for that -service. England is; ,car1'_ving>l{ussim1 horses from Odes-~ 3 sn. to South Africa. Only :1 few soi ifur reached Cape Colony. From; what I have seen I do not think ;I they will compare with the American 5 mlimuls. - i I n.. n.'..1......1.....- u..:..v... A-`~A kublo ex- in the in-' 1 is about Dr. Louis w. Tlxcso `ugeous in-- 7 ho L11 nmdc lhnnr. uni: ._._,.:__ Out. of 1,000 children, 60 boys die und_cr .5 years o_1d, but only 50 gr `Russian-Lieutenant : Quick Action Pre- vents Disaster on the Va:-logy A despatch from London says:--A (l0SI)LtC1l'fl'0II1 St. Petersburg :_m_- _nounces that the cruiser Vuriag, which -has just arrived from the United States, where she was built for the Russian Govermnent, nar-I rowly escupccl u disaster on Satur- idny. A trolley carrying` six `highly ,explosive shells broke loose and was ;rapidly dashing down to the deck, ,when Lieut. llicliter, son_of General (Richter, aide-de,-camp to the Czar, ,threw himsoh before the trolley. He `was knocked down and` nearly killed. Q His prompt action, however, brought ithe trolley to H. standstill and pre- 'vented what would have been a. dis- ,astro(1s explosion` had the shells hit the deck. l ___; lllllllllllu i Dr. llichnrdson thinks the British are very hard on vtheir horses, and that the heavy loss of animals is _due to this strn.in. The horses have . only one d'.Ly s- rest `after :1. sea. voy- . age of a. month,` and are then hurried ;fo.r\va.r(I to `the seat of mu` and puti ginto xictual service. ,'1i'I1_ny get, no` {rest from that time until they are I worn out. - I _`_._;j__ unis. _ , 1 ' The British Government has 8,000 . he-a.d of mules and-7,000 horses at; Kansas City`, which will be shipped` to New Orleans as fast as the vessels here can load them. Dr-. E. A. Rich-3 ardson, who has just returned from` South Africa, where he had charge of the shipment of mules and horses, I says the more experience` the Brit-f ish olccrs have with the American! {animals the better pleased they are; i " l`hn Amm-irnn Iuwgn in tho haul in ~u.uuxuus LHC UCLl(.'l' plL`l.SGl| Lll(.'_V LITE.` The American horseis the best in `V South Africa," he said, "with the: single exception of those brought from Australia," which are, as 11 rule, more readily acclimzyted, and seem to stand the work as well as any. We: have many Aljgentinc horses, but. - they do'not seem to sustain the rep-. ; utation they bear at home. The Ar-r gcntiife horse is a. line animal at; .home, and is capable of doing 11. vast! ,umount. of ivork; but in Africa. he? .50.-ms to lose his heart at once, and] visa entirely worthless fox` the service .requircd of him. 3 I `";\'TnvI\r hnv-cnc 'l1nY.'n hnnn hnnrn-lnll 5 Four'B:-ltiah Transports Are Now Lo2d- t lng at New Orleans. l ` l A `dc-spntch from New Orleans says: 5 _ g- ].`hcSouth African horse and mule 1 j t1'a(le`lms shown d;Vg'l`C2l.l. revival in ;the lust few days. 1-`our Britisli` ;tru.nsport-s have rcachozl here this "week to load with animals for C:\pe' ;To\vn, and four more are to urrtivel _during the week. One thousand ` 'mulcs left on_the Jamaican on Wcd- J 1 `nesduy, 500 mules and 500 horses` i ion Thursday, and 1,500 mules and fl 1,000 horses will leave on Friday. ~ ] j I`he British ofliccrs think the present i] `activity will continue until Cln-ist-:3" rnne I !. l 1 1 1 - uu: EL uuu I1U|4lLlo I ` A large number of cutsiwith sui-l gciently sportive instincts to engage iin a. rat hunt have died from the `plague. Hundreds of ferrets have i been brought from England to rouse ! t]10`1'i.1tSVfI`0ll1 their lairs in the city, ' but many of them have contracted ' :the disorder,_ so much so that the} ?.aut.ho1'itics have begun to d(:.~:1)u.iI` of the utility of the fei'ret_,for this work I `in this country. l T"|1n xvnv-cf. nl if in Olunf nlfhnnn-H `Ill mus UUllHLI'y- , The worst. of it, isethat although _ the cases are fewer lately no opinion cnn,be formed as to the prospcctsof ' (the sttunpinp;-out of the disoqse. The rats have trekked from the lower parts of the town, owing to the vigorous measures of the clcuning- stalls, but tlxr-_y have nppcarjcd in the ` ; best residential quarter of the .city- i ' the "Gardens _ -and' have also ' gone ' i to reside in the suburbs. Ia gulllg 011 an OVGX` L110 tO\Vl]. Rats that had died from plague` lwere found under the oors of the Supreme Court. in the Treasury Buildings. in the plague administra- tion depzwtment, and dozens of other public pfces. It. is :1. common ,ex- perience when taking up the oors 'of_ a. dwelling-house in the city- to find from thirty to forty dead rats under the` floor of one room. ~ Rats infest the hospitals too, and the late" Yeomanry Hospitals at Maitland, near Cape Town,`built. less than a. year ago and recently sold to the Cape Government for a plague hospital, is horribly infested with them. A vigorous war has been !wa_ged against the vermin, but the] `number `caught in no way elfects the grand total. A Inrrrn nnnnhnr Inf 1-nl>a'nvHh nun-`._ Millions of Dead Rodents Found in Government House. A desputch from Cape Town says : We have now had the plague` with us three months, and the harvest of deuth_ has exceeded everything out- side the Far East; the mortality up to `the present. has been 46 per cent. of those attacked. The most re1no.1'kLblc feature is the enormous part that rats have taken Town must bear away the palm among the rat.ridden cities of the world. H There ure vcritably millions of them there. Their runs are laby- rinths, end there is scarcely a. house free from them. \_Government. House itself was rat- infested, and it was owing to the discovery of carcasses of rats that are said to have died of plague here that the whole of the floors were taken up and a. cement oor laid down under the bo'a'.rds ll. few weeks ago. The whole of the Government ofccs are being treated in turn in like manner and the same process is going on an the town. `Rum fhnf haul mmi c........ .u......... in the spread of the disezise. (Ape LVU \VUlBU found any- iszts in the ad for the nm is but which. by ugh city- l!llLl'_V C011`. 3 of barren -1! patches ls of Stag- utulns and ..+ rm.`.. _BA'l`.-HIDDEN GAPE` l"0WI\'*,' ExAniINE`1.,L `THURSDAY. In juur RISKED LIFE ;`0 SAVE SHIP. 15,000 HORSES AND MULES. 3'Engllshm1n to Attempt Task Which COSt Capt. Webb HIS Life. ~ A desputch from Niagara. Falls ` says:--Ten passengers of the Maid of; hi the Mist, which plies the, lower riv- _.er, just below the Falls, and a. crowd of spectators on Goat Island, ;were startled on,Frida,y afternoon .1 at seeing zt man leap from the deck: iof the stezuner into the eddies that` sboil at the foot of the Horseshoe Fa.lls. All thought that there had .been 0. suicide-.- Crowds [locked to [gt-he batnks, but `instead of the man tibcing drowned, he was seen .to rise! to the surface and float a. third of it igmile down the swift current on his Li buck, landing safely on the Canadian _side. The man was Captain John-: ;son, a. famous surf swimmer, whol ;did it to gain somenotoriety previ- ; oils to swimming through the -Whir1- .ipool Rapids some time the latter Ilpart of this month, Johnson has ibcen in the English life-srtving ser- ::wonderful man in the water, as his` , 6 feet were strapped together when he ;ljump_ed from the bout. He says l lth-at he will swim the rapids. some- |thing that `Captain Webb lost his, . ; life in attempting` several years ago.j I He is studying the various currents, 'i`a.nd has no fear of failure. _ v I vice. and demonstrztted that he is an Y-`--. -0! the 552,000 yearly deaths in Great Britain, 20,278 are due to .violence. . ' 11. supply of electricity will hereafter A Paris Scientist says He Has Fnunda! Way to supplant Petroleum. [ A desputch from Paris suys:--A Paris scientist has taken out it pat-f ent for an invention which he claims will supplmit petroleum as R. motive power, `and motor stoppage to take` l be unnecessary, for the automobile itself is made .an autoinutic gener- ator of electricity. The invention takes up very little space. It, men.- sures the electricity as the automo- j bile speeds on its way. A small quantity of water is required for generating the electricity. It can be carried in a. bottle. The French Government has under consideration the advisability of ns`.rx.`; ("-51 new in- vention in connection with their sub- _ marine boats. 1%,, 1 1 L] H} l.'\"CIllllg.' ' The balloon rose gradually until :it. had ascended about 1,000 feet, in ' the air when re caught in the ropes lwhich lheld the'cannon to the inat- . end of l x . from ed cunvzis. The fustenings at, one the cannon broke and then those at the other became loosened, and the tin enclosure sxvnyed to and fro, and finally became separtzted the balloon. more it. was on its night. to earth, lu.n(ling near 11. dock in llluskegon Luke. - ' \Ul~.r.... -1...}.-. .... -....`I 4.1.- I..-u-__._--4 In :1 moment. - .LlLlI\l/'. Wl1_c.n `help nrrived the balloonist was found to be stone (le_ad, it being the belief that life was extinct be- ffore In: touched the xvntr. The ca.n- 3 non was badly buttered up and near- ly all the bones of its inmate were `broken. Tczelow 11:18 a father living : at Grand Rapids. _He was aboutb20 years of age. l iwlm. SWIM THE WHIBLPIIOLE 5; .Lp,uuu lug`, these mltic and 111 L/UULIX` >3[Jl'lllgS .lll(. S(ly._ I Tu.-zelow insisted upon making the nscension.l1crc, and after much per-. lsuasion Mcixell consented. Tezclow was enclosed in the tin cannon with :L pzu'a.cl1utc and the balloon started on its journey about 6.30 o'clock in. /the cvcning.- Tho hnllnnn rnen n-rndnnllu nnlil [FELL mm THOUSAND FEET. | lrllchlgan Balloonlst Instantly Killed at Muskegon. A desputch from Muskegon, Mich., 3 sa_vs:'-'1`l1e celebration here on Thurs- lday concluded with :1 sad fatality. |Frnnk Tezelow, a Grand Rapids bal- loonist, made an ascension, and, whcn'1,000 feet in the air fell and ' was instantly killed. V According to the programme the .a.sccnsion was to have been made by iProf. D. ]\[eiXn]l. nf rnnrl Tlnnirlc unsuulxszuxl was to nave D0011 maue Dy jI rof. D. Meixcll, of Grand Rapids. \Vhen in _mid air he was to have gbccn shot out of 1. cannon, making Ea. parachute drop. Tezelow was ;Meixell s assistzult, and had never !1_na.d`c but onq ascension. that. being 1n cedar Sprmgs I`ucsday._ Tu-.7,9.]'nw insist:-:1 nnnn mn1:ino- Hm .every appearance of sincerity. pul`yUSUS~ ` V v ' The Mail editorially supports its correspondent, declaring that the Government is sum)ros,3:=1.': reports of ]3oer_atrocities to prevent an out- cry against such peace terms as were recently offered. Whatever the mer- its of the foregoing, it may be noted that both ailairs were lately denied by the Government in the House of Commons on the authority of Gen. Lord Kitchener, but have since been reairmed by correspondents, with One report that was officially denied gave the details of a. cqnsidei'able engage- ment on June 5 in the'Warm Baths ` neighborhood. seems to show that it actually oc- curred as was described, exception of 8.. minor.detail. this engageinentthat the -Associated Press ported after the gunners-at Vlakfontein is reafllrmed in detail, and the story is indirectly supported by letters received at Pen- zance from Yeomanry troopers. Subsequent enquiry ' 3 with the A It was - i cotrespondent at Durban` re- 3 oiciul denial had `been made.- Now the shooting of the 4 J 4 4 `Refused to Worii the Guns Against his own men. A despntch from London says.- Thc Daily Mail publishes three col- 1:m:ns of letters from `Mr. Wallace, its correspondent. in South Africa, in rzhich lac reallirius 1ll.ll.} the Boers shot an officer and a sergeant for re- fusing to show them how to work the guns that were temporarily cap- tured at Vlakfontein on May 29. He also alleges tlmt. the Boers killed before the British charged and re- Dritish wounded during the interval captured the guns. The correspon- dent makes an onslaught on the cen- sorship. declaring thut iness-ages are mutilated and falsified for political . purposes. T`hn n"nVl n.-l:4n..:.`n.. ....n......4.. :4... kmnnansn BEi[TISH(9FFIGEB._ xx, 190:- A NEW MOTIVE POWER. A despatch from London, says :-F The Financial Secretary of the War Office, Lord Stanley, in the Houscv of Commons to-day in answer to a question,.gave the total number of Boers killed, wounded, or made pris- f oners from among the` active com-1 mtmdoes recently as follows 2-1 March, 1,472; April, 2,434-; 1\.Ia.y,f 2,640; June, incomplete, 1,538. |.LARIA uuuuug bottoms. e bcuvccn tic Rus- y war dc< it part of y exempt. unnn HQ `Abyssinian; Fail to Discover the { mad Mullah. g A despatch from London, says :- The cux'responrle.1t. of the 'l`imesV\vho lis with t.he_ expe1lition to Somali- il-.1n(l a.g-uinst, the nu`-.11 Mullah, in a l_desputch, dated Gerlo-K;-uby, June 22, {snys'U1at the report.` of the Mul1ah's whereabouts transmitted on June 12 was ._1'ncox'-rect. `Al ! t; Ab_vssmi.~:ns failed to discover the Muil.-un. 'J'he_v, attacked a. tribe supporting him, and ' killed 200 of them, The C0rl'C:sp()n(l-. ent- adds that commiss-.:ri-.1.t arran5_};e-' ments are non-existent, and provis- !ions are exlmusted. The men are `eating the camels and tr:u1.~':v.n't, ani- mals. Unless food is`-procured in 0.. [ few days.muny of the expedition will Edie of starvation. . ` | L . `In Four Months Thls Number Has`: Been Accounted For. g 1 confinement. until hostilities cease. ' LIEU DDLELLU .I.JUlJiLl'L1IlUIll4- .'1`he Department is satiseil from investigation made by American eon- - suls and the 'Britisl1 zultliorities, tlmt all rnports that the British are "ill- trcuting their prisoners are without i'o_un(l:1tion. The only lmrdship that Americans captured in South Africa. uwill have to umlei-e;o will be that of . claims residence in Viifginia. Sir Al- ODUULII l}Jl'llS'sL. I The test case was that of a. natur- alized American named Morgan, who fred Milnei-',- the British High Com-i missioner in` South Africa, disap- lproves of the release of foreigners who foughtexvith the Boers. He has; announced that a_per.son who serves as at belligerent with the Boer forces `loses his nz1t.ionalit_v, and must be :treated as an enemy. This view is `concurred in by the legal oilicers of Ithe State Department. "|`Mn nnnv-n~fn1nnf in cnficnul fr-nvn A dcspatch from Washington says: -./hnericans lighting in the Boer armies made pris0ne1's by the British will have to endure their captivity? until the close of the South A,f1'i.can" uvn- -v.a.u. | Great Britain has'de`clined to com-I ply with the request of this Gov-. ernment to release an American now confined in the Island of Ceylon, and, this refus-.1_l will `probably prove a.: bar to further representations to the State Department, in behalf of Amer~g icans c-.1pt,ure(_l as belligerents in` South Africa. ' I PIx'n {no} r-non vvvua 4|-:4 nf a noun, ._...........- .....-..-.u\.-.a..4a-4;; ;u u1'1n1LL How long the dead man had hung[ in his terrible position nobody. `knows,--but. two boys who were sh-; .ing in the lagoon back of .the boat} house, Gordon Sinclair of Winder-. more Cottage, and Samuel Loesser of Hotel Ilanlzm, told the constable ltlmt they heard a. loud crash aboutg noon. It` is probable, therefore, thati Smith hung where he was found at`. least-three hours before he died. l`.nrnnrn- Vnxunrr nf (`.\Il...-... L`A...v.4 . _r.equest of the United States` Govern- ment Has Been Refused. (LUCK auonc. " .Mr. Gooch himself was apprised of the accident on his arrival at the` Island by some children who had. been playing around the boathouse. He hurried to the place and found it: as they had said. He summoned P. C. Johnston from the Point, and the latter, with Special Constable Stev- enson, mounted his bicycle and hast-. ened to the scene. Putting their; shoulders under the roof they man- aged to raise it sufliciently to re-3 `lease the body, which was still \jvarm. 1 P. _C. Johnston practised articiali respiration until. Dr. Lowry arrived] from the Lakeside Hospital for Sick, Children, but, he brought no hope, and said that. life had been extinct- forat least an hour or two. or r\1Irr xr nmn . n.-.7 n v...,- --._ . ...--l kn; _ slug said .-(J n:u.a\.-uu'c.'e Hours pelorc no (1100. Coroner Young, of College Strcet,[ was notified. He immediately went: to the Island, viewed the situz'\tion.| and.decided to hold an inquest at, 2` p. m. to-morroxv at Ellis undertak-: ing rooms on College street, where l I the body was removed. ! Unnnnlu-1| nvnu nhnno an xinnvo nf. uu: uuuy was removeu. ; Dcceasccl was about 30 years of; age-and unmarried. `He lived With` his sister, rM1`s. Wm. Umvin, at 666 Lake Shore Avenue. A rothcr and two other sistprs live the city.- The family came from near Wood-1 stock. - _, A wont yvlul: - I He had evidently succeeded in rais- ing the roof at least two or three ' feet, and had his `head under the edge of it to` inspect progress when, the planks under "the juck-scx'ew; broke with a crash and allowed the whole weight of the roof to descend on the unfortunate m-.Ln s head. He! had been standing on the same plctnks on which the jacks rested, and when ne was found his feet were. dangling through the top of the. I bunk, and `he was hanging by hisi neck alone. . ll -c (Vanni. l..'.._.....I1 ._-.. ----~9-- -` ' -u. u.-. A\.u.au uu. uuul U1 L/U. SLOWLY STRANGLED VTO DEATH '!Y....- IA._... LI__ ,1 A despatch from Toronto, says:- Hanging by the neck, with his head pinned fast. between the roof and ' side Wall of a born; house` at Hanlzm s Point, Tuesday, some children about live o'clock discovered the lifeless body of Ired'ex-ick Smith, a well-' known man, who was employed around the cottages during` the sum- mer. him not turning up. Inside the boat ' Smith was engaged to raise the flat "roof of the bout house on one side, so as to shed the rain better. He went. to work alone yesterday morning, 0. man who was to help house was a bunk used for storing articles of dillerent kinds, and on top of this S1nitl1 placed a jack-screW to work with: I 1!}: En ! n..:A....4I.- ...,,, v V - Frederick Smith- Slowly strangled at Hanlarrs Point. norms nnnudmn BY 7,000- MAY um 01? sia?/ATioN. MUST BEMAIIVIN PRISON. A D I L] TY. wulxoro you 1115!. lat TOO` Of the hnnf hn MEI` AN AWFUL awn. --.c,......... -.......v E, . V u . . .... E The Danish schooner Anna, laden " with imphtha, while proceeding '- through the Knttcgat, was sh:1t.tc-reg fvby the explosion of her 0.1.59, an seven men were killed. | In some of the gem fields of Brit- .ish Guiana. 5,000 miners wcxtc saved 3from starvation just in time. . There !\W.1.S_ it ten nmnt.l1s drought. I _ _ _ . `rcn\d -.. ........_, . The French Chamber of Deputies has adopted a. scheme for new sub-V marine cables and for the purchase of the lines of the West Afx"ica.n Cable Company. 1.r:..... 1:v.n...._...u __J n,,,.,, ..,_,_, .. - vu,-un. Vnuuyu.u_y. King Edward and Queen Alexandra. shave suddenly become enthusiasts -` over the game of croquet, and .'nero `are frequent matches on the Buck- inglmm Pulacc grounds, rm... 1\._..:,.1. ....n_._...__._ A.,.., 1 ,- I A black snake trying to coil itself _zu~ound Marietta Swa.l1n s neck, at ,P,loo111ingburg, N.Y., was cut. in two i by 11er'youngcx' brother. l,I........._..... 1.....- .I___- |.-__.,, n ,,, ............ -._, ....v.. I 7 First, Secretary of the Argentine .Repub1ic Legution at Washi'ngt.on denies that there is any danger of a revolution in his country. Steven Kay, aged 14, is (lead and seven other boys `are dangerously ill from drinking wine; containing bella- donna, at New Haven, W. Va. l" The oors are Worried about the French _ eet manoeuvres off their coast. Fxpediti o/n It is said that England is losing her cement, trade, Germany and Del- ! gium supplunting it. `There has been an increase of 1,- 000 names on the United States pension roll in a year. Y!` 1\r.\.i:4.h.... "I<:--I\D.~A `n....:.. 1.-.. ...-..D....y.uu uv _n....... .....v.... ' Reports from 1`.'Iush,' in Kurdistan, `say tlmt. the Kurds are plundering villages and luwe kil-led 14 Armcn~ inn: Storms have occurred in northern France, where ligl1tvr.in;.; luvs Wrecked churches and houses. Several fatali- 'ties occurmd. 5 ..._, ..-.. Jvuslbvn ...u..-.v.. liuinsporxxls have done heavy dam- age in Italy. FIVL... '!'.V..,.._..I. ru____.:._.. ,,p -n._, .-, ....-...v.- ..v..._, .v. u. Mr. Pierre Lorillard, the tobacco mzmufucturer of New York, is dead. - F. A. Dmcliet, a. retired farmer, . of Atlantic, Iowa, killed his wife and `then fatally shot himself. I 1:`t....4. (\,......\4_.`... -1 ;I_- A__.;-,,.s, , ..... ..V V. `V- J\l|I.Il The In1pcri:.-.1 Government` has con- sented to a scheme for Statc-:1ided* .c-migration to South Africa. . 1:__-__L- :..,___ 'II ....I.r :.. The Customs returns show that Montreal collects 75 per cent. _more revenue than is collected a.t.the nergt largest port in the country, and negr- Iy one-third of the total Customs [ revenue or, 'Cana.da.. ' - | The will of the late Hon. J. 0. Villeneuvc. of Montreatl, left, $25,000 Ito found a. chair in Lava1`Universi- l ty. II1L.. ......:.._ -_n__`:,__._ ,4 v___.4-__ -_,. The excise collections at London` for the month ending June 30 reach- ed $390,007.95, an increase 01 over. $12,000. nu , r\r\AI 1'5 ,- . ~ . . _,,-.- i The 30th Regiment, Guelph, will wear khaki uniform on the occasion ,of the Duke of York s visit to Tor- | onto. ` i 7 even -let 0. L1 to .`i\VL`EU`. v\J ,...u\1-any --.u. uvuuo Accordihg to the last official state- ment, German ofcial exports have decreased. ` I I E I A man in Glcncoc, O.T., will raio himself away for xx wife. In. `rs: _ 7,,-n, 1 .. . . ,.........v.. .u.. an u. Jynunu Le 1\Ioniteur Universe, Pqris, has- suspendud publication after: an ex- istence of 100 years. Inn- r_--_.._.:._I r1-..._._._...,\.. 1.-.. ....__ ......--_-.. ...- ........--... - ........, Leave of absence for three months 3 has been granted to Judge Craig, of Dawson City, who is coming out to ' undergo treatment for an ailment he has contr-.Lcted in the Yukon. I |_. 54 I ; Four thousand British Columbia. iwhite and Indian shermen are on * strike. They will not accept the sal- imon canncrs ocr of twelve cents if-)1` their sh in July and ten cents ` for the rest of the season. The Japs will accept. rnI_- ,,,__ 11,, _ n n- rt; The new ]r`ranco-Caiiadiaxi Steam- Iship Company, which has chartered - the Wassau and the Garth Castle for the service between` Canada and F1-:uice, intends next year to put. on its own eet of steamers, which will have (I. seagoing speed of sixteen knots an hour, with passenger ac- commodation equal to anything afloat, either out of New York or the St. Lawrence. ' ' I Persia is trying; to borrow $10,- ; 300,00 from Russia. 4 .. . . . . -..> ,_~.._v lav .,.v-V,uuv,vvu. The Kaiser will not alloiv France I to acquire Morocco. A an`..- The 5-year-o \ inkler, Mam. Elleitz was dr` I .. ......... , ....~... A considerable increase is shown in the traic through Canzulian canals ! by the latest returns. ! A -L._...._ -5 :,Lu__,,, Steadily _.D..-...... U049 ...w_,u- V. ..4uvn.w, vguu. The Department of Fisheries has decided to commence oyster culture ` operations in Annapolis Basin and Minas Basin, N.S. ._.-...... _.........., -. ...,. Rather than sucr blindness, which ` was gradually coming on, Mrs. Mar- ! garet Simpson, formerly of Hamilton ; suicided at Niagara Fa.1ls., -r____. -p _1,_,,,_, n,,,;I,,_., ,,,, .v,,, . \/Y\I \I\l ..v... ...u.._..... ' The taxable property of Chicago I is put. at $340,000,000. V nu._ -rr,- , v A charge of jobbcry inconnection with a. contract has been brought against. the mayor of Levis, Que. x rt... 'l \..-..._A._,....-4 _p 1-1.-_,u,, ,-, u,_- I hwcsley Farrell 'fcll through` the ,McNa.b street. bridge at Hamilton and was fatally injured. Over 1,000 prospectors rushed to I Nome from Dawson ~ City within a. 3 week. ' Hzunilton Board of Health decided to adopt the semi-Weekly system of cpllecting garbztge. I 7....1.\.. 1.1...._...n ' a_n 41._._..-.u,. .- A gcneml increase in the salaries of Ha.miIt.on school geachers has been recommended. Premier Roblin says l\Ianitoba.'s wheat drop this year will reach fty I million bushels. -- -- ......u.vu. -.u. vuuxupug. Five thousand doilars will be spent in enlarging Jubilee Park at. Brunt,- ford. .uUJI.l..l.LV LULV .' A_joint stock company will build a bxg abattoir" at Winnipeg. T`i\.'n Hsnnc-and rl..n....,. ...;n 1., ,_,,,. L the lady I` Something of Interest From Al) Parts of the Globe. THE News are BBEEF. : 5-yezu'-old daughter of Jacob drowned in n. cistern at for Tlfnn FOREIGN. DOMIN ION.- .;.,_u LYIHU, LL lu limiting hnnvnnna ..$29.35 15.45 '7 no TVIVIVVIIIV J IIIIVI Ivvvlvo A andsomely Ilhuutrnrnd waakiy. dugout oir. cu union of any aolennlo ournal erms,$'.i q earudour months, I1. Bo d bye!` nevndenlers. II II D nan aacn.....a...... mu Va;-E1 1.\'Vl`.S'I'ICI) IN c.\N,m.a.. .\ccLwULA'1'1.n 1-'u.\'ns . 1`U'I`,AL As.-uuANc:: lxcuuu. uv1m....... ua uunl U0 Steam- ugcn. put. :1 18,000 inn Ilwsm Anmmrs taxation ahy aolenmlo ournul 'rorma.s'.i $56 I our d at gay!) 361Broadway. New m; am . 625 8' st. waanunon. n. 9. n!cliI.v ascertain` our 0 ink: :39 t or u .:ventIon {rs probably prptenmlx-.. C`:)k?n1r1lill0!E (Iona strict yconudoutlul. nndbook on Patents um. free. Olden: u may fonocnrluccpstcmu. PM ntu taken I. rntnsxlnrgftxxxxn . rocelvo "".'.`.fi'.". 3 "1` -`ai.":f".`..". - - .. f0l'RDC|1l'lucCpBt0Iltl. rough Mum: go rocelvc ipecla Mme, wt outc 'xr"o, Int 9 Selena ic mericaaa. A hnnrlnnmalv llhuh-nhztl wnnldv. Lnnmnt. Mr. uuL\'nu'.V as an u.uAN'1`. DEAL J mm in UOAL n! all kinds, imported Jircrt from the mines; also Latin and Shingles, White and Grey Lune, I hutt-r:r- [lair Sowcr Pipes. -1"iro Brick, Fire Oluy. Huslc: of Paris! Cements, etc.. allot beat Lualny. and soui at very reasonable rates, l:`Fl'l(`1~:: 23E|IZ!1hOHl Sh. nan:-Iv nnnnn'n. guauly. and sold at L=nm_~1;_: 23 Ehzrthoth St., nanrly opposite Wellmgtou Hotel. ` 6-27 , .fLlFE. - L`l'!l(_`1-:_: 2:5 :;nz:u Cmvc-Ovcr Henderson : llardwura Store; I .`nu z.nco, Owen tstrcct. :11-ly ._.__. _. ...__....__...____.__.j.. WESIERN INSURANCE 00 --OF TORONTO. - 1 m. 0 have any -u--- -01 `.1: |ooI\lr3Idl IIYSICIAN AND SURGEON. I-3'1`C. hale Resident l'l1_v:sim:\n xuul Surgeon oftho '.l or(-utn General lls,:tuI. with special utlcntl-m to I):su1ses of \\ 0.llt.`Il nu.) Nosu _Iuul Throat work: nnd also Sumcuu lo l:In1u'gcm-_y-llospltnlg Toronto. ' ' 1-(H..- I'Y...'. .l..,. x._ n. . \v_n_...L__ nu, - ,, JUI UXHU: (ifue-Upstuhw In the _.\lcC:u'Lhy Block. ncx I0 MrU.u'llI,'r' A2 Cu':4 uthvns. two doors east of Dougull Bros. I~`urnilux'c store. 2:) DR. 'W- D. MMLAREN Dentist. Barrie. Welt: cookatown, every Wednesday. Ulnc--Russ Block. East; of the Pan? nmm. vwnu uuuuawwn, every weaneaaay. Umu:--Russ Block. East of the Post Omuo, lfurms. ` Team: MARKS Dasmwa convnuowrs ac. Anyonn sending a. sketch and dosorl tlon may n!ckI.V ascertain our 0DlICl}'X 39&\' titer an pnmnm .e. 0 In men- y conudomlnl. um. Money for socnrlun patents. I---v-~~----- v ~ - - ' * W - " "' O1-`max-: um Rmm1-:Nc12 :-Cornor Owen `and Cclller 1-Jlranta. Barrio ---nun, -nun, vvunu no I-unnuu AI(RlSTERs. Sulicltors for obtaining pro bulc uf wllxs. p,-unrdlunshlu and ndlninlstrn (um. and Go.-uernl -Eollcllors, Notaries . convey nnccrs, etc. Hwamou Lmmox. ALEX. Comm. 1). liou-`(mu Anmuu. G. E.J. unow.v, L.B.B. Ofmcs: Hinds Block. N . 6 Dunlop Street. urrlc. Branch Olcesr-Lcmxox 8.: Ardnuh. Gro.vcn~ hum; Lcnuux, Ardugh, Oowan 8; Brown, `Cree- morc and Azllston. Ill'\\YI'\Y "l`l'\ I I'\ I `V llctidouco and 1: . 0.. Cooketown, 5|: J.` coconut nL&IIaVI I COUNTY CLERK, will be at us Ofcoln the Court House, 15.:rxie., every Saturday 153.. J. c. surrzr. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON 6&0 O1-`I-`Icx-: nan lmu1n.-uni.-. :._l`.m-nm- r wu . -V.-gt ' Anms'r|}:n. sox.Ir:1'1'on, PROCTOR. ;.\'() 1`A m1. CONVEYANCER. mo; Spcclnl utlcntlon in inc Druwlng` and Probntlnz of Wills. _<.bminlm.- Letters of Achninlslruuon and Guardianship. and colkctlon-of uccuunts, kc. Money to Loan. - Ok-cs: Rcss Islouk, Duulop street, D.1rrie.. nncd to cars Itas- I dues on European Dnuuin -044 it Lava! In VLIEU Vi Lita:-II A1mlSTEr;S,SoEcilzru for the Sup:-em Court at Judicnturo {or Ontrrio, Pro [org Notaries,Omvg-yuucu-s,ctc. Money to Low. Onzcos : Rosa Block,` Bu-xi- . 1.; E. Hs.\\so:~'. A. 11.21. (ixmswxcnm. munuy Io hoax`. DONALD Ross, LL.B. II` V7` KIJJDZLUIVI BARRI."l`.ER. ROLICl'I'QR. I\`u'1`Alc\'. CUNVEYANCER, &c. MONEY T0 LOAN on most favorable terms. Willa i rob:-led. Estates Athniulstcred, Ac counts Uullot-MI. ' - 0111:-e.--.\ucm~u.y's Block. Scum Side Dunlop Sln.-ct. Hume. 6 STRATHY ez EST!-IN AHIiIb'l E.ll:~, t~'(:lric-151;; liIg11tC0|1rL 4 Justice, I\`ul:-.1i-u !`uh|l('. Conveyuncer omens: ()vc1'15nul'. 01 '1`-u`0Dt0.B:'rri0. . money in mun of 62.01: and upwnz-Is, to Loan at 5 5 or com. A ' H. U r'mn'IIv. Q.(`.. , G. H. F31-me. U JJULV ln\JL Blllkllalg l)l`lXl\I.l'4- JEFFREY A. McC.uunv. W. A. Bows. D. U. .\1ur.cun-zox. . Mone to loan i':r:n 4; to 5 per cent. on im- proved nrmpropcrty. 1'11 1 DUI A N, bU1(.uJ'.UN. (V0. OF!-`Jl'F.S AND Nmnr 1:1-;.~.x;-I~.Ncx<:: uruwna 1-lo cl: I nnlop SL, lsurlie. - '.l'h-111 no 77. 27 --j_- Incorporated 1351. IOHNSON & s)\`i{.i`1T_ W It killll. l\'\nI\rln1`l ANT. DEAT I ASSURAm_}_l5__c0MP_ANV\(.% -w-an In 3-sun-w u wanna: BARR s'r1:izs. SOI.ICI I`0RS. N()'l`AltIlS. (!().\'Vk`.Y:\NCERS, &C. Brunch omcc. Colmvuter. Money lo Loam. n(INAl.h1?n$.`tl Ll. R ,1 n nnnynvun 0fccs--Bunk of '1`- routo Buildings, Barrio. l`poru,-cl in Thmsninn moan-rnv. BOYS & MU.BOH!SON{ -` . nnvnrnnn-. mm. o,.v....\...-. - , JOHN I6ERoN Illuau-nu 3ARRIS I`EI{S. SOLI()I'1`0RS &C.. DL'Nl.UI. b"I'REE'l`. 2:-Irulrv A ll:-l` Ah I nu \\.' R. W. A. ROSS, L.R.C.S. Edin. I". (3. l'., l.r'ndrm. ' V HEWSUN & ORESWICKE. n1)I)ltIrnrwu~rV .w, -p, ,, u,- a._'... IN. `V. B. LUJD (3.v l)ll\ L'lIl I LENNOX, ARDAGH, GOWAN 8: BROWN. Anu1(vrI_vuu n n_u-... 1-. , .,n,.:__ j - VDB. '..I'.u. BIIBRBTON. DENTIST. F, M. Monrreomenv, AGENT. BARBIE. Bank of Toronto Building, `Owen Streob. we fees, 3. not on tho `scsscd. nmcnt aid new stoum'- > nging into v Russian and the my, which ing a eet Volunteer company, Imssenget s. aggre- mving ud- st your 0 .p uu\J)ah.I\s.)\... lusul-:mcc A:.-.'eIIt-. Fire and Life. DR. R. S. BROA .-nvv |\v |\'v\ unnr-:.-n\- mu. R088 8!. BROKOVSKE. nrovnunn nr\l `lIIrII.I\Y\1\ L2. L1, Iu'xlu(m. PIIYSGIA N, SURG EON. &c. -is In-:.~.x;-I~.Nc1<:: uruwna `>16-`<'vV(`7:-'Z`;;:.AxT0N. .-II-1.-n nnv v:~IrIu\ n R-~'1.'-*5-1_l.I';T1'IN G. V II nu-1-\nr.r __.:n L, , I'll) : ICIANB, li'l'C.V IIEBUII n MONEY -T0 LOAN. llIS1!l.`l.lulNl'1IDlJ. : w. AULT. . n lIl\Ifl\Yll`1\I1 n IJULH uluuu diseases. L`-mnf)ug'na, spot on stay on 9. .-ontmucting e to instul onstructod spend the ho expedi- out by the S to prove Lly attrib- xmd that n. he disease 11 mnlu.1'lu.l t. bitcn by Nu wnrsn `P. O. Box 214, BARBIE OFFICIAL: LEGAL; nanrl J. C. Bnozovsxu 4 1 . I 15,mo H.8n.5.()t\0 5.450.000 '.'nAmc1I:. '. unu. , London---Close--Mark Lune--Wheat, ` foreign and English quiet, with An. London, July `9.--0poning-Wheat, ' on passage quiet and steady. Corn. , `on passage quiet. and steady. VVoubh- ` or in Eggland fair but cloudy, in 5 France cloudy. English -country: markets partially cheaper, French ` H rm. V r ...;..:...._,_In....._,,1u|'....1. r ......_nrI.....+ IILLLIIUS u.u_u ut. The with mos- which the a portable oublc case-' on placed ly protect- l system of in the on- has_ two a kitchen, be kept. in rvtmts re- xood. Part. I purposes, every pos- rctting bit.- Llmt their the means ing obtain- xetlicul mun use which of our col- u_vo sucked - - steady. Spring: wheat, snmll lot of Bu;_a1o, July 9.--Ii`lour quiet. and old on nmrket. held at premium over now; No. 1 no1't,hern old. 7651: ;d 0 now, 71{c. carlouds. Winter wheat, higher prices uskcd ; No. 2 red, 74.--3c Corn quiet, but. rm; No. 2 yellow, 472C: No. 2 corn. 4 7ic. Oats rm; ! No. 2 white, 380 to 9381c: No_. 2; mixed, 81c. Barley nominally 52c` to 560 in store. I EUROPEAN GRAIN MARKETS. UU C}U'lJilL', UH-3 do common... Lzunbs, yccwling, ID (in urn-inn` Th ,, , JJELIILUH, _\ UiLl'llll\':', IU do spring, Mutton, -cwt... Veal calves, lig'ht,Ib |llI llU\\, Ul(hl|U|n~ Rndishos, per doz... Rhubzwb. doz......... Tonmtoos, basket... \Yz1tcerc1'css, duz...... Beef. l1Indqun.rte1`s.. do fomqunrters... do c;u'casos,' ch.-. :1; n.-um-nan uuuu1.uuv.:L`a, uu1...... do small, doz..` I .ct-Luce, doz Onion, green. doz... Parsley, doz......' Peas, green, peck Potatoes, per l)up;.. do, now, barrel... do new, bushel... doz.., basket... Ya 1-nnnunan :ln'u 1'.u:u,:.-3. uuLLL'1', ])l:l` basket... `Cubbnges, new doz. Carrots, (102011 f Cmlliower, doz Clxcuznbers, doz.;.... [In cwunll /Inn uu guusu ...... .. Bm`lcy...... .. Rye...... Outs...... .. Hay... .. SLru,w... Butter. lb 1'o1ls.. zln nvn:-Lvu LJULLUY, IU l'U1lE..-.. do crocks...... .. Eggs .. Chickens, per pair.. Ducks. per pnir..... '1`u1-keys, per 1b..... Aspnrztgtxs, cloz... .. Beets, per, dozen 1 (Iv|n! hnl InI- nnv LU i.'-jU- ` . _ I ot.ntocs--Old are in poor demand: nml the nmrkct; is dull and easier. 1 Our lots on track here nre olferingl at 30 per lm_u;,' and potatzoes out of : short; are selling at .'-3.50 to 40c. New I potatoes are in p;0o(l demand and are steady at $1.10 per bushel for car ' lots on track here and $1.25 art.` of store. , 'n..1...1'--4..-. 7.. ..1..... '~n..:..,... -....` 2-Luru. _ I I.`-ulcd '1-my-Is slow. Prices are" steady mid uncnanged, but the mark- et is dull. Car lots of No. 1' Limo-, thy are quoted ut $9.50 to $10 `per ton on track 'l`m'onl;o. Tlul.-ul &`on.xu-77l`l`n n.n..'lu.t ha sonny!" . EENT.

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