yuery A Lright; `goods |` mu- 'r':ve."Pom'rs' We lead! with our immense stock of x -E'I`1'ama|ed Ware We have Just 1 orcted some of w as iliraniteware -.;` vI.LLl\| Lcpux u ul- 1 I}. Is to he held 1(5Lh. rug tin-, a` zu-e- --.'L=1-gts. ] Smlics. MCC`/:11-I W Ex:-Sr-1' rr w 31" R0C;.;u1`s, Sec. vcn _.___ `.Lu`- "" -_ has ' \ Good sh-ong; boy 11ox=:c-3;ur.1 w.t:ns ` Anplv to IL 1], 11:11-dw.u'e Store. "Eo72i Tlmt valuable for 5:-I!e.b_v Mrs. I}: b:: sqld by Public Barne. at 12.3. ) n. goth. by G_; R_. E 5 Jlt. I1 ' "per- IVS 0sNT8 I }.\`o1)crty recent} advertised Bmmhu ad Russell. ldhursr. will be sold Auction. at the Queen s'Hotel. 12.3) n.m.. on SATURDAY. JULY 20th. by G`. R. Ford. Auctioneer. Fol`. mrL1cu- - Barrie. 12.3) SATURDAY. JULY] zom. by G. r-;u'Li.-u- -` hrs. apply to Auctloneer. I 28-29 ! 7 -`At .-1 :11!."3tin;'.:l1e1 the.-u'mor,v on ".\1m1d:L_xj m'_cmj.11;r._ June Sty. hy a few re-px 9<:=x1tat1ves 01 Uompames 1 amd 5,. . ii. was d..-c-ideal that H. nxmdnlight excur- isio~.1.:hmx`.d be hul-.1 for the -purpose-oi` .!`.`L1:~`ill"" ' -u:\ !_!`.'l:~' :2! r.-_nnp.7 A coulmittee was ap- pointed to look ,:1f:;P1- the boa , etc., - .-md 1'epm~t ur the next; me'etin,<.>; which is Tuesday evening, June ut. t.l1'c`a1-umx-y. The ,conmntt3c`e .fluuTsfu1'}1`i\'irlg the mensome` --Sc-1-gts. I1mxtq1' and Elliott. Ptes.' ML'C2ll.'LI1\`, Weir and'Mc:.\1ill;m. Es:-S.-r__:t. W. Jolmston_ _m1d_ Corp. R0Cg:_'e1x<, ' ' ' uuuu an un;,' buy. \\'I[J uuuersmnus we ('.'l.l'C OI hoxrm-3 mud to Igavu the hardwarg: buslnpss; 0?L'1'O.\" `S: SO1\',F'u'e-Po1m.s = - 28 --0n Sundzw Rcv. J. J`. `Redditt. _1.-{to of U.\'ln-idgev. preached his first .-ra1'nmns as prrztnr uf tvhc- Collier street; Melh(di: chm-ch. M1-. Redditt is a gem! spemu-1' und the prncticalh and -1`m'cefuI tre;mnent. of his_ subjects mule .-1'\'(~1-y` t',u'm-.-thle impression. Iu__ the umrnin,-.:: his serumn tank the form of an in`v.mdx1c`mx-_v tek to his people. His text was All things Work to- zrothm-1`nx~ good to them that love God. In the evening: he drew valuzxhle lessons from the lives of.Tosenh`s brethren. his text being; Gen._42: 21. . ,_ __...~-... ....~;uu v_vvAn.u --The cllarge against Louis Kil'hV nl nssist.ing Jnu. Gar:-od to lnzrglarize P. J. Moore's store was `dismissed on Friday. . G.~m:od was brought up from the (lentml Prison and put, in a cell in 1:11 with Ki:-by and their cmlverssxtion lisgeued to. Gen-cod . thnt Kirby \\ zl1.(.'ht*.d while he entv;-ed the store nnd they divided the ".~1:'v L Archie .]'onc-s g:u'.'.- m-iclxwe its to win.-..` Kirby tnld him. The evidence was not, at. all xumt-Iusive and M.-Igistr.-xte Ross dis- l('h7lI`LL`(`Cl the prisoner. r\,, n 1 v\ - -- - --I --Clms. Denovmi,_better known as Blue Jaw ' who got .he spring fever v and said farewell to -his fellow inmates in the House of Refuge in week ago, finding tlmc the citizens of this burg did not receive him with 0 en arms as u wrmdering refugee and fged him on all the clelica.cies of` the land, souzlxb 1-eadinission on Tuesday to the County 'Home. and secu-red it on a. ccmmittal .of Cmmty Ccfum-illn1* vH1mmell and 5 Mugistmtu Some1's.-'-Beeton World. -nv u -The Smyner Sun last week stated that. John Tweed. who recently sold his hotel in E1mvale..h:a.d purchased the Vfusagai Beach `hotel from Henrv Frecinun and had secured a license for the place. As f'l.l`,'lS_the license is con- cerned this is incorrect lie the license, _ for this house-was cut: oft in -May and :1 new license has; not heen gmnr.d. Mr. Freeman interviewed the-couiu1is- sinners last week to see if they would relconsider the matter but `they refus- cc . V ,_., ..-.....- `Vi V: us ;I. H In as -Dr. \Vil1 Taylor received a `tele- g1-zunqn Sunday zumouncing that his _vm1ngest; sister, Edna," had died sud- dunly at Dominion City, Ma.u., where she was visitinn`. No particulars were given. Miss dxm was :1 general i'avn1'ite, :-1ndAl1er sudden death is g;re:1tl_\`1'eg1'ettec1. She was thirteen _ve:u's' of age. Dr. Taylor left for` in- ,nipeg on Mondzty accompanied by B.` Wa11tv1- Hunter. Gomlvshwang; boy. whp uuiiersxnds le c:u'e bf 1oz=:c-3 business . Anlblv 11. SON. Flve-Poims I`lI;xt |.\`o1)cl'ly 'receutl advertise/d 701 s:i.lc.b,\' every pm- -0-`B.-LA. ,,,_.__o -.- .- - n ~-J an --The prices are cut on all summer goods ntvh-win's. muslins, wash goods, m1der\\'ezu'. lmsiex-y, gloves, ' laces, ribbons, dress skirts and blouses, par- usnls, and all dress xnatex-ials. The sumecuts are made in men's furnish- ings. nude:-we:u-. sox, collars. ties, shirts, bikehose. and all lines of boots and shoes. It means 100. up to 400, , sawed on every dollar "at J. C. Iz`Win s. ' vx vu---n yu . , .. _......r~. raw-u tltuaniitl UUU lU\Vo --Before departing for Orangeville-. on \Vednesdzw, Rev. T.`_ E. Bartley was presented with "an appreciative address from the con regatiou of the ~ Collier street Metho 1st c1n u"ch, and Mrs. Bartley was resented with a. purse accompanied 5' an address by the ladies of tl1e church. -The Myrtle is the name of the new boat - that will run between Barrie and Peninsular Park. She was launc11~ i ecl int'o_the waters of Kempenfeldt on Tuesday. Owing to these in char e neglectmig to. close the sea cock, s e nearl_v l ed with water, but she was placed in the dry dock and the trouble snon remedied. It is expected that she will be running in a few day Tlxn .s..:;..... ....- -..L H '- ux_; uemm or 1\`ou:awnsaga.' The grounds of appeal are; that a number of_tbe other townships are assessed t_oo low. II)..l.`_.,. 1 ' __- -.. - -_..uu;u nuvsco -At. the last regular meeting of the Royal Victoria. Hospital Board. John Rogersou was appointed t1'easurez- in place of the late P. H. Stewart. Al [resolutionwnf condolence with Miss Stewart- on the loss of her brother was adopted. 4 -The first appeal against the: equalized assessment of the County in the history of Sxmcoe has been entered by Lennox, A1-dagh, Cowan & Brown - on behalfof Nottawnsaga.` The of_uppe:1l are number of the . .-.- .. -.-y..-guys uunaulll watc- -+Rev.VGhas. Pedley. late of London. England. lled the pulpit of the Con- gregational church on bunday very ac- ceptably. He will he with this con- gzegat-ion for two Sundays more. A 1- 0|... l....4. ._--,.-I I --Messrs. Vair, Vickers & Co. have gurchnsed the general business of ueath Bros.. Elmvale. Theyo en on July 12th with a Monster Bargain Sale. _T2n.. (IL..- n-.~n___ -J, __._--.. .. vv nu vu ymgc u. --'.l"he kissing bug has broken loose again. There is still hope for the Orillia. girls. V u -The Barrie Boating Club had a very successful -moonlight excursion hast Wednesday. Over $20 was clear- e . . --Penticnhtrs bf the great sale at Vair, Vickez-.5 6:. 00's. on page _'l`ln.. I.:..-:.... I_.., L I - - For Sale by Auction. LOEAL News. ucsnvv` LMQCELI : uanted. _' BARRIE. ONT.. THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1901. , time. -Surely` he should lmve at fair ausu), -tum he as yet coma see no reasnn forblmngiug his ltliiil-F._ -In Hon. G. \V. Ross we have it Premier of whom evei-_v Liberal and (.f\'B1`_V citiz-en should feel prohtl. He is a. worthy successor of our hue. lmnented Premier Mr. Hzu-cly, who led us ill`. the !;i.~:t t.-lcctimn. Pi-c-mien" Ross {zoos to the people fur thv l1'1`st trial. \V11:xt'h:xs: the 0p[)U;illl0l1 to o't=1-P , A policv of fault", mling 21ndlmn;.:ez-I for otce. At; this time, \\'ly;1-e so um:-h depends on an en'eI*getic:1nn x~`-_=sou1'ceful Govern ment, it would he folly to turn out an .~\duxi11is1re1ti tl`.::l.l1:1.~: proved . lit`-ielf c-la_pn.h1te `in 1:119-hGigln=st. de, e po icy o L 1e wss `uv_e1-nme-nt. In every way, is blue that is ~0|.u`.(l, and is cleservimr `of the lu-.-my snpp_01't: of all, liavingigchehbest lnt01`1esL$:n1 . out--ai-lo at Ieurt. C01 in}; \\'(`lll\. gl\'e him ;zx-Latex` - pleasm-c than to p`.:u-e (J;-zxtre $2111:-no once mo1'.=. in support, of the CrO\`c1'l)- ment, wllt-1~_c ii . ].1!_`:)1) .=i'l)' b:'lc:::g~-'. If elected, l1owo'vc1 , he would x-ace:-<'e the 3 - right to se his o\vn_j11tl;.:mL-nt azml sup- election. he hzul dune e\'o1'_vf_hEx1;_2; t.1:tt~ phrt: those 1x1e:mi;t-.x tlI:{:12l{.'tl in thc best} interests of the Provicc. T'.:rnih;.: again to local politics he said that m the last; was 1'i-ht and consistv:-.L to \\'i.n,- but ' - the thlr-rl camcliclate hurl l.h`C}l his 1111- sbatesumnship in the historv of Cnnaclzt. cluixxg. ' Ibis the duty of Rt-fm-mm-s to . redeem the riling';. and this: they mean to do. He believed that Libel-ails, both young -aml ol-`l, are unitefl in this de- tennin:xtirm,:u1d il':\llu:i1l kgep stezzdily ' at work. till the close of polling day Centre, Slmcoc will be safe, and will add one more to the hzmdsomu xna_im-lty , that awaits Premier Ross '-vl1c_n hi: :'.1;- I pearls to the people for enclormtiou of u I 7 policy that is unsc1rp;z.~;se.l in pl`L';'l.lL`.d M Nu\lll H:n~l."ir:c: n/r'.`-'u.1rn'.l: x.~:ln, nnn nl` $Cu`{lESI111ll1Si1lD in I'.i`.(3l1lSE0l"\' Ol LziLllF?.(lEL ` `A Neill H.s1`.'=;inS, 01' ..`:".1r:1'.iL`u`.lz~, one .::l the oldest; political war-lzox-:25 in the. riding, was askedto speak. Mr._Hark- lX1S'l1:1S seen seveui;y-four summers, and . for 21 years was president. of the Asso- , Vciatlon. . H_e said that be had :1t.tended `many other coxwentions. but never :1 > `better one. Looking back over the ` mane ms way no me pmuorm g After a few words of limnlzs for the! nomination. and the cordial inmmer in ` which he had been received, Mr. David- son proceeded, to review the situation of the_ridin_2f. showingihhe reasons for I defeat in 1893, and the prospects of} i victory now. He said he had notsought ' the position. It is 011e.of_'~.z1'ezLt\vexght. and `responsibility. but_ he h.-ui uz`.c`.er- lake!) in for the good of the Peuty. He would have worked inst as _h:u'(1fUl'i any other man. me had aiw.Lv::._ \'.'m'iv'.-.-J 3 imrd to u Jhoid `me pi-incipics oi L .i;cr- *1 alism, am he vet could Fnll i"h:xnrrinn- 313-. Java: -Tn Hun C \\7 - m a nun ngun ne xvs uounu to mu. 5 The motion was czu-1-ied, and the en- I thusiasm of the delegates burst into | cheers, that. were renewed with in- 1 c1-ensin vigor while the catndidate ] made 1115 way to the platform 1 After :1 few wm-ds of lh:m!:.= f m- that . New Lowell, That David Davidson be `supporters, but to the presence of a E10113. I _ C. E. Hewson nnnier`-.mtely rose and moved. seconded by John A. Bell of the ummimous .choice_ of the conven- tion. ' ' . ' S eakmg to his motion Mr. Hewson sai there was no di.~:sension_in the ramks:-the Liberals had but one pur- pose, viz._, to go into the light and win. l.`he defeat. of four years ago was not due to any fault of thecandirlate or his third man. wh_o,_\vithonI: aeliance of ` Winning, tool: euou;.,rh votes to defeat ` Mr. Da.\'idson. There were no two ii opinions as to the man to fight; Lhei. hzuztle again, Mr. Dawiclson could be relied upon to do the best for his con-fl sbituents, and the country generally. In it fair ght he is bound to win. 1 can-1-ied, . _ .un. u.x\ Lu-:u.\ \;L'L\.ID&L\c The new president, Mr. Gralmn1, took the chair. zuuid he'iu'ty applause. After brieyjllallking the convention for so honoring him, he` called for.nomina- _ ` tions. I I". II` Tlnn-mnn h.u~.n.r`!l.x0-.~.h- .r..~n n...1 Utllllpg '.|.llC1y; James JJIHOH, 11105. E:;_ecutive._ 'H.E. JnL-y, _I"et;e1- I{z11'x1s. By.rr1e;_Dan1eI Wood, 1. T. 1qun;_>;, Vespya : Alfred Lnx\'s'qn, fo_bt. Olnter, Spumdale ; Cha.s._ Raxmxn. 1wuL Dnccu, ';xlny; Alex. Spenra. John Richardson, as. 4 1 res., Richard Graham. Flos: Vice- P1-es., Robt. Paton, ex. M.P.P., Sun- nidale; Treas., Fred. 1\Iarr. Barrie; Secy., Donald Ross, I3'2u'rie. Vice- Presidents for Municipalities: S. Cald- well. Barrie; Chas. Stewzu-t, Vespra. ;` James Martin, Sunnidule; Wm. Le- 1 Camp. Tiny; James Dillon, Flos. \ Executive . Jnrv. Pm'.m- Kym-n:, I \ 75c - vvv \.a_ nu uuu `nu you: u.uuuL`iI.UIy. E 1 I 1 a 5 At 1 30_John Dickinson, president of the association, called the meeting to order, and Donald Ross was appointed sec retary. pro tem. opened the meeting with :1 short ad- Mr. Dickinson dress. He paidtting tribute to the i -memory of the late Premier Hardy. I ' and referred in eulogistic termsto his ; ` successor and the other members of the - policy of progress . inaugurated and being executed by Mr. Ross was clearly Such "a policy was meeting with the endorsation of the people, who would continue Mr. Ross in pan er by set forth. a. handsome majority. orpxcsns ELECTED. The election_of olcers was the next order- of business and re follows :- 1-5 A suited as Cabinet. The benet of the wonderful I 4 I I I I I l l f I I I uu cu Ltlll l.`_lIU9a UL uCII:b '|.l.vC!`a Vollmez-`s Hull being required for? ' Division Court, the meeting was held` in the Agmcultuml Hall, which an- swex-ed the purpose atclnlix-ably. . Ar, 1 an Tn!-`.4 T'\:nl-:n.~.\... ........:.J..._;. -5 ` To Carry the Liberal Banner to Vlctory-A Splendid Convention--Rich. Graham the New President of the Centre Slmcoo Reform Assoclation-0ther om- cers Elected. Seldom, if ever, has there been seen * a. better convention than that which assembled at Elmvnle last W'ednesda'v, and nominatei` David Davidson. of Penetanguishene, to contest Centrel Simcoe in the Liberal interests. Not- withstanding the very busy season, the townships lmd an unusually large re- presentation, every ixluxiicipnlitv hav- ing a full quota. of delegates. vnllnaay- a H-\" Ixninno u..n...:......1 ..., CHOSEN BY CENTRE SIMCOE LIB. ERALS DAVID DAVIDSON MR. DAVIDSON CHOSEN. ,1 , ,. Inn, n ,1 3 . I Dunn. . - g i GL1-:.\'.\`Ix5-~Iu Ban;-io. on J_um- 18111. :1 3 4 1;; 331'. and Z\h`~.<. WI ot-1-` I (v lm111,1o - . ` J0: T_uesdzv_.j.' July 9, a son 3 to H1`. gm-:1 I_ i1'.i1pJQuu:, John. stx'ect'1\o1'th, Burxac. . ` ` { 1 vv v\vIll-r|AllIV.VI The? marriage of Miss .-Ulnsx .-iin'-ny I and Mr. E. H . \Voe1n- of` Genes`(-0.` 11L, mm of the lite Rs-V. E. \V0>h1'. took place at "Ike PE:~.:3" '2::- xvsidetxcu of `the In-iLie's_f.-LLhe1', Mr, Y`."i1}iz1m. I-I. Aiuley. on Mons].-xy .-`fcer1m'on. Onlv the` iimnedizttc: relntiv-_3__s `of the bx-:'(`1'c ` [were present at `.119 L-u:'eu1ony,_ whz}.-I1 ` \\'LS}) ;`).'fU1`lC`(| by R 2-\'. C:u3o'.: Runner. : The hous-3 \':::s p`.'cEI.I' d.~:cm-.U..:':U. with \vl1itci_i1igs .-.nr,i L`U=~t'S. [he bride Wm-e ; [_.~L imm'1.+o,an_c t.=u?.u1'-~:11 H1: gzmvn, of blur: I l1:1t-t.o match, and can-1-ied-a shovrc-r lmqau,-t of whxtc 1-uses. The bndesumid. bx-mttluloth, with white ilk b.m1.:e';\uCl - .Mi.s.s Lijiizm Ain1._s, \vo1~e. ex p1'elt_V: whit-2 ur;:a.udie a'n-:1 L'.il1`l.`iL{d red roses. Mr. E. l:`:u'mxbs' of Chic-nggo W.-ts best . mzm. 311'. and .`.L.-5. '\Voe-hr W221 visi`. ; lthe Pan Ame:-ic;m and other points 7 -of intc-1-r.=sL before 1'etuL'uin;.: to .thcix'< `.1o'.ne". Ge;-noses), 111. . ._-1.i.Rs>.x::o. Nm>.'I`H(m.\\'Ese-E()v)\'I:ri --On Jul ;-' P}; 3 Rev. 0:111:11). .\_nv.`p!`.y, Joseph North-",5 craves vto Mxas Alice-H,oo\'+.-r, but 11 of i T~~v*.c!i` " R at, St. Paul's L'hlll'('I1,`Il.|1}iS],' bv the 5. |_I'.?U %Ll; ;'4JlL'., OvJ __' iHobloyvB1'os. lace [and wag-e '.-We-., Toronto on W ec1nsday eveningz, Jnlv 3:-.1. by P.e\'.'A. Beclford, LEc':1:u-Ll I\5.:nt1'.-'.L';,- son of Wm. biotfatr. B.-nu-E9, to L`I_i.=.s Susie Lu_em1tu Bax-lleyi, ,T;\!' ? i I\Io1~'1=_vr'r-B.-u;1'1.1;Y~-.-it 41:3 - Defe- I I %~--%'- ,-.'-"1`l1:m->., 1't*cm)'.`1y, p.:%:`L'al J -~ I`hc s:win_:>; runs from 100. to his (--x;uninz'.1i()'n in `Cm: 1758.61. pair on reliable lines of boots g\'oo:11`.s'r-iexm-, 1..n~mou_\'. and shoesif `bought at J.`C. I1'win s i.-`ml instrxnneniaLinn". I `and the `largest stock in Barrie to ` n-ofes.-;nr in :\'<>1'L'1f$ TL: 1 choose from. ' * ' Vocal Science Acu-.1cmy, iLll3X.l;lbA\ L` LL:U\'lllCL`. _ _v _ v ' .L::c xw;-c-LL11: cloud; 'm:`n xousxng cheers for the King, P1.'cu:ivI' Rass, and T Mr. Davidson. i I1uitU~Ulll' rmvmce SO pl'0S:J8l'O\1S lSCll1';' ` to his energy and fnmesight, and we lament that abilities s0gl'en.t.'11id pat`:-i~ aotism so pronounced are so e:u'I_*,'-1-ost.r.o -his xmtive Province. ' 9 -T7 . Inn/'.:I\.r ..Y.~..,..`. .`. `VA _ I :-Boots and shoes at \vholes:~.`m3 `prices at I1-wmis. - - than sbzztesman by his succession ta the '01 non. A. 2,. 1`1.`1l`(|_\`, exlremier of the ` |Province, who for so long a term held .3impo1`t;mt offices in the (iovernment of `Sir Oliver .MO\\ :{t, and whose abilities -were recognized. on the 1`eti1`-.=111em- of positxon of Premier. \Ve recognize; thst; much of the legislation that has ; |umde.ou1' Province is due. enerszvuucl fm-esi2'ht'. and um! ; ur11~'x~~-Ia; I l"m.11e1- Duir_\', =Lnem 1 su porter ill the next elect.iou.. ;fu;'n1". Moved 2;. Alfred Wilkes, seconded hoh-d.` by J. H. Neelunds.-Thnt the Liberals 5 `I ' 01' Centre Simcoe in convention assem- in -1 j bled, desire to express their entire .j" -e satisfaction with the Government. at ;"' fe ` Oltnxyai, and their appreciation of the) M1`-`v1 splendid work al.Ie:1dy,'g;1ccomplisl1ecl by U=`1`di1." Sir \Vill'rid Lcuu-ier and his able z1sso- H19 the_; ciutes in oice. ' ' -J- COM Moved -by Donald Ross, seconded by 1 311-5, 0. SteW2u`t,-Tliat the Reformers of ;`}-ft vea- the riding of Centre Simcoe desire to 1\vl1el-9 express their deep regret at the death ,with 11( `of Hon. A. S. H.-u'd_v, exPremier of the M1,: lP1'0vince. \Vl)0 for so lnncr n rumn hnlrl '. ` `L. Moved bv C. \V. Plaxton, seconded {}"etm-ned from visitmg LL12 Pam Amer- by H. E. Jory,--That: the Liberals ot`g'-(`M13-lSt W'91*3- _ _ Centre Simcoein conventionasseu1bled'. -`\,1C`X- ~\50D0l111011y Of -K111512012, 11:15 do hereby express unbounded c0n- ;1'`111"~t 1 TOM-5 1101150 f01' Jul) dence in thenc1m1nisbrat.ion ofthe Hon. H11 - 8'5 '- - [G-. W. Ross and his able colleagues, and I The Misses `Young. of '\V.-zslxizlgton. | the progressive` policy being pursued J D.(`., are sulnmering at M. E. (`:1-:t_v's_.l l v. . u. zsotmveu rm-:1 H. J1. Dymentl by them, and quy determination to Mzu-_vst1'eet. ` '`ke_e"ey 1,egt}mMe etf`_ to 5.end I, Mr. and Mrs. `V. J. Halletl, and -them .3. po1t;eL the next elect.1ou..;fami1y 10,-9 m_(1a:; to Sven (1 tlwil. x,..3l'r0Lt;d\'r .X.1.:%.lP5e(1gkgf 59.f"`de.d Hwlidews in Mnsknkzl. uavmson am: we moss Urovernment. ] Chas. Beck. of Penetang. expressed I his pleasure at; Mr. Dzrviclson being selected. A constituency could not ? want a. more worthy representzztlve. ; and he felt. sure that. the Libel-a.lsot ' Centre Slmcoe would see that he was 1 elected. V nun nu rw-nan...-. T ST. RIE. - tuat ue migm; nave :1 Die: majority.` Duncan Marshall, the`Libe'rzLl organ- izer, wus the next speaker, and a. uent and forcible one he pro\'ed to be. The, first part of his speech dealt with organ- ization. the secret of success, and he` gave much valuable information. Pro- ceeding to discuss provincial atfa.irs.'he said that Liberals never had such a. good opportunity. There never existed such good feeling towards a. Govern- ment. Mr. Ross has won the support, the appreciation and the admiration of the people, and should have the aid of ` head and heart and hand of every Liberal in the coming ght. Mr.-VVhit- uey has no xed policy. He changes it gas often as the moon. Mr. Ross policy 1' I shows 8. capable and aggressive states-. 1 l umnship. Mr. \Vhitney's is negative. . He has opposed nearly every progres- ~( E - wav policy, the most important feature . men this young country is proud to sive measure introduced by the Liber- als, and in the end, seeing the wayl public opinion was drifting, was com- ( pelled to agree with the Liberal view. I At the lust session we had the remark- uble sight of the leader of the Opposi- . tion endorsing the (:`rovernment s rail-` of the session. Brief sketches were given of the careeis of the Cabinet- Ministers, every one of them self-made men, who worked and fought their way up, in spite of their early sur-l roundings, to the proud positions they 9 occupy today. These are the kind of have at the head of atfuirs, and it is in . the best interests of home, family, i- fricns, and country, to keep such men , there. The Tories will, put up 3. des-l Derate ght to gain office, so he.urged Liberals to put forth every effort. He felt sure that double cheers would be I heard from Centre Simroe on election ' night; cheers for the success of Mr. Davidson and the'Ross Government. (H1119. R9011, ni pnnnfnnn ovrunneonrl I 1 ii --om- ro u'-.- b1em1.s`as u ul -.f `)-\n `2'.n I`... .-.n 1 .-\._v\.uo RESOLUTIONS. _ 'I.`he `following resolutions we1'e:v.Iopt- struggles of the past. he said. `every Reformer should be proud of the sgiendid position the Party occupies t roughout: Canada; to-day. After a. complimentary leference to the candi- date Mr. Hm-kins concluded his re- marks hv zgdvising young and old to` get off their coats and get to work, so that hg might have big majority. ` Duncan Marshall. the Liheml nrcmn. Woeh`:'-Ainley. `-vu:nnun At` '\| 7.~r. `\V . Fyt:`._v11e1-, on :I111_\' 3. Rev, , P.P., aged 45 yo.-a1-s. - 3'6? ten an-0, um-1vnl- . an-.1 .'.-Oc. Try them. mley. ss Ainh-y_ E. 2:: x'csiC,er.1(~u '1-_. fcerno'on. _ es the {)1-{tic :?eu1 . _C:u3`o'.: R_ciu_ey. I `\J:A2".x1p1-1'/. `.\ I I g .-'1'. F0 iltd 10 km ipul 0: E ;=.pp1'oc-121' ilI1Ll ;:;.3() 1 i M 1 Rev. H. J =11:-r dip!` IVY` ; J.` I ,l`Ul`-C0` `n-... on can ur lax- ll('!O"V. I ' ` ' . 1 1-. Fn_nc:' 1- s Bum-10-f1-illcls 111-1.-. pleas-I | 0 1n0\`.' tlrgxt his sex-vices us p1-inci- I cu B1-eulrord H1<-fh School :11-(Al i;:pp1'oci2xt`0(1. He has $18611 1*o(-ng:.-a;rm!_. gxml .:$.;U i1dV(1.(7.`-fl"t() hrs 5:11:11-`\`. - ' ,i 3["*` Ijlaunmh Czmmevron, s_iscer- uf' D. CaLguet'Lnx3, has just received her d1p!ouuL- in h2u'mo1;v from Lhei . 1 ' ' ` ' . . . . 4.:-<,m.L0 (,4o:)=ex-\';1t:01`v uf .`pIi]'1(; 1]"{'\`1n(_`I 5 ;g`1~.--.v;u1:vted\\`ithl1ouors_. . V ` ' ` I ` . ' ; -M1-:-=. and Miss B1;1nch;*.1*(`., P-li:;`Go1d-` ?smir1x.:1:1d .\)i. Lzlm`-rm;-, of C'ur,-in- guati, Ohio, :11-csLxnx1ue1-ing `at; Jun. E .\Jg2inp1-izc's. ' ` .. Q` 1" . ,... _ 3 4 lI|.\. ~`L|LAAlAl(.lll a All -'J.L|3Il\JK\El- Miss Pauline Ot.t.~uv:Ly, 1:;-adzlate of`; jthe \Veste1'n H0.~pitzll, Toronto, is g`s'3ending11u1- holid.-tys with her par- Fents, Mr. mu`. Mrs. Geo. Oztmvuy, Rose gstreet. ; H-u,r.,rh Dickinson. G. B. Strathy, gF1':mk ML'Cau`Lh;.' and Mr. Lindsay ieftyeste1 -d:iy for :1 four days canoe _t:`-in nn Se'.'er:1 River and Gem-rvinn ; B1) . ' .'L`1L )`t'5[` I01` I011!` Clays I2`-:1) Rzver and Georgxan I `\|I\.v .1: 1-`red McKee is with a surveying 'p:n-Lynt`. Work in, the Sttlrgeon Falls ; district. vx . -- . .. _-_. , :\IAol LII. 99 Dr. and M1-s._ Arnold of Chicago l` `era the guests of M1`. and Mrs. \Vei1' . `last week. ` , ' ' I11 r\ ru .1 u .-. -- _ ` II ILIA LILL IJLl.I|.`.|llTL }J.l.u .LllUlll.`|IlI. . Mrs. V.-mSitt:u't. and family _".\`iUI ;1e;z.ve Bmsz-ie to 1-e_side in Tm-onto after ithe holidays. Mrs. and Miss \'a2:Sitr.:u't .u'e summex-ing in Jluskoka. I I \':c;~ n....1:..,, 11.4.. -r ,u . \, uu-. nu .3 Martin Burton and cl;i1d1-en ileft ycsterclay for New Imi1(1o1l, Conn.. fwlxore they will spend the summer ,'\\'ith 1101- b1'ot`l1er_D1-. Thomson. ,1,__ 1v_,_n.,. . u n '1 ...' `u\vuuu_y -3 Au ux ltotuuu. 1 311-5. George Coles. Miss Bert11a.`! !C()11:`S:ll]d Ernest Coles are spending! at fi.-W weeks at Newbex-x-y, Mich. V ` D. Lewis, _I`f"h stm-et-. left _\'es~ ;Le1*c1a_v for the Pan .- moricaul and will the guest of her clmlghter, Mrs. A. J. Cofiold. ' 5 ...u _v ~JI.A\4\. u :fzunil_i' ;hu11da_\~'s 1n Mnsk0k:_1. `J 11:: lltxnnrvn (`ah-.. bunch M1-s. Geo. Reedy and family; of Tor-i ;onto, are in town for the sumzner holi-` gdzxys. VV 1 `I vs . ..- A xmnus." Mrs. Alex. Z\IacL:n'en of Hamilton `H-i. zu-id .\Ir._<. .\IacLzn'en this lweel-2.7 ` ' ` .-. vs . - - .. V -- a Mrs. Pengraul. of New'Ya1-k. is spending the holidays at Wood-' Hands. \I ..,~ Alp..- \r..,.`r........ -1` 1 r__..,-1., -V.....u.....u5 ul. -11 vuu. I Miss Elwoi-thy, of Coilingwdod, is lvisizing her rsister, Mrs. Phipps. ` Mi-3. O'Neill of Denver, Col., is vi`sit~ ;i;1g her sister, Mrs. James Vair. Miss Amy Cavill, of Collin wood, is visiting her cousin, Miss Haze Phipps. Miss L. Lawrence of B.u'rie is visit- iizmg Miss D. Gz'ant.-Gra\'enhurst Ban- * I 1191'. -\:css1`s_'S_v(1nev (`-. Bmsi::1- 1_'m-k`:Ju1r.1 11'. E. Bxusiwr of I m s'p'L-nclir.-"gr:1 _fe,w (1`.}"; in u ;\:eI~L.s nf M1`. U:11'Iny, Pep] st;-p lI.l.\4 Al.\JLl\.lll/"V 1115 ll]. I/\J\V I]- Miss Stella Reed left last week for an extended visit in Chicago. . I \h~c A I" !'l.n~.,L\u ...1 c.....:1._ -_.- nu .uu,..uu\.u -5.114. In ulllpntlg ! Mrs. A. (7. Garden and _fzLmily are `summermg at `.\1agz11-:1, Uut. _ e \T:-_.= 'lTIm,~...H.w .-.4: rV,.n:...........: :. (All ..u u .. u u.u um yuxcuua. Mrs. Bickell and familly. of Toronto, are holgdaymg 1n town. T\Tu'ce Qt-nil.` 1 )...-..`l Int; l....L _-_1_ 4-,, ..;.uu..n. u_.uu LLIID H` CV18. Miss Packard of Port Hope is iii V town for the holidays. Misses 11. A. and E. Turner are holi- I-(laying in G1-avenhurst. A u.-J. '[1`-......u_ -4D :1; 1' , - o - --- u.._u u.-5 ru unnvclllllllbb. Arch. Fqrsvth of St. Louis is visiting xxx town wxth hxs parents. ` tune n:,.1-..n M4,: .....:n... -c 'A.,_,,L I -_uu.a. 1. J2. L`1Ul.-Uut!l'. ._,:, J. M. Nally of Hamilton is spendmg a few days in town. ` V n\';:a Tm... \r.....__,_u_ _.- n - - u. n. n urn) a_ nu yU\Vl..l. Miss Jean Macwatt of Sztmia. is visiting Miss Isa. Scott. Tr\1-\r| 12...... .--. .- ,1- H -v -- xu v u cu. sauuuu. P. D.` Bentley,` of Coburg, is'1{o1i`- (laying in` town. Miss Standen of Chicago is Visiting Mrs. R. E. Fletcher. `.;,g I `I I1 \`r..n__ ,5 1-1 ... . v -u-mug aunaa Lark L3L'Ula|u John Barr, jr., is doing the Pan- Amerxcan this Week. II}... 'l`l-_l._,,'I [I 'r\ . -v - .....5. - Iv Dr. Geo. Smith,_ of Sudbury, is visit- 'ing town. ' George Thomson of Toronto has been visiting in town. Miss Groseis visiting. at her home In Owen Sound. , Chas. J. Smith is visiting his brother i I in Owen Sound. 131-\.11,.1 . -r-- "" w uxnnt D. Botliweli rmd H. M. Dyment etm-ned visiting um Pan Anwm. Mrs. L. D. Beatty is siting in Co-` mrg. ` ' 5 Personal. L'L';'.~p;1*.L:." ; London. Lou M330 ' of .\'v\vi 'I`m'(mt_o Lmvn N5! | mu`. ' '1. .`;L ;lniU"l- $1.00 PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE lj_'l'L'\'lUll_\' '1 at Orillia. : xnenco uer 1'0gu1:u'_ `a- } Bag Bay Point :1ml.fn;- 1 S:1Lu1'L`a.'1_v f1e.\:t, 23.1in.-1 1.4.. -`Q *1`>nn -.1; I .~x.. mu. ` , . \Vhen the ceremony Wns: (`hm J amd the 0: 1: gx':1Lui:1timxs had be I r:cn`ed the guests \viL11rh-(Aw I !awn where -the thxlales were t:`..`~fi :(-01'-..tec1 under `a covex-in;.-; of In | After the usual tOzi.~?`.3_`- and ; slum-.-rs of1'iue Mr. zmzl .`~I1-5. Par: glgft on F 11 short` wed:1in;.: Lm -l\n:_g:xz-21 and Bulfalo before uni the-irneWho_mem-3Izmitm\':u1in; I Th_c m-any oezmtiful urxzl -;'c~.`Y_s' 1-.f:c5-aw.-cl shnwetl the lgh :-.p.p1/.;~gv` emu 8?-{(-<.`ln in wlc-h mu \w)Im;t 1 ' Eulu t`.-~11-(:11! H1 `.`\'l1!C U11` _` 5 `were-.'11ei(1 by their many 1 ' . Partridge-Sibbald. A pretty wedding tobk placv in tho` Menhoclist church, Iulencloxvva-1c=. June . the 27th, when Emily. d.-n.:y.;hr:-vs of ; Francis Sibbald. wacxmited inmzu-ri:1_s:c to Rev. H. L. P211-tn-itlge, B..-\.. son of \V. J. Pa1'tx'idg`e of C1-own Hill.. The |chm'ch was prettily der_-or:-.rc-.1 and at , half past three the _x:uc-.<!:~:h:1d z`.:."~-:-'1n1~I- ml together with mmyy f1-macis of the bride and groom. And as Lh-2` :tx'.'1i11s of the wedding mm'c~h : lthe church, the bridal p.-nty icntc-red. T110 bride was assist-:v" hy hr-1' sister, His-3 Flnr'enc~e Siblmld. `.'.":1iIe-zhr.-grno|1) was ably supported-lay his 1:1-otht.-r-, D1`. A. `V. P:l`l'H`id!`fP hf T-31111.": F:-.1! was zuny supporter!-hy his Mac! A. \V; Pzu-t1'id5:;e of I;`u:k`.- I ' The cerenmny was pex"1'o1`m(::1 by I \V. A. Rmlwvll, ussisto. by Ha-\`.~'.. . Chapman ILA. and_'\\'. G. \V':`_s I ~\__ `FLD, pm}. uoncl I01` Clelli. ~ VVl1en Timothy S. Morton pm-chased the O. F. Wriglit farni at _\Iim-sing. Philip Fuller` was wm-king tl.r.- plaice: for Mrs. \V1-ight. After purc-'m1sinq. M01"t0n did not move on the place for some time and made an ngi-ee-ment to give Fuller the use of the l1<~.u.-e and garden, and pasture for 11. lmrse aml, cow in return for the use of fmm im- plements owned by Fuller. In the course of time the parties (ll':':lf., l"e(l_ :and Morton tried to take the imple- | menus. Fuller got pm-t of: Ll1r_-in .-Lway ` and then in-ought; action to 1'u(:u . cl` the lvalue of the l.1a1z1nci=. $.31. with $6 . :l.una2os to tlwse`thul: \vere 1-ngmovecl, and $21 for wages. Morzou t. Xi.t.`l`OLl .-L cnuutt.-rclaim of $76 fur ni-nt. wood, lmy. etc. The jury 1-etm-necl .-L \'i*l`(ll:'!. l for the plztimitf for 821.32 and 0:-alered ltvhe return of the llHplt:l!JL'Hl.'~` winliin -three days. Boys for p!l"r'. Iirjss for deft. ` . uck, pr -For?clot,'hing I1-wixls is the est store m Canada. Morton. - Samuel Gordon sued M. Crdmm for $20, the` value of it hay rake p!11`ChlSE`(l. at an auction sale from one .Xtkins(_m. of Dalston. Cmmm claimed that he had only" loaned the rake to z\Lkin.~on. who had it nearly two ye.-u-s zmal then sold it. Atkinson claimed that he had bought the rake. Though the sale was held last. fall. Go:-don did not go after the rake till this sprinfz when C1-0mm refused to give it up. Ht-nce the suit. Judgment for the cleft. Cm-swiclie for plf f.. Hood for deft. VVhen Tilnntlxv g Wlnvwfnn hln-r-l1-1 aorl l1lUl\lI_l vvun lu_ There were thirteen cases on the Di- vision Couxt list last; Th\u:~-.l;:_\'. A case that promised to be very int.e1-esting (Barclay Bms.. of Inuisi, vs Lott Webb, of St1ond,"an action ova-1-u lease and rent). was settled out of court, the defendant: paying $25. 'l`\'m cases of interest that were fnn9:`.1t- out were Gordon vs. Cmnan, and Fuller vs. Morton. Qn.n...d (:.....,1,.... ......,I If l`1_._'.,,_._ 4-_,, . -1yAICc auu ucuunuca hut: nnuuer. ` The Orillia. `News `Letter says :-The - marriage of Dr. Harold Anderson of ` Vancouver, B. 0., and Miss Ouidu Mc- ` wishes Wil Cosh, daughter of Mr. John ML-Cosh, which was announced to take place" here has been `postponed for .1 couple of Weeks. Dr; Antler-son s official duties as quarantine inspector at Van- couver, unex ectedly reinlw.-ed it im- possible for , im to .le:u'e his post .`l[ present, so that the wedding wall mke lace at Vancouver. Miss M.(.'COsh eaves for there on Monclaty. Wliilu. the many friends of tl1epu pulnr young couple regret: that the wedding will not take Place in Orillia. their best; - follow them in British Columbia. -The S:e:unm- E no:-nee her 1-ogulu 2%.: nu?` Dn:..- nv\I` Mrs. ancl MISS Mclxltosh of Oberlin, Ohio, visited Mrs. Stewzu-t. .\lu1cnster street, this week on their way to North Bay. `l.`nnr1 (1l...J- voo`-A ..._-.4- I ' ' "` Mrs. a1.1d Miss McIntosh of Oberlin. hio. vlslted Mrs. Sm-m-r u..1....-..+... Steamer E nun `oughl lJI`l]Ill Division Court. ._._ A.`_,,L_ _,, \ each 1-.a_ c_JcnuL'uwu Uy nu\:. :1ssistoLHy Revs. J. A. md_\\'. G. \V :11.-son. B. uncnv c-hmpleted v uizttions been 1:`- sts to the tkxlwles were t.-~.:tily d~:= .Vcov-1-in`,-; lmughs. A t0iir?l.s_`- am. amid [L-. .'. .u".;-idl_:(-. t" tom` mi lfalo (_'g`)ix:.>; to . .n-)Izmituw:u1ing. mful -;'c~.fy. gxfts :\]`.pL':"c'-:*.tim') - \:fl\ 1I.:| .-....... ..,.....x,. r (ix-I: .Jc1n 'K' _\ \ 'U.'b U1. \\ llJ|,'1lJl\.' p1'1e`t, at Stnylwr. * \\`:'.:s mlmxmz-t1-:.tm' ."LlH.l t;hi21x- ucmwsn or Ul)e1-lin, . \ (H1 fhniv \\'nxr fn xi :1 1 '\"'ll`~' '.-! n,V'cx`sity. Iieiv -:1` ])1'l`Sr.' i'o1'~`JU mu.-. ..(-` 1|'!\::n`| I... Jr.-rszc-}.',A:u1d (-d- ` '.`L".".(1(7H : 1-011 [:10 cheap- F, uU|_Y .|Oc 1r:_ f.:HE. Rev, 1 \` JREV II '1! Wlly. %3im!n9nf& 00.1 Straw Eass u. H.MaaLAaEN, M Bruggisi and llptician Barrie I @@ef Next Door to Telegraph Oice. ...Sat_isfaction Guaranteed... 1 L. R. c. P. & s.. EdInbur;:.'. E -. M. F. P. & 8., Glasgow. , l\Iembe1' ct` British Ophtlmlmologlcnl Society. \SPE.0|ALTY-DISEASES or Eva ' EAR: THROAT AND Nos: 0mcc--S4 Duulo 1 Street. Bothwews Block. Bar- rie, opposite Post tiicc and Railway Station. ; Phone 54. P.O. Box 96. con- oeee@e} ALEX. MELNE. MERGHANT TAELORIII _ 47 Dunlop, St, Barrie, Studio : ' Hours-11'to 1; 7 to 8. 'l`eIe')hone i135. DR. J. P. LEMON. J. Frank Jac%ks%on, I3AINfT~iOw... Before the ies come, and he sure you get the best aint. VVe have the BEST AT HIGH PRICES.- 3 cases of oys Straw Hats` antages detwear. VETERINARY SURGEON AND_ nsunsr _ Office: 56 John_Street. Barrie DR~.d. ARTHUR ROSS. Johnston 6: Warren, Von. xxxvu. No.` 28. Maker of; Portraits Headquarters for Cameras `and Photo Supplies SIGN OF THE BEARS .\1u:; s 503. Days 25. J sue Post om DP... R. 14- VIVIAN. ` I-1CI.\I(I-`.0L`A'I`HIS".`. For the Iluiidaya. 100, `.'.'0c:, 25:'._ l'v|c|:' I Ir:-mc .ll snd nodal (3.0. D. 33' Dunlop Street 156 Dt111!u1SL1'c\ :t. B-.u'x'le. . 75, S1.U')." , 350, 50c. ' 7 Gases ' of Rustic`; maids ml Runway St: :16. Residence and Office. uU'-..i&ni ` ',1vJ\'I-SR 4- I: X -'.`I'-_ l 4'3(`- I`. {MT 5` s3 m':c11 s:\1i4 -iug L1:e1rc:u it ho;-1; n ace nocomm-.\:1.`.ti he got rczuly 'tICv.1.=. ' A coxnpfetu up-to-(late cs t-l1o`.`ough , pm It p:1_','S _1o Ci:`cu1;u' tree -. BAI I; - n.a.m2n~:, ONTARIO. A 0" wsss. `IT? ors, 15c aists. in 0, Pink, DEB`Eru`TU.F.`.13".SV AT 4 m:.n.`_<':I3N'r. [INTEREST 1>A_Y,-mgr. HALF YEARLY. . V ' 7 . V I `gQ>v- `_3v">'_Qv%`Q. Qr %r $450 . . ` -J.\'. 14. li:\J.\' \\ .l.Cl\, BARRXII. Or to B}uw1c2:. A_5'1cswo:fth as Wright. , V endorz -50\.`ft\3l'3, 1`umnro. [l.~1h`-:1 Wirh I n' nfjunn A n I n an n- n Ganada Permanent 8:. Westerhi I Mortgage Corporation} -`run.-.-_ ......'. ____`-_., V ,,_, ,._ .._, .-_:._ tercu due 1 No. 2600. ' ' , Erecud thereon is u c0111t\n'tt\bl(: bl`1('k dwellim: I conmmm: ctfht x'oom~. nlso brick stable. all :11 good O1`(l\:X'. `he grrouuds are 11111 out \vltl1ox'z1:1< mental and shade trees. about slxty iruit trc-e=. excellent\v.uer.:1nd <.-omm-.1udin.',-' :1 be;1urit'ul\'Ie\v of Kempcnfe.dt BM . 'm.~n\m- 'T`nn ...,. I\'\I\I- ... .:.... 4"k1.} .. v. Lu:uI1Iu::lt:.u( DRY. TERMS: Ton pet ceu_t. at time of s.\le.nm1 for b:1I:1ucc tcxms mil he 11 JCIRLI and Will be made lmownrnt time of sale. ` ~ L`m- o'.uIm..'.\-..}1....I... . muriie . ' secuttriiy.--P1u'toi' Lot 10 in the 14th Concession of Iunisiil. cont-.tinin;: 52 acres utot'e.ot: less exclus- ive c-1` ro.-u`.= esrnhiiaited tht'0u.':h the same. com m~.-ncin;;' it the (1lSlii.iit`0Ol'V7 chains and 5`) links on the \\ st side or ronti ztiiow_:tnce between Lots 10 and i1 .s.tttiteriy mun the .\ot'th-zru Ry. on the snici 14:11 Com; thence \\'(*3tel`l )*:1iitl paraiiei with the Ry. ttli it meets division inc between north putt and south halt` of mid Lt 10. ten chzthts more or iv:-z timnce westerly till it meets tt mint in (ii\'i~.`iou lino l.ct\\'et:n Lt-ts No. 9 and 10:11: tiistattxt northc-ri y :2 lutins and 1:3 Iiit_kS frutn line of divis- tnn i:~:u'con south half and north pttrtot` Lot 10 betwevn suiti bots Stand 10 till it meets liemyetu feidr B.t`;,`; thuncc enstc-1'1`;n!o:u;slto1'out' item- 1 -ufcldt Bay to we.~:t side or .r0t\d xtiiownnce t2otwecx1VLot..= `Nos. 10 and 11:ti'o1'sait1: thence on \\'c5tc-riy side of stiti .i'0:td u.iiot\';tnr:c to pint-e of be:`iuuin.t;: t'eser\'ing thereou: . the .\'o1 thct n Ry. Co. s right or way and that part of lot couvc-yeti ta that company by i`C;,'iStt.`i(:d dc-etis S05. tvsiiattri 1972. mid that part cott\'eyc-(Ito tit.>.t.)ut'po1`:\t1mt of Iunistii by regis~ tercti tire No. '. ti0ii. ai'ort-s;tit`.; thence .r.-:-x'tl:m-:_\' on tiivisi:-n line ! tin-nion t n r-nmf`.n-tnhl.-. 1-..~1,.t.- .1"-.m:.... I ._.- ..-. ... .. ...u..; of the east lmif of said Lot'2'x'. On Parcel No. 115 41 (`tame dwe-_lIIng'l1ouse 26 by 5-2 feet. frame barn :;`S_ by 80 feet. and 1'cedln:; stables with stone foumlnmu nnd sheds nttm-bed. About 60 acres at` clay and clay loam 1u1dcx'culxi- vation. `Cedar rail fence and excellent pnsmre to lake frun&.ou1n:;iu:'o:1d.a\l.out_i lmles to Barrio mhrke S0(.`undl\'_---Pm`? m` L.-.r m in nm 1 m. m\....,...: s.1T:7a:_u.ua'. ran: emu nu or ; Jl'L`i'. 1901. ` arm: [or `Black. 1 Agents N . I At One o'clock. the following 1n'o;1ertles, name`. ': Firstly.-'I.`hu east lmlves ct Lots 97 and 28 n the Fourth Cpxwesalon of _0ro, containing together 171 acres more or less e.\'v.-epm g the north 14 acres of the Lot 27. No. 115 :1 frnnm Ih\'4-Hinrv hr\u.m rm 1... -[JNDER power of s:\1e.!n n certo.m'reci.=tered a\Iort::.\`:e to the Vendors. whlqh will be produced at the time of sale. and on demult Lvelng made in payment of the monies thereby scoured. them Wlll_he p`:-.x-ed (`ors-.1le by public auction by JOSEPH ,RUGlR5. Auctioneer. at tho Qucenfs ' - Hotel.Unr1'le. on Residential Frbbertf-near Barrie. ]Va1uab1e1*ope1"tyl I IN TOWNSHIP. (`IF 0l0 ]Auo`nQ_N SALE! nuuwn lu. lill: Q1 SING. For 1'utlu:r' 1>:u't!(-uhus apply rd Ix`. L. bAR\\'] \`cn(1OI`.~.' .3011.-1:013` IJn'LeLI.`0:h(l.1_\' ox`June. A. D. 19 `1. Any 1 .1`n(-111' Both in x`h':~tvcI.1'~`s condition. B11;-fgy recently `varnished and -omulete|' overhnued by the n1auut`nctm'er., Rensouabe terms. Al)1)l_\_' to FR.-\I\'li C. HARPER. 1&2 Duulop Sn, Bx_u'1':r.-.29 Buggy $4` Cujffter` For Sale. only. It 0119 _to sell ise that it awn-W uni. xg cu \:.\u:uu 4 IK |M.'y'u ll. ,ncL-ommvozhtion, :1m1-as fast 1 re;u_1_','. ou_t g Dnpila g t'.c-us. coxnpfetc cquipmenr, :1 tn_oroug_hI_v e':'L-.hIislnncx`1!. in e\'qry' Hue t-l1o';ou',;h, pmczlcal, s:v.Usfacto1'y. : to r.L1u.1d 'the_ E. B. 0. ,Get a. Ci:`cx11ax't1'eforapost card. . ` - 1'..\ '.-Luau.) .3 nu -SLA DU-3 UULI` l'a`.':IG .u~I1 :.n_ .".tten:1:u1cc.' or `given `s: sallt'nctir,m to `us patrons as dur- -ing u1:cprceu:u ses.~Xonj. Three times has nzce. V nccomnlozhtion, :uxr1- as as thoyczm rezuly. tlg go to slt'..:1_- l-`nu: :u{.- :0 cxleml its seating ` EH. H. Otton} &VSon, Dita-an .1 A - . - . . _ . . . . __ GANADIAVH GTWANITEWARE IN TOWN! lnisxory has {he BUSINESS ' COL- . -un. H. H.-OTTON & sow, 55:51 JUN We have Kettles from 250.111) Large 16 quart: for 750. _ Our Grnuitewm'e is all first qualify. We keep no second quality goods. I I H I J HI. - MADE.` IT IS THE STRANSKY STEEL ENAMELED WARE. Every piece is guawuxteed for five ye:u-9. Call and see Ir. J `an M... I......,.... ,...._x. , .. rs, only Ilu null (Hill 586 ll . - Also. the largest stock of Er-5`? -"n .,, W ugai J`.-Q`) mt=o:\ h.'1\'5'lx:." fr-Jtn .*'.C0nm1 l2[J\\'l1l`( `vx aux l1I)d.'-l_Ib'<:.l I'.1\'L$`C".}c}llI Burke 1 ucd by um Cu1'po1':u_xon., . ` ASSEfi`.`3, CVFER 893300.000. ,1\I `.- ta:- x;\. ,:c-'. p ,h:ll\:`.`. 11131-3 m _ bAR\\'ICIi, B.u:x>.n:_ A 1!} twin n me!` 1: VJ! n he :uu:`!t_.- . '1CL`(`lJ[aH)1\ ' 1m'tfculm's, apply '1 paeseavmu TIME 15 ON NOW ( BR.'GWICK. Du . . `.x[`-Y1`.-Q 0 1-3 7.`) YCLFS. as been ccliilh cquipo [or