psi Block. 8. loot, 0n'my 1anu.j Accordingly the party passed on. g and the tajrmer, though revonged on his old lalndlqrd. had to tofego the hoizbr oi entertaining -roya.lty- under Ll: -An. _ LU I-V Flt Lhe hc routes. Ll\VU.y LU LDC SUUIH. In section 23, Lia:-ut.-Col. Ilughcs, A. A. G. Intolligonve ()tL-or, Major Ogilvie, "E"` Batu-r_v. Royal Can- adian Artillery, and Capt. Muckie, Wtu`ren"s'Scouts, are munod "us be- ing pnrtictllarly wofthy of mention {or 1110 excellent sc-rvic(-s- tlu-_v 'r`er-- formed in their` respective sphc-res during the day." ' nnnral Vm-v.-m : I-nrxnv- Inna `\.'\nv\ Llllllllls LILU lllly. General Warru:-n's report has been strongly s,um)ortc-d by Lord ] .oh- erts himself, in his (h-.=patcl*.os to the Secretary of State for War. UUHV. - As the royal party approached a. farmhouse an - unmistakably British settler appeared at the door and in- | vited every one except the Duke of Newcastle to enter. uxT...o an 1\7nmmn:Hnl kn cl-snnfnrl LVOWCRSIIG IO `LUI'. "Not you, Newcastle!" he shouted. "I have `been a. tenant of yours and have swornpthatyou shall nevexf set foot on-my land.'_' A..."-...m...1u um mu-+u nnsmdd on. . l1U\V I`|.`lllll.]I1(3(l. - In the course of his paper Mr. Mac- Dougall -said that while the. Great Dominion of Canada as a whole might be said to be one of the, brightest gems in the diadem of the British -Empire, Northxvest Canada. mightbe called the gem of ;the Do- minion. It represented a block -of territory 1.000 miles sq`uare, or 6-10,000,000 acres. and waspossibly the largest consecutive acreage of. arable land in the W0l`1d.. Not only was the soil prolic under cultiva~ `tion, but even `without cultivation -the wholevarea. had, been richly en- :lowed by nature as one of the great- est. pasture lands in the .world,_ while everywhere the moisture was sumci- 'ent. The settlement that had gone on during the last quarter of at cen- tury had been but the beginning of the exploiting of trementlous possibil- ities. which continueddornlant be- cause of the lack of population. Con- tiguous to and unclt-.rl,vin;_: these great agricultural and p1SL\)l'tl] ad- vantages` were immense coal elds, possibly tlieplnrgest as yet discovered in the World. Gold was found in the sands of the stremns, and gold, silver and copper were in the quartz lodges -of the mountains. lll\ \`.l_`.'1l the area of the prospecting and discovery_ of these. lnineral deposits was so- great that as yet coinpnnttively little had been done. Alniost, every=' where. too, was abundance of water- power. It might. also. be re-gm-rled as an excellent field for the tourist, inasmuch as the scenery -within the foothills _and the mountains was surpnssingly psrand. Another` im- portant consideration was that all this rich country was in touch with flux hnrna vnnrluxfc tI1V'nnlrl\ Th-ioiala HIV l0lOIlI7|I -`C\\ Culblllo | When `Edward VII. as Prince of Wales visited_Amorica in 1860, Can- udawent wild over him, and in'De- troit and Chicago the ('ro\\ (ls were -so dense `that the party could scarce- 1y reach their hotel. So many were `the receptions, dinners and other soc- ial lunctlons, in which the Prince participated that he nally - broke down through sheer fatigue and over- excitemcnt. The Duke of Newcastle, ' who wasjhc Prince's companion,` de- cided, therefore, to stop on` on their way to St. A Louis at Dwight. Sta.- tion, a quiet village famous for its shooting. The Prince brought down a bag of 14 brace of quail and four rabbits. But the pleasure of the day was marred by the folloying inci- dent: ' ' A- 41.... ..-....I ......4.. ..............u....: .. LIISLIEULGZ _ Lord Stmthcono. presided, and, in introducing, Mr. 1\IucDouga1],' said there was no one who knew more about Northwest. Canada than that gentleman did, for his father was one ` of the mat missionaries to the -In-' dians. and the lecturer himself` had (or more than thiry years been doing excellent work there, not only as a. 3 clergyman, but as :1 teacher. Look- ing` back to his own experience of} forty years, she could recall the time when the Northwest was indeed a wilderness, for at that time, instead . ox comfortable farxns now .to be found everywhere, there were prac- tically none excupt a. few at. the Hud- son Bay-Comp-an_v's posts, while the countryjor enormous disttmces was black ` with buu.lo ,'of which none now remained. Tn -1.,` ............ -0 1.: . . _ _ _ M. -u-.. -r-_ . -jF' . 1nterestlng`I.eot;Ite Bofore the Canadian !nIt ltnte-I.ord stmthconn and the ' Vanluhod Bum;Io-'l'he Gem of the Dominion. . 'I`he`London Times of April 3 con- tains the following report of a. pa.- peron "Northw(-st Ctumcln." by" Rev. John Ma.cDouga1l of'?\Ior1cy, Alberta, before the-'Roya.l Colonial Institute: ' 1".-uni Q6.-..&I..n.\..... ..____:.u_.x ,,,.`u T CURE RE CAN NORTHWEST CANADA. l`lL'[l |.'ULUl.Ll'_V \\r'll.5 111 IUUCII \\"Il11 home _mo.rkets through Ilritislg 09, ' COL- HUGHES IN ACTION- He Barred .\'ewuatlo. 1714......) 117-r~ .1 THE BARRIE EXAMINER, THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1901. Miss` Oman 3: Tc-rT xV)7t.7_J was the guest of Mrs. Rev.) Teney last week. Mrs. Geo; Wood has a very bad attack of rheumatism. ` .- .. __. -_-,. Thirty`-one" applicants were received into membership in the English church on May 27th. rm.-- n,_:,_'v_._ ..__-_..A-: AL- 1:~... V... .......J -. -... | Thos. Craig has presented the Eng- lish church with a magnicent bell ini memory of the late Mrs Craig, his much lamented wife.) _ ! .' ""' I The members of St. J ohu s churc1x| have had two~or three bees lstely repairing and eu1arging._the sped and tidying up the grounds. ` . ` I 1. I11; L.I.1J.Iu.I.'4a LJLCl\.ll.lKlu For the early stage, Scott : Emulsion is a cure. For the second stage. it cures many. And for the last stages of con- sumption it soothes the,cough and pro- lungs the life. ' 1* 0 11.15 0. m -res: 3.58 p m 7.58 1) m UUU PIUHUUU an ltlllu Rev. Mr. Thornley of Barrie con- ducted the services in the Methodist -churchlast Sabbathv in the absence of Ur. Balfour, who is enjoying a month s holidays. ' l'I_.,-1-.. __.L- 1.-- L... __ !.._...L.. navy -vsun uv any ......,a-.. Friends here extend best. wishes to Dr. H. R. T. Ross 01 Ladysmith, Wis.. who was recently married to Miss Ruth Miller one of Edgrifs most; popular young ladies. June 3-Miss K. C. Morrison six pupils preparing to write at comingentmuce examination. mac (*1! . J, ,1` f!!,_.___;, _-.L S;l`1iLi.;1:1!`Y and ifgmily have moved to Waverly. rnl - 1,1, _;__.`.___A_ _-_._ _._--:____`I LLIC UUUDL UK $u.l'- UUU- .IJlllUp. Mrs. John andTl\Iiss L?zzie Scott `have moved to Collingwood, where a new house has just been.comp`eted for t':u`-ir use. _ V 112.41.- _.._ `ll -.. TI ... Q...!c...... AL .. |.;|ru uaxt. Lirths are. Mrs. \Vm. Switzer of a son, Mrs. Barker of a son. L`.-nu lvfn Tlznu AF Tnrnnfn mm SUN lU.I3o HILUI UL D BU.- } {ev. 1\:[Jr. Bailey of Toronto will occupy the pulpit of.Mary Kirk for the present at least. 1-Inn Rfr Thnrnlnxv hf RAI'F;A (Inn- NU: IUlIVl`u Isaac C-after, who has been an inmate bf the Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie, for a. few weeks, has been operated upon and is reported to be progressing f:wor'ably. A mun |~u.lnr.rn'rn- tn Rfr nnrfnr man luUl`)'o A cow belor.gir.g to Mr. Carter was 'fo' dead in his barnyard the ether morning. She was burst open. The cause is a mystery as the cow appeared well and wasmilked the night before. 'I`|-an In-mt` l|;fIf1 in ma r`nHn}nlt nf an w....,,... Miss Fanny Hubbert spent Sunday in Grenfel. - 1 pm . - .u . p MPBELL. Lu: vnuv. Mr. and ' Mrs. J. Payne. Torr-nfo,,spant. I last week at "The Grange." |.\_:-__.!- L--- -..L-....I 1.--; ...:..l...... 5.. h... D June 4--51%:-;s~S`o}')'l1;x-]-)`11ff has ire- luxnd from The Flats, where she was the quest` of Mrs.` J no. Bishop. H... Tu... .....: \r:m Tm-n Emu 'VVtll Ullll wan-uunnru ILAU IIISLIU UCIUIKH The beef ring, to the delight of all the famiers, will kill their first beet this wek. 1 ` A new book of sacred songs entitled BATTLE some or me Cnoss, by John M. Whyte, the well-known singing evangelist, has `uat been published by William Briggs, `of aroma. - The collection contains all of Mr. Whyte e popular eon I previously pub- . liehed, and, in addition. ully one hundred cn`Hi-all nnw lnnnl Lnxmive Brotno-Quinine Tablets cure a. cold in a day. No Cure. no pay. Price 25 cents. Juue 4-:.\liss Rose Arthur 1'3 home from Vancouver on A visit. to her parents. `I \- I..-n... .....l C......:I.. -5 '1`.-......-.L.. .....\ - unuluvuvhn v.. n.` vlunv .v u. runvnauvu Dr. Clarke and family of Toronto are spending the uunmer at St. Thomas Cottage. \I:.... !.`|....._-. Cl ..|\l.....a ..-u... L`....J.... 1... vscunwu Miss C. Lynn of Toronto is the gueshof Miss Mary Campbell. \I:... T ..u:.. u:r\\nann In Ir...-.n `ulnvvu IIIIIELI, uuu, In n.Iuu entirely newsongn, \,|I|llCl Cuvu nu `um vusva Ou"Manday June 3rdlDalston Maple` Leaf Football team jnulneyed. to Couleou to play the team of that, place. They found Lhutaome of the Coulson team were outsiders. And an the grass was so long the Dalston boyslmd little show. The game was rough but somestnr playing mus done by Dalston boys. The score was `.1 to I in favor or Coulzon. Abraham Jmy was yeferee. vii N. Robl n, of Ian. Italy. hem! June 4-i\'h'ss E. A. _-Stewart of Barrie r-pert svveral days visiting her sister, Mxs. J. W. Brown, and friends in Dalston. Rev. Mr. Leonardiia attveuditg ilethodit conference in Toronto. gr "'.. '\r 1 1' n 1 1\ 1 ., `I ,u, uu new nu, 3.:--ur-.4-.-u Miss Lottie Simpson is home from Toronto. nu 1-an , `I n,_,,,_ rn,,__.., ______- nuns u. barcmy is arm improving. Mra. R. .\l'. Ness of Barrie is visiting her mother. Mu. R. McCoukey "Populat- Grove." nu -.. nu . -1` . . Robert. Dick.-y Entertained ti. number of friends last. Friday evening. June 4-'Mias Nobie of Tormt) in visiting at; Waterloo Place. ~ Mi:-B G. Barciny is BU improving. 'Mrs. R. .\l'. Ness of Barrie is visiting her VI-vvlut Mr. and VMTE. Robertson cf Pennsylvania are spending a few weeks with Robert. Dickey. . . nu, ...... .......... ...- mm... ..c M... \T,.u,.v.. En cAsTo3nA. uuuuu .7: We are sorry to" hear of Mrs. Noble \ill- xeas. Ghiidren cry for OJKS, . ETC-6' ic Covers and uding vv chisdren cry for anauuj-53.9`---_-_. stops Collgi and works on` the Cold. W Womn longer ` hshlo ggwggr dyegglgilldtgc men :: no longer use old-(unload I th: wder cg? vmanll the men Ind ' 2 they bring when wo- i gen 1;: dy_el_ngn; home. Mnvoole `unable that they bring wi- Inen u-e Mnypole so: 1 nick. cl It! ` dlt y|_s51:a:nd!U:%neo:e:nnt!nn. M soapu quick. clean. n!e`a'zid ft 1 . cube: and dyes ll one operation. Brilliant. fndeleu. All polon nd I: dye: to my am. | TH_I_] THREE STAGES. NEW LOWELL. Maypole Soap. CRAIGHURST. Guns, vex`, etc. VINEGAR HILL. _ V loll mrynhm. Inc {or colon. in for Blur. SHANTY BAY. DALSTOIV . has the I June 1. -The masons have just com- pleted. a stone folludatipn u-nder the `house Jf .\Ir. S:nit.h,'um' pastumstzely and are abmurto commence one under I Mrs. Sext.on .s b.u`u. Miss Nettie Malcolm bf Gienburn Place is at present visiting her aunt, 1\lr_s. Ingram of Barrie. V I I J`xs;'ie'liy'-h;'tely become a VresiA~ dent of this neighborhood; 1| xv ..- \r u 1 Ln` 11I1I_,,L,.,,__ J une 3.-Mrs, and Miss Eva Garrett left. last Thursxlay for England, for a three months txip. \1u'.~a \Tnna T?3..I.uuI:r\n annnf. lad` I'll . iluu .LVLIEo nu. \XRllCL|l IIVCI. IJUI-Illa}: I Mrs. Scot; is on the sick list, but is recovering. , `In; Rinxfininnnl ha: nnu-`manor! 'm SH T BAY. 5.15 pm. press 11-54 :1. m V 7.30 11 m June 1.--Mrs. R. Little has been taking a fewholidays visiting friends in New Lowell, Stayner, l3.nt.te.\ux and Coliingwood. _ _ 1u:_~-7.7...- 'r\........1l.. .,.c.......,! `In buulugwuuu. Mi:s" Kale Donnelly returned to Tottenham, after spending 9. month with her sister, Mrs. William Foster. 'I"L.. _......I.I.. .....un'nnn knit} nn rpnnnti-an \VlEll llEl' EIELCI, nua. vv nu-.Iu.I L'ULU|o The weekly services held on Tuesday evenings, in the school house by the Rev. Mr. Cr-aw, are being well attended. There is a full house every night. ( `D T 11:11 . nu: I-n::r`nI-snn I: nrnnv-neg- IJIIVCU IHUHLLIH |.ll}'- Miss Minnie Richardson spent last week in Penetang. `II - .._J II..- I`1.._A... -9 f\..... -.I..lL-.l :'UUUVUl'lUb'o Mrs. Mrn\I1chael hgs purchased Wm Brown's village property. ' Wedding bells will soon he ringing. [coming In Barrie June|5th ! First Time in Ganada ! `\'U'-'I$ AU L Cllhllgo Mr. and Mrs. Cuptis, of Oro, visited. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Garrett over Sunday. `Al ..- Q....L- L. .~.-. Hun 11:15`! 1:0.` Luv :3 Luuru In It Iuu uuuaw sun; u-5-u. R. J. Hill s new residence IS progress- ing favorably. The carpenters have the frame ready for the bricklayers, who} will commence their work in a few ye. . Mrr. Wm. Foster spent the 24th of May in Toctenham with her sister. Mrs. Frank Sheppard. M'......:.. 1.`..`...ncnn and Frau! Allen am mam: Dnepparu. Maggie Ferguson and Fred Allen are intending candidates for Public School Leaving exam., in July, and Gertie Hill for Entranci, in the latter end of` June. ' . I T-jun--u hool and A Colossal Introductory Spectacle. "ROME IN THE YEAR ONE." 3 Grand Triple Ring Circus and a Tremen- dous Revlval of the Sports and Race: of the Ancients, ____j_Z________:_________._ U BHlEN S 61-HORSE ACT, i '0NE.50c TlCKl:=.'i` ADMl;HSi T(_) EVERYTHING. Children. Under 12 Years. Half Price; CASTORIA- as ma? EE*E%s:$ 'men and Horsewornen Ever Organized. and Introducing lot the First Time in America" Raina agar: in ---u u... ;3.?_-..E.L;E?@i@Fi%A?i%* ma NEW \VILT. 1".Yn'1n1'm Ar-n__ vv 2 nvuvul n d I parable Arenlc Athletes. the AlIAIE' tnr-so IVIIVI-n I-31!-\l\k.riiVC.. I 553.7. Direct from Italy. Paid the Enormous Sum of 31000 :2 ` Week. No ogher Show couid pay a fourth 7545 much. : nmao HIv:2:.r..IR r:.z.'.:`.7 The Greatest Lady Rider th World has Ever Produced. No othc_r_5ho`w Iqas a Fgczwc t.o compare Vwxtn this Superb c.'.}:::5h'cnne. y V attended to. .' -._--. nu. --u u use gga r,_t,g_'_ Hggi Appurlng Together at One Time. in One Rlnz. under g the Direction 0! One Man. In conjunction with the Enter- natlonnlly Famous I LOCKHART COMEDY ELEPH.-`KNTSE No Other Show has a Third an Manv. GIRAFFE GREATEST SHGWS --4.j-_-___ , 2 --_...' ..._...... un.I:- 1000 People. 40 Famous Funny Ciowns. 5-O Musicisr In Grand Popular Preliminary Concerts. 5 Big Arenas. 1-4 Mile Race Track. 65 P:r. Cars. 100 Dens, Lairs and Cages of Rare . A \Vild Beasts. 12 Acres 0? Tears. . 4 -7` nuaunuau. 013,33 , E23125! `..- .i.'.'1.3"t. &5i?E;':'.".:`. ___j________j___..______ lnzroduclug the 's`~.'nr!-.`.- ' Famous High - ' /er: Liymnass. th: l-lr'\l I` f\\AlA\/ "`Pr`1|t-x ru\J|..:_'~Jv\/IAY I r"{I).. ,.These Marvelous Performers are paid $500 a We-:1 - No other Show pays $100 far it Future Act. .4: -....._...._.._ .. , ,1. -__- .. ....-....u 11.... r '35 Headed Ringling 6 E Erethcrs Ljnzsst Em- partation, the Incarn- Arenlc . _._.. .. ....... nu AVIEIIJO 5o3B%g9 - - sr-: ` Colossal lntroductnrv Sum-om-I. --on.-up nu -run TU Uulbla n UUlIIl_~lL\ 4: Un 'mke Laxative Bromo Quinlne Tubiets. A11] drugrzuts remud the money_if it fails to cure _ E. W. Grove : signature :3 on caeh box. hr and 1 If-3ll0.\V'| : NOTHING LEKE STE EVER SEEN ON EARTH BEFORE THESE FAGTSVAND EEQUBE ,_ _-.._..- -nvouvua v4 _- ..__-;____, SEE THE ONLY we nulauura :1 U 5;:;`{i$?., '":?125`n`%i |rab!e . NINE: GARCE. 'E'..'t""T2 C*3. Ircct fl 0I1I IIBIV. Paid the Ennrrimnuc (urn r-.9 :1nnn vs .12] Known to Exist on Earth ! 'ro can A com). IN A nay .I... Tau-Hum `Ram-nn nlnlna "I"nh!n9.l, Ohildrecry for : -: r u u1II-an IZIQ I % uyn-ga5}5' HOLLOWAY TRIO. ie Marvelous Perfnrinarn nrn 9..-.m c=.nn .. 1' (I _thc bc9tIhox'ses.. . special facilities. hi meets all trains. '( . 7 rlfal IIIIIE [ll AIHIETXCE MISS AMELIA FEELEZY eatesc Ludv pm.-nu`. v.v...m 2.... 2.... nru-Ir`: I uuIv;r..IJ'.' !:.LLI`l'l.-'-I has Third as many. ANTEN MILLS. -1_{ILLYLEAG`cI. VVIGU. I-`BEE STREET can-icnnc. ' " F`./-4 ... . . TwEm"v 3/7 .-4 . in (`Inn DI.-my nuJ.- LL. @'Reserved numbered seats and admissions Show day at A. F. Bass jewelry Store, opposite Post Ofce. Unlike other shows, prices at down- town ofce are exactly the same as charged at regular ticket wagons on the grounds. - 1f.-\ 3.3,. - ,&S??:3.'e`:S` -5 BARBIE. SAT. JUNE I5 rl-Mlss Campbell crticnte for water f" 1'=i` \Vrite to Toronto for the evidenc of your owxi neighbors, and be sum and get a circular. j Specialisfs Next Regular Visit ;BARR|E, Barrie Hotel, i Saturday and Sunday i vfn?%g 2 DAYS ONLY, _J_UNE I5 and 16 I . . l _Me-aford, June 17th and 18th; C ollingwood, June 19th and mth; O.-illia, June 26th and 27th. _ worse and more compllcnted. VARICOSE (ruptured or con ested veins oi the limbs, male or female). I! you antler consult Specialist and be successfully treat . All letters of en ulry. containing stamp. will have prompt attention. Letters should be addressed J. Y. Egan. Spec allot. P.O. Box 539. Toronto. Ont. valuable circular with fuller information. etc. VARICOCELE (false rupture of the scrotum) -men of all ages suffer from this terrible atmo- horn in some wny.--there is no other affliction to which man is heir that so completely untits him for the duties (or pleasures of life) as Varicoc-ele-the universal tendency 0! these conditions is to grow and complicated. VARICOSE (matured contested of the limbs. male nr Yamaha), I! van nner cnnxlt -v_`_._ -._._.v. .__v__ -_- .___._`_......'-.. FEE MOST RELIABLE endsnccessiul Authority in the treatment of Rupture without an operation. He who makes a specialty of one department must certainly be more ex erienced and capable than .hose having " many irons in the tire. Sto wasting time and money n useless efforts elsewhere, but go to one whose lile-long study has tang t him what to do. _lIave you not had experience enough to justify you in adopting some change for the hetrnr? l' mu over intend tolie cured now is thebest time-" next week may be toolate. LET NO ONE DESPOND - Do not be deterred from seeking my advice. because after having been treated by many who failed to cure you, you have become discouraged. This is the very time you should make on: stone TRIAL. When I take a case, I exert my whole mind, energies and skill to perfect :1 cure, irrespective of any money consideration and bringto bear on it all that science. honesty knowledge and experience will nccom lish. knowin that the exertions of these never fail to bring their just rewardin due time. THE FA TTHAT Y`) may not be (AT PRESENT) in a. nancial wnv able to have yourself pro erly attended to-sh0uld not keep you from consulting Specialist. ADVICE IS FREE. and this a one may prove very valuable in our case.-Ree.d dates carefully and tell your friends of this visit.-Send two cent stamp {or I vs nable circular with fuller information. etc. VARICOCELE muse mnture oi scrotum) -men of all 112231 suffer (rm-n this: tnrrihla amn. vn Iauvwuau An AVA VIILV, J. \?I'1"dXN','"Ru;3'tI:Fe Eecialist.a-2823:?` ET1iE"FFE5`r'3"v17i'i`HoUT AN OPERATION. numllnamnulrtn -__1n.._-_ ._LL__1 __ _4L.. nmmnns FOR. Established 1866. Ovex-.80 Years of Success in Toronto, Ont. I7 INIV A `Y I\ A I" u an` . --z nv n:-1_.._-._ .1--e-uswl&I -\} I.LL EXHIBIT AT- CONSULT SPECIALIST EARLY TWO COMPLETE EXHIBITIONS DAILY. At 2 and 8 P. M. Doors Open One Hour Earlier. j: \l Iaaiungl-.-; --- - - SEE DATES BELOW. A Rupture ?1FI:Fa6TB' AT I0 0'Gl.0CK. - vn vu-V, vuuu 326 W. Richmond St. P.O. 539, Toronto, ii: ume%a, *'~'-'-2"-.'ir,'~,; "7 ' I ail daiy and evening) ` IVI4 I4I1I V how she ls other law may duo` own luomc nun `EH1 pl ".5 Mary Street , u , Flade Shoes. PERTUN STS. ouso. A PEER Baker. JOHN hIcPHERQO the only Union Fac- 1 51-6 moi as ~ -an-nu... AFORAD V Funk of Toronto L:\ B E14- isss M1900. STABLES drrie {GUIDE }TORs ENSES "C1 . Uomes Home. 1 1 I` reasonable and. mdlzm [goods In t and work guar- xvhawe your own; tinting Institute "ll? v` AUDOPA 4 DNT. 3.55 pm p TAM?! 3:) [Y i m'rlvb 11.51: any) 9.35 am . nr.n'n I01 LHB CVL'llHlg \\'lLll it I1'lBIlll 01' ($119115. Unexpectedly you are called upon to entertmn guests und have numerous en-aulds to run in II l1ur1`y. _ You are nhligeil to he mvn.v from pomn. _ The most conveplent and satisfac- tory lneams by w1_11ch you may ad ust these con(l1txons~1s Pelephone `er- vice." mznmn A -rmanpnomu (fouurv on Smcoz-L} Notice is beret? given 'l'o W11` :- that the Court 0 General Peace, and Sosalons of `7 E9. -'.'T"'."'. h9`!..'.`.`.' ` ' V 1001. next at one o'clock in the afternoon. of which all flustk-es. Coroners. Constables. Gaolera and others are requested to take notice and utten ' and to do and no. form all duties that shall nppe1'- ` min to them. CHARLES DRURY. * Sherltf Co.:`1lmc-oe Barrie, May 20th. 1901. -23` You wish to make an appointment for th evening with 8. friend or client. Unexnectedlv vou are called umm tn 8l'l'&UlllS DU 1'1lll 11] IL nurry. You are obliged to be away from home and desire to get news at any point. The most, convenient and satisfac- vxce. ORDER A TELEPHONE `I THE Bill TELEPHONE 00. OF CANADA 5 ww._-- ---_ In and for the County of Slmaoe. wlbe held in the Court House, in the Town of Barrie. on nommum {LINE J 0GEAN-FfEAMSHlPS' SUPPOSE- 'AILon 'ruEbA, Libn I'i'Eh' `mu -nun at Ann AMI:-ml; in nu. ..u............ 1.0 Garden Tools, Lawn Flowers, Lawn Rakes `and Rubber Hose, 6:0. Spring, Beautiful Spring. Wadsworth,- Howland & co's Ready Mixed Paints BUCHANAN &- PENSTONE, ,.* For um and full informntloh. applypt V Reproduction of our Fam- ous $10.00 Suits. lt Costs Nothing to Wear the Huiiter Eabel tn; sxnuluanrorngt. aA`nb'IIn " " Safest, Swiftest andilllost comfortable to with `First-clnss~ c from the Conser- cyze. St. . I`homns- cm 01 Tuuth and NOTICE. Now is the time for_hoiuse-cleaning and the only way you can do it satisfactorily is by using The only pure paint on tlie market. Sold only'byi ALSO A FULL LINE OF 25 doz} only, ;\Ien'aMerino Sox, l_0c-per pair. 3 pairs for 250. Regular 150. 25 dnz. Men : New Colored Shirts, bought at a big bargain. Selling at 430. each. 3f0l` $1-25. Raga lat 750 nd $1.00 goods.` " I` HUNTER To most men the wearing quality of a suit. of Clothe: is the most important consideration in buying one. Most- nny store willeell you good-looking clothes these days, and most of them give you fahly good tting o!othes- few of them are as particular in giving you the excellence in the wearing qualitioatthan you will nd in` one of our Suite. Finqunllty, good looks and good ts in our popu- lar lines at $8. $10 and $12. THE WORTH 5 ormntlon. an ly-to ngc Blgc`-k. unlopv I ` Dr..Clerke'I Sure Cure fer.Catarrh. end. ID:-. Clothe : Sure Cure for Eczema, name _ price. 181400 will be paid for any one they ' will not pmmhently care. ` ---- Dr. Clarke's` Little Red Pilie `are a posi- tive and certain cure for in grippe, rheuma- tiem. asthma. pa lylle. eetarrh. eczema. emghe. backache. ndi cation, all etomaeh and liver troublee, {emu e complaints, even-| when the diseases have been standing for man years, the most. stubborn ones will . iei . Price 50 cents` ea box. For sale by B. H. Maeharen. ohn' Woods, Geo. ': Menkmnn end` W.~E.` Winner. -June` .1Sb.-l\Ir. ahd Hrs. Lamb, Randolph, gave a party to their young friends last Thursday. - . ll - f1....I- :_;__.x_ -,,,,.- .............. .........,. Mr. Cook intends erecting a.briek house, this summer. . . Mrs. Whitten and children, of Elm- vale, visited friends here last week. - Our school well has been furnished witha new metal pump. - `M':..-. u:....:.. n:_1.___u___, . "IP68 Xl.'0m xneumamm. It is therefore a pleasure to me to add my testimony to those of others who have been relieved by the use of these truly wonder- ful pllla. W. H. Robertson, Pgesident and M ohlaf Editor of the: Daily Times, Peter- ` borough. Unt. - ' ...-.. .. ..--V ....u-run run-urn Miss Minnie Richardson, Apto, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Thompson. Rf T......... 'D...._..l.J_ \r,,_ n . _ . - _ . "5 -.u- --`quay AIOIUI J-I-IIIIJJ:-':\ll4II : Mrs. James Reynolds, Mrs. George Reynolds and little son, visited their . mother, Mrs. Homsby, last meek. I `II ..- `KY fI'L--_., I\` 1 I 1 ~- -.--... --\.-..yuJ, uocv VVVUDu -'I;I"r`s`.'\V. Thoxpe, Randolph. was`the guest of her sister, Mrs. Will. Horns by, `hat Wedvesday. T . `no relief. In vain did I appeal to the phy- -u vnav .-._-nu vs gun J'aJ\J\4\1l4Vllh Sir.-It is with pleasure that I add mv testimony to the value .of Dr. Clarke : Wonderful Little Red Pills. For yearsI was troubled with dyspepsia. and oouldoget s'iclan,-the trouble would not succumb to `medical treatment. I had also suffered from chronic rheumatism`, which. while it did not entirely unt me for my duties, caused me a great: deal of sufferihg. I was persuaded to trv Dr. lm-In . oanaea me a grow deal at sunerihg. persuaded try Dr. Clarke : Llttle`Red Pills, and I can now proclaim myself a well man. I enjoy my food. have not 9..sign of dyspepsia. and am` entirely [ee from xheumatirm. ' Tl a Han:-nfnivn 1: nlnnen-n 5.. ..... L- _.1- ___. `Tens wha Dr. Clarke : mme Red.P.l!s did for Him-No Cure, no Pay. To thebE1_itor of THE .l`.XA.\IINEll. Qt. `I : :. ...:sL _u-.___, % Barrie, Ont. [1873 LINE,_ TINY`. AN, EDITOR SPEAKS. IN THEWEARI .BRoSl Both late of I. Henderson : | nunur un hi! roof, Wlmt 30 Did at the Battle of Faber`: Pit --Commended Ofclally. Lieuc.-General Sir Charles War- ren, in'his report of the battle of Fa.bor's Pit,V Griqua1and`West, on May 30,1900. says: ~.Qnm;.-m an 1.2).. _r\,.1 1-1...n\.m .1u.u_y DU, .LiIUU. .-iu.,\'s; I _ Section '16, Lieut.-Col. Hughes, `who was at the` main farmhouse with the scouts, on'heurix_1g the ring, and seeing the horses stampede, got `to- gether `L1 few of. his men and ruslietl into the krunl, opening :1 brisk fire `_on the ridge win-1'0 the Boers were in the di-tunoncl washings, until they were obliged to cease fire by the Yeo- manxfy `advancing out in front of them. At the same time. Parkin and It troop of 23rd Yeo- manry, took possession of the south end of the same kmnl. and acted un- der the orders of Col. Hughes. By holding this krnnl, they mevcxttetl the rebels getting hold of it from the direction =01 the cemetery. At this time the rebels begun to run away from the south side of the garden, and were in doing so exposed to our fire, but Col. Hughes , supposing them to be our own men. ortleretl Capt. Parkin and pttrty to CURSO fire. `and- they thus escaped. Col. Hughes then 'decitled to outflunk the eneiny. and -with some of the Ycomanry and some good shots of various corps. lie drove the eneniyup beyond the dix'ecti_on of the cemetery, thus getting in line with C01. Crowley, and bringing` his right. shoulder up he took Venter's men on their unk. and drove them away to the south."' Tn an`!-h nn 0!! Tjnul _(n1 `(Tun-L.-.n 'nouts In town. tlie bc9tIhox'ses.. sm-1-ml