I The fax-melos are very busy, in this neighborhood, getting in their cropg. some of them are already done. I an 11- \r _ nI,-___;,_____11_______ uvnuu V. any... n... ....-....J . . . _ _. . Miss Alice Newell has returned ho.ne, after having spent a few months at Havergal College, Toronto. I-1 'I"I!,,_ rI\_._1_.. .. .......:-. ......u.l LL`!-'\uI6\4A vu..--, - . . . _ . _. _ Muss Lilian `Turkey is again under the parental roof, owing to ill halth. 1.! ,, T n,..__ I.-- L--- ....1I...1 .......u IIIIIK4 ti`-IQMIIVI-ll I\'\'A, V-I-- -w --- --vw-----. Mrs. J. Cross has been called away to the bedside of her sick siser, Mxs. lfortson, who resides in ,K1ng. - .- . 7- .1. ,,.,___4_,__>___,| 'v|.uA uzuu, -v uv .\.-4...... ... ,...... . Master Harvard Bigham has retumed 1 to his Inmem Islington, after spending a few weeks with his grandmother, Mrs Cross. ' ~ ~ A young son arrived at the home nf A Mr. and Mrs. R. Bell. All doing well. Miss M Cross spent}: few days with , her sister, Mrs. Dubson, in Barrie. ` I I . I . > ` . n. {*1 , ,1, _L,_,__ nun uauuu, u.-~. ..V......-..., ._ _. .... .. I A good turnout at St. Georgdsbchurch last night, to hear the returned mission- aryv from Japan. nr- `II - ,_:- I`).-- .....:.1 . . . . ..-AL....I ..., ...,... ..-,._-.. | . ` . . I 1 _M1ss Maggle Page pald us another ] bnef visit through here last. Saturday. I ' VT ` J. L. Peacuk, of Buffalo, Manager I {of the Union Mutual. Life Insurance [Company for` \Ves'oern New York, [visited his father, John Peacock. lastl '1 week. ~ ' , .... ,. . Mrs. Clegg, of Midland, is _visit.ing| 4 her mother, Mrs. \V. Ritchie. 1 .n I _,,,. -1 T_'___L] Successors to J. C[ McKEGGlE 6; Co. ESTABLISHED 1s79. 1 --------- V-3 -'---- -- - -----~---v _ i Death entered the home of Joseph. ! Langman, of the 9th line, taking from 1 their midst their son Thomas, a young mun in the prime of life. He was buried at the church cemetery, Allenwood, on ' Monday. The ulicted family have the _ sympathy of all in their bereavement 'I"L- `.,'_,,__1_:_ _n 131.. _. ...... ....1 .. "J"1"""-I '- --- -- --~-- v-----~--~-- - The township of F105 > received severe shock when reports were spread that Robert Elrick, township as who attended the funeral of Thomas` Lang-man, yesterday, and who took sick at the funeral and was unable to proceed I I horne, had succumled too severe attack of inammation. Death occurred this morning at the home of Mr. Ltmgman. . Deceased was an old and highly re -i spected resident of the township. He ; was a member of the A.~O.U.W.,'and in l religion was a consistent Christian, being co'ir.ec':ed with the F103 Methodist i church. i I May i'.---Mrs. Collins, of l\IIuesing,. !is visiting her` mother, M:s. 1 . Wice. I ar- 17 1\ , , ,|_, 1 __ |_____ __:_:, j`\'l"""" ""/7 """"" """' '" "'" -" L, Mrs. Long, of Lefrny. E. Hug-119$,` :`Frank_ and livclgn Hug`1- s, T-. M. `:Steewart._and wife, XV. Kull and wife, , and G. \V. Peacock of Cherry Cmek, ;l\1iss and Mr. Hughes of Ihme, spent ` Suuday.with`J. Hughes. f ' u I 5 _[ l7`,,_,l, _._.,.l| ` Miss V. Duncan, who has been visit-1' iing for the lust LWO months in the} {Queen City, returned home on Friday. ' 11",. 1.... _n`1'..r...\.. 1.` `Ll"....l..... ' Miss Goodchild, of `roroinp, `as visit- ! ing Miss M. E. Peacock. "SEQ; L S.unda y with Miss E. Dolu1_age. tV,_ ` 7 | . Bowm-an, of Knock, spent. 1,L II (`IV .,3_!L ` J. Brolley spent. Sunday at Ivy; Mr. lWilson',~ of Churclnill, with Mr. Robert- j son, of Knock, and \V. Home _at Vine- ` gar Hill. " T1,,` 11,!` _I- __ `l,__ .,-_- L, C`.-._l! of Angus, spent Sunday with M. Wilson. . | Mr. and Mrs. H." Wdlace spent Sun- day at Tbomton. _ Miss A. Webbis on the sick list. i `W. Ness spent: Sunday at J. P. i iAJohnson e. I Rod. MLCunkey has gone to Stout!- ville, where he has_:ecured a situation as cmpenter. ` | `I `rI,_,___LL _t l..__.__ __-._L C<.....1._ NOTES czshod or coflecteri at the n" favqmble rates. We cash Chrquea drawn on any Bml Canada or the United States. ' S-rrzanmn Excmsas bought or sold. Accauzvrs Collected. ,, L- LL- cAsTd%h%I'A_L children cry for: L-Lj:j__ EL.\1VALE. . CRAIGVALE. T UTOPIA. BARRIE Erawley 5 sswsszswwws cs. nuu-J U A La \JV|l\4Uuws- . `Special attention will be given to the ac- commodation of farmefa in this locality. Moxmvro Lon on Mortgages. AGENCY Sun L~fe Assurance Company of Canada. Olca Hours 10 to 4. I "Comprises a half dozen bargains of more than ordin= ary importance. The fact they are here is sufficient guarantee thatevery pair is reliable, perfectly made, embodying style and fit to please the most particular buyer. At the regular price you cannot buy better value, but for the sake of brisk selling we make these ! special prices ': - 40 pairs Ladies $1.20 Dongoh Button Bcof, kid tip, sewed sole, very neat. shape, sizes 24} to 7. Special price ......... 30 pairs Ladies Fine Vici,Kid Oxford Shoe, kid toe, kid lined, turn sole, new wide toe, Marsh make, sizes 2% to 7, sold regularlylor $1.50. Spe- , cial . 30 pairs Men s Dongola `Kid, Lace on` Congress Boots, toe cap, medium heavy sole, sizes 6 to 11, dressy style, excellent to wear, regular price $1.75. Special price...... I ' Every pair in this list easily "discounts any value you have seen yet, and a visit will Convince you we are not misleading you. ` WAIHNG FOR THE OVEN I`*ss'soa.s`ssss-sss@sssssssssss9 C. |MPER|AL 5 uxrunn n: BA]RRI_E EXAMINER. , The Oven Thermometer shows the exact heut-the re can at any time _ be s\\_'ift1y_1-eglllated to keep it at. any desired point, and the patent ue costructiun not only ventilutes but keeps the heat unifm-m all over ' the oven-so that everything bakes 01- roasts evenly without any turn- mg. _ . \Vhv not call and see then. ~ . , The GURNEY FOUNDRY Co., Limited, Toronto, \Vinnipeg, Vancouver. Isn on the Progx-mlixe when WE HAVE ;. \V;hy not call see then. Sold by ` you use the new J. R. HAIVIBLY, _$pades, `Shovels, Forks, Garden Tools, Granite andoTinware, Churns, Washing Machines and Wringers, House and Carriage Paints Tn Jnuhm L` n r-n] n1-Q 18 Dunlop Street, Barrie At ock Bottom Prices $1.00 per year. in adirance; $1.50 Ii ~ not so paid. " ()'1"1`C)P\T c9C CO SEASONABLE GOODS HIE THIS WEEK. 82: MooBE,\ We are Headqarters for -Builders Hardware A Full and Complete Line at RANGE opp. THE P.O. AGENTS, BARRIE. Remlttances should be made to J. A. Mac Luren publisher of Tm`. Exulm-:n. Barrlk Ont - _GELEBRATION* CONSISTING or ` 1.25 90c. 1. Men s Extra Vici Kid or Box Calf Lxce Boats, toe cap, very latest style, sizes 6 to 11, regular value $2.50. Special Boys $1.50 Dong. Lace Boots, toe cap, very dressy s".yle, ex- cellent to wear, sizes 10 to 13. Special $1.10. Sizqzs 1 to 5... Boys Strong Lace Boots, toe cap, suitable for school wear, sizes 1 to 5 ................... .. In desirable colors . $2.00 90c. BARRIE. THURSDAY. MAY 9. 1991. _ BARRIE RAILWAY GUIDE -raking eect Nov. 25ui.19oo. Pnssengr Trains leave Barrie for and arrive from the undermmtipned places as follows : 1-`on TORONTO I-`ROM 7.58 a. m Ex ress 11.15 :1 m 11.55 " Atlantic 8.: acltic Express 3.58 p m .5.17 p In Mull 7.58 p In 11 A -1?! rrnv 0.28 p In um... __.-_ GRAVENHURST 8.: NORTH BAY. Mail 5 1 11.94 9. In . 5 p m 3.59 p m Atlantic & Pacic Express 11.54 a m 9.10 " North Bay Mixed 7.30 n. m ' Gmvenhnrst freight (south only) 9.35 GOLLINGWOOD 8: MEAFORD 11.15 a. m V Mail 5.22 p In 8.00 p :11 Express 7.55 a In I3D\'I'J"I" A \'ll (J. II. ]'_4'Y'C)].\Tg "vViEH%L2T?eEhne in the House-__----L THE BELL TELEPHONE}:-0. 65 CANADA We lzavg the most stylish turnouts in town. the most comfortable carrmpc-_s and the hestlhorses. Once tried always patrumzed. Special facilities for weddings and funerals. (`ab meets all train 5. Baggage called for and delivered. LIVERY mm 5592 STABLES THE Alliston Herald man isn't at all struck on Capt. Bernier s Arctic expe- dition. He says he d sooner have a cord of tamarac in the ba_ck yard than the North Pole in a glass case. telephone 70 Music 8:: Painting vuuuv -1.. -....--,_. .._. _,.-, `Evenings at residence. 6'-7 Owen St. No witnesses required. w.` R- `P_R"D_q'_I:DR, PIANO Teacher's certlczite wtth `First-cla Honors in all branches of Music from the Conser- vatory of Music. Alma College. St Thomas: Mason and Matthew's System at Town and Tecniquc. vnnnt. 0) nnnil nf` \a:l Pvn \': `Rnhlvn. nf Lcclllquc. VOCAL, a pupil of Miss! Eva .\'; Roblvn, of the Conservatorv of Music. Milan, Italy. Chcral classes organized. Painting in Water Color-s-.\Iiss Campbell hals an Ontario Art School Certicate for water co ors. . D ... 4..-...` and 5."-nun iurnwrnnnn nnnlv On SCHOOL BOOKS We are Prepared | Witli latest Patriotic Covers and Songs, including . When Johnny Cunuck Comes Home, Soldiers ofithe Queen. ' The Man Behind the Guns, The Maple Leaf Forever, etc. Mail orders promptly attended to. WALTER sc01"r, Ba THE members of the Dominion parlia- ment are playing a game of dead heat, by prolonging the` session with need- lessly long speeches, with the added effrontery of" asking the people to pay them another $500 per session for loiter~ ing and costly play. -`Such liold_-ups should be met by curtailing thee xbsidy pro rota for every day the house is in session over four weeks. With $1,000 subsidy and added mileage, tree passes on `railroads, free bus, and special low hotel rates the Dominion legislators enjoy 0. pretty soft sna.p.--Algon1a Pioneer. Omoe-95 Dunlap St.-Ro5s ` ,.- .,._ ru Lincoln s Tablets. Are the latest production of modern medica .=cit~nt-e. Theynre the bestgnedicine known for the trenmtent and cure ot nil di-cases ofnthe Stmnztt-h. Uoweis. Liver. or Kidneys. The ' are innitely mperior to all pills for thecure of indi- trcstion. Heart Disease or Nervous Prostratiom To nervous and delicate women these 'l`.1biei.s wiil prove-:1 poszitive bk-s=ingii` taken strict! ac- cOl`d`m: to directions. Price. 500. per. ox. Sold In .D. B. MacLaren, Dru gist. sole agent or Barrie. Formula nml sump 03 sent free to ttny_ registered physician. on nggyilt-ation to The ([).incoin Medicine Company, Queen Street. tLu\'.t. MacLaren s 2:`3k%oBk6.""$ LESSONS T MISS M. J. CAMPBELL. TWARRIAGE unsss Cures Diarrhoea. D sentcry. and MI Summer - Cumplnlms; gives nstnnt relief; pleanant to lake; I-est bowel remedy known for children and udulfs. Price. 250. a Bottle. _ . ., 2; ., For Public School and` F A Collgiate Institute EXERCISE BOOKS, ' SCRIBBLERS. ETC.. Life is worth living. You may sit in your lihrzu-y and give your orders fol-the day, to the- hutchelg. the baker, the grocer and many other t 'adesmen. -Items forgot- ten in 9:11-lior m-ders may be ad- ded and alnemlinents made-; in short, the B(I>?ss(} as Tale- A `. I(` . SOLU. nkrxnn in n Transact a General Bmking Bui-neas. none IS :1 1 rtAb11L.~'u4 BULL- IOB. of the )1-uhlem of c0m~ fox-table house 4.-eping. W. R. PROCTOR, lutt uuu. nnannv `short, _ Rhone is RACTICAL SOLU- `lf\\;' #3 fluu nu-nhlprn nf` I-(nu. Successor to I`. H. Baker, terms and further information; an !y to CAMPBELL, Exchange Block. unlop . Barrie. M . , TO MEET ALL DEMANDS FOR`. PEN E'1`A.\' U Accomxnodation Accommodation .__.,.. -_, PEN E'I`A.\`G Aommxnoalation HAMILTON Exnress V ALREADY numerous -complaints are rnadevof horses end cattle running on the streets and de.~t/mying boulevards and lawns. This state or affairs should not be permitted. VVhen citizens go to the trouble and expense of beautifying the streets by the construction of boule' vards and the removal of unsightly fences, the least the a=uthorit1es could do for them would be -to see that they get the protection the %`oy-lews should afford. If the persons charged with the enforcement of the by-Ilnw covering this case won't do their work, let `them be replaced by those who will. The Chairman of Parks, who is keenly alive to the imprrtance of the town present- in; a goon! upoeuanco, `should see that this by-luw is strictly enforced. n ISSUED` BY x res: all Opp. Bank of Toronto Barrie Ch u.n L: ii Block. I 2911 Tun Montreal Witness says it is -of interest to every Canadian to know that at the cession of Canada to Britain in 1763, the.population was about 65,000. In 1791, when Canada was divided` into two provinces by the passing 3f the Constitutional Act. a census of the whole country showed_ the population to be 150,000; at the time of the war .n.-. nnn AAA AL `L- .._...... Do `it Dd: A ulnuu Mr. Doj 9F | Ma; In WI in 1812, it was 300,000. At. the union oi the "two "provinces in 1841, Upper Cmada numbered 465,000 and Lower Canada 691,000, a total of 1,156,000. In 1871 the first census taken after Confederation, the} population was 3,485,761; in 1881, 4,324,810; and in 1891, 4,833,239. ` . Tm: ,business man who has an ove`_- nonal iclcaithat advertising will do him good does not win success, for like the visits of milkmen advertising is needed every day, rain or shine. It is the constant steady pull that wins custom- ers. The store running without the aid of advertising is burdened with a tre- mendous handicap impossible to over- come. The intelligent merchant, who pins his faith to judicious, liberal and persistent ' advertising has climbed several steps on the way to success, and if all the other departments of his bus- ` iness are unnagud in the same way, the result must be satisfactory. In is easy enough to pick out dozens of concerns rolling in wealth, from the liberal use ofnewspeper publicity while those" re- maining at the head of the line without advertising are remarkably scarce. l>Ul luau J via two years. ` (Mlingwood is to have a foundry and ma- chine shop, by a Pittaburg man with a capital of $30,000. He asks free mite. exemption for ten yearn, and frae lightnd water for +fnm wean. A Live Paper for I Live People. BAN.K_E.B2- EDl'E)RlAL NOTES. T. BEECROFT. nanager 1 B.\n_k in most ilow the Railroad '.I`cket Seller Rendn Character In Then. A ticket seller at an L" station ` nmuses himself by `watching the hands thrust into his little window; not as a psxlmist would, studying the shape, the length of ngersor the joints and xneus-' urements. The motions of the hands in- terest him`. no vnn non thnt wnmnn on the blat- him. Do you see that woman on the plat- form ? he asked. I'll bet she's a close one. How do I know? Why, she's been coming to this station for years. She, never offers more than a dime and puts out one finger and at the some time tells me in a positive tone `Just one. She holds on to the dime in a lingering way. ns it she hated to turn it loose. I know she gives it a parting squeeze. _And she snatches the nickel I slidc; out as if she was afraid some one else would try 1'0. get it. V Tim lmnntient mnn is smndlm! inst get It. .The Impatient man is standing just behind her. I'd hate `to live mm him. `(Rings his monoy.nVt"me as if it burn- vd his ngers, reaches out for his ticket and claws at the window ledge if I delay a moment, Then he snatches it up and runs through we turnstile. No, it is not because he is in-n hurry. He always does the same way it there isn't a train in hearing distance. , 'I`lmn thorn`: Hm mrnerous man. HG in hearing distance. Then there's the generous man. throws down some `money. doesn t wait to count his change and is off. Some- times he forgets the change and leaves it. Once he gave me a dollar, got his ticket and 1-usht to the train. Isnved the 95 cents for him. and neit time -I saw him I gave it to him. But he" push- ed it back good nnturedly and said: `Oh, never uiind! Buy the baby something with it and give her my compliments; she's got nn honest daddy}. Wrlm timid -wnmnn nuts down her she's got honest uauuy.'. "The timid '\vomnn_ puts down change in n besitutguz; tushioh. \ And the nnroles: womnn-she waits change in hesmuinz; rusmon. And the careless woman-she until she gets to the window to hunt` her change. Then she dives down in her pocketbooli and fumbles about.` pulls out samples_ and truck and sometimes drops her nickel after she succeeds in nding it and has to look all over the.tlooi- for it, while the people behind fume and fret. There's generally something the matter with her gloves; --rm... r~nnfin'na'\vnmnn gives everybody Will) l`aL`l' QXOVESI. The cuutiouswoman gives everybody` the`jin1jmns. She takes out her money do- liberately and insists on handing it in. to me with precision, which she accomplish- es by gingerly putting her thumb and forenger through tlielittle hole in my window. When I give her the change, she counts it carefully. sometimes twice over, to be sure there is no mistake, and she never seems aware that she is blocking the way. She is never in a hurry. and it a train or two go'by while she is getting this matter straight that doesnft worry her. Her maixim is one thing at n time. and she prides herself on not making mis- . takes. Annthnr n1-ml-nntnr in mu` business is takes. Another character in our business the man who has 11 good sized bill. He looms up just as a train is approaching, and the line behind gets as wildly excited as if that was the only one.fo'1- an hour. It takes some time to give out the chmgge and for him to count it. but he manages to catch the train every time. People he- hind him don't. '1`hat s where tho trou- ble comes in. -' uv1~i..... um.-n 3: nm n-nngfnr ond who I hle in. - Then the.re,is the transfer end who nsks a hundred questions about how to 20! to 11 certain place. and then goes over the _same conversation with the gateman. What has that to do with hands? Noth- ing. except that I've been at this stand many years. and while I don't know the face of a single one of these individuals I can tell them by their hands. unconscious Humor. Neither Bret Harte nor Mark Twain. "when they wrote of the Luck, of 1\['liss', of Captain Ned Blakely, of Back Fan- shaw' and Scotty Briggs. had any idea how great they were or even that they were great at all. They never dreamed that these sketches for the local journal would outlive the week that saw their` birth and at last make the circuit of the world. becoming a part of the permanent wealth of man. That gives these stories their inimitable chann. There is none uf the striving of the funny man in what belongs to that first period, no setting of traps. for our admiration. This is the same as saying that there is none of that instinct of egotism which prompts a man to laugh at his follow. to show how much wiser and cleverer he himself is. It is all free. generous and bountiful as the ` sunshine of the land where it was con- ceived. full of the spontaneous life of na- ture herselr. _ A Sarcastic P:-oteuor. A -good story is going the rounds at C0- lumbia regarding one of the`.sa1'cn,stic `pro- fessors. who was recently conducting an Jral examination in a very scientitie study. There was one student-handsome, easy and self possessed-who appeared to be utterly ignorant of the simplest phases of the subject. Professor W. put question atterquestion to him_ without receiving one inteili:.:ent r(-ply. < . I.`:..nm- Ihn ntnnlonf anid nnivnlv. with Intem:.:ent r(-ply. Finally 1110 student said naively, with just a touch of reproach: I'm very un- fortunate. professor. You never ask me` anything I know.?' V 'I"hn nrnfnusnr nnid nnfhinsr. but l1'1'\'9' nnymmg I Know." The professor said nothing. but grave- ly tore off a tiny piece of paper from a convenient pad. Here, Mr. B., be said. handing it to the student, write all you know; take plenty of time: there's no hut-' nu " Mnde It Crown Points. Lord Beaconseld is said to have been the onlyman who ever succeeded in get- ting `Edward VII when he was Prince of Wales to play for small stakes. rm... rn-Innn mm nn :1 visit to Hm:hen- 0! Wales to may to!` sumu stances. The prince was on a visit to Hughen- den. and after" dinner. the usual game was suggested. When the stakes were an- nounced. Dizzy turned pale. He was a comparatively poor man and feared to risk `so much money. A bright idea oc- I curred to him. It was just nfter_the.queen had been crowned empress of India. and Dizzy suggested. Wouldn'_t it be suit- able to make it crown points?" The prince was so pleased with the mot that he consented; I stuck In Hls CI`-op. She-Wlmt it I have loved another,` dour? Don't you know it has only pre- pared me for the greater, higher love 1 have for you? 'I`hnt'n nll 1-`vhf, hllf hmv do I know nave tor you: That's all right. but how do I know that the love you now have for me isn't preparing you` tor,u greater, higher love for some one. else?"--Li1'e. The Last Reuort. . ' ' Clnrn--He was heartbroken. desperate. I 2316 ready for gnything when X rejected I am, ` ~ ' ~- MOTIONS OF THE HANDS. nun.` . _ Maude-Wht:t did he do? ` Clur a-_He 331 he mm 301;): to no Illll. THEJEWELRY BUSINESS Is a Time-Honored calling] Watchmaker,` Engraver Manufacturing Jeweler May 6.-A.V W. Bell has. much im- ' proved th looks of his place by paint, ing his house, putting up a new fence- aml planting trees. ` , Mme. nc H14: farmer.-z hexe`axe nearlv and plantmg nrees. Most of the farmers he1e`axe nearly {hrough seeding. Kfnaav-: (Tmwfnrd Z Robinson RTE mrougn Seeulng. Hessrs. Craxvford z Robinson busi`y engaged paper-hanging and painting. IllLlI\I`4 DDJLO .l\JLlL\ uusu. New remedies come. and new remedies `go ; but Scott : Enuxlaiun is the great. rock foundation on which hope of recm-ery from weak thrtate and lungs must rest. It is The Standard of the world. r Arbor Day Wis duly ob ei'ved in our` neighborhood. ' c~-1._-I ....... ..l.-mu! An \\/'nrInn'.r1a1v nexgnoornoou. , I School was clcsed on. ,Wedne':day,l owin,~:,* to the illness of the teacher. 11:-.. D....L.:.... 'l.T.-um. nu in nu Hun` O\\'l|'l;'.,' (0 [He 1uur.~':s uu. um Lcuuucu. _ Mias Beatxice I'Iomsb_v is on the sick lgst, A ........L.... at` Ann Cnvnsara ;nfnnrl in SICK 1;sr._ A number of our farmers intend to nish seeding this week. ` r\,, T.` :1... ........l...-. n nnn~.'n(u- nf \`I\I'I!; nmsn seeulug uzm wccn. V On Friday evening a num'cer of young people took a surprise party. to the home of Mr. and '.\Ir.=. N.TLamb. ` We, the undersigned. do hereby agree tol refund the money on a 50-cent. battle of! Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tmaif ibfxilsi to cure your cough or cold. We also guar- antee a 25-cent bottle to prove satisfactory or monev refunded.~ Jmw \\'nnni. l ' GUTHRIE. Honor Roll of SS. No. 1?, 0m, for the month of April : T An-uv "Y .3;-7\I'o=ein Rrnwvv , Kafi` me Inonm 01 Apxu ; 4'rII CLAss-Vassie Brown, Katie` Graham, J`Iay Gilchrist, meme Gil-i Tchrist. , . - n__ In. nu- 13-..... \\7;11;.;.,.! 'CDI'lSl . 3110 CLASS->-EC?`/a -B own, `William! Hol,.:es,* Wilbur McLarLy, Alexander` Graham. - . .... T......:,. D ...oIn.-J,-.n\ uv Killllllllo .231) CL.\ss-Jennia Brth0'.mn \v,I_ John Baltholomew, Ma,_g,;ie Graham. Hilda McDennott; ` 1-- n-...- n D... r1..I,!.....1`. T.~...... G1-3'0. 1\Io:~'1mAs nuua Luu1.fcnuUu. 181' CI.As;s--G. Roy Caldxw-li. Isaac. Ross, Alex. McA\-tbur, Nina Tanner. May 7.-The young people of Dston Congregational church have organized a. mission, hand. If 11` ,, :. ._ I - ...__ _- .-_t,...I..._..d..l IIHD II\.`K.JlJCI|C\I `VIUU again this spring ; LLIISHIUH, Imuu. Mr. Wre- wl.o was so unfortunate as to lose. at vuhxzable horse last spring has happened `with the same misfortune IurvnIv\ 011:: any-In.~ `of Cod Liver Oil is the means i of life, and enjoyment of life to thousands: men women and ; children. n 11-11 ,,,A!L- 1-3!- 34. _... uuugu cu. When appetite fails, it re` stores it. When` food is a; burden, it lifts the burden. ` 1171. ..._ _--..1.....;`A.-...L :4. 1-....:...~o Uurucu, 1|. nu: Lu,_c Ubuuuu. ` When youlose esh,it brings 1 the plumpness of health. ` I 1XT1...:..-. `lI7f\V'1I {C 1'13?!` ZIHA ` | Lu: [J1 uuA1.u.n.aa un- When work duty is heavy, | bright. Dflgll Lu . It is the thin edge of the wedge; the thick `end is food. But what is the use of food, when_ you hate it, and can't di- gc=SLc:)L;t s- Emulsion 6f Cod i Liver Oil is thefood that makes you for et your stomach. If you ave,not trled_ u. _eend fc_o_I: I uu LU1 CL uuz cn.u:ua.\.u. you ave not tlgled I . send for | free sample. Its azreeab taste will '"' 533'g_g%N.' . chemists. _ 500. and A $1,902. di-assists. cAsTo3aA, scmrs IllillSi0 HERE RESTS YOUR HOPE. Children Cry for j -_ 1r_1'.i.\` E '1`1l\7 Y. ORO S1]?ATION. Inspect our Stock and see for y`ou|-self. \Ve have beenin it for years fund we propose to stay in it. \Ve are meeting with encouraging success. But business does not drift our way blindly. VVe must give customers good value in every purchase and earn _a.` reputation for reliable goods. No person objects to paying for goods when he gets his money s worth. We Positively Guarantee our stock as represented. If` not, the money will be cheerfully refunded upon return of -. v as uanl if` ` goods. vv gouus. .We carry it very large stock `of everything belonging to the Jewelry trade. - See our Diamonds % and Precious Stones 311111080. ~ ~ Joux Wool) -x-. n I DALSTON. ' A CARD They are beailties. Prices the lowest. .. I-- BASS, L 11591 L110 is hard and.` _it makes life ops, ` D. _H. MACLARENI `Hm BARBIE r.xAM11\`112, THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1901. Dr. Morten, V.S., of Barrio, reports vmuch sickness among horses and cattle this spring. Seeding operations are proceeding rapidly, and if the ne weathtr con- tinues, will soon be over for this season ` 1. HM. &Bu\