VAIR, \IIOKERS%& no.1 [)8 L116 guluc U1 hut: acuauu. _ A;-union meeting of the 0.R.C. and _B. of R.T. was held last, Strnduy utter- noon _1u the T1-zunuxen s Hall. is vv n l`._.g.r\1` I ) A nr-n.nJuu1 noon _1u ule J.1'mumcu : 1Au.u. Rev. H. D. U.-uuex-on, B.A., preached in Angus last. Sunday and Rev. Mr. ML-Plmil occupied his pulpit, here. 1u'__ un. .... .......n iuvn {nu-xv inful-- tut -flllul UL\.upn:u unc tllllllnu ..\.-. Miss Wig'gi'ns gave two very inter- estlng addresses In the Methodist church last, week, her Sll1l_|L (:LS bemg Clnld T:-zyxmng and T`eu1pemnc-9. - A J , .. ...:n um Imm h. RnH'1wpH . Ullllu 1.x'zuu1ug uuu ;_::nul;c..uu.... . A dance will be held in Bot.hwell a Hull t.o-morrow night the proceeds of which go to the R0y;LlVicl:u1'i-4. Hos- nirnl. (`.:mI.. \Vl1isl1 \vill ben'1:Lst_e1-of which to me noym Vuzuurrw. L.Lua- pizul. Capt. \Vl1ish be u1i:Lste1- of cereulonies and \Vesley \Vebb, oor :.` n n u mun not Llnnvu n. ma_nage1'. By a train at sin Allandale Crossing last i Wednesdav. 1 A limfnhle accident occurred shortly - after six o clock on VV.e(lnes(ln.y {after- -noon of last week a.tGral1:uu's crossing, Allzmdule \V:u-d, by which the six- yeur-old daughter of Mrs. Aldrich of Orillia. lost her life. The little girl was` * slaying on the n_orth .Sl(iL`\\'il.ik and . rmving a. little boy in :1. Cart ran east, towards the track. Justus she got to the track she swiingz the cm-L zironnd but did n_o1.get out of the way of the freight train that.'\vas lnickiug intothe yard. She was knocked down and had both feet taken off. Apparently she tried to recover herself when the brake beam struck her and thr;-\v her on the mil again so that her right arm was severed above the wrist anal` the left at the shoulder. The horried on-loulaers hurried to her rescue. and pulled her out after she lmd _.been carried about six feet. ' I iariit-nl aid was at once summoned six feeu. and the poor child was conveyed [D the hospital. She remained quite r-nnscious and horn. her pain with gl. fo__rt.itude fan` beyond he1'ye:n-s. F rum .1... I-sun-innina it xvzas evident t;h:Lt,11er l\Iedicz1l aid was at. sunum'1ned fO__l'Litude far beyond ne1')'e:n's. rruui the beginning it was evident that her life could not he saved and she passed zuvny at midnight. . Mrs. Aldrich comes from Ox-illiii. but | had been in Allandale nursing for several months. Her husband is in_ the Klondike. This was their only child and 21, bright little thing she wits. Much sympatthy is felt. for the bet-eaved ninth:-`Ir. LLA%N!:3.gE_ man. auu puns .................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , _ H _ V Ivline _F0ula/rds, a beautiful fabric with fine mercerized n- ish, resembling reil Silk Foulards`, the color: are fast and designs very captivating,ot..............._..................`35c and Fine American Dtmities, wide ' umrcerizel stripe V `over rmall oral patterns, in grey, pink, blue, green, etc, wortlrc, fo: . . Fine English Ginghtmzs, correct. for blouse waists, pale pink, red, blue, etc., with line raised cord, excellent value, at .... Fiqac Scotch Zephyrs, in wide, medium aml" mirrow stripes, guaranteed last colors, in blues, pink, old roise, reds and greys, worth 20c, for. . Fine Amem'ctm' Batiste, a large range of pgtterris, re- gular 15c goocls, mucn syn mother. . Stowps the (long: and works on` the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Quinlne Tablet; cure a. cold in dty. `No Cure. no pay. Price 23 cents. -' Ml1\ ESI.\'G. _ ! April 1`6-Sesding has comn enced. in this vicinity. - . I r \.... ..,.,.:..l urn lme rn.nmn.1 it: n].] lm tots VICIIHL)`. Our social life has re.~u:ne1 its old steady pace after the bright sunny h0]i mt. r1.<.m+. and familv moved to hollduy. Mrs. Grant and family to their [new xome in Anteu Mxlls last. Friday. W . Grant of Edenvde has moved to their old home here. .- Miss A. M IL-nlm of Crossl-and is vi.=1tinr_z Miss K. McLean. \r1 cu` .......... .. lml.-linw n m-am] Th M`.L.S purpose lxolding :1 grand nal concert. for this year on the night [of the 24th. Particulars later. vi.=1tmf.z Mxss ix. Lucneau. | I u Miss U. E. Wirzgins. lecturer and organ- izer for the W. C. T. U.. spent Thursday, April llth, in .\liuesmg. She was during her stay the guest of Mrs: Alex. Primrowe, who IS 8:) well known in the work of the local union Miss Wiggins held two meet- ings, one in the afternoon and one in the evening. Both were in the Methodist church. Mrs. S. Jalculn occupied the chair in the afternoon and introduced the lecturer no thezzssemblcd ladies. among whom we- noticed quite a number of young girls. The lecture `or taik, on Child Cult-me" was just what we had been wanting. and we are sure that it`. dil good. The evening meeting was well attended. The pxsxor, .\lr. Ingram," was chairman. Miss \Vigg,in:. lecture on "IIurmmity's Butles ? . is masterpiece. and was listened to with deep- est interest. Her perfect training and com- plete command of her subject united to her ; Winning personality, presented acombinution ._ rarely met, and when met a. source of much ._ pleasure to all who are in the charmed circle nf her nresence. Twenty new Incmhcrs > ` a ll cK"i"6VI'=2$I'A. 1 all who the cnarmeu uncle of her presence. Twenty !were added to the Minesing union. The` only faultmone could nd with either the afternoon talk or the evening lecture was,| we \vanted more: the time had passed so plexsantly. the ideas had been presented with so much winning: power, that it did not, seem possible the time had own so mpidly. l We hope we may have the pleasure of I henrmz her again. and that she may be able l ., _.,-- :-.. ....-..... u...n'nna any with us. ' seem posslunu uuu umc unu ......... ..., -_l._ pleasur` i to stay for more thnnbue day with us, PHONE 74 LITTLE GIRL KILLED. children cry for j -J Minesing W. C. T. U. A `Apr. 15-:P!oughing has commenced. Mr, -.unl.B*_Irs. Thos. Pxatt, and Miss Lily Ostrauder attended a c-mference of the Bxet`uren in Poronto last week. \AI'_'__ \.f_._._:... \A .'.-.. KY Ill.-'L~ D H18 uxeumeu lu Luruuw man. wccn. Miss Martin, Miss N. Iiinds, P. M-.nrin and Ab. llinds came from Tor- onto to attend the funeral of Miss Lily Casey. \\` , l'1.._:._ ...L. . . all.-\JC.~n n uni- Uasey. Wm. Craig, who is at.tendir.g a busi- ness college in Toronto, was home for '_5-astt-1` holidays. - _ , Ii.-; fl.-nnn Nrnv-r; :nn np (`.nHinnwnnd _1Lasu'r uouua_y:'. Miss Grace Morrison of Collingwood I'Io. is home for a few days. M .- uni KT: .Tnhn Wlrlh have moved 1'10.~`plU.l.l 18 HULLII: Aux` u usw uu_va. Mr. and Airs. John Fulh have moved to their own place, the Luing Home- | stead. ' nr- , 11 H 'I'.`:_LL ..r T)-.. .,. 1.. mm l'n u-' EH]. - ~ Mus Bella Firth of B`a.u'ie is here for a few days. _ ' 1\'Ic: 1 :-;.~n;nu nrn;J`n}' \1'n.ma2nne iS It ICVV uuya. Miss 1 :-iscilla. Cra.ig`ot' .\Ioms'.one is visiting at. Thos.' Craigfs. Ab. Craig is laid up with an attack of inimmatoxy rheumatism. 1\T:.\. L`.Lnl Q.Ii.-..lmru -xlan in gum-1.rinn A G is a. fine colored mrslin, large oral deaign, with wide, open border on both sides, special E 3- is an extra line cloth in magnicent patterns, double open work bonlcr`, arxd very wide, special at ................. ..,.12 B 10 is 1; ne double width goods, oral designs, with white satin nished stripe over all ............. ....... Scrims, Spot Muslin, erc., are,all in, Values aro the b: Barrie, bar none. _ Paraso ls-Wu have Va large range of Par-asols, second to none +.. can mom in an like them--orices...... . . 50c to $5 OI lHll.lI1llhu.LUly rucuxuuuauu. Miss Ethel Smlisbury also is suffering an attack of inmnmutory rheu'.nat.ism. Mowut Ilart. of she B.C.I. spent E2ste_r at hishome here. _ Mr. B'eut1y of Allandale condltcted service in the Gospel Hall on Sunday c\'eni'ng_ and will speak to-night ul 0. 1\ ...I. L :5 nnnin Mann ;n null` I'\1iI"Sf. ill evetuug dllu W111 B]JCu.l\ I.u-xlruu ul. u Death hus again been in our midst in , all his sudden, sad solemnity, choosing: one in the ower oi womanhood, full of P` fuir promise, high hopes and lofty ani- bition. Miss Lily Casey was the younger daughter of Thos. C.:se_',', Grassland, Flos, but resided here with her brother, J. Casey. She was loved and respected by all her lriends, neigh- bors and acquaintances, Wes a most amiable young lady and will be greatly missed. Her de.uh occurred on April } SLh,.afler an illness of two weeks and four days. The funeral, which was `1 hrgely nttended,'look place on Thurs.- day to the RC. chur-:h, Apto, where _ the Rev. Father Sl`1el`lLl:iIl'C.)lltll1cKl`(l the service. The pull-hearers were, A. ' |- Hinds, Toronto; H. F-urruglier, Ilil!~- . f dale; C. Ricliardson, Apto; J. 1113- -. gins, II. Bolton, A. Richardson, Craig- hurst. The oml offerings were very ' beautiful At- the head of the coffin was placed :1 oral crescent. from Mr. and Mrs. J. Marriu, Bun-ie; next a cross from her bxothers, Joseph and` Charles ; a, star from the young gentle- men of Craigliur;-it; mi anchor from Y ` Mr. and Mrs. Jury ; bouquet from Mr. t and Mrs. L. D. Ribinson; cross from f9 Miss Dunn of Moonstone. Deceased was twenty-three years and her early death is deeply regretted. `FUJI VII.l\)ll (1: III I I The following subjects hnve been chosen fol-the S.A.. meetings this Wet k: l \Ved , S p.xu-"Prevniling Pmyer. Thuxs. '.v -``The Adder. - `Fri. u --'J.`l1e Fire." SaL. u .-'l`he Flzuue. _ - Sun" 11 :I.m.-_-1`he B.-1l:u1ce,"3 p. m. I rep;u-iug for Battle, 7.30 p.m. Th Crown. All -(Au-e welcome. ` The Rv. C. H. Woolston. D. D.. re- cently celebrated the completion of 14 yours asp pastm-_ of the East Baptist` church, Philadn-Inhiu. . rm... n-.. `r\.. n..:..eem-A of r ( :pnrae a I, church, 1'h1muL-lnuxu. The Rev. Dr. Rainsford of St. George s Protvstnut Episr50p:1l church, New York, V says that the best thing to be done among the poor ot_ that city is to teach them love of country first. Ruiigious sentiment will _lhen follow naturally. nu._-_......L...... -0-to 'I"1mm-me r-Inn-r-I1 nf _lhen follow naturally. 1`he'men1bers of'St. Thomas church at Braddock. Pa., the Pioneer Roman Catho- lic church of the Monongahela valley. ex- ; poet to build a beautiful and connuodious ` house of worship in the near future. Part ofthe necessary funds has heei: _prov'xdod. and Andrew Carnegie has promised to make a generous contribu- tinn - non. Archbishop Corrignn of New York pre ' sides over the largest Catholic archdio~ ' cese in the country and one of the largest in the wurld. The population subject to his direction is 1.200.000. Under him are ` 1 auxiliary bishop, 478 secular priests, 202 members of religious orders, 268 churches, 157 chapels, V 1 university. 1 seminary. '11 colleges, 41 academies for ` girls, 100 parochial schools, 6 orphan asy- Iums and (54 charitable-institutions. c?aA:sT@;R;aA. Some of the western railroad managers _f:1vor a general movement for the ab- sorption of all of the private car lines, ~ most of which belong to shippers of pack- ing house products. rm... (1.-um! 'l\-nnl: milwnv management mg 1101151: pruuuus. The Grand T1-uuk railway management ` has arranged with the New York Central to use the latter s main `station in But- fnlo. The Grand Trunk has heretofore used what is known as the Erie street station in that city. n.._.....|. ....:I....... ........:........- I....m maa n and noiv we can boast of having the largest and best assort- ment in Barrie. V This superb collection of ne Cotton Dress Materials is displayed for your benet in the White`Room. The choicest things aresure to be whete the collection is It! .u_- r_n,\...:...,. 1: no '1 curnnln M the qfvleg-. stauou In U.lU.|. cuy. I~`rench railwuy_engineers have made a ` - breach in the western wall of the Chinese city of Peking through which they will bring in the Punting-tu railway. The 'l`ion-tsln line will b extended to the wall or the '1`artm-`City. rm.._.... ... .......I. nnmnlniyxf in I !-nlv ra- ` 0: me 1uru.1r pug . There is much complaint in Italy re- gunliug 11 new railway arrangement by which station masters receive a certain sum with which to engage us many sta- tion cuiployees as thvy deem advisable. The result is iusuliicicnt help. overwork and accidents. \ Cut crystal umbfella handles with gold i bands remain one of the olognncios. r\,_: . ......_.... ... .....l.....Il..1\nn.'llnnhn Ann ` uuuus iuuuuu Ulll` in Luv rI\!,uu\.I\-.79 V > Quite unique in umbrella handles is one of ivory overlaid with curving stripes of `fine gold wire. This `terminates in a bull." also inclosod in this gold wire cag- | ing. _ . v...-i:,.I. `\r\`1rv c!Inl.-:1 n-in: cilrnr m- lug. I English holly sticks. with silver or gold mountings, r0[)roscnt the regular at- . fair in (11-iviug whips and crops. Riding ; crops also employ malacca and othc-r natural woods. V ~n._,._. f.._.,1-.. ....w.n.- 4-I-m ninwa that than ni1IUX'Lll \\'UUUS. From London comes the news that the [latest walking sticks are cleverly led into triangular, square and hexagonal forms. This refers not to the handle Ialone, but to the stick proper. Young men about town also make it 11 fashion to use a different stick with every change of costume. ' ` __ __... L` BRAKES AND COUPLINGS. STICKS AND UMBRELLAS. .Cfhivl,chen"C?y`zfor CR AIGUURST. Leaders In Mllllnery Salvation Army. n ,. .,..n._-...... 1.. For several seasons the Double Stores Milline been a feature of general interest to ladies. Our di son has been an exhibition of progressiveness in The most advanced ideas in New York and Parisi adapted to Canadian requirements, are here illustrz many handsome special designs by Miss VVright. by foreign makers on view in our rooms--all manuf; rooms by our own staff and can be repeated for our . v '. CARPET DEPARTMENT A 1il)('1':l1 Imlgu of Non B1-must-`-4 pets, new cnlm-iugs, new (1(:Si;:;!lH, able for best (Ix-;1\\'ing01' (1i`ning_; 1'0 Spccialin price ' - . . | A few extra fim-,9 11` 1 mm 1 best lll2lk(`l'S,V at closest prices. . . .$l.25 A complete stock of New Carpets` in all-wool direct importations of Japanese mattings at 1 iNEW SPRING CLOTHING . \1)01ltv:~)U )Iun s Suits, s;l.(:([u - dark and light; sunuuc1' plzxizl:-. (1:11-k, light and medium plain 1` and Uilllildiilll twcmls. HuE.1 where at $6 to Our p1~i<:-. . . l. _ -- _---,-__, ,, * Men's ne cnlm-ed (`r:uuh1-ic Shirts, 12lllIl(11`it`(1 Imsmns. t-11113 zlttzu-In-d, \vi ` and mu-row St1`l])(3S, elm-lly new blue colors, qulta-;1n 11p-to-(1:11:-.~`l1i1-t, at nnly SOC. L In. \.Au.IA\.\.-n. un....b_ --._ __ , greatest. We give the Lollowing list ; l`I len sNew Spring Hats, ' Latest Styles, Lowest Prices `um & H U N New Brussels Carpets See` Our $5.00 Suits t:0l'!1'p;y';5Tifh-lIl("0lVY;l":`Y1! Srhcln) ewrymu- kill: 1-l\':mI=t:-' -'1 Hus ZMIVI-1'XI~'u1u-In. u _ able Sp0ons.12 Tm. Sp:-ans .'uul100ph~w~ -h-mnqfz--1-hlnm-r an-I (en 5*--I. \\'II!_ he L'h'c-n z|\--`um . - rpm mum-m nml L'\l:||'1|||It` the clhxlws full akzr f--r f:unll\' Hue. \\ -' dz-sire to hxlr---hn -- our 1'i mm and are zulvuruslug hi this way. Wrltc at once. NEW LIFE REMEDY C0., Box 4-0 The largest of its kind in Northern Ontario, where every one can get just_what they require in floor covcringsrat prices not equalled in the Province. Among the NEW CARPETS rc- cemly to hand are a few lines that will catch the attentianv of close buyers. ' Mbncy saved in buying clothing at this stare. That s what we claim can be done here." The character of the garments claim -- TL, .-_:--- .`..-..,. :+ vm. mu`: nacihr nhqerva it in both -Ca-Itoria is an excelfcnt m`cdicine for` chikireu. Mothers have repeatedly told me ; of its good effect upon gheir children." ~ `no r: {` cnnnn I/17:71]], Jlcss. Castoria is for Infants and Children. Casforia. is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregorie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium, Morpliine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Ple-.1sant. .Its guarantee is thirty years use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria. destroys \Voi-ms and allays Fe\'e1-islx- ness. Castoria cures Diarrhoea. and \`v'indC01ic. Castoria. relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria. assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowelsoflnfants and Clziildre-n, giving V healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Childreu s, Panacear-The l`oIother s Friend. THE LARGEST. IMPOBTERS or Lenmsu AND FOREIGN GOODS IN BARBIE claim can be clone nerc. Lnu Lud.Ia.v..u.n \ll ..... b......e.. it. The prices prove it. You can easily observe quality, style of make, and the price. - -- _. . A I-`Roar STREET, BARRIE. THE FAC-SllVilLE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON 1-:vr-291 WRAPPER. , cucu. upuu gncu \.nu\.u:u. DR. G. C. OSGOOD, Lowell, Alcss. Castoria; \'(:(`(l.~i. .W);.1 t`\'(*l'\`- H u1'.su'u.~.. \lil1'r\-nun . 0l1l`]_)1'i(.'<`...$5 do , $9 to $11, f1)1`1m1_V .. A Bargain In I'len s Shirts What is For Curtains. to none. nu- - IOU` iixlglisll : I-\'4-l`\'- ble Millinery receptions have display of this sea- progressiveness the millinery art. av Parisian studies, cleverly ts,.are here illustrated, together with . No Show Hats" ' manufactured in our own be for customers. A (-un.~`ign1n(-nt just to hand of a new 101. of 'l`;1pusLry (..`u1-pt-ts, wlxit-In for qu:1lit_V and ht-mnty of dt.-sign are un- (`(1ll2l('(l nt;1nlu:}1 lniglu-1'px'i<:1-s. ()n-ly , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50c. and ht-:u1ty nl (I4.-slgn are un- at lnlwh lliglu-1' px~i(:1-s. . . . . . ' 'l'u1i0str_\' (I.-n'p(et:s at 3550., 3013., 35(: , 400.. 5013.. i300 , 7513. pm` y:u`d. A.` ,-u .1 I l\I\.rn- \Ill w-`iv--- Fully S('ilS()l]('(l, ln:u .d.~'nnw Il0i_':1I, Block and J51-ussn-,ls om-4:L.<, 7551:. pm: yu;1-(1 and Ilpwzu-ds. 1"lum- Oil (`Indus and l.iim1<:um.~', 1, 1,}, 1.`_., 2, 3 and -I _\ :ll`(1.s' wide.-. See Our_1'len s $7.50 Suits Ahunt 40 Men's Suits. . hI'<':1,SC IS2l.('([11l*,CU:lLH,(fUl1SiSlilIgUf!l!' I`In;.;li.~sh, '.`s'r.-nu,-.11 and (.`:m:uli:m { _ - I 1 \\';--~14 um]. i \V'()1`.\`L('(1S, dark am`. light t-ulm-.-:_. Wm-LII 1359 to for nnlyl . . . . . . . .. $7.50 . T7 MURHLV STREET. li':'.V RR C"1'Y. New Tapestry Carpets I17 Urg`Iog[:u.uuum, -`.4 e_\;qu1s1te smpes, at . - - 'r\ ! Castor-in Is so well mlnplul to chiidren : that I recommend it as supcriur to any pre- briplion known to me." . | 11. A.ARC1II-`.11. M. 1). 12`ookIyn, N. Y `Tiglwoor VCiotl1As L-wools, unions, vhcmps; also gs 12c. to 50c. per yard. Casto1ia.. xlL~:"nn.. r\'('l'y huuu.- -Toronto. `M18. Llulllx L5 to American uress 1r1.'w.svu.s, u.- u... . in piece goods and in dress lengths ; colora blue, and pink I < - '- 1 .:r__I t.L..:- ...+l\ Gun nu: HE crowded condition of this store is unmi T the satisfaction we give our customers. staff in Barrie,-and its services have been "fully t month. Brisk sales, constant activity, and exp: on all sides-this is the sort of business we like. _ like, you ll not nd us lagging. The earlier thc ,-.__l'...A. DIRECT IMPORTERS .\.lluIu|yu uvn.`n.. , ,.._ , ___ _ _ V 47nerican Dress Jlluslins, allxhe _ ......... ...\,..lJ nn in .h-nu: Innuthg ; cglorg blup` Jun . u - o - - - o u - - . ~ . . . . . . . . . . , , , W hue Spot Illwslins, in all size Spots, at 10c, 12c, 15c, 20c, up to Ll'l 1C, Uu.I. uuu\.. raso of `second Co -to see them is `,.o like them-prices...... $8.00 Thisscaison We bought liberallyin Whether.;. growing in the elds or steeping on the table. Tea is associated with the bright- est audoheeriest of experiences of life. It soothes the troubled ; strengthens the weak ; V AL--'--I-1'. Iu:nl~.1>nnn fhn wit and the troubled streuguucus nu) "-4-u , wurms the"coldi: brightens the wit loosens the tongue for anecdote and conver- sation. The memories of the Tea Table are those of rened pleasure and pleasant excitement. It is associated with the even- ing hour, with the gathering of the family circle, `and the s:`iz\l lile oi evenings at home. Butit is not as easy as many sup- ' pose to obtuinnn pure and honest Tea. If you buy our teas you can feel assured vou, are buying a. pure and in-n`-vth-giving article. Our 250. Blend Te-'\ can le relied upon to always represent ierfection of aroma, flavor and strength. A . $9 WE 's A CALL. A. .j. _Ca_rson, comfort. A variety of qualities a.x1db attcrns sconcl ` store unmistalceable evidence of ` 'e customers. We have the largest shave taxed during the past : expressions of satisfaction af `Call as early as you g. The the better} for your own W /.68 ire: Importer _ , 50. goods,_re-.11 silk. puttru, in in dress I engthsonly~. The .. t\I1II\_V` ..l...Ana-`-lunrl nnmhi11n. m uress mugnua uu-_y~. , newest shzidesand combina- 40c', 45c, 50c, 65c,- --can : as aqsarnple Of the styles: wnsu nouns. Specialties Dress Goods and Silks ` _ new shades, , violet, grey 30c, 35c, to Wllll W [bu I50 ar best in upeu .12 1-20 500 V 400 400 30c 20 ART Musuns. I200` 150 100 _ 10c Temperance Lesture, by Miss Wiggins on Monday Night. The Congregational church was lled ` on" Monday night by those interested M; in temperance to hear the well-known lecturer, Miss \Viggins. Rev; T. E. M Bartley presided and Rev. D. B. `Hark- ness opened the meeting with prayer. After a solo " Ualvary by Mr. M Edwards, the" c`nai1-man introduced the speaker of the evening who spoke of w the battles of the human heart against sin in its various forms but especially a] against the liquor traic and its attend- ant evils. Temperance people are not 1 all agreed as to the best methods to be 1` pursued. Some wantau anti-treating law. some total prohibition and others 3` government ownership but all agree on the necessity of putting down the a trnt l'le. Temperance knowledge has in-eatly 1ncreascd.- L'quor was not formerly considered so hut-tfol_ but both science and business sense now say that men must abstain from liquor. Insurance men say total-abstainence adds 10 or 15 years to a man`s life. The t lecturer said that even opponents of temperance weree;radually coining to \ their way of thinking. Taking up the `J political View of the question, she said that the main issue at elections is getting: in. Temperance people follow artv lines but liquor men do not. The ast Manitoba election was instanced to show what temperance people can do when they unite. The same result can he obtained every where if the tempe_ran(:e people show the membexs I that they mean what they say and see 7 that the members keep their promises. The importance of the work against narcotit-.s was dwelt upon; also the responsibility of mothers who should ' send forth their-sons armed with truth -and plll'lty;.-YE trnestly did the speaker urge her liearers to engage in this battle; a struggle as heroic as anyone could wish. The work of the -\V.0.T.U. was outlined and as a result of Miss \Viggins;' appeal several new members were added to the Union. mm 'l`nun1 null was well lled on added the Union. The Town Hall was Sunduy afternoon wi-Lh Sabbath school sch_ohu's and others. Miss Wiggins gave :1 very [)1'.'l(`.biC:ll t:1lk,to the child- ren on t.he-<-igarette habit. If the boys seen on the street smoking cigmiettes could only huvge hezud her they might, have been (-onstramined to leave off :1. immr an mam-inns to both body and habit. ` uund. . Kl`o MOT.-\(}UE -Al`. Pelmetnngllisllene, on March 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- Tague. 1|. daup;l1te1'. _ \\'A`RN1~:n-In Barrie, on Monday, April 15th. a snn.t,o Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo \-Va.rm~v'. \Vo1-sley street. IRA RRIED. SH.uv-\VmGu'1`-At Ori1lin,rm April" _ 5th. by Rev. R. N. Burns, B.A., Miss Letitia. W1-ight. of O1-illin. to Thomas J. Shzuv of Thornton. DIED. MCKI.\'.\'0NV--In Tm-onto, mr\\'eL1- nesday, April 10111, Jamel: Kirkup , ML-Kinnon, aged 28 years. \V.-\n`.\'I(`.-\-At Toronto, on Sundznf. April l-lth, Samuel Weslev \Vzu'nica, formerly of Puinswick, in his 63rd yezu-. _ Full \V'nea.t .. .. .. Flour, bakers, per bbl. Flour, tgsmily. " .` Shorts. per cwb. . . . .. . Bran, per cm ... . . . . . . Peas, small. . Peas. large Uatsv . . . . Bu.rlev.... .. Rye . . . . . . . . Buckwheat . VAIR, V|CKERS& Co. Potatoes. per Bag . Wool, unxvashed . . . . . . . . . W021, washed ..... Beef Hide-1. . . . . Tallow, rendered, per lb. .. Tallow. rough. per lb. ... , Lamb Skins Calfskins. per lb; .. Shea: Skiua..'.... MEAT. PbULTRY AND DAIRY PRODUCE. Beef, hindquartera ..7 Beef,forequ1ar1;era ..6 Mutton, perlb..~..... 6 .~ Lr\mb............ 6.. Hogs dressed . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 00 .7 ' Hogs. live, choice 170 to 23=')lhs. .6 5`). .6 Hogs, live. lights and fate. 50. less than choice l10g8, IIVU. ugnuu nu less than Chickens per pair. . . Turkeys, dressed. . . Lard, pen lh . . . . .. Butter, tub, pe`lb.. Butter. in roll . . . . . Eggs (fresh) .. . . . . HUl1ANlTY'S :: JFTLES. Hay. per ton .; . . Straw, per load. . .. . Wood. dry, short. . ` Wood. dry, long. . .` Wood, green, long. After "fifty years Dr. Humphi-eys' Specics enjoy the greatest popularity and lzu-gest. sale in theix-histo_1-3', due to intrinsic merit. They cure the .-sick; .... vans N0 uuur.::. Anny J 1-1-`overs. _Cor.:;cs:ion. In.1mm:\tlon.... 2-\\'ox-ms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic. . .. .1 3-'I'oeth1ng. C911:-, Cr_\'ln;:, \\':1kcfulness .5 G-Diarrhoea, of Children 01' Adults...` .1 7-Cou;zhs. ColdsBx`oncl1l1ls.... . . . . . . . . .. .1 8`Neura.\gla., Toothache, Faceache...... . ' 9-Honda.c11e, Sick` Heatlm-lit`. _Verti;;o. . . .. .` 10-D_vspepsla._.Indigatiun. Weak Stomach . 1l-Sunpxess`ed or Painful Pr1ods.... . 12-Wh':tes. T00 Pmfuse. Puriuds. . .. . . . 13~-Croup. Laryhgltls. :Ium~seuess'...,.. . 14-Salt Rhaum. 1.rys'xpe1;zs. Eruptions . 1 -:,,,I!hnv1vh_'L.U:!YL Rhemnatic Pains .. ...} 1~.l-:sx:u: nnuum. ..a_,a.,..;...:, ;_...;.....-..=.. ...... 15--Rheumatism. Rheumatic .1 1.-Mnlur'.=u. Chilis. Fever and Ague. . .. .. .25 19-Cn.t:u'.':h. Ixztiuenza. Cold in the Head .25 25 20--Whoop1:g Cough 27-K1dney Disease................,. 28-Nervous Debility '..'.' 1.00 30-01-lnary Weakness. Wetting Bed .25 5 'l7-Grlp. Hny:Fever....................... I Sold by all druggists, or salt on receiptot price. | 1 (FD:-.. Humphrey: New Pocket Manual of all Diseases mulled Free. u..mnIm-vs? Homeonnthic Medicine Co.. 001-. v Of all Diseases nuuuau. lxuw. . -` w%w.r:;;a3:%2:*`;*: %:::::.* -- r- 11"ng: BARRIE MAR.KE_TS. T Humphreys. (-onstramined to leave on n. so lD_]1l1`l0llS _to body Curefullv corrected to date. BARBIE. April 17, 1901 woox. AND utnics. COARSE GRAIN. V'EGETABLES. THE _BARRtE EXAMINER, -THURSDAY,` APRIL 1s, 1901. ' 1v`ine.1v`rench `O17/clznclies, i ' patteprns are u. um-vcl of beauty, 1 tions This is pay c.-`.1-7 Miss Ross was home for Eastelj. A M iss Maud \Vhitley is able to be out again`. V v.u:;.a \T)":L) hm"... hm ant] hrnke her 1:. uu `.4 ()0 .4 75 .1 01 gatlq. Miss Nellie Dixon fell anal broke her arm last. week. ' I-- n 2, __s,.:a.:..... I-U. z~:afniI lul'E- IJUIIIJ JJLCVIIIEQ - H. Heard has gone to Midland to work for the summer." auv , I , ,1 L, _ , rn____ 1\.l..?\I ;.-....n :0 Hlflll H1430 \Vl:UI\o Miss Brennan is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Blevins. r1, .___1 I. _-__.. 5.` H.'H..nA Q-'\ \VUl'h IUL' DIIU |.|ll.IlllCln We are glad to see Tom L\1c.-\I'c)rran is able to get. around again. vru.,. - n.......l...1l :.. ..L.In tn '\) lull` nrnxin alllc Lu vsu uuuuuu u.Bu4un Thos Campbell isnble to be out again after a few days illness. 11.. D..:l.....n... ...n"..A his f'nv-nlfnmx, Ema (tll4Ul' it LEW Llnaya Auuca.-. Mr. Budgeon moved his furniture, 8:('.. to Hamilton on Monday. .n ,, ,,2n :_ .A\>AL I-.. ... sham. Alxwc Gl('., LU n.uu.uu.uu Uu JM.Uuuu._ya . u `Our sauvmill is kept; bmy these ws undis likely to be so far some time. u1n...... u....-+ :.. Isnxnnn rum l`m-nnfn uuu la uncly hu uc nu |u_n. ouun. u_uu... Wilson Hurst. is home from Toronto where has been visiting fox some biule. .\\'m. \\'u.ld1-otf hm: goneto Bmdfox-`d Where he will take chau-,r:e 01' it section. "I" `-L -B -A_.. ..I.).... I....\`:-nu-\nI1 nun 10 6% 1% Qll wucu: Lu: \V|ll mun: yuan .-. u. .. ......... Eight. of our older ln1':1.keulen are | bemg set up as conductors Hus week. 1u.... nu.` Dnuc iaml i`-nu `r nf T`:n.ins- Uclua c\.u llll uao v\uuu.-\..` . \_-.- Mrs. Wm. Ross and fum. of Pn.ius- Wick are settled in their m:w'l1ome. on Essn. Road. 111 l_I- ._c Qn...,\..-I I-....dhn\-`(IF I355. IVUELLL Mr. of Shroud, 1n'0Lhe1"(f \Vesley Webb, has st.'u't(-.d Lto learn ' ranilroadmrv. vu: ,. tI.\..-+...-...n I-1..m'lin in home 1'auu'uuunug. `Tottenhauxn. Miss (.`-onstainceb Hamlin is home after u. vlsnt. to the 1\Iisse(s Uusserley, " "` `~ `~4~ --~----U1 In D -n1v:l1nI | louuznuaun. . 5 Mrs. Church has moved to B;-lleville and Mr. Church has gone west, to look for work. v '7' 1` V `I .47- __!..`l 4... Inn... G-Ixnf ]':Ul' V\'(.'l'K. _ His friends are glad to hear that E. Levm. 1s gettiqg on successiullv at Rat. 1 o1-cage, where he is working. _, The boys are beginning the summer sports once more. Baseball seems to be Lhegzune of the season. A .-..:.-.. .......4:..... n(` flxn H R f`. nn Silk Gm;/hams. regular u\>nnaH'n m.rlnF'.S. t. .- ......