Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Apr 1901, p. 7

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er. eutimos the that Engs of kidney g1ected- it will be all right) day or two-- u, :11 without help. - GEYLUN AND INDIA TEA, GREEN OR nI.AGK. Trade is Gonfcdcrating the Empire. i Britain is Canada's best customer. Britain cannot buy if she does not sell. 036 TEA Grown in a British Bolony by British capital. SALADA A Ah, if you knew how soon and Into My eyes long for a sight oi you, Sometimes in passing by my gate You d linger until fall of dew, It you but know! Ah, it you knew how sick and sore My life ags for the want of you. Straightway you'd enter at the door And clasp my hand between your two, I! you but knew! A11. if you knew how lost and lane .1 watch and weep and wait for you, You'd press my heart close to your own __ Till love had healed mo through and through. 11 you but knew! ` , , --Mnthildn Blind In Nnw Vnrlr l`r-Hump. lLI lll.ltlUll. . You don't say so! exclaimed the call- ll`, you but knew: --Mathildc Blind in New York Tribune. TWO RED ROSES. LONGING. }sousHr. LD THE BARBIE EXAMINER. THURSDAY. APRIL .18, :95}. wuuu mnxmg I118 !ill.0'l'C I'CE0llCSo Everybody in the congregation put in something, and the collector made 9. little how every time a. coin jingled i.n the pocket. He had gone about half-xvay ro'n.nd'whe.n another elder started out with another bag and pole.- The writer wondered he had not start- edbefore. His purpose. however, was not to help his fellow collector to} fin- ish the wocrk. Instead. he started where the other had begun and pass- ed the bag to the some people; and every one dropped in 0. coin as faith-' fully as the had done the first time. Nam '19:: fihirt fhva. nn, fnr fhn an}-- Many people Iwho hold the shark in fear and trembling would hardly be- lieve that its carcass; is highly valued for commercial purposes, but, as a matter of fact.`_t,hous'nn-as of sharks are annually cut up and the skins ldried and sold. The drying 1 process makes the skin as hard as ada- lmant; and as smooth as mother-01.1 -pr.-.arl' .The material is known as !"sh:1green," and is used mostly for I making whip handles and covering.in- Istrument cases. It is also used by `cabinet makers for polishing the woods . The fins are made into a glue that is usedyery extensively by silk manufacturers. led? D115 your cvgugumeul. UUCU u.x1uuunc- Only informally. to in. few eneries. L 'I'oI-onm Contractor who was New-r Wlthout Pain for Years. and win had. Many Times to Quit Work-l)odd's um- ney Pllls mule him Well. J Toronto, Ont., `April l5.-S'peci-al.- At No. 86 Lippincutt street, in this city, resides Mr. W. J. Keane. Mr. Keane is a. contractor and is' one oil the best known men in his line of business in Toronto. IIBVUI` \VllLlULlL |-l.NJU1- `- I have been a great sufferer with pains in my back in the region of my kidneys. I was very sick, and at times could not attend to my -work at all. I ncmrl Anvnrnl mndininaq, hut nnfh- LIULI U1 El. .lCL'oLul'Ll UL LLIU ll'.U|llJlI:-' It- is hard to understand how any- one will-bontinuc to suffer from Lame Back or any other symptom of Kidney Trouble nfterlso many frank and full statements by men well known in all walks of life, that Dodd s Kidney Pills, ihave cured them. . I 'I'InR:IUa 7273.}-nun -T)Hln nluvnvvn nivrn . IIEVU GUIGLI IJJBILI. ` I Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure.i They never fall. They cannot fail.g Years of trial have absolutely proven that `there is no case` of Kidney Com- plaint, Lame Back. Rheumatism, Lum- bago, Sciatica, Gout,-Neuralgia, Bind-` dor or Urinary Troubles, that Dodd s- Kidney Pills will not cure. fDndd n `Kidnnv Pills: are the nnlv mp- Luuy 88 U110 DLIQ 00118 cm: Il1'SE [l`lI]._(?. Nor was this the end, for the sec- ond collector fhlad-no sooner got a good start than a third sitepped out from the pulpit front with bag and Av st:-Sag Man bn His Back Through Kidney Trouble. I I:u-w . d (T mckru. '. ho wxzach, liver In .1, dyapepuin. nick Price 250. r` Like many- other successful men, Mr. Keane has suffered during his busy life a great deal, from Kidney Disorders. For years he" suffered great pain. He was forced `at times to quit his nvork__ altogether and go to bed. He used Dodd's Kidney Pills. and is well., Thisit ivlmt he says abou .L. 11. I-' It gives me great plea I in praise of Dod(l's Kidney Pills, and the good they have done me. I am never wlthout them. u `r 1.-.... 1...... .. .....u-'...u.....`.. ...:n- i [110 JBKSE, ulltll '1 rnenu OI nuue .ClVlS-| ed me to try Dodd s Kidney Pills. I immediately found relief and `was able to resume my work. "I nsuad nlt'o`L-ether seven boxes be- L0 Ilillllle lily \VUX`Ku . "I used nlfogether seven boxes be- o_r_o being com'p1e_tely cured. since ithen I have never been sick a. day. I .have never had the. slightest indica- tion of a return of the trouble." TJ- In I-unvwl I-n nu-`An:-afnn/I In-un nniv somo wurshiper with the butf end while making his short reaches. F.vp.'rvhnrIv in 9111: nnncrrnn-nHnn nu!- UDUIU I101. IILLCIIIQ [0 my -\VUl'K MI. 8.1]. I used several medicines, but noth- ing I ever tried Seemed to help mcin, the least, until :1 friend of mine advis-I is-J1 mn fn fru nna.4v.~. `Kidnnv Dilla TA Aluy CHIS VVHI. HUI. UUJU. EDodd 5 Kidney Pills are the only me- `dicine that ever-cured Bright's Dis- ease, Diabetes or Dropsy. !'l`hnnqnnv'|s: nf f`.:1nndinn: henna h-Em-I ease, ulauetes or urupsy. Thousands of Canadians have tried. _and proved and testified. j-2- ` 1-1 Surpasses all others. because of its high qxmity-n quality that never varies. Try it once. and we know that you will then rocommcnd it to all your xriendz. ' lnanl Dnnlcnwna OR an 11!! tn gun! can llnnin Ceylon Teas are sold In sealed lead Nzckets only, never In bulk. Black, Mixed or uncoln "null:-1 A.I.l........ n an: an: n -______.'_ Has` your engagement `been announc- ed 9 : ('1':-G7":-,1'\-n1` I'I'n'II:I A A SHARK S VALUE. NOT GENERALLY. LAID UP. j , j: j CIlY'InC)ZN' TEA .-....- ..n ,-1- vua an JUIAI unuuua. Lead Packages 25, 30, 40, so and 60 canto lhsk for Minard sT and `take no other.` _ Lflil-U05: Later he lenrnedthe secret of the process`. The first man collected for the mE.nister-,- the siecond for the church, the third for the poor. As each member of the congregation con- tri-brutedone Holland cent to each bag, it seemed as if a. little calculation might have saved much collecting. The sum. of the three deposits would in our money be'about one and one- tiflh cents for each person. V Aft fhn. Inhmnnf n'}\an fhn Ivan-u Inn- l.llLlI (381153 [Dr Gaul} person. At the moment when the bags be- gan to pass`, the minister gave out a hymn; but the congregation finish- ed singing it long before the collection was over. There. did not, however, ensue one of those silences during which you can hear pins drop and flies buzz, for the minister ignored the col-? lectors, who were still making their -halting progress through the aisles, land promptly began his Sermon. I mess of Munufac-L` A , j ' More than a million people are t.rca:tcd in the hospitals` of London each year. .v-s -vp--\ --run IIill(3 nu wnysnowa soommo SYRUP. nu god: duaaotbnerlczathoir chiilren teething. 5'0; 0 i . no nu o guuu. syn pun euros ml`; u the but remedy for dinn-hoes. 2o 5 II to throughout u world. no (::"In. Inow : Booming Syrup.` an. nd ooilol I bottle. Sold Inn Ind III , ?_ ` The lawn at Buckingham Palace is` . large enough to allow ample room? for ovc`r 2,000 men to manoeuvre. ` iieep Miard's L;f11_i1;ent in the House |ul Eu!-I-ILI5 IIIDU LLIU EIVUII. BUD ilk 1559! Indeed! They've had nhard time of it in spite of all their money. How did they manage it, I wonder? The whnln. f.-1milv'n` dmvn wilhihn Sun: or Onto. Cm: or TOLEDO. }` Lums COUNTY. Fgunx J. Camxnv makes oath that he is semor partner of the rm of 1-`. J. CHENEY 8: Co.. doing busiuors in the City of Toledo. County and State aforesaid, and than said rm will pay the mm of ONE HUNDRED DOL- LARS for each and every case of CATARREP that cannot be cured by the use of HALL ! CATARBB CURE. V FRANK J. CHENEY. lwm-n to hafo:-a me and subscribed in my u. u. LuuuAnu.a 6: \;u., Dear Sirs,-For some years I have had only partial use of my arm, caus- ed by a sudden strain. I have uaev` every remedy without effect. until I got a. sample bottle of MINARD`S LLNIMENT-. The benefit I received from it caused me to continue its use, and now I am happy to say my arm is completely restored. Glnmisz n!-. R. W, `FTARRIRON. 1 London ihas 1.800 uc'rcs'- of parks; Dublin about '40 acres less. mm HOUSE `Pnmilv Wnh-I rntpi `Luca }_n:euece:iBOIS. ~ Things were getting serious. The stranger `had put Silver in the first bug, but fparinng that the collection might continue` indefinitely, he drop- ped oopper coins in the*secornd and t'h-irrd bags, and was! not a little re- liseved wihen he saw. that the rest of the men in the elders seats kept their places. T.-afar Mu In-xv-nail `+`1n annu-AL l\P I-1.... sad Burdock I am glad I for four bot- d me. - ears ago and en 8. spot or W e] l, the Rockleighs have succeeded in getting into the swell set at last. Turinrull 7I`l.n..v.... 1.-.`! .. L...._: L2..- (110. L110] manage H1, 1. \VOl1d The whole family's` down mumps. ' LeQcesteis;hire is the greatest gran- ite. producing county in the United Kingdgm ' C. C. RICHARDS 8; C0., nnnr Sire _F`nv nnrnn r It cnsts"on an average 40 to. put` out a filre in London, and 138 to ex- t-iznguish one in New`York. Mina:-d' Liniment is} used by Physicians 1-..-u Offfcial returns Hhoxv that last year L .vorpool's imports and exports ex- ceeded London's by $315,000,030. -'.vDho' British IE1;-)-i-re increased duijltng the century at the rate of two acres per second. for all skin ailments. J. a. cum: 1 co., Ianohutor. England 13013, and Went as ilnclusvtriouslly aver 911 Eround us- the "two others had dgne. He was jtnit as successful as `his predeces`ao.ts.~ 'T`}I.1`nn-4: uramn nnblhapu u.-...2..-n.." I111... or two years ittle benet, armed up or would come 'E1ho'ro. are 1.000 vessels which cross the Atlantic ocean regularly every month. - FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In presence. thls'6th day or December. A.D. 1 ..o.-co... A.w BIAL. . Notary Public. Haul : Oatu-rh Cure is taken internally. and sour directly on the blood and mucous sutfacel at tho eyabem. Sand for testimonials. free. 1!`. J. CHENEY at C0., Toledo. 0 I The will of Captain Lord Kensing-_ ton, who died in South Africa, is en- fhzrn nf` -07]`! 9,19 Minard's Linin1snTtT|.-umberman'o Friend l.".J.Utu~;m:;! at UK Sold by Druggistn. 750. . H111 : Funny Pills are the best. [OI], \\"-I10 (l'.C(1 In I taxed at 711,218. I Z. `*a::.<'.'.:*:.';,.;.:.'.; ;.:r..;:.`.;-,.-:.:.*'t in 1d: that an: a acid In 0306:! [cALvER'r's GARBOLIGL I - __Q_lNTMjENT'| Metallic SKYLIGHTS' :-lest ri:r< unin- TRA E P8535. tomplctely IESIOTCQ. > Glnmis. Out. R. W. HARRI$ON. ' !.-1$I . 5.860 tons of Salmon, worth 640,000 5 Britain"; yearly take. W P C 1072 (3 Q`/A-a REWARDED _ EAMBITION. EUE HGUS `""{67`i~`}?%;.;."1Z' Family Hotel rates $1.50 per day. FOR ovate rmv veuzs "lluntn gun-nun...- .. -..___ in. unistn. oouuus 3308., | 124 Adclaido Sr... Tonosro. Ox: lUL' I with tho] Music Teachers Wanted tlonar. mplcs Free ' II"! 51130` HCIII IIOI'lIUo ROOFING SLATE, In Black, Red or Green. SLATE BLACKBOA RDS. We mpply Public and High Schools Toronto). Roong alt, Pitch. con Tu, etc. noornla TILE (See my cny Bulld- lnn. Toronw. done by our arm). Mom Ceilings. 0or- nlou. eta. Emmntca lurnlnbod for work com late or fat. 1 mnminln shipped to my part 0! the country. hono 1961 I Inn. TQYOIIID. GOD! D] mm). MOLII UOHIDKI, U0!- nhlxped count. . D. '_lBTllll 8llI,Aol|ldI lwldlnlr tl., Toroll I - I "3 VI `RI I 5 EUTTEII, EGGS, POULTRY. APPLE` The Dawson Commission Go. ' uvvn nu ogcuu nu-yum vuwu, ur uuuu ulrecl. i Montreal,Toronto. Ottawa, Quebec. | r:{{ia}1i; Ra'::}'$] Ea 1:0,, fo}o.IIL',"ii}.e. | Dyeing I cleaning !i For the van bell send vnnr um-Iv in Man l `j -'-_"'?" moormc. -ago ` n-.1_..n_.-_ Elf An--nu |Iim36m I b I | 1!. SHIP [I L i f YOU wan 33151`-tin, ec3s. '$5Lrnv. Avpuu. other mum and vnonuou. tax on I`uunnn4n4nn- g;-g.-g =au4n:gn- g Llmltud. Car. Wcslhifk and} ( I I'I\II`II\EP`1 ' - T awn I842 ' 3 ` . `U043/3 av-as wwv` vs 9 1wv`@r$'vwwwwuwvws1su. mg, muuulorlng, `pens, Annemin, ass,` 13min Fug. -k of Vitality. 01130, nerve food uiiding up and 011$` and wanted -onto:-`mg perfect , or_ 3 for $1.25, vwwvwtwcw F`; Pvt-\|NT IT suitable for Fireproof covering for Barn: and stables or for packing pur- poses. Size when opened 68 x 22 mcheu. For sale ` nl. 5c each while they Luz. Address. at. onco.. . ... `p - `.*.*i1 -AL ...4~r.L:1 ' STRAIGHT sip s s run um very uvur-cuu your worn to me BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING G0." `I An`: In. .........L ::. . _ _ . _ . . _.1 -..-u-an nu uvnn nil-uiu VIII Look for agent if:-your town. or sand direct. -._L......I "l`.._.__.;_ r\.._--__,_ r\ 1 anTA-rerun--oomron-rmo. Thousands of men, women and children in Canada, are taking ndvaptage of Dr. S1ocum s generous` offer of a. free sample box of Oxojoll cure for Catarrh. (1.4-......1. :5 1:11 1515: 2.-nun A.-.5..." nni v:v\ ".1...-.4,.-..... -..._J:;.:-._ -1 ",1: L11-l\L\JL V I ' Solicitors. l\'ld 1z, Nnnlrcnl Vnfhlngtun D.C. u-y cram pea up posi- 11 which `a tailor g cmnes hard on gidneya and hard back. Very few 3 "m-.o1.'uohs, puin side and urinary lea of one kind and KIKWJPKI IJIII 3 JUL \JlDI4u4LJ-Llu Catarrh is an insidious enemy, and in whatever condition, should not be neglected. A slight cold. in the head. is frequently the begin- ning of 9. serious case of Ca.ta.rrh, and in many instances leads to Asthma, Bronchitis, Quinsy` and Catarrh. _ Catarrh is always dangerous, but is curable if taxen in time. It 15 a. constant menace to life and health, but science has done much to enable suerers to resist THE MOST Nufmruous. and defeat the diseese. DI`. 8Iocum'B Oxojell Gatarrh tiara is the bestoffering of advanced medical science for the prompt and ermanent cure of Catarrh of the Head , Throat, and Nasal organs. flxoiell is a. dainty, "soothing jelly for the immediate relief and cure of Gatal-rh. The irritated and inamed membranes of your nose and throat are relieved and soothed with the first application of Dr. Slocum's Oxoje-11 Catnrrh Cure. llunlnll L..- -n.'In'|.`In ..A......5.'.-u- .. av` ...'.L:.-n-`Lin nu ".411 ._ uxuuuux B \IAUJ\7LL \Ju:uwL.LL.l Vusug _ Oxojell has valuable. properties as an antiseptic, as well as bexng a powerful healing agent. `You breathe it througlx the nostril, alittle bit at a. time. No Instrument! No Powder! No Liquid! . oxojell Catarrh Cure is sold at all drug stores at Fifty cents a box, but in order that every suerer from this prevalent ailment may have an opportunity totest the remedy, 8. free aampio box will be! sent on request to any place in Canada. All you have to do is to drop 0. ostnl, giving your name and address plainly, to the T. A. Slocum G amioal 00., Limited, 179 King St. West, Toronto, and a. free nnmnla will be sent`. vou. I3ll6llIIOaI_li0., uxmxteu, ; sample W111 be sent: you. very best send your work to the blflou Aunnunnu Inn-nun an IRIAKI'AI'|'-IUPIII- ` Sheet Metal Ivorkml (`WING llLA'I`Ic. In Buck. 1'0 loud for our complete onu- loxuo of lhooi mule and loan with lpoolal runs 0! dlooount d Storokoanr al Mqrchant WHAE I me: 8:00. Isl Venn It. Toronto. Iii. Address Department _'I`., 'I"\ `I? "'I`W"("I `I OQESET.` I fisrs ! Made in Drab, White & Tan Jean. PRICE $1.00. 16` "A... Anal... .........\o ........l.. ...... &: co- QOTW l(A\TlYl.`Af" T`lYl)I.`DC -I:VJ.\.J-I3-I W-Wu If your dealer cannot supply you. send us ms NAME, your sxzrz and amount to cover cost. of corset and v we will send PREPAID to any point in Canada. _ NO PRESSURE -. PERFECT FREEDOM LONG WAIST EREGT FORM -LYJ &I-I--l- J f\ SOLE MANU I-`ACTURERS, '1.-o:n.on1f-L:-`o. TAPE)!` \.4 ! 76 Adelaide-st. West. Ebominion Line Steamship: Llogtlogl up Li_verpqo_L Bo_ttot_I__Lo_ Liver. IIIVIII II E IIV UEUKlIIClII.' Montreal Do Boston to pool. Ponlnnd to LuorP0L Vin _Quouu town. Int e um! Put Szenmslnpa. S_u riot nocomraodnllon for ll class! of :w._engcrI. bu oon: and Stateroom: Ire smldnhipa. pecxnlgctanuon bu born van to Lhq Second Saloon and Third-Clnu uocommo nlon. You tutu ofpnauze And III ptmculln. apply no [11, gun. at the Company. or Iluhrdn. Mills t C0. D. Torrance & Co.. 1 17 5130065., Bonlon. Monuul sud Portland. `_ I I I- & I l'I I K I` PRINTED in one or many colors or STRIPED at low prices. Sam- ples furnished on request. Special quotations for car loads or large `I lots. Write for prices. l'I&'I5I\'lTI'l\ 11713 A 'I3`T'KTI=. OLL WRAP- PING PAPER `I3`DT\`| |'I'E\`l'\ {an t\U\l\ l\uu -nun:-9 an Ann ..Tl1E.. % Canada Permanent $| ed halt-yearly at ................ .. and upwards received on deposit. Interest paid or compound- 30 o 1, _-_ - vw nu... ,y...., ..- . . . . . . . . ,, _ _ _ and upwards received for which debentures are issued w thhall-yen-:ycouponsauache 0 to|ru;terestat.............. ...... Torono Street, - TORONTO null. Porthnd. - Esonses and dis- lnznrt, worn out such us Palpita- mg. Smothering, `Dells. Amuamin. are the best and purest paints` made, and the price at all dealers ` is very reasonable for such good paint. \Ve will send you samples ol houses painted. telling` you all about the paint, Efyou ask for A- nA.nn_Ax..18_. W Ramsay's Paints Andwasmm CANADA / Mortgage corporation. USE GOOD PAINT. Pay a trie more and get it. It doesn't cost a. cent more to put it on. Cheap paint makes a sorry job. Good paint keeps its color, covcrsmore, lasts longer, gives ajstyle and tone to everything it ti-uches. VV LL97 LIJL E51095. I TORONTO WRAPPING PAPER COMPANY K IUQIQIA-In_n `GT:-at SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. rail! 5 Ivu-Innn MONTREXL `:1 I842 BOOKLET K" free. T PAINT MAKERS f1?1 p.o., Ont. II. other mun : and manual. u) Llmltud, Car. West Markos and} Colborno St... Toronto. , l FRONT tn. umiced ....-_A- A.`."lE5 -'ULnph! No such place?" And the agcnt a face was {large as he said. Such bush! Then our Percy smiled like I. gL-nlle child and suggegted, Am:'.tcr-gosh."" "What's wrong with you?" yecd /.;-I. agent through the window. "Slipped your trol- ley?" "No, 911'." said Gou:l,"`but. indeed, , I should like to go to Amstcr-go .ly." I Then 9. is FY05, A `What did youpropose to her tor. anyhow? - `Well, I couldn't wink of anything else to any, and the ailenoe was be- cc-min: nppn`3_.ing. * , Young Percy Good. be it undetjstood, was}: last- ing for: in sham. but his good intent was se\'cI"c1_v bent when he went. to Amsterdam. . It is nie to say that he had a way of avoiding words profane. yet it's sad to tell 0} just what betel! when he went to take ihe trnin._ The town's queer name was to him the same as a swear word of bad tank; so he muxmurt-d low, I would like to go to the town 0 vAmstcr-~blank." ` ' fhen I I foung Good grew rod: then he hung his head and away laegan to turn. but a happy thought came to him unsought, and he said, r"'I'o Amster-durn." - `Get 1 I-IIUI Nuxv. she's no good! She don't Imwl wlmu I suuoeze her." lug UI. uuullug H ul:u * Ob, uo,'not thinking of nothing, not by 11 good deal." `.\YnI-hhur nnnnuni-at` nylfh vnnr Elli`. I Uuuulun. A Iuxruuo "Well, maybe he didn't think of his surroundhlgs. but I just bud to think 11 little of what surrounded me." - l(l\I. .....Il . . A . . . . . A . . n -\.`- I.\.\l.ln.- 04-... merchant tailor in experience I it my "kidney: (or ummenoed MN? ich I got at It - um sincerely glgi :13, motion at In I over and can nd pain. Tbntil I, because Don ! I Luv: But` ll ' Expensive. `f'J.`l:e work of leglslating for this no.- tion and for all the states of this great union is very expensive," said Mr. Durley. Van Man fnnvnnn nnnxf nnmn lilo-II " UUBLUIIE DLl'Lll.l5I:l'o _ No; he's away oft.` in Alaska," re-I plied the assistant. I ltnnnr ho Ins: nu-nv n` nnmn. yuuu UH: 115515 uuu. - ``I knew he was away off some- wlxere." mid the stranger as he bustled out. I The Autocx-at. Of course I am master in` my own house, said Mr. Meekton a little in- diguzmtly. How do you manage it?" I tell Henrietta to do just as she pleases and she goes ahead and does . It." . Mluunderutood. As I understand it you and George kere riding; along in the sleigh think- ing ofnothlug when"- {\I\ -nn 'nnl- flnlnl.-Inn nF |\nfh|n0 I1n II; II. Euuu ucou. Nothing connected with your sur- roundings. I mean." mnvnn vnnivhn um .1'm..vo fhlnlr no I134: IILLIU UL \V lull. Dllllulluucu lul`.. Oh. well. you weren't looking for any interruption. at any rate, when the `man sprung out Into the road and tried "to stop you." 'l`1)ut's 1'i;;ht." George of course was unarmed and"- unu. ..... 1.. .....,...u. 11.. `\nt` n..~..-. Joy Enough. _ Mrs. Subbubs-1'ou didn't get much pleasure out of your walk. did (you, deal`? II'.. C..I..I-...I.._ -I`\n:|-.\'r\tu`wI\ Yn\:`nru'I ` IVC-II||n QCU IIUVV VVCL JUU GILL`: M1'.`Subbubs-0h, that doesn't mat- ter. What do you think? 1 found 11 golf ball I lost last summer. Revlvlnu an Old Slur. "That red haired girl from Chicago insisted upon going to the ball as Cin- derella." ` wlxowns the prince?" - "There wasn't any prince. ' They .couldn't nd [anybody strong enough to `onr1'_v the class slipper u1'ouud.-Oleve- kidneys` need! oof from a. tail I 'l`he_Wentlner Mun. _ Is the weather u1un'ln?" asked the bustling stranger. \Vn- I\n'u nnvnu A" In Alnnkn " rn. Shure. McGIunis. an` your race in a regular map av. Ireland. . Tlniahf vn nrtt Tmrrv, nn` I In. I\`nn|'_ ll ruguxur mup uv. Lteuula. noight ye are`. Lnrry..nn` I be plant- In' patnties law old lad. Don't you like me?" 1:17.. .... ..I. ..I.. -.,- ILHLI " - "Oh. no. he wasn't. Ho had arms. I know he had. Then somehow she blushed. uvzu I Mr. Subbubs -(beamlngly)--Indeed I did. ll..- V..I~l.uI\a-. 1'\.-dv &`\n a~`np\I1vI\II A. llllln Mrs. Subbubs-But that shower or min. See how wet you are. `In. 'nhIuuIm_(\h Hunt r`Innun'l- mnf. D11`. 1Jl'|l'lt.'yo "Yes, the frames must come high." added Mrs. Durley. The frames? Yea, every bill is framed. as you will see by the newspaper reports."- PERCY e.ooD's DILEMMA. I out of here!" with a. scornful sneer, tho ticket man said. "Scat !" Then Percy moan- ed in awolce that groaned, "Do you know 0! Anuater-dnt?" ' DCCIUID UOIBI I have Ind no with my kidn `I remarkable pi II`. t I gladly recom- ram. ' 1 the ticket man-as` they olten can--gavc I hoarse and angry hoot and severely growl- ed as at Good he scowled, No such town is on this rr.--_`!e." 1 the ticknt man understood his plnn. and sug- gested, with a wink, "I believe that you want a ticket to Amstor-blankety-blnnb dual:-blink!" 5, you." said Good. you have understood." And he hurried to the tram, but the agent's face, as he left the place, was that ol 9. man in pain. T-HE ToNLY`T'f1-ING To Do. IN FERTILE SOIL. \VlIu!':4 the [Inc 7 \.a'- SP your pussy. John- Little Freddie-Plea)se, Mr. Drug- gist, papa wants a` bottle of liniment, and mammn wants a bottle 0! china cement -right away. lDruggist.-All right. What's wrong? Freddie--Mzunma hit papa with the sugar bowl. - j__ GOOD NAME FOR` 11'.` What kind `of paintings. did you say they were, Frances 7 said a mother to a small daughter who was desoribing a._t giexv to which she had been in- v1 e . ' ' . Than ' Iuvnwn `Ln-.. .'.............L...'....l....- Thy`were thgo impressionles paintings,,Vmgm'1no.. ` uzr L01` upr money. _ I Certainly not, answered the titled young gentleman. I scorn the sus- picion. As I understand the situa- tion, your dnughter hasn't much much money anyhow._You are the one , we are looking to. 1 Americans are the greatest beefeat- era in the world. Their average con- sumption is 175 pounds of meat :1 year." The English come next, with an aver- age of a. little over 110 pounds. The French out only half as much meat as the English, and the people of Ger- many, Austria and Italy still less. -_._.-L 1 x The Surgeon-Miss Jinkins, you ; may bring a. sling. This` man's arm is pretty badly fractured. The T nHnnf_An' mian` nu um n'luun ynzuy uuuny 1I`H.Cl.lll`(.`.(.l. The I atient-An', miss`. av rye plaza, ' put mom; phiskey than _\vather init_.| Mr. llnlnllton _'McI-I, of llldgevlllo. Tells of Ills Belle!` from Nouralgln. Rheuma- sln ml Molnncln 'I`I'ouble Throunln nu- Aurncy of Dr. Wllllnmn Pink Pllln. For years Mr. Hamilton Waters, the well-known cattle buyer. of' Ridgeville. Ont.. was an acute suf-' ferer from neuralgia. which was later complicated wit.h rheumatism and. stomach trouble. But now. thanks to Dr. Williams" Pink I ills._ihe is _en- | joying the best of health. Speaking` of his illness and subsequent cur_c.. Mr. Waters sa_i-d;-`.`For seven years Isuffered great agony from neuralgia. the pains were of a` darting, excruci- ating `nature. and for days_ ate time would be so great that; I feared I \Vl0U.l(l lose my reason. To increase my misery. I was attacked with rheumatism. and this was closely fol- lowed by stomach trouble. My joints and" limbs became swollen and Iwas almost helpless. I suffered from nausea and a decided loathing for food. I became very thin. and was constantly troubled with cold sweats. At different times I was treated by three physicians, without rc-.ceivin~g an.yt.hin-g in the way ol_parmane.nt benefit. I grew despondent and be- gan to think-that_1 would always be a sufferer. when one day my druggist advised me tol try Dr. "\\'illiams` Bin-k Pills. He said that within` his knowledge there was not a case where` the pills` had been used but what benet had followed, and he added: ":'.l`hatVis saying alot in their favor. for I have sold over five thou- sand boxes. and have not had acorn- plaint from anyone." Folloxving his advice. .['procured a. supply of the pills, and alter a few. weeks I could ....b.. an :-.....................L ... ..._. ._...___x: note an improvement in my "condi- tion. By the time I had taken eight boxes of the pills the neuralgia and rheumatism had entirely disappeared, and myestomach was once more in a. healthy condition. My appetite im- proved, _and I gained in" weight and strength daily. is now. over two years sinceldisoontinued the use of the pills, -and all that time 1' have enjayecl the best of health and haven't felt an ache or pain, so that Ithink that I am safe in saying that my cute is permanent. 1n fact. eight `boxes of Dr. Williams Pink 1 ills.ac- oomplished what three doctors had failed to do, and I feel I am justified in warmly recommending them to others." u-u .- V-av..." A very high medical authority has said that "neuralgia is a cry. ofithe nerves for, better blood. Rheuma- tism is also recognized as a disease of the blood, and it is `because, Dr. Williams. Pink Pills are above all th'ings`a blood-making and blood-en- riching medicine, that they so speed- ily cure these troubles. But you must` get the genuine, with the full name Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale, People printed on the wrapper around the box. If in doubt, send direct to the Dr. Williams. Medicine Co_.. Brock- ville,` 0nt., and the pills will be sent postpaid at 50 cents a box or six boxes: for $2.50. There is nothing like a-` tree to keep air pure, remarks a. scientist." Its leaves decompose carbonic acid. The volume of carbonic acid exhaled by a human being in 24 [hours _is roughly estimated at `100 gallons, If a single tree of moderate` size were growing where a dozen or 20 men were sleep- ing the purifying action of its leaves would insure the air being kept t_res,h. A I Want you to .'tell me candidly whe- % ther you .want_ to marry my daugh- ter for Inger money. Certninlv nnt, nnszwnrkul Hm Hflml AFTER sEv1N vi-mks" OF GREAT SUFFERING. \ 1: Marion & Mn without charge in yuted 'lh_mughout " HE VVANTED A VVHISKY SLING. Permanently Uuredv TREES AS IEURiFIERS. REMEDIES VVANTED. GREAT SURPRISE. REFUTVATION. V, I l . Three of Them Were Taken II In llnplcl ' Succession. Sunday, among the staid burgheri of Holland gave Mr. Clifton Johnson an opportunity to sec three'cl1urch collections taken up in rapid succes- sion. .`Hc had asked to be directed to a characteristic country church in an outlying village. As a. result he went by train from: Leyden to a lit- tlc place with an unpronounceable; name. \v1b.er`ej there was a. church as} severe in its simplicity tuthn meet-' ing `houses of colonial New England. TL _ _......_..n_I...1 1.1.-.. 4.. z... .`I..-: ..1.:ln H45 uuunwa U1. Uunvuunu .|.\\oII .n.4u-v-u-.l It resembled them,Atoo, in its chil- liness; or there was no attempt at warming it. and the Apeeple were de- pendent upon foot-stoves oi tJhe.old- fashinned _' type. Several score of these `little -boxes stood in the church entry, neatly piled against the wall, ready to be filled with smoldering, pout and supplied to the wurahipersl as they came in. \Vhnn the time ibr the collectlonl uney came in. , Wh:en the time for the collectionl arrived. a. man started out, from the railed-oft space before the pulpit, which space was occupied by the old- ers, and with a. `blaol: pocket at the end of an eiiglait-foot pole proceeded to this task. With this accessory he reached clear to the end of a pew, only he had to be careful not to hit LLIUSL ll-ULIUSEIUIE Ul. UCUSCUUIL At a recent Saturday evening at home;" a function at which the ever pres- ent chafing dish plays an important part, 'the appearance of the hostess was ad- mirably set off by the delicately tinted tea rose, fragrant, modest and hewitch- iug, which peeped out from the artistical- ly arranged coils ofvcopper colored hair. Wherever the hostess moved, there moved masculine admiration and feminine envy. I ' `he rose, with its unassertive scent, was] ! just the touch necessary to the success of` I -the Grecian toilet. ' I Am.-m. H... .......s.. um.-. .. .......... ......a....... I mm! by us. We Trees in Montreal ics us to prompt- ly an-cure Patents iighcstrcferenccs sue {H0119 VVDFG ll FUSE III uer llll`. Yet she was not happy. She _telt that] the hostess had outstripped her in the matter of hair ornament. When admir- ing glances were turned her" way. she heeded them not. because she imagined they were comparing glances and not signs of approval; that their casters were contrasting her unmvorably with the hostess, who wore the tea rose. And so, after a time. when the hour for going , home came, the young matron was moved. In spite of herself, to concede to the hostess: . (land uh-LL Jan A...` 1...... ..I.........:.... ' Why Both VVo::1en Feltnctter After tin Explanation Was Made. ' There is an innate satisfaction in. the possession of the genuine. On the other hand, there is a grateful sense of an- periority iu having got the better o_f some one in the pnlxning oil` of the articial. So it is really rather dillicult to decide ohnnd whether it is more pleasing to ex- hibit the true or the spurious. - As a mat- ter or fact. the latter is of such skillful- contrivnuce these days as to make it al- most impossible ot detection. AI" in I-nnnuf gnhn-rlnv nunnhuo nt- `Ll-IL` \J|'I.`L'lul| LUHUI-o : Among the guests was a young matron` or classic features and raven hair. As! it happened, she was the only one of the invited who wore a rose in her hair. A blood red specimen gleamed and shone in the folds of its dusky environment, and the woman was very good to look upon as she moved across the room. Others had `carried bouquets in their hands, but she alone wore a rose in her hair. V1.4 uhn Inna no 1..-nu... GI... .14. 4.I...L . HUSLUSSZ -Good night. dear. And how charming you looked with that lovely rose in your hair." ` I'll: ' nun -A 1-'01:` -an Ill-`.3 II. N ..'..!.I Hull'- Oh. I am so glad, you liked it, said the othei in an embarrassed sort of way. Shehesituted a minute, glanced at the red rose on the head of her guest, and then said. "01 course you know it is an imitation." ` uv-.. .a.....n. -.... ....m ,.....v..:...-.a 41.- L-" C}r{URCH COLLECTIONS IN HOLLAND. I wanna I-"nuns, Ivllncu ur UIIGOII i and Ceylon Green. samples on application. Address " SALADA," Toronto. xuuns ueaxue your nuvqny rcu ruse. "Oh," said the young woman, in a burst of unwonted frankness, mine's articial too." ' ' Arno. ..ll 6|... nu... I-`A-V... ..I... 1.14. l...L4..... "`Yes, and I have been embarrassed all evening thinking ho\v unnatural it must look beside your lovely red rose. (Th " gni tho vnnnn wnnan-n in n inn-c LUU. And all the way home she felt `better than she had felhduring theevening. 3/ body brok ry pimples,` that the `sur- nbearable. nedlcine and urn uynnu-an

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