ASWE ;;.%Wswm'r7v | tun Ina IIUIIIFLBIIIUII ~ '~ `onnvnvn uuggvz nuuvnx. g.""`.'.,,I1-uroxy vogamn ac About tn: House. WAYS FOREEQQTING 1=o 1u1. 0000 000000 000000003000: was sacx-EEADAGHE.` Must Blearvslgnature of See Fae-Slmllo Wmppet Below. D DUNLUP 'l'I(l.`a.l`.1._ .DI\K1l\.|L JEI-`l"nlr.\' A. MCCARTHY. W. A. I3'm's._ D. U. Muucmson. Money In loan from 4; to 5 per cent. on im- !)!'\)\'(!d farm xnropcrty. ' Genuine ` . . ronnumnt. u ran Dl1l|_IE8Sa_ . ran nuIousn:s`:.; ronjonrln um.` roncousmvmnn. ran sAu.nw`mn;. `ran ma GIIMPLEXIOI 7111! Iuluvl Imununx. la. :3. SMITH. UNDERTAKER Barrie & Sh-cud uv naqsnnnu 3.\.vJ vn. 55651`!-\l\ILl3ItJ-I4AJlIJl Take six slices of cold. fried pork, our more if you choose. beat in airy- `i:ng pan and then cut into_ small piecemvrcax six eggs over it, add salt and pepper` and stir till the egg sets. - ma 1 u -- `Freshen the pork anal. try; when nearly done dip each piece In abat- ter made as follows: One egg, beaten light, two tablespoons flour, and two` tablespoons milk beaten thoroughly together. Put the pieces of pork back in the bot fat as soon as they have been dipped in the batter, try them a nice brown. being careful not to burn. take up and take to the table as soon as possible. ` I ISti.r" `in one hieapinkg tablespoon flour and a. dash` of pcxper. Add sweet milk to make gravy cf rightconsistency. I1..I-a ..!_ n.I!...... A8 _..I.l l_i-.l -\:\un` It is almost impossible to bone at `waist properly if the seams have not lbcen stitched up exactly. Extremely 'small stitches are not to be looked Often they only cut the threads of the ifabric, ospccially if this be `wiry or `or silk. A stitch or medium length_ [is to be preferred by all means and` `parlicu1arly'with the thinner or wash. xfabrics. Generally speaking, thin ffnbrics make up more satisfactorily iii the salvage has been torn or trim- med off, but in all cases where it is left on it should be clashed at in- lcrvals throughout the length at the mom when it occurl. l : upon as giving strength to the seams: M-any ihousehold pets suffer from lack of water. Those who love them and mean to cnre_or them tenderly. but do not know ust ho_w, cause their suffering. Cats should be able to get a drink of cool, clean water whenever they` want it. Rabbits` should have water placed so that` they may get a drink at any time. To put a bird in a cage, and forget to give it fresh water every day, is to be cruel be- yond expression. Imagine yourself in :1 place where you` could not get food and those who put you there forget- ting to care for you. . Wu 39$`! ' AR RIS'I`?..i'.`, .S\' )LI'L?I'l`I )R. I ROCTOR.. ;NU'1`zHY, C0l\'VE\'AI\'C1'ZR, ETC; Spools! attention In the Drawing and Prolmtlng of \V:I;.v. olmainlug lA'.V.ltt1`B of Admlnlslrzmon and Guurdlunehlp. and '.'0Ul.`N()Il of accounts, kc. Money to Loan. Olccs: Ross Block, Dunlop street, \!xm'le. . gun-.. vsll-saw uvauvuuan I Gingham that _is checked or striped! . should be most carefully matched and iacgnned. Machine seaming should bel [done in straight and well preserved A lines. Very pretty material oIl;en-re- jsults unsatlsfactorily because the lstitching has been hastily or unevenly I done. XIII VVUI Hilly lCIlulE- MRS. \\'t\'.ct.ow s SOUTHXXG SYRUP has been uscrt by miiiuna ot'-mouurs for their children when t(-othin::. Iftllslurbcd at night and broken ot'_\'our l(`.=t by :1 sick child .~`u`ring and or in]; ;with pain of L-utung: teeth send at once mu get. I :1 Igottleol .\1I.~,'. \\iu~Im\"sSootl1tng syrup _for ,clu.`(lrcn teething. . It will relieve the poor little l ;SIll`l`t- l` numeziiutc y. Depend upon it. mother. ' there is no lniitnkn about tr. It. cure: di:'u't'hn,-.1. l`L ;: .c~t the stmn-.L-h and bowels. cure: wind L`-1110.. _-fzensx the -,:uxn~`.. re(htce=, infl:unm:v.tion.nnd . ::ivc< tune and';:\' to the whole systezn. ".\lr.~,x. \Vin.=Iow's S.)othtw,: Syrup" for children teethin;r L6 p!e:.s;-tn. tome mat: and is the ).t'e of one on the oldest :_mI bet`: fema!c physichuts and ltutrst.-.~' in the United States, Pncc `:5 cents :1. `bottle. Said by all dru:.,-glsts throughout the |\\'ortd. Be sure and ask for Mrs. \\'lr.s.ow s I Soothing Syrup. - Excluding American. Beef From p Army Contracts. A (lespatch from London says:-Thc Vvar Office says that the new order excluding American beef from army contracts, applies only to the home troops. These will be fed five days a week with home-grown beef, and on the other twoidays with colonial frozen mutton. The sources of sup- ply for South Africa will remain un- changed. - Pnnqihlv Hm rlnmnntl fnr Hm Ameri- Regulations Governing the Issue of . the South African Medals. `A despatchv from Ottawa says:--Ac- cprdihg to the regulations made by the far Office governmg the issue of the South African lmedal, the `Cana- dian Infantry will`1`c-ceive four claspsz "Cape Colony," " Paardebergf "Drei- fontcin, and " Johunnesbilrg. " D Battery meni will receive three clusps, u 1'14-.. l`1..'I....... I) uI\_...___.. 111..-- (u_4_ u Such materials as pique, duck and even ginghams are all the better for having been shrunk` before cutting. Linen should be out according to the ' thread. Never fold a front breadth in a._lfmen ga.rment,~for example, with- out exercising cure to prevent mn- Iterial from.sliding about, as linen is [likely to do when the two shiny sur- ifaces come together. lZ..~...1...... ILAL 2.. _L..._I.._I ._ _L_:_-.1 uuungeu. ' Possibly the demand for the Ameri- can product there will abate owing to the large captures of live stock "from the Boers. The War Office does not think that the new order will af- fect American` meats two per cent. ..........-_, ._..,.. .....- -...,.,-.v .......... v....,,_..J, Cape Colony, "Orange Free State," and Belfast. The Mounted Infan- try and Royal Canadian Dragoons will receive clasps for Johannesburg, "Diamond Hill, "Cape Colony, and "Orange Free State. The Royal Cana- dian Dragoons will also receive the ` "Belfast" clasp. - ' FOR THE HOME TROOPS. Orders by telegraph 61' telephone promptly attended to Cotns and Caskets of all kinds kept in stock Robes and Crape, and all F aneml Requisites furnished M0110 |U I-J'y)ilnUu Domua) Ross. LL.B. `D O DOLMAGE, Manager, Shroud Show Room and Work Shop. Colligr St; Ba1'rla- PETS NEED WATER. FO_UR CLASPS. For over Fifty Years. Qnlvru vvr Qvnrn |'v\-:1 liv T s}JMME1;\vmG. xgoz. [LU UUL D [JUY cent. 0L [EC 'L]0lC. I Of the 60 samples of barley tested, only 4 samples were found unfit for} I seed. - A E . -.. ...~...uu. ' Dr.-Douglas .was attached to the COl`d(\'.' Highlanders as surgeon. It was at the battle of Magersfontcin that he so distinguished himself. He was with the Black Watch on its death march, and when the tire opened, though slightly wounded, crawled, amid the bullets, to the head ef the column. The officers. of his regiment were lying about dead or wounded. He dressed the wounds of all within reach, and made his way back in safety. He then rallied the scattered ranks of the Gordons, "and led them out `of action. He was wounded by a bursting shell, which carried away part of his cheek. LENNOX. Annaopi. cowma anowu. ARRISTERS. soixeuou for obtaining pro bane of wlln-. guardianship and admlnistm tlon, and Gvnerul Solicitors. Notaries . convey nncers, etc. ' . Hwaxrrun LENNOX; Amx. COWAN. B. Honroxw `Axmun, G. E. J. Bnowu, L.B.B. B0}ues: Hinds Block. No. 0 Dunlop Street. rr . 531-(Snell Om:-cs--Lennox 8.: Ardn h. Graven- hum; Lennox, Ardnah, Cownn & rown, Cree- more md Aulston. unxvwv mn I .nA\!' Only Four Per Cent. Prove to be Un- ms for sowing Purposes. A despatch from Ottawa says:- During the past few weeks" nlarge` n'umbe.r.of samples of grain has been. sent to the Central Experimental? farm, at Ottawa, by farm_ers_ resid-1 ing in different parts of l\Iani_tob:1; and the North-West Territories, for}. the purpose of ascertaining the-`u-I vitality or germinating power.` `IA. 1...- t___._ _...r_.__,.__. -u1|.4 13-. . . . . ,4 u. b\.a.u...uuu..ub yvuynu l V I It has been customary at! the Ex- perimental farm to regard all samples 5 germinating from 80 percent. upward? Ins good grain for seed. These sum-` plcs range from 50 to 80 per cent.} 'I~`armcrs are usually advised, when` using s_umh grain for seed, to sow an! increased quantity. sufficient to make 3 up for the lack of, v1'tality. and all samples f'lllin=g; below 50 per cent._are held to be unfit for seed purpo~_=es.! From this standpoint, the results. off these tests are` very gratifying.- Of the 454 samples of wheat. tested, re- presenting all parts of the North- Westvcount1'y,' only 16, sc:u'cely 4 [per cent. were unfit for seed. Tn nnfa flux rnunlfu nu-nnlg.u' nvI:~r.r|v'_. The Distress in Germany is Veryi V Acute at Present. i A despatch from Berlin says :-It is stated that the Krupps are about to discharge 5,000 hands from their Es- sen, Biuckow, and Kiel works. They have already dismissed 4,000 since Oc- Erhardt \Vorks at Dusseldorf are about to reduce their staff. The industrial depression continues. `According to arecent es- timate one~fourth of the workers in Berlin are very insufficiently employ- ed, or totally idle. The distress of many is most acute. -There is no pros- tober. It is also understood that the` poet of improvement. I Ipur cent. were unlit 101` seen. I In oats the results are alsoi cncour-; aging, as of the 400 samples tested only 322 fell below 50 per ccnt.. equal to but 8 per cent. of the whole. I nrlhn n cnwunlnu nf hay-Inn lncbnfl A Graduate of Queen's College De-l corated fo:'Braver*y. A despatch from Kingston, Ont, says:--Word has been received that Dr. H. E. Douglas, a graduate of Queen's College, and whose home is now in Kingston, Jamaica, has _re- ceived the Victoria Cross for bravery I in action. nv-. Contemplated Attempts on the Li`e` of Kruger. `A despatch from {London says:-- ```The police- of this city, says the Amsterdam correspondent of the Daily Express, "recently got wind of contemplgxied attempts upon the life of; Mr. Kruger. One of the perdons ar. rested is said to have made a contes- `aion." A ositive cure for all Throat, Lung and ronchinl diseases. NDRWRY PINE SYRUP. nun .usvuuu.nnA unnuuuvn. Healing nnd soothing in it! adtion. Pleasant to tnkb, prompt and elec- tual in its results. up n -. _. `I IN -.--u .u an: Av-an-nu: Mr. Chas. Johnson, Bear River, N.S., writes: I was tronlod with hogponoes and sore throat, which the dogtor ro- nounced Bronchitis and rog.:ommon'do\ me to try Dr. Wood : Nanny Pine Syrp. I dad so, and after using three bottles WI! entxrely cured. ~ V. 7 VV V ` ' COPYRIGHTS CC- `Anyono sending a sketch and desctigtion may quickly ascertain our opinion free It ether an invention is probably putentabie. Communica- tions an-ictiy cont! dentiui. Handbook on Patents legt free. oldest n ency for aecul-in%pntent.a. Menu taken I. rough Mum: & mental name, without charge. in the Q ..x...4:cx4. flan Ant;-nu. . receive nun: a Laxav-uvur nu ooxore rom- ing. Tw'x11 work while you sleep wit.h- out a. gripe ox pun, cur-mg biliouqsbgs, constipation, sick headache and dyispe - sis, and make` you feel better in t 0 morning. Price 250. 1N1>UsTRiIxL DEPRESSION. Take `a Laxa-Liver Pill before mir- nnv "I`mi1l `I'II\VIvIr w)\|- wan` cl...` N5, SAMPLES OF GRAIN. ?.i__ V1cIo1{IA caoss. DR. WOOD S ALLEGB+D"17Lor. Tailors Bad Bacggs. HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ETC. Lzue Resident 1 hyslcl_un und Surgeon of the Toronto benc|;nl l~Iosp!taI. with special utteutiun lo 1I:.~<-n<:< of Women and Now and l`hro:\t oxk :` and also Surgeon to Emex'g'ency Hospital, own 0. nm..- IV.-A..l..n I- 4|... I(..n....u... nI-..I.. ._-.. ans:-fnor. th ,3; tentimes o rnt - warnings of kidney _ L, disease are neglected- '1- think it will be all Ii 11!! in 3 day or two-- 11 nick kidneys won't get well without help. -' W Five yeaxg ago my body brok out in white watery pimples, 1 which grew so bad that the suf- i fering was almost unbearable. I tn.-r nnfnna rnni-ling :-un on-ul LU: 11.15 wan auuuau uuu=cu`u.U.lUa I took doctors medicine and various remedies for two years but they were of little benet, whenever I got warmed up or sweat the pimples would come out again. . A nniahhnn arhyiea Daurnnlr Are the best friend of kidney : neodl assistance. Bead %`r::s proof from a. tail 3 who has tried them ' u. :r.1... Rm-,-.~.:~mn, mnrnhnnt tailor. who has tried them Mr. John R032:-zizon, mnrchnnt tailor Durham, Ont., givemhis experience 3 follows: col 1",: 1....-. ulnar! with mv kidneu for follows: "I had been ailing with my kidney: for more than a year when I commenced takiig Donn : Kidney Bills, which I got at M`"| drug store. and am ninoerely glgd that I did so. The wrong action at in kidney: made me sick all over and can me much inconvenience and pain. Tbnt {I now 9. thin of the past, because Donn ! Kidney Pil a cured me. I have hnd no iroubl or inconvenience with my kidn "I or has since I took tl1e5o`rema.rkab1o pi ll`, nnd on may be lure that I gladly recom- men them to other suferzsrn." i 1 White Watery Pimp 133. U!-ll: `E55111: A neighbor advised Burdock Blood Bitters. and I am glad I followed his advice. for four bot- tles completely cured me. Thu? ulna fl-arson van:-ex can and uua uuuu_.nuw1_y uurcu 1116. That was three years ago and there has never been a spot or pimple on me since. Jnrnnu I nckn-nan a.rethels is-a..i:o rs.-;-;.`v-i-:2. Thoy dg not purge, gripe. wen `sen or n:CkCu. The not na.tura.11y on the s`.r`, liver on bowels, curing con5?.:gn.'limz, d_vspepsin., sick headncho and biliouaneas. Price 25c. : J Ul'U|llUo ` 0mcc-U1:slah's In the McCarthy Block. 11: 10 hi:-Um'Lhy It Co's Olces. two doors cast 01', Dougall Bros. Furniture Store. 29 i IZJ -& KIPNEY .F !`_-.'.-S :j.__2-.; These pills cure all dlseasest and dls- orders n1'i.~.xiug from weak lxenrt, worn out nerves or watery blood, such as Pulpita-` 1-ion, Skip Beats, 'l`ln'obbing, Smothering, Ilixzine.-as, Weak 01-Faint Spells, Anne-xnizi, I\'v.-rvousness. Sleeplessuess, B1-nin l*`ng,. General Debility and Lack of Vitality. 'rl)9\' nrnn h'nn hnnvf tnnin uni-vn fnnrl Write for our interesting books " Invent- or's Help" and " How you are lwlndled." Send usa rough sketch cr model of your in- vention or i_xnpro\-enxent and we willtell you free our opinion as to whether it in probably patentabie. Rejected nppllcetlons have often been successfully prosecuted by us. We conduct fully equiiflped ofces in Montreal and Washington ; t ixqiaalies us to prompt- ly dispatch work and quickly secure Patents as bro\d as the invention. Highest references furnished. Patents nrocurerl thrnurvh Marion 8: Mn. 2 1VL"lL\l.\JL` C . LVLl'I.J.\.|-\J.LV Patent Expert: and Solicitors. . _ New York Li!` B'ld'g'. Flontrcnl Owe ' { Atlnntlc Bldgrwclhlngton D.C. 7\(V ../\/\y uneuunu uemnty auu Lack OI \ nnmy. Tlxey urea true heart tonic, nerve food and blood em-icher. building up and renewing all the worn out and wasted tissues of the body and restoring perfect heulth._ Price 500. a box, or 3 for $1.2 , at all druggists.. ~ ' furnished. Patents procured thrnugzh Marion BL Mn- v rion receive spacial notice without charge in - over we newspapers distributed throughout ~ the D..mini0n. Spcclt :--Pater.t Lu.~im-5.5 of Manufac- ~turcrsan Engineers. .'.-. !."`.'.'-3`i`. fE`*..`.T T'LnL.%.A5. LI a nu r.u5uu:r; 3 ARION 3; MARION 32:4---6 Fvnn-4- and Q-.I:..7A.._- LU Ull IIIU DlIlUUn James Lashouse, Dunn`-uh: I DR. W- D. MaoLAREN Dentist. Barrie, Vinita cookatown, every Wednesday. llmr-n -Rm:: Rim-1:, Wnut nf tlm I-`nu! nm.... uaauuuac, Brechin P.0., Ont. The cramged up posi- tion in which 3 tailor work: cornea hard on his kidneys and bug! on his back. Vory fair escape 'bac).Lch9,' pin in the side and urinary piii OHNSON &: SARJEANT, DEAL -" E118 in UOAL of-all kinds, imported direct from the mines; also Lam and hiuglen, White and Grey Lune, Plastcroul mt Server Pipes 9-Eire Brick, Fire Clay. 5 Plaster of Pm-in` ements, etc-., allot best unlhy. and aoiti at very rensonable 1'a.tes, 3111102: 23 Elizabeth St... nanrlv nnnmzin. Unrgzg 23 Isuzu , Wellmgton Hotel. INVESTITI) IN cANAm... ACCUl\|ULA'1`1D xruxns . TOTAL ASSURA1\'CE...... INCOME, OVER............ VVIVIIIIIIV J Illlvl IVVVIQQ A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largeht clr. cululon or any aclentmo ournnl Terms. 8:! n `elm-: four months. 31. 89 d byall nawudealers. IIIIII D A aon-...a....- "nun vault culwon or aclenuno ournu '1'0l'lnl. as at: 80 gray` u[}0_3e1nraamy, "aw ` .wvst..wunuszon. nnv an u---.-u u--avvu touxn CLERK, will be at his Olce in . the Court House. ]3m'ie, every Saturday llmdcnce and P.0.. Cookstown`, VIIIII IIIIUISIIOWII, QVCTY weuneluuy. Omcc -Ross Block. East of the Post omen, y : Ban-lc. _ ` Cln.-~'3vc1' I1onderson s H`xu'dwm'c Store. Inu'um-c,`\`-.vcn street. _ 34-ly I .___.____... _:.__.:__..._____. WEfEiN INSURANCE co --OF TORON1`0.- s.TANDAEi) i . . LIFE. . J. . or-`men AND Ilr:nI1n'Ncn:-Corner Owen und- Collior Streets. Barrio Ann BIS`! Int. J. 0. surru. PIIYSIOIAN_, SURGEON an Cl-`I-`!(`r-3 AND Rrunnmnn 2--(`.nrnAr r 1'11 1 au1A.LV , bunu nun . occ. O!-`FICI-`.H um Nuurr 1U.'sl:.\I~.'NCI-1: Brown a mock l'uulo > St.. Barrie. Tcler-11 no '17. 27 ' moon;-`raw. 12025 as MURCEISOM .....-..n-. u 7. .u\r I'1\'I7I1f\!)k` Ln unuty. and sold nroz: Elizabeth_St., `nearly opposite Wellington 6-27 -uwu-I In u---w--w - -___. BARR S l`EIlS. SOLICITORS. NOTARIES, CONVEYAN CERS, 8:0. Olces-Bunk of - I` ronto Buildings. Ban-xe. Brunch ofuc. Goldwatqr. ` Money to Laura. ' V nnwnrn Russ. LL. J. 0. `BIm1m\'5Kl metal charge. in the Scientific flmerican. A Iumnnmalv Inn-M-ntnd wnnklv. l .nrnn nt.'-Ir. Incorporated 1851. um. Unicoa : nous mock, warn:-. 0 E. umvaox. A. E.u. Gnuswxcxu. Ilhlivlloicnnnp -aw-~ .. -V_-, ARRISTERS. snmclrcms Mu. DIJNLUI S 1`REl."1`._BARl{lF.. ....._. .. ; \lnIVnu'r\I\' \\,'_ A_ B'Q`v3_ ASSUBANc_E__GOMPANY. HEWSON & CRESWICKE \v(\rI1r\l|rI rv_I.'.3l..__.. 1... LI... Cl... Jo;-av n75EEnsoN` Ian I nan-.4 , .,- -_.r W -- -~- ! )R. W, A. ROSS, L.R.G.S.A Edin.` F. C. l .. London. i |lV- `V . R. RUB` ., 'I)'lJ'\ LV I'll A D8. "II. 1:. BRBEBTON. nnnnsr. 3033 It BROKOVSKI .. .v1\n\v-vu .. may vnvusnnn STRATHY & ESTEN mum-mum |xnl'.-um-nan Hmht F, M. MONTGOMERY, AGENT. BARRIE. ' on.` R. s. BROAD. . \vv\ 1-uvvI\r\vuA\v -nun Bank of Toronto Building, T Owen Street. !$`l . w. "PLAX'i`6;I:- :Il\V -vnv-nnn -1- III n\I\JEl10\- lu sm-zunce Agent-. F3; on` I'M`. Us 1 IAUIIUUKL _ PHYSCIAN, SURGEON. &c. H uu)N1mn- Browns R- .I.`- BANTING. .. 1;:-an-vv v lllllllln MONEY TO LOAN. I Il TSICIANS. ETO. EIISCIILLANBDIIS JII- gwnnuu lli. Fire and Life. ; `W. .&'U'L'.l'o u ~.':.1m.'\u I1 LEGAL; "'6i=i-i'6{A};L?' P. O. Box 214, BARBIE J. C. Bnoimvsxi n earl ..s 12,500,000 .. 41,115,000 .. Vn,:u_15.ono .. A dcspatch fzjom \Vnshington "says: -Rcv.'Dr. Tulmage p1'eachi3d from tlxi! following text :--"His hand clnve un- to the swor . -2. Sam. xxiii. 10. }` A __,__,L --- DONE BY HARD HITTING. A great genero.l~of`King David was Elenzar, the hero of the text. The Philistines had cpened _ a battle n gu.inst'hi,m; and his troops ran; but he with three other men -held the field. He fought with such ferocity that the Pliilistines were appalled end routed. Putting hie hand on the hilt -of his sword, he {swept the fingers around until the tips of, the fingers were clenched en the other side. `Now with u down stroke laying open the head of the Lord's enemies from era- nium to chin; now coming in upon them with a. sharp thrust at the vit- als, and now ,with swift, keen, glit- tering stroke, leuving theenrcnsses of his enemies by the roadside. l:`all back 1" shouted the OfflU8l'S_0[ the Philistine army. The cry ran nllhlong the linc-"Fnll buck l" -Eleazzir, hav- on the ground to rest; but the isinews of his hand have `been so long-._elench- ed around the sword that the hilt of, it has czntered`-the "palm of the hand, andthe gold wire around the hilt has hrokczn the skin of the palm until he cannot drop the sword which he has no illustriously wielded. That in what I call magnificent fighting for the Lord God of Israel, and we want more of it. I am going to take ` up your time this morning in show- ing how Eleazar took hold of the sword`, and how the sword took hold -3 L 5-. ing cleared the field, throws hixnself A Rev. Dr. Talmage Discourses on th Battlessof Life. -- v.....y_-.,- ...,-........,-, ' `let us Lh.':`ow our whole mature-' into it, in entire self-a*bncgatio_n and self- forgetfulnoss. I would ravth-er live 1`-izve ychrs more anzl have them in- dustrious! and consecrated to Christ, than to live fifty years more and have them` indolent and useless. _What are pain and persecution, and mis- representation and falsehood, when we .'1=rc enga ed in the _serv_ice of such a Master? 0 not be cause you meet with such severe re- bukes from the world; Stop think`- ing of your wound-ed -bland. and think of tho. vnfnrv. \Vhp.n Flnn 7:17` Iv - . guoauaavnuu ARRIS'l'-.I{. SOLI(_JI'[`OR. _ A 1V0 1`Alt\ . CUNVEYANCER, Sac MONEY T0 LOAN on most favorable terms. ,\\'nlIs P:-abated. Estates Adtnlnislercd. Ac counts Collected. Offlcc--.\1cCnrlhy s Block. South Side Dunlo, Street. Bnrnc. u Lug Ul. yuur \VUUI1U."-u 'L3|Lll1U. unu LLILUIL of. the wictory. When. Eleazar plunged into the` conflict with such 0. fhaly recklessness he did not think w}_1cther he had a. hand. or an arm, or n.- foot, or tkrink-oE anything but vic- tory. "His hand clam to his` sword." Armin T'rnm:1r1: l'1nn9' Ia`! ~!I1'II\'c| hand Luxy. 1LL:9 1:-Luu u|uv\: L0 1113 SW`0J`u." . Again I remark that E] ~z1z:lr's hand pro-ws that he had} done :1 great deal of `hard hitting with his sword, and that something had got hurt. when I see Elenzaxr and the three brave men dlriving back a. who}: army of Plums- tines, I-am not s`uJrpris_ed that "his hand clave to his sword." The fact Was. evdry time the point n.P Hm , swotrd struck an -enemy, the` n I mi thor-award struck `deeper `into 3Elc:1.- .. -.... ......4 HALF-AND-IIALF A HOLD. They take hold of apart of God s_ Word and let the rest go, and the Philistines, seeing their. loose grasp,i wrench the entire sword :~\-say. The; only safe thing for us to do is to; put our thumb down on the tirstl verse of the first chapter of Genesis, and sweep _our hand on around until the New Testament shall come in the` palm, and sweep the fingers still on. around until the tips or the ringers! clutch on the words: "In the begin-l ning, God created the heavens andl the earth." I like an infidel agreat; deal better than I do one of these; nauiby-pamby Christians .'who takes; hold of God's \Vord with the tips of} his fingers, and knows what part to: keepgand what part to let go. God, "by positive miracle, has kept this` book together, and it is a Damascus blade. In a sword factory the sev- erest test they can apply to asword `is the winding of the blade around `a gun-barrel like a ribbon, and then ._whcn the sword is let loose it springs} back to its old shape. This sword of` God's Word has; been` put to the test, I and it has been` bent this, way and` that way, and wound this way and! that way; but it u1ways_springs backif again. Just think of it! A book written eighteen centuries ago, and- szmnt-. nf if ihnusmnria nf vnnra nn-n Jlously preserved, and xniruulously \v.u.u.uu clgutcuu \:(.'nLuI'll:5 ago, unui some of it. thousands of years 1130,! yet` published to-day at -the rate of twenty thousand copies a week, and more than one million cnpiefs uyear. A book miraculously written; miracu- scuttered, is` u book you want to keep, a tight grip of. `He who gives up the Bible, or any part : of it, gives, up par- tlun and life and peace and heaven. ' Arr.-min I nniHnn III Wlnnu-xiv-'a u-r-in n? 1 not? When Ir.11r~.h V ' ` uuu uuu 1u.w uuu. puucu uuu uuuven. Again, I notticc Ill Eleazalrb grip of i the swo-rd an entire Ly-,l[-o1tgetfu1-' nears. He did null; realize that the hill; of the rsword \\";1~s' czttinsg down into the palm oil his hand, and that while he was taking hold ovf the swolrd the swoard \va.s taking hold of him. He fonrgot th.-e'puLn. in hit: hundl in his desire to desltroy t-he Philislinos. His hand clavo, u..'xto his 5.`-.\:o;rd._:Nn1\v'in ou.'r C!ha"Lstian- !work- we want sell`- foxrgetfulneas. If we .'1rc_ all the time afzraid wexare going to get: hurt; we will not kill `the Philistin-es`. who cares whether our hand is hurt or we cure` hauling` in I '. ' .' , . . . -- 44...... - In.the first place, I notice thathe took hold~_of that sword with artight grip. The soldiers in his army who ran away could oasily drop all their weapons whenever they \\'a.nted to `do so. [I hear their (swords clanging oh the rocks as they throw them down in fright. But Elez1zar's hand clave unto his sword. The fact Is, that in this Christiuri conflict we wzu1t_ :1 tighter `grip_ of the gospel wu:ipon-I tho two-edged sword of God's truth. I am sick and tired of `seeing people. with only 9 ' IJAY1.` A\T1\ 7`rA1'11 A I"l\-Y"I\ A " GLO12.I<')U s" cox FLIC1`, .-.. lL..._..- _.... __.L-v- _.-L._,,_ za'r's "hand. It 113$ long ago been discovcxred in military life, you can-` not conquer an _enemy by rosewater speeches. You must have sharp and'ivc work; it is`, only to bedonu by `hard. hitting. There are intern- perance, and fraud, and gambling, and lust, and ten thousand regiments -a.rm.ed reg-iments--o-f Philistine ini-' quity. So-ft sex'nmn=ain morocco cas- es laid down by kid gloves` in th.e:pres- once of an nx'n11:?. alidinnms will 88 H!-lu U.'D\VIl Dy K10. ELUVCS 111 l1LL`II)I'S- once of an exquisite audience will never do this work. -'\V'o. must call things by their right names . We must expel from our churches the hypo~ crites. who eat the- V sacrament on"Jon days.--and than devour widowsf hxouien between meals! We` h..7u'c to quE.t expending all our wrath on the H=itti_tcs and Jcbu-sites and G-irgashite.s' of o 1d"en time. Let those poor wrwtches go. when we have so many` living illusstrution of appal- ling iniquity that need to be foe` Eleiazar to get his hand and his -swoird parted. He had been fighting against the Ph.ilis tines so long that the sinews had clutched" around the swoard and it_.beeam-e rigid. and when he gets th'r~o'ugh with the conflict, he cannot d-mp And L see three com- mde warri-ors,coming up to help him. ,and they bathe the. bzicl; of the hand of Eleuznr, and they, try to relax the muscles and the sinews. They can- not get it loose. The word sticks fast. - 1`hoy pry open the fingers`, and they pry back thethumb. and af- ter they succeed they find the curve of the wound correspoudsl with the curve of the hilt.` "His hand clave Agwlan. Inotice 1:o w hard It was `unto the sword." You and I have ` seen the sfume thing many at time. Tliere are in the United States They are too decrepit or invalid to , take p:.l.l`ilSheS. They fought n mighty battle fur God in other days. Their nr:xm.e9 are in the church 1'(~.co1`d9 styl- - edA"1Cme1'i-tus" or the words are put in great many aged xmnisteral. ldewn, "u Ill-'lllliSt(`.1' without ac-ha.rg'e.l x ` They have taken off the heads of more ; ;1 hilistine iniquiti-es than you could` ;count from noon until sundown. They "-_. .l[~d * f .~t~ I 'll1'.\Qde fe\iE`*nL>)c:Lr)}ls,l miieng `sIrxi11J:lllS sill]? aries, and they swam spring` freshers to, meet their appointments. Put I Hlint; old. wurn-out minister into a ! p.i*a`y_ex'-meeti.n.g. or put him some Sun- 3 {day into the pulpit. or put him in :1 ;'s.iJc.k room where 0. dying` man \v:1nt.'-1; .:consoln.ti_on, and it is tnc same old? ,g-otspcl rung of admonition and peti- { ition. Thlcl: s\`\)'ord which for half :1`. century has eon wielded against the' iI hilistines is so imbedded, in the old } man's hand -Illa VI 901` III Usvann vv av-u-u AIlRlSTE1tS,Solicilcra for the Sup:-em Court otdudicature for Ontario, Pro tom Notaries, Ounveyunccrs, etc. Money It Lam. Onicea Ross Block, Barrie. ` -4 \lqL.V.A`\ L lJLIl\-IA. L`-I I I I preach this sermon this morning `.1 as a tonic. I want you to take hold 'of Go(l s truth with such an inrerudic- `able grip that all the forces of earth `and hell cannot loosen it. and} I want l `you to strike so hard for God that C lit will react, and while you take the it fsword, the sword of God s truth. will `C ltake you. After the battle-is over :and the war is gone soldiersgatherl ltogether. and they sho.w their scars. -. 3 One soldier rolls up his coat sleeve. it iand he says: There I was wounded 1 (ill the arm: and another soldier pulls l down his collar, and he says: There! was wounded in the neek; and an- other soldier says: "I have never had it any use of that. li-nib, since the gun- x shot fracture. Oh, my Christian t friends, when we get back our bodies we on the resurrection: day I wonder if ,` we will have any scars to prove our ,0 spi-ritual bra',very? Jesus will stand_ e there. scars on his hands. sears 'on.'t his-feet, scars on his brow. scars' over his heart. won in the great but- tle of redemption, and all heaven will sobaloud with emotion and gratitude. And all who have nursed the sick and cared for the poor will show the evi- dences of earthly exhaustion, and Crst shall wave his scarred hand i ovcr- the scarred multitude, saying". "Ye suffered with me on earth, now be glorified with me in lieaven. And the great organs of eternity will take up the chant, an-d St. John the martyr will sweep the keys with his fingers: "These are they who came out of great tribulation. and had their robes washed and made white i-n the blood of the Lamb." But on that-day what will be your chagrin and mine if it shall be told on` the streets of heaven that i-n this world we sh-rank back from all toil, from I ' all hardship, from all fatigue? No] battle-scars to Show th-e glorified; ' not so much as one ridge on the palm of the hand to show that just once in all this great battle for God and . the truth we clutehedso tight and struck -so hard that the hand clave to the sword. , - VI Hy Ulu _YUI.l llb 1Jl. LIHLII : 'James--`E said I looked like you, dad. .. - ' T . .LvvJ.\ \JL_ u.uva.u.- Wiilie, to his stout aunt,-Aunt Su- san, I didn t know you could talk. Aunt Susan on the mother's` side- Why, Willie, what do you mean? .TWiIlin.-.T-'.-\_nn xnirl that :11] vnn din. -DR4AE:G1:':D OUT AND snem. Hqrod is here, Ahah is here. Jezebel is 'heu:e. The tlcatroying angel ls heme. The mhssiucre of the infants is `hare; ~ St. snndgtl. on foot, helmet on he (1, heaxrtplate over heart, Eleaza-s\vo1`(l in the right lmncl. hit so ha-yrzl that the result will not only besedn in the ga.s`hes( oEEa1l- en iniquity. hht in the adherence of the s_wo:t(l t0 O_l1.-!` own hand. Oh. we are so afrai ;~2om.cbady< will criticise our sermon or our .pray_crs, or our exhorta.tion.s. that we forget our de- sire for the worldfs conquest in the fear we will get: lmrtg while Eleazar goes into the conflict with such en,- t'l:fu`.sr'Jasm he (Ides not care whether the is hunt` or not. "His hzxncl clave uiuto the sword." u._-N... __,-_ an uvvu :uu:xuv1c -| Papa--You know, James, how much I disapprove of fighting--still it js gratifying to know .that you have beaten a bigger. boy than yourself. Why did you fight him? LTnmn-:_. FI said I lnnlrnd lilzn om: wuy, H uue, Iwunt no you mean 1 ) L.Wi1lie-Papu. said that all you did was to take_ up room. ,, : - HE CANNOT DROP IT. A` dvbicfzfn 1__u3AsoN. V7`... I__-,.. `I'-._-__o L. TOOK UP_ ROOM. THE .BARRIIw EXAMINER,` THURSDAY, APRIL 18, S'1`.n.'.I.'.X 5 I-.'a'.uun Am5'-YEIW, Bollllitora in Hl[.';ht(30\1rt 0 Jus1ice, Notarit-s Public, C0m'0yam'u'~ omens: Over Bank of Toronto. Barrio. Money in sum of $2.00 and upws-r?F, to -ABOUT THE TABLE. In the time between the winter and fresh vegetable season, she who pre- pares` the daily meals finds it difficult to know just what to have next that will tempt the family e appetite. 011.-.... 1.. .. 1..-...:-up (`nus cn;mn|-`ne! Rif- \VLl LULUPL LLIU Lillllya uyyuunovu There is a longing for soinething dit- terent from the winter : bill at fare, and those who live away from the city stores, where lettuce, radishes young onions and other fresh vege- tables, and even strawberries; are. now. to be had. are indeed at a loss for 9. change. The only relief is to serve the food on hand in a variety 0! ways. re 2:. -_._ I... /._..u..... ::..`|. :5 Han wuyn. . - If it can be (gotten, fish is the ` meat to have just now, and broiling is perhaps the best way to serve it. It you 'haveu t a regular broiler, a spider will do. Rub the broiler or spiderv with snltporlz, place the fish inside, and regulate the heat, by height above coals, according to thick- ness of the flesh. To dress and serve xi broiled fish in the best style, spread it generously with the sweetest of butter. dust well with salt and pep- per, and lay it on 9. hot `platter with a border of lemon slices.` Fryingis a favorite way of cook- ing fish. Season them well with salt and pepper and roll in flour. Fry some slicesot thin. salt porkiln a spider, remove, fry the` fish to a rich brown on both sides in the fat, remove them too hot platter, and garnish with the crisped pork, parsley and lemon slices. For deep-fat trying. the fat should be hot enough to send up a blue smoke from the edges of the pot when the fish P30 in. ` n..I....1 ....L..L-...- ...... ...:.... ...:H. nah uuu `U1 G vuauau any Potato Croquettes.-Mix enough warm milk or cream with cold mosh- ed potato, to make it ensy=to handle. Add a little butter, one beaten e88. a. tublespoontul of flour, and a sprinkle of salt. Form the mixture into cone shapes, or neat little cylinders, press closely into shape, and set away to cool. When firm, roll in beaten egg, then bread crumbs, and try in boil-} `mg lard until brown. Take out end drain on brown paper. `And. for still `another change try | Creamed Potatoes.-Cui. eight pota-I toes into small pieces of uniform '2-1ize,. and boil tender in salted water. Pou_rl 'over them a pint of cooked milk,thick-, ened by a tahlespoonfuhof flour, and.` seasoned with butter, pepper and salt. "`L----- --A ---..-.-.. nu... 4`: n n m . v unr- small patty pans, lined with putt paste] Chicken Patcs.-Chop fine some cold "boiled-c11icken-the white meat is the ibest. Put a half pint of new milki `on the stove, add a spoonful of thick; cream, and when boiling stir in onej Iteaspoontulhf cornstarch to thickemj gmm two tablespoonfuls of butter`, 21} zlittle salt and. pepper. Haveomcf :bz1_ke them in 9. quick oven: stir the. gminccd phicken into thumilk, uudi set away to cool. When the paste is, baked, fill with the chicken, and re-E turn to the oven a.short time to: ;brown. Serve hot. : Cut salt purl: very thin, and try crisp. Make a. batter of the yolks of gtwdeggs well beaten, half cup milk, ;one tablespoon butter, one cup flour ;and n li_ttle salt. When ready tp use! i_add _thc whites of the eggs beaten; gto a. stiff froth. To cuch spoonful of: .butter add a. slice of the pork and` `fry in a deep kettle. l 1.`......I..... ......I.' I... ....H.:_.... 2.. .....L.... ... \- Vnuur l\u|4IIl\lI Fresh:-.21 pox-k"by putting in water `bring to boiling point. and pour of! ` water. F-ry lightly, then dip in thin, batter made of one egg, two table-' spoons sweet milk, pinch of soda. and ` a. little flour. Fry bl_`OWX1. Or fresh- en as above and fry, leaving only about : two tablespoons grease in` frying pan. 1 I r I I I-LIU LI-Du 1.0 In- Baked potatoes are nice with fish, and for 9. change try n..L..L.. II .... ...I-I...-. 1\l':_ .....-nu-1-u ..........v..... "u... -.n..-~...-, ..-r:...- _..._ .....-..I There are many ways of serving. whicken. A nice changu will be foundg .ll`| [ C5; rter s E Little `Liver Pills. 0"m'ces: 0\'e1'BIlxkof Toronto. Barrio.- Mouey Lonn n.t.nerccnt. ` , H. U :".l`Iu'ruv. (:.C.. `G. H. FSTY!`--\5