Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Apr 1901, p. 8

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..v.. ..v u... -nu o-Alva: vvun n IIIQVJI LENNOK -- At: Caledonia. Farm, Churchill, March 27th, :1. r.1-._u1;:hLe1' to Mr. and Mrs. D. \V.. Leunox v FIARRIEDL JuNEs-.:lLLINnHAn1-At the residence of Chas. Jones, Barrie, on April 2nd. by Rev. Geo. McKinley, Miss Ellen; second dzmghteb of Robert Allimzhum, of lunisl, to Philip. E. Jones of Burie. .4. uvnu.-z _uA A/anniv- WooL.\1AN-RE1D-V.-On Wednesday, March 27th. 1901. Miss Maggie, daugh- ter of Robert; Reid, of the 9th COIL, to Isaac \Voolmam. both of Iunisl, Rev. VV1u. McConnell, of Cmigvule, oiciating. - I\ll=I'\ _...... v...... -v.....-._, u. lulu nluu _y\-utu JOHNs'roN'-Nea.r Dalston Ml March 23th Wm. Johnston, aged 76 years. Av-.v~.v.<.\\~ A; 'L`.)...... .. lI'......L nnu. nv_, COLDSI 77 CHIN IN nheT Late 3. Gill. .lam:s Graham ; Falllll Accident at Barri Station Yesterday Homing. James Graham, carter, died yesterday afternoon as the result; of ihjuries received in the morning while helping to load hogs at the stock yard. He was pinching a` car ahead with a urowbar and failed to get out. of the way `of another car that wusehuuted cowards him. His leis hip bone was broken into half a dozen pieces and his abdomen r horribly. crushed. He was immediately . removed to the hospital but died four hours later, 1 u , I-L-.,, __ _,_,_ -e _.... .....: mun`. _ Deceased was about fifty years of age and leaves a. wife (1. daughter of Geo. Caldwell of Gilchrist), six daughters and two sons. John, Alex. and Arch Graham of Gilchrist` and Andrew Graham hi Shanty Bry are brothers, and Mrs. Alex. Watt sr., Mrs- Geo. Crawford; Oro Station. and Mrs. Gil` berl: McArthur, Guthrie, are sisters. I Potatoes. per bag`.\ mg ot-local oicers, etc., etc., Saturday and Easter Sunday will be characterized by special subjects for each meeting. A.m u........,. I..." A--~-=----I A IULI (ll. DHU l|U|'l'- _ Good Fniday meetings will be held [in the Burracks at the following hours : 8 a_. m., praise meeting;`3 p. m., rening service 9; 8 p. m., conclusion of the siege, enrolment of soldiers, commission'- of-locul oicers, .q li |1-I'll-In and 11...... 0..-)--. -._:n a, xuwu lllCUUl|Fb'c Adjt. Burrows .1133" organized a nancial Ieaguevin connection with the Barrie corps." L'eut-Col. Margetts will Iarriv in Barrie on Thursday, April 4th and will conduct a special revival meeting at 8 p.m., in the Barracks. Silver cJllect~ ion at the door. r1,_: 1.1,-I .- -n . .'.. . . I Public Schools Will Need Only Seven Hills This Year. The regular monthly meeting of the Pub- lic School Board was held on Monday night, a week ahead cf time. All the members were present. . The estimates were nreaented and the reduction 0: one mun. M153 Mabel Sprotl: asked to be plzccd on the list` of supply teachers. MARCH A'1'1`ENDANCEu The various schools reported the average attendance for March as Iollows :- Easu \Vard--'.\1r. McKee. 36. Ceutml-Mr. Hnllett. 40;` Miss Lee, 41 ; Miss King, 31 ; Miss Boom, 3S ; Mia!-.I Boys. 38; Miss Caldwell, 32'; Miss Dickson, 44 ;_ Miss Sing, 30. South \\'artl--Mr. Shear. 21 : Miss Baird. qn.nu..a 1': I | With the assistance of the other com- mittees the Finance Committee are enabled, after mwkinz due provision for an efcient ' teaching staff and the care and improvement of the school properties, to submit estimates for 1901-2 showing a reduction as compared with last year's estimates of $918 3-1. while amount naked for is $1191.28 less than lust year, involving 8. reduction in the Public School levy ot one mill on the dollar. The total estimated income to the 30111 of April, I 1902, is 81720.42, the expenditure being 311829.14, leaving 510108.72 to be raised by levy and it is estimated that ,a rate of seven mills on the dollar will be sui.-lent to pro- duce the amount required. I present. The estimates were presented very satislactory announcement made that the rate would be seven mills this year, a reduction of null. Mlum `Jmlmal Q-mnu-, nciznzl fn kn nln-mrl nn muss mag, .50. South Ward--.\1r. Shear. 21 ; Miss Baird, 31 ; Miss Small, 33: Miss Cuarlton, 43. The Fmzm-.-e Committee recommended payment of accounts of Miss Clara. King,` extra. teaching, $10 ; Gas 30., $4.38 ; Tnoa. Campbell. wood for Allaudale schoul, $21.40. The Man.-ummnnl-. Cnmmitten renorted tlul ULIIUPUCII, W000 IO!` Auauuaie SCIIOUI, ;72. :1.`iU. The Management Committee reported am they were able to keep their expeudituft` for 1900 $375 below the cutimatea due largely to the abolition of the Fifth Form; while the-salaries of a number of teachers were increased at the beginning of this year. THE ESTIMATES. Expenditure. fr-.. . -..... cAsTo5R-m. F1.\'A.\'cx-:-` Debentures Secretary-treasurer ; salary . Interest Postage Audib........ MASAG E.\u;.\"r - Su|uries -- W. J. };lallett.. .. Miss E. Lee . . . . . . n ](iTlE' . . . - :1 Buoth. .'- . ' n Boys - . . . u Caldwell u Dickson . n . . . . Mr. Foster _ _ _ . . _ _ PROPERTY AND SUPPLY-- Fuel, South Ward . . . . . . . . . . .. n \vV?bt II .`............ _.v East, I! . . . . . . n Central 1: . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cutting Wood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. " Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Water and putting at Alhmdale. Caretaking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . One-Twelfth ndditicnal. . . . . . . . ' ()1-diuary Supplies. . . . . . . . .. Apparatus, Maps. etc . . . . . . . . . .. Pnintin;z_ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Miscellaneous repairs . . . . . . . . . .. Contingencies . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ;.wvu Cxsh.inB.mk . . . . . . . Balance of 1900 levy due . . .4 County Gmut Model School. as na- Dept. n H . Public School Grant . . . . . . .` Non-resident Fees . . . . . . . . .. Model School Fees . . . . . . . . . B.:lance to be raised . . . . . . . . . %cA:sTLo'7R'?A. 1'11`: L` U3 HUI . u Airth Miss E. L ,_ 1:! u uuauwn One-Tenth . . . . . Extra Teaching. Model Term . . . Mr. Foster . A i-(>1: ll 1' ICCCUQ Mr. McKee . . .. u Shear . . . . . . Miss Baird . . .. :1 Small . . . Charlton n...._'T`.". k Total . goooooooo- Chiidren` Cry for K341 -j-41'.:_- REDUCED THE RATE. T KILLED BY`A CAR. Salvation Army Note_s. .1-.. `.- 211 ....o... Lee. . . . .. B)nis.... Sherin .. Fletcher 1:-.. 2247 00 .$ll829 1 4 311829 14 Ss6s7T5_ug .3 415 42 250 00 150 00 I50 00 620 00 `IX nn BARRIE MAR'KE'1`S.- . on W . ICO 00 .10108 7.2 $653 39 125 00 100 00 16 O0 10 O0 . $900 00 . ,375 C0 375 00 350 00 325v00 325 00 '1`): nn ozu uu 350 00 625 00 450 00 350 00 90.1 nn D D1 20 `244 O0 65 00 262 50 25 00 2200 130 00 S70 00 7-) Sn O20 UU 325 00 325 00 .400 00 "600 00 300 00 303 00 300 00 762 50 I00 00 200 00 [.5i)U 135 O0 60 00 25 00 105 00 150 00 our SPRING MILLINERY. OPENING, which commenced on March 27th, has proven itself a. ladies, one and allgawarded our display the palm of victory. The various expressions of approval, many of which might almost be called extravagance, would tend to place our Millinery Exposition in a class by itself. \Ve had in effect premised this result and are pleased to know we have so rat succeeded. Our Miss \Vright s success as an artist in design and execution, as well as her clever- ness in adapting the various effects to the needs of callers is admitted. Buy your spring millinery here. There can `be no order so great as to be beyond our reach, none so small as not to receive our best -attention, You get here variety, style, and elegance to choose from, an independent style all our own. Prices moderate. most unqualied success. Visiting I Dress Making Dept. New Spring Goods Carpet Buyers Men s, Boys and" Youths Clothing and Furnishing YOUR FAVORS soucnreo ABREM MILLINEHY SUEEESS IFBAWLEY & DEVHN Canto:-{>3 is an excellent medicine for children. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children. D G (` cnnnn In-.mII line. cents for each They are the more widelv : Uunlop Tires. Heights of fra'me-Men s 20, 2i Q7-1 in.--I._a-iie:T6~ WE OFFER splendid chance to a good agent in each town. Send for Catalogue and ask for Agents , Dtscoums. Wheel: slightly used. $3.00 to 825.00. T, W, BOY D G. .SON 5" 5830? I1 0`1- ` 1883 Nurse Dun: S15. M om-ntn.. Discounts. Ill; Secure Castoria. is for Infants and Children. Castoria is a. harmless substitute for Castor Oil, 4I aregoric, Drops `and Soothing Syrups. _It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use by Millions of. Mothers. Qast_oria destroys \Vorms and allays Fevcrish- .ness. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and \Vind Colic. Castoria. relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates ' the Stomach and Bowels of Infants and Children, giving- `healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Child1'cn s '-ru.__-___ fI\`I,, 1|:-,1: a as . 3ooooooo- ?Panac Mother s Friend. This Department is successfully managed by Miss Murphy, whose large city experience, with the advantage of 1:. well trained cerps of assist- ants, enables her to give every' satisfaction in the (xecution of orders. All orders receive her personal attention. ` New Spring and Summer Dress Materials. Silks and Wash Goods. , Dress 'I`r_immin,r_rs to llutclx Materials. Kid Gloves in all leading makes: Fabric Gloves of dzfferenli kinds. Hosiery in Cashmere and Cottous, Lmdic-5 and Chi';dren a. New Summer Blouse}: and S-:p.ru.te Skirts. Should see our elegant aesortmut before placing ordc-r. All makes now complete. THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. FRONT STREET, HBARRIE. . \.u\.\.I. uyuu unuu uuuuscu. DR, G. C. OSGOOD, Lou/ell, Alan. Castoria. Children Cryvfor -u;axnj-g..-_..__ of every descrihbion now to hand, including What is $30.00 EAGLE 333 OH I bsacypteiae CX3. andscnd to us with I 3 `you. State whether you wish \!v Ic`l:'J: or Ladies Bicycle, height of frame and gear wanted, and we will send - you this High Grade 190] flodel ' Eagle Bicycle by Express C.(.).D. subject to examination. You can examine it thoroughly at your Ex- press Ofiice and if found perfectly s:msfacto:-y. qzgqxlygs represented, A HIGH GRADE l90| MODEL Castorin ls so well aclupud to ct-.iIdrcn `that I recommend it as superior to any pre- scription kxxown to me." H. A. ARCHER, M. D. Bmo/Elyn, IV. I I. W. BL 1683 Nova: 05 ---_._--.1. Cu! this ad. out 1 andscnd with` State whezhcr vnn Castoria UNION LA ' ' l-3I.. I. us with 1 bar Men : iicvclc. htiuhl of frame I. .50!` , Mowrntntl Si: Hen For a "oniy but v. the C} glass: curing Jndn CIUSC AS4335- tesuxr Ex_am A47 W11: Carefully corrected t data _HAR'BiE. April 3, 1901 ' Buy only Union Made Shoes. LEADERS IN MILLINERY VAIR, VIGKERS azco. Phone 7 4. FINE KID GLOVES. DRESS 80008. OOABSE GRAIN . We invite you to inspect our matchless array of Fashionable Mil; linery, Our cosy show room is crowded with select Millinery Special- ties, and the workroom is a veritable busy hive. _ ._ - e A We would call your attention to the following features, which characterize. -' the display, viz.: ` Rare beauty of materials. A Charming combination of colors. . The skill displayed in the intricate .creations by our designer. And the marvellously low. gures for such fine productions. Call early while the department is at its best. Miss Brownlow will attend and suggest to you the most becoming style. Another case of. British Goods, beatiful T Costume Cloths, in greys, blues, fa_wns and greens. They are matchlcss in variety, novelty, beauty and value. This is Saying a great deal- Wechallenge `comparison. If you live at a distance send for samples. We `have a magnicent range of Ladies Fine Kid Gloves, The quality is very select and our personal guarantee of satisfaction goes with every pair. The correct shades for this season are modes, greys and tans. with or without heavy stitching on back, glace or suede ; we have them all. At any rate cal} and see our assortment and we are certain of your conviction that we have the most thorough stock of Fine Kid Gloves in town. ` THE mess: umpomens or BRITISH AND FOREIGN Goons IN BARBIE y-0 UU. .4 25. "! '7: .1 `Au. [3 75 Q0: Eastertide. um, %%v1cKERs & co. Hildl .35 , Fall Wheat .. .. .. Flour, bakers, per bbl. Flour, family. " .. Shorts. par owt. . . . .. .. Bran, per cwt......... Di rec I. I Annpox-tors. 3 day. ' The SPRAMOTOR drives out a perfscl mist spray,,thox-cughly covering the plants, I and destroying every veslige of fungi anJ E insect life. It's the only way to grow potatan ` protably, and will double the crop: at a ; triingcost. - , 1 Sand [11 vnnr nnrno nnrl we'll mail vou free i The Spramozor Co., London. On! .39 Snraying with the SPRAMO1 OR will \ cuts--`y eradicate Mustard. Full-pub ' ticu:...~ in our book on spraying. L 7 ` Seems incredible that farmers Should use Bligh: and Bugs, in one operation. Uue man with u SPRAMOTQR can spray 20 acres in nerfscl ` old methods, when they can ki I boxh Potato. triing cost. Send us your name and we'll mail you free nn 84 page Illuslrate Treatise on Spraying, and full particulars of the SPRAMOIOR. which is saving the fmrmers of Canada": thousands of dollars annually. It will splay ` olhcr things too '2: ~ :4 -I-I__ _ . . _. I. Regular price 23c tun, special at 15c tin. `r Spraying Potatoes ` jwith the % Gallon Apples In tins. usual price 25: tin, apeciu) at. 200 tin. :'1`his stam used by me JOHN McPHERSON C0. Limite : of Hamilvonnbe onl Union F._c- - toryin Canada. 51 mos tanned Pineapple Regular price 1 tin, special at f tin. iaumed . Peaches Canned Plums Re-rular price 15c :'i n,1_spc-ciax at 1252 tin . Kipjncred l[errin_:_ ' Special at 10c tin. Pork and ` Beams In tomato sauce, spvcial 5.` tin. V Spmmggor Redpath s Best Granulated ...$U(iAR;.. T L AIRRIFLE, wcinnhv 0| .1... newt-.-umn Rink 1 A. J. Carsonfj Pens, small. ` Peau. large Oats . . ; . . ` 'Rurle.v.... .. Rye . . . . . . . . Buckwheat . If ybti contemplate. buy- ing your sunlmeyx- s upply of Sugar. get: or pride 161' hundred weight before you purchasn. . Come to us to-day, to- morrow, or any duy thfs week, and we will give you` 20 pounds of Redpatlfs gr.m_ulated sugar for $1.00. Grocer. -o9oooog -ooo9eoX SPECIALTIES DRESS- GOODS AND SILKS Superior Table Pickles Regular pxice 15c bottle. special at '10:: bottle. Superior M ustard Pick:es Superior Table Pickles Octagon shaped bot- tles, regular price 25. special at 20.: `bottle. " Regular _`price 15.: bottle. special at 10c bottle. mus.-. -v....--.- ...... ........... Beef, hiudquarters .... .. . .. . . .4 Beef, forequartera .... .... .. . .~ Mutton,perlb....... Lamb ......... `logs u-easerl.... . . . . . . . . . '4 Hogs, live, choice 170 to `.230 Ike. .1 uuga, live; lights and fate. 500'. hann fhnn choice. . French Mustard In octagon shaped bottles. regular price 15c, special at 10:: bottle. Sardines in Mustard Large size, regular price 15`. special at 10c bottle. THE _1BARRIE EXAMINER, THURSDAY. APRIL 4, "1901. 20..` Cntre Simcoeg Farmers Institute. 2 u 1,,-L,-.,_;_ .-_._;. .4. vvunu up was---vv u an: -uv-u ------ ---v- The directors of the Institute met at the Barrie Hotel, Barrie. on Tuesday, March 19th, the resident, Wm. Pratt, in the chair. ' here were present: Vinn-Plp:inpnr. \V, I`nvlm- and Direct- Ill Lne c-nun`. Inere were preselw: Vice-P1 esictent. `V. Taylor and Direct.- ors H. Todd, D. Quinlan, Jae. Hamil- ton. Jets. _Rnbertson, {Jas. Oontts, D. Wood, B. Kelly, R `Parnell and UDIIS. Rankin. V ' Thu nn:nn|>ne n9 1.1.3! vnnnl-:nrv nynvln lTv8.I1Kllh The minuteslof last. meeting were read and adopted. A letter was read from the superintendent. of Fztrmet-s znstitutes, asking the institutes when ' ever it "was possible to "do so, to hold their annual meeting in June at one of the Experimental Fruit Stations. On motion of Jets. Coutts, seconded by Chas. Rankin, it was decided to hold the annual meeting at the Fruit Station at C1-uighurst on` the 5th of June. Di!-M-tn:-A 'Rnhm-tann, Hnmiltnn and llhg, MVP,` Ilgllll Ml. less than choice. Chickens per pair. . Turkeys, dressed . . Lard, pex lb .'. ... . Butter, tul:, parlb- Butter, in roll. . . . . Eggs (fresh) _ . . . . . 111 ...,....-.._, Ivvul nus 1 Most Colds are causei by checked cir- culation, knoivn by a chill or shiver. Dr. Humphreya 77 starts the blood coursing through the veins until it reaches the ex- . treniitxes, when the feel; warm up and the Cold or Grip is broken, while its touicity sustains the agging energies. ` At all Drug Stores, 25s., or mailed. 2?` Pocket Manual mailed free. Humphreys' Homeopathic Medicine Co.. Cor William and John Sts..ANew York. To keep the clzin in, means to keep it well drawn back horizontally. That causes, what physical culturists call. ` a lifted chest."' A lifted chest insures deep and full breath- ing. and. hence, pure blood and perect. cir- culation. TRY keeping your chin in, and see how your chest will stand out, giving to a woman a superb gure, and to a mana military bearing. 1|.-...o l`..l.1- ...._ _.,,.,:- um 7-, I - an L1-zugnursu me 5:11 o: .1 une. . Directors Robertson, Hamilton and the secretary were-appointed a com- mittee to an`-range for the annual meeting. V , ()n motion nf Wm. '1"nvlm'. seconded meeting. On motion of Wm. Taylor, by H. Todd, it was decided to hold the annual excursion to the Ag:-iculmx-al College at. Guelph sometime in June, tinge exact date no he zu-1-angetl later. Director Quinlan, Vice-Pxes. J.awlo1- and the secretary were appointed a committee to zu-an-nge for the zmnual nvnnnninn . excursmn. . _ 'On motion of B. Kelly, seconded by Wu). Taylor, the se.creta1-y was in- structed to make a. report. on the work of the Institute to the County Uouucil. On vnntinn n1 7, 'l`nvlm-. gm-nnded OI one msnuune to me U0unLy uuuucu. On motion of VV. '.[`n.ylo1-, seconded by R. Parnell, the sec:-etzu-y was in- strncted to ask the supeirimendent: to make the next; regular and supple- mentary meetings continuous instead of a. month apart: as heretofore. _ A number of nccmmts were ore- BORN. CAnPE.\"rER-In Barrie on March 29th, a. son ti: Mr. and Mrs; Frank Carpenter. ` Qvomum _ A; v..II ....... .. A... .. .I......Y..,, WHl'r1\'EY-Ne:Ir Craighurst, (in March` 26th. John Whitney in his -1151: year. ' I Tnnum-.,.u` KT ..... 1\.I..s.... _. u,_....L nan. Alter & week s illness Mrs. J. B Gill, Worsley street. died of pneumonia last Wednesday evening. Deceased was born near Cookstown. her parents being among the earliest settlers in that part. Of a. fam- ily of thirteen the only surviving member now is Mrs. McDona;_zh, mother of James . MeDonagh, Owen street. In ISIS she- mauried Mr. Gxll an`! went to _live on the farm on the fourth line of Vesprn, leaving there twenty years ago to take up residence in Barrie. -Her husband, four sons and two daughters (one of whom is Mrs. Juhu- Finlay of Bsrrir) survnye her. The home- stead at Mulhurst is occupied by Samuel Glll. Interment took place on Frirlu.y. ---Four members of the Barrie Checker Club go to Mm-kllzun to-day to play the local club there`. u--4 H y, pfton no . - Sm.w, per lo1d.. Wood. dry,ahort.. . Wood. dry, long.;.. Wood, green, long. A number of accounts were pre- sented and paid. The megtmg then a.djom~ned. G. C. CASTON, Sec.| U1 it HIUIILII I'lpZlI'D as Ile1'8LUlUI'Co I .-..--. u.-av, an uuu uv nun. uuu ;u.. -1: -v l\4~l CUL!IAM-At Edenvale, on March ]8zh.,a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Uulham. PILKEY--At Edenvale. on March 3lst:,'a son to Mr. and Mrs. John Pilkey. T 1.-xvxvn-tr A 6- r`n1:ur`r\v\:.\ D..ou.u .. ....... ..,,. DIED. CULHAM-In Sunnidale on March 20th, Mrs. Morris Culham, aged 59 years and 11 months. - nu uv......u..., u;,.... ,v xv... AnD:s0N-At Edgar on March 30th, Wm. Addison, father of Robert Addison of Burie, aged 76 years. _ I'\.-..........- 7.. 1),.....:.. _... lI._._I_ nnu go.--.u.., Inhvla [V J`-Inna! CALDWI-:LL-In Battle un March 23th, Mary Hannah, youngest daughter of Wm. Caldwell. _ ` 1-uA_,__-., f\ . -].:\ 1 ' . --... : PEN'I`0.\'-On Ap1'il'2nd, at 123 Eliza- beth street, Barrie, Percy, fourth son of, Henry Pentou, aged 14 years. Funeral at 2 13.11:. on Friday, 5th inst.. to the Union ('ometel'V. --Past-office moneyjorders payable in oices in the United States can now be obtained at the same 1-ate of com- mission as orders pa._va.l)le in Cunacla. 11 ti 1 . - - - --For Easter at; prices ranging from 10 Lo 30 percent. under what. is charged elsewhel-e.vou can buy the celebmced .JamnIet, Pct-rin or Trefousse kid gloves at J. C. Irwin s. Special cuts also on new pamsols, lnosiery and ribbons, laces, silks and all dress lnateriuls. Tlxc.\`e1-Vlatest styles in spring shoes by>W. A. Marsh (Pen-is gold nwdul goods) at wholesale rites. Your money goes farthest at 1-wiu .=.' --- .. ..... ........ 5-45-I. -u.u.. \4UIl:Iv-avnquu . 1 S1ssoxs-At Yellomzrase. Assn, a daugh- ter to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sxssons. In- _,_ . nu --.. vv nun. uuu sun 3. IV . AL: ..n-wuuua. WICE-At the eleventh line,` Innisl, on Mar. 31st, :1. son to Mr. and Mrs. N.` Wice. 11..-".-- 4-731 , ui _-L no.1. _ Limited: or torym

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