Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Apr 1901, p. 3

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lolli, the new int] his post a yr the gu\'ern- , undemxkings , P~' .. nu: ;;u.=Ju L0 3:11.10. . . Straw-1fix'm. Car lots of straw, on traclrherc. $6. ' 1' Tiff.` cvrnnnrr Ir A I'\f7`I1V!I(V uULlVC. . Poultry--Qui.-t. I}ri,;'h.t stock is quoted as follows`;--Turkeys. 11 to 12c; gt-ese. at 8 to 81-2c; chckens. at 40 to 50c; and ducks. at 60 to 80c: choice cold stored turkeys and geese are quoted at 1 to 2c per lb under burigh-l` stock`. Interiorjsnowcd stock Ls hard to swell. ` `D-n+-n 1-nn._czI-an .1" '.. 4 00.. .-.....` .. .. auuru. are 1113100 at BUG. Field produce, etc.-'1`urnips, out of store. 39c per bag; onions`, 70c per bag; carrots. 35c par bug; apples , `per bbl.. $1 to $2; mvcct potatoes, per bbl, $2.50. - Tirinzl nnnlna Y\u-Inpl nv\1\Ip\u~l and] 4.5- u*,7.:..uU. Dried npple.s-Dried apples sell at 31-2 to 41-4c; euvvaporatcd. at 5 to 5 ]-2c. gaU.uu; ucuvy mass pzvrx, qsw [0 $13.30. Smoked m-eats--Hams`. heavy, 12c; medium. 121-3 to 13c; light, 13c. DAIRY MARKETS. - ` Buttcr-Easy. though ' no lower. Quotations are as follows;--Dairy, tubs and pails. good to choice, 161-2 to 171-2c; medium. 15 to 16:; poor. 13 to 146; dairy prints, choice, 17 to 180; `large rolls. goodlo choice. 161-2 to 171-2c; crv_anic1'ies_, boxes`, 2`) to 21c; and pounds. 2:3 to 230. r`.)\nncn_TTnH nv-nnw. Tnlu null Ann- a. Auvuv V54: Eggs-Bus`inoss is active and pfices steady at 1; . to 12 1-20 for fresh. Sup- `plies are large, and demand is` very active. 1)....H-.... l'\..!..a. 11-2-1.1. _..-_I_ 2.. T - . The Ruling Prices in Breadstuifs and Live Stock. Toronto; April 2.-WheatV-Outside` markets were about steady, and lo- cal prices` were steady. Quotatione are as follows :-_-Red wheu.t, 67 1-2; white wheat, 67 1-2c; and goose wheat, 67c, low `heights to New York; Mani- tobas, No. 1 hard, old, g.i.t., 981-2c; Np`. 94 me; No. 1 hard, `North, Bay, 97 1-92c; and No. 2 hard, 93 1-20. ! "I:I'3II.....V ('V.,,. ac, 1-0. ` I-`lour--Qu'Let. Holders of 90 per cent. patents, buyers batzs. middle freights, usk $2.65 per bbl.; `and exporters. bid $2.58. ' . DRESSED HOGS AND PROVISIONS. l`nrnnI'n, Any-il 0 __h.-mma.1 `\l\f'Q urn uu1`4DDL'4U JJULXD ALVU J.".l CU\ J.b1UN5. Toronto. April 2.--Dressed hogs are stc-mlyon the street at $7.75 to $8.25.. O.'Lr lots s`c.'1rcc. practically none of- fering. Light hogs are quoted nom- inally at $7.75. on track here. Pro-' vi.v.imn:3' are firm and in good enquiry. Quotations -n.ro.;-l)ry -salted s.houl- - d-crs; Bo; lozng `clear bacon. loose, in car lots. 10c; and in caste lots, 101-4 to 101-2c; short clear pork. $20 to $20.50; heavy mess` prvrk, $19 to $19.50. Smoked m.ru11:.._T-I'nm:', lwnnvu 190, zuxu pouuus. :51: E0 260. Cb.eesc-Fu11.croam. July and Aug. make, sells at 101-2 to 11c. ' PRODUCE. r\,.._, n v [Moon In um ' rozsultvd in the be gnvurnment. he has `always ..\ u-his hit: (`(11- THE LEADING. MAR.KETS.T] u... u. `uv, uuu Gab!-, an uuu. -Bz1rlcy-F'Lrm, No. 2, low freights, `to New York, was quoted at 44c; No. 3_ extra, skunc freights, .48c. - Rve-Sto.ndv. (`.nr Inf: A91 urncf u,uu' DUO 08.512. .Buckwhe:1t-Quiet. Car lots, west, are quoted at. 51c; and east at 53c. O:1ts-Firm_ Nn 1 'wh:+.. (1.1: 12 I... .. ..u, uuu. ;I\r. a u-.uu, au J.-nu. Millfcud--Scarce. Ton lots. at the mill door."\Vestern Ontario paints, sell as fo1lows':-Bran,$15 :1 zind shorts, $16. -ru . . -- - Corn-Firmer. Ame1'ica.n, No. 2yel- ' low, on track here, 47 1-2c; N9. 8, All 10.. I eas-Firm. No. 2: middle freights, n`t 64 1-20; and east, at 65c. ` n..1.- .s,,. n -- -vn a_ uxLru., szunc 1reLgm.'s, .430. Rye-Steady. `Cur lots, 490 west, a_nd- 503 east. TlnnI.nuImv...l~ ('\..:..L (1.... 1-4.- ....`.-L uru quUU:(1 at. 010; and east III; 050. ` ` 0ats-F'Lrm. No. 1 white, C.- P. R. cast, 300; NO. 2 white, north and west,` 22:: (1-90 I o .)'l.'uo, 11.31. OWL 01$) Milkers and Calves`. -,1. - ... --.. Cattle. !~_~n of the So- ' 'zZ:mz1rd-lli nov- npntlxy and good hut he can rely :zEn'ing frmn nny 'h`.le he is prime heir support. bhrn at Bvosciu in naive part in n IYn Fnnvrhf HH- :00 425' 375 1) En $500. 450 rnnn 45 00 8 00 650 :2 I10 4 37 1-2 8 00 ` 350 350 znn auu .875 325 425 A Member of theliousehold Shoots at His Majesty. A dcspatch from Londovn, Monday, says`:--'A dcspatch to the Morning Leader from Kieff says it is rport- ed `that an officer of the household at- tempted to assassinate-t-he Czar. He fired at his Majesty. but missed. He then shot and killed himself before In-\ ncnnlzl `ha nrrnnfn, LLIL'.l.I $ll'U'L C111". Klll ha would `b: arrested. :u-movoxm-nts um csztensiun of the gh h'\.s`-0 u|'tS the hands 0: 2,000,- u.u;_)u.-suueut. The Colonial Legislature passed :1 bill last month giving effect to this` convention. if the rpnn.\\.".-11 umrp .-n-- uuu man LlBlJ'.llL'l.l'gl.Vl.Llg ULLCGL L0 [1113 conventzon, if the renewal were` ar- ranged. jj Lebster nlodue Wendi Respecting the French Shore. ~ A desputch -[mm St. John's, Nld., says `.--The Newoundln.n`d- Cabinet has received -_'1 despatch from Mr. Cham- berlain, the Oolonial Secretary, an- lnouncing that a lobster niocus viv- endi respecting the French shore hnd been concluded with France," to be in force until December 31} 1901, thus removing all fear of conflict during the interim. This, fact is` evidence `of the willingness of the French Government to ad.'opt a con- ciliatory policy, pending the nal adjustment. 'l`nhn. (`.n'IninI Tau-iulnhn-A nndnml n |AcREEMEF}7_H FRANCE. I py- Natallans Score Several successes ' Over the Boers. - A despatch from Durban, s`ays;-The Second Imperi.n1'Lig'ht Horse, which is made up or Natalia-mg, is busy `in Swaziland. Tuhe regiment has eaptured ' 1,000 bend of Boer cattle. Some of the men met aBo_er party, consisting of a commzmdant and seve1: a1 other of- ficers. -They ordered t.he.Boer9 ~ to throw up their hands. Two; who were slow in obeying the order were wing- ed." whereupon -the. party surrender- ed. Later a'nu.nrber of snipers; were captured. TBA ran-imnnf 1-hnn nnnhn-nA Q nnn l.ll.'t_5(]a . _ The regiment then captured_a con- voy of 26 waggons and anumber ofa . cattle, sheep,`and horses. Later an- V `other convoy of `ten \vaggons_ was captured. ~ L m,uru 'nu.rm to Amencan mterests. The gunboat Vicksburg. with-Fun- atom and Aguinnldo on board, arrived on Saturday morning. Rebel Leader and Stat? Have Been Taken Prisoners. ` M A despateh from Manila, s`o.ys:-Gen. Funston, with the assistance of a -number of Maccabebe scents`. `has captured Aguinaldo in the country, near Oasigunmn, nine miles! from Baler, on the north-west coast of the Island of Luzon. T-he rebel leader and his entire ataff are now in Man- ila. * - Ali}! Gen. Funston employed 0. very clev- er ruse to reach Aguinaldo. His plan worked successfully. with the result that the head'a~nd front of the insur- rection is now whmie he will do no more `harm to American interests. The xzunh-mt Vinlmhuu-n ..,:n. 19.... LLUIIH Mr. Chamberlain replied that to of- fer better terms would not be magna- nimity, but folly. The Government could not afford to show again that it paid better to be a rebel than a- loyalist. The Cape rebels, as arulc, had been .woree than the Boers. ' he has u1wu_y:a o with his (-01- '0 his aim. Now We ` Mr. Chamber1a1n's Statement in the House of Commons. _ `A despatch` from London says :`--'The statement of Mr. Chamberlain, the Colonial Secretary, that the Govern- ment had printed all it knew about the Botha-Kitchener peace negotia- tions, nnd that uoth.ind.r had transpir- ed since, caused James. -Bryce, Liberal, to analyze `the terms rffered. He con-I trastcd. General Kitchener`s fi_rst vlcwa with.tho final letter incorpor- ating Mr. Chamberlain's suggestions and expressed the `hope that the Gov- ernment would re-open-the negotia- tiuns`. ` - '|\!l'n l'Vl....~.l......'l...'.y_ ._-_I!_J AI,,LL .- |_nu.`1u; no. u, 010;` sample, 40 to 360. Duluth,` April 2.-\Vhotat - Cash, No. 1 `hard. 767-8c; No. 1 Northern, 74 3-80; No. 2 Nomthern. 683-8 to 72 3-80; May, 76 3-80; July, 771-2c. Corn 401-2c: 0ats-26 to 25 3-4c. T\/F:nnonn~n:. A....:1.n ,,\xr.1..'...L tn. ..1. Idiglht 11103.5, per cw't.... Heavy hogs. per cwt. Sl0W`S.....`: Stags.... Chicago, April 2.-A firmt .u.nder- -tone, in which routine news" played its part, was observable in the grain mar- kets to-day. Corn, which 'was- the most active, closed 1-4 to 3-80 higher for May, while wheat closed 8-80, and cats a. shade improved. - Provisions we're dull and irregular closing 2 1-2c higher to a. shade lower. Rliffnln An:-H 0 7-Jlnnu U4-.....l.. . ubguer Lo :1 snaae lower. Buffalo, April 2.-i3`lour --~ Steady -; light demand, . Whca.t--Spring, No. 1, Northern, old,`car1oa.ds, 850; do., in small lots`, closed stronger; -No. 1 Northern, old, c.i.f.` 851 B-Sc. Winter whcat--Nothing done in spot; closing, No. 2, rod, 78 `I-20; No. 1 white, 771-2c, bid, on track,.Bufalo. Corn-Q'uiet but -firm; No. 2 yellow, 461-40; No. 3 do., 45 3-4 to 46; No.2 cotn,45'3-4c; No. 30 do. 45 1-4 fn 4?: 1.9 I-In-mmx. 1m1,.,: .... 1-: -1-`: Lu `:06; 110.2 . CDl`I),`lDi3-R0; N0. 30 (10. 45 1-4 to 45 1-2, through billed, on track.` 0a.ts--Steady; No`. 1 white, 31 1-4 to 81 1-2; No. 3 do., 30 to 80 1-4c; No. 2 mixed, 28 3-4 to 290; No-. 8 do., 28 1-4c; through billed; Barley --Barley higher; faitylgrade sold at I 58c. R e-No. 1, in store, 690 ask- I c-d; no spot offermgs on track. M'ilwm1l(pn Ahril `)._\Vlnm.d~_Q+m..1... u-u; no spot ouermgs track. Milwaukee, April 2.-Wheat-Steudy; No. 1 Nortbern,_ 751-2' to 75 ,3-4c; No. 2 ' Northern, 71 to, 73c. Rye- Stendy; No. 1, 54. Bu.rley_--- Firm; No. 2, 57c ;' sample, 40 to 560. I Duluth.` Anril 9_\vhnm+ nal. `LU 1-zc: Uats-'.`a(.i to 25 3-4;. Minneapolis, April -2.-W`h'eat-Cas'h 74c; May. 741.4 to 74 3-8c; July, 75 7-8 to 760; on track. No. 1 hard, '76:; No. 1 Northern. 740; No. 2 Northern, 69 to 701-2c. Flour-First patent.-sf, $4.05 to $5915; second p.'1_i:ents{, $3.95 to $1.05; - first c!ears`, $3 to $3.10; second clears, $2 to $2.10.A Bran-In bulk, $13.25 to $13.50. -NO MORE NEGOTIATIONS. AGUINALDO CAPTURED. n(-uvu pun, Au` 9. [I0 fought nu- 's I'cvolutinun1'y ac-lxievoxm-xxls us ....a,.n.~hn `n! the FIRED AT THE CZAR, `ROUNDED UP.` THE BARBIE EXAMINER, THURSDAY, APRIL 4. I901. 000 000 UUU 000 QKA DUU 600 Ann 1.ul`e(1 seventy. . " Gctn. Erench reports from Vryhei-d that between March 16 and March 27 his command has killed or wounded 17 Boers and `fxrken: A51 prisoners, 1Nmety-three burghers surrendered, Th-e Briltish also captured 100 rifles, 5,950 rounds of ammunintion, 475 horses and much qtbczr stock. UCKI) VVZIS nu.rt. ` . "J1`x':frteen hund.re_d horses and other sfoock from the Orange Bi.-ver Colony have been brdmghl in recently. The `troops makimg the captures killed seven Boe:rs.'\v.oundcd' nine, and cap- tured seventy. G.nm_ Tc`:-om-h 1-nnanarfa (ram. '(7P....1.,.:.:! . 17 Boers Killed and 51 Prisoners Taken by His Command. A de.spa'tch`r*olm Lqndon says :-A despatch to the Watr Off-ixce from Gen. Iitvc-haen-ea`, says that a. train was de- 1-Vailled by a mme: dear Pan. Two hun-' dred Boers who were a.d'VuncEn:g to Louout the trairni were driven off with a Loss of 81.: killed. l`hr>- British susp taitn-ed no losses.- ~ tlull. UI. u u\.Iv _ include Rus- u.--....._. ....r -.......v-. 7 A `train of empty cars was wreck- ed last` night at Olifantsiontein. No- body was hurt. ` . . `.'W7yf!l'nnn hundred hnrqna` 9-and nihnr |GEN. FRENCH S CAPTURES.l .u---- ----u- . 'l`he. Emperor, in toasting the regi- ment raised this cup. which was decor- . ated with medallions of` Lhc Prussian Kings and Russian Emperors. who were colonel: of the Alexander Regi- ment. - He said that their juxtaposi- tion was a. symbol of the old `tradi- tiaomal relations between the. ruling houses`, which, so far as in him lay, would always be. maintained. Emperor Willlm Makes a Speech to the Alexander Regiment. A dcspatch from Berlin s'ays`:--Em- peror Vvillium o-n Frliday presented to -the Alexander Rcglment at their new V barracks afrcsco , depicting the re- gimcxit in the`./I3u.1ttle of St. Privat. At a subgequxsht luncheon his Maj- esty made _a/speech. in which he said he was sure the regiment would 9,1- xvays b-o_ v'icto1'.ipu's`, "F0: there is_ 'a -mighty ally, the eternal God in" hea- ven, who was already on.oi1r side in the times of the great E1ec_to_r and ,grc'a"t king." II"'L..-. 1:` ..... .. 2.. A....\_.|.:..... LL- __-_: Crlsls Between;Russla and Japan is! Really Grave. A despatch from London, s'ays:- The Far Eastern situation continues -am ~cnigm:a to all European o`.:se`1'v- ers. Ru'ss'L:1's apparent wit-lid1'a\val -or modifieatian of :l1_ea' demands quite fails to restore ednfidlenee in an ami- cable settlem_emt`0f_ the problem. It is pointed out ,'wit`b melancholy truth by one English writ--.-r that trifling witlx the Amrglo-Russiian incident at the Then-Tsin railway siding wlll pro-u buably cost Great Britain at least 20.- 000.0001 -n hard cash. It was the news of this incident and the possibility of a conflict between Russia and Great Britain. it is n-o\.v- learned, which caused Gen. Bat=l2a'.~s rejection of Gen. Kite-hedzers peace terms. ' Att:n_nfinm in Airnz-ind ....~...-.. +.. nun.- .;xLu.:-uealefs peace terms. Attention is directed mo-re to C01-ea `than to -Ohi.n'.-1 at th-3 prcxsenlt mom- ent, thc belief being general that the crisis` between Russia and Japan is really grave. There l3 ample infor- mation that Japan is making oner- .8etic preparations for war. It may be taken for granted that Great Bri- tain is fully avwama of all that Japan is doing, and also of her ultimate plans. The failure of the African peace negofzations may have some effect upon Japan's action. V j Lu uuuzuiug runs mcu ox t-he plague,i Twelve fresh cases of bubonic plague were officially reported on \Vednes-l day. [Eight of the victims are Euro- peans, and four are colored persons.` Two colored victims died on Tuesdav, The priests are helping the Govern-} ment to enforce sanitary regulations` although drastic measures may be ne-` cessary to impose precautions upon gthe irreconcilable. . jg British Syndicate Secures 71,000 ' Square Miles in China. -London. Tuesday, April 2.--AV story is` printed that 3. Syndicate of London financiers have obtained a concession of 71,000 square miles in the Provfinces of Shansi and Honan, in the _very heart of Chi.na s mineral ivealth. The con- cession, it is said; includes an unbrok- en coal belt, extending 3,000 miles, be-i sides great fields of iron and petro- leum. The concession, it is declared, dwarfs Russia's movement, and gives- to British enterprise what is perhaps! the richest mineral belt in the world, The syndicate has few members. Some Italians are interested in it. It is stated that the working capital is six million pounds. ' _.__ l. `Spreading Amog British Troops in` A despn t_ch from Cape Town says :- The bubonic plague is spreading. There is one case in the Queen s Regi- south Africa. I v ment, at Simonsfown, one in the First Bengal Royal Irish at the Green` Point camp. and one in the Royal Garrison Artillery at Castle`, one of! the suburbs of Cape Town. ' .'Q........ .4: L1... 1u:..1_-__' .L_#. ---, 2 1 -._., ............ .4. `ll. nyuyu a.uvvuc 1 Some of the Malays have oiierbd considerable opposition to the remov- _al of plague patients, and also of the corpses of those who have died of the` disease. The Government has inform-I .ed these people that if this obstruc- tion continues tho Malsy community will be isolated outside the city. Prac- tically all the natives are getting in- toi separate locations. V I`hn`.'rn hnvn hnnn 0.4!! Ariana .. 'l\n| ITALY. L01 uupzxrute IOCQIIIODS. There_ have been 246 cases of the: plague here up to date. Fit_y-_seven_ persons afflicted were Europeans. There have been 85 deaths.. A fnrrnl lhnf hurl I a . A n . . n ...I 1.-.... J.m::.'u nave Dean 15:) aentns.. I A ferret that had been used here; in catching rats died of the p1ague,; cases of bnbnnin nlnovnn, THE KAfSER S-ALLY.` ?__- THE WAR OUTLOOK. BUB6N1c PLAGUE. BIG % CONCESSION. ._..- Treaeherous Use of. the White Flag` by the Boers. ` A despatdh romACape Town, says` -A patrol ' of the Colonial Defcnc force has been captured in the Mir]-I land district by the treacheroui use of the white flag. The British mis- tool-: thc,.Boers for :1_portion of their own column. Thu Boers advanced waving, :1 white ag until re.-sistance was useless. .....uu.-J .... uu.avuu;-1:...)- The Boer commanders, Kritziuger Scheepers and Va.nReo.new, who have been operating in Cape Colony. have `joined forces, and are moving north Eoward the Orange river, by way of Venterstad. . `De Wet Will Soon Have a. Big Fo1lo'win,<.=:. A despatch from Stnnderton, Trans- vaal says that on Tuesday Gen. De fat with 400 followers crossed _the Vaal river, at De-Villiersdorp, and it is expectedha; he will be joined by many Trzinsvaalers. ml... 13--.. ..._..4___....-.._ t ..21_!_,_,,,. A Shipwrecked Crew Subsistedb on ` ' shark's Blood. A despatch from Cape Town, says: -'l`he Norwegian barque Andromeda has landed at lthii port part: of the crew o-f the French burque Psyche, they having been picked hp in mid- occan, after 'hav"mg u_ndergone'ter- rible sufferings`. The I- syehe,__.'\'vhieh was bound from Culeta Bu3n'a1`or the English Channel, was wrecked one January 30. The captain and thir- teen men cntered`n l:1rge_bo:1t, and the mate and five men :1 small one. The next day a sail was sighted, and the mate's boat attempted to inter- cept it. butnever returned. Several otherships were sighted. but the ship- wreckedgmen were unzlbln to attract their .-xtteintion. Rough weather in- creased - `their sufferings. \Vhen the small supply of food was exhausted. - shark was ca.ught,._and the men drank its blood.` l'he cool: died > in- sane. and a sailor also sueuulbed. I ("IHLKUI Ill. but i 191$:-.:| p'.'opc1'- Ho, iulrtmtcd :'-.-Ix fan" chm'itt\- {Yd Vfniyiod to` ac whi-..-h it was vcxauy. _ _ Serious disorders Ihnvre occurred at Dailystvok. Rtnsian Poland on the. oc- casion of a Socialist demonstration. '1`hou5ands'* of Vpersons paraded the streets` singing. rewmlution-ary songs and jeering the police. Ultimately troops were ordered out. They cleared the streets` and arrested. many of those taking part in the demonstra- ti.oLu.' _ -_V. _---..-...,-. A.Q\o nus nun. lAlJulCUo In consequence of the Russian stu- dents at the \Vars`a.`.v. University pra- paring a demonstration in sympathy with, the students at the other uni- versities`. the authorities have ordered that the Easter vacation shall begin immediately, and have closed the uni- varsity. Snrinn: alienrrlnra uh.-um mm.-.-...i at p_-; Warsaw University shut Up by Order of Russian Government. A dospatclz` from Vienngx, s`ays:-It is roported from \V.-1rsa.'w' t'h;1'L an at- tempt Izasbecun made on the life of M." Sipiaguinc, Russian Minister of the Interior. He was not injured. Tn nnnannuvnnnn It` `I... 1).......,.._ VA. , 0---- .._.._J uumm:m m. >U2l.L{lL', sweep, `and horses`. The captures hirve been much greater than Vwas estimated wbuld be. the case, and they include ` pro`ou:1bIy` 10,000 horses`. Yet large a num'b~2rs. of stock still remftinbehiud, 9.-rind these districts will require at I least another s'\veeping., In rich rmrf (Ir ih nnnni-vu -111'-11'! - .~.-am. au1uLu.`.!1` s'\vcep1ng., the part of thz country away to the cglstward. including 1)ewcts.- dorp and \Vepencr, almost every farm is :1 Boe-`r granary. In some of these places 'over 300 bags` of -Canadian wheat `have been discover:- yet none `of the houses` were destroyed. al- though much of the grain and forage was removed. - . ' His Condition Not Satisfactory to His Physicians. A despwtc-h irotm London.- saya:- Although at caller at the London re. sidrence 012 Lord Salisbury on Monday was assured that the attack of influ- enza from which the Premier is suf- fering was following the usualcourse, a.n:d'that it was hoped that he would be able tofstart for the Riviera ,with- in a few days, the Weekly Dispatch 5learns that his illziess has taken an unfavourable turn. I an. 1\:_`_- . u Shortly after the death of his wife the,Premier was stricken with use- . Vere attack of influenza and COII1[)lir cations developed zrfter the primary complaint had been cured. I-Iis_ ill- incsa has since become acute, and his _ physicians have pronounced him {o be} suffc-1'in`g from B-`right`s disease in" an `aggravated form. I 'I'hn .-nniliny. I\ .'.k.. .1:-a:___.s_u,,~. !British Have Driven Off Enormou l Numbers of Live Stock. T A despcltch from Bloemfontein says: --'l`hc British columnsj have driven off enorm:ous numbcrsj of cattle, sheep, land u}`r\r,enq' 'l`hn ....n4........ 1..-....... 1.--- LORD SALISBURY S HEALTH.` on wcu, (11111 mucn stronger. I One (at the parizvate scc1'eL.'u'ic.'3 and ' one other person in authority w-.15 ac- cessible. but the fc~re`goivng Statement i had` been prepared for callers. |' L K/I I.`1)| l' :1 ct-ulury x'x-pulilicnxx ._..-...u...s.-un. Lulllo I The Dispatch adds that the cc`>ntr-m- plated trip` to the ,'RiviL~1'u. has been practically abandned, and that the Inunn............,.._L .9 :1, n wnggruvateu 1ox`m. [ The -condition of the distinguished patireni in` the last day or two has rlirsappoi-ntcd all medical anticipations. E Enqui.ri~cs Monduv zlffnrnnnn 9+ um u.nsu.pp'J1'IlLc(l all medical anticipations. Enquiries Monday z_1ftel`n00ll at the residence of Lord Salisbury elicited the information that he was going can well, and much .stro1Lgei'. I the r)I1`iJV.-lip .v::-nrnlqrin-1 -um! __ .__, -~.._...-..u..., nu nun-v I-nu an.no:1ncem3nt oi` the `[ remicr s resig- `nation may be expected before the end of April. ' Qhnrllxr fl-..'.. H... ,I....LL _.- L`- H,-r TERRIBLE SUFFERINGS. AGAIN IN _TI1`15~ FIELD. PATROL CZFHJRED. V UN1vER'}sTT'-cios15n.F Ti: GREAT CAPTURES. LL-:2 uuu SL811} Lo LIL? n0r'Ln'\'. :|I`!. It is b3li::v*c tint (1:-An':_'. L 3i,hJ. and Viljxm prz1cLic:1lly :1grct-(1 _to accept the I-3riLi~:h term`: of surrender, but \`."h~.~n thi! J30:-r r-o:~.'1m'.1n<!.'1ni'.'s met they _ were contcmpiuousiy rejected." . 1..nLlI. : ux` ts Plnt in and Rnnnln.' the Head 0! The nggotfaiiorns {CT [VJIICC R-- betwecn Lord Ki`Lc.`r,:n:er and (hen. Botha have .sm'crL-`ly hampered Gun. French in 11' '-',>*,`,`I'v !`."0i'1_`f M 111.3 Elst- ern Tmnsxuul. Whi1 (Ix: negotia- tions were in pro3'rus', `L11: Boer;-s s -iz- ed U13 opporiunfty to `"3?-`ilk U_"'U3 3`. General 3;`rr-nch'.s lines` in small p-.1:*`L. ion and steal to Um non}:-v.-:zr!. It 3: 'h':Hv-vnzl n~..+ r~...M- m:;.. ....,u lU.Ul.} LU (JIUSS 1.1325 \Jl'-Il.'g.! I'.VL'l. Trying to Prevent the Boer Force From Crossing the Orange River. A dcspatcli from Cap: Toarn. says: --T}'.*f:`/~ columns of Col-5. Ciorringc, Crab-_b:>,`and De Lisl;e, uru still active- ly engaged in pursuing C'.;v:nm'An:iunL Kritzinger. It is said that this BL;-xx` commander has desp:1iI'cd of b.-ing ablz to cross thc O1'.:mg.: rlvur. _ Tho. 'r\mrnf`sHin-n-4 frw r.---u-n kn- .... ..........L.ns.u.v ax: .|..u.uJ.1. \..ILL\JIv1'4LI.D. The Ontario Government has ap- pointed Mr. W . H. Bunting, of St. Catharines, superintendent. of the fruit display at the Pan-American, and preparations are nowggoing for- ward. Fruit growers, who have, or expect to have, fruit suitable to ex- hibit should at once place'themselves in communication with him. The credit of the province is in some mea- sure at Istake, and everyone who can help to advertise the fine climate and productive soil of Ontario should lend a willing hand. The exhibit intxst be in place by May 1, when apples from cold storage, fruits and vegetables in glass, and evaporated fruits will be placed on the tables. After that fresh fruit will be sent forward every week. VQAIDJL J4\/.I.A\JA` \.lA.` 'JJ\JLl.JL'JLI-LJQ The House went into committee on Mr. D'rjden's Factory Act amend- ments. Some discussion arose over the amended clause, requiring every boiler to be insured," or, if not, to be inspected once a. year. the inspector to be one who had been in charge of a. boiler for at, least five years, or who held aeertifiuate as astationary engineer. T- v~nn-race lvnu I`l\I'|l\vrx'/I (\V\ oI.;.. Lin uugtucur. , Progress was reported on the bill. INVITATION TO FRUIT GROWERS. rI'VL_. r\_L___-, 41 A4514. A.la\J L 1.` LI L.I.`J.'l.'Jl14\J\Jl.\. _ Hon; Mr. Davis. in r`L-ply to Mr. Eilbcr, said the Government was not aware that persons; were destroying hemlock on Crown landshin Muskoka, Parry Sound, and Nipi.s=!,!'g1g, jar the sale of bark only. Lfhefc had been difficulty w'it.h people who located on the Lands, and stripped themof hem- lock under the pretense `of settle- ment. The sum of $l.421.41 had been received in timber dues on hemlock cut on Crown lands 1 in the Parry Sound district last year. INSPECTION OF BOILERS. l'I'VL.. I'1 _.._. _ , mu WLIIULI ue explained was intended} to repeal various Imperial statutes, either obsolete or,`spent, or other- wise inoperative. The compilation of Imperial statutes in force in Ontario, now in progress, would not be suf- . ficiently far advanced to enable him to bring down the same to the House this session, but the present bill in- dicated the course to be taken in the matter. The Attorney-General men- tioned a number of ancient statutes dating back as far as Edward I., which were still in force in Ontario, though inoperative. It was with a view to having this matter printed, and before the public, between this and the next session, when the com- pilation would be 'brought down in ducing this bill. SHOP .RE_G UIiA'l`lO_\'S. Hon; John Dryden introduced ab-ill to amend the Shops Regulation Act. He expla-incd" that one clause was` in- tended to place the onus of providing sanitary appliances on the owner rather than the tenant of the pre- miscsj. Another clause was intended to make clearer the section providing that no employe in abakeshop should be required to work more than twelve hours aday. At present amau might work eight hours on a Monday and ' eight hours on Tuesdlay, commencing at ndnig-lit, or sixteen hours` con- tinuously, and. yet, technically, he is said to have worked only. eight hours on the same day. _ A. further clause made it impassiblz for barbyrs to com- pel cmployes to work on Sunday. SUGAR BOUNTIES INCREASED. The House `went into committee, Mr. Charlton in the chair. Mr. Dry- den ~b::zd some amendments`. to his Beet-root Sugar hill, the chief one fixing the manufacturers bounty. at one--hnl cent per. pound for the first and second years`, instead of the first year only. The rate for the `third year is to be one-quarter cent complete shape, that he was no per pound. n'!r\Y1- v\1\ . N ;. \J1..41J`J.l'\JL1J-Ch Prem/ier Ross introduced a bill sim- plifying thc Imlchinery whereby a municipality may assuixfi: control `of toil-roada. I-yr!--cnnnr.-puny,` --...--....__ ll. ,,_._..-..... ... ..............u.u5 tut: vauuu lot an estate. Only bona-tide debts ` incurred` for :1, valuable cunsideI`alion are to be deducted. No debts for which there is aright of reimburse- ment are to be so deducted. It also adds to the pxeferred class of bene- ficiaries, graudchildn-.n, and other lineal descendanl.s udC.[Ii.ed children, and children to whom the xleceascd has stood for ten .yvars in the ac- knowledged position of parent. It extends the time for the payxnvnt In some degree; and following the judg- ment of the Court of Appeal in the Scotten case makes it absolutely clear that all estates in Ontario of amount liable to taxation shall be taxable whether the deceased has been a resi- dent of "the province or not. 'I"(`| DTPDIFAT Tnrrxns-vr.-r A . n . ~ . . . _ .... ..-..- \/L ....... ynuvluuu UL u L TO REPEAL IMPERIAL STATUTES.` rm... ,u+,......... r-_4_ w ,---u What the People's Representatives Are Doing at Toronto. ` SUCCESSION DUES. The Premier intrcducegl a. bill to amend the Succession Duties Act, of :1 very impmmfmt chamcter. It deals with questions which have arisen in connection with the Russ case, which is in the courts, :1n .the Scotten case, which has already been disposed of. It defines what classes of debts shall be dedudtediin ascertaining` the value of run nun!-A n...|.. 1...... 221. '7' I _ .. ........ .u.-u ;..u.|. xu.\.Lx:.JJ DLALL U 1133- ' The Attorney-Genelral `introduced a. bill which he explained was intended l'E`.Dl33.l Vilfinll lvnnnrinl of-ulntna n ammo %L_Ekl}ISLATURE. tiIAs1NG KRITZINGER. ; DESTROYING HJu`MLOCK. _ XIII. TOLL-ROADS. uunpul. \\'.u LHKIP, (HIICCC on l.l`.'E 17H) inet. II'.,wEll apply to allclui1x1s'fiorm that datv, no matted` how the lcasc.'1 may be made out. A dc-spzlich from Otlawzx H:'1'ys:--;l'h(~, reduciion in the Yukon gold royally from 10 to 5 par cent. on the gross output will take (affect UL ! 1711): It \\'EH:1nnlv1n nll r~':1:n1-` r;..... "Reduction In Yukon Gold Royalty will Tman Take Effect. uHl.ll.`GL`.Sill"y U813) . _Mr. Fisher rcplied tlmt he had made an arrangement whereby the certifi-- cute of H11: permanent veterinary offi~ cials of his department would be IlC_' cepted by the United St:1t.:s author- Yties. It was 'not possible for him to nnnninf In:-nl lnnn tn n-inn` uunh 4-nu-ti- Tana: MARKS DESHLNS Copvanm-rrs &c. Anyone sendinrz a sketch and dc-scrl mou mny quickly nag-nrmlu our oxslnicn _{r.\n w other nn lnvenzlrm In pmlmlllylvnlcmnb-9. _(`ummunI('u. tlcns strictlyunnudentlnl. linndboox on Patents bent. (mo. Oldest ll(.!(`.ll(`,)'f(1!'II('(`l\l'ln`pnt8l|I,s. Pntemu taken lhrmuzn Munu z: (.0. rocoiva medal nntlcz-, without. chnruo. in the Q Azmuxszn. MA AMZAAM. ILIUS. Ll. \'u'fl.`5 'HUL IIUSSXUIU 101' nlfn [0 zzppoint local men to give` such certi- ficates. He was zuvurc that some con- gestion cxisted in the trade at present. but hoped that this would be soon nvnrl-nnrun L I1\J.lLJU1X.1LL'IlD UL` UXAV1JlU`XllfAD- M1`. \Vrigl1t introduced :1 bill to (ur- lhexj amend the Dominion JL'le(;ti0ns Act of 1%. III: desires that the hul- lot papers shall bear` photographs of the candidates with their names, in- scribed thereunder in large letters. TUBERCULOSIS TESTS. Mr. McGowan complainad that the I`Cg'lll.'l.l.lDnS rega.rd`in;: the tubercul- osis test of cattle exported to llw United States \ve:'e such :15 to cause unnccc.`-5su.1`y delay. ` III`. Fi_=hnr 1'! nlirul Hm! ho. hnvl rnntln DUL'i. 1.1;L!1114.V'J.:\U.ll14.3 J.'.`1-`D1211. The supp1enxent:1ry estimules for the current year were concurred in. They- coniprisc $10,000 for public works, 850,- 000 for public builtliugs in Ottawa, 330,- 000 for the P.-zris JExhibition,:1nd $30,- 000 for the Buffalo Exhibition. PHOTOGRAPHS Ob` CANDIDA'l'ES.` 1\T:- `V:-7.-vhf inl:-nzhuunul n. hi]! an f...~- vuuu..s u.L tut`, general (:l(!ct10l]. Sir \Vill.'rid Laurier replied thatall accounts thux far received for this work from municipal officers lmd been paid at the same. rate as`. they were entitled under the st.-itut-:-s of the`. province. If there werv any more such account: they woul.l b; dealt with on the same basis. MARKET GARDENHRS. ` A-deputation of memb:-rs of Par- lmment had an interview with the Ministor of lnlzmd. R(-venue to-day and urged the imposition of .1 duty_ upon small fruits and veg:-tables with-:). View to encouraging the Can- adian market gardeners. Mr. Burnicr suidit was not the intention to make any tariff changes this st-ssiun. but possibly the xriattcr might be dealt with next yam`. ' GT1 I')I)T 1'..\l'l.`\Y7lV A 11I'!_v n I gar.-n ..__..4 "V u.au.u,7u:u. REGISTRATION OF VOTERS. vMr. Lancaster enquired whether it v.va.s' the intention of the Government to reimburse the Inunicipulitigs of On- tario for the cost incurred in the re- gistration - of _ manhood franchise voters at the general election. Si!` \VfY`irI T.:nn-inr rnnlirul thalnll Ldlsulll unw we urourn made a party it would be impossible for the depart- ment to keep track of attachments ago.-inst. salzirics, and follow gzirnishce proceedings in court. A rule had been ud)optcd on the Intcrcoloniui r'.lii\\';1y which was found io~`.'.'cr1; very weli. It was simply that employes \\'(`,!' wnrned to pay their debts or they would be dism.i.ss:-.d.' - ' nmnrcrnn ; rnr:\\r {\ . . . . A ~ . . . _ .. uuiy compzlmlivcly tow. Mr. Blair said that th.3 law wai al- lowed tp remain as it was, not cut of consideration for the civil servants, but because to allow atlachnxent pro- ceedings ugainst them by creditors `would impede the progress] of public affairs. For instance, the l)epz1rlmcnt of Railways and Ca.nal's' had 9.000 cm- ploycs. If such proceedings could be taken and: the Orourn m11d_c p'a1'ty would imnn. fnr Hm .h~n.n-t- \/J. V LLI CD11-V AKA 13. Mr. Fortin, Liberal. Laval. moved: "Thsat in the opinion of this House. the salaries: of public officers and Government exnployes s'hould'bc ot- tachable like those of ordinary citi- zens." He s:1id'tha,t :1 bill dealing with the matter had been introduc- ed on three successive occasions in the 1ast.l z1rli.'1mcnt, but had been thrown `out every time. For this rea- son`hc. had thought it better to bring the nutter up in the form of ureso-p lution, .-so as to secure: an expression of opinion from the House. He wua unable to understand why public ser- vants should be given an immunity wvhich was not given to other classes of citizens. The great 1n.:1_i3r-.ty of civil servants paid their 1-.-gilirnate debtsgand this matter `mould utfcct only comparatively few. Blnir Sitl `lint fhm `:1 ur urvud nl, , .-.r - --..- J`... ...:uun.Auu- A GENERAL HOLIDAY. Dr. Hor.scy'a bill to make I\L)._V,' 2-ith a general holiday was considerctf bu'ic'L'ly. The Solicitor-General sug- gustcd an amendment which would Imuko it a bank holiday, also, and as this would have comnwrcial effects, it was laid over for further consider- ation. nrvvrr nnnvv . -....,.. __ . . . . ..-_y `II-11-JALIII Luuu. TEL.EL lIO.\'l5 BILL . Mr. Clarke gives notice of a hill respecting the Bell Telephone Com- pany of Canada. It proposes to com- pel the company to fu1`nL~sh telephones cm application to any premises front- iing upon or adjacent to any highway on which the coinpany has construct- ed, or may construct one of its branches. Another clause provides thutfrom and after the 9th of July. 1902, on higher r.1'Les than the rates in force on that date shall be charge- able by the company, and any excess of said rates charged by the company may be recovered in any court of competent jurisdiction. A r~|~\rr.u~. A r I1'I\r ..t . . VVIVUVVIIIV J IIIIIIVII IVTVIVO Abzmdsomcly mustmtml weakly. X._nr::cst (_-Ir. cumion or any mennnu Journal. 'lerms. N .1 year: four months. $1. Sold byall nowudenler.-. "I'll" D `nu ann......I....., "nun Vnvfl ..-..uu 1.x; .uuu1xu0l30RS. _ Mr. \Vilsoa1, Lvnnox, lo.u'nexl from Mr. S`.1U1Ci`1J.I1d that to the five [)_:1rLiea oi Doukhobors who arrived in C:m:1du in: 181;!) 1 per head \\'l:~ paid. hyjway of bonus, but nothing xh-nt to the steamship` CODJ[)1lli(;S. The ` total umoum paid on account of the Duul:- hobors. was $53817 whinh :....x...y.. . ... iI.LuUuHL pzuu hobors, $5.`),817,which il1l'lu!II~(l1hu bonus and $20,000 for the pu1'4-lmsc of ' supplies. No money had been Iozmvd to the Doukhobors. - MILITIA PEZ} .sIO;\T_ FUND. Dr. Borden, Minister ofl\Ii1iIi:\, gjvcs notice of :1 bill entitled the .- \li1it,ia. Pension Act. It is designed to meet the lur.'1:..r-slundixm (Tl`ll-Ilnnnn ne Hm -..u.m.u nu. J.L us uc-sxgneu to meet l.u:n.';-st:1nding gnu-Vance of the permanent corps, by establishing a. military pension fund. "V' IVl1lft\\v-- .--. _. Notes of the Proceedings iri the Canadian House of Commons. 1UR(`HAS1l\'G HORSES. l\I1'..L:_1Riviere was inform:--.1 by Dir. Fisher that correspondence was tak- En `C;L_n:1da for army pux'po.~4;-s. BONUS T0 DOUKIIOBORS. 3|-__ 1tv~v - ..... ..u,As. Jun... SU P1 LEMI:`N'l'ARIE>` PA.'~'SEl). 'l`hn munnlnmn-.4...-.. M4 :m..4.m r...- + ON THE EHTINSI CIVIL SER-VANTS. r...4:_. r:I_,A,u 1 v mohths. Sold & `g astatondzxrnnjigny Branch 011106. (525 B` St-.\Y8.ll1 I.\'YES'I`ED IN CANADA, ACCU .\1ULA'I`J4.'D FUNIJS . "l'0'l`.\l. Ak~`!~'IIl(Al\'.(JE.... INCOME. OVER... unnouzd an b'At(Jl.`l.\lV"1', DEAL J EBB in UOAL of all kinds. imported Jlrect from the miuoa; also Lalln nud Shinglo, White and Grey Limo, l |8Bl(`!'(r IIa'.r Sewer Piper Fire Brick, `Fire Clay. flatter of Pa:-in cmoutn, etc.. `allot best quality. and soul at. very ronammlvlc rmtml, mrnos: 23 Elizabeth St., nawrly opposite Wellington Hotel. 6-27 ' A1-mwss 'sfA1iiJ5;?&Ef) , . LIFE. . --nu -nu VII 1-1331! PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ETC. Lalo Resident l'hysicmn and Surgeon of the '.l'orr~mo General, Huspilnl. with special attention to 1)i.~'cusen of Wumen and Nora nnd 'l`hront xlvoxkz and also surgeon to 1-Jnxungcncy Hospital, ' `urouto. um..- n....:_n..- 1.. u.. `Ln ,,AI_,_ n. Ch-c-0ver Henderson : llardwam Store. Emrunue, Owen street. 3-Hy osed combina- ~.l. The new '.`(-n before his __..1.. 1 4- ...w...- WESTERN INSURRNEFEB -01? TORONTO_.- - L U] UHlU- (Jlne-Upstnirs In the McCarthy Block. nex to Mcunrthv & Co's umvcs. two doors cast of Dougall llrus. Furniture Store. 29 ' DR. W. D. MMLAREN . ' Dentist. Baxrle. Visits Cookatown, every Wednesday. Uic-Ro5s Block. Ema of tho! I-`mt nmm. vans uuuuuuwn, every weanelauy. 0jc-Ross Block, East of the Post. 011100, Bnmc. ' . JOHN Eocaensom lnannu nnu A n-nut --uu-nu, uuanuu, uunruv Us vuuunv ARRISTERJN`. Snlix-ltor.a for ,1-taininzr pro butt: of wit 5, gu:u' null mlxnlnistm mm, and Gcucxul -*.'.ol-icnors, Notaries . Convey um-crs, cu-. H.u.'(:u'mN LENNOX. I\LB.\ . COWAN. B. Hux.v(mn .\Im.\uu. G. E.J. L I;o\\':~', L.B.B. Oicca: Iilnds Block. No. 6 Dunlap Street. Bnrrxc. iccz [3111 ll(' Hm-rm. Brunch Oiccs-Lennox 8: Ardxuzln. Graven- hurst; Lennnx. Ardngll, Uowau Bruxwfn, Cree more und A liatuu. .1 Dyna}-1 um Iuv:s.11n--xca :-Coruer Owen and Collmr Su'em.n. Jsurrio ' vv ' n ago-.--no-vv A RRIS'1`ER. S0 LICITOR. 1\'(.)'I`Al{Y. CONVEYANCER. &c.' MONEY TO LOAN on most1`:wornllcterms. Wills Prolmted. Estates Admlnlstcred. Ac comm u`olle(-ted. . (`-{H -u-Mc(,`m~tln"s Elm-Ir. Smith Side Dunlor. u :11 uunuu; A-uu ,'.'.'lI'dCd former s i_nj:n'iuus to -ispi, 'l:awver, Tiny; Humbert, :'::im,' the wis- 1 uli in the" atria, but who _nclr', and \\'.{1'.I con. All UIACJ [U l4U.lU. DONALD Ross, LLB. ~ , A\- 5- nasal-I -51-VI-1- I GoUxu'! CLERK, will ho at his Omco in . the Com-touue.1B.rrio., ever) Saturday Ru-`id: new and R0,, Cookrtown, . DR. J_.C- SMITH. PEYSIGIAK, BUR_(:'EON &'o OI-`mm: Awn nmvm.-\~nn -__('mm.... r nu ` ll ted. cor`-1'11 'c:n.\lE~i`urtl1_y"s Block. South Side Dunlor. St cc . Barrxe. 6 V ~ HEWSON & CR.ESWICKE. AIlllISTl".ltS,2-7oIirilt.ru 102- the Sun-em (.`.nm-t of Judicature for Cntxrin, Pro yo;-5 .`Iot:ric~s_. C xnw.-y.~xnccre,etc. `Money to Loan. 0u.ccs : Rosa Block, Barrie. u E. Iumaorr. A. E. H. (nuswxoxz. S 1`RA'.l`HY'& ESTEN A1U`.l.\'11L`l .>, :~i(.-1.1-itors m .ll1;:,bt Court 0 3 J1:.1ic<, Not.-u~i<-a Plihliv, Convey-.-.uc-er omcc-9: 0\'t.r1Kunl:,of .["oronto.B..n-ic. money in mum of 82.00 and u1)\\'asr]i, to Lam :-1."gm'cunt. J. Linn put. >3!-L\l`4lll. JllI.L\lIl.l'4- JLFI-`nu\' A. M(:U,umn'. , W. A. Boys. 1). U. .\1L'ncms0x. Mrzney to loan from 45 to 5 per cent. on Im- proved fzxnn 1 1'upm'ly. ARliIS I`l~ZI?. H()LI(.'l'l'l)Ix'. Pll()C l`0R. ,'-_.\'U'1'AlEY, UU.\'V1u`\'A.\'Ulc1{, ETC1 Sp:-1-in! am-ullon in the I)r;nvin;;and Prohntlntr of \\'1II.-=. _ubt:uuim.: Lcllcru of ndlnilll-'lI'uIl0ll um] Gu:ml:nn.~hip. and collection of xu-counts, ms. Money to Lvmu. , ' Olcos: Ilus.-5 liloclr, I)unlopstrcel, Baxrrle. medal nntlcr, without. chnruo. In the Scientific merican. A kn-wlnnvnnlvIHIn:Or:1Im1 wnnldv. Lnrnnnr. I-Ir. l IlY.`a'(iIAN. SURGEON. &c 01`1~`|(:I-:s'.u~u~ Nmur lu:.~sx;\I-.m;1-.': Ul'U\Vu Mac}: liunlnp BL, Burma. '.l"ele1l1~ no 77. 21 lAI\'I||l3 K`) LKJLJ` 2 nutiml would 11 the Cc-rnmn zlrck. T110 re- - ms, (:'.'()llUu1i(':ll-' .13`, \\`h'u-11 has. m'0s:1;(:1'ily has i um! ]h;L' po- nun` JJ . \'(H`.-\l(Il'lS. (!(_).\'\ J\'.\N()ER, S: Omces-B:.nk of '1` l'0lIl0 Eluluxngs. B.u'nc. Brunch oicc. (toldwntur. Money to Low. nnwn n Hncu I I. n 1 :1 n..}-...-mv.u 1`I10,CAI1TB.Y. BOYS & MURGHZSDN. -____.. Incorporated 1851. F, M. Momeomsnv; OHNSON & SARJEANT, DEAL I) kinda. imnnNr.r1 AssunANc_E_ooMI5ANY. -.-.--4 bu --unv-av u ------ ARR1S J'IvZRS. $`()l.I()ITO!{S. NUI`.-\l(Il'lS. (!0.\'\ J\'.\NCER. &(.'. of mum limluxmzs. B.1rr1c. gAH l. I.\"1`i~.'l{S. S( )l;ICI'1`0IIS &(:.. DUN LUL S'l`l{El l`, ;t\r~|:|-`I A Ilnll .n-.nu \\7 LENNOX, AYIDAGH, GSWAN O2 BROWN. A nhvnrnn n; DR. E. In. BRBRBTON. DENTIST. I10 SS 84 BROKOVSIII. \ ua nu.-1",, ...-. - 1'1-ll. must be `.:l.~:l_'.p of the So be per- "-ipln,- to put`-, ngomeut froxn DR. R.. S. BROAD. .-vhr A \v n \vn unnn Inrs\v runn W. A. ROSS, L.R.O.S. Edih. '. U. I`.. Lmulmx. ` 1 IlY.`a'(iIAN, &c. Cl-ZS 'ANh 1h'u\vua Bank of Toroltto Building, ' J ` Owen SL1 eet. ` E`! II II` lI\I?EI'|DL4 lnslwzluce Agent. Fire and Life. UILLCB HOSE DIOCK, IJQIEIII`, . (maswxoxu. c. viz. p :.A`:E-.c6E&7 'iv7IVI.'YI any vnvmnn R- T- BANTING. AGENT. BARRIE. l'I sl(.'lANs. me. l!Il!ClIl.l:ANlC0lJ7! KING PLAN-'7 LLIANCE. '. `W. A.1KJ Ia'l`.'. P. O. BoxA2l4. BARBIE bl-`I-`lIJlAlu J. C. B1{o1:o\'s; ;'1m1u' . I 2,500,000 I 5.000 000 \4-- . - v. v, -A--.. u... ---- .-I .u---... .. VJ. . Hogs. . Choice hogs. par wt. 6 25 dr(=:zd(-d the ;-as :1nmn;',' his -.. .,_ Anna Cio `wt c:1ch..' Cal'.'c.~x, 0:1;-11;.` \.uI.|.u;- S.hippci's; par c\_vt ....... ..$ 400 l3uLch.cI`. choice, do. ..375 . Bulchc-1', inc1'io1'...... `3.75 Butcher, ordi. to good 325 Stock;-r.~3. psr cwt . . . . .. 275 Export bulls, per cwt 875 _ Sheep and Lambs. Export ewes. per cwl: _300_ Butcher, sheep. each... 250 `Lambs. g.f., par cwt... Do.. 1). vr:l.. nar mvt 37.1 143l.u1L)`.`S. 3.1., par C\\'L... Do.. 1). yrd., par cwt Bucks... u nun , I.ll.'-III. - "Singers" are quoted at 61-2c pe pound: light and fat at 6c per pound. IHOKS to fetch the mo nrinn mm: buuntli ugnc and mt at tic pound. ' Hogs _t`o fetch the top price must be .05 Prune quality. and scale not be- 1o\_v 160--nor .wbovcv20O pounds. F01lOl\\"iI1'_!` is the rnntvn nf nnn+n_ EiU_[J[)1y. - Grain-fcd lambs are free at from -1 1-2 to 56, with an eight]: more (for the choic,c_st `kind; "barnyards," are worth from 83-4-to 41--ic per pound. A few snrhmz lnmbn \vprn nn rlnnlz wuuu Lruux O0-'1-LU `kl.-'10 per pound. A few spring lambs were on deck to-day, and sold readily at from $3` to $5.50 each. V n.m..` 4-,.,.:.... ....,, ...`.,.:........-; ~.....| w\_v wu--nor .-move-200 Folloiwing is the mnge of quota- tions:- 2 L0 `:1-:0 per powna was .c-ne range. `Butcher cattle was in good de- mand at from 83-1 to 41-40 per pound for choice; good to choice sold` at from 81-2 to 88-4c; and down to 8:: for ordinary butcher cattle. Fnndm-q nI`n(-Jrnrsn nnvl hulk: urn Inn. W Lu!` u1`uu1u.ry uutcuer cattle. _Fcede1's, stockers and_bulls are un- changed. , ' ' ' Gnml nhnivn milnh nnwd n1-n um-..+..A . I('K'l| I'v4-I'ylhin',: nt` 2| In-\v uuuugeu. Good choice milch cows are wanted; the highest price to-day was $47. Choice` veal calves. continue in short Supply- Grni.-n_fml Tnmhuv nrn fr-an n(- fvvnvvu LU _q;u.uu_ uuuu. _ V ' 1I0g.s to-day are unchanged but Irm. ~ "Q:v|rInm.\lI ...... ......A....x -4. 04 n. ___4 vuuun nun. V . LIVE SUOCK MARKETS. Flforonlo, April 2.-'1`-he receipts at the western cattle war-ds this morn- ing were 60 carloads of live stock, including 1,000 cattle. 1,000 -hogs, 330 sheep and lambs, 29 calves, and 0. doz- en `milch cows. . ' Duuiunm. mg ......I ......... 3:..- n........ uu ;u1uuu cows. Business was good, some fine Easter cattle was have ;.prices were firxn,with an advancipg tendency; everything sold. * - (lI`vnaun4- ).nllln .-..l.l I....&l-.... J.L:..___.._.._ soul. ,a fExport.<':n.ttle sold better this morn- ing at unchanged, but strong prices; for choice from 45-8 to " wz),s paid; mud in xx few cases n..sha e over five was reported paid ; light shippers from 4 to 41-2c per pownd was the range. "Butcher cattle was in trnnd dn- (.lUZL .ll (!(':l.l0l'l-`lo I-Iop.3--Slo.:1ly. 01:0-Eco 1900 growth are quoted at 14 to 183; and ycurlings at 8, to 9c. ` nnnnn Clans... 'n...::_....... ...L:L.. ill. 0, LII UU. _ _ B:-ans-Stendy. Ordinary white beans bring $1.60; choice hand-picked beans are quoted at $1.70 to $1.75. Rillnrl `hnv - Firm, TTnfnv`nrnh1A m'L'1.!1S are quoted at 351.10 to 251.70. Buled `hay Firm. Unfavorable country roads reduce supplies at out- side points`. C1hoice timothy. on track here. $11; two-ton lots. delivered, $11.50 to $11.75. ' Qfrnw'_.Ta`h-v-n (`qr Info (if aft-nut An us turn to amt. _ I -ot'atoes.-S_teady 'at 28c ,1'(>:r cur lots, on track -herc,. Sales, out 0! store. are made at 8-Eic.. WI;-1.1 nvvutlllnn oh. _Jvn.~.`:m. ....+ -0 U .l-JU. ' Honoy-Firm. Dealers quote from 10 to .101-2c {or 5, 10, or 60-lb, tins, according to size of order; comb honey sells at $2 to $2.25 for dark: `and at $2.50 to $2.75 for choice clover, `per dozen scctiomr. I.l`..m._Q|,.n.-1.. r\....:..,. Inna ....-...n_ in rm-nwr cab- rvao of winning i~.':1ls_in p:ll`1i:l' Lhe m:xj:`n'ity of nrinbly ixnhucd is and wore 1':u' nzxthy with him, 21:; n sop to the plncod in his rn-znln-d in the My lmlnpercd by >

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