1-r.1\`vantcd. Apply to Q MRS. \V. A. BOYS.` L TRUSTS l CORPORATION. ` ass Esmtn ' BARRIE, O_NT., THURSDAY. FEB. 2s,_ V1901. Where the Water and `Light Systems are nanaged by a Board `or Three Serving Without Remunzration. Since taking over of me xvnter and electric systseulsof the Lawn Lhc qua-34' {ion of the best`. method of nnumaging these s_x`s1.ex1xs,has l)e.:.1 ;.u-gely dus- cgussed. LS5-heviug. us mzmy of our ciuzuus do. Limb L'ue.:e.pl.z.uL.s should be un(ie;- the m.-u1u.g4V:mcuL of a. Board of Umuauisaiouexs uud knowing thztt the |)auplL=. of Ch.s.Lh'llu zu-u highly pleased" witnthe L-esulns 01' t_Jhe|r cuumussioners m:umgcu1euu, THE EX.-\)I[NElc wt-uLe to Dr. Jno. L. Bmy. cha'u-mun of the Bozu-u, for some iu1'urauut1u1_1 concern- ing its work, and in: very kindly furnished the t'uHowm_.-,' -- .Ii\.- nu...-_~ 2urn1h1?I nil v m1:-l~h;)41.:] the Lurmsneu we Iuuuwui_.~, I Six yegu-s ago the city pilrclxased the \_ViLLL l \V0l`KS. pl.-mt f1-om Lhe comp my I at :1. cost; of $133,000; since \vhich Lime they have expended some 340,000 nu u st.-LluueuLu.Liuu bu.su) amid ot,he1-improve- KIICIILE, so ,tl1iLL our pi.-nut. at pi-cscul; cnsb Lhe ciby over -$170,000. About t/he "same Lime the city ln:iLu.H(*.d. its own eluct1iulighLpLuit; at u. cuss of about .-515,000. ` - _ -_ _ Ar. mm nmnu-.m.-Li elecLiun msr. m-101' .:s1o,uuu. - - AD the muuicxpeu election just. prior (.0 we purchase of Lhe -\vaLLenyorks u. vote was Lukeu as ..to \vhuLl1uL- Clue city cooucll slloulu min if. or \vl1cLl1L-1' u. should be lxmuatgenl by a. Board of Uoxmuis's1oueL-s. 1`n'e_l-\'._er was chosen uuuost. uu.4.unuuu:.y, and a Buztlwl 0 three Cou1l,u1ssIone1's has xxnmuged the pluubsmcu its purchase. The Bo;u'Ll lb"L'Ull1pU5\:(.l of we .L\luyor, who is u. uxemlmr by vlrbuu 01' his office, and two others elected v.'.u1u;:.lly, and it; has been found to work au.l1n|L-ably. The only Sll_-3',.','L`a`LlUll I would make is t.ha.L Lhe lneluucrs auould be elected. for one and two Veltrs iust.ce-.d ol amnuzully. For cxuruple,-Mr. Suculou and I were lectegl three yezwr` ago, and 21. new Mayor was also clock-:1; consequently the wnole Bum-d were entire swung- urs to me work`, and it Look us some Dime no make ourselves l'zLuulia.1- \\`.iLh who dcLu.lL~, &c.-' 'I`hn M..;..-.1 mm 4-nxnnlntn r-nnlin-nl nf success-0F MUNICIPAL OWNER- smp IN cnAm.x.v1. me uc1.u11=, ow.- '.|.`l1e .l;iuu1'11 has cou1plet.e control of the \\`a1.Le1-xvorks 11.1111 our supe1-i11l,e11d- cent. is also .supe1111Lc11de11t, oi the elec- Lric hghl. pmuu; z1.1t.l1uugu the Uouucxl ' Luaumges Lhe latter. so far as paying one e11g11Leu1' 11.1111 other employers, D111. me` \Vu.1.u1- Bu11.1'L1 l111ysz1.u the coal 21.11-.1 cI1a1-ges it. up .t.0 Lhe city. ' Thu rezxsmx we do-this 1: Lllait. we cam buy to l)cLLe1- :1dv11.1:Lw.:e by '111clud111ga.ll the L`0il.l' the city .usu.:`. A1111 I may say right. here 1,113.1. Lllt: pl'cst,-11L 15011.1-d Iby cu1-1-espo11d- mg w1t.l1 all Lhe 111`1v.`.es in 01110 and L e:.111=ylva1.u1z1 1111-.1 `.-;~-..1u11-_.-,` gurcs frmu . chem l1.1.v1.- mvcd clu1'1ng Llfxu ta.-41, Lllrae years uver $1000 111 fuel 9.1111112`; the same wlbh UH, lead 11110. 11-011 ptpe, and 4.11 uLl1e1' s1_11)p1is 11111411911 by both pla.11Ls. - ` We also nut. in 0111' own se1'V1L'e'-`Sii pimlts. We also put; in our own Se1`VIL'e'.`S.; by that I iuezm when ztpplicutioii is made by anyone Wunl.in;.: wu.l.el' we put in the service up to the street line and then let the plmul)e1's do the rest. Until the pruscuc ljouul wefe elected the [)lI1lnlIu1`_s had a contritct with the Wa.t.e1- Cmumissioners to put, in all lines at $7.50 for Shltb "and $8 50 for loug side of street. On` assuming oflice we thought, that too high and when their-coutmct expired we had our I superintendent do this mid found that . .noL\vithsta.nding the cost oi lll:l.\'J1'liLl (lead and iron pipe and connections) has IlL`&l.l'iy doubled din-iug the last eighteen months, thkit we have saved nearly $980 by doing this work om-selves. KIT.` I1.` nn uni :r1 ulxnnf J corny-inn: in ilhe city. UKIFSELVUS. \Ve have put: in about._~100 services in the last. three years at an average cost | about $6.25 per service. that We will _not, put. in a s.e1-vice` when the service will not pay us 12; per cent. But I may say Lluit, nearly all Our rule is t we have put in bring us not. less than I 50 per cent. So you can readily sec wh-a.t'. a great paying instit11tinn a pm perly managed \vat:=,rw01-ks plant. is to During the past two years \ve have paid all running expenses, paid $7000 :0. year intet-est. and have added about $4000 to capital in new services and in.1ius. \Ve have about _ 1400 services now in use and if we could burrmv say $20,000 and mam the ' whole ciby we-. could rednce tl1e price. of \vzt'ner about. une third and then pay- all running expenses. in_Lerest- and part, of the principal each year. \Ve have a supe1'iut;cndent (also electric light superintendent.) at; $903 per ye.-11-,`l1is engineer at $600 and $700, a. foreman, $550. sg*creLax'y-Lreasu1-eran SG)0..u.nd a . couple of lnjlini-ersat. $1 per day. The r-rnnnliseinnnr l'E(1EiVe 110 S:l.!:L1'V . .. Satisfaction G uaranteed. .. `couple of ln.hnrers_aL $1 uzny. The commissioners receive salary and we nd that three men do the work better, cheaper. more expedi- tiously and with less friction and wire- lpulling mall the Council would. ----One hundred and fifty of the [latest sample jackets for Lulies and Misses at 'I`ldlClllOll:l' low prices to cle;u- at; J. C. Irwin s. Notwo alike and all this I an.` sign a l\Y.5l\:|. Ilua I/tiling: -u-. -- Mr. Percv Jory, of the Bank of Commerce, has been transferred to its branch in Winnipeg and is to leave on the Pacific express an 1.30 o c1ock for his destina?.`0n. A Q:...-... NIH: Tnnfr n-Arno tn 11`: I"H'.V his (lestmavon. Since Mr. Jory came to this city several years ago he has made mzmv friends, who While pleased to learn of his promotion will regret the loss of his companionship, for he was one of the most. popular youngmen of this city. In athletic circles hewill be much missed, especially by the Rough Rider football club, on whose clmmpionship team of 1898 and.1900 he was one of the crack forwards. The Ottaxvn. Row- ing Club also loses a good member in his clep;art.m'e as he pulled one of the bestoars in the fours of that organ- ization. . M11 Tnnn a m'nnv nf.tn xvn. f!`l9ndS W151) ization. Mr. J ory s In':1ny Ottmva fnends W151) him all success 1n hxs new pos1t1on.- Ottawa. Citizen. Saturday, Feb. 23:-d. 1\.ln Tnrv a n, In-nthni` hf A]d. JOPV. Citizen, Saturday, rec. zaaru. Mr. Jory is a. brother of Ald. Jory, `Barrie, and an old B. 0.1. student. -Ne{v boobs and shoes at Irwin's at wholesale prices. - . WATER__` T C0m'lISSIO'NERS._ _ egret His Depax;ure. 1`! -A_ T...._ -3 41. D. port: as 1ouows:- . I have the honor to present to you the -17th annual report of the Barrie Bx-.'Lnc`n Bible Society and the last of ' the old century. As we enteron a. new century with all its possibilities, let us` hope and trust that it will be fraught with even greater blessings for the, cause for which we are permitted to la.bo_r than the past. It is now nearly 100 ye".-u-s since the formation of the "British and Foreign Bible Society under whose auspices we are working. Then the Bible was a. sealed book to four men out of every five. To-day it lies open more 01-`less completely to seven men out of every ten in the world. _ 'I'Iv..,.. .. In-Ha Vvnluh air} was the lloursr-11 to 1; 7 to 8. tures from door to uoor. These are now pi-itibed` in some 373 lizilguazges and dialects. List, year the i.~e.~,uus of SL1l`i)El1l't`S bv the P.-Lreul: Society were 5 6,000 in excess of any previous year, and the total issues in 06 years since its fottndzttion in 1801 amount so over 163,000,000. `The society p.-Lid out last; year in` carrying on its ;.:i-zuld mission, $1,147.- U00. These ligm-es give some idea. of the great zmtl glorious work t.beAsuciet.y is comlucbing for the evu.ngeliz:Lt,ion of ezu-th's teeming millions of souls. Hnnm: nna. l1n.s` s`.:Ll(l (hill) the century \\'0I'ld. .Then it little Welsh girl was the |inst,ru_meut,_iu God s hands of leading to the 01-g-a.1`1iz:1tion of whsit. we call the P.~n~nnf. Rn:-intv. Now there are over` . i0. jails and lciety. eiu'l.h'S teeming lL|llllUu'd U]. uuum. Some one has said that ceiitnry just closed is reiii irkahle for ve great thiiigs':--Bible circulation, inissioiiary eiitei-prise, educational amtl philan- tropic works, the achievements of women and special efforts on behalf of t.-hildren. It is easy for us to see that the circulation of the Bible properly stands lirst and is the foiiiitztiii froiu which all other blessings have owed. Turning to .the Work of the Provin- cial Society \ve nd it has experienced the most successful year of its sixty years of existence. Last year the number of Bibles. Testaiiieiits and portions issued from the Toronto De- p`.LxlLUl` ' aiiioiinted to 31.287 in 23 dii'-` fei-eiit languages. Of these ne.-irly 9,000 were sold at cost by colporteurs, but large numbers were given to missions, to the Doukobors, Gntlicians, the Ibitliillls and to our own Ontario Iiiilians, as well as many graiits to '.iii.+.;=-iqii `schools in Llitfereiit parts of the Pifoviiice. #3;00U \vas-giveii to aid the Society in its work and $9 735 of con- ri-ihiitioiis reriiitted to the Parent So- Oiir Provincial Society has the honor of l)eil1}. ,` the lai-gest contributor of any Auxiliary to the British and Foreign Bible Society. Hitviiig said so much regarding the Work. geiieriilly, leaves, less to say concerning the work of our .Bx`iti)(:h Society during the past year. \Ve have been congratulated by the Perriiaiient Secretary at Toronto on :i. niost siiccessfiil season. Our con- tributions last year aiuoiiuted to $153-13 ' some $58.31 greater than in. the previ- ous year. 1`he_resiilt was partly owing tooiir adoption of his; suggestion that - um ehnnlll pmnlnva retired uiiiiister to l 1 1 4 4 Qzaehec Auxiliary ,' the 01-g-a.mz:1uon 01 wuzu. we can on: Pzu-em; Society. Now there 7600 znuxiliaries, branches and n._ssocizL- Lions in different parts of the world, and the society employs not. less than 776 cu po1't.e\u's and 53; . native Christ- i:u1 Bible women in selling the Scrip- from door to door. v|u..`:.., ....L. nan`: rs`.-3nr.m1' in some 373 Annual KCDUYL Ul LIIB uulllu llllllull nu lrvvo The u.nnua.l.u|eeting of this society -was held in the Elizabeth street Meth- odist. church on Wednesday Vevetiing of last week. An address on the work of the society was delivered by Rev. W. Frizz:-ll otA 1`oront;o. (J.T W. Plax- ton, secret,a.1-y-tt'ea.su1'er, made his re- port; follows :'-- ' I hn.vu-\ the honor to nresent; you Annual Report of the Barrie Branch for 1900.? I111. ......-.....l ...n..Hnn- nP thia enniottr .t),0ura.dopt1on OI ll.lS_'_Sll:.{``U:uIuu uuau we should employe. collect on commission, owing to the diiculty of procuring collectors in the regular way. But as will be seen We were mzi.tei-ially aided by another geutlemztu and at number of ladies. To these and to those who gladly contri- buted to the czI.use_-us well as to the ` otcers ztntl otherswho lent their as- : sistzmce the warin thzmks of the Pro- vincial Society have been accorded. \Vhile - l1]iti.))'v of our fellow country- men have gone down to `untimely but honv..\red graves in a. distzmt laud amid the tears and phtudits of 21. !1ilI .lO[l and cheered in many l1l5bzl.l)CeS by the con- S()I21.t01'y passages of the Divine VVord freely supplied toour soldiers oh the l)u.LtlL`t'lLl, death has been busy in our midst and amongst others we have to deplore the loss of Brother Botterill, who was in our midst last year, but `is gone from the church iuilitant to . the church triumphant. nun ham-r.e mun, saddened hv om- ( I I 1 I 1 l the church triumphant. ' Our hearts are saddened by lossus, but we press on, knowing if we are faithful to the end we shall yet. llleet-Dlltflllt-I1 the B:-ulsth L'Llld. And when we my down uui-work, small and insignicant. though it may appear to be, others will take it up and ezuzh. Qhristinn doing his p.u-t. the Wideworld over (;lier+.- will'y:_-t come the fulfilment. of the Divine prophecy` and right- e0usm;ss Sllilll-C(1\`el.' the earth as the ivgitex-s cover the deep. `o ` l.n+ 2 hdnv.-"~12 o-n nn and on t.lll.ElLll fl.'OlIJ the deep. o - Let; the work go on and on t.|H,.=L'1l the least no the grezmtest. shall know - their Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel, till the dark places of tl1e'e2u'th shall be made light and the wilderness and desert; spots shall be made to blossom as.-the rose. , D,.n.....:...+ :u an ahafrm-f of the re- I as.-the ; Following is an abstract of ceipts and expen_dituz-e of this branch for the year :- I)1.`l" IPIDTQ, L. R. C. I . & 5., Edluburg. M. F. P. & S.. Glu.sgow. Member of Brlllsh opmlmlmolomcal Society. SPEO|ALTY"0|SEASE3 OF EYE EAR: THROAT AND NOSE 0f`ce-7(-9 Duulop Street. Sanders 1`3lock'~Uar- le, opposite Pust Omcc mu! Raihvzxy Station. Phone 54. L` . Box 96. I I LIL vlnv , -..- . RECEIPTS. Cullection at annual meeting. . Cpllecbed by Thos. Smith, in 1) Ward 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . u1=.~r-lrl .1 - _ , _ _ _ > _ _ __.__._ n ..o ,.s11 10 t. . .. 23 75' Collected by .Mi:S Rogersou in .. 14 00 U0ue(:u:;u u_y uuaa L|l\l&"\4l.u\fA.Q ... \VuI`d-1 . Collected by'Mis'se's Westney an Wfnnntr in \V.'!.I`u;1 6 ...... .... . Uollectecl Dy Mxssus vv uaullcy cuuu Young in Ward . . . . . . . . . . 8 20 Collected by Misses .\IcLcun- n- ` and Catcher in ward 6 S 00 Collected by Miss \Vhit.e and \ Mrs. Brownlee in rear part. wa1'd3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 755} Collected by Rev. VV. 0. \V.-Lsh- I ington in part Wards 2 and 3 I and pant ward 5 . . . . . .. . . . . .. 39 48 Collected by Me-sdames W nsh- ihgmn and McLean in part wards 2 and 3 including $1 from P. H. Stewart... .... .. 31 05 Cheque from VV. Scott, deposit- ory purchase account. . .. . 18 08 Cash from Mrs. VV. H.vW11son V and family, of Crown Hill, . rec'd after money remitted. . 5 00 - BIBLE ysbclerv. $171 211 L14 u A. `.L'n0Iuz1s zmu U . A. u.:I.ueruuu--.su. Collectors -Mrs. W. C. McLean, Mrs. J no. Uzu-ley, Mrs. Phoebe Stewart, Mrs. Bmw-nlev, Miss \VhiLe, Mr. Thos. Smith, Miss` Roget-son, Wm. Justice, Misses \Vestnev. Young. Catcher and M(:Lenna-n, Mrs. J. K. Ross. lnnv nun. uuv. -~a..v.-.vw... An esteemed Hillsdale correspond- ent; sends the following :-0u the morn- ing of the 20th, in his beautiful home at. Hillsdale, there passed away to his eternal rest. John Short:-eed, at the age of 57. Deceased was the fourth son of the late John Shot-breed. a native of I-1-awick, Scotland, and Margaret. Hood, :1. native of Peebles, Scotland. who emigrated to Canada. in 1832 and 1833 ' respectively, and after their nmrriage in 1834, settled near the city (then the village) of Guelph. There the subject. of this sketch was born Dec. 25th, 1843 and there in the midst. of healthful rural scenes he grew to he a. man of more than average strength. ` V Wnvu tl nnunhPl' Of VD:H`E hP' and. oy Mr. J. 19. mums ana Iollu L:un'ec1.. ,Tbe proceeds of the sales by the Local Depository during the Year amount to $10.65. Goods _in stock . $35.34. VVe beg grate!`-.x1l?r to acknow- ledge the work of the co lectors, also free notices in the local newspapers. I ELECTION OF OFFICERS. I .1 :-esident,-His Hon. Judge Arrlaglu. Vice--P1-esidents- His Hon. Judge Boys and resident ministers. Sec.-'11-ezLs.-U. W. Plaxton. Audit:0r-`J. E. Minus. Dep0sit.ory-\ Valter Scott. 1<`.v, (}mn_.--H_ H. Qt.ra.t.hv. ICC J-as. 1Jeposxcory- w anzer DCODI. Ex. ()om.--H. H. St;x'a.t,hy. K.C., Jas. Edwards, W. S-mjeant, J. K. Ross, R. A. Thomas and G. A. Rzulenlmrslz. {Vnllonrnuc _I\`Ir-Q I n T\fr*r.n:In, For in long time glasses were used oniy to assist in readingor near work, 4 but with increased knowledge of ' the eye, we are able to adjust ~ glasses to improve the sight, thereby curing chronic headaches, neuralgia Ind manynervous afictions caused by eyestrain. The thousands who wear properly adjusted glasses are the livin testimonies to theitruth o it - Examination free. n .H. e-I-..4.:::- nndinha, than average ST.l'eng[,n, w V For a. number of Years he his uncle`, Gideon Hood. bought and sold cattle. attending the regular monthly fairs held in towns and villages on the Owen Sound road as far north as Chwtsworth and on the Eloru. road to Paisley and Chesley. About the year 1872he emlmrked in the lumber busi- ness in the Township of Vespra. not far from Barrie. In 1875 the rm of J. & Gr.-Shortroed was formed and in a few years they removed to the Township of Flos, to what was known as Cooks- ville. and from there to the vicinity of Hillsdali-. As :1 rm-they cart-ied on a. safe business for n.h:3':xt eleven years and reaped :1 rich fin--.mcizyl 1-etui-n. In 71886 Gideon ~ShorLreed`bought out Gem-ge Sl1ortreed s iota-rest, and the Well-known rm of Shnrtreed Bros mine into existence. For fourteen years they have done an extensive hu with prot to the firm and surrounding country. Owe no man anything has been their motto. 4. Be- ins: very fond of cattle the f:n~mer`s for miles around found in Mr. S'nor`u-eeii a. ready buyer for all kinds of farm produce for the feeding of his stock. Mr. Shortreed was a. man known for Purchase account. Postage, &c., &c.. Balance on hand. . - ' $177 21 The accounts have been duly audited by Mr. J. E. Minus and found correct. Tho nv-nr-pads of the Sales bv thel .4.-. .... .-.- V --.... Bal:mcefrom 99 Paid Rev.J.A. Rankufs exnenses Commission to Rev. Mr. Wash- I. .-.6-an - \/UIIJLIIISDIUIJ DU LUCV. "LL: VV Q1011` iugton . . . . . . . . Cheques at par to Bible Society Depository. Toronto, half to U. C. B. S. and half to B. and In 12 Q - x 1`. produce [or me Ieemng ()1 uis SLUUK. Mr. Shortreed `and near as an honest. upright. and noble ch:u'm'.f.er revered by all who knew him for his many manly traits "of cha1'z1c'te1'. The community has sus- mined an irrep:u-able loss by his re- moval. On Wednesda.y. Feb. 6th, the news of his accident. cast. a. gloom on the community, but when the sudden removal by death on the Zuth was known, it tilled all hearts with pro- found sorrow beczmse of the greatness of the loss sustained and with deep sympathy for the sori-owing widow and futfnerless children. 11,. I.....m- lmhin him his fn.it.hful and fut/nerless chum;-en. _He leaves behind him his faithful Wife. Carrie GiIres-,- to \vI)on_1 he was mam:-iecl in 1882. three daughters and one son. Av noble mmn and trim Cln'istia.r. has gone to his rew:u'd. but his memory will long be cherislled. hm-nnenfl was :1. member of the his Wlll long oe cue:-isueu. Deceased was a. member 1 zesbyteri:i.n church which loses one of its most. valued members. I-lis wise counsel and the heartiness and rea.di- ness with which he labored fox the ad- vamcement. of Christa cause will be greatly missed. he interment -took place on Thursday, 21st., and was fol- lowed by many symp: .l:i'.::rs to its last. resting plau:e.u we havelost; :1. \vo1'tl1y friend and the community 21. citizen respected and honored. \Vhile our hearts are sa.ddened by this" break in our ranks. we would not forgeb the inrimtes of the desolate home whose bhreshold the loving lmslmnd and t'zit,hei- shall cross no more. \Ve deeply sympathize with them and e:u-nestly- commend them` to the mercy of Him who doeth all things well and in whom they may find consolation ildeqllzlte to "every SOI I0\V. ' .?.::.-m.:--u V John Sta.p1et,on.,Wel1ingL0n street. is visiting in Toronto. Miss Sargezmt. of Toronto is visiting Hrs. Doxmell, John ssreet. -- '11 . ,.n-__.x xi -.- Inn Hnnrv nF .`.\1X'S. Ul)XlllL'1I, -luuu ablutv. Mrs. Turnbull a.nd Mrs. Jno. Hogg of Gait are visiting at J. Ur. Scott's. Jno. Nettleton has been appointed - Police Magistra.te for (ollingwood. ' Mrs. W . A. Turner is visiting her sister Miss P.-)_.uline Ottmvely, in Toronto. . ` Ir ,. r)-._12.-.. t'\LL...nnc-v AP I-hn Evan}- V47 Duniop, St, Barrie , l .l.()I'Uu_I..u. x\I1ss.Pau1ine Ottzuvay of the VVest- er-n Hospit5aI.l. Toronto, g1-;1'du:Lt.ed on Friday with honors. 1: 11 11...... vuvnn innmari fn "Fat-nnfn L` nuuy w mu uuuuxau R. M. Gray was moved to Toronto last, wee:-I: to play hockey with the Bank of Torcnto. Bobbie was a. favor- ite _\vit.11 everyone and his d(:p2u'tux`c is much reg1'et.t.ed. II - Y) R1 I-nfcnyw nf. 'Pn]h|nx]:l.`l mucu l.'t:grcLu:u. I Mr. R. M. Watson, at Tolienxiul Mills. has compi\-LL-,u1 :u-n--xi.gx for locally hzmdlinga pox-non nf Linc out- put of an extensive Northwest our- ing mill. He has now in stock differ- ent. `grades of rsb-class Manitoba wheat. our, for sale to dealers, bakers and. others at lowest prices. 2 -Our four blends of tea are unrival- `led at 33c., 45c. and 50c. Try them. 1 Fl nhlntr Izrntl. - l 160 3.0 V4-3C., D)L'a Eobley Bros. The Late Jno. -Shortreed. EXPENIHTURE. .1 Personal. .nu .\ 121 00 I 15 U0 18 05 1 UR $r.oo PE}: YEAR, IN ADVANCE ATEX. MELNE.` WE RCHA NT TAILOR... 01 29;: 045! lH.ll't`, Ill iU|ull1lUll._ One of our many inconveniences. in our present lmilding, is the absence of :1. morgue, for which reason we are` obliged to have bodies removed at an eH.I'l!e-.1'(l.'l.[e than we otherwise wnnld. \Ve also prefer that p.-Ltients dying in the hospital be removed at. :1. Lime to disturb the other patients as little as possible, not; with any thought what,- ever for the general public. Since the, l1ospil:a.l was opened in September, 1897, we have :tdI1)itted375 patients. Out; of this number 31: havedied; many of these were hopeless cases. Hm: nf nm- m-.-ntpuf. nnmm>.ns:1tinn.=.' I LHCSB \VUl'B LIUPUIESS L'av5U5u One of our greatest, compensations,` next, to the saving of life, has been the gmbitutle and zu)p'recint-ion of p-.Lt.ients, which has helped us to hear 1nzu)yin.- OT}_Vchlel]CS and (]isc0lnt'01'Ls nf which the general public know little. M. M. CAMPBELL, Lady Superintendent. R:ll'l'lD, Fph, '7,:'\f.h, TH. - sucn. - hf regard to the COII)p&l`l'iS0n of mites between here and v'1()).'OlllU---0.11 clizu-ges for public wards are S3.per wedek. ThiShilEiC1ll(itl.;*)S b().2ll`d2Ll1tl(\ Itllrlljllg`, .ui is nine V esst an it`. cos s ll,` os- piml. P.-it,ient,s who are lll1:).l.)le{.0 ])-`*'t_'f for t.heniselv es and come in um 01' t ie town, county` or private L-hm'_ity. re- ceive. in addition. free inedicail _a.t- Li-udzuice. the stuff giving their SOI`VlCS gi-atuitously ;-at pi-L-sent; we liiwe six such c=i.ses. Our pi-iv;it,e',\v;ii.-d rates are from $4 to $8 per week. In Toy- onbo Genuml Hospital the public wards. which are only suppoed to be for iiidigents, are $2.81) per week: searin- private wzu-(ls .(.'()H[iLiDll)g from eight. Lo ten beds, $7 per week ; the pl'lVil.le \`v:u'ds fi'oiu`$1() to $17.50 per week, in umny cases plt}i(3l`.tS paying their uwn_ nurses, in urlditioii, ` I'\.\.. HI` n...n.- In.-nu:-r-nunnnna In I\I1In Curling. CHURCHILL \V()N .~\G.\I.\'. That those Churchill chaps have a. knack of winning has ne.-u-ly ;x.l\vays been the sad expe1'iem`e of the Barrie hsom-xvielders and 'the match on Friday was no exception to the rule, the visitors wmui'ng by 5 shots. The rinks were :- .. . -nu r\ nnunu u-..;v Chm'L-hill`. V Reivc H Allan '1` G Ailnn `July: Allan DEAR SIR,-3In hat weekfs issue 0|. the town papers the:-ezxppezwecl 2!. com- munication \vhich.had been uddre:ssed to the Town Council 1-egamliug the hospital. \Vith your kind 1)eri:1issi()n, I-would like to correct the statements therein. Though hospitals are without. doubt `a, convenience to the lllzfdicill pmfession, they an-eest:1.blisl1e fur the benet`. of the public, and in .:7nxu-3t.. every instance have proved them: elves such. I .1 nun-nu-A In flan 4-nnnn-,1:-icnn nf 1-ulna -()vershoes listed at $1.60 for 75; at ` . I1-wiu s. Why Glasses are Wmfn. -...,.......... J 'L 830:1!) VV Slrmn D \V Ls,-nnox \Vu1. Al_l:m skip . . . . . . .. OILILLIA BONSPIEL. Orilliais bonspiel last, week was a great success and although the score of Bdl`l`iU pln.ye'1-s who p:u'I.`icip-Lted did not; win anytlling they hm! :1. ne Lime - un'Is:w all sorts of nice things about the way the 01-illiaus l1la.n'.L}.t`(1 Lhe. a{fzLii'.' The Bu-I-ie 1-inks \ve1-4::-l. J_no. Ne-elands, Jzus. Vair, O. B. I .1t.t-3r- son. T. BL-cc:-oft, skip. 2. B. R. Kirkup, A. `\V. Wilkinson, N. G-rose. \_V. A. Bovs, skip. 3. A. Hu.hl)eck, P. Love, J. P. Lauxon, Jug Coffey, skip. 4. '1`. Pcarcy. Geo. Htygg. A. Br0wn_le(=, D. A. ML-Niven, skip. 5. Jno. Scott, Dr. McCu.1-thy. H. J. G1-asctt, J. ML-L. Stevenson, skip. ~ In than P:-inmrv Inn. (JnlYc=v .s' rink The Barrie Hospital. To the Editor 0/ The Exammcr : Stevenson, SKIP. In the Puinmry Jun. (3uifvy s made the best shmving, beating Rev. B, N. Burns of Orillia, 11 to 10: but in the second round they went. down he- fore U. E. Stephens` of Coilingwood, 1|) tn 9. They say tlmb John's Scotch was very oiferzbive. .In the Consolation. Rink N0. 1 did the host, coming: within three points of winning a. pair of stones. Thus. Bsecruflz skipp.- this rink the first three gsuneszmd men had to mine honw, his place being taken by H. J. Gl':l.SL U'. 7 ' Tho 1-nun!-J nf Hm`. 1-in!-:s HIS ELS UY 11. J. \1'l'iL-`SEEK. V The record at the rm`.-:5 was as C ' .-` V . Lolln .v_.s .- D-nru.nv T. n !`..\H>'.u- 11 `Raw N ltOll(|\'v`_.i :- Prmr.-uw--Jx o. (,}of1"ev, 11, Rev. N Burns, Orilliu, 11); Jno. ().a'e_v, `J, U E Stephens, Collingsvnod, 11); D. A. Mc- Niven, 1-1 Fhtvee, [.ind.-:a.V, 16:, \V A Boys, (5. Uunniuglnun, O1-illia, '33`; T B:-eccoft, 12, H Cuig, Midland, 23: J .\lL-L. Stevenson, 13, Harvey, Orillizx. 16. l`.nvr_-nr \vrln\:__K1a-":\"i\."nv1 I1, Rn:-us. 7*" To tal .VlL'L1. mvensun, 1-5, I1?ll'vV'e_V, Urnuu. xu. CO..\'S()LATIO.\'-M('Nivun M, Burns. Orillia, 10; Boys 10. Queen City 13;, St,evo.-nsun 9. Dx`u';(lns ,Lindsay, 12; Beecrofr. 15. Dr. Grnllmvzny. Ba;LveL't0n, 12; McNivcn 13, Dund.-ts. Limlszt)`, 15; Gmseu; 14. Netti;-ton, Collingwood, 9; Coifey 1'2. Flavelle, _L uds;Ly, 16; Gmsott. 13, Craig. Midland, 10 ; (i1-mett. 14, Harvey, Orillin, 17. \Vvnnu nf' (`.nlHnur\vnuJ wnn the uztuy on B211`;-ie, Feb. 25th, 01. 1;, mu-vey, Ul'llll:l, 11. \Vyn(es of Coll'mg\v0uJ won the Prgunry from Cunninghauu of Oriizt, )3, :u1dLit,L1e of Lindsay got the Consolzminn from II:u'v(.-y of Ox-illi.-1. by 21 to 8. The SheppH.1'.'1 gold ll|L'('|:II was won by I`1ol'cmft of Ox-'nli:1.' one uf the most popular C1ll']'l'S in the dish.-`mt. The scores were, H0101-oft. -13; Nnhiu Q1. (`nu-\nir\uv|1-nun R1 ' VHI'lInl1_ ' all!` .HATS. The umcx-nu. -m; nu-nu .34; Cunninglnuu, 31; Vernon, SE2}; \Vynes, 29; -Kean, 23; SLew:u'tr. 25: Toner, 19. --See our new s}Jrinzstock of stylish hats before buying. Hunter Bros. cf -v w-vuu vu.-- VVimer goods at deeply cut: prices. $_`2.60 ne xvhite wool blankets for $2; $2 grey blmxkets $1.50. $1.25 qm\.lit_v for S], $1.75 horse blamka-ts for 31.2.5, $1.75 l.-up rugs for $1, D1`. .Tzu:p:3I~'s heulnh undei'shi1't,s and d1`a.\Ve1's worth $1 for 50s.. ladies 35c., he.-wy vests for '_ 5c.. 23c. flrmnel for ']SL`.., 40c. navy serges for 25c.. $2 shawls fol-81.25. $15 capes for $10, 310 sample iuckets $6.50, heavy hosiery,` gloves, top shirts. capes, knitted goods, tweeds` and A clot.l1s,`and all henivy lines in boots, shoes, rubbers and overshoes at Z) to 40 per cent sa.ving-at J. C. Irwin's. To Close Out. B.'u-1-ie. ' T Pc:u'(:ey J Cnffey J P Lemon Greo. Hogg r:!rn C H Ross . O H Lynn` Geo. Loimt Szunuul Lount. skip.......... Total. Next Door to Telegraph Ofce. vmmmanv suncaou AND DENTIST ` .-4 Office: 56 Jolm Street.` Barrie DVR-. J. ARTHUR ROS; VoL. xxxvu. No. WU -`II II'IuI:--- - Sclentig; Optici;I;, Maell-\REl\3'S DRUG STORE, :; .l.P. LI-:Me`N. DR- R- P. `VIVIAN: H0M(1~:m=A'rHIs'1`. T 156 Dunlap St:-opt. Ia1'1'le, 11 1 ; 8. Re.-idencc and Oloe. -Farm for Sale. - siu: rust UH 133 Dunlop Street HA rs STIFF HATS son HATS LIGHT " HATS DARK H we srxrcumo mus LONDON DUST HATS ROUGH WEAR HATS FINE WEAR. SIGN OF THE BIABB Jacksolfs .have it lled with Send us your can, _ `uur sp`m}1i(l llluuuuatiua llil. Award Paris 1900. SATURDAY, WIARUH In the Dark THE BARBER ER. 6: Warren are the best ml R:ul\vny st L`.U. Johnston We make them` of TINNED mom and GALVANIZED IRON, any size. SAP PAILS, SAP SPILES, SUGAR KE1"1`LES, ` SYRUP CANS, L lamwara Sturel It. is hot too euxly tb order YOUR SAP PAN. lH.H.0tto11&Son! ALL UR RUBBERS Ranucm run QUIGK suuNc IH.H. 0TTUN&SON1 I1-'RAWLEY S SHOE STORE` This uuk we place, on sale our entire shock of Rubbers, styles and sizes to suit. every man. ivoniun--.'i.ud child. The quality of thesegoods is the highest grudemede, and for lib noue guru more perfect--evcry pair are guaranteed by` us to give satisfac- tion. With -,u. siivi-.ig of 20 to 30 per cent. on every pair of Rubbers and the quantities limited. we W0'.1ld,6llggeab the earlier you Q 4 . _ si are are the d`gl.l).l-S : _ 45 pairs Ladies Finesl . Croquet. Rub- bers. coin and riiuiid. toe, sizes 2% to 7, regular price 60c. new . . . . . . . . -15 80 pairs Ladies Croquet Rubbers, round toe, heavy quiiiiiy, sizes 2:}; lo 7, splendid weighi. for school vieur, _ regular piice 55.-. now ' 40 30 piiirs Lzidies Storm Frontillubbers, very nesl: quality, sold everywhere for 600 and (5;3c,_ new . . . . . . . . . . ._. . . 45 Misses Plain Rubbers, heel or' spring heel, No. 1 quality. sizes 1 to 2, regu- lar price 45:, now , 30 Cliild s Pluin Rubbers, spring heel. ' sizes 6 Lo l0.1_;, iegulur price 40, now 25 Boys Plain Rubbers, extra. `Heavy quality, sizes 1 to 5, regular price 750. uo\vfor............ . . . . . . 60 Youthis Pluinieuvy Rubbers. sizes 11 to 13, regular price _55c, now for 40 Men's Pluiu Rubbers in all shapes, sizes6 to U, second liigliesl: grude, sold usually for 70, now for . . . . . . 50 Men ii Fins Rubbers. self-acting, in Bull _l)oe;, Coin und wide toes, regular list priee95e, now for .... ....... 45 Men s I<`iue'R.ubbers, self -acting, second vjsili the store. .1-he Etl:-:,`.' choice-voiiugizat . grade, regular price 75, now tor. . . . 55 To know the true value of these `special dfferings 9. Via? will convince you heireduc- Lions are gemiino cuts and qualities exxcbly as represented. ._j-... 18 Dunlop Street,bB;_1rrie. \Vatc'n this space for important ahoo an- nouncements next week. ` photographs --A third is `saved 01; ne cldthing ut Irwin s. . 1- 1- I n,__: Ll H nu cc , --The Simone District: Medical S0ci- ety has elected the following nicers: Pres., Dr. A. Ardugh, Ol'ii:l.; 1st Vice- Pres., Dr. \V. A. Ross. Barrie; 2nd Vice-Pres.,` Dr. Raikes. Midland; 3rd Vice-Pres" D1`. Little. Churchill; Sec.- T1'eas., D1`. Evams, Stroua gising Pwderg safeguarlithe food I I. .1. T 1;RA\1_vLEY,} ' Alum baking powders atatixegzaz-.t.-D.- -men;-er; to health of the stcsent day. Hr:adqua_r7ters tor Syrup Making ` Supplies _ ` I now. wane nownen co.. new vonx. Five Points. Studio: 32 Dunlop Street Makesaibread more healthful. Five Points at lowest prices. -5 Notice Is herehy given pursuant to the pro- visions of Revised Statutes of Onturio.189'I. Chap ter1:!9. that :ull_cr-e;`.1tors and other persons hav- ing clninxs against the estate of '1`homas \V,. Simpst-n,_lutc of the .[`ow_n of iiarrle. in theCo nty oi Snncoe. Brewer. who died on or about t_he 5th any ot December, 190`). at Barrie, aforesaud. are required on or before the 20m DAY OF l\lARCtl. 1901. to send by post. prepaid, or to deliver to George W. Lount. of the Town of B:m'ic. Solicitor for Samuel Lount. the Adtnints- nutter of the atld estate. their Christian n.nd.sur- names, descriptions and addresses. the p~.u`tieul:u's and proofs at their clzthns, statements 01' their. -accounts. and the nature of the security (if any) held by them. Alter the said 20th dzt of Marc 1001. the said Administrator will ( lstribnte the assets 01 the said estate among the mrsons en titled thereto. having regard only to t re claims of which the Admlmstrzztorshail then have notice. and the said Administrator` will not be lutble for the said assets or any part thereof so distributed. to any person or >er.=.ons of whose claim he had not wri.ten notice at the thne of such distribution. Dated at Barrie the 20th day 01 'F_ebrua.' y. 1901'. - GEORGE `w. LOUNT, 8-11 Solicitor for the_Adn1lnlstrator Wanted to buy or ram :1 small comfortable hou-e near the Roman Catholic Church. Barrie, Apply at this oicc.` . Farm for sttlgjiitar the Town of Barrie. The south-halt` of L`ot;,.,lCon. 3. Township of Vespru, 100 acres. 70 a.cr4.~-in a good state of cultivation, balance pasture :-_-.pd bush. Or. 1.. `is n. fr.une house and stab]: ' V - -A Im hnnm and lot on the corner of Louisa. and house and stab]: " -Also house and lot on the corner of Louisa and Duokworth streets with munch house and stable ` qnuundty of fruit trees.` Apply to .-..r.a... w. n V AN'.~`Tl`.l(1 J`., Rm-I-la, In the Matter of the Estate of James Herber Melieggie, late of the '1`own'ot' Barrie. in the County of Simeoe. Banker, Deceased. \ Notieeis hereby given pu_rsua.nt to Chnpter129 of the Revised Lizututes 01 Ontario. 1897, to all )cr:'ous hzwin.-: clumis nc31ius_L the estate of the are James Herbert_ Mclxcg '10, who uied on or ubout the 4m d.A_v pt Deeexn er. 1900. that they are required on .or before Monday. the 18th iday of March. 1sun.uf semi to the Toronto General Trust Corporation. *":ee_utors and Trustees of the estate of said deemg at Toromu. their christian and sx.x'ri_n\m-'1. `Jn-g.':' ,is and descriptions. and full `stat; -,m-.m.< ,`.'.4,r:g einims pyoper|.y- veried. and I we xiuture of the :eeuriL1es..u any. held by them. `And mm immediately after the said 18th day of I Don t Be Five and Five nndiz. halt per cent. On laud only. _ ' LOJI\"1` 8: LOULT. ' Bm'1'Iste1's &c.. 1 4u`1'ie Opposite Railway Station. Fmid Town Property For/Sale; of the ':ecuriLles..u held by them. I `And that immeditttely day March, 1901. thestud Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled. thereto, having regard to those claims only ot' \_\`hich Ihey shun have notice. and the said E.\'ecuto'rs will not be liable fur the said assets, or any part thereof. sodlstrihuted to any lyeraon or persons of whose cla.lm _or claims notice us not been received by the said Executors at the time of such distribution. THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS . CORPORXI UUl\'.l."Uli.A'1`1U.V .V ` "Exec-utors and `Trusteess Estate J-.un_-.5 Herbert M;-Kegglc. Deceased, ' 59 Yonge Street, Toronto. ._JOHN DICKINSON. 5 ` 7-11. Soucnor for the 'Exocu* ors. ' Dated at B-Jrrle this 6th day of February. 1901. --.Ohea'p sale of ordered corsets still going on at 13 Ross street, Barrie. A special for Saturdziy. March 2nd. I\.. u......,1.... &1... T :,......n.. lV.\....u:.~, .: \.\.-u.n gun. uuwuun us; . ._u...`.. -..u... ---On Saturday the License Commis- sioners grantecl a. cransfer of the hotel license in Elmvalc from A. La.\vson* to Ed. Borland. .c n.I n,,.,!, u Jan: A: nnnnnnnn \.II -The regular meeting of the B-rwrie \V.().T.'U. will be held next Monday afternoon at 3 o clo_ck in the pzu-lors ovex the Public Lib:-a.ry. A a..,.. An _ . . _ . A... Lnnlun-data uv CL Ull\7 1. uu.uv JJIIILIIILJ o -A team of junior hockeyists journeyed to Elmvale on Thursday night; and played an. dmw. 4 to 4, with E_lmvale s first team who first defeated Stuyner, 3 to 2. xxn.:x.. M.... q,.....-..... ...m=|' n.1m~ A rst-(-`lam lmy. pasthrc and tuulmr furm. for sale cheap. Lot sxx. ccncc:=sIon t\\el\'u. Vt-spun, two hundred acres. Apply to W. H. W AL~'1'0_N, `Mlnealn;;. _ mu): roux; lkly u vv A-la -While Mrs. Somers and Mrs. [Martin Jolmsonwvere driving into town last. Thursday ufcex-noun. the horse shied tllrowing Mrs. Johnson- out. One rib was fractured and an- other displaced. _ TA. : . . . . . % l\I AR II....I- f`nv.v..~.n Dunno nf \ILllUL llIClJ.l(luL\-L_l| -It; is rumored thlxb Cl-11'I'zln B1-os.. of O1-iIlia.; will start; :1 paper in (Bolling- wuod. J-as. W. Cm-1-a.n of the Montre.;l . Herald and J. E. G. Curran of Orillia. were in Oolljngxvpod last week looking over the ground. - `l`~...\4. .......I `1\:t\I-vnsu unnn nnlwmnnnn A Notice to Creditors OF THOMAS W . SIMPSON, DECEASED; A gobd reliniile nur:e`u'_m1d fvantcd. . BOYS` .{u.ua.u u u; 5-51:13 KIVUL LLIC t. uuuxu --L`a.st. Week thieves made entrance y the grattng 111 the pavement-, to I-Inhlnw Hr-ng an (`L A. Perkins stores. I ny the gl'zu.lng' 111 we pzxveuxem-, LU Hobley Bros and C. A. Perkilps stores. From the fm-mer they carried off candies and from tHe_ latter canned goods, tobacco and some change in the rm, guuu till. -The ladyhockeyisls went: to Tor- onto yesterday to play a.-match with the Tvwnies. The team were :-Miss (.`~. Whish. Miss Spry, Miss Oliver, Miss B. 0. Williams, Mrs. Phi ps, Miss Bessie Stevenson, Miss Zillam tevensou (vcapt.) _ "FLA In nnnn -v\1'v vnnfnk -sf {Ha v|:l'I`I I-.n- \\.ul.1Lo( ' `-The bx-oomy match at the rink to- morrow (F1`iday)- night; between the Bachelors and Benedicts should draw a. good crowd. The game will start sharp at 8.30. Band in `attendance. Proceeds in aid of the hospital build- ing fund. ' ` `.\.I'..' Dnnplnnnnn Ian} nrnnlt f\1a)!\Dl" `V! '1`cle-`mane 18. ). lLl,`. , L unu- -M1-L Henderson 11st week placed in C01. Ward's hands his resignation as bandmaster of the 35th Regt. It; is to` bleho ed that Mr. Henderson will re- consi er the nmt.te1', as the regiment. and the town can ill aord to lose his services. 17 1 _, ,,_`__1_'-______a -4. `l ._._.:..:- ill; Uithu ULULG llL_l\.Cn -RL_1bbe1' cuts at Irwin s. Men s 1umbermen s iist $1.60 for $1; boys 31 30 for 90c.; youths $1.15 for 75c. ; ladies` 50_c.'rubbers for 35c., 65c] nest rubbers for 50. All kinds .of Maple Leaf rubbers at cut. prices. . UL V II.-7. . -New dress goods openei at Irwin's. Forty inch pure woo] heavy serges in ;.'.l colors worth 359. for 250. All new things in dress materials at special values, new muslins, laces, corsets, curtains, sateens, gloves and hosiery, at.Casb Store prices. *n.-1.u.... ....c.. at T-u-u:n a Mon a LOCAL NEWS; 4Not`ic`;to' craitors; MONEY $0" LOAN; -l:lquse wanted. yucca. nzuuy Lu W. D. V ANSIGKLE. B-.m-xe. 8.: LOUNT. `Barristers &c., Barrie JSIMMQNS as co,