On Wtd. Feb. 20, Alex. Lindsay will hold an auction sale `of farm stock and implements on lot 2 con. 11. Veepra. Every- thing without reserve. Sale at twelve o clock. ' G. R. Ford, auctioneer. pams. 1 would be pleased to aavxse guy wo- man who suers as I did, to use your med- icine and thus save her pain and aticuce. Tho (`ommrm Sense M {cal Ad. wno 1 am, 30 you_r mea- pain _at1ence. The Common Sense M ical Ad- viser," Dr. Pierce s thousand-page family doctor book with over three hundred ' illustrations and colored plates will e sent for a lixnite time only, almolute free, paper-boun , on receipt of thirty- one cents in one~cent stamps to [pay the cost of customs and mailin on 1. Ad- dress, World ; Dis nsary edlcal Asso-, ciation, No. 663 ain Street, Buffalo, N. Y. If 3 l1 ndsomo, cloth binding is preferred, sen 50 stamps, to pay extra .cost of this handsome and more dura- Idn I-.3.-uJu'nm v UUSL l ble 1 `KT. ble bindin . No going 11% Dr. P1erce'o I Adviser. Pitch and Ton. The professor happened in at the 'do(*tor's the other morning and found , him polishing the belongings on the b sideboard. ' . uv_,___,_.2_... .1... ..I.:..r..... |......... nun HIUUUUGI llu Improving the shining hours, are you? he said. V No. sir. replied the" doctor. "I'm b Improving the shining ewers. H`m! ejaiculuted the professor. Whose are they ? They're ours. , V Well Isn't that what`! said? .Fnmlly Factions. Cal1er.-Wasn't that Miss Robinson who just left? 1:~u...|,n*Im- mm: vnv Ann+ (`an-I: If Shllolfs Cough and Consumption Cu.-e,which B sold for the small price of 25 cta., 50 cut. and $1.00.vdoes~not cure. take the bottle back and we 1 will refund your money. Sold for over my years onthlamnmntee. Prioe25cts. andbocta. wuu JLLBL 1:-I Ll Ethel~--'l`hat was my Aunt Carrie Robinson. r1._n..__ nu. ...;.-.. nu...` ..l.') flu unn- W Ul Ills T CHEQUES. on any bank in Canada or` United `States cashed. 9, v,-_.'_LJ. ,... ,.,.'|,]I LUKVIIJVCI B Dlul: I k Ethel-Not much! Sba stir-ks up for papa all the time. ' Ll:u.:uu.I_uuu cu: unbuu. u. nu nus-so nu- ; Mrs. W.-Don't let that worry you. ` Wlmble. That judge hasn't.jurisdictlon L in this household.-Boston Transcript IVUUHI-`UH. Cal1er-Ol1. your aunt. eh? On you: mother's side? 1nA|'_.`_I \--5 .......-I.I GI... ..Jh-.l-n us. `An Wlmble-A "judge in one of the courts has decided that a man has a right to remalnhout all night it he wants to. 'AI.._ I11 T\n-`Y6 Int chat 1111-`riot! nu Warning Mr. W. - ` The art of manicure is many centu- rles old. having had its birth In the dim old co_nvents ofv Fmnce. whore the pn- ` tlent nuns practiced it on the hands of ; the noble ladies brought up within : their walls. \- WOMANLY LOVE. YW TRY `T- Credit sale. ' ' 1 t ` 'th ..`2.`..$. ,;'Z`.,n`:?. 5 WILIIUUC Medical IUHUEC uauuu vs uugvu vu-. Money to Loan on Mortgages a-Vt low est rates. Fire. Life and Accident Insurance. Place of business in the office occu- pied by [M0 rm. Office Hours 10 to 4. T. BEECROFT, nanager {IF YOU ARE LOOKING. (J. RHAMBLY, Feed your hens oyster-she1Al and they will lay eggs. We have it for sale at a remarkably low price. / Game andsee theN ew Ball-Bearing Churn IA. `WARM FEELING You will find here everything from the Canadian Tweed to thenest. imported goods, with trimmings to much. Some- thing nobby in Fancy Veatings. Special value in Serges. We have a large stock of the choicest goods and latest patterns, at best value obtainable, in Tweeds, Worsted `and Serges for Men a and Boys Suits and Overcoats. It will be a pleasure to us to show our goods. v B. D. 0 NEILL, #55`? To Catch the Eye and the 1Vinc'L at the Same Time What is Said of_Dr. C1arke s Little Red Pillsl After years of untold suffering these Pills cured me. James Winslow, Ste. St. Marie. m....1.... unisru nf indiaesztion when Dr. Marie. Twelve years of indigestion _ Clarke's Little Red Pills cured me perman- ently. Harold Innes. Tonawanda. > There is no medicine that will compare with Dr. Clarke a Little Red Pills. They cured me of rheumatism after `20 years of `torture. John Moat, G`. T. R. shops. Montreal. a n. m...-1,..*a Little Rad Pulls cured me I .Dr. Clnrke s Little Red Pulls of kidney trnvble of many years standing, ` and afterl had tried every other remedy. known. Joseph Bcgley. Caledonia nve.. Rochester. N. Y. 1 .........a n.. r`.|nrk.. s Little Red Pills as Remittances should be made to J . A. Mac publisher of Tun Exnuuzn. Barrie. Ont -: Rochester. N. x. I regard Dr. Clarke s Little 0. sure cure 'for all blood diseases. I do not know a case bf rheumatism that they have not assisted or cured. Dr. John Waterson, late of Niagara. street, Buffalo. Dr. Clarke's Little`Red Pills are a positive and certain cure for rheumatism, asthma, paralysis, catarrh, eczema, coughs, lame back, indigestion, all stomach and liver troubles, female complaints, even when the riisenses have been standing for many years. The most stubborn cases will vield. _ For sale by D. H. MacLareu, W. E. Wismer, Geo. Monkman. druggists, Barrie, or` sent 4:.-. kn man In: nddressinn Canada Geo. Monkman. drugglsts. narne, Ur wuu direct by mail. by addressing Chemical Co., Peterborough, Ont 50 cents a box, on 3 boxes for $1.00. ' l)r.C1arke s Sure Cure for cntarrh. same price. $100 will be paid (or any case that it will not permanently cure. av uv--- .. -v_._ .._V _._ , ,,, Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablefs Al dr11;.rr:lst.=_ refund th_e money; if it falls to cure] 1-1. \V . Grove/s signature IS on each box. Feb. 12- H. Willis of Sutton is renew- ingacquaintaucesbips here. \v P. Qtmm Inn nmnnod from a lng.8(.'quallILuuuuauIp:i ucic. W. 13. Sloan has returned from .a week visit in lVIzuliham. James Allan is visiting in Toronto. - Last Thursday Newmarket curlers played :1 friendly. match with our team here defeating them by one shot-. The linli and scores Were as.f0llo'ws: A Newmaiket. Churchill. T A. Burn? W. J. Allan G ltougliton W. Allan. ' l L. Choppin E.- H. Sloan- G. Stewart sk.l2. '1`. G Allan 2k. 15. v Col. Lloyd - , R.Malcoinaon Father Moria Dr. J. L. Sloan G. Smith T. G. Reive T. Bruuton sk. 16-_ - R; W. Sloan ek.12. %cAsT:0i_RsA. Merchant Tailoring Done at O Neill s you will find them at T0 cum: A com)` IN A DAY . lII_\.I-A_ 'lDlBI'8SU. DRAFTS issued on any part; of the world. I ~ u I I lV,,_,.1- -..' ` HERE ARE THE PROOFS. is the art in advertising. This Ad. illustrates how true this saying is especially to those wishing, pleasant and protable employment, -"Canada s Sons on Kopje and _Ve1dt. the only book dealing ex- clusively with the Canadian Contingents, is.the book to handle. Ofcial, Authentic, Cheap, sells on sight to everybody, and any- body can sell it. . Capital or experience not necessary. Send for Free Outt and make money. Chndren Cry for` Successor to J.` Henderson -CI1URCH1LIW.. races 25 can}-s` noz. The BRADLEY==CIARRETSON CO., Limited for the best "n"'o;.n - Allan .R.Malcotnaon T. ~ U ulwu Dhuusa uaoucu. .. -`STERLING Excruxm bought or sold at posted rate of exchange. 1.:-nu ,1..- -._....:..lA..HmnIn~n in H-an We all need it now that the days and nlghts are getting cold. Our health demands our first care. our pleasure next, and economy third. These three make it advisable for you to have your Ha.mb1y s Hardware Store Axes and Grass-Gut Sawsl aRed M... T. An unf- In any size you want. BRANTFORD, ONT. A `Bicycle fitted with Dunlap Tires is held in higher wtimation because its maker put a perfect fmish on it. VA nab` 1!-nwlpn IIru`t\v\ '1":-cnxn 111:4"-| , .... .......~. .,... .. ,......~_. ........ .... You can have Dunlnp Tires with ,`'the thickened tread" on any whee you buy--no extra otmrge. Fbr sale by D. H. M.acLa.ren, Jno. Woods and R._ Mc-Donnell. _ iWlLS[IN S INVALIDS PORT uh puuuzu tau: un Uaunfuubvn `Vin give special attention to the Collection or" Notes and Accounts at the lowest charges. "` "`~--~----- ---"I 1-n e~'|-xnuynl is a rare and pure old Port \_Vine, both 7mtrz'!z'ous and -zu/zolesolme. ' . It's use is rapidly fol- lowed by improved appe- tite, restful sleep, and the`; Bush of health to the cheeks. A V --Shakespeare Winter's Tale, Act l-Scene 2. REFUSE SUBSTITUTESL Awholesome Merhant Tailor New Store, opp. The:_Queen s Beverage AT ALL DRUGGISTS OPD the P.O. Taking eect Nov. 25th. 1900. Passenger Trains leave Barrie for and arrive. from the undermentloncd places as follows : 1-`on TORONTO Fnou` 7.56 a. m Ex resg 11.15 a In 11.5 Atlantic 8: acihc Express 3.58 p In ,5.17 p In - lgail 7.58 p In an . .c-rv rIIr\\Y -IJUlIUlUD III '\I|DIlQl-HI: _'~.r_._-,-,-, We will pay special attention to cashing Farmers Sale Notes, and are.1u 9 position to handle them at. the very lowest Iates of -interest. If ;,,___-_ -31-... HRRIE RAILWAY GUIDE v._- r ..- --~- GRAVENHURST 8: NORTH BAY. 11.34 a In Mail 5.15 p m 3.59 p In Atlantic & Pacic Express 11.54 1 In 9.10 " North Bay Mixed 7.30 0. m. Gmvenhurat freight (south only) 9: 35 ` GOLLINGWOOD & MEAFORD an 4- . 11-1: rnn..._ vu4 11.15 a. In 8.00 p m Fivcnnd Five and. half per cent. On land. only. LOJNT 8: LOUNT. ~ Barristers &o._. Burris; Opposite Railway Station. In every detail is an up~to-(late in stitubion. Capable instructors. Per- fect equipment. Satisfactory results. Send for-cur descriptive and interest- ing catalogue. It will convince you. At his office and in me evening at 68 Mary Street Telephone 70 PIANO Teacher's certicate wtth First-class Honors in all branches of Muslc from the Conser~ vatory of Music. Alma College. St. Thomas' Mason and Matthew s System of Touch and Tecnique. `I7nl`.A1'. n r\v1r\:` At` 111...; 11-... x7. n_Lv-._ -1 '-Iy. Our teacher, G. Patterson, spent] Satuulay and Sunday at his home in] Elmvule. . l A T-L___.-_. 1.-.! .. L-.. A... Gal-I1\nr`nl1 We have the most stylish turnouts in town. the most comfortable carriage`; and the best Ehorses. Once tried always pntronizegi. Special facilities or weddings and funerals. (`ab meets all trains. J.Ia\.un.uuo VOCAL, a. pupil of Miss\ Eva. N: Rob] 'n, of the Conservatory of Music. Milan, Italy. homl classes organized. . `D,-uinolnn In 1l1n+..- (1-1--- In-.. n_._._\._n ynaoaco Ul 5suIIl.cu.. Painting in Water 00.10:":--.\!iss Campbell has an Ontario Art. ;School Certicate for water colors. 13... n._._._ __.1 n,,.. . .. MARRIAGE LIVERY AND SALE STABLES nuuao uuuuul Luun: uurrnugcs unu me uest '-.norses. for trains. Baggage called for and delivered. Music am Painting MISS CAMPE Street, Barrie. uvnun OI For terms an}! further information. :1. 1y to MISS CAMPBELL, Exchange Block. nnlop 46 mmvaue. A. Johnston had a bee on Saturday drawing wood to \Vyevnle. SCHOOL BOOKS %We are Prepared VVith latest Patriotic Covers and Songs, including Vvhen Johnny Canuck Comes Home, Soldiers of the `Queen, The Man Behind the Guns, The Maple Leaf Forever, etc. Mail orders promptly attended to. WALTER SCOTT, Ba THE EXCELSIOR BUSINESS ' COLLEGE. [JUMINIUN LINE 1 0cAn_fEAMsHIPs: JAMES EDWARDS. PM.. coNvmrANcI:n. LESSONS MISS M. J. CAMPBELL. DVIUU 340. For rates and full infcrmation, apply at For Public School and L `Collegiate Institute EXERCISE BOQKS, SCRIBBLERS. ETC., ISSUED _BY W. R. PROCTOR, MONEY T0 LOAN. Successor to 1'. Baker. TO MEET ALL` DEMANDS FOR THE. EXAMINER OFFICE, Safest, Swiftest and Most Comfortable PEN ETANGV Accommodation Accommodation IIIIU LU W van Uuulsuua Cuannxr Dmrosrrons will be shown eveI_'.y accommodation" *~-* -~-`- ---5" kn nnnmn nn ...BARRlE.l. HAIIELTON Rynrbsn man Ex press `ificsnsfes Opp. Bank of Toronto Barrie 6: LUUNT, Barristers &c., Barrie UV Uh) llbhuudnuvuuvnvnn Four per cent. will be allowed on Deposits in Savings Department. 11 __:n ._.... .......u'..I nH-an.Hnn fin ` `znnxlz: tyl I the" 3 Thisi -Am{ ?_iE_ _A3_3_I_ _1_zxAMn\nzR.{ VV . VV. D[Jl.'ul5 Uu xuua_y. l Mrs. J. Spring and daughters were the guests of Mrs. S. Dean on Thurs- day. (hm +.mnlm.- (1 puftnrinn, 1-mant Avenmg Ill-Sh wuun. A I Dalston. Minesing and Anten Mills were well represented at the Presbyter- 1a'n tea-n.eetiag held here last. Tll\1I`S- day evening. Crowiled sleigh loads came from them all. Come again, young people, Midhurst is always pleas- ed to see you 'l',....a- \XTnAv.ua.-Lu: nmxm rant"-lmn lmrn Cl to see you List Wednesday news realmed here that Thee Black, who left here about Christmas for Sault Ste. Marie. had returned to Barrie quite ill. He was immediately brought home here and medical aid summoned. He` was found tohave typhoid fever and was removed to the B.l!'l`i8 hospital. Last reports stated that he had not yet reached the i climax of his disease but good hopes are entertained for his recovery. 'lr.......u. P1-..-.. mmnn nnn nfiflnn MIDHURST. Fab. 12-Miss Lizzie Coutts visited in Avening last week. n..l_~om. 1\Tinnmnn and Anlen Mills GIBSON. . Feb. 10--Mrs. J. Dean visited Mrs. W. W. Spring on Fxiday. - Man I Qnrinnr nnrl rlmlnhfnl: were uspzoz A solos, CA n PB cmeruulueu. IUI um lcuuvunj. Everett Ooutts, second son ot%Geo. 'Q`out.ts,2nd line,is sick with appendicitis. Last week there seemed but little hopes but.` on Saturzlay he was pronounced somewhat better by Dr. Smith and hopes are _now held for his speedy recovery. ' Richard McGowan is very low. Mrs. J. VVat.tie is able to be up again although not. fully recovered from the ettack of la grippe. - `lhfl-.. I1 ...-n 1l'u'nhm-Jenn nf Anih is: Blelglluilu uuyzs : The most successful of many very successful anniversary tea-meetings of the Midhure: Pzesbyzerian church was held on Thursday night. The chutch was `crowded to its fullest capacity and the programme was one of the best ever heard here. It included speeches by Rev. G. I, Claw, Rev. Mr. Penman, R._v.e W. \Vallace and I. A. M_gcLa;ren Lreading, D. H. MaeLaren ; voeal solos; Mtg. F. hksmitlx, Miss Kirkup,ZDr. Richardson; duettsv, Miss Kiikup and Mr. Riach, Miss Kirkup D1`'Richardson; quaitettes, Mi_ss.Riach,. Mie Kirkup and Messrs Riach ; violin gelos, Mr.-_ Mnrk2e._ Ifzoceeds about Vlslung ;u.ma UH.-A. _ ' Miss Lynn of Penetanguishene is the guest of Miss S. Craig, 3rd line. Mica Mun Fm-.m,:nn has returned H16 guess OI muss D. unsung, unu uuc. Miss Mary Ferguson has returned after visiting in Hillsdale, Jarrat.t. s Corners, Hobart, and Guthrie. A ....-.lI.- 9\nnn`\nI\ AF lnuusvnnnn nonnln Mrs B. Russell was in our village last week bidding farewell-to her friends. She slils for England on the 9th and intend; returning about May. We wish her a safe journey. 1).... ll... D..nmnn nf vncnu nvnlmnnun guuaca; U]. m guppc. Miss Mary Richardson of Aplo is visiting Miss Orok. 1m... runn nF Punnlznnnnishnne is UOIDBTS, LlUUlil'|;, uuu Uuuuuc. A-goodly number of [our young people attended 9. social party at the home of Mrs. Isaac VVallwin,` 7 th line, last mmuay. A number from here attended the concert In Dalston on the Sih and "re- port a good time. What happened that aleighbad boys '3 rm... Inna`. nnannnnnflll of manv verv &I;u:. A week. It. wlsu um" a zinc Juuuuuiu Rev. Mr. Penman of Vasey exchange pulpits with Rev. Tbos. Paton in Sunday. A unrr.`\nv| Crnvn 1153.!-I ttndell Remittances made to J A. Mac Lren mmlsmer of I. Buanrult & no.1 3llI\I\I: _..-.-_.__- A Live Paper for I Live People. Icopyright, 1900, by C. B. Lewis] . As Mr. Gallup lighted his tin lantern after supper and started out to buy half a "pound of Rio coffee for break- fast and call at the postofce Mrs. Gal'- lup -was in excellent spirits and had most of the dishes ready ,for washing.- He was absent 32 minutes, and when he arrived home he_ found her huddled up in the big rocking chair, with a pil- low behind her head and the camphor bottle in herhand. She took three long snis-at the bottle and gave three long drawn sighs as he entered. but it was labor thrown away. Mr. Gallup blew out his lantern and hung it up behind the -cellar doorfand. having deposited the-coffee on_a shelf in the pantry. he removed and hung up his coat and hat, sat down and took off his shoes and then, taking a circular from his pock- et and putting on his glasses with great deliberation, began to read. It was a circular regarding a new discov- cry in the cure of consumption, and he had not yet finished with therst tes- timonial When Mrs. Gallup sobbed four times in succession and fainty asked: uanyuunl lnnn An unn Iran-xv +knI- JULIL V) In IV`l_IJ ID pltincuh Iu Ll-IU AUVALJ A He made no reply. That testimonial from one who had been cured after. his coin . had been purchased made him hold his breath as he read. M17--. ...I... 1.. ..... ....-.L I! .I..I....II.- AA- A SIGN m WHICH MF-lS.`GALL'UP -READ HER DEATH WA_RRANT. ` She Di-onpecl the Dlnheloth and After V Tlmf Fetal \V:u-nlng Spent the Bal- ance of the Evening In Telling Mr. Gallup How She Thought He Ought to Run the Funeral. I LLUICD Ill BLILLCDDIULA uuu u.uuL'.'_y uantun Samuel Gallup. do you know that your dyin wife is present in the room? TIA nann nn v-nnlu I"hnf fncfimnnlnl LJIILI LIUIU IIID UJJCLILIJ (ID LID" Lctlhln "Yespshe is -present. dolefully con- ` tnued Mrs, Gallup after several sniffs ; `H"'E' '11" 's%131\`1`1\`1oN cAME. Tm--` IUDDLED UP Ix THE BIG ROCKING CHAIR. at the bottle, and she wants to hev a few last words with you. When you started over town, 1 was singin `Bar- bara Allen and thinkin my days might be long in this land. Not ve mlnlts later the summons come. I had just started to wash the dishes, and I had that cracked blue platter in my hand, but I hadn't gin lt'o\'er two wipes _` with a great spat. You are` hearin what I say, ain't you, Samuel? xrn /Tnlh-|r\ 11'ncn'{' l'Jn n-nu flnrnrnv. when the dlshcloth fell to the` oor` successrs to J.` c. Mcxaaaie 5: co. VVLIGI. I EIJJ, ulu I. Juuy uuuuuuno Mr. Gallup wasnft. He was devour- ing the second testimonial. which gave 1 the case of a woman whovhad been given up by over 50 doctors. and yet two bottles furnished her with 9. new pair of lungs. UXT7l1nn +hnI- iahnlnfh Po" 1 lxnnw pun UL Auusa. When that dishcloth fell, I knew that my time had come. That s,the way Mrs. Grover and Mrs. Taylor went. Their (llshcloths fell, and in 24 hours they was In heaven. I shall be up there` by tomorrer night, Samuel, while you'll be free to stay` out all night to hear the political news. I'd hov died before you come back home, only I wanted to talk with you 11 leetle Anbout the funeral. Let's see. If I die tonight, y0u ll hold the funeral day aft- v er tomorrer, won't you. at 2 o clocl: in ` the afternoon? ` ` ' u.. n_n=__-. ._.-_ u..;.-.;2..... 1... .. ....I..- I Mr. Gallup was listening to a noise I outside. He heard something to re- mind mm of a hen trying to crow, and he wondered if it could be that so long after dark. ` ` Asia 3.... .-.:.-`L I5 1| Ann AII\l\'II\iO emu: Ill LCI URI II: "If `you want it It day sooner, you can hev It," continued Mrs. Gallup after sobs and gasps and snlffs atlthe bottle. but you must look out or the nnyburs will talk. Better hev it day after tomorrer; and l hope, for your sake, It won't be a rainy day. I ve sometimes thought I'd like a big fu- neral when I went, with over 40 wag- ons ln the pnrcesslotr and the church bell a-tollln and the dogs a-howlln. but I've given, that up. No. Samuel. you needn't make any spread over me. I'm one of the kind that kin go to heaven without any hurrah and reworks. If there is ten wagons in the purcesslon. I shall be satised. "Don't you think ten ought to be nufr for-aperson like ......')I) I.I:u vu me?'f 1;... HIE! - it wasn't a. direct question. but had it been Mr. Gallup would not- have answered. He was devouring the third testimonial and making up his mind to try a Bottle on the sly. ' NP...` nvnnnna in the nrn-nnaulnn Qnm- LU try a Uuulc uu Luv: 91,). Ten wagons in the purcesslon, Sam~ uol. and the bells needn't toll nor nuthln else happen.` If anybody is diggln taters or makln soft soap-`or dyeln carpet rags, they needn't stop on my account. If 25 people come to the house. that will be uu . Wt-`re got leven chairs altogether. countin them with broken backs. and Mr Walters will lend you the rest. You`l hev our; own preacher, of course. but he needn't go on for an hour or two and tell how good I was and how much you'll miss me. If he says that my toll is o'er. and that you won't never find a more savln wife, that be about 'nulf.. Shall you ' do any crylu at the funeral. Samuel? No answer. ' "l'd do a leetle bit If I was you-jest a leetlo. If you don't. folks will talk about `It same as they did aboutillm Dewitt. He never cried at all. audio this day folks say he didn't use Elan- ner right. l don't ask you to break A_ down and sob and git up an `excite- , meat. but you kln gasp a few times and `wipe your eyes and blow your nose- I`m sorry you'll her to take that long ride to the graveyard. as you could be playin checkers or sunthin, but I don't see how you are` to git out of it. How- ever, you won't never hev to go up there ag in. When you git ready to buy me agravestun, you kin send it _up by a man. I s pose you'll buy a stun or some. sort, won t you? A `Ifn lV_n`I'Ivn-\ lvl kn-nu Tn +1-In Pnnv-fh Blallll UL \ILLIU- BULI, `FULL Ir JV`-IK Mr. Gallup didn't hear. In the fourth testimonial a man declared that he had been saved after one whole lung and three-quarters of the other were gone, and it was a sketch to thrill the reader clear down to his toes. ' ll\ .... -_ 1' .1_..u. I_--.4 ..I......A. _. \.l\-l-LL IJVVVII LII IJKD IUCSI Of course I don't keer about no M gravestun for myself, said Mrs..Gal- T_ iup as she tried to, wipe away her tears with the glass stopper of the bottle. 5 "`but'if you don t put one up the nay- ` burs will call you stingy. Get a cheap one, however. It you kin git one tur $10 and trade a lot of carpet rags in, * I'd do it. I used.to think I wanted a whole lot of readin on my gravestun, but I've changed my mind. Jest put on that Susan Gallup expired in the forty-ninth year or her age of gineral disability and thatshe has found rest where asthma, boils. backaches and rheumatiz` cease from 11-eublin. You. needn't say "a word about makin 40 yards of rag carpet and a bar"l of soft soap last year while enjoyin sore eyes and` a boil on my arm or that I alias kept catnip, smartweed and pepper- mint herbs in the house and was a nurse to all the nayburs._ No, Samuel, you needn t-say a wox-d-about them things. like it-a cheap-gravestun, and you necdn t-never go up ;there--. and--and- 1...: _.I.___ \I.. 11_Iu.'__ 1.-.`! n_l..I._: '-In taking 'overT t;he business of the -lath `rm, we respectfully solici the ` patronage of the people of this con`.- munity. 13' - `II ,_,_.-_ _ - _ t`1-.._....I _.-. I-A /11-\`r\ It Was Simply a Case of Spontane- ' on: Combustion. `_ He was :1 very young man, almost too. young to be out on the street at that time.o the night, 8:30 p. m., and his general appearance indicated` that he had been picked up by it cyclone somewhere during his meanderings. He was not utterly` demorulized, but ` there was something in his manner 1 that would lead the close observer to ~ the conclusion that all well with him. urn A- In I. .. had not been ;_.nIn:......`l -.... (l.I.1LI'-(`Il.l\.l ? And when Mr. Gnlhnp had nished _the testimonials-and fully determined to buy at least three bottles and hide them in the wood shed he rose up, yawned and stretched and looked around to nd Mrs. Gallup asleep and the camphor wasted on the floor. Ll (11-vAn IV 1:11 IVALLI unpu- Gee! he exclaimed as he spun` around the cornernnd Went bump into :1 policeman. - ` 'Qn'"n '5 nnnI1innri 411110 1-wnnfhn In- u lJUAlLCu.Il.u_. Hello, ejacuinted that worthy, 1n- stinctiveiy grabbing at him: what's 1 the row? un1I.-__ ..._......n. ..__.n .___..___.1-_1 41;- ILIULI LI-IV-' |J|I|V'\vL'(\|.I It's on me. just the same. My girl ` lives around the corner, and I went to 1 see her. I thought it was u1l- ` I 1X'1u-non Anna -Han nnn-nIu1a+3nn nnrnn LIIC I-UIV 6 There wasmt any, responded the youth. ' ' ' unnmo M... 1-nn m-mnsn... `mm -flnnl-` Au: 0 _yu;nauLuu Luv 11uu\.uu.|uA.- ' Ifve just been up `against a case a spontaneous combustion. uv.-.n Inn]: inn on-non fn hrn-n 'n1n1n_4 | ECU ucso I Luuuuh JL Hun) all *` Where does the .combus_tion come in? interrupted the oiicer.-4* Hf`.-nun 16:11 v-nu Ihnnn 7 nnuuuhnlnil {rho nu B lulcll ulltcu \.u<: \JLI..I\pCl|"' Gouge out, you mean," corrected the ; youth. - . Come off! exclaimed the oicer. Tell me what the row is before I chase you. - H'nlI +IanG $ n-who! Y'rn vwvlnn fn n 7 Jvuuu \VI;at are you running like that for? _ persisted the policeman. l`T'1vn -haul hnnn v1v\'nn-nv\1~Ir n An:-A A0 .,BAR.R.IE. THURSDAY. FEB. 14, 1901. Dyvutuucvu-2| bl-Iudxluanavuo i You look too green to burn, Vchuc- `] kled the bluccoat. ' Ann- -.. -.... 1..-; AI... ........... ll ....I Uuunc JUN. Well, that's what I'm trying to do. pleaded the boy. The girl s old man and I don't harmonize a little.bit._and when he met me at the door he red i the so suddenly that I had vertigo. It you don t call, that spontaneous com- ` bustion, what the dlckens do you call a it?" ` ` (|f\I_ _______ ._,_u ___|___g___-1 `_g__ __ .` L011, excuse me. apologized the po-' lk-cman. you run along home and get into your trundle bed! and the blue- coat gently waftedle ro'.nnz_1nt on its I way. Wnlnlv Ignorance. (n1-Iner-Soe here. you! You remem- bvr putting two `lightning rods on my barn last spring. don't you? Well, that ` bzu-n was struck six weeks after and lniruod down. v\_.1_n,... cu...._.I_ I... I!.-I.l...l..|) it '3': At L5 Yes: dark as pitch." ' I.m1terns burnln? Wlmt lanterns? "Didn't you run lanterns up 'em on dark nights? ' A ' ` ;\'ev-rheard of anything like that. Well. if you do_n't know enough to [iron your llghtnin rods showln you` needn't blame me. G-lung!" ` "Bright Llvttlesmnmy. l Sammy (who ls never allowed to stay out of school)--Howdle Hurlburt didn't come to school all day. lllamma-Why not, Sammy? Sammy- Cnuse his mother dled. .When you die, may 1 stay home all day? nrnm.-v.n_Vnn Am-nncu vnn mnv ntnv uuy x Mamma-_-Yes. darling: you may stay out a whole week. (1.._...._ 1...-...-.l..l;uuaI-u\;,I\h I lrnnuvl The Conceited Peer. l A certain conceited nobleman once observed'_to Charles Townsend. "When 1 l happen to say a foolish thing. I 9.1- ` ways burst `out a-laughing. Town- send eyed him curiously and at len'th remarked in the most deliberate man- ner, Ah, I envy you your happiness. for you must certainly live the merri- est life of any man In Europe." THERE WASN T. ANY ROW. ar an n nub .-an-"gay--.n NOTIIS witl be caehedn long or shorb dates at the very lowesvrates of -interest. 1a.`... :_.....1 -... ...... .......o- (IF fhn Ulll U. \VL|UlB \VCl:l\. Sammy (susplclously)-Oh. I know! You mean `to die in vacation; ' L , l `When you are Invltedwto a real old fashioned woman's house for supper. she always has rming {slam}. This is n nlinn taut - uuv up" u`, u . a sur_e test.- and Consumption Cures i The temple of fame stands upon the ggom smallprigetgf 2: glae.,b50kct.s. `K graye. The ame that burns upon Its :1'il;eg3:|a1;%ln';3-n;;_ 8`}"u_.o'e:n;'; altars ls kindled from the ashes of antmaguu-antee. Priee25cts.a.nd50cts. dead men. 0 . . ` Il.l UUU UU \\ il- l vadler-Eztruck by llghtnln? ~-lo uvvna '3 "In the 'd::_Vt1me?" ".\'o: at night." . `? .*.!ust `:1 been :1 dark night, wasn't on THE BARBIE EXAMINER,` L'IHURSDAY,. FEB. 14, 1901. I5 uvvn. - M. QUAD. Love is the sun of wamaws life. It: dawning is the maiden s tunic! sentiment; it brightens into the, study action of the contentgd wife. and rmches its glori- $1.00 per year. in advance: $1.50 It not so paid. 11: Dngntens Into me, sunny unucuon 01 the contented wife, and reaches glori- ous noontide in jche happy mother. Hap- py motherhood is a tug. ' ._ Toftiest ambition, Her highd is in her tness to fulll this cg rand and sacr destiny. Nothing so clouds and darkens her existence as to be incapacitated for V ` this noblest of womanly functions. by weakness or disease. A vivnrnni-I cu`-A nuwpon `van-1 no-nu 11:1- VVCEIKLICSS 01' QISCEBC. A woman who su`ers from any ail- ment of the delicate special organism of her sex, feels something more than pain and jhysical wretchedness. Sheis mor- tie with a sense of womanly income pleteness. w But no woman need remain under this : S1'.1'CgU1 [0 I113 Iemlnule organs. V It Is the only medicine of its kind de- vised for this one purpose by an educated and experienced physician, and eminent specialxst in th1s particular eld of practice. ' It is the mflv medinima whit-`h can he re- It is the only medicine which can be re_- lied upon to make the ordeal of mother- hood absolutely safe and almost painless. I " I was sicklv for x6 vears with nrolansus. racuce. } W l V D000 KDSOIUICIY S816 8110 31111051 P81211855. ` sickly years prolapsus, weakness, disagreeable drain, pain in the small of my back,` my bowels costive,"` writes Mrs. Mary Ashlin, of Barronett, Barron Co., Wis. When I began taking {our medicine I could not sit up. After I ad taken ve teqspoonfuls of your med- icine Ivcould sit u - one minute. Anr fia`_~u'na- 1'} nr nnn urns-Ir Y an? 117: ant` your medicines as long as 1 live." _ ` After using fteen bottles of your `Fab 3 vorite Preecri tion .and a few vials of your j `Pleasant Pel ets I feel entirely cured of j uterine trouble, from which I suffered for ` near! three years, writes Mrs. `F. W.~ Foge , of 27_ Highland Ave., Newark, N. J. "I had trie a few of the difl'ere".t patent medicines for female troubles but none would give me the relief I wanted. I had such terrible bearing down pains that I could scarcely walk and when I lay down I could not get u . My back and head would ache, had terri le cramps in my legs, was verv nervous at times. and felt miserable. ICIIC, D80 ICYIIDIB cramps In my lCg"S, VVRS very nervous at times, and felt miserable. With my rst child I had to be chloro- formed and `the c11_1ld was delivered with instruments, but wxth my second child in- stead of euerlng for two days I was in labor only an hour, and a beautiful child was born. I was able to leave my bed the fifth day. I had taken your medicine as soon as I heard of it. commenced about four months before connement. My baby is three months old now and is a ne big {:9 baby. I am getting very eshy and am in very good health. Have no more pains or aches. vI_am sohappy now; I used to be almost discouraged when in those terrible pains. I would be pleased to advise gny wo- man who did. vour pxeteness. But no woman need remain under this cloud of misery and dissatisfaction. Dr. Pierce-. s Favorite Prescription positively cures all diseased `conditions and weak- nesses, and restores complete health and strength to the feminine organs. onlv kind xcme lvcoum 51: mmute. After taking it or one week I got up and did my house work. I have taken four bot- tles of Dr. Pierce s Favorite Prescription, one bottle of his `Golden Medical D'.scov- 313.1` arid Itlllxree bottitlcs ofh the ` Plelasant ets. ese me icincs ave cure me. I feel as well as I ever did in all my life. Seven of the best doctors in the land treated my case for six years, but only gave me relief for a short time. I will recommend medicipes long I live. usmar fteen bottles of vour `Fa- IJIIIIOQVJI We will carry on a General up-to-date Bmking Business. \1*,,,., ,!I.l L- -__L-:l ..L `Ann nu