uuve ueen pmu mu-ee years ago. Dr. W. A. Ross wrote asking the friendly assistance of `the Council to the Hospital Board which is asking a. grant`. of $2,000 from the County Council; . ` . A. G. VVnti~rs applied for the position of assessor. Wm. Armstrong applied for up- pointment; as road overseer for wa.1'ds 5 and 6 at :1. salary of $1 per day while at. work. Jas. Smith a.ndJno. Hines applied for the position of road overseer." I1 [I m..+,... .~......-=L..-... -0 11.- ne....e.. ' \VUl'lS b'LllalalUll- ~ The se'c1'eta.ry of the Fire Undu- Writers Association again -rcquestei that the town provided the improve- ments asked for in the re depzu-Lment. ' REPORTS. _ The Electvic Light and VVz1ter Com- mittee recommended certain repairs to the pony engine and condenser at the Waterworks; also to the big pumps, the estimated cost of the Whole to be between $75 and $100.--Adopted. The Market Conllnitttl-I 1'?-r-nnw rnnn.1_ The regular nnoetiugr of the Town Fathers was held ouAMondny night with all the members in their piaces. COMMUNICATIONS. ` ' A Lennox & On. wrote asking for fees [($5.20) due -Dr. Little, witness in the Police Court case of Nesbitb vs. Graham. Aug. 25th, 189" ; also for witness fees due lra. Donne in the case of Jaruieson `vs. Doane, `that; should have been paid three D1`. 7. A. Raga tvrntp n.!:kinu- Hun cry DU uzue. The l\I':wor and Tr_eusurec were em- powered to issue the cheque, . when satisfied that all necessmiy documents had been handed over. w u 1.u....,... -1 llilll UU`. n:u1ue(1 OVGT. , VV. H. Johnson, electrician. wrote stating thab the condenser at; the works was worn out. and suggesting that :1. new one be purchased. Jim. Dickinsnn. nn h .ImH-` nF Hm Llllll :1. new uue ue pm-cnasea. Jno. Dnckmsou, on b.-half of the Juo. Ross estate, asked for S21 rent for lot, on whic-h Lhe stone crusher is sittmted. (X7 1 D- ...u.-.1 A`.__.A.L_ .. .. h'lLlHl|.t'Uu W. J. Ross asked for the use of the Town Hall for the.annun.l conversa- `zione of the Excelsior Business College. Granted at the xegular rates. . Engineer Kmamm Wl'nI.n on nm'mm hm \J1'uuLeu aL Lue xegumr mtes. Engineer Keenan wrote enum`ex-ating several repairs required at the water- works station. 'I"ha ca'n..nl...u-. ,.c 4!-.. 1.1:..- 71- 1 _Town Councii. . .... `Inca. Full Wheat .. .. ..... Flour, bakers, per bbl. . . . . Flour, family. " ..... Shorts. prr c\vt.... . Bran, per cwt..... luvs _-. A grand old Remedy for Cough. Colds and Con- sumptlon; used through the world for half a century. has cured innumerable cases or incipient consumption and relieved many in advanced stages. It you are not satised with the results we will refund your money. Price 25 cts.. 50 cte. , and $1.00. u. nuul uu-.n c uuI.:naut:t'b u." U And did you "think, too, that some of the-children were named Martha and Mary '2 he was asked. Nothing: only tbey.Were all boys.-- I Cei'tainly. Why not? I Youtlfs Companion. | .,.v-. u-: u. gnvul. uciu uJU1't:. Mr. Moody was so disgusted that be abandoned the situation entirely and hurried away with his friends. T EH11 Olwiniy nn:.1 I... 4u.I_-4. L_`# 1,. `I ; ...u.uc\_- u.\vu_y nun ms Lneuus. V ` I did think;? said he, that boy had :1 soul above backsheeslz. ln :13.-`I ..-.. '4|.2_I_ L- V -- uh: uxuuuu, Uut. uui. \Vl[Ll HS COUCHISIOH. We are glad to see` the` gentleman and his friends who have come so far, but the gentleman must not think that his actions are equal to the importance of his visit. Six thousand miles is .u long way to come. and the gentleman must have sam-iiiced much -to make the visit. In" consequence it is natural for us to expect that he would be muniti- cent in backsheesh. This he has not been, and we now expect that he will _ give us :1 great deal more." lfn \l n.\A.. ....... ..- .1:,.------ `I H "3. ne looking boy of 16 replied to the address.. He spokeuently and with the grace of an orator. Mr, Moody was delighted with the beginning of his oration, but not with its conclusion. 7n nx-n alo. 94-. .~..,.- on... .-..-.u-..A-- wunu o _I have come 6,000 miles to see.thls little village of Bethany. It_was a place my. Master loved to visit, and I have come to see` it because he loved If 1' nm tvnnw mind 4-. .......4. ...... -11 1-.-; I uun: \.uu.u: -.u ace` ll. uuwtusi-3 ue 'l0Ve(1 I it, I am very glad to meet you all, but now I want to be alone. I have no `more bzicksheesz. and I bid you good- by. ' A A..- I,.-1-:.....u_-_ -5 n ...,,v- -- nu uh; y.n.-.cLa again. _ - The news oi"his generosity spread `through the village, and new claim- ants came until his visit seemed likely to result in a tight for existence. The case was getting` desperate, and he told the dragoman to call for silence while he made an address. Then he said: uv a,_ .A.... .. How His Condencewnn Abused by l the Natives of Bethany. When D. L. Moody went to Bethany during; his travels in the east, he was very soft hearted over all the multi- tude of beggars there, not only because the placeis so unusual, but because he was moved by its beautiful traditions. He gave quantities of backsheesh and then asked ifany of the children had the" names of Mary and Martha. Yes, indeed, they bad. And that open- ed his Packets again. V Tho n-5 nF l.ln nun-.....-..lL.. _..._-_A SPEClALKwm~._.gp. The following Iliglx School t. uslees were appointed :-Dr. Deaton, Orillia _: J. G. Davidson, Collingwoocl; Col. Ward, Barrie: T. W . W. Evans, Bradford. .. T A iio:key. (Continued from page 1.) 12 to 5. The` game was cl.-..u and fast. Ron. White of Midland was referee. The Barrie team were: Goal, N. John- son; point, Ed. Gallie; cover, Chas. Powell; forwar-ds,.G. Caldwell, F. Mc- Oartlw, J.1Somerville and H. Ridaell. The return match will likely lw played next. Wednesday and ll; is hoped t.lm.t, a. law e crowd will turn out. to encour- age L e lrovs who are putting up 3. line of hockey that will surprise those who have not. axeen them play. nynv U'.4\a\ll.llI&`.l Au. Iuubxur` VV\Ixl\ IUIULI H15 I mat-hers to the various committees.-' The applications for grants to roads and bridges were unusually numerous. Be- fore ,dez_1Iing wnth any of these, the Rrnds and Bridges committee rec9m- mended that not more than $3600 be spent on this Work at this session.` Their x'e-commendation was zuluptad. l .l`.n` `\Ynr.' lI`r\I`.-1 :1:-anvu'nn Or \|\`-:nv\ County Council. The county council wsunmd business on Monday night. The rstz. two days were occupied in routine wurkreferring n1-zthxra tn Hun un~nuo n:.nnnxl>ana ' "Flu. I ;.u-an uuuu.nuu;uuuuuvu was uuu b'~"Uc ' l -Uol. Ward wrote drawing attention to the cadet corps which have been formed in aha` various Collegiate In- stitutes and High schools of the county. He pointed out the importance of their acquiring a knowledge of drill zting them for assisting in the country s lefence if neces ary. W'ii:h a view :6 [reducing a. friendly rivalry between the different corps, he suggested a small aumual grant to the-school, High or `Public, having the most._c~icient corps." He-also advised thecouncil to carefully select its wpresentatives on the High School Boards with a view to Lheiappointment; only of such men as are favorable to the full development of the physical and patriotic phase by the association of, these corps with the active forces so far as may beedone witlrout, detriment` to the ordinary school woilf. n II 11 uu-uuv (luu ulullrlluo ' On Tuesday, Col. I_`;mtin;;v, whom 15 I,`r`ppe had seized, was granted leave of absence for the balance of the session. Q "I'\|,t`lI ' TI"I('\| I. cuuuul II UL n n J. Slssons write guamnteeing Vto "complete for $2000 the improvements in t1hc-jxil according: to the plans pre- pat ed by Architect Kennedy. A 1-nenlnt-Ln. AC nru~.?nlnr.n.\ J41-u (Jun l:|A| nu ma`: a.ALuuA\u~.u 1L\.pllLl'\l"- A resolution of condolence with the zumily of the late M15. Beardsley, for 57 years caretaker at the Court House, was adopted on motion by Messrs Wh`teside and Graham. 1 1 V WW 1.5. -%H.IL_9Ha TAKING iN MR. MOODY. Peas, small . \ Peas. large Uata . . . . . . ul'16V- 0 u n In Rye . . . . . . . . Buckwheat . Two sturdy shoulders, broad and square, Two chubby hands so fat a_nd fair", And mmnimr lnnf In mm- zwo cnunuy nanas mt spa tair, And cunning feet so coy; A roguish smile for you and me, Sweet baby ways; now, don t you see The portrait of out `W ? a uny uxmpung cmn so neat, And both just made to kiss;_ Two. cunning ears each in its place, A baby forehead set with grace,_ Whose photograph is this? [sketched by his mother.] A little head 0: shapely mold, Two baby eyes so bright and bold, A dainty little nose: zwo uauy eyes so Dngm: and now, dainty nose; Two little cheeks so round and fair, With tiny dimples hiding there Like dewdmps in a rose. "A little mouth so fragrant sweet, A tiny dimpling chin neat, both iust madn fn Ham BABY S PORTRAI1 . -..-._, ... -u; unv HUGO uuu I bronchial tul)es.-N.Y. Sun. The use. of Dr. Humphreys Specic '77" J destroys the bacilli Or germs and breaks up | the Grip or Cold, while its Ltonicity sustains Ithe agging energies during and after the attack. ' _ At'ull Drug Stores, 252., or mailed. I 8'Poeke1. Manual mailed tree. Humphreys Homeopathic Medlclne Co., Cor. William and John Sts., New York. Portal of Entry. In/lunza, or the Grip.-Cansed by one of the smallest known bacilli; discovered in 1892 by Canon and Pfei'er. Infection spreads by the scattering abcut by air cur- rents of the dried nasal and bronchial secre- tion of' those suffering` from the disease, anditzsportsl of entry is by the nose and tubes.-N.Y. rn;__ ____ .: I\ 71- - - `l V Potatoes. per bng . ..... nlsly uuacxvcu u_y ult: Ul'..It:ll:'. I At'1'O 3.111. the olcers, band and Co s. No. 1 and 5 of the 35th Regt.,l the Collegiate Cadets, and Vetem_r.} assembled at. the Armory and marched | along Dunlop, Clapperton and Collier streets to Christ. church. Along the route they were joined by the ALO.F., 'C.O.F., S.O.E.. and members of other fraternal societies and the Public School Cadets. The chu:ch was not -- ....._, `I3 nnvuolulltne. . I Out of respect for the memory of our 1 late beloved Queen, S.|t-urduy the day ' of her funeral, was observed by the E people of her empire as a. day of mourn- 1 ing. Instead of the busy throngs of Saturday, Barrie streets presented the l appearance of a Sunday. Business ` was suspended and thesad holiday was. ttinglv observed by the citizens. A?` 1'0 a nu flu: Amnnrn l'\.\uvn.~` .... J I Our annual STOCK-TAKINAG `just completed shows too many goods in certain departments, many of them if not sold duringthis most wintry of winter months must of necessity be carried to next winter. We don t like salting them away, we would rather sell them, sell them at even less than cost,- get the readymoney, usethe money in the purchase of new goods shortly to arrive. A few of these lines las follows: i .At this price we otfer you a real good ulster-overcoat, men a and large boys"exzes, heavg wool frieze. tweed liuinga, sinsh pack- I _ets, weil cut and made, in every respect 111 good cold weather coat; $3.50. At this price we cffcr purchasers the chuice of any one of our heavy storm overcoats, worth from $6 to $9`. This lot contains a variety of cloths, makes and coloringa, but ull ret-class in all respects. The quantity , held is their only fault-x:ntev the opportun- 1ty-coa.ts at $6.50," $7.50, 88 and $9, for $5. {FMWLEV & BEVLIN `FRAWLEY & EVLIN, -:-_.-j_. VCa:toria is an excellent-medicine for children. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good eect upon their children." D I`. I` f'\cI`nnI\ '41-Ono , Hf... GRIP OUR ECLIPSE \\'HITEVVEAR OPENING was 4. gxjeat success, bet;h' in attendance and sales, and the large and . varied assortment shswn by us and the extremely `low prices is a guarantee of satisfaction to all. V I ' `Castoria. is for Infants and Children. Castoria is a. harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverisl1- ness. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and \Vin(1 Colic. Castoria relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates V the Stomach and Bowels of Infants and Children, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Chil s Panacea--The Mother- s Friend. ' In all `departments will be found goods at reduced prices to clear. THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY V/RAPPER. A Day of Mourning`. t \.u\.\.\. uyuu LUCIA Luuultu. DR. G. C. Oscooo, Low.-II, Afass. Castoria. THE EOTJBLE STORE. $5.13 ) Mmy of the styles are exclusive, tnanufnctured expressly for us and are marked at prices equalto the bare cost of material alone. $8 in 0 What is ETHE BELL TELEPHONE ` COMPANY S I `Il4lonED1stnnce Rates are approximately One Half e my Rates. No char e for making appoint- ; xneuts to talk at a specic time. K 4. .:_.._;_._____::__-._ iAFTER s1x4--/ } `O CLOCK TO=Nl(iH'I` u_y u-upsunu oounas. It; 151 no wondex`. A paper "that; 1s'so supe_rl ly equipped for all emergencies deserves success. 'nexrlv large enough to admit the I crowds that wanted to enter. Rev. WV. Wittea, chaplain of the 35th Regt, gconducted the service and preached a owerful sermon from the words For I P . . so He gweth His beloved sleep. l Servlr-mz wm-A nlcn I-ml.i :.. mm '|')..... - cu u.u 5n'x:Lu L115 UUIUVCU S188 - byterian church and Tr3nitv church, Canon Reiuer and Mr. Mclevd preach in`! SETHIOHS (3..~`HPl"i9V uI\nrnnn'-dc. M-. Servlces were also held in the Pres? -....-... -.v...u. uuu. u1.lo ;u'.iI...U Ju 1)l'l:Ull ing sermons especially appropriate to i the sad 0CCA3i on. . cAsTo5%Ra`?A. `noun vnwsvllna llillllp There never was such intex'es'b aroused over the death of one monarch and the accession of :mother ns'in the case of Victox-iaand Edward VII. The F.-nmlly Herald and \Veekly Star, of -Montreal, is being widely compliment- ed on the splendid way it reportea and treated these two important events. No other paper on the American Con- tinent even approached the Family Herald and Weekly Star in the com- pleteness of its reports and profuse- ness of its illustrations. The circula- tion of the Family Herald is increasing by leaps and bounds. It is paper sum:-I Iv m..;m....: | castoria. ls so well adapted to children thzit I recommend it as superior to any pre- scription knowx; to me. H. A. Ancm-:3, M. D. Brooklyn, N. If Stops the Cough and works off the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a co nday. No Cure, no pay. Price 25 ccats. - -~--. -7" Thisie the basis on which we price the lmlance of our stock of FINE LADIES COATS`, ull choice goods. this season's styles. fzum the best makers, every quality from $4 to 816 at this huif-price rate, now from to S. Balance of stock uf Fll{5"l`-CL_\S3 FUR. GOODS to be hold at. usual l\lIl)-WINTER CUT PRICES. A`buyvz s opportunity is this. Astruclmn coats in t.hrec-quarter and full lengths. cawn coats, fur llued, capes, electric seal Comte, sable, beaver and lamb. muff-. collarentes. etc.. all at cut prices. Try the Night Service ' and every `night until six .1.m.. !ALF PRICE. $2 '1'!) $8. Queen Victoria s Death. 1. 4 ziiF:?iT Silks, Dress Goods, Flillinery Ca.sto_ri.n,. i3"r1'IiI'E.TI.i.' .coldln ECLIPSE. BARRIE Marmara. children Cry for Lnxtmn-1sgj._- UNION LA Bl'3I.. {Buy only Union Made Shoes. Curefuliv corrected to date ` HA1-RIB. Feb. 6. 1901 Vheat.... 63.. -C perbbl..........-I 50..5( ..........350..4( ,prr cwt . . . . . 85.. ( per cwt......... . . . . ... 85.. ! Ilavy 36 inch Bleached Imctory, regular l2c. for 10. Fine :36 inch English Calico, re_i11a;:.]2?,sc. f:;r 10c. vAI R,v1cKERS & co., oomsz amu:'. GENERAL 1'|-u-:T LARGEST IMPORTERS or VBRITISI-`I AND FOREIGN GOODS m BARRIE- Excellent value in Pillow Cottons, Sheetings, Table Linens, Towellings, Embroideries, Laces, ..etc. T Co. Limited: or tory in Canada. VAIH,%V!9KE_B8&co. rs n I - a 80. ' rxonvoa; `..5 50..7 ...4'_>0..5 .n .-2 xi). .3 75 '20:! UN: `.57 . on A large ollectioxx of CRUM_S Printsv is" also on view. There is only one T Crums and ladies who have bought C`-rums buy no other and insist of: having Crums -Prints. \ occupies the Anew addition adjoining the TAPESTRY "DEPARTMENT, built for the exclusive we _of Ladies WIIITE- WEAR and CURTAIN MATERI- ALS. andis in` change of competent young ladies, {vho \\:il1 be pleased to show the fnuny stylus and (julities. Try us for This stamn used bv the JOHN McPHER%ON Co. Limited; of Hamilton. the` on! Union Fac- torv in Canada. 61 mos WH ITEV-:VEAR} .5.oo 61 .400v .00 . 90 1U 16 IS an 10 16 61: 1!: 90 8 GEN my per ton '.. .` . Strasv, per load . . . . . . Wood. dry, short. . . . Wood. dry. long. . . . Wood, green, long.. U-'4 28 40 AR Tho \\'HITEWEAR DEPAI{1`MENT slmrmzs AND nomad!` PLIYERAS--You will do well gm examine our strck or Skates. Scraps, Hockey Sticks and Pucks. Ca. and see the latest Hockey Sk-xte; it. is used by the best players. Sole agents fo Copp Bros. Stovesand Ranges. `If you want a stov, call and see our stock and prices before you buy. A . BUGI-IANAN& PENSTONE, my me New ; Hardware Store IIWHHTEWEARI 0l)K!Y PLAYERS--You ck Skates. Sc:-ans. Hoakev Stinks nn pnnlza n.n Axes, Saws, 0:520 Clomins, Horse. Blankets, Sleigh Bells, Tlwrnlcg/ s Owttle` Spice, and an General Hardware. ` - DIIVFGP, U1 I'D` Eggs (fresh) . Sande, reguhr 10c. iin. Baked ;Bcans -in Tomhto shaped bottles, regular 15c. bottles, at per bottle 10c. French Mustard in Octogon , We give u hnndsomo Watch with pollahedN1ckcl_case.ornnmented ge. hour. minute and second ` _ hands. keyleu wind. American Edge. mfnuto LeverMovement.foraell- Ingonly2doz,dn.lntygold and silver nlahed . Horseshoe Pins at 10c. D'IREC-'1` IMPC5RTERS. V Il .` each. Mail this advertise- mout and we'll send the Hone- aboea. sellthoma-eturn money -and yo_ur _W_nt_ch_wlll he_ant shoes. your Watch will he sent 11. aboolutaly me. The ` 1x 00.. Box 72 Tommi uugu, nve, ugnua at less than choice Chickens per pair. . Turkeys, dressed . . Lard, pet lb...... . Butter, tub, per lb. Butter, in roll . . . . . man: {fl-nnh\ . u urw tcnwillhe '1: lauyaolnolugely "no" 00 72 'I'0l'0llC0n ~ Special 50. tin. { vVVe are offering this week Several boxes of ueplump, juicy sweet oranges, the regu1ar.px_ice of which is 25': doz. So that" everyone can have a `dozen we will make `tbew price 150. doz.`, or 3}; doz. for 50c. A. J; GI-\1RS ON, Grocer. SWEET DRANGES Evenings at residence. 67 Owen St. No witnesses required. 011109-95 Dunlap 8t.-Ross Block. MARRIAGE. uceusss _ ISSUED BY . I-I. LYON, . MEAT. POULTRY AND mm! rnonvr Beef. hiudqunrters .......... . .5 50. Beef. forequartera .... ... ....4 50. Mutton, p_erlb....... 6 Lamb 6.` Hogs, dressed....... . . . . 7 00.. Hogs, live, choice 170 to 230Alts. ".6 00 Hogs,'live, lights and fats. 500. less than choice French Prunes at 5c. pound. Now that your canned fruit is getting low`, they make an excellent substsitme. Ilmdsome .Sugar- Shaker, nickel bop, lled with a ne ` baking powder, each 15c. ' LSnap.-Buy curly. You will be pleased with our goods and prices, which are right. If you are in need of any of the following give us one;fair rial .___.1 satisfy-YourseIf i ' we Have the Best ONE DOOR EAST OF THE BARRIE HOTEL - . Hosiery, Corsets, Staples `THE BARBIE EXAMINER, THURSDAY, F_E\B. 7, 1901. um-usuips incidental to pioneer life. Her husband died in 1875. Her fam- ily- consisted of five sons and two damghters, of whom the live sons sur- vive. namely, Neil and Dr. John of , 0ril_lia., Alexander on the homestead, \Vm. C. of Bat-1-i, and Dr. Peter of Vlfoodbridge. Both daughters died as few years `ago. In religion the de- ceased was 11; ,BapI;isl', and one of the early pioneers of that denomination in Oro. Her Bible washer daily study and her whole life was modelled upon and consistent with the teaching of the Master. Hermind was clear to the last and just before falling asleep in Jesus" she remarked that to be absent from the body was to be present with the Lord. Phone 74. to uunaua wntn ner parents in 1836. Travelling in those days was a. serious undertaking and tedxous in old fash- ioned sniling vessels, &c., and in the primeval forrest of the bgtck townsh'i_p.s mostly on foot, sotlaat It can readnly be. understood why 1t took nearly four months to make the journey from` Isluy to the Township of 01-0. Shortly after her arrival in Om she was mar- ried to Alexander McLe.-m and they began patiently and courageously to make themselves 11. home on a. bush farm and on that farm she continu- ously resided for 64 years, enduring in the earlier years the pxfivationsl and hardships mcldental to life. Her hush.-Ind dim-I in 1527: IL... 4'... Gone to Rest. At J:1rr:1tt s Corners, in the Town- ship of Oro, on Tuesday morning,` January 29th, Ann McPhie. relict of the late Alex:mder McLean. passed peacefully away, and on Thursday, the 31st. her remains were consigned. to their last resting place in the Old Knox church cemetery. The funeral was largely attended by friends and kind neighbors by Whom the deceased was greatly esteemed and held in the highest regard for her kind. gentle and loving disposition. The services at the house and the gt-ave were con- ducted by the Rev. Jae. Currie of Mitchell Square. The pallbearers were six of her g'ra.ndchildren and the chief mourners were her ve sons. Thedeceased was born in the Island of Islay, Scotland, and at her death was 91 years of age. She spent her early life and received her education in her bel'v.d native island and emigrated to Canada with her parents in 1836. Travelling in those rlave Inn 5: cor-:nI1o mu we taxes are collecnea. Ald. J any and Tyrcr moved that the taxes, except; school taxes, on the (Errand Opera. House for -1900 be remit- ted to the County Council. After some discussion the motion was with- drawn. T lUllU\VHlg' cuv1smn:-= Yens-Jo1-y, Vuir, [Brennan and Mc- Lean. - N:1vs-Radenhurst. Powell. Tyrer. b A hy-law was passed empowering the Mayor and T1-ensurer to" borrow the money required by bllevcorporation till the taxes collected. I Alt` Innv unrl W`:-nu nu`...-..`I LL,-L LL ,, _... u. ......u.u-..-.. 4.1116 cuucuuulcuu uitll only one supporter. The report was then adopted on the following division :-' YB3l-.Tnl'V_ V .-r, -`Rr-pnnnn -in.` hf.-. uub uus was 1050 on me same division. Then Brennan and Tyrer moved that A. Gr.~\Vaters be appointed instead of R. J. Fletcher. This amendment; had A , The I-nnm-r way: than mlnnl-ml nn H... uuxer un'ee warns at $110. '-All`. Tyrer and Powell. moved` in amendment`. that R. J. Fletcher be ap- pointed for the whole town at $250. ".l`his was lost, only the Mayor sup- urting the makers of.the motion. owell and Tyrer moved to have VV. D. VzmSickIe replaced by Col. SVard but this was lost. on the division. Thnn Rm-Innan and "I`rn~nu nwum.-1 (-1...; \Vl1UM"- This was done and nally the com- mit.t.ee recommended that R. J. Flet- cher he appointed fm- wards 1, 2 and 3 at $140 and W . D. Vansickle for the other three wards at $110. ` -AM. 'TVI'PF and plxnurull nnnun` .'.. ueuweeu mo and a51UU.--Adopted. Committee recommend- ed the expenditure of $85 to improve the produce hall; to change the pre- sent luvatories and place-them in the basement; also to use the resent `furnace to heat the produce all on Saturdays. The matter was laid over by consent of the Council. ASSESSORS APPOINTED. The Fimmce Committee reported that they had not decided upon as- sessors and suggested that the matter be taken up in the committee of the Whole. m|\:n n-..\.. Af\O .....1 1:__.n,, n l)V(`.'l'5EBI'- G. H. Esten, secre`tm'y of the Bamrie . Tunninsz 00., wrote as follows :-VVe have to-clay handed your solicitor, Mr. U1-eswicke, declnmtions proving that $40,000 capital stock of the company has been subscribed and $30.U00uc,tuully paid thereon: also proving the value of the building site, building and um- chinery in new tunnery and amount. actually paid thereon to Dec. 31st last. The Barrie Tanning Uoiiipany there- fore now Wish the town to `place to chair credit in the Bank of Uouunercc $20,000 which is less than 75 Z of the value of the site, building and 1ua.cl1in- cry to (late. rm... in-........ ....a m..,...n....-. ........- -__ _ VVUULA AN! U11)! Wool, unwashed . . . . . . . . . . Woo`. washed ....;.'...... Bcefliides. ............. Tallow, rendered, per lb. . .. Tallow. rough. per 1b.... Lamb Skins ........` Culfakina. _per.lb. . . .. . . . . Shea: Skins...............