BARRIE, ONT.. - THURSDAY. FEB. 7, 1901. AJ\lA.L u uuau nu- `_.--,O'm-_four- blends of tea. are um-iva.1- 1ed at. 250., 3':c,, 45c. and 50c. Try them. Hobley Bros. rm-.. ....,.,...a.. .4 u... t.1....,.1..:.... n.n.u sin./J ;.-a. v;. -The students of the Excelsior `Business Colle,-2'1 Will hold a conver- sazion in the Town Hall to-morrow eve-mng. ' - ' V'l'Vl-,. .1.-....I.. t\b\O\I\:l\J'I\lJ T 2 .... rats IVA... I uuuunvuuun - --The people of Cookstown and vicinity are I-zzising funds" for a. monu- ment. to the memory of the late Trooper Arnold. " -3 " 1).... 1) A 6-I-Sunr.-. nl` 4-Ln !'\ nlrnnnt .- uu INJL 4.-. nu- , ... `-` -Rev. R. Atkinson of the Oak street; Preshyr,eriu.n chm-ch,` To1'onto, will conduct. the annivez-s.-u'y services of [the Bzwriu AP1`esbyt.eri;u1, church on the I 17th inst. ` ' ...,....- . u . ~. . I` - - .~ ;. - vu nun.- ` -316.50 contributed in Bart-ie4in aid of the Uolporlzage Mission of Algoma and the Nox-thWe..~t; is ,r.,rrat;eful1v -at-knm\'ledg,ed by Gen. Buskin, mis-. slommry.` A 5 JJ... ...........I ........L:...... l\c A-I... 1`|. _ -Hm1;'-;`ht.on Lennox s _ expenses in the South Siuxcoe election were $117.55. :11 ,_,,;I_, _.u I_,I ._,,2-_ . _, Univ naulnula nun-.5-yvv unyuvnvu. vv um`. `aA.Ll|UUo -Al1 mantles at; half price during this "month at Va._ir, Vickers & Co's. Don t_m1ss it. ' ` I\ n -1 1 n. o 1 .........,.,. '-The r -.ow1y appointed License C0m- I nnssioners for East Simone are Johri McDet-mott, Jus. Cockburn, John Jumieson. ` n. u n I` 1 . ~. unuuw-.1. _ --_At the annual nreeting of the Do mimon Grange last week. Hy. Gmse of Ln.fm_v was elected W. Lecturer and 0. VV. Quzmtz, Pzzinswick. an zulclitor. nn 1 n -1- 'r\\ 1: 1 on _ Four young mlonuorn Sll'(!(1 by " Royal Chm, the best milking stmlus. ma 1: nnnnnnn uu. . --The boys hf J..LS. E'1\vm'd % class of the Eliz:1beth- street, .Metl10dist S.S. were elxtettzlned by Mr. and Mrs. Ed- wards at their huuxe. Mary Street, on Tuesday evening. Y\...-..'I.-I l7.\.......~.\.. .....,`I- T. Q.-.l-Ln .n. LI\.\)\lllI. -.4 v_ uunuh. -Donn.ld Ferguson and` Ja.s. Suther- Lmd of \Vest Gwillimbury and 1 . Roman of Adjala, vlmve been appointed License Commissioners for the Camd- \velldist1'icb for 1901. ` 1-. v sun tsnsvalwu nut. Avvnu --The vocalist, Anna Parker, met;_ w1t.h amost enthusiastic reception and her clear snpr.-mo` volce and highly nished singing.sta.mpenl her as an m-t,isb.-Evening Star. Hear her at V 1\_Iis Heim'ich s ccu('e1~t;~ on Feb. SL1}-. -r. Iv: ru - A .... A!J.Ium1 J-4\.lAlLA\.l5 u \.u.-xx... u... .g. \.--- uuu. -Rev. Thos. McKee was in Or-illia. on Friday attending the funeml [of `Mrs, .D:I.', vife of the RS. Inspector for E-Lst;'Simcoe. Mrs. Day died on \Veduesd:w from pneumonia. She "leaves four boys and three girls, the youn;:est;.bein, only a. couple of weeLs old.` She was 37 years of age. I) I) 7r\..I.... 77 n ._.-.. P\ LI... -.__..a. unua srnlu nu up Junnnu wt n. -B. B. "Osler, one of the most gifted members of the O.-uw.dia.n Bar, died suddenly at Atlantic City, l\'.J., on Tuesday morning. He had been uiiling from :1. general .break-down for ayear. He was 62 years of age and was ' born In Teeumseth Tp. He \_y-as :2. gmduate of the Bzxm-ie G;-zmmtnzpr bchool. -9... ...... .- --Don t forget the ' entertainment in aid of the huspital at the Grand Opera. House to-mot-row night by Miss Olaf" Km:-er, the little Esquimaux lady. It pmmises to be most interesting as well i as instructive. Pupils of the Public schools and Collegiate Institute will he admitted for 15 cents, 10 cents extra. for reserved seats. Plamrut VVis'mer s drug store. ' The Fire Brigade MakeA a Presentation to Chief Smith. Since 1861 G. G. Smith has been a member of the Barrie Fire Brigade and twenty years ago this month- he was appointed Chief. a. position that A he has lled must eiciently ever since. On Tuesday evening the members of the Bri;2;ade- mzuked this anniversary by presenting their Chief with a. hand-. some silver cheese dish. The presen- tation toolrpluce at the Barrie Hotel after the Brigade and a. few guests had enjoved the excellent spread provided for their annual supper. The nwa.:nnf.a.f.inn was Inndn hv Mmvor [Ur l.lll`.`lI' Elilllllll Sllpplifo The p1-esentation was made by Ma._vor Radenhurst. who gave warm praise to the remen for their splendid work and especizillyi to Chief Smith, Who, not only in` the Brigade but in every- thing that had for its object. the ad- vancement of the town, lent his active assistance. ' YIVLA (`Link ".1..- ....... ..-....-1,.L,.'I.. run-Iv) ELSSISI/?ll|(2e. ' The Chief, who was completely sur- prised. Lhamked the members for their gift. and the Mayor for his kind words. It had ever been his object to do his duty as a. fireman and a citizen. In the Brigade he had always been for- tunate in having such a. fine lot of men ' to work with, in twenty years he had never had 21 hard word with any of them. A`A "I":-nun-. nv\n`rn 1.:nnn I-In nnrn- Next. Door to Telegraph Oice. ....Satisfaction Guaranteed... 7 I Aid`. Tyrer spoke briey. He com- plimented the Chief on the eiclency of his Brigade and stated that the Council hoped soon to have better. ac- commodation for them. B.-.......L.-H. nu... Inn ...1nAn Inn (Vanni-1-7 (.`0lll1DU(l2.l[lOTl IUI"LDBLll. Speeches were also made by County Councillor Ruby nf Midland and J. A.` MzLcLaren. Ins. Shrubsole contributed asong. A verv pleasant evening` -was brought to :1. close by God Save the 1 King. . Miss Heinrich -s Entertainment. ' Very considerable interest is being i manifested in the coming concert on behalf of Miss Franziska. Heinrich, and the best people of Barrie are showing their appreciation of the effort of Miss Heinrich to" complete her` musical edu- cation. This young artist is one of ` the most brilliant graduates and gold i ' medalist of the Conservatory of Music. Some time since :1. recital was given in Toronto" under very distinguished patronage as a compliment to_Miss Heinrich and with the purpose of securing a. fund to enable her to spend some few years in Europe. The same purpose is behind the Barrie enter- tainment Which will take place shortly. The pzttronesses will include 1VIesd'unes (Judge) Ardagh, `McLeod, Ross, (Dr.) McCarthy. Plummer, Grasett, Patter- son, Devine, Hinds, Shanncy and Martin Burton In at town as fond of the best in musiuas is Barrie there is reason. to believe that the Heinrich entertainment will rank among one of the most important of. the present `musical season. `The young artistls i talents merit all the support that can i be given the entertainment. Plan ' opens at Wismer`s drug` store on Fri- `4_d_a.y, February 8th, at 10 a..m; LOCAL News. TWENTY YEARS CHIEF. and service tnus recognized. Mr. \Villiam Lount was born March 3, 1840, at the_ Village of Holland Landing, in the Township of North York. He is the son of the late George Lount, who at that time was Registrar for the Home District, and subse- quently Registrar of the County of imcoe. The family moved from Hol- land Landing to Barrie when Mr. Louut was six years old. He received his education at Barrie Grraunnar School, the same institution in which Mr. D'Alton McCarthy, Mr. B. B. Oslcr, K.U., Mr. Justice Osler and othernien of prominence were edu- cated. After completing his course at the (airammar School Mr. Lount went to Toronto to study law,` lirst in the office of the late Sir Adam Wilson, and subsequently in the office of Sir Oliver Mowat, where he nished his legal education, Having passed his examination as a barrister, he entered into practice as a `lawyer in Barrie. Almost immediately he acquired an extensive practice, and for many years had as an opponent Mr. D Alton Mc- Carthy, who also practised in Barrie and enjoyed an extensive. business. In 1867, when he was twenty-five years of age, Mr. Lount stood as candidate for Pau-liament in the Riding of North `Simcoe, his opponent being the late Mr. Angus Morrison. He defeated Mr. Morrison, being returned as a. sup- ortfer of the Government of John Saneld Macdonald. At the next general election he v oiiered himself again. still as a supporter of the San`- eld Macdonald Government. On this occasion he was opposed bv.Mr. H. H. Cook, who then represented .the Re- form interests, and by the la.te`Mr. `V. D. Ardagh, who stood as a Conservat- ive candidate. cornered tight, where the vote was so much split up, he was defeated. Mr. Louut then retired from public life and devoted himself closely to his pro- fession. He still took an active part in Parliamentary elections for a num- ber of years, however, during which time he was President of the North ' Simcoe Retm-m Associa.tion and chiey . elections in that responsible for the management of part of the country. Mr. Louut still continued to reside in Barrie until 1885 hen in consequence of the death of he late Mr. Bethune he left Barrie to go to Toronto and enter into partnership with Mr. Marsh, who had been Mr. Bethune s partner. u.. nnnn ...-uh: hie wnv tnthe to!) 01 In the ensuing three- l As Judge of the Court 0! Common Pleas-A Popular Appointment-A Short Sketch of His Career. The vacancy in the Court of Common Pleas caused by the death of Judge. Rose hasbeen filled by the appoint.- ment; of Mr. Wm. Lount, K.(). The Governmentfs selection is regarded with genera.l sa.t.is1'a.ct.iou by the mem- bers of the bar and the many friends of Mr. Lount. in Bzirrie and other places are pleased to see`his'abiliLy amd service thus recognized. My. \ViI|i:aII| T.nnrf.\vns hm-n M.-u'(:h wm. LOUNT, K.c.,- CALLED To THE BENCH.` ? \VhO Dita been MI`. DCLIIUUUS pzwuucx`. He soon made his way tothe top the profession in the clw, and gained, moreover. in private as in business life `the highest 1-espcct and esteem of the cmi1munit.y. , ma on--.I.ndFnf,hP'l'- Gabriel Lount. was com in un icy. His gra.ndf:ither. Gabrie-1` Lount, < a. United Empire Loyalist. having been ml Englislnua.n by birth who had set- bled in the State of Pennsylvania, where he 1-esided` the struggles which arose between England and America, in consequence of which he left the United States and settled in Lhe County of York. His uncleowas Sa1nnelLonnt, who was a. member of Parliament prior to 1837, but was ex- - ecuted in that Year in consequence of the struggle he made with William Lyon McKenzie for the principles of responsible government. Jndnm. Lmnnt. is a. brother of Messrs. responsible governmenu. Judge Louut Samuel and Go. Lmmt, Mrs.` J. R. Cotter and Mrs. Juo. Dickinson of Bill`l`le and Dr. Lount. of Hempstead, `I\T v - _ | 47 Dunlop, Sf, Barrie, 'T1`h-e Toronto Telegram says: The : appointment of Mr. Lount is popular ` throughout the province, and particu i ""'1y satiSf`JlC1}0T`, to the local hm-, he Aw; having pra.ctied' here 15 of the i 3 7,years he has" been a. member of the bar`. As is well.kno\vn, he has fre- quently actetl as Crown connselin the Assize Courts of the province. In 1895 he defended successi'ully the Hymns for murder, :1. case which is one of the most noted in the criminal annals of Ontario. The Provincial Government appointed him :1. Q.C. in 1876, and the Dominion Government in 1881. He sat in the Local House as Liberal memberfor North Sixncoe from 1876 to 1881. In 1S96 he was returned to the House of Commons for Centre Tor- onto. but resigned the following year. He is :1 member of the Church of England. Resolution Re Rev. E. I1. C. Bot- tex-i!l s Death. .At the first meeting of the Children's Aid Society held since" the reg:-ette(l death of the snciety s late secretary, the Rev. E. M. U. Bot-texjill, the follow- ing resolution was passed-- _ Vvhprnmz Gut] in His Providence mg l'eS0ll1tl0n passeu-- Whereas God in His Providence thought; well to Vremm'e suddenly from our midst the Rev. E. M. C. Bottferill, :1. man of broad sympathies. pure in heart and noble in life, and Whereas, in his decease this society has lost an active member and faithful and capable officer and neglected children every- where n. true and self-sacrificin_9; friend. D,..n1...-.,: 'N..+ +h:_~ _=m~:n~v hint-D nn Where true anu SelI'SU.Cl'lUL'|lI_`.{ unruu. Resolved, That this -society place on record our appreciation of his pains- taking services and of his willingness to do all inhis power to advance the welfare of those in whose behalf this organization exists, and also that we express to his widow and daughter our sincere sympathy with them in their sudden and grievous bereavement and pray that to them may be given a consciousness of the spiritual presence of Him with whom the spirit of our friend now dwells having already tasted the blessedness of the assurance Inasmuch as ye havedone it unto one of the least of these, my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Darwin Ian, 2nl".h_' have done 1! . unto me. Barrie. J an. 29th, 1901. JUDGE LOUNT. anc. R. A. Dutton of Peterboro was starter and E. A. Cuff. VV. R. Proctor and Jn_o. Smith were judges. The results were as follows :- rgn-4- u.- -u 2.25 c1ass- j Jet: J Waite. Aurora................... Decorator: C Connolly, Alliston . . . . . . .. Duke Nottingham: Wilkins. ` Owen . Sound uzcn FOX: '1' \v1m:un3an, streets- villc . 1 Dorothy Draw: A Cresxvlcke. Barrie 0 \Vn1-lie H.: J Staples. MIdl:md...... 2 Grocery Maid: '1` Turner, B-.1n'1c.... 5 Prize Winner: T P:1yettc,Penetang 6 Dale. J Moff-gt. Elmvale ......... 3 Re elected: M E Gray, Harrie J Time-~2.-14.5, 2.41, 2.313},-, 2.35:`; 1-vvwrur\\vv\ v\ A -cw .L uuu'-a.-u.. .2 ....n_. , 4..--:3. Fast named mae- Maud K.: J Dal .0ri1I1a. Gicxxulroxz '1` \ illimnaax Streets- V 0. . . . _ . . _ . _ _ ._ .. . . . . . . . . .. Efex. MELNE. MEROHA NT ~ TAILOR... uxraxe nayes : n ueaulav. uooKs- town Tootsie : H Wilkins. Owen Sound. . . . Dorothy Drew : A (lresxvwke. Barrie Lad},:_.' kberdcen : B Agar, Burk s :1 S . . . . ........`.......... . . . . . . .. 1.uuu*&.uA, a.uu. sum!` 9.0 Stow named r:1ce-- , Bendlgo : A D Simon. Barrie. . ..... Rattlebones-: J Edwards. Edgar... Sweet Violet: 3 McDmald B:u'rie . Cherry J ,: R. A Stephens. B~.1rrie... '1`ime-2..u. 2.53. 2.46}, 2.- A Very Succesful Meeting--Fine Weather and Good Contests. For a. wonder. t.hea.nnuz1l meet of the Barrie Ice Trotting Associa.tion,-- was favored with the best;_of weather. The track was rst-class and good time was made. The attendance both days was large. `A very amusing run- away occurred on Wednesday. Before the fast named race, Dave Houlihan got up behind Prize VVinner to send him along` for a half. The coil: got nicely going when he bolted and the driver could do little with him. Away he Went`, for Allandztle and back and forward he ram across the hay. For the next seven or eight. minutes Dave gave A great exhibition of faulty driv- ing, dodging sh-sh:-Lnt.ies, &c., and \ nally brought the horse back to the stz1i)nd. A Thu!-VI Art n? pufnvuhnvn \1 7I,"I2 2.39 class- Nono Wilkes : Birdie Hayes . . .. . . Frank Spry of Montreal is home for :2. visit. - - Frank Rogers left. for Ottawa on Monday. .. nu. _._-_.,.,._, . Miss Wir returned from Chicago last Week. Miss Denny of Toronto is visiting Mrs. (Dr.) Wells. Herb. VWh:Lley of_Guelph was in town over Sunday. "W" ' I Donald Ross was in \ on business on -Monday. ` Rev. R. Haadow of The Westmin- ster, Toronto. is in town. __.__ A..- -or-....` For a long time glasses were used oniy to assist in reading or near work, 9 but with increased knowledge of the eye, we are able to adjust glasses to improve the sight, thereby - curing chronic headaches, neuralgia and many nervous afflictions caused by eyestrain. The thousands who wear I adjusted glasses are the livin prop y testimonies to the truth 0. ii. \A Examination free. . D. :3. Maemnen. _l__.L:.l!_ f\..LIgI-an F. J. Robinson, C.E , from Kirkeld, was in town on Szxturday. ' A. 0. Garden has be_en elected vice- residenb of the D0lIllDiOD Drug 00., amilton. V Miss E. Nolan olf Tuttenham is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry .\I:Lins, 7t,h line. Vespra. --. -v s . 1 n `Miss Harper has returned from :3. visit to her brother m Carbnndale, Pennsylvania. I Miss Richardson and Miss Hickling retux-ned last. week from a. visit; to Clifton Springs, N.Y. ` Mrs. Fred. Thomas of Fishburn, Alberta. returned to-day to spend the winter with her fagther, G. R. Ford. Miss Dickson of the Central school staff was called to her home in Seaforth last week by-the Illness of her mother, who died on Sunday. Dr. VVm. C. Laidlmv, so.) of Mrs. Laidlaw, Blake street, since his return from South Africa. has been trans- ferred from Orillia. to the staff of the Brockville Asylum. ' - I W. A. H. Findlay, for some _ve:u's secretary to Mr. Aubrey \Vl1ito, Deguty Commissioner of Crown Lands, n 1: gnn nf Rnv. DI-. Find].-av. has UE` uuy \JUl.UlHl5:lUut'1'Ul uru wu uztuus. an a son of Rev. Dr. Findlay, ha been pmmoted to the post of secretary of the departlnent. Geo. Smith, the popular teller in the local branch of the Bnnkof Commerce. has been moved to Toronto. 7 "I`is said they need his services on the Com- merce hockey team. In business, social and sporting circles Mr. Smith has made a. host of friends to whom the report of his removal came as very unwelcome news. He is succeeded by Mr. Freeman of Tm-on tn. cxotmng to c. A. society ; chimrem} ALL`-.. ..._-L!.__...El'l_.. IWl.!lJl_,....!... Why Glasses are W031. v.V .... --a gap vs .- uv--v-J .. V ........ .u - At the last. meeting of the Children s Aid Society, held Jan. 29th, :1 resolu- tion to the following effect, was moved by the vice-president, Hem. Sheriff Drury, seconded by Rev. Mr. \Vitten, and earned :- 1):`:-.t\`t!nlq Tiuof `ho fhnnba AF fho FCUU. Crl.I'I IEU. Z- Resolved, That the thanks of the Children's Aid Society be expressed to Mr. Wixn. Pae, for two over-coats ; Mr. J C. Irwin, two pairs of trousers; Mr. M. J. F1-zuvley, two pairs 01 stockings; Mr. D. Powell, one pair of stockings: Mr. H. B. Myers, one pair of girls boots: Mr. 3. Hunter, one pzxirof boys boots. and to the individuals who con- tributed from their private stores various articles of clothing. all of which were provided for wards of the society" recently sent: to Toronto. D. B. Hzu-kness, secretary; auvvv I uu-nun.-av gov--. In `:1 short time G. R. Ford and C. W. P:Llk_will hung out the" sign The ` Barrie FL`.l`l lll.ll1`8 Co, in the Ross J Block, opposite the \Vellington Hotel. The partners of the new rm are well known to the people of Barrie and vicinity. For twenty years Mr. Ford has been engaged in the furniture husiness to a. greater or less extent and M r. P-rtlk forthe last twelve years has had charge of the carpet and clothing departments of Frawley & Devlin s establishment. The new firm will carrvna. complete stock of furniture, entirely new and strictly first-class throughout. They will. doubtless, re- ceive a. fair share of the public patronage. me Now ` BARRIE ICE RACES. "i"n}i'-'f$i,' 5.551 '2E.'-2'5." li .......: ........ New Furniture Store. -saw ' "'1"1{E-'-Ee'.-.'zi.' I~2'd.' ` nil an -m_ _.__r. _._-, _._._,, SECE).\'D DAY. G Powell. -Orillizu... H Leadlav. Cooks- `FIRST DAY. Personal. $1.00 5dr played 21. steady game. 4 Friday morning the Churchill octette drove up and played Collingwood who were again victorious. At one time Churchill looked like winners but it was not to be. It was an off day for Skip L-:.-nnox or the result would have been diiferent. for when Davie is play- ing his game he can give pointers to - the best of them. \Vhen it is remem- bered that the total membership of the Churchill club is only sixteen and their rink is not of the best, this club s work is very creditable. In-the after- noun a large crowd watched the inter- esting contest between Collingwood and Oi-illia. Both clubs did some groin; curling` especially in the first half. The ice was in perfect condition. The {.,'(lln`.`.S were as follows :- 01-illia. Toogood, Holcx-oft, ... _t`rom1.......l Totzz.l........35 Maj. for Orilliu 7 shots Coliiugwood. Burt-ie. J V\-'iIs0r_1 ' Jzxs. Vilil` -\V E.Vernon T Beecroft; D McAuley J ML-L. Stevenson Chas. Nob1e,s1-;. 2i D A ML-Niven, sk 17. I\_ ,, ,1 `annuity: -uvv-.,v By ends-- . . . . lfixx Dy CllllS-' \Vyues......1x211223x31x1xxx1x4x1x ' ~23 Hogg ......x3.uxxxx1xx1x12:4x2x1x1 -14 Total ......47 Tom! Mu]. for Gnllingwood, 16 shots Collingwood. Churchill. J \Vils0n XVII). Allan. W E Vuz-non R Mnlcolmson D Me-Auley E El Sloan _ Chas. Nuble D \V Lennox skip..........`2.3. skip .. Dc. t\-\l]Du Orillla Beats Collingwood in the District Final. The gzunes in group 4 of the Ontario -T Tankard were played last Week, the Ol.'iHizl.nS coming `out: on top. New- zmu-keb defaulted to Orillin and Beaver- ton played the lat_.t:er in Oi-illia. on Thursday night, losing by '7 `points. The same night. Colhug\vood played, here winning from B:`.['I'l0 by 16 points. The locals did nut show anything like their usual form, while the visitors played steady P"i(`H:v mnrnim! the Now ON Dy UIN.lS'-' Nome lxxxllxx-llx:x'1113.\'=ixI x1 .5l c.\'1ven... xsllxxlzxxwxxxxzxzxzx Irrrn A n "l'_. _ I1_'.lS'_._ VV T Allan . F H Nectleton \V A Hzuniltou H G \Vynes akin , `J [1 Cl VV_yUll sk1p.... . By ends- \Vyues. . . . ..1: How. . . ...-uni...-..... Bv ends- Nom............ Leunox.......... 117 In An VV T Allan F H Netvtleton \V A Hamilton , H Gr Wynes skip . . . . . .. , . . Bv ends- ` Wynes ............ -- Allzm .............. .. '|"ntul DY U11U$* ' .. . . . . ...... . .221o12o2oo l()10000)1nl1-1S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0oo10o3u.s;0w:o:n12201co-21 Total .......41 '.['0tnl l\.I21j. for Collingwood, 6 shots O1-illia. CoHin;.:\vu0d. G R-apley . VV '1` Allan R Fmsr, F N Nettleton Gordon Grant \V A I-Izunilton H Iirwlcrofb > H G Wynes skip........21 skip............l By ends- . Hoxcroft ..... 10140301110131120m2l-:1 Wynes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 010o2o10oo1o1uou1210uo-19 Geo. Madden J VViI'son ' R Cunningham W E Vernon . Rev. R N Burns D Mc-Anley F Toogood `Chas. Noble skxp.........-.17 ' skip ..........f By ends- 'I`oo.,-ood. o100101oo21o:33oo101o0-17 Noble .. . 10110202-20011001202011-21 "I"nl>. '-IQ I"ni-.. I ` Noble 1 u11uzuz-.'uuuuu120zou-::1 Total Tot-u1....... 31 ` Maj. for Orillia, 7 shots Barrie Won at Atliston. .Four rinks visited Alliston rm Mon- dnv and defeated the home curlers by 9 shots. The rinks were as fullows : 1-\ I" "j{ii;onT Juo. McR:Le R J. \V:L1l:1Ce '1` ll Dnnuuvn PI:1'YEAR, IN ADVANCE I\: J; VVillliI.|." T M Brown \V A J Bell skip . . . . .` Y\.. [Till SIMMONS & co., -...,. . . .` Dr. Hill -1 S DI.mca`n And. .\IcR:Le !\V`G Fisher -J J.I,Ul'l'l5 skip . . . . . . . .. C Robinson Chas. Knight D Hood R S<-ott; ` skip . . . . . . . .. I `V \T .L` lbllL`L' skip VV J Fletclncr VV S Ellis W J errett J Morris lx'r:r\ A tezun of puck-Chasers from the B.C.I. visited Elmvale on Friday night`. and were beaten 4-1. The electric light was out of order zmd the mzttclx was played by lamp light. The Barrie , team were : Goal, Art. Grease : point, Jns. Stesvrt-I5: cover, Oliver Findlay. fOI'W.'1I`(lS, Steve -Vnir, VV. Sarjeantl; Percy Binghzun and Metcnlf. Rev 1`hom3.s was referee. 'r\ .1 o 1. .L uunu .140 -v uaa L\-l\.rA\.4\- u Penetzmg juniors won their district on Friday night in \, l)en.ting Midland 14 to 4. - rs . . u yyyyyyy uh .u.u.....u.- .. .v -- Ou Tuescl:1y*nigl1t:xt Penetang the ' I3:u'rie` colts gnlloped past the Pene- tang juniors for 12 goals while their opponents were tallying ve times. The result was a. surprise to the home team who lmd easily trimmed Mitllzmd and hoped to hand out similar treat- ment to Barrie. But it w.-1sn t in them. They were completely out- played, The Barrie youmzsters showed that they know how to play the szame and play it for all it is worth. Every m.-m put up a. good g'11lI|( a Gzlllie at point hardly let it thing pziss him. The biggest share of scoring honors Went to Frank McCarthy who tallied eight times. Barrie scored the first six: games and before half time Pene- tang scored twice. In the second half the visitors added six more while the T locals made three, leaving the. score Total Maj. for B.=u'1-ie, 1 TANKARD MATCl'lEL skip- skip` (Continued on page 8) `Von. XXXVII.' No. 6. Jno. Coffey 1 Love 1 A B1-ownlee Geo. ogg- .23 skip . . . . . ;. 9 .-.` L 19 ,. 120011'i102100l1114020l-23> . .O01:U0 J0:!00l1000)\/2020-11 VVnlter Allan R VV Sloan Tom. G Allan Jno. Allan ..l8 skip .. Hockey. . 101462011101011z0m221-:1 . E S 17 ..........`3 . . 1U110202`200l100l`. 01011-21 .38 {Ilia '7 cl-`uh: Benvel-ton. McRzte. skip Dobson, skip` VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Office: '56 John Street. Barrie n---. luvs: ....-u-vu . Barrie. Rev. 'I._`h0s. McKee J H Neelzmds Noah Grnse D 1}.Mc-Niven `(K JJ 1. LVJUAVIVCXI . o - 0 I I 1 A Stwpleton I Love .1110. Uoffey G00. Hogg thin \,I'.`lV!. ]..I.lJ;.:b' skip H Been-1-oft H J G1-zxsett S Lount J Mn-L. Sbevensoxf skip ; . . . . . . . .325 D \V La-Roy J G Scott V J G Sutberlancl A Bx-ownlee skip . . . . . . . . .. 13 Total \ 9 fslxots ....10 on-.,u. A_R'rHL.ii2 R0,/SE WU III IvIwu`r:- -- --..-- Scientic Optlclan, H Macl.ARE!`-3's DRUG STORE. r Shorthorn llmllsvanfl two llcifem. by and brcdfrom one of at mllklm; TFJI P. Lii. Farm for Sale. FURS I33 Dunlap Street SIGN 0!` THE 3EAB8 `Send us your can, hav it filled with -our splendid Illu:mnaliug' ml. L` February Sale of Award Paris I900. In the Dark -F31` Sale. 8: Warren FIIIIIS. FRED. M. WARNICA. Pulnawk are the best K Pulna\\"ic Annual Stdck-Taking Johnston Until February 15th... 1 THESE ONLY. lH.H.0uon&son1 1F1'awley s Winter Footwear At Almost o Half==&Price We commence this week a special sale to c`.ea`r out every pair of.felt- boots. over- shoes, havy lumbermen's rubbers, pure gum or snag: pruoi. Never before has this store ever offered -auch' irresistible values. It means a loss to us, but no matter we prefer it rather than carry 9. pair over till \..L .... .... 'l`k.. nnnm-hnuifu nnra A [HEIDI Iu luvucl. uuuuu nous: us run vvvn .... n*xb sezaon. This opportunity affords a. big saving to you and will pay you well to buy now even" if you don : need the goods till next season. i Ladies $1.00 and $l.`25 Felt Boots, or leather t'o:ed. luce or Congress. now for 75c. Indies 60c and 75c Felt Slippers, leather soles. sewed. now for 40. V - Ladies Felt Button Oversboes. W1ll`i!1 and com- fortable, list price. $1.70. new $1.00. Men's 82.00 and 82.25 Felt Boots. long leg. also with four buckles, special for 51.60. V ' ` Men's Lace Shoe Packs. No. 1 stock. very highest grade made. regular price $135 and $1.65, special $1.00. . Men's Pure Gum Rubbers. guaranteed 1st grade. list price $1.60. special SL011. 4 Men's Snug Proof 1 Buckle Rubbers, 1st quality. retrulzw price $1.85, special $1.00. Men s Pure Gum Buckle Rubbers. high cut. 1st grade. warranted, regular price, $2 03, special $1. 40. ' ` Boys Pure em 1 Buckle Rubbers. lat quality. , warranted. regular price $1.30, special 95c. . To fully appreciate these bargains we invite you to visit the store and see for yourself. No need to spend 9. cent. You re just as welcome as though you came to buy. ' S013`-mutant for the Slater Shoe. [Barn-ie s Leading `Jackson s Thes Prices ai ms; 'svmr CASH \\Y I `T (_}RAIG`-In Ban-ie, on Jan. 24th, :1. son to Mr. and Mrs. Jno. F. Craig. _ uuu -V -..... .-..-. __ _, - ,, LY0N-At; 10 Peter street, on"I<.`eb. 4th, a. son to Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Lyon. DIED. BALL-In Barrie, on Ja.m1u.1-y 31st, Cathau-ine, beloved wife of George Ball, aged61 years. : - BORN. KIRKUP-In Barrie, on Feb. 3nd, :2. son to Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Kirkup. 10 Per Cent off Graniteware. 10 Per `Gem: of Lamps. 10,Per' Cent; off Tinware. 15 Per Cent; off Heating Stoves. Don t Be is c.1fegua1.dS the 065; 3 agamst %a1u2:;`, ma \ Here : the saving these prices represent : -. . __ _- c -. .. n_.; n_-;_ ..I,.x.. .. I....u.- Five Poi1.1_ts Hardware ~ Store. 5 . ? I 1F YOU WANT BARGAINS CALL AT THE - ' Maicesgtze breed more Eaeaithfaa. Shoe Store! 1nscouNT .sALEm S-hoe Store.- Will be received by the undersigned u to Februar 23rd. 1901, for the 1-.n'cl_mse. o the west-lmlt Lot 18, Con. 7, Township of Oro. 100 acres. About 90 ueresnre cleared and {enced and free of `stumps and stones. The famn 13 well watered by a creek and wells. and is eonvenzently situated near Guthrie Post Otce. There is u_ good fnune dwelling house in good repair and :1 grand frmne barn with stable below. The soil is n. clay `loam _aml in a good state of cultxvatlon . 1 or parueulars and condulons apply to DONALD ROSS. ` ' Asslguee A.,liissock Estate. Barrle. Jmmm-v 28th. 1901. b 3.115 photographs Form for safe near the Town of Barri :-.. The south-halt` of Lot 19. Con. 3. Townshlp of Ves m`, 100 acres. _ 70 acres in re good state of cultlvat on . balance pasture and bush. Or. . , is a. fume house and stable. . Also house and lot on the corner of Louisa. and Dut-Lworth streets wlth frame house and stable qnuandty of fruit trees. Aaply to _ (V, n v.\N.ern1:r.II:, R.n~rla_ Assign Barre. J amu:11'y 28th, | In` the Surrogate Court.0ft`l the County of Simcoe. I In the matter of the Gum-dia.nshig' of Robert Lambert Lennox and George Elwood Lenuox. hxf-.u1t <-hildren of Tlxonnas Lennox, latclof um '1`o\vnshlp-ot' Fins, in the County of Slmcoe, Fa-'~mer. deceased. Nminn Ia lmmhv given that after the exuir-.1tIon ` deceased. Notice is hereby given that expiration of t_wenty-one days Irom .thc day of the first uhucutlon of tlilzrnotiee In Tm: BARRIE Ex- AMINER and zufter three insertions tllereohtherelu, application will he made to the Surro;:a.te Court of the Uounty of Simcoe for gram of Letters of Guardi:mshlp of the Igerson and estate of" we above named infants, {obert Lambert Lennox und George Elwood Lennox, to Jane Lennox. of the 1`ow_usl:lp uf Flcs. in the Coynty of Shneoe. wido\v, mother o the said lnxnt children. MCCARTHY, BOYS 3; MURCHISON. Solicitors for the Applicxmt. Dated at Barrie this 5th day of February, 1901. 5-3 . . mm 1901. Farm and Town Property For Sale`. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Revised -Statutes of Ontario. 1897. Chapter 12!). See. 33.. that all persons having claims against the estate of the said Frances Tliompsun, late of the Town of Barrie. in the County of Simone. widow. who died on or about the 25th day of December, 1900, are requested to smd by post, n-epaid, or deliver to Williani Thompson ot the Litv ot` 0ltaW.l. or to Henry Dollery of Allandule l .0., Exeeutors oi` the last wiltantl testament of the said Fmnc-es Thompson. deceased. or to the undersigned their solicitors on or betore the'10th day of February. 1901. fui.l particulars of their claims and securities (if any) held by them. And further take notice that after the said 16th day of February, 1901. the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have received notice and the said executors will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim the required notice- shall not have been received at the time of such distribution. MCCARTHY BOYS 8: MURCHISON, Barrie, Solicitors for the said Exccutors' 1-&_;_.a _L n_....a- nu- nan. .1-.. no` Tnnnnu-v 11) )1, .D`LI'X'lC, nuuv.:u.ura NJ!` Luv aauu. l-`A.\\:uu|.vAo Datednt B;u'rie, tbis.2-lth day of January. 19)1. SEALED TENDERS addressed to. the nder- signed. and endorsed "'1`cnders for Elevator nu. ,_.p n._s.___..._.. -. 1'\.....a. 'L`I'....l\.-no nnlr 71Irll'\n Studio :` 32 -Dunlop Street! TENDERS addressed to the under- \ Vhz}rf Ilxtenson at Depot Harbor. out," will be received at this office until Fridav. 22nd Febru- ary. 1901. for the construction of an a(1tiit`ionai length toithe Elevator \Viuu'f at Depot Harbor. Mukoka. District. On tarlo. _ Finns: nnd snnniticatlolls can be seen at tins tarlo. Plans and specications De mrtment; at the oices of Mr. H. A-. Gray, res dent engineer. Confederation Life Building. Toronto; The Resident Engineer. Room 411, llierchcmta Bank Building. St. James street, Montreal; Mr. P11. Belund. Gleyk of Wo_i'ks. Post Office. Quebec and on application to the Postmaster at Parry Sound. Ont. Forms of tender can also be obtained at the above men- tinnorl nlnnes. tender ms tloncd places. Persons tend ' tendering are notied that t-enclers will not be considered unless made on the printed forms supplied. and signed with their actual` sln'na..ures. I`hr- r-.untr.1ntor will be required to conform to The contractor will be required to regulations to be made by the Governor Geno:-a_.l 11 Council, respecting the accommodation`, medical trcmtment and sanitary, protection of the worklngmcn employed on the work. - ` Each tender must be accoxnpanle an ac- yvorlclxxgxnen employed the work. must accompanied by ac- cepled cheque on a. chartered bank. made pay able to the order of the Honorable the Mlmster of Public Workz, tor twenty-ve thousaml dollars (325,000). Tue cheque will be rfeltezl if the `party decline the contract or fail to complete the work contracted for. If the tender be not he muted. the cheque will he returned. - 4u.uu.uuuJ 5 51115 'ivorl': contracted for. If the tender be not ce ted. cheque `he Deyzutment does not bind` itself to accept the lowes or any tender. . ' . By order. I J OS. Rs ROY. I ..L:.-... c<........L- .... . -nuuug s:n:uu:L'su_y Department of Public \Vorks.'ot Canada, Otmwa, J auuary 22nd, 1991. News-mpers inserting this advertisement with- out autherlty from the Deparhnent, will not be paid for 1!. 52-21113 _ i -The. dev_otiona.l exercisos :11. thev ' Union on Monday were conducted by Mrs. ;\_1cKee,, which the usual routine business \va.s_proceeded with. Miss VViggins says of the plebiscite that the women voted six to one for prohibition, while the men only voted- two to one. The corresponding secre- tary was requested to write Premier Ross and the M.'P.P s for Simcoe ask- ing them to favor `the franchise pet1- tion when it is presented. T1-. xvnq pniml in have: H19 nv.1or:nn L. R. C. P. 8:. S., Edinburg. M. F. P. & s., Glasgow. Member of British Ophthulmologlcal Society. .SPEO|ALTY-DISEASES or Ev: EAn..Tnn'oAT AND Nos: 0lce-'i8 Dunlop Street. Sanders Block. Bar- le, opposlu: Post Omce and Railway Station. Phone 51. P.O. Box 96. Olll} numerx ` pnidvfor Executurs Notice in :redilors. Clo VVHUU H. 15 p1't`.5Ulll1_U|.l. It wnsdecided to have the program on Legislation and Petitions at the next meeting. `Mrs. Rogerson read -a leaet on Juvenile Work, showing. the necessity of beginning all temperance Work in early childhood. Mrs. Smith read a paper on Scientic Temperance. Mrs. McKee spoke on the subject telling about the Provincial Teachers Association \vantinp; temperance taken off the Public school curriculum at. the next convention to be held in Toronto.- . Mrs. Mary Hunt of Boston is being ' brought over by the W. C. T. U. to speak on the` question with the hope of `being able to show the teachers the great and urgent necessity of having this subject taught in all our schools. Aresolution will be sent to the secre- tary of, the Provincial Association asking that this subject still be retained. A Ixursrvrnnrvu nu I`l n...2...-... .....1 `rr... l..LICELll.Ig. '_ A parlor meeting will be. held at the home of Mrs. J. K.'Ross on Feb. 2151;. Subject, Uni-,ermente_d \Vine and Suf- farge. Botlg ladies and gentlemen are cordially mvited to attend. Sllp{:`l'lIlLBI.l(.l(`.'llla . I A nqw member Jomed the Umon and we hope to have more by next meeting. A nnulnn nnnnHnn- mill kn I-..~.lA n- I-Ln rebzuuttu. * A pro,9:ram on`, Hygiene and Her edity was thengiven, several Indies t-.~.,kiug part. with Mrs. Stephens, the superintendent. A nnw tnnmhnv ininnd fhn TTninn Inthc 1\Iut_t1' of th Estate at Frances Thompson. Dcccasedl Tenaefs vulcca. nulny nu W. D. VANSICKLE, Bm1e.. LI.\JJ.g - Acting Secretary "!\` l`.-.-unn ----:- A rs:-class hay. pasture and timber farm. for sale. 011011 3. Lot six. concession tweivc. Ves nu, two hun red ac-res. Apply to W. H. \VAL'1' N, Mluealng.. mos '