{K18 USIIHI gfllllli OI L .UU- I R. J. Faetcher and W. D. Va.uSic-kle. applied for the poition of assessors. I .L F`. wilmnt asked to be unpainted mad at as.) '10 was accepteu. _ _ The Mayor. Ala. Powell and Aid. McLean were appointed to, represent ]s_u-rie on the good roads delegation expected to in Lerview the county council. _ m__ u. -1-.. ....... ....n.....:.....: a.. .:..... ..1.........,. vII\. vuuu-J uuuuuu -- fhe Mayor was author?zed to sign chrquca for the payment of_fuel for electric light and waterworks departments before being passed by the nance committee if accounts are certied by the chairman uf the committee. RIO was urantt-(ll tn the Sick C'1ildmn .. .D.08plEl. Chief King was instructed to overse'e the erection of telephone poles. o_n 1`urouLo street. 'l"l.\n vino A` Glut: m-..mnH nhnnmknn Iva: :vrnn_ aueec. . , The use of the counci! chamber was grant- ed to the Bee Keepers Association for their meeting on Feb. 16th. A nn.1eat'\Vil| be made to the c:mn.`.v meeting Du Den. 1,0111. A request "will be made c:mn.`.yl council for assistance in building a new louk-up. ' ` I A IA:-an number of accounts were russed. 1ouK-up. : A large number of accounts were pzssed. the total being over $1700. I` ! Donations to R. V. Hospital. Mrs. N. Dymeut. turkey and a `psir cf, dusku; Mrv. C. H.` Ross, turkey nndl goose; Mrs. Martin Burton, turkey and] cranberries; Mrs. Way,,Mrs. Geo. Bath; tuxkey; Bryson Broa., Christmas c:\l M r. Taylor. vegetables; M rs. Guwau. vases . McCarthy; Mrs. Boys, oranges : Dr. W. A, : ' Ross. "Alunsey for `year; Muss Huhbert, i Illustrated London News ; Miss Robinson, ! yvicker rocker: Hospital Ulub, 0. number of useful articles. { rm... u..=...:+.1 I... I... .......I. ann-on: O:r`| and owers; Mrs. Strhtlny, plant; Dr. cermneu Dy Dne uu':su'Iu.Iu un un-. U'JlllllllLl..t:l'. I $10 was granted to the Sick Children : .Hospital. (`.hin,f Kim: was instructed to oversea the ppneu IOT EH8 POSHJOD Ul EESUESUIU. J. E Wilmot asked to be appointed road IVRPRCPI, Bl! PUBIVU IDLD VI xavuwuovu \'Vill give special attention to the Collection or Notes and Accounts at the lowest charges. A `n ........ .. ...:II I..- ..l..-nun WANNUAL meanuo`. Public S:hool `Board. THE BARRIE _ EXAMINER, THURSDAY, JAN. 24, 1901. (cLairman),` Reid . and` 'Preeented to Father Sweeney on Departing |- From Barrie. I ` Father Sweeney who has been assistant at Barrie dux-mg the past four years he; been I promoted by his Grace Archbishop i U Connor to me pastorate of Otnngeville and Brampton. _ On Wednesdav evening llith inst. a lnnzd DKIUIPFQD I On Wednesday evening 16th inst. a large number of the representauve psrislnoners of Bsrrie met at the school house to bid Father ` Sweeney an affectionate farewell and to pre- sent mm with an address and purse. The address was read by Michael shat-acy and the pm-se.`whxcn contained over $200, was presented by Miss Mary Stritch. Followmg Is a copy of the address : REV. H. J. SWEENEY: . I-(nu nn ]'1.\oII wufhnf -_h, !'n uyilh flan l.'-JSV, E. J. DWEJSNJSXS Rev. and Dear Father :-It is with the- deepeet teelings of sadness we gather around you to-day to bid you a sorrowful farewell. V\ xth sincerest regret, and heartfelt sorrow, we learn that our loved Father and friend is no longer to dwell amongst us, to cheer us by his kindly presence--_that God has called him to labor henceforth in another part of_l:lis vineyard. Four years you have been with ns-our guide, our consoler, our lriend, our molel. You came to us with the holy oilof consecration still fresh upon your hand, that hand which, has ever since been extended in tendereat sympathy to the aiicted and in cordial charity to the needy. To linger upon and enumerate your deeds of goodness while with usis immeasurably beyond our power. .l.`o attempt the task would indeed be to us a labor of love, but we refrain, knowing you: modest humility which ever prompts you, " `o do good by stealth and blush to rind it lame. How we shall miss you, dear Father! How we shall miss your I sunny smile and cheering word ; your gentle presence in -its accustomed pmcel Our hearts are [200 full tnr fu.I.her wnr-(In dmir uuu was .Lu:.u uay 01 January, 1UUl.. . } A. W. Beardsaey, cbzurman; Muse M. A.! Smwu, treasurer; b`._l5. Hihua. secretary; cummmee-'L . Kearns, J. Malloy, M. Shun- acy, W. Firth, E. Bevlgny, J. Uuin, Jae. Cczvunagn, E. Byrue, J. Uhver, E. Lzsxulaw, P. Moran, M. Smlcb. ' ~ F..r.h...- .\'uv..nnnu1 ......l:...: :.. ..1.,.......4. .....: I ynsawuuv nu nan nuuuaulumu yucca \J|-ll ! are too full tor fuwher words dear Fat.her.' Gladly would we always keep you I , In our midst bun the " iat. " has gone Iorth, and In humble obedience to Mother Church we submiaulvely bow our heads, and in fond I axeweu u:-ter a. tervenn God bless you." I Act.-cps Lhxe Small token of our esteem. Slunall nu hnhulf :.f'.\`r M...-u .. nr.nr1lIn(1a_ r. uwrau, M. bmlcn. I Father dwceney replied in eloquent and feeling terms exprcsalug the gmutude he felt. tor the peaplu of Barrie and his regret In leaving them and thexr pastor, Dean Egan, to whom he was deeply attached. `V'8[`V Rev. Dean Ewan snnlua. fa-P,n(1lV nf $1.00 per year. In advance; $1.50 if not so paid. xyguu, Lu vvuom 118 was aeeply attached. V~ery Rev. Dean Egan spoke feelingxy of hiu utfecuon tor Father Sweeney and at the 1035 Much he and the eume paruah austa.iu- u ed In his departure. also of me ability and zeal \yun wuucn be performed his dunes. V nun v......~ .. . ......_.._- unars L`A'.l.`ulS O\\'1:'EL\'EYZ , Dear Dear Farther :-When the sad tidings of your removal was announced, none felt it more keenly than we-your oniadren. And why should not` our uearts be filled with eoriow? In your heroic compliance with: the many precepts of our `nearest Lord, surely this one has ever shone forth wi.h special lustre, Suer lime ones to `come unto me. and forbid them not-, for of such is the Kingdom Of Heaven, Yes, we know, dear .h`au.her. that your heart was with the lambs oi the flock. How shall we thank you for your untiring zeal, your fatherly kindness, your loving care, you who time We!` "&l1l`8(1 E0 brighter worlds and led you! little children will never forget you, nor the lessons you have so patiently striven toimplant in our hearts. Godgrant that the seed may have fallen on good ground to brinz forth fruit 9. hundred-fold so, when before the great White Throne we meet, you may be gluddened by, the recognition of souls saved through your holy inuence. With sorrowful. grateful hearts, we add our simple childlike farewell to the rest, and if tlierecoliection of it will at some future time afford you one pleasing memory, one nfctiunate ihouglit, we shall indeed be richly rewarded. Pray for us dear Father that persevering in the good resolutions which you have llfltited us to form, we may meet again in l:`rod e Eternal Home. "where there is neither mourning or aoriow and where piin and parting me unknown. V'.-..... n.........: ni.:..i_,_ _: .. :1 ~. i l l the way. Words faii us, dear Father, but ) l CHILDREN'S ADDRESS. DEAR FATHER S\\ EEL\'EY: 1 Ilnar |.lJA" |4`.rh4.. \\7..... LL... Lnvvuyll hula aunau LIIISCU U1 ULII CSIUCHI. signed on behalx ofbt. Mu.ry u congrega- tion was 16:11 day 0: January, 1901. } VV. Beardssev. chzurman : Mum M_ A.( Al: the annual meetingof the County of Simcoe Law Association the follow- ing ofiicers were elected for the year 1901 :---Patron, H015. Senator Gowzm; Hon. President, His Honor Judge _Ax-dagh; Hort. Vice-President, His `Honor Judge Boys: President, H. H. ` Strnthy, Q.C.; Vnce-President, G. Moberley; Uuxjntor-. VV; A. Boys; ` Sec.-tvx-ens, Donald Ross; Auditors, A. E. H. Cl'4e:'\viCke. \V. Aulb; Trustees, Judge Boys. Henry R'ul;e1-Leon, Q.C., H. La-nmnz. Jnhn hu-kincnn, f`.. F. . Tmriug the past weeks the part which the Canadian anldiers took in the capture of General Cror-ja at the battle of Paardeberg has been told and retold by the greatest authority on thesuhj-ct-Gener'~i.| Rube.-rt.a- and several of his 1:.-udingot.-era. The pic- ture which is given free by '].he Weekly Globe to its yearly subscriber: is pronounced by those who were there a very accurate" description cf the scene. A sample of it can be seen at this office. It should be in every I . home in C4nud.i. I 1| " SE\'E.\'T1 ~SE\`1~:s is a National Remedy, g having a large 3:118 in every State. During ' the present epidemic of Grip and Co'ds the, demand is so -large, that while we run our. _fa\ctory day and night, we are never quite 3a.ble to 611 all the orders rece_ived._ Henna !we advise you to` husband your supply of 77" for your own safety. At all Ding Stores. '25c,. or mailed. _ 'Pockel*, Manual mailcd free. Humphrcys llomopntlc Medicine 00.. Cor. Willi.-un am! John Streets. New York _ -- V I I | I auuge Duys. ru-`rnry .lL'Ul)e1'LSOI1, Q.U., H. LL-nnux, Jnhn Dickinson, 0. E. 1l;lew,son, W. A. J.` Bell, G. A. Radeu- uxfsb. 913 mDIl!`(5YS 77" breaks up gthe Grip, while its (0)zz'(,'t'I_}I_s||s. ; wins the :n,:gin;.-: energies during ,1 i and after the attack. b i vs u-4.v `I-015: uuu IIIAL wins I-IAV LIUBLIUIVL-|n Your Devoted Children of the Sacred Heart of Mary School. 2 ~ _ I Remittances shouia be made to J. A. Mac Lurcn publisher of Tun Enmm-zn. Barrie. Ont ` cm U6 SEULI BC HHS (`U l home in Canada. ! llusbzmal '` Scvent.y-Seven. ADDRESS AND A PURSE.` av... ' Simcoe Law Association. [The Canadians Part. ALWAYS I N STDBK {JR HAIVIBLY, i'I'o Gatoh the Eye and the Min. H at the SameTTime V _ THE QUEEN IS DEAD. V The Queen is dead. Throughout the world the millions who have ven- erated and loved her as the Great Mother are plunged in mourniog. It is not ofthecrown and isceptre that the world thinks now; but of the kind and loving heart that ever beat in sympathy with the sorrows of human- ity and the txuewomanliness that en- deared her to her people. Fruly did the poet say She wrought her people lasting good." Her lite was emblematic of all that wes pure and good and her image is engraven upon the hearts of her great family throughout the world in a manner that many years will not eiiice. string Dam! and ornexa. The Guthr e.;.eo;>!e are most enthns?astic , `n their e'ort.n tu assist-the Hospital and ' realized 862.45 for me Buiiding Fund. They I have also a subscription book in circuhninn which had the` amounts 01560 subscribed at I the date of the: meeting. Addresses were 9,|\`cu nv nun. \, nus. uruly, Rev. D. D". Mc-L-.u(`, But. Mr. Thompszm, Rev. Mr. (`amsron (Aliaudale). Capt. Wllisb and others. Privafe-3 Reid, of Jarratt/a Corners. and Smith of Edgar, were present and puke: of their 'xp3rieu('e': in South Africa`. Music was provided by the choir, Miss MJI-nr of Edgar. the Crawford string band and others. `N... u..oIm- A1 nn1'.a are In Aid of the New Hospital. I The Guthrie Presbyterian couuregsuinn 4 held their anniversary services on Jan. 13 h. ' am! on the evening of the 14 h had an enter- tainment and supper. the proceeds of which they have handed over to the tze su er of the hr)=pi!a`. for the Building Fund of the new Hospital. A very large number uf people were puesent (very sear. heing tr keh. Addresses given by Hon. C :33. Drury, `D-.. H Ti` My-l..m3 Raw. Mr, 'l'!~.nmn.:nn.. V ` . A Poor Tonic. may give. temporary exhilaration ; but, operziting on the valuable vital parts of the human organism it leaves them in a shattered condition. T T is a RELIABLE ToxZ1iei;-'I`he result of careful scientic research. Leaves no harmful effects. . The Standard with leading Physicians. Specially recommended for Loss of Appetite, Sleepless- ness, Lassitude, Fevers, Consumption, Indigestion, Throat and Lung Troubles, Lumbago, Colds, Bronchitis, Overwork and Overstrain, Dyspepsia, Headaches and General Debility. HEM ...:n ::..A :4 n-n-Hnulm-Iv ualnahlp 2: 2: stremrthener of and Uverstram, uyspepsxa, ncauacxxcn auu ucucuu ucuuu_y. HEN will nd it particularly valuable as a strengthener of the body and nerve system. WOMEN complain of that tired fee1ing.-It is immediate and eicacious. . A FOR CHlLDREN, it iscspecially adapted; it forties against disease,--'-builds up the system. A Corkscrew attached to every Bottle. AT ALL DFIUGG|S:E73K ' REFUSE SUBSTITUTES wusorrs mm/as PORT AGENCY, 37 St. James .91., Montreal. is the art in- iulvextisirngz. Tuis Ad. illustrates how txue this saying is especially to those wi.=hing pl:-a~a.nt, and pn,tal,1g `n,l,1.,_\..,L.m, =`(}mad.x s Sons on Kopj: and Veldt.`- the only book dealing ex~ ctnsivety vith t!1eAC.ma.ii-m C0n'.i-lL;en..=, 13 the .b..ok to haridlo. (_)lI'xcial, Authentic, Cheap, sells on sight to everyhonly. and any- Lody c.m sell it. Capital or experience nut necessary. Sand for F.ee Outt and make" money. Get_a Reliable Tonic For sale by D. H. MacLaren, John Woods and R. McDonnell. "" l""""""' --- ~-~---.-s~ - -. -- ' We will pay special attention to cashing Farmers Sale Notes, and are m 9 position to handle them at the very iowesl name of interest. I!` n ,- ,: 1,.-. Successor to J. Henderson The` BRAI,)LEY=-GARRETSON CO. , Limited We have everything that goes to make up a rst-class hazware stock. Every order rc- ceives prompt attention None too small or top bigyfor us to handle. Mail orders carefully and quickly lled. A Full Line of Shelf and Heavy Hardware I.ong ? 3 Rubber Boots. /.0.\/.M.V.0.\ /.M.\lM.\ mrung, uuramo--pnrc g't:x`.`.. Soles that wear as long as the ug`-;%crs_- tbick to keep the foot aw;1_\' from 1 hv ground. Three thicknesses of rubber, two of can- vas and :1 leather insole between the [cot and the ground Th;Pl( rnhhnr r-n:v~".~u-r-ar~~.nn4 -.11 ~-.......l anu IHC grouncl Thick rubber rt-inf'orcemcnt all `xound where the wear comes. can 41...; 41.... L..,,I :.. |_-_,.1 J _ -A -- uuumu Uuulva vuouuuc Smmma Excn/mom bought or sold at posted rate of exchange. 117-" ,:_.- ___-:..1 ..LL....unn I-n H-an `Men's long boots, made in , and lengths for dHh*r.r|;1 La;-, Strong, durabIo--pnr..~ that n`r>:x-r :2: Lmu :2: ` wucu: tut: wear comes. See that the heel is branded vri:h the makers name. THE GAMBIA?! RUBEER 63., Togo,-o_ . MAMTDEAI m.......np.. BRANTFORD, ONT. 1 - m Sunday b.:t.vreen 1 p.m. rv.mli5_p.m. the auction room in B-)s).ako' block was bruken into and several wa.tc`1ea an ! some change in the sill stolen. Entrance was made through the back door. A young fellow named Whau frcn: Belle Ewart. who was trying to sell some watches on Mom] ny, has been arrested on aI_)ap'cEon. SEALED 'I`E.\`D}-IRS will be rrzc-e .vcd by the under.-`izzned until `And day of February, 1901, for the purchase of the Eastvhalf ox Lot number 7 on the west side of Small street in the Town of Barr e. On the land are A pair of brick clad dwellin.r..vs a 1th frame kitchens. I urtner particulars n:ny.also be had from ~ xv. s. omusrox. (Cxbridgc. Ont.) Solicitor for Administrator ` of late James Czmuthen-' Estate. Dated, January 14th. 1:A)1. 3-5 Jan_`unry nth, For Sale by Tender. OPD the P.O. aH_ vveig}:,`.s, c .5 Irnin r IILIU {U I! Vol! Itllbllauun CURRENT Dnposxroas will be shown every accommodation "'3 ---- A... ..._l. ...:I` Ln n`Inn1n1` nn 9. H. LYON, Iflveand Five ands halt per cent`.- On land on y LOJNT 8: LOUNT. Opposite Railway Station . MARRIAGE JAMES EDWARDS. PM.. OONVEYANCBB. At.his oicc and in tne evening at 68 Mary Street We have the most stylish turnouts ln town. the most comfortable carriage; and the best !horses. Once tried always patronized. Special facilities for weddings and funerals. Cab meets all trains. Baggage called for and delivered. Telephone 70 LIVERY AND SALE STABLES- North-East quarter Lot 9. Con. 12. Innis thrce.m|los from B.-Irrlc. Gn'od1'raune.hou:=e anu large bank barn. The farm IS cleared and well fenced and watered. N. `V. 1 Lot 9. (Tnn. 12. Ynnitl. Thin In! lo: M! fenccn and watered. N. W. } Lot 9. Con. 12. Innisl. This lot is all cleared and under cultivation. and has a small frame house. It will be sold either with the nbove mrcel or sepixrately. 1`orctluer these p-.u'L~els will make a. rs:-class larm. l`erms easy N5 LoI:17. Con. 9. InnL=til. 90 acres. This is IUVVUBB ILIIIVU VA n-any-`no-g Money to Loan on.Mortgages at low est rates. ' . Fire, Life and Accident Insurance. Place of business in the ofceoccu- pied by late firm. 7 Ofce Hours 10 to 4. T. BEECROFT, zmager make rs:-class Terms one of the best farmsjn Imnsl. situate between Stroud and Crni;;\'ale; all cleared but 3 acres :1 nd free of stumps and stones. There are two frnxne houses and a large bank barn 40x90. with 20 feet -ts. on the premises. and,othcr outbuildings. erms easy. - Apply to ROSS & BROKOVSKI. . solicitors. Bamc. Dated Sent`. 18th. 1900. RR AI;\rllll|lJ\:I VOCAL. zv. pupil of Mi.;;s|_ Eva N; Roblyn, of the Consc-rvatogg of Music. Milan, Italy. Choral classes organiz 'l1-a_4.n__._ 1.. v-nA;___. .-,. -.. .. . .. PIANO Teachers certicate wtth FL'st-claw Honors in all branches of Music {mm the Conser- vatory of Music. Alma. College. St `Thomas: Mason and Matthews System of 'I`uu.l1 and Tecnlque. X7l'\l'!A'I', .. -.....:l -4` Il:-,A 1*... \v 11,: L, , . unuaava Uladlllbcuu Painting in Water Colox's-.\1iss Campbell has an Ontario Art ';School Certicate for water colors. 1:`-.. L.......- ___x n,_,_u,,, - .- THREE MINUTES . TALK... -s m ON TH vulula. For ti M [SS ( Streets] BEFORE CALLING CENTRAL Music :23 Painting SCHOOL BOOKS W.% R. PROCTOR, BARBIE. THURSDAY. JAN. `24, \ViLh latest Patriotic Covers and Songs, including VVhen Johnny Cunuck Comes Home, Soldiersnf the Queen, The hin Behind the Gum, The Maple Leaf Forever, etc. Mail orders promptly attexuclbd to. G-RATE FUL nuu uyapcyl. U. DUIU only In 1-lb. tins, labelled JAMES EPPS & C0., Ltd.. Homeo- pathic Chemists, London. Eng- land. BREAKFAST BU PPEI ' `ventn s at reside ce. 67 0 st. `ifo wittgesses re_qui[1"ed. wen We are Prepared VVA LTER SCOTT, Ba iEPPS S cocb EPPS S COCOA Dated Sept. 18th. 1900. onco-95 nnnnop St.-Ross Block. 7"E.BABR`EAE?$ !`!!ER- LEI.E"9$()]3$l'$ Dislinguished everywhere for- Delicncy of Flavor. Superior Quality. and Highly Nutritive Properties. Specially gratefu and com'orting- to the nervou and dyspeptic. Sold only in }-1b. tins. labelled _1'A`.\l!`. MISS M. J. CAMPBELL. maniacs LICENSES For Pubiic School and Collegiate Institute EXERCISE BOJKS, SCRIBBLERS. ETC.. ISSUED _ay W. R. PROCTOR, MONEY T0 LOAN. terms and further infonnation. nnply to ` CAMPBELL. Exchange Block. Dunlap ',"B:xrric. 46 Successor to I`._ H. Baker, CV UIJ Ilkvvldlnnavvnuunvnn Four percent. will be allowed on Deposits in Savings Department. -rrr _._:II _.__ .........:..I nbtnnl-Inn in Farms for Sale TO MEET ALL DEMANDS I-`O11 Make a. note of all you wish to say . and when you get the required _connection. Talk Business. LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE... ISSUEDB'Y_ ` Sim mlv llorsuwhne each. Mall mum and ` sbncs. S211 LICENSES Opp. Bank of Toronto Barrie & LOU.l\"1'. Barristers &c., Barrie MINESING. . Jan. 12.---The Misses Maldolm, of Elmvalc, are vismng Miss Foyston. . 1 1.. -r (1. s I '|r- I 1r,` I THE UNIT THE couronjrmc: 29-U PPIK The M.L.S. intend trpng their hand at a pie social, to be held on" the night of Feb. 1st. It is hoped all will join in making it a success. \T,,_. `l.1,__'j,_ _________ _ ,1_1__;_ ___-n \.r-.-my -v-.-__..'_.. Jan. `. .1.-Miss Annie Bell. is visit- ing at Barrie. - :1, 1r,r1,_,:., `_L J`,,.. r\u---.- 1...; q--uggv--.. vvv .. -.-.._. Mrs. J as. Adam di.-poled of another of her noted Shorfln rnw. W.r:ior Boy, to Mr. Lennox, f Thointoa, for a handsome sum. T M'1C1';;'3f's'c;.}i;;IZx{d Z1\iisHs-1\r.7 m of the B.C.I. spent Sunday at home. I nlffisn, I I, ., J Geo. Ferguesm has his ice-bToat-in ajunning trim. T 3' ....._,_c, .. .. Next Friday evening -a debate will be given: Ru-so}ved, that Free Trade would Benet Canada." A. F. Johns, leader of the airmative; G. Johnston, leader of the negative. It; pxomises to be very interesting. Jan. 22.-VV. E.. Moffxt has disposed of his business here to Thus. Lowe, of lizrrie. We wish Mr. Lowe `and family every success. ` -|r- n,,2, `n:L,|_:- L..~_ __-._.'-.1 - `TL: X."n}?sZ'2{J ikaay with friends at Ferndale. ' _ _` Miss Gertie'McMimn is v'isit.in'g in Cxeemore and Alliston. ` ... . ._ --. v u . V V . . ~ _ . . . V... -_ _--...- _-, __,.__..___,, Ar!. Nixon returned homelast week after visiting Ins sister, Mrs. Barclay, Stroud. - -.- saw 'I\ - c u` .--5 _~v ------ Alox.1\Icauaig left for Ottawa last week to learn band-saw ling. `I'D `If .I `l\ _, ,0 I`! ._,., The; .s'v\`r;;:71;ai."CV)~r; sldgn is being ` speedily lled again with wood. `- n `I , 1 ,3, -5 I_!__1- -__ ____ 1_ l"""""'J """" D""` """ Several carloads of biisi-y`e maple have been shipped from I are. ' -r I II` I- , __L ,L._.._'I-__ __-2u, \a-\..v-mu... V` Richmd "I.-iu-l-l'_:_1-t:-;1`Ta1i1il_y' left Elm- vale on Saturday to reside in Hamilton. . \`I" . 1 L_,,,, l,,L ___,_|, Mr. and l\Trs-. 'Wm. Drysdale, [cave here this week for the Nojthwest. "':"J " "mi "" Miss Susie Ritchie has {seemed a I position in the bunk here. 1:1,, xrwlr. 1r-I1__.-__ _..__L 1-.|. ._.--I. Miss Nellie V%(JHr;1er spent last week visiting her aunt`, Mrs Hipwel), Allan- dale. Miss Katherine lirury, if Crown Hill, is visiting fiien lshere. ` nu ,, ;_I, ,1 f\___ C1A-L2_._ 2- I_;!..._. feecrnlt & 110.} A Live Paper for a Live People. Bf`N.K.Bz- OR0 STATION. ELMVALE. 1901. ALLENW00 D. ' .` J an. l4-Mxs. 8. Duncan has return- ed from visiting in Toronto. ` urn A n , _,2_:L-.1 ':_ 'n1_.._-1-` I "1{1r'.' Kn} Mrs. T. Dickenson, of Gib- lson, visited here on Sunday. ' A ru,,,,_.,__ _4- 1m__-_-1_ _.L- Iowan ---a-v~- -v-- -- ~----..-. - Mrs. A. Clemence, of Elmva`.e, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Henderson, returned home last week. `J A tr 1 I ,1_A _g La. IJ\-vuvvn-' -v--.-..-- -..y-.. ......- .. Mrs. A. Henderson has a aup1;l`;of dry goods in store now, as well as groceries. ' ~n._.:__ ...... u._ ....a... ..c' .1... .... ...'....... any-v J\nvv -~. ... We are pleased to notice through the coli1mns,9f this paper that the Edenvale Sons of Temperance are still active. Allenwood Division is still alive but in ayery weak state. 1r, `n ,'I-.,J :-1___ .1- L_.I.l!.... .. ...._:.... .S_ucessors to J._ C. M;KEGOiE 6: Co. I _...__J ~.v-._ _. Mr. Bedfordigten ds holding a series of special services in the Methodist church hero. 4 _ I 141- .-vu. -o " Miss A, `En 'EImva1e last week. __ ..-. ... . -n... 18m LINE, TINY._% -. 1 . Jan. 19.-Miss J. F. Marshasl, of Barrie, has been engaged as teacher in our school for the present year. _ ___ ...-L.-.......I vuh uvuvva sun vuu `llvuwunv Jxn.-. Mr.oArcI'1er and bride have returned from their honeymoon. Inn . _,__I --l.-..._.. .... -..._. -.....- -...-..J --_.-- The recent municipal ectinns in Penetang were quite exciting, the ex- citement increasing at the close of the pole, and with some it was Rolling Homein the morning, Bnys. .. 'lrI'\11 111' I'll! _n*n,,- 'Thos. Hornshy lost-`ti valul steer last week. The animal chucked itself by getting its head twisted in its halter, 1l':,,.,,, 1... __-L A'_..._-LL__ L- `Kin,-_.; Winter has not forgotten to visit. this part of the country. (0,, I3, rru__.,,..____ __ _.-_:.:__,, L:_I Charlie Thompson is visiting grandmother in Penebano. 7 .n 1 .I `I1 I . ! l,,, his Last Sunday the Presbyterian church, Penebung,h_eld their anniversary services which were conducted by~Re/. Dr. Grant of Orillia. In -the evening he reached a vary impressive sermons, using for his text ,Though He slay me yet will I trust __Him. Excellent music was rendered by the Penetang 1\![aleQ'.satt.et-te. ' A 1!` IN. I, 1,, L,_,-AL, 5: vvvn nu... u Parties are the order of the evenings hexe just now. 117 , 1 .,, S 1- ,,_:.-- L'L_-.-._L LL- In taking over thebusiness` of the late rm, we respectfully-solicit the patronage of the people of this com- muuity. tr, ,,,,-1| .__-_ _ _ _ r1-_-...1 ..... L- .J..0.. .'".'t19.3LaL1"}..I1"1?1`.lI." min, of Bxrrie, visited Miss Thompson last week. I nu 11- u ,,I,,,I,1 Miss Champion, who has heen Athe guest of the Misses Thompson for the past week, returned home on Monday. 'M'r. Hodgins, of B3.rri'e, visited his son, Wellington, on Sunday. I .- I , ,1,,,,,,,',,,_ T Jun. 21-J. Copeland shipped a car Ioad of pail wood to Nemnarket last: week. Mark VVebb also, shipped acar load last week.` -Wl`\Ix-'.;,."(3'}"1z;,.='.'--Tl\IcI{ei1zie and M15. VV. Rusk, of A1Ia.ndale,_ visited John Hockridgo last. week. " .\l' 11- .9 n 3', _,- 2.- J LL 1.1.. LJr|IlJUlUUo Harl l\1arshn1!,ioif Toronto, is spend- ing a con; le of weeks at. home. . Miss Howard, of `Barrie, is spending few days with Miss 13. Howard. George and Miss Oiive Young and Miss Emma Parr visited in Josephine on Sunday. V ` Gen. Quanlz, of Josephine, is spend- ing :1 few days at home. James \Valton and Uiss Martha Howard, both of Grentel, were united in Imrri-age on \Veduesda_v, Jun. 16th, at the pirsonagein Angus bv the Rev. Thos. G. Scott. The hride looked charmin-.; in a navy blue suit with hat to match. She WIS attended by her cousin, Miss 1\-Iuy Iloward, of B-an'i-2, and James Lambie acted as best man. The community extends its very best wishes lo Mr. and Mrs. \Valton,. who wilireside in Grenfel. i ` A number of men are busy drawing wood from Vespra Siding to Bxrrie for Mr. Webb and others. Mark Webb wil! rush business this winter; he intends going into the swamp with two engines. nu r . 9 1191, ,,,,'I C1_L._._]-._ A 'y"o{{n},I1;3Z '.;;I{e'.I1QhTe of Mr. and Mrs. J. Copeland on Jan. 19th. James Ransbe try and VV. A.`Hen'on are drawing hay from Shanty Bay. 1"! `FL 7 __.._L _1.-.--... ..... ..........5 ...._, ...,:.. ..,......._, -.-,. If i:'s good roads you want, always `take the 1`. .bh line; that's` what other peopld say. The 1`3t`.1 line is always up-to-date; it is also getting a music class now. ` News will to caeheq at Iong or short dates at the very loweeu rates of intercst.- 1'\_..___ :__.__1 -_ ....... .....c- at Hun -.._-__, ...-_ _..- -_.D._---. I The frosts of Frid_ay and Saturday told on a number of our wood-business men by freezing their ears and feet. I 7 -r 77.7., L. LI__ L_._.; -l.' Wi:{u}1Lon Orr,\ for Wm. Hirous, I H. Cameron. IT I III ,,_L,II n n won; 56- uunun V.--. V.-. The annual meeting of the Barrie Presbyterian church held on the 16th inst. was largely attended and the re- ports presented showed 1900 to` have been one of the most. successful 1n.tl1e history of the congx-egation. The -total amount raised for all purposes was over $4250 of which 82000 was for Century Fund. VVhen the amount of this fund a.pplicn.l)le to the debt is up lied the indebtedness`. will be` re uc-ed to 81000. i mum R.-my-A nf nnnanra AY`t\nY`f.Pl] rm l Will he com-Iuueo. on ounuu.y_aau mun g The 1-ebiring\unanagers, J'a.s.' Vair. Dr. \V. A. Ross, and J. A. MacL-aren were re-elected and Wm. Elder was added to the Board. A. I-In.y. "John Dougall, Ja.s.V_ai1-and J as Goodfellow were elected tn-uatees. W. Ault was re-elected treasux-er and John Rogerson and Donald" Ross auditors. rm... cmninm-am-v n'm~vi(-an of the r-m 1L , and Donald` oss auqlwrs. The anniversary services of the con4 gregatiun will he held on Feb. 17cn,- wnen Rev. R. Atkinson, of Oak `street. I Presbyterian church, Toronto, `will pr:-at-h. _ g reduced to mow. A The Board of Managers reported on plans prepared for the extension of the church at :1. cost; of $2700; they also recommended the purchase of a pipe organ. These, after a- lengthy discus- sion, it was decided to submit to the congregation for vote by ballot which will he concluded on Sunda.y_Jan 27th. rm... ..u|-:..:nn\umnnarnr-a, .Tn.:_- Vnir_l Pun-esbyterian Chu rch. ,..._...-,.I ........l-2.-.. -. clan GRENFEL. , who has been working} ,has gone to work for Of The West Simone Agricultural "Society--D. ' Quinlan is President. _ The annual meeting of this society? was held last_Wednesday afternoon in. the Town Hall, -witha fair attendance of members. Pres. -Little presided.` The Presidentrnade a. short address in which he reviewed the past year and regretted that the nancial standing: was not better. Having been pres- ident for four years he tell: it his duty to resign. VVhile he had good assis- tance from some of the directors others had not attended to their duties as they should have done. It is of the greatest importanm that the directors should use every -elnjt to make the fair 3 success. ' ' ` rm._,__..__._ .1` 1.1.. ........a....... ....A 51.... IDIBNJBI/.` Dmxms issued on any part; of the world. .' 1 - 11 I, __ uselul BTUCIEE. 1 The Hospital has also much app'eci.ted the kindness of __tl.e local ,publIshers:[m' sending their papers gratitqously. I-`0R,BUILDI.\'G' FUND. Mr. Malcolm, Shanty Buy, 85; Women's , - Rune, Misaionsrv Society.` Presbyterian . r.|church. Bm-ie, 85: Mrs. Culvert, Pain:-9 1 wick. $5; Rev H. D Cameron. 35 ; La.diea' ; Ail, Presbyterian church, Guthrie, $62.45. 3llCCB`Bo The` reports of the secretary and the treasurer were read and adopted. The receipts amounted to $1829.50 and the expenditure to $2167.25, leaving a decit of $337.75, about the same as` last year. . . n....:..I n'..:..1.... ...,.....1....4-ml m-naiapnt I may yuan u Daniel Quinlan waseiected president, S. Dymenti Isl; vice president, and Jas. Vair 2nd vice president. The follow- ing directors were elected :-George Raikes, R. A. Stephens, Dr. Morten, E; A. Little, F. \Varnica, J. C. Irwin, 0. Bennett, Geo Crawford (Oro Station) and R. D. Hill. V_V. R. King and T. Beecroft were appointed auditors. ' T ' ,1 1 , -n L`._ I :_ 1'..- 1nn1 ......... IIUUILURH The dates of the fair for 1901 were xed as Sept. 25511, 26th and 27:`). b ~ A nnfn AF fhrmnlra mac 1911111-!!`P.[ 0. PKCHHIUIJII LUI [IUD IRBU IULII. J`U(Il- At a. meeting of the Board of Direct- ors held subsequently, S. Dymen: was appointed txeusurer without salary. On motion by J. Coutts and Geo. Raikes it I was decidedro advertise for a.secrctar_v. ' The inaugural meeting of the Public School Board for 1901 was held on Jan. 16th. all the members being in their places. The ballot for chairman was taken without nomination and `re- sulted in the re-election of Col. lard. Messrs`Reid, Cowan, Smith, Andrew, Milne and Clark were appointed to sbiiko the standing committees for the year. Theirroport was adopted. The committees are as follows :--e 1.1_,______ \rJ,__ /_I__:...._.. \ r`1li..l- cuIu_uuuu:.cu mu `db uuluna .'-- _ FINA.\`CE-M1lne. (chairman), Clmk, J amieson, Palling, Rhinehart and Yqung. `l\.f.\unu.-uux--n_. {`.nmnn /nl ninnnn\ .I.U'|.lll3u - 1\`IANAGEME.\'T -- Cowan Smith, Andrew, P-alling, Brunton. 754 4--_._._ . --_ 0..-..- -- UKUU U5 IDUPM Jnlbll, -'aUhu uuu -ll .. 1. A vote of thanks was lenderedbto. Mr. Little for his v.1ued services as president. for the last fou r`yAears. AF :1 I-nan!-inn nr flan Rnnr nF Direct- JJL uu LUHQ - PROPERTY AND SUPPLY-R`:id (chair- man), Smith, Andrew, Milne, Rhine- hart and Yhunv. 13.. Yvnlln om-I hr Qn~.l>.}\ unarn nnm- Cxmquns on any Bank in Ctnada or United States cashed. ` I I1 _,_ __1_I Lllllla uuu .l. Uuu. Dr. Wells and Dr. Smith were nom- inated for -representative on the Collegiate Board "and the latter was chosen. V 1.1 , 1 \r.__ ____;_-_._....:._a..Zl ...A....,.L..... _lull!G3ul_UL an it cI.l.uI_y Ul V1-dun _ At; a. special meeting c-`lied by the chairman for general birainess, the chairman of Property and Supply was instructed to offer A. `W. \Vilkinson' $3 25 per cord for 100 cords of green hardwood` and m the event of t`iis- not being accepfed the chairman to use his discretion as to accepjng the tender at Q9 9-": $0.00: I A. coal test having been ordered by the chairman in the Central school with a. view to substituting coal for wood, the -cl1airman s action was confirmed and the testorderedi to be continued for the bilance of the week. Uuuauu. , _ Fred. Man` was reappointed secretary- reasurer at. a salary of $125. ' AL .-. nun,-.l..\ r\nnt1I;r|rI nvllnn` nu 1-kn I518 DOBFU. _ 1`hos Stevenson of Sannington wants to locate a carriage factory in Barrie if the . town will give him free site, free water and exemption from taxes for twenty years ~ and a loan 01 $20,000 payable in 20 years. He wouldemplpy from 40150 100 men. Thu Rmml Vintnriia. Hnsnitul asked {of I-Haul um | $3.35. A A. Mouaay evening. . Rv. D. D. McLeod wrote thanking the Uouncil for re-appointing him to the Colleg- iate Board. ' ' 'I`luus Qrnnnnanu nf ".-nnrnnfn-1 xunnftu -in I overseer. A. W. Walkins6u s tender for 30 cords of green hardwood at $3.45 and S0 colds dry at $3 75 was accepted. 'l`Iw. |\/lunar. Aln. Puwell and Aid. MnLea.n Town Council, The Town Fathers held a. short. session on Monday evening. Rv. D. D. l\`lnLand wrote thnnkina the wouia employ irom sumo 1u_u meu. _ I The Ruyal Victoria. Hospital asked for the usual grant of 8200. R .I, l4`mtr-Jmr and W". I). Vm;Sic-kle. Anltdlllvgu We will carry on a Genelal up-to-date Bmking Business. \*r-____ __:n 1- _--L-I -4. `Anti nu-