lIII E IIIW IIUIBUIIB ' Erntst--Until that hour which will re- vcal my`-fate, and (letermine- my future des1tiny, farewell I farewell l-[Exeunt R . . |.l\:l1|4L 12] sill, l L.] BUIDLVD Y; A Forest, with rocks overhanging a lake ' -Entr Amalelc, C'.F. AmuleIc--[Witl1 the'fIetter in his hand.] Those noisy fools---[Looks`o' R.] Ha! the form. [Rushes olf R. re-enter forciu in Helena, whose face is concealed. \Vlmt`s this? Palm,-sv poison from her hmnl.] As I ive Lis poison! Come, this Links x-;uspiciou:<;I mu`sL see thy fz4_c'e, that I nmy know tlmo, if harm comes of this. ._ Tl .7..A Y ,,'II .I ,|JVI:I- "` Ernc-st--`-Do not drive, me to despair. O, tortue me. no longer with these dis- tressing doubts. . Revea1.the fatal ac-cret- _ though it should crush forever my dear- estlnopes. und dash the cup of happiness from my lips, I could bear with fortitude the \v0rs'.. Lv,.1_' `A I A n. , , ,, \ ;1`." U 3 c ) Erncst-Fatl1er, (throws himselt into the nrms of the priest.) I. am not un.- grateful for your l Never shall I en. .ertnin for these unknown parents the telndernnd devote! lovel feel for you. But the lnenrt. has other, nnd ever dearer tics. ` ET .1 1 '..A\ o .1. u-won! x1.-' .u.lil3& lny SUIIJ Lll1l|.llLll0Il icnu never be. A barrier more insur- mouaztnl-la t`n'nn the mystery which in-. volves yo11rbirt}1, will separate you`for- aver. ' - . an g0 . u;nsu|uuul`g Ll)-lllgllb." . Fat/wr A--(Rising in great agitation.) Ernoat, you cannot. for at moment con- te`mplnte_ so'rnsh a` stop. You hmte no home beyond these waIls-without money '--without friends--whitl1er would you Ernest--'I`o seek my father. 'Fa'tlzcr1--"Ungrateful boy, have not Ibeon to you in futlxer? What parent ever.`lzu'nshed on 1: child, utfection more devote-l or sincere, than that I bore for you ? V K _. ' 7r.'.-...mI_uE`..ol..\.. I.l.......... l.:...,.,Jt :..~.- user, .LlllIIJ3lo, 1 UflHIIUU 1U.B'UI' IIHUHL Ernest-'1`ell me if m y mother is liv- ing, and I will be satised? Fat/wr A.-She is dead. Erncst--And my father? ' A Father A--Is deadlo you. . .Er:zest--"It is enough, 'I' lom'e Snxe Nzmenxlmrg tt`)-uiglnt. lV7tII]).I )` /'--{R.;u;nur ;n nrranl nnvihann \ lvl |I\3|tIUIlI ` Ernest--(pzices the apartment, stops suddenly, and gazes at priest.) Father was I born in wedlock ? (priest re- mains sileu .-ERNEsr draws nearer priest, xing his eyes steadily on him.) Who was my mother? - - ` 117:1!/mr I` ;-'l`lIna-A nnnanna urn nun- |Used, "ll! llly lHUl|Il.'l Y _ Father A.`--These questions- are use- less, Ernest, I cannot answer them. - AI.`........n, 'I`..H`..... :4` ..... .....n..... 2- 1:.. guilt) NIIU uugumucq IIUUI. _ Ernest---And you cnnsiler such 2| pro- mise binnrling, when the happiness of a human being depends upon your non-per- forufnnce of it? r.1..a1._.. .1 1 1- |._.___,_ .1. u' - IUIIIIJIIIUC UI II:`o' _ Father A.--'_I do--becu1se_ the happi- ness Jf so sunny indiviclttsxls depends upon my secresy. Have pmience, and time will mvenl all. A clisclosur at this mo- ment might draw upon you ecrtain (les- truction. L1.._.....1 l.._`__, `I . nu-' u:u um um), nu you`-uuuu my lull"! \`-`o.-Jinn;-_uI1 who was my t'nLher? , F. (her A.--[L is a question which I i mnmnt. |_'c.-s<>!\':-. . ' 4 Er/2est-\\f'lxat hinder`; you? `Fat/zer A.--'.`\ solemn oath, given in n v guilty and urxgilmdecl `hour. E'rnn.A~l._..Anr] vnn )-nnu.lm- anal: .. I-\I`t\ ` H:-.'u:u |.un`auuut:lI Cllllgl: ' < , 9r.1zest-'-- [`l1einysterj which involves m_=. bum. Te},` Ftgher Augustine, an-+u-ll me truly, an you -.\-nlue my futur wo,-}hu'e:uul'(aharnul nniu-n. whn was lnv um: IJ')|l)o L auuu use 11 1. reumm 9616. Father A.--A few hours ago, Ernest, and a command to leave Smge Nnwem- burg would hz1\'e_` been receiveil by `you with the deepest Anguish. _Whut has _ ef- : fcctd tlxifsitcldexl changr ;": r;)P.?f.'-_'P|\h inn.-.xl.~n-x; Lu}-air-I1 :;nII(\`nna (III: )UU III I ' - E'rnes-I am sic`: at heart, my dear and venerable friend, (seats himsolf,) change of scene is as necessary ; to the health of the mind, as change of air is to the body. I shall die ifI remain here. F'(1l/ur A,._.A fcuv `mum nan F'.u-rmaf - J37:/_l3T, I`. ' Fatlzer A.-_-(Seatin himself, looks at Ernest.) Yoi: lo k_ pa_e today, Ernest; are you ill? brought up frmu a. child, lxe lies! (loulml through \\`lllI:lIt\' R.) All !4 vouder he V ig moving thistwnv, followed b} his protege. ` Yesterday, at`; `be walked through the gnnleu I beau-.1 him umtterl somthihg about telling his noble boy all, only for the oath that sealed his lips ` 1' will step` into this apartment and listen to their con- versation. - , (Exit L. 8rd E.) `Enter Father Augustine, followed by `Ernest, R. 'F nI})rr A _.lQaan1-vhirnanlt` Innln. -5 . |U~ c Fat/zer A--Alas! my son! that uuibn an never Im. A `|n|`I';!-F Inn:-a {nun-- , THURSDAY, SCENE V I. J ....-7... ....-._l. : 4 item` IV. SCENE i. T/zc Ruins of an Ancient Abbe_2/--enter Ernest 12., and approaches the Altar.- T]_8wlli`I!g notes of an organ dze away as he advances. [Stug_a darkeiieci] ' -Ernest-I is no ifiible that the dead -have nppcarel to the living; it is a fact which has been attested-by all ages; and why should this niystery, which has been revealed to `others, be denied to . me? from thee when arrayed in the shadowy garments of iinmortality. I charge thee by that invisible world, of which thou art a member! by that love which thou hast ever professed to bear me while on earth -to nppearto ine_oii this spot, and satis- fv my doubts. ` Tis almost midnight. The storm rages without; and the wind" as it moans through these shattered case- meuts, seems chanting a requiem to thy departed spirit. [thunder.]~If thou, dost sleep, let that voice of heaven hid the rise [kneels before the nltnr.]. My father! my councillor! my `best and dearest friend; methinks it` I. could seethee again, all would be well with me. I loved thee, Augustine, living, n(l,WOUl`.l not shrink from the when arrayed in the, shadowy garments of immortality, I charge thee by that invisible world, of which thou art 8 member! by that love which thou hast ever professed to hear me while on. earth appear to me on this spot, and satis- fy. my doubts. Tis almost midnight. The wind, as it moans `through those shattered easements, seems chanting a re- CIIBIUI. SUUl| INIUUI I I . . Father A.--O, Laudislaus! I feel as if I were about to die. It seems `a judg- ment from heaven, to prevent me from violating my vow. Oh, my poor boy; who will watch over thee when I am gone. God bless my poor boy. [His ut- terance becomes fchoked Water! water! good Laudislaus. [Helena goes for water; Father A. leans against a wing, 11.; enter Ernest. I..; Father A. rushes to meet him and falls into Ernest. s arme.] My son,. the time for concealment. is past. _ Yet, tnkemy (lying advice, question not the motives which aoumtedyyour father's con- duct, when I tell you you" are _ Leopold son. starts lmnl.-2 tlm nrin.=i. Ful "VII |aIlU IIUUF. Ernest [approaching the prostrm ) body].-Tl1is will not satisfy me; I mus} know all ! [Enrleavox': to raise the body, but falls i:gni:1.-'Enter Helena.] Gool Gocll he s dewl ! [Turns to L:1unlisl2:us.] How s' this! 7 [Bends over the body, Helena _stumls gazing at her dreadful work. drop-curtain descends slowly] . pun -nu A...-.-... - sciaNE VII. ' . ` Gothic` C'i/u`unber.--Enter. Helena supporb M _ ing Fatherv/Iugustine`, R. ' Suspicione may be created by this sudden effect. of the poispn; I would mitigate the pain if it were in my power. (Aloud.) Dost thou feel any easier. good father? ,1-Vnfllnr A _._n T.nI1rHul-inc T Fan` n N` Hull: IUI NC to the oor.] Eh... -. . Illlb LLICBU g_lllIBI|)' PlIllIIlUlIl5: _Erncst-Tlmt lfellsnmmons me to re- ceive glad tidmgs. or a command to leave ` these happy scenes where you love to wander. and those whom you (leign to smile upon are blessed in thy presence; still, these scenes and the fairy nymph that makes them melodious with her song, will, when I am far from them, have a placein the innermost. chambex` of `my heart. No matter what the result may be, we meet aguin-farewell! (Ernest takes Frelerica`s hnnd.) F'w.=rler2'ca---Nn\9. I mnnt. an with vnn. IIIRUD L IC'lUlICiI H uullu. _ Frederica--Nny, I must go with you to the bank, and watch you till you enter the castle gate--(Eareunt R.) ' n nvnvrrn :91-r |.V0`|GO VVHIHIII IIlU' IN HU'L,"' , Frederica-"If. you value my peace, Ernest, let not these. dreadful thoughts oppress and weighedoxvn your spint-I have often seen you sad-but never did your melancholy take a form like .th1s. *Fort.une has yet a thousand gifts in store for you. (bell rings at a distance.) Hark !- -but the sound of that merry bell, dis- miss these ghastly phantoms!" F.'rm1.vI.-_.'l`lmt. l`?nll cnmmrme ma fn m. /}nI.Ir'i`o IvlllL...n L UCBUI IUU 3 Frederica--Yes; =but, believe me, Ernest, those dark" Torelmdings are self- . created spectlca, that we corijure up in solitude to -destroy our_ peace !" _ V 'ETll8[--0ll! thnv um -rmt. imnnvinmm voic vvichin mu, iM'll()i ,` ' ` auuyuuu Lu uuauu ulll`_ PC3106; -Ernes`t--Oh! they are -not imaginary, Frederica. Their agenc , though invisi- ble, is true. Why should ' feel this sudden chill- -this fearful looking {o1'\vard-bu! for some potent cuase? hhe wauxirw /`M .......- I N'mn:7nn-u'nn:lc'H` unu nah". nu. uunca um umlu.) L Imvu nub IUJGCLGCI yOll."' ' E7`)2est-(kisses lxer,). Frederica, n dnrl: clouvl is on my- spirit-a presenti- meut of}: preaching ill presses out. my beart-a- llorrible picture of futurity is be- fore me; and I struggle it : vniu agalustits inuence. Did you ever experience what I describe? 1:'.....7-...'., 11".',A _ I ,,. I I I- The Outside `qf Gal. ArILe'z'7n s Cottage-3 Enter Ernest and Frederica, from House; Frederica holds a guitar in the _ actfof playing. A Frederica-Why do you murmur at the decrees of ute, Ernest; sit down `beneath this tree and I will sing you a joyous nil` to dissipate your melancI1oI_v." (tuches the guitar.) Ernp.cf_T Inn: in llnrn vnn n:nn-' I-nu` \h\IUllUD LHU guuur Ernest-I love to here you sing; but I am not in tho mood; it would only make me sad; *`_\'_our father has rejedted my suit, and I am ovferxvhelmetl withdespair. -Fre(1er1'ca--Bevot' (mm! `r-Imnr Ernmztr nun, auu A an: uvlcl \v uvuuuu Wltll. uespulr. `Frederz'ca-Bevof good `cheer Ernest; (takes'his hand.) Ihuve not rejected you." L'1`)zest--(kisses lmr_\ jrrmlnrirln n uauu 1.. ` .AmalIel:---I will trust her ! Some drea ful work is going on in her -breast; and from the resoluteness of her character will be through - with. If she deceives me the Castle shall be red on the instant; and those who escape` the ames shall find no mercy from the s\_vorrl. Exit. aw. . V ' nur I`-`l_\-IIVI5 UH!` L06 POISOXLJ - Helena---F or nought that will retard the carrying out the plot we have deter- mined; but will` tend rather to mature it. Iam honest with thee. ', But, to be con- cise, as I am in haste. meet` me here on the evening of the day thou hast said Leo- pold returns, as the Convent bell sounds for vespers; till then. leave the plot. en- tirely to me---have your man in readiness for the occasion. [Draws cowl over face, Exit. R _l A..- -1. `I ...-II. . I I n u c I Wlztlmalek---Anni` now`, what is for 9--~[Gives her the poison.] Helena---For nnu:}.t. HIM . 1 ulu uuymean w fauna wee. - Amalelc-`-Thfe'e da'ys,.nnd` Leopold is at `the. Castle. _Now wilt thou.let'his son be'tiie.9ne who wil! strike the blow. No matter whether he is thy boy orvmy ais- ter sI mu agreed. [Aai]---Because I know he is tliy son. ` . M Helena--I hm also satisml. [Aside.] A ---knowing he is thy sisters is-ase born i Rh, - ' 110613 :1 in In VHUGKZIVID, . . ' Helena---Hegwens! he has killed my: son ! my only princly Conrad has been ` butchered by his heartless father, that his bastard might enjoy` security. A T a at Amalek. hnd takes his hand. `Nay, I ' did not. mean to wound thee. A.m..1.l. -,'I"l...`..-.. .1.'... ..-..I- 1 ._.`._.IJ :- Anmlek----Alnl tlxinke.-xL.tlmu I will lxindertlxe-:'fr {"u_\` pu.-'po~e', no, on `the contrary I have tr plan to tell thy, by uwhiclrneed not be auuei by g-.-icber of us.-l which, both our passions for revenge can be consumate-l by one demlly blow, Th husband has ason? - elena--He has two. ' Amalek--No'_!_ on felhu the battle of Chockzirn. 114-..`- u- , . . . .... . l nllldll 1. [Mil yUU yUll HT8 .lJBUI)(_)IU' [Ernest starts back; the priest ful oor] . _ SCIENE VI. 39.11133 rrmnnom AND GGLONIAL RIGHTS. , is lhis poison nniunn 1 ' ' v--uu we auyunng: _ ABRAM-By that lightning s glare, I saw a gure moving this way! (lig/mzing) V Iseeit again! It nears us, and is of strange appearance ! AMA!J:.'-Tf` aha nnmn: nnl w:e`l.:n Hag IJUYPUWU 3' - HEui:NA--Not so! I am cme; to ac- celerate il. L...-_._. _. I, _ \ TIYL _. and gazes after her._| To-marrow! she said; ---to-morrow I shall be no more! The light of another day will not break on my living form! To-morrow! to-morrow ! thero s a ifearful warning in that word! and as I utter it the very: echoes of those dilapidated walls seems to mock me_with the hideous path by which I have bound my soul. [heavy thuuden] _Back, `hell- houndb! do not thus pursue me! [moves backwards, gazing wildly in the direction that HELENA took] I am not. yours! to.- morrow-,1 wlllinor. heed thee! Ha! ha! ha! to-morrow! to-morrow` I zn/1.-I...-4 13 11...:-, s g( 19:4: 1t_.-munacr.) { SCENE II. " A Forest-Roc7.-.3. Amalelc and right brigands discovered, all armed; the Gypsy is standing on a rock, looking 1?, a torch burning in his hand. A...-,, I Y I/U15 H In In Mn] is '(\)l;||` - ...... Ivy wv run) Iuwuuu .AuAI.xzx-Abmm, I will wait. no longer ! Men, prepare ! (lz'_r/lztn2'ng.) Dost thou see anything? ABRAu_.Rw nun I:..1.o..:..,n. .;.1....,. 1 mnausv um):-:nruuuu :_ AMALEK-If she comes not. wiihin the next five minutes the castle must be red. |_The brigands commence cheering; enter Helena; they all start. back with n.tfright.] :\'AlAI.EK--Whnt infernal nnh-it m-f. tlmu Ixnwun, DUE] ll Buifh Uillllk Wllll nurlgm. AuALEK-What infernal spirit art thou conjured up from `hell to oppose our purpose ? mv.nv1__Nnf_ tn T 91111 A/\n1;' In no- WX;`1I:L1`:|1': -- (recogising her) Why comest thou thus? ' Concluded on fourth page. Ulu Helena---I. must away! . Farewell my son! [Egmzsr raises and at.t.empts to em- brace her, she moves backwards L., wav- ing her handsl] Be rm---we shall meet again tomorro\v!_ [E2:it_. ERNEST-_--Slay! in mercy, stay! [lnauses and gazes after her.] To-morrow! ---to-mormw I shall lm nn rnnl-n' 'I`lm ll! IUIUVEB Ernest--I _s\vear! ' [thund_er-`--risesr his hand toward hezwen.---pauses.] Mother, your dreadful mandate is accomplished. Nothing visible" or invisible can terrify me now!` Let me look upon your face before I curse God and die! [HELENA places her hand on his hezul.---ERNEST sinks to the oor.] ' Ffelnn/1...T, rnnuf nu-av` `4`n-n--vnn uu_uU uuuu .l HIVOKB ! Helena--Swear by that unfathomable abyss that burns for ever--by`"those tor- ments which may not be-repeated to hu- man ears-'--to avenge your mothcr s wrongs! ' ' Ernest-4-[remains silent] Helena --Hesitatc another moment, and that immeasurable gulf will ow between _ us forever. ,'|___,_1 1 I F.` euutuu Lrauuur 101' my parents gum! V Helen_a.-Is it not written in the Book that lies not, that the sins of the fathers shall be visited upon the children? ' Can _&(.`:'cf8lI`Mpb`tI'Ge, my son, bring forth ;zood_b Unit? Of Vii bane utelml '1-our tku (out. of the furnace? Heaven has appointed you to be its minister of vengeance, and the fate" that it has marked out must be ac- complished. thunder] Z`.......-a L_; ____,|r ,, 1 I A IIIIBEI I) 3' Ern_est-Will this (lrezulful deed re- deem your soul from everlasting punish-' ment ! Helena'--It will. Ernest--Bul: mine? .Halena--You are but :1 passive ins_tru- ment. in the hands ofa higher power, the uiltless 1:` em; of a retributive 'ustice. 8 8 J . ' ETIl88t-YOur wmnmz shall ha nvnnrrml lilI:l.IUl' X Helena-.--Yourresolution wwers. You. must; swear to perform this; and him! your soul with an oath that must not be broken. 73.... ., . vs 1 . ..- ' - ---- .muI1 `Ill be n\ ull llmm ulqncu. Ernest--By whom shrl_I s'wea'r? Whose name shall I invoke? lT.J.....;.. U...-___ L .1 . A .- UVIIIVllullnwhullllllvfnj ;Ernest-- hat would you have me (10? Would you bid mo lift my hand" against my father? ' "nln0)n--_Tf ulna Lia nv-:n\r; 4,. `Ln. ..-....' Ill) IEIIILIUIV 5' V Helena---It was his crime to 'be your" father. ' Did he consideryour mother? Er1)eRI_-Nfnnt wrntnhnrl cI\n' TTnlm.u-... ILIIIIUIU Ulu uu UUllSlU.el'_) ULll' IHOUJGT5 Ernest---Most wretched son! Unhappy motlmr! Let this cup pass`f: om me ;~ the contents are bi ttur and I cannot. swallow them! ` 17.1-..- xr, , 1 -I - -- 5u.uur::a uguul. U1 2:. l`eU'lDuLlV6 _)llS_LlC8. Ernest-Your wrongs shallbe avenged .---your soul nd rest. [pauses] But my father? 1`1'_1-.. ,. 11' I -~ ' " uvcn w _)uu; |_uuunuer._j 7 7 Er2zest--Oh! _ woe is me! Why should I suffer for my parent's guilt? Helena.-Is it nnt. \vriH.nn 4.. Hun nmn, DHUKII i misery? _ Rr2:pgI_W{ll H.:.= .1..,....1r..I .1..,.,1 luls HeZena--You doom me then to endless yuui uuulawr UL vengeance: Helena--I do, Ernest! I charge you . by my sufferings on earth, by my tvorments in hell,` by the ceaseless woe that con- tlemned spirits feel, to mitigate my pre- sent ngonies, by the death of the guilty being who occasioned. them. who broke the solemn oath he swore to make me his lnwful.bride--who plunged me in in- famy, and covered you my otfspring with dishonor! His lawless passion has not alone destroyetl my earthly peace-it has slain my soul. To ll/up the measure of his crimes he has given you nnznne which is not your own, and invested you with titles you cannot lawfully claim. Accept the honors he offers you, to cover his in- famy, and the hitter curse of `your wretched mother-shall cleave for- ever to you! [thunden] Ernest--Oh! won. in nml ll-u Ila! Helena--Your mother. ` Ernest--[with surprise.] Mother !----If indeed, you are my mother, wherefore do you walk this earth like a trdubled spiit? or why do we meet. only in an hour like this`? - TL), nu . W Hielena--That_ my wrongs may `be avenged; for then, and then only, will-my soul nd_rest. -" - Z`...._..4 A _, I ,,, auul uuujesu. - Ernest--And you expect. me to be your minister of vengeance? HlE7)n%T (In `RI-nan!` T nhn-nun 1}... ` Lu: IIIIUUI`. Ernest-[t.rembling] Thi is some hot- n'bI'e illusion! [with rmness.] Fancy that can conjure up imaginary_ forms, has peo- pled the air with sounds. If I am not under the inuence of magic or ofa dream,- assume some form, and answer me. Speak yet again! and tell me who and what mom art? 1-1,1 . , 1} - _uu-1, mun so mce, answer me: , Helena-He sleeps, on whom you call, audwvill sleep till the archangel s trumphet | shall break his slumbers, and call the chil- dren of dust to judgment. [thunder HELENA rises behind the altar amidst the the ashes oflightuing.] _ It is only the souls of the guilty that nd no rest in the tomb,- and wander `continually through] the valley of the shadow of death--who, to expiate the crimes they committed while on earth, are condemned to haunt the spot thgt contains their mouldering ashes, and feel all the horrible changes of mortality, till the soul becomes as corrupt as the" body that it. is forced to inhabit. I [thundelu] ` I E"rne3t-l_t.rnml\linn'l Tliic in anvnn in... L5UUU\|e[.J Ernest-[looks around, again.] I hear n.vf_oice,' but no form is visible. Hide not thy selfin darkness, Augustine. Appear! and, face to face, answer me! ' Ho7nm_u'.. .l,....... .. ...1...... ..-.. .-n aupwur you. . _ `Eelena--Will not your courage fail you? You tremble at the apparition your `daring invocation has conjured up. [thunden] E'1`nesl:nnnltq Arnnnd m-1m'n'l T Lam. > ula umue. Ernest--[raising himself, looks fear- fu1}ynrou'nd._| Speak on! I. am here to '8U_5WGl' you. 'nP]9nn_.W3l` nnt I.-nun nnilrnrux (`AU quiem Loithy tleparled spirit.` Ifthou dost sleep, let tha; voice of heaven bi-J thee rise to comf-.u-_t me} I call` upon thee, father, but thou dost not answer. I pour out the anguish of my spirit, and the `silent xtomh 1 sends forth ' no voice to comfort me. ? [, who is concealed behind the altar, in tho garb of 1 spirit, pronounces his] .R_.- under.) TE II. ' Physicians Prescriptions prepared-on short notice. Magazines, Periodicals, &c., kept o`-n hand. (mum. 1m 45-Iv Licenses, Cookstown. C76. t, ----....-.-, .,.... Knzr Co.\'snx1'LY' ()5 HAND ; DRUGS, MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICINES, C- hemL'ca.l.v_. Perfumery, Taikt Soapn` Brushes, ` ' Paints, Oils , t-c.> > County Clerk. WILL attend at his Oice, in Barrie, every SATURDAY, from 11, -a.m., till 3, p.m., according to Order of Council, and every other day at. his Olce in Cookstown. _ ,. MA'RR1A GET LICENSES. \J-ILII. 1.1. LhUUJ`4_l\aiD, Q (Lute Clerk in County lh.-,;i;~'try Omcc. Co1ij:cy`m1cc:',Commissi0ncriuQucen's Bcuch,_ Auc 9 tiolicr, Appr:iiser_:1nd Commision Agent for the ' sale of HOUSES, LANDS, FARM STUCK, IIUUE-EIIULD 1<'(}R.`IITU1:E, GOODS, WARES xzc Also for the collection of RENTS, NOTES AND ACLUu'N'l`S. Cash advances made on ggods left for sale. ' sale Robm, comer of Collier and Market Strccts Barrie, Ont. _..__.____,. _..., V. ,1 opposite the Market, BARRKI-2.. LICENSED AUCTIONEER, AND AP- PRAISER for Barrie, and the County of Simcoe. Cash Advances made on Goods re- ceived for Sale. ' PORTRAIT PAINTER, P1 All AND'DECORATIVE PAPER ILLVGER, LI,\JJ.llJlL.LVlJ L)1.1I;1.`AJ.'AL, ULMAUDULVU. '1`c(-1..: extrnctet1'wiLl1out pain by the use of '.\ it1'ous `Wide (ms. Will he :11. (:00I{S_TO\\'N ml the 4th of each month LEFROY on thn sum- IIOLLAND LANDING on the zllh BONDIIEAI) on the 28:11 Parties who may require his services will be sure of mliu-,' him 11: all tuncsht Bradford except on the :1bm'c-m_ent_ionL-d dates. ' ~ LIv\J`;u'.y`I.~ .a4v.u4I4u uwuu: uv.ov._q u.uJu-unu. Vn1uations,cm'efu]ly made, and S_urveying o_1 ovary description executed with accuracy and despntch. ` 30-1 y "West, Toronto. JOHN MELLANBY, HOUSE, SIGN & CARRIAGE 1nx1.\*'r13u, v vuI.u|uuAJ \. ','"All d graph or ot tended to. Om-`ma, C Ih.LL..(Un.E E._f>_o R T E R, DENTIST, ' Licentiate-of the. Royal College Of Dental .S'ur- qcons of Ontario. . 'unr `r A \`rr\ omnwnrn nn A nnnnn v['.'uII..) UI vluul (U. [HOLLAND STREET, BRADFORD. l`r\:. .1 eth-nrtml `u-hhnnf n-n luv Hm nan nf-\'HI-nu: I I-Vvlllvlul L.IA|l\J Uul VU U V LAND AND INSUR.-XNCE AGENT, ANGUS. - - - - - on _ --o--- D G. SUT HERL AND, V1|:'rmu.\'.\m" u Scum-zox, Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. ` I7r"AlI 11:cv\l|II\'1nn nitkno. I... -.....:l l..!.. Provincial Land 3 u rv ey or," AGENT. v\.AD. . Money to vlehd. ON*Icn.-0weu St_rc_ot, Barrie, Ont; I. uilh nlrfnu lmnd; `- nrrln, ' R. J. LIZARS .LIZARS,.-)IEMBER OF the Royal Colleges ol` Surgeons, Edin- burgh and England, ' ` COg*SULTI;\'G S: 01;ERA'FIN_G SURGEON. I ' Oi-`FICH:-King St. West. Toronto, between | York and Simcou Sis. 47- uauas, CHEMICALS, s.c., ` ORILLIA ONT. T Dr. J. L. G. Mcfelarthy has removed llisoice to his new residence on the west side of John Street. immediately opposlto Mr. George Bail s Steam Plaining and Sash Factory. nr \I'r\(`.-:n*H\v hnc n rvnr-nnnw fan n oh` uuu u uauuua as -uuuu-5 uuu LIIDJAA y upuul, Dr. `McCarthy, has a vacancy for :1 gtu-` dent." ' n......:.-. \1'n.. no 1o-.1 ' An OrFxcE.-Above Mr. J.4Lock s store. Dun- lop Street,. Barrie. Ont. Eresidence,` opposite the Post Otco, Collier Street, Barrie, Ont. HEN] b'l.\1.J.\\.;.lD Iv. unuul, .tx1.l.UltLV.Eal- at-Luw.So1icitor in-Clmncery,Conveynncer_. I Notary Public. xr,.:..... L- `r .._.a .... ____.1 w,,,,__ , ,. V -A V FEBRUARY 15, /1872, ____ ,,_.-__, -7...._.-_, -_. ._-.--. Offices -0wen`Street, Barrie. FRANCIS W. LALLY, ATTO RNEY- __ at-Lulv._S9_1icitor MCCARTHY S: MCCARTHY-Ban risters, Solicitors, 83:. Oices, Mr. McCarthy's Block, South side Dunlop Street, ' BARRIE ONT. 'Dn',-rnv: \fr~(`AIsm5v dawn - n .. ..,.-v1r..n . . ....... 7. A mumus Una`. Dnxrox nrcbuvrar, Sen`:-3 DAx.'ro;jMcL`.n.'rn'r, Jr. ` Barrio, Dec. 6th, 1871, 45-ly. OU NT & LOUNT, V , BARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, SOLICITJRS-IN . CHANCERY. nnncarnnnnra \Tnfn7-inn Duh;-s -n J... W. Locxr. rOSE1 EI Roe}: RS, :r..m. mmi,:.. : |'osI3PH"15GEIs,` :'~nn`.v.*nn\r<' 1: av... Lent. _ B1m'ie,_Nov. lst,`1S71 Near` the. Foundry, Avtuu 1 L uuuu. Moiney to -Lend, on good Farm; security. DR. EA MILTON has removed go his new 9E\&%,{1>'.T`Is2 "-1, .;{rI Li 1}I5t'idim_{. I 3 no `urn Qnl!nH.u... L. l`1...~.m\...- ,.....,....... i'OSb;PI'I DOUPE, C.E., _o1nrL1 nuuruuo, _ CHIEF 0ON'S'[`ABLE, County of Simcoc, Ox-'1-vs; .__g._ u__ up. n._ . un.~mumu'. ` Conveyancers, Notaries Publxc. PROFEEEEIONAL HARD`; ENRY HARPER,- Issue: of 1`-Inrringc 1-100- [EDIC AL DIS PEN SARY. KERMOTT 6: -COOKE, %CI-IEMISTS 3!. DRUGGIST8, TL'DlI0x'I-:18 mum: nnnmr, 0!-`I-`ICES, IE M OVAL. Lu ` RDAGH. ARDAGH & s'rRA7rHY-i- _ risters, Attorneys, Solicitors in Chancery, R--- n._-_-a.__-. 157,..-- "orncs s-rnrcrnr Pnzvs. .___j.?__:_-.____j L12 VVILLLI. \Xa LJALKIJIJL, .l\L.L\JL|1I.'lJ.k7' at law, Solicitors i11-Clxu:1cery,Convoynn-' ._ _0__ Di3'pu!gd Lines accicralely adjusted. nhxnlinn: nnmxfnllw vnnn nn Gum-vnu-I ,R.J,sLAVEm _T.-i37xNT1N<;, A- Oounlu 1 W. BRIDG1\IAN,_ E`.\IOVAL. . MEEKING, _c=F|TIA'L _6ARDS.- R. BOYLE, M.D.: PHYSICIAN, SURGEON &c., ()FFICE--At Mr. R. G1'igg`s, ., w..\.5v. _ I dispzttches, either by mail, tele- ` otherwise, an be punctually ut- __ . , COLLIER. Srmzm, -NEXT nu: Fma 'n Stairs.) RARIIIE. . ,, ' L1 _,_.__.2a. uJ.LL1 \1, county Clerk. nf. his: mnn L. Y u-nu D43 Dlilbh LU ORILLIA, ONT. .. n....-_ . ..__ ..' n.. -v 16-1i- 'K`\uvc;:l`-,' Wm; DL`.\`LOP Srnasr. `RAH an: n.\ 39 King Stret J. A. mnujn, B.A._, , LEFROY, ONT. BARRIE.- 11.7` XLOP DKTIEET1 BARBIE. ONT G. W. Loc.\"r. One B01131; PerAxinum, Strictiy in Advance; 8-tf 1-: ;, ONT. 42-15' .,-u-.-an. y__;nmmuIu. _ _ l 1'I:_'nc.s't--Ln(l_v, I tlicl but act according to the first impulse of mature, and beats there :1 hc:u'L bcuontll the breast of any being, forxm.+l'liku :1 Hum, that could be lmaa enough to act 0l:er\\'isu; the veriest dolt would have done all 1 lmve clone, and felt more than co1npen.=;1t.c-I l-y thy art- less tl1m1l<.s-_ But thcu art not a stranger to n1.:--I szuv thee on you r0cl<--I lleurd the sweet music of thy voice; and I loved )'0u;--1u10llIer moment and fate made me your prcser\'er-my tlrozun oflrliss was re:1- - ll7.ecl.--As I lnnra Ihv insonsihlu Fm-m (`mm H, -7 _, _..-. _.-_..,.. This hotel-is being thoroughly renovated and refurnished. It is the most convenient for travellers, either by rail_or steamer. It will be found as comfortable as any hotel in the country and charges as moderate. n. - .. ,,._,1- , , 1 .- ,,_ _snl a v , I Choices: brands of liquors and cignns will be found in the bar. . J.&3IS CLEMENT, [THE CLEMENT HOUSE, BELL EWART, ONT. Near the Steamboat Landing, andadjoz'm'ng the Railway Depot. rnnrnn nu-1-nrn\vnv r-,, _ _,,, This old established and commodious hotel is l in excellent order having been renovated and re-furnisbed,and is well adapted for travellers being convenient to both cars and boats. Good stnbling. A Livery Stable connected with the hotel, Where horses can be had on the shortest notice 14-1 ' J. P. RYLEY, CHARLES CAMERON. - PROPRIETOR. HIS well-known and favorite old Hotel has been thoroughly renovated and tted up In a manner to ensure the comfort of guests; and travellers are assured that every endeavor 2;j1`}\_u...AngIvo~Oh%`.ann'nAlinn gnd ren,`|_ ..r I. 'si*.=.fub1iSl|mt`xxt e best o:.i_s cfaa in point ofcomfortuml taste. A Bllllardfarlor attached. . Stagesfor different parts leave the house dai1y.j ,_ Free omnibusses to and f{`om the cars. Bar supplied with -the best. `the market affords. v uiu Iuuunmu: = LXI!` ll. 1.`! Ll'llL!; IO!` now I do rqulemher the fhlse stop that precipita- led me into thz; enihmco of these fearful w:1ters--(With surprise.) then, it was thou, kind, _;_:em-imis youth, that fe.'n'lessIy plun__;m1 in to one who is zt strzuigor to _theu; and who, in return, for such noble and um]:umlcd_heroism, can only offer the simple thanks of u. heart overowing with truest Lgmtitiule. \ .].j,.,,`,,\.,_I_.,,1.. r ,i:.i I...: ...l , ~- NO]{'PII AMERICAN TIIOTE L, YI'l'1`:/`.'\"T1 A Y)YI`n u'rh1 IAINNKEEPER, COOKSTOWN This old establishment. has ben completely renovated and re-furnished. and is now one of . the most comfortable housos for travellers in tiny country place of the size. ` ' '1`his,commodious establishment has just been opened, and having been built especially for the purposes of a tirst-class hotel, is tted up as such, andivill compare favorably with any house of the kind north of Toronto. Commercial travellers, private families on casual .visit, and the public generally,. will find` that the proprietor knows how` to provide for their especial requirements. The best. of staliling attached, attended to by obliging and experienced hostlers. Stages Iehve this house daily on the nrrivalof the up trains. Bar well supplied with the best of liquors and cigars. n.....:,. ...m.=nr. 1R7l 90-111 Stages daily to and from Cxeemore, Aven- ing and Banda, connecting with trains on the N orthcrn Railway. . .111-inn! ,1. ' An cxpre's's is despatched dailly to the above Vplaccs. , . . .@'A Livery Eustblishment is now being started in connection with the house. 42- E. V. IIANMER, V JUEHUA Ub.'1lu\DU.V, Ruom:u:'ro1:. Corner of Mulcaster and Dunlop-sts., Barrie. Licensd Auclioncer for the 4 ` Valualor. 'c.. }uuI ]JrL'>'cl'\`(.`|'-lH_)' (ll'(`a'HIl 0| [H153 bore thy insensihle form from the deep, I felt the throbling ofthy heart` against. minu-(h_v lips [rm touched mine, and when they parted I fult that nought on earth could ever :_z_-_:::in give me happi- ness but (1100. l"...,L.,` , _ ... . . P. MCSHERRY, mercml IPIIVOIICFS. Choice liquors &c, in stock. Stnbling and Sheds convenient to the house. - Formefly of the R0Y1`LAH01`EI., Hamilton. This well known establishment has recently undergone verygreat improvement--a large addition having been made to it. giving in- creased accommodation to the public and com- merciul travellers. . hninn H.-mam Rm :n ..o..,.I. rv .... ..:n...._ T QUE EN S, _ _ DUNLOP STREET, BA] A.'ArgNALL, @" I`he Travelling Community will find this eatab1ishmen_t suited to their requirements and deserving of their patronage. 5:3` Samnle Rooms for Cnmmm-bin! Tr-nvnl ucservlng 01 men` patronage. 1 5:8` Sample for Commercial Travel. ` ers. ' ' . Wvnnllnnf Q4l.1!-......;.....,.-A-_1 _2n_ n, _ 11 L . Opposite the Railzoqy Station, Dunlap SL, HENRY FRASER, - - - - PROPRIETO Good atabliug and careful hustler. u\:.'13 nut lll(%C. FrcrIcricu--In ; the 11-nrt wnulcl 4 ,:rn1it1ul_c. it mm .~ it-nee: 1ux::,du1I1 .'.hee,'nu>r tlmt Kim vcner.-\t':on :m ca .1... 1 , - ARRIE HOTEL,` BAR RIE, COUNTYSLVCOE, ONT. Mrs. E. MARKS, Propriotress. T JOHN MGWATT. Superintendent, FRASER S EXCHANGE HOTEL, /')nnno.'In #1.. 71...`! .... .. c<:..1.-_._ 'n,. y. , ru I IDUNLOP STREET, BARRIE, (A. few Doors East of the Bank of Toronlo) AUSTIN WISMER, FRANK W. SAMBROOK, Proprietor, with the best of Liquors and Cigars. _.._._______________.._.._ _. J31-'opriet.<>r. Good accommodation 101- guests. @`The Bar is supplied with excellent liquors and choice brands of cigars. Meals at all hours. 4.i_y. :-:_ .`VELL1NGTON HOTEL, ALFRED G. WATEES,` - PROPRIETORW @"B-Ar and Lurder well spplied. Good, Stabling. I COR. DUNLOP BAYFIELD STREETS. , ' BARRIE, ONT. [ WOODBINE HOTEL, nous... ._ _.__ _4_,, Ill Luu I|uI.I U! n n`Iua'.' E'rncsl-Yes, lady, I am at ntortnl; and am happy to have it in my power to tell thee that thou art also; hut calm these fears; for thou art safe from harm while under the cum nf thy presc-r\'cr. _ 1"rct1m'icu---l rescr\*erI prose-`r\'ur I--what memxst thou ?--(P.-:ssin_:,r her Iumd over -hr eyes.) I lid not lrezun. then; that I visited the nlnm,]c of the blessed, and heard the enrapturcd soltgs ot':tngaIs reverberate through the spncimlis` halls of their ceIIes- tinl In:1nsion?- Nn, it. is true; for I (In rmnnvnltnr Hun (`..L~.. ban nl...L . ED. BARRET` - - - Proprietor. Late Conductor G. W. R. R. WINDSOR, ONT` 27 __..___________.___..__.___._..___. ICFS. Excellent Stabling connected with the Hohse .__._____________________ Every attetitiou given to gut.-st_s. IL1uuAu uuu unauuu. Barrie, August 16, 1871. Meals at all hours. The Bar is suppled rANMER H/OUSET VLARKSON HOUSE, I JOQHIYA )UEEN _S HOTEL, AIL.\VAY_ HOTEL, A DJOISING THE STATION, . MERICAN HOTEL. L . ' (Foamerly Eirorfs Housg.) uIll'\ `.IA4 1` 1 thy :-l.u-1.1. }Iil\'L` l`}l`:`u lllou-__l., m ape:-k g_ri\':- pI'olx'uV;i ti: - life. .71!) (Formerly kept by A. Doolittle,) _ [successoi to .4. R. BINGHAM. 1 A LLLIAM -L4-Jnl q;\JL.ln.nJ.I DJ, BARRIE. Near the New Railway Depot. I / IIURONTAIHO wnzm, COLLI.\`GWO0D, ONT. ( Late of the Barrie Hotel.) *1 (tan or (In Quun7:,) . Proprietnr. xccommodation guests. ,HoTELs-.` nuunn, JOSHUA CLARKSON, I-)l1r\hlvlI." L 15114]; LA K1) EARLOF Dt:.\'LoP Srnmzr, Bmms, Vllll H|}i|lL'U|J' pllUi|l\n 1"rezlrz'ca-- \Vi1crc um I? Do I still ve? or is it my conscious spirit that irsks the quc_sLio1n? ( herself on _ her nrm.) Art. thou esh zind blood, tvr um I in the land of spirits? E'r)m.\-I-Yn~x I.-ulv I nm .. m.....a..I. .._.1 COLLINS W001), ONT. E ------ 1 WERRAPIN HOTEL AND - BILL IA RD PARLOR, STREET. Rnzmn Front 1 Proprietor. BELL EWART. : County of VSimcoe . cf:c. ' 36-ly I Street, Slag/ncr. Pnormx-2701:. Pnox-msron. Pnopxm-nest. Pnoramron. PROPRIETOR. 49-U 2971}! Deeds,B the late re makes the above necessary. STORE-In New Brick Block, Dunlap Street. ... . . vvvv uuuvwn to the undersiguctl will please call in at mac and settle, or the same will he placed In Courtfor collection. The loss arising from qmnp:1_|n \'.-w Brick Block. Dunlap lNote, Book Account or other- I wise, ON-TVARIO VINEYARD v V-v mu umh Lune. . CHM. Arnlzcz'n2-I\'oblu boy! word will lruIp0m'1\' repnv thy undnunted colurnge; thou must go uilh us and re- t`(:I\'(5 L110 ]1rzn'.~'e of` a family `ilmt will `ever besstlnec in their pmvcrs, - and revere thee fur thy \'iru1e.~x.-'--('l'ztkes Ernesc s I""` Eftiosl :;ppo:u's wlliclnlillv to fol? low,) ' ' , ' ' Ezcunt L. Em?` Amrzle/c. and Abram (who has lost an arm), thrmzg/L opening in rocks, GE. ram--I could almost swear it was the Empress! A.., u - i and \vhoIc-sale dealer in Havnnu, Yum Con lneclicut Seed Lr.-af, and all other ki_nds of lTohncco. 1-1. King-street west, `opposlte the l Bank of Montreal, SHAPCOTT CO.,. Iunisl, Ju1y`1:::h,:i.s71. 24-: Highest Price in Cash or _Trade and for W001. ALL KiNDS OF LUMBER, Forks, Cuttlcry, &c., all pcr{cct1ync\\',nnd guarantees} o be of the vow be.-st. dcscrlption. Pm-tlculnr attention given to repairing _of Watches, Clocks, and J cwclry. I ` . 7": H~ A4 " STEAM SAW 6.: PLANING MILLS- .d}\ BVRAZEV I. PEEKINS a.o`6'.'S` 53?` Lumber snwud and plaincd .to'ox-dcr; and Sash. Doors nnd Blinda, nmunfnctnrcd on short notice. FINE CLASS WATCHES The subscribers beg to inform their friends that they have recently zuldcd new machinery to their ustnblislnncnt and are now prepared to undertake ' FULLl_~.\'G, D}'INC &VCL0TII DRESSING also maunfuctun-ing_ ,, I - --nu llll'..I(lII'lI.(/ 11. (('lIlI_l U'_ / I. aw Hat by Uujll. .-lruhcim. Cujil, .`|ru/u'1'm-.\I)' clnld, thou ml safe! than it was .-x vain delusion that led me to imagine that I heunl Lheu screain! But 'lI0_isthis .\'nu[h who is with thee; I have not the ln:o\\ludg_:'e at ever bel'qre seeing him" ' ' ' January 29, '72. . 22-If $ TORONTO PRICES! g` A long experience in tho businss makes him condent of giving satisfaction to all who - may favor him with their orders. Ilnvv cnnnnlr on hand :1 206d supply or FRI~1SH M lA'[`, F()\\'L, GAME, ac. of as (`lmicc quality as the markets ntford i nnd n'(-r thv :=nm4- nt. very modcrnte prim-.4. (.`0Rl\'}-2|) BEl~`.I. S.\17$A(`.1-IS S1. LARl),-to- ;;rth:-r with n vnrit-t,\' at` other u:=t-ful commodities can WELL SELECTEDSTOCKX Mechnnics will nd an EXCELI ENT ASSORTMENT. ., ._. `-.-_ D UNLOi 'fREET, i31;RIE- !SHELF, CARRIAGE, SADDLERY, AND GENERAL HARDWARE. H,_O U S E I-`L-'RNISIIINGS, _&jc Hm; just opened the above pxemises with a Barrie, December, 1870. -n-lilg mm. _ Ernvs!--(ioml -SH`; 3"` CZWO We IIRVG IICVCT H10` Hlel|'.. .'l|4r| 1 rv~"" " INAGITIAM BROTHERS. BIITGHERS 1. GEIIERAI PURVEYORS, Ivnhvvwm nu-u.vv .. .. mngurand Double names: of all kinds, Sad- dles. Bridles, Whips, Blankets, Robes,` Col- lars, Trunks, &c. .;n J NEW HARBVXARE STORE. ._c, Singlcrand Double Harness of all fllcs. __Br1d_1es,_Whips, Robes,` @Repain'ng neatly, cheanfg) and prom p attended to. 4- izvmovnn T0 on: sun), NEXT 9:6 2. amps swomz, BAYFIELD sr. LEVI WARNER, T u01'S`_uLUCk`x uuru.Ur 3'1` Where he 1 w is. as heretofore pro nrcd to at- ttzhgltl (:'(l3rs\\:l11|\v}1icl1 he nun: he`-){n\'ored. in n favors and s`ol1cit??,`,` `_l';!f::ftlon. lh?nkt`hl {or plhl: pledges hhnaeu to Etertthp Itlummao pa rouge an . I3 cstcn envors to plello who patronize him. 19 I] Niii, TTOTBACCOS, &c. {LANKS OF ALL KINDS, CIRCU mun r-rtinnmsl. Policies. Ranom. Receipts CL0'1'11; 'FL;_1.\'.VEL - BL.LVI{ETS' FLAN 1&5 U1!` ALL l\lLV ua, ux nu u ' LARS Certicates, Policies, Reports, Becelptl ds,BookI Checks, Cards,&:c., at the EXAMINER` fE\:i xvoirjxjzry FACTORY |'_OIIN C'ULVERW'ELL,V PURE NATIVE GRAPE WINE 'OTICE! ;s.-xsu, D(_)0l{S, nL1:;1)s, MOI3LD1NG=, ` , JE\\'ELl{.Y, CLOCKS, SPUONST '1'1:.os.% Mcvittie, 'ENRY BAUER "I l'RUX RIETOll OF THE B O Y S B L O C K, Nearly Opposite the Queen : Hotel, u-1--n-rw a--- --------- - 7 ~ ( (As she pronounces tho last word of the sung, Hhu looses her 4.-quilihrilnn `and is I;I`(cl])ll.7ll(,`Il into thu lnke 'below-Eu- NEST, who ll.`l.`4 lIllll(3I`lU hem: a silent list. tier. at lhi.~z-crisis spri_n}_{s to his feet, darts through ghu rocl(.~i, and in n ll)0lnI5u[, re. turns heuringin his arms, lF1DEHI();\ ARN- mcm--lu.- kneels hy her, and emlonvm-n *0 restore uninmtinn. V - . .d\- Ia'rncst-llur lw.'u'L l)L`.'lls genlly bcneulli 2;; pI'(-.s`Slll u_ 01 my h:mal-Llizmk liezivcn .he ll\ (3s--Ll)().H`(: closml eyes will soon `open to gaze upon me with lmnrLl'clt gm~ titmle--zunl these l)l()O(ll(!S.s` lips will soon more wilh eloquent accents of fur`/out llml)l(H-(l{l5r~?0S her.) z_\hl she moves! how violently my, heart bents,-- Itreinhle as Llmugli I were afraid to lis- A ten lo the mica of the creature who Owes me her veI'yexisl01ice. Her u_yc:~i open, and my lic:1rL'pnlpituLcs more \\'il(lly----I can sczucely speulc. ' Itlrnlli-1'rn:'\Vliru-n nun T9 151. 7 .-u CUSTOM CARDING. J. SCIIRADER, EMOVAL!` MARKET STALL Nos. .(f:5. 3.775 FORGET`! WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. aus{.mq,Lm.s's:LL __ _.._..__._ whch he is prepared to sell at Invites lnzqrcction of his stock of All parties indebtctl by ,..l..~.-m n Amalelc-Ps}mw! the womau must be dead erenow, or we would have seen her often. `iIMPOB.TER OI` 65 DALEB. IN SADDLERY. 8:0. um No.4. 2 .2 5 smn.-. All purer my pan of 1hutmvu,fr'ec of charge. n.... ...... n._ i::`1;`;;REvr, ? ' l'I{AC I`ICAL Itr A rI1lN1r<|I A 12"`. `I ll]. 1 J) 1|: lb 1`: L , 1-1:.\cTIcAL S VVA_TC I`I31AIiER, no )1.-\ s'r1:1~:1:'1', STAYNER, sIlI.\'(jI.ES, &c.V _...--v~-4 n~|A\A Lauun MA.\'UI-`AC'rt RX-ZR. Hugs to inform biscustcmsnml the public generally that he has remuvud his establishment to THOMAS MCVITTIE. BOYS`_ BLOCK DUNLOP 8'1` .. |.....-...:..-.. _____-.._.s A- _. i5MgVAL -. MIL - Rom:RTTI'cH1NRY, , . - .-_--. - -..,--....v--. ` .ADDLE, Harness and Trunk Il_....... - .`v{A.\'L`F.lC`l'L'BE I . 01" W M. HUNTER, Canton T Slore. '2 L1. SAUSAGES I.ARD,.to- commodities can 2 Shall. purchases Hn: town free charge. IIARRIE, ONT. 24-If ' ---- -..-. ...._--.._ .. A Farm", with rocks: overlooking a Lake Eaxssr enters R. /tolding a Bow with the Arrow drawn to . I/:9 Head. ,_ ,"l`were a pity to harm thee, ghou swe`et little warliler; ta}.-ing the Ar- mo of the Slrivzg) nay, _will not kill zhee;_thou mayest live to make this guy /Cr`;-st. echo with thy'; and now I willre.-it int.-Tor thou has! led me :1 pre:L_v _clia,se. (Souls Mmselj at Ilzefont ofa tree, 3,) How often ll:l'-`E Isighed to leave lliesu wild scenes of my vouth to n ingle, 39:11.3 Luaiy city; or stride the proud war sh.-ell l_0 nirl llu: bmve \vm`rir)rs wlio ;_rl;L the lmlilcs at my country; but my heart still clingj lo the sweet s<.-ens ofmy child- hood, and \\`llf.`rl my locks lmvc grown silvery with ngr,-, it i my unnlivirled wish in rest my` br')m3.~z uc.-u` Hie.-:5 -ln`pI?:l(:t:. ' Enlcr f':'t'lor[ca A rn/Min), on (Ice rocks /1. lugiuiug It,/0/'cutz 0/'_/lowers, , . < l 1. Fuumxm (.'~Iingin,'.v): , ~- H1-ra l;e.1u-nth the linden lrm-, . Twine :1 9-iimplu wranth for me: Form the braid ofwi|dingo\vo1'.a'. .Cu)1c'rl in nuLure's-womllxmd howers; Iindsx Ilml grur:c the guy pattern: Shall not bind my` [owing hair! ~ I'4RS.\r..~. . . _ A.\!.|l.I3:\`-~/1 ']',(,.;`.__(, A , ` , I/'21. 1/}1\IW: ["v., ..\m:A.u~~1 G; . . In-1/BI"7Ia ., 1Lr[_ ` IIu:m:nr--.1 BM < . ` Jtlrd. _ huuz`.u;A:-.4; Bgagd. . . ' ` _IL\.\A We of L I : :r:I.n:.\'I-:rm~.A,,W ;,'P0d. ` n rymen,1mgands , rnl.e;,,,v 9 v5ldIez-s Qhsdauglder .- Hdren & ' .- '0. 'L`.uLn.\'r:L _A-rm. . JJ\.-xnsua. . - [,r:oPox.x>~~1;'mperar I Fnmu: .-\!'(`! .~""l.\`F,-- I.`n\'lZ.-`T \ H_\ `J : llring nu: hurt: the pt'llHI'u$(.' mild Cow.-rlip guy, and liumlicll wild, l urph- In-nth and golden broom, Anal mallow tall thut. luvs the tomb, And hluu-nyL'(l violets that recline Wlicrc the d(\\\'-dJrl')I;)!~: ln'igl1lcstsbino_ Th}: duiey, with its snowy hlolssom, Wullmuy deck (I Virgin's bosom: 7 "Thu orchis, with its splendid dyes, The pansy, with its azure eyes, And wihling roso, whox~:n pnln-red streak Seems stoic-n i`ro1_rJ:\lficr blushing check, llcru hmiculli` tho drooping willow, Whose l)l'U.Pl(?ll(.`.'l huudtu kiss the hillow, With n hmrm-h ofegluntine, Inlu one this gm-land twine-,' V. Am] I will lump ti-:0 wre-nth for then, While luau-a shall (1cck,lhz- linden trees" .\_in.~.`. Monnm." By ms mm w.-M. xxcuonsox. Tm: YEAR 1845. A rrli(rnQ;"/16` PM;/:""l* in '.{r'!L"r ,4/emu: rem` n Mr. .\iclul.s'rm; Uni` 1`_e1m1mdr;- '1_.; ____- HELENA; . ` OR THE AVENGING BROTHER: A TI:AGi;1n' IN I-`OUR AC']`.~`_ ...__: nrlizrn Q, me rmy y Mr. .\icl:ulsrn arigiizaily penned. I. v --v-- ---um. Eu nun us .:mu re- t.hec \'iru1e.~:.---('l_'ztkes 3 ,EI`nesvl r=]uclnnLl_v ` IDRAMATIS PERSONJE: M n..- I-.`:.v.m'rm` Int` Ucrmrmu. unu greuzc um guy purwrro. my owing H. \JUIl(.lllb ll. ACT III. SCENE I. Conclu-e:I. TIT (Ir\'l. IE T131154 :17` Ucrrlut/zy. ~-A Pricm . nu-nt like thiE~, when Mn he eloquent hi `-I_\2 :n'Iivu].-ate :1 sun- ul that I do thank u nu;-r Iimini. the I thy comlllct this L .{HLI' ll/Cll'n` 1`.e1uvu'9dr7 SUI}. /mds. {set} /1 p A Guthic 0/l.(l77lbT in the Castle of Saga Nazoam/mrg. Enter Helena in the ha- bilialpcrils (f a Jlfunk, the cowl thrown bac . . Helena (looking cautiously around.)- All is still as the tomb, and well fa:ccur(ls with the loudly purpose of my nrenging spirit, which has been pent up in this breast for this eighteen years, seven of. which have been spent in this solitary "mansion as n monk; hut. the way of retri- bution opens before me more plainly every hour. I would not willingly take this old priest : life; but if I see the slight- est danger of his developing themysteries of this` bastard ; birth, whom he has . A lv'urc:.-t, `villi roc/rs over/m.u._qing CL. /u/ct . I9'ntcr Anzalclc and Abram, mch (lrag!/z'ng a (} ountr_Ipn.`rzn,` Ii . Anullc/c-Nuiw Ahmm, replace Ih- poison, and then to the cave uiLh I.lio'.s'.- cowrmilly tlngxs: but we must, first llin-l- fo|d'them. (The gipscy goes olf R. while the Turk pl'0cC(tlS to lvzin-.l:u_;.e their c-yes; tho countrymen beg.-; for inner-o_\'; _::ip.euy' returns, and lmving assisted Lu lnlimlfoldy them, they go olf-U.F., the 4.---untrymen appearing to follow rclu.-t:m'.ly; the gip- sey tells them a hair of their head shall not be lmnnud.) run-uI1lVI'I 7:7 DHELIU n ` `-[mule/l'-Hell 1lll\] furies seize them ! May dezulliest palsy "strike their limbs motirmless em they reach the gates! Flyl seize them! strike them (loud at tliy feet! zxnytlxing, so that they be prevented from hearing the letter until to-marrow! Away! quick; I will aid thee. Ha ! ha! ha, - (Exit R.` .QlI'`N. Ta` T1 ..,v......... ..;u A Uv(t(r_(]'. Ernest and Cu;/2!. Arnlzeim stumling outside its pore/1. Capt. A7'nlLc'Izz--Y0u are at. 1i1)ert_v,V nay welcome, to make my house your home; but this passion for my daughter must. be checked, as I can never consent to bestow her on :1 nmneless strunwer. Enwst--Coloncl A:'nl.eim, is tlus your only objection to my a(ltlres.~sing Frederica? (/1lUll!'l---`1v0I'n Hun nu-chap-u O|...b 1.. glost thou starb at me so wildly, Amelekv? _ Amalck (his hank! pressed Lightly-on his forehe:ul)-Ha!1m! ha! Vengeance! vengeance is mine ! double, deadly, dam-' unblo vengeance! The letter ! give in me ! Abram-'l`he men now bear it. to the castle! I, . 11 11' n 1 n 1. Iuu. bear, nu)" I\lIU\lL`,:u Luuu: _ Alnmn-'l`li-It letter, limctml to Father Augustine, the Emperor s confessor, in- formed mo of this, !lll(l more, that thy sistcI s son fell in the bloody battle` of Chockzim, in the moment. of victory; :iml that the Emperor is now on his way to claim his l:iwl'ul son, who has been lvruuglnt up under Father Augustine, who it appears watches overhim still. Whv dost: thou me Amelekl? . ,l1)L(llL'7.'. {his lmml nrnnaml I:n`l|OlI1-nn unauu, duuu, yum. 1'"z'rst--Al_i ! I had almost forgotten the letter, I was so frightened, so hurried- I menu; but it is quite safe, (takes letter from his lvosom.) Now, you needen t be the lirst to cry shame; although Isny it . myself, if that Gypsy robber hnd xnetua. I d 21 shown you a httle f my noble blood by nttncking him singlehnnded `with this good stick; nnd drubbed him so soundly, mm he would have been glzul to ` f('l`he Gypsy begins to move to- wards them when the Country- mzm takes out letter, is seen by 7 iountryinan, who drops llla - staff and the letter, e.\'elniniing, J01. L0l'Lll on! Lord l-the Business gypsy picks up letter, reads it. I gives it ztgiiiii to Countryumn, lanying--.Go on thy way, bub- bler, 1m thy inessnge, ` taking care not to mention ' what has happened, orI will skin theewhen next we meet. Ezemzt Country/men. _ Enter A1nale/c. _ ' AInalcIc-Well, Abram, how now-any new disc wary? (slaps A.bram's 'SlI0`ll- den) .41.,-um__ I`l...m. .!......v ...._x r-... J: 2, |J\7II} -4/I~`um--Three days! mu} Len3.ul..l is.- at .the Castle of Snxa Nnwem bcrgl. ' Amalek--(gnzimr wimllu at Al-..m\ .u.uuu nunnu 01 anxe muveunucrgi, -~ ~ Amalek--(gnzmg wimlly at Abr.-un) `How knones; thou? .4I......__ "`l..L I .. 1- _ .. A . Secon.i-It' the Emporor, Leopold, heard you, he would think he had en- trusted the letter which you hear, to one who d`c'pendu-d more on the swiftness of- his legs for its delivery, thmron the strngth of his arm. I m ashamed of thee friend, John, Ionm. I11}:-oI4A I. Y T l....l ..I......L l`-..7.AA A` mu LU IL-5 VI.'l_\' LUULU. - "z';'s--Egurl, I _lidn't. hear my lxeurt. bout while cl ming through the wooJ, uucl l was afraid to look either to the right. (it lull, lest.I should see the gentleman him- self, with his black face and wicked look- ing eyes, gazing at me; but thmiks be to our brave legs that lmve curried ustlxrougln safely. ' .qm`nn.;._.Tf' Olin Ti`.-u-....n.. I'-.....:|1 um. .3 myu It muu. - ' ,1 Sec-mzl--Wcl,I, I L min-I, .'H wurc I tlnough all tin: (lan,r,rv:r mw;. but as we passed through tlmt--iuik w-)o.l, I thought. every slump. took to itselfthe form of that one-armed robber, who S':Glll3 In alefy the law to its vcly teeth. "1 :-.x-I_.J1`.:'rml I .H,|n`r Ln... ..... l........ l"o'rst Uazt/Ltrynuuiu-Weii. I bu-g3Vn tu g draw my breath again,` no-v ; (hlm\"-: ) ` Lc-L s res; It little. , (V... .1 117 II 1' 1 1. - 1 luyseu OI IE. '/1mwle'lc-It lnuy be as tlmu ~ this conduct is as strange as F) is determined; we will wntclx to night. Hnrlzl LL: 3.` s`. I:-er-: :'w ---lr.-I .- away. L`... /.":'eu:at U. E. Euler two Uountrymen wit}: Lu.-zdlos, .3, - ' rr I4. DUI Llllll I Abram -You see, after she reached that sycamore to the right, (points 05' R) and before she drew this paper from a bag at her girdle, the cmvl that shrouded her face was thrown back, so that from where.I`stood I could see her well; then : she placed this paper, which contains poi- ` son in a crevice ofthe tr-ee;vanr.l ,repl3ciu'g. the cowl, exclnimed, "it. will be safe here until I need it;" when she retrcageal I pos- sessed myself of it. '.4mr1In$l~_YI mm} kn .1. ... _-...... . :_, I A/n'unz-Il. Imuters not; if that nmnk's habit an-.1 cowl did not enclose the form of Helena, I ll suffer my right arm to be cu`. off. (Points to the stump of the lost arm and laughs.) , _ Amalek---Ynn urn hi:-Hnml In L... aluu ullu mugu'.I.} Amalek--You are inclined merry, Abram; but why arc certain? AI.._,_ I- Pubhished every Thursday Mo V 'ng. VOL. IX. SICENE IV. SCENE II. 9 fo: 3 the womm xmtcly this tree :`~use voices to be you so (lell 3" -LWILII 8uIll|lBUu _ ` Amalck----1 dare say you wished me so; aince you appear suprised to see me still alive? . n-7,. ... \T.... An Inn nnnl Hnnn xrz, . rt.gxIgeg, In H... .l.I/ :}1'at/Ler A--[Looking after him.] May- hunven bestow its richest blessings on thy guiltless hand. Now I go to my cell and seek ablutiun for the sin, if it be a sin, that I am about to commit--'[Exeun LJ ' luuu; - H Helena-~I can explainmt, Sir. .4maleIc-CoIx1e; come, remove thy cowl; txlsel will for thee; you may be satised. - . Tl'.1...... T A ..2.l.\ 1 'l`.- ..!J ..... -6` 51.1.. alalllllu II'elcna--[Aside] To rid me of this menldler I Will s:ntist'_v him; to him I must be a stranger, [Removes her cowl, nu] seeingune Turk , screams and fninte; the Turk holds her in his 8l'lnS . ] Amnlpl-....ArI.r all In-r lmrinnm_ nlin if ' hut awoman still. eHow many wounds 1llrK uums Her Ill ma zsnu:.J Amalek----After all her heriosm, she i doesllmt face open up afresh in my heart; and my sister. who has hitherto been re- membered onl_v_to be avenged, now stands foremost. in my thoughts in all her pris- tilie innocence, and smiles upon me. [Helenn rises and (lisengages hersalj flelmm--`--Hosv is this?,I thouglxt. thou nuve : lleleua---Na_\'. on my soul, thou wrongst me! "1`is t_rue I ya claieted my- self in tho In-.:u-y recess of your convent, for ulmost f'ourtee_n years, without form-_ iug 3 wish to roam beyond its sombre walls; but I did not wish thee dead; no, no; I did not wish thee dead. Still Idid four to meet. thee; and fondly hoped you had returned to your own sunny land to seek the happiness denied you l1enr;hence [would be left to `pursue the path of yengence unmolested, and unrivalled. ll}: V"}I5`n V .l1'ut/(er A--(Af'ter. :1 pause.) Your wishes shall be complied with; but only upon condition. ' ' ` I}rncst--Name it ?" Futlter A-Thnt you. remain n week lon_-gar beneath this roof, after I have told you? _ V - Erncst- Most willingly! Fat/car A-Thcn,_ m_c-er. me in the Chapel after Vespers, to-night, and [will answer your minutest en_quiries- Ernest rushes into the old man s arms-- elena passes from L. to right, frowning as she crosses behind them, cxclaiming--:.he poi- son! the poison! F1 ;-nu-I__TTnril lhnf hnnr \v}n|1 mi rn- NIH. . _ ' Helcna-I will nmwer thy questions, .Sir, but I insist on tum.-xiniug unknown to thee. f~ .. ' _ Amulc/c---tAsidu]-:\brmix was right, n}__v;nin; Iknw the voice. [AIOiu.l.]-Ahd I insist. on k::nvEu;_; thee! there is no use in [wing olmixmte. fl.-]mu:'_._Q}nn.: (`g I-Inrull n-u-L I urani- III U\'|H:" UU`|.|IHH.L`. II:-Ieuu--Sin_ce this aacruvl garb I wear does not pro wc`t me from thy sacrilegious violence, I must `call for help. _ .II1iu1hzl'--Avn} H lmln HR r-nma \vhin}\ II-U|Ul|UV, L lll|I3l Uill IUI HUI`); .4mulel'.--And if help did come, which is (Ioubtful, this .poi~on would` condemn thou! n-1-..~ I _..._ ,._..|._:_ .1 j__. Q:.. |_l'1eleml rlsus uuu ulnuusugca LIUIBUH-J Helem_--'--How thought. werl dead !----[with surprise.1 Amnlclc----1 sav vou so: llmm II, \\'ln-M