Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Apr 1870, p. 2

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)1 H18 both ..._...u..., u_y uua ulurulllgs ll'ttlDu All was quiet. when they left. the Red River, and no prisoners were at Fort Garry. The whole Red River community have great hopes that. the delegates to Ottawa will succeed in settlin;.: matters. so that business will be re- vived and peace established. " ' ` ....__?,-_.-._:-- ST. PAUL, Minn., April `l1.--Major Bonlton and Judge Black left St. Pmil for Canada. via Detroit, by this morning's train. ` All was nninl mum. n.,... L. .. n - -- -lmlf-brceds. and now . vulul\I VI uul ullll HHV. The St. Pauil Pressjnslilics the` shooting of Scott. because he \'0\\'('f] his intoutior. of mk- ing Riel's life. nnd ghud twice mndc war on u peaico.-i'ul community, dian nnd military aid oflingland to ussisl them in estnlllisliing military despotism over the subjects and people of Red River. The Press believes Canada appreciates the difliclilties in the way, and has given up the notion that a company ofCnn9.diun ltitles can put down, the calls for 2,000 men. be- sides Indian auxiliaries. and, no doubt, Eng- land is preparing to send a force into the coun- try. The Press predicts tharwar, ifit comes, will not be all one side. _ . - ' and believes the oxecu-' Ilion of Scott will he/:1 pretext for the Cana- puIllllL`l'(`l`S, nave dot.m'mim~d both rcs|1lutsV,`t:In (i tor yours repressed the trade and prosperity of we country. For the present and sul:s'm-vi:-nt to ull law and order, it is `better for all concern- ed, that he and his gang of lmlf-breed ruiuns should be. wiped out and peacefnltimes rc- storud. Troops are likely soon to be more to _rL-stow order and law. mlm GA h.. u n - able op pounds worth of the an I'rH7(1IVH I00. 0 country. .-no-Inn will leave th The St. Paul Pioneer ta-day say5.- ~ W d J'_'" -consider the Red River rebellion n suicgcgs. be : ` cause a few hundred linlf-|;i.'."ls p5`l'9'0|P=IWl in it. and the onlire- body besides are opposed to it. son an independent and better still. nexed to the Unit Huh. .l........n:- - m we gemem;-nt. that he is waiting n'l`:wor- `O,-umi;_v go`-dispose ot'thirty`_'tlm`nsnnd C-onipanyfs i'u_r XY;_(`,"'H2s- `-7- -""`- B 9/: /3131--u~.-. $},r.ok hsf. winter -, hm"; nev_m: recovered cf 01 Hint nt.m`,..m_\x in now I of win pnpulatiori '9 sh\_"lld lilge ll) Republic in Red llm-.1`. to 506 lho vast Turriic|`.Y N1` led _Stnt_e; hut the hlud) Iihn slit) .5. u UIIIIILTII I U \\ Ulll('ll. ltis Si:\l('(]l)y ]l('lil0l')S intimate with tho Jphnson family. that Miss Mattie Johnson, lllL' ,':hool' girl who had gghe nllitii` with tl1(.*R1-.1`. precnricmis st-nte morrhagos from tive symptoms. she was robust and rosy. _ ` II n. very of lienllli lizwingliadtwo hu- thc lungs. with olhvr consump- lt will be runicinheruul that Slur is now said to be min and pale. and to weigh less than a bun- dred pounds. lo take: her to C l'A\ Physicians advise the family orfu. which l.lI(_`y will probably - see an independent ']`errilc_|`.Y '1' United States; little despotic rule by.Riel und hisgang ot pllInt]t.`l't'l`S, have detorinizled results, and _nml order, for nll mm......, zonn; nun l'L'lIli\lllB at l"0_rt Garry. _ Mr (`-uon)_h;a says Ilia.-l .~_ h:llf~bl`('I'd5'1\!`('! Ire- coming s|;,"Dl(:I0|IS that he is using llisinnc-nc_n for his purse; :1 mlvuntagv. and it is reported in the semem;-at that waitingn favor- opium-mnitv |,o"(]i5|JOSe U"|il'f.V"lhnxIa<|n:'l - - ' S1`. I mr.. April 8. D. A. Cmnphn-.11.` William Fullon._,J.` W. Coombs, Mrs. George Young and`. George Young,jI., mrivecl hm-__"yest-ulay from For! 7 Gurry, Mmch 13th, for Canada. dcomingitum su."c Io n-Inniutherelonzcr. The Rev. Gco. Young still remains in I"m-t Garry. ' C-uomha says .~.lmlf-hm-u-r`ls'nrnV-on ._.:_-- A WORD TO THE LADIES! I we uxwrvsv. 0| Niel. ' All the Hmlsnn Bay I goods are in the posscssio luukcd out that he contcn "to rcpla-ni_s|) his treasury. It is announced. on rruou at auu nee trum the avengers.` . Col. De Suluberry says he has not had the ` opportunity of knowing the sentiments of the whole community of Red River; but he thinks that Riel's demunds will be accepted, and the Red River will. become a Province of the Dominion. None of the people favor annexa- tion, and all appeared quiet, in the country. Other members of the party,` on the other hum], say two-thirds of the people are dissat- isfied with Riel, but since the murderofscott. they are afruinl to express their opinions, and silently wait tor the protection ol' the Domi- nion Gorermuent. I But nothing sustains Iliel`s so-culled government but the fact that he holds all the arms and all the ammunition, and has showulle can use them. The`_con- ference of the English and the French were forcodlo appoint ltichot. and Scott, u;li`u are in the interest of Kiel. I. All Hm liinlcxnn n... I` ----- --` " ` mruugnout, out are forced to temporize rind 9 be silent, and `sometimes acquiesce silently because they were unarmed and in theljiuwt-r` of well-equipped outlaws at Fort Garry. 3-The delegates were reticent while. here,and_w.ould give no information. . .- i The Pioneer strongly denounces the sensa- tional reports manufactured and ,put aoat by Ric.-l's agents and published in tlie St. Paul press; and says, from the emphatic tone`of the Toronto papers and the ministerial orga_l_i oi the Dominion, the.indicati_ons are that a war on the Red River insurgents will be made, one ` ofsuch vigor that aspeedy issue .will he suc- cessful, that it is evident the Government is at least" thoroughly aroused. and lliel will soon be obliged to ubdicate the Presidency, and ee from the Saluberrv suvs he has m-t hrnl oi... uuquun. . Ono of the Red River yesterday, says the bulk bf th opposed Ln Riel's movement, in anxious expectation of II, Canada for their protection. throughout, but a silent. no ty who arrival 19 population are and are waiting we movement of They are loyal re forced to temporize- and uuiosce i-lnnnilv ue IS an lngllshmun. It is reported that Bisl1op7'I`nche, at a pub- lic Iueeting explained to the people of,..thu settlement tlml he did not relurn on the poll ticul mission, but returned at the request of` the Home Dominion Government, to exert his inuence to restore order and to , revcn further trouble, and assure the peop ~ thal- Lheir jusl rights would be rcspected"'by Cuumln. .- ()n}I A` Man 17...! n:_-._ -.-~- ` uncrnoon. and at Tornnto on Saturday night, The delegates started for Otzawa by `this morning s truin. Judge Black was to l'ollo\\'. and is expected here on Saturday. ' Colonel Dc Saluberry. Colonel Rankin, and Messrs. McCarty, McArl.lmr, and Rev. Mr. Fletcher also arrived from Red River. The (lull-urnln Q:-on Aiunl..:...... x...t-,, --- IIISU arrived from Rt-ml River. The delegate Scott disclaims being _.;u1 American, as reported in the papers, and says he is Englishman. renorted that Rinhm.t'r....v... ... .. _..:. u . . .u-u. S1`._PAU'L, April 7th. Mr. Scott and: Father ltichot, the Catholic priest, who has been one of the principal in- stigators of the Red River rebellion" and one wto witnessed `with pert`:-ct indifference the foul murder of Thomas Scott. .arrived here lnst night. on their way to_ Canada. _Tbe,y call themselves commissioners from President Ric-1'3 government, authorised to deal with the Dominion Government. __It is reported that Futher Richotjustities the murder. of Scott. the patriotic Canadian. $l`hey.stat e thatvtbey are determined to assert what they consider the rights of their people, and trust to succeed in their into-:itions._ They left this-- morning for Chicago, and will arrive there on Friday` afternoon. and Toronto The bv `this ,. run nuuprcscnld sulnsm-vi:-nt ml u neacofnl tirnu p..- v., ....\..,,:u an ungut, 0!` IIDOVC. er. The scenery islovely, and mds in beautixl lakes, and 1gLandiI1g all this, Tasmnllia -3; much from conuner(;i_a1 de- yeurs. Formerlyit wins the ia(Austmliu). but nmv'. nun BAn~o3'E"U'Rimikiseos z mnnmn any Company's fursnnd 1 posse-.~*.~sim1 of Kiel. nnd it has that contcnmlmcs sellimr 41...... .-no yqu uuuse. - 2:, at Powell 6; Thomp-` uaavhlllll ox gm-1. nnd it bus : contcnlphucs selling them eusmry. ' ' Pmn. Villiam Fallon. J; U. _.V....,, . negr Colcna, be nuzhl. om. ' Company's ion Riel. nnd il 1.... Wanted Immediately, by the subscriber, TWO STEADY MARHII-ll) ME.\', to perform farm labnr.'_ They will be engaged by the year. Liberal wages given to suitable per- mus, JOHN WARNICA, _ . . Lot 15, l2ll1'con., Innisl. April 12, -1370,` ._ ll-3in' -L Surmidalc, April 6. 1870. , _ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS; `}._____.._._._._.. ,_. ,.. ,_...____..____ COURT OF REV IS_l0N. ___. `The FIRST SITTING of this Court for the REVISING of the current yenric ASSE.\'.5- Ml*}N'I` ROLLS of the TOWNSIIII OI" SUN- Nll).-\LIa`, will he hold at tho Sammy. Horsn. I Sl.'.\'NlIL\l.l-I CoIz.\'mu~'. on THURSDAY. the! 5th 0f.\lay, cmmm-noing at 10 dclnck. :x.m.] .A\l.lC\' 1 \ hl.'D nu.--v nu .v ,...,-m...upau.~ange uirougn 1`m'li:u1 the obnoxions' bill for the preservxuiox ~y- and property in lrelmld; ' '0 Cou.\'s.-Use Dr. J . Briggs Modern_( V for Corns. Bunions, In-growing Nnils, V0- Feet, &c. Miid. soothing. solu-ning at 33 ing. Sold by Druggisls: A I "` V BIRTH. . fe` RAMS.-\Y.-In Orilliil. on the 1m. in: t wife of Dr. Robert Raunsuy, editor `d Northern Light, of a daughter. W GARTON.--In Barrie, on the 3rd ins wife of D. B. .Guu'o.\', EsQ., photogi of a son. . _ NE\V`};_:AD`\7iIi;i`iSVIiii:`'ljS. ` New .pring G0ods--R4-gent House, To l loughs---L. Bimertieltl. Bradford. Groceries. &c-l owell & Thompson. A. V Palm... I`. r\. zoo ._._. Spring Toronto. Plouglls-L. A. V. Palmer .35 Co. . Farm Laborers Wanu-d-J. Warnicn. Corns. Bunions, &c-l)r. J. BI'i;_rg.<, Toronto. ' Weulhor h'otectors- -.lohnston & Go. Red River Route .\lap-P.'G. Laurie. Excelsior Hay Fork-J. A. Stew.-n.ion. Township 0! Vcspr:1--Goo. Sncnlh. Dress &.\lantle Blanking---bliss. Cashin. Entire Ilorse ~` llnrpcr "-`A. G. Sutherland. Sheriff's Sale of Lnnds-B. W. Smith. The Right House--W. M. Puss. Court. of l{evision--Alex. Ilinlop. Wis!er's Balsam of Wild Cln rry. Corinthian Lodge No. 96. Credit Salt.--Jos<-,ph Rogers. ' ' r inst, the '0!` the _ oil inst, the photographer, -_..: ? FAR)! LABORERS WANTE I). a "` 1:` "1 close lugether. ` Popular discontent in Ireland seems to be increasing. The evening papers of this city . t0(l:1y publish a long list. or outrages which , lmve, recently been committed. Yesterday a Pr'ote.s'taut Church at Butt:-rant. in Curk . County, was entered by evil dispused persons, the walls and furniture defaced and the build- ing ilst-lt'nearl_y destroyed. ` The Dublin correspondent of the Evening Post says that emigration to the Unitecl States has increzxsml to a remzu-kable e.\'t(-nl during the past few. (lays, and is nllugeher due to ` the probable pasmige tlirmlglr l arli:unL-nt at tl1e_preservation of life ` nnlzvu l.'m. l\.. I` n_,s . u . ~ ".5 Mississippi has found a bed of`sulpliur. one hu'udrc-d nml thirty-live feet lhik. This is bringing some men's future and present pretty close tug:-tbcr. Ponulnr xliennnnmo :.. l -..I.... . ., , u ul llH_.ll'lH|`c'(5. ......... uuuna u mam Io m:u'ry~J The procuring ofn divorce i mg after Inurriango. Minqicainn: Im. '.\.....I - I - - ..l...u.-rlnu ull|ll'U|l.. The 1'iclmsl.sil\'or mine i turned up in Kentucky. A bill is before the l-Eng which allows n mam to marry V. ., Lu uusl. oU,UUU. u` , I\'m:xuI.Gr.\.-Us_~' Dr. J. Bri,gg' :\"f'VaT190!' for Ncxu-nlgin,llcudaclu-.Cnt:1x`rln. b'u."U`1T0i- Broncbittis. .\"c. It is :\gn.c-.|l_)le to I170, and reliable. Sold by I):-uggists. A telegram from R00 1103' Bannsor Buy- rout. announces the sudden death. from lwart disease, ofliishop Kingsley, of lhb .\I(.`lll0t5t Episcopal ChuI`clr.. ' . ] 'l'`I.n u ....I...-n AI ` ` -4L'a la1l5.V|Il C: ' The Freemasons of New Ynfrk are almnt to build nn asylum for agfd members and or- plmns, to cost $50,000. ` Nu.-1...-.. rv ulcu pounus. rnysicinns t':\:nii (10. The qnzestion of secession from the Union is ilgnfn under dispnssnon ll) t!1c~Nova'Scolia. Legislm'.ura. -~ fl`L..r.!..____ -_, .41v,,,,v- '- ' probably IEW;_:AD\"EI`fS(I}:`'l?g_ mun`. no l\J\4\.'I vcu. Coxs|:.\1mT\'r:s.-Use Dr. J. Briggs Throat and Lung Ilcznlt-1' for all dis0:1.~L-so!` lhc 'X`ln'u:n. Lungs, and Clxl-st. Vary pleaxsant and urtica- cious. St)I(l m'(-r_y\\`hox'0. ' In :1 case, recently on"lriul hcfm'P :1 Court at Lm`an-lie City. \V_vmning 'l`~rrilnr_v. all the mulo jurors were challenged oil` the jury, lean"- ing. it cnli_1-ely to woriu-n. 5 I: in ue..'o..,1 1... ..-._-_, 2 -- - - - ..... nu. `SAN Fruxcrsco, April 9.-Various county clerks l'('lSC_l0 muster colored men as Von-rs until the opinion of the Attorn(-yv-General of State is xcccived. rv........._ Mr \4l4\ .....-__-.3 nuu m.-cu unuxpllcu Wllll. ILn.'rmo1u:. April 9.--.-\ ton-imc boilvr ox` plusion occnrvd to-day at the Clu-snpoake st:-am sugar r_(-lint-ry, owned by Sterling .\': Ah- rons. The boiler room and kilnv housn, on Dug:1n's wh:irfwcr<- completely \vr(:ckg'1l. :I'\ I l 15 feet ofthc steam bakery of Jnnws Bzm.-< .-'. Co., adjoining. I`;-um base In roof. was lulu .: ! into fnagrm.-ms. Ldss of'.liI'c not yea u:s.'v|- mined. . n .-. A umnn M.mnu:n.-A mini.=tor'in Athol. Mass , married in young man from Orungu to a little girl oftwclre. at tho cnmrnand of the child's mollwr. who nccnmpznlitl tin m. The cl0rg_vm_:m was H-ry unwilling to perform the ceremony, but the moths-r insisted upon it, swying that the husband should have no coh- trol over his child wife until she was S(`V(!H- tevn. rim] that ill] the pr<-liminnry lcgul pro- cut-dings had hucn cnuxplictl with. nAl.'l`1\lnlu- A...-.1 0 A 4- In-.uIsul unu-7. I.\'c'm:mnm: as it may appear that one com- pound should be lldtlpltfll to the treatment of suclru variety of diseases. it is nuvcrtlu-less true that Du. J. `llamas .-h.1.r:vA.\'1'nn [ms proved of incnlculnliln benefit in uflbrding prompt relief in tlmnsnnds of cases of painful und distressing attack. Itagraml mission is to subdue pain and bring glad tidings to the - suffering. ._..___ . .` ,-,__, ,,_ u ulo Aunt... Mr. Benjamin Shaw. an extensive pork-_ packer in `London; has received an order from the`Can:uli:mVGnvernrnent for 800 barrels of prime Iness pork for thehse oftho troops to be engaged in the Red River expedition. The Pembroke Union is informed that dur~ ing this season. b(!t\vcen 10 and 11 millions of white 'pine, and 11/, millions of rod (inc tim- her will be manufactured on the Ottawa river nnd its tributaries. The Welland Canallwill be open for nnvi- V gntion on the 20th inst., which is about the] ; l usual time. V | r..__, .... ..,.......3 .u, n. n as culltlj. Anotlwr terric-nil-still explosion occurred ut Engleh:\rt's renery. Lomlun, last Saturday, causing the destruction of property to the amonntofover $1.20!). The cause of tho ex- plosion is said to have been a leak in the sti|l,: through which the fire comlnxlnicntd to` the gasrin the interior. and ignited, and thus causetl the accident. Foruumtely, no lives were lost. ' ' 1:, v\ - - ~- F- A Cmnn '1\fAnnu:n.-A 1 711158 . mnrriml n vnnnu vv\n 5.- A pnupernanled John Freeman mm rcunt- Iy buried in Aylmer. A few (lays ago his grave was found to ha.ve`be-n disturbed, and on opening it, it was empty. Annllnnv 0.-n-r:nn...H ..o:lI ......I__s,.. ' - Mann. 1870. lunullnl sun uvuuua uunuu 'L'a. I 7 . Parties prevented from digging their pota- toes in the fall by the early and hnexpeclt-d frosts. are now at work getting them outof the ground. A _....._._._...,_, 2 v u -. . on AvuuJ I/v Jllvvw u uvu uni lbwvlvll uyvua. Tut: Cx.L\ux.-BeIleville has capped the climax in breach of promise cases. At the Assizes on. Tuesday there was one of those cases tried :-B:\iley vs. \\ lxite.-4Tl1c plaintiff . was aged 40, with six children. and lhe`defvn- dnnt 60, with sixton children. - Verdict for . `plaintiff, `ten dollars damages. `Pm-Iina nu-mmnoml fr/\n\ .1:....:..... n...:_ _.t. uvnl . -:..unnnva- The Owen Sound Advertiser says the splen- did pieces oftimber which have during the winter been deposited on the shores of the river, are now being tumbled into the stream, and oated dmvn below the swing bridge, there to beconstructed into an immense raft for transportation to Collingwood. Tho one now in process of construction will contain 60,000 feet of timber principally elm and oak. r : It is the property of McCnrter Bros., and will be ready to move when navigntionopens. '!`uu.~ (".1-vu.v__`RnllauilIn `Inn ,..........1 AL- Sm DI_-JATH AT P1-:n:oLm.-On Friday la t Cot.om.\'a.-:-All fancy colors should be 00. a man met with his death at Petrolva. under lored in brass or copper vusteels, with plenty r, the following circumstances. He wast-nfjnged of soft water, and wot lielbru putting them in cleaning 3. still at the "Standard" Oil into the dy=.-Purc and cheap Dy~stuBs are Works. and had just time to emerge -from it for sale at Palmer &: Co. s New Drug Store, -when the re occurred. Being -much excited opposite McWmt s Barrie Hotel. ' he pl`!OOi}{J fretily Of \Vili5ii{]Cyf.'?ln(l, b(gH l:JV(`_I`- powered y t e excess e u- in a he and _ ~ This is another sad illnstru- . was drowned! tion of the folly of indulging to excess in ar- d"" i'""` T\/TORE NEW. Goons: rm... n....... c...{...: ,4..1......r:...... ....'... n... ' ....u.._ ,.....A..... uu JHUIEDUAI. the rlmm-noing :x.m. ALEXANDJ-ilk I1_lSL()I. . ' '1`0\v.\'snn- (`.r,m.`u Modvrn_Cumtive ms, l'cmler L and heal- ruggisls; BIYGH. 0:-ullm nn H `....._, . English 'I nrIi.1mont I to m:\rry~his wife's sister ' A ,];,.,\.-.-n L. ....n ,1 `um: Jg_l.$lA)l, _ '1`mv.\'suu- Cmztax. ll-td _____-...._._. u mwlngnadtwo hL'~ r. . w's sa'( 0 SI I It I .v(-igh )3 advise lhn l`..m:l.. I NOW that everyone acknowledges lhose`ct'lc- brutcd T\\`l`l'd8 to he the nutt in the Innrkc.-I. Gents can save time and mum-y by purchasing their clothing at (In) f\r\1rv\vv,\-- 9-.-\---.._ 2 in the world has ...5.y --nu. a water J 2 is called court- . Inn frmn nu-mu... In .. u-rrunc nonlvr hv Stmlinz A`: Ah- Om, Apr-il12tb, 1370.6 sum, nine months credit proved joint notes. Lunch at Half-past `$10, cash: above that will be given, on up- Eleven; sale to. commence .. .....-u VA }Cdl'H Also. will be offerct brated Entire Horse, Alan ...:n 1... _.... I STOCK, IMPLI One span lmwy Team one serviceable Horse, prot; ten good Shut-fa; Wood Slt-iglx, steel-shm -PR1N0I71"AR TH%UR in the n... or. ..;u- I 1&7. Latest Iwrshion Barrie, April 13. 187 0 __..__----------._-- V ,__.l. .1-scum. I very modt-rate charges. 3 received Jfnnthly. Il~lf QREDITISALI 1 _/ A Lot of Extra-wide 29-in. Marl AlpaczIs-puru'; only $2 00 full "dress. One Thousnnvl Pioct-s of the very ` latest styles in Spring: Dresses. .54-inch Silk warp cinanxu-s. only .32 00' the dress. Worth to-day $5 00. Wurmntcd pnro._ 54-inch Silk. Warp Grenadines, only $2 00 the dress. The cheapest. ever seen. Warralllcd .pllgl.`._ I!" .~- '3 Black Gmnnd Grt-nadinos, Broche Fi;.:ur.-s--zold. _rr-en. m-i....~.... 1 Lot of very ne Lnsfrinuz: bx-xuxliful slmdcs, only `:72 25. full dress. Black Ground Grenadines. colored stripes, only $3 l dress. - V- o.aa-un.ao FIRST nocszs 1~:.xs'r or Tm; BANK . ' OF TORONTO. B. HINDS. n-'-_\. 1 mm JHC lll0ll.'-`$11171 l i0c(-s of Spring Dresses, av. the .4 Black Ground Si] Tnrlnn QIr:nnu MORE NE W._ GOODS! uulcK umnnu Urt-nadinos, Figlm.-s--gold. green. cr:inl. _ purple, &,c., &c., only $3 50. Vlh-st. `goods for thevpricc in Canada. Black Silk Grenadines, Tartan Stripes. the-. very new- est, only $3 50 full dress. _ Regent House, 5| King St. ' TORONTO. ,---, w:u-me Iullow IMPLE M EN TS, V Tcnnm IT----- - __..-u;1 J Horses, Iorse. nrnul- 4 .-u.-u ru. SALE, tb cele- se, ` M1-:ssE.\`m-.'n Wu,L.w1-:. Regent House, Regeht House, 5| King St." IQ` Rem:-mbvr to Call and Sue tbose_ no\~r\ uwnv/.ww -`A-s- -_... Rzent House, 5| King St. 'ogenk"Hotlu.o,` 5lV King St. Rggent-Housg,.` 5| King St. ul uro. on FRI '0-the fullowin gEMEN'l`.Q .r-~ Regent House, -4! King St. Regent House, 5| King St. Regent Ho_use, 5] King St. w'l(-3 `ALI ,|l`!.` 7 nus. sell - full 1 CC I 1 -1 to wire! from! `- Also. :1 choice stock of gnu.-nun-an. 1.... U.V 11'-ta w :E {or self- : r..n 5! King St. 00*" ..a'. u`i{ . ?n ."' `"` re ar- es the lungs, ".3 ,1 3,. This well-known remedy does not A! leave the cause behind, is the c stlons; but It loosens and cleans s `rx`'w' '3`:- "."'" '"` I7; drugs-I . P `am antydodon In g.'3& g2`.`"' B"` 3"- West Gwillimhury, _,-. V -=uAIcr>1:R,""" Will travel on his usual rounds, taking in Barrie. the samn as last season. . Particulars given in hills, which will be issned in a few days. A n (.'.m.vnn.- .--~ TIP. I - I U! . / lxiv--. mounted maps. :3 one address, smut by prepaid. Address nrdcrs to P. G. _L.-\Ul .5`. uu . . ' H Windsor, April 6,1370. ______,_____, ! ",, Agents wanlc-d`viI_1 all parts of {he Cuunty of Simcoc. I April Hth, 1870. ll-2in L A A V L \I L 1 .4l- 1- \J as they can have on-r uuu uu-u lnuu_v.v. Fnrkrs and County and Tmvnship Rights can be had by ndvlrussing `lf\l7\? A Lvnrntrrwx-~:\\v u. u uunu uuuuun. It` is for sale, and may be inspected at T. Br:.\'rn-is A(_nucI:I.'rvn.u. I.\m.x-:.\u~:.\'r W~Am:- House. and at I{1.\'n.-5' S'ro1u: (opposittne \\'(-Hington ). B.\I:nn:. Price $10, gomplete. with 100 feet of rope, and four` plullys. Wn.-I.-Va and Fn....a.. .....I m,....._.`u.:._ ns, 1,. This Fork is pronounced by competent judges to he the best hubor-saving Furk in use, as it will do the work much better than other forks hCl'C(l)f0l'0 introduced. It is strong, durable, and cheap. and not liable to get out of repair. `This Fork has been Hioroughly tested, and has proved im-if to be all that -the inventor claims. 7,. .. . S'FEV'E NSON S EXCELSIOR. HAY FORK! 1___._____.___.; Barrie, April 14th, 1870. __________.___ `IIAT CELICBRATED KEN- . TUCKY BL()()D.nrmm.~ -u.v\I` Ul:JLIiBRATl~ID I. BLOOD-IIORSE, II A R. P E R," 1 his n-ma] -m--uh J SAVE TIME, "J uu'A| pro: :15; JOHN A. STEVE.\'S()N'. _ 1'1: 7 Apml 13, 1527!). ngrucuxturap Implements.-\\'-. would di- me! the eye of our ngriculturnl readers to the ndn-rlisennent. in another culnmn. of Mr J. I-`la-ury. of Aurora. The name is no doubt lamilinr to them. as are. ulsd, a number _ of his impwmenls. V Th:-y have a good reputa- tion. Wcslcy Bluckstock is the agent, for this county. ` ' --j--94-O------- RMERS! G. SUVTIII-IRL.\,.\'D. l nnnnu._-..- Palcnled I"ehrur.zry, 1870. LABOR, dress, SI`/Ill express L.-Cl".E. 'lnd:m- A u I n.n)\/n, MA.\`l.`F.\CTl Rl-Ill, ' .Auuou.a. 0 .\'1'. AND MONEY xUlH.E. Windsor. ll-lln Thornton, March 30, 1379- Hons: CL!-!A.\ l.\'G.--Bu sure to procure a home at` Palmer : Liquid Lustre." It makes furniture look an good as new. with very little lrouhln. Yalmer A: Co.'s New Drug Stgrg, opposite )lcll'm's Barrie Hole), ' v and take it away. . xiii" strayed. into the premises orthosu c1Ii'r - d about harvest-time Inst, 3 """',"9 M` M BULL, two years old. small M29- as is requested to prove p|'0P"Yv P W ` )3 JAMES P1` ; - 4; MRS. STFZPIIT-I.\'S0.\`, having rem; 3 more cununouliom and conuformhle dc-nco. near the. nurth-wax`: corner of C95: and Baym-1:1 Strut-ls. is prepared 10 Y" ,_, few more rt-,.=p(-clnlc Board:-rs. whnseco < and convotlicncv will be well attended Chm-mm mm:......m unu convomcnr:a- mu Charges modx-rate. Barrie. March. 1869. _____________ AG:\INST PL'ncIu. A -W 9 HAND. drawn in favor of Thom Fwkv: bearer, for the sum of Twenlv 00" iv dated M Om in January last. 59 "39 .`w, said note has It-ooivcd no vahl'~` 79' `he M` and will not no? it. MARY Twgf nrn A-u.:1:n. 107.1 Oro, April 5th. 1.970. \J AGAI.\'S'I` I L'RCIIASl.\'G A son '1 (Iran-n in n-nr 1:! 1`hnmM rook All persons nro he-Illchy C-\UTm`\.E? '!CAI};PAI0N; 1,ub sl- Cookltown, March 24. 13?0- STRAY BULL. ` _ ___ HHVATE B()ARDl.\'G. T-~ Not B6hind.-Buttereld`s Agrlcnltm'_nl Ilnply-ngem nuuuufnctor , at Br_adford, keeps pace with the dvsuro of our agncultunsts for lnbnr saving. machinery. This old house holds in; own allows no lgs.i`rab|e improvement to escape his notice to the".d-lrimc-uh or_ his numerous cus- tumcrs -- Sea azlv t. - - V. mac... and its enterprising pruprie7tor- '1' ll DIS. Sec ) . 12-1`:/n Shvrilf.-' Omar-. Harrie. . April 4. 1870. I Misceilaneous . liuml. Lot fty-foixr, Oak St: Strut-L Lots twenty-one am mm] mm of 5:11:54): q"'l'lu-so last lulu an acre each. unrnn Hum]. Lnts_t'.\'o and nine. Ruud. Luis L0! ton. can Hun-nu I`. Jonas Tar Bu.-h St.\t('m:, To W11: ____ ~-Anus. uovxrr or; On the S01 TION, at the ._s'ttt.`t:tFP' C! _ '1' E .`v' E3113 . or the mtcrcst or the Dcfendnntu, -' 1: Wm of Fferi raci,:u,- "'2 Ix -run` Cl)L'T or L`PIK.Y'. Vernon Eton Car;-entecs, \'e,:,o"" , pa-nu,-r. Adzninistmtor of 11,9 Eh.` chattc-I9 of Jame] Dana smimsmll Elm-ry 1.. mu-.. wntimn-.\t. C',"`~n ntittlstratur of the Hztrt'_t-y W ll.'t-_r. dd-L r\./ Covxrr or? I S1.\u'm:, of .1!) She S0] SIIHI: Comrt Noam,-. in the Twelve o'clock. Soot .l .AV" ` _---.---o-$1----cu---. Uniummlly used. generally praised, al- ways useful and ornamental. are some ofme re commendmions oi Johnston's Patent Weather Protocwrs. awarded Extra Prize. Provincial Exhibition. 1:469. Ronda-r doors and windows mmtlmr-proof. Cost nominal. Good agents can Inaku mole mom-y than in nny other busi- ness. For full particulars address JOHN- STON it CU., LINDSAY. ONT. -------~ 1.1319999? AdVertisem ti --0I;.\"n' sPm.\`u .<-H0-_` ,1 _ .:_ nth concx `nun of is in IIH'I'7'm/IT/I :nrnl-r of Oak Jlmul. nine. nn r-~-- ' Tny. _ , -"U11": him-l and on; ' -9 In 1:: trim k Street; In: funrma.f,-5 nnvl twenty-mo _ . '13 -:13 unsum >.1r<-M. k Street; four . z ,'3`1 J0r.[` mm and tin 1.1.0] 1,- of Essa, ' mmbur two '\nrlh H. we lm` .fp_____-u Carriages`, 6.0..` at Auotion.-The well- know'n carriage mnnul'actIir~rs. the Messrs. Dixon Brothers, ol"l`oronto, will offer on `-uh May next, aver lonllnuusand dollars` worth of lirst-class vehicles. of vnr_iom styles, and all or their own nmnufnctum. Those in want. of` n l'l'llIMO article, at auction prices should re- member the sale and ultond.--See ado-`t. -#----O-1-n------:- - . -1K\)lI. Ihur in lh . `rrlh Urillia. en m the funk . \ \\ I- D C Y I of Mr. Little's disease has I dened, he has somewhat ___.-.g.op._._-- Peraonal.-0wing,to the serious illness of W. 0. Little, Esq., l\l.l . our Member for this Oonkey. Esq.. accompanied him from Ottawa to his home, here. last I-`riday. pleased to learn, that althou for bouth Simcoe improved in health since his return. Mr. his parliamentary duties next Monday. - -o9-- ' That Orb Bonus.-'I`he friends. in Oro. 01' the Muskoku Junction Railway, should muster stmngb' and early on the Town Hall. Oro. g that consideration; and that there will be $200,000 spent by the coinpany in the township during the construction of the railway. ` _ _.._...._.4.g.>_---_. ` Riding, Thomas D. Mc- Wo are rh the diagnosis not been clearly McConka_y returns to lllonday next, at - _ to Vote the $20,000 bonus - l for the building ol`._tho line-rememberin they get 17 miles of good railway forthat small. ' J l "5|lh!'lid1;1o,40c1 5 nwntmn .-them. Th.- dencr. hm 1.- _ No .Vn}I'r nlczq ofm .eallon to_ no. 14 mt? dale. contain or whim. ..u. ullc. cont: which : fenced. nu? It i with: wuhin nmilu--: Blacksmith . ico, mljuiniu Frame Burn. .'n and thriving well of (-.\'m-llv the lot. Stamr object in I-`I`in; For further 1 axes:-1.91:: door, Mm} have now vincuen, Fm gnd mail ..-:.---vo...-u 1 )oul._g qf Palmer's Linnid Luau I nlilittnl DIAS lm) 'l.'l.\'('|.\L corrulzt umlt uml Tnt .4\l)1\. N H\\' I UUIU l.\l..\ .\ ~ory and ninth nun-cuu-n7 Province of (In Pmvlnccof ( m Prnvmcc 01 .\m ovinccar .\`r-- nvlncc of .\V Prorincr. of I'm a Jlnyuu n. FAix;1<>;: : Fan ...I- -., . . wllo-rv n from thr- .ll l|A('llH' Dominion uf ` United St.-n-a grunt iiriI:nn..-1 u Is wi village Within 'No'r|('1`: WIIFHII Tllllgnn " of dis for the I - Agricultural lmplements.--We 1 c-cl eye nL'ri('nhIn~nl .......:. |l|'IlV| HI vhuuuhn lrmllula-ul Mnnla Down 1 Ha III in lm-kl-I l,in.L` lHlIH'| all It-n-lin_u I In ml 3. -c I.'Hy (II we has! In: . `Mum"`Y|`-. 31.1 L1 `HUN. .1 luv inner Inam. .\l ployc-en in xi .-I aignilivd his every oceanic-n uppl:\mu- Mud I printe sun;,;- at Which all omn- w_hich ]I1:\'o-` I luau-hxH._v 4,-rum Mile gnunir. ` proviciml h_r ' Ina.-m-r oT`Lh<- :1 ing dam-n. `H lp]lc.'u' in tiw . Hm! lhrr- v-'.1~' ..u.. H c I. \ .. Hll\VL"l IL-Ill pt-rfc-c! wtalig In-on provide-A mt-nl. 1 hi~4. Montreal. M.-irr no.-us Iwnv. who had Iw iing lhis_pa- ` `HID! i Urn]: -indll.\'ll'iuu~ enn-rluimm anis .\r:`m~ ing, a n-r._r the xnusiu .- II. n. .., I `of n llrgn pm-1 `iil on ('xl.(m.~4i In-IA In-n-.. g B6h;nd. -33 In l)ll'll1l`lIl Inn nn u L For sale or `O. 1.1 Inn. tcst in am." _ .I I|IIIl'rl' 'ox:uninu and &I}()gr:.-Mi like 30 let ym .2... in `nnr h '1:-v -- v . lmo in our ? -1: KY Khan lhvr: r Ih-..n.-|.] : Om`, of I ...-o...-. "-1.: i869.- typogrnpliicnlly :1 credit Ioronro uny uireotory.-We have re- ceived from the publishers a copy of this work for the current year. It lcontxuns over three huudn.-d-octave pages; and, besides being to the '1`vIegr{1ph printing o.-stulolislnm-.nt, has the nppc-nruncu of cnreriil propumtion--the great dcsiderutmu in Dil`UcIUl'i' g~m-rally. Indeed the mime of our old friend. Mr. W. H. Irwin. X\|)ptHll`lllg_0iI its title-page as its-compiler. would la.-all us to expect that much. The enterprising pub- lislmrs are .\[1-.-ms. Robertson 6: Cook,` who will llllull orders for the work. ._._._._._1.__, , I 1 \ r un- ud gm L-mu! Or to V D.` 3.-To mlanc Cu.-In _- "-1: s. M ( `wr. CER_' x_...l nun! ll : PLU- .`uv\rI.' _ V The Correct Time.--It may not be under- stood by those desirous of obtaining nnd keep- ing correct time, regulated by daily observa- lion of.the snn', that the old and popnhu-house of Messrs. J. G. Joseph J; Co., Toronto, cor- rects the time-pieces oi the Northern Rnilwny every morning at nine o'clock, by telegraph- thns enabling all who desire it to possess the true time. And those who have not relinble time-keepers can obtnin wnrrnnled ones from the estnhiishnient mentioned, nt nil prices. from the cheapest anchor lever, to the exqui- site geld chronometer; or clocks. from the Yankee Innnnfucteries ei`New Eng|und,_lo the linely nished and elegantly ormunenled Innu- tel tilne-keeper!-.. Irem the great mnnufnctories of France. The conrleons Mr. Jns. F. Lash, is always ready to exhibit any article in the extensive and vnried stock of this eldnnd reli- able establishment. We nre putting up one oi` their time-keepers in our counting-rooun.where the correct tinnnnny he obtained by those tak- ing the trouble to seek it. ` 4.- Death of the Hon:-PI?!-. I-'o|ey.~ -We regret `to lourn that the do.-nth of this guntlemnn, well known in the political world of Canada at least, took lace nt his resldt-nce. in the town 0- Simcuu, ast uturday morning, at the age of llfty one yours. ~ Mr. Foley was u._ l\l,-mbo`r of l urlinment- from 1854 to 1863, and was editor and joillt-proprlom M the nmntrora ` Herald from 1845 to 1853. He was ;; ganja], ` w...-... In-urtod friend, and oi-u gentle. d4'n:.\L`.1i.hu Saxun. I0 lUI'lll 19 --v.. -_.:. I The Irish Canadian, which since the arrest ofits editor-for I-`enianism, has been denoun' cing a Fenian invasion, nds it hard to disguise ; its real charitctt-r. The Anglo-Saxon, how? ever, has its dcterrnined hatred, and in last wet-kvblssue it takes occasion to show that what it calls- swag-bellied Britishers " hurt: a queer way of evincing theirlore for the Americans.` As an instance. it takes the sink- ing ofthu Oneida in the China seas, and re- counts the story of that affair in its own way. i falsifying the record in the most shameful manner. it makes it appear that the Bombay came purposely down on the ill starred ship. and bore on regardless oftho fact that the Oneida was sinking. with a crew of nearly two hundred men on board. Now the truth is that the occurrence was owing to the fault of an olcer on hoard the f)neic(r,ivhofi1iled in his duty: and as for the Bombay continuing on her way, the captain asked if he could give as- sistance, and received for amwcr that no st-ri- om: damage had been sustained. These facts were clearly brought out at tho invvstigation. ` and the Irish Uaadiaa must have known it. yet it has the elitontery to trump up this story to fortity its accusations against the Anglo- no Sa_xun. V > Lt ll0WN.0N TIIE A.\'Glb.0-S.|X0-.V_. H7: ml \ 5.--We :ruI rt.-nth-rn m H... Clover nnd Tlmofhy Sc-0115, '1`hompeon`s.: , ,-..~-.n UAVL. Pn.as.-Use D153: Briggs` Pile Remedy for Intemal. External, Bleeding and Itching files. It gives lmmmlimn ....u:...~_-: 2 -- mu.-me Piles. Ma. S Builders and Architecis will be I d(-alt will: as agents for Johnston's V Protectors for doors and windows. once. Joussrox 4.\'n Co.. LINDS.-U ..,..-_ Son: Cnlux C.un:.-0 cup ol' sour cremn, sweet: tovtasto. nnd three cups 0 Cream of Tartar, Spices. tracts may be had at P Drug Stem, opposite Me A large consignment of Best Tc ceivcd, ut Powell & Thompson's. . _ ._--.-- ._.,...V.,... uUIJ.'l' ur.._a legal-gentleman to enjoy '_t he_.fuu'_bf `witnessing the` canine's mode ,of breaking,-their; spinal .cord. On. -the duy .mc-ntioned,-he bfqught one, and opened the trap in a close room, letting the poor rat out underthe nose of tlne_terrla.-r. The dog, being in a playful maod.'chased his frightened prey around the room for some time, giving it an occusionalnlp, untihat last, when death stored it in the face, it suddenly durted up the right ` leg of the rat-cn_tcher's punts. Then occurred " a scene which," although impossible to des- cribe. convulsed the lookers-on with ur.-con- .5 trolluble laughter. Indeed, the contortions of c the poor fellow with` the rat in his pants, i caused the checks of. all to be suffused `with I tears. Atiength ho grasped his leg tightly below the knee, end held on until he suddenly felt the rat in his breast; and then the hands were removed- to that point. Finally, some one suggested that lxeshould take his breaches ' ' ~ the rat was thrown ngam on the oor and soon demolished. Since whenever our hero brings a rat to the ' punts into his boot-tops, as a precautionary measure . determining not to ntford food for another hearty laugh at his expense. , . u-__. `` Who says Bag? '-A good joke pc- currcd l:cre.oh Monday last. A man who doe_s not like the Varmint," has been in the habit lot` catching rah; gx_n_ d taking them to the black- gnd-lan ter:ier'of.._a legal-gentleman xe_.fun"_bf 'winesain` ms" cnninnr mmln no` -..... ....u.. um nuul. HKB nuu 0| his grout prototype, " marching on. when ) " his body liesmoulderiug in the ground. not toomulute such a clmrnctcr as we allude to. Such men t'enr'to drink, as they may have dark , secrets to keep. Some of them nnrso unlike ` uu-ir Creator: that if His handiwork could he imitutcd, people would believe them counter-` fails and lit them with a coat of tar. __.___ Fresh-Groceries, at Powrll &. Duulop `Sm.-ct, Banie. :1 ..__-. "John Brown`: Body."-We have'no time this weokto administer the black-draught` we are coneocting for " Noddy. brown-paper y-sheet seems to be now in het- ter hands than his own. we do not regret this. But we may just tell the new . editor of the .Bcggar's Appeal, thut. our experience has tanght.us'th-at. a. whiskey drinker is a head and shoulders taller than any swindler. ii-.\r, wife-beater. or canting. hypoerital sneak who may keep` his brain clearthe better to prey on those who may place condence in such a man; and we would advise the new editor. John Brown. if lnewonld have his soul. like that 0! great "marching body sum-ntu In ln..,- 0 - As his ucmg nu u-.-uvy as cnn `lug porno. , l'-here _appc.'u's w$td=goud de:|l'ofdis- satislctioln ulmnt. the changes, yet. it is hard tu bay iftlle Hausa` unuhl lmre ud- opt--d any uzueru that wnuld Have been more uccupt.-nhiu. An inure.-use oli duLics iy`.;,i1ot cuL'u|:olc! to gi)'e gv:nerul s.~|Li5!';1c- Iiuri; ambit is fuilly pr.-.~`uumlal., um; um fuehng wuul-I Imus [won the mun:-, whal- \'er cluu|;_{c-s lmvl I-ecu umcle. tuinly thunk tlmt. it wuull have been Well not tojunc vhullgcd in any way the (in. lies on he grunt In-cussalrius or life. triing tlmugl . he clmrgua on them urn, The duty on am]! is ol-jucu.-ul In, but it ie done with the View or encouraging the manu- We can. Machine Oil.-S1ock s exlrn machine oil, )vhicl1\ve are now using on our oice .ma- ' chinery, and find an excellent m'tiVcl<-., can be had at the store of.Mr. J- Henderson. Dtxnlop street. `It does not gum, and` is always ex- ceedingly limpid. .1: _ I. O. G. T.-The entertainment-given In last. week, by-the members of " The La Slur" Lodge, and olbur amateur readers :1 vocalists, was greeted with a bumper hon messrs. Janos. Bmyley &. Co., E( this auction ol'cuunt.ry, will be in Monday the 251/: 'im:t., with nscloc we like 01 which has never been 1 Read c_tdv't. .-.--- Stylish Sprlng Goods.`-m-mes diroctingh the um-union of Vthoso who untlt-rstund the philosophy of dressing. to tho mlvertisement of the _'- Regent. House," Toronto, whilh ap- pears to-dxx ln om` _adv orl:stIngco:1:(;nns,wc: announce -c gralylng uc o no 11 ms. l Mr. James Ilrnyloy, the member of the rm of Messrs. Janos. Bmyley so popular in sucli_onol'_:unnt.r , in Bnrrin nn max. nxtcrnal, 5. gives Immediate rt.-Ii` Sold by Dmggists. ..__-_ I 3 l l __---- 1.-,3 Accident- Lngt Monday. whiletwo boys. respectively named Sa3m|I'| BOSE]. and Joseph Innis, were scullling on` the Mill-Road. near Bnrrle_. they fell over a log; tint] on risgng up, Innis found that lsosley was in it dying state; in fact he expired nlmosl instan.`.00l|S- ly. Coronet Ci-ookshank held an inqm..`l 011 the body, but the-jury being unable to find -'1 verdict, npost made by Dr. Hamilton. who gave it as his opinion that death was produced by a diseased stnte of the heart. In View of this decision. the following verdict was rt-tnrned- deceas- ed came to his death from disease ofthe heart. hastened by nfa ll and violent mental excito- ment, 'arising- `from excitement during the strugglo.~ ' ' ...' .. c; . ______ V ;-The Court of `Asslze for the county, com- mences its sittings next Monday at noon.- There is a pretty heavy docket. " morlem examination was, , ! __ . The Canada Scotsman.-Whnt bns bl come of this periodical? A number or sub. saribrs hen.-,.who gav_u their names and tlu.-ir money :0 In person acting us agent for it. and * professing {D be a brother of its proprietor, an: anxious to know If The Scotsman is still alive, I hence on1'solicitu?0-_ . ' Don t Forget the Auction Sale II:-nry Slouu"s farm, at the town lml next Mond9y.--Sec ut1v'l_. ~ Navigalidn.-Thc pro`p1-ietors ofthe stcamno.-r a Burton are tting her for, summer trullic. We are still ice-bound; but when King boi dissolvoshis cofnpnct with his frigid brother. Jack Frost, the Ida will take advantage of the dissolution at the earliest molrcnt, which event will be duly announced. _j_ uw -- wellington. here, hns, lfzacd ` Johnson House, .Orilliu. and tukcs po aion on the first of May. ' Mr. James Johr its present proprietor, becomes lessee of "Albion" Hotel. Toronto. They are good men.` and can kveepn hotel. . . \ -.._.._ V __.'l;hc recent olmngcs in. the tariff v have .`_t.:ti_{et'l: most people by. surprise; for al- tliuglr it. was knownthat the necessities of. tho _Govermnent lelnandatl an increase, f'u_lv nnmosml_ that any important. changes icinltl be"m:_'le like those that have taken plab. Np tlpubt tobacco in an article that. will bear taxation better than nlmost glnything else, but excise duties appear to lie objectionable. nntl- there is, nltethcr rightly or wrongly, I strong prejudice against them. It is just possible that whiskey would lmve been selected for an increase also, but an ad-litional duty on that article wjolilul have been the cause of creatiu'g'n contraband mule, the duty now being an la-: a\'y as .106 borne. '1'-lmrn nnnnm-a rn4.in~.'.'-...\...1..1_, I. n..- _._.._.-. Hotel Changes.--Mr. A; the \`VellingLon. -` House. OI-illiu . New Store.-.\lr. Walter M. Pass. so long. so well. and so favorably known in thls'\`icin- ity to us]! classes of the community, has up:-ned out :1 new vsluhlislum-nt--n.dding .grocuries, provisions. wines. liquors, crockery-. gl:|sswure. hermetically sealed goods. &c., to his former line of business. . We bespcak for him a trial` in his new role.- See adzft. _.___ .__..--. C.un:.-0n cup of sugar. t ion! sweetened with soda, sf . of our.-P-Ire So Jf Tartar. Snices. and m...-....:.... 1 Marl{ets.-Thd}o is little tn note in prices, owing to the market being poorly attended, on account of the bad state of the roads. ' ._-_._. --g. A Raid-A Fenian Raid is expected on name par}. of oluteaalern lrontier to-morrow. Let. it come; we have an issue of shin plasters on the sumo day. Who's afraid? I .-_- Crloket.-A meeting of Barrie Cricket. Club will " Queen's " next Monday- o'cloc_k. _All interested are wno Has It ?-Dr. Robert Ramsay, Orilliu. has lost his knife, and is desirous I the party having it should return it an 01 Two doilars reward ii offered for` it. .----- ......., opuzcs. and Flavoring` Ly Palmer & Co s m, opposite Mcwntfs Barrie II; ---- : On Terra Flrma again.--The denizens of _ this region `me once more tleading mother ; earth; the snow having left the travelled roads and streets, which are now in a disgusting qmle oflth and slush. In Barrio the street inspector and the conservators oftho public lu.-alth have an nugenn task before them. and `l we hope they will bend themselves, mu_cl<- l rake inhand, to the unpleasant job. I `Bud Gummnr and Worse English.- I`he urtic_la last. week. on the Red River murder, by the erudite-editor of the brown-paper organ here. was a gem in the way of composition. While descanting on one murder. poor Noddy comznittednnuthcr 6!` the Qm-.en's Englisn. How about that grammar. Neddy? ' .. vo uua alulnalun u-vv ca uuurcuvu The explanations given in Parliament have assured the pnhlic, that no time has or will be lost in preparing the expedition that is to start from Collingwood as soon as the weather will permit. Report says that an Imperial force will he sent out, while another says that the 60th Ries have received orders to hold themselves in readiness. Winch ever way it may be there seems to he no doubt that a large force composed of Imperial troops and Canadian volunteers will be got ready. Mean~ while, however, the qlwstiun ' is raised as to the sending of volunteers on the ground that they are not liable to serve out of Canadian Territory. The objection isn i`ri'voiuous one, yetsome may take advantage of it, although British vuluntoers have fought before now on ioreign Territory. "Phone should he nodm. cnlly in a matter of this kind. especially as the volunteers know they go on thisexpedition to avenge the base, brutal and hloogly jnnrd;-r ofn Canadian who prelerred death't5`-dlhonu.-_ The blood-stained PresidI.~pt~oi` thgnnpck 35. public must he made. to foui.Vth`e m.-igln 9r British vengeance. nmlln a few` u-Eeiglg b({n;, we trust to hear that there is an end to ,9 Red ili'vc'r sham. \ - -------4.._:__ ` Who Has It ?-Dr. l)riHiu, hays lo_st desirous H , Prbifeosional Visitf.-FDr. .\lc'l`aggnrt. whose periodical visits are now looked fox-I Zunxiously .by numerous patients who ai-o availing them- selves of his mode of treatment, will be at The Queen'a,'. here, on Tuesday next, the 19th Int. ` -..-......u.. vvuu suull, spice .-0 Soda. , . and Flavoring Ex; 2:} a!.HPalmer New an. r-.; Iuu'l7vlllb' Ul H16 WEMDGTS Of]-ht! Mckel. take place utvthe .`s" evening at eight. invited to attend. ....-. aucl! I0 De In het- {ell new-editor wlniskey ar ling. C|l'I` "It: l)lI.lh-r In nu-nu rm . tl1e membe`rs ofithc take nlnr-n an aim -y, will be in Barrio.on , WIN! nseloction ofgoods seen here.-- 1:, at Powell and u-.--mull 5 V! CIIHICF indows. A ply at LINDSAIP ONT. __._.-. `.--Mr. R. Binghum. of I. hns,l"euac-11 the ".Orilliu. posses- Johnsnn_ __ _ otoiir citizens. The Anglo-Saxon it choose.=. `V: are "M iwlined to join in the to designate tlio"ttnglici.sed woll`,-" we won- ' . d` h tl Id ttll0'.\"ill tll.t' ? .d"m0r that has been raised "gmmt )0 N`t)rt`l`btInbt lliolyiilre flltll-lilootllltd iihllrlotlsn ncfmtllie G0"9"m9"ii b'3 they l"3 cllmen 1 purest stamp. it is astonishinghow virulent be rt-t.cent with regard to the action tliey somopr-ople can be when speaking or other -I - ` I , ' races `than their. own. 'l'h`iis tho Irisli ll`lll.`ll]fll:olil|0l::l-lrllllLil;(lEgt:ll0(ll'ull:l;Jliflrill-l `qimadmn "W" M m"ng"S""'c"S _ _ , _ up-n2 swag-bi-llivd_. and liasi the wretclied bad .. such it high band in the tied River set- mm-tr. -peak ittnritiodurat. Mr. Gladstone. tleinent. It has been knownxfor some itcntlatho most arr-nnthumhug of the nine- tiamihrit iui expedition was beinvv mt Wnih centarv, bectiiise he hnspror.-osed to E` 3 ready to start on the opening of naviga- iit asleep` to agrarian _miirdei's in Ireliind. , . erlly the Irhih Utumdlaiiisadelcctable organ tiou. All sorts of'pI'epiirntioiis have been goirig on, and it is it that patent to the of public opinion. m uhole Dominion that the siibjugatioti of tlieinsiirgcnts has been a iregoiie cori- Death of Daniel Morrison Esq.-Thc an- , _ nouncemeut invtho 't`oronto ptl.p(`."3 ol'Tiiesday ehision from the first. So long. l.-oiverer, muming, mm... mlonmd (.(mo,- of rho Daily iastbe country was shut up by ice and snow, it was more idle talk to speak of Telegraph had died suddenly in that city. Ilflvt` descending at once upon the n iscreniits. it l)l'lt'i illness oi` twenty-t`oiir hours. was :8- The barijier that separated liupt-rt's_ Land ct-it-ad here with maiiitt-st feelings of deepest sorrow. by the community gem-rally. Few . fipip Ciiniidii must be melted away before troops can venture to petietrate the vast indeed are there among the readers of Cana- dian ue wspnpurs who do notsliare in it similar region of country lying between the head of Lake Superior and Fort Garry. To rt-g_ret, l_'nr, its ajonrtialist. he wnsjust such a writer as pleased those who admire it hold. think of going by way of St. Paul were nindneiux, because we would have to ask manly and forcible style. He coinnienced his career in connection with the press in the now perinission from the United States Go- verninent, and be refused. The btimilia- town ot`Dnndus.- when it was but it village. tionwoul:_l be great enough; and under since then he has occupied the highest post- any circuinstaiices it would not have been desirable to take the American route.- tion on some of the leading journals of this country. and the city of New York. ' He was Tliere was. then, no possibility of startitig, much less of troops reaching the cotiiitry I I but forty-three years of age, and leaves a r widow and loiir childreti to mourn over their 5 sudden bert-ovenieut. - 1 t i r before the opening of iiiwigatioii, and on that iiceotitit no blame could attin.-ii to the Government or any one else. We may he told, its we have been, lrll1li.;lll8 _Go- veriinir-,u;_=]_u,ri_n.lt-re.-I, wj_|t'.illy or; other- ,..;.,._ in not ooiripleting .tlie piirclqpzrg of the I'ei-ritory. That is it question upon whicli opinions differ; for otir part we think there should not have beenany` delay in niiiking the ti'iiii.~'l'er. The Go- vernment, to be sure. contend that tlioy were justified in withliolding payment. .at'ter it had been iinuotiiiced that the hall'- Lbi-eeds'were in rebellion. Failing to com- plate the purcliase leaves our Govcriiinent powcrlvml. and they have clearly no right to iiieddle with Riel and the rest of the usurpiiig horde, There the Goreriiiiieiit appear to have erred; for it isriippnrent that it -tvottl-.l have been quite as reasoii- '1lltl6i4('tir3e'Llte bargain at tirst as last. Nothing has been done to cliaiige the posit on of all`.-iirs, and now the Govern- ment are pro vared to payeinl assert their right to the 'l'e~.-iitmy. We qttcslion the propriety of. policy like this, yet we are not ready to condemn them for tot sup- .-pressing the reircilinn; for even if the money had been paid, wiatters would not have been changed in the least, They would, however, have been in a position to assert their rights aitlioutcailmgin the oftlie Hon. M. H. 1, 1863. i,|w'13mnfg,-,1 i ti...-... 4,` t on. ' ---j. -.\lr. Cliipmnn. M. P., died at Ottawa. on Saturday morning, of sinall-pox. - Time.--It at finished be """'"` bro aid of the Imperial Goveniiueiit. A Toroygfo city n_i;-actor-y,.-tt'e [gr I`|m nvulnnnthma nlmm tn huculhaunnno In.-- tlnlvml lrnm tint nnl\|n.I..u-. .. ...t.... -1 ALI. W . . uw ucmedy for lg Bliqf and is relia- > Teas, umu. uuu uums ny. Johnson. ,b-comes the pronto. Tbev nrn lmth motion of .Mr. ; hall, 010, L . Thoinpsos. ` 2 liberally Weather Annlw nl so popular Barrio. : lnnh nfnnn , just re-` L'Ul.l0ll OI gooc I here.- Ne`w : Hotel. __-.-<.fpp.__._-- Tll-E l'.~\llll"lf Cl`lAl\T-`[38. on here nc Lone ` era :1 ml ' house. ...u. u_v luuuefl WHO 8!! White Land Plniator, : son's. m`i`:]';;i;*":;z_l`_1;:i- E:imlhori: 5) b vwbb` ad!` ere on the night. ofthe . rs w 0 entered me houm Land plnhinr no D,.....n . _.. ,...,..,n ......u: ugm. or we whom 111 Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Eumphorj, Illinois, were umrdercd the 51.11. hv rnhluu-u ml... ....;.......I n - U ,_..o .,.. ,....uu_a U1 uun. ` Puus, April 9.-For some `time past. pla- cards liavc been poslml nbont on dead` walls and elm.-wl:cru.: in public places 0!` the city, cnztcling that all \\`orkIm:n of Paris. Vrufuse their rcntcsfnr the month, and join in a gene- ral strike on Sunday, 10Ih inst. The city au- thorities are taking measures to . up1'ceL9 the thrcatcned disorder to-marrow, but the news- papers make light of-the whole matter. Mrs. R. R T`...m..i.,..: ...~ A - .5. ...uuv->u ul:u:I are growing sus; `ti I plum andj Sundu ', to-marrow,` 1 papers light. nnlm w|...|., . u\.n5u manual: -19 CW Mr. Joseph M. Coombs, a Red River refugee arrived home in Londonlast Sunday, arm a trip of exactly a mouth. Young Coombs- says that Mrs. Schultz is at the ro0\Ve1'.SeI,l.AIem(,-nt in delicate hynllh, nnd in constant fear of out- rage. Riel lm%_ thruatened vengeance upon all who render her any aid. O l)onohoe struts about with her gold watch, which waia` taken from her by force. Riel is halftlrunk nll his time, and is becoming bloatctl ilicountcnnnce. His hnllllircctls are growing suspicious of him. 3 April 9.--F0l` Snmln Hm -m..n I ' .gun for India would be .. uv ulu vu mun" wily iiere. . Tin-: GUN Foiz RED RIVER.--TlJ0 new eld t.ie weapon most easil y conveyed from_ Thunder Uily to Red River. It is portable iiiid pnrtieiilarly effective in the hands of British _Artill<.-ry` men . The new lield giiii fur Indie is to be a_miizzle~loading 9- poiinder bronze rie gun, weighing 8 owl. and Colonel Maxwell, Rqynl Artillery, who rend E ii. paper on "the siiluect recently, states that the 6th Brigade is about to be armed with the new weapon. The gun will be tted with Sir J. \Vhitii orth'a elevating screw, and. with the carriage and the usual npure gear, &:c., will weigh about 32 cwi. ll- 1-....-|. II n - - V j TAssu.\'u.-`A colony of retired Indian of- licers has been established in Tasmania. and is likely to have afuvorsble inlluence on the '-` ulfuirs of that place. 'l'nsmnnin is the Para.- disc of the earth, nndnhounds with every- thing that can bedesired. The temperature is extraordinarily agreeable, and rnrelyrhelow lifty-live in winter, except at night, or above. eighty in summer. the island abounds rivers. Nouvithstanding has .~:uil`ered very pression of late garden of Victoria (Australia), but no\_v,; that Colony raises its own vegetable prodiice. and Tasmania has deeli.ned._.accor iugly. `fhe new Settlement may help to give" .t a tillip. -Le Nouveau lllonde, 'tli&;- organ of the French Roman Catholic Clergj. is displeased with the indignation of thtfpeo A ` __ tario at the murder. of Scott, and d.-p`:'eci1te`s:%}3fin- discreet. haste of the Government in'pr'p"arihg for an expedition against Riel, seeing ."tiiu.t everything` may he settled by the dele ates who are on their way here. ' Tm-1 Crv Fm: nm. n'.....- nu m='E":usn' '1 615ii'is 1; onus-. n .... P-< .....-. ._ _

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