Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Mar 1870, p. 1

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-`I`L"II'H'|_)' IIILUHL NU ;.'I|L|Ul|Il;,' U.\'L'3. llunore, she said, s:uH_\', why do you look at me like that? Are you, too, f':lilhless?" _ In: In I, ,.',,.,I .._-.I- - -.-.. ti... lilllllluah`. ' The bl.-u-Vk st:irtel, xnzule :1 step for- wnr-l. nml throw lwrsclf at Mmlaune Vivtm-`s feet. She lifted the bank! of her lIliSlI'(.'S.`-I to her lips, U',\7..n `nnn /" dun nncuvru-m`| Hm nnnr JCIIII llll IIIUII IIIA UIILU, `ll V7_l|lU I`!-`Ls (7|:u'isse, silwe you dczire it. the mes- .-cn_9;cr shall 1>clis1mtched to-morrow. -#'I`n.unnmn\v ' R`IR'l1r'l\HIl. `-' /\ Inn! RU UU_'_[SS A yell of uuutteruble hale answered him. .. n_ .1.I .1-..n. n- .1... I:`......,.1....,... I De.-nth! death to the Frenchmen! The. black struggiml in his grasp; raised the stock of his gun, and struck lnlindly out hcfmu him. The hlow missed its mark. Jules Fluvier red, and the soldier ung` up his arms and fell back dead in the mont. I10 emptied his two reI::ztiuing pistols. A horrible death-cry rose up from the water at each dis- ch:u~_re. u '|`........1.nu-av", niuxvfn Jnlnn Fl:I\';nl', 5Ull:_ l'l` FHKUI UU `|Is`l'lIlLIllL`|| llJ'lllU|I|J\V. To-n1m'm\v ! she'e(-lxoL*.-l. Alas! who knows what. fate may build us before cn_.n.u u-nw " lU'llIIIll'U\V . Vic! These are idle M.-wk lri_I_::uul will never 4 pnsitiuln like Verona. All. i ` come to you where I mu? you no! V! Lmrr nrir. Ian J Y4-t, lmr_r aur` he -11:11] left her, _I Mauhunc Victor paced the \'ernnd:I. pale and troubles]. The tnrrnrs of her heart were not to be so L`hS_V nppeusml; I 1 :-..nnu elm |.n-nnm :I\\':)l'R llmf. Hm cunr,c_n.-. '1`rcnclIeryl" alnotttml Jules and leaped down from the wall. llu rnqlu-..l into the (men SDHC zmu Icilpeu uuwu |III_|u um wml. Ilu rushed into the open space before the barracks. Here :1 volume of smoke, bursting out of the long, low Ilmildings, drove him back lmlt'stmn_-_;led. A spiral __l....... .-.6` Hanan Fnnnuvnal [`|lM `wlnnln HU!..`'0.\'. -,5:-nl. Uzmic drove Inm mwu nun ru.mu_-__uuu. n -`yum column of ame f'ollowel_. The `whole place glowed and shone with the light of day. The luwrscks were on re. Rmldnnlv n haggard gure emerged day. '.l'lIe luu'rH:I(s \\'cI'u nu uw. Suddenly haggard gure emerged from the smoke. and rushed to\\'Il_I'd-IIIIII. I . ` 1` It was Capunn Victor. llne face of the superior ofcer wns us the vfuce of the dead. T _ ' Monsieur, he cried, sum youself. All is lost." 11 1\T.. ..... `H nnawnu-I-J JIIIPR Flavim-`: \ All is lost." _ A I No, no, answer:-d Jules Flavier`; To the guns! They will storm the works. Lexus sell our lives dearly. Lt -M-__-:m.- um mum nm snilmrl. ` Ln. works. Lethe seu our uves uum|_y. Monsieur, the guns are spiked. Ln- mour de Rance is without. He can carry` the works in five minutes. ` 4 They confI`onte:l_ench other there in the awful light, those two desperate and forsaken men. .1 ml. (1.41 :. nn mm Inft?" cried IUI'SllKUl1 uu:II. _ My God! is no one left? cried Victor. _ Gardez! came in a sharp. wmmng cry from the lieutnnnt. um- c,...-,. ..4- .. ....... ..nm.a rlnshint! out - UT) IIUIH uu: llcllhdllllllu The gure of a man came dashing out of the burning barracks. Another and another followed. They lore across the open space, making for the wall. The ames shone on their black and distorted faces. They grasped their relocks as th8'\' T83)! Ills, ' she nnswcreal, the poor . She would give) her Flawier, l`....... 0]..` .....H : fancies. That. (l_nre nttuck at . love, can lmrln T , Q _,. ., A _ BARRIE, COUNTY OF SIMCOE, ONTARIO; CANADA, TH'URSDAY,A.3* yulll` UIILH o . llis lueml ('4.-ll lm':k_. The lglood rlrippcd thick am-.l sluggisli from the wound. Jules I"luvier hem _o\'cr lxini--lic was lzul. _ Dczull The licutemmt smlggln-<.l to lnis feet. He l0 )l(l:(l zit llle we-anions in his lmml. Tliey wcic lozuled, cocked and ' 2-cmly. He .sl_mxl\lcrcd. . Hm'k!rA lomr wild ell resoumls out- .-: Y . . side the wall.` _'l'livy are coining! Tliuy plunge into the nmut. They are swarm- ing mul sLI'liggliiag up the czu`t|m'm-lcs. Yell cclmcs veil. Jules" l"l:u'ier turned `Iron: the (lo:il"li0 rm`-l flenl. l-In Hml 2|.` tlun u'in.l Ilium `In luixnnml IDUU \\HD l~|I\.'IL'o . H1: s:1\\'.IIul' Imcc_li11g before :1 c:-rved crucix, her w_.\-hile lruperics trailing [ne- himl her, her head lnowcnl on her lnu'ul.<. A lump, s\vi11gin_; from -the ceiling, shone upoxrlncr with subducd_ligl1t.. She was praying. _ _ _ _ Grim with nnu-Bur and snmnke. Jules Stand! tluihdererl the two officers, hurling themselves. before the ying troop. A _ A wild yell answered them. _ _ Death! death` to the Frenchmen! Tl1ere_was a scattering volley, a splash- ing in the waters of the moat. Captain Vnctor staggered and fell back `into the arms of. his lieutelianta u ll-.. 1):-.. In 1,. -_:-_!. u.1'...L... IllUk'l\|IIgl'\'. V " All, great he-nven 1" fullered the dying" man, my nifel Monsieur, 1 lmve \VzIt(',l1- ml you w.4_.-ll; 1 have l1':iLed you well. Ncvcrtlzclcss, you are the lloblut. of men. You love ha-fr still. Well! `lineal here at. my sivle. Icommmul it. _Julus Flawicr knelt. . l\lonsiour, you know the fate `of wo- men who fall into the luxntls of Lmnonr lo Ramos-. For itlner ofyou there ls no escape. But. you will die one den1lI,> mon- s1eur,:unl she tun tlnousmzd. Swear to me. as you are a man zuul a'Frnch sol- .Hm- Ilmt l.un\mn~alo- Rzlnnn clmll h0\'(-I` la Jules 1"|u\'ier recl_-d"sick and faint zabow the dying man. J`) s\\`c:u' it! .1; answered. . Go to l1cr-yonlur---lmsten! Tharp is lmta moment to lu_se-_your oatl1-- your oath ! _ Hi: hum] H-H Inns`! 'Nu- Llnntl r` nnnm` pmylllg. Griln with pm\'_0er and, smoke, Jules Flzwiur d:xsi:cd in. Mmlzune Victor rose from her knees. Her fuce,w:1s hczwcnlv with the calm (-)fpr}1_\'en'. Her c.1is0nlcI'(:il lnuirmadc :1_glnry about her. ,Sl1c_ ml- vancetl to\\`:ml mm. .1 II ,, , ._ I: 1931... ...t .1 I.-....-H" ..n.1 (II In.` UI. I-{I3 llUll~l.UII"H|~V Mon .l)z'eu./ he `cried; killed! I 1..I _ TVI 1 I . I`,., IKIIIUU J ' Jules Flavier bent. over him. He tore the linen frmn his breast. '1`he'tl1ick hloo-I welletl up smoking under his huml. A horrilnle gunshot wound had nearly laid the heuri. hare. uu-._.:A....n ..........._,..l V:..a....' uT ;: wliho sorted on r. Porter w Com- HHU LHU Hell. lHl|'(f. I `f Monsieur, murmured Victor, I ballad you a cowzutd this day; forgive me. It i- I who lnzu-e brought. this upon `us. Mnnieur, I prixy you draw the pistols `from my halt. .Iu|uuI1`I:|\-inr nhnvm{_ "-1541 n\\'n fm-.e IIUIII HI) "Ulla Jules Flawier obeyed. His own face was ne:_u-ly.:|s jvhite asjthe ot_lwr s. _ 0\'_er both the ruddy glare of the ames played Inm-kingly, ' ` _ A I. an-m1t.hmn'nn'" fnllnrnr} Hun A vinn" HII1. HS 317 TU H lllilll dllli 3| 1` I-UII\.'/ll SUI` dier, 1l1:lt.LaInnurdc Rance shall` never look upon her living. . Take these pistols, there is enough wiLl|in them for you both. b`\v<'.ui' to llletlnat she shall (lie before` his nccursed foot has crossed the wall. Swear it!" 1 I In 3, , I 1" xunuuy. _ . Slug-lonkc(l_ at. him. Her eyes diluted, but she dial not s.1vc':lk. He went close up to her. _ ., .-u n 1 ..n ...L- :- ..~!oI.,~..| ') T... to nor. Shall I tell you who.is without? Lu- mnur dc Rance`! Your hllsbnml is (IL-:ul. We are the last. that is left. Great, (ind! lffcro is no e.~:cu1e.4 1 shall uoL_ outlive _) (_)ll :1 nlomcut. Speak! Dure you die by my lmml?" ` . ` - r\_ --`....-Z1 1.-.. I . .....a um um}! J ICI \\i:lc1_y. Hhn-In you mu know au;" . Ila mtljeatcul a pace or two, and Look Ll(`.'lllIL`|Tll.(.`. aim at. her. Sheh stoo-l with her heml drooping :1 little, her eyes upon him. A convulsive trenzlnling seized him, He red. The ball whistled past that golden hcml, aud,sl1at.tered is mirror . on the wall. ' V -~.---=-..-m-I... ...:.u ....n...u.. IUG \Vl|ll. ' Caurage, monsieur!" she sand, calmly --- courage! I do not. fear to die. _ `A Hrllnrlnl-h|rr`|In\v nr.-tlm nntr-.r (Inn:-'. --"' C()lll'ilg0l 1 ll" llUla IUMI` LU um. A tlrundering blow at.-the outer door. He heard the panels crack like glass. Th. iron chain cranked. He `raised the second pist.ol. 'I`m-n vnnr ace.-1 from 1110! he imnIor- " I\u "II [Hy IIUIUW." I With a. cry ofmentnl pain, as if,'indced his own heart. was pierced, Jules Flavier sought to obey, but a hand from behind had clutched his. zmu-tlie pistol was dragged clown. Some one rushed be- tween the two, holding them apart with , uplifted hands._ It was the negress Honore! For the love of God," she shriek ed,' kill her not, monsieur! I will save her, Quick! Follow me P ' . ' . mm ..n..|.nA In .1... ,1-.. .... H1:-aw it `H05 HI UH lpplicntions un n-nsnn- PISLOI. Turn your eyes from me!I1impIor- ed, ilragony. ' . ' She obeyed.` Uulxidden she advanced at step. Her aruis full at. her side. H D-hm. -nmm nnrdn / Aha" murmured. ll SLO`). 11%|` |'l`Il3 [till Ell: lll`.'l' Slut. Dieu vous garde!" she` murmured. Aim at my lneurt. \ViHI n nru nfnuanlnl nnin, mt if.-int]!-.0!` QIIIUKI I` UIIUW IIIU 1' . She rushed to the door and threw It wide open. She beckoned them wildly. Quick! I implore, or it will be too lnfn 9` ' ' " \llUI\5 I. III! IUIU Ul ll "III In) I-UV P 2 , late." , . . Madame Victorvneither stirred nor spoke.` Casting an arm about her, Jules Fluvier plunged into the dark of the outer pas- sage, close on the heels ofjhe slave. At this moment theuuter door fell. *` Hus't.en,.monsieur, in the uame- 0 God E". cried Honore. ` A;'..l... ......`,I ......._ 91 _____ .... .l `uulnn UUU 3' CTIUU LIUIIUYU. Take good care, answerad Jules Flavier in hercar. Atthe-rst. sign of treachery you,shull die l. . -rn nu nnNm.nnx'n. I ugh` llhlll Its an Iceu Lo\\':u'u mm. *` l :ep;u-c. to die 1 he cried lou'll_v and l..hv, V-.. ~._..-.. V... so an oonopbniv. _ ALTER KEATING, A'1"I`ORNEY-AT- Law, Solicitor in Chancery and Con- veyuncer. On-`xcx-:-Dunlop-street. next door, to-Mr. J. Armstwng-`s `Store, B.uu:u-1` - _-50-1)" If 0n!rm'o .. u~H| Inn at GRAIN. ]"LOL'I{. `B.\IIIHLT.ID, I OI`.K._ O;\'l'MI'I.~\l., &c.. to the lx`:uIe (':h(-:u>. 0PI U.S`T'l'-1:`T111331.-IIIIIET (r'0LLlIL'R STJ I)x'cssod Llunlu.-1' al\vuys on lmiul at his Mil ' ` Yml. .1935" Lumber (Mt _u'ml ]))`( .\`.s`(`V(l 10', ~0r l}nrri(-, D('(3l'l`n1)cI' 21st, 1869. -17-1y , RD\GII, A_.I3.uAGI{ &S'l'RATHY-Bar- risters, Attorneys," Solicitors in Chancery, .Olces Owen Slreet. Barrie. ma. 1.1/..A\1m 1.1/..uca'.--.\11-.'.\1151`.u. U1" the Royal Colleges of S.xu'gcons, Edm- burgh and I-.`.ngl:\n1. f`(\\|'2lYl 'l`lKVf1 Jrnurn) A 'l'1".\TI'i CYfDDd\' W _.....5.. nuu H t N CONSULTING &.01 ER.-XTING SURGEON-.' ,. cu u.~,,. n-1., \.l\J.1I)IJllI|A\\J\|I`)A lJAIul].lA\\.l Ll\J1U\J|J\JLVo OI-`1-`Icx~::--King St. West, Toronto, b(~.t.\v(-.on York and Snncoe Sis. .47- -uu.u.m 1'. A. UUID.-l5:\lLllb'1'J`Jli "nd Attorm-_v at `Lx,xw,- Sn liL-itorv in Clmncurry Convt-yqncer, &.c., COOKSTOWN. Ont. ` . 17. `LA\V,SOIicit0r in Chancery, Notary Pub- lic. Conveyamcer, , Gnmmiss_iouer . in B. R. &i:.. &c. Heir and Dmtisee Claims exncmnd. OI-`I-`I01-:.'-ln _3I0rrn\v's lillilllitxgs. \\'vslr0fth(- Fin.-nzun's llnll, Co1liorSlu_-ct. mnutuz. QIAMESVC. .\lO`Rll()\V, AT'l`ORNE-Y-AT` uuuxs'rmv.\'. , . _ Special attention paid to diseases of women and children. r V 7- dS.\`l aurg. u.a. Army.,. . - 01-`Hm:-In the prcnuises recently oncnpiox` Ilxy .I{0'lncl`t ltnss. Esq.. and ncaxrly qpposiic tho Wcllingtnn Hotel. 1-9.13rn U ___ , _ . DR. H.\M[LTON has removed to his new residence. opposite the Post. Oice, Collier St.revt.- I}ar1'iu, Ont. ' ` Dory Man II .. nu. .1. u. vvnlmvu, (Fn_rmcrl\' Dr.-I. ."`>clm]t-Id nnd Watson. Dom! Ilc-ad.) Lulcufklimahur-_v. l{c.iiu(mcc,.`\Ir.McGcu`s, ,'l`ll()liN'l`O1\', ().\"l`. - . nuuau-u-, u.\\1u.'\.\Ll, ATE Assistant Culoninl Slli`j_{('0n, ILM; J. Convict-l)up`t, Tasmania; three years As.~'t Surg. U.S. Army.A mm-nxises recontlv nnnnnim` .RO0MS on Owbn Stiret, rionr the, corner of ()-.von J: Dunlap. 'l'ho.-.0 - rooms will he closed from the ].';th to the 24th ofvnclx munth. ` 3 -ly .I_-Il<}.'R`1']1`()YS .\'IC()'L. .`J.D., I`hysicini1, Surgeon, and Accuucheur.-1{csidv:ncu, C()()KST()\V.\'. slmminl rnonnnm. .\.\:.I n. .1:_.....;-... ..r............'. \ cu-,rImu'y uuIu~,_;u. 3%.-\l| dispalclws, graph or uthc1'\visc. \ tt-"ml:-(1 In. [(`iHll'll HI: RcSML`llCL`--AI.l-IX. Cm-xmmnrx. Ont. . ,(.'uuuly (,'ler_I:. `V ILL attend at his Oicu. in Barrie. every S.-\.'l`Ul{D.-\Y, from 11', :1.m., till 3, p. m., `according to ()1'd01' of Council, and every s other (lay at his U:1i<.-c' in Cook.<.lnwn. E. S. MEEKING, . ` ICENSIEI) AUC l`1(`)\'EE|l. AND _ AI --I` PIL-\l.%7|-IR fur B:1`r1'io. and the Counly of Simcot-.- Cu.`~:h Advamccs nxade on Goods rc- ceivc for Swlo WINES, LIQUORS A16) UIGARS, \\ l.`Y I l\'l_"I`l\\' Q'I`l.Il.`L"l` 'l`l\ln\\v [ G. S U '1` 11 E R L A ND. \'r-:'rmux.un { o .SL`nm:ox.' (}r:ulu-.1h.- 01' the Ontario \'L-lorimu'y Cullvgu. ' 22$`.-\ll disnmclws. 1-.it`ln~r hv mail. Mu- |.Usedf i)om:`s'1`IC Am) 1<`OP.1SI.GN`CIG.1\RS \\'um.1-:.<.\u: , 0.\`m'. `B! J. S()l1R.~\I)I'JR. .\Ip.nnfuctu'rcx'oI Cigars, I o _nnd wholu.-sale :1:-alor in Huvauzl. Yum. Connecticut. Set-d [.4-uf. and all other kinds of Tobacco", corncr_ot Park and Mn1ber1_'yst1'cets | u . un vmnv n uv I ' (Law Clerk in County Registry Olcc.) I ONVEYANCQR. Commissionoiin Queen's Bench, ,AuctIoneer, Appraiser. and Com-. mission Agent for the sitle nf HOUSES, LANDS. .I<`AR.\( STOCK. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Goods, Wares, &:c. Also fox the co1lection_of ' 5 turns, N0 l`ES AND ACCO.lJI\'T`. 1; ........ .......J- I\O\ Ar\J& 1-1: .1. (LA. I Marriage Lice,ns_es. llllkinug luv--4-I A----- I\/I/IIIJAIJ. u Cash Advances made,o_n Goods loflfor Sale, Sale Room, comer of Collier and Market Sts., Barrie. ' 11-tt` ;"Highest REFERENCES given._.`.\` r;.\umc IN ulur.-xun`. `ruu.-xuuua, , Pipes, Cnnos. Tolmccunists Goods, &c., Wholesale and-Retail. Sign of the Indian Queen, 51, James Street, llnmilton, C. W. _ _ JOHN cuLvEnvv':_:1.L. ` ARRIAGE `TRIMMER and General UI HOLSTE;Rl`]R._ Opposite E.'Gruve1-`a `Hardware Store, Dunlop-Street, Barrie. ` Burris,` April, 1868. . _ 1. 1l~ly pnucs. Issuer of Mart?ia g_e Licenses; ` 00oKsToW.v. .-4_ .....,,_V.__ __, ,, p. - Rvslnro d Imam!- __.._.-, ____ __-.v -..-u- V.-us.-a..vn \\'ELL1.\'_G'I`0N :s'1'm-1m` 1`0l:()NTO. c. Pi."_{Eii37[ c 0. ,. -o`11N*_'1;"X.En1), I\n.\I..u- In ~uo.\z.xs T.` A. `n0\'s.-I3La1:rusTIa1: "nil ;\9InI'nnv nf l'.uuy. Q..li4.H.u- in -_.fxE 5" 613 I69: iigT.. M \I.-.\'I`I'-*,u-'rI'|:|-tn um A". 1 _)ii.-1z.`L U1*z) .' . m .1. W. amncmam. )0RTRA[T_ I .-U4.\"1`ER, 39 Kin \\"c_-st. -Toronto. ' sm.,*m:aT Y\\vl1I' . \vv\ )R.. J. VLIZARS LI /.ARS.--.\I I-I[.\IBII`{ OF Hun Rn:-nl l`.nllun-nu nf` Qun-.rnnn..- lv`.aIin_ ` LUTHERGROVEB; EALILR IN crews. TOBACCOS, Pinata (".nnna 'l`nImnr-nniutu Cnna, .('n,_` )n. ` J. l;~\V::'I`SON,`- 113..-......1 1' nu. ..|...1n..m EMovAL{ U131 llll. 1: LX112 West, -Toronto. [ R. ` I:osA1_\*i< o, DENTIS 1`. .1... u- n.` uI_r\V1\U u vvn, ` IL-\DU:\'l`B OF VlC'l'Ol{L\ UNIVER-3 SITY. ` ` um I an . v u.- nnxvuu-n . ................ .... . .. gusiinss Qirttfnty. ,-. A/~/xx`/\/x./\/~.x/\.\ ., `(`v`/ \Ju nu u /\ 1; r 1`. n.. .\l.-.xL{ru\c1'1'1:r:n or A`: 1)::/u.r:n rs 1'-:1` Wnsr-, "I_"u1m.\"r0. JOSEPH nocans, -5- n\.....:.. n...... .. R. T. BANTING, 41.... .n.. 4v1...1. III'.!. M.i:.c.s., 1:.\'GL.-\ND, ENRY EIARPER, W74. sLA'j2s-r'I{<'z? .\'l`l .` nfn xnrvluxurrn 1'\`n ORILLIA. ur..\ I.r.li In CHEMICA LS, &c.,. \v')'rr 1' `r A BRITISH FREEDOM AND COLONIAL RIGHTS. IU- CHUI`{CI1 ILL,. Xvi "s LA v if I SL"r1u:1u..s.\ n'._s .lI01'r:I..V 44y , hy mail. me- will be 1un1(:lu:_tl1_y'at- . .. to wall or? ICOBONER. 8-tf P. 1ugsHE1mY, swrtnern muuvny. > . An express is despatched daily to the above placvs. ' , ' 5:3-A Livnrv Wnlndllnnnl` vinuv Iunrr [)li1Cl`.R. :,'A Livery Enstl slmft,cd.i-1 connection with the house. ulislnnent. is now, being 42- Stages daily to and from Cxeemore. A\'n- ' ing n11d.D:zn]u. connecting with trains on the Northern lluulwny. L-.\'m'css is desnntclnml dnilv in Hm nlunv.-. SA.\1'L,I3ROLLEY.-- This old -stubliulu-d and commodions hotel is in _c.\'ccll-nt 0l'(ll`l' ha.\'ing been renovated and re-l`urnislm-l,mul,is well atlaptml for travellers being convenient to both cars and boats. Good, stabling. A Lin-r_v Stable connected with the hotel, \\'hex'c horses can he had on the shortest notice I-1-1 at their onlnrin u-nt. The sluhsibor linegs to acquaint. ls friends and the public wiih tlneffuct. that he has re- movcd from Allundulu to` the brie`; premises ainmtod as above. and rocontlv occupied as :1 'l`cmpernncc Hotel, which he has opened and is now tting up for the accommodation o the pl ! b!ic. 27-1 y `L ` - 1[I.'Ix`0.\"TAT. T0 STIIEEI} ' COLLl.\'G\\"00l), ONT. CHARLES gcmanou, - PROPRIETOR. con. DU._\'I.O1 J: I}.-\YIlELD S -FREETS, ' Immna. ONT. ' Nozlzx A.m?';mc.N_i10'1-EL, ' lrI'hn`A7'TV 1 nrn urrwn Dom L\*16"1I'0'U s E, - A N U U S, .0 ". \"nnq- Hus 1\.4I:.])l`Il!l Thus! ..I.J 3'Near the Ru Tllis con}1no(`:inus howl has just been elected. "and i4 new furnished throughout in 9.n1ost comnoriablo sl_\_'h-. Ii. mnluins :l'L- In-si smuplu rooms for cqnnmorciul t1'aw.-llcrs, of uny house north 0l'.Tp1:oI1lu.' , . -17- V . '4. STODDARS, . lYlI\I N-Ilm'.~j. with 1!: An an WM. II. 3101!!) UG.\ LL, This \{'o1l knmm os1uhlisl1m_enHms recently untlofgnlm wry great impx-ovcIncnt--n large addition lI:\'\`i11glmL-11 made to it. giving in-,. rcrLu3'w(1:1'(ml1lln0'1uti911 to the publicmu] com m(`l'('l'.Il lr:1\'t-H('r.<. m..,:. ]L..u.u~u Xvn In urn.-1: f`nnnnn:1ln.u`r !.1E>_:m' FRAS}-}R.- \/IN} Slulplix ODDFELLOWS `HOTEL, .n':'.'\'I\'::` un .wIu'm)Iw av /v ............ ........,... .. .. .... ........, .-l l I'-,'_\'I.\'h'. U0. .S`I.3['C01J. 0.V 1`. JOSEPH WILSON, - - - Pro-arietor. The 13:11` is suppliuul with Clmico Liqnrxrs and Cigilm. Good . Slubling :uIjuix1in_~,-` thollulul. ' V -l)ccL-xnhor 24. 1867. V` V - ` 47-lvr. ! (Lztc .\1-4.-king's.) 'Next Door \\ 1-st of the R:vilw21y Station, ` ` IS:u'ri(~, Ont. V` T` 7 ~- `----- `[).-nun-Lulnu ` `NEW `LOWELL. ?J._G. MARTIN, - - - Proprietor. vl Wrn-untu-Iv ..'n..; -- l`.\-r-.h:u1ce 110101." (}1'ocn101'L-. 7 INS well-lu10\\'n and favorite olxl Hotel has l)(.'('Il tl1o1'o1:;;lxly 1`uno\'atu'(l and tilted up In at lll:|.llllUl' to ensure tho comfort of {.,'1l0StS; and t1'a\'cllurs are aZ<.~'1i|'c(l that on-1'y cudt-avor will be used to give them satisfaction and rum]- er the ostablislixnexlt the In-;~:t of its class in point-o1'coxnI'orl and taste. A Billiard Parlor altaclxcul. - Stages 1'01-diIl'crcntpu.r1.s leave the ` house daily. . J. P. RYLEY. - - - - -- Puummtruxz. Formerly of the` Roux. Horn; Hamilton. ' `HIS HM rn6'.n-ni_- |'I`HlD IIIH , ` .rc-t'urni.~' [ lllmlt-c0lll|l)l` .u r_ u: a.u..u..:.u Forlnt-rly ofllu -V-1...-x-..J.".:>:._`;.~ I -`The Qu'ecn s- iDUNLO.l swm-:1:'r, - - - - -'n.-.n_r n .1 Lu: Ill {IL ARNALL, :`Tlie Travelling Community will nd this estuhlisliniont suited to their requirements and deserving: of their patronage. as!` Ssunnla Rooms for Commercial Travel. .' baunpw li.UU|.u3 IUI uuuuuunvnan ;Aa.vcA- lers. . A Excellent Stabling connected with the Hoinse ..u--........ ___ , ADJOINING Tl:{E STATION, COLLl.\'G\\'0OD. The proprietor of this well-known establish- ment begs to inform his friends and the travel- ling community that he has ]('LlSC(] the above hotel in the pleasant and heulthy village of 0rilIia,:u1 is now prepared to receive and nccommotlum guests. . CnmIn(~1'r:iul tmvi-llers and others furnished nccommodme guests. Commercial lrswi-llers furnished with convenient and ample nccomodntion. ` Choice Wines, Liqu0r.~x and Cigzurs, in st_ock. Apartments let to privzitc_l'mnili'cs.' 3"Go0d Sheds and Suibling with attentive servants. u uvu- . mil in its . nnd is u cunnil- rr..\nA.\nuunou:..uz, P; QUINN, -. - - - 15;:-crnxzron. T1118 ii. the first Hotel m the. p`1ace,` and a`ords all the conveniences and com- V `[110 H. Ina nrsb u.um:| m um luu\.c, a`ord_s forts of A first class house. . Stages (l-`part from and arrive at the hotel. Con`vo_vnnces`to and from the Steamer. :37 Livery connected with the`Imu.~;e. _$ BARBIE HOTEL. . 3.412RIE, COUNTY,0F 31.11005, 0. W.` Mrs. E. MARKS, Propriefress. JOHN McWATTg Superintendent, .___. KI . " _ ALVA DOOLITTLE, I unr1m-non. (Formcrfy nflhc Ii"zilmal Ilulel, Bell Ewart.) GOOD .-\CCf).\L\X()D.\TIO.`' :4-Ilm-< .\ n-.... <:...~. I-nnu :.. B-`~F_AASI3R_'SA EXCII:-\wN (-}E_*fEIA:, ! _G'LOBE HVOTEL; I\vV\VI`llNA\l\"IQlIIZ`K'I4` (\\"l`, lcscrvingz of their patronage. :3` Saunplo Rooms ursz. 1 _ 01>))osilc (.":e Jfailrbogl Station, Dunlap SL, vv-.A,J\.A~\, /\I\`\F\f\/s `V. ZUEEN S HOTE L,` _MAE{_:;_I1\I-*_S AAI-IVOTE L" )Ni:.:I[()- _I>I()'1`E;;, 131:.-umoltl); { F.u:_u:m:x:_. _r"`aT_,\ ars w E L 1.1}: GT6} I nnvn 1: x [ARKSMAN S HOME Ho'T1_`ELT, )RILLlA HOTEL, FARAGHEWS HOTEL, afzutels mu! alonns. .`k\.'\J\ I .ll .u\) Ill} 1 Ill.` ' IUY 1 I"Al' _ A In-v Stage runs in connection I310 Uars xnmrlling` :1nv.1u\`cniI1,r:. nut.-ntive hustler in aIl<-ndaulce. 1-Iy RAILWAY i11o'rE1,; ,. .\[u1'lgu;;osz, 'h('S in tlw 1\I.A .J:uuu;, ' 7 ' - u.. Nmzr I/Le .\',ew_ I. ailwa_1/ Depot. !f\|All _ _ _ _ _, Dnnnl - liqunrs &c. in stock. `ConImndiou.*' and .\'2:(-Us cmn'(-,ni1-n`. to the house. -\r:.-_ _.-. v., PENETANGUISHENE, ONT. rwrv _ _ ppm Must: h'~.1s j Ii. unou ..l.l.. lunv Bar whl Street Barrie I. 7 . _ 2 A 3 z.- lccu_z/ Depot. uww. 1 .2 huusv: ..J..LV , .LLu_t:;AuuuJ.I ' Exch:u1ge1I0tcl," cw 1uv.u.wug Jltlovno - - - - _Proprietor. Front` $lreet, Slaynr. ducer. nst bb(\n tuid up. and Innkinrr it one of lhel ISL n(`(`n IlH(`(l up. zulug . Inaking it one_ of the ws in the .\'nrlh. 2]-if Pnovuxsxron. Pnormmon. Pnornu-:1'o1z . l'x'op1'iet0i' - Pxiomm-2101:. UN lo PROPRII-ZTOR. for Tra- `In- Ix` h \ I) `\\`\Q` `(ion 0] '13.-XRRIE." Ont. _ Efwttls and .`uIo.uu.3. SIMCOE HOUSE Qno CE.\`TRE. .____. 'F. HALL," - - - - Priomu. Goon .1xcco.\1.\{bD.aT1o>: .1 Tm-..n The Dav: i< supplied with choice I.iquu,.5 ` Cigu'-s. mv$`I.`vnnI1nnI Qo..I.1!..... .... 1 n. . _ 4) (Formerly kcptAby A. oolittlo.) E. V. IIANBIER, ~ - - Pnomm `HIS new and connmious hot:-1 is situated` near the Lake Shore, and comnmndsn line View of the sm'r(n1mling sco_m-ry. _ The mums are large, lmnd.=om(`ly 1'Iu'nisl1cd, well venti- lated, and families can be supplied with st-parate suites for thclnsclvcs. . ;".>`:11npIc Rooms for Commercial Tmvelh-rs. I The Bur will nlw: `R rm rmmn .-...u...-.. ..-:n. This old osinhlislnnont has In-on comph.-IL-]_-.' renovated and I'c-furnislml. :1 Id is now onv of the mosLcoxn!'u1'i.d;lu hou. .01` travellers in any coun;.'y place of die . VFrae 0mni!)l|Ss('2s' :0 nml imnl the cars. But vsupplivd with the best the market, amtls. Vvnrn nHnnH.-... \,7IL`L:AM PARKINS,' . INNKEEPER, COOKSTOWN. Licensed Am.-lI'(37zcr for the (J4'nm(_1/ of Simcoe. Valua/or, | :c., f`c. 36-1y _ . - - - - ~ w A - AA \J \J LJJ-d (Late Stu[I'o1'd House.) Q 1?. ILLIA C, \V._ JAMES JOHNSON, -* - - 1 nom:u:ron. Eu. '|h mllr . (33 D:lln])lt: lcooms for Uommorcinl Trzwellors. ul\\':1_vs he found l'(`pl0i.(.' with 1iqu01'.~r and cigars of the host hmnd. Good Stubling and attentive Iznstlors. 20- _._.\ CANADIAN DEPOT. _ `he sI1_hscri5u-is ln:mki'nl for the very libt-rn] p:\`.'.un:\g,c0i' the past. b,-_-: 10 iufurm their old cnslmm`-4 and the 1m`-Mic ;.,c'.xo|':1lly, that they lmvo mule m'r:mg(-nlents with the Leading C'fccr.3e l"uctm'ic.s* q;'orI2'Do12zi2z2'o11 - For a c.I1tinu<-(Isnupp1_',' of s/.g-....._.-. .u..a - 1 -A lVax'g4-` .=nppl_v of wl-it-'1 \`."|' always be kept on I-and :1L ';l|i('GS xvhir.-E) will be certain 10 en- ww.-.s ' Jon. | ' &l"Il5(`i!| Th ]}'S I any purl. oi the Town. FIRST CLASS `CHEESE ! No."4..1"4'r.".lV(is`1;m-gs}; 'T6'.i;5}3to, I ()iI'('r 1'u1'.<:x1c:1 .u24- :I.n1 \-:n-in-(1 nssm-i.m-n:.| Drugs, IVedicines, l cH1:MIcALs, PAINTS, T ` OILS, VARNISHES, BRUSHES,|l .-\tl-)\\'1'alu-szfnr cash. C.-.ll \\'ho;1 you visit the city. ill.~`p('(`fUI(}:7{(`IC`i:`lI(1lI';ll'lltlI_l'pli('l'S. They will take ph-9.51-.u-y in sfnuwiug gnotls, wlu-l!u-1' -you 1;:-1`clr.su or not. :3` 54.1 I'1.s'1`.1(,"1'/0.\-' 1-` L It`... ..'a.. r..1'..-m 1mm -n.-. `A 1x'.1.\'T1:'J;`D`-3,34 r-normomn V doubt .... IIUVIIIUIMI hullu \JuIIuJ\. IANI) AND l.\'>fL'I{.-\.\'C1 .-\(}iX;'.\"|`. ANGUS. 9 - - .- - ON _:.()j VICTORIA, COUNTY _SI.\ICOE. LXLL operations entrusted to him satis- - factnrily` pcrforlns-:1. ' Fnrnlersnnd others who may lmvo cults. 1}ulls,`1Icif(-`rs nr Swine, requiring his services will be attended to dur- The cir.u-gvs in all cases wiil sunnhlu_. (lmnl -n:i(.'H:1|CL'S given ' IN i-EHZUI l'(.`u|5U[ll|UXU.- UUUU if rvquirfd. Victoria, October, 1869. - J-OSEPHV DOUPE, C.E.,An' Provincial Land Su rveyor,, I.;\N1) AXI) 1.\'. .-\(}X;'.\"|`. 1 0: - -[ifs-pwllozl U/2r:.~' um:1mtI 7_:/ ur1_ju:s'((d. V:\ln:ntiun.< cauclully xmulo, and Su1'v<-yn1g.ol every dvscxjiplion executed with ilC(:1lX':1(:_V and -do<.p':\'c`1. ~ ` 1;!)-ly (Second building West of McINI\'IZS_' BLOCK.) HAMILTON. ' Having bought for cash when stocks in the hands of pro heavy and prices ` low", T. S. K: C0. are in :1 po.=.ition to qunte prices which cannot be SIll'p!1SbiU(1 by any House in the Trade. . . 'l`n nu-uo_'nl-m.~.umn am} one}. hnvr-re, sznmtial uonse In we '1'rnue. To rst-`class-men and cash buyers, : imlncwnmlls will he om-rorl. Hamilton, 201.11 July, 1869. A"-' Uuuyuuun UL J. l\IV J.uavnw&uu, Now opening at their New Warehouse, King Street East, IH.OCK.\n.-\MIL I`0N'. . .Jo1~1N LOWE. HORSE DOCTOR, _&c., WHoL1=:.~.AiF'& RETAIL. over nre. L John iviellanby, | Ema, Sign an Cl`I`i8L[B Painter, Gmxxxrzlz, GLA'/.lER, P aim and Decorative`Paper-Hanger, I Near the Foumiry - - - IHIKRIE. l V `HE su'nscrihcr having foHo\v(-(1 lhe above I b1':mch0.< of his lmsi|1os.sfu1` many y(-urs| 1\F0f('E$('S to he Llxoroughly z\'cvu1nint(-1! \\'il 1: them.` and is desirous of inimxning the public at largo. that he is prcparvd to excctntc anl orders in lhv line promptly, aim in :1 .n1()st workmanliko manner. 'l`luu.l.-I'nl n` mm! wnr: Im rt-Inn:-('.t1Hv -rc- workmanliko. 'I`lmuk.l'ul folhpast wors he H-'spv:ctfIxlly rc- qm-st xi crmlinu-anco of public p:\u'L-nugo. Sntisl uct0'-yI-(I11-Ience`gi\`cn,if required. Barrie. April 1. 1869. 9-ly T1105; ';S`AU.\ DERS `.5; co., uvnnv veg! 1: nvunlvr-I.-nu no EHInnfiihTIIIWAHE, GLASSWARE, AND .G.E.E*?A.L FANCY 90008, .,-.._...._%.V...,..,.. ,-..--, |1;\'vm: '1`IIE- A'l"l`EN'I`l01\' op THE TRADE 1:0 mu '- A:??`Con.tents of 1,200 Packages, Nnw nm-ninrr at flu-ir 415;: u af"Excc11ent Stahling and Sht-(ls. _j__ . Luu}'us. Every attention given ".0 guests.` .161-IM1_\ISOAN Host, (Ln?! .Qfn'rn-:1 Tfmmn \ "3: and JOSEPH ROGERS, - Z `HIIEF c().\'.s'.T'-.~.nI.1~:. cm-my of simcoe 0|-`I-`Hfl-2: (mp().~`il0 the .\l:'rl-'ct. l}_:u-riv. 3E.E~.E \w'..x1'a'1'V HOTEL!- .v.. :.Aa)I.'4AVJl\./-I L-I Tm`unio. July 20. 1361). __.. .rti.3rutcnt5. E:iT=%i`sIEEi:;"g\:1x= ENGLISH DUN HOESE % -.-x1:'1` )AINTING.V jr | ARGACIi, ANDERSON .3; co., `B In [Il(!Fl'1| '1 U0 CH'nll';.{l`S Ill illl U nfml |c.1sunublu.- Uuwl gxvcn unirml, - l{ l`IS'l`S '31 AT I-Z12 [A IS, &('., &<.'. (Fb1'x11(`1Iy J. L. Mzwgzu '\V|\auIv1 . . .. . . mu reason- lngo of his '33-ll" VANDI f\IIl'f Sis:-Miis &c._ dcl?r(.*rcd. at n_ . R. `KING & SON PROPRIETOR. 35.13:! ` sccial ' on. 1. The su`usc1-iht-rs lu-g to inform lhvir trig-utls that they are now running the above I~`uctm~_v themselves, uud will l)('p1'L'p:u'od to un(Ic1't:1kc A I (`V `I I u nu. -u IuL'lliI|L'u IU llIl(lv.'l'llliL` Carding, Fllllillg , k\'Ell OH .1." nnnnnllg, IDYEING AND CLOTII DRESSING, AISO \l.\,\'l'F \ l"I`l L-l\'u xuumu'.u:uu`L-1'5 HI um] |)(':ll(.'l`S In all kinds Of [.217/2120: , .5 as/z,~l)00v/'5, B/1/ads J1/)L'Ll)1.\"l_:'.\', SI! I XGLE N. d'('.. C43. n.u:nn-:. ox ;p"Lnm12er sa\\'-(1 mid plant-d m nrelvr; and Sash. Doors and Blinds m:umfacl111'c(l on tho shun:-st notice. , - 22-ti` 2..."-7': -!'!1...'l';f/iii NEW SADDLERY ! ` . . 4u.u1lu/Illl'II 1/, -NE.\"J` DOOR TO IIINl)S 131103.. vI5.\I:I{IF. TIN, sH`E`ilii{di`v"`ir2{I ANNBD' and Copper Ware, 1 Innisiil, July 3, 1869. Boar, Ptfrluz -.-.._n ,,, ., -- . . .,..\,.. .._-I nnrnvvvu )!: -3~`G.~\1{-I)l*Z.\' E.\'(l NJ`) _;3;]] PLATFORNI & COUNTER SCALES, C0.-IL OIL. C'r., c-c.,- I . . DCNLOP ST!!!-'.H`l`.. .. . . II.\l:l`H-`. made to order at as low prices as can be I _. in C-.mad::.. Thnfnv-11 n 1. 1" Sxnndnf, he 3!! 1 lled. u C`! wvuy Manu1".1clu1'L-rs of and D:-uh.-rs in all kinds of I ;....l.,.-.. (`,..,./. 71..-..- n I.', I 4 wnrkt,-(1 in we-lls In :\ Depth mf One Hundred' Feet. Thuv are Lh0(lD and not likely to get out of 1)(,`l)Ll1 nu \Jnu ;;u..\....-. .. \./\/vi Tllev <.hL-up `to zqet drdcr. 1 he price per fuot. I3 -1.; cttms, cush; or 5!) L'('nL~` on limo. A_. . -_.. . -~.-up- nun: n\ I` rr I II I I "`|I`I|4.I.III4lI A 111:. Irhij -.. _.-. `,"_ $`GIE5'l`I-2R.\'S of any size built. on the most appruu-ll plan and on very reasonable term<. in any part of the County. 3%` Ail urnlers by past or uthcncise promptly llll. . , l 5305- 'aLJ.aI-\I>u(- -r\-.--.-----.-_..._..._,, _, Iluving fuuml it iln1H)r<$iMt: lo mm-L thv in-I cr(-using alcmaunl for A.\'I.3` 0!" 111.5 ()\\'.\' manut:u:ture. lmsu-caemly illl[m1`IN] :1 la|r,v;c stock of liurrc-ll .~', .\lucu.':k`s. and Dates` supe- I riur .-\.\"v.~I; all of which he is px'-p:med Iowan - mI1tfo1'l)1i1'ly days. ' A|1_.\.\'cs un\\'-.'.|:mnl(,-d from superior" In:1k(~r.- he can sell as cheap as any other house in 1`o\rn. `$53.1-luv wuuu.--12` and \\'zir|':|II!c(l for 120 days at" $1.00. Any Axe sold by him \\'l|ic!| pron,-s soft wi I 3 be tculpcrcd free of cost. within 12 xuunth.s' I I`:-um :<:\lu . ' } .L.vx.;.;44.4 .-_ _;\...._--, .\l:ule anal l)1':-ssctl on tho shorln-5L notice. '1`. I-cing 1l[\l`:\CllCt|l Axe mulu-r. ho Mut- tcrs him:-:L-lf that he knows a good .-\.\'c wlu-n he soon it. and he is determined only to ollvr .41xclIarticlc:~::1s will give s:I.tlsl'nctiun to the purclmsl-r. All his own work he ;.:uarant.ucs to he Inaulc of vxtra quazlity stc-cl. " - Iln`u-cu-.Slm- .n-_r and General Iiluck io qmzllty sh-cl. g` 1101-91--Sllot-mg; smilhing done as usual. ' r...m....I =m-s a-unsmmlv kunt on hand for 4-ll ....__..._ 1 LIFE AS-vf smilhing done II;~'un.I. Jlunpud axes constantly kept sale. V R-.|I'l'i{`. Or-.t.. 18.58. 33- rE``{'ff g?4`fuf`EKEi``v, `n -`I n r\__.. LT.... L JUL`; V-1` \4 - -_ - Which hm`:-` given. \\ h(-rcvt-r 115011. on!- smisfuction. They can be effectively" w0rk,`d in wells '10 . 1.`... n nut` -`u S'ADDLERY,l`1Kl`E;`NARE, 1 .\.\'l) - . . .- * (I.\l:!N_\(_:E 'l'RI.vl.\ll.`\(.s. 1 EX.-1.1I];'LL1;'l) LI;'.'1'11I1;'I.' CLUTIIS, (fa. .4` i ' \l4...nl'.u.-luvnr: 1 t . nu -..9`_' no | %Saddles,' Collars and Trunks; fur the 'J`r:u1e. ' [NNISFIL \VOOLLE.' FACTORY. \\'.\Ien.\S"r'n' 1-`mi cm: 'n~;u:. _A..1u:-v1vv~n\'_` ..l` .... u. l...H nn H.- TEA.\l s.w AND PL.\.\'l.\'G .\11`r.r}. Brazel, Perkins & Co., l't\rIIII`unIIIun|-tv nf nvu11 Y\....l...... 2.. II I - 1 H19 SUBSCIIIBERS DIRECT ATTEN tion .to their I M`P R Q U E D 1 U M I , n u~!mv-nu-r us;-.]_ [n[.h-p 11-;l)`IIL`S" (G Trmzl` Jfanz//'rtr!or_I/, F\"l` nnnn vrn nrvn: nhnu 1) 4 hnv DIE H Li. Barrie, October, 1868. ` V OH ]%Al{l.{IE AXE 1870, nIAR.1;f.i33` ' 1L\~iLc;:\7t".\1Ex'1`s, 'J'0.\m'& III-1.\D . \\'!L!.!.\ ."l ' ale. Barrio. Oct.. 18.58. {IL-\l)l"ORl) .\I.-\l2!}LI~`- \`.'()I{l{$. 1rEOR(;l;3_;I;AX'l`ON: `I .\YY'I~`.\l"I'l'Y! I311 . 1 Moxnu:u.. ':\DT)[.F.RY lI;\_1{D\\'.-\RE ES'l`.A\T'-` ' IJ*ll.`1['I.\"|', c.L'l I_'nlImIrr, Hint] Slri-cl L'r1.w!. , ' 'l'u2'4-n"u. E J. 5:. 1k. L}()r-'<)\vn1:|ia, \l l\'l`l.`|lI'rl'h vn ..9' .u.wu- FREE`-S lOl:\" MOI. UMENTS ' (L.\'r1<: Invny \\'1|l)h , ,u, .\x.\xrr.u":~rnr.\'; Cloth, Flannel and ],'lml'cl.-. ill}, 2V3-ly COX & SHAPCOTT. MANUFACTURERST V-\\.~ .\,- .~.~.\ -v ~v`.~\~v.-\~\A~ an 1' Ju\.\ 1 um, )I.-\.\' L` l~`;\(,"l'l'R ER OF` Fllllillg, \\'I`I (`T I'\'|`ll 4.u-ur.4\n.z.r. An ` 1I,:Il,(nzl'C'>u.l'z'n_I/ Stoves N |)1\I.'\' 1)\'n1\`|_wn -,.- I41! 14u.n; 4:44 uu M:uml'au:tIm.-rs of an I n. \\'llII ynlrlug dhcnd; J$.umuv:, Oxr. KIUIIIAI U Idl I for SUMMERSETT I! u':ITs'o.\' .1; SD.\'. SEWREY 85 SULLIV.-XN. .. mm: 39. \\'h(-1'cv('r out-ire IJ J! J U 4" * 7 L n ;.`;-ptiv:-I U" I nu One Dollar per Anrlum, strictly in Advance`. l'|I '1' -.'U"""-f 0Ol\'S'l`0\VN F URNI'['U3llI 1`I.\H'()lll('.\I. J_ JAMES BRADEN, U001{b'TUW.\'_. C0 L'.\"l'Y OI" .5`lJl(`01Z'. .\I-unufaxcturcr of & l)v:1l(-r in C ubi n at IFurni t u re! .-\gricuH'.1rul Ilupk-xm-nts. 131-, 1 II was -- _m|'ll. ml.- lcn. Ag:-nl. ..b...........u lIn1ll\`Alll`|lI.`, Ploughs & Plough Points \Im.-..m ' nt|!|I\nrc Taaqyyggg;s;as`$1`jm3, Crnin, l`:-ml mu] <.....1_. r... r 1u:up1'l`.~`, .\10\\'vr.<. "Fanning M1115, Sh-aw (",n:o.um vlI'iIVV VIMKBFS. ' r;@ as '1` 0 V1; `F33 1\vV .vv -- - ---.-- -vuulunl mrnlau ll 3'fs`LI5J Grain, 1('('l and Sm-tls._ &c., &C., :Ll\\':1_\'s_< hauul. Cheap as can be had :\n_v\vln-re in llw Dumi ION. .-\n insp('ctinn:u1xl trial will prove H: the l':uu1L-rs ul'Siun.~nn cannot Iw lnclter Sllll as to quality and p1'ic<-. I \ U17.` nu 4 ur- Clonkstnwn, DC-cu-n1hvI', _________;___ 3%- NOVV O1 ].N. R. RowE;L "__N"_wT_.sT0REz .-:'AiL. I l)cc-nxbor 2911:. 181:0. 1 M _ ._-.__ N EW LI N E O I S'l'A(} 1'] S m:1'\vx:1-;.\; ' BAR1-{IE 'A_ND OKILLIA. ' V n --u ;u unlvlxl uuu Al\:ll c:|||Ll\ UI Grocenes, Prov1s1ons,&c Prvsidont 0 I'I`l'I-til];-M MM. Raf.-' `on. Am-nl SALT A;\=1)-T`E1~:su` 1915111 lie-{rrr-(72 In. ..I... Cl/1.?)-,`1) I/.lJ[S, 1.'.11C().\' .C- l-`('). . /{. _ 01* 1'm.\n; QL'.\1.n`\j: ` Flour Feed ! B|.NGHAM BROTHERS. BlI'fCll}2lL\'\ A.-\'D GB.\'l'}lL\L' l l. lH'!I`u"C..., M.\RKlT S'['.\LL .\'o.~4. 2. (E I1.ll.'I.'ll;'. .\Vl'}culISl:|l1L|y on hand a go-ul \.,.,.Iy of 1'1:.'v:.~;n .\.A nmzmnr, \;UI'H('H lIl'('l. iIllM|;_'I'n uul vwilh uvurin-tv of ol.'u:r IL<:: can usually ho had at Nu ;'.\l} pIIrchu.~'4-s th'liV 01'o- the town frcu uf change. _ ` U.-ISII PAID I-'01. 1.: BOOTS AND SHOES, 'l`!!E .<,!ubscrih1-r wuuh.l rt.-spcclfully nor the puupln: ul' liarrit: um! the 1 gum_-rally, ml the fact that In.-hu.~I cumm |m.~'im-2-'3 in his nt-`w Imiltling. um: dour . the Post Ullicv, when: he is prep-.uL-:1 Lo) .-. them with Flour, Bran, Shorts... Oats, Peas. ()1 the very |;_u.s-L qu:_xlity and :15 u-:..m. m-mus. i|w:Illl'0IX:l;_{1`. mm m uuunu Ihns REMOVED In lhc .".m 3 Mil ."'l'l\'l`L' '. HL-:II'l_\' ppm u-|..u~.- Im in!..n.l.- vu |:nnI| mu i I\"L .l`! tlrmr ll [/10 L//ll) '()//..`'C( I:/. J/:.>'..'I`;.. I JI.,'C'ru'l//.// (1: Jlc Cur//:_:/, DUN LOP STREET, BARBIE. lniningi Saddles, Bm:es.,_&p.. '1: mun. ; ' Goods dulin-|'cnl in town free of almx'gt-. 'l'llI \\l \ C like I! [VJi>l1 l-{A MILES 1)1:1>Q'1`.' 1. I.'...: ,4` II.,. 1).: rm.` l-'-'**-"""* : II<- is prvpannl to ('X<'I':llf(-- nr Fnrli-,~ llvuyy single and tloulnlu: st.-ts of ll.\l(.' _.-. -. --. -,an A 'in :1 stylv \v:u'r'.1nl-II in give 31;" l1l'll .\llH.\'G, &t:., d IH-.. . I quality a szune at \ !Sadd1es & Harzmss: i R0 0120`cKIv'IY. GL.A1sSIm1215, 4-; `Oct. 1868, The Suhsc: l(`l`( Au .m.l ulu 7 0,10 '])r;m' If:/.3`! If Mr, (1 ll` , L.,.__A IL. YFf'{'7I.- `u/up Ul Ill` vu1\nlU\ >E.\IOV.-\L! tomamr M.-u1;.\'m', IH`.l'l 1" '\\'m{; -?- ._.._ U _ 1'mvr., '(,'.\..\u;, .t:.-., ~- ~-y ~ 4 ts :\'u| . nu-in as the ma .~...-u mml. uul u-IU\U uuH'I>`. Mx'.\lUI.I.I-.I\' & .`4'l`I`Il lll~'\"\` _ J _ _ Collier Slrcct, ]l(u'ric. 1I I'. , Au-_vu st 1st 1969. HHl'l|(l.\' Ill |U'l'| :1 Fi:'.sL (.'l:ls.~; ".7 vv .- QAIIADL-L Rcapt-1`.<, .\I<)w-rs. I - U Straw Cuiters. JVIV 4` -- NUMBER 5 ALL 1 s, v .- om smi an \'I 7 'l'II().\I.\S 1:om.\'sn . ' l l.U}.1 :1` liarrn: puhIi~ wt cuxnnu-um--4 ' d:mr.~u.~1 .,: .`l`L' l1t:isprc1:'.1|L`vl a:;; pl, hortsa 65.; quality :16 n-z..un..L..~ prices. Vl'I'cIl any part uf ,. I{0}H.\" 1) s nud`o'f luv.-`I qn: ll-KC!` 1:11.:-n im-,\ I-tf :m-.< 1 `uhlic inI`..: uu 1. Slmrlly after ils, the superior oicw received a lime \'isiLt'rmn his dull subor- dinate. . u \t - -- ~ - - ...`. In-\,_\ . .1.\.\m.s Izmm-:.\'. um: to thank hi ... .........~..ll.- .' C.1"I'I I} U. un.l ` Fl qlllllll mc.\chu nmnmuu 3 Slus. I'n\/ . .-I as Choicu olfcr llm ' mm-ther llnlnfinr Jill : 1,. -m nun-,n U1 r~Lt'l`l. Oh, he is \`c!_\' odd, suiul Clurisse to her lmslrznul, .-md vcly uIislI'nit.. Won- sisur, woulul vou believe it, l1cnc\'erl0(_)kS :lL`Ill(_`--he m':\'ors1m.-ulcs of n_le.` I Wmk he has smrv u__ri'uirc d 4un mu'." ' C.-upmin Victol"g:1\'e his wife a long, searching` lonk. uk. mm mm 0 U"//lllI'I \"iL'L0l"g 5e:u'ching.: lnnk. " Surfc! he `do I. LII ,u - zmlulz. l`uI'|L~'n.u'.' .VlHtCu :;wl.\`-7l). 'ttei to .. to second -vxsnt. .H wasfM}l`:]a` liouse. a room on the ground\00" 0 "ed on '9 From thence a glass doof 0138 or Clarissa veranda. Th|'0E," . mm 0 3 bamboo could be seen" rachnxg in orn(re.t'-e5- couch in 9. thick g`'" O lmndPl`(erchief A negress, with a. Mnd;f`:],,inn her on. 3 out her head. 8t'1 3 3 chantintr , f scarlet . 11 3 bunch 0 D nnstresa W13 feathers. u 1!. ' ` " wnuuuf. _ Monsieur 4 Flnrier, spcaki an]... --' ` ' A101 tlu AND C()U.\"l`Y OF SI.\!C()l-I ADVOCATE. Adore. :\H.nrdurs to . .' XIII HUUK AND TH r"\'\ 01-`l"I('l-3. ._ .......un.. \n ..mnm~|u l)'.l'(`y In H mm-`.-2 llllilai: We.-I1. of the Hull, Lmllicr .5. 4-:, lmrme. 1`:-zmrs 0l"'.S[.'ns(`IuP'lTl()N: ,n.iI'IrnI.`r .1nin1m.slrxct|_v In ndvsmccl '1. Ill: A212;-u-u..__`__ )u:."1'r 01-`$131001; 1 '- . .1 lwnllill IVl~2ll\' '1`:|u_.-,,;_ .a.\'D C4 [. |'.,'ill. l`h(-. tllllli clmuls full l.Ilu- alnnu-1'ul pull, Yet. (l1'(']I as the glnmni may he, 'l`lneI':-,, ix um: `thing bright; "l`is my 1-_\'1-s` low.--liglil, A34 they shine when I think of lime. 'l`lm wild wiiuls moan While l'm mun-ling alum-., .-`ls llu-_\' In 0'4-r il ship xu svu; Y4-L llu-_\' .'~'(!l'lll In sing l4il;u- thu niq-rry ring ()I' lliu In-lls \\'l|(`I| I think of thee. Allhnn-,:l| this lifu ()l' lull auul u!ril1- l.'...m L'|\"|'ll\I' D~|l|lIA)' Inn fr:-n lu lny lu- `i"' .~4rriplinn of N \[.\' .-\.\'l) OI(.\'.\.\| l'2f\"l`AL such as nu V lel ` the mmm: T/' Pubghed every Thursday Morning. .AS 1 THINK Or` THEE. \/OLUME V11. mw. M"-"i". sail Jules Fluvier, we VI`. in Huh .. . 1:... I I L I 1- , UUIU MC I"Z`iR H F. N` nL'Sl.\ ls mm). V BILL I" `bf I. .\'u`Ilm.s0tI .' {T Tm: snow Ilivs past ()n`l!::- lILJ\\ lill;{l)l1\[; < mltl. lilw llw \\'m'l(l L0` ...., .u.-4u1uliun, 70IH 0uA'|'m.\'.=, and lnn4inv.~;s r-presented. mums m. .._, un u::- nu\\'nn;{ umsx; . llw world to me: ' Hui. lllill its 6-'lul`ln, 'l'lu-rv is unv |Il'-l(:(`. \\':\rm. In-:u'l, as I lhinkuf llwc. m um mm smu- un :~'ur|'u\\' munmt lw f|'(`(`., Yvl il.~'lm11I'snljuy Aw wilhuul alloy my heart as I thillk of thee. .,---*`_-"* Thu lxsuuincr, , _.u\-rnv 11!.` l\l!`(\l. _\l\\/`f {P354 ('3 nu-_v sm-un. mu: HIIH, u full nl` hli.~s. . us I think n! then. RI.-\Ii l'.\.Sl0&'.V .ll'.`I Llmnk vou for your in- ` . (reneral Leclerc assured me Ien were picked from his :Cupe, and could be relied nun I... 1...... I ms lu\':'.~c pmvor 'nrm.~4 each hour "(mu lhnt \\'ilhm\t might be, my sm-tn. lilm this, H ..I` I.Hu.- S 01" S|'nS(`lUP'lfI()N: u1m.slrictly nd\':nu:c! or $1.50 if not .-an lmid! ' - bv LIFE, HAVEN 'le C'apitaine, aid Jules kinrr in a `nut! nhunn Iu\:nn '.\l{l)S. . l'H*2.\I)S, HAND 1111.15. '(.`llCU|.ARS. L.-XBELE EXA.\ll.\'Elt ()I"FI('F. Bnrric, om. & .<().\':~`. ]'l.'l%LlSIIEll:i. III III`! luIl|l'll`|| .`l,'l'|I||L\, I_\ now and then the ul-I I11] IIl)|Il'l'SS(`.(l h'(`l'.A She rw-|_\j, maul \\'.-n_vw:u' us 21 r lm~'in;m-1, he zulnrc-.1 rcvll 1L \'cr-no :1 month. mm man of the _:_{:n'ri.~un I Imr slvpt. ' I" l\ ;l|I" muttered, EXA?\ll.\`Elt ()I"FI('E. Bnrric. O 5muu'i1tcr; ; Ilrcnuu\'s . lur Mylc every de- I. l'Rl\"l`lNG_: ` so also 7' J"/ll. Illllb-' n`IlU lI|I3\VUI\J`I' DIIU ll\l\. I hlau-k loves you. life for _v 'l'cnrs fell on . illzulzune Victor s. lmncl. Slu: sllonli than 011', 'sluul Go, Ilonoru, _9:'o. The sun is setting. 1 would he uloue. - ' ' As fur Jules ll:n'ier, he had returned to his \\':llCll. ' Night _Q_'|`(:\\` on nluace. It was intensly tlurk. A sull'oc;Itin}.: h(-.ut. nntl silence ,tillel the air, Nzittire herself seemed l'urclnmliu_; lli.`nster. Inside the earth work, the lull log_r\vn0l- trees stretclu-Ll lung zunl lnlnclt, without :1 shiver. Nu` suhliurs \\'u|'0 :'.tl_\'\VllL`|'0 visihle. .ltll(_-..s' l"lu\'ier went up to the bristling wall of ltvgs uml eurth, _scule-l it like :1 cut, uml p(`(:|`0l over into the meut- ` ' This nmzll was six feet leepanrl twelve Wlllu. 'l'h(-re wzm in it four feet. of w:ite_r. Tliree _I_"lll).\`, \\`l1ct.`lt.'Il into position, fl'u\\'IxtHl :-tlmve the e of the wall. ll.-u:_:iu_-_r there, m'ci' the turhhl W:-.te1'. Jules l"|.1\'ier llO2ll'l.l `u Slllltlell und singular (',I'_\'. ll mine from some point near'ut h:uml._ lt was SlI|`Ill zuul lung-(lr:u\'n, snnu.~thin___: like the screzun of the moun- tain-hiul. lle listt-notl.` _ ' Ah was still for a moment, Not 1| snlnul but the dull l:Ipplll_L_`,` of the water. 'l`ln-n, for the ,~'eeu1u.l time, the stmuge lmliug_-; cull clt-It the mniuous stillness. 'l`hrout ml" l-east or l-it-`ll never gave forth .-uuh :1 er_-.`. Jules 1lzn'ier .s' blood seeins . I . . (2.. I . Li. .. 1.... ' Slltfll H .'.'l_`\- uuu:.\ 1' lVl|\ll1| G Luuuu ncclua tnrniu_-_v' tu re in his veins. llttrlil n l`nn_`__-' eo_\'in__: trezul stpproncltes the eurtlm-nrl: frutu hehiml. Anotltur t'ulluw.~'. Ue he:u'.s` :1 |`-muting hreutlt-- the r,-tttling of gtln-stocks us they strike the wall. A m'in leaps up smzl lmngs for an instant there, eloee to his sitle. . All :tlotI'g the wall he sees Lll(.`m---l)l:lL'l{ hezuls rc-:trin_;'. blatek, stealthy t'uce"s look-. inf: into the moat. \\7IoI. .. .....~ AI` Vnmv Tnlna 1?]...-:m. |:I\I'IIIIn` lll_1_TllH.U [H15 HIUHI. _ With a cry of fury, Jules Flnvicr spI'ul\f_}` to the throat of the hhtck at his side. He tore the pi.~`to1.~7t'I`oIn his belt. His eyes Hal /.(~d in the |:lI'luu:sa. _ AL 'I`_ .14.... I I... ..l..\..I>...'l - H I.....l- On and every wlnife inhabitant hutclxeretl Monsieur, this is the work of .Lmnour (le liafuce. .110 has abandoned his plans upon Leclerc and returned to -the west. A request for more tfmops should be sent. to the captain-general witlxout delay. (lalntuln Virltawr twiqlml lmlsx nmethnlmnq "Lunmur dc Rmlce! she gasped, " h(ere+in these gr):-ge! (frusuwe! Gus- tave! monsicur the `lieutenant. is riglnt. UIHV/:('l| Ill |I|('v (|il|'l\HL'-`I"`o 'l`r.liLnrs!" he slmllted; .lmck to your push! Buck!_ or I will shoot you Hke (lugs 1` ` .A ....H Al` .....nA....Ll. 1.... nnaluvnrtxl` LU bill: Ui|[)Lll|Il`gCllUI'IlI \VlI.lIUllI. uemy. ' Captain Victor twisted his mustnches and mvnerl. `* .[)iu//Ic.s'/ if Lnmour de Rance npi pom-s at Vemne, the message that I send to L(!(.`ll'l`C will be his black head on a cl1:u'__n-r! . 1. ll._,?,..._ 1 -__....- ..-.. AL V1 II . -.--| L'lIi|l`_'l'l o ' Mnnsicur, I assure you that the need of frcsll Lrqops here is most pressing. . Pardon; you huvo told me this before. Yet you were a brave man in Italy. There is sometlxin_z, 1 fear, in the air of this island fatal to the nurvqs of 1":-om':lnnen. I l..l..uL`I...-3,... no.-nu: :L~....Hu uni.` IT. I.'1\'|HIIIl[lUlIl Jules Flzlvicr grew deadly pale. He laid his hand on his sword-hilt, `dropped il. nmnin, and mxlkcd away in silence. Then Mzuhune Victor sp1'z\ng up.from her bzuuboo couch, and - run to her hus- DIIIHL ..1.._._-.._ .1- n....,.,.m .1... ..._..._MI V\L'I(7 Ul ll! UU H`! |.'iADlI.V l'Il'l7l7'|n`,lI`Ii 1 ru.~enll_v she l:e..':ll1l(5 :|\v:u'n. that the nrI_r_:n-as, still st.-uuling in the shadow of the m'mx`r_\;e-trees, ,w:|s wntclning her with sin_ intent and glittering `e_ves. H Hnmn-n dun cuinl 9.-uHv N \\'hL"1]n

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