PORTER I In ma.-. _u1;uI uuu. pcrlotll Even so was it with Conrad, who,- Y deeply deploring the loss of his parent at the time of his deceuse, and the postpone- ment of his nmrringe, consequent thereon, soon l.m__;nn to `look upon the lust-named as 1; matter of no very great import. He S0l.'lCC`(l himself with the society of some wild associates in the neighborhood, whose code of morals could not be eonsidered of it high stzmdard, since they represented nxurringe as a troublesome bondage. They su(:cr:eled in _persuz\ding the incoustzmt young knight to look upon Elise with in- (lilference; and his love for her was ex- tirguislxed in proportion as his friends made him more engrossed by the noisy pensures of the elmse and the wassnil. After several months lmd passed over, news came of Henry, from the Holy Lnnd. He had nlreadydistinguished l1iInsell'upon several occasions; his name was mention-. ed with high respeetmnong the Christian ll0>.l, and his sword was t'e_nred by his enennies. Conr:id s llelllf swelled with pride nnd pleasure when he henrd of his brother's nclxievelnelits in Palestine; albeit he felt mortied nt lmving passed his days in inuctirity, when he might have won glory in the eld. Fired by the glowin_r__: accounts `of. the Crusaders, he lmstily forllied the resolution of Joining them. After it short farewell with his betrothed, who was bathed in tears, he quitted his home. I II . .____> 1 ,1 . u uuuluu pzur nor a year, at we must. _ \Vl:nt strange and unlocked for changes do we most. of us have occasion to witness in less Lhan that period! Even van was: it mm. (`1-.......J ...1.- uII\lUl um ulnuuliulup Soon after, the self-sacrificing young _ man had taken his leave, the Baron be- came dangerously ill; and on the same day on which the building; of the Castle of Sternberg wns_ completed, he closed his eyes upon all earthly cares. The suclden Jumise of the Baron, as :1 natural conse- quence, delayed the nuptials of the be? Lrothcd pair for a _\'e:1f, at the least. \Vlmt. Hirnnurn null nnlnnlnul Cu. nl - n - ~ -- Ian; mu-u.-is, was, win: we nmperor Con- rad, at Frankfort. Daily, knights, squires, and men-at-arins hastened from all quar- tcrs, to join the holy symbol of the Cross. The Baron, understanding his son's mo- tives, readily consented to his tlepgnrturc; and so, before the new castle was ready, and before his brother : wedding could lie celebrated, he left his home for the East, with u. chosen_bmi(l of warriors under his comnmnd. cm. ..r..... .1 V In "3 - mg, uuamcwrxsuc or the age, relinquished his intensions. The Bnron s loverl charge and his younger son were, in consequence, nally betrothed, and _preparations.were made for a grand marriage festival. . The ceremony, however, was not t0 take place till the building was completed of a new castle, to be cnlled.Stcr'nberg. Though the elder brother witnessed, with- out any invidious sentiments, the mutual felicity he had caused, he felt, neverthe- less, that his peace of mind had been sacriced, and he, therefore, retired from his l'|[wl|(`.l ?S castle, and entered the service of the Empurer. At this period, St. Ber- nard, who was exciting the nobles on the Rhenish frontiers `to take up arms to res- cue the Holy Land from the dominion_ol' ` the infiulcls, was, with the Emperor Con- < red, Dnilv. lnlirrlutq g.m:n;. The eldest, with a high and noble bear ing, characteristic of the relinquished Bnron s lmmd nhnrrva BARRIE, COUNTY OF " SIMCOE, `VIII `u ` Never! She took hishnnd within her own, and ' drew him towards his brother. Then she joined their hands` together, and mur- . mured. Be t rien.ls, now, and hereafter. The ties of kindred should not he lightly or rudely smippr-d asunder. Forget the past; and, for the future, let no man or woman step between you. to cause unna- tur.-d strife. Ancliso, farewell! Having said this. she descended the. hill` to thelhigh rr'md,fwhere her attend- ants: were in waiting. and proceeded to _a neighboring convent. ` ' II`)... l..._.L-__ I, I v '- I - .._..H...... ".5 ...... . vut The hrqtlners looked at each other in mute surprise. Each felt. that they were reconciled to each other. An In 11......" H... l:..|.4__. ,,,- v Pu in thanking tho Publlt "y and to assuru them llulh uuu so an ms ueuro urmnuerany reply. As to you, Sir Henry." she said, turning her lustrous eyes with a look of tlmnkfulness upon her `cousin, no words of mine can express my sense of gratitude for this and all past. favors and kindnessesl May the nchest abundance of earthly gifts be showered upon you, as a reward for your generosity! And, now, you _will 1 not refuse my last request? ` "`Ilcannot,_refu.=e'y.ou anything? 1 You never could." she answered, with . n smile of inelfuble sweetness; and never will 3" CI BIIIIIU will? 41 KT` uu nurgwun, as 1 I0l'gl\'8 you I" The knight to whom this speech was addressed hung down his head.'_ He felt the justness of the rebuke. and could not` nd it in his heart to`muke.any reply. V0. Henrv_" aha nah` `LAUIIIJI I ` Allis in vain, she answered; `(and I am not worth quarrelling `about. To- day, a convent. is to receive me, where I shall_ pass the remainder of my life in re- tiremcnt; where I shall `pray, `Sir Conrad, that your unfuitlrflxlness `towards me may be forgiven, as I forgive !"` 1 knight. tn whnm thin nnnmdu mun Ia ulu mu mvulj L srmu HRVO [0 ask." The last ?" iterated the knight, as he r'eturned the sword to itsscabbard. Yes; tlxe.]n.-zt. Yet, stay--I forget} there is one more. ` Name it. ' Promise me that this bitter strife ends here! * (A 1.112.. - In - ` IJUIU 3 Elise--my cousin! avtammered out Henry. 44 An ;. :.. ...,:.. n ".1... .........._...u . u __,. IlI\~`|UIll'lZl u| umcu. Hold! Put up your swords!" she ejaulutccl. _\Vhut would _you do? _ Is it. for my s:-kc that you woixvlcl be guilty-of utricide? I forbid this unnatural com- hm! S1r Henry, sheathe your weapon! You never relsud me anything; and this is the last favor I shall have to ask. U '[`||n Inn} '3' {On-..n..l bl... l...:._l.. ,, I ummuur Ul LUUlI' IIVPS. , The duel was about `.0 commence, when suoldenly there,g]ide:.l in between the two brolliers Aa closely-veiled female figure, the messenger of peace. L4...) .1111 - uuuu nub-u:u.uu u um: ` nminder of their lives. '|'1.- ,1..,.1 ..u.-__. . u:u5uII, I. must. pUl'l0fCG obey." " Think` ot'tl;e cz1use!"ansv\ered Henry. Ask your owncouscience if it be njust one! 1 mn not hereto bandy wor(ls_wiLh one-who has proved himself to be so un- mimll'ul of the` tendcrcst ties and solemn \'0_\\; which he ought to respect! There was a dead silonm nnr +1.:. uu_-L-\ vvuwu ut: Ullglll I0 respect!" (lead silence after tl1is,; which was broken-o'nly by the lrugle note which sounded for the beginning of that uhich, in all probability, would have been regretted by one or botli for the rc- ` mninder of tlmiu-' livm: auuluunug nxc regret. I do. not willingly engage` in this strife," said Courzul. IL Inns" not been i my Sc'el{lll;_',`; but, since I_ have been chal- lenged, I must. perforce obey. 0l'tl;an:1m:n I nncunrnr` "M---' vv Ann uuaumg m.-cues. For a brief period, the two knights- stood eyeing each other with angry gimlccs, which were not, lmwe\'er,' unniixed with something iikc` regret. ' I (In nnf u-HIE-.nJu ..........--1.. LI` ucullumul nu cucu U|.ll8l'. As to the lightest wish expres- mu. Ul _|u.~uuc:u.u)n. On the narrow strip of ground which sepz1rat_ed the two.castles, the colnbntants, whose ncaruess of blood ought to have loun:I them to cztch other by tile cllosoat tics of friendship, Vwu.-re stuuding`oppos6d with ashing Nudes`. For n L.-inf` nm..\.l `l~l\ a...- I_.,!,IA Au uuuwuuu 5LI'lIe. V The combat. to s.{1y`the least of it, was ,a most uun:1tur'ul ond, nlbeit Conmd s conduct towards his betrothed did _not ad- mit ofjustic:1t.ion. nu rlun n.u...,\... -A._!.. .1` ` ` ' ` U] \;IuIa_IIIg uer me utmost unhappiness. Henry s messenger returned from Stern- berg with the answer. Conrad accepted the challenge, `and agreed to_ the terms of the hostile meeting. . The next day was to witness the dread- ful sight of two hrqthers crossing swords I in frutricidul strife. "Pl... ,.,....l...4 ., _,,,. n 1 . -.. Ul EIULIUII. _ . . He sent an iutimat_e friend to his bro- ther, chzuIIenging'him to meet lnm iri mortal combat, to nnsxver for his un- kmghtly behaviour towards his cousin, in having broken his.cngngement,'and there-. by cn.usng her the utmost unhappiness. Henry messenger returned from Star". mm, xur pruuenlml `reasons. - I He remained in seclusion for some time - after` the fntiguo of his wearisome journey, ` without anybody at Sternbcrg being aware of his return, but had a settled purpose in all his actions, and was debuting with himself how he might. bias! carry this out. At length be determined upon his course of action. L, _A__L N - ,. . -. -' J ullglll uuat: a auuuvuul mzuures. _ And an expression of sudden wrath sat upon his manly brow as he listened to his _companion`s narration of he'r_.1d\`L-rse fate, which was every now and then interrupted by her tears, `which she v'.'unly strove to conceal. , ' LY- I,_.."r I V I ` ` `" -~-->\/44 vv n::aLvun zr goods in intending pllrchll jj - --1- lllllu Upon this, she sadly shook her head- Henry made a resolution, the.natu:`e of which he (hd not make Elisdacquainted with, for prudential reasons. He rmn:nm`I in unnluminu 6`... ........- AI. - \.'Uu\.'UZ|l- He begged her to b tranquil, and hoped that brighter (lays were in store for her. " `V V H. . .. . . - mwunaas uonrau. Henry at once `hastened to inform her tlmt hc'1had`returued home; not on ac. count of being tired ofthe wars, but, he had been made apquairxted with his bro- ther's perdy, together with his extraor- dinary marriage; and the l.houghtof'Elise s grief and solitude `would not allow him to remain longer away. in r-nnntnnnrmn Jnnnfml nah. ..,.'L .._ IUIIIHIH IUHBUT 1lVV8yn His countenance denoted pam, not un- mixed with indignation, when he looked . "upon Elise s sorrowful features. And an nvn-anuinn A4` mu].-1,... ...._..n, ,,. C ,, .,c...o. navvlo Il\4I\2 IJIUEII VVIl' Ilingly grzinted by the caatellan, and the stranger was `shown into his room without Elise being jnpprised `of the fact till the following morning, when she-was made acquainted with the new. arrival by the appearance of her` guest, whom she at once recognised as the brother of the fnithless Con rad. 1Y,....... .4 -.. ,. `I I ' - ' ` vvuru U1 complaint ever escaped her lips. Late one evening, when all the occu- pants of Liebensteinvhad retired to rest, a stranger knight, with his followers, begged admittance to the castle, and the favorp-l` a night s lodging . Both were most wil- lingly Ell hninrr `nnru-lanrl '1`? cl... A`__L -`II -I ,, Day after day passed over in sud imd wearieome monotony,` during which time Elise grew paler and thinner; but not one word of complaint. escaped her lips." one evening. when all um mm..- Such is the legend of the two castles; and, like mjtmy others, it is not without, :1 moral. Wise men of the world, and men of lugv courts, may care but little about legends; but experience tells us that there is much poetry and beauty in the trzrli- tions of every country. They are the re- cords, in soIne.in. `of f'acts-and, _ in others, of opinions and tlmugrlits; mu] teach us the ways of nations in their early ` struggles either for liberty or civilization. They amuse and instruct us in ourlei-ure lmm-s. and suggese :1 reference from what, in many cases. Only pretrmls to be fiv-tion, to some reality on )vhich it is founded. -(C0.\'CLUDED.) LIIIIUC Henrynnd Conrad lived for very many years after the death of thevgood and ' beauteous Elise, and often wonld thew` discourse `of her many virtues and her sell`- sncricing nature.` Their friendship and union nclured for theremainder of their lives; and `after the `demise of both, the cnstles became the inheritance of the Knight Bromser Von Rucleshim, when ` they were called The Brothers, [iv which title they are` known even at the present period. Gun]. Cu O`\n1AnInnz` A6` 41... A...- .- wuuu ousruucrg remmneu desolate. ' ,Eli'se kept. true -to her religious vows, nnd'devoted'herself to acts of charity. When she closed her eyes to all earthly cures, it was found that she had be- queathed the whole of her rich possessions to the poor of the country, to whom she had been so good a friend during her life- time. ' rr_____'__'.1 n-.,, I 1- I I- of all kinds, Plough lstantly on hand. Ir cu... M:n.. .. :.....Hul .u.uI'u_y HIIIIIUU ngzun. nvcn at this time, he had no very great faith in his hrother s resolution. He was, however, mistaken: as time went on, Conrad seemed more contented and resigned, and evinced no desire for chzinge. His faithless wife he never saw again; indeed, he did not trouble himself further about her, and the two brothers lived contented and happy atL1ebenstein, while Sternberglrenmined desolate. Elilsm lmnt. trim fen l-mu .-n1:...:.;.. ..... ..._ smu u1__\uur -zuulpully. ` ' _ I 7 ` I fhen I am content; Idesxre no better hmn,c, no better companion than your- self. n'-___,__ ,,, 3: 1 - .. _', BUM. Henry I 1` ll - ._ , , uuuu an H)!` it long Lune." Whither do you intend to go, then? To travel? V No. Will you grant me a favor? _ Let me know what. it. is first. ob- served Henry, with a smile; `F Let me remain here. . 7 My dear, capricious, impetuons C__on- ra(l,. you need not ask such a questien. Be an inmate of Liebenstein as long as it pleases you to remain; I shall be but too glad of _ your company. Tllll I am onnfnnft T /lnuluu. -us Ln--A--1 Slllllull U) _yuu, l'lL`l]I`y." It. is too late to talk about that now. You were heaylstrong and self-willerl. But ; let that pass. It is not right to llplfraid you now, in the hour of your misfortune.`. I shall no; remmn at Sternberg, ex- claimed Conrad, quickly, I cannot re: main Were`: the place has become hateful to me: imlnnrl m an" on... o....u. -z. 1... _........ uuclc` um p_-awe nus oecome hateful to me; indeed, to say the truth,'it. has been so for :1 long time. n \V1.:ol.,... .1- ..-.. .-,,., 1 . .- - .m_\ ;:uu:,. \vrungu(l ILIISO 1" Pence! ej:acu_l::ted Henrv. "Forget the past, .or else think of it only as u warn- .ing for the future; I am not surprised at the issue. _ `~` You are nnt?_ On the contrary, I, in common with many others, expected some such sequel. You are wiser`Llmn' I mn. and see things I1l0l'_6 clearly. Ah, ifl had been guided by "you, Henry I ' is too hm. tn mm um... n.- M..- lu un um u[glll\'CS.'f I have no desire `to do so, ans'we-red Conrad.. Neither do `I over intend to see her again. Oh`, my do::r:1n(l honored lirotller, I :un_.jlIsLIy punished. Retribu- ~tion comes now when it` is too late; am] my poor,. wronged Elise! U l Annl4 1 n:'\MIlAhJr\ 1 IL -- vv r impr,udn'tly espoused, -. young kniglxt "who had . visitor at Sternberg. HCIU lycmsussetl or but low scruplus. -' ` At length The Greek Indy, whom>Conmd hakf. eloped wit: been a `frq This circulnstzincc conxinced Conrix " his wif'c e unfaitlnfulne.-u. It,cured~ at once and for'ever of his f'uoli.-h pa ' for the fo1'eign'er, and permifted hi _sce clearly, ' when it. wzu too late. how I: just.`:mrl cruel his corduct_ lm.1been"_: wzirds Else. TL`. l......n.._- J V: -9.. `V UUIU PTl1Cu1t'l[S. - ` Let her go her wn_y.=,"'oI`ser\'erl Hour 5 ' Do not eI1r|c.'u_'of to seek out. the hiding- pluco of the fugztn'es. _ I hung n. A,...!..,. -L- J, _, H ' . vu nun... tr Saw Mills. an inn cello" vxwitvst, and ncknow edgf ix foot wheel. or turn :51` Mg job. or for-heavy till"! A I L`\' A xynnn xunlul .i||3_ DISC. V He ha_stened_:1t once tri L1'c`.)c mnrle Ina bmchur` acqusinmg whole paxrtictrlnrs. ' l'..n Iunr rrn Ln m...... '7'-` _.,, wum:u. V V His capricious partner ims not con with the society -of her husband, was for ever yearning for some frcslxf `, ii ` citemcnt, and spent. her `life in agyd` round of pleasure. :_People of all cl, _'e visited Stc-rnberg. There," any straljgg found :1 welcome. So long as he chosl- :t atter the mistress of the castle, no otlgq passport. was needed; and, as n natwi consequence, the guests were not . 3"} select--many, indeed, huing men wereposscssed of but few scruplos. lengrtlx n circumstnnm nm-m --.l ml UULWCCD. H . Conrad, however, dften presented bu _se1fv21t Liebcnstein, and passed mag '_socia1 hours with his brother; but nevi on these occasions, did he even make 2:}! sion to his wife, of whom he was, dog?" less, beginning toylve weary;and,_nltI1og he did not dare confess it, not even tq most intimz_\tc_ associates, Ire 1;itter`Ij! gretted the imprudent alliance he fg` . 9` formed. "2 III .77 ' ' that `cordial and hearty intercourse ' auuulu exist uetween them`, 5? . ; So, in-led, it did, albeit there was"I{O,t.' tween the two asof yore. To acerti_5i_5' extent they were estranged. This, ._` great measure, was owing to HenIjy_"l foreign sister-in-law. He found it imj _ ' sible to tolerate her conceited and frivolo. : manner; nmlgconsequently`, cleemedf advisable to keep aloof. His visits Sternlverg were, therefore. but few 4: far between. ' ' {!,........i I , '- { sed by his cousin Elise bad, `at all times, been looked upon by-him as a command ;- and he, there.f-are, at once checked any feeling of resentment his brother s per(li- ous conduct: naturally_voccasioned in the breast of one so chivlrous and honorble by nature as` himself. lie, llleI'ef0| ?.a" ` wisely made up his _mind to forget and forgive. . . The brothers, after their reconciliation, ` parted npparently good friends; and eiiclf retutned to his castle, with a mutual _ termination that, for the future, pe_" U should exist between them`, 7" . . . . . , .:.' -Sn rn.1m:..l .0 .l..l -n,.,; I smiled again. Even at this hm] nn vnl-I1 ,....... r..:u. :- LE. ever, hi stein, ma"n`"` 11 my 18, a (log? " n he umo-n - n-`.1 --1 -1 BRITISH FBEE D0l AND COLONIAL mm-ns._ -jrp~ ;ie`.)ensg(=i;n.. an' *"tf=4.*Lt:%=`T'*.t1: 1;;IA / 1-? HOW S0"llln}_' ms stock at prices as low, _ 110% !0\\'er,- than the same goods can bu had In Barne, ` ` Anin |"nn-...L:_ `DI-.. IL-1'0 ' 1 a 1.. I llDryGoods,G oceries,Pr.ovisions, /V......1.,..,. rv w THE public nre respcctfxully reqc-sted'to take notice that the Sunday Business Hithi-rtu .-onnoctr.-d with this ostablishmenll will be discontinued from this date. . ` n V A \'F7T4`DV 0.4 SH PA ID FOR 0.4 TTTE! 'A; BINGIIAM, 1-tf ` J. m.\'4 BINGHAM BROTHERS, T BUTCHBRS AND GEXERAL PUm'EYons, MARKET STALL No. 1 J BARRIE, V . AVE_coustuntly on hand it good supply of FRESH MEAT, FOWL, GAME, &,c., of as choice quality as the markets afford, and offer the same at very moderate prices. Corned Beef. Snusnxzes and T.m~r1_ tmmnmr can usually be had at No. 1 Stall. 315811 purchases delivered in any part. of the town free of charge. nanyr y~..v.-. c.-- .......__.._, I` HENRY (I)IARPER, - Issuer of Marriage Licenses, COOKS T0 W.\'. _ OF!-`ICE sTr;rc'rx.1' rmvnrt. . 8-tf surge (I! moderate - .(t "d 1_39e_f. Sausages and Lard, together W1 avurlety of other useful commodities, can usually be had No. , mlrchnses dnlimrad in nnv nnrl. sf -uauu Au, ;-V1115.) xiii]! {ll/IJUUN [:30 Cash Advances made oh. Goods lcflfor Sale. Sale Roon1,corner of Collier and Market Sts., Barrie. _ - ll-tf "l:lighest REFERENCES giyen._ga - -- _------- Ilf-II? (Late Cl|crk in Coumy`Rcgislry Omcc.) ONVEYANCER. Commissioner in Queen's Bench, Auctioneer, Appraiser. and Com- mission Agent for the sale of I10 USES, LANDS, FARM STOCK, IIOUSEIIOLI) `FURNITURE, Goods, Wares, &c..' Also for the collection of In-`nu-un nun-...... ...._ It and 'l`nbln Cutlcry. Elm| I E. s. MEEK'lNG, ' ` ICENSI-ID AUOTIONEIER, AND _AP-F ' . PRAISER for Barrie, and the Cuuntv of Simcoe. Cash Advances made on Go0ds're-' ceived for Sale. :;'.~tuction Snlbs -` attended to promptly, : H H arr] 1}. Apto, Township Flos, 1508.,` u.u. . u.\.. . uA.., "OW soiling his stock at pricvs aI< low, lower.- than xzouds can h: . calmly (flu-I:., A V` 7 ILL attend at his Oice, in Barrie. ow-ry S.\'I`UI{D.\Y. from 11, 3.111.. H113, p. m., according to Order of Council, and every other day at his Oicc in Cookstuwn. JONATHAN K_[LGO RE", _ L|C.ENS ED AUCTIONEFR! VALUATOR, 3.0., For the Oomzly of Simcoe, . - THORNTON. .":S'Auction SHIP! thrnnnrhnnt Hm r`m.no.. nurunlhlib AM; m-;.\l.I-lll I.\` WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS, .\\ l-1l.I.L\ G'1`().\* .\"l`lH-`.l-`.'l` I`(\Dn\m~n , ,L January, 1868. ]S`g6m la E LSEWIIE RE. VANE VI; RY S I-ive'_:-Vy _tabl:es.V .WItVi:'$:"Fs`:'I\'u`ar1ss`n\'n ACCOUNTS. '11:}: Aunnnnu amnrh AL. nA_.-1- -J vvvv\~\I \l\Jv\4nIvw,I Lvvlvlvll Crockery, Cr'l:.s-morzre, Hardware, 341. An -... A".(`.:. ; -_ LL geons, Edinburgl1 und_ Engihnd. -_0lI,S,ULTI.\'G & OPERATING SURGEON: ( :'= Q`lu='tc3-King St. West, Toronto, between brkandksimcoe Sts. ,47- ` _ , DRVUGS, (;l'rri'i;"'Ir9'II'cALs, &c., _().l`R,ILLIA. Tnnuarv. 1868. < ` May 28th. 1357. I , _...-.. -_uuu V uevlsee Ulnims executed. - OFFICE,-In Morrow a Buildirigs. west of the ` ',Flreman s llnll, Collier Street, Bannm. I LLIJJIJ, u.L\{UU.[1:D ALVU U_.I.U'IL:, -\\'l'ILLL\'GT().\' STRIE'l` TORONTO . ` 1'. REID. CHAS. RlH)W.\'. ' JAMES c. MORROW, V L TTORNEY-AT-LAW". Solicitor in Chan- cery, Notary Public, Conveyancen `Commissioner in B. R., &c., &c. rDevisee Claims C. P. R_E`lD & co. l\I'lInn'm.~ bu YL1-:s'o1= 511,: nawv 7 ery Low Prlcei. CROSSON & Co. FURS. . ' 124! "*'T? % R. J. A. ARDAGII. PHYSICIAN, SUB- GEON AND ACCOUCHEUR, m nnr nu.v.mnn n---- J 7I +-IJHXS STONE, ,- THOMAS T. A. BOYS. ARIPSTER AND ATTORNEY-A So lcitor ii: Chnncerv. nnnvnvnnl or'.W .i'Z.7"w. s-|V./av 5 N, nwnv DI) vu _-_-+___.______._____.__L DR. J. LIZARS LIZARS [EMBER of the Royal. Colleges 01 V Edinburgh England. NSULTING .(:0PIc`.R Mnm: enun- 3aE:;.7:aaE-.=.: LAN-.(" L-in r`nnnn.`n....:..o.... nan-.. 5 mu5'1'1~.`R ATTORNEY -;*.T-LAW licitor Chancery, Conveyancer, .S:c., cooxs-row.\'. ~ nnn ----- ...._.-ar-~\I\Io l.\l`l'0ll'I`l-I-RS AND 1)]-IALI-Ill `IN T`rr\'rrn'nn l'|`I"l\ nu-.. :.:-_:_:__-_j?__ R. T. BANTI N G, Uounly ._________ ::- 1 usines`.-3 Qirettnry; WMMMWMMW (z'em rul_ Dealer in I u D H I` I I I` nnf hie nmm. i ; uuuuuury, UC I PIUKNTUN. throughout the County , and on liberal terms. ' .1`: or uu\Juu1lI`4t.'lly COLDw'ATER, bxfr _Licenses. ml.-3 ume. \ `D. VANEVERY" 1 11-1,! .'-:*.T-LAW nnnnn J -n u :4. 43-11` , of Sur- This cor11m0tlio11s'h0tv.{I hnsj and is now fnrhishod thrnu; cruuf~rmhlu .=I_\,-Iv. It r/o`nmin~ ru:`lIl` My (-nmznr-n-i:.l 0.-..-,.n,. w-rm nu mrnmr.-rc I north ux '1':-roulo. -`J ' . A: 1.. `.\"cI1r the Iiuz'Iu:n_1; Depot, WM. ll. .Yl(:l)>0l}G.-I LL, ' cl'0us(-(I nccumrnodatio Licensed Attclinmer for the L'ounl_y Qf Simnae. Valuaior, <{'c., d"c. ~ 364 3 >*-:-- : FRASER'S EXCHANGE IIOT]`.Lv ` Opposite ihe ]?zu'lwn_7/ Slat2'(_m., Dunlap SL, HENR1' FRASER, [- '1 - - - Puornimolt. V This well known estulilishincnt has recently `eat. improvement--'-a large addition having been made m_it. giving in- nto the public and com | Cl ! S(`(l SICCUHHHOIJQ melfcial truw;!Jers. (`.h()if`4- Hnnnr-o A1 xnurclal 1r:n'q.-Hers. ` Choice liquors &c, in stock. Comniocliom Slabling and Sheds convenient to the house. __._.___..T._____.___. DoTs1vIx'IoN1Io'Usr:, ANGUS, `vain-\',._.. u r. .. - . ` .Wl`L_LIAMv PARKINS, I-NNKEEPER, COOKS? for L'omzl_z/ r_. P.. Vnlunlm. J... P054/: : _ RC!/LAR ~ HIS new and commodions hotel is situated near the Lnkeshore, and commands a ne View of Lhesurrounding scenery. The rooms are large, handsomely furnished, well venti- lated, and families can be supplied with separate suites for themselves. @`Sumplc Rooms for Commercial Travellers. The Bar will nlwzxvs lqr-. fnuml mnimn mcn. mg aumplc Rooms for Commercial ' always lac found replete with llquqrs and cigars of the best brand. Good Stabling and attentive hostlcrs.'. V 20- _._.______________________ . m ...-, . _.v,n-uuvao. _.l0HN McWATT, Superintendent, ,':$'The Travelling Community will find this cstablishnwnt suited to phcirrequircmeuts and deserving oftlxeir patronage. . af Sample Rooms for Cnmmm-ninl r1-._......1 nag` bnmple Commercial Travel. lers. - ' ` Excellent Stabling connected with the House - ....-.4n4nu\.I\.'AullL`4A_Vl'4 Uh l`. `P. QUINN, - - -` - PROPRIETOR. THIS is the first Hotel in the place,; and nlfnrds all the conveniences and com- forts ofa lirst class house. Stages depart from and arrive at the hotel. Convoyanccs-to and from the'St(~ame1'. g` Li1'e1_`_z/ comm:ted wilh (he hr:u.s'e. _g3) BARBIE HOTEL, BARBIE , COUNTY OF sumo), c._W. Mr. E. MARKS, Proprietress. Inuvu -n'_.... -_.. .. \I 1:41.14-J4 JAMES Joxlxsox, J. I`. RYLEY. - ` Formerly of the w receive and accommodate gtxests. Commercial travellers and others furnished with convenient and ample accomnmtlntion. Choice Wines. Liquors and Cigars, in stock. Apartments let to private families. V 3%" Good Sheds amlstnbling with attentive servants. > 5-tf , , ADJOINING THE ;-. PITIIE proprietor of this wt-ll-known i establishment begs to inform his friends and the travelling community that he has leased the above hotel in the pleasant and healthy village of Orillia. and is now prepared to receive and and nilu-rc rm-..:u..,,u . near me xvew lfailumy Depot. .- A_ ARNALL, . - - . - Prop:-iotor. TIIIS well-known and favorite old Hotel has been thoroughly" renovated and titted up in a manner to ensure the comfort of guests; and travellers are assiired that every endeavor will he Iised to give them satisfaction and rend- er the establishment the best: of its class in point of comfort and taste. A Billiard Parlor attached. Stagesforditfercntparts leave the house daily. I ' i Orillia. Hotel, 3. w. noss,.;.' ............ .._Propri DUNLOP STREET, 172. H NEW LV(`)WEl-.l.'.,-.-_ J. G. MARTIN, - - - Proprietor; Forxnorly of the Exchange Hotel." C1-enmnm -..v--v-u llll-I- I CHURCH HILL, INN[SFIL,' U I u: J.u.11.l.|aLJ.J." ' - ofthc Exchange I-Iotel," Crecmorg. __ GLOBE HOTEL, Pl2I"r.|\'r:l'vnnu.-vu- l\\~-n mu:-rvnng 01 their Sample '. era. ' .___ TIIIS House has jlxstjwnen tted n -and refurnislxed anuw, making it one of the most comfortable houses in the North. 21-tf ..__..._._. Auk hicks-ry ...... Q..-A. `fl- . 15. D. F.uu(nn-In, (Late' Mekingis.) Next Door \Vcst of the Railw `l'tn ....: .. The Bar is supplied W Cigars. .Go0d Sheds : the Ilotel. ' _ ' December 24, 1867. v--ya. -AIJIJJU II I) AVENLVG. C0. SIJICOE7 ONT. JOSEPH WILSON, - - - Proprietor. The with Choice Liquors and Sheds and Slubling adjoining .1` A _ _ _ ,. (II -..-._ : /$1 > ' - V / I/\ .~`:_\& \ _ `Z;/////<'/I:'a'.;'v:\\\\\\\ ODDFEI.LOW S I-IOTEL, AVE.VLVG. C0. ST}!/Int` nvm :IoHNsoN HOUSE, ..___.___;_..__._.._... ,._. . . -BRADFORD, ' A. STODDARS, `- - - Pnornmron. Goon ACCOMM()DA'I.`ION' for Tra- vellers. Afree Stage run in connection with the Uars morning and evening. An attentive liostler in attendance. 1-iy 1 BARRIE, ONT. Corner of Dnnlop 55 Bnyehl Streets.` BEST Liquors and Cigars always in stoek. Good Stabling and Sheds adjoining the 01150. 43-tf MARTI'N S HOTEL, JOHN GnE(s,- Prop;'ieto.r. ;EST adjoinir use. E CATHEDRAL, tack of all the new` 5 of V Silk Hat-$ xammm EFUEEITHILL HOUSE, URCII HILL. I\'N'mr.`rr. "n- o yyyy r\~ RAILWAY HOTEL "Ontario Hotel, `BRADFORD. TvFARAGHER_ S HOTEL, If ..A; 1 The Queen s, LOP STREET . - ~ - - - "" - ' "7 .01 `- BARRIE.` `Near ag New Railway Depot. INALL. - n......-:..s-.. I ENETA.\'GUISHE`SE, ONT. Y\V'\r - m{s ' III I iiuttls mu: nIunus._ Europe, such as nun? 4-rs; also his own 12 ` Sm: HAW I _ _'.. DIME . ,-__, ,,.v.... .....uuven11,-nl--a large wing :Um!n0']aLi0l1,l0 $'(;(3l`S. - ` _ (Late Stabrd Honso_.) -1------ V nu,-.mu;_-_ a.) r Railway Station, Ba1ric,_ Ont. ' rn-21:. - - -"""" H`. II Con!-Mn: Hm he Ir.-rciul tnu'cH-5-1.. of 1: - ~ - -' Pnornmron.` ROYAL I101`:-21., Hamilton. ______________ I STATION, COLLINGWOOD. BRADFORD, .T?.Q ~ :0oK_TowN. Lu uvcmng. 1 nttendnrice. _______.____ vv I r:o1'nu:'ron. Kr L.,,_.Ul.,u` -- u-L.n.- J: L-`CL! t in '11 most FEMAI.Ia` W.-\I'1`EI{ to take charge 01" In-st sample :1 dining room In. a IiI'st-class Hun-l. (`any house Apply at this qicc. Good ref.-rencr-.< re- 47-5 quir_ed. 7-If V` Proprietor. I Proprietor. - 0 3 I869, I Travel. .47-'lyr. i l x J l`llE subscriber having f-)llnu'ed the aim-.-I branches of his lm.~`im-ssfur many year prof'-sscslu he thm'ou:_'h1y w:Im:u.-m-ul wiv] tht-m. and is d0.=ir0u.s' of inznnning lh$- puhliv at largo. Ihupllc is prcpurutl !_0 v.\'<-cnlt- :1] orders in Iln-line pmxnplly, and in :1 most workmanliko mnnnvr. Thankful for past xvors he respc~cYf'uIly rc- nlm.-f n nnnlimmn. .6`....LI:. .. O'd.UUlBS, UUll'cll'S EHIU IFUH} fur the `l r:ul4-. Joh_n nilanby, % House, Slgn and Cm: Pa1nter,;N3w SaddleryEstahI1'shn1ent i;1B3m T R GI{AI.\'E R, GLAZIE I .0BI'IR'l` Mr~,Hl'I .\' HY, _ _ I- __ 7 ' AND JPAINTINGIJ V... ..... . um: -1. - n-4 uuu.ui.\u, MANIKIH, Is prepared to draw np Dcctls, M01'tg:1gr-9. Rnnds, Wills. &c., to make s~nrCh(es in thr- lh-gistry Olllcc. and to _X`('f?r'l\'l9 [IpllCIlllIIn.`l ' for Insurances, (Fire and Life.) upon reason- able terms. and solicits the patronage nt'.l1is friends and" the public. , 2::-H` 9"`) " vv-v --munch! In-tile; 'nl nll sis:-x,SprIngg,A,5 \"i1:t-,5, B*`()\\`g Thps and 5. .x.-.,'I /11... n Ill)l(` ICTIHS. anu SUHCHS puhhc. ,_...-....- -uuuuvuIVU-YU LAND AND 1.\'a'URANCl-I AGIil\"1'. ANGUS, - - - - - ON` ___o__ umpmum. Juues !lCI:ll7'(lll`I]/ lZfI_}'IlS[(`([., Vnllmtibns (`arc-fully mndt-, and Surw-ying 01 every description executed with accuracy and (It-spntch. _ ' 30~l_v mum Insum cnrmi A .\ H THIS Accident Insurance Company, I.\' THE PO31` OI-'l>'ICl'J BL'lLDI.\'(}, IAI:lUH. I J -ILMES EDWARDS, I: n... ........__. Ar r- n-_mxnannxe xnnnnvr. past-1':u'ors rc- un`-.~xt a cnnl_innunr:- ofpnhlic p:xln~n::_7:-_ 3*" Satim'ul:Inry refvmncc gin,-n_. if 1'1-qx1i1'4.-:1. Barrie, April I. 1861!. ` `J-ly . .4 cuu as 7-c.s'pe'lju(ly sol/`cital. c$'Apprc-nticcs to the Millincry and Drcrss-making wuntt,-d in1mcdiau-ly. Barrie. April 14, 1869. ll-U . I l " JOjSEE-"H D0--UPE. C.E.:` [Provincial Land Surveyor,- 1.\'s[.'R..\\`r`.I.'. A(`.v.`\"1' L y; names or Harrie and surroumling country, that she-has [)Ill'(:llflFt'(l the Imsim-ss recently carried on hy the Misses .\lunn, on I)unlop Street, and will henceforth cm'r_\' or. v the same on her own account. She is axrlwling a large variety to the t urmer stock. cmisistimg ot` LADIES AND ClllLl)RlE.\"S lIA'l`>' ANI) BONNETS, trimmed and untrimmed; .\l:1nIle.s' all _ the newest styles: l :1rnsoIs. Glows, Hosiery, Veils, Neck Ties, Cull`.~i and Cull:u'.~'. Caps, Feathers and Flowers, l)ress-linings and Trimmings of all kinds. Dresses made in the newest styles, In :1. moderate Clld.1`gt', zuul ut hort notice. ' Mourning millinery constantly in stock. London, Paris and New York fashions regu- i nrl y receivetl. Strziw uml felt work re-done with care. A cull is 7'e.s'17c'lfull_I/ so//cited. V g$'ApprcnticL-3 to the l\lillim..-.. ....,1 lEl.Irope, such Chrliil ore: ow] l11_lf" C0/VVEYA/VCERI, $6., . . -" " ' J ` uml no IS now prt-pared to `.5u`<- mnsxc lv.<.=_0ns. on the Piano Forte. 0l`d0l'H :lddrt`5`S('(l to lnm, Barrio post-otco, will mt-or. with immediate _nttomion. '.l`m'n1sn1odorut(e. Me-lodoorr and Organ furnished if required. Barrie, I<`eln'mu'y 26, 1868. ' 47-! f Milnery, Dress &_Ma.nt1e-Making I .. ICC vnnmnu _. Teachenf &c., VIVA'k T`.Q ..I........ , _ -_ _... . 5- Avu-IULVI Lu, uu-, IXU-3 1VA`I{ES plensqre in nnnmmoinp; lo um pea . pic of Barrie and snrroundlm: country. that 116 is give music lessons 9n Ordnrs :uIzh....=...I on I.:-- 5 M` CUIIIIIFK I --.--u VULVEHWILL CARRIAGE TRIBIBIIEII anal` UI HOLSTERI'.'R. Oppositv E. Ilardwure Store. Barrio, An--H `*""* , 1)nnI0p-Sm-ct, Burr E SINGING ANDMNO-FORTE. _. . " 5 ' 1nfno.\'T..mI0 S [`1.'l;`IT. ' COLLI.\'GWOOD, ONT. 1 CHARLES CAMERON, - PROPRIETOR.` This Hotel has recently untlerg: improvements in the way of root fnnrnislzing. &c. Its ncconnnod: ample and comfortable. The and Cigars can be found in H1013: _____________ Lpnoxrusxorxl qmmw U1 ur..n:.y Dggks, > THOMAS STONE,- vryvy. .1 .- 1--r v JOSEPH ROGERS, `HIIEF CONST.-\BL]`I. County 0 2 OI-'Fn't:: oppnsiu-. the .\Iz1rk(-,t, `HIIEF of Simcoe z .\Iark(-,t, B!ll'[`i(*. J. W. BRIDGMANL )OR'I`RAIT I AI.\`TER,V 39 Ki_ng Sm-ol \V( St. 'I`0runlu. "'- " unnn HEINRICH I` I AS resumed his instructions in Singing and on the 1 i:1noFortc~.--Fo1' terms. 'cc., apply at the Barrie Hotel. Barrie, Sept. 23, ISGS. 34-tf uaruwure Store, Barrio, April, _._.___;_. Uu1ll.'\l L` 1'.-u: \Vost, 'I`01'uulu. Dis mted Lines acczzruirh rzrI'ush'l._ 17 ./ J aluations r-nrr-fnllv mnn .....1 c...... wA:a-rah, MALE W.\I'l`I'II to ch , gums and .z:1;;n;.-g LPT0 HOUSE, ., - _._.......D ISS MORTON respectfully inforxns the 1 ladies of Barrie try, my by th Mis.=-9 .\hmn .... JOHN CULVERWELLy VIRYAFIIZ` 'I`hl\r .... ._ (LATE I)!-IPIJTY n?.(ns1'n.\n) . MR. CHALAUPKAZ u-xuu HERB HEINRICH msxlnmml LL :m-o....,..:,_ ,-,, l'.lU'.l(. Upposit , 1865 . . uy,ul1cP.\'l(`n.lV(? ':xy roomy mI(liLions-`. :1cconni1odution is now Portable. lu~s't. L; ......c APTO, .r1.os, 0.\"r. IMER Camera] (}r:1v(-r'us p-Sll'(`Cl. B:u'I-in V `lndergone extensive Y roomv mmm.\.... [ION or GRocmrs| uuuunon 13 he best Liquors 1- Bur. l-1--1 I ____%____ u' 13. Gr: B:u'ric. .Proprietor 1 ll-if. `oin. One Dollar per I ' 1l-1.Y 'mux.u: u. ., .,.; patrouu;,a.' . Barrie, August 1st, [achine Shq `Saddles, luxury.` nu i `sADDLt'~fW,'L HARDWARE, / .\.\'I| -C.\IRlll.\(;E 'l`lIl.Vl)ll.\'(.'S IE.\'A.I[ELLI-1!} 1.1-.31 TIIER f, /.0 /'/7.<', A-c. u-....r . I' llI4IA'K) I ll.` 11 nmdc to order an ac In` in f`- Ilravlford. Ont. b `l1lllllAI'1I\_l ll. } D L1: ` Wart door to the Cu! . '1 v uwo n um, uxuur Uh 1u.u.1b V 12 Pure Sm-1-L `Cid:-r. l'I.\'tr:u.-L nl'Cu1-u Wholvsale Dealers in Doxuvstic nnd Form; 92, 91. `Jli, 98 .\I)l-Il.\lIll'I ST. m.u.r.`v...,_ .... Ill IH`.\'L ' White Wine, Ciderda Ma,1tVine.t:a.r, Cid:-r. of Cu}-1'. A-r-.. .. _, ...,, VTORONTUJ { N. L. STm.\`Hn. J .\`r'n\.:i ;\;r:.\"rs: J, M;-.tht~r. A|];_rn5 Wool (-'l'\'4>n 1 ch:u';.{(-.--.-\ll w Nir`rIl40||n I" I j.___._v -. 1.ruI.JlI.l.Au'y - .\GI{ICL'L'l'l'l!.\ L `IMPLEMENT aggovn WORKS. HENRY SEWREY (9. C0.. - Prnnninl...-m `._, -,..unruu JJ.\\IlL\l'..___;:`{a,' FLATFORM &. COUNTER SCALES, ' (V/)1) nrr L, I rpunlung. Noll ` (}l_uth Dr _ AND m:.u.x:x'. 1:: ' B0.'r, Parlor, //:1//, ml Urml'inj] Sluzrca }tE3"GARDICN.EN(ilNJS.__g;' PLATFORM & Cauhrrnp eruu -20 nun nut-y-:u: (-,onlinm- to tbvir wt-ll-known Iron lie-mn-r Ionrd_ l IlHI_'_:lIS. tngzn-tlwr with u of the llvl cl:-.~4m'ipIiun. alum-. :11 rnlvs nntl'0n the . nulicr-. Novomlwr 20, 1857. `a I \I I ' 3 prepared to c-_\'r-cut:-. kinds: of Custom '0 . Roll U:u'(lin;.'. .`(}Imh I):-n<:in.r All I,- Toronto Vi_n_e_gar L` \m.I.I.u1 mvms0.\' .2 am . I .|I.\.\l l".\(,"l'l'l:El: Ill-' 1 ITIN. SHEET-IRON JAPANNBD and ()'0|)n-r \\'=--- ;N, SAPPLERYI lrircm A" -.. ._.sn-u.:-4; ` A DDLE RY II A HI) \\'AI{I'I IZn'T;\ i - , I.I! .`\"T` urn-n-5, `"1", mm rad. G lass &c_ f nnil 'T`nl.!n F..n...... m._ Innisl. Jnly3. 13! _---_ -u I\J.|.A.JJ.IJJ-J. Ilrncss x{' Trm:/.7 Jlunuy NEXT DOUH TO I.\'I).9a IHU)." .____.. ` ~ - v ---A \4 u L F`lIlli|Ig-, DYELVG AND ('L()'l`l[ ..u;_; um :um\'(.- l"ut'lm'_\' pr:-pur-I In nmlcrlnke Cufom Carding, :H:u'g('.-;\ll wt Nicnlstnn l".( ` V v V IN.\'1s1=IL wom.1.r~:_\' mcrom Thu nnl._-n.-:1...... L, '. . .. mam V; 0OLLEN MILLS. _:j_. G. UPTON_ T: nrnnzn-ml on .....-.....a.. :.. , .. v~..., (I..\'rr: D.u'm.=n.\'. Mr-\ IT'rF. & Co.) \V!n:l'>nlc l)vul1-rs in nll\I-nu I-Inuit ......-...-_._ I. ll. 1'; Barrie Foundry, -;\GI{ICUL'I'l'I!.\L nun umungx. 1't`< ,;\ll Iii : J. D. L:1i A nrnm- Inn... 71 m Fig. Domlnlq mrk S\v_-o-L, and other hnndx `ll Inn-mnnn `n.nm:-at N. L. sT1:1N1:n & co.-, Mzunxtucuuwzrs and \\'lmlL-sulc l)-nlcrs in host. gBAI)FOIH) M.-\l`Il$l. I-I 1 I4"!-`- FREE-S'I'.O.\'I'1 J.. 4,. .....l.... -4 .. 1. The slllvscrilwrs hat III:-V 1..-.. .... 1.1. r..u..l.u.LJ .1. -.u.\.U1\I C()|)|)(`l' .\\-x. 1.:-...... . ......4u- oclvnlll 0:. UU.. Proprietros. P.-\NUF.-\CTI;'lH'IH.'\' of and dc-nlt-rs i _ every dc-scripxinn of Box and ffnnkin '05." '|'lH-V-ul: (-,0nIinn.. 4.. n..... _ .--.-..,_-_, I ELVG I)l{I'IS.L\'[}, H ALSO .\v.\.\rr.u'1`1'n1.\'u: C /of/1, F/umwl mu] /3/mM'r/.\-_ -gvnv \~. cu . mu`-n... - uv UVUIIIEK DU OIL, fa, (f'('., TICKET. . ___ .._.,.._._.~; ' Annum, strictly in Advance__g: ___-.___, - I I - ?c_zrrz'e Hate/(A 3 orge .\l.\.\I l<'II"I-I-u-up .... ...-.....m.. uuu m-zun->1:-M Mould- 'lung_:lI.=. nllu-r (lnlslingsl `fl tho cheapest. Ion . I` notice uu an. . ;;uu x, u Manufuc1nrvr:~: nf I\ II . I Collars and Trunks - .-w .\l.\.\l'l".\()'l'l'lIHl: l T`D`I"lrr1 1'1-\;\-- rc how- und wi us; .I:um 1 In am! I'm \\'nI-L Ivnrv: INALTMBER 26. ]RG w-rlllllll will In` .\`t xml-(2Il1na|-11;` ml llu.-_puhhr: ~ :. gum-x".'\I|_V, II I-I` prim nzulu. "ll, Kim] .`&lm=! I-Irlsl, 011;. u-. m .-um-nor Mylo. all Fork. such :I.s (,':u`rling. 5. I-`Idling. Dy:-in_r_;, and inrls of cloth for .`4ll(!. l..u- Co... V '--- p uuu I)1IIIIIn'I`I.\', 'C0.\' & .~`HAI (`()TT. '!.'{.]u , in superior .-=1_vIo. all rk. Smrh :IS`('xn'1Hnn- '().VT. arm Hwir lrionda ` hr nlmw lo`...-0...-.. EAST,` Tonomi mg. Hy:-In_I.;, and "cloth >,'t:1_\'m-r; John 5-r. Slnmidxllv. - * agencies f_n-.0 of m.-am-rs in ml Cooking n-.umfactur ....1' x1....m_ eign Cigars ', I.` I 5'1` , n.uE1uI~3. xgu ulgnra HIST, 20- rt hm! g'.'i-1.V' `a I\'(!. I/1])!/y .1 1. v -: nu\OJ&IlI '51`n1: mm E," c|wnw.P| n nnv mlu-r. - 4-772, 1 9'0cZz/ca mime LII... u AJIvl.'l'L, uuu ULIIUI uuuu I.<)HS I`I-.'RS nnd,sAmJL\1 ` Pxclhes. | '1`|lL` hnu I.` n _|........ _ Jvlmolesale rates. H`: I L v I. Y I n I UlIN'I`. v. 1' L0 W mum my IELDL HOUSE Glassware! -.-u\.l nus, we brothers regarded her wllth altered sentiments, and but!1B0$'h` infections of the beautiful mmdern . Henry reqzlrded her with looks 0! @081; and l1eartfclLde\'dtiolI, albeit he refmmet from declaring the passion; "1"!" C"' ' Ind. with the lig early youth, less deep, [)erh}IP5 ml :2; sequenlly more e.\:uh0f`'1` was 31" to denmnstrntivu, and Ehse a1)p61|}' give him the preference. With a generous 'self'-deniaL H9""'."w'(";, dezworod to conceul Lhe,(l0eP 5t kc his heart, mulwns uohle enough $0 " _ ,- V 9 '.. .1 sincere Interest. in [us brother! hl W ness. - ` ' "H vs ht, buoyant fe91i"{='3 of A uc-35. The Baron expmssetl a Wihl bgetg maiden that also should x 1 l"(E She one of his sons as lll` f!Itt1I'fa _0" ' ._ _ esitnted, being funrful of inlcnng 0115: ) ' 1' pp Lhe gue, by her preference of the 0 6 . 7.-7; --val: in was respect, In `lnnny other pemts of their character there was no snnilitinlc. Henry. the eldest, was thought- iuh quiet, and retiring. Conrad, on the -contrary, was the very reverse of this, hmilg impetnous and impulsive. Each, however, growing passion for the beautihil Elise; they had loved her as a sister from her "h``(h and she had returned their affection. She was an orphan of the 1 house of Bromscr, and had been adopted by the Baron, their father, and brought M -P 1 Liehenstein; but when the new `Vflrnllil of life's ascending sun was felt,` by had Vserlnlonsly concealed his _ cithcr,'their love towards her became ' deepened and strengthened. I9 was, 0'0.0,V0T. of a dierant nature. The Bnron himself was not slow to perceive tins. nml I... ,l,.......v n -- i{oints t similitudc. I 1 , -Contrarv W in the dnys o t'ehi\'nlry, Leihenslein was the re.~ilenee of an ancient and powerful hamn, who hnd in e:u'I_v life won honors in the eld, `us :1 vulinnt and successful wnr_rinr. He had taken part in many battles, and gained the respect and esteem ofthe Emperor. It was his desire to pass his old age in joy with his two sons, and an orplmn maiden, whose charms of per- son, increasing as she ndvnm-ed to \vomun- hood, had created the deepest. sentiments of utlectiun in the breasts of both the young knights. ` V Henry und Conrad were deserving of the pride and nti'e'cti'on `their father felt for them. Both were deeply imbued with the chivulrons spirit of the age, and were, consequently, devoted to arms. Alike us _ they werein this respect, in other I points cimr:u~.t.nr H-m-n mm m - i:Biiji'ii:79uT\'*}. -- Tm; l'l`hnn urt hl-It lnizldvn in |,h<'..(_]<'(-.`ps of gloiy, -n ma l.lu- ulnmhinu-hill:-H (Ill: h!NRl`l:lI1rnI. ILI g_('l z1o.sw(-mncss of the sweetest. places; My Imus:-, my l`i'i-mls no longer comfort me; In-:u1gc.mzm:`l1ov grow the old uniliur fuccs; Fur I can nothing huvv, not having lhco: ' All my Inumzssiollsl p08!-.(3SSOd. lhmugh thco. I;s'viug,4I lnwv tlmm not-strange contradiction! HL'a!.v:,'ll um-ls must. cast its shadow on our earth; _ 'u,-xx. drown us in the wmors-x of" n1iction_ Breast high, to xuukc us kncw our,lmusuro's worth: , Tn nmlm us know how much our love is worth. les,T`VS(3,.a;t.i;."1J?.ai1s, 1-H10: -'nI nll aim-u Qmln... I , t.\n:l UInH;_' } still. lllmuw (Mr Futlu-r must lnu gnml, nut evil, .\nd murmur not for f:\Ith`s sulu-. at my ill; Nu nl Iiu- m_yst-ry at lln- working 1.-n'vil, 'l`lmt snm~lm\r Irinilulln all things in His will, .\n:l thnn,-:3: llc nluy me, makes me trust Ilim - Anul whilu I mourn, the nnguish 0!` my ulbry Bu-ulis. as the wave breaks on the binduring hau':_ ' ,.v.. nunu .\ mm uuuul Lu um um. Iuyorsol uust; 111 of my opening h:-ml Inch blessing clds'os; Notlning is It-.1'L me but, hope and must: Xotlniug hut. heavenly hopo,.und, heavenly trust. "um an Inn: uuln axe nuuuug, wnuuunu ['00, ml only one poor little llowur plowed under, '1`lmtit wcmull ml one if all were dead: Aye, all uaoxlevil` ull the llowt-is were dead. 5 can not feel the beauty of the roses; Thoirsoft Ix-uvca at-cm to me but luyors ofdust; mv om`-ninu h.-ml mm). I.I.._~..:.... ..|.;.-,.... .\Lurr: (.,'un', in llnrju-1-`s J[a_q. for .-l!t{]u.s". ye, evnr in me grmvctlx tho gr:-at wonder, When all the hills are shining, whitunnd red, ml nnlu nnn nnnr liHl.. 'll......... ..I ...l ....n.__ till alway growvtlx in me the groin, wonder, `Wlu-n all the liullls are blushing like the dawn, ml nnly ouc poor little llowcr plowed under, That [can see n0ll(m'ers,l.|1ut onclluing gone: ,\'u ower ul` all, because of one being gone. _....._ LIMIIIIIB, Tnlcmnu. JUL! 29,` IS69. TEAS, for 5oc., 60c., 75c..! 2 a-lm~\vlI('|`o. . )F TOBACCOS, n,v,___ 1 # v\..u_ . .u\ nlm u| gnury, ` -`m-n lussvnirngsmr, .ml with true Ian I love lhuu from ul'au'. duress all orders to }I:+It}%%%# (IE ;w[:i*iit%inter, bu cm.v.\"n' or-` swoon ADKVOCATKE. re (ed ll) cxccuu-, In Fll[)l'J'lUl' D! II: cvcr p P ncrlpllnn of ` y y 1*x..u.'~I Aw o1<.~m.u+:.\'1uu. PRINTING: .-uch na ETTER MBA 05. BC.`5INEh.`4 CAIIDS, BILL l1E:\l)S, and tn cxccut `P wxv A \YlI III)` The l<]xun1ind:r, 1\'D COUNTY 01'` SHICOIL ADVOCATE ,.um.1s_I`u::n;v1-:n\' -rnunsmu' nomuwu .-..-. M m M.-m-.s"s I1ui!dlu_gs, Wc.-.tVofv the Fireman's Hall, (,'<.lHcr .s.rcc:, Burnc. [ . .\H2\'EI( BOOK AND _-JOB 1 IlI1\"['lNG 5 E ()FFl(;E, ~ __.,...q....1 on axecnu-. in mmnrior stvlc cverv dc- r.'xz\.\llL\'Il{ OFFICE, Barrie, 5L ,\'_[('[l()I.SO3I .1 . SUNS. 1'L'l|l.llIEn. TERMS OF SUBSCICIIWXON: |g.;u1Inrpcruunum, strictly in advance! or : . if nut no pnld! B OX M, SH] WCARRIE VVOLUME VI. ` uumgnmrwl ot mmchng uusury Ie, by other, rPubliahed every Thursday Morning. 0F`SUnSCI{III`VX0N: 1r ncr unnum, THE BROTHERS. -w-uuvunl" UUIlL'Uil.IU(l [US In returped orphan 0?. ;ein; namm,l:..,.. ....._ ..._- 1` IA 1,. II is?o:}i;1i:" .\.\'l) 'l`lll RUINS 01*` lSll0'[`llli1lS." l'lF\l) 1I'.Ni) BILLS, umcumns, LABELS, s EXAMINER OFFICE, , Bnrrie. 0 `ICE, 2 a-npnrior style every dc- In_n pf _ ' $1.50 Elise snitl but little: but grief was heavy at her heart; and many" were the bitter tears she SllC(] when alone. She avoided the apartments that '_con1mnnded n viewbf Sterhberg. and took up l;'er abode on tlw opposite side, employing her lonely hours in _the active occupation of her household concerns, 5 -.uuu-u |U|\'lll5 III: uuuuullul IVIIU U! um mum `The sounds of mirth, _of music, feast- ing. and revelry, reaouuded -from Stern- berg. The hospitable wulls of the castle _aeemed never to be free from the visits of _ Acongrntulaling friends, and the tables ` gronued with every luxury. - \\n.-4 .. ,.-._........ u.:.. 4,. T :,J.,.....o.\:.. '=IvI|oI\4\| u wu u-_v-J 4-...u.J. What a contrast. was this to Lielucustein, where every thing was as silent, ns the grave; within the walls of wllicll :1 lovely, uud miserable woman was 11 prey to aching and consuming cures. nu -.- .....-. . .n- 1 IIIIIVUIIB `II IUIAMIIIUIBI ' No one glance did the cruel knight cast towards Liebenstein. He studiously avoid- ed looking in that directio'n, ahd dud not trouble himself with any other thought. than the ecstucy of lmppiness he felt in luwing his beautiful wife by his side. "rho ennn/`la nf mirth nf nmmln aunt. Lumug U`) HHS SUUllUa She found it difcuit to believe the re- port; but all doubts were ended on the succeeding day. The forsaken Elise be held her fuithlesa betrothed enter the `castle in great splendour. in company with his foreign wife, together with a throng of retainers. ~ ~ Nn nm: rriunnn Mr] Hm m-nnl lzninlut. anal |(|3U_lIliIL|ll&; uluuuura. { So` forgetful, indeed, was he of_his pliglitecl troth to Elise, that he committed the folly of marrying El foreigner, of whom he knew- but little; and, after the cere- mony. he returned to his nncestrul home with his young and lltscinntingnvile. The fztithful_ Elise \V:|S(llS(3UnSOl1l[C!ll)Cl broken- lu-artetl. Melancholy nnd thoughtful, she > sat in her chamber, meditating over her unhappy fate; and she turned her glance towards the beautiful .but uninlmbited Sternbcrg., She saw, to her astonish- ment, horsemen going towards the castle. Who could be going thither? A terrible - foreboding of evil seemed all at once to come over her. Culling her wnitingmuid, ` she desirecl her to rnnkeinquiries. Her I worst fears were conrmed when she was : informed that Conrad hud returned from 1 the land of the infidels, accompanied by 1 l ":1 beautiful Greek lady. Her faithleas lover was expected at Sternberg on the following morning, where he proposed a taking up his abode. 1 ' Slun fnllnd if. alihmlf (rn lmlimm H... .. 4 uuu: lulnuu Ull lIlll:UllUll- Me forgot Elise when in company with his luemltiful Greek girl. wlmm he soon succeeded in winn_ing by his professions ofntlamlunent, together with his gzn_v`ar.(I l'asc_in_aLing manners. Sn f'rw:ruH'n1 inrlnml Il'l\n 1... -3` 1.:,. l.ILC'l Absence is the rigid test of lovezrs; it. generally causes love foumletl on passion to subside, while it forcibly strengthens Llmt based on n'eution. IL` 6`.-......{.L l.`I!.... ...L..._ 2.. , , H` |IL l||Ua Ilia journey prospered, ' but he was de- ciunt in pcr.~:cverunce, and was not pos- scsseil of the inth-.\'ille resohltinn which so clninently clmructeri'/.e.l hisvhrnther; mill was, thtjrcfbre, unable to attain the same share of honor. He soon became tired of the e.\'pc.litinn, together with the hard- ships and pnjivaitions attendant on it; and so, after 3 hricf sojourn in the East, he n-turned again to Europe,-lrrIxi_gixig with him :1 'ounv and heuu:.il'ul.Gre'ek hail . P5 with whom ho had become madly infatu- zitcrl. ' A`__hV_. ,. .-1. . ... In