.j11E MILITARY BAND . 12-..! mu-miuinn M"T.innl..|".nl Ila- l"g,;,a.A|.I.4-Av-- -vv v--V or the County of Simcoey 011 . I,,l,. 11.- ma. 1: -vuvl In uuyllurlv VI auuu Iillllulll. ` JOSEPH ROGERS, Qtcial Assignec, 00. Simcoe. Bulnnr, ) pruvluu ""3038- 11'4" V1l4lAhUE - Appellants, 23-2in 234a Ii thefnatter of `THOMAS J{oC 0R- lfll nf Pars-1'9 nn. rnsnl1)mi.L Montreal. lsubject to objectiop xxntii the 24th day of July, 1868, v\ . vvris 1- nun-n \ .u u--mu `_ ICINE OF THE AG: nurnujly, it Cures Diurrlnmn. Barrio. April, 1869. 1)} me matter 0] Jauxnao .l.U\IVJ1Ia- MIUKV of Barrie, an _InsolvcnL:. A DIVIDEND SHEET has `been prepared nnd lies at. the oico of IIlY1l'\(\l\('1 `r'l.1IITu Y/A`? I. I1- I! - June 24th. 1869; ___y____ _w__,__,_ _, __,,__..... `on v-~ - v --- `A 95* U|~|~-1,1-5, wuu ` I A ' Fullilng, Parties in want of good cedar posts can DYEING AND CLOTH DRESSING be supplied with any number up to 1500, at 8 . _ ' ' , . .. .u.so uAxunc'rnnixo very reasonable price. bv leavlmr thcxr orders - -- - - 199 f 06 suppneu with number 1500, at Ti price, by leaiving their at this oice, or with J OHN ROWAT. Bnn-lo. Am-il. 1869. 19.05 All Iumls 01 me ' ` " " . ' . and Bottle. genuine and cheap-tho1argost aid lIx1`::`:'l11 ri:z uxslt`(5::l{a11d TI<::`)]x::gm,Ei" d . VPl'y lllg connected with tho business on hand (1 f I v- . . . . sules, Taps, &c. Bottling done for :33 tra(| (ii`es[l>:?`;)r!lllx(r)::lto a!'tPrx(1)itlti]t:cs8' Corks Tm Fm! Wax Cap- llfnn nnal Vn'ull>_llng-mun n..u.u.'.-._ ..- .. .....-.., ...r.., ...w. .4-no-uu uuuu nun uuu unuu Ul` pl'lVt0 HHXIIHOE (mice and Vm1lts-Mnson1c _Bulldings, 12 SMALL KEGS` for family u_se. JOHN Pp . 1 A... THE CHOIC?EST, STOCK IN TOWN I0. lhluint, u und In Ontario` House, (nearly < IVIILLINERY AND IVIANTLE h, mother! did you notice" howdwell those Ladies were dressed, at Church, last Sunday. No wonder Jessie Stephens is dressed so neatly. at; school ; her mamma always buys her goods at Sauces, Piciiigs, 1VIusta.rd% Starch WINES AND LIQUORSJ ' Eright Muscavado Sugar; 10 lb for $1, ` Extra Bright Rened Sugar, 9 lbs for $1, Teas at 50, 60, 75, 80 dz 90 cqnts`, . Rice, 22 lbs for $1, Raisins, New Valncia, 130 per 1b., Currants (very good) 20 lbs for 81, rNSOLVENT Ac'r'oF 1864-5`. SOMETHING V STARTLING ! uuu HEIRS OF FIRST CLASS 4 B0rtm`::`I:t1(';Jl Open and Covered Double 1 Family Carriages always on hand. All our wo tired, and solid collar-case Hardwood Axles.` at Mr. A. ARNALL. proprietor of the "Queen for the sale of our work. He shall be conatun` various styles. All orders sent through him Wi if sent direct. . 92-9". uuu HUD III Iauv UIIIIAV VI MESSRS. LEWIS KAY dz Co., , Neural- ism, Frmm.-d I-`cot, 6:0. MANUFACTURERS OF CARRIAGES of a p,,,,,..,?,f,`'3'L_9f_9peu andCovored and Single Sentez` CANDIED FRUITS, BOTTLED ALE AND PORTER, CASE LIIQUORSI, % _j_...____...._...__.._j_.. ._..__.__._`_...____.._._.._ 1}/I___g_.C5LM MORISON . acul uu-e 23-3m 70 & 72 King S11.-Aealt" West, Toronto, OF THE .VERY BEST BRANDS FOR MEDICINAL PURPC)SES. `Liquors to Hotel" Keepers at Toronto wholeale rates. , CEDAE HOSTS FOR SALE. DIXON BR0'rHE.Rs~~ % j mau3nax@L?. mam V DAVID LEWIS. J. D. MERRIGK, 1onn' mmsrnont. iv. n the --Emily Ma ." s'McNully. lnnisf. s Macon-mick. Barrio, Edwards, Barrie, uctory-`-Cox dz Sh ixou Bros.. Toronto. ONTARIO HOUSE! E.~3TA13LIsHM1=;1\ T : snnnrnnmrs GRAND . wunr-case uardwood Axles.` and nished with Eng ALL. "Queens" Hotel. Barrie. it` nur constant! supplied with wil be promptly exe Which contains the Newest Styles,which they are prepared t6 make "up to order in the most artistic manner. ` "ORDERS FROM ANY PART PROMPTLY EXECUTED. ` TORONTO. Aril 20th. 1sc9._ _ 13. Fashionable 'lailors.&V_ Drapeurs, Sign of the. Go1deAn"Elep_han`t, FASH!QNABLE CLOIHINEI REMEMBER THE PIA 03.. Dow 65 00's Ale, ._ Aldwell dz Co's Ale, - . V Thompson'& Allan's Ale, .. 0'ers for. Sale: _ Uosgrove 6; 00's Ale, ' Severn s Ale, Daylps (S5 Son Qu1n1neAle. All kinds of Ales, Porter,` Wines and Liquors, 'in'Wond |cheap-the`1\fg:ot an_l most_vnri9d stock in Toronto. Evprvthium _ __ L._, s` Ale,` ~ unllujly, it Diurrlnma. in the Stomach, nts, ' SCORE ; 65 SON, Call and ee. SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK, _g.1 THE .B()'1"1`LE] g Assxusm.-:. 23-2iu ' opposite the Northern Railroad Station.) is `always kept. 'AT. _ V 12-tf. -Innxsl, July 3, 1869. HAVE NOW on HAND zrnnm KING STREET, TORONTO, x? ""`lllg 5 'l`llA l` umn T011, ecu-d Colds, Pnln Mb. must-u of Hm Lung, , )l{.~\N'1` l l` "AB rm -Where- The subscribers beg go inform their friends that they are now `running the above Factory thmsclvea, and wnll_be prepared to undertake ` f1__ __ _l_ _ __7 f1 1 n ......,.....,.., ...... ......w pmpureu I0 undertake ' Gus tom C arding, Fullilng, no unnmnuua or all descrlptfons. A good as- le~ Single Seau.-d.Buggies. Rockawaya and work is made with second-growth Hickory, steel- . .' and English Varnish. . nous" Barrie. is our `Amara. 3.. on. om-m [NNISFIL {VOOLLENH FACTORY. ...-.... --..., yuuxu. JJLVDDDJ lANl,'_l-`AcTUR`ING Cloth, Flannel and Blan/c`els. nnsr .5 cu ADI`: A-r POWELL 4; _THoMPsoN3s. Ar POWELLA& THOMPSON S'. Q1 POWELL .2 THOMFfSON'S. Ar POWELL & THOMPSON'S. A1`: POWELL 65 VTH0MPS'ON S. Ar POWELL .3; 'fH6MPsoN*s THE? EXAMINER, AND :1 Wm: English Varnish. " ' . is our Agent in that town, [Cd Bllkie -and nnrv-`nan: nf ..... on Toronto Street, . * TORONTO. 21-t` , - ,_...., - um nu Illl )1{.~\N'1` 1'1` HAS NO U.-,\1.. my the Public for xi nun uiuud for itself I ' cu [}'[_vy\[-1'11 .nn.... we. is our Agent that 'ith Buggies -and Carriages pf ' executed on the same term: as fall dtlascri trons. Agood l.ed.BnggieE. Rockawava 11:1: b unu umnlcezs. ` cox & sHA_1=co'r-1'. ' 23-ly DIXON BROS. bought. (THOMPSON, ' D Mnnnbnuv 1 uuuxrouu, `. D. McConkeyQ near vx-_----__ _ ` `Ba;-rie, uqe 23, 1869. cg hum able hours. ma-n Ll AQEEAMI Of Vthe most _delicious avor-mndiah genuine Country Cream. vuu. , frmu falling. on uud pliable`, -casing out. -suing sold. iku it. He. u- rvmlurs to try nbo_l' uir Gloss. . 17, I868. Hluu-Iurunlrt. 5- J. FOSS 5. . Cm. , Soda Water ahoice Syrupl __--- Hwswsaw Fresh Canadian CI);-`so bf No. 1 Quality. _4 large variety of ; ancy and Plain Biscuits at reduced rates. Eilglish French and American Confectioxiery. Iuvuu V II Au STRAWB ERRI ES. PINE APPLES. m.`.vn.r.1 I. .l.LVI`4 Jll`l"hI`J5v V SEVILLE ORANGES; LEMONS, &c., &,c., -roax'm':n wm:- HERMETICALLY SEALED GOODS, FRENCH SARDINES, ' LOBSTERS, COVE OYSTERS, FRUITS &. VEGETABLES. ..__:_ PICKLES, SAUCES, &c., ln_Va.x-laty. __--_. lnuluop sun: UMUU, my ..-.-.-..-..- -wa.auLAI4AAL`L.lI Is now daily receiving all seaaonable Foreign and Domestic Fruits, &,c.', of the most deli- cious vnriees, ` RTRAWRERRIER ` ICE ?:REAM AND REFRESHMENT ROOMS, ~ 7 a'All at low prices and of best quulity._g 3%` Farmers` Produce taken in exchange in. the highest mmket price. ..-- ---v--v--v~~ --""4~1 j.!5J ` _ R. POWELL, SEN., Aczxr. Barrio, July let, 1869. V 22-tf n. .1. runs as Um . slncrlmolm `I T- V- G('UVg0nv units of 0ulh_y e PW id, and lluuvs Empl S. J. FOSS & CW Rhnl-Iurnnh un -. nmnm. ALVU 1uar1*.1s:inM1SN'1` . V Opposite Messrs. Mcggirihy d: J[c0arlhy .3 Law cc, . nIm vI nu emnnn-n n----- SALT AND_1s*-1i11sti FISH! Flour and Feed ! ml at uuuuru uuu ujusu BLOCK OI ' Groceries, Provisions, &Vc 21.-....-... ..._.-__. _. ammo HAMS. 1:Aoo2v.- Pozzk, . OF PRIME QU;\LI1'! LUNCHES, &c., preglmx-ed atoll season. nu u VII I.|..|.. U IILVV OIUIILI Between I owcIl .~1 Old S!and._,on the Ocrner of Dunlap and Owen Slrecls. andlhe Post-tmjicc, and `next door to the Bank: Qf Commerce, Within choice and fresh stock of `q, _ c -In -. . A _ - - -_-, _...., you-, VIVCTORIA, COUNTY SIMCOE, ALL operations entrusted to him satis- factorily performed. Farmors and others who may have Colts, Bulls, Heifers or Swine, Are`quiring-`his services. will be attended to dur- ing the season. The charges in all cases will be found rousonnblc. Good relerences given if required. V Victoria. October. 1868. ' 38-1 yr Notice is hereby given, that the Co-Partner. ship carried on for some years past. at the [own ofllnrrie, in the County of Snmcoe, by Wu. MA.\'.\' and Join` C1.Anxs'ro.\' I om'x.1cs'wx l\IAx.\', under the thfm of WILLIAM MANN 5; SUN, was this day dissolved by mutual con- sent. Mr. Willinn-. Mann is empowered to clischnrge and scltle all debts due to and by the said Co-Purtumslzip. ' Dated at Barrie. this 29th dmr nr Jam. WITNESS: Fm-:n'x R. ANN, A J. Enwuzns. The abov}a business, in future, will `he car- ried on by the. undersigned. who aoiicits a continuance of the patronage bestowed on the late rm. - VI! ll A H uruuun, DIIL nus new mxrs. and me high uh it Is spoken of by wopriulors that the] justice and meroyfl -In ofull the autfuring. union of the kind tlcutus from reliabln R. PowELL'"ITEw smmzs Between Pmm-II ; OM .'h-m.-I nn H... /v.......... ..r Barrie, J une 29th,. 1869 we sum U0-rurzumsmp. Dated at Barrie, this 29th day of June, A.D. V1869. ` ` - - J.~G. P. MANN, WM. MANN. WITNESS! JOHN LOWE. T HORSE DOCTOR, ` &c., &o., VIFHVHDYA nnYY\Ymv cvulnnn E. Bomrose, Saddler. and Harness Maker, Barrie, begs to acqut\int.all indebted to him, that it is absolutely necessary their respective accounts should be aetticd forthwith. - tr. nmmncm Barrie, Mi_1y 26. I869. . ` 15.-umus. UNT. a$`Lnmber smvod and planed to order; and Sash, Doorsaml Blinds manufactured on the shortest notice. . 3 22-tf 23` INSPECTION INVITED} _ n vsnuvuv -' ;...--> U10 h0llI`8. ' E313 HARGES MODE RATE._, I__._2- 1...... 09 IQBCI ll afford immedll u .::.....'.... mmlnl :-N ~(-STICE T0 DEBTORS. Ya` nnmrncn Enlnr and Lumber, Sets/2, Doors, B/z'mz 5 ` ' Jll_0ULD1NGS, 1.f7u(Q.'C.- ' n A nnrn nxrm 0120 UKERY, _ GLASS WA12Li ct-bc. 1:- U VHUJIBDV ill-WILULD \ll IJ`J.|.I.Ul|lUIUI' HAIR Seating, curled hair, tow, sofa , springs, twine. chair "web. buttons, screws, hinges, locks, tacks, int paper, glue, piano stool screws. coin trimmings. uphol- tererslneedles and regulators, Addis' carvers tools, extension lip auger hits. melodeon hardware, etc., for sale at lowest prices. DVART 1. n1 nrnn To Cabinet Ma.k_er-s _& Uphblsterefs HAQR ' Sentipgl curlgd. h_un-,_ to_w,__sofa MRS. XNA'HAN, 3 daily receiving seaaonnbla Fania`. STEEL Rules. steel squares. centre gauges, . Vernier calipers, steel caliper rules, call- per squares, Ames universal squares, self- registering calipers and dividers. Stubs` tiles and tools, patent ollers, sheet steel, etc. Far cnln rm . . DVAN 1. nr nrrnn v I HIIVI Clv AMERICAN Shears. trimmers and points of all sizes. squares, curved rules, straight `W898. improved irons, English arid American '3'|1E. Bart_Ieen s needles, tapes. etc., all or the best qualny, and at lowest priceg. . ~ ' RYAN 8'. OLIVER, " Importers of Hardware, _ ' _ 114 Yonge stmet, _'l`oronto. . u ' --- V I BrazeIV,T Perkins 8:. Go., V ; Manufacturers of and Dealers in all kinds of u up` ` - COMPLETE assortment of the latest atterhs of `Shoe Tools, Shoe and MI- ohine Thread. Machine Silk; Shoe Pegs, Shoo Nails, Shoe Tacks, Heel and Toe `Plates, etc, wholesale and retail. v _ ' ` ~ RYAN as OLIVER... 114 Youge Street, Toronto. .-j- To Tailors- A 'IlI'.I!\I II . `V on. . II llll` ll \l&IVI-II TMPORTERS OFT HARDWARE . 114 Yonge Stteet, 'l"0RON l`0. Have always on hand an assortment of build: ers, cabinet makers` and _upholsterets' hard- ware. mechanics edge and other. tools, -7089? Rogers dz Sons and other cutlery. house fur- nishing hsrdwai-e, shooting and shing tackle, sporting ammunition, quolts, dumb hells; garden, draining and fsiminig tools. cordas P383. putty. etc., and all other goods in the ins for sale at lowest cash prices. ' . Toronto, April 1, 1869. 6-1! I}h2s9.gsL?=Idria1s!iras nuu ululu, ya 00 For sale by ;'l`EAM SAW AND PLANING MILLS. )ISSOLUTION 01 PARTNERSHIP. xuxm dz umv ER, General: Hardware Merchants. :11-1,Yon_ge street, Toronto. RYAN 5.` "OLIVER, DMDDQ nu`rr Anna! `nu V To M-a:h_inists`. us vuvau, uucul: Bacon, UIUO .- . RYAN & OLIVER. 114 Yonge street, Toronto. c< . M,UN'I`REI\L 1,-ggiut. Kelnmn J On, I Iii-mil A;wma.~ 223: Bulv nu nuwvau pucua. RYAN & OLIVER, ardware Merchants. I0l'UlWlI. E. nsunosm. 17.0. wow u.:/- - BARBIE. ONT. nnn In nl-l`nr- an;-I WM. MANN; 22-4inV from 21.1!` I ' 1-tier. uusuuuun vvxuu a. Large assortment Of 11082.67;/, Gloves, Ribbons, Parasols, Corsets, s, _ FLOWERS AND FEATHERS, ALL OFV WHICH WILL BE SOLZZ-`xi? /{1 GREAT SAURAFICE. nayaavsna.-\n.vvs.s.-.\nnn.n.vu\n E-A CALL AND INSPECTION ARE REQUESTED BEFORE I v ll! OUIKH DP BON-I:IETS, " MANTLES ............... .. SHAWLS, ........... PRINTS, .................. .\ FACTORY COTTONS,_.. WHITE s .. MUSLIN DRESSES .... .. FANCY + LADIES STRAW HAT; "BN1 G004? {md Millinery. STRAW H ATS |P. R. MILLER `& Bulford, April, 1869. E` PURCHASERS WILL Gem`1eme2 s Coaz`z'7zg5 Trowseriizgis Barrio,` June, 1869. nun U l.t\.l_JU.\. _ ml it in their pmllu \biclI H in prcpluul is .\im11cul Jmu-nah. Cull 1-l x\ 1':unplIl<.-C. N. . ....... unuuu plan u.u.1 pub UULLAR. ALL OTHER GOODS EQUALLY CHEAP_ The Sale will Continue through June. Robert Walker & Sons, Retail 33 to 37 King Street. ' Dundas St, London, Wholesale, I8 & 20 Colborne St, Haya` Rakes and Forks, Sylvester s Patent Grainlu AL...` `'1 ,1 . Three `A180, wqhavo purch ascd. on the same ti-i~1Vns hovusand Parasols ` ~ - ~ ' V*`~ K1111`. E _ I Which we can sell from 45 Contra each, VERY LARGE SIZE ONLY ONE DOLLAR. ALL The `Kin "Inn-I-inuun -I-`l..v`__----`I- '- FIRE-PROOF HOUSE, BRADFORD.) |@HARvEsT TOOLS. gommnirsursnhlrns. _ivv \J\)\_ - 1V`-lndlhey will sell at the same proportioh, GIVING A GO OD_ DRESS FOR $1, Dlmmnn nrv . v -.__ ._A - unumam, UASL` AND SILVER STEEL, Whitney/ s, Hz'ggz'ns , .7l'_[o0re s and Rexford ma/ce. otconlh conlu! . H in aufu a day w mum. nrulion, but has beau. and Inc hlzh J@i_...;I@_N mam! _....\. _,...~. ucuu um w accure a splendxd lot of DRESS GOODS 65 PER CENT r.m.c.5rnn -mm Ivan . . ..-._.. 3:? TISTHE REAI/)Y MONEY DOES IT` I_'I*z,\-/\/J.\.g) 11.` K./1_lx)L4 LX," VVUUU 33)' 3: DllpIly s Otard s & Vine Growers. Bradies. B ' . Sh v. _ s _ est brands of Port, anfratff, Cs]a:_lW'"'XXV:;1n(1spr Old Rye and_ M.a_If.; Qllxnness Porter in pints ) p mg has In ne order, wn-ed, 1vn pmtg $1.00, quarts $1.50. D-L-_L 15 5-: 1ht\ 1/` . __ ,V,__,, `F--..-~V ;1\/l4\J A $31 liberal discount to the Trade, Hotl Keepers and Boarding Houses. 11v -------......- -~-- H J. L.I..|`J JJIIHAIIEDI Fine Young Hyson, Gunpowder, ` an 70 75 60, 7.0, '15, 80 and 95 cents per pound. LIQUURS IN CASE &Dy/Qop. H9938$"s. Dunnv ,:, nrmv. .8. v:.... a..,...,...... n-.....:.-..- ` BUY youg s Fog CASH AT THE [@How To LIVE GI-IEAP. oANT()NN:!:\:,I' ORE 1] ll diseases comlx INDIGESTIO _ derangement olu but eicaclounll ut on the comm] lioato with perfect in: the moatluppl ftbem. Iaouiink, texcellent oomblx uuw wr;LL ASTOCKED WITH Flour, Bacon, Hams, Cheese AND THE LARGEST` VAPTRTV nu-.12: .anrn'I'_q TN Dnbnnx `HE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN BARBIE FOR iqg;sPRING STOCK! PARASOLS; GLOVES, HOSIERY, smm. mg mg @@Em . ~.-----....5 .3; 4xu:a Au uuu Ulultl) vvucu, Iu PIULS QLUU, quarts $ Patent Pails, $2.10 per Dozen`. ` "Hal-n` r`:nnAIIn` 5. LL`. "L, I ---vu- uuuulv" CIIUUI " I . LARGEST VARIETY OF-BISCUITS IN BARRIE. vnnn... YJ.__ _ ,. .`;u\:\/\/ R. WALKER: sTo\" ALL Nw ADd'l}\v '5 in nf Hun can. ......_....A:_._ together with a large aSso1'tme'r.1'f: ` V77,u..~.,. Dn`l.l._-_ _ 11 . PER CENT THAN THE USUAL PRICE. .-r -gr-u-nw-_ A ' ' J GERMAN, `CAST AND SILVER IT`: M __ 5. 9 I ,f q Havg just been ablAe to secure splndid lot of ...\. T` .__.. ,\. ,.. DUNLOP QTRFPT `DA DDYD pg.-.vvv\.I ENIJ. Hen.ders0n s, _- ,__.-- - - vu: 91.. .111, ~ SPLENDID GOODS ,Alao,' wqhavo on .--_'_;;,,- J `r\ ` ** J. . 1.1. _J.V.l.LJ.4J._J.D4J Two doors zoestfzf Fraser : Hotel, SPRING 1869. LJ............a Trimmed.. u *uupowder, Tw;ankay Japan mid E!i1g1ish`jlK3rrea_k_1':z;t-"1:. `g 50 60 7A0, 75, 80 a_nd '95 ens 8 if" 'l"l\`r /`<'A"r`\1' n 1-u-v,\A_ tau 1' ULI 5'! BETTER QUALITY FOR $1.50, BUY Y_1\Vr\ i V olm Townulli rence Tow 4 song by nsend. _ - __..-.\J.n.&,\/l\J.I DUNLOP LSTREET, BARBIE. And f very superior quality. V j NOW WELL ASTOCKED WITH In Silk and other materVials. PLEASE CALL AND INSPECT. RIBBONS, TRIMMINGS, &c., In great variety. AT THE Io! all pr'pavwlioi.l ll : PURCHASERS co ELSEWHERE. _@ as a..A.|4J.II,.J A SA 0R4FICE, ----p. `as. \J\JI 91, Dunlop Sireet, Barrie - . _ __ . 20-ly 2}: Newest Sty/es W. HBNTEE, (`.A1\T'l`m\T m : ` `LL14! 1.131%, CANTON T STORE. OODS, ONLY 32,00, all A Silk ! 1:81 25c. 75c upwards, 1 on . u `I 41? 88c An |;'I`ul.\;:ToN, M.D. mud TOIIIO V 11c` 10c- 11!, IUD ' 1]c Rn 12-U . - -' nxan April 28th, 1868. ror saw, me norm 1 of Lot, No, 10, in the 13th Con., of the `fowuship of Innisl. 100 acres more or less. There are about 45 ~ acrl-5 cl:-ared. Thcru-is on the" ])l`(.`Il)i$(?H 9. uluincd 10;: house. inthcd and piusn-r.-d in- side-. `. U`K;!I5; iT_:u.-res are under Full` \\'iu-at which is looking very well; 12 in meadow; the remainder of clearance is in pm-mrv and springcrop. Also for suit-`the North hull` of East lmifof Lott). in the i3!ii Cou.. of snuuv; Township, conLain_in;: 50 acres---n|;onL 20 of? which_arc fallow; nearly :1] chuppv,-d--in ull ` 150 of vvry g_omI land, situate about '2 miles ` from ,-Xlieudaic Station. Tins is :1 wry d.-1-ir- : labiemrm, being well watered by a creek which runs through puns of the Lot. V Itis only about half :1 mil-- from two Grist Mills. The crops and all, with stock. `uni hcl sold and, immediate possession given, if re.` quired. 1`ermsiihemi. Apply to WILLTAH 'r`nn\n:~ru- spring ' i Being the South-East half of Lot No. 20, ' in the 7th Concession of the Township ol Oro, containing FlFTY-F1VE ` ` Good Land, all cleared, with ?..C+,lI.:,:u{ Frame House. `Barn and Stables, a fine young Orchard, and an excvllont well of pure wau-r On tli'c premises are erected 8 good Saw Mill. with circular saw, in `full operation with :1 suitable workshop. For further particulars apply to the proprie- tor. on the promises. HEN Oro, Dec. 8th, 1868. RY , my UIIL , . About Fifteen acres Fall Wheat, and about eighteen acres plowed. For further particu- lars npply to R. PRICE, March 16, 1869. 7-if Georgina I . 0., Ont. ._.__._______-.____.__.>_. EVERAL IMPROVED FARMS for Salcin the vicinity of Barrie. Also, a number of Town Lots, with und without huildings. Apply to D MORROW. j 3%` SEE PRINTED LlS'1`.5'. _._-_ ____ VC.~\`-NADA COMPANY LEASE of west half Lot 11 in the Seventh Con. Oro, Simcoe Coun- ty, On}. ' About Fiffonn at-rm: F.-all Ivlmno any` ..1.....n FOR SALE. (`,.\`.\*.\n.s r'nunc\ ha of the M3330: cunt-A's For Sale, that valuable farm. Lot No. 82. 2nd Concession. 'l`mvn.=hip of Oro. cqnsisting of ONE HUNDRED ACRES, one balfcleart-d and free bf stumps. There are on the pre- misos 0. good Log House and Burn. Further particulars can be learned on applying an the oice of this paper. Barrie. June 9. 1869. 10.1? In returning thanks for the extensive pa- tronngo with which I have been favoured. while-in business at No 44. King-st. east, I would respectfully solicit a ceutimuuice of the same to our new rm. which. in future. will be known as tlmtof M.-\RGxAClI, A.\ l)1ltSO.\' J: C0,, feeling confident that entire satisfac- tion will be given in every department, as we have enlarged our premises, and iuere:1.s:ed our ' stock from the best markets. Respectfully, J. L. MARGACII. Toronto. June 15th. 186$), 9|. 1 we paper-:- . Queen Victoria, Prince Albert. Sir Walter Scott, Washington. Benjamin Franklin. Lord Nelson, St. I uul`s, London. General llnvelock, Three Members of the l`cmp<-runcc Society, the Cn.s:le of lscllio, Return from Ilawking. Digpity and impudencc, Dccr Puss. Florence Nightingale. Columbus, New World, Dr. Kane The l<`_irst. Trial by Jury,` The Falls ofNiagnm, Guess my name, Duke of Wcllinglon. Houses ofParliument, London; Windsor Castle Buck-' inglmm Palace, \\'cstminster Abbey- For two copies, $9 in advance. For live copies, $20 in advance. For ten copies, $35 in advance, witlran extra copy to getter up. F01` fteen conies. 318 in mix-anon n-HI: nn {$101011 HTUH, $15 per annum. . A.\'.\`I:AL CLUB RATES, until further notice, witha copy of any one of the following splendcd Steel Engruvings with each copy of the Om-,eu Vi('.lm'in. Prim-n Anm.-o Q:.. w..n..- uupy Lu gutter fifteen copies, $8 in advance, with an extra. copy. . Fl)!` tW8l'ltV nnnimz, g `n nvnnnn n'Hh curu. cupy. For twenty copies, $60 in advance, with two extra cuics. ' Slll)SCl`ib0l`S. oxcnril in Rrish Avnm-it-n, in IJVU l.'Xll'l| CU[llC3- > Subscribers, except in British America, to which prepayment is compulsory, must pay their own postage, Five Cl.`IS per copy quar- terly in advance. l`he.A1.umx. with nnv nmr '0:-L'lv nnnnr terly H1 XIUVIIIICC. The-:\LI!l().\`, with any other weekly paper or with any monthly magazine publisbedin. the United Stales,the sub.-:cripLiun price of which is not more than $4 per aimum $7in advance, without Engravings. Postxnustcrs evervwhcm an-. invitc-:1 mhn. uuvaxnu-, \uI.uuuL r.11gra.v1ngs. Postluustcrs everywhere are invited to he- come hgenls for the AI.mm:, and a commission of twenty per cent. may be deducted from all subcriptions remitted by them. VL. Margnch. at 44, Kixng-Street East, will in \/ The drug business formerly conducted by J future be carried on by the undersigned, under v the style of Margach, Anderson * & Co. J. I. M .\ nr1.\r1n [ll A L P GIOSS xx-..\mms \\Al'1'b'1. to take charge of A a dining room at n first-class Hotel. Apply at this oico. Good rcfcrcacos-re- quired. ' 7-If ..u - u...--.u..-u nunnu-3- 25 Cents per line, single insertion; 20 Cents per line for more than four insertions; 15 Cents per line foij one your. standing uncbzmged. Two agate line business Cards, with acopy of the Albion fifce, $18 per Cum RATES. until lrmr mm...) L` , - For Sale, the`Nnrth Jan 13th (Inn, nf Hm` ...= :u.uiU.\ nugruvings, sent tree by post,$5 per annum, strictly in advance. Subseriptions foi six months, 32 50, and for three months, $ 1 25. Half yearly and quarterly subseiibers will receive a copy of the Prince, of Walt.-'s Portrait, or any one of the four last mentioned engravings in the following; list, free by post. these being smaller than the others. Clergy- men and Teachers, $4 per nnnum. .witliont en- gravings. Subscriptions for one year, with any two of the large-sized A1.uIo.\ steel Engravings :in addition to :1 small one of the Prince of Wales. free by mail. Six Dollars in .mh-nnm. .1u auumon small one Prince Bf by mail, Dollars in advance. Subscribers will be supplied with extra Engra- vings at $2 eaeh post.-paid, but the price to non-subscribers will be $3. - uuv-.v.m-.~---n -. - ---- Amended Terms from June 19, 1869. Subscription, after this date, with any one of the ALmo.\' Eiigraxjings, sent free by post,$5 yer strictly Subserintinnn Apply :0 WILLIAM THOMPSON, On the Premises, DAVID MORROW, Examiner Omce, Barrie. ril ' 13-" I. An independant Journal of Literature. Art. Politics, _Fimmce, Field Sports, and .\'ews, published every Saturday morning. at 39 Park Row. New'York. KINAHAN CORNWALLIS. ' Edilnr Ill)! prnnavfnlnav THE NEW YORK ALBION: An :na..........1....:. 1'....-__1 _py s.,., . rulce or mus Barrie, June 9, 1869. II".--v f appearing in uinmeuu, _ J. Toronto, June 151.11, 1869. 4ARM FOR SALE. 41-AI'{.\I FOR. SALE IN THE TOWNSHIP of ORO. ' `ARM FOR SALE. "O-PARTNERSHIP! 7 FEMALE \\'AI'1`I-JR to take charge of _ dining FARMS FOR SALE; WAN-1-En, {MALE ch . ..- ,,... K 7gLVlV)EIlTISI. 'G ILITI-IS. A CARD. spcre'q G1 Acts) of ' 1AlV UU1{.V\'VALLlS. Editor and Proprietor. ~-. ' of Lot. 'owm:hin nf `lnninl II uvu Lb UUI J, L. MARGACII. wn. Axm-:z:so.\', J. 1 . BUCIIAN. '1! 19-tf. ' Uoy'n I5Iuck.- mu'rm. 'l`la'lL\l.3':--0r1c-lhil-d of the purchnsv nu-2 to be paid down; the Jmluncc in two mm inslahm-nIs- . For 1'ur!lur purlicnlars apply Mr.'Pul.`k O'Connor. Angus, or to ' Vi`i`:iiA Pl. 'l`.\7N(\D ipu queen sm-H. l)'.'l\V('('II Um munv:\_y ' and the Mill. and are {n :1 1`uvomllv`1~' ` lmsim-;~1_.=. 'l'lr1-_v are 1/, a:rov!m.=<, um! 1 Nu !!! cornt-1' 1015. Alan, for sale, two I Boy's l5luck.- Barrio. , I '1':-21:31. --One-third of nurc1m.'~:r- -ls. 1 .rcelNo. 1.--Lot numlwr Two, on Hm .\a side of Louisa-street, in the town of Du.` with dwelling-housu thereon. Parcel -No. 2.--North half of Lot F0rl_','. the west side of John-street, Barrie. \ V dwelling-house tht-re.-n. - Parcel No. 3.-South half of Lot Fortj` the west. side of John-streot, Barrio. dwelling-house thereon. ` The above parcels belong to the estate the late William Soules, and will ho cheap to wind up the estate. For particulars apply to BOU.'..T().\', I4OI.';\'T. BOYS .5 S. 1-]\\'.\T.'".'. l'.nm~3.I... Sllnidzllc . Medonlcr . . a.,1'-1:! . Apply to SAMUEL LOL'.\`T. 1:, Office, Barrie; or. to C. _W. LOL'I\"1'. . bridge, Muskoka I '1}; `.2 son . Again, 7 1 :uI!::`vlnwl. Mnntlell wsnln .-\ W-sul.-+ :10 Blink. ama;-7 '11-c,um Tiny .. > do Tay. . do . T1-Qumsolh 'I';nu October 7, I858, Barxjic, 'Jnuo_ 30, Lots Nos. 25 and 26. 100 acres each. i: 4111 C0n., 'l'n\vnhip of Tiny. wild. and : -dprincipull_v with Imrdwoud. and 21 pm-tiun of pine. 'l'lw.~v.- lots bordur n: GL-orgizm Bay, hcuvcn-n 1'4.-m-lnngni:.h<-m Collingwood. * L`m- fnrrnu and min. ...-9:m.I...-.. ... bUlH|lgV\'()U(L I For terms and ( I the owner. Li '-jT PICK of Iollowiug Luis at $3 per acro- cnsh: balance in tln-co annual inetaln. with interest: ATIC LIQUID, Tmcnsh ip. North OrilIia.. ,do do .. :1 n :1 n L015 Nos. 13, 14 and 15. on the \\'*:~'l 5? and fronting on Main Street, 'm_thc Villa Lnskny, Township of King. cIl(:]n.-_ctl I; gum] Imnrd fence, and lmving u co1m':.rt:: r'esi(len(=(- I-rt-cu-d Hi:-rcnn. 'l`ln.-n.- is 21, I21 failing spring on the prvxuiscs. ulruuguulll. '1 Inc gmuml.< coxnpri. ILn`..< . 3-1 and 3: ), having :1 fruntugo of 132 M: the Wcsl. side of Julm - Street. cluse I.- ccntre of business. and are well stock:-cl \ nume:0us fruit trees of the choicest \'-uriu and all bearing. On the ]Il'(`lIli: am; at _- stable and other out-buildings: also. at of pure spring Water, and u strnn;:t_v strilcted cistern. capable of contuinin,; barrels of \vat.cr, 'I`I|n nninnrtu rill `\n .1! .. .:_p. uurrens ox _\vaI.cr, _'l`l1e property will he disposal of to a 1' '3 ahlvpnrchusc-r on rcusomxlxlc tt-rms-.- 1'.) half of the purchase nmnuy down, and ti,` remainder in mstulments; or `a liberal -1, :- count will he made for cash down. ' Further p.-u'ti1:nl:u's may be learned on :.u plicution to 111: undcr.si;,rnud un Ilm pr:-:n.' Tll().\I.-LS` >.'U.\l.\ll-ll.` Barric.- June 23rd. 15:32). ues, v1z.: V ' _ Those premises on I)unIopSm-ct. East. vs sisting of aqnm'!ornc1'a:inl. on which :.'.-. are erected a CU!l)fI)l`l:ll)iL` 1)\vc-lling U0ll.~2-.21` ncommudious stable, sllmla and 0i.il(`l' 1.` buildings used as u L!\ Ia'l{Y i~.'.3"1`:\I}l.I:1 .\Hi."i`; together with ll0il. ISU(2(.'H1 _\\'.\GG_()L\'-3`. S'1`A(.' 1'15. SL!`.'l(.'l{S, Cr` Tl-IRS, lIAl{.\'ES>', &r:., &c. now the suliam-ilu.r mul H... in Ix`s..~ `ul .1 | 11-ma, 11Ali.\ L` S, .X:c.. &e.. the snlpso1'1ber, and the Mull (.`011tx`m.-L l\'\'eL-n Barrie and l e1wIun,-mi.-.ln-nc. v Ala: Dwelling House, oppu.~'il<.- Ihu pl`I'llll$L.-2 _, mentioned; and n spl:-mlirl farm ml 100 H: . within.-1 miles of I5:u'riu.-, on the nmin r~..ul Thornton, being Lo! No. H. in the 3111 ` cessiun of Innislil. ul'\s'l:ieh uhuul 43. : aex'.-- . cl(-ared and in a high stun: ol cultimzi The land is well wmered by -.1 runuint :~`.x'. .-. nud has a good frzune l)\\'0lllllg llunm :1 a new frame Barn, also a young and t.::1 orchurd of fruit truest. . 1 Hr\ I14\v\ .-. . . .. Barrie. June 18th, 19:61). The uudrsignvd luring desirous .0!` lc-mu. Canada at an early day, om,-1's to sell by p vale contract the following valuable pm;-4 ties, viz.: Thnau nrnmiunu nu n....l.... Lu... J rv 'l'H().\1 l.\,'n}!I. V For Sale. one of the most Conn.- _a L(.-onifurt'.\l>lc. and piclurv.~'qn-ly sit Um-Hing 11011505 and (Zi'ouml.~s in the Hm ing tuwn ofnrric. The House is 3 [Wu _onv, containing i\Vt`i\'(,` rumns. h<-. u inodious stone ba.~'c-inenl; built in In style, and nished in n.n~r_v I-.\'c-lh-m ma throughout. The grgnum1.< comprise I-.0...` havinga fruiitngo of 9 1`. (l RHOHI lflllull" ll dismises com"! Imnans-:'l`l0 1 wwnsmp anon: mentioned. - _ For It-rnm and furtln-r pu|'1iL-Ixlars, np;~f~' the oice of this paper; to Mr. I-Ztlxvm-:1 Kn . St-.;yut-1-; or to the proprietor on the pn-1122.. J01-L\' KELl.`.'. Shanty Bay. June 30. ISM. "-1 * nulpul um. not. .\o. 2-1. in the {H containing 100 ac--L-:~'; 70 of which me and in a good state ofcnlliv:|xiun--lhu ing 40 :1(:I'vs_:1rc undcr h:mI\mu(l. Th n._nu sun-aun of \\'u:x-1' numin_; thn '1`-ho.-rc are an the pr(-u1i.~cs a good In; with frame kilchon. n I'rmne hm-u stable. l`hcir is :1 goutl m-il of wulv p-Imp.-nt_ the, dw-llin;_; (hot. The 1 are situated on the maxim rmul frmn Ii Orillin, convenient to :1 (EH50 and SH` and.:1`Scbool-htmsc has been ,'|'v(:lctI corner of the Int. J! is nm`m~.<:im.u.I_v thehestwht-:11.growing: hu`u1s in lhu township b0Vl! tun-ma mu] Fm-9|... - IRS'1`-CLASS I) \A\'JJLI.T.\'(:}I7(f)_[`: AND GR.0UNDS lUK.S.-_\Ll'} IN U.\1H(.".'.' Bay, 1861!. J O ._::.._._._, '. I - For Sale. that oxccllt-nt Farm in the Tm ship of Oro. Lot No. 2-1. in `Jib ( tin ofcnl1iv;ni.m..nm --':\.\lI-- LIVERY E '1`ABLISIjlME.\"1` `In 11;. ..-.:.\ Houses Farms & Lands for Sale. WWWVNWWV. A - ' ANDS FUR I Sale of Va,lu;bT Real Esatc _..-A\'h-.. , _ - - a LN EXGELLE.\1`,19.\IlM FOR S.\LI; . T,_____,__ V [Inc BALSAM, E lflllr nlv GRhA'I` CHA.\:Cla' FOR ` MENT! ALSO `i501: s.u.+:: HI'l0I'. .`\!1]_'|lS, [0 VLIICUAEL O'CONNOR. nmnr Hm- L .1; J LL.\1JLunJJ In B:11*1i0. . um. no. 2-1. In Inc 9111 C1. cl:-up ad rt-n;:v. _:u'c um!`-1'h:u'ulwoud. Tlw In: I m of wurr thI'0a1';?1 1 good 103.: Lu;;~ kitclml, n and 2 uir wutc-1. w,dw-llin;; 1.-n-mi gin: I .:m' - .'(-nicut mi {rand Saw 3311 l-house u tell on at H103. Ix1)qtxos:iu.\l:Iy I-iw -:\t.growi11;,' I},-xx} our . SAL 12 C11 EAI . {other p:n'ticulu1's, upp!_ 1).-W11) \'.A.:<"u\'1;z n -;- Dflrflc. 364-{I 1 -m.\'o1'o.v, M.U. - and Tonlo Pill! new! use over 0`! io. on the 2 non of Mr. 1 Iamilton. or urb_nm,_ relic! mun - for which it Is!- I' using is blown 1| at 8:15. GI! Auk Saab 1501` HEN. wuuuuu ; ` 50" Pfopriotou, _ MUNTRIM. um signature or : J. FOSS I: Can Qh urln-nnlzn Olll If-6-0STI.VE"AND B. DAuoN.llID- rn-but try WW: 5`" % an-uu IUI IIDUU I msPu'rA'rm.\'. In! it in Mud.` ...._.l_'. .2. 1"Ub'b' dz um Shcrbrqoko, QM .ption, IIAT `m n. .155 Y; UM Shorbrooh. | woprmou, l\lUNTRBAL Kelmnn & n `" "W111 30 issue this notion.- Lmllt.-Col. J. S.'Deunis, desires me to gihikf his dgep regret that an institution do- trf-`5i`1 W KIYO that youth of this country that S "I: yvhlgh would fit them for future mill- hwy servupe In case of emergency, should not 8 received the encouragement it merited. E. BROKO VSKI. Lieuh. Cominandi g N.S.'l`.D.A. Barrio, Jul, j1th_, 1869. n _ 43-lin year. ` ' The very recent order of the Militia Department. with regard to Drill As- eocmuons, would notjustlfy mo in calling to- Gtbor the Association, and cxusing expense `.t_h9 members. who although recognized by lllcm. Act. are denied the benets arising from their organization under the Act: . , - beg to tender my sincere thanks to those elyhors who have so enorgeticnlly supported me In this matter. and would assure them that I much regret that I am compelled in justice `_11*!.I1, notice. _Ll(!ll[-`C01. J. S_'T|unniI nnil-nu mg in u_m cial .4585, Dunn A1` B.umu:. ` this 30th day of June, 1869. _, -......uUw, wry JIDWUVUUIIG, The Creditors of tho Insolvent are notied hnt he has made an assignment of his estate nd emscts under the above Act. and myndunvnlsthoreto, to me. the undersigned 38'|_- Ind they are `required to furnlh 0. within two months fiom this ,,date, with iheir claims, specify! the socurit they Md: if !my, and the vs no oflt; and fnone, HHS the fact; the,whole attepted under '-hnvith Vouchers in suppoit of web claims. I 1ncm>u nnanna ORTH SIMCOIJ TEACHERS DRILL ASSOQIATIOBN. ` ,--~-..y.u.- muununuo v_uIIIpauJ! l.\' 'riur. 1-os1"o1-'1-`Icy: lHJH.Dl.\`G, muun-:, 8 prepared to draw up Deeds, Mortgages, Ongis. -Wills. &c., to make searches in the t-gmtry Oicc, -and to receive applications or lusursuces,(l"ire4nnd Lifts.) upon mason- lgiv terms. an-l solicits the patronage of his Irnenduml the public, _ 23-tt` |coz\r`%E%i'>L'ar'./'i?c"'_2'_"`1a'>', am, um. Ill\ .. ..... INSOLYMIT Am` 05` 1354. In the matter of TH OM11-S-' MENELL - of Illisl. an 711.0/ulna! 'a_py_ of 1ogimcrItc'z-l-51"dcrs,AJuly 1.9!. j. .j._. '0. 6--'I`ho Bnml will play for one hour cry Thursday. at 7 p.m.. (wonthor permit- ;:) in the enclosure In trout of the Railway ution. .' ALE.\'. MuKENZIE. Lt.-001., Commanding. .__._.____...___._.____._.___._.._ -3L ARI! "I156 fkccident. `Insurance Company. ` IIAIHIII-I, Tnvnsuuld F met smont. s': |_lcNully. I ski. MCKGIIJIQ, amlly. Mar." nninn mum In%S[Ijj1 n}%i%t E" norm! u y. W. SUTIIERLAND TAYLOR. ' ~ Secretary. rrmlo,`5llI July. 1869. 234.!` . um, I-nun uuu uu; _Iu July, A. ll. INN. (Signed) JAS. 1:031`. GOWAN. UounI_1/ Judge. 3 cC.\ll'l'lIY .&: MnCAR'I`HY. Solicitors for Appellunls, . - lknrrle. 23-td ...__.,._.._..._.._ Igice of the Taro;-t-o7}rey\and Bruce. Railway Company: _.\ (`.l'lI\'l'IR.-\L .\H'IE`l`lNG of tho suhncrb rs lotho Cnpilnl Stock of tho TORONTO KI-ZY .2 BRUGI-.` IHILWAY COMPANY, I! ha lwlul nt lhu olcv of the suit] Company. .413. Front Sim.-t. in the City of Toronto, a Tuesday, tlzr 10:1; day of August neat, 12 o;c1m-k noon, for tho` purpose of elect- 'l)ircclors uml orguuizingy tho said Com- ny. - '}{MEs EDWARDS, IIIIUII. And I do In-rehy further order that this up- intmvnt h()'El'|'V(l(l in the said Corporation the Cmuny of Simcou, in ` the usual way. :1 on the rchlmclivo lncnl Corporations of u will County, by publishing thu some in '0 ofthe nuwnpupera published in,Bn\rri0, and um Collin;:wool puper, and in tho Brad- rd pnpcr prior to the time appointed for urim: l|n- uppvxll. ' - ` Dzttvd at In ClI:lnIh('l' in the Town of mic, thin 7t: duyof July. A.D. I869. Iirvnmll 1 IQ Di`: nm rvnur A \v mg lllll Ivy Illll Hlll Kill municipalities. any or them. llwy will not be entitled to yfurthv-r nuticu of the proceedings in the am-rnf tlu-suld nppmll, and, thereafter, I III lukn the nmttc.-r of such appeal iulo con- dvrulinn. ' Am! I An 1....-"I... t....n..... .....I.... 41...: n.2,. ._ on npply to nu nouru. wnon 1 ml: uewrmme huthur they am entitled t_o he heard in said alter. and in (IVTIIIIU of any npplig:ation lng nlmlnhy Hm mid lncul Municipalities. nnv thvm. l.h('V will not he onlmml tn ..-_, ;%_.V_.j. 5711 SIMCOE FOREST ERS. > .'__.__ z~i.-non. Ida llerohy uyipoint that a Court be opennd d held on Monday next." the twelfth` day of ly instant, at nmuu. at the Court House. in 9 Town of Bnrric, for hearing the matter of e mid npln-`nl. And I do further order that the said local unicipnlhle.-4. or such of them as dc-slro to board in the Innttur of such appeal, do npply to he heard. when I will determine lmthur l.ll('V cntlllud to hu hum-d in said I Upon the Ippllcmlll or _Luo sum. gorpom. ,, 0; the V'IlIngo of_Darrne. by their Conn. Landitbcing made _to appear before me attho nuirl Corporation being tllnsntised th the nctinn of the County Cmllncll of tho ldorpurrumn of the County of Simcov. at June session, and on yr uhout the twenty- urlh dnyof Juno hunt, In Increasing the ag- (-gattteul tho vnlnnlion made I) the Amma- rur the maid Vlllngo of'Bnrr1e. and with creasing the nggrr-gate of thu valuation me by tho Assvsmrs `rnspcctively. of some. lhu othur lucul Munlclprllitwn of the said unly have uppuulcd fmm nah! `decision, by ringtomo and thuclork of tho Corporu. n or thu mid County: a notice in writing dur thu meal Qt` thq au`1d Corporation of the j|l_a;;e nf Bau-rue, wxthxn ton days from such PI-`HID. \ l'O'i`IC.l'2. anu [I`E CO!-`FOR-ATION OF THE COUNTY OF SIMCOEI - ~ ' Respondents. U application of_tho said. Corpora- ,,[:,T`7:|`.c_V'_ilIn;?vaAr`fADgrrne, _ __,.__._ n .- uullull year. I23-Id nu: hm-zn or A1-mm.` ruou run DIGI- a10.\'m' nu: Cuvsn bouxcu. or `NH: Couxnr or Sun.-or:. 0:: run EQUALIZA. nos or nus Asssssurmr Rom. or sun Gou.\"rY. . my CORPORATION OF"I'HE VILLAGE nu.` RARRIE. - - Almeuanls. ' N --..,-... The members of this Assolstion are bomb notied, that the usual annual dr ll will not take placo this yey. . uuuwr U] 1 H UAUAI3 JUCIVI of Innisl, an Insolvent, {`..-n.lu__- _p .- - umvecko N. R. R. wharf at 7.30 am. - III'II' I and proceed round . --`FIT `' T`/"I`II'\ CT . anerxdnu LL Olivgr. _._...._._ Lcuraionisuywill p;:,:1ig.a their own Refresh. S], Tickets 700; Double `$1.25, Children nder 12 halffure. To be had at the`prln- cipnl Stores and Hotels in Barrie. JOSEPH THOMAS. ma V Soc y. N. R.A.S.G.S. AND EXCURSION. ---_ d E curalon will take place under the `W aulices of the North Riding .__-u.....nl Qnt\A`I"1r' IE Colwums 1 z or BARRLIL`, auspices luv ..-..,. ........,_, > Lg;-icultural T S oc iety ! 1.43... _` ` Orillia, where she in returning to Bar:o1nra:';g:a:ll!o hour. ` ng, (L.l1`H IDEPUTY REGISTRAR) nrrrrswu ......__ Faturiyf TJ ?h3""1"6"h]"1a 69. THE STEAMER 2- 11112 All-A-__ _____ --.... rthe kind pormisa' . Kenzie, will 55%`; u<:.t1:e%('!`::1`(;;Col. Mc~ uuu ynuuvuu uvuuu JAKE SIMCOE ...I.nm aha will I-nmnln nnn Imm-