Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Jun 1869, p. 2

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. -1->-0% -There are over 1.000,'.)00 of people on the Pacic slope. Sam Francisco. not twenty-ve years old. has 150.000 lflllbltilnlrl. Ilcr nlanufucmrcs amount to $30.000.000. `flu-, Pacic slope exports $.')0,0(I0.000to $(i0,()00.- 0l)0 nf bullion amnmlly. The wheat crop of C:llif0I'nlz1:1lld Orgeon is 25.000 bushc-ls in a year. San 1*`mnciscu. in one year, loml-nl 100 v(-s:-rm-ls for China. _nnd exported $l,000.000 worth of murclmudise and mlnenils to that country. . -----0-l---.-- The leading points in the new Insolvent Bill m'e:-1st, That either a voluntary as- signment may be set aside by the creditors at their first meeting if they think it. desir- able that the debtor should not go into ba_nkrupt_cy. 2nd, That there, are` to be two clsses of certificates--the second class leaving the nftelf acquired property of the bankrupt liable during acertain time: 3rd That rather severe provision be made for a punishriient of fraud in insolvency `and l)ukr\lptQ)'; 4th, There are opportunities in detail for working out the measure; 5:11. It is extended to all parts of the Do-. minion. ` -_-While the social condition ofvlrelaml is the subject of such general concern. it. will he sntisfuetoy to learn, says the Dublin corres- pondent of the Times, that its agi-icnlmr al prospects were never brighter at this season than they are at present. The most favorable accunnls are received from all parts of the Provinces. as to the ext mot-` cultivation. and the state of the crops. ' Unluvumble weather retarded t_iel(1worl:,in the early part of the spring. but great efforts have sincehi-on made. and arrears have now been cleared oil`. The grass lands have benefitted `immensely by the, `-rains. and the potato and cereal crops are healthy, lookingr, and promise an`e:n-ly and abundant harvest. Iv`rom. lhc S)))'iIL_ [`l(l (l!l.)2u1rm1I,vJ17!_z/ ll. H.-.\f`-.-nun .\ :Is!:u1 n1 H...'CmZH.n \:.\v\ lune: . __.___m4r-----~ . ._The horse John Stewart lhiled in his at- .......r fn mm-at Lhe `feat of trotting 20 miles The SQ1{:1'.Ec1i;)se in .\ug~usf. A Visit `t:l!;I7isko1(Za. I remain. yours lhithfully, ' R. J. A1:\1s'r:m ADVQCATE, JUNE 3, 1869. }llI\'('|`li:|l'.Il(!ll1:l. , Mu. A. H. 51'. (H-:lI.\lAl.`I is our ngznm fnr prnnurh nd\'crtl.~u:mculs in Unnllndumnd the Uullud Slate.-s.~ Yours, &c., 'UllI'S Hlllllllly, R. J. AIL\l$TRONG. nl.-.. ) . Con. The l ropuse4l '3-.unkiu;r system in the ` Dominion. >- In an article in our laet i&u(`, we briey rc- viewed some of the .~=nlient features of the Budget just presented by the Fiimnce Minister of the Dominion of Canada, "Mr. Rose. We exposed the fallacies that underline the finan- ciaipolicy of the present ndniinistrution, and showed how, thus far. it had resulted in noth- ing hut disappointment and failure. When Mr. Rust-is pet schemoof issuing legal-tenders was first bmited, and while it was being rushed with indecent haste through 1 ai'li:unent, we \vL-re tohl that it would not only wipe out at once all the then existing indebtedness of the Province. but open up :1 mine of \v-nlth that would suilice for all governlnental .\\'unts for -xnanyyenrsto come. When, theiefon-, the Iwccssury consent had been gained and the coveted promises to pay issued, great must have been the, surprise of those who haul placed condence in the glowing I`ep1'esUul:l- tion: of the administration. to iind that not ,...i., tum -u-. mine of wealth notheen opened, adxninistrzttion. to nnu lulu not only haul the mine not been opened, but that the /enecilic imlehtedness which the legal-tenders were eRpeci:1ll_v to liquidate, was still outstundinrr. We have ill:-$0 shown how, in this emergency. at mole than doubtful- melhod of` "raising the wiml was resorted to by the 1lill1illiSLl".lll0ll. by making use ol' the credit of Great Britain that ball been leaned the Dominion lor the purpose of building the Intercolonml Itoatl. As the securities thus sold have now to |)e replaced, some new ex- periment must be tried to replenish the empty coffers of the government, :uid- Mr. Rose has brought l'or\vnr a scheme which evidently emnuzues from the same brain that suggested the misilig of money by selling the securities of the Intercoloninl Ruilwuy. It is nothing more nor less than the -levying of a general tux upon the banking institutions of the` Dominion, by requiring them to deposit with the government a specie security for their noleeireulution. similar to that requiI'e(l by the United Suites 'l`re:xsu| y in the ease of the .1 Rank: ltnt hetween the two (::|!~2cS .-\Inci'ic-.\n lioaml of Uonnncrcu, he rotlum-(1 tlnuiks fur the wulcoxne he had 1'(`Ci`l\'0li us tin- rcp1`t-sentativc ul`.thc UI1itcd..Sxutu.~;. llo said it was the earnest hope, and chief wish of Presi- dent Grant's ;\l1miIllsi.l`:\li()ll, and of Aumric-ax. to cultivate l':\il.hl'nlly, fricn-lly and 1,-quimhlz-. 1`cln.tions'w1tl1 the Go\'c|'nnwnt and 11!:-,`[)i(! of Great Britain. The lmppim-.' of the \\'urhl. the ailvnncuxuent of civili'/,:\tion.:mil the host ll0|l(`-S of humanity dtfpllltlckl on the concord of all branch_es of the human liunily, n)m'4_- os- nccially on than. ufthe lcatlinng nations connect- ed by public and personal illlPl'L`.\`{, and the comlitimi of arts ul'pc-ace. .\[r Motley conclud- ed _as I'oll-)'.\`;~':--.\ly most strenuous elrorts shun budevoted to-furllicr a good ll[1(iCl'S[:lIl(.lill{I on the basis of `enduring fricnship and kindly his hotel this mbrning. in reply, 10 mm 01 t l`0l'.).li0nl in uccordnncc with the princi-pins; of` I justice t\ll(lll0ll01`,\\'hlclJulwtllvlllllnllllzllple and only safe line: ring guid--s in the conduct of na- tions. ' - ' - A- AI... ...1.1....,... -1 at... `I :.. ..__..,1 DOM! Cll`Clllu.llUu. annua- 'l`rc:xs .\ :\Lionul Bmxks. But. I` Ilunrn a.u.- scmcelv zmv simi Tluesc are no nc\v_1n_sxItu!1-ms, mu. | old 0Sl.1\l)llSllUll urgaxnizutions than lnave fur f years been conducted on ] )L'lllL'l|)l(`S which lmvc prove-11 suundiu rnucticu, und which lmw been found tp be inlinilcly safer than those on which similar institutions lmvc been cQnrluc1- ml on this side the |n)l'llt.'l`. Let us look. :1 ` mommy, at several of the luzuliu,-; fa.-anu-us of Cunzuliau ballking. nn-l how .\lr. l:osu's pro lmsud changes \v1ll 21111-ct tlm gm.-nvrul sysu-xn. Under the uldrsysu-I m. :1 bank, with say one million of dollars capital. could 1.;-an thu whole of that capital without any specie l`L`Sl3l`\'(3. and another million 0! its nutcs. less um--fth of 5|-pic 1;userve. I0 protect. them. It could, tlu-rcforv. drznv full hxmlmrs' prot on $l.SlN).- (mu. But. how would it he with a bunk _\-:'uh lh-.~ same capital under the new synmn? Such a bank would luwc to hand over $800,000 of :19 .-....im1 tn Lrovcrn'nent--and take that would be but an inslgmncant oust.-L I!) we ::u- I `Vance interest, the (lupnsits and the germ-:21!` lmslness which one million of.zuldilion:1l dis- cunnls would commuml. Agzain: nut only :m:[ the ll0l(l(.'l'S of tho note circulation SL`.CllI`('ll b;e- I fore all otller cruditu1's.in the ~vv|1Ioffuil11n- -, ........:_-Iv nu in the c:|.~'.e 0l'Unitcl Stalcs .\'utiou-f &. E-JQJU@B J$,, Im'r-mt-001.. .\I:1y3l.-.\Ir Motley, theuew .\IinisLer ofghe United Slat:-.4. n-ccivcd the auldrc-s.~ws`0f the Clumxlners of C01n:ncr_c<.-. 7 at this morning. In reply, to that of H11: .\.n.-i-innnl{n'.u'41 Uonnncrcu. Uur. i In answer to the address of the Liverpool; Ch:unher;ol'Coxnmercc. .\lr ;\Iotloy 0X[)l`0!~ .~`P(]llll high appreciation ol their frit-.urlly sclninu-nts towards Allll'l`lC, and assured (ht-m. tl1u.tdur- ingthe period of his ollico he should cndcawour to promote at good untlcrstamling lmlxvq-,-n the two nations of the sauna race. houml.-by a unity of interests `hitherto unequalled. The host- and highest purposes ofhothwvorc furthcrcdl by faill1l'ul,fricndship. The American people I and the Ameri.c:1n` Govcrmnent desired amica- ble rel-auons \\'lUlGl'(.'1It Bl'lL11lfl on the lmsis of` justice and tlispussionato regard for the right: ' and duties of both. [was the earnest wish of America to uxtoml commerce, but the question ol,`1'rc-0 trade was beyond the limit. of his func- tions, its ac-ttlomeul. being vested by the peg. plc'-in Congress.` I mdlm. 1...... 1` \v,.....I.. ..n u... : ..___u_ m , ,, , Natiuxxul hcL\vcm1 the two cases there is scan.-ely any simihu-ily. Thu National Banks \\'e1'c new inslitutiun.~4 or;,r:mi'/.ml under the ..uLhm'ity of the gem-ran] guvurnxm-nt, and it was. of course. eminently proper that Le general government should see `thut. no harm caunu to the pvuplc from their 1`c(:L'[)l:ulC(: of the note-issues of such Buxzlis as money. In the case of the Dominion Banks. it is quite nc\v _iu_stitu=i-ms, hm. ..m n-zmhlishud urgzmnizutions hand $.~suu,uuu on its capital to govern'nent--and mnmmt. of govemment notes in uxchun;.;c. $2_0().000 of its gold capital must remain to protect the government notes-and its prots \\'ou!(1_ Lln-reI'u1'I: consist of simple interest nn $800.00!) ol'gm'm'mneHt dehe|'mu'es. and l)'.1nk- i (!I'S'1\"0'.ilS> on $SUlI.UUO.of gorernlm.-nt notes lunneul to its customers. The immen.~'e :\dv.'ux- Inge that at lhuik, able to le_ud ."5l_.2>'U0.000 to the puhlic.hn.s over one that can only lend $800 000. can remiily be seen. The interest receivable from government on its (](!p0`5il(`(I debentures, whetiner at live, or six per cent, insigniticant offset to the :1d- ' >.......... iutm=t.. the dunnsits gzmne-call! ms menuly expressions. London. June 1,-The News says itis satis- factory to find that Presidt-nt Grant's Govern- ment have_a.policy of conciliation and peace on the question of the relations of England and the United States. The News is anxious to kn nvthe basis on which the new tlclihemtions are to be conducted, and adds, But if.\lr Mot- 1ey a suggestions to Lord Clarendon are per- vaded by the spirit breathed atLivorpool, the Americans may reasonably hope for success. England would be content to accept xx settle- ment arranged by Lord Cln-endon and Mr, Motley, luv nu uv--5-vr:-_ London,June1.-Neurly all thejonrnals have articles to day on the piesntution of the ad- clrcss to Mr. Motley, and gliscuss the probable future relations b(-tw(-en Great Britain and the United. States. The Times after contrasting .\(r. Snmm-r`s speech in thesenale `with Mr. Motley s language of yesterday, hopes that the puact-ful`tcn(l-ancy of the latter is not to lw attributed to nppeainnccs, but 11 ral practical indication of the intentions dfhis Government. The Times is assuredthat both the Govt-rnment and the people ofllie nation will reciprocate his friendly (1-xpre-ssions. ' June 1.-'l`he Veins: sum: it in antic. \VlIlCl __.._.__.~.v: Latest by 'l'eleg'r-.1 icius of il.~u\\'n. .\1r liuse proposes I0 1 1h(-.prcsunt. s_vsmu1\0t banking in ion which has _stood the lust of ncial twnxpcsts. :1-.111. lll1'.`l' the giving the people a sound cu1'1'-ncy. 11: for it an anomalous mcclmni.~'m hl not work lung. if it \\()I'h('(l at e of his pretemlcd .consi(l-1'ntion r...-r metv of the nllblic, ' it is evi- . uumn tut: up: II II )mi:'l.'u(; Aim-rim. To this Mr. 1\ We tixnenls furma-rly (-xpru _.y_ Sh\.tL`d that ulthuu;:h th , annnuu-d Ly ah}-a'1'nce IS` 1" ']1(':lC(`. h-.11-701.] on Jusllrru .0 1".-g:\1'd_fm_' xts honour up in;.-;.~; with other cnuntrh .1, 4-amu-st (lcsiru for the 4. 1050 U the Gor_crnxnenl.ut. \\_'u mduc,_ 1)i:_\'()Il(] 1_ls functinns In_ `Wk. 01 .-\lQ(`l'I(.'(ll:S,. lh_-y bu, urus ls"`3-`55- '3 pm- " - '~ sh-xn. Tm: nnx-. Jun-'.~; l-In # The '11- 2graph says any proposals m mk- by Mr "Motley will he we-i;_-'rn:(lm1 the-iflncrils. England lnwin-,2 nuule lw_r prutcst against .\Ir. Suumer`s doctrine, has .l1su1 1ssr.-(1 il. flum her cons.i(1-ration. l`lu-. Sur1'('i03CCS in the l'riL-ndlv tone and re- con.~zid-rmxon. _ _ The Slaw-1'(-Jonccs In fru-ndly marks made by the new American Minister. Nmv Yonx. Juno 1. `The IIera'ld"s London 1 made by me new Aulerxcnll mxmsu-r. Nrzw Yonx. special says;-- l`lm London Slur,in alluding to the reception of Minister Mo ley in Liverpool. says that it is assumed, on the best authority. that Mr Motley comes charged with znnission of peace. `and for the purpose of com-iliating and binding closer the ties of friendship be- 1-epntliittes the st-utemt-nts that have been pro- mulgated. to the etl'<-ctthzxt the Minister comes ' mined with an mlthority totleinciml the imme- diate setllolnent of the Alubruna claims. This stuternent is rcgnrtled merely as newspaper bash. the Stvr not hm'In,r,r the slightest author- ityto speak on behalf of the Minister. Mr Molley arrived in London ut lmlfpnst 5 o'clock. and is stopping at }\laurice's hotel in Regent street. 5-can the two nations. The writer entirely` Nrur Vmur Jnne 1.-'i'he HemId s Liven` _l.iverpno1 Chambers of Commerce and Mr. l _ Nnw Yom: June, 1.-'i`lic Ife1'r1Id Liver- pool special says that an interview took place hctween delegations [from the American and .\lot.ley. ']`he former nrc. an a(l(ll`t,*SS cun- | grutnluting thu`Minisler on his nomination also his arrival. pressing the carne.-it desire that. friendly relations might continue to he maintained between the two countries. and eonclmling by oil`erin;.r, the services of the Gliannhcr whenever they could he made useful in any way. "Po this n. Mr .\lo`.ley repli- I ed as ulruzuly telegraphed. The adzlress from l the Liverpool C-hanihcr ofCmnm 1 ce-was then presented which e.\'pressed the deep interest that. the members felt in the prosperity of the United States. and the maintenance of cordial relations between the two Governments. They trusted that Sentiznentz-1 of rnotleration and jus- tice would animate all dealings between the ' two nations, and that all questions\\`0lIltl be solved in accordance to mutual honour and in- terests. "l`hey fnrlht-rmore allntlr~rl'to the pro- hahlc removal oi the last \'(-stige of I-Inglish l protective policy. and (-.\'p1're.<.-~eil hope that Mr: ;\l0t.lu'v \\'0llltl he instrumental in.hrin;_r1ng ahoI|t'the reciprocal fret-. trade mnvementinl .\ m.-rim: Tn Hui: \lx- Wlnflnv I'nIil|.'l'l'll hit: con- i simi. .\nrtn mpncuc Jllllllal, :u'.u L':(-.\nx_Vur ul' CoHin;;wuu(l. ' Thv happy coii]-Io left bythu (evening truiin oh t`:(- .\'m'th4-rn lluilrond to enjoy thoi1'w.-d- ding tour. We may say of our townsmixn; for M1`. .\Ic\\":xtt. is mm" a resident of Barrie, and one of our oldest I'u.'~`idt.'ll!s. that out of 1't.=.=poct'fu1'"1nim and the p:u'tic.~x join:-d togvtlu-.1`, that the church was densely cromlc-d on the occztsiuu. We have to thank the purtiz-~ fur their kind rt-inc-.mbrancu in_ st.-m`.ing us :1 portion of the In-Ida] r-aka. . 4 "' Ii: ls the no plus ultra ofull prt-parations for the hair. I A - It is cooling to the lu-ml. _ It ]II`('\'(.'lll!< the Inn: from falling. ll rend:-r.~: tlu-. Il.\llt suft and pliable. It is the lwst ll=1ii' (Ir:-51-:ing out. It is the ('ll(`:l]l('.'~'l In-ssirig sold. Buy it and you will like it. It. i,'~:_only '.'.')c 1u-rlyotllc. We I'I'ct-mmt-ml all our. readers to try it hot- tin of llunfs Emniru Hair Gloss. ' It Iii UH,` ('Hl'l|]|l'."I |ll('HSlIlg DUN]- is only |;l'Ct'XlIln('llIl tle Enlpirv Gloss. Kingston Netcs, Aug. 17. l8('-.-5. S. J. F0: -3. .1. yuan &'b(),, Shcrhruukc. Alexander & Co... and T. W. Ga-urgcn. are our A,g(`lllR for the sale of C0lhy's Pills. Jacob's lilnunatic Liquid, and Hunt's Empire [lair Gloss. in Bauric. ` . - ,2 ,1 mm: .c. m. |)I'()[('CIlVU [lUl|(.'y. KUIU |'.\[7l`l!. . (H1 ll ;\lot.luy about the 1 M0t1(`y1't-1w (-xpn,-.<:=(-,I. and stated the ;\n;cx'icm 141.111] Lu nu mu-nu.-9 lunnn -u OLOTHING% |lH1(.`"l5 Hl|||l"|`Iy t'.\|II'L'.~.~w1. unu nuuu-nu-zuw .-\n; eric:xu nalinn wad C[`" :m_u-:n'm:;-at hope and tle-: for T (`," n 'p(-ace but-rmlnnjllslicc it has :\ (]i.`*}')'.i.`4. (;'""` n.--,{:11':1 fmj its and imcrt-. in its deal-` (*`.x" with count:-ins. While clmrishing an - D`" (1L'.ii|'t.`fUl` tlxeuxtt-nsimn of`cmnnn-rc . 13 D'. "`-5' Gm--rmnenl.ut. \\'u.=hin;_vton would not go 5 D"_"' bi!_\ ()n(] its functions in 11w .uci:II arr2m_v_r4~nwnt 1, ["'-` .-\u;(-ricuns4., being in the hands ofCun-'1 I ,1 Igwss. ` `Gnull: _.__..__ _.._~s._..._ U . Thu hlc.~`sing of the nineteenth century. It!` m-vcr faulsn. ;\0 f:un1I_\' is s-tuft: :1 day without it. It is'nut a new m1-nzmuinn. Inn. has `won I l1l'\'(.'l` lilll. ;\0 I1lUH|_\' IS Silll} (lily \\'ll.llUlll l pr:-p:1nuion. hut. has been in use furuvvr t\\'cnt.y yuxuxs. and the high tx-rms of praise with which it is spoken of by. all, lmvu pcrsuadz-(1 the proprietors that they are only doing an act. of justice and mercy in placing it within the rcacll ufull the H|llT('l`lllg. Vu challenge anvnn-no-1-atiou of the kiml l [UNI l'l}[l('CH[UlC Inf. The nanu-, the purposw for which It Is in- tended, and the mode of using is blown in` each home. None genuine without the signature of S. J. l~`().\'.\` X Pu _ -'l'l|e wuers of Il0l'sus.--Read the I ,.l__ f'ulluwinglctiex' rem.-i'\'e:.l from Dr. Deal, who is a \'utorimsr_\' Stxrgoozl of ;_:re.'1l slgillrl have given I crr_v D:1\'is' Pain Killer in many cases of colic, (:x';unp, um] ll_\`.~'onler_v in lmrsvs. and never know it. lfuil to cure in :l. single i|nst::nc>_. I l0ul{ V upon it :1sz1`-certain rcm_e:.l_\'. JOHN _R. E D1`).-\L, Bmversvlllc, 0. I l [)|CHl,'.;` ll. wmnn LIIU 1`C`.l(,`ll 0! {III the H|lni`l`lYl}I. ` challenge any ]'nr1-pt-ration of the kind i to f'u1'nish as many curtilicalcs frmn I'('lil!bX1` and rusp(-ctablc men. The nnnm. the mlrnnsw f'm- u-hi:-h it in in. AU.` Lu 1. 11114.), Are purely vcggctzxblo. and alfdrtl immmliato ,' and pt.-rumm-ul relief fir all (list-as--s coming 5 from l.\lI L Rla` BLOOD, I.\'DlGES'l'l()N. CO.\'S'1`I1 .-\ l`lO.\' and any (la-mngethent. of tho LIV ER. They are mild but clllcncious in : operation: do not sicken. but on the contrary may hctakcn-by `the delicate -with perfect safety, and in every case with the most happy effect. 1):`:-1| uuhnf nnnfnra cnw nfliunm I tin Qininlr [KC (3H'I`(.'ll IUC H 1,./(HI !H'Ull,.SlUll (llllllf I We, and v1-ry~srmn hm-gnu in lukc an in political rn:m(-rs. For many _v lnlmn- with the Ru-l'ux'm p-.xrl_r_. and hi w(-ro1'c\\'un}-d in HM, when in hi fuur` )':-:u`. with thy appnintmt-nt of'>' Gvnvml f<)r,Upp(-1' Cammlu. without :1 thv I-.'.\'ccutive Cmmcil. llu oM:liIl~l] there. .11 wcvcr. .*;hi~rll_vuf'.-1'. Mr: V lou;j a nu-nxhL'1' of the (lune:-nnlmxt, 15.!!! w:1s:11upoint<-d Jm]__;c of-tlw CHI I :\Iit|LlIose.x'. which prmitiun hr) ha-M Ill mm. :1 hnn..n- Imlm l..-av,-?nrr hm-n mu nauon 01 re-mculcm agents. 1-}. D. \\'onTm.\'a1'0.\', M.D. Dr. C0hby s Anti-Cos_ti\`c and Tonic Pills are the best. gm-dicinc for general use over of- fered to the public. B. Dumx. TILT). -.4tten's Celebrated Lung Balsam- Curcs Colds. Coughs and Consumption. `Allen's Celebrated Lung BI1Ls'am- Cures Bronchitis. Asthma and Group. Allen's Celebrated Lung BaLs'am-- Impurtsstrength to the system. ;4Iten s Celebrated Luna Balsam-- NOW!`-I-ll-l{.\' 'llAVH.\\'VA\" N imparts strengm [0 we sysxem. Allen's Cclebrcded Lung Balsam-- Ia pleasant. to take.` AIlcn`s Celebrated Luna Balsam_ la pn-asom. (0 l.uK0.' Allcn`s Celebrated Lung Balsam- . Alwas gives satist`uc:ion or the money will be rvfunded. It is recummcndc-d by pnmiueut Physicians; and while it is plemaant to take and lmrmlcss in its nature, it is a powerful rctnedy for curing all diseases of the Lungs. told by all l)rnggists PERRY DAVIS J: SON, Agents, 308, St. Paul Street, Montreal. Kolman 3200. Wholesale Agents at Barrie. _.__7_. Tm: IIr).\'.,J.\.\n=..~; lin\\'.\'Iu) S.\I.n.I.. .Ind;.:e of` the County of .\1iu]c]1u.~':-x. divd in London on i the 28th inst, at an udvzmccd :igu. 1):-1:0:-..uu-(1 \vas a native. of Torrmto, and at one tiuu; lisrnred .~:omcwlmL cnn. in public lit :-. He elm-roxl the legal pruli,-. siun quite early in irxten-.-:L in nnliri:--ul m-`Hm-: Vnr mnnv vn-:I'< hu- 151'.) \\".lS111Ip(Hnu'u auug pnsitim death. :\ [)c-puI_v Judge hn lo pm't'unn the duliv.-' he fx ble offal` sorne time sinct-. ,___4;.4-n MOP.IIO\\'-I LAX'l`()N.-0n Monday (awn- invz. .\I:1v- 315?. at the n-.ilu11-of Ilurhrith-'5 Ron- wlmt Dqctors say of them. I do think Dr. C0lby 5 Pills are a most. excellent combi- nation of re-medical agents. I.` T] \\'nn'rnI\'n*rn\' `Tn I8l'(.`(.l 10 IIIU plll)HC. _ D.mo.\'. M.D. Many more wxll bo givcn-but try them, try them. / . Price 50c. U l`ACOB`S RUE UM.-\'1'IC LIQUII), I UNT'S E.\I1 l1lI'2 II.~\Il{ (H.()SS "FT3?J3`P3=l . o I )R. COLBY S A."L`I-COSTIVE AND- _ TONIC PILLS, .._. 1 ,nL._.1 :____-.1:_1- ;$~"p._rci';t 'jg ufi.(t.5.7 -E..u:nu-zn ;. 14. Iowa. .s. 1:053 3500., Khan-1. L- U1 LII ! sxgnalllrc (H S. J. l~`().3'S & Co.. Qhu.-In-m.L-n (1 \l0K.l(`)' I l`]|('.'ll('ll Ill. St`! sod. fnrthvnnm u. .\'1~ u-S:-an nnvinn xv: . l`l}D-3 A , L'U-v Sh:-rbroukc, Que. J.`n A? u)., Slxcrbrooke. _ vV_ _,___..---- vvlvll DIAI .P.(E.\. lTv\,.H .\"['RY AN!) gr any other form` of bmvvl . chilrirvn or Mulls, pAne%`ig`"i:V1.E;` can--r I-` rs -`--_ , .uuau1c\:.uI =H`l.'tll'lllS it lUlII;iu Ul uu: uuluu, I `t-enntry has to submit to the humiliation zmcl. was anxious to obtain the best terms ` he could l'or his Province. The want of sincerity is thus clearly ad inittenl, and the S G of liaving tlie_Privy Council presirlexl over I by a man whose heart is not in the work, I but who prefers to play his old role of the \ politician in consideration of $5,000 a- 1 year. In order to coneiliate - Mr. Howe, I; an additional subsidy is tube pail to F I 1 t I Nova Scotia, but that has not had the effect ot' conciliating` the Pl'0VlDCa, for it is willing; to accept the payment. of Mr. Ilowt-`s treachery to the Repeal cause, at the same time that it declares it will make I e\'er_v 'oll'ort to obtain repeal. It is only I too apparent that Mr. Howe and the Nova 1 Scotians are playing a deep game. The I arrangement he made excited gre'at`indig-. nation in Nova Sc-otin at the time, but the Legislature of that Province has got. over its feeling, and now coolly promises to` take the bribe, in the e.\'peetation that it will be increased. _\Vru; there ever any- thing so bmefaced as the course now be- ing pursued by the Nova Scotiuns. Verily I `J __,_4 .aLu. ;4;VJ_1'4_j)Y. it hasi bet-.n'fuvornh1y known for nearly (bin , and has been it-.utv.-tl in cw-ry - - Y yuan,` of `climate. It is um-d hon, Mn"! Internally and I:`3x.tc1-mm , And for Sutldvn COM-"y Q1"!-I-`?v Fever ,1 Aguo, H(.?ad&!(.`hL`, Nvumlgnc and Rheumatic Pains In any part. of Hx(',S_'."n,t(-m__ THE MOST l ()l`[,'L.-H: M . IT IS - I-I.\"1`.-\1\"l'. "C"3 PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, MUNTRI-`n 7 FOR SUMMER comp? Dlxgllifjigk.__l'vYlN'[`lH' mm, M 1 . -....- .. .... ",`}` ;'.~"r'x:'s'AL; ' ""' I -,1. Kvhnau k Co. ` s 1.1 M "my; I:)$1:1gf:lc-tail;\u=n"- 63-' 0 -. . 41 (I . yyolts Burr, \ (/V . 1 ` 1I:1\'u-s 1' _; I~Zn]\v:1rls Jest.-ph | G('hl`i.\'I Wm . r:....n.... u... rm. l\l\r\o\r\_t\l\l\I\l\r\r\r\1\:\1~I\(\,`,, ,` r\t\1I; lS'I' OF LI the ]l:m'ic Post. Ollie:-, June 1 not. previously udvcx-li.~cd. Arrnitagzu John Archibald Saml Arnxstrong Burnt-y Aldon Wm Anger Catherine Byron F W ' Burns Walter (3) 34-11 Wm 15-nnnn Thos liruxnhy Jumcs Brooks James Burtlt-s Mary Ann Ht-ll .\!i.~'s S1-lino. ' Butt Edwin Dniunnnnnnan [Yun-u 1u:.\1.ux;`u 3`: 1553, Lucas Louis .\lm1l;_rnrm;-y Jon E Mvtcalfv Am .\1;,;{ ._ hl0l'l'(9 Mipg Anni; Munsic-, James Miller J no May Joseph Morrow E ` . 1100:!) F`) t-,D:xxJ':lt)l y, c-Laurhli J Mcoonild Wang . Mc[)m1,r:.Ild\m .\1 .\I 'll' - \1 fr: zln dull .Dn d 'S[)Ul`llHg LIHIHIIHHUOH, qllll, UHHH) DU gurtlcn, drninin;.;:Lnd fanning tools. cords,"-` glznss. puny. -tc.. and un mu-1' goods in if lime for sale at lowest. cash prices. '1'ux`on1.o, April 1. 15111). 5-U `C().\lI Ll'ITI'I nssornnont of the lam. 5 putturn.- of Shoe Tools. Shoe and XI; chine 'l`l|x'(-ud. Machine Silk. . Pegs. 55 ;- Nuils. Slxoc 'I`:xck.~`. H001 and T09 } lule5,- wholesale and retail. D`VA\` C. nI.l\.'FfR_ 5_h9..?921..s'5ITd Findm IU IdIIUlG- BIPIRICAN Sh(-:1r.~I. trinnm-rs and r`_5{ of all Si /.o.<, squarc:4. L'l|I`W'l1 mlcs.str1!- mlgos. improved irons. I-In;;lish and Americtf V crayons, Harllt-oL`s nt-1-divs. tupr-5. (-1r'. ,l -5 . . F _the beat quuhly, mu! m lt;\\'L-st prncra. RY.\ N &: ULIVER: Tvnnnrim-a 1.6 Ha ml \\'.H`L'. D0l.`|'ll]lIl)Illl3 ll(,'lH' tom! .\|iss Annie Bower John , Brown Robert 1 Cradvlock A | ColcGvorgc Cameron Angus (`.1-nhsa \V I` T3TTI1T1?fi0N To `Machinists. QTEEL Rules . slow] square-s. centre vb Y1`rni('r culipa-rs, su-c-1 c:ilipcr rnlc-Wt. -p :qll:ll'('H, Amos` un':vvr.-nl sqllfg .~.tt-ring calipws und di\`ilIv1's. Sluts 33`- uul tools, patent oilt-rs. .'~'h('('l st:-4-l. oft. For sale by RYAN & UH`! 53' >" . 114 Yon :-: !:'lf(`L'ly TOM" * .l.U uauxuuu Luanum uu uyuv-~ I_I-AIR Seating. curled lmxr. 10` springs.` twine. clmir \\'t"'~ 7 screw 3, lningc-H, locks, tn(`l(.<. int ]_H`P""` pialnomool screws. cuin lri1x1n)In_z~ terms um-dls-.2 nml rw_vIIlu!0l'.~`. Add]! K | mwss w 1' { (H-orgc i fzuson Jnso-nh !'o'Cabinet Makers 6: Upholsterf ~, . - 1)`: Am bvxmna. 10)`-'__ pmno stool crcwsl. cum tutors um-.11]:-s and n-gul tools. extension lip nu; zxardwarc, 0:10., for sale n - n\' . , gnu--u. uvl.`l'|lIl ` (,`unnninp'.s' Jus Ii` Cuth,-am Chas R Alisa Mary (2) R q I)-;nnghue_ Miss Marg'lR Dinsnmre Abram S4 Q` I H-n-inc L` ~ June 2, IR: UH LHU .'H|l hl'l >"l'liHl'. I'll I . I SA TUR])A1 , THE 121/2 I.VST.vTr \`N' at l'H`\"I '1'}-.`R.\I.~.'-C:xs I B2111-is.-. Juno Zn A ___j___ .__ ; aonn .\u-nm,1;sq., I J. W \\'u|(h'.n_. M D . Moses Springer, M..1 I31 EAST OF TORONTO BANK In [Ice matter of MIC/I.-1f.'I} 11.472` of the Town of`Bar-rie, an Insa 1' The creditors of the insolvent are #0:` that he has made nn nssignmcnt 0!) estate and effects, under the how `mi u.xnendm0nls'tbcrcl0. to me; H . ';,'g V nssignee. and they are require ` me. within two months from with their claims, specifying `M. '55 they hold, if anv. and the values iv , none, stating the fact: NIO 'hP] ' ' under oath. with Vouchers in suI`P" mm JOSEPII R0G53.-,_ _ INSOLVENT ACT OF 1864.` v 5 .\Ir. David MOI`l'(1'v'v',h. l.` ha-on 1' Jaxncs Ec1\\'IlrdH. in sell by I on the Mark:-I .~`qn.' . .nu.v.... .q- n..vo< ..._ 16_-2i!) [ l_1ll('lll'l.\'l H HI ! Gnull:-r Mrs Thos . {IrHH1h '1'|.,... ___._ The subscriber bogs his many friends that at. his lime kilns, n lnrgc I]! "burned lime. which be om.-rs a munerutive gure. J . Barrie, May 26. Dated at Barrie. I869. A splendid In-V '.\ 0nd 4` ;lU|llIl'l` .\Ir? [HUS riith 'l`h0:r Iluldsxmrlll Joseph I[:In`L-_v 5110(2) Hnllin Ila.-nry ll'u-ris Jun MR. HOWE AS A l 0Ll'l`ICI.\:\'. 17,... A3,. - I .______-._ ._ ______..._ _-.._-.._ Wmsfr cuss PIANO FOB. 3.;-". [l\' .l.Y ("T'lI I\` V. I-I. lawman. 31.17; ohn .\l(-luiu, Esq" u` u-..:.:.... u n .____._.-- `HIE! LIME! LI.\IE! `gtrnv \:Ivcrtt,srmmts. win '1' 1.. n [ 0I'. c.'d1i.'vz for the i for udvcrtisa-d letters. . .1. :1. GJO.\' 13 A SURE RI:M1.;_1; '|rn.snn' fan-nrnldu l......... :- IL] General Ilardw ' 11.! "n 1n'.\.\ a: mu Importers of Ha|':1\\'.u`c. 11-1 Yungo s'.r<~L-1;, 1 I:.uuuI:. 'I`lll}ll.\`l),\_Y. JUNE :3, 1869. 5 Henry .nn'm To Tailors. Lu, __ rctuu. RYAN & OLIVER. f .114 Yongu Sxrect, Torunmf ll.`\.\ t\r V 114 Yong: SIN". ` 1869. Ilp align-r nun _-- Ill Imwst pEIt`}`5_- RYAN .\- (mm `l llardxvnm M('I'L`h3nL`. 1H yon1.:`.- str ..:_...__....-- {mi tne`=n--- ', and value of 11 '9 to fact: whple 6- : in supper!- JOSEPH ROGEB3. Oicia th' LII. K 18 19;}. dulerl I Lucas Louis Jone .\J Morten Miss A PE arm unis ' MEN S CLOTHING, ` Tweeds, nmrrmv E MCCIIWI Finlay McDonald 5 . ML-l.ax:,z1l:1]in Jno l\lcDonu< mu Mc[)ou,r:.Ild \vmK .\1c.\li|lan Don`d Mcill J no .\1cmI1an Don`d 'McGill Jno .\lcQn:\rt Frank 0L'|'I.`ll!-Ihllw Mm Pa.-rry .\lr.~ Jno lirom-1: Mrs Cmh } n,v_v,(9 A W .I rilL-hard Thoma; Pom-r A 1 l\t`_\'llOlUS uund ;'lP.ic.=<: Thmnns So.-vine limil Sriglvy -Robert Smith L A Smith Thomas Smnlnu-rs '5. -nuuu IUUIHEE Smmnt-r.~l Win Smith .\lIi.-as Mary Sn.-\'(-n.-'on Juo Schrvlm-r- '1`nvmm I.--. ::._.L C\1Ilfl`||)('l' - ']`mm-s Miss Sarah Tnurnas Mrs A lhon';,~s:n Jno ` Vcrliv Chris ' \\'ood'G(-orge Willimna Isaac V H HUGS H I] Wright .\li99 K5185! Wutvliii .\Ii.~'F Katio \Vu>(u(lH Cnrlis \\':nl\\'in Xvux T-` \\ :ll\\' Youm l'UlH'l' (\ 1' Perkins Newton Prinlo-IL Wm lhlllt-alga W N Richard M Dennis Reynolds David lP.iCF(: Thmnnu UHHI lfllll glllutors, . .....-..r I. I nr CHOLER : (tense in 1 ' L'Iub1'ucing S('](`f.'l brands for Medicinal purposes. . uml u(-(urge fillimna Isaac V ubove will plo J. EDWARD | n.nm.. instructed Mr. Public Auc J.- 1nl'n r.n ls \.,:\rHS Vin JM E m .\ F l'.1I"f'c w. rt.-ct, Toron To-hand for Spring uml Summer wear. Uh] v on. ~o.-t, Toronn :.1In.1KU Pozlmnr. Ii- Amm . ; "_ ?N0- f T Amou ll, 2`-0!l. >lI A m_>_u: A L>AI1GI'I LOT OF CHOICE 3;-' 7Y7wn!P;ip mount rec 7, Totem)` Ain`9uuL um! pr. chasm ( J.) The C0- . tween the rm rd \1.. , urm HI 3; genm-.l market, tlnnunn 0 Xretlxx-xx. f conagmr. Dhtcd at I 1869. ' / ax. - I - `With rnf `ed b(-gm-Q-.= .enl.s and 1 tlm. ha ha: mun. muuen all dcbts_ 4,` Ch! 00110131 `mention.- AN ICXCELLENT LOT` OF Nowmurkuz. .\I rrj 4!. lwlili Apply at red. ' III the _n:-w Huisry. V9 CI q, Fc:L!ht'I' Tr mming< ut` . newest sxyh.-. short notice. _ ournim; u Londnn. l`n llrly reccivgwl V9; . lmuuut s 1 large v'.u~i.,-1 _-.- oH.ADII~;s' .\.\ RONNm.< mm `H um .. Av, -, Amount 58 ' 'Muy19.1 Miilinefy, I M `S~*..;:52I I<`o1"suIc at lowest prices} M01 lu Bonny-v, nu. $123.0. \V;'. nu] rccclwtl Straw; and f IOTICE. -U nus let ! p(- `cbls ul J. Em\'m1>Ls'. I m.-(Inna J. K: (`.0., `xi I .-UCKI ) I0, S1'.\'rr:-S'rm:r.1-, r procuring Au1cr1c:m B. mxns". ZLIH. v Mails for Ivy. I`hm'n'Lon and Vino, Mondxw, ` `fwlm-stlzly uml Friday. nt, ]1).~l;'ix\.n1. l'l!mv:Llu. A`[(3l`Un'('. and Mmlnt St. Louis. 'J'm~ and Sutmduy at 10.45 mm. Muuils fur .\`lm'..:y Uujt,o11'l'IIcs(luys and Fri- duys, at 10.45 n.m. llnilu n` .\liniaing_ uu 'I`ucsd'.1ys and Sntui'- duya 51.10.-15 mm. . ED\\'\RDS. Uh. Postmaster. i{13I.1?; . 1\])lU V 10.45 We must certainly give Ministers credit for keeping up with I.llGll' business.-Stnmge , to say, there has been no waiting for the (}`ro\'ernn1ent bills this session ;_ but Minis- ters have been _ remiss in at few things. For instance they have not once got the Pulnlie Accounts Committee ._ togetlier, and we have been looking anxiously for mittee. The Government have introduced a measure imposing a duty on etiiign-ztrits, but that is all we have yet heard ofin con- nection with emigration this session. It would be wrong to any that the Ministry have "been idle; on the contrary, we are willing" to admit that they have been un- usually attentive in mzmy_ resp'ects,- but there" .iu'e matters of importance which ought certainly tohttve been nttr.-nuletl to. Every intlul_-;ence has been ullowerl the Govern:-nent, and in no tray has the House presnrnecl to embarrass them; in fact there has been an unwonted tlt-gxee ot' deference exhibited by the Commons, and ' Ministers have reason to coxrgrtttulztte themselves upon the good feeling prevail- ing`. It is not always that such zt good ntulertzmcling exists. VI`l,. l,.. 3... _ .1` LL- E._.f_.. I,__ _.-_1 , te first report of the Ernigrittion Com- llllllU|D|.il|IllIIl`:: L'.\|-Elm`. I The lmsilless of the Session has made good p-'ogre: notwit_l1st:1n:ling several holidays; and as :1 ,_qener.-:1 thing, mem- berst-:1nnot` complain of being overwork- ed, for the House has been, with few ex- ceptions, adjoin-ned early each day. It wns thoug.,v'ht thnt it would be the lirst of July before the House could rise; but it :uppe:n-s there is _a fair prospect ot'_an early Inerogntion; and in order to hixsten it, the (iorernment lmre appropriated an addi- tional day in the week for their measures; and the Home now sits on'Sntur(lny. The principal-bills linve been well mlvanced, and we are not aware that any new busi- lless is yet to come up, with the exception of the proposed uclmission of Newfound- .l=nn-l into the Union. There will be noth- ing i'ui'tlrerdene for the present in the in.-ttter`ef the North West"J.'erritory, as it cannot be [nought up agztinin a denite form until next session. .We may take it for _c_,rrzmted, then,`tl1at P:n'li-ament. will rise in a short time, after having done more t-lnm the usual amount of business before in the same length of time. T_, T4}. UHIU H. LIIUFU LLU guru it to he L.n when canvassing Hunts,` that he woul his way in the E.\'eeuti\'e Council, and would not snlunit to. the inuence of his collea_g'ues; now, however, it is only. too apparent that he is willing to ohey the wishes of the Premier in everything. The other evening he took occasion to say that he wouhl be responsible for the acts of the (ioxjerinnent so long as he remainecl in it, but that he could `not be responsible for nnytlxing (lone in _the past. Tlrere was Hlll'(:l_V no necessity for stating this"mnch, as it is hanlly likely that any attempt woul-l he made to hold Mr. Howe re-` sponsihle for what he` h.ul nothing` to do ugu iIUL|'\|l||UIIlabc with. He must have been hard driven for soxnething to say in his (lefence, when he resorted to such a. statement. As a member of the Government, Mr. Howe `~ will do his duty, but what`. condence can the country have in him when it is known that his heart is not really in the work? He does not in any way conceal his anti- (}ont'etlcration \'ie\\'s, and he cannotbe looked upon in any other liglit than as one who will take the first opportunity to carry out_ his real views, which are in the ilireetion of a. repeal of the union. Possi- bly a few years in ollice "may make him as strong a unionist as he is now a repealer. ' - - O1"l`.-\W.~\, May 31, 1869. DEAR Ex.\umEn.',-I regret my irregu- lzirity in comniunicuti_ng with you, but the paucity of news must he my :ipolo_g;y. Legislation, until within the lust feivdays, has progressed very slowly. _M;itters be_r_v;in to move a little more briskly now. The` acquisition of ' the North West Territory was discussed at length, on Friday last, and the resolutions snbmitteul hythoi Go- rernxnent, confirming" the action of the delegates, and accepting the territory, were adopted by .-in orerwlielining major-_ I ity, lll)0l1'\\`lllll an address to her Ma- . jesty the Queen was lmsell, nml passed 2 on Sutui-d_:i_v,`aiicl will, ere this reaclies 1 you, be on its way to the foot of the s I Tln-one. lI`lI- ......L _....,;E.,, I . n n I Mr. Howe knew wlmtzhe was doing when he took office. ' 1.1. 11,... :_ .1:,1 ...,.n 4,. ,1..m..m1 gm ne l0OK- ornce. p M r. Mackenzie did well to demand an explanation respecting Mr. Howe s accept- ance of otce; but such an explanation! tHe told nothing but what was, known A bc-fore. Emery hotly understood that he _` took a seat in the Cabinet as the price ot'- his obtaining the better terms, ..and the opposition offered to him in Hants-was all m0on.$hine, for the thing was well un.ler- stootlfroni the first. It was likewise well known that Mr. Howe is_ anything but :1 unionist. With all liisability, he is not to he trusterl, and we shall be greatly Inistalien it" he does not deceive the country and seek atlvzmtages for Nova Scotia to which sheecnn lay no-claim wlmtever. Mr. Howe is only Another arlcled to the un- principled and selsh trick.~:teI's who hold the politicatpower of the country for :1 time. With a glil tongue and reagly tact, he is quite capable of maintaining his position. and he_ will see to it that his own interests do not suffer. It is astonishing` how rearlilyhe has accommoclatcrl himself to cii-cum.stances. When in. opposition he was opposed to almost e\'crytlii ngfhe now -i'a\'ors, and that was only. last session. Now he supports the acquisition of the North West 'l`erritory,- the Banking - Scheme, and miytliing-bes'iclesa that iuaj be proposed. No man could have a hap- pier faculty of making himself agreeable, politically, notwithstamling he is all the` time a thorough anti-unionist. He gave ,. 4- 'l . -..l,t..`5..n.I ...l.n.\ nn|\`rg.g;.y ` think the Inujoritv with whom I have con- .\`crscnl,` are disposed to I -_ once organized, the country LIIIU The next question, und :1` really pm-t:u`.t one it is, will be the opening up of thevnnmense region of country which we inuy now say hclougs to otrrselvcs. Vr:ll`1Qll.'5' views are enunciated, and propo- sitions miide to tlnsend. Some rather enthusiastic gentlemen advocate the con- struction of 1l_l':|lll'01l.(l at once, without reference to cost, while others, and I "U: proceed a little more cautiously in expenditure until some- thing more is known `of the country, be- fore involving the Dominion in seyerul million of dollars, in what may termrnate in a doubtful enterprizo. Certain it is that having acquired the Hudson Bay Territory, some steps must be taken, and tlmt at once, to make it,avuilnble for set- tlement. The Government will ask Par- limnent for power to establish ya Provi- sional Government in the meantime. This will com- mence its onward, and I trust, its upward career. as an integral of our great Domin- `ion. The Ilelegutes from the Government of Newfoundland are here, u-nd are in daily consultation with the Hon. the Fi- nance Minister, as to the terms under which that Province will enter the Con- @113 (3x%awxi1ts2r, 0I`"l`.\W.\ coltzliuxnnxbn, Gct.tiu_'_,v Tlu'oug'l1_thc Session. Cilll pusslnly UU, Ur Una u}Iu\_: III uuu purl. There is no ulouht the hnnkers, through the delicate "hut umnistnknble pressure they so well know how to utilize when necessity rccpxires, have arouserl :1 strong opposition to any clinnze just `now , ank], as the measure is one of t_l'SCe1l(l'17.llZ ini- . portnnce, it Iniglit bo wisr.!om'on the part of the Government to allow the matter to` stand over__until another session in order that the people generally coulcl_ makel themselves acquainted withits provisions, and be able from personal .ol)aer\'ation to judge for themselves, as to its arlvantnges or, disadv:mtnges. This course is the more practicgxlrle. as, if the scheme be- comes law, it will not take effect until 1cz*71 - -l ` ' - must De mm In some wit)". N ow what is the scheme proposed? It is simply this, that the_ Government re- quire the bz1n`.(s toinvest in Government. bonds to the extent of_ one-fth of their means annually, . for :1, term of five years, commencing in 18,71. ' The banks will be required to lodge those bonds with the Receiver-Genernl of the Dominion, and hfuik noteswill he issued and supplied to. the"-bunks to the extent of their invest- ment in bonds. These notes will bear the si__v;nature ot' the officers of the several banks and he countersigned by the_Go- vcrmnent. ' Banks may, as now, come to grief, under the proposed system. Be this ns it may, the people of the country, , `will have the plcnsuruhie assurance that the notes in their pockets are as good as the gold. _ Having the national guarantee they must be paid. I understand your member has received a numerously signed document from his constituents, urr__v:ing him to vote ngniiist any clizunzo in the b.'u1king-sys'tcin., I cannot, `of course. say how the gentleman mav record his vote on the question, but I have reason to. believe that Mr. McCnnkey`looks upon the proposed cliztnge with :1 degree of favor, as eminently cnlculnterl to ntford greater protection to the bulk -of his constituents, ns bill-holders, than the present system can possihly do, or has done in the past. '|`lim-n ie nn ulnnlut. tlm lmnlnxra, tin-nnnli IDI 1- Mr. Holton introrluced his resolution on the Irish Church disendowment question this ofternoon, which has provoked `a de- sultory and unpleasant discussion. -While I believe a large majority ofthe people of Irish nation on this question. Icanuot but look upon the motion of Mr. Holton as` uncalled for, and mischievous in its tendencies at the presenttime; The Im- perial Government have the matter in hand," and are quite willing, and, I trust, quite able to `carry the measure to its legi- timate issue, without the interference of the Commons of Canada. While I regret that the `subject has been introduced here at all, I cannot imagine how any liberal- minded Irishman, or any man at all con- versant with the w.ron_r_rs of Ireland, can possibly record his vote against the prin- ciple involved in Holton s mo'tion-a mo- tion simply expressive `of satisfaction at the religious manumission, by the Impe- rial Parliament, of the people of that misgo\'erned and ,down-trodden island. By way of a'oiding.a loop-hole` for men}- bers to escape the direct vote on this question. Sir John. A. Macdonahl has moved the previous question; those voting yea, will be prepared to vote for the address -to the Queen, those- nay, to kill the motion. The latter will no doubt be largely in the niajoi-ity. Government business commences` to- morrow; the residue of the week will be devoted to their measures.` Work will be prosecuted in good earnest. The ses- sion will`now be brought to a close as speedily as possible. Ishall not be sur- prised if the prorogatiou takes place before the 20th of June. The Bank and Election nu...` .. ...... LL- ..-1.. .._.._ I2I__I.. L, -4 `this Dominion are in sympatliywith the: federation. It is said the negociations are progressing favorably, and little doubt exists as to an amicable arrangement being made, and "the subsequent admission of Newfoundland during the present year. The great, the absorbing question here just now , is the Banking Scheme proposed by` the Government. The discussionol this measure is announced for to-rnorrow. Hon- Mr. Holton has given notice of a motion that it is inexpeclient to proceed with the matter at present. This will test the strength of Parliament at the very- outset of the di=cussion, as the Govern- ment cannot ' proceed until IIolton s `amendment is disposed of. The bankers generally, (whether actuated by _nl0li\'e8 of patriotism or interest, I will not venture an opinion); are opposed to the proposi- tion of the Government, and have pro- ` moted a very "strong opposition to it throughout the country, as well as within the walls of Parliament. This is not sur- .... .. '._.....L._._ -1.` ll.-- .J.'m'.-rlnrnofptl uulllca 1871. ll - hill; U|al.l Ul Ul|llU- 1.116 Dillll illll IIJIUUUUU measures are the only ones likely to oc- cupy much time. The general business now to dispose of will'be put through with a. will, as members are getting weary and restive; and as the Weather is getting warm, there is a corresponding and in- creasing desire to be off. .- _ Vniirs. &c.. .-__..___ --Beast. Butler says a war ss-i`thVGre::1'l: Britain on the Alabama claims must be a naval one; which would of course deprive him of John 'Bull s spoons, and save his country the expense of burying the dead. . Where is that eye for business he used to. 1-..}- ....o-`Al ? `AND C()UN'l`Y OF Sl.\lC()E'.\DVOCATE. W uere ls uuu look outof? the wnus or ran-Iznment. nus 18 um, aur- prising. as :1 ntlxnher of those disinterested geritleiiieri have-been lobbying here for the last month. While opposed to some of the details of the proposed measure, I cannot take the gloomy aspect which niunyilo of its effects, if carried into law, and the ruin and decay which must follow. The bankers themselves, ancl_indee(l every intelligent man in the country; admittlmt the present` banking systin- is defective and insecure; that some better mode of` seeming the general public against loss. must be devised; that the charters under .which the banks carry on their business ...... ..Lnnt- nu-nil-inn unll tlmt ll-.0`l_\`l:lT,l0Il ._._..._..T_% en ` A Lncky Failure to Connect occurired last week to one of.our steamers plymg - between Orillia and this port. A party of sports bound for Bradford on the. 24th, to witness the race between Stag/ner Boy and the Orillia Queen, were tberebv detained, and thus saved their `.` stamps," which would hgwe, gone .up on the Queen. --#-06->---- .Wh1Cll [I10 DZIIIKS carry UH Lutzlr uuauu.-as are about expiring, and that legislation nm.-L be haul in some way. '\V,\... ...l...l- in ux anluauna nu-Annual`? T? " Surishiue and Slmdow.-Afrer - a careful perusal of Sunshine and Shadow, we can safely pronounce `it a work bri1n- . ful of interesting, graphic and truthful, ' delineation of" lite in New'York, in its every phase. Parties wishing to `purchase the book may leave their orders at the otiice of this paper. , ---: -'--Tho C;L1in:yW(`3Vup will be shot. for on the 18th instant. --The County Council assemliles here on the 14th instant: , ` -Tbe CountyC ourt holds its ixext session he_re on Tuesday next, Shh inst. >A.. ....-.._.__-_. .__.._ I,,,,,_ 12. ,,I_._ """ "" "" """""'J _""1 ""_"` '""' ---An excursion party leaves this place on the Ida Burton to-morrowvening. THE EXAMINER,` - enlty owes more to Mr. lIowe s :ul\'ocnc_v Jllllq Inuvvu nu.) .- - vuu--v---.-v ' The Hon. Joseph IIowe1ind.s-I himself in an nnemnt'ortr.lle position as zimexnher of the Cnhiiiet he formerly denounced with such lnitternes-s on account 01' its persisteiien: in l<:epi:i__}; Nova Seotin in the Union. It will he re!ue.Inhel'e.l how ve- hemently he denounced the Gm-erninem and e\'erytl1in;_: C:m:u.li:in, when it suited his purpose to do so. He did not seruple to declare that z1nytliing'\\':is prefernlule to connection with U:nnul:I, and (lid his utmost to 0llc()lll'.`l_Q'I: the desire now so loudlyinzniitested for mniexntion by the Nova St-olizuxs. The` Nomi Scotinn dith- of disuninn than nn_\=thing` else, and there cnnbe no doubt thnt n tlitfercnt feeling would have prevailed in Nova Seotia, if he had refrziinetl from the course he pur- sued in opposition to Conteuleration. The people trusted him, and he led them astray; and now he is endenvoring to undo all l1is1niscl1iel'ot'tlIe p:1stt\vo_\`e:1l's, but he `cannot nceoinplish it, and must be content to be clnn';;ed with the most sh:unet'ul teI'_e`i\'ei~s:1tio11 that ever a public man was guilty of. Haul he been less violent in his opposition to contetlerution, matters would hn\'e `heen different, but he I.-liosu to play the role of the politician, and has prolnnhly discoverecl by this time t that he made at niistulm in -supposing that he could first :igitute_in t':wor_of :1. repeal -.f'the union, nnd :1l'terw:mls change his 1 vmlrso and cause the people of Nova Sco- t':i to do the sauna thing. - Mr, Howe hns :`.1own the most reclzless inconsistency thnt ever clmrnetei-i7.s_d the conduct of a public t man. He first ndvocnted Cmiteierntion, but when an etiort tvns made to obtain it, he hecanno its fiercest opponent, nnd us :4 last 1'.-sort heezuno :1 desperate repeuler. 01' course it was lnetter that l1e saw the telly of his \\':l._\`, but now, although a member of the Government, he (leelm-es that he is not yet in favor of Confedera- - Lion; thnt he has simply become :1 mem- ber of the Government because he saw no .ehnnee.ot'securing 1|. repeal of the union; -Inn` u-em mu-inna tn niiluin tlin iulii h Il'n1:i I Yours, &~: nan`. -- temporal an;-nu In a laws. Mr. uaviu morrgw, nun Aurauu Inspector of Revenue `for-this district. `was blau_1ed`by the paper in'.'_.` u_estin qfo_r;not, on` a.previous occasion, heli cngpiaint was made against Mi`.-jJackso'n foiifh simi- ` lar olfence, convicting ,.the brewer-of the fraudethen `said to have been committed. Mr. Morrow-_ha.s, through the columns of . the same `paper, satisfactorily` disproved the accusation mad'e.`agaiust him. We learned this morning, that Mr. Jackson has established his innocence of the charge made against him, and that his brewery is again free from incumbrance on account of the charges resulting in: the recent `seizure. We shall have something more to say on this matter next week. __ I The |[uee1|`sBirtl1:l~,|y at B1'aceln'i:lg~. The citizens o;'_ this village . commeniomted the natal day of our beloved Sovereign in :1 very loyal and enthusi-.Istic manner. At an . early hour; on the morning of the 24th. a. n11m~ about 8 n. m., they 'm:1.rched`to the boat lie-.ulml _ber of the Ovmngemen and their friend.-a "as- sembled at Bro. G. Go\v`5 hotel, mid immedi- ately on the :u'rival of the steamer Wenonah, by alife and drain hand, and uinharku-.d on board the trim crnft,'wl1i,clx without delay cast off. On the "`:!.ii-:l.i)0:_l,[`(l being shouted in is stentox'i:tI1 voice by Captain Ci)cl:bur_x1. `she stemncdown the river, which by the way is it bemitiful stream, and pos scsses many attrac- tions worthy of description. Abonf 9. mile} from this village is the no wly on-etcd resi- dence of Chas. Lount. Esq., C.L,`,A. and Stip(-ndinry Magistrate of the Distript of Mus- koku. It. is situated on tho nurth hunk of the sm.-uni and almost opposite the inter. at-`tion of I Hm \Im-ll: nml Smith l)l'I'1l)('.il(!S of tlielvnslrrika spcclucu .u'0Iu grounus. ~' ' ' Passing along, a visible improvement is ob- scwable in the progress of the country on either side until the steamer mjrives at Musko- kn lake, xvliich is proverbial for itamnngnilicent scenmy and excellent shing f-.1'cilitius, So much hasbcon said mid written about the gl`alld0l1ran1lbL'.:lllty of this lovely sin-ct of .w-.tter`\vitl1its countless isiamls, reposing in solitarygran(le11r,thz\t it it isquitc xiecclh-ss for us to add more praise than rcnmrrk that to be properlyappreciated one must visit audjudgc for hlmsulf. l`hn II/annual: nnlin nt (`.1-nvniihnval fni.-- Brewery selzung.-n, wrupyu wu- temporary announ Saturday the seizure at Orilliu of .,W. W. Jackson's bre\}very,. for an infraction of the revenue laws. Mr. David Mprrgw, late Inland Y_-..-..;.... -4` nmmmm rm--this istricthas T1'0WliIlg.-Numbers of_ our piscato- rially inclmed. townspeople. male and female, have maclo-`large hauls of ne salmon-1;'rout from the bay during the past week; and still the work goes bravely on. ! sm.-zun anu MIIIOSE oppmnnc (nu nucmecuon or the North and South branches of tine/[usI(o'ka _ rivers, \Vil('.l'Q there is n. pl`eLl`y4S\ViI'l-.gurrunt; .\Ir. Lountis t.lmsin cluso p1'omoxity to the ] speckled. irout gi-our.ds.' ' ' ' ' ] P.'3SillL" along. improvement l xor Iumseu. The Wenonah. called at Gravenlm-sst tak- ing on b`o:u'd qnite a large anmunt of l'reight_as well as several excur.~non.sts am] .pa~:sen;_;ers for theNor|:lierI1Go1mty. The l'a:niliar"all a bo:u'rl" - being again shoutml she p1r.~me-,tl her course across the lake for -the -`.\Iuskns river, the outlet of this chain of \\'a-`.ars which einply in- to Lake Huron. The \veatl1e1' was all that could he desired by the party. Dancing was initiated and kept u'p with COHSlliUl'9.blL_'. vigor until the boat `arrived at the Muskos river. After a short stay at this locality she again got under way un.l prose:-.-leul luck to 13:-aeeln-illze. giving n=npl.e 0[)|mrt11nitie~:1t0 the lovers ofthe picturesque to enjoy all places i of interest about the lake previouslo arriving at that village. The excnrsionists collected to- gether, and Captain Tabor. of Falkenbnrg,sec- , ended by L. 1 . Scarlett, l'}sr].. Innveil a vo.e nf thanks to Captain A. P. Ciickburn. for his gemlmuanly attention and politeness to ` the party during the c.\'cn1-sion, which was carried unanimously and received a_ suitable reply. On landing the nartv visited the Dnmininn I .\II"..~lSll.s`: H. M. I`I-`.'ll`l-1.\`(}ll.L ` ltU\\', .\ I'I\\ \'um(, .\.~'n Bns1'nN`. nru our nuunls fur n -'I'he Barrie Brass Band, though not ytmticularly well used at Bradford, was zt feature in the proceedings, on the 2411) ult. All acknowledged their" splendid playing, and their great superiority over ordinary amateur bands generally. They charged nothing for their assistance, hence our fault-nding-with the treatment they rnr-nirnr] unalllmollsly illlu l'UUl'l\'Ul1 il_ Sllllilnltl reply. On` landing party the Dominion House, kept by Mr. G.F. Gow. ' After partaking of his _well known hospi- tality, they mljoiirncd tothe Orange Hall, which is quite a. commodions building re- cently erected. The Hall was form-.1Ily open- Tcd on the auspicious occasion. ()n motion `of Wm. l{r:nnmlv. T`.qn,, Hu- '00 011 we -'lllSplCl0lIS occzmon. On `of Wm. Kr,-nned_v, Esq the Clou_nty.l\Iastcr, Brother G. F. Gow, took the` c mu-. . ' ' . Ufllllilllh lyl. V ' .The, following Reverend gentlemen "and others respectectively `addressed the meeting. viz.: Revd. Jas. Fraser. Mr. \Vi-ighl, M1`. Philips. Brother G. Wilson, A. P. Cockburn, Esq., .`\I.1 . P., J. S.' Scarlet and J. C. Mullen, Esquires. We omitted stating that the Chair- man rendaletter of apology from D'Arcy Boul- ton, Esq., l).G.i\[.. to the effect that owing to continued illness he was tumble to be in at- ~tendance,- a fact which was much regretted by those ;;re_sent. mm. [Tall mu nnnrnnlv nlnarml hefn re Tom- ULII Iilllllfl received. .___.:_g.j. ' . I---- _ ' Illegal Fislllllg.---Infractions of the shery regulations are Ofyduily occurrence in our bay, and yet the i'nspecto1'. fails to detect or deter the parties from repeating them. How is this`? 2,000 yards of net 1.3.1 .. oz... ...'.-.ml\ at` Hm lmv one -Loving mothers, and they are few' who are not loving, must not forget thax M r. Leander. S.,S-anders has the choicest, largest, cheapest, and most sttiqable chil- dren s perambulutors to be found in Bar- - rie. See them.- {. ` The proceedings commenced by the Chair- man calling on Bro. Thomas .\[c.\[urmy. C.C . the celebmtecl 'l`en1pex`m1ce Lecturer. to all- dress the mulience--whicli he did in his usual brilliant. style. " The following Revnmnd m-nllnmnn 'nm`l | those prose-.nt. ` 1`lieHall was scarcely cleared hefo my Cooper, that popular noforiety, who is the soul of all the merry making in the neighbour- hood. gave the aignal,~ and dancing was com- menced forthwith, and the dcvoteos of Tcrps i- chore) tripped the light. fantastic until the rays of ,-`old Sol warned them `to dcsisl.--ull enjoy- chore tripped the lrgm. I-.|nLassu: unm we rfnys ; of",-`dld Sol `to en_1oy- ; ad thornselvus to their hcnrts content, ` ; Ru-nmx,hridLre is imnrovinsz `rudidlv. and the 1\lm1iI.~11'or ()I'1HI:l. (HHW (IL 111.1111 [1 111.. I 'I`11usd~.1y, l`hn1'14d:1y_ 11nd E'.1m1'duy, at 1 them. now 18 Lms: '.:,uuu )urua ul uc. were Initl at the mouth of the bay one night last week. _We do not Say it. was a b`nl5bat.l1 night, though. Spear-ing is_ also 1'nrIn`rrnI` :na'l)\7 snme. I v Dilullilhu ulsu L, uuuu` indulged ingby some. __--:-- themselves to their heart/s coiiteni, Bracebridgo is improving `rudidly, day is not far distant when it will oulsti'ip some more ambitious localities; it is the cen- tre of the District.in short the County Town. The magnicent and unrivalled water power . will yet be turned toguilvantage and cconomized for milling and manufacturi_ng .purposes.geiier- ally. Wool can be produced in abundance all over the District. Sheep raising can easily be turned to protable account as the soil and climate are ivelludnpted for raising sheep. , We mnv mention that another steamer will cumate wcugmnpwu wr 1-ansmgsneep. We may menuon steamer shortl be hunt to run on Muskoka Lake. and `that: e Wenonah has improved in point of speed o\vingAI.o _the alterations made by Mr. D. Cameron. Eugmeer. she runs much. faster than last season. Com. . D1-mn Sm,--Knowing you to be a. public spirited and loyal man, and believing you to be interested in our ourishing village of An- gus. I have much pleasure in sending youu condensed report of our proceedings on the jubilee birthday of our gracious Sovereign Queen Victoria. 1 have been twelve years in the county. but never witnessed a day more .` pleasantly or loyally spent. The .public spirit` manifested by the people of Angus generally`, but more especially by the store and hotel- keepers, is deserving of commendation, and the sober and generousvconduct of our visitors was beyond praise. In fact, sir, had such brazen-mouthed exposltors of thevltlonroe doctrine as Senators $nmner and Chandler been present, their minds would have been impressed with the idea that Angus and neigh- borhood, at all events.` were not yet ripe for annexation. Still it was well that the disci- ples of annexation were not present. as we might have interfered with their mode oi bap- tism. The usual ags, trees, &.c., decorated the village, and our stores were all tastefully ornamented with the three cardinal colors. Early in the morning commencedqithe ring otcannon," 3111113, 6513,, but the. striking fea- To the Editor of The Exujpinef. A1~3'D _CQ[}NTY F s11\g1_-,<;_;0;V% . Brewery Seizure.-3 mmnm ru ;mnnunced"'l1 .Queen s jiugus. VUBIIIH u` previous 'du1v aw; llnils Mails going South, daily at 6.45 mm and 5.15. yum. _ Mulls going; Norlln, daily at 10.15 n.m..:u1d 7.00 p.m. ` _ ` Mails going to Ponclungulshene, daily at 0.4. : :l.lll. ` M.'mil.~1lhr()rilli:1.'dullv at 10.001) xn.. Apfo 'T`m-mluv, 'l`l\HI'Rll:1V nml 5'.lllll'(l:lV. Close lltB1Il'l`lc follows: angry wqm our mi_ds't. 101/16 JSLILLUI` (I, nor, .u-o-utunm . Di-mu Stiv..-I am aware that you are always glad to find space for useful and interesting communications; I take theliberty, therefore, of addressing the public through the medium of your valuable columns, `trusting that my few remarks may prove both useful and inter- esting. On the Zttli instant the anniversary of_tho natal day of our gracious and beloiyed Sovereign, Ipaida visit to Braccbridge. I, in counnon with many others, joined the We,-` nonah excursion party of the loyal andstaunch Orangemeu of the n)rth. who CClel)|'tlt('(1 the day with commendable loyalty. taking advan- tage of the occasion to inaugurate their hand- some `and spacious Orange Hall, at Bruce- bridge. The excursion trip extended as far as the Musl'quashltiver. and on our way dancing formed the by far-leading portion of the pro gramme. The scenery is of the most cxqttisitc and charming characteii am] completely beg- gars description. As 1 am not competent to ponrtray this blended scene of romantic beauty and loveliness, I will rt-fer to matters more easily described. sutlicient to say that the brilliant dissolving views presentctl at each successive point in ourjourncy termed a coup d'oeil of the most beautiful and enchanting de- scription, and 1 feel more than amply.rccom- pensed for my trip over the I4 miles portage to Gravenhurst. To my numerous queries as to the soil and capabilities of the country sur- rounding .\lllSl{Ulitl. Lake and northward, Capt. Cockburu, the indefatigable advocate of the wants ofthe backwoudsman. gave courteous and polite replies, fully sustaining his reputa- tion as an nll'able and obliging gentleman who tultes a deep and earuestinleu-st in the welfare of the district. The enterprising spirit and libcrality manifestedby him in placing such a handsome and C0lXllll0tll0llS steamer on the northern waters, merits. what it rec:-ives-the warmest praise l. rcmit'. me; to remarli that. the intelligent information aliout the resources of that country, so freely given by the member at Victoria`, has produced good clfect, and been the means of inducing many settlers to locate theiuselrcs in the district. instead of returning home dc-jectt-d. or going clscwherc discouraged. llis pl_ea.sant smile and encour- aging induccments have invariably dispelled the illusion and tempted them to remain in the settlement and identify thein.~'elves with its struggling forutues. 1 saw on every side. during my trip on the |Veuou/tlt_, indisputable evidences ol` prozeperity. and was decidedly V struck with the c.\'tensi\'e llupl'0Vt'.lllcl1l.s at 1S1'accbridgc.which made me inmginclthe antici- ations ofits atubhious citizens may yet. be lully 1'enli'/..-d-lullude to I.hei`actol'it.~i being selected as the site for the future eountytownot the new county. ll the scenery oi" the lake "(cited my admiration, thc -gratmeur of the North Falls } produced the same impressions, though they stirred up emotions of awe at the subliniity and rugged splendour oi" the loathing. ~secthin_g torrent. as it leaped over its-rocky bed, to the foot oi` which (near enough to get the benetit of a shower-hath of spray) t- e WenvnmItap- preaches as she swings clear of her moorings at the deck. The lusting etl'ccts of this` trip on the mind of your correspondent are of thc pleasatutest nature, and i would advise all who can appreciate thc_hcautil'u1, and have a taste for thtrsnhlime, to take a touraround .\iuskoka Lake, the scenery oi which is intlescriblc. lIonin~_r I have not encrouched too much on ...e . l l'()f\`>'H`)l' .-\'1slin. 01' tl1e'Smitl1smii:\n limi- tute, \VushingLon, with a number of his insist- amts, is nuw in our ClL_V. for the purpose 01' (-.shi.hlisliing :\ ne\v ine1'i(li:1u'line. to be called i the Sp1'iuglield meridiaui. The 1 ' found by ob.-zervntiou than the line is 15'.) feet west. of the centre of the In-\vSl:1te llonse dome to be ei'eet.ed. One ohjuct fur (-st~.1blisli- ing the line is for the purpose of taking obser- vations during the great. solar eclipse, which ` will make pl1|(:(! on the 7th day of Ailglist ll|`.\'I. The eclipse will he total in this .'~:L-clium of the Statc-.. The zuI_tl101`ities at Wusliingtoii will send a euuipelent corps of obser\'utiun, :13 this` U.-..\. \ ....,,.u.--_-, ALI will be one of the n10st`iriterestiiig eclipses that has occurred or may occur iu_tI1e. L'i.iLe-.1 ,b`tutes tor 111 any years. The eClll)S(3-lll'St lmainsx on the enrlth at sunv 12. .1 Clover Vullvy, Sparrow Lake, May 2S, 1365). . ` - .-G)->--- ,bll|LOS lOl' many The eclipschrst begins on the .earth sun- rise in the l :\(`:ic Oct-.-an. cast 0|` Japan. in latitmlc 36 deg. 53 min. 3 sec. north. longi- tudo 138 dtgg. 37 min. 4 sec. west of \Va1s!:iu5.|;- ton. It becomes total [irsl upon the oartll in Siberia at sunrise. in latitude 53 deg. 41 min. 9 sec .101-th. longitude 165 deg. 26 min. 4 sec. west of \\ ushiugtou. The eclipse is total at 1100 . in Alatska. Iallitllll Uhlng. -16 min. Elsec. north. lon;;itIul'e (SS dog. 4 min. 6 sec. West. The line of the total eclipse now runs `south- custerly. grazing the coast mam` Sitka, thence running north into British Ann-.1'icu:lnd enter- ` ing the United States ne':u the origin of Milk ..:.,.... nm..m...1.. sen mm \\.'|U=I.: thnmtu thmu`-.:h To His Editor bf the iluruniner. n..... on. ,1 Jam nwnrn Hm} LILKU, IHL`. SC('.lll`l'y OI \V'HlCll IS ln(l(55CK'I|)l0. I Hoping I I | your space, | remain. vuurs Ihithfullv. gonnlly tllrongh Iowa. crossing tnv .ui:~:.~'Is.~npp1 river at Burlington, Iowa; thence through Illinois. just. north of S1.ring(iell. and crossing the Ohio river near Lenisville. l(_v.; thence through the south-west corner of West Vir- ginia. and tll|'0llf_ ,'lI North Carolina just snnth of Raleigh, and thence tn Newbex-n. and enter- ing the .-ulantic just north of Bezinfurt. N.C., andending at sunset in th: ocean. in latitude 31 dog. 15min. 2 sec.', and longitude 9 deg. 36 min. 6 see east. ` Alonvr this line described above the eclipse will heatoml. and at all othcpplaces in the United States it will be partial. the United States near the origin or nun: river. longicudo.-3011vg wo:=.t; thence tllrulrglx the SOIIHI-\\'L`SL corner of Minnesota. anal dim R gonnlly tllrough Iowa. crossing mu M .. '-ppi river Burlington, Iowa; Llnunglr ._The horse John .3tewzu't mueu in ms at- tempt to repeat the feat trotting within un hour in Portlaml, .\Ie., on \Ve-]nus- dnyul'lernuon. Al the cumzlusion of the lllth mile the time was 57 ()(i-,4 , und the horse was stopped on the first lu1ll`ol' the Llllih mile. llc nppenretl entirely fresh iii: the nish. The fth mile was done in 2 58, and the tenth in 2 59 . The miles averaged from 3 01 to 15 20. --j-4-1-b-e- Pt-nnlnI).< . Gilfnrtl . l.r:l'ru_v .. Mum:l-y l!rm".'\'nl(e

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