Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 May 1869, p. 1

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Thou knowestl love with all my heart, Nor think it much to give all mine; Thou giveat me not the smallest_part, l'Y..l.\... Hun: Inll If nvhnllu minn The Uudergmduatc`s Adventure. R nuns` BUSINESS CARDS nu.1. nuts, HAND I `E The lxuminer. ....mmv nu enmnm Anvn Love Me All. you go over the ferry?" diseontentedly. This t 31 . _ mus, BILLS cmcdnans LABEL: ?ii'LAns LABELS; &c. - cm runaway. whose only crimewas probably shortness of work, whichiwas necessarily ; followed by arrears of rent; and he thought of the start he must have helped the fugitive from justice to get; for the bridge was half a mile, and the nearest ferry was close at hand certainly, but had nobody in attendance, as the young gen- tlemen at college, who were the chief patrons of the ferries, were nearly all of them away for the long vacation. Eger- ` ton was one of the few still left at Cam- bridge, where he was supposed to be readinglor his next examination. He could now "distinctly hear voices calling upon him to stop, but he only quickened his stroke, and knew he should be at the Plough almost as soon as any of them` could get across the towing-path, which _was on the other side of the river, and which was by far the nearest way for foot passengers. At the inn he would un- doubtedly nd other boats like his own, and who should say in which the fugitive debtor had been helped across the river l Besides. the bailiffs couldn't do anything--. 1 beyond abusing him, if they cared or 4 dared to abuse him-even if they knew to * whom they owed the spoiling of "the chase. So he spurted cheerfully down toThe ` Plough, put his boat amongst several others like his own and sauntered into the : snioking-room, where he was soon engag- A ecl in a game of hagatelle with `one of the ` many young gentlemen who were there, and who. were supposed, as he was, to be spending their vacation at the University for the purpose of studying ancient lan guages or mathematics. He was not half through his first game when there was heard from the towing-path a tremendous shouting, ands hoarse 'cry of Boat! boatl - ' `[1- ,,..,I, _ I ,.,4 ,, -.1 .I |:m*`for SALE .\'. 01 01:0. \ uuuu ' He rushed out with. the rest, and stood on the lawn whilst a`hoat went across to the towing path, and brought over about a dozen persons, among whom there were two men who evidently were in authority, for. they ordered the rest about in a high and mighty manner, and one of the two, turning to the led in charge of the moor- ed skitfs, asked with the air of one who had a right to ask : Which of these boats came -in iast, pray 3 . Tim hnnt-hpnnnr, withnnl-. lmaihutinn UU VVILIL _V\-Ill! . ` The two men who assumed so much authority consulted together in a whisper, carefully examined Egerton s boat, and then one of them having apparently taken the measure of the young oarsmen, suid civilly : - If you young gentlemen will come with us into a private room, I think I can make it plainto you what the dick- ens it has to do with us. Vl"l._ ..-..._,_. -._._........... :..L......L...........1 `AAI... UDIHU `Ill 153K, PIN I The boat-keeper, without hesitation, pointed to Egert.on a. Am` \vhir-h nf unn unnnnv nnnllnman uuuuu lcU JJEUI IAUII No And which of you young gentlemen, continued the questioner, rowed down in this boat? ' I _ ...__ _ _ _ _ . _ _ .1]..- _ _, I,,, I 7, I Ulla D0111. '9" He was answered by n c.reless laugh from the knot of young men _in annel garments zmdvstrzuv huts, and by a scorn- ful inquiry .: `.` What the digkens has it. to A do with you ?" ']`|1nhvn mnn whn nnnnrnml an mu:-11 UUBJI: HHS BU UU \Vll.:l.l I150 The young oarsmen interchanged looks . of inquify; and when Egerton exclaimed: Oh, come along; `let us hear what. they have to any, a general move was made towruds the Inn ; and thetwo men in au- t.hor.it.y and the young oarsmen locked` themselves in a private reom, everybody else being left. outside. I\_. Jl`I~ 1...- __.__ 3. ._.,__I' . I I UINU UUIH5 LCIU UUDHIUUI One of the two men immediately opened the proceedings by saying in asevere tone of voice : This is a very serious business, ,`ii 2`f.`.1I'ai`i.' of'2I\ liiilil 1.13` 1'3? -f`i`"w ' , r m.- e ar- mnt. `We tracked the man; found out the house where he was, 'aud we had almost reached his hiding-place, when somehow or other he got wind of it, and bolted to wards the river. He had 21 goodish start of us, though he did come down a crop- per (and hurt hlilinseIl f,t I slhoutld _ say) um mg n ow we ~.; 11 we e a nm in iaighli all across the common, and we saw him landetl on the other side of the river by somebody in one of these skitfs you young gentlemen use, and dressed, as far as we could see, exactly as you are dress- ed. If it was one of you. we depend on you to tell us which it was. , 'l`lmrA was nnlmrt. nilmmn_ and than mm UHU lllllll UUUU Lllllllg 3 He is suspected," answered the oicer solemnly, of doingmurder." "'|mrn wnan nhn-It anal nvnlnmntinn rs? yllll l_U IIUII U5 WIIIUU lb Wllo There was nshort silence, and then one of the young ozusmen asked : What had the man been doing 9" ` * 44 Ha ha mlnnnntml 7 nnuumv-Ar` Hun nmnA'r rsuuslulrry, "Ul llUlllg_ Iuuruur. There was a start and exclamation of horror amongst the young oarsmen, and all eyes were tu`rned expect.antly towzuds Egerton, who pale as 9. sheet, and horror- stricken at the notion 0E "having aided a murderer, could scarcely nd voice enough to my : I put him across : he said the bailiffs were after him. 111 .1 ..... .. I... ALI 71 ..... ....I-...I H._ .52.... }..._.._j---?-` |`;Ff9rJSa1 Ulllll WUTU MIIIUIV Hllllo I daresny he did, remarked the oicer drily; and now you have thrown us off the scent. I suppose you didn t see which way he went. 1" > 4-` T nnnMn L nnsuvArnr1 F.ma|-tnn dinnnn- \Vy U Wlfllli I " I couldn t., answered Egerton discon- solately; he was hidden directly by the wood; and when he got -to" the top of the cart-lane, there were ve roads for him to choose from. LKIZ`.-..-eI-u un:I\:l|Ar` ll-an` nmnnr l'\:ifnv-`xv CH0058 Il'0l.|lo Exactly, rejoined the officer bitterly. I knew that: and the pee le were knock-' ed up, andmy -mate and couldn't go all ve ways, You've made a pfetl mess, young gentleman. b an: there nothing I can do? asked. gentleman. 4` Is there nothing asked! Egerton anxiously. ` - .H Should you know `the mamagain? inquired the oicer. . 6.Anvvmre and.'n anv disguise, `I think "left wrist." inquired tne omcer. `.`Any_wore and .'n any disgnise, answered Egerton. "for I watch- ed him cm-iefully allthe time I satopposite to him, and `I noticed amongst other things that he hadlost two `front teeth, and -that he had an anchor tattooed on his .1, 2..- :_.;- LL- ..un-O '16 Wl'l8I." Did he throw anything into the river '1" inquired the ocer. ` -Egerton started, as a sudden recollec- tion ashed across him, and he replied; 9`I t see him drop anything in the river, but I remember well that ho nearly capsized the boat by suddenly turning round and back again, and that after- wards I saw several circles in -the water, A as if a sh had jumped, or something had ' been dropped in the river. He said a. sh jum ed, but your question _ makes me thin c it was not so.". Could you point out the: spot? in-_ . nu:-m-I thin Amnnr Uplllll IL VVMS HUI! UUv o quircd the ocet. iIL|UI'||ulU3e ' Egerton grew so restless and sleepless with thinking of what he had done, that when a period of a week or two had elapsed, `during which he had `received no ` satisfactory intelligence, he determined to set out for Y---. from which seaport Sergeant Gumps had dated his last letter. He went to the lodgings` of. the sergeant, who was evidently leased to see him. How are` you`, r.Egerton? exclaim- ed the sergeant cheerfully. ``I am (le- lighted to see you, sir; you ve come in the nick of time. ` I was just going to write to you, to ask you if you could make it convenient to come over here. There's news to tell you, sir. . Wall nmirl Rmarfnn N nnmn nvm- tn I3 glli III: [H3 lUlblll'Un I'll beginxat the `beginning; sir, he said. Of course you recollect that about a month ago there was a story in the.pa- papers about a man that kept apike in Sublk. , The man had living with him his wife, and his wife s mother, an old wo- man, over seventy. One evening, the man and his wife went our to a merry- making, some `miles off, leaving the old -woman to take the pike money and open the gate, and all that. They d done the same thing often enough before, and no harm came of it, as most of the people that tra\'ell_ed on the road were friendly "with the pike-keeper, and his wife and her mother; and man of the foot passengers bit, and have _a talk. Amongst these, was a trump called. Jack Andrews. Nobody knew any harm of him; he was a handy chap, and was always tramping about the country doingodd jobs here and there. Well, the iery evening the bike man and his wife went out to the merry-making, Jack Andrews happened to go into the toll house, and heard them talking about it, and saying they shouldn t_ be home very likely before morning. Well, they didn t get home until one in the morning, and when they -got home they found the door of the toll house open, and when they went in they saw the poor old woman dead on the ground, with her skull beaten in; and the money that was ready for the collector,'who was expected to call next day, was gone.` It was a tidy sum, and . all in coin. ' There was aneinquest, of course, and it `came out in evidence that Jack Andrews had known about the money and- where it was put; and a stranger, who drove through the toll gate there was generally little or no traic on that road, said the gate was opened to him by a man, who, by the description, must have been Jack Andrews, though he ought by that time to have been a good six hours tramp away from the place; 'l`he verdictwas an open one; you know what that is, sir: Murder against some person or persons unknown. I-Iowerer, I got a warrant for the apprehension of Jack Andrews. ' 1' -------- ----- Li... __.'I `I .`.-`,1 1......" ..-.n used to go into t e toll-house, and `sit 0 - between, twelve at night and one, when 5 Yea, answered Egerton, within a yard or so. . AHA nnw r nnnnnn GHQ nmnnr DUKIULIQ ` - The river `was dragged, under proper superintendenco, at the spot indicated by ` Egerton, and amongst many strange arti- cles shed up, therawas 9. life-pljeserver, which was taken possession of by the au- thorities. " 'I.`,._.L__, -_.____. _- .___LI__- -_] _`.. I 1. HI Hbilylllg Illa IUU ILIUIUIL I ll be there, sir, without fail, said the sergeant. "A INIIR RI HG `|;\l \Vf\I'l] ' nll` \v'\nn DUIEHIIIIIJ. 7 He was as good as his word; and when the meats of the The Albion had been re- moved and the wines of The Albion were sparling on the table between him and Egerton, he unfolded his tale and emptied his glassm. his leisure. 55"" "\nn{n- nf fha l\nlY;nI|:hIV' n:n,, `in lIfU UI' BU- And now, sir, continued the officer, I must ask for your name `apd address. Both`were readily given, and taken down. ' ' A m|_- ;_- -m_-__ `L,-_ __..u-_2__ Is, The two oicers then muttering dis- contentedly that they had lost time enough already, prepared to" depart. Egerton went part of the way with them, -and by earnest entreaty obtained from the principal, Sergeant Gumps, Va promise that they would let him know from` - time tn timn hnw thmr mxnnnednd in their"- Llulw Ll-1U" WUUIU IUII LIIUI KLIUW I|'UIU '|:IIHU go time how. they succeeded in their search. ` VH1... ._!....._ -....._ J._-........J .....'I . _ _ . . _ _ -.. UU\V3 {U lull JUU, Ell} Well, said Egerton, come over to my hotel in half an hour and dine with me, and then" you can tell me all about it; I m staying at. the Albion. ' PM ha thnrn. nlr, witlmnnf. full. sninl Hm IJIIUK nuurewrs. - _I never saw him, and I don t know any- .` thing .more of him by sight` than the -glimpse I got ns,_ we cheived him (for I ve 5 no'donht.,from my information it was him) ~` the other dny.'when you came and spoil- * ed the business (excuse me, sir) with your 3 boat. From inquiries we have made, I .we ve every reason to believe that the * man you took over in the boat is now in A this town, and thinks he is goingeto "sail the duly-after to inorrow for Austrnlxa. But ; I think we shallspoil his little game. If you can swear that he is the man you put ' across the river, .I can swear the man you put across is the man we chased; and I have evitlence to prove that the man we chased is Jack Andrews; Whether he committed the murder, or not, is another question. The men `I speak 01' goes every night to a public housevin this town: I keep it well watched. nnd.`I ve suicient I force at hmicl for all emergencies. If ,- yon ve no objection,` we ll go to-night, where you can'see him without` being seen yourself, and I canthen decide what is to be clone. . nu _._ _r -_-- :4-._-._ 1:1--. .;.':...1 13-... IE IODG GONG." _ _ `=I il go at once, if you like, cried Egan!- ton, gpringing up excitedly uh ..:..u 5:..- ....L ..:..-)9 ....:.I 41... Amnnll -mu, nnrlnuallla at: uAvu~uaJ -"It nin ,t. time yet, sir, said the oicer, M looking coolly at his watcll; it isn t nine o'clock yet, and our man seldom goes to the public before ten, and nxer leaves till. itc1oses.' . T -cnA1_>'ma. II. _ _ So co'ee and cigars were enjoyed; and afterwards," Egerton and theoicer saun- tered to The Angler. A nod of under- standing wasi exchanged between the officers and the barmaid, and Egerton amt the former were admitted within the bar,Tfrom which, through at little cir- cular window, they coulnt command afull view of the tuprocim and its occupants. "N-m nirinr nrrnnmad Insattnra an tlm lie . VIUVV Ul IrLI LUPYUUHJ llllll N13 UUC|.IplIll|Ba `The oicer arranged matters so tl1at'1ie and Eager-ton could, by changing places, `see every part. of the taproom without. being themselves seen; and he cautioned Egerton simply to watch and obselve, and not to make any remark about what he saw. ' LL. ldnumll-' I-\nuvuu\u~`r1 annvn-not I-:3: nnm. ABARRIE, COUN rY OF SIMCOE, ONT ; f jI0, CANADA, THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1869. L0 Saw. [e himself nax'ro\vly scanec1hi9 coo-J uuuu utcuu LU auuw, Ztllzl V . A great piece of sticking-pIa~ter on his left wrist, once more interrupted the selgeant, you didift see that, Mr. Eger-=. -1011. did vnu?_..l' dirl oh urn` Lu ...,. 0,.-1 B\.7l5lJ(lll|I, "juu ulull 1.: S038 H1813, Jill`. ngerj-1 '10". you ?--I did sin" and Jet. me I: you, I have hezml of a dentist. `In 18 town who lately put in two front teeth for a common looking lmm. ' `if was: nnino` fn saw I nnII`r`n I'.V n-nf. A .l.'lb UI'Il)H agreuu,` uuu HS LIU BIPPUU grog. looked over and anon in a cert direction. At last. he sprang up, witK__- cryupon his lips; but the other "pull him down, and made signs for silen ,(I\3lU!`.3 I:U_6 Ulll Ill llly Doat 1" der, but aftera moment's hesitation he replied: I don't know nothing about no _~Cam, uor.no boats, nor nothing o the After a fewcompliments to the barmaid: ind. If you ll take a glass 0' punch, Sergeant Gumps .(who had, of cot1rq._.;you re welcome; but you ain t the gen l- been all this time in plain clothes) sug-'_', Iman I took you for. r : gested that it was time to go. Egertorf '5 V Then I must be mistaken, said E3-er.` ' assented; and as the two strolled towar _ resignedly. Egerton s hotel, the sergeant and he wez. full of question and answer. . `,.- ' And being mistaken, ,. continued 1 Well, sir, said the sergeant, "did you} :'Egerton, I think that instead of drink- see anything or anybody in particular ?f~_`.. ing your punch, I ought to stand a bowl. -Well,.auswered Egerton, I saw. an`! Allthe ruflians swore.a frightful oath . awful lot of ruians, and the worst to looliij "that Egerton spoke like a gentleman, and hand, and a patch over his eye. at was a brute with a` nobby stick in his, _Ven Bob Jelfreys smiled grimly as he g `said: You couldn t say no fairer, young Ha, ha!laugl1ad the sergeant; tha - 'gen lman; take a glass o this with us, was one of-my mates. He does malrs u . sud then you shall stand the next bowl. beautiful: he s been tnlmn on susnir-inn., 7' Sn Rnh Ja`.-mm mt...-.....: .I.....I... s. .. Bob Jetfreys looked as black as ithun-I Yes, you are, growled Bob Jeff:-eye. um um: umu :1 null` wus------" `_"1`here are plenty of barbers, Inter- rupted the scrgezmt again, who can cut and (lye, and do all sorts of things ti) the hair. ' ` ' Hilll} Tl1e man I rowed over the river, continued Egerton angrily, had lost two front teeth, and had an am:l1ortat.toed on his left wrist, whereas this had all his front teeth to show, anal - HA nvrnnf I\1.0n1 n6 ab}- paniou s behaviour, and smiled gri when he Once saw him half rise from . chair, open his mouth, and point with nger, and than sink down again, my shnke his head as if he had made 9. ma ta e. - * rl\I,!_ -- I 1- ,.n,,,___.__:. n.-~...'~ uuu DLIUII UUl.'RH'|aUI'Un ' Egerton agreed,` and as he sipped witlt andhmde cot1r;;g' su*-'_. 1,. as strolled _ were". ;. ``Wpll air csrl tho nnrcrpnnt, -`/Hr` VIII`; IJIIIIU, RIUU. ll PIN-Ull UVUF IIIU eye. ha! laughed tbs: '1 make i _4 beautiful; he s been taken on suspicion-- ; himself. ' " nl I_,h ,,I .-.9! 1 111 >llUi|l I] UIJ Uu|:, UH`-' ` Because I f2u1cied`I did see him, an-I awered Egert'on; f`but, though I thought I could swear to the man's general look ` and expression,'it couldn't have been he. ' Winn nnt? ;nrn|;rnr` Hun en}.-n-nun} uuu u.\pn:naIuu, lb cuuluu I. uuvu ueen ue." Why not? mquiredv the sergeant. I rather believe in general expression j myself. _ Why, the man I":-owed bver the river wash white-faced mim, whereas this was as brown .'u4----" u.\ .........L ,l....I _-._ L, ,I__,_ ,,,-.1 , I Lllllllblys ' ' . The man I rowed. over the river, said Egerton, had long snake-like hair, where- as the mau s hair was----- u'l`|....... ..._.. .I,_,;,, ,0 I I VI - - (I|lLl l Jr is UUIHHIUH lUUKIIIg IHEIU. V A `-`(was going to sayI couldn t geta good iookat. his left. wri~:.t, said Egerton pettisl1_ly, but you interrupted me." I lmrr vnur nnr\1on..sir. ' reininm] Hm PUlU'3|IVI)'_ VVUUUJUII IIILUIIUIJBUU IIIUI _I beg your`parx1on,-sir, "rejoined the sergeant. . u'l`|...__ ...... Ll.!._1. .._:.l `I:`.......:.__. ____.. -who proposed just one more glass of gr take. T_ -This was tiough for Sergeant Gum and then departure. 7?. Enrertnn anrreed. and as lie sinned Ii ALE. ` 1 . \' I L` 1 cm -5` Ul'_"UiI|Ibc Then you thmk,_s:\id Egerton snap-_ pi:-hly, the man I was so. much struck with was the man_ ? ul. T .)..._`L (L VVILII `VH3 IIJU IllillI_ I ` Oh, I don't. think anything at all about, it, sir, said tbesrgennt. All I want to know is, whether you saw anybody you could swear to as being, or being very like, the man you rowed over the Cam. `E`_...__L-- ..._.. _1I.._L E... ,- _,..._..,,L \Jl||Ho Egurtoa_was_silent fora moment or two, and then he said: It would be a friglxtfnl thing to take the wrong man. Certainly," assented the sergeant, And to-morrow isthe last chance?" asked Egerton with v{exnLion.- van lmm-J him nmy vnnr.mH' air ?K3I\U|l 1'15! IIUII \VllIll V>U.\i|LIU|lu' You heard him say yourself`, sir, answered the.-sergeant in a. tone of re- monstrance, that, he would give his f:1_r_e- well suppexj to his mates to-morrow night, and sta_rt tl1e next. morning for Australia. 1.` ,. .4-.. _. _.l.1 A I`.;!. _,1 AI, ll. llhl |'Il(h Egerton reflected 11 little, and then i said in it (lctormined voice: `Look `here, Sergeant Gumgs; I will go into- T/ze Angler to-mo1-rcw night, and into the tuprponi at the time this `man gives his supper. and-I yvm-rant..,I'll find out whether he is or is not the man `I rowed across `the Cam. What` do you say to that? Tf. will Ba 9 alnnrvnrnusx inlm i lair on- but! Klilllln '7 Hill: UU )Ull EH] LU IJIHL 3 It. will be a. dangerous job, air, an- swered tho sergeant quietly. 'It's a desperate set. of villains he is" going to `stnud supper to; but he has invit'e.l my mate, who, of course, will be on your side, and I shall be in the bar, nnd there ll be several more of us` within hail; so I tl1ink,if you don t-mind walking into the taproom when suppor s over, and; grog IS on, you ixiiglit make'tl1ings'tol:r- ably cortaizi. If_ it is the man I think, he ll know_you, and show it, whet._ber you can recognize him or not." ' `tvnrv \.vn"' `n flan:-n cl I-nu IUU Uilll IUQUBIIIQU IIIIII U! HUD: -Very well ; I ll be there at ten o'c1ock,suidA Egerton; and you may- dcpand upon'it .I ll find out whether he is our mam or not. - n'IVl . . _ _ ..n. ._:__I,L _L - Inn 1 n I3 Ulll Ihllll U1` HUI:-' ' -_f`Tbe next nigpt, at a little before ten, Egerton walked Into the taproom at The .An.gler. The man he wanted to see `was there, `lwlling out punch 1.0 ve `as ugly lopkiug rufans(including'theV police oi- cer) as Egerlon had ever seen. There were two or .t.h1:e6 ct.her.cust.omors scat. barred sing}-y-about t-hevroom. ' - A- `I:`...;.u...;. ..'.I.- L...'lv._..; ,, -:1 - 1 .-...... -.-,., ..--_- -..-V.-..... __ As Egerten, who had p_ut on "his boat- ing clothes, not only as being best suited `to the place he intended to visit, but also as being most likely to lead .to his"ear1y' recognition by the man he had rowed ` over the Cam, entered the room, -he heard one of the pnnch drinkers say: .``Friends. a. toast. I ain't much of a chap ,t,o,jaw, so l ll give it short and -sweet__ `Luck to Bob Jotfreys. the giver o the feast, and may he nave a good time in Australia. . ` ' nu .' 1.,L- .1 ,, 1,` ' Ixuau uuuo The joasbwas. duly %honored;` and as the man called Bob 'Je'rcys prepared to -return thanks, and looked about him in- search of ideas, he oatlght Egertoxfs eye, dropped his lower Jaw, and stared with all his might. o M-Imu am vou ?" said Enrenon. nnrl-- Inc $33 per acre. ree annual inalal all DIS mlgut. _ ~ _ How are you?" said Egerton, nod? Vdingina fenclly way. 1 think" I've seen you somewhere before. _ `uan-ant. sir. Lvrowled Bob Jefrevs. "t,t_1ougu_1 can I. -1_u_y as J. nuuw yuu. P raps the gen lman' ll join us, if he's a friend 0' yourn, Bob, said one of the rui:ms,.mnkin_g room. you suumwumc umunu. `Servnn!', sir, growled Bob Jeffreys-_, uthough I can't say` as I know you. I33--.-.5 u; nmn lmnn' " nn nu `Tho : anmsn FREEDOM; _Iuu Luull yuu uuuu sumo we next. Dowl." So Bob Jeffreys returned thanks in a i -brief speech for the toast that _had been ` ;`1')roposel, and 2:. second bowl of punch was soon pfoduced at Egerton s expense. As they were drinking it, Egerton sud- {{`en]v nulzml .TnH`.-mm- u/)...r'.. n.,. .....L v_\--u,u ouu uuu I f",'__Yes, he g very nezu }';`_Egerton now nodded ggnfgral good- the bar] to` ' om he w tl4nan, be h: `_ is the an ;"r__[__ __ ., ....-can 'o"n. Y :_alacrity, and the police -oicer with the ljnobby stick managed to intenpose him- self between Je're_ys and Egerton;.at > the same time two of the men scattered ! about the room` moved so as to be be- . tween the punch drinkers and the door. rm Aura vnn mun} ........)I-..a. ..... 1! Egertou advanced to, the table with" owe`.-:1`: ulu puncu unuxers and the doc}, : _I In sure you must recollect me. `said Egerton blzfudly; didn t I put. you `across the Cam in my boat?" ` . Rob Jam-nvn lrmlmd nu hl....I. ;... `L..- . gpzgluij : ._ I I'Jefl'reys looked at his wrist, glanced uspiciotlsly at Egerton, and then r'e-ar- {anged the plaster, which had worked up his shirt-sleeve, until a sharp eye o_mll.(l see "the curved part of the anchor. growled in some confusion; near well. ' i.`14`.hnrfnn nnm ln:(' 31- m... At... 1`-.. I.:__` sguglill "`L;UUu-Xll;,',lll," saunpereu DOING. bar he found sergeant Gumps, to` whispered: I can wear to t " " an, has two false front teeth, and _ anchor on his left. wrist. B6- ;`-1__; _,. . . . , . ..v-.4, nuu nu--- ms't?1e, 'a'n-JI I?2'1_n t make any mistake. Snrmmnf. Gnmnq smml, and whiunnr; x 9m ula uwv, auu 1. un_u I. IIRIAU ally uuumw. Sergeant Gumps smiIed,V_and whispei`- ing: Follow me, walked into the tap- 'room, the door of which was immediately leaned. against. by the two men who had been sitting close by it. A G cnnn an Rnh .Tu.rnUl an up mnnrlnvm ant` .ifcoLomAL meats. UUU Blllllls UIUSU U] Ila. As soon as Bob J effreys saw Egerton and Sergeant Gumps, he seemedto lxave some misgiving; and ,when the latter walked up and said: I mu a police-sergeant, and Immt you, Jeffreys attempted to leap over the table, but was dragged back_by the man with the nobby stick. :.1r ,1, , ,.,_;l,-__ -1` 9-..- T -...__.,, , 9! 1 |'>Av nu... vu... ...... ....~ -VJ -.------v You ro another of em,~ I_ suppose, he muttered, seeing how matters stood.- Come, lend a hand here, mates. His males were preparing for a rescue, when Sergeant Gumps remarked, calmly, It's a charge of murder; whereupon they held aloof, and looked helplessly at one another. ~ Jetfreys now make a desperate resist- ance, howled and shrieked, cursed his mates, and uttered thexuost. fearful threats against Egerton; but Sergeant Gumps` soon produced a pair of han(Lcu's, in which, notwitllslanding Jcreys piteous allusions to his wounds, Ins hands were `secured, the sergeant liming inoviously taken the liberty of tearing otft no plaster, and exposing to View no wound worse than a t:m.oed`:u1cbor of long stamling. 19 will '\nAua:ll1 nnnlarcfnrul Hull Rnlu J:-`V. was banged by bllilll it LEILLOUU z\m.:uur Ul 1UIl`:', Itil|Illll|5o It will be easily understood that Bob Jcf~ freys was proved to be no other than Jack Andrews, in whose cliest-wan; found a suit of clothes, some of which were stained with blood. Egerton certnlnly could and did state that the clothes, which were proved to have beentworn by Jack Andrews when he was rowed across - the Cam by Egerton, were considerably stained with .blood from the wearer a own nose. However, the life-preserver which was shed up from the river . was sworn to as being exactly like one which Jack 5 Andrews was in the habit of "carrying before the murder, and which he was. i never known to have in his possession after he had been rowed by Egerton across the Cain; and the life-preserver , was just _the sort of ins,trumen,t to inflict the injuries from which the old woman at the pike had died. Moreover, a. man, \vho could not well have been anybody except `Jnck An;lrews, had opened the turnpike gate .u.t the very moment that the old woman must have been breathing her last; and after the murder, Jack Andrews had appeared to be as unaccount ably familiar with cash as he had before been accountably unfamiliar. In fact, two / and two were put together by legal gen- tleman in so .convincing a manner, that a jury 1-et,urned.n verdict of wilful murder against Jack Andrews; and Jack Andrews the neck until he was dead. And Egerton, both in court and in the newspapers, received a severe re- primand for having very nearly enabled 3 criminal to` escape from justice; and young -gentlemen were warned to take to heart his example, and, if they would not assist, to at anyrate abstain from obstruct- ing the 13-, even when its officers were believed to appear in the unpopular form of bailiffs. .______ Rmnzmr FOR -run Burr: or A Man Dec,-3A Saxon Lforcstc-r, named Goistell, "of the van- erable nge of 92, unwilling to take-to the ' grave with hin aecret 01 so much importance, made public to the Leiapic Jczurnal the means which he used for fifty years. and Wberewith he affirms he has rescued many human beings and cattle from the horrible death of hydro- phobia. Take immediately warm vinegar, or tepid water, wash the wound clean therewith and dry it ; then pour upon the wound a few drops of hydrochloric acid, because mineral _ aeid deatrqys the `poison of saliva. - IVIJ uctu null- igerton now said it was time for him to the party, and with a gm] good-'nighL, saunpered home. :1 HM: lunv I-nu 6'nn.u! ...\....'.,......; rV..._.__- @xmmmam .LlUI'l_87 ] qnnlnly and ul I prim-.s'. in-rod in any p `HP. Ox-`xvrczs-'Dunlop:Sf.., the same as thos _ occupied by the law firm of Messrs. Boulton & .\IcCurthy. V 43-6m ___ -.a\1 -nu; 5 uuo An UKIALV U134 I- BARRIE, - - -- - - - ONT. D AL'l`0N MCCAIITHY. - D'Au'ox Mccusrur, Jn. I 110011`, D0yS EHO DI9W3I'5. 0FF!CE-Dul110p Street, Barrie, ~ I Conkey & Co. s Store. - - Ifuznv nnnt.-I-n\r_ JAMES C. MORROW, ATTORNEY-AT-LA\V. Solicitorin Chan- cery, Notary Public, Conveyancer. Commissioner in B. R., &c., &c.' Heir and Devisee Claims executed. On-`xmc.._In Mn.-mun. n..:m:...... ._.._A -2 u - ;.:1.l.fl.'15l.(3 1'89 ATTORNEYS - AT -1 SOLI(}|"l`f|I?Q IN r`u,|\vn1:u 3:. MR. D'ARCY BOULTON (late of the rm of Boulton Jo McCnrthy_) and Mr. Hamilton D. Stewart, have entered into co- pertnerahip with Messrs. Lount. 35 Boys, for the practice of their profession, at Barrie, under the rm name of Messrs. Boulton, Lount, Boys and Stewart. 0F`l?`ICE-Dul.ll0n Street. Rm-r-in, nvnr IL. THOMAS T A. BOYS. ARRISTER AND ATTORNEY-AT-LAW B Solicitor in Chancery, Conveyanccr, &c., ' cooxswowx. May zsm. 1867. 17. ' DR. J. LIZARS LIZAR8 EMBER of the Royal Colleges of Stir- geons, Edinburgh and England. CONSULTING & OPERATING SURGEON. Omamn:-._I(inn Q} xv... m......_.- 1,,-W, vuL\uU1J1lA_V\t u;Ul.'Lh1S.A'1' OFFICE :--King St. West,` York and Simcoe Sta. uensee umms On-`xc1c,--In Morrow's Buildings, west of the Fireman s Hall, Collier Street, Bumm. _ --_u I` \.'l 0 [He public that ho]; is sausun s F -v ,nl'!n~ mmu. J D,- R. LUND. FORMERLY OF COOKSTOWN, Late` of the city of Tornto, AY BE COLSULTED AT THE LATE Residence of Dr. Ross, nnrtnrurynw v ` -- v-nu I-n VIIIVIIU, "loll-, M.R.C.S., ENGLAND, LATE Assistant Colonial Surgeon, `H.M. Convict Dcp't, Tasmania; three years AssYt Surg. U.S. Army. Om-`I01-:-In the premises recently occupied by Robert Ross. Esq., and nearly opposite the `Wellington Hotel. 19-Gm on. THOS. w. JACQUES, GRAD U.A1T,E of TORONTO UNIVERSITY. 1R-lu- 1').\.,:.'l........ `r..-..._ n- n-N - u LIAALJ 16-ly w. C. ADAE ENTIST, 95, King St. East, . Toronto. Teeth inserted on Gold, Silver, and Vulcan- Lzed Rubber, in the pest possibc manner. Par- ticular attention gxvon to the regulation of , children's teeth, and all work warranted. \. J ammry, 1868. c. P. new & c 0., " I.\l1`0R'I`ERS A.\'D`I)E.\LEIlS IN WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS, \Vl`.I.l.ING l`()N S'I`RF}F.'l` 'l'()R()N'I`()_ n. I. nun I I II u. County (Ila-I.-g - WILL attend at his Oice, in Barrie, erry SATURDAY, from 11, a.m., till 3, p. m., according to Order of Council, and every other day at his Office in Cookstown. 1', I. |..uzwIC.' ' LICENSED AUGTIONEER. APPRAISER. AND UOJIJIISSION AGENT, FOIL TH!-I RALE 0|-` Kew Law Firm. * ""7 i ~Eust hnlfof Lot No.20. ~.~`:4i0u of the township of l"'l`Y-FIVE V ACRES of (`:|I't'(]. with substantial zuul Stnltivs; u tine young -vllcnt wail of puro wauer. 4- r \-etc-(i ngmul Snw Mill. in full operation, with I liars apply to the proprie- ' IIENRY HATCH. 1.1.1`. 1 '..~'_ 1-`on "rm: s.u.1-: 01-` Farm Stock, Household Furniture, &c., &c., QRAIGVALE; Go. Smcos, O.\"mmo._ Urns ANU Auuuulvm collected at a small percentage. Auction Sales through- out the County attended to promptly and on _ liberal terms. I \ (`.1-nlnnrnln nno 0 19127 '!R_1u-r E-. s.` MEEKING, , ' ICENSED AUCTIONEER, AND AP.- PRAISER for Barrie, and tno County of Simcoe; Cash Advances made on Goods re- ceived for Sale. Ma'r.ria.ge 0 Licon se8.l . (Late Clerk in County Registry Oide.) ONVEYANCER, Commissioner in Queen's Bench, Auctioneer, Appraiser, and Com- l mission Agent for the sale of HOUSES, LANDS. FARM STOCK. HOUSEHOLD vmssxon Agent 101' we sale or nuumm, LANDS, FARM STOCK, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Goods, Wares, Jzc. Also fox the collection of - ' RENTS, NOTES AND ACCIDUNTS. Cash Advances made on Goods`le for Sale. Sale Room, corner of Dunlop and Owen Sts., Barrie. ` ll-tf 5:112 H.00m, 01 uumop and uwen am, Barrie. gighest REFERENCES given. _gn For `Printing of ,all desoriptionts, in_ rst_-class style of art and en the shorten notice, call at the EXAMINE3 OFFICE Collier Street, nearly opposite the Mar- ket. JONATHAN KILGORE, Lil `C EEN SE D VAUCTIONEER I VALUATOR, .!.c., ` For the County of Simcoo, . THORNTON g'Auction Sales throughout the County attended to promptly, and on liberal terms. Nov. 28, 67. 4341' McCARTvl-IY a. McdAnTHv, Ila:-Vriste rs, ' A flilllniusvwnvsn - -- - - --- . R. PRICE, Goorginn I . 0., On?- I-IALER IN DRUGS, ().EKILLIA- Innnnrv `I RRR, LIIDIUAN, b'U1{Gl(),N, AND ACCOU- P CHEUR. Residence. Cooxsmwx. Special attention paid to diseases of women` ll] LLSDA LE. I April 24, 1867. o_-...,. _ HENRY HARPER, Issuer of Marriage L_ioenses, GOOKSTOWN. -__-.... ..__..__- - ------ -- 5 lD8l'ill UEFHIS. ' Craigvale, Oct. 9, 1867. un. Ilrllilll-IUII 1 VORONER, Market Block, Barrie. Dr. II. 3 J will take another Student. V .LL`.I.IlJ JJLYUVLULJ QLILJ \.IL\JJ3.L|l\ WELLINGTON STREET TORONTO. Q n DI.`II\ (`Illa nnnxu HENRY aovs mcoL. M.D.. )IIYSICAN,, SURGEON, AND Accov-` ` Residpnna. lYnnvc-rnurv 1 none 11- Ill ~un.r|vI\\II\lvl\, !RADUA'l`E OF" VICTORIA UNIVER- T SITY. nuv w an a v Is I'Iv.v\~I.\-n A \-an...-.n..u an . u. DR. HARLEY, VRADUATE OF VICTORI}-X UNIVER- l'v SITV n.\.:.1m.,.,.. th half of Lot No. n, County Simooe. vn oi Barrie. ed and under culti- Iund,,wi!h a good '1`hem is in frame The lot. is well lare enquire of . ALL. EsQ., ms Hotel, Barrie. ,w; E. s M.R.(`:.S__ I`.N(:I.A1\'h VOTES AND ACCOUNTS collected at amnll nm-nnnimm Ant-nn Rah-ea lhrnnnrh- .-va.u.vaa:.u '41:. `MD. SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY. IPDYI? ., V LmuuA'1'1a' Ub` VIU S_ITY. Residence: munnx--wnv 1'HOR.\'T0.\'. 0.. \V. . foice at Mr. Carrul.hers`s. Dr. J. W. SLAVEN. nl~!_\l.I-IR II gnsiucss imtnry. JOSEPH ROGERS, I .9. HI... :.. r<......o.. u....:-o... nan.` n. 1'. BANT`lNG. Cu nmlu llln-In w; H. BLAOKSTOOK, 'A'I'n ma` vvnwnnrn nxrn :3. HAMILTON, D " \l'.u-lust n`nIu`o 1').-.... auu\- un us. Lulaa, CIIURCHHILL. . .9 - u;u-1-: 1. v u.uL VJJJLDJJ 1 . Residence, Lefroy, Co. Simcoe n .1. guns, LL,lJ., IIA)[II.TO.\' D. S1`!-`.WAR'I`, LLB. ___j____j_j__j. .-. gnu uuu.\1uU4L\. at,` Toronto, between 47- LUAU. 12-yr; &c 36-lyr. 8-if a..n..s. ..-. \_r AL`! 1.. APTO, FLOS, ONT. THOMAS STONE, -' - - I V]-`HIS Hotel has recently unqergone exten- sive improvements in the way of additions, furnishing, &c. Its accommodation is now ample and comfortable. The best Liquors and Cigars can be found in the Bar. 14-ly BARIEJIE, ONT. (3_or__ner of Bnnlq) & Bayeld Streets. mcAu1~'U1w, A. STODDARS, - - - Pnoramron. onnFE1.I.bw" HOTEL, AVENING, 00. SIMOOE, ONT. mgrpn wnemu _ _ _ n----2--n The Bar is supplied with Choice Liquors and "Cigars. Good Sheds and Stabling adjoining the Hotel. nnnnvnknr 0.4 1 new AW 1 -- rIVIIIS House has just-bcen tted u`p\`and refurnishod anew, making it one of the most comfortable houses in the North. , 21-If IIlIlIlI% III&& Adjoining theailway Station, Craigvale, ROBERT GREGG, - - - Proprietor. The Bar is supplied with good Wines, , Liq uors and Cigars. Excellent Stabiing and Sheds connected with the House. Craigvnle, Oct. 9, 1867. A 36-Gmos. `Wellington Hotel] `DADDY? ('\'l\Y'l` JIVAZJILAVU, VU. D1. ll!/`UL, UAVI. JOSEPH WILSON, - - - -Proprietor. -nnuuuI\aIII-Il\r III-III-I- (Lute Mc-.eking`s.) J `Next Door West. of the Railway Stgtibh, Bu1'ric, Out. ,7. , _ x D. FARAGIIICR. . - ., T rnnr'nM?u-. 1I,:II.~'.m' In ' V l~\l'.'L O'CONNOR, (I rnm-r Rn- D. F.uuG1n:n, {V OOD ACCOMMODATION for Tm- ] vellers. A free Stage run in connection -with the tiers morning and evening. An attentive hostler in attendance. 1-ly APTO H0UsE',l lNor.th American Hotel, lIfTDI')?\7 17ADTI') ("I'DE'L`l'IV "E1'z}}e7m?A'E}5 "1971: 35 Zr?" COLLINGWOOD, CHARLES CAMERON. - PBOPRIETOB. l THIS commodious house has recently umtshod,` hnu 1s`wexr "Ild!!ptvIx1ot`t1`nvedrB, being convenient to both cars and boats. Good stabling. A Livery Stable connected with the hotel, where horses can be hzgl on the shortest notice 14 CHURCH HILL HOUSE. CHURCH HILL, INNISFIL, Co. smcora. Bna'1' Llqll0X`S nna uxgurs always 1n swex. Good Stabling and Sheds adjoining the house. 484!` I Vlsvnullaulviivllv Ilvuwl ALI-IX. HILL, ....... -- l ll0Pll[B'l`0ll. EST of LIQUORS, CIGARS, and RE- IVRESIHIENTS provided. v The I_ enot.1nguiahene Stages change 1}.o,rses here. ' 15 JJl.lA1.J.L J. ALI nJ ALV .I.;_uI-4, new |.ow:u., J. G. MARTIN, - - - Propri tor. vlfm-nu-rlv nfthp 5` Exrnhnnxm Hotel." Creemore. _:_.14.l.`J 5 1' 1.1:.\. or west- L'SCV('HUl Con. Oro, UI \Jl J1-LILLIIJ-&-LI .I.l\l1I&L IIVLI `Formerly ofthe Exchange Hotel," Creemore. 1' Ill! here. 4' 4 HILLSDAVL E- ~ Alina House, DUN] UUNLUF b'1'1uul`.`1', - - - - - unxuuu. Near the New Railway Depot. .A..ARNALL. - - - - - Proprietor. HIS well-known and favorite old Hotel has been thoroughly renovated and tted up in a manner to ensure the comfort of guests; and travellers are assured that every endeavor will be used to give them satisfaction and rend- er the establishment the best of its class in point of comfort and taste. A Billiard Parlor attached. Stages for ditferent parts lozwe the house daily. ' MANUbT.AU`1'uunn Ur unumm, ALVU wholesale dealer in Havana, Yarn, Con- necticut Seed Leaf. and all other kinds or To- bacco, corner of Park and Mulberry streets, EAl(u.'ro.\', Li. W. Orillia I-Iotel, B. W. BOSS, ......... .... "Proprietor. Y HE proprietor of this well-known . ` establishment begs to infoxm his I friends and the. travelling community that he THIS is the ret.Hote] m the place," and affords all the conveniences and com- A_ __L ..I..... L.....-.. ---q.-_ Mr}. MARKS, Proprlotross. I JOHN M_oWATT,. Superintendent. ....._. }_a``g;`JN"`6`lq`g.)| The Travelling Commpuity fvill find this establishment smted to then nequutements and deserving of their patrgnage. :3` Sample Rooms 10: Commercial Travel, lots. `5 Du-my... ._..,..,V_-__` ` _lers. V Excellent Stabling connected with gh H 9 ouse 8? V VH1 ; proprietor OI Inns wen-Known establishment his friends and travelling community has leased the above hutel in the plexlsnnt and healthy village of Orillia, and is now prepared to receive. and accommodate guests. r'......m...-.-int`-...truvellm-s and others furnished and accommodate guests. Commercial`-,-travellers with convenient and ample accommodation. Choice Wines. Liquors and Cigars, in stock. Apartments let to private families. 33- Good Sheds (xudSt:.hlin_; with attentive servants. 5-tf pg 7 ' I IADJOINING TILE STATION, CO,LLIN.BWO0D.i `J. RYLEY, - - - - - PnoPnu:'ron.. Formerly of the ROYAL HOTEL, Hamilton. ` ____ l k'E2I1n1A.VuuAnnnun, P.Q,U-INN, - . - THIS B me man .nor.eu m we pmw, torts om rst claws house. Stagetdepnrt from and arrive at the hotel; Conve anoes to and from the Steamer. -4- .i1mru connected with the house. _ . BARBIE HOTEL. `BARBIE, COUNTY 01' 51.11002`, , RAILWAY HOTEL, _ ,__...-... .-no cu-I\crlI!r\'n* nnvvv ull Wheat, and about For further particu- '08 111038]. December 24, 1867. GLOBEHOTEL, vw:vn:'rANaUIsHENE. ONT. Tania:-io Hotel, BRADFORD, . PROPRTRTI Dlagca u\ an I'D! MARTIN S HOTEL. IlE\Al I f\JIll`I I [Q uuuu C EST Liquors and Cigars always in sioek. (mod 'Stnhlinr_' nml Sheds ndioinimz The Queen s, UNLO1 STREET,- BARI Nanr Hm 7\'nm 7?rn'lmuu Danni, FARAGHEWS HOTEL,` (Tarn: RfnaL':nn a \ EEAIGVALE HOTEL, ninn fkn lloilwnu Qhinn D.-min! -- V ------ . and now doing a -cd for sale on rea- L j SEWRE 1868. Y4 .3.1.1.`.1"! Z5_ Sgottls and Saunas. _____________:_._...~_...._.__:. F J. SCHRADERa ANUEACTURER OF CIGARS, AND r wholesale Havana. Yum. JOHN GBEIT: Proprietor. -`J in W V ' % IIs!`-|;j \ Eyanoes and from the steamer. iuery connected _ ___._____________._~_._.- I@gwa- .-_ pmus'rAsoUisuzNz, l\T'K' 5 ` , - punt Inna 11:1 hung? HILLSDAVLE. _ Penetanguisheno Road. J1, . . . . . . . - - PIIOPIIII-}'l`0ll. rnvrnnc PYCADQ nun! III4`, Proprietdr, UNI: Paornmron, LAW & FRASER. 41-tf ' Pr6'p}_ie:_i2s:.\ \ - r BARRIE. Mn! 47-] yr. ` One Dollar per Annum, strictly In Advance,` cenuw. ..-__ Joint Cmnon, . . . ONE hnljnn Ann A Avv .'..... -v--u vnnnuu, -. l'l'0[)l'lCl()I'. om: DOLLAR AND A Qunrrxm PER my THIS hotel is pleasantly located and con ~ venient to the Railway Stations, Etc-unz. boat Landings, and Wholesale Houses of Xlm city, and ialnrgely patronized by busines:'_meu generally. . `nun: ouululu. L1uu'.`l7._l O R 1 L L 1 A C `V. JAMES JOHNSON, ` - - - rl:01'lIETOR. j__. HIS new `and commodious hotel is situated ` near the Lake Shore, and commands u ne view of the surrounding scenery. The rooms are large, handsomely furnished, well writi- lnted, and families can be supplied with separate suites for themselves. :`Sumple Rooms for Commercial Travellvnz. The Bar will nlwnvn hm fnnn .-anlm. u-m. aumpw xtooms 101' Uommerclal 'l'l`3V9llL`l H. The Bar will always be found replete with liquors and cigars of the best brand. Good Sthbling and attentive hustlers. 20- _j______________.__._____ .__ w_ould respectful] oi Barrie and I - WM. H. BICDDUGALL, - Proprietor ' HIS commodious hotel has just been root- , ed, and furhiahed throughout in n nm-.; comfortable style. It contains the best saunplu rooms for commercial trrveilers, of any lxoniu north of Toronto. ~17- FRASER EXCHANGE HOTEL, Opposite the Railway Station. Dunlon 51.. ___ --- .. - - . nvl nu.nuI, This well known establishment has recently undergone very great. iniprovcmc-nt-n largo addition having bee-nmnde to it. giving in creased accommodation to the public and com- mercial travellers. (`.hnim.I:m.m-9 1... an -a....v- In-----~ lIlBX`Cll travellers. Choice liquors &c, in stock. Commodionu Stnbling and Sheds convenient to the house. - JJJIJJIJ HENRY FRASER,` mxhmc 1.1 mu.-um. 1uu.u.L.u.~,, Pipes, Canes. 'I`obnccunists Goods, &c..' Wholesale and Retail, Sign of the Indian Queen, 51, James Sm-ct, Ilamillon, C. W. IIZJIIIIVI-nu -v-nu -... LAND AND INSURANCE AGI'i I`: ANGUS. - - - '- - 05", jg? .......,. ..-V. ROCHESTER `HSESE NO. 20, FRONT. S'I`REE'l'. TORONTO. every uusc despatch. :|I'.`~'. apply nbthu olce of I`. |Il'L'-pllitl. HIEH .'-Ni-If Lllalluwu ;4uu.._- um,-.u.u.._-, ...._,.. . Valuations carefully made, and Surveying oi every duscriptlon executed with accuracy uml do.-snatch. I30-1;,` Prbvincial Lad SU|'VB_yor, r A\vI'\ awn l\YQH'l'?A\Yf`.T`. A(`.l`\."I` Toronto Vigegar Work:-. __Jl--lLj_j_ good supply on mu-.a~.; IML-2A l`, FUWL, G.-nu), &c., of as chuicu quality as the markets nbrd, and obr U11: same at very moderate prices. Corned Beef. SILIISSILVOS and Lard. tu(_wtIm:' 7 `Am-15 pleasure in announcing to me pm.- pleof Barrie and surrounding countrj. ' thnt be is now prepared to give music lc.wu:.i on the Piano Forte. Orders addressed to him Barrie post-oine, will meet with immcdiniu ' attention. Terms moderate. _ Melodeon and Organ furnished if required. Barrie, February 26, 1868. ` 47-t nu uvau White Wine,` Cidr Ga MzL1tVine<:,ar, mm Rm-nt. Cider. Extract. of Colfuc. .S:c.. VVl.l1bU IV um, Uxum uu LLLLULU I 1uu;,Lu., Pure Sweet Cider, Extract Colfuc, &c., Wholesale Dealers in _Do;neaI.!c and Foreign Cigars. n.) nu an ac u|vI.unl.`. 81`. I` H`! Wholesale Dealers 1n yoxneauc unu Iorelgu '.u;;.u.. 92, 94. 96, 9S ABEL.-\ll)E ST. lI.`.S". VI"('\I')f\\T'T`f\ QVT ii-U, II'KQ pu, uu annruu.-----. ...-- ...._.-_ TORONTO, ONT. N. L. S1'm.\'1cn. J. Scluu-zn-zn. A. IIrn.xs:n:r.. BINGHAM BROTHERS. lnrrclnzns AND GENERAL, l Ull\'E1'0RS_. MARKET STALL No. 1, I1.-11{1{I1:', V ~ AVE constantly on hand rx good supply of I"llli$'.. :Mla'A'l`. l"()\VI.. G.-\}ll/I. .\'.c.. of uhuic. Iwgp- Wjif warm; &r:,, -V-__-, ,_ .. , -. , - , AXES pleasqre in announcing to the pan- . ple of Barne nut. ha in miw nrenared to aim music _. a$'Now is thn time to subscribe or Ijmglish and American papers and mngazinn-s. At DRIFFILL A; SUN ' . : 3'Have you seen our door mat? If not, call and examine. DRIFFILL & SONS. Brxulforll DQMIMION ..H_OUSE, y epot.) (Near tl 1\}SiIIzJo'c'IS `D at moderate pncos. Cornc(1'Beof. Sausages Lard, tugt-llmr with uvuriety ol' other useful eomxnoditim, can usually be had at No. l Slnll. 9!'All nllrchaseatlelivcred iu nnv hart 01` i_` .-_sKA'[`Esz1Skatc Straps, Skate Gimlets, in good assortment for old and young, at DRIFI-`ILL & SONS. usuany no mm at. A0. 1 mun. i'A1lpurchaseadelivcrediu any part. the town free of charge. Iv.1,cn rm tn rmn nA'r"I"I'1:: l1EI'III III-Il'lll\III AS resumed his instmctiona in Singing, and on the Pizmo-Fortc.-Fo1' tcxuzs. &,c., apply at the Barrie Hotel. Barrie, Sept. 23, 1868- 34-1! .... 7 HP] public are respectfully requested to take notice that the Sunday Business Hitherto .-onnected with this cstahlizshmen`. - will be discontinued from this date. D. VANEVERY SINGING AND PIANO-FORTE. uav. u.\.., um. S now selling his stock at prices us low. not lower, than the same goods can be bad in Barrie. Apto, Township F103, 1868. H-Iy DryGoods,Groceries;Provisions, (hacker:/. Glassware. Ilardwurc. uanvngnnpvual ALVA-Ill. Opposite Railway Station, Dunlap .51., `D A `D `D 1 1:! f\_L OUSE, (Lute Stubrd Honse.\ usiut Sgavtrtirmtnts. ,A~vvAA,A~,..- \/wk.-A/\ @I% . JOSEPH HOOER8 `1H[EF CONSTABLE, County of Simcoo. / OF!-`ICE: Dunlap 52., Barrio. . 4. w. 'BR|ncMAu )0RTRAlT PAINTER, 39 King . West, Toronto.` ' : N. L. s11.T~TE & Cm. Mnntlfacturers and Wholesale Dealers in best __. ..-..-u n1r1.7'r- LUTHER GKI`? OV E.B EALER ` IN CIGARS. TOBACCOS, Pinon f`.nnnu '['n|\nI'l`nniuI~4 (land: K-n ' '\' I'll) I".-KRMS for Snloin ::Il'I'i4-, Alum n nnmlmr VANEVERY8 Livery _S`l:a.bles. .\JuLLJ:D 1 411 1'1UU DJ STREET, _[u t2Is and .nIunus._ IJ \.lVVu\l \JII vvvl IUU,I I VI Ivnvuu Crockery, Glassware, Hardware, 10.. &.c.. .(:a.. Dispulcd Lines accurately avljustccl. ..l....nnnu mrnfuuilv mmln. nnd Survevi vvu AIIUU Ul \;nub'I.'. C.-ISII PAID FOR CAT'l"1'I`.'! mum, 1-lf` ' J. mx MR, CHALAUPKA; THOMAS STONE-,_ .A.J.I>.J\I.LI J.L\J U (Lute Stulfurd House.) D1TT~IA (Na u-u Avunwily unuuuu, uul WBARRIE, Ont. FRASER. - - - - Pu um: wlllmnl hulllngl l) MORHOW. . .\'TI'.`l) LISTS. 3-3- HERR HEINRICH ______ ...1 LI- :..aOnn.Hnn. Sn General Dealer in and mng.1'/.1m-.~z. At SU.\'.-1. Bx Au NUMBER 15 Vlll ,......5, ... _ _DRIF'_F[LL SONS, Btwmrd. Proprietor. M RR PER n,\v llll Pnormzron, 5U.\ iv . mlford. Strcc`. `-17.1- '7' 2,856 acres, NT Re latry OUNT, rm 16-$3 unu `J -L '5i~11o.\1As nonmson. Prop:-_i-_-no - woum 8 of and [Ye met that hchus mm. w building. one _ door l(fl`U he 13 prepared to 'r1nr1-.,:.n~`- -:1 1&1 l:-I_ust hull of 1 241011 of II... . I \ Inn 1' .-uima I0!` cnwln Iurriv. Also, :1 number und willmnl huildlngs. MORROW. .3. I343 null 127. in tho go `of An;:n.~a. are now 'l'lu-so luls ure situated on-n Hm Hzu'h\'u_v . in n l'ur4u-nhlr- part for , zwrv lots. um! two a u. lur sulc, two Lotsln of tho purchase money . `taxi.-nu-re in two annual- wr pm-riculnrs apply to l`,. llS. or In ------ - ~*:----+-- Eor Sale, Lot No, 94 The icd inyu CLASS STAND, 3 I868. HOTE_L, Sale. SALE. u pun` N (. Gmct-1', `.:.uu(H'd F .. likely to at er foot is 4115; :3 en ts on time. an) ' zuu 200 200 Acres 200 200 200 200 100 186, 100 160 100 200 200 200 100 120 900 ` Barrio. 36-if 36-If (45-If WHU HCTUSE 1 ' 7 . I ioubt whether my boat W1 1|01d : 'b0lh ofus,"gruuxblcd Egerton. H`3"9: `} much the and of my 8011: "d,lI `M 1 :hontin. Gentgggencly, or you capsize i Jnn. .. ull uUllLS( I) F01! CVUH BU IIIHIII H Ufillln Egerton pushed off very carefully, and just as he had dipped his sculls for the rst stroke, he heard a honrae, dull, con- fused \-oaring in -tlm distance, and the wretched passenger cried : Quicker-- quicker; they're}: coming: can't. ye hear "elm?" L`..._4_.. _,.__ _.. A`.- ._-_L -l`...,L!___ _._ _ me." t For the man "had eagerly seized the . ncull, and very nearly upset the boat, which. though it was not canvas-covered, and though it was called at Cambridge a tub, was in reality a very light` skiff,_ such as many a. mother would think it danger- ous for her darling son to trust himself alone. However the miserable man was able, and apparently delighted to get into i even so small a craft. L`....._L.... ......L..,l -6!` ..,..... ...._..I..lI.. .....l J-`III14 ii IUI l_y'uEulv. - For Heaven's sake, put. me across! - repuutcnl the man, stretching out his hands as if to catch hold of Egerton s` bunt. Do put. me ucross--the devils are after mo! ` ' Wlmc duvils? - asked Egerton. -The h:1ilis-`-the builiful "Oh, put mm mu-nu Y IN TWO CIVIAPTERS--CHAPTER I. For He.-m'un s sake, take me over. So clied :1 pale panting mm to William Egerton, who was sculling easily down the river (lam. _ 1.` 1--v....z .... z.. 6!... .I:..-..o.'.... -4- \'Cr Vlilllln Egcrton looked up in the direction of the i-'r_v, and saw asight which gave him a shock, and made him hold up his boat immediately. The mun who had called out so piteously, cluiiibered down -the l-mil; to the very edge of lhe water, where he siuml with blood rouning fromhis face like that ofn ghost, xis_ dress disordered, his neckercliicf awry, his but pressed tightly over his head, his long hair lining- Jug about like a bundle of snakes, and hie I lmuds clasped .imploriu__1,rl_)' before him as be repeated `his cry: For l*Iezwen s sake, sir, I.-ike me over! Do for Hcavelfs sake, put me across!" u\\'lw .1-nn"f.. vml an nvnr Hm arrv ?" - rthem. VIVL, , Ulll X Egerton was on the point of making an angry rejoinder,for he didn't at all like the mnn stoue; but young men of twenty sympathise with those who are escaping tfrom the buillb, and he replied : All right, my friend; as soon as Igel: settled to my work, I ll take you across like a shot. I don't know whether you care about your trousers and things, but the blood afrom your nose is dropping all over )LlL IIIU IIUIUSEJ ' Why -cant yox asked Eger-ten dis isn't at ferry-bout. ,u I'.`._ ll..... ..I- .. -------;: "AND COUNTY OF smcor: ADVOCATE. The man oly shook his head carelessly. and kept his eyes` xed on tlx`? PP5"' bank. I ' Man In had to steer for himself, he was obliged occasionally to turn his head to see where .he was going. Once as he faced about \.3gain, and looked towards his `passenger, he saw the latter wntclnng a number of ,-circles in the water astern of the bent. As 4110 passenger twisted his head back to its -former position, the bent gavemllirch, ,'8_,l1Il Ewerton said angrily :1 9` Yonfbetter -Eli. stil, my friend; what_the de_uoe_ were you looking at? Nothing. ' . You were looking at something, I'm `Sure, for I saw the circles in the water` Jnyself; I suppose a fish jumped. - Yes. that. were it. mnntnr_"un.'|i1l the Egerton gave way with awill, and as he i ., _. aw -4=I.!J -9 -_v large stock of rntclns. 'ug_sIh(-r with n choic ish and .-\.m(~ricnn Cheese; :1 st-It-cu-d with great care, l)(`ll upon` us being 0! th TIIE ;mnnI:ss:_g1 loll nun n.....-- Addiesa all orders to `"` 'd"' EXAMINER ormcu. Barrie, Out. 3;, w. NICHOLSON & SONS. Punuauns. {---:- ltpmnxitttlitttt. ruannn ; nvrnn A nu-.1 ...--. ' ' V aurum noox AND JOB 1' ms nu K OFFICE, nmwma % -W ` ="::;.`::n:.s:"* "N aw P-L.\L`I AND ORNA ENTAL PRINTING: "MM . suchas ' LETTER} -; _ nU31N*&3.*:-F*.!`P.9;.. run--------V ...... . 1 31 mw's Buudlnga West of th 14' once u Ollall, Ucllier Szrel, Barrio. O mmn" .._.-_ 1 TERMS or SUBSCRIPTION: - .._. mum net nnnum. strictly J! advance! or 81.50 sunscnn-TION: ~e~"".*;`=.;:::*:`2..1,-. = * GUU ll: By this time -they had .reached the op- ponlte bank, for the Cam is a narrow river; and the man, having got ashore, ran up the steep path which led to the river as M 511.8% as his legs would cilrry him, without -"Pnking a word or looking behind `him. - Well." Hmntrht. T<`.am-Inn, an he nnaJ- (mun: a. V .;....uv.. any . uuu..., lA rf.I:u|,|IlI-ID EVERY TIIURGDAY .Il0|fNlNG. . ..-.......v.. nullrllnmn. Want of the Fireman`: I W"; _ [ umpedg. . `F f, Yes,1t:1`:p\3::eailt:s `rnJasteI`. _';t|1d mg Tpassenger dreamily; "a fish J 1" " see it. V J Illuvv ovvu nvuuu wv uvu vul -u, And joys not in a slavish mind; Thy wit, thy grace, to all be shown, Yet keep some thoughts for me alone. SALE The sweet unconscious londerhesa That from thy very nature own, [would not seek to ah ut up this. \I...... than Hun auynnlnmm nf n 1-nun '_|_`n.u an-.-g-....-....,- , AND COUNTY OF SIMCOE ADVOCATE, ._ ...muam-:9 EfuEYifunsnAv.T my 13, 1869. [sock hot with fond, jealous cure The freedom of thy soul to bind; Iknow love would be free as.air, 1 _.I :...... ....A 3.` .. -I....:..l. ....:...'l. .-,.o.._.uug a word Iookmg nenxna `mm- Well," thought Egertorg. ankle P' `away, he might. have said ` 1?hank ee at anyrate; but I suppose h 9 in t 3'5" a funk to be civil.- . ......... - `- A. 1... .......-.I -I-_- '------A`- ` J ` an aunt L0 08 CW1]-'" As he rowed along leisurely toward-h ` favourite in on the river's 118-0ks h heurd the noices of the pursurers getg Pli` er _nnd plmner as_ 311) d 3m.f nearer and nearer, and at sounde 9 ` `they were shouting Murder! murder! ` . He laughed ashe thought of the dodge .,the bailf`s must have tuned to 3` 'wd .`t9|wM `ghgmjp we yureuit of a poor jllull glvcnly mu uvu vuu suuuuvuv [nu- Unleas thou make it. wholly mine. . Fear not that I shall ckle prove, With half my hear; I could not love. L WU\|Iu Iluu aunt: in: nu ui up uu-1. More than the sweetness of a rose; But all that lgof right could love, That I. and I alone. must move. o-`ff lg-published every Thursday Morning. VOLUME VI. h-nt, Land for sale.` being l.nt`.H. in the -11!) Con- |\`l`(`S(`|t`3ll`l`(l. 'l'i|(: lnud luuv nru on it n dwelling mud n thriving. young nilos from Barrio Th:-re`

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