BIHIUIU ' - '; , _ Hehenl down his` head to hers. Nci-her of them iH:uI'(i the window ulnovei them close; if they heard it, they. nmst have remelnln-.Ied that the Murchesa's bed-mom me:-loioketl the same prospect , as thuir favorite vcr.'m:lnh. Next In0rnin_o: brmiglit letters. Dun t you think ictters are very tire- some t.|nin_-_r.~z, Giuiiu? If their is any- t|niu__; lnorrilulcin this wnrhl itis the hav- ing to write at I-.-ltt-.r--I never know what to say or how to any it. ' 'I lllb hlslllllall lll;!l.n'jlI 1101` hunk UIN'I2 Hllll l7|I'b'Ill.:'.ICl93| > . . "You are nmligning yourself, as usual, dear chil-I. You must. once surely have i'0un~l 1| plezmlre in anzmering letters?` And she glanced slightly at. Lilian : hus- buml. ` ' _ . uAl_l _. ...... ...... ....2A_ ....._L..I..... .. Man can I) - Anrl the next. time she came he strug- gled against. his disinclinzition, and second- ed Lilian's invitz.tion. ll...I....... .1: `u:..._._I. ,, - - Ah! no, you are quite mistaken, is she not, Gilbert? One 6f the great charms uf our cngagernent was tlmt. we saw each other so often. There was no tune for corwsponch.-nee; and us we are never, never going L0 be separated, we shall plohahly not exchange as love letter in our li\'e.~x." Giulia. smiled again, but she looked" :lI1-Pull nlnnd IU Bil, I" IIL"' |U Elly Ill '1h: Mmclnesu smi2el-she had such an exqllisitc smile. a mixture of u_elan- chub uIuIlr:gioL!1ess. "You urn Inulicrninrr vnnrauw nu numl mm uumcwu mr. om.-tLnn`s uttemlon. I hate vehement women. lug said to himself, as he \\'<t'lM`d the reflection of the moon on the water, broktnby each rippling wavelet; they are nlwnys rest- lea and exacting; tliis.Marclnesu will be sure to t, river m-meet gentle crest- ture like Lilian; hesiahea, I don't want any one to come between me and my durlingz. Why do we stuv here away frnm England, if it is nut to be all in all tueach other? He went on smoking his cigar; ho llml p;ive.n two reasons for his dislike, but he had not given the true one. He would have called himself a coxcomb for owning it. In his heart, Gilbert Strettnn had Shrunk from the intense, unfeigned admiration the Mar- chesu's first glance at him had expressed. Weeks Dassetl on. and still Ilm f-`ma \ |"ll DI `.lIcre(lIllo1l.~I, 1.-:II . u. uumll u m\'Iuu.I0lIS to stay at the Villa. `-1 do believe, Gill-ert, it is because you neverjnir. in inviLiugber, _Liliun said, half sadly. ` ' Allll lhn navf Hun; nl... ......... L- -A H|U|V(`.(lIlIUll.n (iillm-L $1.:-etten had heard his wife s last. words, and he pushed an open letter across to her." , ..I |,.J. I_..-.__ -_.u, ; `,..:u __.. uucaua ulab giumze la UH [NIH QXPVGSSCU. passed on, and still the ne holiday weather lasted. The Marchesa drove over more than once at week to see her friend; hut, although the journey was fatiguing, she invariably refused Lilimfa invitations to stay at the Villa. believe. Gillmn 9 ic ...-... |L A W `I: FRAFBI l left him, he lingered out in the ternndnh, and, while he watched the moonlight, he asked himself what could have given him this strong repiugnnnce to Li|ian's friend. She was very beautiful, tallnnd stately, with the fully developed form of a true Rolmm woumn; `her cmneo-like head was magnicently set, and crowned with mus-' sive coils of shining black hair; her com- plexion lmd that wonderful mute_white- ness one seldom sees in English women, nnd her eyes were marvellous. There was thoII__:ht in them. and an almost rvgul dignity; but overnIast.erii.g these expres- sions, there nus n lo-ptll of passionjetliat lmd attracted Mr. Stretton's attention. . l lluh-I vulnununlv .u.\....... H I. . I - UUIVIIBB Ll! HUI . ` I dun : know what you ~ will say, Lilian. Fergus Mackenzie tells me he has given up lns plan of coming Vto us here. He leaves Rome to-morrow',` and unless I meet him there I have nuclumce of seeing him `before he starts fur New Zeulzunl. In his state of health, I feel that this parting may be a final one. Rut l 'nnn|.I nvn tn? nh nnl I am: (Hillo H5 llfllllg 'llHI_y UU 3| lllllll UNC- But [could go to? Oh no! I see that would be useless. But, Gilbert, dear, you would not be away long?" v Rx; nfurmr at. once. that is to mm} in yuu \VUlI|'l IIUI. uu nIvu_v Ipusx By starting at once. that is to say; in two hours time, I might be here again by evening the day after to-marrow; but I will not go if you dislike being -left. alone here. Lilian. uAlmm'2 \'nu fnrnpf T sllnll have nere. mnan." Alone? You forget I shall have Giulia. Oh no! I would not have you disappoint poor Mackenzie for the world --such friends as you have been. I will go and tell Benson about your things. I Mrs. Stretton ran awav up-stairs, and ' and tell benson auour. your lulllllgth Mrs. Stretton up-stairs, then the Marchesa, with a bright glow on her usually pale cheeks, turned to Gil- bert, and told him, with a warmth he felt he little deserved, how rejoiced she should be to watch over his Lilian during his absence. um... :- ..n T 1.-..` 4.. 1.-mi ma ~ hnw." the absence. A `.She is all I have to love me now," said the musical, thrilling voice, and those rl.-wk velvet eyes were raised to his with R timid and beseec-hing ezunestness Llat. touched lim strangely. It was as if she had known his doubts and dislike, and strove to deprecate both. ' U- ;l_..__I.-.1 Ll... I.-....c1l.. .301: n uvnv-Il1f.l1 unu ELTUVU LU \.lClJIU\;I'I|/D UJI.u. He thmiked her heartily with a warmth ofuumner that plainly touched her, for he saw tears in the bright beautiful eyes as he ended. -w. I YT. vv-C uy unuvut His preparations were soon made. 1 said good-bye` to the Murchesa, at meeting again that same wi-till`, b us:-urezl look, by u sual-len impulse raised her hand to his lips. ` L1,. Inr\u`a` I....... L.:-.. ..-...... I..- ..l..'l.II unt; I;-t;r1-':sI(~>'.rry for ilding to it if he had seen how passionate the E`. ' anal. . half so he Vltlllg lUllU\VULI U] HUI` IILCIU `t'.l`UJ'IIUlIuo I um too much vexed with Giulia to` stay with her. How_liLtle she under- stands me! Oh! my darling, my dar- ling! how can she say I am happy, when my heart is almost breaking. for want. of you? If I hnd known it wnuld.have been so hard to hear, I believe I could not have 1- .`... . "A11 uue had med to hem ..,. .._, _ ` _`___. she hadtold `herself was a 'nk:Ll:al- "o`...__, hoding; but. now, when she reached the stone garden sent, where Gilbert. had `so often sat. beside her, she burst 1nLo pas- snmme weeping. A lnnrn .-vum:-m:.n nalz nvershadnwezl |lII l|!llI l,H|LLIU(Iu I - Have I been gay? I did not know it. My heart has not been gay, Giulia. But where is the use of t.r_yin_; to he \lul- lcr, and get a long pale face by the time` he comes home? Com along, Carlo, and she ran down the steps of the veran- luh, followed by her little greyhound. l nnl fnn nnn-ll \-nmul whlu fliullu h-L" .3uI'uII_I_:u puwer Ul cumrolung }lIIt5Cl.l0." She xed her bright. eyes on Mrs. Stret- ton; she wae trying to` read her true feel- _iugs, but Liliun s frank nature wasioo open tor her fI'iend's' comprehension. Mrs. Sl.rnt.f.nI'n Int-lmrl nn'm. lmr cm-mm- upcu nur um` II`_IulIu 3 t:l)Hlpl'dH6llSl0ll. Mrs. Stretton locked upat. her, sorrow- ful and puzzled. Hnvu T hnnn 0-.1119 T J;/I nnt Ln.-up SIIHNHQ \\'Hl?ll|go A lmge,uvergreen oak o\'ershadowel her, and the vllulizm lady could no}. wit- ness am '-qtgitation which miglnthuve check- ed her scorn. . BL- ....-.....l ..AIlI in`. an I':II..-. Kn,` I.\l CU HGT IL'U|'Ho She stood sti|l just. as Lilianv had left her. except that. she seemed to dilute with the vehemence she had now. no cause to` restrain. . u.\ .. I L- ALJ..L- LI......,.IP Lnl.-.-var] lint` TCSITEIIIL . And he thinks himself beloved, and he is content with a heart like this! It is nnpossihlo; or, if he seems to be con- :nt,7itis because he knows no lnettur. His soul` has never been awakened to nrdnur by a passion which would lose its life in his. 'Love! if she loveul him she would drnnp and fade as a ower fade-.~a phnced where the sun czmnut reach it. Love! it sickens me to hear her nrme him! on . ,1 ._._- I L..n_ l.....,1.. ........ lm. In.-n, utl hull, Ulllllil W115 2IlI.`5Wlfl'lIIg Her ITIQSIKII You must. forgive me, my (lez_Ir_ child," if I have seemed dull; my spirits since my mother s death are very unequal. It. comforts me that my sadness has not in- fected you, Lilian. I could not have hoped to see you so gay in your hus- band's absence. Ah! that is the best of you English; either you do not feel as we southern women do. or you have "a strz.n_g_re power of controlling inflection. Slit! fix;-ul ll-r lsritrlll. AVAQ nn Rh-n Rina}- Iallllulllvllln _ ' Lilian did not I`ok towards the Mar- chesa-she did not see the crimson ush overspreayl her face. fora moment, and then leave it more colourless than it had been. Before her silence could he re- marked, Giulia was answering her friend: ` vnll muszt. fnlrahvn Ina luv our ninihl' clil`%`.)c Lreuu OI Lue wulucu m In-rs;uuuu_v. It had grown dusk before Mrs. Stret- tnn came in. The .\Iarcl1es'a was not in thesula; She inquired for` her, and was tnlcl that she felt tired, and begged Mrs. Stretton toexcuse hernbscuce. 12:: .. __. ...'u |...-..,.w ..'..-.1 .. ...mno um: puuu, nu unruly Iuullu courage. "I will ask you to write, my Lily. mv precious wife! `You shall hear of my safe arrival, and you willsee me again -soon after. xAl"Z..I2_. T I _,,I. L,_ BIIICU UU WUIIV Wily. _ ` V The last. words were spoken wearilv, and the fair young face was sad an] thoughtful. ' ' I'll: ._ J3 I _,_4 I ,I, 1,, ` I .1 `Dr LlU\U$ ll: DIUHUIIB Ill? I-V u\.un say: an any She clasped bnth hands over her fore- head. and walked upyzunl down tlx room--up and dnwn, with the rm clu-atic treutl of the women of her count.r_v. T. |....l ..;...\..... pl-....Iw I..J'.u-n Jr: Rival- B_l.l'L`lLDll tux-.xcu.~u I_mrnum:m;c. Lilian reprouched herself, and a sweet penitent expression came into her` eyes as she stood` hesitauing. whether she shoulal go and seek her friend. Never mind ;`I will make it up`to her l.0'lll0I`!'u\V.' It was. much better to run away as l (lid. Whenvl um vexed With any one,_it is always soon over ifl am left. altine. If 1 [lad stayed in doors just then. Giulia. and I shouldhuve quarrel- led. . . LVL- -....._a. .... ....2_.. 4.. `\AA ("nil/uun luy uuun ulbur. ._ Giulia, I_don't. know what has come to ymi; one" would think Gilbert was you} huslmml, imsl you moped for him. .I believe you are tirecl of being alone with me, and it, is scarcely `a day and a half since he went away. The inc}. INAPIIR warn nnnlran umuu-ilu nucn: uumu HLUOU waiting 10! llllll. You need not mind leaving me a hit, my own! You "know I have never had as sister or brother, and now that I have lost papa, and have no one of my own people ' left, Giulia seems qulte to bemolher amul siuter L09. Do you know, darling,` that if ever anything lmpppueal to me, I slmulul like her to manage everything just as a sislerwould ?" LI- ..n....._,.J I--- -A~ ~-4' ._g .. `Iv BISLCT VIUIIIU I . A ' He stopped her mouth with kisses. It was very hard to leave her; now it came to the point, he hardly found cour.1g-. "I will ask mm in wt-in: mu l'.|u mu She went. up-stairs to bed, followed by her maid, un ltgxlian recounnendecl to her by the Marchesa. The tender little heart was very heavy ant. thought of the miles that lay lietween hcrkunl Gilbert; but to- morrow 1; letter must. come` in the morn-I hug, and. perhaps, he might come- back in the evening, . sun in ctrnntrn Hm! tlnln nnnmla so im- Italian Judy pressed her hand 00 her own lips as he hurried out to the little room where Lilian stood waiting for him. You neml nnr. mhui L.-...:..... ...,. .. Lu ll] UIB evening. It. is strange that this sounds so possible while `I say ib--strange and silly, `.oo- that Iecannot. believe he is coming back. I knew I was not clever, but. I did not fancy I could be such a. little goose as Lhis.__ Why, other women s husbands go away often. and.the_v think nothing of it. I believe Gilbert. would be almost angfy if he could see me now . l - l`L,. _....:...._ mu- 1.---.. 1.`-....LL L......,.l. II ne could see me now.'j The anxious little heart fought. bravely ' against the strange, sombre presentiments " of evil that had been slowly. gathering \ , strength all day. She triedtnaleep, but ` she awakened again, terried by some ' shadowy dream, the full meaning of which elie had not been. able wgrasp. That it had been alarming, her aching heart and ugue-like terror, revealed. Morn- ing found her pale and unrefreshed; but she rose eaIly-she wanted to be down ' stairs when the letters arrived. The Mar- chesa was not in the sala, and the fra- " grant morning air came in refreshingly at the open windows. ul ..I...ll .....a ....l -l'..._ 1.--: _,|,.:._ AL. Ilnv vr... ~......-. I shall get ml of my headache in the open air," said Lilian. and be in again long before the letter comes. M OI. Ln}! I.'..-.lI.. ...........l 1-..... A1. - .:;.___ vv-Alva! She had hardly passed down the.\"eran- duh steps _when the Mun-hesa ap cared. V She walked up to the wiindow, following: Lilian with her eyes as she went down to a terrace. at the bottom of thefgnrdeu. There was a \`er_vAscnrnful `look on the Italian |a s face, and she turned quickly away. She went through the entrance hall. down _tho steps of the poruw, and lvus -`av... ...v. ---.v-_ BARBIE, .COUNl`Y%OFSIMCO`E, ONTARIO, iNAi)A, THURSDAY, APRIL18, 1869. `jealous anger that raged in Giulia s heart. ` and perhaps joy promised. ,; uuulu. u-ave ueen seen irom H18 vum. Up tothis moment no dened purpose had developed itself from the tumult of but the touch of the letter suggested one, Wild and impracticable it seemed at first, ' but the vehement nature welcomed the ditculties she_ foresaw for the excitement 1 She looked down again at the letter, and than deliberately removed the seal. As ' she read~the contents, the-troubled 1ook~ 5; which had clouded her face ever since ` Gilhert s departure vanished, and in its . pluce cumea proud exultntion, and then " an expression of passionate love. She'_ Iorethe letter into fragments, and see lied about to cast it from her; then she sud- denly kissed the torn pieces, and replatcedfr them in the envelope. _.._._. -- 1-A-------~:-----------~L~< . V William Lloyd Gayrison was about to_tak-_- ` the lecturing eld in opposition to protec-. - of resolutions. -to the principals we advance, namely: that - 1-.-` ~~ *~ The public meeting.-; of free traders Ire- _. .....,.V . centlv held in New York was attended by - a large number of people. Mr. James H. Brown presiclecl and airiong the vice presi- dents were Robt B. Minturu, Lloyd Aspin- \\ all and Henry (.`rrinnel_l. The work ofthe " Free Trade Le'ague" \~was explained'b_v William Cullen Bryant, who `stated that tion, and that other proIuinent_ gentlemen would soon follow his _e_xample. Mr. D. D. Field dened free. trade to be the riglit to sell where he can get the best price and buy wliere he can ;buy the cheapest." and Robert B. Minturn presented a series At the close of the meet- ing the sum $17,355 was subscribed to aid -in the promotion of its objects A - the ` lenghty address has been issued by League concluding as follows: We ask your support on the ground of p..ilan- tlnopy and in behalf of your own interest every man should be left free to buv with his labour what he may need wherever he " can buy it the cheapest, subject only to such taxes as are iiecessaryv to the support ofthe community is best promoted by gover nmeI,t letting private business alone; that all men are entitled to ask from `government equal protection for life and property, but for government to protect a few interests against the competition of cheap goods is an attempt to rob all others for the benefit of thevowners of coal mines andiron mines, of foundries and factories; is to make all others, in fact, so far slaves to the rararice` of these few. We see what is called `prote':tion`in-_ fringes upon our personal rights; it le- creases the comforts of life; itdiscrim- inates unjustly in favour ofa few capital- ists. and against~the great mass of the people; it diminishes the returns from the sale of American produce abroad, by ` increasing the cost of the `goods imported in exc_liang"e tl1eref'\r.vand generally it` curtzuls American commerce; lastly, it -sinsagamst the fundamental principles of morals. . < . = :----:-- 4: 6'". `-0.; , UIJU UUII UH-Slay IUIIII l4U'llIUrrUW-_ Giulia stood still, with the letter in her hand. ' She looked round her. The road was very lonely at. this spot; high banks on each side'shuL out clistmit. ol-jecLs-iL was impossible that the com-iur s approach could have been seen from the villa. IT omrlyu`- ............i. .. ..I-l2_;_J ._._.,_. ., _ ula mwclaauuulu uu ~uuu (Ill LU ult: vlllr Si--si--.Si-__rnoru." The man spoke impatiently; Ive was in a hurry to be gone. Well. l.In=.n"-tIm Klnrt-hang nnnanrl Iulyiualuluq , II: was III 5 uurry to [DU gllc Well, Lhen"-1he Murchesa paused, pressing the letter tightly between her. slender ngers-the' parlrona does not wish them sent. until_furLlIer_orrlers. If she wants them, a servant. "will go into Naples to fetch them. The man noddedfand turned on his ;1aP_IcB uu IULUII ulclu. nodded,` and his steps. He was glad to he releasel--glad also that he should not. have to_ toil along the bot. dusty roux] to-morrow._ Giulia sztnnrl still with tho lanmv in lam- u. nur um Dlguurn otretwn." . She kept. her hand outstretched, and her eyes xed on the Inau .-s face. He ale- lu_v`l an instam. or two longer, but. the will in those bright, staxlthst. eyes, com- pelled his acquiescence. He drew a letter` out ol'.his bag. and g_{zu'e it her. Tlnlu ha Hun nnlu lnltnr Far Villa Rut- ' Lula I5 HIU Ullly IUHUT IUY Vllll cano? Yo_u are um going there? . The mmi shnnlz hi-4 Imml `um! an \AIllU K `L \l_ll IIIU IHIU glllllg LIIUR: 3 - _'l'he mun shook his heml,`and seemed inclined to return to Naples.. Giulia stood` in his" way. Did the Signor Streuon, the padrona of the Villa Burcimn, order, then, tlmt. all his letters should be zeut. on to the villa ? Q: ,.: q:__.'.,...__-9 vm.- __.,,._ ...-I_- T `hen. 'I'eIpping`a shawl round her head, walked carelessly towards the road tlmt. led 3? Nple. She had not far to go. Uolmng to a sudden turn in the road, slle fnund herselhface to fnc with u man_wjth It leullufr pouch at his waist. The Mar- chesa Mgned to him to stop, and the man obeyed, bowing low to the statelv lagly. YOU hang `Amara fur Ihh nsrulrnnnr, uuc_H-.u, uuwlug IOW [0 the stately Iflyn You have letters fur the pavlronn?" and she stretched on; her hand. The man hesitated. - , There is but one letter. . and--_'--" Give it to me; I have come to fetch it. for the Signor Slretton. ' ' Q]... 1...... l.,... |.,_J ,.,.,. _.,L_; ,,,I APPEARANCE AFTER DEATII.--Wllen the coffin containing the body of Burns was opened, in 1851,, there lay the body of the great poet, to appearance, nearlv entire, and retaining various traces (Sf "vitality, or rather exhibiting the features of one who had recently sunken into the sleep of death ; the lordly forehead, arched and high. and. the teeth perfectly rm and white. The scene was so imposing that most of the workmen stood bare and un. covered,,as did Dr. Gregory at the exhua_ ~ mation of the hero of Bunnockburn. and at the same. time felt their frames thrilling , with undcnable emotion, as 'viale_a'g the . world itself. ` But the e'ect'wus moment- ary; for when they proceeded to insert a. shell or. case below the coin,`the head separated from the trunk, and the whole body with the exception of the homes, crumbled to dust Wllqu. Lord ' Nugent opened the coin containing- the body of J, Hampden, he found it perfect after the burial of 200 years; even his features. were preserved. When the body of Gene ml Wayne, which had been buried atErie, Pennsylvzmia, in l797,,w as disinterred forty yearsufteriv ards, the comic had un- dergone so very little change as to be readily recognized lvy-th'o`se' who were familiar with the General in his lifetime. its perfect preservation was attributed to the cliarztcted of the soil, in ivhich was argillnceous earth, strongly impregnated` with alnniinn. ` LEASE -of n Sow-nlh Con.0; uv ULIII-`. U115. JIIHI glltu II4 HUI`. This is the only letter for Villa Bur- um? vnu urn nnt nnhur than: 5 - ' .anmsu rn::ooM Ann coin. meats. W. 0. ADAMS, ENTIST, 95, King St.-Enst, Toronto. Teeth inserted ' on Gold. Silver, and Vulcan- ized Rubber, in the best possibe manner. Pur- ticular attention given `to the regulation of children's teeth. and all work warranted. -u January, 1868. ;.>.`.r:l_I. J. uzms uzuo EIBER of the Royal Collegea_of Sur- > 1 ions, Edinburgh and England. CQNSETING JLOPERATING SURGEON. Onnui-__!(inn Qt Waco 'I`nI-nntn, lmhumn KVEIH, L1\.IllllI|.I|5ll nuu uusluuua CQNSMING >0!-`l'u`:--King St. West, Toronto, between Yo'Ifk ut_ Simcoe Stss. 47- w _ on. R. Luna. T . F_0MlRLY OF COOKSTOWN, !.`ir.A- -3 n__ An... -0 1-`_-_A- .7 1'-9 _._._ ` 0l'l:It-~Du1ilop-St.., the same as -those oeciiplgby the late firm of Messrs. Boulton & Marll. 43-6m n. 1. unn u uuu. ` County 1 Clark. V ILL attend at his Office, in Barrie, every SATURDAY. from 11, a.m., till 3, p. m., according to Order of Council, and every other day at his Olce in Cookstown. - 9 :.~ *2 AMES c. MOIIROW, t mks Y-AT-LA\V. Solicitor in Chan- Rey Ar Uomioner in B. R.. &c.. doc. Heir gnd Deliielaima executed. 0I._l't,-In .\forrow`a Buildings. west of the Fig: 75 Ha. Collier Sheet. Buuuz. Notary Public. Conveynncen. - `HE subscribers are appointed A cm: at Toronto for the sale of the co: ebrnted Paula Land Plaster, and which they are pre- pared Lo forward to all Railroad Stgtlons either in barrels or in bulk b the car loud. - J. & . SINCLAIR, Mn 1`). Palace SI. 09P`3_3 Macaw. l.\u'uIsI runs ARI! uhnuran I WINES, LIQUORS ANnciGAns, ` urn: I r\1n nu\\Y cvrnI.`n'l` vrnnnmrn 1.ANn 1-_1_.As'1'nn.i Boulton J: McCarthy) sud Mr. Haunt D. :'ol.e\v-art. haw entered into co- pnrtnip with Messrs. Lount dc Boys. for the pics of their profession. at Barrie, uudee rm name of Messrs. Bonlton, Lomloya and Stewart. ` Mfancv noumox (wear the arm ` Og:-Dunlop Street, Barrie, over Ilc- - Conla Cola Scorn. , . n'nznv nnnv.-rnv. T. L. LEWIS. . LICENSED AUCTIONEER. APPHAISEIL AND 0'0.-ILIIISSION AGENT, Inn 'l'IlIu`. HALE DI` you rm-: sun; or Farm Stock, Household Furniture; d:c., &c., I URAIGVALE, Co. Snlcos, 0.\'-unto. U'l'l`J5 Am) Auuuunra couecwa nr. 5 small percentage. Auction `Sales through- out the County attended to promptly and on liberal terms. n...:...,..n.. n..o o mm _=m.1n, ICENSED AUCTIONEER, AND` AP- PRAISER. for Barrie, and the County of sinucoe. Cash Advanoermade on Good: re- ceived for Sale. Marri~' ..-...-._-- v . nun . All`.-`lhhll DRUGS, _CHEM|.f"3ALS, &c_ .l\I2fI'.f.YA Il\l\I|-I II Inww--.-.7 (Lute Clerk in County Registry Olce.) ~ CONVEYANC ER. Commissioner in Queen's Bench, Auctioneer, Appraiser. and Com- mission Agent for the sale of -HOUSES, LANDS. FARM STOCK. HOUSEHOLD_ for the sale or -nuuana, LANDS, FARM HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Goods, Wares, Jag. Also fqxl the collection of FU t<.;Vu'u1m, ul the collection of -m-1-u-..-u gun-I H16 OOIICCLIOII OI RENTS, NOTES AND ACCOUNTS.` C'ash.Adi:ances made on Good; left for Sale. Sale Room, corner of Dunlop and Owelnl Stem, n......:.. 4 Dale Ii Barrie. 1" For Printing of an do-oriptionuin rst-ciass style of arfand on the shorten notice, call at the EXAMINER OFEUCEI Collier Street, nearly opponlto the Mn- katu V 7 V ' Toronto. January, 1869. ` I LI-I-I-INF, 4.-Ia.\av.Lvna no.1-r v---.-_-.. WELLINGTON STREET TORONTO. ` I n nvnn RHAH. RRIIW menu wrms. Crnigvale,`0ct. 9. 1867. . . HEzR'Y (I){ARPER. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Tooozzszromv. ---- -~----- --~------- RAF DR. HARLEY. . VRADUATE `OF VICTORIA UNIVER- I :I'|'v nm.:.x........ - . Tr. new &`co., ' n-nvnn-nrnu A\'l'\ nI`.Al.l:n-IN of Uunlop anu uwen am, an-ie. ll-Sf ;'Highest REFERENCES given.`_`j [ones AND ACCOUNTS collected at a umnll run-nnnlnrrn Ant-,l.inn .QnIm: thrnmyh- SIIIIUAIPAIUI` VIU SIT Y. Residence: rs-nun l"l'n\! gusiuess Qimturg, I TH0ll.\'TONu C. W. 3'O`ice at Mr. Carruthenfsy. ll."I' '0' H11 OF ( or. J. w". sLAvN. nun! in In EQBTHY a MGCARTHY. "- ; Baristers. Illiiuuu--noon: n an O nil!` "FOMAS T-. A. BOYS. KTER. AND ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Senor in Chancery, Conveyaucer, &c.,' -` -E nnmn-uiuwy. M I'I$Iv$l. 3 uniivs-yr -LAW, SLICIPORS IN CHANCERY. lUL`K&Y LBC XXII, MCIPORS IN CHANCERY. n, _ .. _ .. ..... on-r, rgicxnrur. D'Au-ox Mccurmr, Jn. '8. T. BANTlNGu l.'.nunu l.'lu-In. JOSEPH noeans; , u._.x_.... nu-` E. s. MEEKINGK Law . Fir. 3 .II&I'IIlIIn' R0 Lil LLIA. 51 Ann: nvuuu um, w.\1. LOUNT. 21.? r., WM. BOYS. LL.B.. dz 1". slmuun-us, No. 12, Palace St. . . 50-6m DIIIIOII G 43-6m 36-lyr. ` 8-If yy\._,..-_,-..r\'\,. _ wu.Lum unxms. _ INNKETEPEAR, cuoKs'r_oWN ---..- Licensed Auctioneer for tho county of smog. Valuator, c., sic. . 36-ly JONATHAN KILGORE, LI C E N. S. E D AUCTJONEFRI _ VALUATOR, .1c., - For the County of Simcoc, A - THORNTON. [1'Auction Soles throughout the County attended to romplly, and on liberal terms. Nov."2s. 67, . 43-or l\ DDRESSLI Inn. nn:\lI Av-Au: arsanr---`_-, AVING returned to Barrlo, respectfully informs the Ladies thereof, and its vicinity, that she is prepared to attend to all orders in MILLINERY, in her usual style. which has invsrinbly given satisfaction to her patrons. ar_,_.r.. ...........'J. :1. n AA..n~.n. '9 nho `pnuuuno Nearly opposite the '` Advance oce, Dunlop-street, Ind three doors out of Market- etreet. - -. ,,-. u-_... `nan ' - . 1g_gf |saau1ery and Ham Fstahlixhment, (Nearly opposite the Bank of Toronto,) -. . nun Dllll nu] uuu wuuuuu nnuuuuuuuuu, 'DUNLOP STREET, - - - - BARBIE. v;---v--. . ..._ V - _-,, AS now on hand an ex- tensive and genuine stock of Single and Double Harness. (Carriage and Team). English and Com- . mon Riding Saddles, Double and Single Bridles, Collars. &.c., &c., which he can oer `.9 at very reasonable prices. Also, in stock, some of the "best English and other Rid- ing and Driving Whips, Bits, Lines, Brushes, Curry and Mane Combs, Cards, &c.. &c.. to be found in this market. Any article in the trade manufactured or furnished to order on short notice, and `war- ranted to give satisfaction. .- 12......-... ....n and nmtlu ezeculed. suenueuuo mu VERY LARGE and complete Assortment - of Ladies Enamelled Kid and Prunelln Gaiters, Buskinu, Boots; Gent`: Calf. Kip and Course; Mianes" and Children's. of every variety and style, which, will be kept con- stantly on hand. ` ATPRIOES NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD. ROBERT CAREY ' 3 Ti ' Us WHOLESALE A;\D.R1_ETAII, I HOUSE. SIGN ANQ ` Carriage Painting Estabhshmentlr | Dunlap Street. - - Barrio. 4 \I\lElI-II-ll \& llgruuuw-, (LLTI anon t com.-nun.) HAVING entered into co-partnership, ue now prepared to execute in the heat style of the art every dencriplion of Houst. SIGN, Cmnum: AND (),n1\'uu-:\'-ru. Pusrmo. Gmmso, Puma Hmomo. Ayn COL0lHNOv respectfully solicit I continuance of the very attering pstronage bestowed on the lute rm, feelilig condent" that they can execute all orders entrusted to them. in the seven! branches mentioned, in estyle not to be ex- celled in the Province of Ontario. " E`Paper.IiazI_qo'ng also amnded to. AN APPl{EN'l`I( 1: WANTED. COULTER k PEARCY. n-...:.. u...-.1. 4 man 541' I90kI_F?.--a.!3.'.6\Y'| |vl'UI1 It- Barrie, May. 1868. `aw ` ma`. Undersigned, lming . First-Class Pile-Driver, is prepared to execute orders for that description of work, in the very best mmner, and on reasonable terms. n.:__._-_.. . u n-..-...:..1... .13.- P I. R - mmner, Inn on runeuuuuu: icllpn. References :-H. Creawicke, `I-}sq.. P.L.S.; T. D. glclgonkoy, Esq., M.P.; J. D. Leadlaw. Em... . . '1'. U. MOUO Esq., .J.P. amemm anomens. Bmcnnns AND GENERAL l u1m:1'0ns, MARKET STALL No. 1, 1 % J `E ` `I'1'A\fl` nnnuonnn nn hand a ununusu, AVE constantly on Mad I _ good supply of FRESH MEAT, FOWL. GAME, &c., of as choice quality as the markets afford. and oifer the name at very modergte prices. . Corned Beef. Sauamres and. Llrd; together It Vfy IO(l8|'_llB prices. _ Corned Beef. Sausages Llrd, together with avuriely of other useful oommodlties, can -usually be bud at No. l.SLnl1. I1'A1l nurchnaes delivered inanv nu-t. of 6 and l27,i af :\nI_rm- *' lTIN, snliif 3'A1>ANN}:n` uud (`.nvi~naa~r `lint-9- -uauauy ne nu: at no. Luau. [j'A1l purchases in my part, the town free of charge. - . CASE PAID It7'f0B CATTTE! I. A nntnllnll. . 1 nvunuuu Box, Parlor, -(; o~o7ciny Stouu, GARDEN ENGINES,_g PLATFORM ' COUNTER SCALES. COAL OIL, ta, ta, IIIIILOP BTIIIT. . . . . IAIIII Barrie. July 2, 1868. Uloln uressmg. All Kinds on clozn to: sue. Aanrra: J._ D. Laidlaw. Stnyner; ~ John M1-the-r. Angus; Jame-`s Mather. Sunnidnle. N001 tnke-n to and from the mrencies free of 7' L4l.\l.l.J.l'Jk)[lLA.l'J LILVJJ IIIJLLAAAA Next door to Ross (I: Gilchrist and opposite the Old Stand. 7 v-- V- .v-- S prepared to execute, in superior style. 1]] kinds of Cut-`hm Work. such as Carding. Spinning. Roll Crding. Fulling. Dyeing. and Cloth Dressing. All kinds of cloth for sale. Aunr-rs: J. D. Laidlnw. Stnvner: ,M1-the-r. Angus; Jame-'5 Mather. sunnunle. N001 tnke-n to and from the agencies chrgez--All work vnrrantetln ` ' NiodIolI'P.O.. HI . ' 394- ' Bridging an_d__'_Pi|e-Driving. Barrie. March 4. 1868. [0 CIWI Staynet. May. 1858. EsA WOOLLEN MILLS. G.uPTON ggiucss girmnrg. , Georse-.. .Pl.-axtoLn; ` MANUFACTURER or fhlrgez--A|l work wnrraniedn Ni@`P.o-, Wu. Mrs. BOU RCY. |`MARTIN< MOORE, 1:. ,,_\__ u, uu..u.u.n.-.a,.uu.u, uzutuuu und Copper Ware, LII! DIALII II JOHN SPARLING. 'Stsyner, Co. Simcoe. ` R58. 164!` j HE UZVUILJID U141). ROBERT CAREY 22 1e.r (USU 1 . 5-tf \w.I'|_ ii.<,{t_or{"_'II)teI| v-:1-111 l\"l` BARIHE, ONT. Comer of nuulop & Bayeld Streets. uuxnvx \lIUlI A. STODDARS, - - - Pnopmxroa. jg 000 ACCOJIMUDATION for Tra- vellers. ' A fre Stage run in connection with the (jars morning and evening. An attentive hustler in attendance. Bradford, January 1869. My |n;zr:1-3-aavz:p,92r.,r=L-I TIT} W UV 3 Q1? Sq AVENING. 00. SIMCOE, ONT. JOSEPH WILSON. - - - Proprietor. The Bar is supplied with Choice Liquors and Cigars. Good Sheds and Slabling adjoining the Hotel. n.........i.... 94 mm 47.1..-_ El D. Fuucnun, V` (Lne-eeiting s.) Next Door West of the Railway Station, Barrie. Out. 1') WAnAnn|nu_ - - - Pl'0Dl`i8t0l`. THIS House has just been tted up and refurniahod anew. making it one of the mo t comfortable houses in the North.` vs -, I _,, Innn .1 `p APTO HOUSE. A DVIVII `DI l'\L` f\\Y'I" CHURCH HILL, Ii*I-1;'i.`IL. Co. VSIMC'0E. JOHN GREGG. Proprietor. ----n---.....-. -- --__ r_._, ~: new LOWELL J. G. MARTIN, - - - Proprietor. Is.____._..I_ ..4-41.... u I:`-..I.-....... llnonl I F-nnmn-n >00 11019]. December 24, 1867. .1.) U001} Dlllllllg house. Januarf 8. 1837. -- `so -----u-.._., .._-r-_-_--. Formerly of the Exchange Hotel," Creemoro. Al.EX.rlllLl., ....... - - nun-nmon'. EST of_ LIQUORS, CIGARS, and MI- FRESIIMENTS provided. The Penetanguishene Stages change horses hm-n. ` 15 1 III! bore. -1}: half of Lot )1 '11. Cuunly Simw, \n of limit. N `(-41 and nndertuli mm], with 11 ml l`|u-n-. in fun Thu 10! is M! Il|'Il'u nmnrnnf nu u vvnulvn -an-uv uvum. Barrie, June. 1868. 125-. The Queen s, DUNLOP. STREET. - - - - - BARRIEH Near the New Railway Depot. A. ABNALL. - - - - - Propriotof. -61:15:-io I-Ioiel, BRADFORD, cvnnnn A no 1') ..... .._ HIS well-known and favorite old Hotel has been thoroughly renovated and titted up In a manner to ensure the comfort of guests; and travellers are aenred that every endt-nvor will he need to give them satisfaction and rend- er the establishment the belt of its class in point ofcomfort and taste. A Billiard Parlor attached. Stages for different parts leave the house doi_ly_. Orillia I-Iotel, 3- W- ROSS. --------------- ..Proprletor. 1-`HE proprietor of this well-known establishment begs to inform his friends and the travelling community tlnt he has leased the above hotel in the pleasant and healthy village of Orillla, and is now prepared to receive and accommodate guests. nnmmm-ninl travellers and others furnished receive accommodate guests. Commercial with convenient and ample accommodation. Choice Wines. Liquors and Cigars, in stock. . Apartments let to private families. 21' Good Sheds and Stnblin-,_ with attentive a.vAa--- -- --_ __ - V>,,' ADJOINXNG `THE "STATION, COLLINGWOOD. -1- :.1>. BYLEY. - 4' - - - Pnornxuon. Formerly of the ROYAL Bonn. Hamilton. THIS is the rst. Ht-tel m the plmc, and affords all the conveniences and com- - , 2...: ..`nnn hnnnn H13 N we ursn I1!-Lei m uns ,......., forts of n rst. class house. Stages depart from and arrive at the hotel. Convey nncee to and from the su.-auner. ff Lineryconnecicd with the hmurv. 52 . 5-. ...... P. QUIM7, ' - Am: 10: xsuri ulm-:4 vuquircof 'N.`\[:lA. ESQ-u -11; Halo] Hun-fl BARBIE HOTEL. BARBIE, comvrr or swoon`, 0.W. Mn. E. MARKS. Proprioh-us. mun MowATT. Sunorlntendont. E. MRHK3. rrupnuuuua. JOHN MoWATT. Superintendent. The Travelling Community will nd mi, outnbliahment suited to their requirements And deserving of their pallfonage, or Samnlo Rooms for Commercial Tnve]. _=!!1:WrHAM*S MARTIN S HOTEL. {U motels and Saunas, _ lam. ' Exeelloni. Sthbling connected with the House ..._a... arm. A... you an FAFIAGHEWS HOTEL, let to pnvue Iammeu. Q` Good Shedyund servants. 5-tf gES I' Liquor-s and Cigars always in atoek. Good Stabling and Sheds adjoining the use. . ICLASS STA.\}| jogerving of their patronage. _ 3: Sample Rooms `GT9. Excelwun -2-nu-nu, yvuum. . Barrie, 12thAgu, moo `Alma House, HILLSDALE. Dnnninnnuhlmnn Rnnni RAILWAY HOTEL, ,, __ _.-_ -.._ . -wI\\r |&'4:a-.-._-- PENETANGUIBIIENE, ONT. _--.'. n_,_ .VOTBE HOTEL. A_...... . u~niVvnI1u| a nu":- "/Krrr ~ /(///// /!x' p |-LEIJALB. Penetanguiohena Road, . . . . . . l ll0PRIB'l'0R. H'\DE l`l(1Al)< and sell`. . Proprietor. `Ji"`6`u:| Pnopxuxron. 47-lyr. one Dollar per Annum, strictly In Advance ' 21~tf 48-if Ions CARROL, - - - Proprietor. nun nnvv AD Ann I n-v.n....... .._.. _... HIS hotel is pleasantly lncatcd-and enn- vonient to the Railway Stalionn. Stum- boat. Lalidixngs. and Wholonnle Houses of tha city, and islnrgely patronized by business men generally. uauv uuauvlll |lUuI:I'- I ORILLIA. 0' vv. JAMES JOHNSON, - - - Pnonu: His new and commodioua hotel is situated near the Lake Shore. and commands I tine view of the surrounding scenery. The rooms are large, handsomely furnished, well venti- lated. and families can be supplied with separate suites for themselves. [f'Sample Rooms for Commercial Travellora. "Flux Ila. v:v:I` ..l......... 1... A-....._.I -..-I..;- _:.L w uuulylti LIUUIIID IUI UUIUUIUIUIIII I I'iIVI7IlI'IIa The Bar will always be found replete with liquors and cigars of the best brand. ~ Goad Stablimz and nth-nlivn bnatlc-rn. 20. 01215 and Salonns. _.....;. ROCHESTER HOUSE, N0. 2). ll'R()`N'l` wrn!.'1M- rrnnnwr-n EH.A.. mofm --_.-.--_ - .... .,...., . .-v. This well known establishment has recently undergone u-tygreat improvcmo.-nt-a largo addition having been made to it. giving in- creased accommodation to the public Ind com- mercial travellers. {`.hnim.l:....m-.. 3.. :- ..o...1. n.........n.I:m... `HENRY FRASER, BICTCIBI H'BVL`UCI'B- _ Choice liquors kc, in stock. Commodxoun Stabling and Sheds convenient to the house. B A R R I E `Temperance Hotel. VPHE subscriber would moat respectfully in timate to the public, that ho tun tted up his `r\ I 1 T'\ I 1 1 I I WB';ick Buildings! AN RA1r'F'TN,'T.n .Q'T'DP`l? I' TIADDIP ONE DOLLAR AND A QUARTER PER DAY. No paint! will be spared to make coll fun-table all who may favor him with acall. |\ I 5: - ublic that 119 _{ -me rar9gnW L,` )_:~`r_-?j,,i`-_4'._`__7_V,'___, `._.".y I _'_'_`. . v . 9 fhwn ` be: has :lszhcommenced bmluu II 9 -. uwuuu, Iulvlulvu 0. a....1...., 1' ;,,. llcis also a LICENSED AUCTIONEEB and will be. happy to attend promptly to ull orders intrustcd to him. N Inna lquora anu cigars ol the best. brand. Good Stabling and attentive hustlers. 20- ' HIS commodiouu hotel has just been erect- . ed. and furnished throughout in 1 mail conufortnhle style. It contains the best nmph rooms for commercial tn-vellora. of any house north of Toronto. 47- Comnnerciul Trnvellorl Furnished with convenient _-_____-_--_ WM. ll. Mcl)0UG.\l.L, - Proprietor JOHNSON HOUSE, IT at- Qo..`n.-.! Ila"... \ Opposite the Railway $tatz on, Dun10p SL, inn-I-nu-vs-u-. ' ' U ON BAYFIELD STREET, BARRIE, AG] A j n. rmcr. it-orginn I . 0., _______, EALEK IN UlUAlb.' Iubnuuua. Pipes. Canes. Tobacconists` Gouda, &c., Wholesale and Rn-tnil. Sign of the Indian Qum-n. 51. James Street. Hamillnn, C. W. -`cps --'-'--'-'-- Will be fbuml Iower than what is general}; charged. ANUFAU1 Uluslc Ur UIUAKD, Am: B whole:-alt-. doalerin Havana, Yarn, Con- necticut g-ed Leaf. and all other kinds or To- bucco, corner of Park and Mulberry streets, AMH.T().\'. c. w. LAND AND INSURANCEAGENT, ANGUS. - - - - - ON` __o_ lljspulea Ltnu accurumg ujualiu. Valuations cm {:1 y made. and Surveyingof ovary description executed with nccurncy and despatch. . ~---:-- 304] . oa\;-....__-- .. , Mary Strcci. North, BARBIE. done in 3 workmanlike manner and :3 reasonable prices. Doom. Sash and Blind: on hand and furnished at short notice, Order: for Coffins. Hearse. and Funertl Pmpher naliu promptly attended to. Barrio-. ~\p`ril. IRH7. 11. ALL kinda of Cnr.p-e:x-tel and Join wm 1-`l{E public are respectfully requested to take no_ticu- ilmt the- Suuduy liuulnesu Hilbert-x znnm-cu-ll with thin A-smblishmoll will be discontinued from this date. V ' D. VASEVERY u---:.. A... In 19: ) WILLIAM MOORE. BUILDER! & CONTRACTOR. DOMINION H0USE, ANGUS. JC-)SEPH DOUPE. C.E., Provincial Land Surveyor, . r1vI\vnI r in $1`. per nan hnjc unnunl inml KC GU, mm, ` S now selling his stock at prices can low_ if not lower, thin the same goods can be had in Bnrrie. 7 Ann; `lfawnlhio F500. ICE. 3*, __._.-._ _ .--- a-Av w :44 N0. 2), FRONT STREET, TORONTO. sAx1?w'i i1;"I"_t7a??i Ucnu uh Llnutyt . DryGoods,Groceries,Provisions, n.n.z..... (2/n.m}mre. Hardwarr, Josap; aocr-ms L CIIIEF coNs1`A1;LE, Cuunly or Sincoo. UPrn,'1-:2 Dunlap Sh, Barrie. Barrie. Nov. 3, 1868. TEMPERAE HOTEL. J. W. BRIDGMAN. l)0R'l`RA_J'l` PAINTER, 39 King Street West. Toronto. 0ctober._1866. ` 37-y usin: Barri. A nril 24.15367. 1% \\ ~*g`I` \ 0000 STABLING AND sums. n 59% Tawnihiv F100. VA.\'b\.l$J:1"b Livery _Sta'bles. LUTHER GROVEB EALER IN CIGARS.` TOBACCOS. pinnn (`Janna 'I`nhsu-t-unintn` (1um1n_ &c.. |J\JUUU\) \aIvvuu .....,. . - _ Crockery, Glassware, Hardwarr, `F J. SCHRADER. . ['ANUFAC'lURER OF CIGARS, AND mhnlmmln rhmlm-in "nvnnn Yarn, (`am- (1Vcar the Railway Depot.) oj. Ilispuled Linn accurately adjttsfli ..I...o:nna mu (:1 v mmln. and Sl V('Vi1 .-.-.--r\a-- --ya ( Late Stafford House.) 31771` 1*: BARB.`I:B, 013%. `ED A own 'n.. ..,h.)nurn D1'N l`. m~gi=x_ . LOL';\"l`,' fl 1641 FRAS ER. b` THOMAS STONE, Acoomodation for miizujn nun -L nun: General Dealer In NUMBER 10 Pnonurron. `Pnonux-ron. N. KING. 4o~ly `bin. fahanls co; I :-nnrie 3.19?-_ -| I wun ;;H:n~-v I as being 0| \ .-\m.., r.sq., -115 Hotel, Barri. ; Housel Sale. Lease] ~LE: u LUNNOR. Grocer, B ' Mu ". '. apply at th LII-.pllid. W541 .1: 10 '2 2,955 MI I` Rmvitlf , qIIl'.' [Mn . and two: 2, t\\'oI.011' r;.',.:',;1 1!] In . `II unlllll uul aun- ut the Murchesa was a widow HOW- g was living on one of her estates a few es from Naples, and just learned that 8 r. and Mrs. Strettou were residing e Villa Burcano, She "had heard .of lian`s marriage, and she had come to im a revival of friendship. Lilian was full of delight; she could k of nothing but Giulia. She is more beautiful than ever, and er manners areperfcct; so so t, and et so full of cliarining_nuz'vete} I really in so happy -I don't. what to do, Mild to young girl tc herself. Lilian had never seen Italy till now; 1 was ncwaud delightful. The wetltllel` ad been glorious; a deep blue sky re- ected its own depth of color into the road expanse of sea. From the ventu- ll, in which she` SR3: f`55l'""d WM` rape and g vinee, she could follxswlthe 'lllI.llI1m: M Hm nmmr rlmnul u.'IH\ w n n "I Jhought yesterday it was impossiblev be happier when I sat here. with Gil- "-: and yet. it seems as if Giulia s ro- |lrn`lo me had made life still brighter." - _GIlbe.rt. Streuon lisoened silently to his xfefs ruptures; but that night, after she IIUIN, ' h! Gilbert, it. is not. that. She up`her sweet. mouth to kiss him, ' gulinost. on tiptne. lflinul plenty ult with other people--oiil_y nm. with in. Ah! ifymi only knew her ail she is so luvin__r, so fowl; but you lin-l out. her __r`m.luess in time; you it. -l'.n- 3011 will let me have her here In; wnn L you, du'rlin;_r ?" in though M rs. St,reLon's hrmvn eyes very tender as she spoke, herhus- cl said "Yes," against. li.s `will. _He I nut help it, but he lnml taken an t dislike at rstiaiglit to his wife's iilul liieml. ' e nnxl Lilizui had scarcely been mur- 1! month; they had juat. decide-.(l to I some weeks lmiger in the charm- N( il|l0ii`-Illl Vilhu they now inlmlsileti. only Lhut, very inomiing, while they lingered over their l>renkl'ue-it, the 'iu=sa di Riveredo had been an- Wh and bilhert Strenon had seen `ill; rise impetnnu. and throw her 8 ronnnl the Inuit! whn miturml. II Wl'u-at, andaim -ur turlhcr. pm}; -`"116 auul ng vme, she came muuw U18 Llndmgs of the coast, clotted with white `"~` here and there groups of cottages lustpring together, in front. of them Irown-limbd, half-clothed children at RV lav. W )Qng_ [I 1l\4IlI\'II 'IlUlvvn-luun mullu, vm mun her golden pro-ccpts acorn, .r m<-rciful dl'CI'(`l's n-vile. \Z r deem than umst-to dust return. I] in his pl:-nlitude of grace wlailu ,-xlmuls our lilllu spun; l all unmet nu-cc him men In I'uco.-- `hut awful meeting, God and mun. In... . raging lmnpent direful brc-nlbos ta wanting fury o'er the deep; ' . t.ut. |'lny mandala Nu!-tunu elmnchs he storm uud ligluumg, and Lucy sleep. J d from loop nature's mystic lore. hit sclxuulllm world from ngu to age, learns the vastness of Thy store, nd rcuda Thy mum: on every page. r. Stretton looked down into his my wife's f.-we: ' on are such 11 _r_v;(mern,ualitLle darling, , Lhcrc is no getting you to ace fuulti hm-.x r,`dormant nature.` gladly springs nd clutlma the nu.-ads with grass again; word the vernal chanucr brings in] gems with sparkling blooms the plain. nglun Sq! '|l'(!. ll feeblo mun Great Thee despise, horn Heaven. and earth and hellobey- 0 huld ut. the keys of Paradise, ml wipes whole govennun.-nu: away? .. man u uL`ill'L'SI. IFIGIHI, ll(I utter Del` rn to Italy had corresponded with till she married an Italian n0b18m""` ch older than herself. ... .L, \- viuws the spanglvd vault of heaven ml notes the slurry ling:-n-d Gard; .-1-on the trqmhling furxesl rivcn y uug:y~lighu1ingsuL Thy null. " UV l|`U l|`l|PU|.\lUUIy, nu LHTUVV HUI the lady who entered. It is Giulia, Gilbert; my own darling.` in Lurini." V M then Mr. Stretton remembered to a heard of Signm Lnrini and her ghter, who had_ spent six" years of e in England. The daughter had In Lilian n dearest friend, and ufter her rn tn h-,.l.- |....x ....__.\_.._..,I-.! ....-L lie-roe tmnzulo from the west _ it-us to the echo of Thy wand. sleeps \vln.-ne'er Thou bid :-st her rest, bcdicut. to Thy high command. tmnn alone, whose gifted soul ounniugling passions 1-vcr warm, ancu bids Lu H1-uvuu's cumrul, ml raises high hiapuny arm. I.-fen-hlo worm, wlmse mind wouldbnlln In thy grout. urn the boundless past, uuld IL"-lI' and know um Great. I Am, Blunt die nutl wither at a blast. Bl. uuu m muure. wnose rlgnt nanu ire,-cu-x yun mnnelury spheres, w lung slml earring mortals stand ho pour their oaths inbo thine ears! [COUNTY OF SIAICOE ADVOCATE. E'5..t`T_%!??F--1` E1_aT1`Ilu1L-DAY. Apnu._ 8, 1869. ,--_ v -a-in-1] and now _d0ing| ed for sale on In EXAMINER BOOK AND JOB PRINTING 0FFlCF.', . ........-a.... -o..|.. -..-__. J, u nu um ILA!-IlIIIIlL'I" ' ` eat Gnd of Nature. whose right hand Dire,-cu-x vun nlnnelurv snherus. Published every Thursday Morning. P '"'d t zxnunrzn ovmo-Ii. 1 > - . Barrie, C.W. N L Nl(.`ll0I.S0tI dz SONS. Punusvmks. J .T-:j-- j"`----`-- _,,------- sncriplinu of UN AND 0lL\'A.\lE.`1'l`AL PRINTING: {Med to execute, Ill x-upenur anync every ' uuchna ' ' uuchna I( HEADS. BUSH!-EH3 CAICDS, '- ' BILL HEADS Tll i'llT.v\l.l .\ N WIIIO W. ;pLUME VI. Th Examiner. cou:z'r\' Ob` smcor; ADVOCATE, ,.. ._ nun |.`II.-`III 'l'llUll!l|:\ Y M0-(SINCE. UUUJ1 1 1 UL` CI.IAuuu nu . \,.,,,__ iIl.IBaI HID !'ZV rZlK\' TlIUll!"a\ M0-(SINCE. ._.. in M:-rn-u"s Bu!-dlmzu, West of the Fireman`. Hall, Udllcr a.rcv:?, Harms. 1'r:n.\xs or's7ncIcI1'TIoN; . vllnr pcrnnnqum, strictly in advnncc! or 31,59 if nnt nu paid! ` Z524 CARDS, HEADS. HAND I \Jl`l.`ILl, mute, in 2-uperior style every du- ` )IL\'A.\lE.`I'l`AL PRINTING: 112mb BILLS. ., CIRCULATIS. LABICL! zu LA [(3. LABn`.LS. Jsc. an uu: v Illil uIlH.'ll0. In the evening the Marchesa had gone to-her room, and Streitnn and his wife were sitting in the vernndah of the sala. Tin.-re is no limit to lmppiness, I see, szwl Mrs. Strolton. She tried to look Very \vise as she spoke,`hut il`|`eSlSl.ll.)lt-. deliglnt peepenlout. of her soft hrown eyes. Do you know, Gilbert"---she clasped lmth hands round his arm---tlmt _I can lmnlly contnin myself -when I watch you and Giulia hegmning to like -enehol.her? You see now the truth of whatl have said about her--she only wants is little low and kindness, and she is ready to give her whole heart. in re- turn." '4l.'..LT 1, v. .~n u u n Lu Ulll II: ` V 'D..b T Jan`: ...--.4`! .. _.L..l.. L...-V4 No, lecause'you have got. 3; silly little wife to love you. But think of poor Giulia, left alone 3n the worlul; do _yo_u knnw, dau-ling, that she has not one meur relation, except some old tiger of an uncle in the AlIuIllIlllL`S?`" Sim lmsx vnnr lnvn. Lilian. m (1 that uu ullmu 5 luVll.&.LlOll- Mzulume (Ii Rivevedo accepted at once very-graciously, and she arrived next day ' at the Villa Burcano. 1.. ol... ......_:..... .1_, in , n I - "I LIIU l\l|UIl||IllL'-H`-` Shelnm yourlovq Ihan, axd dun is enou_I_};h to content any man, or woman uithur. u..|.-._a .1....... Id.` l.m..1 on 1."...