VF. ` K ENNI-JY, '1`l.\'G, hl7Uil|\ [U llllllu lle waited until I had locked the gate, and gone into the house, after \\'ishing one mxutlnsr u lmppy New Year. Smuelmw my spirits land risen up to the mark mmin. um!` din] nnl.. n-I Hm lnnnemm. I|3l\L'llu Yes I ans home. you see." `In sfnnnnil n uuuu:wuru*. Ay, Hannah. he replied, hut it's late for you to come out. Where's father ? lIe s gone home to watch the New Year in, I enid. You rc not left all by ylmrself !Vl1c nsl.'ml_ - Ill:-130 It must have been xi little past eleven o'clock` when M:lth(=w- Hei_t_lnvny-a fur- uior, with signed dairy farm of tweutv . mileh cows, living at tlze far end of the \'illuge--drove up in his gig. Such :1 voice he had ; you would not hear its like if ten thousand meuspoke to you in the durk; so pleasant, and clear and hc-arty. It made mv heart leap when I heard him say, Good night !` `la i". (`nu l\/Ir Htiirrliwcu 9 (mill T at `Ill ll'lUll|l `VH0 WIN (l_\'|Il:_{o > _ I It was so still that the warning 8U'0l I of the clock rung loucllytlnmu;_vl1 the lmnse, nnd lmfnre the sound was quite gnne, I hearal the hem. of a horse's lnonfs, and the wllin, of wheels upon the Lull- fonl mud, cm-uiing on f-.45; and -uw`a:lil_v. but with u. peculinr treaul. us if the hnrsa \ limped on one that. I jlllllpell up frmn my knee.-.z, unvl tank the key down frnm ` the nail behind the dnor; hut"!-efire I could get outside the cnn\'e_\'nnce hml !l"|\\'l! Up. and g\ Innn =o impatient. voica was Rhmiting, H Ggu-,, gate !" It. was lurker then when Mathew Heighway PM-36" by. and I ('OlllIl umke nothing of I the traveller in the gloom", excepting ' `hilt l`-8 was well cloaked up fr-in the '"|. and that hath he and his house r were chang to get through. RI ` Inn. ....n ....-.I A- I....I.X-um nil!` IIlI_ 1 . 1 u lns if our house-pl.--ce,--with the red [ire _ burning brightly in the chimney c0I`nL`I'. and the white face of the eiglitdny clock which had just been cleaned at the clockmakcr`s. and the row of pewter dish- es on the shelf that I hurl polished up , with` my own hands, and stuck holly- herries xunon \hem,---it seemed us if I they werunll lying open to the ni_-_vht, without any roofs or walls to hide them, nnd me sitting in the mi-lstwith my feet on the tender, and a lighted cnndle on the table by my side. Now and then I got u > and looked out on the night, and saw! e gray sky, which was not quite as dnrk as` I fancied it, hanging solemnly v over the Lille to the north, with here :md there a pale star shinin_r_r mnongst the clouds for a minute` ; but the trees nlong th.~Ar0e.d looked Mack and ghostly, and swung their dark naked armei to and fro` in xi way that made me shudder, and drop the curtain and go back to the re, feeling as it" at thousand eyes could see me in my littlospot of light amid the dark- HESS. |l|1I|l|I IIIIII DH! " \J(lUIl III`_'Ull Q `Is it ymx,Mr.Iiighw:=y ? said I, as he reinerl in his brown mare, though he had nu 1.011 to pay, for he was returning homcwnrrla. ` uA._ 'IY,_,,,_I 19 I _ ,, I' I 1.1 . -.1 mu -ume mus ume to get. the Keymw ~:~w~re-i-.n<:.V;u.... ;: mm is me ~'-v \-II|IIlb' LU glu I.l|IUuE'.l_l_o But I was not used my locking and..un- kicking the gave in the night. and it tnok me name little time to get the key into 1I6-W'l|'dI.`~'Ind-viut. .. 1: .m1 in wine. answered. " Nelly is `gone son." - one;-:_'[}' L` `i`l(,'l-I, lhumu-:, nth. Hms. _._....-,,, BARRIE, UOUNPY OF s1MooE, 0NTARI0;CANADA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1869. LUIIIUU-V , ` It was well on in tho mm-niu_:, and father had not come in, when a iiiessenger hrought rue word that Nelly had never gzrme home at all, but, instead of that was ill in bed, audl must go to her at once. Curse you 1" the stranger had said, instead of wishing me a happy New Year; and here it was beginning already._ I felt trouhled and perplexed: but there . was no time to lose; I sent a lad down to the village fur,a_ cousin of ours to come and mind the gate, and then I started on the road to Ludfor(1.'pretty sure of a~lil't from the first conveyance that passed me, so well were we known` all through the country. Before long Iwas "overtaken; hy our own doctor Dr. Romaine, on his way home to Lutlfdrtl, pretty sure of a lift from well we known all through the country. Before long I was overtaken by our own my spirits 1oseagam,for if anybody could set Nelly to rights _quickly,. it was. our `doctor, who had known her all her life, and who had been the me ms of placing heriu her present situation. ' He would ` have me ride with him, and I told him ahouttlie surly gt:-an;__rer, and howl had left the gate open. and lost" ve sllillings and fourpence-halfpenuy, and I\ras afraid father could not help but hear of it ; and we both laughed heartily at -my foolish- HERA. [H3530 Nelly's house was n pretty little cottage built against the school where she taught. and 1 ran up the garden walk, and in at the door, leisurely followed by the doc- tor. 'Ann Lane, nyoung girl who was one of Nelly s ptnil teachers, and who lived in the schoo :house _with her, was "sitting idly by the kitchen re; sol turned straight._rm1nd to the door of Nelly a bedroom, which was opposite the kitchen, the three rooms at` the little cottage being on the ground floor. 11 '\Y..Il.. .l...1:..... H I ....:.I ..L.-..:.... -..-._ .lllU lush Ill Ll: Lil 115311" I _-I coulvl no`, go to sleep all night. "After three o'clock several" wagons and carriages went lhrough the toll gatescot. free, as I said, and I could not help reckoni_ng' up` the money I was throwing away, and yet, for the life of me, I dare not go outside to lock the, gate. Still, I had not- been frigluuliecl, you umlerstmnl. Ratlior, I had her.-n disheartenotl, , and thrown back upon my own sell by the snarling answer I got to. my good wishes for the stranger. But there I lay, wixlo awake, wondering if father would find out how foolish 1 was ; which he was bound toilo, unlcssxzill the corjveyzmces went tlwougla ngnin on their wnyhzick before he re- turned, ` ' i 14. ....... .., 1| , ' .1 I u .,.,....a-..-..._, -.. ..._ ,,.-...... ..--.. _ I\'elly, darling, I said, stoopiug over her, and kissing her white cheek, I \'e brought. Dr. Romaine with me." - ul'\L I..- _-I!S -l.- ,,,,-.1 1 , ` xuaviuncuuu UUUHII-`U ulu surly |.Til\'CllUl' cursed I110. Curses come home to roost. And yet it was aybaxl beginning for the New Year. It was a snarling voice too ; a hard, harsh, croaking vnicn, which was used to speak in curses. Why conhl'nt. Matthew. [I3.*_ighway have been the first to speak to me, as he hal been .the last. in the (lid Year ?' Y ,.....1.) .-W. ...._ 4- -1-.. -11 __:_1. . A .-..,, 811' !-x;;>p,--;1-<;-`!" - .'sl`1V trying to lift herself up, not Dr. Romhiue. ` 1 don'_t want. any doctor. Thele s nogbing the matter with re. un...A .1--- \Y_u_ ___ an -_1_,u -R" D IIIU 5UL ll" 3` - I ung the gate wide open at that. It was not at that. It was not a pleasant thing to heara curse first of all in the New Year, while the church bells were ringin_v.: ; and he was a surly, ill-natured _fellow who could say it, whoever he mi__v;ht he. I hearkened to hinr driving a\\'ay~ furiously, and then I listened again it` I` could hear the feeble cry which had made me anger him. `I stood, ivmight be about tenminntes, straining my ear to catch the faintest` sound ; but there was. nothing except tie merry jingling sound ; but there was nothing except the merry jing- gling ot the hells, and the tossing of the naked boughs of the trees, and the whist- ling of the wind through the top of - the` Scotch rs at the back of the house. When returned to the kitchen. having left the gate open, for I determined to~let anv more travellers go through Scot free for the rest of the ni_v_:ht, I felt terribly lone- some again. There was no need to he disquio.-ted because the surly traveller vnrm-ll Inn, H(`.m~cm: nnrnn llnrnn in ILIU IIINLLUT Wlldu IFS. _. What does Nellysay ,1 asked Dr. Romaine, and I turned and'saw him stmI1l`.n_9; in the doorway -smiling; but the smile pusse-I awnv :1`uliu:1nin.~xt:mt. and the grmest. look I:hal ever seen was upon his face. ' `V Hzmnnh " no ='n'.`l H vniv ..;.;.,I ...:..I -_- If (`.\'C(`(-] mH ..I` I .. upon ms mce. . V llammh." ne s.'a'irl, my good girl, you gm to the kitchn re till I `come to you.` | I . . cunnnen 1| Ivnn an... . . . . . . . A . . ....4.... A: uu. , J I suppose it was near upon a quarter of an hour before t.l'e Doctor came to me, unul his kintl face l'i0lie(l so troglnlerl :llII'l listre.<.~`e-l that. my heart. leupecl iuto'my moutln, and 1 stomlup by my chair. hut cmll-l not speak 3 mm] to him, for the Llmuzht struck me like liglltlnltlg thm;'our `pret,t._v,clu,\'.er little Nelly mint be going to (he, V Wh_:g}e\'_er wolglal fnther_ and mother do I And what. uoul-l I lo without. my Nelly ? - I could remember how`I usecl to nurse her, androck her in _ my own`litL|e cllairwhen I mu: uu(l.r uinn years old, and sing her to sleep with a lullaby that was nntlxin,-.1 but '? Nell- mlly. Nell-nelly 1" But,Dr. Rnnmiue told the girl. Ann Lane. to _._m` away into the areal school-romn, a_ml when she wun out of sight. and hearing, he came nncl "hunt down his mouth `close tolmy em. and` whispered iuto it a, few dresdftll wind`; ' V . Jnstthen, somewhere close at hand, I funeied I heard the shrill but feeble wail of a little chihl ; _a buhy, ' The clock had nisher! striking. and the `bells were ringing merrily, hut Ifelt sure that there was It sound like the mice of 1; little child. The strungfer had put on his hat up;-ain, mil (lrawn'it low down over his face, and he was pulling' the horse s month with the hit, but I wait; too wondurstruck. with the cry I had heard `to throw the gate open. ` ' What wzni that ?" I said. Curse you ! he cried ; "cim't you let me get on ? _ T nnn llin MA wirln Anon of Hunt lI{||l (I CI\I3l|:lVI_lIg I1 ulI(| `lo A happy New Your to you, sxr," I said. ` T . 1_.,..u,,,, 2 1 , ,' I , ,. I 1 r should the church clock in the village do but chime out the hour of t\vel\'e ? I stood still for a moment listening, and the stranger lilted his hat fromhis head, and ' I cnuld see 3 white forehead with dark hair all clustering round it. A lmnnv N4xu' Your in vnn air " T ..-...u. ..u.. ..n.. u....., uuu :- _ 5 ; ~'I`here was father, when \\'e-`reached: home, just as usual, in his bhie coat and V ribbed stocki:}g:., zind his gray lnceches I untied at the knee, for it was e\'(-nin-__r, m-d ' he was resting himsm.-If in hisown chair, smokin_g :1\\'u_\' pc-.aIc.et'ull_y .;nou_-_:h, at least I as pem-ot'ul}_y as :1.m:m at :1 to?l-_<,rnte cam smoke. I mziule as ll_:ht of Nclly s illness as I cotilul, only Isaid I must go back rst thing: in the II1oI'I1i|1_r_n hen he uished me :1 hm) New Year, I thuuwh`. mv. I I Y :3 . lxcarj. would break. H1 . .1 > ' - .- 'Ihe next month w}xs n1ore (lronry than , Ican tell. Nobody believed that Nelly had spoken true. save Ixlotlnef and me.` Dr. Romaine shook his. head, and pointed out to me very gently that cw .-r_yLl)ing tohl against poor Nelly. There was not even a weultling-ring to be found any- \'l1eI`o:iIl1o xx__I:.~'L her ;-luthos. And lhefe. was Nelly all the time li;:.1nt-lneaxlad and raving. sitting up in her hell .; and fi'om morning till night, and from ni_9,ht till morning again, fancying herself nursing a bady In her poor weak anus, which were no stronger" than a stra\_v,'anrl lullingit to sleepon her bosom, while she c_roone over it. in a. faint 'compla1ning tone, that often brou_;hL_tlxe tears into Dr. Rom;.ine s nun: nu nvu`l an .n.n. ll"; ...L..:. L, 1 I , mum u|uu_-_-,uu_uu: lUiU_'5 IIILO Ul`. 11.0m;m)e's eyes as wellns mine. But what had be-I come of the child, - I askc-(l Dr. Rmnuine, with sueh plain ' anxiety "in his `mmnwr that I grew arlurrned. `There was nobody to tell us nn_vtlxing `except Nelly herself. for we fouml .out. tlmt Ann L.-me. she prrpil-teznclrer,` had been :'n\'ay \'_isi$ixxg her penple from Clnrismms eve till the morn- ing of New Year's Day, and when she caune lmek she `found Nelly alone and ill, so had sent 2. messenger for me. We could not prevent dun: terrible secret from creeplng out, and the to\\?ns-"people were beginning to gossip, and tlleisuper-im,en. _ dent of pnlice zrskerl Dr. Romaine about 11 . smrl all tlux wlln Hum-A up... T\T,.ll.. .,._ - . .. V... -..v ....~. -n~.uI|vl|~`O It was quiteineedful for me to go back to the tollgut-1, lest. futlmr should not he there ; so. us soon ':is,:1`n1u-se was come. I left Nelly with :1 very he.-ivy heart, and set off home.- About half-wzly on my iroml I met .\Iatt.hew in his. gig, who hzul hccn up to see how I had got. llrrough the last night. alone,` am] ha-inb uneasy at the news, he hurl lmrnesiscd his~hrown mare, ' and started right zuruy to learn what was the matter. How coul-I I tell him what, was the matter ? My throat and mouth ~ were parche-'5, "nnI` my face was latllxiilig. so I sat ivith it turne`-I :1\\':n_v frmh him, 3 until he grew very silent hin1s(-11'; only` I heard him sigh once and again. ' ` i I in: n.. A- }.:ul:}n:u up wn.u [uuuws Ill ner own name bed, and singing nursery songs to a dream baby. ' `I 1...; ..1,...a.. ..t .:_-_ .j . nur. .-\n;_-'u.=-`. or In l.\lIL`ll.-\l-.'l. O`l,`(1\' (fr: I had plenty of time to ponder over the shame and alisgmce that had fallen upon us. the Burgesses, who were known for miles along the turnpikewqad ; and I thought how at one toll-gate after another the tattle and gossip would be dropped. uunl e\'erylm_ly. all the -mu.tr_v,rnnn(l, .wm_Ilrl lxe.~urm' Ilie Ini.sfm-tunes of Nelly Bur__:(-.ss; Mutlxew ll--ng_5|uv:n_v uouhl never take me up in hs ;_ri`;_r .'I;I2_llll. or stnp. lIl.~- .l'm-wn mare at our gate to chat :1 lllilc t`\\9eI:t._\'. and. if `I ha-zl g -t so far on in life. without It lnI. ll. unul-I he no haul matter to \\'t':llllul` through the rest. Mv. , tcrrinlc n'nxi~=t_v was to (lliC`.`\'t:|` so-ml thin_-_ : almut N.~ll_v`s chilul. fur `if `it c-null not lm fnunal. `what wnulul he rt:-.il nf lwr. what he cl-me tn her ! The po i-.em.m on his he.-1? past the scll-ml-!m'| :|ln':x\'-a ` lamkeal x~'lnu`ply at our winclmm wlllx gm , fur some sen.-sihlu m-un-.nl win-u sh:-' 9`-i|'}-9, as if he was t*:l}_|'9l' tn puny.-u down u'pon'lIis prey : uml en-:.\' tinw l" gmv him, I tllrxneal Ve:|_:erl_\` to [lie !--`nr ' l'i'glnt-lmzulerl ;,:lI'l \\fhI.} l'.'|m-1,:--~l ~lI-- \\-_-,. p{3gin'_r 1|,_lml)) in her anus nwl I`!r~.g:s.j cnulql ;_':i)'0 Q5, 59'} }|l-``'U' ` ` U! *1 Iy:~'ll'I:'u. uDm=,1nr,"`I axial, um-url~4 Iim ml or the mnntll, " Nlly ii _`.'."`ll.ly_" u'LI'0Il;-r, 3|", will not allu. `Wren will lnur l'l':Hnl. 1 n|'ne lmck, su tlmt she can Ltll; sellsibly I to us ll ` ' . ' y(:p.,u . while. But l was :1 wnmzm 'fsca\'un-21xnvl- ` Liv" 1Ci|| n uiu, urin- . She gazed up stcarlilly into my face, as _ if she \vas'tI-ving to remember sonletlning, and then she said, quite slmrplv ah?! plainly, 1'm1n:u'riexl, Hzmnnlx, I am inrleml nmrried ; after which she went a , all in a mmncnt with :1 fit of lzmghing anal crying: and -wl1en"tl)'at [iasseel nway she was clelnrious. TA ....... . I uuuu ul puuuu z;s|\uu_ ur. nommue about it, and all the while there was Nelly Hopped up`wil.h pillows in her own little lmrl_ antl slnrnmr nnrcurrv cnnm: on n .1 .m-.m uuu umu ulum liur, u lb was true." | Hannah ;" said Dr. Romaine, with l liislaiud grave eyes searching into mine, you are 11 .!0.od eirl, but hard ; 'and if you are hard upon Nelly just now, it wi_ll kill her. Listen to me, mydear. I have only one child, ason, who is almost every- - thing aman ou_:ht not to be-a bonuv, winsome s_oonndr.el,--hut a :SCOull(lI'Cl, marl: you. I was hard, on him for a long time, but it did not answer. So I chau_r_red my treatment of the case. Every time I found him `int in some new \'illan_v. I thought how would He, who came to call sin'n-,rs to repentance , have dealt with him 1 . What's the _9:'ond of you and me calliu_q; ourselves Christians-if we never ask ourselves what He would haije done in our place 1 . _ Icould not l1elp_aski'g myself that question. and the tears came into my eyes as they fell upon Nell_v s old little Testa- ment lying in the window-sill. I looked into Dr. Romaine : face, with its deep lines, and I lmlieved he was doing what he said. Well, if, one Christian could act that out..another could. . ` Doctor, I said, you'll not nd me too hard upon Nelly. So I went hak to her room, and look- < ed at her white face, and the large. f'ri_zhteued eyes turned toward< me.` _I `laid my hand upon her burning: forelie'ad,, , -and uotvknmviug what to say to her in that state, I s:nid,-it was the lirst thing: that " came uppermost in my 'mind,- It is New Year's Day, Nelly." .ql\n rvqrnml nn chunrliln inln vvtuv 4'...-. n- mum. IIUL nu LUU mlru upon ner, unnnan." P `I could n`t: be too l)::rd, Isnid, arin,r_r k out, tlmuqh I wished the arth would open and swallow me up- I could nt be too hard upon her. if it was true. I1:)nn:|L!" nial Dr P.-kmnina mhl. It is nt true, I cried ; but I {on spoke in :1 whisper, n_ hoarse whisper, formy throat was choked hp with dryness ; it. `is not true, Dr; Romaine. _ But. it is true, said he, very patient- lv. Poor (`.llll(l !`pnorli*.tle Nelly 3 Von Ihust riot he too hard upon her, Ilnnnzlh. `l lllal n't: lm Inn Inn-J T anhl H-,n-inn, BRITISH Pl_IEEDOM AND COLONIAL I e3|ge"'_)' - din ||'J 3|` 1: hr; ~In-.\\-;,. . I" Ilfvy-:2-;4]!(.z'1l.s" _" i\l'U|'1'|` Ill` 11 |;"[i.,;-_ 1'4 _b` i .`-"".ll_" 5lI'0ll ;o-r Vlmn will 1.... ...... . n. I-'DI\|`II|`\,I, ('0lHll]I 'l.'ln'I-`9 , ` ILL a,ttcr. at his Oice, in Bzwrio, every S.-\'l`UHD.\Y. fmln ll. a.m., till 3, p. m.. acco1'ding to Urdcr of Comicil, and every other day at his Oicc in Cookstown. 1-`IIE subscribers are up]-.oint1-d Agonts at l Toronto for the sale of the celelu-uted 1 u.1isLnnd Plaster, und which they are pre- p_nrod- to forwunl to all Railroad St`ations either in barrels or in bulk by the cur loud.` J. ll: l~`. SI.\'CL.-\lR, - . ` V No. I2, I ulu'c(- St. . Toronto. January, 1869. ~' 50-(Sm WINEj-IE6E(`:\3iGARS, \\.'W.[ I'.1\'l`. I`l\\' Q l`l.'Y`l7 l` 'I`(\l.H`\\"l`I\ LAND }1:I_.AS'1'ER / T. L. L:'LEWl8`.r LICENSED AUCTIONEER, ABPRAISEB. AND a0.11_1I1.ssIoN .4o1;'.vT, FOR THE SALE OF JV UIIDD RAVI} AUUUUN1_'b` collopteq at :1 small percentage. Auction Sales through- out the County attended to promptly und_ on liberal terms. nI'nlnun`d nus 0 ma-7 ' - on 1-.. v W. u. ulglila,` I)l-J.\"l`l>,"l`. 95'. King.-; St-. East, 'l`umntn. Teeth inserlctl on Gold. Silver, and Vulcan- -Izod. Rubber, in the bus: ]m.~'.\`ilm manner. I ur- ' ticular ntmntiun glvcn to the rcgul:1t1o11 of -cl_nil1rcn's teeth, and all work \\'nrrunted.. Farm Stock. Household Furniture, &c., . CRAIG \ .\-LE, Co. Sn1cor:,O.\"r.uuo. OTES AND ACCOUNTS _ollo`ct-.d. at Auction nnt Hm (Ymmou .n..mI..1 m'............n.. .....1 .... 1U1'4LVhl:4U AUU-'l'lU.V1`JISK., AN!) Al'- .l_J l R.~\I.3`l`IR for Barrie. and int: County of -3'1-n1c Uauh Aal\'unccs_xuuJ-I 911 liuods rut ccivcd for Sale. ' l_DIarriag__goLicenses. (Lulu Glen: in County 1(cgi:Lr_\ Uicc.) I (`|QI\'Vi'lY.\.\'Ur.'lL Uonnn:s. in Qm-ou't-5 `\J. U-_-u_`:n. .\m.-ti-un:_ux. .\|Ip1`i1l$l`I'.u|NlUIIlur '|11s.~1n:| .\5.-nl fur mu sale _u,1' ll\)Ua`b'-3', | h.\.\'D.;`, 1" .-_li.\! a'1'Qu`i, l1UUa`Ell()LD` lL'i.\_'l l`lI11r.`. ium{.<, \\':u c.+. &c.' Also ['01 "tin! uul`u-.-.Iix.n nl ::a.~; I`.-3. mrnas un ..\ccuu;\'Ts. [- ` 1.91.4. I 1':-41.1:-us nun! nu t}.uuI.x' [Pfl fur Srzlc. EISICOE; .I. l um; 1: . l_{l'itlpllce. 'CnoKsj`ow.\j _. `,Sgnq\l athmtuon paid wdisonses of I and children. Junu!_\ry, 1 J '. uric. x vilbfo Id. .\1III'As_` .l. IUUUUH -30 . L .11'r(.u::.s' made nu. urm.l.s Ieflfur Sale. If ximnu. curnur of Uuulupun1U:_vI-n Sl., H-1! 5.! \"xl'.-I. 0 lPl~`I.`l-`IP13 \'\l"I.`-.' uh-nu I I -m'} l.I.3'l.|~} lBlli)`.\`. &.MClll.l.. ` i N WHOLESALE [Iron and Hardware Merchants, Nn'u AH`! .lv ARR, Q1` PAH: 'Y"Dl.'l!'l' A55 1 burg. U 5. Army. OI-`I-`l(`H-'-In thew-uxn `by Robert Ross. la`: tho Wullingtqn Hole). - - on. mos. w. JACQUES, A(m.4uv..1 'r1;.;r 1'01.-o.v1'o z:.v1r1:1zs1T; ]6'.lv Roch]:-nnn I ..r..,... n. as, i ; DR. R. LUND. ' ;FOI{MERLY O 1*` C O O K ST 0 W I . Late of the City of Toronto, _ 1`/I;-KY BE COLSUL'l`l*1D AT T111-I LAT . Iiesidcllcu of Dr. Ross, tVvn7nnnnn-.- - ` ' > m.u..u.D., IJATE Assistant I Convict Dcp t, Ass'l Sum. U 5. Arm \, HENRY BOYS NICOL. M.D.. l)II`Y.~`,lC.-\.\', SUl{Gl().\T. AND ACCOU-` (`I_;I[-.`L'R' lgt-aid;-nice '(_};oxsr(n17.\_'. . ` \ Eu. ,.ml urn. - ....z.s . ' 15:1 1'1-istcrs, ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW SOLlCl'l`()Rs~l.\I (`.Il.\`\'rwn\- nrticulurs. u ' lollvr, pro u-r 7, l>~'t:.~< ____. un. J. LIZARS LIZAR-S EMBER of_ the Royal Colleges of S; J. genus, I:`di11bnI'gl| and 1-.'ugl:md. COl\'SUL'1`ING &0l ERATI.\ G SL RGI'l() `)P,,.p.___k'iunn- Qt urn... m......-. u\1A1t.`UJA I 1.\u n\'. Ul'b OH-`lcx-::--Ki_ng St. W York and Simcue Slss. ________________ u nan 16`-ly 1 1 uu..\1`4 1 -.-\'l'-LAW. Sulicito A ccry_ Notary Public. ` Cox (jmnmissinner in B. 11.. .\':c., Jzc. Duviseu Claims (-xcctxlml. U1-`I-'I(?I-I.-IIl Murruw`s lmilulings. ' ]r`ir(-man's,lh1ll. Collier Sm-ct. B4 urncr:s--Uunlop-Sl.., the same as [In occupied by the hue [inn of Messrs. Buullun McCarthy. ' 4:}-ti: ` _._: ;4 LUHVICL uup't, Surg. Army. the'm'u1n May 23m. 1867. u. unuux uUUL_.T0.\ (late of the firm 1. of Boullon & .\IcCuxthy_) and Mr. Hamilton D. Stewart, lmn-. entered into co- &|)al'tucrsl1ip \\`iLh.\lcss1's. Lount & Boys, for ithcprncticu of their p1'o!'L-ssion. ut B:u'ric, under the firm name of Messrs. Boultun, Luunt. Boys and Su-.\vm't. . OH`1cu--Dunlm. st.-..... m....:.. I ...~ ,....\...W In un:u' pron.-salon. B:u'ric,` Su-.wm' . OH`zcu-Dunlop Street, Barrie, over Mc- ` Conkey S: C0. s Stun-. . l "'g])(1\v nun... 153'. HAiv'IEl}T`di\i". Aw-w ' `(0R0.\'I'IR. Market Black. Uzlrric. Dr. II. b will l:Lkc`:1l1,utl|(:|' Sludcllt. ` n 1'.\'c('ll(-HI Ln` Iulfof Lo! 24. .-|,.rIJl mih-.-' t'r( _\'-!iw- m-rvs ck- . and them uru lmrn .....I onuos, -c'>'i`Eri{5II'E;ALs; &c> (JIEILLIA. Jummrv. 184334. Law Iiirxn. Mn. D`ARCY I1OUL.T0.\ `.\IcCuxthy_) ll.-1milh.n n c......_... u , A - -.___0 T HENRY u.-u:p;~;a.. T Issuer of Marriage Ljr_;6.ne, C'0011'o'I`UiI .\`. .-...u C! 06` : T01-on-to. Jmmnry,V]8G9.' 1 081111 U'.l'lI1S. Craigvale, Oct. 9,1867. . _._.-~, _.._.`r_w_u.-.-vv ...-u- V-ya.-gun WELL INGTON STREET TORONTO. . I . IHHII "` Hutu uunuv _T MccARTHY be. M I)-u----:. ..4..__, , A1:-if E._S. ME EKING, \ ' IKCENSI-ID AUCTIONEER, AND AI -` 1 PR-\I\`l`.|'P fur ll-nu-in nml Inn Hnnnlv nf lJ`ll U. " "1IZ;;!|cs1 m~:1-`Em-:.\'cI-1:5 give;I..:k2 5 DR. HARLEY. LI.-\I)l'.-\'l'l<} ()1? Vl()_'l`ORIA UNIVER- r SITY. R(`>`id(`ll(`.t` ' mun 1 R.\I)l7 .\'l`E r >'l'l'Y. Inluunavu ,nu. ). THOMAS T. "A. BOYS.` ARRISTER AND A l`T()R.\IEY-AT-LAW Solicitor in Cluumt-rv. Coin`:-vmu-nu 1'... JAMES c. Monnow,` TTOR.\'E Y-.-\T-LAW. ccrv Nmmv v..m:.. .r-P. W, E`. STRONG MD., M.I:.C.S.. I-`.\'(:L. 'n ru).`,lU:\.\', SURGEON. }\C( (`H IJUK. 1;;-aid;-nice. 'CuoKsj*ow.\_'. gr Jil\l1l0lNIi0lI mid to (Ii,-mlumz nf` nu I` IIKIIUVVMIU I'IG_!hIlqll N9`.4s3 .5: 485, Sr. PAUL`S l"R-_:l6T. I HIIIJTZBC Ali.1clbl'lh'K AND AT Clum(':t-1 nun:-.--.-. 1'11u1:.V'|'u.\'. 1'. w. '.',$'()icu ;1t Mr. C:xI'1'|1lln D 3.".- IIPII _._ DR. J. 'LIzARS EMBER Howl] Cull:-m-.4 nl JO3E."H aoG.+s,T-i xmiuzs Qimtury. mmmwwmmw $76 R. T. -BANTING, (Io ml! :1 L'ln'I.'o . u o. Army. --In Ll:e'pn-.1nisos recently occupu . E: and .nc-an-ly opposi gton 19-6 ~ w. c`. ADAMS, _- "IN!-I\"I`l.\"I`. 1).-3'. Ki \ 5. (I'I.\'I\` HY, hall! 01' Lot 11 of the '1`: .__.-. .- -uvvli Bu `I IV`!-Ivwna - -- u: u: . Luuaa, C1 IURCIIIIILL.. .-U A VJIVAV J V (. .VI Residence, Lcfroy, RIGHTS. ..~. .7 . n'.u:cY mn:L1-0_\', w.u. L()L`.\"" . '31. IIOYR. I. ,.'x;\ u x_\ 1 1 UILV IS I -AT-LA' u Clumct-1' ', Comm-ym1cc1', &c., (:uoKs'ruw.\ . -u\III\a, IVlo|J- L, I-l.\'GI..-\I\'I), Colonial Surgeon; :, '1`nsnmnn\; tlm.-c mv. ,....-......,_ _ I`-LAW. Solicitor in Chan- y C0l1\'(`)'mlC('l`.' . Heir and ruled. . nznunlj nnu cunu l'4U ,. West, Toronto, bvL\\'c ss. ' ' 47 EL/xcKsToc:K, . \_'I_CTOI{I.-X UNIVER-` O J7: Bum: swam no my SLAVEN. l-IR IN Bulhnilulings. west of the rSh(-ct. Buumz. ___._____%___._._____.. `J 1 .<, A.I..u., run In. s'_rF:\v.un`, 1.I..n. _;_______}_._..____ _._.__. u. u-n;-r--- - p cnar_.:6'.-.- \H 1cur.'-: warrar most-new 2. !3c~.svg<:n ;au.,r. zamg. L y .u;u.JL1 . , Co. Siuncc SU.\ Ih 12-y'r. PDUSI 194, 8-1.1` `M .. yea f :n'urully sil til` :1 milv of . An I-fI'\` HIE Unclt-rsigncd. luwing n First-Class ' l ile-])ri\'L-1', is ]ll'('l)lll'L`(l 19 execute orders for that description of work, In the very best mmncr, and on rczlsullublc IL-nus. 1.,`-, ,,. _ n (V. .. r.*..,. n'1 c . op. n|lI;_'. rwu uumnng. rzuuny. |})`(`ll|;.'- upu (.' nth l)rc.- siIn;;. All Kin-Is M c nth for .~x.l-. I `Am-:.\"rn: J. I), l.ai:H;m\ a'l:1.\'m-r: Jub ; .\_Iu_th-r. Anunu: JZUIIUH Muthc-r. suuuidulo-. `Wnul Ink:-n In and from um agcucit-;-: fl 1'6 {If cica-r,:6-.-.-\iI wur!-: warranted. ~ J i. .\7?aaslu'tn v_r.: 2. sm..ur I .- xnu .31-., mt ' C=1I`l'l:l!.P:e ':uinting' - Dunlop Street, new ;" \ &&I&II \Kt `I &lIlI\I-I (l..\ I`l-I c.u'0.\' xi CoL'1.'n:n,) I AVING onu-rod into co-p:u'tm,-rship, are . ' now pwp-.u1'L-(1 t0`(-xvculc in the host style of the art cvcr_v d_vs_c1'iplion of u0l'.s`l-I, -\.'m.\', C.\1uu.u;.:v.\xn' Cu:.\'.x.\n:.\"r.\1. l .\1.\"rI.\'u. , G1:.u::1.\'u. 1'AI |-IR ll,\\'m.\'u, AND Cm.m:I_\'u. re-spt-clfI11|_\' solicit :1 cuntiliunncc of the wry l1:1llcrin;.; paltronagu l;cslo\\`cd on tlxc-1-no rm. l'_L-cling condent that they can oxucllte all ordcrs 1-nu-u:~l(-d to -them. in the .~'<-H-I'a1 brmlchos munlionoll, in "an sl_\'!u not to be 0.`;- crc-llcd in tlIe.1 1'u\'iuL:u of ()nl'.u'i0. V 1({71 u})er Iiunging also attended to. ' AN AI I REI\"I`I( E \VA.\'TEl). COULTER J: PEARCY. `Dior.-:n M...-..1..4 Iea:~z' r\_M' IIAAIIIIUI, uuu un lvucullullnu u.-u-..~. . Jfeferences :-lI. Crvswicke, Esq., If.L.S.; '1`. D. MCC0llk(:_\', Esq., M.l .; J. `D. Lcudlaw. Esq.,` J.1 .' . * J()lIZ\' SPARLING. Mb.-1'1`, ruwu, u.~\Mh`, &:c., of 1: quality as the markets afford, and sume at very moderate prices. (jnrnml lit-of. S;|_I1sa;z-s and Lard. \\'i1h:t\'uric-I'_v of olucr I181:-!'IIl 1-0:111 can u: he haul at .\'u. 1 Slqll. -.",."'.\|| |~Igr\:lnu:~os th-li\'cn~d In any V 3' prerarml to .- _kinds of Gun: .\.'piuIIin';.'. Rull C: Cluth l)rc.-~`.~4im;. ' -\l:I.'\"rn~ I I 1 01 1l:um~.- nnunwm-u mu gnu l l'm1<-Ila` Gaiters, llusl;ir..~`, ll0ot.~': G(`I1t's Call`. Iiipl (and COI11'su; .\li.~scs' aunl Clliltln-I1's. of every variety and style, which will be kept con-I smutly on huml. . | 4'!` I l. I(,'l4.`.\` .\'() I TO RF.` I'\'7)lv.`I.'.\'nT.I) I ECOULTEB &}gARcY.` i I - `RU DEA Ll. IN ._ E/3.21:, Purlrpr. I14, and (.'m;kin_I/ Stovcx, , _ @'G7U{DE.\' lN(iI2\I'Ib`..g,;;7 |Pl_.,ATFOQN| COUNTER SCALES, ] _-C O.lL UIL, d :c.. 'L'., i mnuor .s'ruL1 . . in-.n:r.J 1)ul`5:d to lIIl(1i'l'l:II{(! (?l7.\"|'M lll""[`;:I.I.I.\ G .\.1\'I). CLOTII D1`.ESSl.\'(_}. H...-:.... mumo n\-nu an .... . :.. 4. ioots and S.li-o.s& smuuy on nunu. AT1 H1C'ES NOT TO BE I'.\'Z`lil.`.\'0LI). ROBEIH` C.-!l}~.'Y 12'...-..:.{ .t..1u 9 1.\`l`.R ->9 uuuvuuuu nauv I Iu.uv, Burcmzns AN!) GB`.\'B[L1l'L, Punvmrons, MARKET STALL No. 1, ` BAIf_I: 1E, ` ' AVE constantly on hand at - good supply of FRESH MEAT, FUWL, GAME, &c., of as choice quality xnarkcts afford. and um.-1"tlu-. can usually In: mm at .\u. 1 Slqll. any part of I the town Ire-v of cix-.|r;.:o " .~.. ..- ._ A .. \J \J L) L LIAI1 nnd in the Fall. also ' u`.-u 7 v\v/1 . \vv` .. 1' L} lJ1Al-\ \l 11A` 1} K/1J\J 1 IL JJIIIJATOI .V ll. J Iluving spent over `Z0 y(-ans in the trmlx.-A in ' e`:`M`l `1iINil'.:nr:n&s. he need only r,ut cr to his E uld In icntls. in lisaa and (-lscwherc, for the - I ch:u'nc1cr 01' doing good wurk. I . TIIOS. M'XI- .T.I.Y_ . W IIOLESALIEC AL\D RETAVIL; .\'.n-I .I,..m In - .4`. /.!;I..I....'..5 _.,,..._-..__..,_._ .,.._.. ._...---- lsaqi1ei#Laun Harness E2i5num{n1aut, VU `I\J\.Ia/ -7 . A N 1-: w-- ... Inc! \`('1l'.`v l,...._ ' ]Ve(1)`I_I/ b]1])0sz'lc U20 A111-(Inca " o_[7L'cc, ` Dllnlop-`sm.-ct, uml-lln'w doors castyof Market- street. \ -- -.-axasaa.-.\.+5 AVING rolmnod in Barrie, rt-speclfuy informs the Ladies thereof`, and its vicinity. lh:_\t she is pr<\.parcd to um"-:.d to 1111 onltws in Ml1.L[.\'I')Iu .Y. in her usual slyh-. which has ixwariubly given saxtisfuclioll to her paxtrons. ` -av 1 I... \-I ._-u u:..u r\UU`IlUlVLLll I" I VALUATOR, 3.0.,` For the _C'ount_r/ of Sz'mc_oe, THORNTON. _'@"Al 1ction Salt-s thrmxglmut. the County 'l1Ht'ndL'(l to promptly, and on liberal terms. Nov. 23, N37.` 4-'3-H` Licensed Aziclionccrfur (I.e` Um Vuluulur, C`c., (Cw: . JUN.-u'11AN K-ILGORIS, Ll C ENS E D AUCT|0NE|:R !-l V,\l_I;'A'I'nn :,. I `ESSA \V().OI.I.EN MILLS. . V .. \.r\_- ..\,-\/~ . V iNlI.VLvl.::\Khl`VPAV,B'|(lNS, I NNKEE PE R, -C 0.0 KSTOWN an_d__Pifle-Drivi_ng. Harrie: July 2, 1.568. Vstnyner.` May. Harrie, .\[:u'ch 4, 1868. Innisl. May 14, I George Plaxton; .\lA.\'l.`l".\CTlJlH-Ill OF rm, SHEET-IRON, JAPANNBD and (Janna-r \\`:n~u-- xv n.;\/44:4-uA;4444 ;.-v;/ ;vA4A.L.xAA. .Nc.tt door to Ross .d': (r'i1('/mist uml opposflc I/ze Old S.`y ]3;u`I'ic; May, 186?, . _',.._.. VERY L.\I`.(`rI;` '.ln Asmrlrnmlt L of Lzuliw` lillmwllt-(I Kid and l rnn-llu ' llnc .~ n.`.,..- (1..-mm r~..n- 1: u, I.u.|..u.uL uuvug, an; nun: ,:uul Liuppcr \\`::;'g_-, Ax1n1;l:.\x_1,n: I X nv r UI \,nuI;_jL'. H-(ZASII PAID FOR 0.-ITTTE. (;u3.\.\I. 1-H .v Ann'- J-ONA'J'l*IAN KILGORE, ll-'IIf\l-I-\ ...-_._-. BINGHAM BROTHERS, ...._~ . --n I1-u~...-. . - I|-._._. Qusmcss Qn_:ctun'y. - V` "c""C`7'iE'<`)` .\i CA11l)IL\'G; `.u- I-`nil. nlsn ll'I'll IU |`Xl'C|ll(`, Custom W-~ . Uurding. ilnr. All Kin 1I<)L`. sxcx `AND . lh-fn '51:;-1 . 18587 1.9138. J()III\' SPARI.ING. Rhlvna-r (`.n Him; 1*. in .<`l|n'I'i0l' sl_\l(-. all f -~ri<. such :1< Umdxng. . Fzlllinr. l)_v~m-r. ugul In ..| n ..H. rnr . I vu.\ m .-ucumu. Stuyner, Co. Simeon. . , 16-tf V llistxublishnu-nt! ! I ,- - Barrie. `\`.Ul'K. T1103. .\[C.\'ET.LY. l'..H' uunly of Simc0c.- Pa. ~ 36-ly cnolcu offer ` the . togmlurw xnnouliln.-.~:. I 16~tf us. HILLSDALE, Penetanguishene Road. '.\l.E;\'. llll.l.. ....... -- l 1wmm:'r0n. ]%1:.<'r of Ln,L'm:.<. (rm.-\1:.~:, and ma- 1`l\`l~`.,\`H\1l-`.\"l`.\' mun-hl. J 1 > z 1' 0 N S!_; 1 [NJ 1101".-.. '\l[lS \\y"cll-known and l';u'01-ito 0111 Hotel has been tl1ux'ougl1l_\` rcnovutl-(l and mu-I up uml tmvclla-1's are :|.~'.<|mul that (-\'(-r_\' om]:-:1n.r will be used lqgivc tl|o111sah. and rout]- 01` the establishment the l)(-st` of Its cl:1: in -pointofcomfortuntl lust:-. A l}illi:mll :u'|ur almchcd. Slugvsl'ordill}:rc11t parts leave the xn u maumcr to ensure tlw (-o`1ul'url. 01' ,':m-sts; house daily. ( I KIN` r.~L `L0 ! and :Ill`Il.~' nll lhv L`un\`n-Iziv u- ..!-uni:-.1 .-I--ue h.....~ . i MW" ""_"' I _ I;Ew L<~)wELL, N. G. MARTIN, - - - Proprietor.'}r I-nrmm-Iv urn... .. Ir.-..1......... n..,.1 " rv ............. .. in. m=.:~1}i[L," ()rillia Iiotzel, B. W. ROSS, ........ ..... ..Proprietor. ;:;` "l`..IIE propric.-tor of this wt-ll-known f " eslublishuu.-n_t bags tq inl'urm his t'riei_Ids and the travelling community that he hns leased the above hotel in the pleasant and healthy village of Oiilliu, and is now prepared to receive and nccominotlate guests. Connncrcinl tmvellers and others furnished . [O I`L`C(`,lV(3 1\.U llL'CUlll'l0(lKlIl'- gll('SlS. I ` Commcrcmi furnished with convenient and amplu accommodation. Choice Wines. Liquors and Cigars, in stock. Apartments let to private families. ;' Good Sheds and stubling with attentive servants. 5.f iliorth Amerian Hotel, lllflf) \"P,I Din C '1' I) I.` L` In `-7 `HIS comI1)o(]iol1s house has recently I ~ , llL*l`Il tlxur-~I' ' `v 10d and ru- furnislwd, and is \\'t'L ml` Tl`il\'4.'(.`l`. ; being; cmlvonivnt. to bot. ~.a and ho-.115. (.'uud | stuhling. A I.iv(-r_v . conm-cu-:1 avilir the I hotel, \\`hcrc_1u.-rscs can be had on the slmru.-: notice ` . H , FARM mm sns V.-1 ECIIURCII IIILL, -I.\ .\'l>'l"IL, Cu._: \Il.\lC0li. _1_J uoou >.u1u1mg house. V .I;mum'_v 9, ].\`G7. .., _._--_.....-,, ..-vr-. Forulerly ofthc " I-Ix II91(-1," Cm j ` / DUNLOP S'l`1{ll~I'l`. - - - - - B.-XRIIIVE. Near the New I.'aillca_I/_ I)q:ol. n ADMAII , _ _ _ _ n.........:..;.... 1a.. ,Qu1.':\;,` f/:.A:'1:1:m.' Cr)U.\"I'.l , M .s'1.iwo.:. 0. u. . - - V ---. ---v vvo, 11U1a ONT.-11210 .5` 1'1: 111; 7', , -/ 'C()[.LI.\`G\\'0()l), !CH.'.3LEb CAMERON, - PBOPMETOR. 1 ___._ l_ -'7 ` _ v'1`m.:..r . um] I fnrnislu-4 ,1.-,_ E, `."1\`{Z(`J. PrJ_rrieiresa. JOHN Me-.VAi'l`, Szperintendent f V V1115 Hotel has roe:-u!l_y undvrguno <-xt<-n- f si\'(- iI1ipI'm`v1xu-Ixl.-' in the \\'-.1_\' at adclitiuns. ` 1`urni.~'hing. .&to. Us act.-<'m:ulmlutiun is now `mnplu aml L-nn|l'urmHc. l`h:- lmst I.3q'.w|'sl 15 and Cig:u'.~' can |yy1<)Ill1tl in the Bar. 1-Hy -------~--.- '----~:-- I . ------w------ --'-----v ; ! Adjoining the Railway Station, Craigvale, I I l{()Ul`.'l{'l' GI{lL"GG, 5 - - ] m};7`ic(_rrr. I . 2111110 Bur issupplicd y\\'i cl1 good Wines, . V .iquors and Cigars. _ ' . 3 I-I.\'colh-nt Slubliug and sheds cunnectcd wi_lh : the llonse., Cmigvule_. Oct, 9, 1867. 36-Gums, .1. 1*." m'LI:_\'. The Tr1\\'<-H_in;: Cu!n!u_nnity will ml Hui.- --su: hlishnu-In .-Il_IU' lu Nu-Ir |'eq11i1'cl)1cqts gm] 41-a-L-r\'iII;_,: `g1j"_UnclI' mxtrnllagc,-_ ' ` ,,n,,,.,p n ..m u ll'I `. Excellent inn` lin - con auto 1 with the Il_om-4- .Ba.`ri-, 121.}: April, 1866. 10 ODDFELLOWS HOTEL; .-H'1:`.\'[.\'/I. (II). .S'I,llI"I ;I.' n\"I' v-v:- can-snail II DJ AI-`IILJJJJ, ` A I )-.`.\'[.\'/I. CU. .S'IJICO];', 0.\"1'. JOSEPH WILSON, - - - Ifroprietor. The Bar is SIl])]l1i('d with Clmir-0 Liqum-s and Cigaws. Good Slxuds and Slubling auljuining `llu: Ilutvl. I)m-.-mI.m- -)1 l{`.'.' -- -H t . IL\lIl(ll'I, O.\"r. , A. B. BINGHAM, (successor to A. Mis- campbell), Proprietor. ' VPHIS 01:1 zmvl favorite t-sinlylislnxnt-nl is nuw llll1lt'I`glVill;; thorough n-lmmliuzx. and win in 9, few days lw re-furnism-d and rc-.ti_m-d I in :1 manner that will cmnpurc fu\'ur:\bl_v with uny hula-.1 north of 'l`ormn_u in an fur :19 Comm fort, conu-nit-ncc and prompt zulcmluncc uro{ concerned. ' `- -.-nu.` . n \,u. ' Good $l:l`)Ilg` on the premix:-.~`, nud ul ` tvntivu svrraults. . . In IQITQ ` V n` an m.| Comer Dunlap mud Ilnycld Streets. II unnln (Late M('(']ii|)j_.*.) . A Next Door \Vc.~:Lvnl' the l{;:il\\':1_v Station, I ! ,l3:u-ric, _()nt. rn . - n GLOBE HOTEL, g-` Sample Rmuns fur Cunmnvrcial Tran-I `nfi, 12.`: ul |.uu.un>. mu;\n.`,, uuu un- l"|{l5SH.\! }-I.\' `S ]u'm'i The 1%-nulaxxglnisht-xnc Stngcs change horses ` mro. L : Alma Iious-LA, I.llI I QTIAI I: MARTIN S HOTEL. In: Jluwl. Dccx-xnbor 2-1, 1507. EST Lirju0x's and (.`ig:u`s :1lwn_\'s in stock. Good >,'t:1b[ing and .511;-(ls :1d_joining thc use. CHURCH HILL H6Us`E," ';utcI.J mu! .:1I uou5. ~.WELL|NGTON HOTEL,` --,.,_.__ ,._ ..___.. CRA|G\_/ALE HOTEL, ....__ LL- n_:n. FARAGHER SW H0ATEL,w The Queen s, : RAILVVAY IIUTEL, JOHN GRE(:`:E.- Propriejor. BARRITEHHOTEI: :. 4vLu/ ;r.uuu.-._-/ 1/xl-un- - - - - - Proprietor. 1363. -nu ... ., '1 "L0 Iunlxw, m tho phu -um-5 nml mm IA` . I! W rm ` > ., nu. :.u.n-rn . llzxmillnn. One I : Dollar per Annum, strictly in Advanc l__ Ilul Iu\\`\'l'. Ilugn 1.-ll` -`i|lIII' bu .u Ha rio-. ~ .yp,lu, Town;-`hip Flue, kl4ll`\X UL us el good well. ._:_. {%Tem1;eA1:2{,_i1_A9` Hotel Grace`y, P1=avisi5ii Cl`JL"{6l`Y Line. . Ih-is :1L 1.14:1-:\'. .\I'("I'In\'I.`r:I>_ A N G U S . (vczlr I/u` ]r.'i/1uu_1/ Dc}/at.) Wu. H. .`ilc1_N)l.'G.\l.l., I | mpri(-to ooM`I(I:_I-f)N HOUSE, r ' `IIIS cmnnmaliuuT< huh-X I ...I and I`... l.I.vl....l 0|. Iwvl) 1-rm` }PrQvincia|'Land~Surveyor, L.\.\'D .-\_\'I) I.\'>'I.'l{A.\'(.'l'I .\(jl'I.\"l'. ANGUS. - - - - - ONT () ;_ 11: up his `I? ' I I WILLIAM MOORE, BUI_LDER_ & CO.\"l`1{A() I`O1{_ I The subscriber 11:1 ' Ul2.\A.|`.li. l.\ Ll\l.\l K 1*a,..o.. (,`:nu-S. '1u.1.:..-. \\'lmlc.Ial<- and Ii:-mil. Si; 13...... -`.1 I-.m...< 1:2.-....n L(1 IU'T'1l LII -nci nu JryGoods,Groccries, Provisiu U/4I.\`-m':H'I'. II--rJ:c:n", Crockery, Y-.- _(.p 5 _ Br1ck- `E .\D IIHIIIS \\'I furlublc all who mu; Ii @ Th Far.-He \\'ill I... r...... every us-. (11.-spalch. HUI Hllll .'ul Cu_I}'i| .mlin furor H:u'ric-. N0. 20, l:`RU2\"l` STREET, 1'Ull0.\'T0- JOHN ('.<\IUl0l., - om; DOLLAR .-\ ,--`....A;4..);.L'41X 1 . -* l 1'oprio SD A Ql'All'I'ER Pl-ZR D.\ 4 15 |, HI 1.- E '1`ll1'l`:l\', . . ` !EXcAl3"o-TEL I 0/1.:'.-sz'leI/m I.'/:1. -1... </../:.... 1. ` Jy \'(`llil`l- I h at Lzmdiu '1-hr "I :u I -[I .5` LU : HI.\'L'.Y I"Il.\SI'Il\'. JOSEPH eocaas `11u1~:1= (,`u.\'>"l`.\I'.l.I-Z. c..um__v . liuun-|.~ l|un|..n 1';-. C onuncx-ciul '1`;-:1 V (,`1 1 (-rs .'\LI.'uuIUI|.IllUll III!` 20 RlESl EC'l`.\Bl.li B(MRDl'IR.\. lnrrin-. April 2 L \\('-\h lUl'UH Uctoln-r, 1866. [HIE 1-11 lnkv `III? . timuic to t n. big Will he found l()\\`(* ..1 n-- A_Di.5'p!(l'(I Lines m'4: zI.rI1(yeIy avljrtsfezl. Valuzltions cauvlully n1:u`.__:. and >`urw-yinggoi -very (It-scripliun ('.\'(_'(,`uIL'd with ucc1u':u-y and lc.-spa(ch. 30-1'3: 21; 1'11" . 18!:-1, V'.\.\'Ji\"I'.'l{Y,`b' Livery _E='n'ca'b1es~.; OX B.H'I"II.'L-1). .5 T[.'1:'l;"l', I}.ll.'1.`IJ 3.}1:5iur_s'._s $A;me4L%r;_;5{`Q'Ei7iv1s, )om \\'u _..._.:-va 0-p1;us1'lc U//3 'l'EX1I EIh` ` JOHNSON HJ<`)kU s11:%,_ /I -... u... ~. -ms hulv] \'1-nL...o Gooo s'r.11;L'/.\'v..' .-xxx), 5111505 Uurriu , with and nnw .-a-lliug hi I |u\VI`l'. Hu`.:| .11 1'11` ` 01-`H F J. SCH5iA-[)-E-;?T '.'\.\'Cl".-\UTl'Hl':H UV ()l(;.\ " u'lu.lu'-.-ul-1l:-:v|[-|-in Hzn-nu-u .\...rm lIJIlI1!liiIll\\'l|j` . `. L:uIdings. and \\'l1I_>l<-szdv ,und is Ian -mlly. I:1linn.<.>`h llunsvs 01' sq-[_\-1,31.-._.xnizcu lay ln'.s;:u's.~: 4. w. BRIDGMAN llTI{.\l'[` 1'.\x.\"n-21:, 39 um \'n.-I 'l'nu-nut. I-\I uIlI||' vnlun Inn H-Suuxllzuy lhnuinv: _1fr17'_1/`b1/eel. _\':1rI. x. TH_J.\1A3 Im~_:. 1: mn pl 1;.` :~. .r\m"il .:r.- V 5 .-I . l'-I him! of t|;({p.,,.m_, `.3 : the lmlnncu in tuugfl "':""" WI` )nx11'licnn!arsiv~3! 1" -'\"l-"1-.01' In M H ,'~ I I _v\ V] f|'r`n\-vn!~ Hiii-:F{f6[:F; c.E.. LUTHER cnovga I-1R.l.\' :1<:.u:.<. TU `AOL! t`......g~ 'I'..1...........:uo-'1': *1a;;o;7i{:{1_ BAR1ziL::;iT%d};[ I-`|.'.\QL`l.' , 131% x\ 951671.: ___.._ It-I is vuxnnlrtly Inca! at In lhc lhIil\nu' Sm: (:,'rm-r'1I Dr/I. er :7`, A . . .-`, ;\cconmrI:|ti11 fur |IVl`v'l'|A :5. I1 -. HN`l` \\'1vnll lll(l. ~'l ITS] ) the lmhlic;-, that In- u---vnvm vs WI VVIIVAJ -IJILIUI I.lUIi.\'. .-\1`<`'I'lt).\'I~JI-JR: my In attend pruxng-lly to :11- :l tnhim. m Sllllnpn. 1 In: u.......... H) wool)` Bus; I \'..m.__ IMI I.lO\'I-II) F AR.\lS. a ty 91 Iiurriu. Ala. Buildings! 'I.I) .\"I`I.'Iv`I-"I' I. Il'l'II.' Il.\'IlL'll l|ll'Ull;.!l|ll|ll Ill KI ll ('unt:1gu.< lln: host Hun 1-inl lrr\'ull#r.<. of any Inn A :.r\L\"c""1: 1101'}-:1 .. ;_1tIm'ti5rnu`nt5. {ill ho Spa uv fan-or I ; also in 1`;- .1 hnsj heal Ihl'uu',:lu `o n....o......- M ,- l'0privtor, D DA)`. ' ___.__ x-. Mun zlncl I" led to. ?NE`` IUMBIEP. 1 }. .H.'1. /L`. 'uHy Jun- \'.`. Is I-I`.'I-IHV, I'mpriL-tot 1:. gm nhlic :1 N. Kl.\'C. 4n-1;; u-`c1['ull_\' in- ~ huh lillccj ll (1 mill. Ul ; 01.` CLOVER inLjIl l'lxL-1'0 are }', A C RES CLEARE$(vV-:1 no nnhh-nnn. \\'l'1f:"I`5'`- ;C|lL'l';|y us, .y _ Indian 1' u` Sm-c`. wnlly l'.\l';.{(`. ntr in- A ND lI'lIH|\ rf the mt-I} nn..-L uplo lllls sm ale of] DFOO_'1', I swam: [1, 0 ticul -. -r. p`ost-puit). . .l`Jl().\lAS S;\Ul\'DEPc- Clover Ilillfv ' -H !CRh' u '.'E 35 W1 ,..{ IU '.\'SIIH OF , Hvnt Lglnd in r OBI; {urn}; 5' U 'I'h nun n { x1i-1`(- loud. and: u, fur Slll(`,lM'0 w. 3311} 'Ic'I'I,[) Count .. umn-:. ) ' ru uu..._. \ ..t' y l~'illlf||('(l, wiv :` 400w 0 .. _, 1oo sr. halt` at Lot X0. 13: III I)!" ICSSII, (`H I 1) RE D AC]! f':n'urullv '13 _ _`.--J ` uu nun-u ru nvunxt uuv `Ill KU `FUN II`? "$510 shutters and fasten the door when _. nc's spirits` fell low, as one might do in private little cottage which had nothing odo with the public. ad that was how it oanie to pass I was lone. Father and I had been koeiing he toll-gate.=,-that at llopwootl rst, nd now this one on the Ludt'ord-road.- or the last three years or more,- while anothi.-r and John took ' care of our little {arm about eight miles away. _ What money father -had made he had made ;at toll-gates; and wlien he lost it in a very pleasant manner at farming, he ;turned to toll-gates again, and again managed to make a tolerahly good thing of it ;. though times were very different to what they had been in his younger days, what ivith coac-hoe,` and private carriages, and horsemen ani trafc along the high roads, and, many `a traveller in his hurry inging down a shilling and not waiting for `the change. But still, while mother and John barely made their living and paid the rent by the farm, fath- or and I did something more than that by the gate. `l.'..ol..... .....- ...,,. A - ' --I -- 11. was the last night of the old year, i , and she hml l-eon ton gnml national school, first as :1 achohir and then as pupil tenclier ; and now she was known as _\|i,.,,; Burgess, the ;:o\-ermess of the school at 'Lu(ll'ord, which was little owr seven miles uwuy upon our own roml. For one reason or unot.lwr, we hm] not gee" per `pince lmrvest; and the vicau"a lady had kept. helthrough Chrismmsweek to help in t.he.achool treats. hut she hoped to get. `home on New Year's Eve, and father hurl -asked me nscore of times shoulal I he _t.iu|hl rt staying in the house ulnne all Ill}.'lIl, all of which times I unswereul with I w--.-,-ucw guru, eight years younger than I t E ; aml-twenty yours ohlhe timid at 3 Bug I (lid not. lau._:h to myself mime houn. after niqlitfull. Our house. no pretty :1 tollgate house as there could he, was full of windows, looking efeiy way of course. and Ilmew the light in them . must he hhining along the mud on each side for - travellets to see at a distance. aluugh, Whutishouhl n wmnun seven. .1 un. bunvu Father was gone to watch the New Year in with mother, and John, and NelI_v,--Nelly, you must know, was our vonngest Vgirl, eight years than , . had lueon rm. rrnml -H-r----J` u----.---nu -V Irvv no u una-uuvu. Ifelt as` if I was sitting in a blaze of "light, while all nbonit. mp` yup dpep Inuk- _ nan ; and though _ had drawnmhe blinds down done, so that not 3 chink: was left. .|DvlC|I}'v\('l.II\ nnnnrnuuuulu -it nanhhrl . HUWII CJUIB, I0 Elli: K)! I 0IIIlUI- W83 llillv imrxnvlfvody-w py-wmx-gh. i__ and ? IL was not that 'l_ was afrail of being one, but my spirits haul sunk a little elow the mark that night, and there as {willing to fetch them up again. Anal was very lonely. There are not many eineii or girls would clmnsc to be the lily living creature in n toll-gate house In a very lonesome mall, with the village gigh upon a mile oil] and no such lhin_I_.: ltoeplllg the house loor harrexl and hckctl Not that there was \'ery_ much ` driving along our road aer liiglntfall, but there \\'na alwa_vs the chance of a ' dtvcllcr on horseback or in some con- .3l'eyance \vantin;_:` the gate open--(l in a ; nrry ; so that it would not la (0 put up `J0 fasten the rlnnr wlmn ll! pltyllm W00 luilxliu, Sim guilclc.-gs an` no young. be with tluu. la-a's Ihc fa.itl1or`.s lip will at-ttlc on his lun,'.-,`m-; ' n'ain1'u' wornls his mitlwr spealm his infant lips will slain; 11L lllzu vuu -ol' cuhlvnliun. \\'t'1Hr_ , slumps. Thu balnlncey - n ur n A If l{lT`1. u In` - . Ghlmel. is b|nwin' cuuhl, and he's drct-pit Him` lllld lhI'o'. '5 spm-rin' fur his Inithc-r,tu1' he \\'un'(-rs `V w-u r sin-`rs gxxI3L*. pp. oh! his milhvr. she forgt-ts her puir wee }'xI;_{;{il \\'t-nu! I kc.-mg; mu-.I'nitln(-I"s love, an` 110 ken: mm :5 nlxitlu-1':-. cure. fosootlnv his WM: hit sorrows, or kunxcrhis . luulil lmir. R) kiss him wlu-n he wuukuns, o_r smooth his ' hull nl .-'nn- * we the crowd nroun' the like u` laughin' luud \vi' glen. ' . b ` holnu`nuv-utnne hon, though his heart ; " he u'ur mu: fuin. he muunnn. play wi ithcr lmirns-he' drunkunfu mggit wean! F! on the woo bit lmirn, his heart V r..v W60 UH. Tllggll ILIUUME gllllg VVKIII 1'0 UlI'0Ugl| _- the euro 1, In mung the snnw_wi' his wee lmcklt feet, " verin`_i' the cuuld blast, grectin` wi the pmn. ~ I'n the puir umo cnllam? He's a drunknrdfs rumzit wmm! III we pulr '00 cnIIa\n .' um! urununrtrs ruggit wuun! - 'Itun'a ul ilku dour, an` be kecks wi' wistful Isl`. ice bit rnggil. luddie gangs w'hn'ren through 3- t. F'n;_l;1;I;surd's llngglt wean. 3 __ . mu: m con; N 1 011! lm fours ms f2\ithor`a f:1cc-thc drunk- uraJ's raggn wcsm} .--..~. , In M"I'rnvr n Buildings, Wear. of the reman`: Hall, Cnlllur szrcct, Dame. ' ' TEIIMS OF` SUBSCICIPTION: ollnr per nnnnm, strictly in advance! or 81.50 If nut no paid!" - EXAMINER BOOK AND JOB PIIINTING OFFICE, pared to execute, In superior style every dc acriptlon of LAIN AND 0I(.`IAME.`I'l`AL PRINTING: , such as , III) III?` A HQ `> 5111: @.\`iI1lIi1I1, AU, llUl.`cu iluu -~ _ he ])l`(`llliS(`.`i lust yum`- 's well \\'Illt`I`(.'tl by LING Sl I`.I1\'G CREE .1 .. II iI:1n.T1IuIunAv. l`r:lmu.uw 25, [S69 mm mums, ' nusxrucss cums, mu. mums, . ncun I I COUNTY _Ol*` Sl.\1COE-ADVOCATE. '.l|'| I-`ll \\l l| ll?" r;I;.;;:iL w -:m! fu blluhod every Thursday Morning. Ifhc; lvlxunnlucr, I ? COUNTY OF SHICOE ADVOCATE, QLUME VI. NELLYS NEW l'l"}.\ll. Am-Cuslles in the Air." nun; u mu to mi lo the h-.1irn-lhc s rat-.';:iL wcun! . mi;;ht try and turn that sinfu' 1-art. - EXAMINER OFFICE, Barrie, C.W. anus: n..... ....-.... 1 II 11-: Cum their puir wee `her to net 8 fuither's dru nk:u'd's cup. an` uuy EIHIILB llilu IIHUII up lll Luu 1lh'1l'I( again. andl did not feel the lonesome and forlorn cleaturel had _done lnclhre Matthew llelghway passed. I snnfletl the long wick of the candle, and stirred up tlie_l`ire, and put the copper. kettle, "which shone like gold, upon the top bar, and listened to its sin`-_;ing,'and to the pur-. | ring.f the old cat, till my heart grew ' qniteli__rliteon1e. Who could tell what goo-l fortune was going to happen to us in this New Year, which was coming nearer and nearer every minute as the clock ticked '9 l erlmps`Nelly might be [married ; she was so pretty, \vas Nelly, and so clever, and like a lady born. I had two patchivork qiiiltsiiislied, and it Nelly did not cure to have them both for her house, there might be another use for them. It was not im`pos`sible for John to meet. u`-itlt at wife in twelve mmiths. Where should we all be next New Year s Eve 5? ' Then I fell to`l'anc_v- ing them all round the re at home; father in "his three-cornered aim-chair, and Nelly on the cricket at his feet, and mother in the cliim'ne_v-nook; and John by the round table, reading maybe, or all talking together, and looking up to the clock to see how the~hour-hani was creeping on to twelve, 'ust as_I wnsdoing all by myself. 0, if there could be only ~ome `great, deep-sounding bell, like a cathedral bell, rung somewhere up in the solemn midnight sky amongst the clouds. . when the Old Yearhwns dead ; a sound never to be heard except when a year was tolled out as gone from us forever .! ' How we should all be listening fo.r_it, with our hearts beating and our knees trem- bling`-.-_=tl:e folks at home, and main the lonely house. Anyhow,.the_v .would every onethink of me at midnight. ' ' 'I`l...A ......-...) -..... n- `-..I. .._ -5 pl... -I--L. UIIU l|l|liI\ Ul IIIU HI: llll(.lll|`n'll|~ Tlmt caused me to look up n_t. the clock; ` nnd to my amazement, it was on the stroke of giving warning for twelve, and in three minutes the Old Year would be gone. A31 was quite alone. what. was the good of looking gay, and of making reagl to welcome in the New Year mer- rily . That would have been -all very well if I hml cmnpamy. But lveing alone. unal hearing the clock ticking out the Old Yt`l"'s ullf it sualuleu I fell" down: on my face with my lnunls. and so waited for it he pass away, us if it was some clear frien-I who was l\'lll;_{. I. _,. -.:n .|.... .I.-.. ... ......:'..~ nomlm IIUIIIU. \UU HUGO _ _ V Ue stoppell n moment or two. whistling softly to himself. The clouds lmd __u;:|Llnsr- ed, and drops of rain were beginning to full, l-ut. I could have stood there for an hour. ' ' ull.._,I19 I. _!In `I. 1 Gill ll/I` ` asked. 1; \7, II Y LlU||l- lI:mn:iln, lie said you might as well lock the gate ; it's getting lzttc_ on in the night, nml its ten clmnces~ to.onu that :m_\'Uo-ly elae will be coming rulong to- ni,-__:|nt. Ynu_f.rc not :cl'rni(l, are you ?' Wlmt should It grown wmnan of am`:-n-zuul-twevty he afmicl of?" Icrierl. ` l'-ut I did nut lilllgll. The words lmkecl me at little, for perhaps Mnttlimv Hei}_>'l1- \\u_v lnul thought mu younger than tlmt. 'l`lmr.- x nnllnimr In lm uh-u.l nf lln u_y Imu uluuglu. nu: _\`nuxIL:ul' mun Uml. ' 'J'horc s nothing to be ufraicl of, he said, clnccrily, but I should be more couxforunbiu if I knew the gate wzu locked, and saw you safe into the house before I drive on. And, I-l:m:\nh. if anybody should go by, it nuiglfxt. be best not "to speak to him." "An wuiluu` uni" I hm` `nnknrl Hm (vain ` "um Rm