Ullln * In the absence of the Warden Mr, Mc- Manus was called to the chair. Tho nunfoa nf Inn! -.u.nH...-u .V.`..-..... ..._...`l Ulla ISITIIIIUII, The Council adjourned until 9 o clock to~morrow mbrning. `C($UNCXL HALL, B/mam, . i February 10, I869. : The Council met pursuant. td adjourn: meat. `I . LL- ..L...`_-_ ,p .1 , u- u 1:` .- IIIIDLCU UII L UB INA lJ?I\V. '- On motion of Mr. Kean, seconded by Mr. Fennel], I"L,. I".-......,\l ...H..........,'l nail n ..1..1__l_ ur()l:l;I:)tion of Mr. Graham seconded by Mr. Gallagher, ` 'I`lm| Hm .-...+:o:m. Ac `M2. II:..l.....4..:,.I. nu. .\I?IlliI;UUl', 4 That the petition of Mr. Kirkpatrick and others. be referred to Special Com- nnttee on Dog Tax Law. , ,nII `l I,,_ ,,,, 1 I I U] LUU VV (Hen ` _ On motion of Mr. Parker, seconded by Mr. Fennel}; - ` `The Council adjourned` till 7 o clock. EVENING SESSION. The Council met, pursuant to adjourn- ment. . ` The \Varden in the clxir. Petition from Wm. Kirkpatrick, and about 100 others, praying the Council to abolish the Dog Tax, presented by Mr. Graham. ` f\__ .,__AS__ .0 `II,, fV_,L____ _-___, ,1, 1 I lll xusuv, Ordered: That the chairman of the Committee on Education b einsLr11c&e4l`to prepare a set of resolutions on the Com- mon School Law Act. to_ mom at the meeting (if necess:u'_v) held this day by the Chief Superintendent of Ezlucation, in zuccordunce with the amendments` rc- comnlended by his'Counscl in Comlnittee . of the Whole. n_ _.__Lf__. _: u- D....I . . . . A . . ..,1._,1 LL. UII J_'l|V|UCKl\|UU, I|U5UIIlaU'J HH'l Iuiul. Referred to-Committee of the whole- Mr. Little in the chair`. A The Committee vose and reported pro- gl`CSS._. ' Rinvnd kl! lit` Rial`-nnun Kannnruhul Ln by Mr. McM:mus, `seconded by Mr. Kelly, . ' `V f\._,1_.._ I. "WI ,,L A` . ,I,,!,..,,., .1` A. .\.\'D` L'Ul.'.\'"L:' OF SUE Lnnv. . The Council resumed its sitting`. Report. No. 2 of SL:m:.!ing Coummittc-e on Educutioxn, presented zmvl read. nuf'nr|-nil fn.nnnnn;H'nn nf Hun whnluj IIIUIIIA ' All the members present with thex-.\= eeption of the lieees of -Innisl, Adjalzr, Morrison and Mnskokn. The Warden in the chair. ' Minntes're:ul and confirmed. Tl1o.\V':mlel1presented a letter fmrn ' U0. Treasurer; ulsr) accounts from \V. C. Chewett :u_1 'En(erprizc; Mr. Little pre- sented.petili0n of Jnhu Russ, Presialem. of Agnculgnrnl Association of. Nnrth Simcoe, asking for aid. 'I`]\__ I).,I ,_.,,, ., .__ ., I. I ,_, i ll: . I, ,, LFIJUIICUI i|l|`I VV ||3Ullo:I I n I On n"otion of Mr. Wilson, seconded by Mr. -McDernmt'.`, - n...In...,.1."m...+ um n,.'....,.:I ...14:.\......4-.... ULI. L'1UUU`ll"b: . Orxlered: That the Council adjmnn for half an hour, and that the` Cmmnittee on Education be instructed to repent zit its next sitting upon the Common Schoo- Law. II`! , IV,.... 11 ,,_,,,,,, 19;- 3LAE,,,. I-`LII L II\}lIll'lI| \' " That. the Committee on Roadsvand Bridges he instructeal to I'cp0rt. on (he :ul\'is:1l:ility `of gr:u1t.in_:_: :1 sum or money to blulcl u bI'id_~_re over the mouth 01' the NOttz:\\'::S:1g:\ River, in order to :1Hmv :1 large number of the ratepayers of Tiny to bring their produce to man-ket. Vu;n'_.(`.|:url: lI`i<|mr, J., Hn(rn' Hm-- LU l IVI"`5 '-IIUIIV R l'U(llIUU CU |lIiIII\\"|.o Y1:As:--Clark, Fisher, J., Hogg, Har- . - , . - - kins, IIm1xmb, Ixczm, Leztdley and Thorn- burv.-8. _ V N \\'Q 'jn!l\';Q FY Fillrlf-ll` FGQIIDI` II` ULII V -`*0- .4 N.\\'s:-D:u'is, G., Elder, Fisher, 'l`., Gmlnun, Kelly, Little, McMauus, McDcr- mott, M`cE I_oy, Ncelamls, Parker, Steele, Spencer and Wi1son.-17. On n'~nnn M Mr. \\.7il.~1nr.. szm-nmlml luv I U)! nu. \.H.'U. IJMVIS, | Ordered: '1'hat`the Council do now] mljmn-n until 10 0 cl0ck to-morrow morn-i :I\ur KJIIIIUUU, IIDNIIIB IUI iUUo The Rule was 3.231-.-mled and the docu- ments received were referred. On motion of Mr. How seconded by I` ' Mr. lhomlnury, 'm.... um n,.......:u,m I\I\ n.....1........x Couxcu. HALL, B}uum~j, February 8, 1869. _ } The Council met this day according to adjournment. _ V The Warden in the chair. PRESENT:--MeSSI'S. Bell, Clnr1<,b Davis, G., Elder, Fisher, J., l*'ishcr, 'l`., Fennel], Frnser,Gml1:un, Gallagher, Hog_r_:, Hnrkin, Hzmnah, Kean, Kelly, Little, NIcM2\nus, vMcDermo't, ;\1cEvoy, Ncelunds, l zt1'ku.I', Quinn, Rtltletlge, Steele, vSlo`an, 'Spenc<.-.r, Small, Thornlmry and Wilson.-29. Tim minnfna nf '21:? Jun uvnrn rn..'.l ml \ `VILVUKVCI `."l |K-""1 1"rum "u `.'rc*:-91>-X lwr:|lI1i'. its lnitlu '\\`L`nL _1'Ut1I'l` Lillll, .`-ll`. 1':`;'.n:Eu:'.Ily u."t r I Q Iuisc 2; lrcmu :;u.~a. lt"\\':1s all Minn sllcc`:e(-dud, [inn ('1' {I10 Lt'|D"i 'J'l_xo olylyonncms rL`!Ik'U!(`. 2-cluruc I7.... .1 A..l o A uumu, 1uUl'lIUlll'y illlll \_VIlSOH.-'. U. The minutes of lustduy were read and conrmed. VIII, , III 1 2 - u 7 - .- I` VUIIIII lIIU|Ig The \V:mien laid comm'unic:|Lion from the Mayor of Toronto, null petition of f\rlil1uel~Cusey by Mr. 'McE\'oy, before the Council, which we re lend, nn l\1:\f:I\l\ n6` \f.- Nf..,`\'f..nnn o.1nnn:1nAl uiv nun 1|/lILlClI_L"U. - . I Ordered: Th:-.t; the several documents `now before the Council be rot'c_rred to their respective 'Com1niltecs.__ nu Innnn nf' Riv nnmhrn -cbnnnalr-1] HUII IUBIIULHIVU \JUlHlH||,|.lfU5-_. On motion of Mr. Rutledge,-secpnded by Mr. Geo. Davis, I n...Iu...,,1. vr|.... .1... n,......-.:I .1,. ..,....l COUNCIL HALL, Buzinm, I ll-brlmry` 9, 1869. - ` The Council met pm-suzmt to zu|J0nr: ment. ' ' All A` , ,,,,, I . `.I `I |""~7 WUUIICII, VVIHCII \\'Ul'U ICU, On motion rnf Mr. McM2u1us, seconded by Mr. Rutleulge, O.-.1...-ml - l`l...o Hm .~..........1 Jn......m..o l .prnisewort.hy cnterpljise. :.u|. LIIUI IIUHIJ Ordered: That the_ Council tndcrvu vote of Lhzmks to F.` C. Czoprcol, Esq., and the Direct0rs`of the Gcorgizm Buy Canal Company, for their 11'utiring zeal zmtlj energy in emlezwonring Lo forwvar-.1 that Qllllfl .Qnnn(InI' On mnfinn n(*' M an I .[ll(.|I~3U"'J||-l|.Y l.`llLL'llJl_Ihl.'- On motion of Mr. Spencer, scconder]_ by Mr, Quinn, ' -The Council adjou_rned. l7 In L U HUI: _- Ordered: That the Report now read he adupted.- _ - . nu Innnn nrklu {Kuhn-. cmnrnulml Lu On motion of Mr. Wilson, "seconded by Mr. Sloan, ' Ordered: That. .the Report noiv- read he a Report No. 1 of Standing Committee on Contingencies presented and read. nu Inntinn nf' Riv D.-...~u nnnnlinlru` Ln W'1i"f?i75{i*bCK l|\I`llILU\.II' On motion of Mr. Quinn, seconded by Mr. Thornbury, nr.Im...1- '|`b...o um n'........:I q.`...,1........ COUNCIL I_IAL'L, BARRIE, January 30, 1869. The Council met. this morning pursuant to ndjournment. _ l`lm minn.`.4:.: nf ventnrdav were read LU I|UJUuI`lllHUHlo The minutes of yesterday were read zmd,conrmed. `D.. ,_,L \T, 1 -1.` QL'.....J1..... I'V.\......!|u.... "|-CU||llI`lIIUUr ' Report No. 1 of Standing Committee on Printing presented and read. . On motionrof Mr. Bell, seconded by Mr. Sloan, V ' > Ordered: That the Report now read he Rpnnrl. `fxf Snnlnixl f`.nmmiHnn nn auulncu. _ _ _ . Report `of Special Committee on Weights and Measures, presented and read. . I\__ ____.:__. .[ \I._ 117:]... "__,,__ I I I uu u\IIn-III:_-,t;Iu;IUa lllcbliutuu uuu l`l.?lI. ._On motion of Mr. Drury, seconded by Mr. Fennel, n _J,.... 1 . rm.-. .1, , 1'3`; . u 1 couimr. coumiu. 1-nocmznmas. ,i)7RII-`FILL as SONS. R:-u:H'n DUN Dc Bradford. ---~--<-o---- Pnxmv DAVIS VEGETABLE PAIN KILLER. -The Salem Observer says:-No article of medicine ever attained to such un- boundedpopulurity and extensive diffu- 'sion. It has penetrated to every part, even the -most remote, of the known world, bearing with it its healing inuences more potent than those of the snices of 4\`Araby the blessed. We are informed by ourprincipal druggists, that they se!l more of this article for exportation than of any or all others, and that the demand is constantly increasing. &?%esaa#'EEMass.) sale KL-epnig. _ I . Notwithstanding Whelanis statements to the contrary, the authorities here are satised that he is the man who committed the murder. He calls Buckley " a poor. miserable thing. and. speaks of him with the utmost contempt. Ho snt-ers at the idea of such It "thing" hav- ing snicient courage. to have stood by when the deed was` done. It is evident from the. way Whelan speaks ot him that Buckley was one of the gang, and knows all about the os- .ssssinnt.ion. Whelnn s wife sees him only in the presence of the Sheriff, and 9. sign cannot pass without his detecting it. The` prison is wellvguhrdod, nnduscape or rescue is impossi- blc. . ..eo.o.o---.-.._ ' -Brooch'es. ear rings. scarf pins, rubber chains. lockets. fancy goods of all kinds, for Christmas and New Yeax s at ' DRIFFIL & SONS, -. - Rrndfnn]. llgillllila HHS ll-lilll. Ullla IN! '31! IIOL l|I'l'L'SY.(`U UC- cziuse it was not ` (lei-xn`cd _]ll(llC10llS to make hxmu px'I. under the (:ll`ClllllSla|'lC(`S The `other person to whom Wlielun alludes is un- _ known, lie evidently wants to speak out. and yet don't like. IO do so. 1lecoutes.=-sheis bound by 9. terrible oxithwhieh. he fears lb break. This shows that an oath-houndcom spiraoy existed for the purpose of committing the ussassi-natiun, as has ahvays been sus- pected h the authorities. Its head-qimrte-rs were in .1ontreul, and of this gang Whelun was only the tool. ` A nnltv in the mirh nfn nrimzl. mil:-:1 M Hm "safe keeping. l$|lUIlll\'( IO HHS UODIIJUU U111- This (Wedm-s`day) morning about 1 o'clock a man mu; found loitering and sneaking about the-jail. He refused to give his name, or any account of himself. lie was locked up for Notwithstanding to` '33 Ollly U10 (U01. A palty in the garb ofa priest called at the jail 'esu.-rtlay, and asked permission to see Wm-fan. His .1ppe:u'ance Exciting some sus- picion, his namv was nskccl, when he gave a name "nknown to any of thcjail people. He wns refused mlinilmncc. It was supposed he was an imposter. The regular Roman Catlin- lic clergy and the Sisters of Charity are most attentive to the doomed man. This (\\.'...`h...u'.I..u\ mm-nin...` ..lm..; 1 ..9..1....u. ox LUIS uwnu crime. . _ In his statements to-day he admits that there were two pm.-sent In-sitles himself. From the way be hints at one of those, jl loaves little doubt that he refers to n _cm-tzun barris- tur. at whom suspicion was pointed through out the entire investigation. . >Itron_-_v circumn- stanllal cwxdence was long ago gathered against. this man. but. he was not arm-sted be- nsulmx it way: nnf.`m-vnml imlia-{mm tn m-L-1. wirn Lne mu-nnun oi en-nrmg uncku-y. Ill this stntenu-nt \'}'lielnn says Buckley was not present when the shut wus'li1'el; that ho (\\'hel:u*.) knows who committed the act. hut that he Illll nut. This sl-.1tenu-ntwns taken down by Mr. 'O'Gnr:\, Police .\ln;_ristr:nte. nml lmmleal to Sir John A. .\l:\cdunnld, in whose pms,c~ssi011it now is. The stntvim-nt is par- tially in his own lmndpwriting. and he ndlnits that he was {trust-nt. when the shot ivns tired which killed .11`. ;\lcGt*u. While making the statement to Mr. O'Gurn. Whelnn was in good humor, and langlied and joked at n V great ' rate. But \v :r-.n .\lr. 0'G:u'u. \v:v_.s bidding hiln goml night he lonkl-tl deprmsml and sm'rm\ l'ul. and all his jullity._whieh was eviulcmly as- SlllllL`(l. vzunislwd in n moment. ~His mlmis-. sions are c0m~'ide1'e(l most important, and it is now thought that he will yet tell all. I_Iavmg commenced. he will not he likely to stop until he has nE|l`l'al('.(l all the facts, and thus after all the lmblic may yet know everything of this awful in him uvnl:-nu-nfq 1n-r1n\i hn mlmifa Hunt 1 ucuuun. '_ All `the awaxilahle. militn1'_r force will he lurm-xl out on 'l`lmrsd:1y. but there is not the sli,_:!11(-st danger of :1 dissturhamce. \\'h:-I-.1n uninl tnulnv tlurn Illnivn wrun'v. Due. on course. mus very low S1-Irllcll. and snys thut " it was an sorrowful daty 101' PM when he came to ()ttn\v:t. She had an inter- view with him to-day, but nothing p:u'licul:u' trautspircd. They spoke ol'nn1t:(-rs and of his impcmling fule. .\\"h1-lztn abuses l)islit'. privst, and Inns \\'ritl.cn letters to parties saying that the plic.-st.\\'antml him to lay 011011 the whole plat. to tho public. The Sll.l('l|)('llt is incorrect, Whclun said to the ])|'i(':-Kt. 'th'.|l. hc kn u\\ all nbontit, and that he could clcnr Buckley and l)uyle. The priest. told him that it` he could (logo it \v::.~x n duly that he owed to himself and to '.hu other p1'i~`uIwr.s` ns n Uhristian that he should, tell the truth about the latter; '|'hn . nIII hm: In-un nlzu-ml In m-:1... om! suguu-sn u-anger 01 (1L~.`lllI`l):lnC0. \\'l1cl-an said to-day that llwrc was little use in c0nt'essing, for even if he did so and (`.~`(3:l[Ij.`(l the gallows. he would get pt.-nolcmim'y for life, and than. he would us soon be liar-gcI'z1s be compelled to endure such a punishment as that. ` ~ 1 n-run `;v7lEEiEM8L7il:CEB@S,<] (`nn.si.-lin-r 1:! \\'iml.~n`.*'.< 1'--l.-lnzlfml Rlult. llvv. LAT]-ill. 0T'l`.\\\'A, 1 a.m., Feb. 10.--Whelnn mzuh :\ ivrittcn stulclucut to-night at 10 u'clbck. with the intc.-ntion of cl:-ariug Bncklt-y.~ \"\'lwlun saws liuckluv was uc suoluu, u-u um lrllun zumul Inc nmllc-r.v The; soulfold lma |u~_-n place-1l_ In ordc-I`. nmlv (ll'l".ll.Ig(`.llll`HlS are now being mzulo for the ex- ucnllun. V . .\'l5IH'lH(.'lll IS llll.L`llSL'. I The ('XL'Cll`i0llUl' ls sun] to be on 1mnd,,nm1 is Lhusn.mun1:u1 who pL-rfurlncd a siuxilur ope!`- ulion some time ago at Gudo.-rich. . _ \\'lzcluI1`s\}'iI'c c;un-.2 dawn on the train yes- terday. She. ofcuursc. fuels wry low S1-irilcll. says law 101' Pm -will grunt a. reprieve. uxs SUl:l'L`L (0 we gruve. ' 4 The eityis quiet. The quiet that prevails IS like the stillness of dc-utli. Gu'.u'd.~) have been very lienvily posted tln'eughuut'thelower part of the city. A number 0l'.puliee detec- tives are here l'm`u1 Montreal. By some it is believed that Wliclan will yet reveal the whole plot, and ;.ri\'e the names of all con- _ Iiected. umlouso duirig that his Bxcelleiley admits he lmoxvs all about the cununi.~';~'ien of the mIu'der. From the fact. of his having sent |'o1'se\'o.-ml partie.~: in lmste, and then on their lie fully and lreely ` arrival inns! into a [it of passion, it is thought ` pl;-_;g he vi;,;,t.;,- [U coilfess and yet is nt'r':\id to I It in stijungly and rc'.\:=0IIubl_y inl`err<-d do so. what he desires to confess, b.It rel:-nts. His, < .-.-in}.um:n Se intpnun I mmmng, um um Instant. , When b'he1'ilfl .o\n-ll commnnicatt-cl the fact to Wlncl-.1n. he suid:-"1 um pm-pun-d. but am not the man who done the deed. Tlu-rc urc otlxers, .BnL no [nutter now-\l. n1 undr.-I` oath. and won't break it." \\'iLl1thuSl1cx-itf and Juilcr he is very tucilurn. always l uful`- ring to the good m-,uLn1ent of Governor Allen. It is believed he will no . confess, but carry his seer;-L10 the grave. The cilv is nun-L 'l`lm nuint fhnf nrnr-le S pccial Despalch to (he Daily Telegraph. O'r'r,\\v..sL 1"cb.!L--'l`lJc Privy Council to- day (l('CllU(l in \Vl1clan's cuxu that the law shall bu cam-ictl into ollbct, on Tlmrsdny morning, the 11111 instant. \\'l1enSl1e1'ilf l mn-ll cnnnnnninnh- tlw rm-t uuu: nuJuu:u Inc. J. awn |ul;,II\'ulll:S IFUIH any onu_ I may have injured. Goul snvc lrelnml! and" God save my soul. The pxccllliotner Lhgn pulled on the white cup, and draw it over his face, zulinstecl the rope, and in :1 few minutes the drop fell, and \\ hclan hung by the neck for four minutes, sn'cring intensc-ly, and then drew his Inst. gasp. The execution took place z1t'11. 15, a.m., [)I'0(:iS(:l". It is rumored \Vhuhu1 left :1 written paper in tLe custody of the Shcri', ihe purport. of which _is not yet known. _.._._____. `committed. (Special Telegram to T`-T/zei.E':uamner.) OTTAWA, Feb. 11; The morning opened dull, accoxnpanlecl V with drifting snow from the east. Country people began arriy'ing__: at an early hour, and set nluont securing good positions to see the sczdlhlkl and hear the last words of Whelan. Up to 9 run. there were about 300 on the east side of the Jail, intently watching the slig-litest movement from within the Jail. \By half-past ten o'clock the crowd had increased to 7,000 or 8,000 people, but all quiet and orderly. At 10 oglock the prison "physician reported \VhcIz1n in good nerve. and noagitation or urry noticeable. Al'ter'a short time the Sheriff announced he wa.-rreavly. At eleven o eluck Whelan was pinioned, and accompanied by the Sherilf, and three priests in surpliee, was led from the prison, looking `very pale and e.\ eited,vbut move-l along with firm step, and mounted the stairway to the seatfeld I'(:~`pmIrllllg' dis- tin ~'tly to the prayers. After the pater- uoaters had lneen repeated, he said: f`I l_\e__r pardon for any otl'euce_I mayhave l forgive all parties who have injured me. 1 ask forgiveness from anv mm l nmv'li:n'n inim-ml ll.-..l nunn EXEEHTIHILHF WHHAN. Wl_ll'}L.;\' TO BE lI.l'.\'Gl'}I). nus lII`U\L'\| |uuI.~.L:u n I I Il\`Ull.`-l.V|.l.`IHa illl llxmxnglx, tlmtit'1nu_v well ho qm-s*.ionel iflsc war was sincere in his life. We remember the time when Mr. Howe ud- vocutcd the (.'o`111'c ofthe British North .Anwric:u1 l ru\'inccs; but that was "Va-:u'.~ In-f'0re the` Incnxoruhlu Coalition \\ hiuh cH'c_L-ted lhc union. Mr. Howe was, at the time we spc.-uh of, anleutly in favor of .-; union, ::m_l both spoke and wroie in its l':nm'. Ila was then in .heLtc-r` -ircun-.- 1-.t::'m-us; he was in the service of the Im- 1-oriul (iuverumcut, `and could a'or.Ll`to ~'1:c;1`.i hkc :1 loyal man. The time came, hoxxeu-r, when he s:u\'--:1s he evhh.-xnlly cux1.-ih.-n.--1 it---thc cx ror of his way; and 1"rom'u `{n'ct:~s1>-skull :ul\'0c:1Le of umon, he lnith-1-est upponcnt. \\"lu;u the` went to l'In;_;'lm1(l to secure Con- .l1-.1u:-.-niunn, llmvc and others rushed :n:"u them, zunl cmIe:1\_'ourud I _. \I 15 ...... _l ...L 1|. 1, as DUJND, Bradford . Ab AN r.'Arr.u'1 unmu rr HAS mu ISQU AL Itlms now been before _the public for a number of years and has gamed for itself a --. - - ..-v- ,1 -s .- _ ""'"""""""" Physicians recommend it in their practice and the formula from which it is prepared is highly commended by Medical Journals Call at the Druggists and Fat a Pamphleh Every Druggist sel s the Balsam. PERRY DAVIS 55 SON, MONTREAL, Sole Agents for Cnnada.. .Kelman & Co. Wholesale Agents at Barrie. ~ ALLILI `A5414 uAuu..uu-.1 `#4.; .u..unn.I L\) 1.; `Such`as Coughs, Neglected Colds, Pain it; ll. Fhnau onil all lliuannnn A6` 0|... 1' ......... uuvu ua vu--5-nu, nivenvio-1\.IA vvluu, ;uuu In . the Chest. and all Diseases of the Lungs, AS AN EXPECTORANT rr HAS NO EQUAL Itlms now been before the nnhlia far :1 iALLEN S LUNG _BALsAi1.` 1-1r\r\ n-urn nvvnn r\v~< _,,_,, ,-,-.,.._.-. FOR TI-IVE CURE OF C 0 N U M PT I 0 N AND ALL DISEASES/THAT LEAD TO IT .n.__|_ - __ r1.......L.. \'.....I....A...1 11.4.)- n_:._ - - Eggs . . . . . . . , . . . . . .. Hides per cwt ..... .. Butter per lb . . . . . . . . Potatoes par Mslnel. Beef per 100 lbs... . .. Pens.-.......... .-.. 0:\ts.... .-..... Barley . . . . . . . . . .- Flour per barn-L... . Spring Wheat ..-.... Full \V|u-at . - . - - - - - .. Young Chickens.... . Fowl: ............ .- Pork........'...- .-.- Hay -- World Wide RpuLa1.ion. l')L...!..:...... _,.n......-.....-I 24 2.. AL..!._ , . nu In l.InI.I 1411, I MU[R-CAMPBlLL.-At. the rt-sidence of the bride`s father, en the 3rd inst., by the V Rev. Mr. Fraser,- MI`. Ruhul`l Muir. lo MISS Jessie Cumphell. second duughu.-r ol"Alhcrl Cum mull, Jsq.. Ore. ' _GL E.\1'I E--GA.\l ERO.\'.-r.\t the residence of the bride's 1'zuher,un the 3nd insl., by ' the Rev. Mr. Fraser, M r. James Glennie. of Uro, und Miss Ann Cameron. of the same place; , UR.\lb`BY--BROWN.-At the residence of the m-idt-`s uncle, Mr. Henry Sewrey. Barrie, on the 9lh'il]St.. by the Rev. Mr. Fraser. Mr. Edward Ormsby, of Orilliu, and Miss Susan Brown. of l{u;_rhy. It'll. .\l1H ulmlu. Orders lmvo been received for the exe- cutiun of the assassins of the Governor of Burgos. ` LiH`\U -YUZIIB I" LHU \J`V|;U."' I\I.an}un, Feb. 7.-Thc name of Prince .G}rgcmi has been stricken from the tolls of the Spanish army. The Carlists are very active, and there zuje indicztlions that they are laboring to produce an insurrec- Lion, which may l)l'cilk out at any moment. It, is said that Prince F'erli_n:m has con su nted to be :1 cmulidzste for the thxonc of Spain. nu-nlnru Inn-n Lnnn rnnnhoml 6`..- IL... ....._ l,....,..w nuuuulrll unu. mum nuu sllucceueu i|Lfunxx1i1.g:x Cabinet, and that peace \\'a.s thercb assured. ' "_ L` I ,. vnu h u ' _ LHUllZU'\ HSBUIVUU. Mamun, Feb. 6.---The Pope has for- bidden the prclntes recently elected to take sctlts in the Cortes, ' \(........ L`,,l n In: .-1-. - P.-`ms. Feb. 6.--"l he em-I_v ]>2lVln('I1L of one instzthuent of the .\le.\;ic::u debt prmniscal, ' . The mnmuna-ement is nmnloon ofeinl nuthority that hlte zulxices frmu Atlx-.-Ins give the French Government gnoi rvzlson to hupc that the pacific p0l`.c_\' of King; George will triumph over the excitelnunt of the hour. Great agitation still pre\`uiI.~ in Athens. ' r-...__,.. 1- u .. n. _ Ill [\l1IUHSn Loxvox, Fcl). 8.-'Ihc news from Athclns is 1:onlI';1dicLml. The latest. des- patches mcutiun that Zmni had succeeded in fmmimr 2| (`,-n|.in..r ....,| v|...o ~V".,_..___. I Sudden Death.---A man named James Cook, well Iumwr. amon,r: lumlu.-rmu.-n. pn.rtig- nlurly in [hr Ottmvax re-gium. died wry sud- nlcnly on the evening of Monday last; at I<`1':1su|"sl1olo.-I. in this town. \vlu-re he haul In-1-nstuyin,-.: for .~:oxm- months past. An in- quest. was held on the body thn sumo o\'(-ning. and avurdict in accoulnm-0 with the vi- dunco l`('ll(1l'l'(I. that the (l1'C('.5'l'(.l died from natural C:|ll.\'l'3!. Iiy 1'01`:-mrlcc lo anolln,-r culmnn, it will he scvn tl1ut.\Ir W. 11. Reid hsL~' on cunm1i.~'si0n a large :\ssu1'tn1cnLul'-,;ul:l and silu-r wurc L-:~x. plated wure, fancy goods. cutlm-y. .\';c._, whiol: he is now st-llin,v,; nt nuction. in 15-nnel.t's storu, near the ruiluuy .~tu1.iou. ----2-j- . Pl`(:'Sllfzlti0ll.-The testiumniul to `Miss_l*'r:nser will he presented on Frid:z_\' `e\'nin;_{, 1f. th in.~`t., at 8 o'clock, at her ` f:|ther s house. Suluscribcrs and others desirous of \vituessin_t__{ the interesting cert-mon_\', are requested by the commit.- tee to bepunctunl. In the interim the l.-tinumi.-Ll 111:1)` be seen at the store of I`Mr. L. S. Sznnlers, Inquest at 0rillia.-An inquest was held in Orillia, on ltlonday last, before G. H. Corbett. M.D., Coroner. on the bodv of Andrew Poerier, a workman in one uf Hotehkiss, P--ckham & Co. s lumber shanties, situated on the Mann river, in the township ot'Mednra, District of Mus- kuka.. The deceased was killed on Satur- day. 8th iust., by the falling ofa limb from a tree. It appears that some of the ,r__ran_r_r with whom he was engzazed wu-k- ing had just fell a tree. which struck against anntl.er, cauring it to fall alsn, and one of the hran('l1es struck deceased on the head, causing insta t. death. 'l`h(-. deceased had timely !)0l.l(O to get out of (l:1u_g:er, but unfortunately and unwitting- ly rushed into it. The jury returned a verdict ofaccitlental death. The remains of Pneriei-_ have been conveyed to his native parish, Cliateatlguay, Province of Quebec. ` \_\Hl.\l.'llH;_V U) \\ IHUH `AIM ]h,li1l.un \\ h*l<`v iH:u'4l'.~':un1 I)Ii]:\1' In`-|II1`.u 1.!` Fun I "_"(|ll; llII TIIVKFIII ll < lmn .... `I... I._ I -Ladic.-4. Berlin wool. 1 Betty wool, shades, at .'I he young fol`; connected with the Wesleyan Methodist Congregation had a very pleasant sleighlng `arty, last Friday evening, to Mr. Geo. right's, on the Goldwater road, a distance of about six miles from the village. Atan early hour in the evening, some twenty-ve or twenty-six couples collected and started " for the place of etijoyixnent. On their arrival, they were regaiedwith a plenti- ful supply ofrefreslunents, of which they partook with apparent relish, the drive being an excellent provocative to a good appetite. Mr. Thos. Elliott and Dr. Mark recited some humorous and other . pieces. Miss Mary Jane Graham sang sevc-.ral.~weet and touching melodies, par- ticularly for one so young as she is. What with reeitations, songs and im- promptu amusements, it was a most en- jovalnle aflinr. The proceedings were terminated by singing God Save the Queen. Dr. Mark, "seconded by Mr. Thos. Elliott, mo\'e4l a vote of thanks to Mt. Wright, and Miss `Wright, for their kimlness, &c., which was carried unani- mously. All returned to their homes in evislentglce. well pleased with their ex- cursion. The committee deserve -:r`eat credit for the manner in which they car- ried out the (letails of the trip. .____.__4.` _-_ ExA.\u.\_'En Ollice, February 11 1868. S n. 2` 0, `Sleigh-drive and Social at (Drilli. T L.\7liS'l` BY 'I`liLl(u'R;\l II. 333? alutim. Barrie Markets. =nn1x1:1L-ccinI. call and SP0. our stock of wools. , Flm-cy wo. L:unb's Won]. Lmly , Merino and Zephyr wool. all `He has on lmml llue In-st and mos`. choicely S`:-1('(:(t-G Fln('k pf --.....-.-; .. ..\.....-;; Hilanltlf 'HI.`Y I A DRIFFILL & SONS. Bradford. u .... -V --Dinrles for 1869. all sizes nnd prices At DR1I-`FILL J: SONS, _Brndford. [$'Nbw is the time to subscribe for English and American papers mud magnzinos. At DRIFFILL &. SONS . ' ' Brldford. . "'l'- DRIFFILL & SONS have a good stock of cooking, box parlor and stoves, of all . kinds. Call and see them. ' -Cake baskets, card baskets, butler coolt.-IE: sugar bowls, cruets, ten and com-es pols. 0` trays_ table mats. ivory hnndletl knives, plated forks, spoons, butter knives. &c . cheap at DRIFFILL, J; SONS Bradford. (WOOD ACCO.\l.`\l()DA'I`ION for T_I" I vollers. A'freo Stage run in connecuon lH:.`\ {Inn a'nv-(I sn..n..n.- III\l' nrvnninrr 1 UUU AUUU.\lM()DA'l'lUN lor l_I'"' J with the uars morning and evening. An attentive hostler in attendance. n.....n-._.x u,_,,,, , In:-n Llu V BVOR SALE. nn Irwin &: Wbilo Sewing Machine. in good mnningz order. Fol` particulars. &c., apply at this oice. 52-4` BRADFORD, A. STODDARS, - - - In all Idrxdsol` gu(.d. mi 11:0 ]uo_|uieto1-is don-`.mir.(-d to sell all the SewingMac_h__ine for Sale FAN%0:Y i>s I I Opposite the Station. at 7.330 o`c|nuk. and to cnntinuv tor an-.1. q-\..:.:--' -_-.. .., 3'11 `lift! L!,!Ju The gomls will be on exhibition ('V('l'_\' slay from 10 0'clu<':k a m.. td 5 pm. . The public nru invited to cull nnrl oxaminuvor tlu-1n.-l-lu-H. as all goods wil` be sold u-illmul 1'rsrrx'r. and warranted as represented at the time 0! sale. Terms Uush. 13(1)!/C(l]II 1"'1l7I({.\`o W. 11. REID, Auctioneer. v V` ...-.n.....-.,\.. J. H. THO.\fI`SON,. Annn fur Hun A: Gold & Silver Watches, L`! trnvm.-n In | l`I_`V\ u cI.oc1< .~t. 'cl'Tm:m;. Musical Instruments, &c., &c., !"l\\|\ll.'\`l`l\`l'1 'l`lllL` 'I`l.n u-mule mi .1. nn Bgnxauk $136K IVIL` l4'\'('I IQII `BENNE 1"1" STORE, 11 .~ unu mil: `nlulx ml" lint.-1}) it'll. Nlxily um sh \\l '.-I -\ 1:i:2.T-Auguo::Fs;ALz ' ""' """""I """ """" , C().\1.VHC.\'Cl.\`G THIS Thurs(lu_1/ 1L'1'mi)I_r/, February 11, 1869, llkfl 'Hlll (II |IAl' .\UIlII IIHII ll] `ll .\\H W 2". Isl (,'nn.. \'4-.-]=|':I. (`nnnly >'in1(-no. within 7 Inilos of tho 'l`o\\'n I Ii:-rrio. -I0 ncrgi, 25 of which are cl:-nzml and under culli- Vullun, ull good In-.ul\uEml lmul. with n unml stream running thruugzh it. 'l'ln-ra- is :1 frunw und log hO|lS('Oll the int. The In! i.~ wrll tg-nccd. For lurthv.-r purlicul:1r.< enquire m . A .r\R1\'.-\LI.. I~`.. Queens Hotel. ll:\rric. or to < ~ `VI$1' pm`! 0! I (jun. xrlthin '1 m A00 1--it ;;u u-unnuvu Iluallcl III u . Bradford. January 1860. `7 ,4! I 1 ,:un capnblv 01' 1 .\lu.'~'l.lu-:11. 1...} C(|lIHl1'll(U'H. -`U`:i(l_\' sulury will he given. :uuu:ul'u; um` U] I III I5 H):Ij_{I1llIC(.-Ill |n2L.~.~Hl,'.'('l` ch-vat-)1`:-7. the In-st 1-vcr L`HlI:'4Il`|lCII'1L cunn-_vs glut-sls lo the Hype!` srmy of the lmn. in om- minutc; the t'lLll'i('.~' Ir.m- In-cu n-\\'l_v and riclnl_yr.-arpulrd. and (In-1-x1li1'v huuxv !lH)l'(lllgll- ly rt-pl:-ni.~'h<-d nml furni.~'ho4l._ I_nnking it. in nll its uppuinlxucnts. equal to any hotel in the country. I`clc;:raph Oicc. Iiilliurd Rooms und Cafe nn the firs! llrmr. 27- _ LE\\'l.< RH`!-I 2 SON. Prnynrh-Mrs, 1 urc/uzsn'.s- m':'l 1/louse rcmcmbc-7' /:/Ivr, 1111.53 cl-/ur to the ]}mI._: Qf x-..~.I/. -- - - I AN I-IXTHIINAL up INTI-IIENAL mzmuuy you THE cum-; . 0,. Cramp and Pain in the Stomach, Br|1i:-s. Burns :m(lScnl:Is. Snmina, ])l|llN'H. nllrus nnu acnms. hprzu of the Joinls, 'l'nulImclw. Pain } Neurulgin and RIH-umnlism. (\ ,'I-l . l\ -n vuuglno, xiv. Use it once {or any of these,` and you will new-r do without it. g` In-wznro of lmitalions and (`ountu-r1":-its. PERRY DAVIS &. SON , Proprietors, .`\ln.\"H:h'.-\L. Fold by every I)|'-Izuist. Ki~I:uun .K- n. V .\lU,\"HE by every Dl"l:::iRL Ki-Izmm & Bnrrie-, \\'Jy>1csaIt- and Retail A',:cnt:4.. . -4-}- A Curiosity Shop is that of Lmlndcx S, Sanders. ll. contains eve rylhing from a limgu "Ko0hinuui to a paste imilntiun. in jc-we-lry. and in toys, from ll curn-cn-uk to a Vjncl,'.iu: the-b0.\';" an ck-plmnt or u Sl('{llnll0fll. Those who wuultl plt-are the little ones should -' go for" Snndnns. vswxuk) wuu 4.a:1u zu uuu DLUIUE nmlscnltls. Spmins. >'w- Joinls. Pam m H... L Onfario Hate}, RI ? A W01? D wno wullm plv lilll I I-4! 9 <.`!::.:c an 5-.u'zie H0. :1sAt`(;llows: CI{O.\\' N `L. I/\'NJ,)S Mi !- .\, l{'l' .\I If NT, tP5iw%V%.K%LLa Mvli2DlCAl..-Dl'. Strong, of this town. Inuvi been requested by a number 01 the roslclcmg f the_ village of Angus and vicinily. to .m,koo pgnodncul profcwional visits to that locality will be at the " Dominion lluusc, tht-r ' every Tlxumday. from ll o'clock. a.m.. tillei o'clock, p.m., when he can be consulted 1, patients. D1,-cmnlmr 17 Mme n. 1nU.\u'nU.V, Agent for the Assignoe. k';F'r1;'{";]Eaen Colds, Coughs, &c. .'sc1't once fur nnv nl` lhaun ` and ...e. 0 A [.1515 RT V ERR.-\ LL. 'l'-rrnlnin. Turunt MI-:mc.u..-Dr. : Mu-n rnnnnuhul I." IIILIOJH IS. December 17, I868. Q E '5; F! 1 W W *7 I - n rrnv \\'nm:r\-r Hotel Eilieif .\.'1E6X`G 'l`!'1Ei 1123!!-}.\KE!iS. I I ! `0 THE \\'()IH\'Il\'(} I l1l'l|lIl`lIll In hnniu E L I-ICTIIO-l L.-\ l`E D WA RE. 'Al\'TED ].\|.\l|-Il)I.\'l`l'ILY. ,AlIwII(-V Mill: :1 ms`.-cl: lulu nt` .l..vu... mu gm ;3tIv.rrti5.rn1rnt.3. MILLER \vA;\"1`1:1). Oi` i.u\'G'L_I:~'II rs:-u -.-_ U N T05 . J! :1 SS- 1 1'1}1'z'zL:`1 i{,v % '\\Y JU|lI.`., 11 IR :1-uslt.-m and n.. ulnu u 1|:-...-nu-... . ` pan. - uls 5.,-'u1x;g .\'u1'1h_. daily at 10.55 u.1u., nnd n.ux. ' 'r }\ mr >'uHcilnI' for tho.` f6FS 2{1e. av: 01" H's_xl. nph. ,;\. I\'l":\'.\'l'Il?Y. . \H`l'l.\'. J Puormnou. _ ......uuuUlJy nins. Swc-lling in the I`:lL'L', 1-IY ill` "19 M ill:-r. . H unub Ldr Ivy. 'l`lmr111m1 and \`ifw_. Monday, ny and l~`1i 11.2.3 :1.m. \'...lm... J-`V11 mm: Ynniu 4 0-If 111? /?,Z'# f /5, I I All. of ` all an tnki n g, B0(J)'a\&{j Nouvitlnst; tor, to lI.`.< `is, tho:-~-r'.n that ha,-, i~ Quality ihl (The hi; And :_1l. Irv- " \\'in(l.~ |. .u n.:..u.. GANTQ Cam =' I31` ;Sta_J!e and Fqnv HI`) -\.lD\`-M ,'\ iii. -GROCE Crockery and ]. m/ /'.' .r'.\' Au" 'ORD\1.\FIXN`( 1)[,'l:l.H' .\`n'H--I. .".Il('~ Infv UH\\ nlul-n 2:! I 1- !:-\|4:".E'.- plum- .0T ()1 D4 mw a-my nt7.05 :i.m and "HI place :1 1-quul : ]!('l' C('Il Pnrt l urtir will hr ; \VILLl.-`\ W I". ()rdn:ui,~:- Dt-pnrIIm~nL ul - Uttuu u. WVIL LI A M I". >O`|'11n:mcu- A. .., _, -. Northern /Mr: p)cusc copy. E).1~E1}}ane 1.. nI'\'l"l` \ \`A`l' _ \;JIun-nu.- Ottnwn, Juli ; )1.,,u ,, ZSl l:J(`l.\l; .A1e;_ u mx per co F_urL)n-r 1-u (Bv licfurv M-ct-i\`ing; his I 33 '4 A 1 B I I whi Jon: 1).. Uiji I ; to Pcnclu-ngnxislwno, daily at illll BUHIU _UI:ucI \;uuvuu1L:uu L|aUl\ll'Hl\.'l nil uslsc L119 othar V'_,t_C(lll:jU3. 01' course this 1\'O\\' _ ( )Zl-`I`.`I{S 1:.u'1.\\'.` \ l`l'lll|V l`Ul'l.`; s`_Cl)|Cll ,l .(-H ; and }'l'l):lld'fi and JI.Il:uu1 s Gin, &c. . dni1_v:1t 11.2. ) mm. '."l.ur.-:1-.u' :'.ud S:1turday,' at w v.-.-.2: 3;; to V!/uuevx .~nr" ("'lx-lrxaltvtl Malt, ll_\`('. ` '1-_\'.~`:'M:1l'lcIl:s', ll:-nm~s_\"s, \'im- (l`~;\\'-1'3 and other n.... n:..........I uh. `.. . \ mo \1l'H\\'('lb :u1 : Hm-, Diaunuml I nily l uI-ls; Ecol '1`: um! H...-nun '. 11.3.-) 31.11]. .:2d Mount .>`ainL Louis, 1: -1, . .. ... 11.2.) :1.Iu. , on 'i'ucsduys n:-1dFx`i- 31 '\\'L` re mtion m'iucc.~a' 1 L] . l`.... _ _ Club Ul Qd,UUV El )L'ilIn Few men could turn a summersnull _so det'll_v as Mr. Howe has alone. Know- ing mun that he is, he sm\'-tlml: his time had come. Smno sixty-foul` winters hnve sll\'cr(?tl his li0-"-(l, and he could not, niml to'wn1t. longer. Accnstouicil to oIlice,..he \\':1s'ul\\'.a_vs like :1 lish out of water when not serm'ug his country. He made an rxcellcnt. Fishery Cunnnissioner sol lonnr `as tho Reciprocity treaty lu.~it<:(l; nnd us i paid well, no womlcr he isnnxious t'or the l renewal of reciprocity. The moment. he lost his position, he became an ngitutor; ;iu.l nprcuy loud mouthed one he has been. L-ethonbr in the cold by -Confe(le- ration, he has been striving ever ainco .' to work his wny into at public office, and husnt length been gratified. Sir John A. Ml(:(l0ll:;l(l ivns only too willing to take him, for nitnturakzoul-l not well be worse Lhuu they were with Nova Scotin. The _nrmnguIncnt Lns` c1:::ll.-(I him to` {ill up one vncnncy in his Cabinet, long keptopun: haul should Mr. illowobe snu- cos.-.ful in Hunts, nntl not sink in the lm.~akci's'tliuru,, he will invite Mr. A.ll(lll$ :.u'7 'i'L\11;" '.rA1:1.11: |'il|l\_\'.`3. Ill 11.. 12]) \\';\ I:L'.~.`. Poslma B. IIINDS. illlll UIHUF l Sh(.'l'l_\'; tulch mul ud's' Old mu: iuuuu uuuuuiuu ui UIII` nuw uullllnloll. Asis generally known the clinrters of the ditferent baiiliing institu-tioiis expire soon, and applicationwill be innde for their renewal, and the question naturally asked by those who feel an interest in the coininercial prosperity of the country is, will their present rights and privileges be continued to them l'or_ another term of years. It is generally known that "the former Finance Minister; Mr. Galt; made ll.l)il'l'l1)g`cll)ellt with the leading bankingv iiistitutions of the country, whereby it SllI'l'C`lltl\2l'C\l its right to issue its own pro. inissory notes, substitutingin its stead a provincial note issue. It has been shown that altlioiigli the bank inadea hantlsouie tliiiigoiit, Mr. Galt cannot claim that it was equally profitable to the country. We do not know what truth there is in the report that the present Finance Min- ister, Mr. Rose, is preparing. to introduce a me:is_ure which will. nialie general,_ the schenie of [his predecessor Mr. Galt, which will take from the banks tne power of issuing their own notes; but should the report prove correct, we wish to warn the people iigai_ii;~'t a measure, which _We think, would prove most detrimental to the interests of the banks, and through them to the country at large. There are not wanting those who heartily wish bank and bankers all inanner`ot'eril, con-.. signing them without the slightest coin- punciion to a plan not to be named,` hut there are foolish people, who perhaps ' have applied for a di.-icourit, and because the manager of the bank could not see that they were as good as the bank, and Just as able to`pay their notes when they in_atured, let their mind keep company w.th their piii-se, bothbeing in an einptv coii-litioii. All persons of intelligence agree that banking institutions are essen- tial to the prosperity of any country, in je tit.-t an ztlnsullllu Iieoessity,; 1,, an new eoiiiiti'ies such as the l)r.`iiiinion' of Cimud-..,_ bziykziig i_as[.i_t,utioiis require to be fostered, ` |(|IId Ill KIIU LUII\'EU HIV s:1_'.i.~.l'zxclory condition za-Milioxl to this, the ,. L`hivf Sn-p4.-ri12t(.-"mien! 0 the .-:1`.-.-mt In-ingiug I ..I>I. 0'. Y)...` .l;1'AL A somewhat curious spectacle is just now `pt-eselttetl in connection with the t Upper Canzt'(l.-1 School _question. `The Special Committee on Education in the * llonsu of Asst-tnl-ly, it williho recollectetl, undertook the itn'_cstignlion of certain Lll2Z`.l3j_"cS prefet'rcd ztgzxittst`. the institution - hy Mr. (.`ln'ist.ie, the mcmberfor North \\'e-ntwm-(It, The Connnittee htcl st-an-cel_\' ht-glut to open the matter up when the House` was pt'oI'o_g'ne(l; but enough as elicited to show that the :It'-- l'ztirsot'tl1e college are not in the most itnzlginahlc. In 'e\'i(lenc.e of the ..Clnivt of Etlucntion had t-ill-ct or him intotcollision with the Principztl of the College, and the CUl1$UIlllcl)t'L! is :1 wordy war hetween them In the columns of the Globe. L So far, Dr. llyorson uppo:-.r.s' to-linve the best of it, as u proof ot' which Mr. Coekburn has lust his temper, and seohls like 11 \'k`,l'llilllU (ll`:ll.). How the controversy nnty (flltl, it is lmrd to say; but we cer- tainly think the spectacle pruser.ted- is u ltmst unsconnly one. The venerable (lI)t'l0l' exhihits all the vigor of` old, and [`l:accs Mr. Cockhurn at :1. great tliszulv:m- . I-uvn Lni 'L'o , The position of Upper` Camirla College is not :i very flattering one, but we doubt it the E-luezuional Committee will succeed in inaking this as clear as it ought to be made. The question has assumed such a shape that it will have to be persevered in to the end, and all that the friends of the institution` can do will not prevent such clisclosuresheing made as will prove that great injustice was (lone to the coun- try by the misappropriation of the Gram- nzar School laials._ It has been shown that such a uiisappropriation was made, and it now only remains for-the friends of even-liancled justice tc show that the col- _ le2;e is not` conducted upon such princi- ples as woulrl cauinieml it to the country. That there has been much useless ex- pcnrliture in connection with it is _un- questioneul, for even its strongest zu'l\'o- cates say that. they are willing sonieltliing should be done to curtail the expense. It looks strange to see the Toronto jour- nals fi-zuerniziiig upon .this college ques- tion; why-it is not diflicultito <.li\'ine,- for the moment anything is done to show up nn.~inmi:igcineiit in connection with any institution located in the Provincial me- tiopolis, the ne\rs'papers haml together and do their best to avert any exposure that is lilrely toha uuale. The recent in- \'e::tig:uiou into the allairs of the `Board of Agriculture is u (use in point`; but not all the Toronto journals coulul say would sullice to save the defaulting Tr -usurer, aral twonf them saw the necessityofl making a clean breast of it. We hope they will he forced to admit that the col- lege iurestigati-:>'n is every way as desir- able as the e.\'aniinatiou into the Agri- cultural actouuts. ' V ' One of the mo.-it iniportzint subje<.-its which will eligaige the attention. of the i members of the -House of Commons, at its upproucliiug session, will be the ecu- SlLl(l':lllOl] of the currency question, and upon tlicir decision in the most iinpomuit mutter, will Llcpelul in :1 great measure, the future condition of our new Dominion. An in nmnn.-..ll.. l,n,...... cl. ..I.....n..... ,4- _t_u lrc1mnIn'.1s storm nlmut their . dm-l.;l'ul lhxzi ifthuy did not get a pence- - the union no lux15_rcr, forlw is :1. member _el:t'ot'$5,0U0 :1 year. IluIl\A\.I|l|. uzul HACIII, uunl cuuv.-;uuuI'uu lt `was all to 1:01-11rp).sc, ConfeLlcI'- succemlcd, and with the full sanc- linln-1'tl1c Lu-;__v;is`.:;tu'x'e of Nova Scotiu- M the Confederation 11-luruc-I nli.~I:u:x1't:lxc but not .l:;:;,(m-d to L-Lthu nmncr rest; for in a >`LOJ`[.t!.Kl1-Ul|lL`y m-g:miI.ul their fol-c_es, .z:u4I prm-cmiizag no Eu-C-Jam] :1 second time, lmunauulcal the n-pun! or` tho union, ivlziuh they prmmuuccd us being hateful 1-: than. 'l'Iu_~re w.-:5 no d:1|li:uwu on their `znrt, for lhev ]Ihlill]_\' anzul unequivocally ful ~`u1rzll:1ti0n, :1 forced one woul-I be the result; :-.nl aunt-xutiou was tulkutl of, 1.-\-cu by M1. llowu, who threw out such open mrl lllldigllisctl hints that no one (tudhl mi.st:tkc Ihuil: meaning. It is all Owl`. now. Mr. Howe spouts treason to of the Dominion Cabinet, mid the recipi- hh-\v nu.`-n r-nnh] hlrn :1 mIInInmQn|IH -var ',3$"1Iusbnnds. love your wives! and pm- sent them with 11 good clothes \Av1-ingur. For sale ch;-up . At DRIFFILL & SONS , lilmlford. is n ne thing for Sir John. but it re- mains to be seen it` he L-_an'gct his Abal lnzcn of Cabinet llH:mlICl`S, even by this little (lodge. Mr. l*Io_\\~o should have heon ul-ove such a thing as playing into t1.e hnmls of the Dominion Prcuiier, and tu-nnhling him, if possil-le, to get out ofa rather serious political tliilicnlt_v.' But there is little contitlongre to be placed in public men, since most of them have per- sonal ends in view. Mr. I'Iowe know well L'll0ll:,"'l| that he was lieinp; inmtlc a party to in) iu'x:iiig_-'e|nel1t (lecitleill_v'.un- fair to Olltzuio, Surely he and Sir John will not untlcrtnlce to tell the pulalic that Not-n`S:otia was sutfcrin'g an injustice in nnt being paid :1 suflicieut amount. for entering the union. This story about I\'cw Brunswick getting; more than Nova Scotin, hns n qui.-er look about it. How was it thnt New `Brunswick \vz1s"pni(l a larger proportion than Nova Scotin? Is it not a fact that she ivas paid more than she \\';is`e'ntillul to? That being" ` Ihc case, this tlnplic.-ting the injustice to Ontario and Quclnec is not the thing. It is certainly \'cI'_)' e.\tr210r that New Brunswick shonltl get her fair share, and Nova Scotia be'put off with something over $2,000,000 less i than she was en- tlllutl to. Verily there is science in hum- , bug after all. ----------`o Q .-..r...__.. -Da-'I_:/ GI..b-. Lcmlor and Telegraph.` only. `$~}.50 per nunum. ll"oel.'I_z/ G[ and Lcailcr , "only $1.75 per xmnum. 1|'cc/.'I_1/ l'cIe_r/raph. ] 1l7'iut -.1m1(,'(nzm.I-z I"(n'nm' only $1.00 per unxuuu, tree u1`o.\'pcnsc. Subscribe early A: ImIm.*n.1. .v- qnme {.T?_.__j. The liuuks and the Currency. THE EXAMINER AND COUNTYOF SIMCOE ADVOCATE, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 11,1869 ----<-ca->---- The College Question. l'.\1lUIlDl.'n lJ|I|J`LaI||IU Fully AL l)XzI1"l"l.LL, .5; SONS, - ' Bradford. ---<<*>- c aux 5', 15l'ut1f0l d. Inuuun luullunzu Ill LIIU nuu:uut7u AC! The several sections of the Common School, Bill were the_n read by the Chief Superinteudent.,..aud discussed in detail," the mlvantnges of each` of the proposed changes being fully set .forth.j' At the eo_nclusion of his remarks, in orderito get` the opinion of the meeting on `the sub- ject, he proposed the following questions: lst. Dovbu zmvn-nve of Cmmrv .\`u.m.-. The Rev. Dr. opened his address by . briey tracing the history of our educa- tional system from its infancy upwards, and comparing its past condition with its present happier circumstances. Reference was made in the course of his re- marks to the system of education em- ployed in Great Britain, Hollanrlf Swit- zerland, some of the United States', and V other countries older than our own, and long distinguished for. their educational advancement. A careful investigation of the systems referred to, and twentv~ve : years experience in educational matters in 1 this country, warranted the'Dr. in stating c that, though in some respects our system of'education`was second to none, there were several points in connection with it that required to be modied and amend. ed, in order to render it still more etfect- nal., When the present system of edu- cation was established, it was so arranged ' as to suit the peculiar circumstances of society, as it then existed; but as the con. ditiun of society, subject to the law- of progress, has undergone a complete, 0 though quiet revolution; it was argued, l. that what had answered so well the cir- f cumstances of years gone by, was inade- 8 quate to.meet the wants of the present. v ( E C ..'1`o supply, th'er,el'ore, the` defects in the system of education which has been felt more and more of late years, he (the Rev. Dr.) had assisted in compiling the regu- lations proposed irithe amended Act. ti Thu smmrnl nnntinnn nf tin: nnrnrnnn In 1-it) I;'1`1 Juan, nu ..nup_u:uu um luuuwlng questions: Do.y'ou up;-mve of County Super- :inte`ndun_Ls in place of T0\\';)8hip Snperin. tendenta? V The Chief'Snperintendent `of Educa- tion, as our readers are aware, is at. pre- sent making a tourtlironghout the Pro- vince, with the view not only of ascen- taining the feeling of the people in refer-_ ence to the amended `Grammar and Common School Act, but also to ed ucnte ' and `prepare the public mind for the sweeping educational reform which it pro- poses to, effect. Many meetings have already been held by the Rev. Dr. Ryan'- son at various towns in the western part of the Province, where the merits of the Bill have been `impartially discussed. Oneiofsnch meetings took place in the Town Hall here, on the alternoon of Tucsda_v last, which was very well at- tended. . W. D. Ardagh, Esq., Warden, presided on the occasion; and Mr. F. Black acted as S_ec!'et.ary. Proceedir.gs " commenced about half-past one o clock, and continued till dark. - undthuse who `take stock in them, are to . apparent. monetary atl'airs.of' the Dominion. "their circulation as one of the channels a certain extent public benefactors, for this re_ason,`that they get a comparatively small return `for the risk they incur, It is only,r.ecessar_v to look at a report of the. price of the stock -of the dierent Lank.-, to convince any one of the dith- cnlty of -sllccessfully carrying `on the banking business -in Canada, ` subject, as even the most carefully managed are, to losses. But some will say if that is the- ease, then that is one argument w_hy th_e people should be protected from loss, by having a government instead of a bank anrreucy. Were there no, other choice than one between the currency as at pre- sent in ue,.and a government currency, there would be apparent force in the argument; but there are other ways by which the people can be more eflectually ` protectel from loss, than by the measure proposed. In the first place we think it most desirable ._that the published state- ment ef the banks shouldbe so altered and amended, asrto give some index of' the . `character of the business done by then, so that persons of ordinary intelligence might form an opinion as to their solvency; it is also very essential that per- sons occupying the position of dirtors should have a much, greater pecuniary interest in the institutions with which ~ tlucv rre connected; by making the notes of it bank a first claim noon the assets, and in many other nays, the note-holders might be perfectly secured against loss. We are pretty certain, that although par- ties interested in furthering the scheme eat` a goverumentissne. put in the fore- ground a regard for the interests of the people, magnifying the danger of the pl'esent Bank issue unduly, it 15 all clone in order that the public may be deceived, and that the real object ofthe new scheme, nzunely, tlmtlgovernment may be able to replenish an exhausted treasury with comparative ease, and enter upon a course of extravag.-mt expenditure may not be We warn the public against allowing the government to put them-I selves in possession of a power of' such magnitude, as to be able to control the Let us now see in what way a measure of the kind proposed will'a'ec_t the banks. The banks in the Province of Ontario `regard through which they are `enabled very naturally to increase their business, and augment their prots. Suppose we say that`thei1' circulation in the aggregate amounts to ten millions, and that they hold asa reserve in gold against their cirr-ul_atiou, three millions, we still ha\'e a balance of seven millions on which the banks are making a profit of say four" hundred thousand dollars. Now it must be evident to any --one acquainted with the banks of the Dominion, that if a source ofprofit of such magnitude. \vas . taken from them, their profits would be most materially reduced, and still, .with all their rights, it is diicult for _them to make enough, after faithfully writing off bad debts, to pay a dividend of eight per cent. and add a small sum to the reserve. But that is not'_the only way that the banks would be affected by the issue of the Provincial notes. It is well known. that at the time when the` production of the soil -are being brought to market, the banks, through means of their circula- tion, are able very materially to increase their circulation, placing money in the hands of grain dealers, by which they are able to pay the farmer at once for their grain. Were the banks restricted and only able to lend V money for what they had rst paid gold themselves, they would be unable to meet the wants of the country.` and we should at least, once every year e.\'perieuce a lightness in the money market, justat the time when there should be the greatest ease, the result of` which would be a very great depreciation in, the price ofithe grain crops. the. evil ctfeet of_whieh would not be confined to the farmers, but would extend to every member of the community. .._._j._..->--a -SKATES! Skntc Straps.` Skate Gimlets, a good assortment for old uml young`, at ' DRIFFILL K: SONS, ll rn (I I`nm'l '.l`|1eA..\41x1e1;lV;cl|oxnl Act. _ a: nun 5, Bmdl'ord. uuult, 1`4a`l..l., oecreui.'y~anu 1l'Slll'Gl`. The stock books of the company wern. then formally opened. Meetings are to be hld at. the following places, viz: Mor- rison s school-house, No. 10, on`_ the 22nd Inst.-, Gravenhurst, 23rd inst.; and Braqebridge, 24th inst. Samuel Rob`in- son. ES-q., noted as Secretary, pro tem. Arthur Robinson, Esq., C.E., is appoint- ed `Enquirer in clzie/Z At. a meeting of the Provisional Direct- ors of this` enterprise, which took place last. Monday evening, at the Johnson House, the following gentlemen were electeql ofce hearers for the current year, viz: Captain J. "May, President; A. P. Cockburri,` Esq, `N. P. P., Vice-President; Samuel'Robinsori,' Esq.. Solicitor; T. J. Grant, Esq., 'Secreca.ryand Treasurer. The Rl.nr'.i\' hnnlm nf tlln nnlnn-gnu m in-.x --_DAt8'B nd Mdcockkz by.-at chopping axes, h"P1 P . T ' DRII-`FILL & SONS ; ' Bradford; v - - --Cow chains, log chains. drag saws, cross- cul. saws. meat cmturs and stutfers ` ~ A! _DRIFFILL & SONS. Bradfo'rd. -----o->----- Tixr: lion. J>so,1`h Howe, the gifted, the (`1l`(`ll`hL .1 ut. im-n11.-istc.1nL Nova S:-.oti:m }ml.Lic'::m, is in dcvp water at last, and I`.-ni:l_\' ::nmx.;_: tho brunkcrs, which threaten ten-ng_~;ul1;iu him. IL was 'uI1qucsLioIwbI_y his duly as-u true son (A the In ml of Blue- ll<::c.~', to gut the best possible terms for _l:i. L ro\'ir.co in the uI'1':1x1gcIne1)t which consi;_::.s it to the unitiil brought about l'\||c.1L'l"Ul0 Cum'udc|-;uio11 scheme; but he has ]II'O\`L`\l lxilmclt` 's> ijncc-11.~:i.-L<.-Int`. all Ihmnrlu_ lh:1Lit'Inn\' \\'vll lin um-stinnml urur Lulu meeung.-uarrwa. -In reply to the last .motion, Mr. Ar- dngh stated that he had enjoyed con- siderable satisfaction in liste'niug_to the discussion of the- School Bill; that he V hail, like others, come there the; after- noon not altogether I'a\'orably impressed with many of its features, but that he was free to confess that most of his objections had now vanisherl; he thought, more- over, that had the other gentlemen, who had gone away so uncerem0niously,. re- servecl theirdecision till the close , of the meeting, they likely would have decided otherwise than as thev did. - V 1 ______; uun. u:\;u|\ U lulz Ju-\`I.l_C(`.._ At its conclusion it A was moved by Mr. Hogg, seconded by Mr. Thornbury, that a vote of thanks be tenderedto the Rev. Dr. Ryerson for his instructive address, and also for the forbearance which he has manifested during the annoyances of the afternoon.-Carried. 'Moved by. Mr. Morrow, seconiled by Mr. Luiad, that :1 vote of thanks be tendered tothe Chairmzm for the ability `and patience with whi_ch he has presided over this meeting-0arried. -In renlv tn 1] ): Izaak mnnn M'.- A .. VJSLUIH BHUUl\| UU HLIUIJQULI. --l/urrleu. Moved by Mr. `Bird, seconded by Mr. King, that section 16, in reference to com- pulsory education, bo adoptcd.-C'ur- r7icd. V|.l-.....I L.. AL. 1 )... I'I-_._._. IT .1 Wioye(1 Hy tlie Rev. George North-` graves, seconrlqd by Mr. P_arkm-, mm; section llshould be struck out.-Lost. .AA\n.. ol.2.. I... `D ... 11.. -......:,...... I .I, ' aucuuu ll. auuulu uu munch Uuh.--(4085. Atter this the Rev. Dr. `revig\ve th principal features of the Gramm_m- School Bill, sofur as the time would permit; but it was growing solute that the subject did not receive full justi_ce._ At. its nhP]Ilin :9` ulna tnrnvn/I I... ll - IVlI4lIn Moved by Mr. King, seconded by Mr. Morrow, that the 1st. clzmse of section 10, which . refers to the minimum siting of any quulitiecl eacher, be ndopted.- Cm'- vied. ' *u",,v 1, , 1: fr f\,,,I,,,. u 1 r_WI(\`I.dved by Mr. McConkey,` seconded byMr. Morrow, that t.he Free School system `should be adop_ted.-C'urrz'ed. ' `Mnx-ml luv M}. `Rirrl, Rnnnmiml kn kh- ICC- It. is plain to those who have rezul the new School Bill, that tliesze resolutions struck at the very foundation on which it isbased; an'd'Llml once carried, it, would almost .p"eclud.- further discussion. It is due tu the mnjrrity of the Councilto st:it.eiimt they (lid not s_yiiipaliza5 with mo,\'cmeuLs of the other ser-iions. Imlccd ' somoof them, auion__; whom. we_ noticed Messrs. Hogg and Tliornhury, denounced their p_rocecdings in the strongest terms. ll`. VlCll`S mmla 5| failinrr eruznnlu umu luuuuculugs III the strongest terms. Mr. Vicars made a tefliug speech .ag:1inst those resolutions, but in-`spite of every etfort the motions were carried. "hr Rum-pm. ....... ........_..n.. .,,. -,7 we-y euuru tue IHOLIOIIS were cttrrled. ' Dr. Ryerson was naturally not .too well sntistied with the course pursued by these gentlemen, a_ndvexpostul:tte(l \vith them accordingly. I He stated that if any County Council did not approve of the Bill, it had at perfect right. to dissent; but that in that case, its proper course `mus to present their expostulution to the Govern-_ meut, and not to a popular '-Int-eting. In terms ofquiet. sarcasm,` the Dr. went on_ to say that the eon\`eii_tions which he was holding were entirely ' optional on his part, and that their principal otiject was to aord an opportunity of conference upon the merits of the Bill, and to get the views of the people in reference to it. He stated that. however well qualified the County'.Council might be to express an opinion, in reference. to such In:ttte|'.`~', it would scal'c`ely be "worth his while to ome all the way from Toronto to eonsult them upon the subject. Sn\'a>r:il nf' tlm n-nntlnnxnn tn --vl----m Innmii. '`IImsn.n'. n:n1w.\n1' 11, [S69 U IU \\ Illllsn The` res to which we have inl- luderl are as follows: ' .1M .......1 1.. Y .117 r.\ `I10: - - u_un:I| nu: ma wnuws; Moved by J. `W. F. Wilson, seconded by _R.-. J. Alport, that In the opinion of `this meeting, clause 1 of the Act to ' zuneml the Common School Act of On- tario should be struck out.-Oar.~'ied. Y\1.\.m,ll.u I Y L` \\'.':|.._. Ir! uunu nus.-mu Ut: su'ucK out.-uar:'wu. Moved by J. W. F, Wilson, _seL-ondeil bby`M. H. Spcuer, that clause 4 of the Act to amend the Common School VACL ot'Outario should be struck out.---- Our- ried. ' I':'V.I.V - - - yucuu ulruu Lul: auUJl:UL- ' ` Several of the gentlemen to whmn these remarks applied retired soon after from the meeting, and the e.\':unina`.iou of the remainder of the Bill was proceeded with. `If 1: It 1,. - ~- -- GUI] HJBIJUIII Ul \;|luU|blU|I I At this point in the proceeiiiigs, the - harmony of" the convention was` some- what interrupted, and the useful ventila- tion of the questions - proposed interfered with by _ce_rtzun resolutions that were brought forward by members of the County Council. It seems that the sub- jeethad been discussed by "the Council, which was sitting at this time, and that that body had adjourned in order to at~ tend Dr. R_verson.'s meeting. Perhaps some of its members came with'their minds prejudiced zigziinst the Dr. s argu- ments. It was evident, to say the least. that their minds were not as open to con- V riction as that of the Irishman who had l;eenzu'1'z1igi1ed on aclmrge of murder, and who, in answer to the question, Guilty of not guilty, replied that he could not say till he heard the evidence. It m~........-u olmo elm ...\..oI......,... up .i,., uuulu nub any un nu ucuru ulu "evidence." It. appears that the gentlemen of- the County Council came with their resolu- ,l.ion.s in hand, and passed sentencu before hearing the evidence, and in that they did wrong. '|`|m`.-...-..l..+;.m... .,. ...1.:,.L ...- 1.--- ..n LJUCIIU UI .I.l UEIAUUS U5 l)I'l_Jl)U3UU 1 8th. Do you. approve of F rqe Schools as proposed?- - Qth. Dn vnn nnnrnvn nf Hun nnmnnL lls` IHUIIUDCLI 5' 9th. Do you approve of the compul; `sory system of education? At {his} nninf in in nrnnan-aura flux 2nd. Do you approw:e` of the qualica- tions of Superintendents prescribed as proposed? ` Rn], nn unn nv.nr.'-um nf Hun nu -nnnunrl IJIUIJUUUU 7 ` 7 3rd. Do you approve of the proposed mode of appointing County Superintend- ents, zmd provi<'lin g for their suIariea_?' 41]). Do vdu :1nnrn\'n`nf' Hun nrnnnanrl U? G)"eat 'B(u'_(]cL2'/ns . ulna, IILILI p|'U\'l(llIlg I0l' H1817 3iIII'I33_! :4lh. Do you appro\'o`of the proposed method of deciding upon adequacy of school accommodation ?. ' 21L T\..-.._.. .._. _... _L`AI*. , , ., __.3 .IJU(|IlI VI JJAGIIIIIICID! I I 6th. Do you approve of the proposed minimum salary of legally qualied male and female teachers? FILL Y\_ ..-._ _ MA. .1`Al., fl`4._.l._Ir!_ 5l)IlUUl IIUUQIIIIIIUKIKIKIUII I . '5th. Do`you approve of the proposed Board of Examiners? - nu. 1'\-..-.. -.._ illlll IUIUHIU lUil'.'HUl`53 ' . 7th. Do you approve of the Township Board of Trustees as proposed? 3], D0 vnll. mlnrnvi-I. nf Fran Qnhnnln Simcoe and Muskoka Railway.` ` ELECTION OF OFFICE BEARERS. fzworztbly, Accident at ,0rlllla.--Last Friday afternoon, a little lad about ten years of age, son of Mr. Waldroon, tailor, on his way home from achool,j1'1mped over the ' hack of another boy,` and in the act broke his leg above the knee. Mr. Donnelly, C. R... who was passing the scene of the occurrence with a sleigh, kindly rendered all the assistance in his power, procuring the medical aid of Dr. Elliott without delay. T116 little _Bq'erer is progressing luuuua Ivnn uuucu LU U18 0118.11`, . The minutes of last meeting ere read and conrmed. ' l'\.. ._...;:.... AL- II___,,,:1 , 1! ,, , I .-I llkl UUIIHIVUIUUI On motion the Council adjourned until 7 o clock this evening. ' --:---otoj?-- @Have you seen our door mats? If not, call and examine. , , TIDYUDIY 1' 9. onus Dominif House`