% BARRIE WOOLLEN nAmIv%En[ AN Izan mi 1 Case Satin Rihhnc . A [WINTER QI,0TiiING 2 - CAU'I'ION.-Partios wishing to purchase, Instruments will find it to their advantage to send direct to theabove Factory. and not buy of Toronto or Bradford agents, as they can save 15` or 20 per cent. and get a better instrument. > - Newmarket, August, 1867. ' V ` ` j 27- [To tl1e%G5ents of Barrie 2J umueai,mu.1,_1eea ` 4 The Cheapest and Best ,. ' Melodeons and % Cabinet Organs `AT PHILIPS , 1IEWMA_RKET. Terms, "Cash. 4 May 13, 1868. A TORONTO, oce. mu. 1ss. No 61, King Street East, -1-onoN_-1-o. ~-v>v -----4-----v- 2 vrv ' L OM Door East of the Post Occ Collier; Street, Barrie. ` VIVEE snbsorlber rvould reapeomrll scqualni . the people of Barrie and I e. - public generally. of the fact that helm: commenced business in his new building, on door east oi the Post Ollice, where he is prepared to supply s them with - ' I'1_our,Bra.n, Shorts. Oats, Peas, 650 Of the very best ouallcv and at rononnbln IJANESA, BnAvLp;y_JL& NEWCOMBEJ |siIks, shaw:s`;Jg{I;gt|es, Mi|linery,] prolnptly, and wilhout dedution. . I Il\.lLIl -10 DLUUIL7 nuq. V lliU'L lcllllllro W. X. ' R. P. STREET, Esq., Sooretnry and Treasurer ' `HONO RARYDIRECT RS FOR THEVCOUNTY SIMCOE: ` .lAS. MANNING, Esq., l`ecurnseth.- ' v- JNO. McBEA'l`H, Esq., Nottnvrasnga `WM. ARMSON. ES .. Thornton. ~ WALTER. IIAIKES; Esq., Barrio. `M. GEO. MCMANUS, _ sq., Mono. - ___o-.: 7|-I-`HIS Company having made important alterations in the By-Laws and Tariff of Rates. is now prepared to accept Risks on Farm Property nnd Isolated Dwellings. country Churches and School-houses.` at "as low rates as any other good Company. All claiins settled A1.-Ex`. MORROW, Jan_usry,l5, 1868. 50_-If.` Agent for Co. Simcoe, 'B.uuux. 'nu1Jp-t7EasE,% ; .10 ' D1`46.S .i.nS}T DONE PRU PTL ,' AT THE USUAL CI n. J. mxwux, r;sq., President. W. A. COOLY. Esq.. Inspector. `HONO RARYDII . J. LAWRY, Esq., President. COOLY. Esn.. Insnactm-_ -Wn _ % , L N0 W8." Aamavemumze 82%.. Vicmra Sqeuabre; w MoWTnwAt `i G.-W. FARMERS `MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY.) [STAPLE AND FANCYA GOODS IJ zzgf [Me 0 ON 8500., ~:?heEmpriu1 Iarrie, Decembef 3rd, 1868. ' `Gener.1I pi~y Goods, LIl'\ T.` A 'A\Th DIFHTATT DAILY RECEIVING REGENT 110UsE, _-_-v_'--vv-cu GRAHAM `.;Lot{1I'f, P'I_`0p1`-ie1`.0_1`<;S., =1 MW WWW M AILW. Large Supplies: of easonable Suitable for the -Season%. AX-E-'F7\'?3TT)RY.l Of `R. SCORE & s61'\I,' ' . G-olden Elephant, . O ` TORONTO th. DUNLOP smmarr, BARBIE. [WHOLESALE ANDvRETAfL. VTO their Advantage TEE 766%` BARRIE. '--ARE-.-- IIMPORTE as ,0? I - I -jU_j. DIRECTORS: I vrunxt A -AND---H '7 -"'_s.`t?i't1y one Pricie. ' * 15-1.. ` wu , an, wuguhuur WU-ll FANNING MILLS, STRAW CUTTERS; Runninn - 1721!!-n J. 1-.- '-'5! CHARGE. .u1`u1ca: ._ THOMAS STOCK, Esq., Vice-Prsidant. STREET. Em.. Secratarv and Tram: 'l'l'1UMAb' STUUIC, Esq FOR THE C()IIN'l`Y TO ORDER THEIR WILL FIND 11' .S'J.`EA.l\I V W Q.13_K_S ! 3 Ali n1'ETo?;. Vorks: ` Haing made 11 b Halivnmrl - 10-tf Insolvent. On Titesdaj. the h nnty-sixth day _of Janu- - my next, the imdersigned will apply .to the Judge of the said Court for a discharge under lhe said Act. - ' H. W. WRIGHT, by D. A. CREASOR, ` His Attorney ad (item. Owensound, 26th October, 1868. . 41-311 Vespr Mills Depot IL... Dan. P...A ...` U... 11...: Ann. PROVINCE,0F ONTARIO. N THE COUNTY ox-* GREY. County Court 6f_ the County of Grey. In the matter Vrf Henry W.` WRIGHT an . V Insolvent. v... vvvvuvvi. LLLLD '/"\;aOCathartAic or an Alterative , Are -all {hat can .be desired. One" trial will convince the moat sceptical PERSONS troubled with diseases of the liver and stomach may rest assured those Pillsqwill give relief . 1.`... ....1.. L_' `F. `Brandon, 1 the Canadas. unlvlno l:.|JVVI"|l'IU, HE Agent here for this old established and reliable Company, is now prepared to take risks as low as any other first-class oice. Barrie June. "1867. lgiecondto None,%` _:_.. PROVINCE , OF 01-` GREY. _ JOS. ROGERS, Agent at Barrie; Jnnnarv. 1868. [npm IIISIIME IZHMPTI NSOLVENT ACT OF 1864. Ahh ISINUS UF FARMING IMPLEMENTS. -SUCK! AS-- REAPERS & `M ERS, '.l'HRESHING MACH NES, r`In'I:unI-Ann Dl....._L- Il_.-r-- in ms is; year,1zs36,'.he Fire Premiums alone amounted to ............. _. 9,970 In its 10th year, 1846, 47,763 V 20th year, 1856, 222,279 N 30th year, 1866, ' H 739,332 One year later, 1867. 318,055 The Fire Reserve Fund is now $4,727,464 The Life Reserve Fund is now $9.282,468 The Company is represented throughout Ontario and Quebec by inuential Agents, to whom application for Insurance may be made. G. F. 0. SMITH. Resident .s'm:nmm, ruumua b'l'l`J1L:lNG. The disbursement. of this enormous sum over a wide area, has. without doubt. contri-. buted to the establishment of this Institution, ' in the condence of Punmc CORPORATIONS, Msncxuxrs, HOUSEHGLDERS, and business men generally, wherever it is represented. In its let year-,1836,'.he Fire Premiums hmounted to , 4'0 0"` _ - _-_-.-- \v`- \J\JAVL.I. ALL` HAS BEEN in existence Thirty-two years, and during that period has paid Losses exceeding FIVE AND A HALF MILLION POUNDS STERLING. dishm-as-.mpnt. M` n.:. .,...........-.... -..-, :fhe Liverpool & London & Globe INSURANCE COMPANY, `I"I'AQ Dunk? 2- -, VERY Rr.'AsoNAm.r:: V . Onice Hours. from 8 a. m., to 4 11.111. Residence, Ncxvmarket, where all communications to him addres- -sed will receive prompt nnd cm-em! attention. 3-`I-ly [:7 \v hen the Date falls on Sundny for those Pieces the will he attended to the day following. coth inserted on Gold, Silver, or vulcanized rubber. Teeth Filled so as to stop decaying, and render them useful for many ears . Teeth Extrnctcd wit the least possible pain; and particular nttemion given to the -REGULA'I`ION O1" (`.lIILl)REN'S 'I`EE'I`II.-' Noxg BUT Gawvma Illa-rsru.u. U:-an. ' Cuzinnzs -REGULA'I`ION "OI" I`EE I`II.-' Nous Cuumzs 1tr.'AsoN.un.r:.` Hours. 8 n. m, ma ..... 'n...x.a..--- fully invites :1 call to_einmlne'hls Well seleeVt_ct_l't'o'(:'l('. He wlll be M Nexvmnrket, - - on the 1stnud2ndol'enchMnnth. Sharon, - - - ontne 3rd " Bradford, - - - onthe 4th "` Bondhead, - - - on the 5th Bro\vnsvllle,(*) - on the (lth _ Len-oy, - - - - on the 18th ' Barrie, _ _ _ . on the Nthand 15th Collingwood, - on the 16th and 17th Mnrkhan Village, on the 23rd nnd 24th Browns Comers,(*)un the 95th " Mnnllln, (H - - on the 29th ` . When he \\'lll'be most happy to wait on those who may rctxuh-e his services. r Vhen the Date th? followln inserted on Gold. Slim-r nr ....1..... WUULU rospuctliullylntlmnlc to those parties who . may require Articlul 'l`ecth, (from one to a \v\'IU1(.'Ebl{) or 11:|syU.\'lEslI:3_ollncr Dental oper- at on er urme ST L3 in ll the Lnptest Im rovcmcms, nut! in n x1Y1r)sI c`:)xx:[l)l`tc and Workman ike manner, that he will lie at the fol- lowing places, (Sundays excepted,)_ when he respect- flliliy i`11;.'li]t full tqexnmlne his \vcll selected stock. v c n axe rujxs Low an; Barns ----___j:---------- C881); 0|` DU CGIILS on time. winnamrnn Fun on: mm. u`ClS'l`ERNS of any size built on the most approved plan and on very reasonable V terms, in any part of the County. 0 ALL KINDSO 'l'.I I'l'|'Il"l'I`l'rI YIITI? 111:-nu-rmu DR. P. B. PECK, SURGEON DENTIST! tvvnnv 1-, , ,,,, _ f. : ___-_.Lr\z.-. o IOULIJ rospuctiiullyintimalc rc_q171jl_'n:" .f\rtich`nl' >(fro,m- 1.. .x.. ` ,, Ub. HUG-EIIS, A 1868, uuu Rllull ULI. [7' A Trial Requested.` `Pm-tics attended at their own residences if re uired. Please he particular in observing the time nu place ofcach appointment. I!~"I'Ii.'RM .Q .Cr'rn 1l" PT.'P` /1.4 an 51.1 Expecial Attention timid to the Regulation 0] Chi! ren s Teeth. . As. Dr. Porter Iesides in Holland Landing during the time he is not serving other appointments, all let- ters addressed to him there will receive prompt cure and attention. mes A m..:..u n........._;` n__.._ -..__;__. _. .. . kg .l..l.'4lILllJJ lJ.l.lll!/.l.LI.l Uiill-Ji REFERENCES :-The fo1lo\ving gentlemen can, with condence recommend Dr. Porter-,1o all requiring Dental. ni(`.:- Rev S. S. Strong, D.D., Bondhcad; '1' C. Scholneld, M.D., Bondhend; J.,W. Norris, M.D., Cookatown; R. Lund, M.D. Cookatown; G. D. Mot-ton, M.D., Bradford mnun: uuupwu Iu uus pun mule country ; nuu one man is sure to rive universal satisfaction. I v Teeth Fl led so as to Preservethelr Color, nnd Restore as near as possible to their former Strength and nse1l- ness. - ::7"rEn'rn INSERTED on com; srLvi;i1'51E VULCANIZEI) RUBBER. And a Perfect Fit Wnrrnnted, or no charge will be made. Parties. desiring can have Teeth inserted on `Rubber, without extractinv the roots. Dr. Porter is now prepared to insert ceth on the Now Com- bined Auro Vulcanized Rubber Pl_n!e-u mcthodnevcr before adopted in tl1is`pnrt ofthe country; and that Preservetlmlr (tnlm-. nnd Rmatnm ,,,, , _. will attend on the following day. All operations performed in the most kilml manner, on the most approved principle, and ' `KT--- 'L-_A. fl-.. I11-rs uu um mum. uppruveu pnuclple, and None but Genuine Material Used.' l:i"TEE'1'H ON GOLD: smvrm nu . '1'liRESHING MA`c`uINE's,"" Cultivators, Ploughs, Harrows, 350 . 56.. tnivnthnr will: uunu uuu uuuuuw nl.uw1`18.1 U88(1u SILVER OR umrnux - - - - - on the 9th ` scuoMB'ERa,- . . - on the Is: H .. *- CO0KSTO\VN, - - ~ on the 4th "_ When he will be pre met! and most happy to wait on those who may requ re his services. jfhen any of the appointments fall on Snndnv. hn "tr, .- .....- `(C those rquire V When appointments on Sunday, he will attend the following ' - ' All skiimi manner. * day ml I .lJ AHLV '.l. 1.5 .1. Bes most resgectfully to announce that he will he RADFOR , at the North American Hotel, eve: Mondar, from 10 n.m. to 4 p.m., excepting when Mr 3 on an appointment elsewhere. BONDHEAD - - - - on the 28th of every Mon NE\vMAuK1 :T, . - . on the 2m: --- -1 SHARON, -- - - - - on the2lith ` LEFROY the 9th u win... 1... ...m u... -..........,..x ....J ____. I_,._-_, ugnwyu In cumy uuau, 01' HQ Ululfllful REFERENCES BY PERMISSION. T. D. Mccoxxmr. Esq._. M. P. P.; G. Loam`. Esq., County Registrar; B. W. SMITH, Esq., Sheriff: J. R. Corn-m, Esq.,- County Attorney; W. M. Nxcuox.so.\', Esq., Publisher of Examine April 22. 1861. 2' manner. . ' * - 3T'C onsullation Free, and satisfaction guar ned in every-case, or No Charge! I-'.',F`.!"I`.nI`.1\Ynl:`Q nv Dnnnncdvnxv nrancn 01 ms rrolesslon, can no wauea upon. TEETH inserted on Gold or Silver Plate, ` or that justly celebrated materinlrVulca.niz- ed Rubber-and in such a manner as to atford ' ease and comfort in chewinghnd masticating food,` and giving to 'the patient at ihe same time, that natural expression of countenance, which is a very important oint in the oper- ation ofinsertlng Articial eeth. TEETH Filled `with Gold. Cement, and Whi%Filling. . T TH Extracted wit/hthe least possible pain, and particular attention given to the Regulation of Children's Teeth. ` _ .33` All work executed in the most skilful manner. ' vvuuaL1uIv_uvv1 '. _ 55 u MR le s Hotel; DUN R ON, - - - 22nd H CREISMORE, - .- ' - 23[d Where all those requiring his services in any branch of his Profession, can he waited ; 'l"|'`.li`.'l`II incmrfmi nn nld nr Qilmnr Plan: 1 mmusi`. V T , MAY be conaulted in 'all branches ofhi; profession, from the let to the 13th of each and every- month, atehls Ofce Dunlap Street East, opposite the Barrie Hotei, Barrie GRAIGHURST, on the 15th ot each month. in J. u Slaven s Drugstore, 3 ' W0 . ' at R '3 21 CREISMORE. 23rd H 1173...... ..n um ... .-m...t..:-.4. hia an-min... :n M... t unxuum, omce Ill .1. Drug Store, 1 STAYNER. - - - - COLLINGWOOD. 3 DUN R ON . unrrw nerom. Ladies hi h ut 89.19 m` 01 Gout and Kid, all of whic will be sold at t lowest rcmnnorating prico. ag"Boots and Shoes made to order. _ AlLwork warranted and no second puce. DUNLOP STREET. RAR|?"<`- .rm:n Hug um uluu llllu pmcc Ol cacn nppomlmeul. a`TER2l[S STRIUTL 1' 0.-1s11._g: 2--Th| fi-ln\-vhuv nnnvlnmnn can u-ll uv. n1. rucuonsox, April 22. JAMES EDW/\RDSV, E Atrent this old am..n.1:.1,. 1 application nor Insurance be made SMITH, Resident Secretary, i V . Moxnu-u 1, on. Moc~.AuLsLA'Nn. -5-uuuniml In; 51 V U I Ulfln For sale by ATEW`. -#n51tru1xc?.` -.uu4;4n.L\ IJJJLII IX: \/U0 ' Bnnntz. , Bmntford, Wholesale Agentfo) 20-6m. :__j. DR. PORTER. DEN'1`IS'I.` ---v\:v.-cad J.\JLVI.J., Which have given. wherever used, entire satisfaction. They can be effectively worked in wells to 9. Depth _of' One Hundred Feet. Thc-y>ur0 cheap and not likely to get out of order. 1 he price per foot. is 45 cents, -. cash; or 50 cents `on time- MllllAN'l`I:`.l| mm mu: vlun ---1.--uw__w 3 57*` E and warranted for 30 days at $1.00. Any Axe sold by him which proves soft will he tum cred free of cost within 12 months from an e. MILL PIOKS_ llmh. om! n .... ...| .... AL- . . H16 Dy V _ ALEXANDER & CO., Dun. r Henry 4 Insolvent. Ln h nn9u_a1 v on the 3rd V on the Nth and15t *)un Qcntim. z oecrezary, Mox-mrzu. us - V -I-`RIR (IRA 4-ti Grail; Dealer. ` 38- No. 1 Com. Block, Market Squufe Barrie j_._-.,`,-.-. uau--`as LLKJIIJLATI In the packing house will be found Bacon. Hams andjPork_iu Barrels to -suit those en- gaged in the timber trade. _ Purchases deh've:ed,2'n Town Free of Charge. ~ JOHN LAIRD. Grain N0. 1 GOID. Mnfkt gtunrn Ran--In J ;n ucuuu no now An ntuun ounuuun B [1115 CIB-35 Spring and Fall, Wheat Flour, Uhop Slu, Bran, Shorts. Oats, Peas, " and Feed of all kinds. ' Bacon and Hams. In H... ......I.:..... 1...... ._2II - - ':1_0u1', Dru, Dl10l'D8v U355 118.8, very quality reasonable . prices. 1`Gooda delivered in any part of the ` own free of charge. THOMAS ROBINSON. Pmnriatm-. - ':7:`"" Just received, "100 Barrels Natural and Grafted Apples.` Those desirous of getting a goodwinter apple would do well to call Im- mediately. ` ` As {usual he has in stock Shannon's first class Q--:2-u_ -.-J E-II IAIL _ _ n -n - ...... .... I Teas, Sugars, Soaps, 19.6.. &J`., _ kn I`:~{::.;..!*%t:..%;2::!99:I HE under'signed returns thanks to his` numerous friends for their liberal patro- l nage heretofore, and begs leave to intimate that hehasin stock a well-selected class of Groceries, consisting of - r-rd f!` ' P` And all the varieties of FANCY FURS, such I dressed and made to order. Repairing of all I vited to inspect our Goods before purchasing. Tux-onto. Nov. 4th man, US? IMPORTANT.` 1 man. IFURS; FURS 2] uw. , mu. , ow. , As cheap as any other house in Town. uuu wurlu. menu nality nnd very hoes clu-apex than Barrio hefom. Ln Cookstownn, Oct., 1838, Cheapest Teas in the County lii .-mu Iv nuayvuu ulu uuuua U Toronto. Nbv. 4th 1868. gaasm ".i&,Mi4 " {m@@@x;s} Having been completed, they are now opening out in it a gene sortgment of New Goods in the various departments of their business, which will comprise READY-MADE CLOTI-Ih\`< Take pleasure in [THEIR NEW BRIGK STORE; @=An e."u'l_z/ SEWREY-& SULLIVAN S rump Bqqkgmnqgpcrunv. @'ALL OF WHIOII WILL BE DISPOSED OF AT A VERY LOW F1GUBE._3 :FCALL AND EXAMINE BEFORE GOING ELSEWHERE. _ We think i; no, trouble, but it is a pletuxure to us to show our goods to intending purchasers. 900-1 Gold and Silver Bar Soap; u very_ nice article in Blacklead, THE DOME, farther, and gives a much better polish than any other. cheaper, goes _,_ __ ,_ _v..a-;v\4v-.1, Both in chewing and Smoking.` They are as follows: SMoxI.\'a_-Solace. I-`g, Dominion. Cleopatriaa. and other brands. Cm-:wn~'u-0live, Navy, Dark Sweet, and other brands. Mustard, Salt in glass jars, and a supply of suporjor FRESH LOBSTERS and SARDINES Hardware! cutiryx Glassware! Spokes 'i'l;8,, .u;`:a:;;rlytas, &c. 18 All Inna .....a 5.--: o..._-- v...n-_ .,; Crockery, Hardware, Coal Oil, &c. m? IN COOKSTOWN! BARRIE, Om`. HESUBSCRIBERS DIRECT ATTEN- tlon to their 1"|r'1\I\/xv-rwnvx w-.-.--.. Barrie, April 8. 1868. ARE PREPARED TO SHOW THEIR- New Store. BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, &c., V3,. -, H `E Consistieg in part ofsome cheice TEAS 1` 50 _ so , 75 _ 30 , and the very best at $1. Call and examine before going e1ae vvl(1:re. c c c ' c. A 1Tl'.\`l')\7 \Y`r1\1n LL11`!/\`I1rn---Iwxvnn ..-n ...-_ _ ~_'__ Gosse & 31aekwe11?s}rie1:1es, ml Qcuun `Do. Can... .. .'....... _. .... `an... Innv -uuuuu 5v-n5 cnacwulifu 1A"VaRYi{riC1"Kss01iT%MENT OF TOBACCHOS, 1VIcGROSSON & 00., -'2'-is-an -L..- .l. I'.1__.L - ROSS 85 JUST RECEIVED, a Large StockW(;fr0ak and Hickery 1I.-`I... 15:..- nu'-.a._ 15.1.. n__. -n Wm fomnyrs, BEEF B001` MILLINERY, MANTLES, and,/izjst call ws%x=cl. 1Vbtr0u&le t &Imw Goccl-3. M PW Together with a choice stock of announcing to the `people of Cookstown and surrounding country, that g -___-,_ _. ,__._ ___,-cu -uvv--u, www- BAR Iron and Steel. Sn ax-Kettleatof all sine-s,Sprlnga. Axles Tbimbles. Skeins, Anv ls, Vices, Bellows, Taps and Dies` l'\:`l... `ID'1.:4..\ 1' .-...;I rw1_ - _ n 3 _ , .- - j--- _.-_-...,`;-.-.uv$$n.vna\2, spades, Shovels. Rakes, Pocket and Table Cutlery. Electro ` Plated Ware, always on hand. VERYVNICE SELECTION OF GR()CERlES, ..u.u--uva. unwua, ILIIVIIB vwva, DIHIOWB, lapn ana U188` ,, 6ils,VVhite Lead, Glass 4850, W:.....a..- m.......n.. n-._-_ n_.I..A _; --n - . INCLUDING TIIE ` Russian and Hudson's Bay SABLE cf? ROYAL ERMINE, In 4:11,... A... ..'...a _--, V muvork p STREET, BARIIIE Soveml)qr._ 1868. ' u 7': , as no other House can show in this 1 of kinds neatly done. Ladies are reap. using. The begt in the Country. In our stock 1: gmtumn slow or was 1! ..--.._.... w 4uv.Ln.u JHIIJHJJVD, ' - In allrthe new ind varied shapes; ' Collars, Boas, Tulmas, .E'u_qem'e.9, Princess, Capes, Oloalrs and Ilfzgfs, - Astrakan, Cloalts, Fitch, Squirrel, ..._..L __ _- _n , `- nnwAIi5 7iiiKr"Eii: HLH` O ,__....v -\l vnuulgm RERES. Crockery and Hardware, . BOOTS AN!) 3110195, &c., &c., &c., Al1_of which wil! be sold at prices which} must ensure a ready sale. `I nrhm~A.. CODBIBI Of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, READY-MADE CLOTHING, Eand Clothing Made to Order, 3 An:-_jr( in all the ` JOHN WATSON, AVING bought the Stock-in-Trade and Good-Will of the business hitherto car- riec on `b Mr. Henry Harper, to which he has made urge additions, is prepared to obr to the public !\'I'\ . _ -- V - {cooK_s*EowN1 ..... .....--. .-..-`nu, uunu.-A Iv UIJ I. IIAIUSQ Bug/gies,~ Cutters. 'c., 'c., Alwnvs on hand and furnislIed~to order. lag` All orders by post or otherwise promptly `iled. V ' Eiw granny Cobkswwn, N ov., 1868. ROSS aa 09. s1>5f}.L INDUCEMENTS in all Hm m...:...... 1:....__ -.- ,- .- .r..,`.v-.;.4Lv AK} various lines of business, which consist of Jun uxwu 0! consist F V city. Furs I respectfully in- I general as- rnonfo A4` uuuc. J. WATSON. 40-U IUCG. snwnmr .9; SULLIVAN. 2 Barrie, October. 1868. .39- :9 K may be found ;, 1869- .39. Zul-II 10-tf For Printing of'all dgsailptiot_'O- I" rat-o`ass style of art and on the sI:o'N|` notice, call at the EXAMINER omcf. Co:Iier street, nearly oppoaitq the V_al'- ' Mt- ho _ M o N 0- L0 : 23. in the 1st Con.. E H S, 200 acm F L 0 S . 1601.8 23 and 24, in the 9th Con., 400 30" TOWNSHIP OF TAY. Lotl5 H 4 at , th E % 6, 9 as J0. in the 5:1: Con.,100 `~ each. E X 11, in the 4th Con., 100 acres. T I N Y . Lot 108, in the lat Con., W P B, 200 acre! 107, 2nd W P R, 100 110, u to W PR, 100 Lots 13 and 14, in the 15!. Con., N s, 400 acres. A130 2500 acres in the ourishing CWP`! ofBmce from which purchasers can ohm" wild land or cleared [arms at fair prices WWI time for payment. `Annlv tn __ goo` aom.. Z 5` (7 BONE. Apply to SAMUEL LoUN'r. ?z'ogmry Oic 13 . . hdg` l`;:'lFsIlf(;.k;r to 0. JV. LODNT, llsizco 'riny'. .'.'.'.'.` Tay . . . . . . Sunnidale . Medonte ., umce, Jsurrie; or bridge. Muskoka _____-.__j_.j scmws, nmges, locus, lacks, mm. paper, glue, piano stool screws. cotn trimmings. uphol- serors' needles and regulators, Addie carvers` tools, extension lip auger bits, melodeon hnrdwnro. etc.. for sale at lowest m-ices. . For Printing` of "ali dgs'o|`lp'!iot_'I- 7" Hrat-o`ass stvle an and on Feb. 27. -1868. Tay. ` do ___._. PICK of following Lots at 33 PH` '09"- $50 cash; balance inthree anuuul instal- ments, with interest: Townsldp. I North 0rillia.. an V an ' For` u_-ther particulars gxpply to the under- signed, (If by letter, post-paid). THOMAS SAUNDERS. . mm-.... mu v n - Clover Hill P.U. Clover Hill, 213?. April, 1868. 1241' P. S.-A Larqe Quantity of Shingles For Sale. (nuns run_s_m cum. 10018, BXEOIIHIOII up anger DIES, HIGH hnrdwsro, etc., for sale at lowest prices. DVAM Au nrnnu) mnue nnu uresseu on the shortest notice. T. S. helng a practical Axe maker, he at- tere himself that he knows egaod Axe when he sees it. and he is determined only to offer .moh at-tielesas will give satisfaction to the purchaser. All hls own work he guarantees ' to be made of extra quality steel. if Horse-shoeing and General Black- Imxthlng done as usual. `Jumped axes constantly kept. on hand for In e. ' 'An apprentice wanted to learn the Black- emithimz. mm: erected on the pr:-nxises last year, and me farm is \\`1-H watered by A NEVER FAILIXG SPRING CREEK,` and good well. - V v-.u LLILJUIJ II UUU DUDl1o --A NEW-- ` FRAME DWELLING HOUSE AND BARN were erected the pr:-nxises last and watered hv nun il Hill!) 01 THE VILLAGE OF CLOVER There are ;@`ABOUT 75 ACRES CLEARED! and in a good. state of cultivation. well fenced, and mostly free from smmps. The balance is in f`.l'\r\A`\ L! A nnuvnnr. nrvon uuu uluauy ll'('8 lI'Om BHIHIDS. '1 D8 D8I!\Ht't' I! In GOO-'D HARDWOOD BUSH. A \`n... uuu\_."5sluu 01 JESSIE. cunlnxnlpgf 657% HUNDRED AcmJ_s,g more or less. vrv fumrnhlv .ai1nmpd_ wh !mI&9V@v,FARanFoR%sALE! v-v.-4 n;\JJ.\JJJ.l.l'J1J.l.'1KJ.l|r ,5` less, vi.-ry favorably situated, W3! 19 halfn mile of FFUL` 1rn"r Ann nu rut t\1vv-`vs vuiru ._!\1'- -'PEI{, I)o zEN JGARTGNW: mmgg vim mm. Or to Aus aenung, cuneu unlr, tow, son: H. springs, twine. chair web, buttons, uclws, hinges, locks, tacks, int. paper, glue, niano screws. trimmlmzs. unhol- and the Mill. nnd are in u fnvorublc'pnrt for business. They nre}g acre lots. and two 0 the-In corner lots. Also, fur snle,t\voLola1'n Boy's Block. Barrie. - `I`ERMS:-0ne-third of the purchase money to be paid down; the balance in two annual instu1m-nts- For further particulars apply to Mr. Patfk O'Connor. Angus. or to MICHAEL n'r*.n.\'.\'nr- _._._____._______.__._ VALUABLE FARM for SALE IN THE TOWNSHIP OF OR0. 10 Acres of exc-ll:-nt Land for sale. be} East lmlfof Lot 24. in the 4th Con. cession of0ro. eight miles from Barrie. Then are about thirty-ve acres cleared. The had orcnara. . For further particulars. apply a this paper, if by letter, pre-paid. Barrxe. October 7, 1868 , pg 51:14.` rlr. Barrie. March; 1864. SEVERAL `IMPROVE? FARMS for Saleln the vicimty of Bnme. _ Also, a numb" of Town Lots, with and without huildi Apply to D n191_gg Sheriff 6? Sunmrx-"3 O1-`nos, Bumn-2, November 6th, 1868. BERNARD KENNEY, The South ball of Lot six [I [5] Concession of the Townshi R Y October 7,` 1868. .,.,.,... . vr unnuuub. LV U10 FIFTH 10 W11: 2 Uday of FEBR5 } A.D. 1869, at twelve o'clock noon, win he ,0 by Public Auction. at the Sl1eri"s Omce in the Court. House. in the Town of Barrie. the undermentionod Lands and Tenemo-ma, or lb. inm-est_ol' the defendant therein. under Wm. of Fieri Facias in the following sum; In the (Immly Oourt of the County of EDWARD HINDS, vs. RI`.l?NAnn lllrxrxfvv - Simc Plainll; IIII I [U |4IlUI|` TMPROVED PUMP, Ihinlu Iuuvn nnlunn u.)............. .......I _ 1n me Ummty Court of l} BERNARD KENNEY, JOHN KEATING. ` vs. BERNARD The South lmll no` I A6 Couxn or Smcoz. -rn wl1'- __&___ _v-u -can-- . El.\'G the West half 0! Lut No. 1 iug SH) Cnncc-ssion of 16558.. containing `K7 `IF T1 `l'Y'\1"I\`l1'r\t\ A r.1~.u1i1' ` J Sheri"s SLle of Land. nn\--rv nu Qnum... 1 - . u .. ... T Eaj for 511: g .v~ EING the Soul? -East half or ] in the 7th concesalon of tho 1 Oro, conlalnin FlF'I`Y-FIVE . Good Land. al cleared. with Frame House. Barn any Stahl_a_g, . lh-nhunl and - ----->' 1) tho 3'3" Km :0` 53%;? snxbgmm and Stables, ne you Orchard, and an excellent weor pun, M "I On the premises are erected a good Saw with circular saw, in full operation with" slnialnlf wlorkshopi. I ' ` or urt er part cu arse l to th ' tor. on the premises. pp y e prom` HENRY Oro, Dec. 8th, 1868. 3 15.11 4 ; A ` ----"`* Pymeut . Apply to . Farm fox-M':;;"" 2E_lNG L01 N .. 4|... InL _ I \l III-IIVIIIIIICICO TEEL Rules. steel squares centre gaugas, S vernjor calipers, steel caliper rules, call- por squares, Amen universal squares, self- reglstvrlng calipers and dividers. Stubs` files and tools, patent ollers. sheet steal. etc. For sale by . , RYAN & OLIVER. 114 Yams street. Toronto. ___--O_" gall III-I lg` ITV ANGUS. ARMS FOR SALE. .. .......u, U: unrrle. Also, wn without hllildinn ply MORROW. 3%` SEE PRINTED LISTS. ' 9. 'to * H. CRESWICKE, .13., __A _ __ Buuur, F. PROUDFOOT, Sums!-:.\' P. nnm`. Angus. ` ' MICHAEL O'CONNOR. V Grocer, Barrio. 868. A 36-11 _;_ . .. . uefemlayg, pr Lo uix [6] In the am. `he Township of Flog. B. W. SMITH. Sheriff (Iounly of Simcovh ( UT, S.u;um:.\' 0. 4-1 y _ _.-__ `$0. : e o'clmal.- 7 Lot No.1 esalop_ towmm- Lb D:\ U A llhlib. Clover Hill P.0. IQIIR l`7.If To Cabinet Makers Upholsterers 1.1: N the FIFTEENTH )qay FEBRUARY Con. Acres. I1 3 200 .4 am 2,856 acres. 1`. Rmzistrv vat the oice o! d. 16-ll UYICI Defendant, Plainlil, 38-tf okg In Iutrm H.-\I MERICAN Shears, trimmers and points of all sizes, squares, curved rules, straight edges. improved irons. English and American crayons, Bartleoifs needles, tapes. 4310., all oi the best quality, and at lowest prices. - RYAN as OLIVER, Importers of Hardware. l14Yonge street, Toronto. _ TH; "1-:5: ._mo couxwr 01-` . TERM Ole Dollar per mu The Re-1v. (T. the Irish (`hu night. In an zulv pm}! of HM` lmi` clm.irm:1u:uui 1 nnlin vunnnnr VOLUME "V usuc munm-r. aided. and mImn;,: men Uull:\n_-I :m| Hlllrls. I|(:k-rim: Morley, M. ll.ui- Messrs. J. r . Han nnnrn S, -\, Hmld IIIOTG, P. .1. I.-u1u.A: The Un.\n:\u\. .. fIl'a.tor_v r<~nn;.r \~ ceived with t-nlhn~ question of llu-I hid great impm'lI.ncx-. I grant urgency `x H Fonlsniam in En: home to the (lm>I"l bash; in his upi A-ngl can Church whole 0! Nut 4-1-rl: country. was nu-st permit such an in) no Englishman Wu: and be W124 not a country in the (Jhri unjust slate of [hi Churolunnu. hut ix blast the .`\nglir'n 1 its strength h_\' u.-- menls vi zhn hi! lievetl that ii .~h- I on them shu nun!-I the a!!'w:Lin\..y` H He asked for A min for Mr. \'inr~-. uh mu. m..- .. L-.......~. LETTEXK ll'r:An.-'. BL75lN+:<~' 1!] I. Address nlyl ordv; W. M. ]~'H'H01.'~ [--:-- mlr. Tlll'iL\ l)\\`, wholesale and total].- uwuuvw uu ----- - -:uo.:u\w COMPLETE nsaortment of the mm `c fattema of Shoe Tools. Shoe and Ma. chine `bread. Maohlne Silk. Shoe Pegs, shoe Nails, Shoe Tacks. Heel and Toe Plates, eto.,' RYAN & OLIVER, 114 Yomxe Street. 'I'nmntn_ I prepnrcd In on. 551:: as ;| AND CUL'.\"11' ul- E'Pub|bished every IHIHUIIF. DH! 5 the |h(`l fI'l'.'li that lht-ru-l'I>|'v than ill- ::Luu it won; cl um.-~ chnngv d('llI{ll\\ I-hl'!'ful`u- vs ;|.~ I const,-qm-m-~.~'. bu d|':|ll wilh. `:UHl, ll|II'lll'I`#- In bu dvull wilh. L~ ecclesiastical qn--_~ nm to he nlu-li~h nliionnl uun-~r~u simlouln. Wl'.hunl or party, 1u.d law the lri.-xh (,`hurvh x the menu-mm um it, by divim-~` 2: Cllllrclnm-n ms \\-I testnnt.-4 us u--H`:n- the common pun- Ho was llu-rv In who need:-. I cunvi: land must he a .--.1 pIo;,-r.umm- liar Mn- 10 In-lune! ,ux--um dim.-ml u! that cuunuy: tin- uvuuun...-...~ ~ paying num- iug all In ll fxlrc 0! llw :1: which nu-_': 3 ow_n zeal, I sistcncy, um gel from lh they nll pm)? the Irish 1.- blislum-nl. ll question wn: aposlolicnl wise and rig W130 HHII I"I',.'.lIL UH tnin that clmrvh ': in the lllitlslt 4:1: atom. fact-in 11.. risk Churclr \\':|~ great body of thu- -t'ended by-.. Imp--1 supported by lllv : whole nat.ion-,'.un the `inhabitants authority arm in-ju resent -Lord 'I._\ )1-fore he win; :2 1 even, said, '3} m W0i (lS ` Irish (`_hI| the English |1uIj_' Church lx'u:\_n.~c Irish people." the Irish (Ihlnrfr marked fUa`I.t`t|1r.~ I it lmil lwvn um the Church in In 'und. 'l'lu'n: \\:I which the .~'t:\h- ~ the wl1oln-pu`-v.pI~- tbe<'l'l1duf.~' Hm v i - in the Cl'(,'1-(I of I}: , the your of Mn- Nurmunxs Ilpun Li eqcleniuslicaul mu attempt, whim-h Wm nmdo tn mn I'LAIN___.\N I) 01 Revcrcnnd (`. 'Vi1vn ; PORTEBS OF HARDWARE. ` ` 114 Yonge Street. TORONTO. I-Isve always on hand an assortment of build- ers, cabinet makers` and upixolnterew hm). ware. naechsnics edge and other tools. Joseph Ro ers & Sons and other cutie . house` nu. nis ing hardware. shooting and shit: tsckie, sporting ammunition, quoits, dun bells, garden, draining antbforming tools. condo . `glass. putty. etc., and all other goods in t 9 line for sale at lowest cash prices. Toronto, March 19. 1868. 7.13 WI mum! [U HlU\\ and Ireland ulnkv. cardinal ductrim-.-`. the Rope, as the al But then !.hurI{o'.-I nnd the rt-,pudi:Aliu Pope was xx lurgc ; 11.-nry VIH. H u Protestantism of II it "35 of `lie.-nry`\' urn!-"M WHIVUPII ulik: WEN! Wllvur-I n `to Rome mnl Whils; Cnllmll denying the -1: Protestants wt ing the duvtrix new article (.1 of the clmr<;lx-- and the lri. the political : grout umjurit were nut. '11 were nun. . force UH:-.1` Irclhml. '1` Prou:smnti.- that 0! his plant the u tremg viol- reign of Ql another Clm was heresy to do-ny, zu herctic rm- might. |mi<.- came Unm- IJUUIU QlI{'Ull T.|h'.. WE-ldecreed`, and I Tllii Tnlsll Shoo Tools and moo;o;| A nnunv INIVD -n-nu-O-nan! 4.5 Gk- I_.-_A BEEF BOOTS, MOCCASIN S, mvlhhm v-nn..h....z A- I._,,, - [AIR Seating, curled" hair, tow, sofa snrlnlrs. twine. chair web. buttons. An apprentice want: emithing. Barrio, 0ot.', 1858. ~--.-, . uvvicilv :5` 6:0 &o., together with It! Illl I avnn nu: nu- BARBIE - Illnuig RYAN 6: OLIVER, nmnnn l\Il vv A nnnv A la!!! To Machinists- Y)..I'. . n . A n ..I _ . . . . _ n n A n -.1 To Tailors. li.X=A'N & ULIVER, Y_onge Street, 'l'omn_to. unuv av auvvcnv ynnvvnc RYAN A: OLIVER, nrtlware Merchants. wmaum. Proprietox-. 40- "43-ly at very short 'I_1ot.ice,' and ' On ens onuble Terms He also" keeps on hand, and manufactures COFFINS of nll.kinds, .and .furnishe's all the paraphernalinnecessury for Funerals, including an excellent name, which can be had on very moderate terms; ' ' Run-In, An!-II14, I, In J `'v----- -uunu nu Luvvilo Axfsflrumrnn and warrant fnn an 3...... .4 Q1 nn II J`! n,I_I I E, ESPECTFULLY announce: to the public that he is at all times Ego area to take contracts for building, and t .at 9 can furnish jnoons, SAS_|;| AND BL|ND.S,| .. ........ ..|.'....s'....aa,.. .....: \T"`3}1..`...!.'.`_. ,?i_a'1I9!Mi:: ml __.-_-- --, -v- ugv-5 7 AKES fleasure in announcing to `the peo- ple o Barrie and -surrounding country`, that he is now prepared to give music lessons . on the Piano Forte. Orders addressed whim. Barrio post-oice, will meet with immediate attention. Terms moderate. . - Meiodeon and Organ furnished if required. ` Barrie, February 26,1858.` * 47-t Alazander Graham, _ !J!?.!}.!"'_ !'!!!*T!"L "Toronto Works.| 1\1, T. anwmwlxvunun n_ .-.. `White Wine, oig Malt Vinegar, Pure Sweet. Cldei. Extrnnt nf nan`... 1... __-- .. ....., vauvl u: uuuv I mogul`, . "Pure Cldei, Extract of Colfe, &c., `Wholonlo `boulon in Iioinutio ma" rmign-c1gm' 93, 91. 90, 98 ADELAIDE ST. EAST, TORONTO. nnrr V --, -.., -1, .. uuuumllln lo lullg Tbnonro, our. N- I 8189388 3- 5038835 Ac Hvllll - .7.-jv vvtcv 2'7? There will always be found in stock a chain . selection of . Wines, Brandies, Whislceys, Rum, Gin. it suitable for medicinal pur oses. N.B.--Physicians supplied wit pure drus, chemicals. surgical instruments, &c., at who sale prices Barrie, Nov. ioth. 1868.` - 4i- _. _._.:--.- ..-. ;.\J.l..l.b3 Made and Dressed the shortest. helnga practical Axe mnlmr. ha em- LAMPS, ClliM1\'l-1Y8, SIIADI-IS, M2,, g- IN BARRIE. 31 FARMERS AND` MECHANICS would do well teen]! and examine that MACHINE OIL, before purchasing elsewhere; and also their _ DEOD(_)RIZ_ED uvuuu any -4.11 1.1.4:: mnuxuzuna of all kinds, and the largest and cheapest assortment of lPA.!1`:3:z:';.5.n!z!-S! nouerave terms. ' Barrle, April 14, 1865. - -._r. ..-.. .. I F a. c sf suitable for L.\J.V.|.J .|Jl.J2 LJ.I.lJl_.`l.`>Dg FRENCH PERFUMERY. BOHEMIAN TOILET SETS, VASES, LADIES COMPANIONS, . NEEDLE CASES. Comprising a beautiful assortment of _ ,_ ,___. N. L. STEINER & Mnnulactmters and Wholesale Dehlel-"I . id best IIDII. viva _.- _ -A - iam a@1@@s.J DUNLOP STREE1-, Nearly Opposite the Rail Road Station aAnnI.`-' ` jnrornncamrs uLI..| HHHHHHHHHHHH `UL _._-v-cu nrvn-I-Ina.\IhI\l_UIl AVING found it impossible to meet the i,ncrea.alug demand for Axes of his own munnfacture, has recently imported a large stock of Box-rell'e, Mococl-1'3. and Dates supe- rior Axes; all of which he is prepared to war- mnt for thirty days. All Axes unwlrmnted from nllnnrinr .....1....... i6p`E}.'n3I,"i3ErE13I'v}B2?e{1$"i3;K?% 'i'n'1"' genes and attention, to merit a good '3 are oi public patronage. -. .. and attention, 1: public atronago. Barr 9, April 11, 1867. VARNISHES, cuss. PUTTY HORSE AND 0.4 TTLE MEDICINES \6` all Irhulu and H... I..........L .....a ..I...-_-- THE M1SSEs,LA1-*1?}_have just commence. work in the -above branches, next door ' to Mr. Lane's Tailoring Establishment, Dun- lop street, Barrie. where they hope b dill! sttontlon. a mod `-s an M . suitable for Christmas and New Year : Presents. j`... MESSRS. ALEKNDBR & 00. ?l ` v vnuaunscrmer inxorma we mwelung com- ]. munity that he is now running a Daily Line of Mail Stages to Penetnnguishene - Leaving Barrie on the arrival of the morning train oing north, and returning leaves Pane tangu shone at seven o'clock, run. The Subscriber has also: rsi class LIVERY ESTABLISHMENT in Barrie, at which single or double cohve snces can be had at all times A on most ressona ie tefnnii _ ` - .-,,. DAVJD VANEVERY. ' ' " ` Proprietor. Barrie, Oct"-9 1866. , .. 35-if , . umganrgur Ga gmggsmxmel --E--1; TO AND I-'ROM_PE_NETANGU|SHENE TI!E~Subwribe} informs ihe travelling Linn M` an Qlntvnn 4.. D..'....o.........x..|....... mm. tol` mmy days. . unwurmnted from superior makers he can sell as cheap as any other house in Town. 111$; :u-:-_:___ ./33 ALL operations entrusted in him satis- factorily performed. Farmers and others who may have Colts, Bulls, Heifers or Swine, requiring his services will be attended to dur- ing the season. The charges in all cases will be found reasonable. Good references given if required. ' Victoria. October, 1888. . 36-1 yr. !\,I1 u-t,--A_- nu. 99:35` -43.: vvf HORSE Docron &c., % VICTORIA,` COUNTY SIMCOE. j SINGING ANp_~_|_ ._l_A1N`0.-FORTE . . U ' orrosxrn 'run,qoun-r . noun, 3 B110 0!] H10 l'lIIIO-I"0l'-$O.- :3, apply It the Barrie Hotel. Bmle, Sept. 23. I868. cg snug. - 4.....-` A1~ib' j5m3""i?6i5ias, ` `INCH PRRWITMRRV MB. OHALAUPKVA, Lu.|.u.a.I.|.ILIu. w ynuuumnnu Fancy Hairwork and Slumping. nu-ran 'uEI'u}'u an AS resumed his instructions In Singing, and on `tho Plsno-For-te.-I-`or term, apply Hotel. Ths- Silfm-9L9tt T `I AVIKYIZ fnnn is '1`H E AND. SIMCOE AuvocA%TE,% TH%URsD/ii JAN UARgz:, V p NNOUNCE to uni public that the" have just received them full and \ inter mock of ' "_. . vs vvv_" ENG LISII CHEMICALS, 111-\ 'I\tvI\ nu-n-u---u v_-~. ~v.--.-~- -- ~- . JO 1-IN LOWE}: - BL` 13 `l\f\I'VI`f\1'I I: _ jj-1 Also aoomplete stock `of ' ,,_m,_ , B,AR'I_HE. I71 `I V .n..uu.o..u.. ll-0| N,B.s-I-`Highest. Price paid in Cagh_for Wool. _del_iveied at the Works; arrangements withthe Railroad and Steamers, goods can be delivered . at any place in the County where they stop.` Barrie, April, 1868. V V ~ ' .,---- ~ - - - ---. -.1;-.-_-V ujveu vlsilunh Case Satin Ribbons, ` n ' t ` n 1 Case. Satin Buttons, % t _ 1 Case Jet Buttons, A . 4: 7` Cases Nubias. W-J-" Mcaster and Bolllpany, I Rn. Q. l3x-_'.-.-...n--..- `an. Im9-., ms @9__mrmr4&9