Cross-Gut 85 Drag Saws; .n..n4.gv..uu_-.- u .--.--- .- ...-...v_...- _._._ _.__. _ (_)`rmci~: 01-` rm.-2 G1-:.\'n:2.u. Snrsicrxrnxnxxr, ~ ALTOONA, PA. 15th Dec., 1866 ` GENTLEMEN-The Watches m'nnul'uctnr.-d by you have been in use on this Railroad for several years by our engine men to whom we furnish Watches as a part of their equipment. '1`hero.nre now some THREE HUNDRED OF "THEM CARRIED ON OUR LINE end we consider them GOOD AND RELIABLE TIME KEEPERS, Indeed I have great satisfaction in saying YOUR W.-XTGHES GIVE US LESS TROUBLE, and have worn and do wear much longer without repairs than my Watches we hnvo ever had in use on this road. As you `are uware we formerly trusted to those of English manufacture of acknowledged good reputation, xbllt as n class they never keep time as correctly nor have they done us good service as yours. In these ntntemeuts 1 um sustained by my predecessor, Mr; Lewis whose experience class they` keep time currecuy nor mwo may uone us geou servxce yours. In these statements 1 by my predecessor, experience extended over a series or years. Respectfully 2. . , - EDWARD H. WILLIAMS General Superintendent. Cheaperthan any otherinthistown. Barrio, Doc. 9, 1868. LOCOMOTIYE DEmn1~.\u.=:.\"r WEs'rEn.\' D1vlsio.\`, I ROCIIESTEE, D`ec_. 24 1866. GEN'l`LEMEN--I have no hesitation in saying tlmt I believe the great majority of loco- . ave found b ex erienco that WALTHAM WATCHRS ARE THE MOST g.:!llcl*t`,;'{%f ll1`e0el.ls3?of any of tb '+lr ulnase. They RUN WITH THE GREATEST ACCURACY and STEADINESS, notwlthstanding the rough riding of an engine, and an I have NEVER KNOWN ONE TO WEAR OUT, they mustba durable. I nope to see the time when rall- way companies will generally adopt your Watchcs and fnrmsh them to all engineers and conductors. ln my oplnlon it would greatly tend to promote regularity and safety. Vmn-4: rnnnnntfnllv. ' For sale by all tlrsteclass donlers in the United States and British Provinces. We the undersigned, `take great pleasure in stating that we have respectively in use one of the new celebrated Watches manufactured by the American Watch Company, and that we have found them uniformly to be as represented-satisi'nctory and reliable:-,-John "Henderson, Merchant, Toronto; D. Crow publisher Northern Advance Bnrne- `T. Burnham, Whitby; M- F. Shaler, Importer, Hamilton; Robert Scott ship carpenter Coilmgwood; A. M. Gurn, station master, London; D. H. Adams G.W.R., Londglll Mme-1` `V0011. 6!! ineer. Inzersol ; B. Bocdocker, merchant, Berlin; Isnnc Hoffman Berlin; Moses Smith, mi ler, Whitby; A. G. Castle, farmer, Oshawa; Wm. Grant. merchant-.Bowmunv1lle ' ' nnnmus tin APPLBTON New York. _ I-.1 Auunxcm Wucu Coumgxr WA1.'rm\.\1. . Luxms. Town C195-k. ' 51-2ms Aulumx Wrrcu Com-.mY, W.u.-rum, Mus. g;'?PRICE Llsrwj January 25th, 1 SL EIGI1 BELLS AND SKA ms, CHOPPING I AXES.` Fresh Aofrz'vcols of New 1+ /ruAz'ts for zvzv wmm rum! wAanAm'n. Great Reductions have been made in th price of PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. Dry Goods, Millinery, MAN-1-1.E.s, % .y are pro- Ful Stations nnr `null, [NEW YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD. 1868. As the public linoif thatthe old NOT NECESSARY TO GIVE POWELL &? TH0M1=so;I. mu :0 "van: 5u....._, Yours respectfully. C HARI DUNLOP STREET, BARBIE. IS NOW GOING `ON J. Hend%ers0n s, .IIa. always sold `rue puny` go by comv or. at the n detaining- outed. ui, 1. merchant-.l5owmnnv1ue ROBBINS an APPLETON ngw York; ROBERT WILKES, Toronto on Montreal, . ' - ` _GENERAL ?}1ENTS ` - mo p;'cm.1:'y, ' T' ' CHARLES WILSON, `G. Chief Engineer Tlvnun-lunn A4` Y Ann-nnwn AT mommy .. - EDWARD Superintendent. "AV. AT- Auvvn, us vnuvn uu5sucvn motherhood of Locomotivq Engineers. 44-`cf Boots and Shoes. at cost price ;7 his clioiceassortment of Clothingr he is clearing out under cost price ; Prime-Old Rye `Nhiskey he is now-selling at 850 per gallon, 71) 2,0 cam: beat this ; Wines and other Liquors reduced in proportion ; 3. quantity of Cosgrove & Co s Sparkl1ng'Ale on hand in Kegs of 10 and` 15 gallons ; alsobarrels of 30 gallons. This Ale. cannot be surpassed III the Province; in bottle at $1.50 per dozen`. Hotel Keepers would do `Well to examine this Ale. --cu;-r A 'z~'l\--1- A -117'} `I'1 A 1l'1`I`h'|r1l'.1 Hosiery and Gloves at cost price ; Fan cy>Sca.1-let and White Flannels at cost price : Double Pillow Cotton at cost price; Bleached and Grey-Cottons at cost price; Greyiand White Sheeting at cost price; Tickings and Striped Sheeting atcost price ; A11. Wool Canadian Tweeds at cost price ; .White ` and Coloured Wraps at cost price ; Horse Blankets` at cost price... ' ' to exec! ` ty :3 very sy mum ARRIAGI . |I-{E9 MAuRKI .\ G, . RE -PRICING AND _REDCUCING, , 2'- ___-._.. .1..._....o.......o no ml `1 mm" L. I... rA!l.....:.... 1:... ,.a-........ 1.........:...m. 1 . _ I . The entiie stock in every department, as will be seen in the following list of very low prices: Beaver Overcoats . . . . . . . . . . - - ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . -;- - $6 00 and up. Heavy Grey Ettoife Caped Overctoats ........... - - `_ 6 50 "Pea Jackets in, great v_ariety- , --_ . - -; ..... - .- . . . . . - _ 4 50 - Ettoffe Pants . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ - - -5- - - s - . . . - .' . . . . . - - 9 25 Canadizui Tweed, `all W001, Pllt . . -_ . . . . . . . - . . - - .' - 9 50 C_orded- ..'-'...-_..-...--- 3 50_ .u `-11 `I 1 . `I \`l `l I II-Iis Entire Stockof Dress Goods at Cost Price.| [UP TOTH_E_EIRST%}DAY OF MARCILI [Buffalo Robes at CosTtV%Price, and as low as $7.00.} l%GenujI_1g_;Br_:gains 8:. no Mis1ak>e\ Dry Goods aI1d Mi11inery, Groceries, Uullullliln LVVCUU, llll N UU1, J.'.uAus3 - `- , .. UV Corded ..'.'...-- --...--_ Canadian Cloths, _ Flan-nels and Blankets, Of the very best mamnfacture `and very low. SPLENDID YARN `Ab LOW AS (.'0c PER 1)0wv/2.` \l\I\1\4\l\1\4\4\.I\4\l'\1\l\.l\4\./\.r\1\4 l\I\:\.I\a\1 A_n immense stock of .\I[LL[NERY of the vex-t bust and latest. styles and patterns. Ladies _ win in to ' ~ 1 -"I E0 I m`! ' KIWI` |AP|-IS I IIIUIICJ u_y vunuu s11E1z11)A1vus* 012 ANJ) M1LL?X?E12Y `.9110 W 1200211 wlsmng I0 Purchase First Class Millinery Wnum (In well to call. Tlxev will ml it to their inleroist. and iadvantnze. and tlxev will save 'The Highest price paid for _Rn}v Furs. 1.1-`rcnchrllarc 4 yeam old for sale cheap for cash. u......:.. 1\-,. 1 ml. 1 one ' - ., AILH ` innssiiuns`%_\_I_E_I3)' I.ow.i JI___.__ E... @%B:ov ,m\}3tJ"T`+,isI' AANDuMEN S PEA-JAcK`ETs,_@. __ .-_-__ r<......:..,; nnan ED113713 r.....;.'.-ea '7.-. .... Canadian Tweeds, Stylish Goods, 750. ,_ -1 03-1.. ..... ......J.. I...7.'l` -.w.I.- '.'1"'3\?'a.a'7sf'I`i?%B6lmLrT?{$ % van-aAcs ` % | .@HEAP'V0iT%PA=A${ET$,_' % AM) mmrs PEA -JMEKETS. 500 ;Ba_z/8, Yout7:.1s- and .Men s Ovewcoats, from $3.25 up. - ' T ` ANOTHER LOT OF ' rs. ~. g, 1 :1 ',%"" Canhdn Shirts and D}a\vers., best quality, at $1. The only, place to get Boys T\\'ecd Suits lo`n_mtch`in color in the town. - P. 1% N. IVIELADY. ......:.. mu. nm. was . 46_tf UT` Melfs ' Irish Friez<;"6'x`7e1`cQats, $6.75! _....._....;\A..\. from Barrie 0! spotted he party on bv comv ...-au Bar,Hoop,"Ii"ovti% . . _ ' ' ' g Would do well to cull. They will nd it interest advantage, they - money by calling at . - - nun n 1n 4- man` n n A 171) '/`I/{IT 7 rnvn 17`nr1/) nr nnn 7|.r FOR V ` Heavy Elgrdware, mm mm r\r\I\t\r\ts4\r\I\r\I\r\I \I\l\I\ rs I\r\I\.I\I u\,u uxpuu GROCERIES, Dram`, c.L.assw.-x`1u~:, nooTs k suoms, BELOW CO;\IP`ETITION.` _ BERNARD SHERIDAN. ' GLASGOW. GOVEN nun vvuvn FAVORITE BRANDS Barrie, January 1869. ` n,.|u.n.`v.I. A-an-v ~--~- ~~------ , All of which they zir enabled to offer to the public at prices tlxatcannot be competed - with WEST OF MONTREAL. _ The whole of their immense Stock having been -purchased in the best markets, and . at the very Lowest Prices for Cash; _ They invite a. call and trinl-<-.ondentin their ability and reso1ute_ in their determination to giv -the FULLEST SATISFACTION to good marks. Aanrsn. lHorse-shgek7Nigi`I5Apvils, Vices, Newmai-ket, Jahluary 1869. N order`to.give my ntnorous customers ggnuine Christmas Presouts and New Year s Gifts ' of the rightsort, which will be Cheap (xQO(lS, 1 am now . urrie, 16th Dcc., 1868.- UT? Dress .Goods in` Great Variety. E Auv Llluvuu In luv [tutu nu Barrie, Dec. 16th,1_868. --yr- V , ._, V Together withian immense stock of . ' Blacksmiths , Waggon-Makers and Carpenters Findings, Comprising every description of ,___ ___...w\-rs TE`! irinir--in :1 `rs: Clouds, Seafoams, Mulcr.-r; Saslzcs,_u.nd a great variety `cf Splendid Furs. HEAVY BLAGKSMITHS, T ATTENT 10 N I Thomas McCormick .._.v.., _v and othe ..-s-nu-q nu A MeMaste1~ & Lockharq] K The sfock of th_e Man and Boy is now entirely recruited with all .the Fashion- able Goods of the season. and as all the Dry Goods Merchants are SELLING OFF.` the Man and Boy went into Committee of the Whole. and after two ,hours deliberation came to the conclusion to keep on selling those am: mm an atom ` tI\r\I\r\I\r\I\l\l\r\r\l\r\:\r\a ..... .... ., The Man and Boy are showing some df their own. mnnufuctixre. _.,_.__._-_. _.._ -n--g.... .___ __ _ The subscribers have now in store,,a very large stock of - -' V - - ' ` 11- -1. NEWMARKET -7V>` 7 - ` - - 7 J u . Canada Full Clot/Ls, at Sixty-Two and a Izalf cents. `T1 Made frdxfx Genuiu IRISH FRIEZE, fr()1`$3.75 up. ilk .\l('LEAN. 9. l'I._'4h. TMARKET` SQUARJEJ, BARBIE. LIQUORS,-BOOTS & SHOES, `READY-MADE CLOTHING, no l|Iu7nr.e' .qn.ehImA and It m-nnt variety 0 AND. SHIIJLAF. HARDWARE, Will offer the above goods at prices which defy competitv-ion. .................... -;-_$6( ed Overoats . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ __ _ ` iety-----.--'.-T---_.- -- ...~;.-:.--`. -.' -- 0], Pants .- ` . German, Eagle-Iinlled ` and Toe Caulking E3` "Steels. ' mww. 78 , ! SPEAR 55 JACKSO\N S 5 and ugsvf, Spring, auu. MARSIi S MAKE. _ -r:\ nu bmuoms our loan]. CLAIR: , Palace SI. 50-6m of thev family," H a Claus has mudt, ever you fancy, w spun. uuuu 46-ti N1u=oLEo.\' Sll(;;!-:;l:il(`. report that Na- poleon was shot proved to be false; but it `is - (me that T. DRlFI<`ILL S: SONS, Bradford. hz\v:~t1whesl: stack of hardyvare. lgooks, stu- tionery and fancy goods, in the county. _.QInInIu Rollo an I.-:n11n- nun]: all-nna lmnb uuu:1J uuu uuu._, buvua, In any \vuu|.J- --Sleiglg Bells, {all kinds; neck straps, back straps, body straps, open bolls AI DRIFFILL & SONS. ' llrntlur, [REAL ESTA fE 11 Consistingof. all and singular, that certain parcel or tract oflaud and premises situate in the '1`o\vnship of Nottawasuga, in the County of Simeoe, being the North West. port of Lot- number forty-one, in the eight Concession of the said Township. and containing by estima- tion, sixtv acres more or loss, which said sixty acres is composed ofa four sided block oflund butted nndbounded as follows. that is tos.1y:--On the West by Iluronturio Street, onthe, South by a. line running Easterly through the centre of Lot number forty-one, =nnd parallel `with the Northern boundary thereof; on the East by the Ontario, mcoe and Huron Railway; and on the North by the Northern boundary line of said Lot number` forty-one. ` The above property will be soldin one Lot.` CONDITIONS OF SALE.--The purchaser shall at the time of sale pay down a deposit of $10 for every $100 of his purchase money,` and shall pay the remainder .ut the expiration of one month from the day of Sale. The pur- chaser at the time of Sale to `sign `an Agree- ment for the completion of his purchase. In other respects the conditions of Sale are the Standing Conditions ol' the Court ofChu.neery., l`n1-fnrths-r narticulnrs xmnlv to the Vendor's i ' `-0 be sold hy`Pnh1ic Auction in pursuance of :1 l)cc-we and Final Order for Silk`. made in this cause and hearing date -r(-spcc~ lively. the twenty second day ofASeptemb-.r, :,\,.I). 1863, and the tenth day of May. A.D. 18Ii4,vnn(1 with the approbation -of William Leggo, Esquire, Master of this Honorable Court at Hamilton, on the .2`_ nd.Vda_2/ of JAINI/'ARI", A.D. 1869, A 6 nnnn lu- I .-.-av--_-..-~ ..-'v-__.`-V @1\r%Ir" At his Alictioh Rooms on King Street, in the City of Hamltqn, the following ' fonvj` The Canada Life Assurance Company, vs. Vi Moberly et n]. I is `.f\ 1. bI\`t` I. In f(~3`l:`i1`(;-31'y.` bmnamg ponmuons on we uonn. orunancory- For furtns-r particulars apply to the Vendor's Solicitors. Hamilton. - nah-A Ha lfnh dnv nf Tlnnnmlmr. AI). 5oncno_rs. uamuzon. ` Dated this l5v.h day at` December, A.D. 1868. - . ` W, EURTON xx, BRUCE. ' Vendor's Soli u. uuuu, -4, Thoma_s Noakes Best, A A A I.:- A..'..a:.... D.-.,...... .. 'L':.... cA......L .'.. AI... I IFHE Commissioners appointed to construct the Intercolonial Railway give Public Notice that they intend to let 4 sections of the line at once. Snnhnnu NA: 1 null 9 nmhrnnn n1-mnt All une at. once. Sections Nos. 1 and 2 embrace about 40 miles from aj_nnctiolis with the Grand Tnmk Railway, near Rivera dn Loup. and each sec- tion will be about 20 miles in lngth. - Section No.` 3 will be about 26 miles in ua uunvvnvnu Section No. 4 will be about 24 mines in length and lies between Amherst and River Pbillipiu Nova Scotia. `Dlnvus nun` -vs:-n'=`nn u-HI. aunn:nnn.=nnn nut` mm 5 null}: Ill LVUVD ubvuu. Plans andproles with specications and tenns of contract will be exhibited at the oices of the Commissioners in Ottawa, Riviere du Lonpr Dalhousie, St. John and Halifax. on and utter the 11th January, 1869. and sealed Tenders addressed To the Com- missioners ot the Intercolonial Railway, will be received at their office in Ottawa up to 4 o clock on the 8th February. 1869. A. WALSH. ' EDW. B. CHANDLER, C. J. BRYDGES, WILLIAM F. COFFIN.` N_.B.--'I'enders will shortly be called for. for other-`sections of the line, as soon as the plans are snmciently advanced. nffnwa `NIH: nannmhr IRRR A7.ll OI! Wlll DC 80011! ZU mues H1 Iengm. Section No.` 3 will be about 26 1: length, and lies between the East _Resl.igouche River to near Dalhuusie i Brunswick. n_-.s__ \v. 1 __9n 1,. _L_.,L n1 __ uuua Av nILu.n.u:uu_y uuv uuv\ 14. Ottawa, 19th Decembr, 1868. INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY. 4 oz u1wur.._ _ Vendor's Sohcytors. At noon, by `I\`I ....'1.... W. LEGGO, llm: A: aU.\ a. Bradford. 1. mileavin t side: of a in New 50-tf l roprietox'. uu, Master. 47-4! 47-it ....m nu~,v,u.~.u prmuuusu Volong. Uongon mul Souclmngs. 70 to HUG. Q I : `Bright Cubas. 12 lbs. fur $1.00; Yvllmv rcnod, very b1`i.'.'M. 10 158 . '0 for $l.00; Broken Loaf, 8 lbs. fur $l.U0; Ground (10. 8 lbs. for $1. '__I`n-sh Good Coffees. 20. 25 and 30c, Currnnls. 25 llxsx. for $1.00; llnisinsz. 10 Ills. for $1.00; Rm: 15 153- f0|' $1-00.` Golden Syrups. Clxc-use". Fresh Fruit. Fresh Biscuits. Flour. Pickles, Sauces. Spices of all kinds, Starch and Clno. Soups, Cnndlt-.~z. Coal Oil. llrooms. Pails.` Cords. Salt. Coulsll. Ilcrrings. \V11it.-fix-`ll. I`rout.' Finnnn Iluddios, Yunnoutl: Bloult-r.~', Sluokud Salmon. Sardiut-S. Lobslers, and I*'l .ES,lI OYS'l'I'Il2.. G`uinnCss's Dublin Stout, Bloozl Woolfc and London Porters. in pints and quarts; Ald- \vcll's Ales; \\'ind.=or's cololvrulc-(1 __ 115' III II` _ -- _ ---p-- n n r ' 18 l]0W flocked with all the delicacies required for the occasion. `FIDO loung llysznn Teas 5;'c_. 60. 70. 80, zinc and .~3`l.0lL Fine Imperial and _ ` _ .Gunpowder. 60, 90. $1.00 and $1.10. Firm Unculorcd Japnn, 650 to 78. Fm l':":~'llSl1 BM-nkfnst Oolong. Congon and Souchnngs. 70 to 800. Q TT-(N A T) Q _Briszht Cubas. 12 Hm. fur r ~'l.nn: Y--Hmv mnr-d. vm-v bright. 10 lbs @_Ma,1t, Rye and Bourbon Whiskeys. Mnrlnllne , Hnnnnufu Dim- Be Cheerful ! Christmasis Corning! _ai1d the UT ' "I 7 ' "j" i""_"" " j_":'U"' Marlellcs , Hennc-sy`s, Otard's and Du1ary's, Vine Gro\'ers and other brands ofne Bmndiol. 1T2--.-. 1'\':____ __,_ _1 ._ -_____._- ......... -... , -..,u. IV`-`J E7 \llvllu O ullll llltll D V IIIU \l|U\\'UID llllll UI.lI\'I UILIIIUB Ul IIIIU J.)lblIl\JIl Io Fllle Diamollcl Sherry; Rich, I\:uty and Fruity Ports : Scotch and Irish Whisk:-y; }oot's, Butfs and Box-nar Old Torn; hchledan and Iloilnnd's Gin. in wood and bottle; with a variety ot' other articles too numerous to mention, at the lowest remuncrnting advance on cost . ` ' VV. IIDl\ IER, AA- . rv,...a.... II C';,..... n,......'.. unr, mooung Ilst FEBRU- S T `O R E Y (if-l.'*'f,i`l ,,Vv\-v\.A.~ V-.~~r~-~ Forgood 8: cheap 0vercoats,go to Bennett's. For Good and Cheap Hafs. go to Benntfs, -1 `-' Skating Jackets, `-' Cloth 64 Fur Caps, `-` " Boy's Coats, "' " , Shirts, Pants, Collars and Ties, " H n It Ve5fs"" ` ' u u H u Gloves. u` ' Drawers, A "` Braces, "' .-\.\'I_) LAST BUT NOT LEAST. FVOR EXTR.-1 :NEw TEAS, G-500D [ac CHEAP canons! GO `TO BEN 1\IE'1".l."S. Remember the Place, Two D902-9 117:3! of Fraser's Ilolcl and Opposite the Rctilllvrrg Slufion, Ilurrie. -n -, ~.v___-_.u_-._ 1:-n. rang A')_H' A Call from his ctomers_nnd others is 1`9s1cc{f1:il)' solicited by N..B.--All :1ebts_ due tpelate rm of Hinds Brothers, not m-tzlezl on or before the tenth. day of Jannnryw 1569. Will be handed over to a solicitor for collection. . All the debts due the rm will be received by Edward Hinds, s.L the Old Stand." _g nu-.. ..........._ .. . ..-- ....u.-..-. `i . vv\ y-nn rwvvnn nun 4;" ...- .__ . ..... ....- .. ._....... .._, .._... : _ E`T1IE moan . c.-xsn PRICE PAID Eon FUIIS. 31 name, .neo.z,-1sss, IIMPORTANT NOTICE: (1.. M.P.P., LVRAY , he nremisea. |NeWv Announcement ! ___. 'fHERE ARE SOME OF THE PRICES:-Heavy Ova-rcnats, {tom $3.50 and hr. I wards: Good Tweed Suits from $6 to 310; Good Heavy 13001:; $1.75; Good Clump Soled Kip Boots at 2.75; and nll other Goods equally low. gg7'02te Price Only." Remember the "Old Stand Opposite the Wellington Hotel, FIRE-PROOF HOUSE, ~r\~r\ A T\1-</\Y\1\ cmnnn. j. .-.._._.._... DIESIRES to inform the inlmbitnnts of Barrie and surrounding country, that, having purchsuged the entire stock belonging to the csmblislmd, and well-known firm of Hindu Brothers. at nnenormoua sacrice, the whole will be cleared out regardless of value, at tha -- OLD STAND. Decided bnrgninsotfgarcd in 4. A-_.._.. ...-A n 4-run I'II'\l'I'I'(\. D p\IInl'l\ A-I: :i;`;."'i.*;.g..%m aasnigm. 'l"Receiving daily additions of New Goods. Remember the Sales at ne lofest Cash priccs._ lstaple & Fnanctyryoods, &.c., 13-..- .1... 1-... .a.1m1, mu] have been nelm-Am] in nu; 17...: u...1..o. Barrio. November 17111, I868. tn l:';N S 0111). On Btulford, Janilziry, 1869; :v T BRADFORD, FIRST JANUARY 1869. To the People of the County of Simcoe. .4 -4-...` u. vvauuu -won u... w..,..... .. CLOTHlly\lG, HA:|`S & ohms, 3073 SHOES. tar CALL AND EXAMINE FOR Y0 URSEL VESZ my `Assorted, bought. from the only direct importers of Teas in the . V V ' . I Have also been added, and have been selected in the Best Markets G.}i`.NTI`,,E=.\ IEl\`- S UND'ERcLo'_r11ING. AND .9 sa\/ ..w.,..v..,v-v.' v~_- \.....,\.~ .. AT PRICES NEVER BEFORE OFFERED IN BARRIE. ,_\.V`.,\,V\A.,,..-.,\~.\.../vv- DryGgqQS, atg and Caps, r\\Trn`r 1M.r`mx*.1 V a\'|.`T) 1 rvhl `r \*r1 A \h Just Received af the 0pp0sz'te the Rail Road Stcatiojz, Will be much plcnst-(1> to see you at the Eitensivc Sale of . Having removed to those more commodious premises ` '?G>tOOO< " O1GlCO1\~`1| $4,000 n?01't11 of AND A LARGE SUPPLY on` P: .H.`3Sa ETbLEN. J; K. FALCONBRID(:x'If3. Iv. 1;;/41 ...;4;9 (`anion T Starr, Ifarric. . . , on ll. ' Z3-Ir 42-If 45!-Q F533?` we` a. goon tom, `of all A N TED. m~ow;` gooa I'll- Meat 8 par {MEN Sale. . Agents at. cdlolxrntcd nv nrn I-urn- AN Esrxxzz f JOLLAB, E23:-T 76. Bradford 12-If . Sets, and Company, \ LIFE, Stock of IDERS _ `5_"3 __...t_ Isu. 4&4 2111121115. % he South west lJ||M`I('l` 01 L0! numncr mne- ecu. on Ihv st-emu-1 Concussion of line Town- hlp-ul Sunnldulc, In the County of Simcoe. Thu uhovo propm'!y will ho soil] under a Power of Sale. conluinml in 11 Mortgage from Ihnnjel lhuwpt um] wife as to bar 0! dowvr to 11. R. A. Boys, E.~'qI1i1'0. dutod 26I.h November A.l)'.`lHl$6. un-l which xnnrlgugc will be pro- dluzg-ti at the lime of rfulu. - .. ..-- 1IAcI2Im1.v.I:=....J?5?.5I7 uni..- We Me the only manufacturersZwho can fur- zninh the genuine l.e!l`ul Wheel" in Cnnnda. me will he P('t`l1 by the following certicate: S!`lH.\'tll~`llv2l.l)_. Omo, [)cc., 1. ), 1868. We tnlce pluusmre in informing the public of -Cnnndu. that we have sold und l'u`r.1is!xe(l Mr. F. W. Gl.i~I\'. of ().-'lm\\'n_. Ontario. Pntterns. Farmers, Drmvin-,:.~a, Gnngges. and all other ineee.~m:u`y information, to build our celebrated Double 'l'uibiue Water Wheel. invented by .I.uu-:3 [.1-zm-'1~:I., and lcnown ns the L om-I Wheel." We huve also obligated ourselves to iurnishrtho smne facilities for manut`ucturin 10 no.other parties in Cnnadn. Without the information we have given ;\lr. Gm-:.\', no one cnn successfully hnild our Wheels, nnd we ad- vise parties in Uanudn to purchase our Wheehi -ofuo other mnnnl'ncturer. Mr. GL1-:.\":4 facili- ties are unsnrpussol, a\ml'\vc feel sure that he `will build :1 Wheel that will give perfect satis- faction. We then-fore commend him to the _}mhlic of Canada with entire condence, feel- -lllg sure he will . nmn11l`uct1u'o :1 Wheel in all irespecls equal to our own. lnv . . -._._._ .1 .\ .\1 l`.h- I_;. mumcu w. .5`-licimr fur Vendm. Barrie. Mal Un_!c(!lI\Lv(!l'. I868. -v1.~i~4 . ._._'... 4... -_. ._.._._g___ remain l`lI`Hl, ouuu. Lllll-`J uuuuu.-_,, FL-b.20lh. ' .- Pemetunguisheno, 60 Lozs, Wednesday, Feb. 24th. 1 urchnaor:~n will be allowed to pay in ten nnunl insluhments. One to be paid ut the lace nI1d`tilnc of sale, and the rest in nine quul annual payments with inturc-st. at six or cent. Particulars ns'to lots, dimensions, site, $50., ill be given in the lucal papers. By mam`; 1: mnr\z'r l nuor ouuruuu-y u \'ILL1 A.\I 1-`. CO1-`FIN. - ()_x'(1I1nl1co Lands .-\gonL cpnrlmcnl. of Seen-lury ofStu1o. ()lta\\'u.' 12th I')L~c(-Inbc1`,' 1869. any-v--.. _-v...-.-- v- _.__. -. __--_-.., u the Town of Darrin, at twelve o'clock noon, he South West, Quarter of Lot number ninu- ` ..... nu lln- su-nnm-1 Cnnm-m=ion of Ilm I Jos`eph 'Hzi1|IMZa:1ufacturing Co. PRO l 1BI1}T01. S, OSIIA W A, O NTARIO. UBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that Sales of ORl)NAI\'CE LANDS will take law at tho following places in the Province f Ontario, at the dates hereinafter men- oned: ~ tKingston, 29 Lots, on Wednesday, Feb. 3rd, lb09. Toronto, 147 Lots. on Monday. Feb. 8th. Bur1ingtonl- Heights, Hamilton, 33 Lots, Vol). 10! I. ' Manufacture Le`el's celebrated American Doubxe Turbine Water Wheels, !lzc mos perfect and ccononticzzl walvr IDMCI `in oncol- nd Cnrdwo. W. . -------- ~---TI -a-' --V? - : :a*.1*.-M9.,:a::`s:w`a':8:: u;.g.:`::& (Moll .'IlhI',: Mlnv 8n\\'-Rigs, guring, Shaft- .3.`Pnlllou and Han era. M-7 cw. M8 SHIN"!-I cumss AND Joint ms, LBATIIISII-Sl`Ll'|`1`lNO MA- Cllmla. -Krurz-GluNm:n.a, Wox.u:N MACIIINIIIT. AGIIINOTON HAN!) I 1u.~"rma Pnssszs G0nDON'!l .I'uw)m Pnnss. 'l`n'I.on`n CYLINDEII mess, and Bz.uu:'s Puss : STEAM l u.\n' . _ (Jn_mlm:uca. cumnluim: full hlfnrnmnu fnrulnlnvl m.uu:'s Pnzwr STEAM unn-' ' _ containing: full iixfornmliou furnished free -to all applicants. Addre-om F. W.j GLEN, 43- . V T os11.ur.4.o.vr. Auction Rooms'of Mr. D. Morrow,` ,..... ..v n..-.... .. .J..I....I. I\l\l\r\ V ILL BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION on - .x..l..u `m Qnll. ml .T;munmL 'IRRD_ Suhmluy, 'w 30!}: of January, i869, 1\ro-_1_-_1_c1=:. tmmgmsaggss mm ` _; uxuuuq uuu nvlvlvu on UK UUIUTU EHO 10th` of February, 1869, Will be handed over to a solicitor for collec- Enunry, 7th. av nu. U1. 1.` I7 In. MEI , 1000, Will collec- tlon. without ruspoct of persons. Said debts to be [1 oppos to the Wellington Hotel, 50-tf aid to Edward Hinds, of the old Stand, ` L-hnquished the cunivd on by x-sent, now calls to pay up, im- expunsu of his dun course of . int_cnds giving ms, so that n -usury to -.-ave -'-\'A\.A ;.a.;-41.1,;-I J-A\I a-;---, In the Village of`Lefroy, and now doing ; -thiriviug buslness is otfered for -sale on ren- sonublq terms. Annlv tn Bllrllng!0Yl'llt'lgllIz1, L.|uIuuI.vuJ uu yum, 1 Feb. 10th. Alnlwrstburgh, 4 Lots, Saturday, Feb. 13th. _ ` Ikmdon, 1 tract of Lnnd,,'1`uesday, Fob.` IRHI Mmuou, 1 uucx u; uuuu,_ Luv 16th. Fort Erie. 104 Lots, Friday, 1 Pelham l~`Q.rxn, Short Hills, 1.*..|. -Mm, . -. uuuuu ua uua NORTHERN HOTE_L, In Hm vnI....._ -p.r __. __.._ .......- "M;/c.11s Apply 10 LAIDLAW .2 FRASER.` Lcfroy, Nov. 11th. 1868. 41-1! . (Slgncd,)/ .1A2.11=js LEFFEL & C0. \v..\|iTtTNTY. [ortga,_g ;a1; .-..__.. LI debts duovlho lute rm fIIiND K i3ROS., not settled on or befgro the S `l`\ D K I Ag`- the proposed phin Street. a take nulice ith 11 View to uncil of the ~ xlnr, meeting [at Fl~`}BRU'- H3019. l(.`|`lXl3. Apply to 36 E ii {Tia Aimif HOTEL 55 SALE. PHAT FIRST CLASS STAND, known ustho ` . E TABLISIIEI) 18.51. 1:. 1'.uua.\1'. Yndcr Secretary of State. I-`MN. J A .\l ES. (3. MORROW. < fur Vumlu E. PARENT. nu Qnnlu-lul'l!V nf` .5 CA SII. , Feb. 19th. Q4: nu-flaw No. 2, in the term; about ted a good stable. The being mgood g stream of arm, having I.` (30. Hill}. Saturday, 49-3mos As only alimited quantity can be sold at the Reduced Prices, it will be as well to come early to secure some of the Cheap Goods. Full yard wide Iiorrockes Finished" Cloth, only 8. york shilling. Other goods equally as low. Robert Walker & Sons, Retail 33' to 37 King Street. Dundas St, Londcn, Wholesale, I8 & 20 Colbon-ne_St, _ ' READY-MADE CLOTHING! I mml Attractions for the Holidays PREVIOUS T0 STOCKTAKINGJ |CI%lR,lSTM;\S & NEW YEAR.l .THE& - `A1VIE%RIGAIWATGH. LvuA1,- he premises.