Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Nov 1868, p. 4

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COMPRISING EVERY DESCRIPTION I viishing to purchase Inst:-umerits V a Factory. and not buv of Tm-nntn .-... . Ali of which they are enabled. [0 omzr _ PInI;115";. _'1~IvMARKE'1.-A ww-no-V U UV IIV` RIEST "OF. Mor~i'1'm:;-3.14.; --'l`OGETIIER W-l'IVII-- ` AND AT THEHVERY. @@ ......._. u1aO0\D`\DD\._\D.E\E\$ U_S\D\!b.\l\DBb9 ) Bar, Hoop, Rod andv'I'3z'1`nd Ifon; Swedes - Glasgow, Goven and other | `favorite brands. 1 : immense Stock having been _ '- L-lA'__ v1-\._:_ - g; 1 `Ii- ZE.a.dies % Sets, from `$4 to $55. ALSO I - AND V AJIIIIII ,'uu; Luau, `.|'JlL-_,. lC-1\rUHeG. all be Cziuilng Steels: F11-th s, Spear & Jackson s and Marsh s make. NEWMARKE1: IRERS mr . v "'-"9 and trial-condent 51- H nfnmnin L1,. 1. I will nd it to their 1 >r Bradfoni menu; n M STEA.l\I Ban-leg 43-If BRADFORD. 131123-911001? HOUSE, $31,000 W012 THFURS.) ' 27-t V` the 40-tf 10-tf B U RT 0 N Barrie, April 23,1868. procured on board-the Ste; For freight or passage 3 on board. ' ' Jana-as -.... _ - - -Russ `or mm-:: Toronto to Orillia .......... -` to Washago `Barrie to nawksm{1T""" Hf. - H to Atherly ......... .. J` to 0rlIlia.....` ......... .. ` to Waahngo . .'. ...... .. BURTON & SMITH, Barrie. ' . 1... n. -nu-urn, n|A5]'ER)' ILL-commence her re 1 ' ` Barrie and \Vashag%r)1,];l;`itgr](I')1*!hbl:3l.tz:en morning: at 5.30 a;m., touching at Sl.lIA\"iY) Bu, B.uvxs1*o.\*1=:, A1 -nnnnr. 0311.: u amithy Pon.1-.m2-1--arriving at Wzmumo at 10.30 am 6 . ., ;')`lia`i: ;`i3 me? WW1 Stages for the North l.'etnrninQ will Imwn W..1......- _. .. Northern mnlwny, for Toronto. ' Through tickets from Toronto to 1 or Orillia, can be pnrchasd at the .' Station, Toronto; and return ticket: procured bonrd-the Stenxn .. freight passage annlv m n... $19905 % $1,QOOi couatiy. lretnrning will Ienve Washago at 11 n.m., and Orillia at 1-2 30 mm, arriving at Barrie in time to connect. with the evening train on the Northern Railway, for Toronto, Wuhggo 0_rillia,_can the N. R n 1868, SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. n1REo T"RoUfrE _ Orillia and the Free Grant`Lands I)!` PfIF' 1II7un nL'A rvnrrurmn-uy. - .. ....... .-uv n Ivv vuulll. |..uIIUO OF THE MUSKOKA COUNTRY! By Railroad and Steamer ; via . Bumu: Freight and Luggage taken through'wifh- " ' out transhipment. THE SIDE-\'\-IHEEL STEAM i` rim BURTON ; II A hI'I I.l Inna:--_. Uvvlluglullvll r\lIlJ ULIIVUO at very short notice, and On Reasonable Terms` He also keeps. on hand, and manufactures COFFINS of'~nIl kinds, and furnishes all the paraphernalin. necessary for Funerals, including an excellent Hearse, which can be had on very moderate terms. ` . Ran-in, Any-H14 195:4 `A ` 3 A R R I E , ' ""' ESPECTFULLY announces to the_publie that he is at all times prepared to take contracts for building, and that he can furnish .nnnnn OAhIl' Ann nu ---nn am.`%"'x`ma""t.`& 3 verv short nnm, ---~_ ~ `-"ennui? Alexander Graham, lilglrjlflll UNDEHIAKEH, OPPOSITE I'H_I_i COURT HOUSE, _H-1 pnrnl'Imu' nil:-n.iu1I L i\'(`ll' to the -IFZ(`. .-\'1`ION m-' CHILDREN'S TEETH.- . Now: m:-r Gmux.- .\I.u~:nr.u. ussn. Cuanazs vain` REASONABLE. . Omce Hours, from 8 u. m., to 4 p.m. Residence, .`Tc\\'murk-ct, whore all` commllnlcations In him addres- -ed_ will receive prompt nnd careful (mention. 33-1y : ___j___:_j{. . may rm ulrc his scrvh-ma. cf? Vhuu the Date lull; on'SYmdny for those Plnces may will bu uttmldod to me day follmving. Tc:-th in-urtud on Gold. Silver. 0: vnlcnnlzed rubber. '1`:-ml: Fllhvl 220 us to stop ducnying, and render them n2 for nmny years ' Teeth E\ with the Ion.-It possible pninmnd pnrlix-Illnr ml:-n.iun zrivmr -RI'2(`.Lv'I..-\'1`ION CHILl)RE."S TEETH M.n~:mn. mm. a-..... H, .. ...... vn -nun: nuu Bru.If'ord, Oct. 20, I868. moderate terms. Barrie, April 14, 1865. V- W: .._. _./.44.` LLKJL i WOULD rv~!pt:clhIll_\' lnrlnmlu to those parties who 'm:|y require .-Xrtillcml 'l'u<-1h, (from one to.a \Vl10lL'xIcl,) or whu mny \\-i.~hnny other Dental oper- ation performed IN A SUPERIOR-STYLE, with all the Latest lunpruvm-mu-m.-1, mud in 11 most complete and Workmnnlikc nmnncr, Um! he will he at the ful- _ luwlugpluces, (Sundays Xcl`{)l(:d,) \\'lncnl1un-:pcct~ fully lnvllo.-s a call to examine hls well selected stuck. He will be M. Newmarket, - - on the 1ntnnd2nd ofench Month. Shnron, - - - onlnu 3rd " Bradford, - - - ,outhc 4th Bondhend. - - - on the 5th Ilrownsvlllc,(* - crnhc 6th " Lcfrny, - - - - on the 13th ~ on the 11th nml i.m.- n u DR.P. 12;. PECK, SURGEON DENTIST! `XTH [TY Y. -. Is sure to give universal .~mti.-afuntiun. Teeth 1-`illed so as to l resurve1l1eIr Color. nnd Restore as near as posslble to tlxelr former Strength and useful-_ HCSE. ` Especial Allcnlion aid In Me Regulation of Chilc ren s Teelh. ' 'A.< Dr. Porter xesidesln llollund Lnudlng during the time he ls not serving other nppolutmenui, ' all let- ters `addressed to hlm mere wlll rocelve prompt care and unemlon. 3? A Trinl Requested. Pnnles (mended nt their own residences if ;'c(ui1'ed. Please be jnmicnlnrln observing the time an plnce ofench appointment. zE`1'L`IuI.s' $"l'I.' m'rr.f'~n4 .c' II 511! uua\:ruu;_.' um mm: mm pmce or each appointment. :8` TERMS STIEIU TL 1? ~04 .911. $2 I{EFERE1\'CES:- I`lm fnllmrin-_' gxumlcnxcn can. with cmmd-euce ruummucud Dr. Porter. to nlI' requiring Dcntul nld: - Rt-\' S. S. Strung, D.D., Bontlhcml; . l' (9. Schomeld. M.l).. Bnndhcnd; J. W. Norris, M.D . Cookstown; R. Lund, M.D. Cookstorrn; G D. Mm--ton. M.D., Bradford Oct. 26th, 1805. INJ- uuur.a'1'u\vN, - - - - on the 4th '- Whcn he will be prepared nud_ most hnppy to wall. on those who mny reqnlrehls services. _ when any "or the uppolxxtmexits full on Sunday, he will attend on the following day. . All operatlons pcrrurmcd in the most. skllml manner, _on the most approved prlnclplc, and Ann L11` I1-.. ...'- `Il _L,,,' 1 1 I7 TEETH INSERTED ON GOLD. SILVER Olt VULCANIZED RUBBER. And a Perfect Fit Wnrmnted, 01 no charge will be mnde. Parties d_cslrin;: cun have l`4':cth inserted on lknhbn-r, withon_t exlynctiug the roots. I)r. Porter 1.1 uuu uula uunume lleflal US60- I >uu mu xuusr. approved pnnciplc, and None but Genuine Material Used.` GOLD. SILVER rm WINTER CLOTHING 21 - A1111 J.` Bugs most rcs ectfully to annnunwllmt he will be RADFOR ), an the North American Hotel, eve: Manda , from 10 11.11:. to -I p.m., excepting when Mr day In] 3 on nn nppolntmcm elsewhere. ' BONDIIEAD, - - - - on the 28th of every Mon NE\\`.\IAIlKET, - - - on the 21th ` ' " SHARON, - _ - - - - on the 203th `E ` LEFROY, - - - - - on the 9th " . ` SCHOMBERG. - - - - on the} Is: `- CUOKSTOWN,- the \\'lmn In. K-nl kn -\-...... ..m...u. m curly case, or no (marvel REFERENCES BY P_ER.\lISSION. T. D. MCCO.\`Kl-IY. Esq., M. P. P.; G. Louxr. l'}sq., county Registrar; B. W. SMITH, Esq., Sheri`: J.'R. Co'r1`r:n, Esq., County Attorney; W. M. N1CuoI.so.\', Esq., Publisher ofEn:anu'ne1 April 22. 1867. 9` w Ime runug. , - TEETH Extracted with the least possible pain, and particular attention given to the Regulation of'Chilvdren s Teeth. 38' All work mu-r-nrnil in 931... mm: ..1,:1r..1 nrancn on ms rrolession, can be waited upon. TEETH inserted on Gold or Silver Plate, or that justly celebrated rnnterial-Vnicnniz- ed R_ubber-nnd in such a manner as to word ease and comfortjn chewing and mnsticating food, and giving to the atlent atihe same time, that natural cxpressxon of countenance, which is u very important ation "of inserting Articial Teeth. with Gnld. nnmpnt nnil point in the opexf- ` anon OI lnser_nng Articial Teeth. ' TEET_H Filled with Gold. Cement, and White Filling. Win! In `mint nnudhhu manner. _ . :'0onsu1tata'on Free, and saiigfaclion guar mteed in every case, or No Oharqef REFER!-`Nnrrs nv Dl`D\l1cQtn\r UIHLLIA. omcg ind. Sluven s Drugstoria, ST.-XYYER. 7.` - . . - COLLINGWOOD, '- at. Ryle_v's'Hutel, 2 ` DUNTROON, V - - - CREISMORE. - - - flunra all ihnan l'nrIn:v=r ummiuutu-J. 2_3rd Where ull those requiring his services in any branch of his Profession, be waited Plate. on. Mac AUS LAND,`_ DENTIST}. , . AY be consulted in all branches ofhis profession, from the lat to the 13th 0 each and'every month, at his Oice Dunlop Street East, opposite the Barrie Hotei, Barrie ' CRAIGHURST. on the" 15th of each month: 0RILLIA.ot`c in J. - ' DrueStor9,$ 16"` g'g:I\lY'.`5ER- 76- -720th LIVGWO D. p5K'-`;`38```93 2` V ` .. d `_` `K c1u1s.uoRE.' 2V3l:d ` u n 1 'here 2111 {base rnnnirinrr hie any-inn: in unn W. M. NJC)l0I.S0.\', `April To the Gents of Barrie.%!{ .s.egumuun 01 Umlvdren Teeth. 33' All work executed in the most ukilful manner. ` -- -- -- - -I- nun 1:-LI L. A. SMITH. MASTER), ;L'commence her rmrnlm-4.-3.... I.-. Frillia ....---- V nn, 1=_TER,i DENTIST it rcsnectfnllv :mnmmm-1 lmt hn TE '1'u_h: COURT ULLY nnnnnnm -gmtists} mu-u at we N. RR. return tickets can be ieam`n V 2 apply to the captain, 38-U __ ,,.__...,...., ...,... uuu manna annual of one institution are better qualied thin those of nnothcx--thnt their know] eofbnainu Innftareiun is an or-thia college will receive their inuence and sup ort. 'l`heB ant, tnnondsod Business ii . Yo stiee Toronto. isaschoolonhoron r) i i ii :1 s tecr`nnlcJl:n5ineu tnininge, the Bookkeepgxgig depnagtement ing under the immediate sn2)lerv;;1::i:nx(l:uc;tPl10 1: pa , 4 (ail clue - _ a notion! wcolmtant r en] euvatanding. 'I'hegr-ndunlu onh i tit ti d - with doIIIdIa'ti.|&ction the sourcekognzglvxich I ey obtain their diplomas, for they x:o'33nx:m3 bee . In _ -9.. , . I r emanating ii-om aninstitution having a reputation not only in Canada but " .. mnnity ofN9rth Amgrica. -- V _ , - _. -._-..., ........ mm, vuul me long days and weeks of working in the dark that most students experience who nttem t to learn practice without it. In entering upon the raetiea course, the student be-comm theovruer, proprietor. or pnrtnernf a commission, johhlng, or mercantile onse. Here he transacts bu slness in the regular way over the counter. cush being re- geived and paid out, and the cash account kept. with as much exactness as in the most .~'_vstei'!11ltic business ease. - ' . Here is the (`nmmlssion Merchant, the Jobber, the Wholesale and Retail dealers, the Buukcx-each doing his own individual business. . No intelligent young man canpnss through this course or training. performing the duties of each til h i pe'rfnzc't,lny!.I:'t$l::;smat:e:_:l.dwithout being competent to ill! like positions in the depnrtments of 't1Tt`le offing Young men desirous ofohtninln a rst class business education should carefully investigate the matter, and see where this can bedone to thelgesi advantage; whether it is in the schools where the sets of books are made up at random without regard to system. a mere monotonous record of Debits and Credits of petty trades mmln nmanglthe_mseiyes;or iuthose schools where thn no. a... m..... n..._ .._._-. . ,, . u./,.. 5'unnM:|le . Mmluhlu .. _ ,___- --..-..... ....c.u me new are uucn n-om actual business as coii.'c :a` ':I.Tui'1":`L` gtiafbualllul houses of Canada and the States. e I timohas come when every hnsinou school must stand on its own merit, and this must be decided by the quslicstions of its graduates. If business men iind thutthe dunes of eofbusinus tea an _ p tratton & Odellliuoiness stree inn school ofthoron isci mm; chutney; nun] gs use timing immediate sn"'p'mm. . .. 3.352. 5 lbolmtlnt nfunmonl inns-A) .o...a.... --L THIS is a matter ofthe utmost importance to the young man nhnnt to enter upon a course of business train- ing, nnd one to which may be attributed his .-ucccss or lhilurc ill after life. Every ')llI`ill(`."." thut. is worthy of the name has twn departments--its science, to he understood by studg; and its art. to be ncquircd by prac- tice-n knnwledgenfboth being necessary to the complete edncntion on c bttsineas nmn. The first thing, then tube a niredi nh1tsincnuinthcu_ry. nntl this must he learned in the same mnnnor ml. the theory oi Law, Medicine, or heoiogy, hystudying the bust text hooks under the instruci ion om thoroughly qunlitied teacher. ' A thoroptgh lmowled e of theory does away with the long day and ofworking tlxcdark w o nttemlpt [man cri he practica goune, student bemmm nu-ma... -..--:-H .-- - - - I ..s.L.|_.. -......-.-vuu Irv rulu ,, -_, .- ..- .. , ; unu II.-I an. to bcl uceen xnnwleugenl both being ofthc ulnzd in l)11sincuu in theory. the tlu-`bus! in long :1 prncaice v:-`I . them _ jg nractlca cnnna eh. m. .... .._-_ ._ -L - _ ,,___b ...-.. ..........n u. uuuuuin n nrst class business see the books petty trad amangbthemseives ; or in those where th made a sets are taken from octusi business conducted all the 1 uaineu ` _ _ "1: tir:1'ch:Is<`:_o5_1o.-_\v_i:_r_:1_ on in own mm-to ....m..- __. cuwcana Iinlvli flabl VUHHHINIIKDI For sale by all rst-clIms dealers in the United States and British Pl`O\'ll1C(`s. , We the undersigned. take great pleasure in stating that we have resp(-ctively in use one of the new celebrated Watches mnnufnctured by the American Watch Company. and that we have found them uniformly to be as represented-satisfactory and relinhle:-John Henderson, Merchant. Toronto; D. Crew publisher Northern Advance Barrie; T. Burnhum. Whitby: M- F. Slmler, Importer, Hamilton; Robert Scott ship curpent:-r Colliugwnod; A. M. Gurny. ` station master, London; D. H. Adams G.W.R.. London; Miller Wood. 1-ngincerflngersoll; B. Boedecker, merclumt, Berlin; Isrmcv IIo'.'nnn Berlin; .\io.<,<-9 Smith, miller, \_Vhith_y; A. G. Castle, farmer, Oshawa; Wm. Grunt, merchant'.Buu'munville oun.-.---nn _ . -7, ' , l`.m'rIr-;.~rrr:u. l)t-c.2~1- la` . GENTLE.\!EN--I have no hesitation in saying thnt I bolivvo the great mnjnri motive-engineers have found by experience that W.-\L 1`lIA.\[ WA l`CHlS ARE Tl SATISFACTORY of any oftheir use. Thcy_RL'N \\'1 l'lI THE GREATEST .-\C 'and STEADINESS, notwitlisttmding the rough riding of an engine. and as I hum KNOWN ONE TO WEAR OUT, they must he I hop: to .4420 lhv tinn- way companies will generally adopt. your Wutch(s and furnish them to nll o-ngi conductors. In my opinion it would greatly tend to promote regularity and safety. ` ` Yours respuctfrnlly, ` CIJARLES WIlS03\'. (1 m.:..rw....:....... , , _ _ _ _ _ . . _ -._-vv..-.J \J\/Au`. LLLI L. OF!-`ICE or Tm: GI-I.\'l-I!'.\l. sL'Pr:m.\'T1:.\ nExr, 2 I ALTOONA. l .\. 15:11 Dec-., 1861: ~ GEI\'TLE.\IEI\'-'1`he Watches mnnhl'auctur:d by you hnvelieen in use on this Railroad f * for several years by our engine men to whom we furnish \V:\tclu-s ns zl. part of their equipment. 5 There lfre now some THREE IIUNIHKED OF Tlll-I.\I C.>\|lRIl-II) ON DUI: l.I.\'E and we` consider them GOOD AND RELIABLE TIME Kl'Il'Il'l'IllS. Indeed I luwe grc-at 3-ntlsfnction in saying YOUR WA'I`CII ES GIVE US LESS TIl.OUIll.l'}. null have worn and lo wcnr much . longer without repairs than any Watches we lmve ever had in use on this rmul. As you are aware weformerly trusted to those of English mzxnufuctuirc ohucknowlexlged good reputation, but as is class they never keep time as correctly nor have they done us good service as yours. In these statements 1 am sustained by my predecessor, Mr. Lewis whose experience ` extended over a series of years. Respectfully _ V EDWARD I1. WIr.LI,um r:....m..u c .... .:...,....1-_. AME Air 6 January 15; 1868. `--J K`. J V . COURSE OF INSTRUCTION TO MEET THE DEMANDS OF THE AGE . --WHERE AND HOW TO OBTAIN A BUSINESS EDUCATION. T0_I:0.\'T0, Oct. 26m, 1868. . __o___ , 7111115 Company having made importanralterntions in the By-Laws and Tariff of Rates. in` now prepared `to accept` Risks on Farm Property and Isolated Dwellings. country Churches _and Schoobbouses, at as lo\v rates as any other good Company. All claims scttlc,-d promptly, and loilhout deduction. ` , ' - Al.'l'`.\' xlnnnnw ` ' u. A. uuuux, r.`sq.. Inspector. [ H. 1 . STREET. Esq.. Secretary and Trcnsurt-r HON0 RARYDIRECTORS FOR. THE COUNTY SIMCOE: JAS. MANNING, Esq., Tecumsetb. JNO. MCBEATH, ];'sq., Nottnw WM. ARMSON, Esq., Thornton. WALTER RAIKES, Esqf, Barrie. GEO. MCMANUS, Esq., Mono. 1 ~ I ' 14).: usugar H. J. LAWRY, Esq., Pr;siaen:.. W. A. COOLY, Esq Inspectoi: n.um>1n 77: .1.- ALEX. MORROW. Ageni, same. ED\ Am:mcAx Wncu CGIPANY WAI.1'uAM. MUTUAL INSURANCE GOMPANY.;' A EM HAEELTQE. 1 - January 25th, 1868. _v_._`_.`/ as \.r:..I>3 3 JOHN OBINSWOOPIIOUSE, Esq-.82 Pem- CHARLES com; MALONE. EHq., Mer- `"`0k0 R)0dy Dublin; Omeath 1_ ark, Co.[ clmnr. Slvplu-n `Sm-1-t and` South Gro-.u. Loutb; 1 ormduwn Co. Armagh; l\err_vk(-cl. Gem-;_vu sm_-u;_ Dublin; Churcmown L.,.]gL._ Ca. I)unL-55:11: J.P. for Co'ys Louth, Dom-gal. 1)undmm_ coumy 1)"1,1;u__D;,._.c,_0,- com. Arnmgh J: Own Chairman. Il`lL'l`Citll Girs Company. B JOHN WlI.`L.IAM GREGG, Esq, Alderman. Merchant. 18 Upper Sackville Street and BER`-`V-'_`m) CO"Nl`3- E-`(I-v 27 W11t`T10 Road Great Brunswick Street, Dublin. D'irecIur Dl"* J-P-.9 ? C0"`.V MY- ot the Dublin Tenemeuta' Co y.-- Vice-Chair- DAVID MCHARDSON GOODLATTE Esq num. . . . ~ _ , , ROBERT CRAVEN WADE, Esq... Clune- f};;f,'{.`;0,f:da',_%f3;n`f `"""" braney, Crossakeele, County Month. nnd Suckville Street Club, Dublin, J. P. for ROBERT CONWAY HURLEY.Esq., Bridge Counties Month and Wicklow.---Directors House. Trnlee; and Glendu} Co. Kerry; Scottish Amicable Life Oice. J.l . for County Kerry. Bankers, Tm: Nkrxonr. BA.\'K. Solicitors, Messrs. .\IoLLor :1; \Vn'sox. Manager, J. I .\'.\'r-:s,Esq. _.__.0.----- I I Moderate Rates. - Prqts Divided every Three Years. Prompt Settlement of Claims. . ---o -- -- Ilead Olce for Cunadu-1\Iontrenl. . T. IV. GRIFFITH, ]|[anagerL V ` - _ MORROW. 4,... n.m~., -- -- '1 u1xc1_uu'1 OBINS WOODIIOUSE, Esq-. 82 Road, Park, Co. Co. Eqn Unmet Street mu] HEAD "('li])`l"l;: du . . . . xours rcspuclnnlly, ' ' "ILSO.\'. G. ChiPf' Engineer ' _ Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. AMERICAN WATCH Cosgmxr, VVALTHAM, Mus. :"ALL OF WHICH WILL BE DISPOSED 0F AT z We think it no trouble, but it is a g Gold and Silver Bar Soap; avery_ nice article in Blackyoud, THE DOME, cheaper, goes further, and glves a much better polxsh than any other. ' ,_f ______ __.__..._j--- v-- 4%/JJL4l\J\./\JL7 _ 1 Both in chewing and Smoking. They are as_ follows: SMox1.\'u-Solace. Fig. Dominion. Cleopatriw, and other brands. CH1-:wI.\'u-Olive, Navy,_Dark Sweet, and other brands. Mustard, Salt in glass jars, and a supply of superior FRESH LOBSTERS and SARDINES _,:`,`p!gC`, _ __.. 900., and the vex;y`best nt.$q?nsg3iI1E: .1Z.?;?oi3`1.`?.,*Z &;. r;ZT " 60. 75c" A TT`T lY7 \Y`rl\1n A1Vr\Ar\!r\rnu-Tnnvrn 1.-w ....~- , _ , uu`-us. .a.uuv1.'u. v nu, a. uulsu uwyn U1 Van uuu KIICKE spqkes, Hubs, Rims, Shafts.._1 oles, Seatai1s,&. ago; `l')AR.lroa and Steel. Suznr Kttlestof all`aiu.`=...a....., A .4. Hardwarezdtir Eiasswaxe 1 } 12, 1868. - (I0 - do Tuy. . do . READY-MADE ; Bx_m-io, April 8-` 1868. ETNA Ema mswmwcg c2MErAm..% 0 I`lIT\1rI1A'r n... ..A--- ~--------- .__j____ - EVEIWIWATGH FULLY WARRAINTED. -`or Stiltcs nnd nrimv. pm..:.... n. .1`.0S.S6 3% _B1a0kWe11 s Picis Ml Silvnr Rnr Rmuu a van: nh-n an-Hnln h. Y1l..;.l.).....I u nu... ..,.-.._ .. _ ..._._o_.-._ THE ANNUAL INCOME NEARLY $1 - ----o X i%_ii:1'iz'i\7iC1:3.'}a"s`~ OF TOBACCOS, PENNSYLVANi1?;;iLI{Oz\D COMPANY. ? CALL AND EXAMINE BEFORE GOING ELSEWHERE. it nn om'..1.I.. 5...; :. :. _ _-H _ , ,, _..._, ...,, .....V.....7. u... uuulus uuucr U10` vlede war a tile business regu , exact ulnar-.. 11...`. _. .. - .. 0 lnr over! ness ilu NEW YORK CEN'F1zTxt, AILKQAD. Lntvnun-rn-v hm )!C]{ uf tollmvinq Lulrnt $3 per acre. $1.0 club: lmlulwu m thrcu unnunl instal- -nn-nts. with interest: 0 v vVVl OFF] (}E.--S./,1.(/ I(' VJLLE S1 IEEEYI 1) U1; LIN.i .:._.o_.__.__ JUST RECFEIVED, a Large Stogk of Oak and Hickery 1:r..1..... n.-..... m....u... 13-1-- Q--A. 1-. 6%;a/zzzzzag I /;;.w~` ` "*T=RNAT.`/57 / 50-'11`. tvv/Vvl 1/1,7 L/L/I/K/L/I/I/I u 1/ 11 / , Q CAPI 1`AL'.2,500,000 STERLING. ..._.-n_. G. W. FARMERS `, __-._., . . _.._.,_, _._v....`._, `A n,I.r>?S C3.lJ_ `-Spades Shovels. Rakes. Pocket and Tall C (1 , 1;. .Plated Ware, always on hand. )0 u my ham 4, lulluluvag unvnua, `u-um, vnuza, ucuuwu, `lllp unu U188 E Oils,VVhite Lead, Glass &c, Vanna... mm.-..1. nub. vm.1,..o .....z m....... .. ....... ., .u U\\ IIHIHV UH! ROBBIl;,APPLETON New York, o ROBERT WILKES, Toronto & Montreal, GFNRP A T A a1:\"r {ms mg_s_n1tcHzaP.J DiREC101zs ; II`. Fan R`) Dawn, 1 run A nv rm uuuz, w.uu.v, _L vsvu, away gang, 0 Alilmn Steel. Sugar Kttles'of all`si ,.s i _ A Tbimbles, Skeins, Anvils, Vices, 'ne11uv,Tf,f5"'d M 131:: `X7'I-nu'i-4:1' gull (;1I..-,-, n pecnuny ` H. WILLIAMS General superintendent. \ HAM. 1 xuuu ;.u1u .u.n11411\ Loco.\1o1(n`1-: D|'Il'.\I:T.\IE.\'1' V Hut-Ins.`-z~r-rn IL... , _, - --. .. .._-..;. -- ALLJLILJI x pleasure to us to show our goods to intending purchasers. ` "I!'I'I'|'I1't)'l'$ 4115 nu-r-nu. -I .__._______. DIRECTORS: I 'l`H(l\{A ..;...m.u no u: Lu auuw nur goous to Intending purchasers. ' EDWARD GRAVER; H)-If - . - .m 1-1`.I..\ m l'.\'I.~l(`l!I'l' 1Inr!_v-luv `cart, } .u('1I|-:.~x'r1-:u. Doc. 24- 1.s'Gli. E l :uul1lul'ingtlmtpclimlllll paid mum mnjnrity-of loco- F exec-1-tIin,gr'l"l\'l`I .-\.\'l) A ll.>\l.l-` .\lll.l.l0.\' WAI.Tl1A.\[ WA'l`CHRS THE M().5"l` [ l'()L'Sl).~ l~.'l:l.l.\`U. _ ucy_lll./'l\_' WITH TIlE.GRE.-\TES'l` .-\C(.`l:'ll.'\_CY, The tli.~'l)lll'S('lIl('llL ol'_th|s enormous sm_n m;;l1rul1n,'.: tlxl` :u1I-hn{-:Im'. and 1'19 lun- l.\l'I\Illm'(-1'9. wulu urun, ha? mtlnoutlalmlnlrt. contri- nst dumb gr. 4- 21: I 14- w run rui - ` hutvd to the stub is nment of lli.-I mlimliun. - and funnillx all engineers and i in the coulldcncn 01' PH! -' (.`m:1-u1:.mu.\'s. y 9 promote regularity snfctv. \.-...-...w.. un.......... . V - - - 'ruu.uA STOCK. Esq.. Vice-President. ! R. I STREET. ' I ab IUKB TIIOSIXS STOCK. Esq.; Vice-President. Esu.. St-cuelnrv and TI'Len ---: EVERAL IMPROVED FARMS for Saloin the vicinity of Barrie. Also, `a number of Town Lots, wlth and wllhont huildlngs. Apply to D MORROW. ALEX. ,MORR() W.. - Agvnt for Co.-: nA.J4LI\. A1.I.Jn r.\u:.\"r \\'1-ts"-rv-:n.\" Dn"1.`um_\`_. ( I-:u. linvo M().~"I` 1 * A I'EI{1'LOW FIGURE. 3! )ronto 6; Montreal, GENERAL AGENTS m_1..... .,,_, _. .,, `. D. 0'DI-ILL-, Principal I y000,000. .- Simcoe, B.umn-:. 11 u Jun 1 10-lmo 61-If JBNILS EUVV RHUD9 HE Apr-nt hr-ro 57.: LR : UM "fnW"h"'"d - -rd W rP1inhl- Con1p.'m,_v, is h0:'.' pr tako'ri: as !m'.' as m-.;: n:`::or cI:.<.`I 033 Bafrio June, 1367. war #1515` PR. uurrh-.`.\Inrh. l864_'. [sum Insunnraniif. 101' one year. ROBERT CONNOR. AGES?- Resldence and Addn-s5-AURORA. 4'11 .. I' I\l'|l'I I939 0 1st class, Brick or Stone, $2.50, for insuran of $1,000 for one ear. - 2d'class. Wood, 3.00, for insuranccof 31,9" for one year. ROBERT CONNOR. AGES!- VFHIS Company was o.=t.nl)lishr-d for the nu- tunl prntc-ction of Farm lluildingtI.PT' duce and [mp1t.'m('nls. Private Ru-sitlt-ncel, Country Stores ziml (.'omln, l -Mn loss by Fi` and Lightning, carefully avoiding`: all hazard- ous )ropcrty. This Company lms I130 (stnbhahcd 0. cash turiffof rates, so that 111000 not in-favour of the mutual principle can insured on any of the above description orpm petty. cheaper than in any other good Com` pany in the Province. . FARM RISKS: `n` ..I...... 11-2-1. -_ ru___ Jun rn A'.._l.-1..-ran I UmCC'--bl. ruul Street. St. Cutlwrines. mun- lishml by Charter. 1536. _ Presiden!--J_uIu0s 'l`aylo_r, Esq., St. Calbmlm Directors: Thcophllml Muck, M.D., St. (/`uthnrlnL~s. Thus. Shaw, E:-q., do. Thornna Bums. I-2:11;. Mayor of St. Cnlhnrlne Nehemiah Merritt, `a ., do. John McLean Esq. (7 Intnn Townshl . C. )1.4V\rrl19lVq.' I<;:Iq. , Cnsnicr. .\'lngnrnpI)lslrict BID! , LS0C-1 A. i 11-` - 4 l`\`I'l`l'l] '0ice---St. Paul Street. St. Cathorines. Emb- : lishml hv (`Jmrh-r Ifm, 93, 9;. 90, Am-:I..uuIa s1'.TI:As1' ` TORONTO, ONT. . N. I..S1-zr.\'v:n. J. Scmarzn. A. Humauu. ;r|ntIusii`IiAjntIfn`1mrAnv. he Liverpool & London & Globe I-.\'SI_7IlA1\'CE COMPANY, ` 7 I ,\.\' HlCl'\' in A-\'i.1.-u.-..'!`I.f..:.. JOS. ROGERS. Agent at Barrie. JnnnuI'v- l-` The Fil'P'R('S('r\'(` Fund is now SA|.T27.46,4 The Life lh.-serve 1-'nn is now .... .'.4I v3 The Cr:n;=1|ny is 1'1-pr:-svnlc-(I lhruughout Ontario ngnl QI:t`l1('chy inuential Agents, to \\'hun1 nyupiicnlinn for In~'uruncu nmy he made. G. 1*". C. S.\ll'l'H, Resident b'u;1t!a13/. Mn\Tm2AL. L IIL .\ Iln` .1 I l'4l\l1l.\\_l. tlislnlrsc-rm-nt of this sum `over 3. widu has. without doubt. contri- , 1-stublialnmenl this institution. l'rIu.n,' Mr;Iu:1u.\"r.~'. lIOL`ar:um.m:ns, and business men gent.-rnl!y_. \VhL'l`t`\'(`I` it is represented. In its 13: yonx-.l.`43(i,'.|xe Fire Premiums alone amount:-d to , , 1'" 070 111 us 13: yonr.l.`4:56,'.Ixe amounted to . In its lmh )1-ar, 154$, ' 20th year, 18515, 30th year, 1866, One your later, 1867. mom. referred lo. 1-`nrlhe future fix 5 tion In NH: szxlu uf Ii plomt-ms. |l;_",!il`.\!, l_m furnish:-d at vn-ry promplilmlc to thou 1 .c as :u1voru. HI this lay all applications for Insuramuz men! duo. tlw said Cmn['vnn_v, |-afu-r mndr tn .\Ir. J. W. I-`c-ruins , Sula Age.-In for thv (fonnly of S ('.\`(:c`pliuns Inudc ln tlu- (,`umpu mt-nt referred Fur (hp fnmm 1 Mann.) .1,...... To those lilsurctl in the l.omlon Mutual Assllnuwe .\sso('i:Itim| of Caumda. Having i'('S(`(l tn uct us :u_v-nl. for the above 'cmnp:1n_v. I l>_:: In ncqlminl _\`u~u with tlw fact, :lrIvorIi.~t-vl in this I-I.\':unim*r." timt applications Insnrzmm ill: .....I ...._ I ! I 1 Ins) London. Ont.. 27th October, 1868. White Wine, 1 s`(x':.n. I'LL THE NIAGA`n7A"'o`IiidT \'I TT'I`1T A I` rue bl)!!! In-long `Rnhurt 4 ll Culnpan; NOTlCl'I in h('l'(-'.'>_V given. that _JOHN WESLEY I"HI{GL'$0N Inns been Ip- ' pointed Agvnl for lhv County of Simcoe (wilh c-xception of the Township nr '1'--cmnsclh and tlwsuutb half of \\'-.~t ()\\'illiInlmr_v. which In-lnmv tn nunlhnr 1....-..o\ :.. .1... .u _, ,. ll .-{(71} {CE {rut RA If Mutual Assurance Association OF CANADA. - Barrie. Nov. -1. 1808. Village of tIh$Uraebridge. in the 1'own. of M.'Ic:u|l::y, an the under. Ivunni: . . n . ..l ..I..... __1 . .. - THE Division Courts fur tho District oflium koka. for the your l4`.~', will be held It the v AA:-wuv U1 u1'cl.Ut Township 4 mcntiuncd days. and at the plat fnrlh. Viz` AT Till! 1'm'n 1- nimu . us Cookv, Cmully. District oi Muskoka. DIVISIOT comm` I<`o 1' I 8 1 it!` _..~_ ..----, -.-~.- ...--..-- ---.v Uta z-Jr .sm.nz cum. Extract of Coffee, &c.. mlo malaxn in Demonic sud Parglgn Gigua. Al .... . nu... . ._.-. .~_ -...._ F. Brendon, Brumford, the Cnnndas. _._____._.______ _j. K];)ER_FO.\'a' troubled with ' hver and stomach muv p I Pills will n.l:..r - u r.u.~u.\a' troubled C . ) , um_\'1`c: I Pills will give relief. 12, I.. 1... I n; :;=5at..a:.?c;: 5:1 .?et`a:f, Are all t/mt can be ,].,',."1 One trial will convince the most seem] | ~ cl 1\m::n\'4 ...L.... .. . fsugarfggtl Pills, I` A5 cathartic or an Alteram. `JAMES EDWARDS. I1` ,\ ..,...a v..... n .',. ..!.v M-o..Ll- r:!v `J Iu-HIl'.L_\' Hulh Junv. x: \\'edm-sIl:x_v. 12:11 An; Mnnduv, 1`. Ih ()vLu|n- Saturday, 12th Urccn Barrio. May 20. 1368, SL1) .' Port Rnblm-on. ', Esq., (iranlhmn, Warden of Lint 3! Town Lot ` -5 u. ;.-,.u: |('llI.'l. For snlo by .\ Y L IlI`\Jr`IIr` KIIN, MUTTI.A L _3jii5`Vzti1"2i1ic:. M 1 us wry ro-usm L- (home oI'd(`l `IJL\lL` I!'t(it! 'l'll'1lHll(l':l. \\'.\l. NILES. Inspector and General Agcnl. --2 I intend dc-voting 1 F first-cl:\.~:s .\;:ricul 0 try ALEXANDICR . JL'cL'u1m-r, ill noon. U. W. LOUNT. Slilwvndiury Jlaxginlrnle. I). Muskuh . LIL IIUUII, .ngnsl. at noon, her. :11 nmm lac-voting my atten- lnss .\;:riuulturnl Im- 1-r.~x. &r'.. which will mnulylu rates and with it-ring the snmc. R()B'I`_ (2, HALL 1-rung um ILOBT. G. HALL. 4041' ._. .,..u n`. bU., Buum. , Wlxulcsnle Age-ntlol `0~6m or '1 --cmnsclh and willimhury. in NH` place Of mm-ctiml with the :uu|nvr. ' that :2 with. uml ply- . nmst be how uson. whuis the .~'imcm-, with tho p-uny's advertise- .v-uq;u V v, lucc-: herein ac! I. mqvctary. .\Io.\nu:u.. di;(-an-5 of the rest usxurcd tbm .u ngu-I mu . I) . Muskuka. , " IK A splendid stock {'01-4Ge1'1tlemen, Youhs and Boys. Dry Goods, Mi'llinery,' MANTLES, SHAWLS, 0ar.netsJ%and7 House Furnishing; 4 l,o6.`i 222.27! 739.33? .~Il8_.055 I Welllll ' 40-{in agent Io! 20-Gm. ,.._ .. Cmcx:us.--Tbo' b~-~L 10? chickens is to :1H~ Ylmlre with them who-r `-Theywi H thus secure :u'<` *-' "30?-B, &he beat of the wt: '9 lhngle, exercise, air, :1! !l_13!l3lg food. `.0 0911- am: will have .:. _ lion to?irY:'%f?I::.f .. mu. :9 H can't. nd out, nor ` !)efqre_n1e n-I out o 5 }`:~'3lll `"12. oulv v r om us and |~~- " ull `its! gain or suffer nil!- _ npogiw (':u'ri:v_` 7 ) on! the Iii 5;" "'W.h'zl green canrrizugc L 1, ; wrnn-_' can. t._nd `cull. -I f ` THE LARGEST ESTABLISHMENT IN CANADA FOR ' 'Pl8X8d. SOOUXJHIJ is M-:-` _ibe_Vsnme engine. full or .: elp bn the engine nwl 1 and mm`... --1" ` II- ; ,.....u._v. `rue engine-:1 turns from thu first-cl ringo, and just. now _ gqes slqwly nucl hr- :5 passengers look out :n Q0 faster." HO :I1I!~ \\ danger ignal, :1 ohm They cajl out, newrx ban}: the crush Ina) ' than it, but they cry 4. B31], NIH dnwn 1-" ' .- n nguuliill UH ; _,'3_hgland invliken 1.... ' Ilduthir tram, consisting of r.~s'l~ carriages, second mivl-1` ` d paupers, 1)vsi-In Oods vans, all muk-in;_r exvy that it ke e,)s in 1':- `press speed, but the rm -pafely. The engine-:h'i\ ~ Um Hm ,_u , _ .-. ......un.-u u1ulI.~<:m-I tine preceding ct-nt'nr_\ !. : ichrjied from Afrivu {<- ,` lgilmfrell thnusnml .~l:uw--V; {ai'(l"Portu,r_ruuse tr.-nlv in `very much `l:Irger.--.-II/u -no nqnuru'.un an! I. `pelveii one lmn.lu--I I _v`eat. Biasiclen (iws ` Emucll, Spnni.-<'h, 1):: American colunit-s I-v zewnnpumtiun is, _ull these diml Qll {lu- mntion. Then UH-__' mo! slavery, mu! L lands; kept. up a .~n.c:u I0. lll.IC`I do nnt NV.` I tbeilinforcunce that for Aguntnry the llllnllvur Brought across by 11:. was as great. zm i.- n emigrhnts frum Hum c{1;`namely, bctwcrm {gut hundred thuu~:n the nrnm.\.l:.... . murc. una \V.'l\' It been pronnuuc}:-I I Jnercinl Iulionu, :m and America la.-nl count. to urrost it. before no stntmi:-x [753 the than new played om: humlr---` the trade. 'I`h \ |.hi_rLy' l.lmu.~I:mvl ~i colonies; and the Wus that L(Il|l(>n, I tool: one hinmln-.l mate 0!) this xi-I-.- tbo American cul- umn..'.l'.... . n ,, . . vcwv ccu Wil-`K lII.'lI I1`- I more of the pnur m male in 1830 \\':{~4 alnvo-t rade- U/z r ix!` )6 Christian hV :l\`l:-l hundred um ! nny H ow-rv w-nr nr -:1-n-I.-. swam cm? `ITIHJE @lv.aNj UQNI. _._.._. .7. ....`. ....,J every ycar, or stun llolllcmll Slil\'l`-l|'.'|r I dare not try to Nobody dares. Nu ,.' dierenco ifI did. your range, dear rt-31 affect your sensibiliti tell you that on: oplo were killed i! gtaru, and you arr ' that ten thousand Jw . . Ican give you Harm- ~ oneof them surlim-Al, ..: sorry`, ifl tell you U: L ..killed, and that I sun ` heard their cries as L . here the orphan 0." ~ home with me, yuu E rut time that it u`:x and if them wI-,r.- . those ve were _\ .mx' 4. ny and Frank, and LL. 30n'y yll '21; (nu grave. 301 will Ill): numbers.` .Thl.`l'(* .- years of it; the ti.-~L th odcarried, us was ~,-_ slaves; and the LN `I one hundred and H.:\. hundred and fn?rr-;.}gi Cuba am] to In-'...L many a ship, in th-- xl bet.\mo-.n_ wnix |.....I...I .. . The lunumerable ('11: ` ' Trude. I v-1`-'--*"_-__ _ .. Bmnuz. Tilvmzuu. \ m Elie :<;:% HANDCOUNTY 01` _j " ` ddnu un orders to w. gt. N'1cuox..~3n rm: xXAMI.vI:1rn _In prepared lo cxvgczul` PLAIN mu oxi? 5-inmnn mm us. ` - BU8h\`l:L\'h`(`,\ BILL J TEKIIS 7 `QIDDOUII per mum - I m::c-lb any uuuu. . ., 1; L'UAll.lu.lt.'n m-,; AND COU:-'1` 1' f 1*; `In mmI.lu`lr.'n KV A Political` "]i('lllf_` I....I :. 1-- _ VOLUME HIil\ l"lT.`I This was ` |1 Pubihhed every Jlll V \' 3 Mt. uusn (`T-`X clmrch never nrfn-I ml: ---- ~- I3 IIIIV Lin] lul I"]HI: 1'1). 1| UI'Illiu.. tit: rwn 1.013, mm and wunon: hulldlngl ply 7 33' SEE PRINTED LISTS. 0. hlnrch. 1864. . FARMS FOR SALE. A Z.H.")li acres. to .<.\.\u'I-tr. LOI.-'.\"|`. ltvgi:-'try~ mi-.-; or to C. W. LOL'.\'T, Bruce lu.~l:u!.'-u v 16-I! ` III IIIlIIl\V IHH hul1III<.' vilh interval: .:....j._o_____-.. JUST TO I-IAJND 2` FTYDYFG \!`I'."lV not mnunw Just Reeived ai: _'the ,`;.!`\'e lmm been estalnlislxed for 82 yea, dealing, giving Lroml value for - mnnn nu" v\A`:`.` , Malt Vingar, id:-r. I-`.\'ImM M` Pnm-n A-A .-we uud Wholn-.~sulu DI..;u|(!l:8 in bear. A-1 our 1.-vv. Sons, Retail 33 to 37 King Street. n, Wholesale, I8 8; 20 Colborne St, At R. SCORE & soN, l'_`,..'I.'I.... 'l_._I__....l .`.._ xl-livsherl and have gained our reputatioiby hnest tiring value the money spent. with us. V @0110 call politely solicitedu SI-IOULD SEE THE Colnprising To their Advantage} `us. -`J;-. Av. .L.L_1.LVJ._I NEW SILK MIXTURES. NEW MEL'l`ONS.. V ' 7 NEW 'I`\VEl~}DS. NEW IIROADCLOTHS. NEW SIIAWLS, - . NEW CLOUDS. NEW SCAR]-`S. NEW TRHIMINGS. NEW BLANKETS, NEW WOOLEN AND C()'I"l'().\T GOODS of every description and quality. NEW C.-\RPETING,__IIEART11 MEGS. MATS. 550., &c. - I = J. K. FALCONBRIDQE. nrnH`nml Ont 00 l A:.s_o . "(:9-. nu `an `-7 A v...a-- `us A: \/ A, I Golgen Elephant, V` ` TORONTO. 50 dozen Sparkling Ale. at $1.50, per doz.~ `Two Saleslneh Wanted. -MARKET SQUARE, `BARR.LE,. Barrio. Niw. 5. I868. . . v ` Call and see the Great[ Reiiiic:1ii(`a%i1 in . his &St5clT:_ , His entire Steak of Dry Gobds & Milliuery, Groceries, Liquors,_Boots & Shoes, and Readfs Made Clothing, he will sell upto the First ofMa1-ch," under cost price, in order to clear out his entire ' Stock. 1`o be "satised of the sincerity of this advertisement, yeti must e ' BOOTS & SHOES, READY-MADE CLOTHING, ALSO GROCERIES & LIQUORS,` ; Possessiene Given _ on the First day of March next. A. If not sold" before that dateit `will be to LEASE or RENT. Also the H/\_YTVER FARM,2of a Mile from the Town, N-hf Lof 2|, on the 4th Oon., of. Vespn-a.a ' V _, 2 _. , _ ` ' 4 TO ORDER THEIR Dry Goods and Millinery,` Clothing, ?]?J$@`EE38 ~?@ irmm=a*I _1rl_o. in; X T SIVE BRICK. STORE, WILL FIND IT _THE EXAJM_1_ ER AND COUNTY OF SIMCOE ADVOCATE, T] Tho n3asVMGG0rmick 1?` TA VEI1VI{EEPEIS .an be supplied-21:1 !/L a Choic Lot qf Liquors atless thqrsl cost price. :;.IORONI.l= IN WHEH HE _HAS ESTABLISHED A FIRST CLASS -BUSINESS IN ' 234; CLOTHING MADE TO- ORDER;_ ` CAU'l`ION.-Partiea 1 send direct to the above Factory. 1 15 or 20_ pe_r qen_t. and get a better _... ._....,, _......m a. can auu ma.1-cont1deni in their ability `and resolute in their determination to give the FULLES1` SATISFACTION to good marks. T ~ MoMastier, & Loclghard. Newmnrket. November 21. 1867. _.__ The Cheapest and Best Me%1odeonsAa%ndJ Cabinet 4A0rg%a,ns ~ AT` PHILIPS , _NEWMARKET.- ` ursv . nun---l'Bl'll88 wishing advantage to buy of Toront 0 or ants :3 ch 20 per cent. gap abener instrument. 4 - ' - -v ` ` ey can We Newniarkevt, August, 1867. I -- _--_- -t_I' .L _ A MA1N]STnEET,. NEWMARK: " ` _: ` " { MANUFACTFURERS 0F ' ` GINGER WINE,` :d1m.Nc,E TONIC, SYRUPS, &c._, . . -.... IILIULU u; uuuu'h1Lulu`I1Se`DE()`.(L:K'_ gavlqg Abee.n Purchased in the Be st: Markets un AIII ...-.... ..____ ,Lowest Pr ices W rl1l'Il-117 ;1r:+a n nnll n....J J.__'_`l :0"`?}"! AN` IMME1\IMsE%STO0K 2 {ic11_Sii1{ Dresses, . - _ Fine F1'e11cl1 Reps, all colors, Finc- French Merln_os,- all colors, And any q/uantity of Low Priced Material. Carpenters Fin dings 1] l\Tl`_ irbv n}:unnunmvn.. ..... _ , __.__. vum 27.` _-_.:.V___.-___._-} V ' THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE NOVV IN STORE A ms gag we @&4E'&%`&9 AM: a_ Te _Q "&&_9 . & Mms mmmtmm ssmtmav in... Hana T5...) ..___1V'1-nu` 1 ` j L j J ` [zoo TONS? Horse-Sho Nails. Anvils, ' - ` Cast, Sprin , German, `Eagle-Rolled mid l 5 0 T N S g Toe Cziu/cing Jackson's and 11mL'=._ (ATTENTION77 N.B.-Highest Price paid in Cash for W001. delivered at the \Vorka_, Having made . arrangements with the Ruilijoad and Steamers, ggods can be delivered at any place in the` County where they stop. V _ Barrie, April, 1868. . . . ' ' 10-tf g-- carding, spinning. emu Weaving; C-nu:---. _.__ .' a_-__, '~..3bA-t -Walker 5; ' ':;m.L..s Lit. London, Whoiesale, 2 [U They_ invite 2; +.]1t3;F ah"?!-:1 `nu-"J ..A....T._1._ , I-Ieavy? a.nd% Shel};f"`1;f5.1:;lware, `Dyeing and Dressings; . DONE PROMPTLY, AT THE USUAL CHARGES. nu .n.i.l__l.l.' It Prices: that` c,}1;o_tE-. co; _etV_ed With. WES'1"OF. MONTREAL; . ` OFFERS FOR SALE HIS Q Blackmniths , 'H'5`V`-?.l8`3'11'1V`1%:|1A'=l%.3-`S _MEEKlNG~, Wholesale and Refall Agent for fhnd County _'of Simcoe. The xfhole of their i `GRAHAAMM6: LO'UNT, Proprietors. BLAoIg_s__M1TH? NEW DRESS Goons 2!

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