. .....u~u, sue was amred In ing. and seemed to be how- I uli.-L91] n.-hi: an--A... The Disputed Will. j__-. 'rzn.\1s ohwnscltmrtox: u not unuum, strictly In Advance! -ju-1 The Examiner n1v\!Pl|\' nu` urunnu. Anvn. unllutz ICU. . . ejaculated, umyblg `to ` U lflllu. DGVG," pi n{i'csl);.# ' ` Mrs. Hard. . `.`She is znv-ml," stop here always, m of kindly dispo- -rmincd to under- ni:-cu.-. who, the ma si.\`tccu ye1u's_ s__ of yours," un- Do as you are ""1 7 lI'lH'l' 'l`hirl_\'-lwofem . 1u~Iimllm.~z paid 40m .\ Jl.\|.l" MILLION . I7 .zul`? CIRUULARS. ' LABELS, . Sh l llM)(`ry TH ['8 H('l'Il I`. I ll TU ( ICU I" :l herald of eath, my have. 1; inquired ' old I, his ' 81.50 u* evermsung begtitude. "He had some roomsin his house turned int!) a chapel,`which he caused to be very elaborately and expensively tted gp. In :55 .cqi1tI`e_ he constuucted a belfry, containing n'bel1 with 9. lugubx-i_ous, dole- ful sound. , ` -_ _ Nat Ilurrie. ` VVIIIll'r \VU IIHJVU-H " We must. bitleour time," continued Mrs. Hard. And, Josiah! Well, my dear?" " \Vhule\'er you do, mind you are civil , and obligiug to the girl." Oh, trust me--t:-ust me! -' replied Josiah. . `.`I know what I am .about.' Don't make any mistake, my dear. I I'l play my part like an actor on the stage. Time wont nn am] Mr lTm.m. l............. `nay my pun mw nn actor me stage." Time went on, and Mr. Uonne became more an<%,n1cre attached to Alma. He would no allow her to go back tn school, but engaged thenlost talented masters and mistresses that were to be obtained in Bristol. Qn -...n..._ ..N, A -" ` mguwen. During this time Mr. Donne became very excited on the subject of religion; He declared that he had been very remiss duling his life, nul.lmdlitt1e or no chance 0" everlasting boatitude. "Ha hurl nnmn vn.~....... :. L:_ 1 , . - III nnalol. So matters went on until she was eighteen. nnnnc Old- 12...- `II, -n I uula; uuumu remnrueu, approvmgly. The old man can't. last long," ob- served Rachel, mqsingly. - - He's between sixty and seventy." Ay, ,si.\'ty-six, if l1e`s a(|11_\'. _ 'I`but s :1 ripe old nge, and he might be called to his account. the first hard V winter we lmvo. n \\V.. .....~a L:.|_ ..., -` 0! ~' ` UU Ila 'l`lmL s right, my dear; that's :1 praise- worthy spirit! I ulw_ays said you had your head well screwed on your shoul- ders!" Josiah remarked, approvingly. ,|I\uu llH|'II('I- V ' H What is vuur plzm ?" uslmxl Josiah. 1 lmr1l_\7knmv vnvsulf vet. Sume- . thing. must, and shall, `be d(;ne. I lu_1\'c made up my mind to live like srlmlv in my old nge, and, come what may, I will do it. mm....s- _:-u.. 1 .. .. LU-ya V Our chnnce is.cnn1ph~tely gone, said Josiah Harri. 'in n Impending tone. By no Inezuns," replied his wift-L. If you can sen any hope of gettin__r round the oh] man, youvnre clevercr by far than -l mu. h`-A__ ` ,. . . ' . . Iill lllilll '1 31".. "Yon l-n\'(- e\'crytInin_9; to me, and be content to actjust its I tellyou!"uxcl:ui1nc-1_ Ihu-h<-1. nu A. |'nu . .. .. .-- mum: up lU ms llllllglIlel' Wllill. \\'z|SI wuntin-,5 in my trcutuwnl. of him." After with his: mvn lmncls cutting: 11 Ix.:n.1t|i<.-elnt. pine-;-upple for lessen, "he Inc! the way back tn the house with his trophy. It dill not take .~u)liscm'|.il1;_r:1 person me Mr.-1. Hm`-I luIiy_r to Ii. that Alum hzul in_:r:ulinlcI lnimsc-lf\\ilh lmr uncle in : mnnnvr \\'lIh'.}` IL-FL little doubt lh-(L she null hr his heire.~as. She ha-M many a council of war with her lnnslmml, Ju.~si.~th, but they ouuhl not vlvvisu any nmuns to get o'v9r thiair dii- culty. I (Mir nlmnnn :n .s.......l.\a..l.. .....- n __r I It: ifaform the p9|" ill continue 19 {lip}!!! - very w in; ion me conversation cease here, llllli fnrover. I\vi_ll (In all in my power to make your new home |uipp_\'. I mist we shall he frinmls. And nowlhzit poor E-lwurrl is gone, I In not. mind 11-]- miuing that I may have been` it .little harsh \\'il.h him. V "Tlmt is kind mid ;_re'nerous !" exclniined `Mum, wlmsc f:u'e'iightened for the first time ximsu hcr t':1tlmr I death. "1 will ('-nclenmr," Illi(i(:(i Mr. Dnnne, to lllllkd up to his (Inug_v:hler what was I imuzuicmn ninn-L-innin rm .I....:.m -1... |...l . rnutell prejudices of years are rlissipntecl ll'rlVlC.`II7IlLL'H 1316 L0 y0ll ll Very unteellug." He never spoke openly against. you," Alma lnuslehed to say. Nevertheless, he omitted to any an) - thing in my favor, and left you`to draw your own conclusions; and. otcourse, `on espoused my fnt.her a side." ` ` ~ Who woul;| not have (lmI0.so ?" You were pc-rfea-Ll_v right. I mm ex- tremely uttered to find that the deeply- in a few lmurs." Personal contact hm: left. me nooption but to ehnngw my minrl, arid Alum. Very ws ll; lot. the cmwersntion power vour lmmw. I I-.'I_v. 1--1 ll`l('itl!- Mr. Donne pleneil his lmu-.1" gently upcu her shoulxler, saying. Do not be ulurmed. I know what. you were about to atltl. There was no friemlship exi:.tf- lug between your father and ulyself. We tllzllkcll one another with rather more bitterness than usually exists between relations when unfriendly. No doubt he repmaeutetl me to you as unfeellug. nnoke oneulv mmimt. vnu " vv_')I| u uu u uuucull. LHSK I" __ }`Not atnll. You uro very rlif-re,nt from what. I 1-.\'pm:te(|-to meet-thut. is to say. I- -I In0un- " ll. 1\__,, u -. .. . .- A 1. lJ\'Q(lll|nn1' You must try mrl transfer your u"ec- tinna tumt.-, my child," exclaimed Mr. Dunno, much touched. "It is only nnturultlmt you should grieve for your uthcr, a{nTI like )uu all the better for. w the exhililion of so much prniseworthy fculiII ' I udll inn 9.. 1...... ...`.. 99 _..,i v lL`U||||`_;." - "I will Alum. n\l7:I| 2; I Huruull mm weir contents. "Indeed, I am! she replied, leaning on his arm, and looking, up u'ccLiouutcly into his face; but you must forgive me. I cannot think of anything but my poor, dear father} Ob, ifyou only knew how I bved lxi.n !" ` A ,. .... ;- wI:ull_\'-('()lllIHg, Iu.\'urmnt vv.-getzuion. Mr. Uonnu tank his niece to sea the Lzrapc-l1uusc`n, the ginerics`, and other ob- jects ot'horlic.uh.urul inurrcst. ._ Rcnuu'kin_L; that she did not take much noticunfwlmthc pointed out.t.o her, he_ said. I um afraid you are not fond of gardens and their contents. - lntlnnrl Y nun! ..l... ...\_I:-J I - uur. ' A Spring had just commenced; and it was quite cnclmnt.in,_r, af'.(~.r u long. hard winter, to`wn!k in the garden, um] henr the birch-'. siIgiI1g their merry carols, and louk at the trees :19 they sprung into life; and all nature x-peedily-r-mningz. lu.\'uri:mt .\{|- Hnnm. .1\.\lv l.:.. ' A - put. forth n. promise of the ` 0 inform the poop continue towpply , dur blomllolc, In :15 S mass M ..~...c um] lmaulylol, Hmly, she said, aloud. There i.-m l a ! I kinder or better Lvnmlnmnn :.. oi... .......l I l|ll.`4'Ur. When she hml changed r_lu:r travelling . dress, she dc:-wended to the rlmwing room, wherp Mr. Donne was xuvuiling her. Q. uuuv] wmgnt or solitude. I m sure `that if'I cam do un_vthin_;_r`for you, mi.~4.~, you have only, to any :40," re- '.]i~er| Rm.-hcl. with n h_\'pncril.icnl u`|unc. "You are very good," was Alnm's answer. `:(')'ln,"nn.,no!" cried Alma, sobbing again. "Llmt. cannot be; tlmugh I feel thnnkful for an_vlml_v s kindness now. I am so ldriuly, and feel oppressel with a heavy woiglnt of solitude." _ Pm mm. `time :6` I ,..... .1- ......-I ' 1' (may, sue sum, aloud. There better gentleman in the world than Mr. I')_m'm<:. He'll be more than u father to you." uni. .... ..-H' ' ' IIIII. "Wjll it be` :1 dimcult Lusk ?" Nut 1: ..II V.\.. _. try to love you, aIIs\'e|'eI hlislmu-In onuuum m. Ontario. sale of l`nltm0I -1.\l ERS and N0- wmm lnmlvmelll. t me ! I: , PI] r . I Alma. 5 lmmly 9; ....1.....I . one pointed to the will. What's its purport I" - She hesitated amoment. and becoming calm, said, If you had spoken quietly at first, I would have told you. This will leaves everything to your niece. ' .1 thought you said. something about your own interests i aslzedtlie invalid. __ Miss Alma s -__=u ' i at once, and all - -- mmouu any .compuncti_on only chance is in signing this. She pointed to th will. Whnt n it: nu:-us-6 M! UUIIJ ullgers. ' _ Afwr pressing his throat. till she caused him exquisite pain, she let go: - H-help! sliouterl Mr. Donne. One word, and I kill you on the spot! said Rachel Hard, in a threatening tone. ' ` upox; a table, she seized Mr. Donne s throat.` with her long, bonv ngers. my uwu IIILGTBSLS." ` You are a base, designmg woman, vsuid Mr. Donne, in A tremulous Voice. ' Go` away. I will not be dictated to. ,It. . is cruel. You know that any excitement may prove fatal to me. ' .9 u um. lUll KIIOW U185 11 prove Rachel made no answer. Laying the draft. upon sreizarl Mr `Damn . oI.....-. _ nun/.-.:u Jul`. U0 bony ngers. A fnnr nu-mm: ....._,..., ..... uncnauxl, no-morrow, xfl don t at. better` but Iam not rroinrr to g 9 a ,a make a will now." This is your will," replled Rae-hel, and mu must sign it at once. }\r you mad 3 Not at. all. I am only looking after mv own interests. 'uV.\.. ..... - L--- `V ' -~ My wnuu uoou gracious, you must. he misLaken-I l1a.'\'e made no will!" cried xVIr. Donne. But you are going-to make one now. Indeed I am not. I shall send for m_v lzuvyer, Mr. Dickson, to-morrow,' ifI get. better; but I am going u'I`|.:.. 1.. ..-..._ ._.5u n .1 . - 1 :1 with dim.- . n :h may rest assured thou ucu nu`. uonne. The woman Ll(]\'lI|1C0fl to the lmdside, um], tlom'ishin{_-; the paper in his thee, re- Dlied. Your will. ` Mv mime? {`....\.1 ,...... -- one s uegun," cried Josiah. Yes. Stand here while I go in_ the main. If Miss Alma comes unexpectedly, wlnistlu l\\'lCl`. ' As at signzll 3 E.\':u'tly. Llmve work to do. 1 Rachel opened. the loor hoiselessly, .-nul, .~t:m:l ng in the middle of the room, .lrc\V a paper from her pocket. V Mr. Dunne (llll "not. notice her for some Lime. lie \\'_LS busicd with his` devotions. Hearing the crumpling s_ouml made by the paper, he looked up. . " \\ lio`s there ? he e.\'clnime V Raul):-l, sir, replied the woman. Wh:it`.s that. in `your liaml ?" con't.in- ued Mr. Donne. 'm.., .. PUIIIJIU Imc HIP." As she went to the chapel to put the ` bell in motion. she wue unauvzure that Josiah and his \\'if'e were together. _ No sooner haul Alnmgone, than Josiah came from behind a gcreen. She s gone! he whispered; . Yes; I think to the chapel. It s about the time the OH mun wmits the bell `rung. Do you folloxv me up stairs, quietly." . - Josiah nodded. 'l`h<-,_v nsccnded to the landing. Rachel Hnrtl looked tlirollgli the key- hoiu ol' the door of the invuIid's room. At this moment, the dull, booming I sound in.-ulu by the bell,: resoundeml throu__rh `the house. She s begun, cried Josiah. Y1-.4. Slant] hm-n u.|.:l.. 1' .._ L, -1 cusy`u:W wmmra oneself popular with ' dependants nml domestics. The verdict. of the servants -Imll is"not.' always :1 faworuble one to employers, she mused; but.,_I think t.l1cse-- honest people like me. As: szhn wnnl In II... ..l.......I A- .,.,L -I vvul Uolll you. ', Thank you very kindly, miss, replied Rachel, with w'ell-a'ected gratitude. 1 n_ly7mys did any you were. an angel on. ezirlln, if ever there was one. - Ah_na;_ gy `us ,4 : ;,stg;_i;a_`,,itlni.q `Liner how` "{=}W.$"n,"?f`')""! i2A` oelfiioglzr with I dependimts donnescics. Jueo Would you dare!" 1 mn. Hill. `-Without .compuuc_on. Your nly siqnimr thin. ` UU(I- . _ . Do so; I will attend to uncle, said Alma, in her kind-hearted way. If he should get worse, and`I should require the service of your husband or yourself, I will call you., ` 'I`lmnI: vnn u...-u 1-:..,1I.. .__:.._ 91__.,u- - bed. "nu, nu:-Is; U10 cam made me sleepy. "VVhcI'u s Josiah ? . . He has gone to smoke his pipe wiLh the emu-humn in the h:1rness-room. I feel verp ill to-niglil; I don t know whut. s' come t.o~me; I d give the world ' to go to nl\., .. . -r -n .. . llill U: 1 mpg` twice. Did you not I1e:_n' me ?" said Alum, :1 little annoyed at-her I'eInissncss. |Ull Lul: out In HIE CIHIPGL _ , . _ . . bhe ranglwuce, but ndmg her sum- mons was not answered, she went. down- . stain-s to discover the reason, and com- umvnivcate her uncle's commands to Mrs. Hard. `J __A___ , . 1-`:- LII auluulull elmer nacnel tall the bell in the chapel. She ranr_v'.twice: hut. n. IUT H IOL'L0l'. It wz|s_c0lL1 and frosty; .1, recent full of `sxmw had covered the '(.'l)|ll1tl'_)' side as with u \\'im.ling-sheet; the roads were like glass, z_ml the moon made the icicles shine mu! glitter liknrcrystuls. Alum mmt. un-stuim, nf'nn- ..,m....1.: - BARRIE,%COUN rY OFSIMCOE, ONT-VARIO, CAL ululllull. 'J`lxeyl1nd known the oldgentlemnn for nmu_\` yeuxs. anal they had seen him much worse; unul Illa) persuaded `Alma, against her better judgment, not to send for :1 gloutor. ' I ..-IJ ---- 1 " _ ,_ ........ --..u 5-nus way, Out I his medical mun ridiculed any such idea. Inuteud of the brain softening, his . ulentnl faculties were becoming more ncnte._ His conscience had been dormant, but was now znvukcning. One night._ in winter, Mr. Donne be- czuue ill. Alma tliougbt that lie was very `ill imlee-l. V Rachel and liar hnsbandhowever, lid not seem inclined to endorse this opinion. - l`lumlm.'l l.......... u.. .n- -' .-u, " 1uur W111." ` My \vhut.? Good gracious, lm.\'n mnrln HA enguged-lns niece to toll the bell, so that. he might be reminied of his shortcom- lD"S. . ri cop1e who heard of all this said-that Mia -Donne's mind was giving way, but ridiculed brain ` i vnnnl-ul l`......IA:.._ mt? you n-I will! I l(<)L~,n]d Fosinh 1.?" mad sleawksvl lvl Dollxuw tor lnru-A ml now or nny "lN' 0 in.-{uro 1,000 dam! 00,000 `DOLLARS. furco uvur 20,000. this Conntv: T. D gasped the sick nu ll '1 It anythi utter wit!` V . u .. nI:.Iu9: UU.. nmon-rzns AX!) m-mamas 1.\' Wings, LIQUORS. AND CIGARS, WELLI_NG'l`0N srnxmr, TORONTO. c. P. mam. , '23- CHAS. IHIOWN. F .1-. SGHRADER ANI]l"A`C FURER or "10 auonrrl I-IUGERS, (Lute Clerk in County Registry Olce.) 'CONVEYANCER, Commissioner in Queen's` Bench, Auctioneer, Appraiser. and Com- nnission Agent for the sale 01" HOUSES, `LANDS, FAR)! STOCK, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Goods, Wnros, &c. Also for the collection of ` r L_J1c1V1'1'U,la`, G4 . II II mricn nun- Anus! aw, uvl.lJs3 (MID :lUU"UN'l`so Cash Advances made on Goods `left for Sale.` ` Sale Room, corner of Dunlop and Owen. Sts.,' Bnrrip. W . H-H` Barrie. 9, Marriage Licenses. . T. L. LLEWlS.. LICENSED AUCTIONEER. APPRAISER: AND UOJI.1[I.5'Sl0.\' .-1GL'.VT, I-`OIL Tlll-E sum.-. nu . and alw- Fllllll Innlt-melts 1011101111: 50115. 1119 of Puigu'a. ed!- Furm l`.ll 4 LL sales in any purl. pf tIn':'conm_v at-I - tundusl to puuclunlly. xunl cb:v.rg:-.~' asi rcasomlblu as any other Auctioneer` in the} County. 9 N0\`cxl1|)u1'I4.-ISH7 - . -H I- I .. Ilrlli n u II n, Cuuuly Clerk. VVII.Y. altomlut his Oicc. in B:u`ri<-. on-r_\' S.-\ l`URl)AY. from 11. a.m.. till 3, 1. m., a'ccording to ()rl.-1' of Council. mu] every V other day at his Otlicu in Cookstown. JOHN \n7m-:F.L'ER, _ . AUC l`IONEER,' Al P[{.\ ISER, '&c., CLOVER HIM. l .0. ' ` f'.. .... 5.. 0.`... -..A W. U. ADAMS, DlENTIS'I`. 9.`). King St. lixwt. 7I`u mnln. '1`:-c_th ixm-m-I on Gold. Silver. and Vulcan- i.z(-.d Rubber. in the bus`. pn:<.-ibo m:1nm.~r_ Pm-. ticulur attention given to w. 11-y_:ul:1linr1 of clnildn-n s teeth. and all work \mrr:mtcd. . (J J nnnnry, 1868. W. BRIDGMAN JO PORTRAIT PAINTER, 39 King" Street West, Toronto. ' - October. 1866. / ` . 37-y_ ..__.:____._.__.._.__.__.L__} JAMES A. MATHER, I [SSUER OF. MARRIAGE -LICENSES,` Commissioner Court Queen s Banal-. Mt O HENRY HARPER. Issuer of Marriage Licenses,` ' - aoozxsrowzv. OF!-`XCI-2 a'rmr:'rx.\r mnvn-- EU nu uuuuuuull U1 RENTS. NOTES AND ACCOUNTS. ; 'ash Athiannm: -mm1. An /J.v..1'..`y_m .- n . v ,-,,.. _.-._., .-..u... v: uunuvp uuu UWCIl.DEB., Lnrrie. I1-tf z$'Highost REFERENCES given._:.n_ , `I-JAIL-UIUALV, b`UliUl'JUN. AND ACC CH EUR. Rosidcnc:-. Cuoxs1'm\'.\'. Spncinl attention paid to diseases of wt nndchildrtfn. . _ 1 _,, V... HENRY soars NIGOL. N13: 1)IIYSICAN, `SURGEON. AC1 CIIEUR. Ros'd - Qnnninl nnnoh... I-Z.\ LER HF muss," (SHEMICALS, inc 0 ILI.IA , Jonnly. 1_`1o\'cx11lnei' 14, 1367. LUTHER GROVEQ. )`EALEa-;: IN CIGARS. TOBACCOS, Pipes,jCa.nes. Tobaccouists Goods, &c.. h lesaIo,_;nnd,,R_etnil. Sign of 'the Indium L ` 1. James Street, Hamilton, C. W. Iva I-_o ,0ll':|\IIV\3, lVl.U., M.R.C.S., ENGLAND, ' - I ATE Assislum. Culoniu1`Surgeou. II.M. J Convict Dc-p't, Tasmania; three years A.-4s'L Surg. US. Army. . R('Sidl`llCt5, - Mr. Burnett's house, opposite Spcnc-vr`s Store. ~ . ` - Barrie, Juno10, 1868. ` 19-Gm [ DR.`THOS. w. JACQUES, (JIM 1) UA TE qf TOR0.VY'0 ('.\'1_ V1z'I; .S'I l') . 16-ly Residence, Lcfroy, C0. Simcov ________ :TT >aurm Uh`. MARRIAGE -1 Queen s I sux.\'n).u.E s1`A'|`I0.\'. 1'. `S.'SPROU M.D., Physycmn, Surgeon 6; Acooucheur, Residcucn. nrniuvhnrar` l`InIni.:n .___._.___.._ Tm. RTU-ND.` M FOILMERLY OF C OOKSTQVV N, Late of the city of Toronto, MAY BE COLSUL'l`l'2D AT THE LATE Residence ofDr. Ross, - ' - nnnnnnn r on -)U`n)|lI . JAMES c. Monnow, TT l1.`IE Y-A'I`-L.\.\\'. Solicitor in Chun- cery. Notary Public, Conve_mnecI'.' COInmi.Hsiu_ner in I}. I ... &:c., Jzc. Hell and Duvisec Claims 1-.\1-cutml. ' Ommrl-:,-ln .\lorrnw`s Dxiildings, west of the Firemnn s Hull, Collier Shoot. B_.uu:u-:. 29 \/I all 1. HU.l.D4\ I.)-3. Pl-}.\'|'2T.\.\'()l. I$llE`\'l-I R().\ D. April 24, 1557. )2-_\'I Till-2 sum or rm Stock. llousuhold Furniture. &c., ( URAIGVALE, Co. S1.\wog:, O.\"r.uuo. May 28th. '1.=';s7. -...,.--. - .- - om. ___o.___ Disputed Lines accurately adjusted. Valuations ozwemlly made, and-Surveying of evcry_dscripI!on c.\'vuul.L{d with accuracy um!` dt-sputch. . , ..._____________*, 30.1 _v vUl"i., NAIVIILION, `1ORO.\'ER, Market Black. Barrie. J i. will tukc nnqthcr Studunt. -....v-an uuuu uul VUyU LAND-AND INSURANCE AGENT, ANGUS. - - -* - -1 ON` ___n._'__ Lm. HARLEY, '-' ~| `v1Il.>\DU.-\'I'l-I Ob`, V I()T_OIlIA UYIV E11- I` SITY. Hv.~zid<-not-: ` --- ` JOSEPH DOUPE. C.E., Provinc i-al Lan d S u rv e y o[r_,_ A(`J`.N'l` mg. n. n. uI.AUK5IUCK, `IR.-U)U.-XTE OF VIOTORLX UNl\"E.Il- T Sl'I`1'. Inn: in 1 n u u......... . ......- ...,. ....u unn. at C0., lhnnm. ml, W holesnle Am-mfos . 20-Em ' Dr; J. W. SLAVE_N. ' nun!-`n II!` w. E. Ts'1'rioNc., M.I_)., M.I:.C.s..` I:\*m.A vn 'r1mu.\"rn.\'. u".'0lIice at Mr. Om ._.________.________ JOSEPH ROGERS, Late Countv Hmriafrv mu. DB. w. `H. BLACKSTOEIC KADH.-\TE Ola` \.'H"!'ru)rc nu- IHOMAS T. A. BOYS ARRISTER A.\'l).A'J"l`UlcNE Y-AT-LA\\_" $olici1.u1' in Clmucury, Cum'.-yuuct-r, A':c., coon.-;ruw>:. -- ` J. W. BRIDGMA RAIT PAINTER. an In. P BE|D~&fGO.. AND `DBALRRR I\' ...J vnsa-I Mu Residu.-ucn, R77. BANTING, Cuunln l.'ln-I.-. _ . THOMAS LRISTER. AND A'r'rm.~ \n.'\'-.\ gtjusints Qirzrtury. :, v.III..IvIIUI`'|l. ILLIA. 68. _ __.._._. Omen, P s Store. w. c. ADAMS, T\l~`NTIS'1'. 9.3. Ki: om HAMILTON, R. M'nrlnxf Rlm-l- 11..-.` on. HARLEY, I-` n L1 uruunnn. vuuu ul un. nuns, CH_I1RCHIIILE_ ...a nun vv aauvv uuu , Crnighur, ,Ont.nrio. BRITISH FREEDOM AND COL6M Ldndd (;oM1>AN) ,` l'lII'l' '|'hirIr.lu-n nun lhh 1 .U. Couut_:/ Smzme. murmslss, I Bench, I-U 0 W X. ~ A'CoU-` 441 L, - ` E:-;;. . '. _20' Bits. Linus, 'BlL`1Iishes, 'CurI Cards. .\:c.. M; to be four Anv article in the Inn IS prepared to c-xr-cxxtii, in snipe-rior style. all . kinds of. Custom Wnrk. such as Cardinyr. nine`. Ron Ca:-vlhg. I-`::`.!fn:r. 6- I ` ` 3 '. . Dy.-'n?n': :27 ? I _ 3r._ I ) Tr :-.r-2--.~'-s r >, 1` ' .- . ! LXI) DEALER IN _ Bor, 1 a1'lor, Hull, and Ooolcing Stoves, 7 `E$"GARDEN ENGINES,_a PLATFORM a . COUNTER scA|.s, COAL OIL, 'c., tc., DUNLO? .--ryuzm, . . IAIRII 2H,0'JIJ. this Countr: T.D F('l`;.{llS0ll. 1| .P. - ALL; resldduqo in x George P1a.xton,_ TIN, ' SHEEIT-IRON, JAPANNBD And Coppter W'u1`e. I-'.l [I'll !\l' , is-INGHAM BROTHERS,` . BUTCIHIRS AND GI-}!\'l-IRAI. Pulmzrons, MARKET STALL No. 1, 1:.-um11.', 2:` 1 -L ' ` -EIAVE constantly on hand a good supply of FRESH ME:'I`.. Fown, GAME, &c., of as choice qnumyaslhe _1narkots afford, and offer the Same all Very. moderate rises. Um-nod Boer. Sausages and Lard. together with u \':u'iolv 01' other u.~'ct'ul eonunodities, can u. l)~e-hntl at No. l Stall. 'IFr?".\1l Dl1rcl1.'\. in nnv nnrt. of |l}-`|||v'|v unu uu l'UllFUllilUlU I.L'l`uIS._ ._ .Rqr'c`1'c2u'o\ :--lI. C11-s\\'icke.~ E. I .L.S.; ` T. D. McConkuy , Esq._._ ;\I.P.; J. I). Lemllmv. Esq., J.1 . ' J()H.\I SPARLING. can Ilsllzxlly l)e4h:\(l M An. 1 Skull. ` . ` :13_E?`.\1l purchu.-csdclivjcrcd any part. of the town free of charge. ` (1,: wr 1: .un mm r!.1'r'r'rm - - w I HE [ViI(1L`1-`.~'.i`_ll1`(]. having :1. Fixst-Class PileiDri\'cr, IS p1'(-p:u'ed to execute orders for that d.-.=cription of work, in the very best nunncr. and on reasonable terms, 1) . . . uv n.. .u., rv, vur n `an (1.-nmu .\x|> (_)u.\. un-zxnx. PAI.\'TI.\'u. ' Gn.\n:r.\':. l`.u-r . lI.\.\'m.\ , .\.\'n Cm.mu.\'u. r'<-.~'pvctI'ully sol` _. u continu:mce of the very tlitm-riu;: p:Itrouug<- bustowwl on thclate rm. fooling cnntE that they can e.\'ccuto all o1-dcrs 1-nt`ru=l-(I to them, in the several hrzmclu-s n1entionud. in a style not to be ex- ccllod in the Province of Ontario. ,'}1 u};cr 1lu.n_r/iug also attended to. l'f\l'l 1'17!) I`. no tnn\' ESSA *WOOLLEN MILLS- \I.\'n: t:.\r ,iI}`t\`."|_\'(} l'IllI`l'-`I j Ill)`-\' 1H`U]I:l! ('(1 I .-lylu of tin: urn (s\ c` on L T R c Y , (Lvrr. i`\vn\ ] _ -_Cm'n:Ige Pammug; 'Dunldp Street, an. n-at nnd.lwl* 9'1"" hlislmu-ut of-Tlwmll ... nnuu-Io. [us Suzxaus an \ nu:-uu unvuhhv, unIuI.:O, (XU., in n slvlo mu-r:m(-I to give S{\ii~ . 2'- like manner. ll hnnnc lm uh-inf nn.m+:m. M1... "-IH-)l .\ll{l;\'G, &x:., done in u \\'0rkman- mu: _ ll.-. lmyws by strict. attention to business and plnn.-m:u1ity. to meet 0. fair share of public |I:m'0II:|_1.{0. lI'lIH(-Ill (L `FILL/HI !/I`!/, \\`11v-1'x- hr 24 xmw pr-pnr--I 10(`XL'(:Ilh' all orders: fur light and h(~:wy single and <]uu1>lu sets of II.~\l{.\'lCSS: also I.:uhu.-` nnrl G4-nth-xm:n`s DIl\llIl'\ CAl\l\I ED nrunu I-A I - ]X'i3f;Ls2 'HK}i tss MAKING In tho H1`.-nlien-'4' has your INN Sal lj `7 % em inB1rrie. A . I: -7-Q-,:.. ;: 'N{.;`- '. 11om;R'r 1\"x'eHE .n-\nO II. 53-. 1`\I-`(IQ 1.. -nu . ` ' 'lfi `.2-1;1:cl:_Pile-Driving. Smync-r. May. 1' u lAl:lL\:U ;_1;,uu UIJU 1'11 UKISSSIN G. ' }I:t\'iIlg_R}3;VIi`3'" cr`20. yculs in the trade in 1:n-go est-.\Julisl1g:y `I. he um-d only l'c!'cr to his nlnl frin-mls. iii~,_E`_al n'nd.lsc\vhore, for the ch:u'acIc1' uf (1(\i7$ (1 Work; ' , mun-uum and iu t1m1ull-,- also m:r.I.1Mn. .nrr`n n nun III we uu.u`,- IIIEO FUI;I.ING ;_tf*ND CLOTH DRESSING. Ilavinur Hv1:iY'hvnr`2l) w-nu: in H... o.....a.. :. ."\'c.rt door to I) ,,l r nu-. mnnscygper I I uhli_c in tl'a.un Jmt` he has 1'_<;_l|,h~d frmn Messrs. C _-&. E p'.u'ud to Ilnxlc-re: `,0 , CH9. DM N I s F IL jwrarasv. W _ _ _ . ..-..., I I-AS now on hand an ex- tensive and genuine stock of Single and Double Harness. (Carriage nngl Team). English and Com- nndSing1o Bridles. Collars. V J:(:., &c.. which he can otfcr -Q at very 1'0:1:=on:\bIe prices. , Also. in stock. some of the _hr-st English nnd other Rid- . . ing and Driving Whips, Curry and Mane Combs, 5433`. found in this market. Any au'iicl9`in the trade manufactured or I'm-nisln.-d to order on slim-t. notice, and war- runtmi to give; satisfaction. ' !' Renal:-_e 1::/all mu? `nun/In ..m......I...1 mon Riding Saddles, Double ~ AUIIIUK u av 51!? 9UIHlilUlIUIlo V 2?` I?epa:_$.u=cIl and ncaily _e:cecutcI. Bxxrriv, Aprilv8,"~ I868. _ _10< . uhnj . .u L.` null u--uuuunru 3 'r:IBIrI<. SADDLES, amouzs, &c`., 1 11 s \\ :n'r:1nl-cl tn uvivn G'\l3u|'~qnHnn lad1ew am! 1&1-atrness Estahlishnf, ~` ( .\ early ap})u.s'il: (Iu- Iirm/..' Qf '1'urm!u,) ` mrxvr m> .<'nn:.-m. ~ \ .vcuu_g IDUNLOP ` non, Warden Mug! I 1:5 Innisl. 319?? Hi`: \'l('H'IlI . 4.. , 3$`A'l1c'H_a' _aLt-udcd tb - _ Nnv 99' :, `F""""" v~* v~'v'~ f AN KILGORE, _ . AUCTIONEER I" ' LUATOR. .1.- j"l[E Sllhitfj Pnlulin {n I wvu uuu un ullulgv. .CA.S'-II 1 .-1U) FOR CATTTE! fHl.\\l l-H' v Rl\'l utullucu toj Nov. 28,2` _:___. G.UPTON Augron DKJ U IXL4 7.\1 INhMijbtx1xI1e{I to Bnrria, _ izxfornggg the Ladies the-rec nitv. t.Inht.a.-I... s.` on ,r-- - 1 uuuuuuw v\ . ._., ...... (JO'.'L'1'ER .5: PEARCY. , .\I:'n' -L l~'(i.\`. ` 5-tf runner [to ; GUS . M CARDING; he 1u.ll',- `also _1m:}1'1_`1N MOORE, T1`. \ Q ....... .... LA- A|\JI)l'1 11~:_(;s .. 3 m it ll()USI:`. SIGN AND I` .4. .I.ue.u mun. 1-. \ uIA. .3 0 //w Law ()`_//ice Q/' J[es3r.s-. | y/r'I:m J" 3/0 CurI[I_1/,' m nr'mu'I- l00.\`ucI|h-' :11] nnh-re m'{'-txnned respectfully _. thereof, nnd its `.islm is pm-p: u'ud to attend to all LLLVBRY. in her usual style, {pa-iubly given satisfaction to her iposite t/Le Advance " oice, ,_ ziud three doors cnstof Market- m*.1'.n(~gs to announce to the fin :mIsI11`|'(n1I1di1I,v; Kownsh`p.e, p,t(`d the above L-sluhlislnncnt & Shupcou, rmd`is now pre- Q . ' THORNTON. ;I?;'Sal(-s thromzhout the County ymptlx, and on liberal terms. _m.orf BOURCY; Oval nun, announce-s lo the publtg I i|In;.u pu-a-,puI'v(l to M. IJ FIUU I IUIV E KEJUATOR, &.c., I County of Sfnwoe, 'I'Lll\I'I|lI LIILALJJJALV I01, ' \ cquuint the inhabitants of tie and the pubhc. uftho ilucne. gm-1.u1'a|ly, that he inn-rs of u 5` Llll l;|l'.|'\I) nto cu-p-.1I'tm.-rship. are 4) <'.\'-culu in II! In-st uh-urn-I ..c :m.` nl` u.mu..~ n -.\'-cum m mu nos: of Hows:-:, .~ ax-n {`.nvnuI\'n HAN b1'A1cI.1NUr. Stayuer, Co. Simcoe. ` . 16-tf u-` gnu llstablishnlent! ! - - Barrie. x, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1868. .: uuuuuuuuxuul, CIL/.3 - - - BARRIE. OS. MCNELLY. ` - 15.29` d is now $`l.727,~164 I is now $!I.2!i2.-Hill prom-nu-cl Iluroughoul ium-nxiul Agtvntmlo :uI'ull('u may he made. ln' .~u'lenl Secretary. Mosrnm. vul Hun-I-3n . .., ..... .,.,, THORNTON. lhout tlm Cnnnou 16-tf -.___ I11`! 3.cr[ P. QU11*,_ J. P. RYLEY, - - - - - _PnoPnn:1on. Formerly of the Rovu. Koran. Xflamilmn. ------- ----- --v --.-, ADJOINING THE 8`l'A`I'l0N, COLLXNGWOOD. Apartments ten to pnvato Iammee. 33` Good Sheds andstnbling with attentive servants. - I 6-if IIE proprietor of this well-kno\vn , osmblisbment begs to inform his fricmls and the trnvnlling community that he has ions:-(1 the above hotel in the pleasant and henitlny village of Oriilia. and is now prepared to receive nnd accommodate guests. . Commercial travellers` and others furnished to recmve nnu accommouate guests. tmvcllersaud furnished with convenient and ample accommodation. Choice \Vin-.8, Liquors snd Cigars, in stock. Apartments let- to private families. 32` andStnblin_- attentive pomn OI COITHOPI and 38-350. Stages for different parts leave the house daily. }_- LDIUVVLII Illvuy AD 18. t {he Imvrnle o!_75 41 DOHIITR for lbw` {nu nnln nr nnv u!" 7._.\{.a9- The Queens, DUNLOP STREET, -` - - - - B.-KRRIE, Near the New Railway Depot. ' A. ARNALL, - - - - -_ Proprietor.` HIS well-known and favorite old Hotel has been thoroughly renovated and fitted up m a manner to ensure the comfort of guests; and travellers are assured that every endelvor will he used to give them satisfaction and rend- er the establishment the best of its class in point of comfort and taste. Stages different mu-tn hum. Hun 1..."... ()rillia I-Iotel, . B. W`. ROSS, ........... .;....ProprieIor. I ._...__...--.a...n >4 AAVLJAJA, 3 NEW LOWELL, J. G. MARTIN, - - - Proprietor. Formerlv dftlm -` Exclmnmx Hmul "n.-............. ....o. u.. manna, rruprll-)Il'8SS. "JOHN MWAT_T, Superintendent, 3$'The,'1`rnvL-lling Community will nd this esmlvlislmlent suited to their requirements and deserving of the-ii` pulr0nn;.:c. 33' Szilnplc Rooms for Commercial Travel- lers. " E.\'c(-Hunt Stnblingconm.-clcd with the House. ` Bnrrit-, 12th April, 1566. 10 .. .._...-..a.v L11 Formerly dfflur -`_ Exchange Hotel," GLOBE HOTEL, Di-`\l F`.'I`.\\'l|'7YRI-YER"!-'. OK ! BARBIE HOTEL, 11.112315, COUNTY or 3131005, an . Mrs. E. MARKS, Proprietress. ".I|-IN MnWATT C..-....!_L_._J- - .1) Good Stnbling house. January 8, 1867. Alma Hose, HILLSDALE. Penetanguishene Road.4 Al.E.\ . HILL, ....... -. lmopnnrron.` ms? or LIQUORS, CIGARS, and ma! FRESII.\!Ia`.\"I`S provided. - The 1`cxmt:u1:uisl1cnu Shun-s Phnnrrn hnv-an: .... ulll-I- IIUQQE, CILURCII IIILL, I.\'.\'[sl~`IL, Co. SIMCOE. JOHN GREGG, Proprietor. BEST Liqum's and Cigars ulwhys in stock. Good Stnbling and Sheds adjoining the ' V - IVIIIS comnlmlious house has recently been Ll1 renovated and re- mruished; and is well adapted for 'l`r:u'c-ller4S, being convenient to I-nth cnim and boats. Good stilbling. A Livery stable connected with the hotel, where horses can be had on the shortest , nuco. ht North American Hotel, [1 UR ONTARIO S TR E 1'} T, .c0LLIm`.wnon, ' 11 U1: UJV 1211610 5 TR . 0.9L,L..1GW09Pz\ . ,. .. ` cmnuss,` camsom; 1 Pno:nm:1'o|=r: ..j.._. I V...--w-11-1-1. IIUI ILL, Adjoining the Railway Station, Cnaigvale, RQBEIVI` GREGG, - - - Proprietor. The Bar is stnmnlfecl with good Wines, I Li(|uors nnzl Cigars. Excel the House. < , Crniovnlu how 0 1012-9 -I-- ont Smbling and Sheds connected with. . 7 `HIS Hotel bus 1-1.-ct-nlly undergone exten- sive improvrnr-nls in the way of additions, furnishing. &c. Its accommodation is now ample and corlnformlnlo. The best. Liquors und Ci,'::u's. can lm round in th(-B:n*.- _ 14-ly ________________________ THE House has been thoroughly reno- vated, and is now in point of comfort, second to no other county Hotel. The Bar is supplied with lmfreshmcnts that must give. satisfaction. Good Sheds and Stnbling at- cached. Burrie, December 10, 1867. 45-lyr. APTO, FLOS, 0x1`. 'l'HOZ\IAS STONE L} r 1ua'bL1.\! 1u`.\ '1`.5 provided. l`cnct:u1g11ishcnu Slugcs change horses zero. 1. : v1c'rom.A., Im\'1sFIL,_ ADAM MYERS, - - - Pro .. .______~,..__.. ._.__..-:__. !&`:V%?nn<.UaHUSE?1 '1\7IA.RTIN's HOTEL,` urn: I l\IllEl n . v--up ac.-sauna _II D) LLUJ-Jill A |"I'.".Vl.\'/F. (I0. SIJIUOE. 0.V'1'. . JOSEPH WILSON, - - - Proprietor. The ilar is supplied with Choice Liquors and" Cignm. Good Sheds and Stabliug adjoining the Hotel. , Deccm ber 24, 1867. 47-] yr. .;_____-.._,,, ;ue uonse. Cmigvnle. Oct. 9, 1867. ;_ `:- . ` \L_,,:.f ` //'- /3///-/% 4v 7I+'/rar1': Q`:\5\\` .0DDFELLOW S I-IOTE.L,' 0.V ['. any nulel north of Toronto, in so far as; cori- Iort, convenience and promp_t. attendance are conc':crncd. 3%` Good stnbling on` the premises, nml al.- tentivc servants. ~ Febmai-v IR, Isznn -' I 7]-`HIS old and fu:vo|-ilo -stnhlislunhent is now nndcz-going thorough renovation, and will in a few days he refurnishcd and retted in :\'Inann(*r that will colnpnre favorably with any hotel north of Toronto, as com- "?ws%LL.n `A. n. BINGHAM 'oampb GTON - H()El:,M Corner Dunlap -and Bayeld Streets. `BARRIE, Oxr. , (successor to -'A. Mis- oll), Proprietor. cz-Iu`rTzcV`:TH HILL HOUSE, H'l)AVIl 1n! r rxvvn.-nu RAILWAY HOTEL, vxnun 1!!!!` am urn-xv any I I ,-;.;.'z,`37zfr$,fT ssocmtlon, A131` zenuvc Februaijy 18, 1868. __.___.___.___. CRAIGVALE HOTEL, ~:..:.... u__ n-`,9: gt-ut'c and aIupn.' - Pnopnzrnn. --Iru|lh u " Creemore. ` Proprietor, ` /1 Pr.op:-ietor. 36-6mOs. '----IIIIIIII `-. cnuwr IIOIJBL,` I R I E . announce-s In M Boots and Shoes !!l.,.m. ,,,,!!1 LL kinds r-f` Carpenter and Joiner Work done in 9. worknmnlikn manner and at reasonal-Iv prices. Doom. sash and Blinds on hand and fnrnislu.-(1 at short. notice. Orders for Colnz, Hearse. and Funeral Parapher- nalia promptly auendctl to. Barrio. April, l8Ii7. 11-ly WEOLESALE AND RETAEE BU11.D$:'1E""b31'7Ac1`01z, II_.__. n:,__ , ALL operations entrusted to him satis- factorily performed. Farmers and others who` may have Colts, Bulls, Heifers or Swine, requiring his services will be vuucnded to dur- ing the season. The clxargos in all cases wiil be found reasonable. Good references given if required. Victoria, October. 1868. _ 36-1 yr. wngnlsnenc at seven o`clock. mm. The Subscriber ban also :1 lirst class LIVERY ESTABLlSH.\IEN'l` in Barrie, at which Single or_doublo conveyances can be had at all times on most reasonable terms. I) A Vln v A \`1.`Vl:`D\` J o H N L 0 v E , HORSE DOCTOR, &c., &c., vvu Iilvcrsvsv . LL-us, IJIKS, 020., EC `Bookbinding, Ruling and hinting, IN ALL THEHL lH{A.\'CHI'ZS. ....um-n no mo publfu uni,-.u My nnd lhnl he can furnlrb A Mn nu num- OIIN EDWARDS. Im- / porter and Dealer in S "ROOM PAPERS `-' .1./vn S l'.l1'I0./\'Ekl', 136 YONG!-I ST., TORONTO, l AS just received a. large stock of Room _ Papers, Hull, Omcc. Ceiling and Window ` Puperrs, Chimney Prints, Borders, &c., in every style. The latest. designs regularly received. g Plain and fancy Writing Papers, Envelopes. School and Account Books, Bibles, Prayer Books. Church Services. Hymns, Engrnvings and Lithographs, Dmwing Papers, Pencils, Pens, Inks, &c., kc. "D....`|-1_.'__.'J.'.... `l L-`|' " "" ' AA nun. nun-.119 u1iA.\Cl-ZS. Promptly executed at the Lowest Remunerat- ing Prices. \ Toronto. Am-il 2']. 15165 10 I-- J Daily" Line orMiT Stages %A . I Ir I. in TO AND FROM PENETANGUISHENE IIE Subscriber informs the travelling com- munity that he in now runnin 'l.inII nf Mail \`o....... 4.. h......4.... a Daily v Inn cu_uscrnwr lmorms the travelling munity running `Line of Mali] Stages to 1'1.-not:uiguish Leaving Barrio on the arrival of the morning `trnin going north, and returning leaves Pane tungnislmm-. at o`clock. The Snbscrihc-r hm: nlsxn n lint rlmza T.fVI`.l?V [DEALER IN` FANCY GOODS." ___._._____.__:_...__ u.\al .\.\ I 1.1 1u:(.`l-:I\'l.\'G E .VG LI SH PAPER II.-1 NGLVGS, cf-c ' DUNLOP STREET. BARRII-I. April, 1868. ll-tf WILLIAM MANN a. son, Booksellers, Stationers, Nzt door to Ross do Gilchrist-;2_u-1- opposite the 01:1 Stand. .--_._ cl lhm 1-marmmls lull willmnt dnI1b_t,_.e{gI1d; aunt of this Innlllullon. rm.n' Cm-x-on.rrm.\'s,- yI.llb:l!.\`,- nml Imblnm -r it. is l'1!]vI'usl'lIIl`d. E"in- I'M-miuum V , , M nm CARRIAGE TRIMMER mu] General U| [l0LS'|'ERl~}R. Opposite E. Grave-r's `Hardwnn-Stan-. Dunlop-Street, Barrie. Barrie. April. 1568. _ ll-ly JOHN CULVERWELL, Go gJ|*[lQ;.s :'E13I~:n. G: Irv vvu..I.mIvI FAHKINS, ' INNKEEPER, COOKSTOWN Licensed Atlciioneer}/;r llae Umtnly of Simone. l7'uI,m.I,... .1 ... r. Barrie; Oct 3 1866. ....vu..un uuvuut.`X'S. Clmice liquors 5:0, in stock. Commodions _ Stabling and Sheds convenient to the house. ___.___._____.___ This well Known establishment has recently nndergnne very great. improvement-u lurgr addition having been made to it. giving in- cmnsod accnmmodation to the public and com- morcial travellers. I`l.y.:.... IL- - - ug rnces. Toronto, April 27, 1865. .n4L.LLU.l 'HEI\'RY `FRASER, ' EXCII_A:i\`T.(;E`iI0TE 0I)D05iIPHm T; m'Imm. m,.::.... n...,1.,, n. VERY LARGE and complete Assortmn.-:0 L of I.:u1ir-s` lnam<:lle Kid and PrumI|a' . .. U `f- ~ .'_` ~`.- ."-' X HIS` House has just. lnconf rt-furnished anew, muking i must cunufurlable houses in the I` Barrie, June. 1868. - -,.~. n_\;aI4 U1 LIIU l\allWR_` ]31ux-ic, "Ont. D. Fmmurzxc, - - - ] - v-- - :1 I `I I I (Lnto M1-cking's.) Next Door West of the Railw 1-n..,u HIS new and commotlious hotel is situated near the Ltlko.SlI0l'(.'. and communtls a ne view of the surrounding scenery. The rooms urc large, lmud.=uu1cly furnished, well venti- lated, uud families can bv supplied with separate suites for tlxc-1n_st-Ives. fsamplc Ropmsfox: Qommercial Travellers. The Bar will 2|l\\':n': Ln r.u....x -....u-.. 9.5, nuullnc xsogmyon_gommercial will always be found replete with liquor-4 and cigars of tin: best, bmnd. ` Good Stnbling and attentive bostlers. 20- :._...__.___.__..____;.. VICTORIA, COUNTY SIMCOE. -, v-.-----.....;-- 4\`l~\l\J (Late Stalford House.) 0 R I L L I A , Ci JAMES JOHNSON, - - - Pm __.-__..-- gnu Jxvalh Opposite lhc Raillotty Stalion, Dunlap SL, 13 A 13 1) 1-1-1 A . ______;_;.____.,.._.__;__.._. (6 ma! tIvtr_tisicmrnt5. _ /\/\.\;\r\./\f\/\, , ____,____ _,v_.---.--\.n. Mary Slreel. North, BARBIE. ... 111' mm mruirb '_Nn sumns nnllv--. nnd ' Motels ";1tL_:aIoon5. JOHNSON HOUSE, II no. co..lr..-.I I FARAGHEFVS HOTEL`, IV ..a.. \ WILLIAM MOORE, l'\T.VY) ' l` r`1\-`TIIIV\ A j_____________;-. WILLIAM PARKINS, EV PER r'nn1.'cn `VII um B A[1Tii{JI~I'Iw,' Ont. FR.-\SFfl? ' _ . }RASElR S pc-..-..__ / uu'./IHSCI J-u mt: uuun Valuatm-/. ("c.. J50. - 2 N-nns. DAVID VANEVERY. rnyu-'aIn. -\vnlIIb' o.) ' Railway Station, ie. `(Inf ` E`.n~'tl.ol1 up and mg in one of the Lhc North. n. ... nznty 1-,. 36-ly LV L V E K. Y . I r0prz'e!0r. 354.1 ftlod L: of` nm PHOPRIETOR. yr Proprietor. 12-13` ` 21-u` A L CIIMPIIH ,,: One Dollar poi Ahnum, strictly in Advance. annual msuumonm. Further and full {Information mny be bad by letter addreased to the Commissioners, in Kingston, or from - HENRY CHESWICKE, P.L.S.. , ' I: , _".`7.'1mn Jnlnlulcl I-JJUIJL \Il .I-M1111.` \J\JJ.IL1.D..L` J. AVE Funds for Investment. at U`,9i:- usunl late of Interest, on ncurity of Improved Real Estate. ~ Loans made tor xed periods, or payable by annual ilxstnlinonm. Wnrihnr nnll full information mnv ha ha.-T. luv Funds. for __I_nvestmeni'. THE TRUST & LOAN COMPANY I I AVL` `u`|Inl' for lnrualmnnt :9 u;:`. Lmxnsr on Fret-hoid 1 r(=a.-mnnlxlo rates 0.` inu-"rest, rupuyme-nt; also ISSUJ-JR LICENCES, &'.c. 'l`llr. unm-mgznu-u I54 pr:-I H l .\'l Money, Mc>_11-y, Money I IVPHFE und(-rsigzm-d is I. .IlIGl rm I":-I-uh(.'u Brntlford. April 23. 1869. Money! Margy! M0112?` 0,000 ` nord nud- qyuu , ux Cent. Apply to u.v:. en-ry uvscnptmn 01' um Stoves. l'h,-y nlm r:;n,linm- In their W011-known Iron B:-mu-E Bmu'd 1'lnuglm. lnmellwr with u of the host de-scriplion. dune at 1'!-110:1 and on the shortest. notice. `(member 20, 1867. I AlV\lI\I\}lJ|JlU A IIIMPLBMENT Vi WORKS. IE. IVIUO I` and in mrni.<"ui: I:LlL-st. ag-pron-I u pusiliuu m I frum the snmllvs I` n . 1 IV n m uuun 15.! IU .'.ll~'/I . . H1-cuulid--ntly clnullomzvs co_vu;-1. . x glllll'mIl('(: the most. entire sati.~1'nvm :1 I iclu`rs enlarged to any . 1[(.v'.l` . Call and inspect. his specimens, am! . fox` _v z`I'i:tvtres taken in all kinds ofwcua`/`m Bnrrit-. Mn}. 24. 1868. 1 .-s.\'U_1m-\'cTL'n1-rns` or ew-rv dvecriptic n of 134 L... .. .!..... `Ont-nu I` blUl`J.`1UI.`.b, KC. ' III'II\ R\' IIAIWES: Conkstown, Nov. 27th. 1865. 4!: .I:um-s Knsae.-ll. Sin l('l'_V' he hnsdx-mt.-:1 quiring pro 'u-n-_\' i vorml prucv 1-sfur | THE urn:-r EV LL l'ulmns. : he has at IL-ng_|:. tted up his no` innnncvvvrr vi` `llullill up ulh llL'\\' I 0PPOSI'1`E 'rm-:M and I-uvvlm ..n N1:\V PHOTOGRAPH CxALI.TI2Y. MI`. G. LYN 1'1`.-\S Hm n].-n:m-n 9n nmm... .... ... -1.-. J. 1']. I5 Barrie F undrg, AGRICULTURAL 'l"Il T)TT?ll"l'|`|1'fn D fIl'l'Il'\!'IQ-I -uvAo.-... u. \JllrIIqf\UI"l\f`, Teachef the Pianafs1':g,85s1A[&c., VFAKPIS nhm.=nrn i _...-u-nun vn uau L JLUIUIUI IU, LZU-, UJ AKES pleasure in `an mzncing lo the ;. plant Barrie and snrruumlmvz (unm- tlmt lze is now prepared to giw mnsiv In-~'~u on tho Piano Forte. ()rdL-ms mldn`:~:4I>d In .41` [h.I'riv if) :-1!-ollicl-. will -Inn.-l with immcali: um-nlinn. 'l`(-rum lll0l]('I`11l('. Me-Imln-on tun] (,)r;:un fnlj ishod if rcquir:-4! _Bl|lfl'i('. I"cbru:u'y mi. 15115. -1? ..u.. (\,C-. X . 5 now selling his stool: nt prim as law. not lower, than the imuc gr.-ads can I::- In-. in` Barri:-. Anln 'I`nu-nnhin l.`l.... yon. - - - vxnvu '-nuu--.~--.~m1 I-|m1I;<`.. ; - THE `Mo`sr sxouasurs Tun: md in hnniuhimv l.i.. \'..\.- tf..I`.. THOMAS STONE, U4-ncml Denier m DryG0ods,Groceries,Provisiona, I 0I'(/C`l'//. (I']lI.\'NII'l/PI` //aw -I"!--- ._ uuu: uuucc sum. Illc Suud y Buuino.-sis Hitllerlu _-unm-(:tL-ll with this cmnblir-`.:x:xm.a will be di.`%CI)lltlnll('d from this date. D. VANE\'l .ll'). Barrie, April 24.1Hli7. _.I\IL'l.l LIL` 4| we 'l'hirl_\'-two `C1 Iiml lms lmid .0: unu - nu muulu-.-I. L 0 UI1'E.7' TO I. 117"/,' Hv (`.()llli|h-nflv I-l...II.u...... to Mr. L:uu-.': 'l`:1ilL-ling 1 lop sin-cl. Iiurritj. \\'ln-re gcnco and nth-ntiun, to _n public putronzuzo. Barrio. April 17, 1867. ..._.:.________.__ -.u....u.u.:.u.m..L up JJJM 'am'_I/ I11ir;mr/.' un 1`lIIE 311551-IS L.-\.\'(i h.n work in tlw n|.u\'c- I-1" to r. L:uu-.':4 1-is! L'urrit-. \\'h(-n~ H MILLINERY & DREIAzi;V";. (" 1"um'I/ []1ir`r:ml- .....I .x'u..,... -. .,v.,..-,-w..\-...vvv......._...,v..... ......... m; usLr. nmrs. & Mc(;:":::,. WHOLESALE `Iron and HaFdws.re Merchants. .\Yn`e .14 : r. ._-- .~.. GAR-1-"o`1ws-3.2 Aplo. '1`o\\ nsl1ipFIoH. 186%. . ,_. .. ~ VANE VERYKN` Livery ;S_-l:able:=:_w..V 1 . L1. 14 1 1\lJ.\l ".-\Sll1cplc-asuro to `uxnmIn.r`- to` L Patrons. and the public -,-,em-rnl ms lt`n;:ll. ul, n'I`s' L'un~i :- ,,(___ ,-H13} public are respectfully | cql1(`a".l d i. take notice that the 951...: -- 'I'5-- ' :x.VL_ \|;lLlil`.Ii.3' of I cu-r_v dluecription 13; 5. l'1u:v IJ uuuuo,ul UUU 02'(/C" l'j/,, (:'lu.s'su' 5:0 , X-1- gntsizxtsi g\artrtisrnxrn:r.::, .,.,.-A.`/..\-..vvv......-.,v... .,..~ Jul: [1 Ll I Hm pram Kllslivll. HENRY SEWREY .. uuu IIMIUVYLHU No`s. -1:53 & -18.3, Sr..1'.\ I . `MEWS?/{fix ii} kj/T{ ..... -D 11.- TIL I` v9.33. :1/f'i:ua:tvizii`." mug mi (-41 ilppu ) I-aka I uuuug. \\n('rc In-_\' 1.1] lu_mcri1a gu 'onn_co. 'l`O LOAN, on good rum Security. Intern-It 8 pm JOHN STEVENSON. S ' I/Ar A`; .L wry cmI~| -.\;z:.-n., l'H.O'l`(`.(HI.\"H I-HHH! IE H.-\ I{!{IE H()'l`Xfl.. IE:-.| Iv. v< . l\\{ k lg}: `{ 1 , MM u-nsy H-1 01" .`.I.&liI:J rr. v ILNSUN. Sulicilor. $4., Brad ford. 174: ' 6: C0.. PI-m-u-L Q U0 Proprietors. and do-<:h~1-A I But hm! Goo!-.iy ' nmnuf: n.. I I I \J V IUIUI I /:7: rd to 41 re, _,uIn(.-r (izustlxy H19 CI:A`lI[;L- l urn 'r'.'.0I\T'i`.E/Ki. ' um . . !|..'|70 41763- 222.m J:7:m.m 8l8_.055 -...o oeymour is the c ` continued Alma, weep Soh!" ynurnn-ml I` 7, .--u uauumrly VOICE, wm menutbo inviw confidence, and respect. ``_I believe I am to 3' Feplued Alma. . Raucbelhicountenance fell. "Indeed 1 she. un. 93] mo , - ~ Sin ` ' 4 ti Ml. c:e__fny }_>oo_r father a,.,d_ea *sinswny 00 ftli L uncle sevmourgs :8 Z, er 5:,-d`Qz';f.h| ~ ' fnend. ha conunued weeprnxz n'csh}- MO I A.- ucccascd relzlth Vhen she at deep mournin-V. Am...` -. ..... um. uc renuy tor a couple of hollfs, and, if you are disposed, we Win lakenwulk in the gardens for 3 short time." - _A|ma bowed, and followed` Rachel up- stairs, whjth_er her luggage had already been conveyed by Josiah and the coach- man. ...muu as llK( comm unlly deccasml n-1 ucup mourning, seem down and ulicted wit Mr. Donne said a few \ lhOll'_'I1L wm-n .-..l....I...; I . had h! mu uizuw.'." . _ Tlmt carries out niy drqtllv" W1 Josiah Hard. '1'hi.-re. wili he laid [Wk for` us afcot soon, wife. 0' I m Pr?` phat. ' Shakinghis bend, the old'mafI Went on with his work; and Rachel retired, to think over the approaching advent of the unknown guest. . 1 --' . Alm \|r'1I.4I n-n-nM.. -LA--- " Ixnxnan 5; co . _,, Hm`... uunuown _ Alma was n- pretty, nt.rncti\'o girl, _'Il1l engaging manners; full of life and ammu- lion; her hair was (Lurk, and she pos- sessed n likeness to his brother w}Iih continuuIly- reminds-d `H. hm-vm ~` wnunuully remina deceased relative. wnm. um --nI.'1_v--ll2;t Master is not the umtte .'." .m.... A III cvcr. The urrivnl of :1 gums: at I ge Irmrnn event. of. such I renco, that she dremletl it as -1Ii\'<.'li0l' slate nf things. Oll arriving ill Hm llvnr run` UUl'|u Rachel's cnunlc-nnnco, at no time pre- possensing, now bcczuuc -more repulrslm than ever. .,.Ln V. I n ` A Mil Rachel. u'l`|.,.4 wIl:H(.'l. 'l'hut is no l)usincss_. nwcrexl Mr. Doilne. "1 MM" In em to!-I." I), mu. \Vlr_enll:w-he! [lard entered to <,-la-.:u' away the lxrernkticst, as usual, she wan.-4 greatly surprised In hear hur nmslcr s-_-,', "Prepare the I-luc I-el1juurn ut. olmc. Hams the tire liglrtcd, and ;___ct. -it inguml order. wr mu mecu. Being; ul. heart .1 man ailion, he quickly dete-rrnincd I take the charge of his whq Inner informed him, \\'.'l3 old. IIVI I1 I I -- P[uu:l',ll0 or u..s'.s'I.s`lnll(',c. Under these (:il'L'.lllllHt.'lll('(9zI E-lwurul . x Q 0' I Donna nnplorcd bcymour no km I - othcus for Ma niece. n .. ..o I. A ,, an . .. 4. mma wmuu [L9 totally unpmvialc-I tnr. More; nhc would he t'ricnt||us.~4, us she -hurl no mother to look nftcr her, and ll` tlmrclations on her muthur`.-I side were too poor to be able to |m)l'll her the lens! p[0lI3l`,ll0H or usslslznllcc. cunu, nnuu. V , His pension as :1 _r_:m'crmncn`. bfciul dim] with him; uml, u hen in)" was gone, Alma would I: t.otuH_v unpmviule-I More: WOIIH but l`ri:.ml|nu.. nu .-I-n UUIL His object in writing was to bog his lnm!.hur'.o fm-u-able notipo for his only child, Alum. ' u.-.. ...__:__ ,, ~-- - - I-'-IHgII'IIl(Io 2 Edward Donne wrote to any that he muyon his dcutll-lwd. He had been aware of his bmllu-r'.~n alrrivnl in England, buthisprido uotildnnt allow him to make maymlvnncu towards a` reconcilin- uou. u.'-_|:.,.y, ,, I - -- "NIKKI"- ltwnu from him only brother, whom be bad fnuciud dead. They luul quar- rcl|edpreviou.sly to Mr. Donne`: lczwing England. l....._l Y\,.,, , ,, 'C.1II.'umu,uu:s. About two years after `Mr. Donne cnmu to reside at *`>lnul>hury Lodge, he -received a letter which agitated him un- usually. I! mun from his mulv lurnmr mlnnm _ IlVG,5o They were, however, mistaken in their -c.1lculnli_ons. AL-.. 4....` um... ..o`o.... ~11- n__... .wne. 4 They did ull they coulxl to isolate him, `ma acquired greul. inuence over him, Their olgc-ct wmn pnlpable. Their con, ` clusiou wunllmt Mr. Donne could not aches. Iivumnny years. and having. us they thought, no relations, be migl.t. be` in- duced to leave zill his property to them. Al,.3 IIVL-.. ...,...,. l.m......,... ...:..o..I.-.. ... . V - .-. urlll and, um] nmuufnclnu-I u.nl lurnl.~lu-H all the 'l'<>)' Fuuuruln, including lnic|x_c:\_u lm had on my mnrm, ins wen uuu mun Into society. He mun attended upon by two people-Josinh >I[ard, and Rachel, wife; V In. .I:.l ..H Hm" ......LI 5.. :..-1.... 1,: "om Dnlun. The property he purchased was called Shrubbury Lodge. As his health was inrm, he went. but little into society. ll- mun annmhnl nun-. I... 4...- -I.I Mr.Seynwur D.v)lllll9- luul passed the greater pm. of !m' life": in the Indian: Civil Service; but when he quium! India, willu cnnaiulumblg fortune, he ucttlocl down in his nucive country, a little way from Bristol. TL. nrnnnrlv lm nnr:-hnnml mm. ....ll...l Bumw. TIIUIISDAY. nfowrmnnn 1 T_ .iF.!`.?!PP: l""""'d"" 7 ' EXAMINER (muczc. mrriu. C.` W 1 N",-uo[,s().`I A: SONS. Pmu.mu:m- [ um All orders to [ V AKINEIC BOOK AND JOB Pm ' . 7 H oz-`nu-:, MWG I. Pmpmd lo exocu l:r,l|:1`a:;lxx.;iv`v':dor style every d._.. PLAIN AND OIINA. b:N'1`AL PRINTING: EADS auchns 11 mg gcslsx.-1:! cums. nn I uvnnu OI HUIISCIHPTION: ` opolllr per my I If not no paid! I` zj Ti: ft. % ND UUUJ L 1 UL` -Jnlluun an I UU.1.l. D, I. ['UAlI.lIl|Ell EVERY l`lllJulllA\' JIOIINING, om "* *"1:13;`z:*;::;':`:6:am;:::P *""-=*=*-'- '.I.lll1 Au-LxnIA:nAIJL' l `yo COUNTY OF SIMCOB. ADVOCATE, ..mm|.mucn ruuuumx` ' VOLUME ... .....m, wucp!ng_, ntrcs Iv!" muttered Hard :0. _,_It. is as I feared." . 1; mm `\`|.w\r - I ._> g'Publlahed every Thursday Morning; - ..-av" visxtor colnilirr . ...uu - u. I ' . , . sag armtd. She was attired rnlnu. nml cmmm-.,l 4.. L,. 1 - um... nu HEADS Vcsxsxsd BILL HEADS: mm) 1: II\/IIUD4 to 11:8 nrmner which '- reminded Mr. Donne of his at is more than I know. not too connnunicntive about I7 . uuu IJLIIVUG nnliv.-, Ilnlc 1`c1'mI and. um] mu....r.....