..u nu uuur ucau as you roukl be .1 little more silent. _you vc drunk :1 little more , uml tlmfs all that I can with rnn A ...! .. ... :r , H 5,- ".5 u--u,b-uuulllllg me will hear you, and I pretty mess. Do you you 3 ` lngard n suc- W. ......l. .... w 1'11 pay .` I ' ' off his` mun fl..- mbness came remembered w retch ed mhu n-4 , perhaps, that the CHI] r, if you ad vise er Graham. I) unnmmm, run: qou_wr noun, .1-`.1 llll rt!` killed -------o......_.._..... The volcano near Virgilnin, Nevada, has _ been surveyed and `located for oil land. gnu ula vme J" But I never will Mr. Boniton! Nothing should inducemie ! 'I d rather starve twiceover ! ' . ' .nv - .. '- d. . _ u _ - nu um--1 IIlU_\V 116 WIIIJ" No, ma'am," answered Mr. Boniton, in a _cousolnI.ory tone; he won ;-do that! He llrwnit. till you re married, and then you ll [)8-8i\V8_V8 with him, and so he'll be able to manage the thing more quiet and comfortable, imd dispose of you bet- ter aflerwardsj `I understand his, habits so well now, ml I ll bet you a hundzjed pounds, ifyou like, that he doesn t at- tempg. todo you the lea injury until you are his wife!" . uD..o Y ..-..-_ - "' ` keep imr In mu marks 0: `ms fem otfmy boards the better I should like if. And you think .he is certain toget off, Mr. Bbniton 3 ' As cerhoin as you sit there, ma'am !" Then, good-gracious!" axclziilnerl ship, wringing her hands, \vhal:. had I better "do? He`ll come back here the xjst thing, and kill n1e-I know he will! u',\Tn nun`... 1 A--A-~ ` " . augguallu, --wnar. aurendful mun.". Dreadful is much too mild in word, ma am-odious wouldn t even come 11 to the mark. Pin sorry now I`ever`hnd im in my house. I really am; for though he spent. his money free, and so on, I call -him in disgrace to any christian country, I do; and 2181 told Martha, my servant, this morning, the sooner she scrubbed the marks of his font offmy SCI: nu Ul 3'01]; ' Ah," sighed the dressmuker, who had grown cold over Mr. Bonit.on's lugubrious suggestions, `.`what adre:(]ful mum". Dreadful rs nnmh Inn ...:I.1 .. _.-_: dy- u. t of this enormous mm 3. without doubt. contri- hmontof this Institution. ' l um.xu Com-on.vrxoNa, .nox.m:ns, and Inudneu -vc.-r it in mnrau-ntud. uu, _u:x-, uu \vm--lie is quite deter~ mined about that! And, then, when he has you, l1 ll poison you, or something, with poor Mark Finchley! Of course, if he could do it in one case he can do it in another; and you must remember that it i will be an immense`n;l\'antuge to him to get rid of you X ' iland disposeof your body as he has done Ali. Altfluil Hun r'lumm......l.-.. _.I V 1 ' `V (53 each wul uecome ox-me, n ne~esc:\pes 2" PH answer that question for you, said Mr. Bomton, Will! an air of mel:mcl1oly conviction. He will marry" you " . He never shall!" interrupted Miss. Greyatouk, \`clxe1nentl_v. "Oh, yes. he wil|--he is quite deter~ minml ulmnc Hun! A...J n. H I - IIULIIIU-`S "Dear, bless , me!" exclaimed Miss Greystock, with hands uplifted. What will become of~mc, if heescapes ?" l ll LhnI.uuestion' u vnn 99 and 0' - llilllo " l .-._ `. ` After one of these interviews, Mr. Buniton went_nnd called upon Miss Grey- stock, whom he` found in 8 very anxious frame of mind. ` ' \Vell," cried she; *`\\'ill'he get off. No doubt about it, zmswered Mr. Bouiton, with condence. Unfortunate- ly. ma ann, you never saw anything." No, but I heard :1 great deal. ~ The law tnkes no cognizance of any- thing you hear, because any one may niistnke another's voice. It requires ocular denwnstration, ma'am, that's \vliat_ the-law requires) added Mr. Boniton, .vi'ith aourisli. And the worst ofit is - the body can't be found. They've . drag- ged the river; searched all` round the place where they C`lll see any signs of a striigglc; but not}; siiiglretrace of the mun can they discover. This is a '. great thing in Mr. Drake's favor. At the same time. ma7:1m, I_ don t mind telling that whether he is convicted or no, he is a man I` should not care to trust myself with alone on a dark night, for I believe him to he capable of any dead of violence and so `desperately fond of money, that he \\_'oul`l kill his own mother, if he had one, to increase his fortune by ten. pounds! nnnr murm_ng or the trial. - ` He had had two inter\'ic\vs with Mr. , Buuiton, the landlord of the Blue Boar," a who lmd come from Bun-suupple on purg ' pmsq; but no one else haq_ beat} (9 "set; 1-hin_v._- - Fr ` ' ' -.,. `z-nr....| You L-4ui't want to be hung." saixhhe turnkey, surprised. If so, you are the r.-it I ever :u\ who had any fancy that i\`:|\'. e \Veii, there's no accounting for tastes;" replied '.l'iI'notliy, with impermrbable good humor; and the turnkey left him, fully convinced` that his prisoner was either mud, or hnnlened to in degree that. hail never yet come within his experience. But Timoxh_v p ro,-.~;crve`l his gay, launc- lesseinenlioiur unaltered up to the \'er_v' 1 inorning of the trial. lid` hl` II-nl O.-us 5-- -,. -- uney \\`;1nle.l to know if he would em- ploy nilzuvyer, and 'l`imoth_v declared that ; he knew them and their tricks too well to have nnytlxing to do with them, and would undertake his own defence. You ll never getloi then, said the turnkc_v, who had m`:-du the progosition. The evidence is dead against you. So`I suppbse, nnswereul Timothy, c.-uelussl_\_'. ' ' can`: first guw - \\4 on v uc wus on ma way to ' which he would hardly escapq with his life. 'j`[,,.v ..`....o.\.l o- 1.--, ' to inform `the people will continue to supply eat. durable article, ln iURE SLEIGHS tad pennny 10!` her _rnshnes's. . Meanwhile, 'l`_iInutl:y was :19 cheerful as possible. He.wulkcd on between his two keepers, cluitting and laughing. and declaring it was the best joke in the world; and no one who had seen him would have supposed for one minute that lie wus his a prison, from lmrdlv dnm l.n.m o.- 5-. nvuac, incur am. 11 he did, her pros- pects were not encouraging; for she must either marry tl man she knew to. be u . murderer, and of whom she would stand in daily dread, or spend the remainder of her life in the old drudgery. . ' She began to wish that she had no- cepted,-Timothy`s compromise, and thus secured herself from risk. `f - But. it was unlkely that he would re- - peatthis o'er_no,\,v; and ifhe did, she hardly knew whether is man uccused of such a crime would be allowed to umke - any disposition of his property. ( Altogether Miss Greystock's feelings 1 were by no means enviable. She wished I Timothy might. be hung with all her '- might; but if he weren't, she'd better neverhuve accused him, for most. decid- E edly she should have to pay a bitter penulty for her _rashnes's. .- 1| llnanln-.-Iuiln l`:.....aI... ...V ' ` ` BARRIE, COUEY _..........u....uw. ..l.ll6 law was a dot thing to deal with, gs phe knew, m wxis just possible that Timothy `u get loose, after all. If he did, her pacts endnIIrnwinn- rm. .I-~ acupq Will] lllrl life. They wanted to know i [or n I.-um-... ......1 'l`l---~-' Ooniinued. )1" ru IU urn I ml." .a....I....A.1 n_... ax prison, Irom Jnre hope to mu nun cu, I (1 tunable Term hand. nn m.....r. -..._. - uvul un -guuu Jyou now!" 5 ered Timothy, you all the isn't proved uU|l Ubllll _nnd it might.- Bl` nrnn. I necucut seed Leaf, and -bacoo,;_corn,ero.f Park 1 l.!A)nL'rm , ,. ,,-., -.-nunruu, ' F. J. SCI-IRADER`, ANUFACTURER OF `CIGARS, wholesale dealerin Havmia, Yarn hecticut Seed Leaf, all other kinds 0 -bacon; corner nf Irma. .....: u_.n vuna. nuu-v .\. LUTHER GROVEQ. EALER IN CIGARS. TOBACCOS, Pipes, Canes. Tobncconists Goods, &c., 'Wh6Iesu`!e and Retail. Sign of the Indian Queen,-` 51, James Street, 1{umi1wn, C. W.- I IMPORTERS A.\'D DEALERS I.\` WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS, WELLINGTON srmam`, 1'ono.\'_'1'o. U. P. REID. ~ 23- V " J. W. BRIDGMAN PORTRAIT PAINTER, 3'.) King Street West, V Toronto. October. 1866. _ " 37-y .....- 10.) uvzuo .111]! :11./IJUUI` I'D} ` Cash Advance.-nzadc on Goods lq for Sale. Salg 8.90:3, corner of Dunlap and Owen Sta, Barrie. ' 11-ti` ;'.IIig,]:es`c.REF-ERENCBS given._3 ` . ` u`.-um. - .ru:u:rrI = lfUGERS,,- (Late Clerk in County Registry Omcc.) COXVEYANC ER. Commissioner in Queen`: Bench, Auctioneer, Appraiser, and Com- mission Agent for the'snle of HOUSES, LANDS, FARM STOCK, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Goods, .Wu.rcs, .130. Also fox V the collection of nnlvvnn nu.-....- . _.._- . 1un.Vb'b`U AUCTIONE PRAISER ,for>Bnrrie, 2 Simcoe. Cash Advances m cuivnd fnr Rah. 200,000 uummzsa. in force over 28,000. in this Chant : 1`. D R. Ferguson. .1 . . HALL: ronidenco an !1E-a-rriage o_I_._i_cen-s~es.. auucoe. Cash A ccivod for Sale. I`lIII\"!` Ulbb AND ACCOUNT I slnallpcrcenluge. Aucli4 out the Goluntyancudcd to 1 `liberal harms. Crai-rvnln nno n Int"! Farm -` l `J4 *4 T. L. L. L:-:wI.` . . LICENSED AUCTIONEER, APPRAISER, _.-1 X1) ` U0.1!.lI[S.'>'l0.\' A GL'.\' 1`, run Tm-: sum: up - A-LL sales in any part of the `county at-! tended; to puncttmlly. and chm';;cs as: reasonable `as any other Auctioneer in the` County. , 3 Novelnlu-r 14, 1867. 41-ly E -JAMES ' A. MATHEB, . [SSUER OF` MARRIAGE -L[CE.\'SES, ' Cbimnissioncr Court Que-cn s Bench. &:c. run u. urllvllliug ' limmly Cln`-I:. . WILL attend at his Oicc. in Barrie. every S.\'I`URD.\Y. from 11. x1.m.. till 3, -p. m., according tu ()rdc1' of Council, and every other _day up his Uicc in Cookstown. . ; JOHN HEELEB, AUCTIONEER, APPRAISER, &., CLOVER. IIII/.71: l .(). C , n`u..I.. .'...-..- HENRY EIARI-`ER. A Issuer of Marriage Licenses, aooxsro wzv. OFFICE s'1'nn:1'x.\' Dlrlvnvru D M` [I12 \J\/11_1J.V I, - int nc Thlrl it l,l`|l__[):li:dh - Iwoe `D A ITXT. .. . w. G. A'D A`M8 , ENTIST, 95. " V on Gold. Silver, uutiuvuica - i (`.(-1 Rubber. in the bes: ])(ISSi')('- nmnn`t.'" P tlcnlnr attention given to the regniiiion to!` children's teeth, and all work \rurra_m,etI. (J January, 1868. nu vuucuuuu 111 RENTS, NOTES mn`AccovNTS. Yash Arlmzncm-z mm-!.. 1... 11..-. 2.;-. I., .-.-. menu mrms. Craigmle, Oct. 9. 1867. _ mg. HAMILTON, A - COR KER, Murlwt Blopk, Barrio. Dr. II. will take another Student. on. HARLEY. RADUATE OF \ I(,"I`Ol{I.-1 U.N1\ 1;IR;` _SI'1'Y. Residcllce: 2 OF SIMCOE, ONTARIO, CANADA, THURSDAY, .l)l'ZAI.EIl IN DRUGS, CHEMICALS, c.-o ORILLI.& _ Jnnuurv. 1868. >bl.{l_l U'F' MARRIAGE Bench, HUN.\'InAl.E S'l'A'rm\'. . H E.. S. MEEKING, ~ ' ICENSED AUC'l`IO.\'EER, AND AP- J l RAISER,f0rBm'rie. and ma, Pnumu nr u.. , . w. E.[STBONG, M. ., M.-Il.C.S.. E;\'GLA.\'D, I71.-STE Assisilant Colonial .\`ur,r:von, " Convict l)ep"t. Tusumniu; three ; As-fl Sm-g; U5. Armv. ' Ru-sidonce. Mr; Bfnrxletls house, opp Sponc4-r`s Store. Barrie, Jnnu10. 1868f I 'Ul{E Blalli mu newest and bent atylgo, stnblishment of Thomas ndon. Ontario. e sale of Patterson & REAPERS and NOW- of Farm Imglc-menu. plememrso! ; solo 'of'Pnlge'a colo- nowr THRASHING TIN-Z 5.11.: or rm Stock. Housohuld Furniture. 520., x` URAIGV.-XLE, Co. Smcos, 0.\'-r;uuo. ._.-__ OTESIAND ACCOUNTS collected at a; small pcrcenhxzze. Anminn Quinn n..-m...h_ z . IJK- 71- LUN FORMERLY 0 F C OOKSTO W N, Late of the'Cit'y of Toronto, ~ AY BE COLSULTEI) AT THE LATE Residence-, of Dr. Ross, CHURCH HILL. -38- _________ A 1'. s. SPBOUL. M.D., -. I Physycian, Surgeon 62 Aqcoucheur, Resident-A. l`..-..:...).....uo n..:.-.= LL phrt '4 L nunctunllv. and r V. km: A. LII l.l.Sl|A LR. I"!-:':\'ET.\.\`(:1I1.w`U E.\'l'J llO.\ D. ApriI2-1, 1su7. l2~yr. ________;_..______ _______._____ no unuu--. - uuvisee Uluims executed. Orrnn-:,-In .\iorro\v's Buildings, west of tile .Firemau's Hall, Collier Shoot. BAILBH-2. 29 , ______%____V____________. JAMES C. MORROW, ' T'IfOIl.`Il}\'-AT-LAW. Solicitor ccry, Notary Public, Com Commissioner in B. R.. &:c., Jae. J Devisee' Clninns 0H'n:|-:.-In .\Im-mu-`a n..:m:...... ESSRS. LOU.\"I` & BOYS hu\'ei2emo1;`d M their Law Clnxtllxbgfs to_ Mr. .\IcConk9s `NH\V Ru-F:-la n..:m:.. .._ Amalia`. L()U.\"I` have nemoied M. Chambers to .\IcConk9"8 New Brick Building, one door West. ofihc ` Barrie [Ion-I A 36-3i .11c1c15'1`ul: AND A'l`TOR.\ E1"-EXT-L Solicitor in Clmncery, Convg-ynucer, 4 ` cooxs1`u\\'x. ' May 28th. 1867. halo of `Paige's eel!- powr protable "and `WM A'".'oITiucf' UAL tlvlilli `` vs -__o._._. Dispuld_ Lihes accurately djusled. Valuations carefully made, and Surveyi every description gxecutcd with accuracy despatch. ' V3 ' ( . ` 1 o I .-....u-uu u.uuu uul VU_y\{' LAND Asp xxsumxzvcs AGENT,` ANGUS. -T - - -_ - o 1 JOSEPH DOUPE. C.E., Provincial Land Su rveyqh AND INSURANCE AGEN'l`_E , .`- .II:.'IU0UU., mr' QR TTnITn'nn A '|'r1\ ....... . _ LT; Dr. J.- W. SLAVEN `In-`AI vn Iv uuunoru W.'V. s1'mg:1'mr PIHVNFE. 8-tf JOSEPH ROGERS,- `_LM.e Cuumv `hnvi:Ovu nm- * P- REID .3. co. A.\'h nrnv .-.... .____.___.___j.__ BRIDGMA RAIT PAINTER. an In. `I ________..._______;_____;_. THOMAS ARRJSTER AND Chan T. A. BOYS, Ct -TV. C()nI7I-vmn-an E1_'-AT-L St. cuherines. 11.13., Bolnd Hood. bi . ` . ` hngionwnmq 0! 141,160)! ` V 1EJ|[QVAL! REMO VALI; .:__ Reside.-nu": 3. T. BANTING, 00 am I u l.'In`-L-. mg; rgrx and. Mn] uuuuox, c. w. um. - 1u.\r.ms, A50 AI - R and we County of le. 1 made `on Goods 112- . . gusiucss Qjmtury. .....~..M,..,..,..,........ DR. HAMILTON, R. Mm-In-1 P.ln..|.- n..... ,-. 6...... u .u\{UVI.l.Ul.J idcucv, Crnighurst, Ontario." Ofyct-,- Pusn-11's Store. .-an Ur QIUAIK5, ealerin Yam, Con- _ `, or To- {n_rk and Mulberry streets, uurox, ' DR- R; LUND. V nu nnnn. LX538. uu.\ 115 collected at at Auction Sales Lln'ough- ` cd pmmntlv and un: B|i|Tl`SH FREEDOM NDVOOLONIAL RIGHTS. .114 I1 1'.U ' C'o`uut._r/ Smzcoc. onists ' :n ` ---:-_:.:.._. zuoll autos un-ougu- I > promptly my gr-VIIIIIIIV I ` AW. Sulicigorin Chir- Conv_e_vanc(.r. . Heir arxl ' ed. gnu, ,-""F`.Ivon. 11.31, H11.` lhn-:2 wun-1: `AND a (bin. 36-lyr. TURAL JIUTUAL `-..--_'_L_`-.- opposite LLALULLIV ;u\.I\J1\-1.3, , , AS now on hand an ex-` O `V } tunszifo and [:1-nuine ` |o' ouk of >_in(-,:(l:e 'nmi Duuhio ' nrnc-sn. arringc ~ and E 'l`-.urn). English and Com- ` mnn Riding Saddles. Double 3' und Single Bridles. Collars. _ ~ V V &c:.. &t:.. which In-can offer ul very rt-:\. prices. lGheI11', Also. in stock. some of the 10.. In-st English and othvr Rid- ing and i)ri\'ing Whips, 2,_ Hits. I.1m~s, ii."ll$i](`.. (`.urry and Mane Cumbs, _..._ Cards. .cc.. .\'u:.. to he funml in this nmrkvt. V D_ .-\n_vV:u'liclc in the tunic m:Ii1uf:1c1In'ud' or ' ' furnished to urih-r on short notice, and ivor- ralltcd to give sulisliictiuii. A }f01|l'S .u._ V planner. Angus; James Mather, Snunidal. Wool takn to and from the agencies free of charge;-All work warranted. Nicolston P:O., 1868. . . 29-tf uulcu uressmg. .-\lI kinds of cloth for sale. Auezxrsz J. D. Laidluw. Staynur; John _Matbe|`. Angus; James and from the nrwnninn fl-an nf 3 prepared to execute, in superior style. all ` kinds nl"Custom Work, such as Cnrding. Spinning. Roll Carding. Fulling, Dyeing, and Cloth Dressing. All kinds 01' cloth for sale. Lnidlnw. .\`mvm-r: Jnlm AN]! l.)E.\LE| IN Box, Parlor, Hull, and 6'00/ring Stoves, 2 G.-XRDEN ENGI.NES,_g;17 PLATFOQM 8:. COUNTER SCALES, COAL OIL, ~ C'c., 196., ~ ;DU.`n.or srkxlir, . . . . BARR:-x \ .\.\|:r4\I,l I In-AL Ur TIN, SHEET-IRON. JAPANNEDII Ant] (7011:);-v \\':I1sa.-_ snmg: at very moderate pricvs. Uorued Beef. Saxnsagc-s and Lard, tog:-.th9r with a\'uriut_v of other useful commodities, can u_sually be_hud at No. 1 Stall. :35-LU nurchnses delivered in anv nart. nf nu IHIU Ul nor: notice, and can usmmy ue_nua M An. I 5l8_ll. ;'AU purch:u;esdelivemd1n any part of the town free of charge. - GA SH PAID FOR. C .-1TTT E.' A. BINGHAKI. I-If J, mvnrnu 41. ; u u.:..u, _I.-XVE constantly on hand a. good supply of FRESH MEAT, FOWL. GAME, &o., of as choice quality as the mx`uk-.13 afford, and oer the samg: at moderate pricvs. Uorued Szunszvxvs Lard. tom-.thc-r yAuAuIn:A. uuu UH umauuuuu: lt`l'lnS. .Re;f2=.rence. :-I{. Cn-swicke. E.-!q., P.L.S.; T. D. Mcconkey, Esq., .\I.P.; J. D. Leadlnw. ` lEsq., J.l . ' JOHN SP.-\RI.I\'F. .,___ BINGHAM BROTHERS. Bmvcmzns ..m) Gr:.\'r.n..u. 1'mvm'ons, :u.uu;ET sum. No. 1, ` an B""' ` TY` l1'I.` -___A_._AI, ,_ I I - V g :"o' L HE Undwsignod, having a First-Clnss bl.- .ile-I)river, is proparo.-d to execute orders for that (1uscrip1.idn of work, in the very best Vrumner.` and on reasonable terms. ' ' l.>..I.,......,.,.. . H r-..,. i+BsA' WOOLLEN -MILLS. I I uu.\l.` .\':, 1'A1-Hu'lLxx<:1.\'u. AND C0l.ulL\'Gq rt-spoctfully solicit :1 contim1:1u'cL- of the very attering; pan-onaigu bL-.stu\Vcd on llwlatn-_f11'n1. fut-ling condvm that they cnn execute all orders cn1x'u.~l(-d to them. in the several branches mentioned. in a style not _lo be ex- ccllcd in the Province of Omurio. m a- D....4.. .,,V_ . , _ _ . u u..n1: c.u-o.\' & coL'L'rr,n.) II.~\\'h\`G entered intu co-purlnur.~:hip. are now prupalrod to v.\ ('culc in the best :4!ylu of the urt c\`or_v dm-:-criplion of llousrz, max. CAxu:um: A.\'l) 0n.\'.\.\n:.\"r.u. l .u.\"rI.\'<:. GR-\l-`-`L\ U. PA1-I-:u'lI.x.\'<:1.\'u. C0I.mcL\'n,i rt-spoctnllv solicit :\ 1-nnaim.-m}... nr H... .-..n~ -w.-;.auua-.....>%=' ECOULTER `& PEA'RCY,' (I..\T|-J cm'1.'rr.1:.\ nuu-nu ar\uuI.|:a, unlULl:5, 6:0 in a style \\`:1rr'.\nh-:1 to give satisfaction. :a'I:E1*.u1:1.\'(;.. .Y:c.. done in n` u"-ML- & London & Globe IE `COMPANY, -xintence Thlrtv.'Lwn nu-, , oL'sE, SIGN AND .Cnrri-age Painting Establislunent! ! J . Dunlop Street, - - Barrie. L . In the prcniiscs v 9 Next door to the Law Office of MZ's.frr;s'. , I}uultan (C J[cC';n'!/L_`/, where he is mm` prepared to (-..\'<-cute all orders 'l't)r|i:_;ht.un(1 heavy single and dullblu sets of HARNICSS: also L:u]iu.~:' and Gcnllt-men's RIDING gnnm |'.' nnlnl re 1 , , u.La.aIa._l.|.uJ uu u.n.w.L1J.n3n mnmu Jll S!_Vl(`. xmrr-.um-:1 In give 5; igfacom _ I?" REl AIRl.\'G, .\':c., done in xi Workman- hku manner. . II" lmmm lm =o..:..o ..n.. lllil` manner. HI: Imp:-s by strict nttontioniolmsinoss and punctuality. to meet u. fair share of `public patronage. _ Barrio. .~\um|.~=t Isxt. N67, or: Sta\_vnV-r. Mm`. .4`... - George Plaxton, _ _.\l.\.\`lIl-'4\C'I`l'IU-Ill VOF Bridgihg aArj_PTile-Driving. FIIYJT.` If I`}1)"1m_>fl}"_;`L'}"1i'>T.'i's1~f i:.'::s 1s1AA1\:i`1v0d{ nrc-n1i.<,cs [New ad1ery Es_tz_1[)shment in Barrie. J -\-n-..... =, -COULT Barrio, Mnrch 4. 1868. _ .ur.z.m:nn, and lmaim 4-vm-_ t re presented. e I-`Ire l u-m uml no r'uuu1.\ u 1\.\1) ULULU UKJ`Jb'b'lL\' . lluving spent over 20 yams in the trade; in large c.~:I-.I|:1is'uxm-nl.~. he need only refer to his old frlunuls. in I-Essa and 1-1. vln.-1'0, for the character of doing good \vork. 'l`IJf\:- \l..\'v)I Y `P pureu to Illmvrntku > ` . CUSTOM CA1iDIl\ G;- and in the Full. also FULLING AND CLOTH DRESSING. 1I:n'in:r Am-nt. um-r -an vnnua in 91... o.....1.. :.. TIIE .K'uh.-cribor begs to zmnoninci-. to, the Public in this and snnmunling tuwnshp.<, etmt he h`.l.s"l't'll!t'd the above usmhlislnncnt from .\I<-s. L`n.\' & Shaxpcmt, and is now pre- pared to u'm1<-rmku (`.I';I\"l`n\l n .\1enI\*r;. .,...n. In -um: ; nuulluu UI UllllH`!0. 3'Pu;2cr lIan_qin_q also attended to. = 7 . COULTER J: PEARCY. Barrio. 4. 1sm' S--4` Iv}%[LfEnNEg`u1rEtInnv. ):uron:\5.;(-. Barrio, August 15st. 1367. __..__jj__ nus. mm-:4, Urusm-.~z. Ulll`l`_V v..'c.. fullllll .-\n_v article trade t_u give satisfaction. 1?` I. e1uu'rs well and 7` Barrio, April 8. 1868, L`, |JJ.LJ-J]-lJ. .L.LD\J.L`| UDJ. 1..L`J.`J Au(l C`oppe1- \Vare. A\'lI lI|`,\l El! Hr nu-an u. M. uuru uuuu'.~. unu \1Cnl.l(`Hl(3ll'5 moms SADDLES, nmou-:s, &c., 1 stvh-. \\`:u'r'.\nh-:1 lo 1r'I\'- Innisl, May 14, 18138. lwluwz. III.-nu--r \- Company hu alIo,:.:;,_ of `r_a__ea,,,aort_tnt ;thon_=. Ind l'inrciip'l'o cugjol` .:x-'. '9 |,P`..W V common. Aovxxr-_ ' AURORA. - 4-1:. Saddlery End -Hamess Establishment, (-Vt"l7`/_'/ U]:12o.s1'lc (hi: Bunk qf Turunlo ) lmxmw mu-..~m .. . .. ..... ~- --\a\JAL\Al~ IAVING returned to Barrie, respectfully informs the Lzydics tlnercof`. and its vicinity. that she is pr:-p:\rod to attend to all qrders in .\1lLI.I.\'El{Y. in her usual style, which has invaably given sintisfuction to` her patrons. - in P, u ._._-. .....a. 1Varl_1/ opposite the Advance " oice. Dlmlop-street, and three doors east of Market- strucl. ' , :,3 Auction Sales 1 i `attended to promptly, 1 ' Nov. 2s,_'u7. .__._______} uszness Qnrrrtnry. V p.r~r.a.-\,\ \ _-.;\_ `/\/\,\. VV`;\r. JONA'I`HAN- KILGORE, LICENSED AUCTVIONEER 2 ~`m$%W Iv-UH-UIJ M-ll LLHLHUUJ I:|JluUU.|l.l1.lU.|ll., Uni: Turunlu,) DUNLUI S'l`IH'}ET, '- - - - BARRIE. ` , . lL UIn Brrfc,l[ay,- 1sss.' G. UPTON ROBERT McHEN RY, I\l-`{1.\`nn .m......:uv ll... :..nnhi Pills, rile m- an A 14-..-.. I .11 For (lee MARTIN MOORE, I_I.\S nowpn ex- tensive stock tingle Harness. (Carriage V he can insv and I):-i\-imr \\'l::nu somcof - 501;}-:1{'1` McHEN HGSID ucqunint ll1I+`n"`1"i|l1`5 OT ' of Dnu_-ic gun} the public. of the ~ szmoe. cncmllv. thatrh . 1r(g1ISlITt'53 arg~ "* ' ~ ~~'9` n -r1-A~n-n-u---..... __.___, _.______,__*__. Mrs. BOURCY, \7I\'fl -..4 .... J()l{.\ SPARLLVG. Scuyncr, Cu. Simco(-. R55. ` I 6-tf __._.j_:__.._?__._.._ zuu .1 1 Un, t\.C., County of Simcae, 1'I.Il'\n|I! J V .......vuy, HORNTON. : thron,r.rhout the County , and Von liberal terms. I A`L9f vnrxc. '1` H OS.` ..\Ic.\'I . IfLY. - 15'-tf Font, durable article, In 'URE SLEIGHS mum-at null heal. ntvlel. ncalI_}/ uccculcd. ' ` 1 n 7 mm Mane Lmllb I I- m:mn`:u\Im.nl- 1 mu; 1 . 5-If -1-n-nv\a\4AhlLQldAIl unn- l P. QUINN; ,.r~.{ - Paoriur-:'ron. HIS 4s`tbe rst Ht-tel m the plaue, _ _an_1at}`ords_all [be conveniences and com- vluuu '1 s we ursu nt-Lei HI me plaue, and abrds all the 1 forts of a first class house. ' Stages depart from and arrive at the hotel. Conveyances to and from the steamer. if 7.'..'...... ..4...4...1.x.1 ._:n n., 1*.-A-, - 16-If ,,v .. ___. -..v -;4;;, ADJO!.\'I-.\'G TH!`-I ST.\TlO.\', COLLIl\'G\\'OOD. J; P. RYLEY, - - -' - - Puornn-:'1'on.3 Formerly of the Roiiu. HOTEL; Hamilton. 5 -----.--------------- I0 receive and acconunodate gm-sts. Cmumcrcinl lruwllc-rs and othem furnished with convenient and ample accomn1odntion. Choice Wines. Liqnms and Cigars, in stock. f A]r.n'LInc.-uts let to private fuiuilics. ` 33' Good Sheds nud Stubling with attentive surnmts. I 1 ` ' ~ 5-If ()rill_ia. Hotel, 3. W. BOSS,...'.........-...-.Prop rietor. 3; THE proprietor of this well-known establishment begs to inform his friemls and the -travelling community tharbe has Iunscd the above how} in the pleasant and healthy village of Orillia. and is now prepared to rec:-ive and acconnnodate gm-Vsts. Cmumcrcinl and fnrni.-zhml ."wA nos.' 1.. ..l.u natglilllll I vluua wall-known and favorite old Hotel has been thoroughly renovated and tted up In a. manner to ensure the coxixfort of guests; and tmvellors are u.ssu1'ed that every endeavor will be used to give them satisfaction and rund- o1-the establishment the beat of its class in pointof comfort and ~ taste. ' `Stages for different parts leave the house daily. _ ~ __________ I V The Queens, DUNLOP STREET,- - - - - BAR Near the New Railway Depot. ILARNALL. - - - - - Propri HIS well-know`n `In 21m.'m`nou- on ............ .L, ., - - - - GLOBE HOTEL, ` PEXETAXGUISIXEKE. n\"r. vu--n_vuuu:u nu uuu uum ulu mcumer. :3` Livery connectd with the Ifou'a'e. ,3} y r1 provided. Thc-.'1 cnet.mguishcuc Stugcs change horses here. ~ 15 NEW LOWELL. `J. G. MARTIN, - - - roprietr. l-`onm-rl_\' ofthe " Exchange Hotel," (,rL-cmorc. uunlv Ivluwl I, superintendent,` ';"I`hc 1'r:m.-lling Community will find this cstublishnu-nt`suited to their requirements and deserving of then` putronu,-.:e. ' _ 3%` smuplu Ruums for Commercial Trav cl- lers. ., ....-...-us. V Alma House, HILLSDALE. _ Penetanguishene Road, .\l.E.\. HILL, ....... -- l It0PRu:'I'0 I Dusr of LIQUOIIS. CIGARS. .....a nu, n! at Barrie. ` gy azuuplu Rooms Travc]- ` 3 E.\`c.-Hon! Stuhling connected with the House. B:1rri1-. 12th April. l8(i. , 10 ; Mrs. _E. _. .--Vanni. l,l\I1 BARBIE, (,'0U.\"T1' OF . .1) ljood Stablirig house. January 8, 1867. .__._______.._. CHURCH. HILL HOUSE, - =CIIL'I:CII HILL, I.\'.\`Isl-`IL, Co. SIMCOE. JOHN GREEK Proprietor. m- N-.. _ _ oomg con stabling. hole]. \\'h< uumg con\'('nl('nl. to both cars and boats. Good A I.i\`<-ry Stable connected with the hole], where horses can be had on the slloncst notice . 1-1 : HIS onmvnnlonix hnnm `nus recvnuy been thoroughly renovated and re- furnisbcd, and is well adapted fo ' Trawcllers, being convoliiont to both Good stabljng. I.i\`-ry connontmi with ll... . . ort American Hotel, Ill/1{0.VTARIO S TR E`1'} T, . V COLI.Z.\'G\\"OOD, CHARLES CAMERON. - PROPRIETOR. _:_. -- v v.---.a--.1 at ;ALL J.1~'\JlJ 5.313; N0. 219, I:'RU.\'T STREET,` TORONTO- Nlns. E. ll.-lI\ L0.\' at Sax, - Proprietozs. O:\`l-2 DOLLAR A.\'D .\ QUART!-ZR PER DAY. nnuuvsu uvup NADA at the low run of 75 dred Dollars for three mlum note or any other . to Insure 1,000 dollars '2oo,ooo n0Lt.Axs. force 28.000. - vv cw VI L me or an Alteratlvo /mt can be deoired. nvlnoe the most sceptical ubk-d with diseases of u munch may rest assured thou lit.-T. `r-uvIl\aIIlll-I- IIUI EL,- Adjoining the Railway Station, Craigvale, ` ROBERT GREGG, `-5- - Propric-(ur. ` The Bar. is snpplfed with good Wines, Li uors and Cigars. ` Excel enl. Smbling and Sheds connected with j H)!` llnncn 1.1 liars and Ulgnrs. and the I'I0use.~ `Crnigvme. Oct. 9, 1867. 36-6m_os. __ Liorised Auclioncerfur the dorm! Valzz/:lu>r. 4f'<:.. (tic. wuumi ' `IINNKEEPER, -THE} House has been thoroughly reno- \-alt-tl. and is nuw in point of comfort. second In no other county llou-1. The Bar is . with lhefrcshxnelxls that must give .s:1lisIm:li0n. Guod.Shuds and Stubling at- tnchccl. 1:`... \ u l\..nA.uL.... an 1rm- ' -- - iB E HOUSE, -2:. x.-nn\"r~ \"t`n!.`L"1- ,...m,m .. VIC-ITORIA, I.\'.\`ISFIL,V ADAM MYERS, - - .- Pm un.\- uum, . . . . . . --, l'Il0I'R[E'l' EST LIQUOIIS, CIG.-\I\`.S, nud 1j`RE.SlI.\!l3.\'Ts The 1 unel..m::uishcuc Stnuns Mmmm 1... van- uuuv I! U J.J.U.l..l`J.I.l, A I-'E.VI.\'G. 00 SI.1IC 01:', v0.V'1'. JOSEPH WILSON, - - - Proprietor. The Bar is suppliml with Choice Liquors and Cigars. Good Sheds and St-abling adjoining the Hotel. ])I"l"lIln'\nv- 94 19:27 -- - BIBDIIBDIII I0]'_ lily, an-: F.mn Build! JPN` ' dfrlgzto jig: gma`, .: . ' I. -'1 : \w.!di`:x. Ill: RIIW" " _Con}pIny ,- u.-. alum: : YV'I I`n1r\ r . . . . . ` _ _ _ ,, ,, S ` -. /'/,-1/.`(I~,; . \_ onnrn. W 6'rEL, VE.VI.\'(y'_ I70 .r1n`rn1.v .nvvn ;ES'I` Liquors'n.}1d Cigars always in : Good Stablirig nnd Sheds adjoiniu NSC- RAILWAY HOTEL, Ix`!-\' TH!`-` Q1'\1-1n\- r - _ ..vlI-I-, Corner Dunlop and Bn`_vtield Streets, BARRIE, D.\'-r. `Av. R. BINGHAM, (sneceasor to A. Ml- FIVHIS old and favorite establishment is now undergoing thorough renovation, and will in a few days he refurnished -and retted in a manner that will compare favorably with any hotel north-of I`oronxo_ in so fur as com- tort, convenience and prompt attendance are concerned. :3` Good stnbliug on the premises, and at- tentive servunts. . February 18, 1868. ' 3-1_v. ____________________} ampboll), Proprietor. I :nc-noel. B`.|l'l`i(', l)ccombor I0. 1867 .ue Hotel. December 24, I867. _v_.._ pa-\/A PEXETANGUISHENE, ONT. I \T\V - V` 7CRAlGVA LE HOTEL, main. 4!... n-2u..._. ..,\~.`- \~\.,_.. A.\.,.~,.~- .-.../..~..~ .,,..,.... WELLINGTON HOTEL, \........ n..._ - v'l'Ul$Al4 .11 UTUA14 Association, LNADA T. MARKS, Proprieiress. ' ` JOHN McwA1'1', suporintendent c 'l`1':\vL~llin:: Commnnim mm n...v 41.: . uu.u.u.1, " ' J: I'0PI'16120l`. 5- I, OCTOBER 29, 1868: BARBIE HOTEL, F ,vnI'\rrrxv n .--.-;-----------_______ {tat:Is' mu! saloons. -..-.- 5-J AAUJ New LOWELL, AR'PT1\T - D- . '*-r EET, - BARRIE, :New D.-nn..:..4.... PARK!-(NS, \CUOKS l`OW_\' ullvs. Proprietor. mblishaa tor. III. II! V, .'PN'_ P:-Into. Bea del|.00r. . mly qr` _Snu-ne. I 36-I_v ' Proprietor. ` 45-1 yr. 3~1v. - VERY -I.AR(:I and complete Assortment of Ludiu-5 lnnrm:llvI.l Kid and Prum-lln Gain-rs, Imskins, l}unt-: lent`; Calf. Kip and COIIESP; .\li.~.-(-s` '_xl Chillren'.'4. of every variety uni! style, which will be kept con- lstnntly on hand. .4'r PDIFFQ \'/vr 7'13 12 rrvm:-ncnrn :||(A|] "J uu uquu. AT1_ RIC]J'S NOT TO BE UNDEIZSOLD. ROBERT CAREY. ' T!|rr7d: Julv "_ MIR, 9`). ;3;aa;:am S3553 7% mum and n1mn~lu.-:1 at shor for Co(]'in=_. H:-:1r. and I" nalin promptly :1lmmlL-11 to. Barrie. Avril. 1857. W'I`*I-OLESALE AND 1:L*1"A'1~ l7,.__L J.,.._ ,_ P, /"I,l, ' 1 _ -_.__ _..v `at \/V.` .|..'vA.\.\JL\J1\, iiary samk.` ._vmm, 13.-11z1:1_1:. ALL kinds of Carpenter and Joiner Work I done in aworknmnlika mzmm-r und all runsonnbl prices. Doors. Sash and mimls an hum] and 1'uruiz-In.-:1 short. nolicu. 1')r Funeral Parupher-I , naa ! vvu.I.IHllI IVIUUNE, ' ` BUILDER &_ CO.\"'1`RACTOR, '1 Hlarn Rh-nnl \ .-..U. T) 1 12 n 1 y: 3 un- "-"" i I -`LL operations entrusted to hi1nv.~:ntis-I` '2 fnctnrily pelfdrmetl. Furnxr-r.= uurl rulbers who may have Colts. Iiaxlls. [Ia-.ifrr.~' or mrine. i requiring his services will be u.tn:n.Jcd In dur- ing the SL-asun. The charges in ull mans wiil be found m'a3ona.ble. Good Wluwllccn give.-u ! I if required. . | Victoria. Octnhpr, IRRR m- I -~ Burrfd.` July 1`, S03. v (.3 I. L'llL' .' , 51. H1. I.j?STABI.ISlI.\lE.\"1' in Barrie, at \\'I:ich sxngle or double emu`:-_\':1nc-s can be had at all on most rcasolmblc rm-xn.<., I) .\ \'ln 1' I. \'T2`\'r,`n\' lixm.-s I so :1 lirst class I.I\'I'IRY ' I J01-IN Loxv i:",` HORSE DOCTOR, &v.,_ VICTORI.-X, COL'.\"l'Y SDICOII. TIIE Subscriln-r informs the trzu'-Hing com- lnuuily tlml ho is mm running a l)uil_\' Line of Vail Stage: to l cI1oemn;:uishr-nu,- L('m'in;: Bnrric on the arrival nftlio morning I train going north. and l`('llll`llill2 lL'l1\'(`S Pam: tnngllisllem-. at seven rfclmrk. The Subs:-rilmr haw nkn 4| Ii.-.n n`nac I IV rrnv; . Toronto. April 27. ]'.-`f. ;. 12-)`; . 1 ens, Jllli. \ZC., \",I.`. ll F I l\.`/k`.-( .1,h` B00kb111d111gvRl11111 and Pmmnga.` C0.\ll3.~.',- 1;1:t'. I'.u.\:'r.~;, ` 1-" -WA "`"" ""-`-'b*"- ions, v..u:.\'1. <:I..\:<.<. l`l."lTi l 1'oIIIP{l}' o.\'1`c1Ilud at the Lo\\'('.~xt KL-nxunorub ` PATENT MEDlCm-ES` ' `"3 `5' 11/_>1.'.~'1v.'_-1.\'1; ('.17"1'1/I-I .1/1:n1r'/.\'.::= of all liinuls. .\c.; ::l.~u. :n'l:u;:- :\~'.~'n1`lr::'-.'1l : Dail `Line of Mail Starres ` |..uws, m.\"|'n;::.\'.~', (t:w"' Y o ` .11 .1 A`. 94 _;\.--u.. .L1_ l n}u*r.-', Hull. Utiicc. Cui 1 u]u-rs, Chiu1uu_v l rinI.~'. Bord :it_\`lo. The !:m~.~t dt-.~i-guns n-_s Plain and l'au1c_v \\'1-itixng I':x School and Avcmmt LuuI\'.'~ . Bonk.<. (`hurt-h .$`or\'ic(-s. Hy: and Lill10;:I'uphs. l)rzn\'ing . PODS. Inks. .(-n It. Ferguson. nI.r. HALL; 'Plain I :qu-I LuuI\'!~'. H_\'mn.~'. Lilho;:mphs_. l up<-,1 Pens, Inks. &c., AQZL`. Bookbinding, Ruling Printin I l'}n\'L'Ir)]u-S. Bibles. l rn_vcr V l \'L`l'l\ cu. Iv . I . I-In_;1'u\'i_nj.:.~< ! 3, Pencils. 5!}! iana prumpuy :uwm1u April, `I867. Next door to Ross &' Gilt`/m'st and oppo.~n'tct/4e 01:1 Stuml. I required. Victor_ia. October. 1868. E .\"G , ......\ ...\q..-._._ 7 I lgvmia Bagk Stgw. i I WILLIAM MANN &_ sow, } Bookselgers, .Stationers, A . -c.. .m-..- .\"c.. Dmuzw "FA NC_E;o0 D_S., ---~-- 7. I ! z Barrio, Oct 3 1866. - -- _...... ....-a..:.\=&u- . JOHN CULVEBWEZLL. C;\RI1I;\G} TRl.\L\IER and Go. .Ul H()L.>'TElU~I1{. ()ppu.~'it.- 1-}. G1 I_Ia1'd\\'nrc.3'lox`g lmnlop-:'m'\-I, Durric.-. Barrie, April. 1565. ~ . HUM`! nan rvcvnlly undw I swo i|nprm'L-m--ms in tlw wag Ifnrnishing. .('v. 115 nee.-unnnnql: ample and cmnfmmhh-. The 1 und Ci_LznI'scaxn In-folunl in llu-12:: _ 'l`IIO.\`IAS s'ro.\*E,- 7 `INS Hoe.-1 has sivo imm-m~.-n...-. In: xu.\aI.\.\l'l.\' um.-|-:1\'m; E.VGLISII1 .l P1273 1/.1.\'(:'I.\'(:'5', DU.\'LO1 STREET.` I3.\llI`.1!~I. April. 1868. 1 ll- Im'l`L'lnl L:-nu-llcxs. I ()!mic-liqumrs kc. ms Sfablilzg and Slut-(Is convcn ____._____ !AP'1.`.$.? This well known cshxhlishnxont has recently nndorgnno very great inuu-m'uxncnt-:1 lurgr addition having been made to it. giving in- cn-ns:-d uccnnnnodatiun to the public and com- ` nu-rcinl tz'm'L-Hers. ] ()hni(-p linnnra .t-.- :.. rdnd. . n,, -~ I I 1 . 1 I - _ . . A pg Au`; ..-p EXCHANGE HOTEL, Ommsilp Ilm 7.*,..'!.M.. C; .c_-.__ 1 J.) D. D: I HENRY FR.-\.`:'ER. . B: D. I-`.m.u;m;n_. , By uaunync uuuuls IUI" L0 The Bar will nlw:n_rs L lxquors a_nd ci vars of Hm 1 Good Stab-hng and alter ________:__: . ...u.unu..u a nu I ` (Latte .\lu-king'~`.) Next. Door West of the ll:-ilw: 13111`)-ic,_()nt. D. - _...`.. HIS House has just been mu-d ux rcfurnislu-d anew, making it_ one ( most cunnforlnblc houses in the .\'urxh. Bx1rri'e, June. 156:`. ______.____ 2 ! `HIS hew and commodions hut:-1 is situated 1 near the Lake Shore, and cuxun1:1ud.~: :1 line } View of the surrounding scenery. Tim ruums ; are large. bands nu~1_v nu-uislml. ws-ll rnnti-} latcd, and 'f:uuili-s cum in: suppliud with j separate suites for tlu.-1u.~'clrcs. . I :'._`Sau1plc Rooms for Comuu-rciul Trzxn-llcrs. i Bar will .sI`\l`-Ira I... r.\.....1 ... . u ,. --- u\.;z.1.LIJ\JUl V F1-KJUDIL _ (Lute Stafford Hou:<-.) ORILLIA. C-VV. JAMES JOIINSQN, - - - l nom:nnoR.-I __.__ . air I -wig :' AND FROM PENETANGUISHENE: _--w--oo-I 3,`; Opposile (he L`uilvca_-/ Sp , 'l'\l1\~r\--- (_._._`j:-inn-ij __;____._. .___.__:... `(cnrrnt gsarcrtimuzcnts. ~..*\.\/\J\/`rx \f`-.`4`\4\4 \__ ..-y x ._ \ . wu.'i.IAm `MC.!:J-51;; 'l\Y.l3 L` Fl1\\`r1nI-\ W ifjotcls z:ut JOHNSON HOUSE (Lille Stuiliyl Hnn..- \ IEARAGHEITS HOTEL, (Late \In..L-iumx \ (`0.\'ST.\.\'TI.Y IH l~2I\'l.\" V'QIIl)|n1,~n :r4uv. .......... uu can mrnlnh AND BLINDS notice. and BTAJiii{':;`%o1}t.T - - PI FR.-\.`:'I~.`R. - .1. `.1 1...` APTO, 171.05, .___. ERAS 1&1:-1;.- ~ mrxn.<._ ' DAVID YA .\'EV ERY. I runn-Inln .:_._ I n-cyvnlly 11ndL-rgnm- -xt(~n- ~-nls \\`a_\' nf mlrlitiuns. [ls nccunnnndutium is now} `mm.-_ Tr... I... x:....,...\ I-`L03. U.\'I`. 1 stock.` Cnnnnodimls 3 vnienz tot c huusc. ; .,vuuuru.uu .| I"ul\'L'H(`I'S. ; be found replete with u: In-st brand. (1-nliw. I-1 . on -v-naQI /1171271. Dztzxlop 1S(_., `I I\ n 9 tu-tl up and uking it one of the , U.V'I`._ Vlw` I U- stock. nf Room iug and Window S '.\ an .......... I .\ I`. \ lull Y. LLI l'P.0I`RIL`TOR. ..._ Ix. `Q INK` \ W.` 4 I lull `.1 IN) ` ` -st. Liquors! . ll-Iv I Pl'0prit`l0I'.' 1 Hecvctary, Mos'rnuI.. _ I (:'o.*nr.-rul ' f`. v-v\ u-;...'.. ({'4C'7 mquon H-ly 11-11` ~ ' 114) Funds for _nvestii1.5i1*i: I 1 THE TRUST & LOAN U0EIP1'-{NY 2 T T AV]-I .l<'nnd.< for Inn-sum-m -rm auumu llH~'L`.|lln('nl.'~. Further aunl lull -iufnrnmtinn mn_v be km] by` Iutu-r" nrldrt-s.~5ml to tin: (,`r_m1u1i.~:siuxn-r.-, at Kingston. or from HENRY CRlCSWI(.'I{1-I. I .l...~' . 1 1 uanm mu: nu-1n1--n-st, on u(-cu Improved lh-ul Eslzm-. 1.mnsmndu- [or xcxl periods, or pay: annual im~'Luhm-nus. ;.`....n.. .l lull :..rm-r....a:m. ....... I... One Dollar per Annum, stictly in Advanu._ 1:5." FL`? 1.]. lu-hunnd cuuxpla-la-. T\1 `get 1. ;Money, Money, Mon??? 1...... ,. . T-7` , "'" "-'-'"-'-','J=~8a.v4~J\ . JOSEPH raoczns, `HIIEF C().\'S'1`.\BLl Cutuny c Oxrrxwz Dunlap a'f., 15'.u'rie. `Apply to lnI|xI'lH?l.'ll pII_\`.~`lt'l:u). I Barrie. .\'m`. 21, 19466. (1. > M,fi[ii:t:!iriztTI'. U ! A: \/K/\/\/\/K/\-'\f\O\;\r\/\z Eloney-! Money! 1}r1 o113v" `l 4 `$30,00 Eiiuiiif. 3 Cent. '1 lll'1`t` \\'lH t'('l('Cli0n at _ 1l'i...-e Rr/n I i I :`l`|l'L'HU]'I DI I|'im'.s-. [fr/1mIi:vs. WhL'sI:e_1/s. Rum, Gm. 4': inn-nal(-d for nmlicinzzl p|lX`)O.~L'. ` .\'.Ii.-Tlu- whnlc ofthc;-uhm'e was pxn'r-ham -1 nlnrlpn-pared under the supervision of un ~ pm-in-ncud ph_v.-i('i:u). (J. `i L` ! V APOTHECARY S ]H';\'I nl) umlnnx. NEW D1{:+sToRE III . . 9,910 47,733 222.27 139,332 513,055 9 ; ` i .-\KY . pl` , I than 14-`? !nn H... P r:xdf'nrd. Apri123. 1Sf`.R_ ...__-__..-._..-..?.. `,__ '_._..:-uvAAaLJ& DJ -U DUNLOI S'J'l{EI'}'1', .\'car/_I/ Oplmsile I/zc Rm ! /tout. "B A R R I E _ I " THE M " 1 '01 In Mr. Ln 7 lop .xu'c-I ' , an-n('v mu ur\|.r\Un'l\H. Teache5'6i' t11a_Pianafsri, &c., irh \1.'v.`_` .1 MBSSRS. ALEXENDER (Er, Co. _(/ I \'\'lH`\'4'l` IA: 41.. DRESS IVIAKIHE v . _,Ii'K` uml S((lII'1;1'I.'_/,'. .LJ.DUU.l. uu uun..LI UULLU .-\Vl-` -Funds for lnw-s1nn-nl. ; nan.-11 mtu nf-Int--1 H(-CI 'n\`mI lh-nl I-Tsmh-, "i`lhl`l'Iu . will `nu .h. `Fl--l0iv1AS sT.5rIE`. ` U-'ug1_1I [It-rlr 1'1: DryGoods,Grocenes,Provnsxcn ' UrucK'cr_:/, `U/(I.\`.\I('r(7'`. /'/.:1v.t'1-:1/'4' -v~ . "WV n..- `M . ........._ ; uh Vx.'1 .I.|' |}:`z:L:`.~:. .x- Rl('!.'lLL. ` WHOLESALE Hroh and Hardware Merchants. I _\'n'c .1`. AD.'. :`- In `A r`~ una'.~=nu nhncnc ---- -- u. LU: 1111` .\:-u.':( will UL` pl:-la-. cun.~i.~'Iin;.: ul' pun- I)RL'(;.<, (_:1n:.\1I('[ V,` [P -n yu.y-.~... a-nor uhlic pu lhu'|xc. \E\.\'1;\'1;:1:\";: Livery _"._`z*2a-.'T.*e3:.-,='~. "HF. `public nrv I`:-.~`p('L'[fllH_\` xwju-.~`. - take nulicv that (`.13 _ Sluu_la_v Ifausint,-.~`.-a ilhn-rl.. um! \..:.I. .u:. . --- I ..;.u.u.L.L1 LII I Izncy I/vu` "-`INC M15` 1" \ I('lIl tram CRICSWICIUI, 'Tvi':{'6HA LA{J.os<}i { .-.. .0 11. `n- an C0. BAIIII. 9 Agenda: u-. . . Township Flu.` 7-. --.`4aJ.AL.L.LJ.IJJLJ .\'.\'1H'.\'('JI In (In L lhn-.\' h:u'(- up:-not uv_r .\'n.n-, nu T0 LOAX, Oil good Yaxlvh :3cu:4rit_v. Ingcn.-st. 8 nu.- JOXIN 5TEVE.\'SGI'. SoIir.a'lnr .r.- xy qllzlllllllvs. '-uys be round in stock a (`ho ril 2-1.1867. 1..'\.\_`-7-:- 10 -ul m- _..___..__ ;;_..`. .__ ' %t_I1'z'i'tistnzrhzxts.' N UMBER :2 L R`. V IL. SUN. b'oIici(nr. 1h1., Urzlvffurd. l`I-a.` tgc-nt fol 20-Gm. 1.4 1 , III ]v_ml .S'/ul/r E l|'l\' \\' rill bu lI|l.'~ 11:110. U. Y.-\.\`I~J\'I_1 I -`nnrrl - iVi0f;I:R.E2\L - 5 I'( ' 1". .9 I\'-r.- 4-Cf um min a gay trimming. 0ne,.eveniug shewvas returning ffim. here rather late, and had reached a lonely part. of the lane when a dense woozl shut her in oneither side, when she heard a . law moan eri-lently wrung from a person ' III the last. strait of human-agony. Miss Greystock, who was . naturally ' timid, trembled and turned cold, whilst er.ahalr_i_ng limbs refused to? carry her r.further. She.huLjust.. strength enough to crawl upithe bank, and elxelter-~herself , ,-, .....u all`) lulu LU solicituliew the custom of thoeo whom, in the first hour of promised prosperity, she had suddenly left in the lurch. Some of them were inclined to punish Miss Greystock for her former independ- _ once, and informed her that they had found another dress-Inuker who had more fashionable patterns, and _u better cut, and should not think of coming back to her after ull that lmppeued. _ But a few, either more forgiving, or unsuited with u substitute, took Miss Greystock hack into favor, and gave her employment. One of these. last was a farmer's wife. withlsix unnmrrietldnuglnters, who would huve Miss Greyistock in the house days together, patching upold things to look like new, and smartening a3 coarse mute- -riul with trimming. V V _ 0ne..eveniur_r she was .-.ae.....:...- t`---- nallw Jest. Miss Gre_\-stock could not borrow with- out TiIuothy s help and concurrence; and when she found thm. he would not con- uent to such .1plnn, `she had to resume lwr xhfessnmkiug as usual, or consent to ILI_'\ C. ` Q1... ... |.mmrora, Wholesale .4 umr_\'(L , She was greatly nnno_` aily, and. the more so, solicit. alww m pro] had un:lA....l.. LA-. ' umu 01-ml`. Ur.-|ku7.4 lmb3ls." When . this speech was reported to. Timotluy hy the saxuu good-nnturecl friend l who had lulu-u the trouble to enlighten ' Miss GI'c_\'sLucl( as to his o[.iuion.=, 1'imo- l thy lnughexl so immoderulely that he (le- clnrcd ho hall made himself quite ill. His friend, Mr. Bnnimn, seemed to think _iLau excellent joke; but then, landlords mornwlnoslnuwno-slim, nnd- pay well. Mr. Bonixon and - 'I'i:uol.hy were; almost. like hrothurs by this time, and were eel: ' dom wen R]-nrt, so that it seemed natu- ml enough they should both enjoy the samejest. hll-In (3.-,....,o,.I.u. -..J I - ' lm _n it to as `m mtlnize dee vl ` with custo- l ) l I Y ll.'iI-l"- 9`l'xn not deal yet, she said: Mr. Druho shuulln`Lhc so mlgur with hii ` plans, for I can promise him I am mndu ( ofprctty lung1n:u.cri:ds, and can stand 1` ph-m._v of wenr and tear. Perhaps, he'll 5 nal out, too, that In.-nrringu isn't so agree-`; ` able us he expected. There are twof 1` sides to nlnsl qm.-stions. but Mr. Drnke H only secs one It seems to me. But it I V wants nearly :1 your yet ofthe lime, and nobody can tell what may happen "before `I then. Life is very uncertain, and I never Ihnnhl wonder nt nnything` in n 1: man ofMr. Drnkcft.-1 lmh3ls." When this .. -- III I 'l`hes~.~w(-re ne visions; ` good-naturual friend spoke Miss Grey.-atock, `she had ready. Pin uni Jan! ..,.A 91 .l.. umu) 5IlHl`_Ljl'L'lll1`\'lL~'. I 'l'l:crul'uru .~hj Ii-I not even hint. at rt:-. guin_-_; 'l`nnuLh_\'; gxml so fut.-ll sue.-xucul to` he the 1|L`I||"Ll I.'ll'hl)_'_f o.-ffu.-ct of the Ini.s'cr's mum-_v, so suuhlcn Iilc \\`Ivck uf his [letter `mixture, that 'l':umth_v nu locngcr dwelt. up- on this culIr;llH|lll. |1i()l| as if it were `the lunsl desirnlnlc, but, rather, spoke often an-lgrcclil_\' uf how he shuuhl spend his gold when he got it. His` wife was oh]. ` :ml wnnhl mun die out of the \\':Iy, of I L-,n1u'.~'-; for :u'l'iIImLlx_\' sairl, with a sly clmcklc, he llmuglnc it was likely she. might not nd the nmrrie-I state quite so ulesiralnlc as she expected; xuul then he shouhl look out fur a rich pnrtm:r-thc laughter of :1 duke wnuhl dn--:uul he- cu'nu u member of p:u-liunwnt, `anal . pur- hapsn lord himsc.-If nu` t3mo-who coul-I tell. 1 4 I I llillls `I tell . l`l_ . IUU 1.'|||l|('U ('I"L'K- She was rv.-u tn zxckxxowlcrlgc, after this, lh.-xL'l'unnllay was an mnunlcr, mu! In,-\\'z\ilcl her fate lnilturly. Ilur ' only hope \\'.'1.-I Llml. he might mend `when he I cnlxmmlnis fortune. nnJ [vaccine .:1 re-} up:-clulnlc um-xub:rnr' suL'iul._\'. Mntninxony I ` often lid r-funn llxusu violent c|IaI':acluI'.~'. .\n_\'lmw, Miss (iru_y.~;tud\' hml sm`T-:rL~,:l .su I` mm-|_\' t'r(.In pm :-It_\' In her iimu. that she | In.-liu\'eHlncz:1eru pmscssioln of money was :1 1-1c:|.~'ul'c that cnul-I mumcI'ln:n|.1Incu unuw and r u uni.- Limit-E" she c-xcluinwri. Vhy, bless me! you wcru.tip.~sy _\':ster(la_v in broai duyligln, furl s.-nv you with these very eyes. Lxulc, imlc-ed! I wonder what )ou would call ugrcut. deal ? '- "Ilou t know; but I ll bet. nnybotly tlmtyou drink more spirits in the course ofn day than I do. "r, I-ultn "` A-..I..i.....,) \I:... n o; n uzly umn 1 do. "Mr. Drake! cxclailncd Miss Grey- ilock, glztllcillg .'uI.\'iou.sly _t.o\\'.-mls the corner cupboard, I mu surprised at V1)!!!" HMI . . "I think I may return the compli- Iucnl." I nl ,I.~..'l .... I A ,. 1 V ` ` qoum noun:-., 5 A R R I E , .Y announces lo the public ` nll times pmpurcd to like ng. and that be can furnirh LI Ann nu Illl\l\ Adams 2111 oraara to A`, guy.` . a. u: ahuvvlb nuv UUA'l'l`J, "1-uuglnal KV&ll| _ 'l`lIUllal|A\' ll0at.\'l.\'H, m (I llvrn-w`: Dudlngn West of the Fireman`: 0 cc Hull. Collier a.r':cx, B:-.rnu. TERMS OFSUUSCIIIPTION: on Dolllr per Innum. strictly In advnuca! or $1.60 if nut no puld! THE E.\'.\3IINIR D8;)Pl:iK_?_ND JOB PRINTING pripmd. w ec.:.g_.r" ;:,h .l.lu`} ;;arior st)-lo ,\'eU do. 1 PLAIN AND ou.\'A.u;.\"r.u. 1-zzm-rma. n urea to execuw nu uuponor style no " P ncr'l (Inn of U mus .\xu'o1cxA.u;x'1`.xL mu.\'Tx.\'u: P D menu R H .A .. LmTBnUsl.\`lcss C.\|ll).-X. BILL F.AX)8, HAND IHLLS, CIIICULARS L.umi.s. .1: AaJ\llIIlllllJl.' AND COUNTY OF SIMCOE ADVOCATE, n A-um.|n.u:ID IZVKILY 'l`oIumuu\' un.mu\~u VOLUME V. Agrfvubllshod every `Thursday Morning. to more that she I hour nf l\rnunmul ---- om 'Barnett's l.cg'-acy. --- _ I [co.\'n.\'u|=:o_.] I I what little.-I lake will never hurt I The Exlunincr wn1YU"li' nu Q'\lf`f\l.' A nun |*`E'3?f?f we 1 u ` k 3 l himself -. I` lm!.l1ize4lnm.!u with M-.--on r nlmoyed at. this neces- VFG 80. In? nlnn 1... ) In u_v uu Illa HHS H90` . that slm bad n n`' Han... .--L- mu ucuulms .:I I`-j iuuiul._\'. Matrimony] 5 .ud\' ml `1 _> ,. , . EXA.\U.\'}!lI OFFICE. _ _ 7 lhrrlu c.w.- . but when n of them to her nllswcr I I lhrrlu, C. W.` Illllll. I _w man me man showed him their wairunt, and advised him to come peaceable and -quiet," Timothy rose` and dressed` him- self with extraordinary tranquility, and followd them without n-word. ` Miss.Graystock, who was wniging at her wiadow,.- lenn_tAou t. as he.pused,-and ` .....w u. uawiy cwo mules. Timothy was still in his nit sleep, and (lreinuing pleasantly enough. when his door was wrencherl open, and two cou- stables presented themselves before him. At first, Timothy looked from one 7 to `the other in drowsy bewilderment; but _when the _men showed him warrant, a nmu-m.M. mu! ...v....;, mm auuu MISS UI`CV- stock haul satisfaction of pouring into. the cons`.able`i ear :1. voluble tale of all laer woes. he, as he prepared to depart, not as ou see`dso1nnch; but his coming out ike that is very important. showing you couldn't have mistook his voice, and also showing us he wanted time to hide the body. Never you fear, l\Iiss`,- we shall have him nll rigllt and light, and serve him on`, too. There~wasn ta more quiet inoffensive mm: than .\Jnrk Finchley in all the p ariuh of Barstupple, and Pm pretty well -iurehe didi.-`t give no provocation to Mr. Drake. But there is NO accounting for things with a man iylm is evil dis- ' posed. 'I`he.y'zl as soon kill one nnother_ ` when they are in the humor for it! So saying, the constable bnd Mi-is , l I Ynu ll be called nsawitness," said Greystock nn early good `morning, and started for the nearest magistmte s, a dis- tance of barely two miles. 'l`im.-I... ...-- A-n - - - - ' uacnlvcs, wuuc wm uecome of me ? At this appeal the man shook slumbers, mrl arose, and soon Mus: haul the pouri of `v,, on . at-gs woum carry her. . Miss Greystocl: occupied two roonis in " the lmnse nfsome honest, laboring people, luml directly vshe lm-I recovered breath jVuf'ter`l1er rapid walk, she went and roused `the man from his sleep, related her ad- venture, and told him he luld better at once fetch a policcnlan, hear her lulu, auul fetch :1 warrant for '1`iInotlny s npprelnension from n Inn;ristrza.te close by, before he had time to escape." ` He may, perlmps, expect that-he was orerlward, and get off in the morning before any one is about, unless he is .se- cured, said Miss Greystock. And if he eseapes, what will become of ?' mm:-nl Hm lnun ..|.,.-n_ _n- I - that he might uuIu'l_\' grvnlcr. l\lis>: Gl`(`._)'.'l0L'k mm 50 i'u1l_v convinced that Timothy wuul-I utv.-Inpt her life if he i sans` hur, l.h:(t she waited in the wood for Ion-r.l\\'o hours. . Thu: aha detected a cautious. rusthng aouhd runong _t.he , I l`n'am-l:es opposite, rind Timmhy elll(.'!'g :d "vi iron}: the b'i'h`l(li)\\', V and luapr. over the ` bun intolio .-me. He looked anxiously from side to side to see ifziny one wcrc coming; _:uil then, with H .~`C)\\'i on hi.~i'f;1cc, which made Miss Gn-_\'=tock shiver .until {she had nearly ` i l`elI'a_\'-I her -hiding-place, he walked ii simrply down the road to\\'zxr(is Brirstup : pie. V ` 5 He hm] been gone in full hour, and ; lllllsl have hnci ample time to reach the . village vhofore Miss (:`vI'e_)'stock, lnenumhed with cnlvi an-I fright, saturated with night. laws, venllircd out of her retreat, and hurried hence ns fast as her trembling: legs would her. . -' G'l'(l\':~if.n1`_L' fIl`.'Illl\:1.u` 6...- ---_l- . ( 1 i . I 1 I ( uruuuu.:s_ |e_g'uc_\`. lfshe were gone, the whole hundred lhou.~mnd pounds would revert. to him. uceunliu_-1 to the conditions of the lnist.-I"s lwill; and, l.lIerc't'ure, if he hml killed `;\l.-ark l*'iuekle_v from pure revenge, he might he, mu! no douht wa.', cap.-ll-he of `doing the smue hy her, when the motive wm so much` stronger, and the `gain in-I tiuiu-l_v greater. Mi. (;"llI'L`.;\:.`l .. ... .. 1' " ` I ouu, sue was I1 slmulul encounter ' fate of Mark Fnwh ' 'i`l.. .... 1ll\l'L` W.-1.1 3| g__{:'c:nt 1 her ilculh: zuul now I i dcspemtu Iuuo.l, it set I that ha might. suck u woman who sum! in lvI`c|l him from the {L Baruutt. s_ luu'uc_\'. . h'.I... .. .....- A . Ham.` um-ya-Lovk n_(3:1rd cc.~2-zmn ofdull, hc:|\'_V blows, such as might In.-we been produced b_' :m iron- heulcd boot, and dug Her fingers into her ears, a-'hu.llcrin_;_*. Presently she with- ,drc\\' them, and (Len nhc knew, from the .` duml silence: lh.-n. had followed the agoniz- mg 'l'_V ul .thu sulfurcr, that all was Vuvcr --th.-it the pr.nr,1IIi.s'cI';llalc crl-uunre lmd gone to his hat lung account. Still, she <|vt'r.4id to move, lest. she , 'J`im.nl.. nn-I an H III; III "Wil! you get. up, or wnn t you? ex- claimed 'l'imoth_v, whom Miss Grcyslnck could picLuru .slunding over his xhitbing victim with :1 face oflierce menace. If you don`: more. In; he:u'cn. I'll _kick you V IN! ymn do. I m aick oflhis shnnnuin H 3 and mean to nut an .....I in .3 ...` n I ........;_-,u: nuo a D03 hear what I tell you I cuuft. xnnvgf" was the painful! spouse. "Oh, 'I`ixno'.h', you're kih me 5" I ' I_Inh_l your tongue, and don t he calling out my nmlre for people passing hour. lfyou were so` near dead 3' say, I sllspect you'd silcl Jim the fact is _you me than you ought, that c` sue the lmlll.cr with you. Am`umw, _\'< want to ram-h home to-night, I advi you to get up and. be off. ' I czm'L--I cau t!" muttered the d in}: man. ' mare, or spine on slmll'gct into 3` ul , `A --uunu .l.'(3I'II`IC hand, and manufactures inds, and furnlsheu all the nary for Funeraln, including , whlohcun bo_ had on very nu...- ms cnruuyj troubles nearly over. She \\`ua_ about 10 slip down lllc bank. and Inuke pus: the fatal spot with all speed, when she lwnrd a voice she recng- nizod easily as Tinnotlly Drake's, saying, in aharsh, cruel tom-, "Get up, you fel- low, and don t lie grunting and groanning there, some one hear ;.l...n'.- - 1| unu. .uurK rim-lily-_\'!". A ml than .\Iu~'s (h'e.\'.-lock us-ziun of dull, blow `Curl 0 I I It. mcighi. iinihihhn an hour, perhz before she became conscious that , deep, painful mouns in the opposite '1 had not ceased, only became fuim There was at longer pause Inc-t.we en ea an ifthc sutfen'erl1z|l grown more and nn cxlmusterl, and the qufx-oring breath v rising with greater difficulty at ca respiration. ` Miss Greystock felt that the wretch man was now all lhe lust a>.\'t.ren1ity, a his earthly troubles mui siin tinwu Il.,. L... im the hedge, and then a numbness < over her senses, and nothing for awhile. V might have been per] \ hd nnf no-:..n.l --`-- ` ` ` she rememl Ilh('.- "'l'lncn: . my Imnc nqni that Um --|' " .. . ... men 01 mm sumnnungl :1 put an and to it soux|eho\\'." ".'\14.-rc_\'--.m.-I1-.y 1" Vplcaded the wretch- nmn, J uuvcr harmed you, '1'imuthy zry slufwing we ver vou fem R';na' ..... -L..II m uvu-uu no lest she Lcr '1'imoIhy, and share the Iuchlt-_\'. dual to he gaiiu.-ll by I that ho was in this I, seemed \`er_y. prohabfe to lid himself of :1 run! in his wa_v, and hin- ` V. 1 full c'uju_puum of 01:11.: u umn BIIOOR on ms` , Muss Grey-w tution nuurino inm DIIKEXANDER 4, C0. HA--n.