Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Jul 1868, p. 3

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___._f____..4; Printing of g sfvla A9 and Jg{E_GlNT_ Z HOUSE, . .7 1,'()1E SAJLI3} MRYKN & ouven, xI!'l`FIl (H-` H.-\IH)\\'AlH-`., VAEUABLE "lit.->_Machinists.` 'n..l..., noun! rnnnrna nnn sJ IN THE QPj Ill KING (STBV|E'AE_'l'_E`/:ST, TORONTO, -r~r A Ivra \Vr\IIv 1f??"7"T\!'$i: To Taors. ICIAN A: umvmi. 114 Yonge street, Toronto. .... ....._y uml... ll!) IRON :1r.u old, rising :5 years, with mu-1, -r and lower lips, pxmiculay on \n_y person giving such inform- and to its-recovery will be libc III .Ll.lU\Jl1l\4 L LI. 1 Vendor's Solicitors. ` l(`l', SIIOGE Sl('0l. (BIC. RYAN I: OLIVER. . Vnnrvn rm-1, 'l`nI-nnh Y. WIIOLESALE AND RETAIL. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ' -AND-_-' TANG I-IATS V .. .. K)` uun up Ti f'\lDt L"l*1.V' r\' vxvnnv nun . ..mun..... . HAVE NOW ON HAND .'1]:n'_r_re supply of" . THEIR L'1\`Rl\"ALLI`JD ,\, .-. ...r- .t.._ ---- .-..... \.4;1A|.| v .'xuuuLI SILK HATS, THC H.\VF'. 0Tl'I`.\I\'1-`.h szrnn Fm! 1.`1)1'1YvI~\' WIIICII IIAVE 0I}'I`.-\I.\'I-ID SUCII CELEBRITY > ' IN 0N'l`ARl(), r-___`|__.__'|_, l|J\- - .. 1 5.` un 1 xuuu, For their beauty of Style & durability. om: STOCK mr I~.'_ into the enclo. of the why nlu-r ,on the 12th Instant, 711 IN?) A 17 rarxv-nu ,, __j._. g -- 2: 12 j IS COMPLETE` IN EVEP.Y DE1 .-XRTMENT. jj. OTICE is hereby given, that Mr. Wm. Boys, of the tirrn of Messrs. Lount J5 Boys, Bn.rrie,'has been appointed Mnna ing Executor and trustee of `the estate of the ate ` John Alexander. and all parties indebted to the estate must make an early settlement with him. All persons hnvingclaims against the estate must present them to Mr, Boys for payment. ' . - T1108. 1). McCONKEY, JOHN GRAY, ` WM. BOYS, Barrie, July 15th, 186 Executors 3- end Trustees. 24-3in. "--+'j*`+""""*--'-' mms A nhninn Inf. ATWANQ nl \T..Im1......-.. \v._._..' .|,'L.L].`LJ 5 J.'.\.J.VL) 6 8 V JIILLVD 1 11 A choice lot of FANS, at Nicholson`: News" Depot. _ ALEXANDER ESTATE` I EVERAL IMPROVED FARMS for Salain the vicinity of Barrie. Also, a number - of Town Lots , with and without buildings. 4 Apply to D MORROW. , 11%` SEE PRINTEDLISTS. .` Bnrne. March. 1234. 21%` SEE PR. Bnrne. March. 1864. was us. Also 2 500 acres in the ourishing County of Bruce from which puxrchascra can obtain wild mm} or ciurod {arms at fair prices with time for payment. Apply to . ~H. CRESWICKE. Jn.. Clover Hill I'.(). Clover Hill, 21st April, 1868. )2-tf I .S.-A Large Quantity qf $Iu'n_qles For Sale. .\"I`IILY. ICE [.1 1'78 NT HOURS. "I`lC_ M()I\"I'HLY. ()ll|'}$,T'S MAG.~`\ZL\'l?. L'.\'G A.\!l'}IHCA, `HUNG I"()LKh G. )I)l'.'Y'h' M.-\G., mrn m-rivml Tm Aumm-f.. nor further particulprs apply to the nude: signed, (if by letter, post-paid). ' . TIIOMAS S.-\LX\'DEIlS. | ('.`(IL'nl' mu P n `us; nnuux H) Aunnu uunnxuuuz` nut! in :1 good state ofcullimlion, well fenced. and nmslly.frL-0 from slumps. The Imlmnca is in GOOD H A R1) \\ 0('H) `HITRII unu n1osl(y.1rL-on'n1n slumps. The Imlmlco is in GOOD I{ARDW.OOD `BUSH. -A I\'x~:_w-. IPIIAXIIT. n\\'l'`J.I.l\'!`1 nnrr:T.'. A\'n n.n)\' -A 1\'x~:_\v-. lI<`RA.\IE D\\'ELLh\'G HOUSE AND BARN were on-ct:-d on the pronnisos inst year, and lo farm is wt-ll mm-r(-(1 lw were on-cu-a the prolnxscs lust and by { A NEVER FAILING SPRING CREEK, nhd rvnm] wt-.1 I. lmlf xx milv of ' ' THE VILLAGE OF CLOVER HILL. 'l`l.nun um. .11 u|II \.A\l|ll'|7.`hlUIl Ul Julsil, (mlllllllllllg DONE HUNDRED ACRES, lll0l`u 0|` less. \'('II'v lhvnrnhlv unnfnfl within [V4144 A.L\J-L` JJAUJJJJ J..I.\J.L|IJJkJ, or [(453, very 1'-.wor::hIy situated, within half milv of l`nT`. VlT.T..\ (`:19 nu nr nvtrn nnr 'l'lI(`l'(`, (ITO )t.~`ABOUT 7.5 ACRES CLEARED nm) In n n-mm noun. no-m.Ic:....a:.-m .....u I-.........1 -gatrut.-3 & % -iYti` $311115 tor Salt. . ,.,\ .~.. '\r-, . _ ,.~V,.. .,\,., .\,,.. N./v....v.,...,~. . nuns mmk. m'I.~mns--M<.-ssrs. II!I%!?li9?E!i.IEAEEEISTEE?i Feb. 27, 1868. .4 I: 44, in nu; 'xuu*\1uII-, LVU uulca. Tl N Y . - Lot 108, in tho lst Con_.. W P R, 200 acres. 107, 2nd W I R, 100 H 110, w H w- 1 1:, 100 Lots 13 and 1-1, in the 1st Con., N S, 400 Lcres. Lots 23 and 24. 2` 'I'I\I|l no Lot 23. in thc_ i Lot 15. Ia 1/ 4:` 4 For further particul_ars apply to the under-l :igued. (if bv letter. post-nnid). I miss $3. sim. 333" Ilotel and Tavern Kcepcrs would prot by c2:a.2m'1u'ng his ' His Clothing Roomis well stocked with the Latest Styles in Coats, Pants am constantly on Innnd. 1E Straw, Tuscan and Leghorn Bonnets and Hats cleaned : Or to 'n.n unrlc mum-. lull. nnu leg. 4-r of`warls smmncl the mouth. md. nun] unh-ss C'h|illl('(I \\'i_lhin am this date will be sold to de- His Trimmcul Bonnets at $[.25;'l1is Trim cheapest Suits, for B035 and Girls, ever offer Lmlics I :-uuellu Gnifnr Rnnkx in 1'....1:,. uueupusu onus, 10!` 11035 and Ulrls, Offerctl for I runcHuG:1iter Boots, 541. Ludie:-x Len 81.50, worth $2.` Tlmt Genuine Gunpowder '.l'n n A Cllcap Lot of ,_ -_ ...-- IA\JIL)1 - F His rapidly .ix1c1'ezisi11g business is stroiig evidence of the advantage ti extensive establisliment. His Dry Goods and Millinery he imports 4 which enables him to offer goods at the following 7] , .' \ -'.\I:`TIT\'*T\1\wfNrV~r-/- D.ELAIN' DRESSES; $1.25; POPLINS AT` IJL. Inc Jul? `I -ldll L IISLLLII I `Ill X55145` I I-IING the West half of Tlnt No. 1 in the sin Concession of Issu, cnnt_nining H`. 14` TIfY`.\T`h1)TPI'\ A rvvvu Bxrrio. May 27. 1868. :.j.:__..:j:._ In order ..--- iie residing in South isslonary. discovered I y for the Cure ofNervou ay, Diseases of the Uri- . us, and the whole train 11 by bnnefui and vicious xsimva been cured bi rompted by a desire to nd unfortunate, I will irepnring and us nvnlope, to any one as. who inglis ' Farms for Sale. - J uuu 8'1; Ill LIIU `Jill V\JUlI-, `IUU ll TOWNSHIP OF TAY_. , H 411. 200 A , 9 & 10. in the 5111 Con., 100 ~ Strictly One Price. 15-tf. , in the 4thCon., 100 acres. 'r'c|.l\I 1vA_u.u\u Erin and good well. `MONO. c_ lst Con., I In n E t ~ H. CRESWICKE. Jn,, Bumm, `. PROUDFOOT. T L U U 0 . in tlie com com, 400 acres. Icunn nr 'l'A\I J . PROUDFOOT, Qn'::I.~u- U`: U1.` U1) '1`lIem 7: A nu rec EH %. IBNl1gAN Me n i e 0 . on * New Yotk 01`! `- to supply the want; of his numerous `customers Thoaas I I His \-'arious qualities of dress goods are low in ] AMINER AN D COU`N'fY OF SIMCOE ADVOCATE, THURSDAY; JULY 30, SAL'GE,E.\' P. O. ' 4-ly , E II S, 200 acres. : ' I lb L\:J\LIA\] lSl`n Clover Hill I .O. Leas: l`7-H` well and Vesfs, Huts : " and altered. ' Iv`L'Rs._ga ` 19-ly 1- stock, as we White LOstric1 1 Feathrs and u. nuAI'(l)--\\'m. Henry Thomas, Esq. Iixq. , and the Hun. Jae . -.\Iulson's Bank. m'I.~u-:ns~M...... ~- his Trimmed Hats at 75c.; his Summr I o`erc rm nnln in H.; nm...... `WEST HALF in Lot No. a. in the 9:1: Con..of Vcspra, TWENTY ACRES .OLEARED.' Log House and Burn, Good Soil and Well Timbered, including pine and elm: within 9 miles of Barrie; Church and School. at the lot. Tzmus EASY. ` . A __1._ ;. A 1' av Ir-nn'vvr 1 r\1wr1'rII I 12-6m ~ I5 under the management of a rst-rate Cutter. Persons desiros of Clothin of the very best materials, and got up on the most fashion- acle an substantial manner, can procure It here at reasonable prices. 'P.S. Several Cases Self-Sealing Glass Preserve Jars. [The Custom Department China, Glass& Earthenware, A Grat Vcm'et3/ of Ready/-lade CLOTHING. `Genuine Wines and Liquors. I A large stock of Seeds. jsan, Plaster and wm Lime, VVest of England `Coatings and Trouserings, Canada '1 .lJ(Ia\.llCD ;.la:U-3, Gentlemen s Felt and Stfaw Hats; W) I1]: July, 1868. .___.__._.._.__ Black and Fancy Dress `Silks, Fancy Dress Goods, 109 p ces, ' Brillantes and Pl d Muslins, Prints and Ginghams, Collars and Cufs, > Satin Ti-iinmings and Buttons, 7 Fancy Bngle. do. do. ' W Ribbons and Laces, ' j Lisle Gloves and Hosiery, ' French Kid Gloves, - Pamsols and Umbrellas, Paisley and Fancy Shawls, Bl k Caslimere do., ' * Mantles, French Merinos and Delaines, Cmpe Cloths, all colors, ' Alpacas and Lnst1'incs, White do., English Coboui-gs, l Tnrlipa T-Inf: | Jtngllsh Uobot Ladies Hats, l`_`n..L1...~.,... .. L` Ila I-uu tutu Lanna unuxo Apply to ALEX. MccoULLoUGi1, n..-2._-I- n l'\ MAY 3, 1868. Tms SUBSCRIBER nmnecnrnlly announces um he nns JUST OPENED OUT n very, large stock gt` the following goods, viz. :--- Just received ONE HUNDRED BOXES Assorted New . other Gzpceries in `p1'opo1'tio_n. ` `FIRE-PROOF HOUSE: BRADFORD. AND COLOTAHIER A O @ Sign. of the Gold.n Elephant, _95 King Street Eashmg A TORONTO, ONT; Official Robes 9.!-id Caps ma; on -4u\.1u|Il'A llll`: l|U\\'I'ih.`$' xnothcrn. it will give rest to ourselves, nnd nnul. 1- .._,m - ----l- 1cIcs-()xxL:::Smh]liwv Grucuclmrch S1;-OM nfsovnd vcppooll` 3 4 0. RA.\`(.' 0-vn_.. A :1. ll5[(>A:()[:h\\rx,:nML"`"80 Buildln Tbomm; '1: 015"! Esq. 8" l'II=a.. and H... n.. .. "iqv David L R. SCORE} &7:*~SON, CI@E3@[:].m]i]' '&\I[L38g A'lV'T\ .( *1 ~ l'\V'I"`I`1"I'1T*l1g~4 1sss, THOMAS M6oRM1o1;_. Fm` $9.16.-. nvvnv-I1 . V 75c.; Maritles or sale in this County. ' .ea:l1or Bo ots,`$l. Men s Fzmcy Gaiters, $52.25. Men's Canvas Gaite I at 90c., worth $1.10; best Young Hyson at 80c. and 90c.. t $1.25; are still in great demand. IN GROOERIES. ` Craigvalo P. 0.. If byloltcr post.-paid l proportion. He has just received the public d by visit1ng his imports direct from the WTnnI1f'9nhn-m-c. HAVING returned to Barrie, respectfully informs `the_ Ladies thereof, and its vicinity. that she is prepared to attend to all orders in MILL_INER_Y, 1:: her usual style, ' which has invgnnbly gxven satisfaction to her patrons.--Unt1l_ more suitable premises can be obtained, she rs temporarily located in the - Car opposite Kmg s Buildings, Dunlop-street. `Rn:-I-:0 'M'nu IQRSI <- -P -u-run IV ,UllI' UIIIIIIIIU up nnd sold this article for v in conlidonco and truth of ever been ulilc to any ofln \'m.'cr has it }"u'led in a sing a Cure, when timely used- w nn instance of dissatisfac- lm used it. ()n the contmryp` with its operations, and speak ndntion oi` its magical oifeclq As. We sponk in this mum!` \'u\\' " nftor venrs of exn9|'l' .'J. K; FALCONBRIDGE. IVines and Liqors. 453! AL Jul: uu\.t BJLUUUH \JiUI]UI'lC (U A ' Linens and Lawns, Hoop and Balmoral Skirts, Sheetmgs and Diapers, V Linen and Woollen Shirts, Gents Collars, Ties, &c. .... ~._,-~-~~ --__,... .... Barrio, May, 1868. v1."\:1u auu ;1UllllJ 10., Stair do., . Damask VVindow Hangings,` Nottingham and Leno do., Silk Tassels and Cords for do., Damask VVoollen Ti11.`]0 Covers, Damask Table `Cloths, ' Marseilles Gounterpalles, D O]ys and Towels, White and Col d SiIk.Hzmdke1"f's, Black Italian do.,_ Irish and Scotch Cambric do. u T: nnnn -._J T - - Children s do., -Tapestry, Carpetings, I 3 and 2-plv Kidderminster (10,, [Felt and Hemp do., Stair An the most correct principles. *:_. _.j__.:.._:j} `Mrs. B/_OU`RCY,A mu: yuunu ue1'_1Ve my vlsmng his di1'(_ect from" the Manufacturers, _rprices:V-- ' McCormick is receiving We this mum!` \'u\\ years exp?!" tr ropu!a!ion{`or !he_fuln'ImgM -(are. 1n :1 most every 1|`- nfunt is su'vring'!rom [1 -lief will be found in ftevn nfter Hm run-nn in ndmllllS nlu. Bonnet, Trinlmings. 1868. ; : nnd'Cas. Family Mourning I ~.'1`weeds, &c., &c. Gaiters, at c. . 15-tf and daily W I l`41\l\1$\O, LVV -1"` Mppcl`. ' 5 throughout the world. Ilne _.\/4. BY THE LATTER PA1iT OF THE ACIRRE`-NT MONTH. uuu 5 U 11; [Staple and Fancy Dry Goods 'W. J. Mcwlaster and company, " L 16 LEMOINE STREET, % A ' J "MONTREAL, I WIRE JDISI-I COVERS. Brass and Enalnelled A [FRUIT ms. N.B.-Highest Price paid in C1151/1 for W001. delivcrctll at the \Vorks. Having` made arrzlngements with the Railroad and Steamers, goods can be delivered at any place in the County where they stop. ,. Barrie, April, 1868. "` " uh Barfie, April, uh LAVII "Montreal, March 1s, 1868. Garding Spinning, Cloth Wea;ving;: Dyeing and Dressing; 1 DONE PROMPTLY, AT_ THE" USUAL` CHARGES. |1\Jl LILUIL J. L'\J1J1 'ith (Turk tail. nnd legn Hf \\':Il`IH 9.I\mInuI Hun vnnnu BARBIE WOOLLEN IIKIQIA ll &`I ze:!mLI;-1 .UM` l!JL|.!JJ-3 Ll`-JIIJLEE-JQ7'LJ Ci)! L!`;|`s:E-LC.) LEW` 1.'JLl!K|3!\q_`5 ..........,,. I _W'f1`1;ic_Hy{i1lbe found advalmmgeous topurc11asg3rs RECGOLECT THE EMPORIUMI WHOLESALE & RETAIL. E STAPLEHANCYDRYGOODS! Ban-io, Aprii 8; 1868. Supplis` of the newest and [PRESERVING .KET'I'LES. 3;. Ei]E[l]@38U]8;,; [The Emporium :1 "7r_iii3_ v 1 *' bl1akspe:u`e, 11 hand in n few duvs . - I I I 7 ....u uuo uuu 1 11111 I: unrxt. 1 1V1.bN 1'- Tho prices will b - found to range unprr-ct-dent:-ll_i' low. {for in:~'l:1nct-. l l'.1ckl)rvss Conts.$4._:'.0 Worth $13.00; II9:u'y Plaid Punts. $2; Lint-n Dlxstv.-rs. $1.25, \\'m'll| $2.00; \"est:=. $1; I-`aircy Cotton Shins. 81; Fine Flnnm-l (litlu. $I.2.':: Barlwr & l3r0=. All-Wool Twet-11. `me p. [N G 1i 0(71'}13[1L'S AN1} IIA R1.) ll .-11313` T1119 SA Jlflv} RED UOTIOAV. 3%` His Stock of BOOTS and SHOES czmuol be rvplncc-l at his pros:-nt soiling pricnz. 3`; ' - ` RFRN ART) RT-1 mun A l\l [$pt*ittg Summer. . I):uA1'11c>vp-_S-t.-E1.-sg, ' . u l u I I I ..... uns. .3 o uruuub unrnxtllvlh 1. '9 f``'i3 `0' T'|'i0l`S will he sulliciont tn cunvince tho mnsl iI1c|'vrlz1l<`aw=:--Cotton Gingham. 70.. \\'01'tlil;':c; M1-lmir. 1513.. worth 25c; Frcncli Dc-lain, .`i:'nc.. worth 45c; Snlwrline wool Plaid, l30c.,\\'orll1 $1.00; Illnclc Culmnrg. `. .":c.. and npw:u:4l; I lll'(.`,i.iX!Ul1`T0\\`L'iS,200. and upward; Pure Linen Slni-eting. 21:. yauls wills-.'6.-'c., worth $1 0 n; llaggin Cloth. zuc. mul upwards; Colored Spx-calls. $1.5 .' llr-_1i'/.0 l2,'..'c., worth 2lN.-: Doluin-.', 1?,'5-~ '" 2"? Colored Coliourg, 250., worth -lllc; Fina CI':1p('. Cloth, 400.. \\',ortl1 lioc; .\lu. (lint color) lUc., and Iipxrards; Print (lo. l0c.. and up;--\\'l1it`u Cullon. 9c. and npwaml. I"au1c_v Flnnm-l, 300., wortlu-501:; Superior Canton Flannel, 2Uc., wo1~Lln2;'c; And other nrticln-:4 at proportiunutvly . low rates. TIT '!1"Iau an`. A-_...__._ -. --+- ......,5 ,.-........uu3 to :1 won assorted Show-ltoom, equally low; . HIS DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. The incn-rhllnu-2:--Cnllnn f`-iv-r*1-"-" ., .. .. . V ___ .._-..-...u;_y auu. .I.u.auu.u.7 .I.II::p'cb1'talI1eI11' Has increased beyond his anticipation. and in order to onconragro and duvolope u still grout:-r . `In_cren.=e. he has reduced his prices as follows:-Childron's Choice Iints, 10(-ls.. worth 20 cts, Misses` do. 40cts worth 60cts. Ladies do. 5Ucts., worth '75cts ,Lndivs llms and 'l`nx~lmn.~i,t:0c|_sx., worth $1.00; do. 65cts., worth $l.l(); do. 70 cts.. worth $1.25.: (10. $0013.. worth $1.50; Fancy Trimmed Bonnets. 7:'xcts. nnd npwm-d; do. Hats. 75cts hnd upward. Ladiv.-.<' do Cups 50cts, and upward; Fancy do. Jackets, $1.00 worth $1.50; do. Cloth Juclwts. $4.09 worth $5-005k 110- $3.00 worth S.-':.tl0:~Cl1ildren*g cloth do. 80cts.'worth $1.50; Splendid Summon Shawls, $l. worth $3. mnhroidr-rc'l; Black Shawls $4. worth $6; Ostrich Ft-zttln.-rs, 25c. nnd "P'l1TdSi Feathers, I-`lowers, Ribbons and Bugle. Dl'c.s and Straw Trimmings; in fact, every thing pertaining to :1 WC assorted Show-ltoom, T\'I317|C(d mnnnn 'I!\'rI1'|'l-l\Ln!I--:--1 lgommercial B1991; %eve1op4_i";;:gT] ]oodSFeafg1lyRedEgd1 ]g_13.g:LEA3ING SALE 2 21; s.T\'x.\'s`1.o\\V*s T I N G s YR U 1?.- III nu uv n-.~............ Barrie, July 13th, 1868. M rates. ' IN HIS CL0THi1\;v7I3 i;ARTMENT he range llIl]II`f'C('A](`nl('(]H -'for illstmmt-. Him-l: I).-nae rm-4.~ be uu ]u\/`JUL IIUIIRIH ?L__ ` N ordr'to `keep pace wit] (1 ' -' -' - - L in r::`::;:::r;i:5'.::c$%g%:.fm.*"3 " *5 W-=* lid .M~:`"u'..v-`.._ _ _ :I 1-, :1 -n . `READ Y FOR INSPECTION u-rvv-. - . ____ _, ,,.-_. \.-v \r- *"Suitable for t11efSpri11g and Sun1n'1e1', ` ' MONTREAL, BEG TO ANNOUNCE THAT-THEIR smrxa srocjx OF ` GRAHAM 3; LOUNT, I5f;)-];>`rietors. is, In every ucpartment, at fcnrfullyvrcduccd gures. Millinery and Mantle Department rrqnsqd be_vqnd anticipation. Order oncourzrro and th-vnlnnn :1 mu .m........ 111-:--- RD SHERIDA-NS. Prices Low and.vTris Liberal. .rr-h1R `IRGR nor will be found in tiller" Inner the syrup is ndInIul_S- (svcoyssozas To 7: J); Am-cbmrz 1:) DUN. DUNLOP STREET, BARBIE. ARE NOW DAILY RECEIVING WILL BE COMPLETE A_.\'D . JNLOP STRE_l l`, 1;AR1z11c, AT most Fashiohable styles of? ~--..-.4 .au14.L/L/\J.l1LIJ| IT:<:i BERNARD SHERIDAN. VBAiiRI -E, Bxft. tor using will nccompi 0 gonuino unless Hm fat`- S: PERKINS, New York; WIDDCI`. SQEES :1 a5 pgi educed 1AN L`, he has 1'0-m:u'kcd all his tepartment gm] dcvolt slillgrontt-1` " I 3 3.. wot . .. ; rs th $1,. , upw La ;`do - is lo'th J:1(:k(-ls . `.09 1 mtrich Ft'fllh(.'. inc. L`rinnuings; '- -_. I ARTMENT nI H o +3 d 0 o d H rth `>I.iX!Cl1`T()\\`l`l.\',. 200. """' Ihxgging ` uin-7, 1",'c.. worth -; ) J . 1 {Fuel n..In..\ .. -* ' 18-tf LLIALLV 24-tf 10-tf Barrio, June 16, 1563. ox Inna, be me name more or iI'_=.`=. The ahump property will bu swirl nmlt-I` :1 .pnwur of sale contained in A Bxurtgugc from I Wm. Patteson. datedsixth March, AJ). 186.5, to George Michie and W. B. Hmniltun. ofthc city of'1`uronto_. and which_ xnor!p;:|,r;I,- and us- sigment thereof to the 'nnv1ursigncd will be pxoduced at the time of salt-. 3%` TEIIMS C.\.~JH. __g`,) JAN. 0. ]lU!Hl()\\'. I 11.1. be sold by rnhlic Anction on SAT- URDAY` the 22nd day of .~\u,r:ust. A. 1). 1868. at the Auction Rnnm ofl).-wid .\Iorrow. Esq..Bnrrio_. at one o'cIock.p.m., that valuahlr Farm known as the North Hulfoi` Lot numbn- Eighteen, in the I-Eighth Concescion of the Township of Innisl. in tho County of Simcoo, containing by admetwnremont , @ Q A :1 2. can 4: A I be the In-.=.2. mvts nrnnr-I-I-v will Ln . I TRAY}-ID from the promises bf the sub-I scribr-r. in Barrie. on or about the Imh instant, :1 small. Lighl Red and White Milch I Cow. with :1 white stripe down her fate. She had on :1 shm-p-soumling lwll. Any pnrsnn` ` giving inforn`.ation where she may hn found. I or bringing her to Mi`. Andrew Graham's store, I will be well rowurdc-d. I _ 11' u I`nr\:<,~ . 2 ,1 rubbed in by the pou_na grand specics are pllls` ~sul(! system ofluechoatl on ills is :1 dose to is C().\'CE.\'TRATION H9 . nllcafcompnss the aciV9 L potent vogetable speci- nineral in his Pllls-theI ~ do not cnfeeble. The ppotite, nnd correspon - u digestion. The to! head, and atoa y I9 MORTGAGE sAL1;.j 1-.\ mn '1um:>'l).\Y. nm1.\vill couxrnt-nce ll. DRILL fur tlw yt-nr on UN FRH).-\Y. lfllla Jn: o'clock, n.m., at the A1'nwr_v. - _ Y\`l I'\Iv1v v\z\r ` ILL be sold by Public Auction SAT- .~\ugust I). 1Rf`.R no Hm Au:-Han Dan... ..rI\....:.I u... -1- n;g__ I 02 mg] .uuL/Juyj IL) 1111"]; b'lZI9'. ` I10 confidently ch.'1llon;:-5 compnliiiun, and gunrzmtocs tl1c'mo.=t(-mire 5:1!" xction. Piclztrcs cnlaryctl In any S120 (](`$i7'L (]. Call and inspect his spccinxcns, and judge for ymxrsclves. n`%` )|'nIaI~nn l.. ,.,, . .. , .11 Phsitiun to lake like: .u. .. ...Vm,:-.~.-u.~ H)l' pruuucmg THE MOST EXQUISITE PICTURES nn'din11nnishin;;rhi~1 New (lnllr-r_-; with u- 1:\tcSt'n[`p1`r)ved auppnrml Ind he is `now in as 01 Holy Si /.l'_. from tho snlnllt-.~'t 7'I`\.`YI'7vr11 rrvn ----- .mmns nu lcry he 11:1 unit-invr um l[|Hl'H|g' ]Vl'0IlQI(`u(`~\' in [lug \-an voml pmr:osso:< for producing THF IVIHQT lfvnlncu-rr ; luv nus :|L u:n;;u. zu. vvr_\' I,-nlmulu-1':1l I llL`I1llp]Ii.".* nuw l lI()'1`()(iH.-\"j OPPOSITE TIH5 I3.-\Rli[E gun`! in OLA ... and ih tho prc: Junws ]{u=.-"-H. nu} Boil Pimples, Pu!-1 nghly orzlicnted by M` In fad: rance Com LIl'J:'IZI'00L f: L .._o._ pany 0N1)uJv_ . I. . 2,000,099 Sm. ., ....0._. :c|cs-(I3uccn Buildings. 1: fj.u..n..n ---K` "' 1.1. J':ll|`nn.- ` he has at longh. titled up his new f\I)l)ncm`1.` m Barrie. July 22, ms. Barrie. Juno I368. )NEWs:DE1=o'r I ],V II. 7:I.`\'\ I-.`7`7. m'Ir nrcr: 1 IV II. I2;l.\'.\'ET7.S' L L'IIJ)I.\ Next door In I-`:Lrm.r.rII<-x"s Huh-1. n_nd \ Northern Rznilway Station. Bar|'i:-. June 10. 1338. V `P 0 C k 1: s , J ['S'l'-III-I(7E[\'[-ED . ulu unc .`lllnlIll`.`|4 LOU./197 76) 51/31: SIZE. `He confidvnv r-lmllz-nmm nm.m..m:.... .... [ Row: PEER! % ` PAQQM `E=7E`:5 H wmnmv _BLIND_S, x`I.('.-. x\'.('_. At l\ i.eholso11`s:.' 7 III? 1).` will _ I. \\'HL 1'} \' Ii RY mu} will `I! ---~ \/ IJ AJ \/ \/ J3 J['S'l`-R1-ICI~`.[\'I-ID. 4-XT NICII()L?5()I`{`S lures lrtlrcn in all I.'1'nd.s' Q/'1crr}1(Im'._.%2 ~,u\l:iy. 24.186-`a . _ ' ll:-ti . ]STRAY COVV. -u 1-II`-S T It $0-, &".('.9 A choice lot of .\IOlI()CCO A_ SIPLI-INI)1D LOT 01-` 5am rs:-x-s.-.-. .\ nr.r.uu.\u'; 1s the prom-.-.~y `of teething, W ns. 1'4-dncing all in[lum_nmnun- ux and spatsmudic ncuo: 3" . nu. ALIIIIUX V. n`.4u:cY BOL'LTO.\'. (`AIM-u '}.\I`.I{II-I .`.10L'.\'TEI)TR00I 4 `x 1. until further tart];-rs, .]m1~- - ' 'I`JIUI{. at 3 n`.;1m;k. _ I (-nmnu-mm cl ..:.- Q \' \`v' . r MI]!-(-. he `m]1uiu:Hn a <,.\.~,u. Jg; .\1Ul .ll()\\', 150-4in' \'(.'XlI]0l`. 1 WM. C1103: ' 95_ain aum nlvuns in m. cry latest disco- r I11 U.\. CAI TA!.\'. 1. ~'.H' IA` cum his old om-r:1Il_v, that "aisle I-.\'p-n.`(-. ."H I{()().\1h'. E ]IO'J'I`IL," `ll]li('l1 hy Ur. 4 his uh] Wuws. urnr '1 . u A.\'.\'l,'AL 1;: 30 June. hie! O In: llor using will nccomplli Lzonuino uulcss I-rim! ADDITIO an (age. Addrc I. nuu: an un II.uu-_1:n of Um sim- . I-`lIIHlI'l\n :- u um H10 01 -Jl.\_lu l>2l:'.~: superfine _C:Il0.`|d(:l'0(l_ pa; lishc-d weekly. ' ",;*.`{u7;snrZpIIo2wsml _/`2 _m Bf I.-rimn I r0::inrr's must lie azvtm rm/s AUDIT! u.. In ..w...... 1 . .. _,.......... m uu: cuumry. Tho patrons of Ifmm:-Us I}.\7.,\n will receive evcry fortnight largo pattern-pl:|:cs.conmining from forty mfty fnll-sized patio:-ns of ladies`. mis.=(.-H'. and children's _honn_eIs=.c!on.':.~v. drL-s;-,es. under-clothing.:md other :u"I.icI(-s.nccrm panic'l with the nenessznry do-scriptions and directions. and occasionally an uh-ganv. Color:-rl Fashion l iz\tn of the size of H,u:r-r.n's W1-:m(r.'{. ' ]I.\IH'ltl:`< H A '1 | Ir will r\1\n v ..t.. I 1- 1-. n lwncmorlh the Fushirms".'.'ill nppvarin`H.`. r:rr:xL'.~` BAz.u-. simultaneously with their publication in Paris and I5orli.'`.-'.m uvhmntage onjn_ved by no other journal in the country. Thu nmrnncnt` IL.-.n....v.. n...._ _-n - '1 no rnnllsm-r will crnnmr-new-.nn .\'ow*mbr!r lst. the ivsxw rel` IIAum:n's l.\7.`u7_. :1 W:-(-klv lllu=trx1((-cl I-`unnily Journal.rlcvuft-(1 to F:1.=hion and llmim Lit(-ramu-0. 'l`hI,-ir aim is twofold: tn sxnpply the vxistingnw-'l of n \V(-vkly I-`asllion _\'-xrspnper. nnd to combine llu-rowilh n flrst class litl.-rnryjournal, whlch will he indispen- sable to 1-vn-ry lmusv.-holrl. . An-mlgt-m<.-nlsx have hocn -mruln. at an im- mense cost. with the mm: mlnhrmml of mu Fashion Papers nf Ifurrppe-. I-.=4pccin!l_v with tho fzunons Bazar of Dmlin, which mpyalios thr- fn-zhion to the lvruvlingjournnls ofl'm-is. to fur- ` nish tho same to them in n4_lmncr-. so that Iwncfbrlll the fuslnirms will RA_7_Ar._sinmlfunennsly nuhlinntinn lg: cmzs ,unrrm\:u postage. Address I ]IAl:l'l-LI: l~'n A v u v A Itrgiokllory qr I-'., ' ]u.~;{rru'!1 .j.. ` T/(C bcsl, c/m/(ptsl and 2: 1-`(mar in. II. NEED SUPPLIED. en su plied in million! rubber in by the pound Lrrand snecicn putting` IIARPEI ht! Plllnliuluwc u-i , _:I_.mTnn's ;xi;w xzo.\"rum' xn<'..az:.\'r: `(,'.vfI:`:-1:] \`. 1.`,-... Ar 11.. n. 41-- ' .-1 C'ompl.1c.Ificu'urI II.-\HI I`IXi In l}l{OTlIRI~'. v l-`u,_\_\`Km.\` SIl. Al:| ., 1\'1-zw YORK. nmu ut I r:'.< L-\z.u:` I nf -ll unu s1'x.r..\'1>'11n.`.' m n. -- 51 '11.` IA II N W will (`tn . HARPER l\' .[n'II- I 23. 3868. T]}l.'.llS; IR .S' IBAZAR, \'iH (-runrw-nm nn \'...-... '.\'f.'1.`ll"llU I 8 G 8 . I..... V I` . nuI..1L m, m-r:mnpInwl mill. 1.. la prcprry Uuilcd SI/Llcs `.32: BROTHERS.` Ll\' Sm-A pr Nu... v..'....` .. .. .....u... mx 'orminin 14: folio pngea ::'.~: \Vx-:r:xr.V\'_.print(.- on" paper, and will be pub- n I) .`I I1 ll Ii. runny-new-.on n's Iiazm. 'nul_rIl,-V0?!-(1 in Fnnhinn ;BfIl:;xIL `Nnrl/If/1m wmtrmrprtnir-rl 1ri(h' 20 13/ I.`u.`:'e .Slale,s pus 1'. n [-1 is L , 1. , 'lY'k"V'lh |'l'I'l\ I"'_:7. Plasurc, and 1. %L0ll:E`or `Mrrv.~;.</'uI 1-}: UN. mum ,uu nu: J;lIl unsmm, *9 GRAY COLT, tail. nnd ham, u-Ulla] as M.-\u., mm nrrivcd for August. 2-upplicd on the shortest no- mu run v 1:19, uuu ealth to your Infants nu mm mm Mn n.-9:.-lnlr E. us diseases aim rcsisii "19 n.of the Salve, Tuuwfv m. Rniln. Pimnles. P"_"_` icu's.grnutcd on as m .' other r(~s |mM=.m,. .-. km T. INMAN Minn D. Bible 0' File nlanlnnnrv. IHBGOVG [ciznITbfi};.- _..`_.\_..\ Psi` . r- --41.], - G1-:.\"'1~:1:.\I. SEl':VAN`I`. wh. er girl is kept. Rafe ' \-3 goud._ Apply . ..... NEED SUPFEIED. nn nunnliml in min II nunu HI I(!\\' 011)`?! ch 0,1son s IA . I368. .,....--..-u 4 V- I few days` A L - '1 .. - y ::ou,' I868. -.___.._.__.__.__ ~ "J 1 l'|'"(!B dellii-E` L loss by r can do so on 1115 .(!l'I[lS. ` - .grnutcd advnnt - I mr rospcctanblo Co 3590 Id '1 mpauy .1 Lot 11. Hr, H,.lz.u . 34, 3:"). 36 2 R, II In 1... lcvpromiscs of MI " ,, on the ]lth(Ion . 0 . `u_1st.. IRON m GREY `sing mm. . IL, ` ......, WM. TIIOMPSON. S63 . 26-6ln. ______.._.__. ALEX. rel. BARRIE. J. M~(.'OWAl\'. ' 1. MI Con. Vt-spm. 2:`)-Iiin. all dw ssfyle ofartand 4 all at the EXAM! .uumil)\`/. Agent, Barrio. 25-lln `za-tr. Wing tomhe great local demand for our Ildthu randy market for mill offal in and outtinotoyn of Barrio, and the means of flmlunlcauon by rail and water, there are few 5"! more desirable locations for n ouriug null to be found, - "'4 Ngver dying creek of water pnseoa through ."_"" PTO !rty, from which the boiler is 39"? Iupp ied; and there is land enough, 950 being over an acre, to enable an enter- . '38 proprietor to erect a. sawn connection the ourishing mill,by which means the st qrfucl would be saved. As itis, however, ".'n9'l8 in abundance in the neighhourhood, '1 Hlnnm.u...|.I.. _._ "H I IMAQBAQNESI HULL ill IVUUII, That mlunhle property and stomn flouringmill, lntcly erected in the town of Barrie, by Allan Gnnn,F.'squire. and known as the ` Barrie Sieum Grist Mill." and the premises connected tlu-rewitli, nml which consist of Lots Nos. 41 4:! and 43 um] broken Lot No 4-1. on the west Igde el'John Street. and Lot No 2 on tho enst |||lt' ofllnry Street, in the town of Barrio. . This splendid mill has fonrrun of stone, and Is titted with nmchinery. elevators, &c., &c.. Hh1-nmsl modern and useful description, um] }"}'\'er_v respect in the most perfect order, and I! Hi helienul that there is` nothing wanted to TL`ntlt`l'- it one of most, complete mills in tho onunion. V ' _Therc is n brick engine-liouszc connected will: the mill. tho mill itself being :1 well and nxhsluutizilly built frame structure on 0. stone ` foundmiuu. u_. Incl would be saved. itis, how`-Vera ""10_ls neighbourhood, `"118 procurable it a very low gure- ffhe propolty will be put up at an upset nee. . Title perfect--Possession given at once. `For terms and further parlculars,applicali0II be made, ll by letter. post paid, to Messrs. Nikon J; McCarthy, of'Bnme. Dated this sub day of July, A. D. 1868. BOULTON J5 MCCARTHY, Hin _ Vnnr1nr'n nnu..:an... IN Till`) |Town of Barrie, SaturdayNeha:|%I0If August I That monertv steam ourino-min -vullllllllllll. 1! is simall-d in the centre ofonc of the best 'henl producinp; ports of the Provlncp. nn_t1 he Innd on which it stands adjoins the Bnr_r1e ranch of the Nonlu-rn Ilnilwuy. 8lT0l'dl" .' y facility for Um construction of II switch hcrelrom to thc'mill door, and is only It 1311? It'll yards distant fro:__n the Barrie freight nlion nnd \vliu'l'. \Vingt0t.l1egl`4!at `ltlllua randy market for mill mm in nmd 0 fl Sold nn_'l<-,y the p0\V(`.I` of sale contained an `Ill :1 (`('l_'llH 1nd1-nlur1- nf n1or_l,r_rnqo. and F8I;:llIoll'llf. l,h<-roof. both of w|neh1nstru- motifs will be produced uttlw lime of sale, Ill`. I<'Tn\\'I\' c1n\~n\- \n.~nvvn-n ..n. mm the I uhsluuliu f0llndntiul Hi: nil` lzlt Fzu'ag11e1"s H 0 t e 1 , TN` 'I`Hfa`. |BY LAfI6TioN.} 1 LLIAKJLLJJIJJL |E'1ouring M111] ]`() I E 2.` A r .131 10105 gm rt Canada . Terms, Cash. mg ` FIOHOLSONS NEWS DEPOT, DUNLOP STREET. JANES, BRAYLE_Y & NEWCOMBE, Silks, shawasmnzles, Millinery, j._-. `I `J v\/4.4 [ -- M . 9 No 61, King Street East, TORONTOW " -. :$`COU.\"l`llY .\ll`IRCII.-\.\"I`S will find it to then` ndvnntmzo to examine our: ~ . , V ]i0(`|) FULL LIN `IS OF LE.~\Dl.\'G STYLES. :%"TER.\IS !.IBEI:.-\L._g;1 g37`I1IGIIEST CASH PRICE FOR RAW IV Toronto. Julv llth JSIES. .55; A:-uwnu ununuuuu July 1868. my 13, ms. _ ,,_qg calnnc.-L1_nnxu.-rs unu upnolmu-(-,r,y yum-d._ ware. meclmnn.-3' edge and other tools. Jopmph Rogergg; Suns and ollugr CHH4-.ry. house n. nishing l1unlwnrq._shuol1ng _nnd shing tuck]:-, [porting |l_lll}l|ll_Ill0ll. quolts, dumb hells, gurden,drmn1n;.gnnd fanning tools. cordnge. gluss. putty. 1-10., and all olhvr goods in the line for szylc at ln\\'n.~xt cm-In prices. - Turon_t0. March 19, 1868. 7-13, nlruv us v|..uv|;.n, 3!POR'l`l-IIIS OF IlAl{D\VARl'}, I ll! Yonge Street. TORONTO. Have nl\\'nys on,hund an assortment. of build- ,.,gg calninc.-txnnkers` and ll])h0l.\'I(!r(-,rg' mm]._ mm. uneclmnicx-r' vdxze tools. Jmwnh ) (`mm the vpromiao Lol No. 5, 11 ml: Jnlyins-1t.. I >:u'.u you line. 1.. E`l)\\'I.\" S'lD.\'IZ\' MEEKING, AUC-` 'r1o.\'1:r-:u, mo stool screws, comn trimmings, upnu ale-rem` needles am] rvgulato1's. {\d:l1n currvr .0013, oxlcnsiun hp nugor luls. mclodoo lmrdwnrc, ctc., {or suite at. lu\\'u.t prlcc-I. l{\'.-\.\' A: ()l.l\ l-IR, General I[ard\\'m`c Morchnnts. 11-1 Yo_ngc strot-t_. Tornnto. To7};binet Makers En-Upholsterers .1 un Q.-_nlimv_ mu-Ind lmir. {mm mm uayutuvv a--v--v-- -- vr-v--vv-vnw AIR Sc-ntinp,r, curled. hair, low, sofa nprirxgs. twine. clmnr. web, buttons, serous, lnimgvs. locks, tac_ks, ll3nt yyupor, `glue, stool collm trimmings, uphol- slerenf cm'r-rs nncludoon .....a.`.~.m-. 19143.. for Sull In'Im-2:. General Dry Goods, I U IVIIIUIIIIIIUIUI TEEI._It1|lc:{. steel squares: centre gauges, vermer cuhpers, steel caliper rlllcs, cnli. PM squares, Amos` univcranl squares, st-11'. ITE15 . md tools, patent ollers, sheet stool. etc. For sale by RYAN OLI_VI'}R. ' wring calipcrsund diitlcrs, Stubs` mpg ` MERICAN Shears, trimmers and points of [1 sizes, squares, curved rules, straight ago,` improved irons, English and American crayons, Ilnrtlecvls needles, tapes. etc., all ol W Importers of lIm'(l\\'are. 114 Yongc street, Toronto. ` {_.____..._ wuvy V-v'v V A COMPLETE masortrnent of the latest pane;-nu of Shoe Tools Shoe and Ma- me Thread. Machine Silk. . hoe Pegs, shoe fang, Shoo Tacks, Heel and T00 Plates, etc., " "'1 mmLR1'AN(& omvsn. ' ` 114 Yonge Street, Toronto. [shoe Tools and Finding: _ nnuDl.13!"l`R usortmcnt the lawn! an For sn d tools. put lb by 011111.67 Slrccl, v 29, 1503.

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