Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Jul 1868, p. 4

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A" LARGE _STOCK or `Ava.-Iuu_IU us Lu allow our goous IO mronumg purchasers. EDWARD G-BAYER. 'l(I.1f OF THE La_dies and Private Gentlemen. lo (__v__ __u__ V, ,......; uuunn are ammcan , althnm Watch Co.. P. S Bartlett Wm. Ellery, gpecial certicate, (except the Home Co._. which mould always require the guarantee, as there are r prices. , 60c., 75c., 80c., D Luummunx M... n,, . . - any climate Drescnlntinn. ' a First Chas Tm: insunl leap year advice to young women is to not like men. QUHLV 1. 10-11110 ..uu-unnn 0uriead- 13-tr. amp 01 west. uwuumb acres more or less. Sheriff's Office, Barrie, June 8th, 1868.. ~ A INSOLVENT ACT OF 1864.` AND AMENDMF`.N'I`.Q muvnnmn LJ.VkJ\lLJ v nu 1. AUJ. U1` 156'}. AMENDMENTS THERETO. In the matter of T/zomas B. Horton, an 4 Insolventqf Gravenlmrst, llluslcokav ' District. THE creditors of the above Insolvent are notied that he.hns made an assignment of his estate and-emects, under the avove Act. to me. the undersigned assignee, and they are required to furnish me, within two months from thiadate. with their claims, specifying the security they hold, if any, and the value ofit, and if none. stating the fact; the whole attested under oath, with the vouchers in sup- port of such claims. ' JOSEPH ROGERS, Qicial Assigns: for 00 Simcoe. Dated at Barrie, this 29:1. stay of MIy1868. 13. COL'.\"l'Y or Smcor: 30a )Sr.:.]'I;]URDASY the T0 W11`: Twe t any of optom- ber. A..D. 1868, wit] be sold by'PUBLIC AUC- TION. at the Sh:-ri`fsO1ce in the Court House, in the Town of Barrie, at twelve o'clock noon, the undermentioned Lands and Teu_ements, or all_the right, title. interest and equity of redemption of the Defendant therein. In the County Court of the County of Slmcoe. - `ROBERT DAVIS, Plainlifh . vs. - JAMES LIVIN GSTON, Defendant. South part oflot number Twenty Two (22) . the Thirteenth (13? Concesssion, of the Town- ship of West Gwi limbury, Ninety-Five (95) ISHERIFFS OF LANDS. SheritT s Office, Barrie,` ` Apiil 22nd, 1868. j munweu. deceased. ljefendunt. East-half Lot No; Three. in the Eleventh Concession of V(.`Spl`8_.' One .Hund|`ed Acres. B. `V. SMITH, . Qhnri`(`n Qimn.-m __`T Dearest, then I'll Love you more. .l'ubl'.AJr nu we Iuuuwulg suns: In the County Court of the County of Sim- cue, John Murphy and Donald Sutherland, Plain(zj[Ts,' rs. Edward Rathwell, deceased. at the time of his death. in the hands of Sarah Jane Rathwell, Administratrix. Defendant; George P. McKay, Plm ntz'`: rs. Jane Rath- Jane 1(atlI\VL'll, Administratrix. Defendant; Plrtinti`; well, Adlninistmtrix to the Estate of Edward Ralhwell. deceased. Defendant. Three. in the Elpvnntl. T0 \\'n': (K! FIFTH day .01 JULY. A.D., 1868. willvbe sold. by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the SherI1f s Office, in the! Court House, in the TOWN OF BARRIE, at TWELVE ,0'Cl.0CK. noon, the 'undermcn- tioned Lnndsnnd Tc-nements. or the interest on the defgndant therein, under writs of Ficri Facias. in the following suits: In Hln Cnnniv (`Jun-l `nf 3|... F......A.. Ar 03.. Cotixrr Q1-` Sxncox, TO \\'!"l'! Sheriff s. S_a1_ of Lands.! VERY Rr..\so2um.s. Omce lIour.=. from S a. m.. to 4 p.m. R0-Iidnncc, Nexvmnrket. where all cnnmmuicm.ion.< to him nddrr'.i- , set! will rec-Ive prompt and cnreful ntteution. 33-lv 1 Iu`riff 5 \zI1jr1*ti5r1i1r:1t.! Collingwood. - - on he llith and 14 h `V Mnrlzhnn Village, on the 23rd and 24th `R Browns Corncrs,( )ou the 25th H .\lnnilla,`(*) - - on the 29th H When he will be most happy to wall. on those who may lZ(!Tlll'C his services. _ - . Vhcn the Dale lnlls on Sunday for those Places thev will be attended to the day following. ` l'ccth inserted on Gold, Silver. or vulcanized ruhher. Teeth Filled so us to stop decaying, and render (lmm usu.-rnlfor many cars I`ecll1Exlrn(-ted wil I the least possible pain; And pnrllcnlnr ml:-n.inn given to the -l{EGUL.\Tl0N OF Cll`lLI)REN'S Tl -ZE I`lI.- NON!-7 nvr G1-:.\'UIsa MA1':xuAL usan. Citnnarzs T}'-ZE I Now: RE.\SO!\'ABLE. ' ~ Holn-.=. a. m__ on .1 nm n.u:a....-,. the Lfncat lm FL-ms, uud in n mo.-.t'cumpIcle and Workman ikc nmnner, that he will he" nt the fol- lowin,-: places, (Sund:1_\'s'exccpmd,) .wnen he respect- - full invites deal] to examine his well seiccted stuck. I e \\:H_l hf: at PUB!.l!H!:D.BY unqnzar. Yes, I'll love you, oh l 1.-ow dearly, Words but faintly can express; This fond heart beats too sincerely Ere ln llfe to love you less. No, my fancy never ranges, -Ilopes like mine can never soar; If the love I clxorlsh cbanges,__ `Twill but change to love you more! Though the world hnth many sorrows, And perchance~thoy may be ours, Love from tears n brlghtnossborrows, Like the earth from summer showers; We will have our grlefs and gludncss In the future, ns ofyore, And In all your hours of sadness l)ouro.=.t, then I'll love you more! Youtll may pnss, but ask not whotlror ' When you're old I'll love less true, Slmll we not grow _old together, Am] 'I`Imn'n nhnnrvnu marl: mn Inn`) . ' UL nu l'C'.'p('L'(HlH)'_IIIEJIYHHIB lo UIOEE primes \\'h0 _ may require .-\rnL'1g\1 leulh, (from one to n ugxolc 501,) or who umy \\':sl1:|n_v other Do:-nln] Opcr. at 0II1vcr_forIncdI_N A SUPERIOR STYLE, mm -311 no Agtcst lm.ruvcmL-ms, mos; cumplcte \\ orkmnn nlu-. mnnner. Hm! hn \\'HI I... .n on... r..: DR._i5. 13.? 151::-CK, SURGEON DENTIST! \V0['LD 1-csp<~ct(uHy_ingimale lo thnae pnnielz-1 who , 'l`ee7.h, jpole so!_,) }v 1_) 1}) nyj Dc-nml oner- is sure to give tmiversul sntisrnnlin. T,eethFil1cd so as to Preserve their Color. nnd Restore as near as posslbleto their former Strength and useful- ness. Especial Attention aid lathe Regutation of Chit ren s 'l'cetl:. ' V A: `Dr. Porter rcahlo-sin llnnuml Lnnmmv am-em. As Dr. Porter. Icslxlesin llullund.Lnndlng during the time he is not sgnnng other uppuu_mm.-nu-, all let- ters addnoiscd to lnm there will rcccxvc prompt cure and nttemlun, [? A 'I`rml Requested. Parties attended at their ownjcsldenccs lf l'c3\1l11'ed. Please be panlculnrln. P observing the time an ace ofencll appqlntmcnt. :3` TEHJIS S TRICTL Y 0.4.s'1[., E1! "l'b`1x'.)lb' b'1'1f1U'l'L1 UASJL Q? REFERE.`ICES:-The fullmvln-.2 gentlemen can, with conndcnce recommend Dr. Porter. to all requiring Dcmnl, nldz Rev S. S. Strong, D])., Bondhend; '1` C. Schomeld, M.I).. Bondh-ad; J. W. Norris. M.D. Cookstnwn; R. Lund, )I.D. Cookatuwn; G. I). Mor-_ton.,M.D., Bradford . E3` TEETH I.`ZSER l`l-II) UN GOLD. 5 YULC.-XNIZED RL`BI5ER. And a Perfect Fit warranted, ox no em mnde. Pm-tics desirlm! can lmve Tet.-Lh _W:\rrunted desiring 1 Rubber, \_vitbnu_t cxtyucling 1 in now prepared to insert Teeth on the New Cum- bined Anro \'nlc1\nized Rubber ] lmc-n method never before uduplml in lhls part oflhe L`0l1llll`_\ ; and one that is_sur_e t_o_;_:iv_e 1llli\'eX'5i|1 u~ LUUK\5lUVVlV, - - - 01] I0 `llll When he will be pre Med and most happy to wait. on those who may requ re his services. . When any of the nppoiutmcnts full on Sunday, he will attend on the fo11uu'in'_' day. All opemllous performed in the most skilfuhnnnner, on the most approved principle, and `AT--- 1...`. ('1-.. __'.._ 1|l'_L,.,2,1 rr, 1 :2- -r 1.115` Company was established for the mn- . tual protection of Farm Buildings. Pro- duce and Implements, -Private Residences. Country Stores and Goods, from 105. by pm and Lightning, carefully avoiding all hazard- ous ~ roperty. This Company! has also estnh shed a cash taniof rates, so that those not in-favour of the mutual rincipie can get insured on any of the above escription of pro petty, cheaper than in any othergood Com. pany in the Province.` . F ARM RISKS: UH llll: IIIUSL 8i])])l'UYL Cl PHHCIIIIB, 3111] None- but Genuine Material Used. E3` I.\'SER'l`l'ID SILVER OR ' I _ \ UL(:A.\'lZEI) ... uuvuau-v--.-.-._, DENTIST. A1 be consulted in all branches of his profession, from the let to the 13th 0 each and every month, at his Otce Dunlop Street East, opposite the Barrie Ilote , Barrie CRAIGHURST, on the 15th of each month. ORILLIA, oice in J. g mm u Slaven s Drug Store, STAYNER. - - - -'20: GOLLINGWOOD, 21 t .. at Ryls-'y a Hotel, ' 3 DUNTROON, - - - 22nd _ CREEMORE. - - - 23rd lvhnrn all thnsn rnnnirimr his: an-vi:-m : in any UUhl4llV_bi-WUU_U, `I Where,all those requiring his servico in any . branch of his Profession, can be waited upon. TEETH inserted on Gold or Silver Plate. brancn OI ms rroxessiou, be wnuea upon. TEETH inserted on Gold or Silver Plate, or that justlycelebmted material--Vulcanib ed Rubber-and in such :1 manner as to nbrd ease and comfort in chewing and mastic-ating food, and giving to tl1e_patient atihe same time, that natural expression of countenance, which is a very important. point in the oper- ation ofinserting Articial Teeth. ` TEETII Filled with Gold. Cement. and B6ND!IEAD. 7 ' N1a\v.\rAmn`:T, smmox, - - - LEFROY, - - SCHOMBERG. - COOKSTOWN, unu... In. v-vi kn n tiegumuou ox Unuux-en's Teeth. :3? All work executed in the most skilful manner. t!'/Ynnellllnlfnn F1-n nan? anlikvfnrlfnn mm: manner. a'0onsuIlalz'on Free , and sali.fach'on guai nteed in every case, or No Charge! nnwwnrawnwa nv vrmnncunxv V 1)l`JLV'.l'.l.$'.l.'V Benz: most res ectfully to announce that he will be BRADFOR , at the North Ann.-rlcan How}, ever Mondniy, from 10 mm. to 4 p.m., excepting when Me day ml 5 on an appointment elsewhere. BONDIIEAD- - - - - on the2`ithofnvervMnn ntion onnserung Armicml Teeth. Tl:`ET.lI Gold, Cement, White Filling. , TEETH Extracted with the least nossible W lute runng. possible pain, md particular attention given to the Regulation of Children's Teeth. :3` executed most. skilful uxucc-ar. rum street. St. Cathorinea. _Estab - lislwd by Charter, 1836. Presidcnl-Jumea Taylor, Esq., St. Catharine: Directors: gmoplsmglus ngck, 1\I.D., st. Cthnrlnce. um. nm, 2 . o. 'hvl.vmn? ll`i|lkIinx!.?il`EEth, Mayor of St.dCnthnrInco' . atom a err s . ~ , . John McLean, Earl" (imxtnn Tmmslglp. C._M. Arnold, Esq.,' Cashier. Niagara DIstrict.'Bnnk St. Unllmrlncs. _ 13.1.. I I... n... u... __ . . uubccu Hi I.'L'cIy vase, UT JVU onurl/1:: REFERENCES BY PERMISSION. T. D. Mccoxxx-:1 , Esq.. M. P. P.; G.. Lou:<'r.. Esq., County Rogistrnf; B. W. Surrn, Esq., Sheriff: J. R. Cornm, Esq., County Attorney; W. M. Nmuomox, Esq., Publisher ofEzamine1 April 22. 186']. 2` on. .MccAUS`LAND. |Vn_l'CSlQClll1CS u re mrea. rlcase be pamcumrl bservlmz place appointment. $I'Els'J[S 0.4 .s'1t._g:.- ,EFEjIE.`ICES:-The fqII_o\\'h)-.2 wil DR. PORTEE DENTIST It resnectfullv unnnunrn that he where all nddri ! lvc cmfeful ` 33-ly ggntits. EOx1 will he gr k 15. w s.\uTII. Sheri` Ca Simcoe. ELIE ClE|3\\'Ul'C- the 29111 of every Mon on t_he f. t_h " u. an} In, Shenll`Co. Simcoe. ` , , ` Es NIni1ruTbIatrlct'Bnnk Edwngl Lclc, Enq., Mm-ahvlllo, Warden of Welland , `uun V. ` Thos. C. h`cholc-Id, Esq., .M.D., Bond Read. Henry Moylc. Esq. Brunt. R. s. King. m.n , hm Robinson. AngusCCoo::o._Esq., Grantham, Warden of Lincoh ouu.y. _ B. W SMITH. Sheriff C0 3; In r-nn I I the TWENTY- bv PUBLIC L '_1'y1,E, x most ('1 M1} he'_nt 12-td. lng during nth, all 3s.1f_ ...,_.,. . IFI: uv: uzurut-u In tne same manner as 3 H u )mg the UL: text books under the instruction ora thoroughly the theory ol Law, Medicine, or 'i`hcology, qualied teacher. _ A thorough knowledge of theory does nway with the long: days and weeks or working ill the dark that most students experience who attempt to ieam practice without it. In entering upon the mctical course. the student hccoxms the owner. proprietor. or p.1rtnorni' 11 commission. Jobbing. or mercnntlleyionse. Here he transacts hn.~'ine.-s in the regnlar way over the counter. czwh in-int. re~ gained and paid out, land the cash account kept with as much exactness as in the must systematic business omne. - Here is the ("nmmision Merchant, the Jobber, the Wholesale and Retail dealers, the I3nnkcx-each doing I his own individuzil business. ` _ _ . N_o intelligent young man can Dilss through thin 1-tun--In nr trmvnnn nnrfnnniv... n... . THIS is a matter ofthe ntmost importance to the )`0uI1g71`r;1-r 133: Mid One to w!}{c_ILmny be qttrihgncd his success or fa? nrnm......... I.-. ..__ J 1lco.-n knowledge nfboth being necessary to the complete educnlinn of t ofthe young man uhonv. tn enter u on a com: which may be attributed ucccss failure In after life. ver hns oflhe name has two depnrtments-lxs science, to he understood by rlllldg; and its to 1 . 0 business man. The rst thing, then, to be no united in hnsiness is theory. and tlns must he lcnmed in I hcology, bystudyinzluc bu-:t under Lheinuxrum ....-na...: ._ In me rrovmce. FARM RISKS: '1stc1aas,Brickot Stone $2.50 fo i . of $l,000'for one 'ear. 1. Nance 2d class. Wood, 3.00, for insurance of $1,oor< for one year. _ ROBERT CONNOR. A nv:\-'-r I H 7-..-.. ululvlllllb Iv Ictll ll ptuvucu \\'llilUlll .ll- . t e p1ractical heeomtf commission. mercantile ouse. ill and mllereis1ti;et`vmlrn}i)siion s n m ua as ness. . - . No intelligent young pass through this course of training, P9"f"`.ii3 the duties of each, until he is perfectly atmilijnr rim them.dwithout being competent to till like positions in the departments of trade of the rent bus in" us ness wort . - - 8 Young mclfdesirous ofobminiug a first class bu.=inesieed_1t(j:1t_ion should carefully investigatethe matter, and see where this can be done to the best advantage; wlletnor it is m the schools \\'bere_the nets of books are made up at random without re,_mrd to svstem. n more monotonous record of Debits and ( redita of petty trades trade among themselves; or in those schools where the at-is are taken from actual business as conducted in all the lar_ business houses of Canada and the States. be time has come when every business school must stand on its own merit, andthis mustbe decided by the qualications of its graduates. Ifbusiness men nd th.tih d tee f I i ..t'tut`on are better qualied than tho of . ch _: `h;|'_' 0.7 businges sunzgeitlicil `cnlllesve will rr-M-ivn lhnhn t..n.......... __B.-es, am) er bu ........-nu "=t;.::':;.`::.,"g';';":,;-.:*.;`.i?1"%':.::::* . mall. Addresmenclosin wimp, Toronto, February 27 861 .....,, n. It uuu\.I. educ first In 'ilhcoio,'.,'y, by studying theory da _entcri the przlcticalponrse. l)l:C0lnl' Ih "f SJ _ A COURSE OF INSTRUCTION TO MEET THE DEMANDS OF THE AGE --\VHERE AND HO\V TO OBTAIN A BUSINESS EDUCATION. . , j__- I CAU'I`ION.-P9.rties wishing to `purchase Instruments will nd it to their advantage to send direct to the above Factory. and not buy of Tornto or B1'adfo1'd agents, us they can save`: 15 or 20 per cent. and get a better instrument. Newmarket, August. 1867. _ 27-t ' Tlie Cl1d.pe:%t est I Melodeons and Cabinet Organs; A'l` `DTJH Thu: \7 mun: ; nr--nu ___0j. THIS Company having made important alterations in the By-Laws and Tariff of Rules. is 4 now prepared to accept Risks on Farm Property and Isolated Dwellings. country | Churches and School-Imus:-s. at as low rates as any other good Company. All claims sctllud _i promptly, uud willzout deduction. ` ; A1.Y.`.\' unnnnxv January 15, 1868. T.-j .-,..._., ...-.,., --.,......._, nuu ;ncu:uu'| '}'IQNC;RARY DIRECTORS FOR THE COU.\"l'Y SIMCOE: JAS. MA'.\".\'I.\ G. E-.=q.. Tecumsetbr J.\'O. MCBEATH. Esq., Nottmrasaga \\ .\I. ARMSON. Esq., Thornton. WALTER RAIKES, Esq., Barrie. G_E0. MCMANUS, Esq., Mono. | w .\1. A1._\1SU.\'. l;'sq., Thornton ..j._ 0Il1co-V-St. Punl Sh`;-ct. St. Cathorinea. _Estab_ bv Charter. 1836. I I II. J. LAWRY. I7.sq., Presidc-nt. ' W. A. COOLY, I-Isq.,V Inspector. vinuvnn . nu. v.- J`MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANYJ V READ HEEILWE. I man. v , ROBERT CRAVEN WADE. Esq.. Clone- brnnov. Crossakecle. Conntv Month. and sackvule >`Ireet Ulllb. Uumm, J. 1'. for h'.U15l:.1l' UU.\\\.-\1 r.lUl(IA;1.Lsq., unugc Counties .\Ienth.xuu1 \\'icklo\v.-Directors. II,ous(-. '1`:-nice; and Glendu`, Co. Kerry; Scottish Amicnble Life Oicc. I J.P. for (,`_ount_v Kerxy. Bankers, Tm: SATIONAI. BA.\'K. Soliciiors, Messrs. .\IoI.Ld\ A: \\'.n'so.\ . Jlannger, J. Ix.\'r..~=,1isq. ' " -o i 4 , ` ' --o Jloderale Ifales. Prots Divided e1,'er_z/ Three 1'ears. Prompt Sclllemenl Q/' Cl(1l.IIlh'.{l ?___(. .____ H JA1) ,0'FE1cf1J_ sA1TI7}1;LE SZIE_ 1) L'1;L1N.} I " DIREC1 ons : JOHN OBINS \\'OOD!IOL'SE, lisql. 82 1 cm- CHARLE broke Road. Dublin: Onleuth Park. Co. rehnnf, JUHLV Ulilhh \\ UUUIIUUDL, 135$]-. 62 . l'CIX]- Road, Dublin; _ Lamb; Portadown Co. Armngh; Kcrr_\ Co. Dunegul: J.l . For Cdys` Louth, Dom-gal, A1 magb X: Own Chairman. JOHN WILLIAM GREGG, Esq., Aldemmn. Merchant. 18 Upper Snckville Street and Great Brunswick Sm.-et._ Dublin. Diroclur of the Dublin Tcnemeuts Co'y.--- I'icc-CIuu'r- `in their ability {Ind resolutiti their determination to give the, FULLEST SATISFACTION. to good marks. > V \ McMaste1' & Lockhard. i i I 1 2 J CAU'I`ION.-Partio 1 u-inc] irnr-Q tn ihn nhnm~.1 uasungs Kept to sun Implements sold. - _Also, agent. for the sale of Paigo s cole- brntud 2 and 4 homo power TIIRASHING MACHINES, a very protable and us;-lul article for large famnurs. 49-if :jj- , Ilead 011100 {'01- Cun:1 ` T. IV GRIFFIT/I, Jfunagcr. `ALEX .\IORI{OW. Agenl, Barrie. Purcl_1_a:1.$"i1V-iAii:- .i:.`iiVc'M?li3We`1;"`ll!D[':JJ1:~i`*kets IZXTTENTION 1/ Lowest Pmces For Cash,1 U:?l13_'y in Vite a. call" and` tria,1-condentI THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE NOW IN STORE ma 9. g. gm vmmmg $9 g, SM smmmg, & Mm mwmsmmz. swmm, zoo nms so TIJNS ` IANIMMENSE STOCK! fro THE PUBLIGE --_ n.-a. n-....-4. 1.- `n.._.-_--L- ]Horse-Shoe [|j,!,`ly_m[\nvi|s, Vices~, Ca,rpenters W Findings mat Insu"ni,I1c'_t"Ifi1mranv.| :(um<.1<'1' m \\Aub'. b'sq.. Clone- brnnoy. County Sackville Street Club. Dublin, J. 1 . for Counties Life D....L..`.. m.... \V._.,..... h...._ n I- U, ,, Il,,__ Newmarket. .\'ov<-Inher 27. 186.7. Eriti .A t Prices that Cannot be `Competed With WEST OF MONTR[Z.\.I.. "WV?!"F!]"e"jWware, Blacksmiths , A`:`:;Vagon-Makers THE A} The whole of their immense Stock having been ,1,,,,'lO A1 `I\ l'I' ' BLAGK_S__MITHS 2 I'll! " AT PI-IILIl. , l\ EWMARKET. U. uodgtns, 1;sq., London. Ontario. Also, agent for the mic of Patterson .1: Brother : well known REAPERS and MOW- ERS, and all kinds of Farm Implements. Castings kept to suit implements said. Also, ngent. the Pain : polo. Halgj [3l\7S;LL0EA;NGI Q7@M9AM; 0 CAPITAL 2,500,000 STERLING. .__.-0+ .__._o_.__. LXXUAL INCOME NEARLY $1,000,000. ----o `ZIVI// LV/D'I,\{ V0!/I/l/I 1 u w \_//V_ry uvI'VI"IIYrwnrt\\v Il'1I\ \lrVrVn1 nunr-n ~\v<\- COMPRISING EVERY DESCRIPTION OF 1': the education of the ' 7 7" " " cilllifed nnd mlnithe the mannc >1` Lhcinstrucliun thoroug Sunny be bud free of change t .3: All of which they are enabled to offer ~+TOGETIIER W1TII--- uv wvv----vw -- `cw WEST OF R. G. Hull also begs to inform the people of this County that he will continue to supply them with a good. neat. durable article, in the Elm e of PLEA:`URE SLEIGHS and BUGGI S, all ofthe newest and best styles, from the well-known establishment of Thomas D. Hodgins, Esq., London. Also. agent of Pxlllarsnn .t-. AI\:D AT THE VERY ) Bar, Hoop, Rod and Band I1-on; Swedes; . ` -Glasgow, Goven and other ) V favorite brands. ) Cast, Spring, German, Eagle-Rolled and . Toe Caulking Steels: Firth s, Spear ) . & J ackson s and Marsh's make. DIRECTORS: I Tnrm .\ FARMERS mmxr\"A A1 //W gun UKD: V X 1 THOM.-\s srocx. Esq., Vice-President. I R` P- 5TR1`4ET: ESQ-9 Secretary and Treasurer L`f\I) 'I"l] l'.` l"l\I"\"I\\v (VVlII\r\v1 [ ALEX. MORROW. A rvnnf (n u.-1v u) 1 UUUDLA'l"I'E, Esq., Merchant, Eden Quay. and Morcbnmpton, Dpnnylxrook, Cu. Dullin. ' ROBERT c0.\'w.-n` HURLEY. 1-:.=;,., Bridge ~ . Ilousc. Tralec: Glendu`. Kc-rrvzi . \,-.--.3- CHARLI-VJS GOING MALONE. Esql, Mer- chant. Stephen Street and South Great mcuonxoy, .\1.1'.; '1`. 1:. Ferguson, M.P. Agent: Ronsm G. 1lAu.;residence and address, Barrie. `~ _ ._ ...,...r...._,. BERNARD COYNE. Esq.. 27 Waterloo Road, Dublin; J.P. for County Mayo. DAVID RICIIARDSON GOODLATTE, Esq., ` Quay. Morcbnmnton. Jn.uu.r,5 UUIAG MALONE. Esq._. Mer- Stephen George Street, Dublin; Clmrchtowu Lodge. Dundrum. County Dublin.-Direclur C0111- merciul Gas Company. nY.`l1\VA!)I'\r1r\1v\vr~ V` n. u. . . .. . _ .. ------- - ---u -yvu y-open: PW?" 2 by ulllng at the once onhe Collage, or by J. n. 0'DELL, Principal umsun . Agent for Co. : enter course of business tram ver hnsinoen thlt is worthy art ! be ncquired by prac- s V . Simcoe. Rm mu. -----::.j-: } The ned`i:{I}}he pIa9| on former Stock, [CANNOT FAIL to couvmcil Bnnie. April 16, 1868. TO BE SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH. A I !Funher Reduction of 20 Per A-RE now insuring at the low rate of 75 cents per Hundred Dollars for three vars, without n premium note or my other inhiiity. For example, to insure 1,000 dollars for throo yours, $'l.50c. _ CAPITAL--0VER 200,000 DOLLARS. - Number of Policies in force over 28,000. , lionorury Dimotors in this Count`: T. D. Mcconkoy, .`\i.l .; T. R. Ferguson, Lil . Agent: 1lAu.:residenca and ;'nnY`iii1"1iV'Iiiii"Eiiifi1ius "1u--._.......o-o1..%- !Just Trrivgkqll AT THE RED Lmu} `Ill .l.\l:l$Ul|l.l)Ll: A.I.;n--~ K He also keeps on hand, and mnnufuwfi COFFINS of all kinds. and furnish?! -11: parnphr-rnalin n_(-cessnry for Funerals. Includ-`I . an excellent Hearse, which can be bad on? moderate terms. _ , I Rm-.-L. Ami: :1 ma: 1- B A R R I E , . | REI`ECTP'[7I.l.\' nnnonm-cs to thopC1!!5-' that he is at all tinn-5 pr:-pared I0 U cuntracts for building. and that ho 1If1f'~`"` `nnnnn nnnu run mmnt` : cnnlracls I0!` lmlllllng, and that l1ot:I|'lI'-'~*" DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS I | at \'('l`\` shuirt nmivc. nnd I `_\,___ - i Alexander Graham, JJJ1!1,t!uNn uuvwl lu by Cheap ]3:;.1'gain5' _ _ -n-`Til I 3 I7IIE I)is'5-`-i"" Cmms for tho Di.itrictnf.\I=I * koka. for the year ){~t`S, will be hddu . the Willag of Bracebridge : in the Township 01 .\l:\cnuln\-_ nu Ibo 11:3 !- ;Distri;3t of Bfllskokau 1.1.112 Jlllltlt/U141 unxuq .'I1U 1 U111: Assurance Association, OF . CANADA. I LLL(II\.l UL J11 GNJGUL IUEV Township 0! .\Iacnuln_v. on 1"!- . Ixxclxtionctl days. and at the places herein 5:`. fnrth. viz: AT THE`. rnrn-r unnu nrv urrnrrlnlzl 1lLA4.\l\AVlJl'4l\- 0:: LU., Bum: -1-`. Brandon, Bmnlfurd, \`\`ho`.esnIe Agv`n{@ {he Cnnadns. 20-tn. 1 no u Vnllvul LIV Ul all I'II|VI'Ul|Vu Are all I/mt ran 6e"tIc.vire{1. i One trial will corivince the most scepticll ERSOXS troul.-1:-rl with diwnsos of the liver and stonmch muy rest nssun.-dlhesc Pills will give relief. Fur gain I..- A. AA.h.J>J L.) Sugar-Coated Pills, .` AS a Czrfhm-fin nr an A Inmu... IIOUOTIIIO N.`l'm. Barrie. -April 14. ms. _ uucu uw; uumums 1t('(Il'f.` l llls-On Pm` a Dost. -` "C0L7NTERFElT>I!--Buy no Mnzgielfm. or Salve with a little pamphlet insid lb: Lcx, ' They are bogus. The gm-nruine have the mm of J.-Hayduck on the box. \\'i|b the nnmeou, Maggit-I, M.D. The genuine have the Pi`) surrounded with white pom]:-r." :$' Sold bv all n-s1u-clahh- limlinn :. nun .u....u.-4 u nu u uuc pun m'r.' cim-5 t}1r0n_;:}mut the United Slalrsand C .3 I at 1 In-._\ 1`).-I-`I YE gyv,.- A B(,_Y(,,}`,,J* All orders tur the Lniu-d Slates munttl uddrg-est-d to J. u.n'uoc1;. X0. 11 `pa Street. New York. ~ ~ Pntinntc t-nn u-u-in. (......I.. .. :3 by 1--spt-clablu tlenimin mg alru-I. \0\\` ) ark. Patients can write {rm-Iv about u,,;m,.' . . _ . , plcu_nts, un_d reply will be returned in lhef.-`. lowmg maul. _ ' ` 3ec5nd to Nbne.| 1)islrz'cA_qcn(. 1 Oman Sound, Jtmnnry 16, 1868. } ~ Mr. 1!. _W. Wright, l`ravolli1;gAgcut, Bun-lo. i 51-If l 1 11 !:-day as f ' habitable globe? mm Damn .s Dr. llluggel, your pill has 1 biliousness." " No more noxious doses for 1 ten pills taken at one time. 0}, cur:-d me." 'l 'T`I|anI.-:2 Y\.u.l..- Ir uvuuv, ur\uII I'\IIlJ u.....-~ \'L-ryshdrt notice. On .I?eas0nuble '1`erm9 tr- -1..- u. .._.1 ._......m-mrlx I ulrilclll 1 Will he found III.-10' (;'ll:'L'.S' Am. wimp. .. ..... curt-u me. " ' " - -`"" P1111 ' Thanks, Doctor. My 1, 4- a me. Send anolhq.{ /\0x to ke(e`1`i?;cb;eheh After sum.-rlug torlu re lrom biliou two pf your pilis cured me, um] J tum of the malady. Our doctors lrcatedie for ! I hang Ich 1` are :1: R: stipntiun. as they called it, and ilxmmic C0!-I . . last ' H-. .v . Id! :'lt(s:s"xnc1xru 2 (. X our Muguncls P1", cw had no appetite: M ' 1' ' a hearty 0ne., aggle am! 3"lv `' Your Iiills m-n marualln..- n . I - um: and hs;l!:;d0r:`:.o opc!1le: Maggieh Pills Your pills are marvellous. 1 d l ll: be , the` l:tfI:ne.,r O 9; and keep "1 Ll " D . M i 1 l.I d was clfroniucg E M cur my h"hlhI ."] gave balfone of your pills to m for cholera morhus. got well in a day." My nausea of a morning is now cum. Yon_r box of_ .\lu_ggi(:l'5 Pin, ,m,d ,;_ A_ The dear young 15;` am. an VI VI L L ! H I Au-`u ]I('ff('I.'l cure. Una: wil l't'\I'\ Fr`: I I n - - u m m- munu nu --Ircclual Ilompay, }l[AG(r'[1:'L'S PILLS and SA1.I'1,' Arc almost uniwn`.-.n1 in their arm; ma, cur can bc :.hn:=.~t gnxarnnteed. Each Boa: Contains 7'reIrc 1 ills-0ne .__.___.. ONE PILL IN A DOSE, ONE FILL IN A HNI.` In ucmnu my cats and the uni; Send me two boxes~.1. 7fmnily. - I enclnsn a Ilnnm-_\-mu ` Send me five hoxos of ymu Let me have three boxes and Plus by return mail." in in; is; year,1s3ti,v,ue Eire rremiums . nlono amounted to ............ .. 9,910 In its mm year, 1846,. H h` 47,763 20th year, 1856, H ' . 222,279 N 801l1yenr,lS66, H . 139,332 One year later, 1867. 818,055 The Fire Reserve Fund is now $4,727,464 ' _ . The Life Reserve Fund is now $9,282,468 The Company is represented throughout Ontario and Quubac bi; intinontinl Agents. to w_hum application for nsuruncomuy be made. G. F. C. SMITH, Rqsident Secretary, - Mo.\"r1u:.u.. JOE. ROCRRQ, Arfnnt nit `Rm-v-In, - mums I- E'1.\ T1 ).\ 01- !1. I.\1;`, 4- MAGGIEL s PILL: will .-misrv Inn... .\'crvou.-5 I rns-trtninn. \\ -M.-up situdu and Want of J ! I VII I |_HlF\l.L. U ! I'\nn3n..7\nuaa an A ._... yup vvvvuvvt `-511 As a Cathartic or an Alteratlve .1 null 31...: .,... I-~.z.,.:_._v -- my of mofning cum -'* Your of Muggu-1'5 noises in the head. I 1.'ubbc-d some 5.1., behind and the name left. boxes-I want m... r.. cured Q 6` Jammy." "` as enclose r]ol]ar-yonr price i live cents, br` `In: medicine 10 ' . . m dollar. ` " 5- Qnnfl Inn n... l......... .: , FOR ALL n1.~5_.;.77-;7,,- W M 1:1;7;u.vT1u.\' or rum; ` 1vrn41n-sn-r .. .'. Life 111 1 P111 Box` !`Y'l`n Annnrv . nu: -. AT _TlIl-I rornr noox. BI'..\CEB!'HDG!, Ttwmlay 16111 June. in noon. \\'-vlnosrlay. 12th August. at noon, .\londav. 12th October.-at noon. Saturday, 12th December. ntnnon. C. W. I.0['.\'T. Qnnnnlinrv \1mvI:!n`.I. % 1)1vIsIo1T counws` ]?(n- 1-S623. __.._ A JOS. nocmzs, Agent at am. ` ;-|nnnnrv- "1868. '_ A xx-zw Axn '1-11.1. suscnzo srocr 0 , -_.. nll nnnyz man. 1? rite for ' airs." uv .. yum--.4 cum. um: WIN am ' FOR FEMALE DISEASES`: .'c1'vuu.-s 1-nftruxinn. \\'-ax;-,,_ (;,.,,,.,,. ,__ EXTRAOBDINARY 1 `MIT tn.-..__ TO BE CASIL ` ` 7.-.. IL. :nI|uL' aum nun! ul .\pp(-lite. wmrgamaass ma.a.si Vill :r]1cum] m..,.._.u. - ..... ..u 4 I-1`L`I:"17\5"A DOSE om: mu. xx ; WE fI{A'l` ONE HUNDRED LETTERS mb)s(:!-d1](y)`:s;a_:y' from patients all om. Mamie]. vour nm 1.... -2. nu 5- - u ncuu. For sale by A I In Stock, the Public that ' Beaver Mutual FIRE INSURANCE ASSOCIATION. PK?s ll ) ]lH'}_ CUL HT 3 A R R VLLY nnnnnnt-vs =:uo My 1\LEXFxXDER J: C0,, HAIIII to get L your rid 1 `- .\'!Vuggio1's Treatment cl I .13. your pills."- boxes of your Slln 1. " TIIE ubovo Company` have made the follow- . ing changes. dnt ng from let January. lRS;-l'olIc nnd Survey Fees nbolished. Riednction 0 first nymcnts on large risks. All the money pnit In-lng` endorsed on the Premium Nola. Reduction of distance of Isolation. 1! in nnw I-nnflnnu hnnuml Hm! H... 8.. The New York correspondent of the I /Iilazlrlp/Liix Bulletin says: There are - more Japanese costumes in Broadway than you can shake it stick at, unless you are skilful in inauly recreation. ` With brick lmir high in air, little patches of green or white just. over the pump of ve- nerution, broad ribbons floating from be- -fore, dresses built in `Yokohammn style, the pnrasol held pretty much as the idiotic 'supes in the theater hold their wooden swords -at the `present, the ; women sail up and down the shady side - of the popular thoroughfare, u never fail- ing source of wonder to their cousins, and. of most unmitigated` contempt to each other. The scornt`u'l look, the impu- ~ dent, brazen look, with which every woman regards every other woman in the ( street. it is. something greatly to be de- precnted. Wheuce comes it! If two men should look at each other in passing, as-two women do, there would soon be , an unpleasantness between them; and should every man follow the fashion, it ` would require 100,000 policemen 2.; !;an',. peace in Broadway alone. ' ' U I Ulibg --'ccluaI ',[,.S SAl.l i' :m>.-.~4. Ga-nenl Ln. 1' .v\pp `Pulling- me in .c ofyo ro q . pill: e Is tmly 2 is woryhl 2 ii tmt \ 2 1! worth 1 I me any HUG IUCB UH LII`? I"| ngnin~`t a I:u'}_{: I which rested l-all enga'gcd_ in the ']w \\'_his'l.|ing. Inthc Jucolm, his r.-L I nore-I except on so {Jo was n(llreL=sc| : nsomuon. `It is now condently believed that the in- dncomcnts nifcred tainsurers are greater than those of any othur Company doing business in Ontario. ' This vs!-En l\oI1n;Knurhn`nnvnou-nl ............. UIlt\I'l ILIC IL -` Tun banking In Sons LS: Trevor, \\ bor of u Inrgo:';.{ Street, Inn] fur so ing the 1:1:-gc~L ex-. city, and they .u;.-n csl concern: of Lin,- unm'L'lI '\\'I(l\ ll)0l`O There haul been menls when the 1:11 the clock.-- u I .. U. I ' ' -and to g:unblin_r_:."~ > He will get. iutn frnnl he has been winning Ll1u~ In his losses are Vet. to Pg I don't. know ulmuL th; M's pretty smarg and pretty sharp lmml tn can-I 19 DOW," he n.d(loal, mm 111- 0\'8l saf.inn nunvn :.. " ms, ver He wnlke y nice part OVCI U ) `- $139 3:93 standing, ximl -cnnxnnvm p8p' V_Vhich In) as hm: hm ` Anythnpg in the 1.4%..-r N0: I . bellileviel pot," ;| _ Peru have not got ho! IIEHUIT. 7` It. was about nin ing l'o!lo\\'ing the prece-hug clmpter, bars of [I142 lirm Im :12... 'l'| , ~91: nus n(1:1rcs.~zcI .1-' I ` His compnnjon wn broad cmmt-.-r, --l'I`.'I Pact, wllich \\'.-1-4 S}-I ` He would lznvo: ha---u had it. not lu;<,-n fur ; un rlcninlI_v ml; Im- ' Frealgric Lincoln, th- fxworeul -with ll: 'l`|...... I....x |.., J IIIU |.'vIUCK.` I sav, Jacnlw, ton can be this Inn at Hn`ll L- |..._. um can no [ms niinrmn-_ He'll be here In -:3 Jacobs without. altering least. I suppose lur- lasl. night's tli.~a.-ip:1t'.nn.' Why, wlu.-ru \m~ l Ha WIN up to Whi _his sis_ter, the lunar pa suppose -he \\`:u` In eleven o'clock; llmt. i< most of his e\'cnin;:~." Tlum. ..,\.. _. It v bun She is ileucerl pr.-tr; There was :1 palm! ml and Lincoln return:-I tn- I am surrv, lw sail Thurston 8h0l-|H ruin Iniu for he in: first-r:|tt: t'-H-m HA is n ..l....,... r. n ,, Unumo. . I The BEAVER pays tho whole amount guaran- teed by I`ollc{._providod the amount of pro- porly lost w lllwnrmnt it, and no Company will pay more. Members of tho Bmvan nre requested to report n|l-mlsrt-presenlnliuns oi -the Company by agents of other Companies. ' R. J. DOYLE. Ow:-n Rnnml ..uuvurSl|0l'l came in. Good morning Lim- ' Jake?" said Thurston," :3 beh ind the counter ti) letter for me 3 N;nn ---`-A ` -vuuv ror 'f ' Nico Party we hm] 11h` Jacobs, not noticing "tho " mark. II"!-VUI LII`? IHIII _IlII'.l ofce. 'l'hsTnI_\' 1 iwo young men, .-1-_r mount, and :: lmy \\'h the counter. 'l'hc t of the two young no his feet on Um rum: up .. I,,__ I I 1111 ...uu 0! ms e\'cmn;:~." Then you rr:;nH_r I: inguireal Lincobn. Believe it? I knu down with him 5m: ni Jmv him win three hu than two hours." I guess he's :1 pr->3 incoln, tlmuglntfur. Trevor would szw if ha- ! an : L. - - 86(1),` our no 13 n _tir.-at-rate 1':-H-r He is n clever f("I assented Jncubs. IL take to g:nnbIin_r_:." ~ la Ha |\`| n-no 2..A- A-- " ""4 "0, nddod, co ' . "|`\'8I sat|on m. Goml mA...:_._ :- .,_ nun .... ., )R9\'le, though it \t`o>u'lv Curls to the right curls lo the Inn .. Curls to thv l'<':lI` I cash; that were plurrh What though in:-n'hn "Fortunes _\'nu'\`(- .~ Thu-ir's not to um! Their : not to rant Thy.-ir's but In (In Chnrgc!" tn the I Charge by the humh '__--_-_`:___,- mums, 'l`m?u.s'n.n'. .11 i.\ _L.|_ unu uurmg that penou has paid Losses exceeding FIVE AND A HALF MILLION POUNDS STERLING. Tho dishnrnnmnm. nf lhln annrmnnn :nm Ilnlfn league, lmlru 1:-; Right through [ht- Much to its In-a-my Dragyd the rich .~ Hnlfl league rear um HI!!! peck, half n pm`) Hirsute and \\`mH'.` ill") liquid R6149 up the pun .1 lilgnl mu nsluu; ` `6141-up From other In-:ul:~' mu N0b0d_Y MILIII-Ila: Rode the brllh: In IMCG; ill Hfrnm , _ Bull [ W gt nq AND COUNTY 1 .\ .7 hpn-n\r a Bu! din '4. pa"! llnll, C(.Ilicr .~L'.`--- , - * -rimzus or .Fn-. 7m.pnupr unnum, -ntrirm If nut an pt Address Ill orders to " . Nun nu} `PK m ,_.;4 In uxccnl--. VOLUME ruumua b'l'.b'lL:l1\'(i. Tho disbursement of this enormous sum overu wide area, -has. without doubt. contri- buted to the estubiishment of this Institution, in'the condence of Pvn1.Ic,Coaroru-no.\'s, l\!I~:uc1x.'\.\"rs. HOUSEIIOLDERS, and business men generally. wherever it is represented. In in; let year,l836,the Fire Premiums ulouo 9.970 ;_____.-___._ .- CHARGE OF THE DRESS Bl -. Published . .3-b'` ' `l'.T'.?a,'.5'a..I.".`. 7 AND ou.\'.\m;.w r ' _ sllrhxn 4- 1:91 nu Tm w"`(1 if hv \\ , . I don! kuow; r;uh.,-. M) u L N[C!l )L'i!_)\' .t 4 --__-._.`____ ...... . m ll1`H 1| BUBINEHSJ (`.\l(I)~<`. . mm. mm u.\.\ in Ill .~ The edict is 54;: And skirts .~ IOfalnIxgl|u-r.< u Sweep h0L`iI'1 But, hI1s3g:\nds_. Too subn. W1 ' If thy dress--s_: SH you: -11 nulznxf W: Verf parity. walked over In M: _fj--'*"""'_ " The lxaun I ..uvun\' nu.` 4l\I1fa)'-. A `The Liverpool &London&Gldb { INSURANCE COMPANY, `-"I no nrn-xxv 2.. _._. I .eve_ry Thurzl jliiil.-\' \i1| 0| CONNOR. Aoim. Rqaldenco and Addrosa-AURORA. A 1 --'rTIE NIAGARA UDIASTRIOT MUTUAL IPEII. DOZEN TIIE AGRICULTURAL ZIIUTUA , I , _________7 A 0 AI" G`-A.R'.l.'ON"`S! Wnaw MEN Have DIED Fen.- -Colonel` Mongomery was shot in a duel about a dog; Colonel Ramsay in one about a ser- vant; Mr. Featherstone in one about a recruit; Sterne's father in one about a geese; and anotlier gentleman in one about an acre of anchovies;" one officer was challenged for merely asking bis op- ponent to the second goblet; and another was compelled to fight ahonta pinch of snull'; General Barry was challenged by a Captain Smith for declining wine at a din- ner ona steamboat, although the General pleaded as an excuse that wine invariably made him sick; and Lieutenant Cowther lost his, life in a duel because he was re_- fuscd admittance to a club of pigeon V sliooters. _ln 1777 a duel occurred in New York City between Lieut. Featherl stonehauy_:h of the Seventy-sixth, and Captain McPherson, of the Forty-second British regiment, in regard to the manner of eating an ear of corn, one contending that the eating was from the cob, and the other contending that thepgrain should be cut off from the cob before eating. Lieut. Featlierstonelxaugli lost his right arm, the ball from his antagonists pistol shattering the limb dreaclfully, so much so that it had to be amputated. Graham, Major Noah's assistant on the National Advo- cate, lost his life in 1827. at the dueling ground at Haboken with Barton, the son- in-law of Edward Livingstone, in a simple dispute about what was trumps" in a game of cards. l ,, , _ , _ I , I 'AS BEEN in existence Thirty-two yuan, L and during that period has paid Losses sedina gugitrzuttc. THE EXAMINER AND COU NTY OF SIMCOE-ADVOCATE,THURSDAY, JULY 2,`%1%868. ` J. DU 1' I415: Owen Sound. District Agent. I18 9222.279 313,055 4-1? . 4-tl HE AMEIQCAN \\jA l`CH4C0.\IPAN`1', OF WALTHAM, MASS., pince their severru grades of Watches atfprices within the reach oru hmllv nhnl. mu all Qu':n'a ...........-r..:. `I7_A.L__ . ,,, ,- . . . AMERICAN \\`A l`CHAC0(.\IPAN`1', being _dcterminhd to sevemi at prices of all pcmes and to effec- tually shut out. allSwis's counterfeit Watches, have decided {tom this date to supply their w alches in the Dominion of Canada ~ . Exocu Annm: 0u'rooNE.--Enoch Ar- den has been outdone at Drwenport, Iowa. The facts are that Nutlmn Sn-in; u nice young mechanic, had a pretty wife and four chihlren, Swin tlookclu bourdflr, freivht. cmuluctor o,n tie licugo, OCK lalnful and l neic Iltuilroml, wh`o ls)tolle ths JTCH. woniuna at'ections ant emve `very yimughtily. Swin begged of his wife, at \'m'i0us times, to change her conduct, nnd he would forgive her. She wouldn't reform, and so S\vindi\'ided lliis giiods with her uml helped her to slip tiem west, in company with her seducer. The womnn got into the caboose, and bade he-_r huslmud good-`by as coolly us though he were u more ncqIi1ui1it(rl1nce.d Swill; tl:'en went ll) to the mean an sai : ` 011 V8 got thI:`womun. If you ever desert her or misuse her, and I hear of it, I ll kill you. You've done enough to injure me- don't repent itwith her," and off they started for the west. vuuuuu Atthe Value of Arnericn Curtenc . . Th'o Company "by ihyspnying all duly, costs and chnnies on their Watches into nnnmin ...:n The by lhus paying duly, charges Watches into Canada, will supply to the people of the Dominion . ' nV1"l"l.1 l`17`I"I` - ----~--` --- ` * ` -..,-- v.u...v. v uusvlw \JL 4;.u1u1AuLuu \Ju1lU11Uy' ___.. ---u..u.4u.;:. vv.c11.u1.l.uo Lu Lnn VVUIS Tho Wutghes are of all grades,-from the finest Gold Watch made. adapted to 1 from the Tropics to the Poles, at .11 price to suit the wealthy connoisseur or for to the Chet; Silver Lever, strqng and serviceable, regulated to miniitep. suitable chunic and at-mer. and mlitn ml Inm an ....:m ... ...... ......:-...... ......u... _. ..,, .. .. uunu uu: LIUIIIUH IN I Chen Silver] armer, I grades of` charm: and grades of 'D\'7l`I) A giants in EXTRA HEAVY CASED WATCHES for RAILWAY Esoxxmms AND LU: deserve particular attention` in Canada, as nothing can equal them for the purposes. ing Watches - In I8 Carat Gold Cases f`or Gent at mndlnm m-hm. ...:n ..u_- L. . . - . - .- -... .. vuvlu uaaua nur Laules anu l l'lVat8 Gentlemen. at medium prices. will also be found desirable. , _ , ' We are frequently asked why we don ! advertise prices. we reply that as we only suppl the trade, and as our Watches are now kept by most respectable houses, the public can rely; on being served at a fair advance on the Manufacturer's List. Our trade marks are American Watch Company. Appleton, Trace '& Co.', Waltham Home Watch Co., gnaranteediin all case by special Co.. is warranted by the seller.) The purchaser should Swiss Counterfelts for sale in some places. ` ` IMPORTANT NOTICE?! |Z3\l11]EE3[l@\[l] xz:m*@:1;.1 \4\4vA .Iu..vu s~nA\A vJ', auu At tli_ Livix`i Pricesll awxintjtnza C'I'IrIl` 'I`h4\t-V11`:-\4 MA.\'UFAC l`UnE or Diaxx-ru:s.--The Lon- don .S'1m'lator says:--The manufacture of tligltlllus hns gone on pretty rapidly of late yum-s. Within tholnst thirteen years i the Crown hns created sixty-one peers and ' i-cvcnty-one hnronets; a few of the peer- ggzes, however, being mere promotions. The peerage certainly does not perish nt that rate; ,unrl, if the system goes on, we shall one duy see every rich mun xtpeer; or Pitt's idea shall be renlized-thut every man with ten thousand acres should sit in the Luhlrl. Even n.=. it is, there nre very few men with that amount of land, parti- cuhuly if held in one block, who are not ]1tl)(.'llL`(l in some way. The demand for bnronetcies is a special und very curious` feature in English society. They reull giro nothing except an hereclitnry`lnbe, yet they uro cvirlently objects of very keen competition. We wish it njere possible to put two or three peernges and haronetcies up to auction, nml see what they amne- tuully worth in the estimation of million- ui rm. ' spades and Shb;7efs:: ' "-0 " ` . _ Pocket and Table Cutlery Ovel Tmys,'Tea Pots, Electm-1 lated' G00ds,d cc., always on /mmcl. OAK %& HICKORY SPOKES, Hubs, Rims, Shafts, Poles, Seatails, Spindles, &c%. BAR _`]_'.RQ1_\I_ %8a_ST'EEL, T "u'_" -.-".'_".:` ' 7- --'-.. T---' Carnage Sprmgs, Bands, Ax1es,Tl11mble Skeins T _ Anvils, Vices, Bellows, Rnsps, Files, &c., &c., always`in stock. T lfi iViVI -Ii 1`.. \/ll raw. fa r`-\':Tr'_"=\r=! an F; .-.q --v-- **::.=L=L=4-:/ .-_,_-_- -,-,=_.J_.___J 'Oils,White Lead, Paints, Glass, Putty, &c., &c. of _the very best description and quality, and , IL 1.1-- 'I"-__.`..J_ T.) uu ULUWDLJ LIIUII-|LU,U|.l L 11065- Sugar Kettles of all `gigps! f`1......:........ G......'..._,..,. 1)..--,J,. A _-1_- mug: 3'ALL OF IVIIICII WILL BE DISPOSED OF AT A VERY LOW F1Cr'URI'._:- CALL AND EXAMINE BEFORE GOIING ELSEWHERE. We think it no trouble, but it is a p1ea.nuro_to us to show our goods to intending purchasers. 1'a'!'I\I'I1' I III! (II) I1!-Imus !SPIji:g* Trad?- __ __ __-..._._\;\4\/K1, Both in cl_mwiug and Smoking. They are ns_fo11ow_s: S.\xoKI.\'u--Solace, Fig, Dominion, Cleopntrun. and other brands. Cm:w1.\'u-0ln'o, N1\\'_v, Dark Sweet, and other brands. Mustard, Salt in glass jars, and a supply of superior FRESH LOBSTERS and SARDINES- . . (I Gold and Silver Bar Soap: avery nice article in Blncklcnd, THE DOME, cheaper, goes - further, and gives 0 much better polishthan any other. V (`vxcmn Onmxaxa Loouz.-Tbe Grand Orange Lodge of British North America , held its utccling this your in Iiulifg, The l`o'llm\-iug um tho nmmes of the ofcers elected at the session:-Gmnd Muster, Hon. J. II. C.m1c-.ron, Toronto; Deputy G.1\I., -D Arc- ' Buullon. Bnrrie; Treasurer, Anderson. I\ ounmin View; D."-T1'easurer, Andrmv Fleming, Toronto; Lectu1'cr,'J. Ross Robe:-t.~;on, Toronto;_ Director "of Ceremonies, White, Bellevillo; Tyler, A. Burr, Cobourg. BIRMINGHAM & SHEFFIELD HOUSE. ' ' Consisting in [unit of some choice TE.-\`S, fer 50c., ~90c.,v and thoevery best at $1. Call and examine before going elsewhere. ' A 17 mnxr {urn-n ; unr\nm...nunm ..-n ma... . - JUST RECEIVED, a Large Stock oroak and Hicmy Spolge, Hubs, Rims, Shafts, Poles, Seat Rails, &c.. DAR Iron and Steel. Sutvnr Kottlualnf nu aim. :.\.:..n.. 5.1.. Only one price, and a,libem1 discount forcash. f`.\..I...L-. ._ M New Clothing NeWSt,1:aW.<?:9_ds MILLINERY AND MAN1`LWl()ZVI'-ZPARTMENT `RE-OPENED` A, r\!I, __..I n..:I_3___: YT Cheaperk than Ever, at Strong's, COOKSTOWN, . _ A Tailoring Departm-cut just opened, under the superintendence of 1 Cutter. - [NEW DRY GOODS, ""' v Ixnxm ELOQUI-:.\'cr:.--Nowhere can be found :1 more poetic thought in more cup- tivuting sllnpliclty of e.\'l'n'ession, than in the following iunswcr of ' 'ecumseth to Go- vernor H:|rris(n:.. "` Your father requests you to lake n chnir," `nncl u_nx~xwc-red, as he culmly disposed himself on the ground, "My father!" the sun is my father, and the cnnh is my mot.lner-I will repose on her bosom. Barrie. April 8- 1868.` Bradford, 22'nd` F'1:.: Jximiary 2511:, 1868. GREAT- RED UUTION [N 1212103 1'-urn nVr`r`r.v .. `.w,... u. mu uuuuuwu "'i3151i3 CHEAPET WATCHES IN THE WORLD. 0 Watches all Lrrndma, .r.-mu n... Hnnal (!n`:1 w..o..:. ......a.. ..:._.A: - @:"No trouble tolshew godds. '1:@- AN EARLY CALL IS s0Lj"012EJ>. '}'x"V4'\}'1J3I-SVz"'1\.7i'(31::"Ass01"1'T"1\1 .. ...... v.` . V uuvua 5vnu5 vnacn ul.'lL'. ENT OF TOBACCOS, Gros se (E Blackwe1 svPickIes, -!7....G;...... ... `-"-` JUST $ RECEIVED REX-'OH.\H.\'G the wo_r1d is like patching an uhl cont, which will soon nee,-11 another patch; but if it were not for reformers the world would ulwnys be out at elbows. . vw -rr 1 1 % Hmn:__)1 `w\:J-In I'n....] T),...._L~ f\"I-_._. `TI 1! ._ 71 .... e......m:, uuun unc uucao uulu II xuuu Iuuuel uuapleu IO lly the` connqlsseur or. presentation, `er m1nutep. smtgble to the Me- at, and quite as low i_np1-ice as any moderate quality of SWISS Watch,; Our N ew `Hats, `and New Boot; and Shoes,' ` `IN GREAT VARIETY, AND Paits, Oils; and Builders Hardware, at low `- u----viz JQL At "Greatly 'R:aduc`. " _J$' _ , IRON &7 ST'EEL, `Z I;-T619111? orunn 'pr1'nnn g-m1)rif11& Sons. , -u----, Iva-vvavu, - V003 . Ivvuvv AUSULJU \llIn' An and Steel. Sugar Kettlealof all sisemspriugs. Axle, '1`l:lmbles..Skeins, Anvils, Vices, Bellows, Tups and Dies, '. ()ils,`VVhite Lead, Glass 850. I-"c.....1... c|..\....I.. D..v.,.. n....u..,; .....a mu... rm,u ., __._,, . . ..-....~, ._._`/.~`.., `J: nu-.V.: aqua`;- gspades, Shovels. Rakes. Pocket and Table Cutlery. Electro ; Plated Ware, `always on hand. ` ' ?A \/,ER;Y'N|`CE SELECTION. ()F~GROCERIES, IROBBINS as APPLETON`New York, `ROBERT WILKES, Toronto _& Montreal, GENERAL AGENTS. 10,1...` Dunn nu uuu 5AuIv Inu vusuuuvl, And Time's changes mark me too? Lire may cease. but then to Heaven _ Will my puro affection soar; Yes, when freeurfrom earthly lonven, Dearest. then I'll love you more! I'll lovd you more! . Douro.-at, then I'll lovo you,moro!A St. Cntburincs, June 23. '1`.

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