'EA.1ifi[1i-A.I%$l I_IAVE Now ON HAND a large supply or` THEIR UNRIVALLED 1 WHICH HAVE OBTAINED SUCH CELEBRITYI IN ()N'I`AR.i(). N 1111411 1l.`kVb UH l'.'\lNl`4U EUUH Ul5Ll`JB.KlT). IN oNTAmo, For their beauty of Style & durability. 01:1: srocxc 01-` SILK `H;{Ts, wnrr-Ir `HAVE nn'l1AI'\Yr."n ehntr rvnv nnnvmv IS COMPLETE IN EVERY DEPAILTMENT. `AD remrneu to ma mu mum uuunu. of Dunlop Street and Railroad Square, Barrio, with 11 large and choice ussortgnent of Spring and Summer goods, consisting In part of Cloths, Cassimeres, Fancy Coat, Pant and Vestings, ' _ - . ` Gents Hats, Caps, Shirts, Uollcrs, N'ecIc- tics, Gloves, Socks, Drawers, Braces, and . Dr` A 'l\`7 II A T\T l'IT r\n\'l"I'T1\Tf`1 1)! unto u Inuo EREADY-MADE _ CLOTHING, all nfwhinh Inn in tlntm-miuml on gull at n nmnll J.v.I2L.tJ.' J. -"J.Vl.L1.1J.Iu \J.lJ\.I LLALLI vi, - all ofwhicb hu is determined to sell at a small ndvunco on cost. for cash. His 1-lmhimr In mmln hv u-uLn1nn wm-L-mun. nuvunco cost. I01` cusu. His clothing is made by first-class workmen, from every variet of goods and in the latest. fashion. His clot s are worthy-of special no- tice and he is prepared to make them up to order. in any style by first-class workmen.-tf c are may cu-utioned ngnlni R0.\IISSORY NOTE. mndeby QNNOX to me. rm r-:iaIm.nn V V attend to a generally useful. HAS feturned to his old stand cornebr _ _ I_)p_nlo}_) _nngl Eailroad Sqllarel` .._A Toronto, May 26th, 1868. L BACK_A_GA_IN-- LH!33VW3?? 15th to the 30:11 June. both days mclusnve. The ANNUAL MEETING of the Share- hoklers will ho held at the Banking House in 7 Toronto, on .\l0Z\'D.\Y. the 6th day of JULY, ` next. , The Chai|j;will be taken ut Noon. . By Ordnr of the Board. ' . , . R. J. DALLAS, 7 OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. that a Dividend of 1-`our par Cent. for the cur- rent half ycnr. being at the rate of Eight per Cont. par unnnm upon tho paid up Capital 01 this Bunk.|n1s this day been declared, and that the amino will he payable nt the Banking Iionsu in Tomntu. or at any of the Branches ..r Hun Rnnlz nx .!\'n AF'l`l-`.11 WEDNESDAY: um: um zuuno Wlll III`. [myumc uh ulu numuu-E; of tho Bunk ON JLND AFTER \VDNESDA Ist JULY, next. 'I`lm 'l`n-nnuf.-r Ranks: will he cldsud from the JULY, The '1`:-nnsfm-r Books will be c1o'sx-d 15th the 30th June. both days inclusive. The ANNUAL MEETING 1Canadian_BI1k of Commerce. cucupusl. cults, I0!` buys anu mus, ever oucreu Ior sale In this County. - Ladies Prunella. Guitar Bo_9`ts_. $1. .L:1dics' Leather Boots, 531. Men s Fzincy Gaiters, 82.25, Men's Canvas Gaiters, at $1.50, worth 82. That Genu_ip_e Gunpowder Tea at ,90c., worth $1.10; best.`Young Hyson at 8pc. and 90c.. ` ' mcuo, will meet at the com . on TUESDAY, the semll 868, pl 10 o'clock u. m., for ll! cxumining. Common S_ grunting certicates olf qml \ 'His Clothing Roomlis well stocked \-vith the Latest Styles in Coafs, Pants and Vests, Hats and Caps. Family Mourning constantly on hand. 3` Straw, Tuscan and Leghorn Bonnets and Hats cleaned and altred. His Trimmed Bonnets at-$1.25; his Trimmed Haiti at 75c.; his Summer Mantle: at $l.'.;.'5.; are stiil ii: great demand The cheapest Suits, for Boys and Girls, ever otfo.-re for sale in this County. ' - I ' L " Boots. .L:1dics Boots. 341. Mania T`n`m-u (mum. 9-) 0;: Man`: rv .... .. n..:.._. _. n Barrio, Juno 3. 1868. A l His rapidly increasinglbusiness "is `etrong evidence of the aiclvajntage the public derive by visiting his extensive establishment. I-Iis Dry Goods` and Millinery he imports direct from the Manufacturers, T which enables him to olfer goods at the following prices :-_- - DELAIN DRESSES,`$1.25; POPVI;-INIS AT $2.90. 'GRooERIEs,_ ? Ready ].\7.fdeC1othing, Boots 8: Shcnes, In order Fresh Supes of DRY G0(')DSVand l~--14-\;\..~_2_;___ Btu-rin. May 27. 1868. certifying distinctly is H its, and cum-ct Iuorul chum ma, nnd containing their all u furwnrded to the undenlgld ions to the examination. CI- ll` notices should slate wbell at_nnta or Roman Catholics, ruiicuiu l`('qlli!`(!d. ' W. BOYS. L. LP fAN'I`ED aiman to tn_ke chnr;; e"bf horses, attend to a garden, and make himself amllv ' _.____. DIVIDEND Nqg 25 WANEEDI. Cheap Lot-of White OsAt1'Tic1v1e Feathers and Bonnet Trimmings. Strictly One Price. to suppiy the wants `of his numerous customers, Thomas McCormicl':T is reeiving daily His various qualitiesiof dress goods are low i Hotehznd Tavern Ifecpqrs would prqt by e.tamz'1u'ng his W_ ncs (Ind Lfqrwrs. _51 EDMUND LALLY. 9 18-l rd. J. . ashi ucor: On SATURDAY 9' wiil be sold by Ptgnmc 3;`: Sheritf'a Office .111 "1" `In Town of Btu-rley " 3'; o undermentioned `I-I `Hi H the right, title. Inleriii ption of the Defendant i if `ourt, of the County 07.5 _ , DAVIS, ` P"" 3. .1vm<:sroN. M lot number Twenty Twgna 13? Concessalol}. 0` `Wm wi limlzury, Nlll9U'F ss. _ . sgnv Iggurno, Q Shlzmgvcn smut . az .JAb, Cashier. 1 7-11` l5~tf. 1. X. 18-tf 19-Iy Genuine Wines and Liquors. Is under the management bf arst-rate Cute1'. `Persons desirous of Clothin of the ver best materials, and got up on the" most fashion- acle "an substa.nt manner, can-procure 11: here at reasdnable prices. , A} large stoekef Field Seeds. Salt, P|aster%and;,WaterLime, % Chinia, Glass &. Earlhenware,V A Great Variety of Ready-Made ULOTIJING. The Custom Department Black and Fanilcylllress Silks, Fancy Dress Goods, 109 p ces,. lBril1antes and Pl d Muslins, Prints and Ginghnms, Collars and Cuffs, Satin 'I`1'immings and Buttons, Fancy Bugle do. do. i Ribbons and Laces, Lisle Gloves and Hosiery, French Kid Gloves, Parasols and Umbrellas, V Paisley-and Fancy Shawls, Bl k Caslxmere do., u Mantles, 7 . , A French Merinos and Delaines, Grape Cloths, all colors, Alpacas and Lustrines, White do., V Endrlish Cobourgs, Tn inn T-Talia G. LYNN to bin oi` nd the public gen i. very considerable XP`;? PHOTOGRAPH R00 E BARBIE H0 ises lately occupi` Since he closed his old ed his time and m , 7 yin "the very latest 5 r producing _ .l.'Ju"1lcu. uuuuux Ea, Laaies Hats, , Gentlemen s Felt and Straw Hats, West of England Coatings and Trousering, Canada Tweeds, &c., &c. THE `SUBSCRIBER respectfully announces {but he has JUST OPENED OUT u very largo stock of the following goods, viz. :-- . ' |1868. smmw 1868.] ]3`IRE-PROOF HOUSE?! Only one price, and a. iiberal discount for. cash. Just received 100 Boxes Assorted New Teas, end other Groceries io proportion. Mn 3, 1868. MILLINERY AND MANTLE ADEPARTMENT RE-OPENED. New Clothing, New Straw .goqds, -n-k will he sumcient gunnm d usutulnoss to the M! enle " This is to corliiy thnt `laugh. Guidv and Holder um, it to bu a useful labor-saving M. I. (ma man can nccomnlm ... Cheaper than Ever, at Strong's, IN COOKSTOWN, ' .-_:_ A Tailoring Department just opened, under the superintendence of n 1 C lller. ]NEW DRY GOODS, El): Qizzamiuet nub ~ Comm; Zutmmt Qlhnotatn l)uirshm;, _ 3.1m: :_11, 1853. `THOMAS MCCORMICK, I Cooksfown, April 24. 1868. 'lLL'A IJU|.)D\./l`\1DJ21[\r rcapeeululy HTIHOUUCES I g@- AN EARL Y C_ ALL}S VSOLIOIIEJ). IN GROCERIES, _NeW Hats,` and New Boots? and Shoes, IN GREAT VARIETY; AND vuno wood Butler Flrkluujaul received. No. 1. Co.\un-zncm. linocx. t [he Jlarlrel-Ilouse, (lallier-strut. e 10, 1368. I9-ll _ Painfs, Oils, and_Bu_ilders' Hardware, at low E ' in proportion. Hehas just received J-. K. V FALCONBRAIDGE. an Aug: auu uuuuzu. uulu UHU u< " Linens and Lawns, Hoop and Balmoralvskirts, Sheetings and Diapers, Linen, and Woollen Shirts, Gents Collars, Ties, &c. gs U111 auu .|..|Uu11.l uU., Straw do., ~ ' - Damask Window Han 'ngs, Nottingham and Leno 510., . Silk Tassels and Cords for do.,_ Damask Woollen 'l`able Covers, _ Damask Table.Cloths, - Marseilles Counterpanes, D Olys and Towels, V VVhite and Col d Silk'Handker fs, Black Italian do., Irish and Scotch Cambric do. TZ______ _,_.`l `I lCI1ildrn s do., `Tapestry, Carpetings, 3 and 2-ply Kidderminster do,. I Felt and Hemp do., Sf)-aw Rn r pr-ices". . First Class any--4- 15-tf I3-tf. |AUT1o?. 17-if ; READY F011? INSPECTION BY "THE LATIER PART OF THE CURRENT MONTH. _ Wj |stapraanaL%ramij;-%ycoods) WILL BE COMPLETE AND Sy_1vte1: sGelebrat dPat tG[rain cradles W. J. M}:Master and Company, `FORKS, HARVEST IMPLEMENTS! Barrie, April, was. |Bui|ders JV 4144.- hallongea c at entire sat ompelltiolb iafnc.', N.B.-Highest Price paid in Cashfor Woo], delivered at the \Vorks. Having made . arrangements with the` Railroad and Steamers, goods can be delivered ` at any place in the County where they stop. Bafrio, April. "" ` Ca,rding- -Spinning, Cloth Weaving; T A Dyeing and Dressing, _ DONE PROMPTLY, 'A'1` `THE USIJAL CHARGES. BAI .2,R'_IE v "3 . J . . ' 1.1 " l ,/ :7 ~ I `.' .' . `~ . ( "ii: V, _V I _ , -7* ._1.'.:i ` g '. . 1; 1 - 1uum1A- UL 1.1.....4. ALL BF ma: Mmesnr smzxs m swim. - A -vvno lfontmyal, Mo.r_ch}8, 1868. Which will be found advfintageous t< purchaser; RECOLLECT THE EMPORIUMI WHOLESALE & RETAIL, . Supplies of [STAPLE&FANCYDRYGO0DSI ]McC ONKEY & C50. [The Emporium If Brrie, Ap/ri18, 1368. will he found replete with everything-new; arid his Stock will he lfolind lo Eomprnse `I all the newest; styles in inuterial and make," anrlas cheap :15 any in th-mzirket. His prices for Bbots and Shoes defy cumpetition. The Grosary Department ji, as usual,` well supplied .i.` with a General Stock, which Families and Hotel Keepers will (lo well to inspect-. r:a- [IE7 ro nmmvnnrrnrzvh x-rnrrv mn `nu 1-rwnnnn.-...\ _ v-.avu:a@v 5!: H323 v oust: $72!-F029 3}-l`!JlI in Bonnets, Hats, C\ps,'and all kinds of Straw and Tuscan Goodsi also, Shawls and ,Mnmle_s, Pm-asols, Gloves, Ribbons, Flowers, /Feathers, &c., which` he is pre- pared to acllint Toronto Prics.-`-A call is respectfully soliciugd. _Tl1e _` _ _ Gnu. 3`-1-- gm. ._ -:-. 31-: -::.---.._.__..v` Iwivaiwwwi HE Subscriber takes pleasurelin anounciing to the Ladies of Barrie and surround- ingountry, that llavimz added a Millinerv and Mantle Department to his General :._ n-.._-._ u,,._ n - -nu L)uU5I:l'lU|:l' IEKCS pleasure In announcrlug uu mu uuulus U1 Darne nnu surround- ing'country, having Millinery Department hisvGeneral Business, .he'wil1 open the same as above, in the large room over his store, where will be found the ' NJEWEST` svytgs @ngsm1r%u5ns_A\_s@~m'u _,,,I m,_-,,,, "am 3u,@[@:L~8m8o !@E|UQEUU1@3WSG1W13fJI ' I5u1v11oVpt.-Eia-s;,` uuvu mucus, Uilll Ill rvsjmvo BA 00: IMILLINERY AND MANTLESJ ,,,,, ,,__ _. - _ _ V ...... V--./.4...-~v.u.;z. _E B5 sure and find the plae, nearly dppoite the R:1ilwnylDepnt.,. Dunlop Street. ' ` I ` I2lrD1\7Ann eu1.-n-rnnx Barrie, May 13:11, 1868. _ nnnss Hc+oons1f1::1'2-111:;t'1i1_wI.i$::1I-I-`:% on 1io;13 Qfifudy. isi andI)ti1_i1;st+ . ....._- .._.1 2.]: u.- _J_;, __,,,1., ,,,,, | " ` " "' ' " "" " ""'l"" ."' TO BE _ UNDERSOLD. _5y .1 -n -1 1" HE IS DEI.'ERJ[INED NOT- Suitable for the Spring and Summer, GRAHAM & LOU*NT,_ Proprietors. BEG TO ANNOUNCE THAT THEIR SPRING STOCK OF V Prices Low and Ems Liberal. ....I. 10 1cm: `:1 -p~roil_ucing '_ XQUISITE new ` wm: 3 his New Gallery MI pnrmus' and be u llkone ssea of em! `M _'(SUC'C ESSORS `T0 T. .D. J[c00NKEY,)` OPENING OF SHERIDAN S NEW GRAND DISPLAY . 16 LEMOINE, smnnr, -..,._._j the newest V` and DUNLOP STREE1`, BARBIE, ARE NOW DAILY RECEIVIN G DUNLOP STREET, BARRIE. II WILL COMPLETE AND &c- . BE'NNETT'S to I nrm;:hcr's nr nu-n D->3` BUILDI V Hotel. and J A1` MONTREAL, ~ FUUID ennrwrn e-mA;-... __ mot Fashionable styles. of . uy|r-r;~,- :;u|uul: s..`|.I\:l:u `ii3:'i%i\7ARD SHERIDAN. #BA i1RI_E,*()1"1V1; "RAKES, Hardwarf P8-tf LLJLLLV 15-tf . 10-tf ' ~AvAA.\.I.lld-IIJ UV 111 tmcnl, Seeds, Out: u are A urn n .4, Plain and Playing Cards. in variety. An assortment of fancy 'InwcUinrr. Pic-Nic and other Baskets. Riding Whips. Walking Sticks. Canes. &c. Cricket Bats, Wickels and Balls. Checker Boards, Checkers, and Dominoes. _ FISHING RODS. FLOA TS. FLY `AND OTHER HOOKS, LINES, re. :2 Anything In the line furnished to order. Can and_see the goods. , Bai-rie, nlny 21,; I868. . * lHp}}1}'I;L}Photograph Albums,` Pm-fnmfml f`.nrdhnnr~ nnnnnf Hnnr- {`.nn`l ..~-orvn no n-lvv va. .n. Aavvvba. wrunnsuusuuv Perforated Cardboard; Bonnet Board; Card Board, plain and _olo1-ed; Blotting I B.per, &:c. nnntxcv ,4 nrn 11,: r: A 7rnnrcv .D U l/AD JIIVLI JH/l UIIIJIJVDO, On hand, and supplied to order on short notice. Luuuunsxui -LADIES STA TIONER Y, In while. tinted, plain. ruled and water-lined note, with envelopeeto match ; Ladies` Salchels, Courier Bugs, Portmonaies, Pocket, Books, Magic Pocket Fans. Inkstnnda, beet Writing Inks. Gillan : dz Milchelfs celebrated Pens, Quill Pena: Pencils and Penbolders in great. variety; Elastic Bends. Pencil Erasers and Pencil Sharpeners; AM or. non` . nun: sgu-:.VUE 2:0 Zllp E Be;tn`d_.; sv0Id Stand, next door to the Railway Station, - `.nI`?:I.nvJ:'rn!:r.*-'rI _ . ~n-hnvn 9}-DU_:N;LOP-STREET, .4 .. -- an |`IvIIv|-U\llI `V `ARES pieiastlre in announcing `that he has just `opened; in the` above premises. a choice lot of STATIONERY AND FANCY GQODS, consisting of Ledgers, J ournais. Day. Cash, ` Letter and Minnw Books, School Dictionaries. Pocket Lcdgurs and Cash Books, Time Books, DY A 1)|T A vrrn nn-r tvn ;n.uu uvunu, _ PLAIN AND BULED FOOLSCAI . LETTER'A.\'n NOTE PAPERS, Invoice um}-Account Paper; Plain and fancy Envelopes, in great variety; good OFFICE ENVELOPES AT ONE DOLLAR PER THOUSAND! 1' A -n run: any . .-.-.. --.... -- ASta.t1'on,a.ry Store, .'{%NE%ws .ge1r, _[ `L . It n..'.'..."..u.'v- nu ca--.) ..__. 4 JUHN 1. 9th June, 1868. EVERAL IMPROVED FARMS for Salcin the vicinity of Bnrric. Also, a numb:-r of Town Lots, with and without. buildings. Apply to ' D MORROW. 0%` CPL` bvrxfmnn r you-o -,vv\I uv|uB~ Apply to SAMUEL LOUl\"I`. Registry Olce. Barrie; or to C. W. LOUNT,]l$racc~ bx-idge.VMuskoka. 16-tf I -.1, .v LI mul\.l\\ 33" SEE PRINTED LISTS. Barrie. March. 1864. ' 11-cum `Tiny.. Sunnidnlo ; Medonle . . ICK of tollowing Lts at $3 per acre.` $50 cash: balance in three annual instal- ments, wilh interest: Township. North 0rillia.j u lln o Tay.. [TE 0 1:. T1-cumseth -Tina acres. - 2 -. "NORTH ORILLIA. - * E }, ~2. in e 8th Con., beautifully situated on Lalega Couchiching-nest quality of land. .AnnIv in . iuuns rnn_s_nu cmnl /: each. 3.`. 1. 2-Gm ' EST HALF of Lot No. a, in the 9th Con. of Vespra, TWENTY ACRES Cl.EARl;ID. Log House and Barn, Good Soil ' and Well Timbered. including pine and elm: within 9 miles of Barrie; Church and School at tbv lot. Tamas EASY. Apply to ALEX. MCCOULLOUGFL Craixzvnle P. 0.. Ulover mu 1 .U. a Clover Hill, 21st April, 1868. 12-tf P. S.-A_Lqrge Quanlily of Shingles For Sale. \J +1_J2 .LL\J`L\ JJ_J.Ia.I`JA.I LL\/.l-IIAJKJ, more or less, very favorably situated, within - half :1 mile of THE V.[LLAGT}:3(V5E"I:0VER HILL. %95PR0VED;,FABIf:F93`.-3@J:`*.!f -\'r.Ir\'rI LL Fs SALE OF. LANDSI l$[.D UODCCSSIOH OI JBSSIL, comnmmg ONE HUNDRED ACRES, mmln nr Inc-1 vnrv fuvnrnhlv s:Hnnh'I_ within 5&1? nuuu.L 10 Autumn uuununu; and in 9. good state of cultivation, well fenced, and mostly free from stumps. The balance is in tVr\r\1\*rfAv\v\-icvp-.;-n--x ..-.....-. For further pnrtiulnrs apply to the under- signed, (if by letter, post-paid). ' vvnnnug cumnwne 1 nun: an: ??`ABOUT 75 ACRES CLEARED! nml n n rrnnd nfntn nf rmlvnlinn. \\`lI1lrn{`Dl1 uuuu uxxuu HUUU Dunn. -AI\'aw- FIIAME DWELLING IIOUSE AND BARN "wen: erected on the nrt-mism Inn vnnr mm were erccu-u the promises last year, and the farm IS well watered by ' A NEVER FAILING SPRING CREEK, . and good well. G 0 O D` H A R D C)` _.A Nr.vw._ rxmnm u\\'m.mNu uUL:.Sli AND BARN erected t_hc promises last bv uuu, yuuu uuu IJUAUACII, nluullllg L npcl, 0 B0 OKS AND MA GA ZINES, n honul and an-.u..I.uI 6.` nculruu nn aluu-O ....a:. LM108, in the 1st Com, W I` R, ` - H 107, 2nd H W P 1:, 1 . 110. _ `f, `V I R, I Lots 13 nnd 14, in the let Con., . Ir-rs-1,` Fob. 27, 1868. Lots 23 x Lot 90, -1 Lotl, r.115o:< aacu. . E } 11, in the 4th Con., 100 acres. . I -r u M v - mmsg @. gmg. Oi to ul. Jllq I July. A dbllulll L V5: vac-A4-can 9 EING the_.Wcthaif of Lot No. 1 in tho 8t.h Concession of Essa, containing in 1`1r*r\7'r\'r)1.11\ A r1'r)1.1'o Farms for Sale. 73. 3. NICHOLSON. be _I,__, km, 1868. u vvuuuxuull > Apply to I, In me 13: 11011., 1' 1:, zuu acres. 5 mt ,h H __ 200 L. , 9 Jr. 10. in the 5th Con., 100 acres IUIIIIOIIIT Ur _Ir\I- , in the lat Com, 1 R, 200 `notes. . 4:11 u uuu 5.1. In nu; .ru| uu-n., -.1 `rownsmr or _TAY. :. u... 1-; A-.. u n nnn '_ rava- B and 24, in the 9:11 Con., 400 acres. -I-nutuonun ru- 1-: \l 3'2? S=-11F-1 Nvv . M 0 N O . L the 1st Con., E II S, 200 acres. FLOS. ._x n: 2_ AL- An. N... Ann ....-.... v 1. CRESWICKE. Jn., __ _ Buuun, F. PROUDFOOT, SAUM-:1-:3: P. 0. -xuu vvnu, u: -TlNY.' . 1..L nA..' nr There are .- . nnuan .u.,_ ,,...w,......,. THOMAS SAUNDERS. Clover Hill PLO. at Anvil. 186R. l`7.M` \ r..\. MCUUUhl.UlJUll.\ Craigvnle If by letter post.-paid UU'l', Swumzx P. 0. 4-15 1 _.B.`.`37- ,, 200 acres. 100 -H 100 M Q Ann N unur.`-zs hereby given. that the Stntnh Labor in the Townoof Barrin: for the pm. sent your. will be commuted at the rate ol m'I\- cents pm` day if paid on on before the the lml day ofJnnn. next. After that late, seventy ve cents per day will be clmrpzed. Commutation mom-y to be paid to Mr. Geo Lane, .Town Trezisurer. By order of the Council, Fr 1 A V I Barrio, May 20th. 1868. Statute Labor Commutation: NOTICE'is hereby given. that Labor_in sent vnnr, unll ha m.mm..o...I .. .L_ _,., TERMS: Single service, $10, cash; aw. MOD, $15; to insure, $20. Grooufs foo, 5(: cents. 1.LRin mun: ~r.-nn .\- IV and amp m Unurcmll that night, Tavuamt morning he will proceed to Brmir ford, calling at Croxou s and Coulsou's corners. ung. uommencxng . ~ - Moxnav, May 11th, will leave his own sla- blc (Dr. Morton's. Bradford), nnd will proceed through Middleton to Bond Ha.-ad, calling at ' 'he Fenton House, for one hour; th:-nce 14 Newton Robinson, at noon: leaving nt om. o`clock. will roceed to Cookstown, and stop at Dixon's ate] for one hour; ,t.11encn to Thornton, where he will stop for the night. Tczsmv morning he will arrive in llnrrin, '1uornnon, wn_cre no Wlll stop for the morning Barrio and will stop an the Quocn s Hotel nnti; one o'clock on V Witnvpnnnv whoa `In. -:I! .... -.1 .1--. ouocx - ` Wi:n.\'rsoAr, when he will proceed down: the Panama uiahcne Road by way of Victoria and stop in hurchill that night, morning nrocecd to Tlrmi, The Imparte Thorough-Bred Hursa ta `I"I' A T"-w-1w%-` -- - ,-,~---~~ -----...,. ........ .. `` IIAIEPER 1. By Lexington, dam Kitty Clarita, by Glencoe, _ ILL make the following route until um vn uu In July, health and weather pL-rmit- _ ting. Commencing BIOXDAY. MIIV 11]. Iemm `n n\('n -In. procured on lmnru me 5::--.unor. 1-or freight or passage apply to the captain, on board. l'|'I'I`Cl nu EIVIBO .. Barrie U Iv nu-3uu;.'.U .................. BURTON & .<.\um, 0'.r)u Barrie. April 23, 1868. [HM LAIBD, DEALERIN .Vonnern munvny, wr '1 oronro. 'l`hrungh tickets from Toronto to Wn. or Orillin, cun be pnrclmscd at the N. II. R. Station, Toronto; and return tickets can In- procurcrl board the St:-anwr. ` lrchrlxt Dussazc nnnlv tho c.-mlnin. counny. V teturning will leave Wnshngo nt 11 am. and Orillia at 12 30 ::.m., arriving M. Burriv i lime to connect. with the evening train on thy Nortlwrn Rnilwny, for Torunto. 'l`hrun2h to 'n __ _.__._-__7 (L. A. SMITH. MASTER}, ILL commence her regular trips bctwoo--. Barrie and Washagn. this (ThllI`Fl]:l_'( ) morning. at 5.30 a.m., touching at Sn.A.\"r\' Bu, ll.uvxs-ro.\`r:, ATHI-`.R|.Y. ()un.I.u nml Hu- l un1'.AGH-arriving at \V.a.-umo at 10.30 nm.. and connecting there with Stages for the North counhy. lteturnimz Wnnlnnnrn nt 11 :\.m.. IDA BURTON, (L. A. smrn-L NIA`l':'D'.. _ 1868. SUMMER ARRANGE.\1E.\"l`. DIRECTROUTE Orillia and the Free Grant Lands nn mrn "A... A. By Railroad and Steamer; via ILu:::ua. Freight and Luggage taken through with- out transhipment. THE creditors of the al.-ore Insnlront nrv notied that he has made an :1-sE;:xunon: of his estate and olfccts. nndt-r -the n\'m'u Act. to me. the undersigned nssignmz, and lhvy urt- roquired to furnish me, within two month'= fmm this date, with their claims. spa-(`if_\'in',,' the security they hold, if any. and tho valua- ofit, and if none. stating the fact: tho whole- atteated under oath, with the vouch:-rs in sup- port of such claims. - JOSEPH ROGERS '7m'nl Aeeinzuap fur l'.. . JU5l`Jl'U. H()(H'.'HS. ' Ojcial Asm`_r/nee fur Cu .\'i:ncr`v'. Dated at BXll'fic,HJi8 29th thy o1 .\ln;-1568. Ii I lulu unuorslgnotl, having :1 Fixst-(Tl Pile-Driver, is p|'(-purcxl to 1-.\'(-mule (!X`l]l`l`~4 for that description of work, in the very be-.~L mmncr, und on reasonable u-rins. " -n_,a n r: v . _ 11' n_. u..n.....nx coinP`.m," 2'0 LIFE 51 id lI.IAll}|Uly uuu Ull |Ui|-`,UIl'||UIU IUIVUI5. ` J. Rqferonccs :-II. Croswickc. E. 1.L.S.V:'; '1`. D. Mcconkoy, Esq., .\I.P.; J. I). Lcudln.\\'. Esq., J.P._ ` - JOHN SP.v\RLIN(`.. INSOLVENT ACT OF 1.912 ` AND A.\IE.\'D.\IE.\"l`S TIIERI-ITO. In the mailer of '1'/wmas J3 . Ilurlnn, an Insolvent of Graven/mrst, Jlus/cu/'ca District. rents. 14-Sin IIE Undorsignod, having Fixst-(71'1` Pile-Dh'cr,.isp - I`... H... .1- u. .1um.1um. u.u1\.5 If you want first-class rolls. Go to W. C. Towns South Simcoc .-. If you want. first-clnss yarn. 4: Go to W. C. Towns` South Simcoe If you want first clam cloth. . _ Go to W. C. Towns South Simcoo_:. . [fyon want fair play nnd are willing to pay. Go to W. C. 'l'o\vns` South Simeon Milk. Sitlmtotl at Ncwtown Robinson. two-and-:\- half miles north of Bond Head, and 4 south u; Cookstown. - \V.' C. TOWNSE Nnwlnwn Thnldnann `M':.wF. mun ` .. u1uyDou.\ U, u:c., At my Old Stand, 1\'ewtown Robiizson. HE Snbsribnr, having greatly enlarged and improved his lmildings. and nut in := set of first class machinery. ofthe lntesrt alul most improved style. and having them now in first rate running order and in full operation. he is now prepared to execute all orders with which he may be favored. on the slmrn-.-I notice consistent with n good business; and in- hopes , by doing good work. and fair rlcxxling. to merit. no small share of public pntroninge. 'Fair nlav is a. iowel: bring: vonr wool clean L0 mom small share or pmmc pntroxmge. play ajmwl; bring yonr and dry. and then we shall be able to tell yam about what quantity of yarn you will have. CARDING AND SPINNING, CLOTH DRESSING, ($30., If mu [1].] .qInn:] /\'n-mlnrnn pn].2'nc-nan E. STRO G, 1.R.C.S.. mum .- m suum SIMEUE |W@@L&@I1_` Ems; 1868. Bridging `aI1_d_Pi|e-DriviI1g.}`; Siayncr, May, 1858. w. U.1 Ncwtown Robinson, May 5. I868. _. V... ...v - uvu vuvuu. .--nu OF THE JIUSIx'0K.l COU.\'TR)'. THE SIDE-WHEEL STEAMER x:.\1'i:s m-` 0 to Orillin .... . to Wxmhagn. to Ilxnvkstone . to Athorly to Orlllia . to \Vaslm,v.,vo ... nnbrrnxr REMEMBER! .......o 5:-.. ..I...... --II.. THOS. FORAN, G room. White Wood Butler Flrklnujunl received. SI .v\R|'.I.\'G. Slnvm-I-, {`n. Rim: I GEo. LANE, Town Clerk. 1 r..- MI.` E m.|.\L+. Slayna-1', Co. Simon:-. I6-if 1868. u-nun . u Emu s1irmgVwm CRACKED warm, hnnnl Qn...l.. {0TICE. ...,-.... muor-saving mi. V nccomplhh lb: mun. with good steady lenmnm lm cannot plough, bntm horses, can accomplish the work J. LLUJJDLL \ just laid in. DEALER IN I an n JOHN CIIATFIEIJL nn. It-um, mu. BOY ILL-El S Secrcwl Toronto Gore. 'nu.u1.ssuur NOTE. lnndeby HNNOX to me, for Eighty-n uhout 23rd Doovmbnr Int, ul , as tho qamd has been mu: 1'1` um. l9~lin I . I l AVING retuined to Bun-in, respectfully informs the Ladies thereof, and its I vicinity that she is ropurad to attend to all onlurs-l fn.-MILLINE Y, in her usual style, which has iuv_arlnbly give|Hm.tia1`uction to her pMrona.'--Until more sultab_le_ premises can be obtained, she is bemporniily located in the O nropposilo King : Buildings; Dunlop-street. Barrie. Mnv. mm, ' I Mr For 1868. THE Division Courts for the District of Mus- koka, for tho year 1868, will be held at . the - gal-IAIQU Va. an. auvvnu. Luavv I in the Township of Mucm1ln._v, on the under- montionod days, and at the places herein set forth, viz: AT THE covrrr noon, BRACEBRIDGE, Tuesday 16th June, at noon, Wmlnesdny. 12th August, at noon, MONEY, 12th October, at noon, Saturday, 12th December, at noon. LC. W. LOUNT. Qfinnninrv Mmrinh-ntn Brlcobrldge, May 20, 1868. A'1"1'ENTI01\l'!| L wm. unm further orders, dx-Ill EVERY THURSDAY, nt 3 o'clock, nml wil_l commence tlzvir ANNUAL DRILL for the year ending 30 June. ON FRXI).-\Y.19Ih Juno inst, at 10 0'cluun, n.m., at the Armory. D`.-XRCY BOULTON, (HI--r-n\' Village of Eracebridge Townshin of Mncnnlnv. on the nm]-r- -v V . W. Z riotoi-s of this new and nugh. are now visiting ith a view go dls v' P.sin !.F vhta for mfmg the surge? 'I.';n: M Official Robes arid Caps made on Ihe most correct principles. District of Muskoka. DIVIS_Id1[I-GOUR-TS AND CLOTHIER s. V @'Slgn of the Gold n Elephant, 95'King Street East ,_@ T-1-ononr-ro, on-1-. R. SCORE 85 SON. FLEI@3@_U]M]ii` ii`3\[lCDE33o, Tefrns, Cash. V May 13, 1868. -` I i. ' .. I . . " ' . - : . . _ _` . I x` .vl: - _ ,. `gr - V . : . u` .,.r` :- ` ~' _" 0 `v - 4! : .. ` _ . . Iv ` _, , -,. ...--..- ~ - -. . ,'- A . - ' ' .` ' -2' "u'. - . . _ , . ._ . _ ,_ . . _ V - ` _. ' .. ;.'-. `*4. ` .v-1.. " - 4. . ..`.I` ' '-_.. ~, -. .- M . - - ___ `I 3" I .. ! No 61,'King Street East, -rononr-1-o. Silks, shaw1s,Mgn:Ies,MiIunery,| ' :"COUN l`RY MERCHANTS will find it to lhoil` advantage to examine our stock, us we keep FULL LINES OF LEADING STYLES . - a'TER.\lS LIBERAL._ga a`HIGHES'l` CASH PRICE FOR RAW FURS._gn .'I`m-unto. Jnlv lllh 1868. v ` m.1.. Barrio, Juno 3, 1868. 5 having claims ngninlt the! `S LONG. of the townstip ounty of Simcoo, or agulnu MES CROSS, are requested to the undz-rsigncd. Hose Nb 0 the above named are reqni -dime pnymonls to me, on Lot` July next. D. MORROI. 0 10th, 1868. 19-tin" 4 -uuppuauu AIHKB DI Barrie, May, 1868. .__________.__ g Aunuuu unnpuggnu, <'l`m-unto. July lllh 1868. Ha.tters'fiEi" -'1i'%`i1rrieIA's, ` lIIrIII Us'\l|.IIl;l'l, BIPORTERS OF lIAI{D\VAltl-I, I ll} Yougo Sm.-ct. TORONTO. Have Always on hand an assortment of build- ers, cnbluut makers` and upholstorers' hard- ware. mechanics (edge und other tools. J on-ph Rogers & Sons and other cutlery. house flu- nialning lmnlwnrc. plloolillg und shing tackle, gpqrtiug nu_nnunit|on, quoils, dumb llu, garden, drmning and furmiug tools. cordng-3. glass. puny. <-.tc., and nll otln-r goods in the line for sulv ut lom-at cash prices. 'I`m-onto, .\l:1rch I9, 1868. 7-ly `V ...w........ .--_..--. _. -r..u.-avvru4u ' AIR Sciiting. curlcil hair, mw, sofa springs, twine. chair. web. buttons. ' serous, hinges. locks, tacks, int pnper, glue. piano smol screws. comn lrilnnnings, uphoi-' nu-rcrs' nu.-utllvs u_ml regulators. A:ilis' carvers` tools, extension lip ungcr hits, mcioslcon hardware, etci, for sale at lo\vest. prices. , RY;\N J5 OLIVER, General Iinrdwure M4-rchunts. . 114 Yuugc street, Toronto. JANES, BRAYLEY & NEWCOMBE. To Cabinet Makrs 5: Upholsterefs T1 AH.` Qnzitinuv, murlt-`:1 lnnir inn: I I) IVIUVIIlIIIa|I TEEL Rules. steel squares centre gauges, -Vernier calipers, steel cnllper. rules, cali- per squares, :_\mes' ~univernl squares, sulf- [1-gi8C(`l'ing Ct\ll])Cl`HIln(l_(llVld0l`S, Stubs` les md tools, patent oilern; sheet steel. etc. For sale by - RYAN & 0l.lV_l-JR. 1l4_ Yungo street, Toronto. MERIC-AN Shars, trimmers and points of all sizes. squares, cmzved rules. atrnigtt ,dg.,_ improved irons. I-Jnghsh and American crayons, Barth.-eI.`s noedles,'tupes.. elc., all or "' ""1" '""'my nd1?rK efL3 35:323. guy .-vvnw -w ' _ V 'CO)1IfLE'I`E assortment of the latest attcrus of Shoe Tools, Shoe and Ma. `chine 'Fhreud. Machine Silk. Shoe Pt-gs, shoe Nails, Shoe Tacks, Heel nnd Too Plates, etc., `" ll Md MMRYAN .2 onrvran, y 114 Yomw Street. Toronto. RD 01-` PUBLIC INSTRU- 1' the Northern Circuit ofllv the Com .... 'Nm the pj>-- -- Shoe Tools and` Findings A 'nn\H"I.ETE the latent General Dry Goods, xv nuns . V Mrs. BOURCY, 7 HE BARRIE MOUNTED TROOI will. until further ordm-s, drlll at connnenco DRHJ. for llm vnnr nmlinn Sm Jnnn REGENT HOUSE, RYAN &0LlVEB, `RTERS 1IARD\VAIlE. ICXALV d3 umvmt, Importers of Iltu-dw,:re. 114 Yonge street, Toronto. Tlo Machinist: .5 50131:` nun: ... ......4 M13.9,9?tL& To Tailors. HI KING STREET EAST, TORONTO, .U. w. LUUNT. Stipendinry Mugistmto. D. Muskokz ILIAN 65 ULIVER, 114 Yonge Sgrcet. Toronto. d m at lowest prices. RYAN I: OLIVER, we Ilardware. WHOLESALE ANDVRETAIL. mugnsu-mo. u D . skoka. R 1 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL mum, UA!"rAl. 18-lf . -AND- Guide Z u:1%%;Hulr:`!|