_, .-...,, orning is now cured." git-1'3 Pills cure I rubhc-d some Salve Iu noise 11-1L" cs--I wuntlone for a poor --_v.our price hi twent dicmo to me is worlhfa d`mo of words they spoke to eacn 011101". You are late, aid Mary, looking up at Wilson reproachflllly from the shelter of his aruris. I have been sitting here a good h;1lf:hour. n I ..... l\IQIII` 77 L.` nI\au`nrnr] I-:can(Y hnr HXIVU INJU"`)' . When Mary got to the clnurclnyargl, she :paused for :1 few mmutcs, looking pen- sively over the wall on 1.0 the \vl1ieVg'I':u'e- V .s-Lm1e's. zmil thinking with a sl1udder;ot' the colzlnoss of the gloom of duatln. N4`. fl-tar nl' lII\' alx,-hur l'm- nmnu u Inna- [ll()llg'llllIlly lIlI.() UH.` \V1||L`l'. _ Softly and steultliily \Vzdtcr ap- proached to within a. few yards "of her, and hid umlera rocky ledge, concealed by the gnarled trunk of an aged elm. He had to lie full length on the damp soil, with the water that oozed out of the rock dripping slowly into his neck and ` ears, and almost de:d'euin_r_~; him. _ But he could see Mziry*l1e`rsolt', and note every glance she east towards the nar- row path that led to the mansion, us if the minutes had changed into hours, the liours into d:1ys- no earthy power would have moved him so loingns Mary waited there. ' n_-_-._n.. .-x.- .....- ............i,.-.1 "A good 11;1n:nour." I am sorry, he answered, kissing her again, tenderly, but I cotild not help it. My lord was ill to-(lay, and fractions; I thought I should never get zuvay. But I've most done with service now, Mary, _ and then I shall be my own nmster. I have heard of something in the public _ line that would suit. us to a '1`, land I can get the loan of some money from :1 friend, which added to my savings, will set us up coinfortnhle. \V:ilt.m- Lam mm-l:m'l the vivid glow connon-mule." Walter Lorn marked the vivid glow of love, and pride and happiness that mounted to Mz1ry s_ face, and the sigllb seemed to madden him. 1-TI\ .J,.....L,\.] 1.2.. L....,].. . hm: Lia llllkl TU-55 LU HIS [UCL- She sh:m'L bzk ` himscH', with :1 look panther Iuaking__v; rczul; prey. _ If she won't. have nobnlry I \ Vhnn Nfarv crnl fn I SCCIUCU [0 llHI.(IUOI1 UH- He clenched his hands, driving his nailsjuto 11i.~. liauds until they bled. He ground a "curse between his teeth.a.nd his evil heart rose in his throat from its passionate throbs. Oh, he would be rovciiged !--how much-how much! \Vi|s:nn was rmrrnlnmz from in\'. He lnuuallrc, lulu 80 Mary vegan CD percexve. I tell you what, Master Lorn 1" she said, sharply, wiping her hriglnt eyes as she spoke; if you knew more about ci- vilities, it would he just as well; altlmugh I dou t see as one ought to expect much from a. man who s never been ten miles from home in all his life." it f\|.| n...7.. :; L. :; an 1 , , I ~ I IIUIII HUHIU Ill illl 1115 INC. Oh! t.lmL s it, is it?" l1c.cxcl:limcd, almost ercely. Wc ro hunkerin after forriuers, are we? - Well, try one, my dear, t.lmt. s all ! " HT ..l...lI 1..,.L 5.... ...1.- T i ! , In 1 |.lUlH', DHHI4 3 NH 5 V I - I shall just try who I like 1 was her disduinful reply, as she moved away. ' H0 l0Oli(:Ll after llur n mlnnlns r.l|nn lm l\Iuggicl'a Treatment of ~ 45. umuauunun l'l:pl)', assuu moveu after her u_ minute; then he put. away the nwl, which trembled in his brdad and course palm, ung the shoe he` was nmking to the other end of the shop, and rose to his feet. u C]... ..l.....`l 1...n. ...- __ n I , -1 smu LU sIuuulUl' It auogcluer 11 S110 COllld.. `But Walter Lornwns not. the man to be cast off, or cnllcdon at any wom.-m`s pleasure, and so Maryvbegnn to perceive. vou what. M::st.m- Lm-n! elm mum sausrying than C1Vllll.l0S." Mary was ready to cry by this time. Her conscience was by no means easy on Lorn s account, for undoubtedly she had given him encouragement,` and enjoyed the display of her power over a man whose savage humour and independent spirit haclmade him the terror of the \'il- lage. But to show these people that by a smile alone` she could turn the lion into a lamb was a pleasing pastime with Mary, who in the excess of her sclf-cou- deuce, could never be persuadc- that a hon, however docile in appearance, is al-I ways adangemns playfcllow. . .- NOW l_ll:|I` slm llml lmv nwn on,.....l I \vu_y'.-I ll. uzungcrous pmytellmv. Now that she had her own secret hopes, which sec-med near fullment, the passionlncr vanity had fed ms inqonve-' nien_t. to her, "and she would have been glad to smother it altogether if she could.. \V:|lter Lnrn \\'.-N nnl`. Hm IHIIII tn *T ench other for years. I want `so more satisfying than civiliLies.' Marv was rnnrlv in mm 1... n. lJ\'ClI.{CU J-`-HOW I]l'.lUll*'ll0W HHICIIL Wilson was garrulous from joy. He 7 LU III3 IUUI-I wshiufl. me so, he -said to with in his eyes us of n Iilalaing; ready to spring on his ` lnm'c`mc, she slmn't. V hnlnv V j_ `I 's mc-thing c1v1l1Lie.q." SHUUIU HU UU UH.llUl' Ul U53 `_ ` He might kill me! said Mary, sl1ud- dering over her own suggestion. . That \\'ouldu t help him much. an- swered William lzillgliiiig, Why, what :1 little coward you are, M:rr_v! Men often threaten these things when they are angry; but they think better of it afterwards. Don't trouble your head about Lorni--he ll soon get pver this dis- appeintinent, ' i 4 Ah, you don t know him so well as I do! sighed M;u'_3',' who had talked her- self into a state of anxious fear. At first, she lnul felt tolernlrly indill'erent to Lorn's threats, and inclined to defy them; but now they seemed to i'eei1I'fm'eho(liIIgly in the midst of her lmppniess, and p0is'0n the cup ofjoy she was about to lift to her lips. She sliuddered in Wilson s arms, and her eyes greiv suddenly dim. ' _ \VlI:|f. nmlcnq vnn tul:n nn in Huh. IXANDER & CO., I! I II!!! CHM IIUIIL Nonsense! exclaimed Wilson, who di:.l'11ot evidently think well enough of Lomto be jealous of him. ' What hjarul should he do either of us`? _ .u 11.. ...:...l.; mu ..... In ....: 1 1L..'.. .1,,,1 illlu HUI` UJUS :_;fU\V 5ll`.lllCIlly UH. What makes you take on in this way 3" inquired her lover, tenderly. I`ll tell you \\`li:;t.-it' that Lorn worries you with any more ofhis non;-ense,' I'll just go down to his shop and tell him ivhut. I - think of him! He'll find his rather hzml to frighten me,/" ~ (L A .. .... 7' Il/\` TM... .,.n.1,. 7 ,, 1 LU ll'l`D'IllUll IIl'({.' Ay, ay! growled Lqrn, s01'L1y'-:1:1 the ush 0t Ins eyes seemed to out intol the e:u`t|:- -but; I don't suppose your , white lxnnds would `do much nj_v,ainst my brown . Wilson. 1 r_l be glad enough to try, though I lm.\'en t much tri do with you. ' 1 ll reckon up b_otI1 ac- `I/\--nA$ __ `IfLL_,,' ., CUUULE \\lLll J`li|I.\` = -His smile was so loudly, so bitten` so cruel, that it. is hnr-lly to be wondered M:n'_vfelt it, zinul shmhlered with :1. new :1mlstr:u1_s:c ~prc-sentiment of evil as she clun_I_r toiWi_!sou, us if she knew by some instinct, of divination thzitit. was his pre- sence alone which retarded her fate. TIA o(\:\fl|A.1 1..-.u n-.u.oI.. l`...aL2. ....,.u.. |lli||\IIl`:" am \:uUn., WUIIL UH Uululy. He has always been fond of me, :11- Lhough 1 cau [. say his love was returned, except so n ` as speaking :1 civil word as .l passed his shop, and ;'iskiiig~]io\v he was. But. he i1;1sf..'1keIi it into his head_ that I ou_;rht to mzirry `him; and, as he is :1 violent, ill-comhtionei man, it wouldn t. do to p1o\'ol.'c him more than we can lmip." .\.'n|nr:.-lien! nx-nlninuml \\7lu'm ml... Sl.`llL'U zuuuu \\ IIIUH l`ULilI'UCU nor HIKE. I10 soothed her geuL|y~--fortl1is pretty, vain child was as the apple of his eye, the light ofhis life; then he began to speuk`stiI1-more glmving__'Iy of "their future- - -a future wlxicln, to the simple, peasant, nature of Mary, seemed o\'er\vhe1u1iug1y gruml-u1urmingly bright. ' _ Sim hstmlml r-.:1u'n|']\` tn rworv \\'nI-11, mu] gI'i|lIll"i|Iill llllllgly Ul'l:._"llLo She llsteued ezlgerly to every word, and soon grew so absorbed in the recital, that she for_:ot all her fears, and even L0rn's very existence. A n.l.gh.-.11 ho !1]."l1]\.'_ than T innuirnfl VUTI LH\I5lL'llUL'- , - And.sI1uIl be a L-uly, then ?" inquired she, at last; for 1\In_1'y ha seen 1 real lady in her life, and might therefore have been pardoned for thinking that fine clothes constituted an excellent title to the distinction. 41 `VI... ......c Q" L..'.~..:,I u A'l...L :. A... ...... KUSHIICLIUII. _ = Why not ? he said-`` that is to say, when you ve learnt to speak a little bet- ter grammar, Mary. But you'll soon get that up, after you \'e been in London awhile; and you must try and imitate my way oft.{1ll us much as pOSSiN('."_ _ Yon. sniul Marv. hmnNv_ Sim. was \\'il.) U,l li!.ll\lll:_' H3 HIUUII H5 [lUh'5llHL'. Yes, said Mnr_\', humbly. She \v:`1s conscious of her deciencies` in this res- pect; but, to tell the truth, although we have compassionntely translated. every- thing for our renders, the Kirby Dale dialect was more uncommon than correct. But in women of this c1:1ss,_ there is often _a certain aptitude and quickness, "which- raises them above the men with whom they `ordinarily intermarrv. Rnsriiies this: M':1rv was mnLitimI.:_ and Besides this; Mary wae mnbitioiis, and perfectly `aware that Wilson, in courting her, a washerwoman s daughter; was de- scending from his dignity as my lord's _LHC_y Ul'l|lUill'l|') lllUJl'IlIITV- ! `\\'il>on might luive had her, savings and , all, without even the trouble of asking. as genLIem:m`, and outruging the keen sensi- bilities of the buxom housekeeper at the! mansion, who was} not'onIy' 3 grand per- son in the "village, but was known toi have a snug` sum of monev laid In`. Mr. I he had often told Mnr_v;. anrl therefore, she .'1ppreci:1ted and understood the sacri- ce'he_wus making for truelo\`c s sake. (To be continued.) Vnmking an clfort, went on boldly. IJUI II The shoemaker '.`-"-:md, unconsciou.-]`y ' to himself, perhaps, Wilson s voice had ratlwr :1 disdainful,incction, ` Yes; well?" Mar) hcsit:\(e.l,, ushed hirrh; thcven, D n1w:wsIm nn fmn] nf` Inn "1. in H4 LU CUllllllillIl-X ' Not mine, answered Mary with her most coquetish smile. _ And, now,-when shall the wedding ' be? I promised his lordship I'd do my duty: by hi`m,ainasmuch as staying with . him until he could ll my place in a num- ner suitable to his feelings. I expect he'll , hear of somebody between this and thel middle of next month, when he leaves for town again, for `his friends are enquiring in all (lirections,,and then itwvould be as well for me to look into that matter of the public; and, if-I see my way at all, I ll come back here in a. fortnight, and we'll be marrierl. H `\7. . . . . .1 I _....LL..._ J `I7 `I T muss n.uu'y nnsnn zlskcu V7n_I/ conse11t.yeL" `I10 grinned :1" grin t1mt_ contorted his whole face, and gave it an expression of inL1escI'ibub[o malice and menace, and then he listened" again; for Mary was speaking, and he wotlld not have lost one word of hers for n. kingdom. . ~ Sim was R I`V;l`WA I nhnlul Inn "on La H Ulu Ul IIUIVH |Ul' ll lllgLlUIll. She was suy__ing, I should like "to be married here, `William, better than any- where; but, somehow, I func3 misf'0riuue would come of it. You _know Wnlmr .l'.m~n ? U\J Hlill'l'lUUu . ' You will! muttered Walter Loru, under his breu.lh. 'l`l1cre s more than two wimtcd to that bnrgzxin, my ne sir. Miss Mary lmsn t. asked conse11t.yeL I10 urrinnecl grin tlmt. cnntm-tml hi: uw, uuu mun nu went on. ' We'll lmva :1 pretty wedding down, here, and astonish the folks with my Mary s grand airs. You shall lmve a silk frock that stands alone, and fl. bonnet all feathers and owers, and shall hold your head l1igh,_nnd look liken lady. 'l`l1ere s man y n (lutclxess, I durcsny, as would give all her dimnonds for roses like yours, that wouldn't rub ofl'-'-didn't want. rub- bing in; and, ifI choose to show you 011', and nmke the most of _vou.wl1oso business is it to complz|in.? , Nht. mints, :nm\vm-ml l\f....u mm. lun- ..._::.__..:..._..j-.:.:. stopped. IIo.stopped to imprison both 1\Inry's1ittIe, brown, uttering bands in his, and then he went (6 \\';. H -Im.-A n ....,.n.. ..._.11:,,._ 1, BARBIE, COUN FY - -.. Vii/Ir .,-....._., .7 ........ , \, . THORNTON. @,"Aucti0I1' Sales tlmmglxout the County attended to promptly, and on libcraxl terms. Nov. 28, 67.' 43-If -:4 of ybnr pills." or boxes of your Salvo nil." on-zs AND AccoU.\*Ts' 'cnIIcfo1 at :1! slxxaxllpt-1'cex1lage. Auction .3`:1Iosth1'o1xgh_- ' out the County nttumlctl to prgnlplly and on ,li|Jc1':1l turnls. trvnltr nno 0 1&1-.7 ' rm 1.... JAMES` 'COULS0N, : ICIJNSICI) .\L'CTIO.\'EI L .-\I l lI.-\I>`I-IR" iuul General Agent. `.\l1Cfi0ll Sal:-s t.hr01|;,;hm1t.t]1e ,(}ouuly nltt-.nIlm1 to with pmmptitudc. and on Iilmrul l(,-11113. ' (tm5I..<.o.\' mus. m.::m\~rp_ ~ _|'.. v.'uII.`.l:.l\I|I|.l, "IC'l'I.\'S1-JD AUCTI().\'I-IER, AND A1 - l IL\ln`l'IIl`Ib1` I}-.\r1'iv. and the County of ` .\'in1cuv. Cash A(l\"!.llCL'.'5` mmlu on Goods rc- ccivcd for Sale. l.`IHI\"l| c-rnuurr n . u nun Marriage 0Licei1ses. I-IENILY IIARPER. . ~ Issuer of Marriage Licenses, ' UI)0l\'.\"l'U|V.\T. lIl4`lv`H`l-'. \l'l!l'I"I`l \- I>xvI\'|*r|.v R_H` ' LL sales _in any purl. of thc_count_v nt- .tcn`(lcd .tu puncluully, and ln:u'_;u.s' as N-asolmble as any other Auctioneer in the Cunuly. . Novunnbm-14. 1867. W11-Iv! - T. L. L. LEWIS. LICENSED AUCTIONEER, APPRAISER, l`\'n n/xvruluuu. \'r 1:: 15'\"l' A Fun Tm: :~1.u.u m-` Farm Stuck. 1luu.=a:hc_ol I"u1'niln.'c-_. &c., . (JllA[(}\ .-XLE, Co. SL.\u_'m:, 0.\'T.\l:I(). U\I\II-I II II\uI\JI-IVI\ ,- (Lalo Clerk in County ("__:i>'(l')' Oicc.) OX\'IiYA.\'CI'I R. Cummi~.~mn01' in Qurw-n`:-t -Bench. Auc'lionc0-r, Appluist-11. and Com- mission Agent Tor the sale of l{(.)U>Il-.`.~T~. L.-\Nl).~`. l`Al?\l S'I`()CI(. `H()ITSl`.Hnl.lI. h.-\LVl)h.'_. 1"Ali.\l DTUUK, .|lUU5|il1ULl) ` FU|.Nl'l`Ul{l,` Goods, _\V:ll`US, &c. Also fun the collection of I\w1uvrnn' nvnrniu-4 Atvn 1 4-u.-....v.-.-.-. I I LUTHER crzovse. I EALER. IN ClG.\}<>f. 'l`()B.-\.(.`CO.\',; i Pipes, Cages. 'J`u|r.u-co:1i~:L~;`Goods. &(-., * lwhoh,-sale and ltoluih Sign of the Iuulim1_ |Queoin, 51, James RSI:-not, llamilton, C. W. I ` . /isor the KIDNEYS -or URINE. (:- F. J. SCHRADER, I IBIANUI-`AC.1`UI`.IiI: OJ" CIGARS, AND \v11oIcs3\le dealer in Hu\'u.m\, Y_n1'a1', Con- necticut Seed Leaf. and all other kinds or `To- bacco, comer of Park and .\Iu1ben'y streets, ' . u.\.\um'o.\'. c. w. ' uuuruy burn, \ ILL atlcmlnt his Oicc. in Barrie, every S.\'l`URD.\Y. from J1. :1.m., till 3, p. m., accox-ding to Onler 0l'(}o1mcil, and every other day at his (mice in CooIcslo\\'n. ` JONATHAN KILGORE, 1 [LICENSED ~AyCJ|.ONEER 2; '1-'.\rn.vm\ JOHN WHEELER,` [\.U(J".rIOA.\tl::]`;l{ v AvJ{1>..\1s1~:n,, am, _CLO\'El{`1IIl.L I .'(). f f7...,...I.. ('.`....m.. nnssmn Agent 101' we saw 01' li(.)U>Il~.'rf~.' LANIJS, FARM STOCK, }IOUb'|I{0Ll) I<`lI|LN'l'|`ITlH`..` ("n"g4 \\'m-uc, .9-n Alan rm n1 1 .3, nu In-3 .-I11]! .llJbl!lJ1I 15. Cash. Avlurnzces made on Goods lqfl for Sale. Sale Room, `corner of l)unlop and Owen Sts., . Barrie. I1-If I aauc xwom, corner 01 uumop an_u Uwcn 51s., 11-! F afighost REFERECCES gin-n._g:,, THOSVSAUNDERS. b O.\I.\[I?~ION_I?l{ `FOR, TAKING AFF.-\-. _ D.\Vl'1`S. .\I:n-I,-_;:1,v,r,-.=, Del.-ds, Leases, $0., executed with lisp-.1lch. , cLo\'1:n rum. _ J. W."BRIDGMAN` 1)OR'I`RAIT 1 .-\1.\'TER, 39 King Street `West, Toronto. . October, 1866. 31'-y w. u. Aunms, . I)!-I-NTIST, 95, King St._Ez\st, I`oronto.- l`oet.lx inserted . g on G611], Silver, and Vulcun- 3 Izod Rubber, in the bcszpossibe manner. I m- ` ticIIlu1'nttt3ntion given to the regulation of _childrcn`s tot.-N1, and all work wnrrantetl. 1 with diseases of the h mny rvst assured Lhasa (J J anu-.u'y, 18.63. JAMES C. MORROW, 'l`T( )l:.\II}1'-;\T-L.-`\..\\ , Solicitor in Chim- cery, Notmy Pnhlic, 'Convoynncm'. -Cmnmi: in B. R.. &:c., .S:c. Heir and l)m'isee Claims 1`-.\'ucutml. V nL`r:InI-` ....In \Im~u-nw`u T!nh`Hnna u-ncf rifm ucwlsee uluuns nxucuntml. , O1-`1~_`I(:1-:,--III .\[0rro\v`s Buildings, west of the F11'cman s Hall, Cu1lic1'Sm~,cl, 1}~.uum-:. 29 _)11xmu.~\-.V, h`UIcu1:`UN. AND ACCOU- CIII-JUR. ltesidcncu. U0()KS'l`0\\'.\T. Special attention paid, to diseases of women and chiltlrcn. - 17- u1u.'Lu | 16-ly HENRY BOYS NICOL. M.D.; 1)I1YsIc.-xx, SURGEON. AND ACCOU- .'\'nnninl uffnnnn unis] in l1:cnnL~nb l\ ...... l\U\ May '2StI1; 1307. ..j. ESSRS. LOUNT & BOYS liuvc Removed their Law Clnnnbcrs to 1\I1:.-I\IcConku_y s New Brick Building, one door West of the Burric llulcl . 36-3in on, THOS, w. JACQUES, (r'J:.A1uU.11'1.'o_r' T01.-oA"1'o UNI V1-.'I.'SITY. 1{I.lu 'l)nam.mm. 1..r..,\.. rm c:......,\.. 013` SIMCOE, ONTARIO, CANADA, TEIUR_SDAY, JUNE 11, 1868. A-lI-IA. me: will sutin 3- I\Ir\-- n r..\I.r.IL 1:! DRUGS, cHEMIcALs, as ()I2.`I ]` J" .T A lucrnl tul'lllS. Cruigvaltr`, Oct. 9, 1.96": J0l|l}'. Novc-Inb.or 14. JAMES A. MATHER, [SSUER OF` MARRIAGE I.IGE.\'SE.<, Commissioner Court Queen's Bench, &c. s1:.\'.\'I-n.u.+: s1-urmv. nu uuuucuuu Ul IIENTS; NOTES AND ACCOUNTS. .'4IsI:. A4h'Iu1r'.e.e mmln on Hnnrh Inf] w Hula Illln no II. DLMVl\OIU\Il\, (}l{.\DU!:\TE OF VICTORIA UNVIVINL SIT . IHLI.!~'l)A LE, A1 EXETA.\'Gl7ISllE.\'l:} Il0.\D. April` 24, 1367. 12-31`. JOSEPH ROGERS, `CHIEF CONSTABLE, Cuunly of Simcoe. J OFFICE: DunlopSt., Bax-riu._ I DR. HAMILTON, _ VORONER, Market mock, name. J will tzLkc_ ll_Ulll(!1` Student. `mos. SAUNDERS. . `n:.\:1m.u. 1):-:.\r.1-:1: 1 may GOODS, i I" G1-ocunvs, (`,_x`oL-kcry, llurdwure, &c. I r`rn\'i.*x- Inrv 'FL*1u-nu ..... n ______.____________Z__ . DR. HARLEY, ` RADUATHQ OF VICTORIA`. ,UN[VER- I" SITY. Residnnnn: In nu.-xr um.-cm, and 5 must gnurnnlccd. rclvc 1 ilIs--One Fill in '0:-. THOMAS T.` A. BOYS, gARRISTER AND ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Solicitor in Chancery, Convcyqucex-, 20., l`lH'Ik'\"l`lI\V\ ' ' 13191110 VAL! `REMO VAL! .IIv|..U rluvl IvIII:l'.I'Iy ru I urn A ND (,'/)_1['.lI[.H'.,\'I (),.\" .1 h'E.\'Z', mun rrnw uni.` nu.` v nuu Ixxuu, u.n.., For th C ozmt_I/ of Sfmcoo, 'I'I.ll'\Dll' m\I)UA'1'l~.' Uh` VIC Residence: lulIlb.\IU.\u Ua V7: n"Oice at Mr. Carrutlxcrs'.9. Dr. J. W. SLAVEN. nucr vn In (.7l7(:)7EPH ROGERS, [Late CnuI1L\' H("_:i>'Il'_V Oicc. `gluaiuess Qimturg. n. T. BKNTING, l.'nunlu l'lprk. _E.` S.-MEEKING, SE!) A U("1`In \ I.` van .1" I \J I- In! I \\l\J I I. V'ALUA'1`0ll, &c., 41.}. r1......a.. A: 0.`. w. H. BLACKSTOCK, 9 ,\'I`l`. OT.` \7I{.'l`l\lH A 1.'\'.'n I7 \lIIL.l'Il\Jr\I- ()l{ILLIA. 68. W. G. ADAMS, T\l-I-N'1`IS I`. 9.-'.. Ki. In ur\II|IlI Gaunt Cltrkg -nil nf hi: nmm. in u mg L -Juk/.1 1. U Luv; 7 J.'4JllJll 1. . Residence Lcfro Co.Simc0u 1 Y7 BRITISH FREEDOM AND COLONIAL RIGHTSI 1:. I. 1'.u. C'omzty Suncoc. 36-1 yr. um be dc.s'z'red. c_c the most sceptics! rpillhns rid 2 S-tf . I 41-1y \Jl-II-lUl\:,llI IIUD L` I I ulIl\ lIlal\Ul', \';'{&;""I{oI11`hv~1 In the premises opposite M`(:\\'-.zu's ('B:u-rie Ilotcl). - DUNLOP STREIST. - - - - - BARRIE ET TPI 2` 7 ..,.L....xI......L-'_ 1 1 ' I)l'l(lll . J l'llllI\."- An :x.<. 01' well mauh: imtl \\ . 1'1".1Im-(1 to give s:1li:~i`u Rinlin_; and Driving \\'hip.=. ry cmnhs. Bruslm.<. &':..t<)_;1ell mnllitlinfzs 1'01"!-nlirc 1101'. s; :1 UPS at very m011|'1`:!l(`. ])I'iCl3S. HUUU HI`. I` hllb` Barrie, Deeember 11, 1867. Mil?! \:u|ulllUul:L'Il UlI.~uu'.`3 UI | SADDLE &. HARNE_S MAKING In Hm hm- IJLLIJJJJJJJ IX] JJ.LLIl.I.`.I..lIJ|U LVLII.-I-LLL`u ' In Hm ]urcu1i. J`c.t( door to tlz Law 0*, /_ 1'c'c of lcssrs. Boultoln, `((3 J12: Curl//_:/, wlu-r'c he is now pr'p:1rc(1tooxt-cum all orders for ligrht and lw:u'y single and double sets of 1[.\l{.\'l-].~'.S: also I.-.1div.:` and Gvntlt.-mou's nil-nun f\ll'\l\l l"I\ n :-urn I-l\ n , uuuuuu unuun.|.u, I.nuvL.I..u, VA, in':\ stylv \\':u-mum-I to give :~':1li.~'l'ncticn. $2? I`.l AIRlNG, &c., done in :1 \m1'kman- like Il]I\llllL'l'. I I llr.-. hoposhy sh-ict. atlmntion tnlmsinoss and .`muIcln'.1lit\'. to meet :1. 1 ir slmru of mxbliu (`m'1'i:1_v'c l'-.1intinj_>- Dunlop Street, l"7R`I'JA'I rii; . [General Commission - Agent. mob In-:H:I:t:.\'cE.' . I_\| I IJ U I-I I I - v notice, nntl mblo T01-ms nnd, and manufactures .4. nnd furnishes all (110 y for l<`unc1'n|s,includinS hich can be had on WU j1ie3;s'aaa1erE@1ggann e1im: l|a\Jl).lJ1\IJ. A\.lU11l'4L\ 1&1, I BUGS to :\cqun.int. thv inlmhitants of of Bztrric and the public. of the County 01' Simcnc. generally, that he ' has (30lIlll|U11CL'(1 bu.~'iu<',~`s of nan-I\-r\ .'. .. -no.-nu--.-.....-.. .......-.....l Tn/T/1. ROOT, L\Saddle, Harness & Trunk Maker , `Z15?! Rr\II1hn~fl in Hm nu-1-vnicnu nunnuiln C 0 U l3.\1'0.\'&:v C \I.`\nu l..\I`U.\ K LUI :.ur.z.,, ' _I.-\\ L\'G (`I1l(`l'L'Il into co-pzirlncrship. are I > no\\'prepu1'(-41 to 1-Voculc in the lzcst style of the art. every d<-s=c1'ipli0n 01' llo1'. Smx. C.unn.u;+: .\.\`7) ()ux.\.\1 ' 1. P.\l.\"l`l.\'(:. MR. CHALAUPKA," Teanhep of me _Pianpforte, &c.: l&c., -I-ULIUI-IUI UL ULU LAHLIVLUL LU \AVl \AV|) . 7 ARES pI(.`(\Slll`c in zumunncing lo the poo- . pie 0! B-.u`rie and snrroumllng country, that he is now 1u`epu1`ud to give musxc lo.s.~:ons on the Piano Forte. ()x'dv1`s zuldrc-.~`svd to him, Barrie post-ollice. will meet. \viLhimmctli:ue attention. Term: 1l10t]("i)lL'. )[t.-lodonn and Organ funxislnctl if 1'equi1-er]. `Barri:-_. 1-`clyrum-y 26, 1868. ' 47-tf IDIIII-II"II\|VI Dn\lllII.lI~Jy BUTc1u:Rs'.\xn (.`r.xIm.\I. I`L'R\'El 0IlS, .. - ' M.-\Ill{ET S'1`.\I.l. .\'0. I, J}.-1l. l.`I/L`, ` I IAVI-I constuntlyon hand :1 - gund supply of I-`I{E.s'lI l.\II`I.v\ l`.- 1`owL. <;.\.\1 L-:.. &c.. of as choice - ___u.:_u_J_|_ gum! supp!` l.\II .\'l`,- (;.\m:.. &c., gquulily as the 111:1:-in-1.: am-rrl, s-.1nw:\t\-rv.`_v mndm~a % pl-it-4-.=. _-Cm-nml [Em-X". .<:u|`~:u:~ and I \\'?:h.n 1':|r?.-nv m` mlu-v n _ V _ A.\'I) _ - CaI1'I'ra_,vc Trilnnmigrs, E.\'.~lJ[ELL1;`D 1,1-3.17111/:1: ULOTJIS, ..c-c. ' \(:nm|'nr-luv-ma nf' ' Ho None} _ 1-`or. Tm: 'rI:.\m:. _ _ 152 [fizzy] Sf. Eu.-t, Toronto. WM. D.` VIDSON, (Into rm of'l"i(.*ld .5: David- . . son. Hamilton.) 'I`Im.< MnVY I"l`l l-`. rl-.n._..-:n. A m.-.... e. uauuuon.) TIIOS. McVITTIl, (l:1tc\\-it ` Sous, Toronto.) I J. M I I .now on hand an ex-' .10 ivc mul gzmiuiilc Q stock of Single and Double ill'I1(`SS. ((}m'ri:i,-_:c and jx ` Team). I-Zngzlish mul Com- X mon ltiuling >`:uI Double 1 and Single Bridles, G01l:\r.~x, &c.. &c., which he cam oIl'u1- - `. in vry 1'oav.. prices. ' Also, in stock, some of this host ICn_41i.s'li am] other Rid- ` ing mnl Driving Whips, Bits. Lines, Bru.-luau. Curry mid .\i:uiu Combs, C!ll`(lF, &c.. &c.. to lie fuuml in this imxrkt-t. Anv nrlii-in in Hm h-niin m:unil':u~hurmi m- Ullrus, we . A'c.. to he Iuuml m Hus lmll'K('t. Any m'ticlc,in the trade |u:u1uI'ucturcu{ or furnished to ordr-r on Hlmrt. nuticu, and war- ranted to gins -- tisfuction. n` 19...... .....n .....v ..m.n., ...n.'.../...1 .......... DU 5.. u n.u..~..u,..u... V R?` L`vpru'r.~: 151-11 and 1zmll_/ e.rccu(cvI. Barrio, April 8, 1843s. 10 Saddlery and Ha1'nessEstah1is1u111, ,(;\'c(n`I_I/ oppn.s'i[<> I/ac 1}unI.: of '11,,-aut'u,) AILALLVLLL I 4u.\/ " . 101]: H;\S.n< - stock ofsi ~. I-Z1 liiulinl ' $0.. v Vt`-.ry 11 ' .-` Also, st ICn_',-lvi: Bits. Linc Rrumln-u, (',urr\' n I I u..'\u * 1MPLEME`g3oVE WORKS. AV-L every (IL-smiption of Box Stoves. .'I`h,-y also continue to their wt-ll-known Iron llcaun-E Board l'Iou;.;h.<, log:-11:!-1` with 0 of the b(`. dune at rates und`on the shor -st notice. November 21), 1867. }l_t.5 iI!I.`55 Qimtury. ,\p~/vvv MARK SOLOMON, 1'.\n'0Itn:n .\.\'n Manufacturer of Cigars, IncludimvHm(Tr\h-In-uh-.1 T.n(`.rn'.- lh-mu]. / v\.(_,x,\\,\,-v.r~.-..z~ I VUI|UllHn" -box, imd keep mom In cured my headache um .1.\.rJ)J-.\.\J\/` 38.Weilington Street, ` - \\'holcs-.>.lc only. Feb. 26, 1863. \ .u uu lg uplmnzu: H I DUNLO1 S 1`Rll-11',` .u.V;l-|lLJ.j41Lll 1,1-..l1.uIzl.' (j1AJ1.l1b',- .\Iznu1l'nclu1'o1s of . .s'.IIu)LI:s, Cl)Ll..1IrS .i.\`n Tnuwlis I.-n - mllu nvnnvxv 110 nopos _u pullcllmlity, patronage. ]:u'1'iu. Au; >-(,;n:'I)m1 livvl \\'iih~:\ \`:u*i<-l_v 01 in us lll`.l`."4`` : oil):-1' I u:>ul: lll'i\I|.`A.` Iu `SADDLEEUY, HARDWARE, --~v-vnnvvvvvsn `in V. `abandon! Including the Celebr-.11:-cl LaCrossc" J}r:u1d, whicln is for sale at all li1'sl-class Hotels. UL M1 Barrio, March 4, 1863. ` J. June 11, 1897: AToron{~). nun. 1.1-1 uuun .2 um; \u uu\:uu.u .3 RlDlN3' SADDLES, BRIDLES, &c., In h:h- \\'m-|".|nh-nl In u-in-n I.-`ML-l'r-Hnn your lls to 1 The dear you ' '.I.' ll .11) {Barrie Foundry, .-\(l`1:l(,'l;'L'I`l !L-\L Luulylj uuu .l.].LllLlUlN L'NlU.Ulll)H:lHUl. (A curl_1/ oppn.'iIc L unI.: qf Turoutu,) HNLHP RT]?!-`,l."I`? _ _ _ _ n.\nn1 -`J:l`- DAVIDSON, Mcvnrn a.'co,, \\-'hnh.c..ln hm\Im.: {- EH UH III:- '1`:- ['ANLrmc1`17I:J:r:s 1-.vm*v ah-cm-iminn n D1 ur`.~_xu'1 L1 Juana n s. .'I`h,-v coulin MARTIN MOORE, ` BINGHAM BROTHERS. ..;..-. . .--.. tv.........- Ilnvnl nom:n'r 1\IcHESRY, I\Vf1QOn or-nunint Illn InI...l.1 `HENRY sswmzv & 00., ` D--.....3 J. POWELL, Agent. >5. 5-3m 1 1.:-r In rzm 5.1811 .l _1lD ./'01! U.-1TT'I'E.' H, 1.1!` .1. x:r\'I 11()'U;~:I:. SIGN AND -.4 . -1,; IIII Jxgust 1st. 1367 auyn, muvll II: I): \\-'hoIc.=:e l)o:\1c-rs in Iran: n---u-an. _uy Sll'lCL auonuon In nusmoss nnu , fair pf publxa .-\(}`1:lCUL'I`l"!{:\L 11-x-rrn n nrnn-r1--I-I uux, - - - I 4|Jn \.lll\l I], 'E BPS constantly onhand and L In:u1ut':1ct1n'0.< to urtlvr Saul- .<. ]`-:1m and C:1r1'iz\;:ell:l1'11cs.=, (HOG, '1':-nnl.-2, Km .\'-:- =. 'J'l'llllI\`S. .\'r.`. NC. Cnll:u'.< in stock, we s:m:~i`ucl1on. ....\\'x.;..e 12:... rv Lu u `LL! :1 listublislmlent! ! - `- Barrie. .'0nl0 ) 31. Diwxnsox. R '7; . `)1- 1 Hand VLoom. I Ivyl Ion); an of and (1('fll('l`S in and Cooking inuc nx'.muf:1ctnr(-, l2c:u11-Steel .\I`0u]l- ` 0l]1e1'C:\.glings Lune tho clu-apost |:~mcl1on. ms. Bit`-I. Cards. Cm`- t1w1'\\'1ll1 (`0Ill|Dl('v[(` :\110l'whi<:h he 01'- >'.;x'.|. I red in any part of`! I 1.) vith A. Dixon .1: |,\ V 3 UV Proprietors. nn nnlm-u E 1y 0: 1-Luann choice Y and om.-1: the TORONTO. ` 4'. -tf 4-If. 45-tf. ] ()\-\'.I-ILL. .. lV......I.. v.---.--....-- ----u-..-, Adjoining the Railway Station, Craigvale, _I_l013)E;I{T GR__I:}GGy - - - .I r(:1)ric-tor. _ The Bar is supplied with good Wines,` Liq uors and Cigars. I-I.\'cell<-nt Stubling and Sheds connected with the Ilnsc. ' Cmigvalo, Oct. 9, 1.457. 36-Gn1os. ' _ `North Amerlcan Hotel, 11U10.\"T.l'IB[0 S T13 E 1} T, COI.L[.\"G\\'0OD, ' " CHARLES CAMERON, - PROPRIETOR. THIS commodions house has recently been thoroughly 11-I1o\':m-41 Mn! 11-- turlushod, _and is well atlaxpty.-d for 1`1'z\\'ulIu1`s, being COI\\ ('l)i('llt to hot]: czu-.< and boats. Good stimling. A Livery Stable conncctn-(1 with the hotel, \\`l101'c`]x0rscs can be had on the . no! ice 1-l _L:'cense1 .- 1uc(1'Im0c7' for [/19 (,'run!_r/ Qf Sinwoc. ` * ]'tIh(tIInr_ ((1-__ ([1,-. 3|?-ly` Mus. 1:. 'nmo.\~ & sax, - 1-.-oprietox-s. ONE l)Ul;L.\l{ AND A _QU.-XIKTEIL PEI! DAY. _____._____.______ V HIS we-11-known, nngl f-.u'o1-ire old IIot-1 has been thoroughly rcnovatc,-:1 and tilted up In a manner to ensure the comfort of glxosts; and tyzwollers are assured that every entk-avor -~wi1l'b_e used to give them satisfaction a.ndren er the L-.=,I:1bli_slxn1eht the best of its class in point of comfort and ~ taste. St:v_ros for ditfcrc.-nt mu-N In.-um Hun 1.m.=.. WILLIAM PARKINS, I.\'NKEl1 ER,COOKSTOWN \JIl\Jll\IlI IllIuI- Il\lU\JL., CHURCH IHLL, 1.\'.\'l.>'l"IL, Co. SI.\ICl)I-I. - ` unnuI|_ IIU I l;I_, ./}.'1RR_'I/1', (,'UI./'.'\"l'l 01" SIJIUOE, 0.11". Mrs. E. MARKS, Proprietress.` ' ' JOHN McWAT.T, Superintendent, `W`%""'T`]\:\ 'l`I':n':-Ililnr (1.nI|HIHuv:l\I u-HI I:n.l o|.:.. Iniulns uvnu "noun I, I , oupUl'IlIlU!lul.`.l'lI, ;;@"Tl)(.` 'l`1':u'L-llin_: Cummnuity will [incl this (aslanlulishlnlvlltsuit:-:1tuIIn-ir1'uquix`cu1cnlsand (1(`.~`l`l`\'ill,'.{ of IIn-ir,p:1lrun:1;:e. cg" Saunplc Rooms for Commercial Travol- lcrs. - A--.-.q.--~-..- ~; Agxa;-`.4;-1, NEW LOWELL, J. G. MARTIN, - A- - Proprietor. l~`ormorly oftlm '-' Ixvhnnge Hnlu-l."(7|-cculorc. ____ .`_._._.._._, N DUNLOPS'1`Rl-ZE'I`. - - - - - BARRTI-1,} ' Near the New 1.'uIlwry I)pot. ~ A ARNAII, - -. _ '_ _ n........:..x.... ` V (f)ri1lia. I-Iotel, :8. W. ROSS, ........... .._....Pro`prictor. __,I F HE prnp1`ic"lnr or this well-known I ll <-: In-gs to infornx his I'ri1-ml:~x au1ll1c_ ll.lVL'Uill',{ mInnuIxIi_ty NHL he h:\.=. In-`.'|=-11 the above hotel in the pl:-:\s:u|Lu|1:] . ; lncalllny village ol'O1i1lIn. and is now prupznrc-11 I 5 to n-L-oiw-. and accomnxoduw gnu-=.t.-'. - ' (`.nmmr-rninl h-um-llm-u and Ash...` 0.... .1 I ' 1UI'(`L'('l\ . .lH(l :1ccumnxou:m- _'._'llI'.l.i'. Cummc-rcial tx'uv!l(.-r:~: and others furnished with cun`vr-nu-nt and ample uuconnnoxluuon. Choice Wines. Liquor.-s and (,`i'_ru1'.=z, in stock. .A\p:11`tn1cI|_t.`sl(-t toprivaxte families. . v:- Good sheds `nuglstablingwvith attentive I servants.` . - _ ` 5-tf The I ropriv.-tor is tlmrmlglnly rvnovnling and x'L-lling this hotel tlmmghuut. The Table is aulwnvs sunnlicd with the bust tlu-. nmrlu! rclltuug uns nou-I llmmghuut. The Table is atlways supplied the bust the nr.u'l{c'. u1I'ords, and as the l'r0priL-tor pII|'cl1asL-3 his liquors from a large: importing house, he is mlulyk- to give his gzucsls a pure mliclo. Nu pains or expense will be sp:\l"l1 to merit the ia.t1'on:1vr0 of the tr:u.`cl|i1w:iul vrencral mhlic 41. C (`I I-2.\"l`E.\'SlV'I-I s'1'.u;L'Es ATTACIIED. N9`-. um, 1su7. _. 41-1! E?` D`-ullplc 11001113 101' Uommcrcial Tmvc1- lcrs. E.\'celIntSh1l)1ing connocllcd with the House. _ I3-.u'1"io, lilth .-\|n5il, ISGG; 10 uu uu u.|..o..|.u; I-`o1'm(-rly '- I luabli n ell`:-clual Kenn-dy` LLS and SAL VI. in their 1-.Il'_-eta. nml - '1' no here. .1Ix-u nu A. ARNALL, 'J.1I.uun', l ropI'ict01'. ' TI-II .lI.$'-0.\'E' D()I.L.-\I`. 1'1-IR DAY. _ V renetanguishcne Road: .\l.li. . HILL. ....... .. I- lN)l lllE`l`0ll. B1as'1' of I.1QL'0ns. cIG.~\I:s, and ms- l"Rl`.'.>'II.\.!I-.`.\"l'.v' pmvidud. Tho.PL-uetanguishuuc Stages change lnorsos ~ 1- - I)OlHl (H CUIHIOTL IHILI I810. St-.1g(-s ditfcrt.-nt parts leave the house Idaily. _ ` - .._.__...__.______ I `IIE I'Iouse, has been thoroughly reno- vntt-cl, and is now in point. of cnnnfurt, second to no utlu-r county lIuL(-I. The Bar is supplied-with l{l:1l`t*SIlIll(}l1lS that must give sn.ti.-luclion. Guod Sheds and Stabliug ut- tncht-21. R-_n-rin Hnlwnvnlmv HI IQIZT .4 r'.,1 vu- '1`]1e (-Q-`rlobe II0tel, _-.No. I63 YONGE STREET, 'L`OI{.0N TO, ON Tzk 1:10. ]o1mFELLows* HOTEL, .-l I/Ia` VI \'I.1. (fl), .\'flIl".'{)Iv.'. II\"I'. VICTORIA, INNISI-`IL, ADAM MYERS, - ' - - '.Pr C'orncrADnulop nml Baycld Streets, . Tl .\ I" I) I L` .\l`14LV|Jl'4l|1 (Y4 \JUq ' Bmnm. M1, Wholesale Agvntfm '20-m. doses for me in ve time. _ One of or your pm. My headache has Ion x to keep in the house." I-lure iron: bilious ehollo, -d mo, nud lhnve n ...I -- ' 0 re. I `HIS old and fuvorile ostablislinionl. is now iindwgoing tliorougli rcnovgtion, and will in :1 few (lays he rcfurnishczl and refilled in a mzmm-1' that will C0ll'lp:ll'L' favombly with any hotel north of Toronto, in so far as com- fort, convenience nud prompt. attendance are concerned. ~-_u- 11-...1`..a..1 ,. H. l.>r _._.. giii LCXXZ II 3 11% L, ..-1 V,Iu`.\'L\'I}, L-'0. b'I.|[COE, ONT. JOSEPH WILSON, - - - Proprietor. The 12:11-is supplied with Choice lliqunrs; and Cigars. Good Sheds and Stabling adjoining the Hotel. Ulg':ll`S. LAOOU. bll(.'(1S I Dc:L-mlu-1' 24, 1867. ROCHESTER" HOUSE, N0. 91). l<`R()\'.'I` STIH<`.I7"I' 'I'nnr:\"I'n UULILUI` IJHUIVII |"l`- JlJ 55"-` `-7"' `"51-`) B.-\l:RlI-I, ONT. A. R. BINGHAM, (successor to A. Mis- oampbell), Proprueior. 3%` Gnmfstubling on the premises, and at- tontivc scrvaults. ` ` I~`cbrnzu'_y IS, 1868. 3-Iy. VICTORIA HOUSE, uousc. Januzn-_v R, 1367. B'.u'r'i(-., December 10, 1Sli7. lalig that MARTIN S HOTEL, IIE'\Al I t\\llEI I {U gEST Liquors :1ndC3';:u's n1\vnys in stock. Good ubling and Sllctls adjoining the uuso. c CHURCH HILL HOUSE, HTR(`.H HHJ. 1\'\'l\'l-`H. PA Ql\rI`I'n WELLINGTON 5 HOTE:~ CRAIGVALE HOTEL, .... .... LI... n..:I... .. -g,-__ n_.,2 `Alma House, HILLSDALE. ._..\Zs_.-gr The Qiieezis, LOP RTIPI-'.I7.'I` _ 12.11 ! 3301215 mu! uIonu5. JAOHN enEe_ Proprietor. BARBIE `HOTEL 7 la`. I'(II.'\"I') lI]v' .Q'IlIt'fH in-I-In u-u-.\r Q5-III HILLSDALE, _ > Penetanguishcne Road: .I., _ . ll0PlllE`l`0Il. .1(.v1.'0ns. (:I(:..\I.'.<, znul ms- nu, ' .|.1uyu.uuu1'. Ji '-hnngeHnlul,"(7rceu10rc. v1L(v'|y uv I-m.- ' - - Proprietor. '. Proprietor. -15-lyr. I 47-lyr. '48-{fl p';~;` `Wis ell`:-cllml l(m.....I.. .2 U. Una, Anne, u.I.., _ Bookbinciing, Ruling anufrintig, I.\' ALI. TIIHIR IHIA.\'('lll-ZS. _l..L 1':|pv|1.~', uau. Ulllcv. Lvlllllg um! l :lpoI's_. Chimno_v Prinj Bolwk-1':<. &c.. style. The latest. dv. I,;ns 1`-gularlv l Plain and fancy Wrilin-,; 1 :fp-rs. '16: School and Account Bonk:-x, Bihk-.<. Books. Churclx Sn,-rviccsx. Hymns, Eli aml Lillxogrnplns, Drawing 1'npc1's, Pens, Inks, .(:c., &c. .. -u-nu -5 11-1: 11 .1m: 01 Maul ntangm to 1'1,-ncmxngnnislu-no.- ' Leaving ll:u'ri(- Ollvlllt` m'1'ivul of the mu'nin;.; train going north. and returning lczwcs l. -nu t'.lll_L'lllSll(.'ll('. at :~:( `on 0 clnc '. a.In. . 'l'lu.-.. lllscrihcr has also :1! st class LIVICRY I*I.'5"1`.\1Jl.l.\.'ll.\ll-l.\'T i11l`:n'1'u~, at which slxnglc or double mnvoynncvs can be haul at all liluus on most reasonable l('I`lllS. - In vm vA\'l.`\.'1:nx' A.\ .u.|. lllhllb nu.-\.\Lur.n. Promptly executed at the Lowest Remunerati- ing Prices. ` Toronto. Am-11 27. 1865. 12-h- ,J__|_ unnc In n. worknmnnI.' rc:1souab'Ic prim-.<. ])nm's. >7 lmud atl furui. at slmr for C_olTin.=. II-:uxs'o. and 1" xmlia promptly nltr-ndcd to. I}:u'riu. ..\m'il. 1567. iq:IN. `SHEET-IB.,0l\T.T JAPANNED cut] I 1 A . . . . . _ -. I }E}:{G.HA}\TG}3,:HOT_I:}L,! 1114A) Vullll D1114 V their 1-.Il'c.-ctn, and gznurnnlccd. Daily Line of Mail Stages ] n_ua.h..|u-anus 1 TO AND FROM PENETANGUISHENEE 7 HE SI1hs~'c1-iht-r informs the tmvt-Iling com- munity that he is now runnix -.x I):xil_\' Lint-. n!` \l u---n -`LL operations entrusto-.1 to him I f:1ctm'i1_v pa.-rI'o1'In- I-`:u'nu-r:~':u1dr who may h:u'u Gulls, Bulls. ll:-ifurs or S rvuuiriusr his st-I-vi:-c-s will In: um-...I...I n wnn nmy n:u'u (mils, Hulls. llvilurs |'uqI1i1'i|1g his su-1'\'ic<-s will be mlcmlc ing tlu.-.~`vu:~'0n. The clnur_;:-3 in :11! he found rcusnllzlblo. (Rood rein-nun; if rt-rxircd. B'.1l'I'ie. I)om-nu-1'11. 1R('.'.' Boot and.` Shoe Maker.` 1 1 V41 4: 11,1 1 11, Is prvmred to nmnufzxcmrc to m-dc-r, and has on luuul. all kumls of I.:1 ' Men's and (,`hIM1'(-n`s Boots 65 Shoes of every description, ' AT \'EH`I' REASONABLE PIKTCI-IS. RnrI~in_ Mnrr-In 91!, IRILQ 9 N` Box, Parlor, Ilall, and C'ool'in_r/ Sloz-cg, .n|-cunt lT|'l`L`1' - _ g;2:_GA11DF..\'1-n\'c:1>:F.s,_z,_;;y PLATFORM do ` COUNTER SCALES, . 00.41; OIL, f'c., at-c., I , Il\l"l :lDR This well known 1 1 alizelnnont hn< I`(-(`NIH undu-1-gnnc wry gr:-at. `inm:'nw-xn*m~-:; Ian : zuhlhinn !uu'iu_-.51-on maulo in it. '\ iug in nu-mmmulzninn in Hm Iu1Mh- anal mm or an Alteratlvel I-cl ilL'(`l>lllH1()'J'.|l|0ll 10 N10 [|lll)I!l.'11Hl.| Coll]-," mvrr-izxl Ll".l\ 0Hcl'S. . Clmicc liquors &c. in smck. Commndious Stubliug and Sheds cou\'euicu:. to the house. . I ',1I01-iF:' `13E>`c'f RAIN?! H. (`.(')l'\"I`\' . ___, __ ___-__,_, wiLL.Ani?m"6'na, -T I` I-EUILDICR` A: co.\"r1:Ac'1`01:., I JIuru .5 /rnr-I. .\'.m I;. I.` '1 l. I.'lI', .\'(-:1:'l_v 0ppn.~i1b Kin-. l)uu10p- Sire.-1 Ill) [1 IDKJLV .1 D14 Barrie. March 26. 18128. IIENRY F[`..-\>'EI:. l " , WILLIAM MANN 8.-son, ' Booksellers, Stationers, J. P. nYr:m', l_`....__....l-. ..v I I. w u.\.a.\_\n 1.1 hl'.| r.n |.\x. ]}.\"G'_LIS/I I .Al }"]y'R 1/.l.\'(:'I.\'G'S, (Cc 1)L'.\'Lo1'. S'l`I{1l-1'1`, B.-xmzuz. - April, 1;<;.<. 11-11` A'DJOI{\'ING THE S'l'.\TIO.\', COLLI.\'(\VO0D. GLOBE HOTEL, 1 E.`1H'l`.\NG_Ul$llE.\'l-}, ONT. 1 . QUINN, 4- F - - l nom.:1ETon. TFHIS i-3' the rs-t-'H(-ate] m the place, and afI'u1`d:< tn]! the conveniences and com- T} US l'n'st"lIotel com- Ior_ts ofn first `glass house. Sl:rgo.Hl(-.1r.11't from and arrive at the hole]. 0 arf` r.'.~..-.:.-.m....I,..I ...:u. H .. 1. .. onvey:1nues tu_ and from the .~I(<-axulvr. ` :1, 1| THOMAS s'1'o.\3:,_ `J-;u1uu\xn 1n.1m.ur.|\. unu ueneml Ul'llULS'I`EI{l-IIL. 0ppo.~:itc E. Gr:u'('r's 1I:u' ]hml0p-Sln'ct, Barrie. L arric, April, l>'Ii.s'. ]l-]yI Barrie j DEALE FY17 APT0` Ho USE, AP'l'(). I"I.().\'. O\I'l` T `HIS Hotel has recently und:1'{_:onu (`Klon- .'~'i\'e ixuprovcnn-nlst in the way ot mhliliuns, I'urnisl|in,:. &c.` lls zwctmnlnoslulium is now xunplu and cInnl'n1't:\blu. - The In-.~:L Liquor.`-1 "and Cig:u's can be fouml in the Bar. H-ly _JOH_rTCULVERWELL, I CARRIAGE TP.1.\I.\n:n and (General. H , l'llU _LS l`l]`:>l-.`ll_.. Qppu~:itc_ VGr:u'1'I"s c In Nully anyone. `DISEASES, \vuImos., General Lu 0.1.. l\J.lll4l, - ' ' ' ` llEUl'lill'ilUlL. Formerly of the Ro$'.\I. H()'l`HL, II-mnillon. .g .l'l`lCL S. Toronto, April 27, jscs. Barx-it-_. Oct 3 I866. nq-un-cu. Barrie, I)-cunu.-1'1]. 1867. Veorge Plaxto: M \\'l'l-`\l`Tl'l!L`n nl.` IQQVAQA-QQI \lI-a.-awa--- Opposilc (In: l"."L':'/zrmy .`x'{!I'7021. _]AIwz/up HI. -I-uA1\1'\1"!1f\A LLL kind: of Cnx-perm-1" and Jnin(`1`\\'urk , dnnc inn workmzmlikn II1:lllll('|' and at: Iunnnlihn nrim-a . l)nm~< Sud: nml lllimla nn I 03tllt1`1II ;\t11vta'ti}5`rx:itnts. 4-.,x/\/x/\.z\.\J\.z\r_,-V-uxa I ..., .............. .a.nt.vAIg VLLLLLLILIJ Au(l (joppur \V:u~c. `--uuu um. uuun: In R O 0 M P A P E R S . .I.\'I3 STJ TI (I.\`I'.'Il X`, -].';I$ Y().\'G.1 S'I`.. T()I{().\"I`O. [AS just l`L'C(,'i\`L'_(1 n largo stock 1;!` [Zoom _ 1 up-rs , Hall. ()IIi<:1-. Cc-iling:un1\\'inlo\\' m-u Phimnnv I`rin!< Rm-aim--.~ X-n in nvnl'\' .<. wilhnnl ox('c)`.lion, the am`. It is capable of nivc to thirty yards per m= 0| l l:\iu Cluth. Smi- vill. I-`mn~-!.v,-nl`x-tl Janus, rt)` fu\'m':1My with nny mt lmnns in the country. ctiun; 1--.u.<~ily lnnlnwstonll ~inn-n Lnum may be soon hr " Ex:unim-,r" olcc, urkcl, and its working Joixm LOWE PJLVIT! 1\t'\rw'lI/\1\ 1 LIKJJJ .1/ww L \,Ill-, (\a|,., ]3AlH?.ll'I, COl'.\"l`Y SIMCOI-I. -ii0t!.`I5 n;a - .5'1lIU0ll5. RAILVVAY II()'[`EL, vvvun mun 1,-u LJAJJJLIJ uu \./\J4VL1\rL1\JJ. Jlury Slrcrl, _\'urlI, 1}.-11.'1. U:'. vuyunues w_ and Iron) Inc an-` ' Lz'rer_:/`9.mznccIad trim the lm wiv- Rob<;`t Carey, l.`\k'|l!ll\'l|'l L` nnpuy :1 . .$.}_uril. `i3jAizTR`:2, om. tr- Stock, to oNvINcE 171343.815 l_`S I. \ I .l..l._`I APTO, I"L(), wurkmzmnkn and m: ~-5. -I)nm.<. Sash and lilimls on ] hml`:\t short notice. Orders (arse. l"m1eml l umpl1c1`- ' In-an luudu in M. gn 111;; Ill- oulzuion to tho publzc and com-_ ['51. Bgqk Starm u-rms. DA)/I D. VA.-\'I-I VERY. T'rn..m'nI/. -?7\NCY 00003.} OIIN lil)\\'.\Hl).'~'. Tm- ]Iul'l(`l` anal l)c:Llt-1' in n n n M n A n I. n c _ - - -._vu--v Hunk of Toronto, u up uu: lllll "01? ERIN 1. J-_ Y8 :1. ?s Hf L 2% mm nutinfv nvnm. runnmzn. ` ' Dnnnt: ..IIIJE,TTERS ,1]: A 12 1:11; \rI._ ; 0.\"r. ('I'.'~'. v.\IC.. In (`.\'(`I'_V I {_rulm'l_v rc-coin-:1. p('l`.`4. lCnv(-[opt-H. Bihk-.<, l r:\_vcr IHYIS. En1rm'in2:= `PS: angr:u'|I|'.',5= E ``I`"-`-': Pencils: `_ satis- mr-1 :uidnthurs Q m- Sn-inn Proprietor, ` rs hwxnv, ! Hdwl to dur- 5 ll cast-.< wiil unr-nu l!`;\`AIl\ . 4 .'-13.'r. kc-7 ..._n~ov---_sJ-au. r Grahan1. l|?i|1f1fiI!_"[,: One Dollar per Annum, strictly in Advance. ;Money, Mo_1}y, Money ; IIIWIIL` ..n.1.....!._... :.. I ...,,......~, nun. .~u:..~, 1 .u.\: ()H..-.', V.-\l`..\'l.\'Ill-IS. GL.\.`~'>7. l L'1 PATENT MEDICINES, I`fl}I. .\'l-.' A.\'I) I',l'I"/`I.l-I Jli;'IIIt,'/.`Ci `of :11] l.'in:I.<, .(<:.; a].~'n. :1 ]:n-r- - ` .\.1;.--'I no \vlml1-4! I and prr-pun-I nmlc-1' ll pvrimcml ph_\'. 3nl'l`iu. Nov. 2]. la` HF} 11nIlv|':-ign:- is pm-pnrr-d Loans Q1! VI-`r4--halal l'mp-1-1 . l`I`fI~1(vnR||ll' 1' `Q 1.! inh-rn.-0 ..mI ..r. I _ _ _ :"l;]):I}`Ill('lIf; nls-) L101-Z.\'(}l>', (kc. uunvvlr |auI'~ u `.,,. .... .....-... u1.., .u.-u. .1 I.u_'_;H :|~.~I>run!'z. j l..Ull S, l..L\'TliR\'S, (,'l'll.Yl.\'i'IY.*., .1 gfiuuztciat. /\/\J`J\r\/\I\/\/\4 _, , , yzMonc.sz% "J I . = ` -< 0 TO I.();\`_\`'_. on grul In` R $00500 .$ccIu`ily. I11lo:1'c.~'L' : In - I (ja-nt. ` ` = lgensoran mac! 0!` _.A Bradforll, Ami ! 23; 19129, `;IiM0iAi{[I%HSiJ;HEI;t{E J I DUNLOP STRE I'2`c, I 'cm'I_:/ 01z_pr).s-ilc tlzc 1. :/1'1 /tortcl'S'/I-. menu : NEw DRTfGsm3.z:; _, .. , I~'._I.\'I')' 1'1: :1<`('.11/-.'1:r. m (.`o.\1 12;, 1:1; L'. I-:.<,` nu: \rAn\'|_vunv_v nr .1 7 `HI-i public are mupnctflllly I'Cf]llC!:l('ll lake nuticg`. that the Sxuuluy linsixu.-..&a.-A Ilithnrln cmlnnclod with this 1-.-'!':1-Ii-In.-v will be (Iiscuntinucd from this Into. . ' I) V,\\`l-`\'!"' [IE Subscriber bugs to nnmmucc In Public in this and .~'urro1muliII_-.3 ln\'.'n~=| that he has l'('nl1' the above 4-.~'1:1hIi. from .\l(-: Cu,\ & Slmpcoit, and is llu\\' pared to umlc-rtuku GUSTO. CAHDING; nu.` :1: II... !.`..II l\l,~1\ I.` L! JJIJILV \l' 111` J} \/JA\Il. ll JJI\l'1-` Iluvillg .sp0I1l. over 20 _\'t-:u.= in lhv l. l:u'gc- -.~'l:1hli.~'l1Im\nl.-'. he now] only rn-In old friends. in I-I.<.<:L and 1-l. hvrc, character of duiug good wnrk. 'rIm.< u.-\' Anothecary sia. hlY\'I.T QT]! L` UUOI nnd in Ihol-`-.111. mrr r1\'u.\ \ [M W] nnu Ill H10 1`i|ll. l|.~'() 1"ULLlN(} ANJ) CLOTH ])IU-I.'\`.~ ~`i. ' `ll ...-3.... an-nu. .I.. 1.1-nu `HI I-unuu In H... 1.. `wiir; LiIs}IuiTnw:~.";3IEiis;, WHOLESALE -Iron and Hardware Merchants, Kn`: .l\",\'- [Q1 Cr Purl Q1`!-I`:."I' T111; .\ns.~'1-rs LANG have just conuno-L work in the above lrmm-In-:~', m-.\'1 -I` to Mr. Lun(e H Tzlilming ]`:Rl;tlrlis|1i|l('lil. D lop slrcct. I}:u'rio. \\'h1'l`C llu-y ]m]=t- by -`L !I('H(`(! and attention. to 11101-ita L'Il0(] $11.: fwanuiu"igau mm:2a;i IQIILLINERY & Dhnssmjiizmc: I".;-..~.. lf...'........ . .. ..l K`/,.... .. 1113726)`/ll I//`(I/M III. DryGoods,Groceries,Provision; (,'rnrl.'/'1':/. (}'/n.\*.<- II'II1'I', //arr]/('11)-/ _]__ IN` in Bu .\ .. 4-H F.\I`..\Hl`.. ~' .\.\'I) .\II-I(7lL\I\'I(`,.s` vould do \\'-H to (-all and (.-xzuuiuv JI.-It. /lI.\'I;' IIIL, at-f'm'c pu1'clm.~'3ng 1-Iacwhcro. Thu \'r-ry MESSRS. ALEXANDER 6; Go. :lllIl0lln(`(`S to the P`f limos propurcd to take and that he cal] mrnm . .... pal cunt` u-nmcml pn_\'. nu-m.-. Nov. 21, lsnr. nrrio, April 24 .1367. Ivlll. Apply to ` um and mu rnhlic paxtrnnu IZ:|1'1'iv. .\m'i ...... .u.. .u,., [S nmv svlling his sxm-k at prim nnt_l0\\'cr, lhuu lh(."s:lHl0 good.- n llurrit-. VANE \"l`ll{Y .\` Livery Etables . 1 ]i:ll'l'_ll`. Apt. 'l'ownship I-`Ins, M'g`;1t.f3jn_t/tfs "\I1l?tI'ti5t`nttnt5, --..,`, us ............~-m...~ .. -nnzm .\ mplclv, `. Cljl `IT IIUUBD g. {R I E , the public niuu-u nu-nv'u|I`lIl] IJ uIuvvIu vII UUUI l_U0 I I U V IOIUA (,'7'aclcer_I/, (:'lus.-wurc, Ilardzrurc, ' ."I','_ .(`I`,_ 31' , LJJJJ-LLIJJLUL \XI 11.] 1"u;1c_r/ //uircurk e ])Il{VIkgg,-jt3i}}::3II(::L\14:`, \ /v uv` 1: :1:-1-nu II llllll IIUIVJVVIAIU I'I\ll\.I\ Nu'.~:. I535 $2 -18.3, St. l .u:I. S'rI::'. I MON` JAMEs-E-DVvARos. I \\'.\I:n l'n.\`NuI:. Inn IS: Co. The stock \\`1 Lo, con:-' `ting ofpurc xv`: V(`1A'I .-urva.-- [THOMAS STONE, (.'rnrr/II I)/`lllrr m :1rnI1u;_:v. April 17. I807. INNISITITI v . ..._............u u N.\'0[',.\'CE lo ` K 1l.m- I.-n-.. ....... musu- LE patients all 1 VI |lI\J UIV I/cnerlll ])r'alvr u NE \{ K {` `\{\\ Jonx STEVI-1.\ . ' -13 S'oliilnr. ` - BI`:|`t}Tu 23', 1-_...",_, II llHI'l`I'~`l, um! 1-;1 it-1: I: >lL'l`.'H U1" .\I.\lI(I.\ a for (mu old csun unzmv, in nnu: n 1|I:|n_\', I3 lI_f)\\y' p|`l'p. .< any other X S{:(,'11 HI-I.\'TI>Y II.\I_ll`i 7"n. I .1 wnrsc. THUS. M('.\' ICLIX l'..1! ' I Ill 1-]. 'U[u'!'l,y :11 ml WHY it-1: `I, .\'|`l:l-Ti-Cl . V MONTREAL ieii Pills, _ _ _ _ A I L . _ _ 1 I . ,_ 110 mm, lis th place: (Jun/zI_u of Sinztoe. ; (rota? llOU51'-1 . I D I E lrvollous." -hnv urn` I. {.ED LION Ind that no em} xurum. __A[f{DMBL|NDS I my bnbo - young thing - LETTERS over the tinfy anyone.` 3 A orn , mo of an ll-tl I ofyou l| Wlbll SUUUUH, ll'l'I3p|'8SSll!IG J0) . You're must be a. dull t.rnLle,"- slnel went on, irting with her ribbons, and smiling again, like a. woman who knows her power and is fond of noting its effect. Dulll" he exclzlimml. not it \V|m cn:r_s_uIce EHO was :1 clxll ' Mary was on her way to meet Mr. Wil- V son, my lord's geI:tleinu1I, at the secluded npot. outside the village; but by an in- ntiuct ofeoquetry that cost her dear, she _ paused at the slroenmkefs \\'imlow, mid 1 ` looked in upon him, smiling, as he sat at. his work. , "Well, Master Lorn," she said. Well, Mary, he answerer], his sullen v brows unbending, his whole face liring am if with sudden, irrepressible joy. Yollf must; be :1 (lull t.rmln,", xlml nur puwuuj mm 18 mnu ol noung IDS eltcct. "Dull!" exclaimed, not it. Whv, don't I see you pass sometimes, and get: :1 word from you? All trzr.1esV would be pitiful am] dreary, if it wusn'tAf0r that, but, as it is, I wouldn't change with no- body. _ Am} unnnncimv T (mt nmrriml sznmn uuuy. And supposing I get. nmrried some day, nnd leave the village?" she asked. `"n nrl-In.-ml of hnr Izrmnlv for n nnufn? Ins) , nml IINIYU LIN: VIIHWU; auu i|h|\l.'u- `He glanced at her keenly for :1 minute; then he spoke, with a kind of savage, pas- sionate enrnestness, tlmt. made her trem- bla in spite of herself. ' You wnnldn`t.1In that. mv Inar. You UIS Ill NIH) UK HUI"-UlIo You would n't. do tlmt, my dear. You know Walter Lorn ain't the man to he trilled. and played with. Loolme herc-- l' folloi ye--ifit was to the encl of the world--t0 have my revenge, if ever you paid me a (lir`ty trick in such wise. It isn't Hanging up as high as the skins as would frighten me out of anything I'd set my mind to, if I'd been aggmvntoul. No, .110, Mary, I've .worked, and toiled,` nml nla_ved toget a home as you should have, and if you turn against me now, have :1 care, that's nll. U nub lI....A....- T A-.. 97 .31.,` ....J l\r\lIl' uaru, LIRIL N nu." But. Muster` Lorn. she said, coax- ingly, I never promised you nothing, remember. I've jnnt. dropped you :1 word as I passed your window, in a noighbourly way, without meaning anything. I know wlmr. mm mr-nnt_ Im mi- Hay, wuuuur. inuamug auyunng. I know wlmt you meant, he an- .Awercd, giving her .1 stern, stedfzist look from under his overlnzmgiug brows. You meant. me to think my mention u-as wel- come", and yu was willing." Perhaps .youwnsn t making believe, only just for pleasure of sliowiiig yourself of}, and so on. I didn't say you_ was, but If you 'as"--lie paused turned the shoe he was Working at deliberately at the liglit, then Sltldei, in a sharp hiss, between his com- I"0ssed 1ips-but if you was, \vli_v, have u care, that's all. K ` H I .-....J4 ol.:..l. ...1_..; .....I.,.. um. M. :II {I laurel slglll. There was nothingl rustic-looking about her either, for her bonnet and cloak were, is via know, of London make, and her boots, if they-could not boast of this dis- tinction, were fashioned in the bust coun- try at_\'lc b_v'the village shoemaker, who had been Mary's ardent, patient axlorer ever since she was child. J-.. LA M; 11'. um M`..'... .....i. .... um- a cure, uuuxs an." I can't think what, makes you so ill- ijempered this morning, said Mary, pout- "1g'- I zun sure, if I had known, I would not have troubled you with my ci- \'iliLies." u rI:_.,-I-.u m '. u .1 1 I |_ uuu|.r\\JLO \\ vulmcss, Lu. ant uf Appetite, 96 (Run n A m we mcn.., - As M:1r_s'.3Lutooel on the doorstep this; mormng, with the breeze playilzg amongst her brown curls, and freshening the bloom on her bright. face, it was. not easy to nd 4| fairer sight. l`l.-... ...- ,u 5,, , .- I 1 - I "'t'7'E?a1saaes:" repeted " .`2'-??f?Ia`2'?; in atone of sullen distam. halve known for su-angers, got for them as |Ii|(l UUUII IIUHI DHIIU HlI"lUlll(,rH- llcr pretty daughter, Mary, also baslced `in the.se`gleams of favour," for she was of the nfcn , secretly engaged to my lord's gentleman, and num'erous- were the gay and gaudy prenentn he brought his sweetheart from London town. The smartest bonnet. that could lne.found was hardly asmart. enough setting for Mury s pink cheeks and blue eyen. find the girl herself was a born Coquette, imd lovei nery, was only too proudto have these means of exciting the envy ofthc women, _ and the atlmirntion IUI u Livml Urr s mansion stood on an emi- ncuce within sight of tho village; but his lordship never honoured Kirby Duh; with hi: presence, excepting for a. couple of months in the shooting season, when he brought down a host of his wild friends; to help him thin the gains on his vast ` estate. A A 51...... 91... ... 6|... --1...`- --111....-- ----N. - 1 CHIN?- At. these times, the whole \'illag_v;e seemed to gather` auiumt.ion from his |)l`0SCl_1C0 among them,)\nl as Lord Urr had a free hand, and an nnsusxpicious nature, they manle prot. out of him according to their dilferont trzules. \l7lJ-... (1.. LUG IIIIUKJMIIU IL UIIUII turn. The summer sun, warm, but tardy, fmhcnod the broad moor into sudden '-greennenu and grace, and ripened the lumber for its autumn harvest of purple ' glory. Lord Urr s mansion afnml run an nmi. KIIIIUIUHK LliI`IO3- Widow Carter was the one, of all . ot.hers,. who gathered the richest harvest. from his lordsl1ip's short visits, for'she was launclress at the Great House, and la.-ul bean from time immcmorinl. H ..- _....u.. .J.......l.sA_ \l..._ ._L . L__l;. I Kirby Dale was n wild, bleak. place on our northern borders, nnil within a f.-w miles of Scottish ground. The village it- self -consisted of about fty cottages, aproznl in circling groups of three and four round the base of Ben Urr. rm... ........o.... I ...... ..l ....... ,......._L l,..; [Our YUUHLI (Ill) UH-SU Ul. Dull Urr. The country beyond was gaunt. but picturesque, _and deep glans, and solitary pools, and high mountain passes, dotted the landscape at each turn. Tim nummm- nun, mm-m Imf Gm-Au ~ A.'l_) COUNTY 01-` SIMCOE ADVOCA'l`E. `V 83U1'tj Pills soured 3 Mnggiel's Pills gun, me .____n , @112 Gvxztnititter, x.\.\uxsn BOOK AND Jon l'RI.\'TlN 7 E O}!`FI(:E, 0 - , I, 1,,-qm-ed to execute, in nupcrlor style every dc- ncriqllun of PLAIN AND 0I.\'A.lEN 1`AIj l RIN'1`I.\'G: I nrcun Mk" I , . n-`EBUSINI-2&3 cums. mu. n_x;:.u).~z, _ Adlrou Ill order: on EXAMINER OFFICE. ` Bnrrlc, ().W. W. M. NICHOLSON A: SONS. Punnlsnusna. _ TEILVIS OF SUBSCRII"I'I0)i': Ono Dollar per nunuilfml; advance! or $1.50 mum. Tnummv. .lu.\'n 14, 1808. The Examiner, AND COUNTY OF SIMCOE ADVOCATE no ruuunuco azvxuv 'rnuI:smnr mmmnu . ja- vm '" ::2::;*:I:;:::*:`:':;:X:.t.2:a:!' VOLUME gffubllohed every Thursday` Morning. V'-l`heTlIcllc of Kirby Dale. 'Uh'('. '!---Buy no Blngglel Pills mmplxlu-`. inside the box. ;.:~m-uilw have the name hux. with the numeofJ. , genuine have the Pill 4- p0\\`dL-1'." wctnhlu (11-nlc-ro in modi- uiu-41 Slut:-s und Canada, I_."'\' A BOX or POT. l"nil1-II Hlnh-9 must be YDOUK, No; 11 Pint: x~:.u).~z, um mus. cmcumns. 1..un-zu EXAMINER OH-`ICE. Bnrrlc. C.W.- -`.|lIl-Vltlllllln V 1 Well, Daniel," she said, smiling in her own fright, `~ wl1::thruugl1tyou here ? The icliott. made a few innrticulute sounds, u_ud glinucd ag:1in;l>ut when Mary attempted to pass him, he dr'oppcd the stones he helal, and grasped her shoulders lst screeching in the agony of his efforts to make hernndel-st:n1 some thought passing through his miml. Oninh Dnninl Y palm snlrl, mu] h-lml fn LIlUU`a'llh llilhblllg lII|'UUglI HIS Hllllu Quiet, Daniel! she said, and tried to soothe him; but the more urgently did helght with his own impotence until the struggle grew terrible to witness. He pointed to the hill-side, then to the eliurchward, muttering harsh making wild gestni-es,_ in which Mary fancied she could mlistinguislr a- weird passion and entreaty. The fnani stood thick on his lips at last, and the veins in his temples started out like swollen cords. He loosened his hold of her; and she, puzzled and scared, almost ed out of the village. The sliarp, despairing ery he uttered as he saw her. go chillinf: her very soul for the moment,'and making her. suddenly sick and faint. l\fn.vm\vliiln, l.m-n nnlml tlm wlmln nf' sounds, . HUI" suuuuuly SICK EUIU Iillllb. 1\Ie.'unvliile, Lorn noted the whole of this scene between Mary and the poor idiot with some surprise. After this he \i':ttehed her out of the vil|:ig'e--s:u\' i1Ll' diverge into A narrow path, which led to- w:mlx the woods-thcn he took up his 5 hat, and went out, locking the door cn.I`0- fu1i_\' after him. \I'.... .....H.\.I ..`;....-.. n:n\:r:-arr `.`:!`...1u lllll_\' :uL-er mm. Mary \\'u|ke along, singing b1it.lm]y, for it 'w:is not in her nature ld brand over trouble, or look` lucymul the interests of tin: hour. Auxl Walter Lnrn {'ol|o\\'ex.1 at alisL:mce, keeping her in sight, altlmugh line dil-peul down behind :1 hedge or u wall, every time slug stopped, or seemed inclinm! to turn, v ' \\'l..... .1..." ..l.'.~..l 11.,` n-Ln. cwuuuss UK we gloolll OI uuzuu. No fear of my dying` for many 11 long year, she said to lw.r>4cl1', coulidently, and turned awzw. Sh:-. smrl;-cl than, fun! utfnrml n f`-::lIf LMIIIUH HVVH-\} ` . She started then, and uttcred_ a faint cry, for close behind her, so Ineaftlxat she brushed nguixnst, him in nloving, stood the village idint, grinrlingg two stones against. each other, and grinning in the sunshine. u u7..n .1 1! -I._ _,: I ,, ,-1- 1n(:lll1(`.(.l LU ulrn, ~ When they reuchnc-I the glen, M-1I`y sat :.lu\\'n on :1 mossy lmufdcr, g:itl1e:'i11g her skirts dnintily together. and gl:_mccd down thoug,-:l1t'lIlly into the \vz\tc-r. Snfrlv nml :90.-|lf.hil\' \V:1H.0.r rm- lL'l'Co Presently she was rewarded. A shadow darkened across the path, and his eager, gleaming eyes saw the meet- ing between the two le\_'ers-his ears sh:u~pened.to catch even the whispered words they spoke to each other. H Vnn nrn Imp. s':1i(l Marv. looking uh Gouly about their com- I be rclurnc-d by the fol-