Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Mar 1868, p. 3

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J. R. COTTER, -0 "'1:-vnun T.Innn|:n|I L0 UIS CROOK. 8-3111. I . Simcou. THOMAS McGORMIOK S.| S-td. 1w. J. M%Master";Eifd`\Eompany, `Staple and Fancy DryGoods \V1 I.L RE COMI LE'l`l'} AND READY FOR; INSPECTION ? BY TI-I-E I.AT 1`ER PART OF THE` QURRENTMONTH-l IMPORTANT NOTICE 1 TIII-I AMERIC.-\.\' WATCII 'COMl ANY, plncu their su\'m`ni-grn Wutchos M hmllv sxhnl. out. all .\~\'is.~4 cm1nt(\rl`v it. \\'utc hL-s V[VIII'}A`.\[ER1C.-\.\' 01-` \VAL'l`I1.\.\I, )1.-\SS., being datermmcu 10 sn\'urni- grm1c.~ni1 at pric as within the rt-uqln ofnll pcrti'es nut] to ebc-_ tnully shnto-.1tx\l| Swiss c(n11nto,1j_lfa; hL-s, -hntyu dvcideal lrom this date _t,o sup'ply their \Vutch1.-3 in the Dominion of Canmla . - ` _# _. -..-w 1 n ,' _. ' {V , - - The Company by thus paying all (In! supply to the people 01' the Dominion` vI\Y11 l`1I"I'"I'.\ A 1\1T`C" \\ IHCUUS HI I.-IIU JIUIHIIIIUH Ul \./nun At the Nott GQl(17a111 bf Ai11ric:m Cur1`e1_`1cy{ _ ._ 1 .L,......... .. nmin \\'oGn1ma hufn l".nnm1n, xvi- lllllh U1`.l1`JLx1 .l`4DL vvLLL_\.u:..u-,4 ...-u _..--..- . ---__. The Wutchos are ofnll grutlosv. from the nost Gold Watch mndo. udnptcd to any cmnto from tho '1`rnpics to tho Poles. nt u`.p1'ice to suit. thu wealthy connoisseur or for presentation, to the Chonp Silver Lever, strong nnd st-nvicunblo.-, rogulntul to minutes. suitable to the" Mo- chnnic and 1-`unncr, mul qnito :L:,lp\v in price ns nny xnoderuto quality of Swiss Watch. Our ::rm1(-3 of ' ` EXTRA HEAVY CASEI)(.'SWATCIIES for RAILWAY ENGINEERS AND LUMBERMEN dosorm pnrticulur nttontion in Canada, as nothing can equal them for the-purposes. 0urlcnd- :.... u'....I...n u:.x;.z.u4; ...4.- . n ing \\'ulchcs |.. IO r\-....& r Ill IO Val (II. uuuu _v-vvu --. ._V....,_ at medium prions. will also be found dosirxmlo. '0 Mo l'r(-qnomly nslcod why we don t. ndvurliso prices. we reply that us we only supplyllle trmlu, nml as our \\'nlclu~s are now lmpt. by most mspoclnlwlo lluusvs, tlm public can rely on Inning served at. ,1 fair nvlvunco on_ the .\im1ufucluror H List. Our lrndu marks are American Wnlclx Cumpnny. Applutou, Tracey & Co., Wx\ltluun Wxxtclx Co.. 1 . S Ihlrtlott. Wm. Ellery, Ilmne Watch 00., guurumuutl in n 1 case by s1)eoi1_\l .curlilinam, (uxcupt the Homo Co., which _is wtuwnnted by the 6('ll(Il`.) Tho purcluwor.slI0ulg.1 al\\'nys1'cquiru the gllI\l`D.lP0. as there are Swiss Countorteils for sale in some places. . J _ ROBBINS & APPLETON New York, l . ROBERT WILKES, Toronto &.Montrea.1, GENERAL AGENTS. ing \\'ulcncs In I8 Carat Gold 'Cses for ...:n ..1..,. I... l'mnu1 ncirnh` !13_r31;erti9s`for Sale` `_ at tho lower stories is rented for num. ..._... OR SALE. tlmt [lrst-class stand, op- 4 positu the `llurrlu llotel.`, Size of l>l 44, three stories high. with n splomlitl front-for buslnuss. It is at present occupied by Mr. Junms Russell us in General slow. The house is well tlulahod and nearly now. i Also, on the corner of Dunlop and Market streets, that vnlnuhlo huslnoss lot. with build- ings thereon, consisting of It threo-story shop. The upper story is suitable for two stores. Ono $75 por un- Sizn ofshups, 28 by 50 feet. There is nlso thereon, I\ 1"1'nmu D\\'-lllnp; House. \\'(`ll linishcd lnsldu] size 28 by 2'l.lcet, with brick collur. This being :1 \vn.lur~lot, tho purelmsur has the prlvlluge of extending it over 100 feet into thu hay. _ Also for sold by the suhscrlhor, ln _thp our: BEST sITuA'T`_I'1IN BARRIE. Montreal, March 18, 1368. V'lVllv[V()'t`l1t\.bt\y. " sale by _tlm our- lslnltlg village of Cu0k_nt0\\'n, several good Bulldlng Lots. Would be sold cheap for Cash. '1 IIRE 2` GOOD 1} UGGIES FOR SALE, two double and one single; lpulrllob-slolgl1s,' 1 Doublo Cutter, 1 Single Cutter, and 2 sgtts Single Harness. , _ Also :1. Home for sale 3 yours _ol . . _. Also 3 Double-Tllreud,` Lock-Stlt'ol1, Slmttl Sewing Machines for sale at. cost. W. B. CAPON. nu- Bnrrlo, March 10', 1868. .._:_.._T__..._..__ l\IIE ` TIMES" is isued oviax-Vy evening In timu for tho nmil going Wgst on EVE-JN7Il:\I (}` TIMES. 7 `HE issued ovory ovomng I in time for West on ` the Great Western Rullmty, uud cqumins_ all the In... Inn 11 . nun! nI.`.PA'l`ClII-IS. ` ML, $0., w.-., wu- Eujoing a circulation of more than double any ot or paper published West of Toronto, it utfords an excellent. xneqium for advertising. rxuom ow iscRIPTIoN- 85.00 pm` Anuum--$l.25 for three monlhs, in advance. I ...__- THE W.l'JE.lt14 I .1 Jxuuu, Containing 40 columns of reading matter, 1 issued evo Thursday morning. and con- talns all mportnnt nowsoi the day, Editorials, Tales. Miscellaneous Matter, Markets,` &o., &c., and is mailed to sub- scrlbors at M An Imp ANNTTM, IN! `ADVANCE. , ~ ".7 W N ion with res`1eet`:ot[li and witjxdrnw :23 man. s are printed on the coy ' uplied to each dvpoaitor. y have u deposit. accm rcct,-ivod daily, dnringlhg (_n:=t picu business 0 er . at $1.00APER ANNUM, IN `ADVANCE. THE WEE1'r_z;y mars Is the best and cheapest Family Paper `pub-' llshed in Canada. ~ Address all letters, out-gnid, to C. E. TEX ART & C0., ` Proprietors of the Evaning Times, 6. HAMILTON, O.\'1'. Tau-:onu-urc D1-IRPATCIII-IS. `~ Ann1v.u.s cr S'n:.\.\u:ns, NEW Yam: .\1.uun-rrs, N1.-:\\'s 012' Tim Du`, 7012 EAT 12101) UOTION IN `P121019 THE WEEKLY TIMES." ..o..x..x.... An nnlnmnn of madinx: matter; y the people 01 we l)()n1llll0l\` . ' . _ THE CI-IEAPEST WATCHES IN ,'1 HE WORLD- - . .1...n......s f`,n1:`l \\'}.h-1. mmln nu1nv{tnd tn nnv cl 3 V V MONTREJ VBEG T0 ANNOUNCE THAT THEIR SPRING STOCXE OF _ Prices Low and Terms Liberal. I1AJ|1ILTON 16 LEMOINE" STREE'l`.,_ . b `I WILL BE CO.\_II LE'l`.l<}` ,.. ....,... _y me Post 7 )1 _{:.'ithd1'a|:vx1 by my -will be supplied with 3 ums paid in or xvithdnwn, win by tho Postmns Daposl. _ \.I. I l.vL\.I.\.1 \ll. 4... . . . V . . . .-._ ,- _,,, , J 2; duly, costs and clmrgos on their Watches into Cunudu,i1l- ninion` ' ` - ` T 13. 4 mt OF ' THE .?_,__-________ , Oi-` \\ .U.TI1;\.\I, )1.-\SS`., being _dctermincd to .+ nrim-st within the ranch ncrtrcs Ladies and Private Gentlemen. 1 A1~i FIOULA`R NOTICE _ To Debtors & Creditors. av 1`:-ww--.. Y IIE Ixnulox-s`i; :nc11,_luring nhout to retire ' rmm business in Barrie. hereby noties 1lI1(lo1's`it:nCt1,_being nhout to l`0llI`O from business Barrie, _,herohy all parties indebted to him. either by Note or ' llook Account. that he requires l.\IIl1EDIATE PAYMEN '1` of tho smne, as all such claims will be placed in the hands of his Attorney if not settled on or before the llrst dug of May next ensuing. And all parties nving claims ngulnst him um loquested to present the same for settlement at once. Noftnrther notlco than 1 this will be given before suelng. . G 1-20. .1'LAI'('roN. n......l.. u......1..1.1m'..Q, 5-td ' TH E Premis_es being. too small for Pub? __ !ic Actions, the subscriber has abandoned __v- ._...1 ...:II ...dl 1... ..-!..non- Y um r're1ms_es nemg. too smuu Ior run- lic subscriber ` that mode of sale, and will gull by private` sulo, at the following prices: 3,, ' . ~- . 1-4 .. n .4 . 1n_ _ ISELLING FF!| lU:?-A1 LessIhg_W11o1esale Prices!` uunv -_.. -..- .-.. .Factory Cotton, from s. to 10c.; Prints, from 10 cfs. to 16 cts. ;_ Winsey, ffoln 10 cts. `upwards; . Cotto'n`Yarns, $1.25.; Canadian 7 Full-Clohh and Tweeds, 65 `cts.; ' | and so on throughout the whole stock. $"To any orson desirous to commence Business. a L BERAL DISCOUNT OFF COST PRICES will be given. wish 9. LEASE of the SHOP and PREMISES. , g. Thomas McCormick s. TIio1na,s McCormick s. ""7 '__"' _ . Thomas McC_o1'm1ck's. Barrie, Jnmuu -y 28, 1868. ..___--------.-----__--:..- Phomas McGort_i1ick s. L` on tho'Miii Road, A rUU1u:;'1' uuun con- taining a email sum of money. The owner can obtain the same. by proving property and pay- ing expenses. Apply to JOHN MGGOWAN. Lot 11, Con 4, Vespra Township. Va-ml-I Mnfh 18. - ' - , 3 1113' ing expenses. J C 4 Neapra, Mm-ch 18, 1868. nu.-r_mo. ox`-(14.-I10l'uI will be always nth-ml to all applications. rocxm-ngo_1; Iajotmn; __'iI3i13131_:as McCormick s 3 ti 1;: Bmwle. March 4,- 1868. _._..._____._.___..__ 3*)` imxsjzt atin Goitmq of; % 5imc{o%c%F Qnntate, L'l3ux:3IIa1;. Ilnrtij 1353. BY RETAIL, _- 410UND.-Botwee'n Barrie and Ves ra Mills, tho`Mill Road, A POCKET B OK con- lnhm 11 small money. EAL: 7-'tf m. _ 5-td t `Carey: vnxn RLIII 5904,0001 |TI+1AS!| |Pire1`rnnf| YIIIIUSIW lamammsml |J. -; K. ' F.A.LcoNB1uDGE.l - Janupry 1,- ms; WORTH NEW `AT THE {xniv ' BLE PRICES. Mi, - I OF 49` BOOTS &. SHOES, At Strong's One Price V Store, . - ' V IN COOKSTOWN, _ 7 ~ ; FOR TH1RZ YDA Y8, 0ommen.cz'ng: Weidnesclag/,FeI2.12, 1868 @ GOODS CHARGE!) AS USUALDURING THE" SALE rV'1T\o [mum @s3; @u.j-g1p%m@9| Bnnfe, Fobfunq 12, 1868. [Clearing Sale I] . , _ Cookstown, February 10. 1868. `M3131 I-'%|ints, Brass-Gut Saws, I.0GG1NG CHAINS AND ' ` . CHOPP1NGr AXES,1 H}?I'.4`D V0FF10E_SA (J-"1?I7}f1;'E SIZREEIZ J).UiI',m: .j`_n . ` 1)1Iia.l`4l,J'.I. Ursa : _ JOHN 0BI1IS.\VO0I_)IIOUSE, Esq-. 82 Pem- -C1IARLI:`-S GOING BIALONE. F.`sq., Mer- broko Road, Dublm; ()111cntI1.l; u1`k, Co. chant. Stephen Street and South Great LOUHI; P0l`N!(10Wn 00- AT|I1{,'1l; 1\l`I`|')'k00L George Street, Dublin; Churchtuwn Imdgc, 00-. D5"K1? J-15 fC Y5`L`h: DOHCER1, ' Dundrum. County Dub1in.-Dircctor'Com- JOA}l|1\gh 5L(%\\'\lICtf11'T1(7?1'a1-`r ud merci-.11 Gus Coxnxpmxy. ,, VI X. RE asq crmun. , , , , , ' . _ Mmhunt` 1g,Um,(,, Sgk,.i,,;` S`,~,.m and 1:1-.1..\:...\VnD c ()\_>.1~.._nsrL.,2; Wnterlookoad, Great Brunswick Street. Dublin.__;Dircct_or Dl 9 J-1 - `1'C"`)' M- 1`. Dublin Tenomsmta C0'y-- hce-0/um'- DL~\VID 1:1c1I.\nDs0.\* GOODLATTE, Esq., - man.- .\lerch-ant. ,Elen Quuy. and .\[owhnmpton, ROBERT CRAVEV WADE, Esq.. Clone- 1,. . _ D Ly _ bmney, Crossnkeglc, County Mcnlh.'nnd Donny wok C_ u m `_ _ ROBERT CO.\'\VAY HURLEX, Esq Budge Suckville Street Club, Dublin, J. P. for _ House, Tvnlec; nml Glendu`, Co. lxcrry; _ Counties Mouth and Wicklow.-Directors . _. _ Scottish Amicable Life` Oice. ' . ' J .1 . tor County lxcny. Bankers, Tim Nnxoxan BANK. Solicitors," Messrs`. I\IoI.I.o1' & \\ .\rso.\`. Jluzzagcr, J. Ixxss, Esq. Prompt Sglllcuneyzi of Claims. ----0 Moderate Rains. 7Prols Divided evefy Three Years. ____.o .._.--- I'I0!l..d Oicc 1`()'1- C an uda--1\Iontro a.lr. V T. W7. GRIFFITH,- Mazzagcr. - 3'.1_H>` @m@amum@8am@Q READY-MADE CLOTHING, . BOOTS ac` SHOES, TEazdwame, [CZ~rat:ea;i,es, a - In consequence of lmvihg resolved `0 dissolve } -our stock, which is large and varied, at W111 - clearing sale will e91 ALEX. Mormow. Aget, um. 1.-1.;-uv A V"... . H. L LAWRY, Eaq., President. ` THOMAS STOCK, Esq., Vice-President. W. A. COQLY, Esq., Insymctor. R. P. S'l`REE.T, Esq'., Secretary` and Tre_:surc1' HONORARY DIRECTORS FOR THE COUNTY SIMCOE: wM_ ARMSQN, Esq Thornton, WALTER RAIKES,` Esq., _I3a_rne. JAS. MANNING, Esq.; Tecumseth. . ` JNO- MCBEATII. Esq., Nottgwasaga ; GEO. MCMANUS, Esq., Mono. --0-.-* . v\v um um" A111, _ and continue until the whole is disposed of VN.B.--All Book Accounts and Notes duo ar f0fjl1il:C(1 to.b<;'sett]ed imme- HINDS BROTHER.? DIED. - I . `town. on S d eldest son :31; G?;,]];u: \ .} MUT uAL"IN'u'RKNcE COMPANY. v-..v- ............._...., _, 1 , THIS Compimy having made impo now prepared to accept Risk Churches and School-houses, at as lowrmtc rtant a.ltemtions_in tho_ By-Lmvs and Tariff of Rates. is s on Farm Property and Isolated ,D\'vellIng.=, country s as any other good Company. All claims settled ` p'tt:.\mptly', uudwilhoutdeduclion. . ALEX. MORROW` - _ . . . .. .. .. . ` Am-nt for Co. Simcno. Bumm. Jahuary 15, 1868. 504:`. ___j_.._._. On I()NDAY-n.ext#_ t7b6- 3rd of` Fellwualrg/,` All ; 11, Au IvI._IU 'xnu uvnu, LUV ..y...... TINY. ' Lot108, in the lat Con., W P R, 200 acres. H 107, H 2nd u w PR, 100 M 110, H W1 R, 100 ` , Lots 13 and 14, in the lat. Con., N S, 400 acres. NORTH ORILLIA. E }' 2, in the 8th Con.. bcautifully situated on Lafxe Couchiching--ne_zst quality of land. Apply to - H. CRESWICKE, Jn., A 0r_to ` F.` PROUDFOOT, Su1ru:E.\' P. O Bmnm, -. Bmnxa, Jan` 27. 1868 20,0 ooAnoLLAns wom -MouoQ4 _ . Lot 23; in the lat Con., E II S,`200 `acres. F L 0 S . Late 23 and 24, in the 9th com, 400 acres. 3 ` TOWNSH|P OF TAY. Lot 90, in the let Con., I R, 200 acres. Lot 15 at 4th at __ 200 A. 1%}; 6, 9 as 10. in `the 5th Con., 100 acres mu: . . ' `E } 11, in the 4th Co'n., 100 acres." . 1- I N v _ ' ETNJAX &%sQ\B 93$ gum. mt. , `I868. I Fob. 2'z,`1s6a. `Sea I1a/ndZ;z'Zl.9fo`r l1L9tq}:-C'v'0o(ls=, (}lear2-my Suie P7'2'ces._ J.._... 1 .V.L..__v___ In 1nnn THE A) Em @r.?m@;@:T Ammam. lr"l]B3E uwsuuoasmcg GQMPAJW. 0 CAPITAL ` 2,500,000 STERLING. :__0_._ L_N'NUAL INCOM-E NEARLY $1,000,600. -.--o-.-- 5.13. 1}-Eitnsi J GRAND. CASH DiR1:t-x?o1{s : an :1" un 71.... . Au: . v'\r run {lll(l \'1ll`lC(l, ill. \VLJ.\JJ.u'4>JlXL clearing commence rorunnu _ Shoe M939" 1 _ n-..I. A0 mnmnto. UT, SAvam=:.\' O. ' 4-ly ALL A'1`_ J. -'HENI_).ERSON S. DIRECTORS: (USs0l\'e p.'u'Lnersmp, wu uucr u WHOLESALE PRICES.` - .111 Ann: nxxnnnn In the mailer `of ALEX. IVALLACE, of Slaynef, an Insolvent. THE . undersignedjs prepared to receive ` tenders for the purchase of the stock-in- trnde ahdzelfecta of the above Insolvent. (for cas_b,) said tenders to be furnished on or be- fore the ' ` A Stock Book may be soon at the store of the Insolvent", Stuyner, and any other infor- mation-given by application` to ' ~ Jnuhprr nnawnc IFARM 1:93 SALE. ` 0'1` 20 in 6th Concession of Oro. County Simcoe, containing 220 acres, 60 of which are clexu-e(_1. Price; $20 per acre. . ' V Apply to LOUNT &. BOYS, ' ' Barrie P.0. Barrie, Mm-ch18, l8G_8. , 7-3in Barrie, March 18, u1Chi1dren'a - ' :` every description: cu:-nv `ausnru xcuunms, Olcml Assign;-c, Barrio. Barrie, March 2nd,.186S. _ 5-td First day of Apnn, A`, n_., nsss, }1h1'tl1ers11i, we ot r'er the whole of `I(`)T.T<`.RAT.F 'PRT(`.F`.R_ Our nrrent Insolvenf Act of 1864. UICHU W . Agent for Co. Simcoe, Bums. n u; uyynnuuonunn mu JOSEPH ROGERS, ' nmom .\~.=..-im.-.0 xv wuqm un Our great. 2-tr. ]@@@@8 9| ,. Shcfford .. Ontario , . Essex .. Oxford .. Lambton . CAMPBELL, Postmaster-Gall I LYNN: BROS, .]$1.50P1:}R+DGZEN! P1'i:R'r:D0ZENi Cm'riag'c hinting Dunlop Street, coupari &f"I:Ed/\RCY, \_.,,, ]fIA\'I.\ G{ entered into co-pnrtnorslzip, are now prupurcul to I-.\'<-cute in the best slvlc of the art cu-r_v da-.~vr1pli01_1 of Ifovsx-:, Smx, C.uu:1.\m: .\.\'1u Ul ..\'.\.\ll~`..\'T.\L J'.u.\"rI.\'n_. (;}n.u::x.\':, lupm: 1L\.\'u1.\`(;, .\::u CoI.uxu.\'t;, -rospL-elfully solicit :1 '01` the very uttering patronaga bestowed on tlu-late rm. fooling cond-n`t that llxoy can c.\'c-cute all orders cr_1trustL~d.t0 llxem. in the several ln{un_clicsmentioned, ii: :1 style not to be ex- cclletlln thy: l l'iJvlnce of OIxtu1'30. -`EZz"'I_ a]7cr [fang/'n'J (Ilsa allendedr to. - ' , C0l:l.T`l'Ill. 8: PEARCY. Dun-ln `r!\1`P1I ll IHIS. ' I-l-l.l. .11., no` style l CA! (luu\:l\'I: ' 0LIF1"ss Self-ActiI'1g'I-Iand Loom. ' &c.. &c.. 1). J. ro\\;1:f.I., ' ` Sale; Agent for the C'ount_u of Simcoe. ` V HIS Hand Loom is, without cxccptinn. the ' very best. now in use. lt is Cllrlfllllu of Wcaving from twent'_v-llvc to thirty ) 1l`(l.<, per day, and its manufacture. of Plain Cloth. Sati- nett Twill. Blanket. '1'\\'ill, l"uur-l.(-afetl Janos, wlll compare favorably with my made by the host, power looms in the country. It is simple in c_'msl1'uction; ca:<'rl_v understood and operated. A specimen Loom may be seen ' in `the more under the -- l;`..\:auninu.-r" office, nearly opposite the marlict, and its working 4-mmincd ' ..Lincn1n ..SI. 11 aointhov ..St...Jo nu, Prov. om l.Porth ~ Inglli ..Lnmbron . .Sl1orbrooka .. Norfolk V .. Lnnnrk .. Richelieu `. Perth nearly oppc examined YY (Jon. Ul \l'B.n\A, - ....- - CLH.-\Rl-JD. Log 1101150 and Darn, Good Soi and \\`c]1'I'iu1bL-red. including; pine and'c1m within 9 miles of Barrie; Church and Schoc atthe lot. T1-mus EASY. - Apply to ALEX. IXICCOULLOUGII-. ` Cmigvule` P. O. -- - - _ ._--. ....:.1 26m V. L L1`: Darno, _M:\1'cI\ 4, ISl:S.. GAB"'E`T1iW5! P`i0TOGRA?HERS.- PHOTOGRAPHS - . 11.... . Ba7rrio,_ March 5, 1808. i .Wo1land `. St. Mum-Ice `. York Jlastlngu BARRIE & cooKs'row:\*-. f1=:sT_ II}\L1=' ox Lot No. Con. of V(`Sp1`(l, T\\ l-II .`..\I.*l-`.l). Lot: Ba ll0\\`pI`(!]Iul`L'll w 0. I` cw \' dc.- `un-nm: c\'n Olav` i110 '.~:_1:, S[GN_A.\'D For Sale. HALF` 6. in the nth I-I.\'TY ACRES . Soil imbex-ed. and'clm: 105. School m,,_,_,_ 01: ]`\-III-J D. . J . POWELL, Agr-nt. . 1.ur.s-L 5-inn BX. 1\IcCOUl.L()buu. _ Cmigvulcl . O.,_ If_by letter post~paid. . . Lun`:\rk .. ltonflcxv \'nrLr l~1Stu*bIislnncnt! 2' - - ..Barr`-ie. -cute In the nest ~(r1plio1_1 AL I ,u.\" xn. szzmtr Barrie`, .\I:u'ch_. 1354 . ,. EVERAL I.\[I R0\'1~2I) F.\R.\iS for Salt-in {ho vicinity of Barrio. Also. :1 lHln1i:I`:` of Town Lots, with mul without I-uihli_ng.~. Apply to ' D .\I()R1{()\V. -<~*- our.` DT'7'\"I`I-`D r.I5'7`R. AI: T1: --._ . , I TH;\T well known cst.uh1ilmuint, siilnaiczf 1 7:1! on Dunlop-s'tn`ot. kuu\\`n as tlw ` ; ~nr.....| (1.-uh-4-. .1 :01-v. 7 `Jl;\'l' \\'l~`.ll linuuu |:.`lv{IUIA:Iun\ nu, ........ I)nnlop-s trt`ot, 1 ` IIc:ul _ C(>n_tx-4,-. ., :01-v, 7on1mor(~iul Block? The In! is I->411-e-t by and cown-(I with building. I`hi.~x is one 0! ! host1msinc. z=t:m:1.~` in l):u'x'ic. The a"1`0( will he said at hn-nice l ~rict.-:4. . Apply ix11x11L' on the 1m-u|i.~x<*=. to .\.1l. l-H.\'Gl}.-\ line young Urclmm. mu \\`l(0l'L'll, and is in the I)` saw mills, and uhnnt 1;`. ' For parlicul nu COUNT`); 01-` smcox-2, Tn \\'l'I" ~ AT TIII-I SIII-IRII~'I7 S OI-`FICIC, In I/e_ Court 11}:/sf-, at t/}c Town of Barrie, at Twelve o'cIocknom:, . . Lmmgk ..Hn1(1imnnl .. Ks-nl._ llnwn : tho nndernwnliono-1lan;`.s and tenomt-nVts.nr `the interest of the dclk-mlants tlwu-in, nnd<-r- writs o1'1<`icrZ I7am'as in the I'u1lu\ving suits: In the Co2mI_r/ (,'wn`l of {he Cull);/_I/Qf Simcor: "I`hc `Bani: ol"1`o1-onto, - - Plninljis, ra ' John Wright, A10: Set)! 2. - - JOIIH \\ gill, Scolt. The Bank of` nor SlXl(`L`ll In mu um-u-1-um coxncnsslnxl 0: township of 'I`ccu1nst;!.h. call:-Ll the Mill pro- perly. and bring that portion c-.\`(`r-ptcul in tin` .C(lI1\`C_\':\llC0'f['0Xl| John \\'illun;_rh|y to cm- J:\nx_c-s I). lIimvuX|,- rogisln-red bywncxnoriaxl number -11,224. - f T`.. \V. STJITII. S111.-ris Oicc, ' Jumlzuy slh, 1 Sheriff '3` Sale of Lands. COU.\"I`Y ()I"S[.\ICOlS, $(`;.`~' 'I'IllC SIX1 I 'rnv.'l r: luv of Ju next, A. D. 15-u;>`..` at N` ha mm hv 1'-:h1En Am next, A. U. lNr`l.' he sold by I v.'.b1E:: nmm. in Hm (Yr he sold by 1".'.b1:u: 0i_c(, in the Con: Barrie, tho unvh-1-m ments, or the int:-1-r-2 in nmh-r a writ c. HI. HnlU'T ll \\' lowing suit: _ In tlgo Cull! son, plzlinlilf. tri.\' of n.H_:\m rights and (`Y0 ton. (1(!CL':l. ~'_<`l1. West hull` n cinn hf Hm 1 .. )nrK ..0Lmwn SID (II by ndm or '1 U1` mnzmcr :I.\'u'1-n. on me \n- sum ox .\Iury SU`(`f`L in tho 'I`mvn uf l}.'m-ie. on wlnirrli is arm,-1:-d :1 lm'gB and `cmmnmlious brick Dwelling llouxu-. with Smblu, Coach-. housic. and other u11tluni1dig'.~x. I os;aessiun'\':i1l be; given on 191 July next, ` Apply In L`D.\I`D LXLLY. r u.u .1; A n-H `I C117 J1]. K/1|aL1.\.VL L\_I _ HE Slxlssct-ibe'rs`zxx'e wrr: mm] to sell .- . I . o grantlungzlt,-'x~<-=10 any one wanting Oro. April 17. v_ vnn DllI|.sL'I|nc|s um: |m.l....`_,.. .., -`\.A| V. one [CT-AT I`.'.`LCI`}I.I.[~I_\"l` \VA'l'ER POWER! in Hm \.'illa'.'c of \'\':\.~'Im;.n,. 'l'hi.~4 mTer'a :1 ran- 17 J).\\4l`4 luAL4-1 L H ALL unu I in the village \'\'x\.~'ha;:e,. offefn chance for a (i1'i.'~4t nnvl Flour-.\lill. 5. Factory; Tanm-ny.'(}nrdin,'.r and Wuollu \\'00(1cn\\'nrci\n:l Pail I~`uctr;r_v, Papr- or nlmnsrt any kiml ul"man1|f:u:nIrin'g t nnlres l'\0\\'L'I'. < l quires power. \\'u:~'lmgo is situated. at the foot of Lula!- Conchichlng. lu-,in;,: the starting mint to thu funuul .\luslml:a and Black RivcrCrnu1lry, an I in daily communication by. steamers wit`: Orlllin, Ilcnvcrtnn. Barrie, Bell Ewart. and all the ports on lmko Simr-or.-. by the .\ orllIoru' Ruilroml to Tmontu. The place is \W'll sup- _plicl with \\'l|ar\'c and St0r<:lxmx~<,-3 for ship- ping: and receiving; frahzlnl. Lumhr-r fur lm'lldingfl1rni in a small udvnucu on cost. and every facility un-l 4;-ncourugvmout given, to new settlers; Apply to g COZZENS & H.`\.\lll.T()N, J:um:u'y `22. 1863. FARM 1501;. SAL) . .nnncoo . .1 :-.01 . . Hrnut .;No1-thumborlnnd ..LL-mls llnhn-in nice named, 11... ny be read by; S rctnegg \vit/hdrnw`ug n um each .I....--` Io'm \\ fig) Wright, F ivc new [pr iIllHVL`.L nu: . quires poyvcr. I \\ ushugo i. LL PARTIES I.\'l)B'l`I-2D.Io tho estata of TIIOS. GRAHAM are requested to. call and SETTLE AT o.\`-1-2, as all accounts am. about in be handed over for collection. Barrie, 25th Fcb.,1S67S\ Q gfztrzzxr-' & ?t% iIa :;':ma;:. . Farms \for Sale. SALE OF 1m\*1)S. yr l(`F,. Sm-1*ilI".< nfov. Bru .1 . Is.-1., `)Hh. L Barrio, April, 19!`-7. By Public Atzction; FOR sA'i}ilib"1: January 1411:. 1865, .. Waterloo. . L1-ml.-4 ,. Hnllon . Huron .. \\'ullington~ 1 [First published Jnnunry.9lII, lFG8.] P`! W_ . . V` " ~,- SEE PI.-1;vT13n 1.15 2's._ u 151`! L-, the umvlvrnu-n1mm-u mun st, in`.z-rt-r-`t of tho. def.-I mlur 9. \vri_t <.T-I-`Zcri ]"ucZvz.', In un- No-g_I_dn. I.\IPOR'I`A1\"1` 'ro_ =u.. o;'.\ r:`_1 r:\ m 4 =_. two rdmls and {Iain )s(-(1 ofpnrt of smut! in thu thin-tut-mi ~<~un.~'. wmcn Wt 4-:I.:1--m1.1xxt. , I` of Lot. No. 1!), 1 ."l`n\vI`.: in M` mrt of Common 1'11-: 1}` VI {Ix-mo \[m'tm` ` . Quebec E `fnronln, , Alexandi-`r .\fcK Sliliil-`l"'S ;vii1 be sold 'cozzx:.\'s n.uxxmr)x, \\'usslm:o Mills. ' Co. Simeon, On!` 111,, ` 50-3m V 1866. dtuti.r-'::1rx1t5. 1;. iv. s:.nTlt, Sheri` County of Simcoo. iv. I ..\`imcno Jluslings f.\\'ut<-rlno. . lh-rll1iv1' . l)urham Ci mnnn i lm'l l`l0lll`-.\lll|. bllllv (,'m~rlin;.r \Vr>0llun Mill. l~`:1cl0l'_\ . l a|pr-1' Mill ul"manuf:\t:nIr1II'g that re: U UI I-L|lI L'1\'e u'(-Ynttk In H :11 nu I I_Ivv1'1u.. mg. offers nrl Shimzlu -int: um] Moll:-n Mill. N HI: $0 April Q1 Ill] the 1:11`-1:11.40. 10 ;\.ll. l-H.\'GlIA.\:'. 51-ll` -E0 LET. we, and \\ulr.un -- U'fL'l1t1:\lli. |uix't_V-txm 1n-robes". nth lmlf, Int num- uih r-nu;-nauinn n luv, and Williaul .. ll .-F:-11.121119: ncmcx not at the S *, ih the 1 lnmlu nm Est`. nnd Thomnu J):-londzlnta. - I l:\mtitYs, . m-nu._ . Oh mm . \\'ollund .._}[uron ..I\_`ortlmmbcr1nnl . Sirncou ..SIormont 1:4 Ice-I by ::-- :I, ol't|' a"l'0Clx. Hm HUI _-\prH, 135$, 2 Am.) Cones?- 1-nni-.uninrr 4.1-mnn1su' and clmth. . `Peter Mor- nnu mm-. un. ([1011-- thc ful- IUQI C SIXTH Juno mm: will .I`.`ic11n1dr.(1 . \\'ouu\'o1th .. '-L'lltW0i'lIl `. l'1'csc-ott. `.()xfurd. ..Brnht | `. Runfrew ` . Lunnrk ,. I (-It-|'|)'01'o' ..I rince Edward .. Jacques. Cartier ..I)urlmm . Grenville ..WMlinglon .Wc-llington , I7.\L'l7pU- In 011808 1; ; by tho 1 ostmster-Geno- rs or the omccs named um receipt of the money 4.. i-xsion to the 1 onxnuter. payment by (110 _v withdrauvn Danml. .. Pole-rho1'o' .. (in-n\'iHe ..F1_`uulL-nnc . . Hnllnn .. Lumhtnn ..\\'1-llington . Onmrio ..Cm`luton .. Levis ..V'icmrln. . . .\lidd1 t-sex ' .. Lincoln ..O.\'fo11I `.VlIoch-Inga =34: ` C()L'.\'TY or Snmom, OTICE in horoby ro wrr: given that the Court n!`()_w-r and '1`erminor. untl Gonorul Gaol Dvlh'vry and Aasizu nud Nini Prins furtlio said County, will lmlnoldcn .... 1111711 rr\vv`l\7l\ 'rI't\IY(V`l.1 mum-r-uoiiornl, and a Do. i lli:-;m'l1ur account will; ngs Bunk. at any,oHho ()lll('erl_\\'lllll at the limo on deposits lying in lilo Vonnts, but when u Depogl. ed. he or-slw mny roqum ml in lmn,sfci' this nnmto (I will than root-xvo acor- ,.1 $100 deposit, bearing 1. pur_xumum_. mic ol 4 par cont. per an. LcoIiriEir'oVF'sfwg9E 1 gssmzas. ' OTIQE rowrr: gxvunv m.....o nl`(h':-r zmtl 'I`e|-minor. nndGonoruI Gaol J.U.u~u;..n, ..a. -u-.--- u , --.., At 12 o'clock. noon, ofwhich nll Justices of the 1 ouco. Coroners. (,'nustuhl:,-9:, (hmlvr.- and MI oumrs concerned, nre roqufrc-d tn (mm 11 Mice. and nttoml, tu do xuul porfonn all duuca winch uppcrlain to them. Sheriff's (mica. Barrio,` .\[arch 25, 1858. Best Gunp3W_der Teas, only _()_ /__,___.__ -A11` '1`1-1Vi'i"'fJ;'>"iJ'f1"-*.;.1`9. I.-IOUSE. I.\' Till `TOVVN OF BARRIE, }maAsANT N ENTLEM EN ! AI.I.]u-|`sr1nsx\1`<\ lwr:-h`v cnutiomul ngninst pmclnusim: or In-gutlnlilxg n Note or Duo Hill. dmwn by tho nmlc-r.-i;.rn-I, uml umltn-.~n-tl hy Richml Cl'(mk in l':1\'urul".Inn!0s Crmlsnn, fur tho sum of (mu lllxmlrml xuul Ton Dnllurs, and daluul .\lmlnn10. llw lhirlm-nth day of Jun- unry, ISM. us no vuluu_ lms either been given or x'vcL-ivod fur same. _ ' Marriage Licenses-' mun. hlmc 'l'z\L'liR, -WlI0lL`.~4tl1L' uml rolul "/__f7 Best Yung Hyson` Yeas, only 90 cents, `ail xu qnuu (who; put xumum. ' Il`hiuh](-n by V ]')A-rumiIm- nm 1;;:S:>Vuchong and other Black Teas, only 5 cents; at * b ' ` . Thnms nv u uuuvu u- )ll .RlC.\.\I Slxom'.'~x. trimnmrs .nnd points nl` ull.si'1.v.<. squurvs, (3lll'\'l'(1l`llI08. stmigl;t mlgas. i1ll|)l`0\'I3(1-il`L)ll., English and Anlerlcull cruyrms, Hm-llcc-L`:-1 nvudln-:4, tupvs. 'lc., all ~(il Mus best quality, and at lowest prices. I{Y;\N .8: OLIVER, hnnnrom-n nt` llxu-dw.\r..-. Domestic Todd-y, Rye and Malt~WhiSke;?r,.Wholesf1i`1}<:)Iz$<: i.'ck s. ax `randies G_ \ ' Gain or Etrfd 8 . - 0ut`0f.*}1eI.l, . bgndy Wt Les; Soot . , ch \ Ir.` . %. S. Um. .\Inrch '23, I868. ._._,_:?..__. ,__,_ `Shoe Tools and Findings .1` AI... lnnmt C()\ll`l.I-l'l`l~} u~zso|'l`nwnt of the latest pnm-rnsnt Slum 'l`unls. Shoe and Ma- chin-~ l`hru-zul. Muchizm Silk. Shoe In-gs, Shoo Nnil, >'|mi.- l'z\clu~:, llvcl nnd Tau Plmus, qtc., .wlml.-.mln mul rumil ` ' ` TIBET. `ml:-R, stool squuwos, conlru gnugoa. - v vurnlor calipers, sh.-cl cullper rules, cull- _por sqnnrcs, Amos` llI)l\`('l`Sul nqmu-on. sulf- ruvistorlllv cull )('l' uml llvidm'H, Slulm` mm; In L I V null tools. putunl oilora. shout steal. etc. For sale by l{\'A.\' & OLIVPIR. 1l~1 Yongo strum.-t, Toronto. Z common t%9%@2 Em i _ _______. fIT<).CEbine Mdkefs & Upholsterers 1--run c....n.... mmlml Imiu-. tmv. sul ;. pun unulllll. _ by Imrlo dl|- y Dcpusilor, or the umouit (I or withd_ra\vn. I be nnulu to Dc]'03H0l'l on 3; out, money. not for hm. J1-U UIIIUIUUU JJJ-UILLULD \ll vluuvouuvsvou 1 AIR Sentlng, onrlod lmir, tow, sofa ' springs, twine. clmlr web, buttons. xuroma, hinges, locks, tucks, {lint pnpor, glue, piano stool screws, ,colHn trhnnxlmgs. uphol- nterora' noodles and regulators, A cm'ver.s` 100111. _t'xtonslou lip anger hltspmolodcou luu'd\varo, cm, for sale at lowest. ricos. RYAN J: O IVER, General Hardware Merchants. 114 Ynngo streut, Toronto. . ff .y liberal-discount tdthe trade and hotelkeepeurs, at * ' - rm., I;\H. 0R.Tl`}I{S OF -l'I.~\I\'DW.\RI'}v ' 114 -Yongu Shoot. TORONTO. ilnvo always on hand an masnrtnxnnt of build- ms.` m\hh1utuu\k0I's' uml Il])hulsI0i'(\l`.~I' hurd- , -ware. mechanics` odgo und other tools, Joseph ,"$or.4 .b.\`m1.~i`4\ntl otlwr cutlery. house flu- nlshing lmrdwm-o. shooting; and shing tnoklo, F.P0l`tiI1g vuunnuultiun, quolta, dumb hells, `gnrdon. dminlugnnd fanning tools. cordnge, llw. putty. otc., um] all other goods in the line for nnlu nt. lowest `cash prlcos. Toronto, March 19, 1868. ~ 7-ly HENRY HARPER. issuer of Mamage Licenses, (-'00Is'.STOW`V. on-`u'1~' \"l'I(l'L'TL\' I`lH\'A'l'F!. 8-tf TAVERN _1g_EE1=n3sz Are hereby hotlod, that unless they forth- with comply with the Statute, the law will bu put in force against them. I? nu-(Inn J. n. UU1ll'JlVy Government Issuefv of Tavern Licenses for the County or Slmooe. . I`.\....A._ n_,_,_ A .. ,, _,,n_ Anu-- \ (`0lIllt'L`ll0n wuu smu pl`-)pv (.~'i;:m'd) H01! linrric-, .\I:u'ch 19. 1h`(iH. | m.- muuu to ucrosllora pnoney, for inns with the l ostnmlu- (In.-rota. .m.r`:;.nm...I mm L- _u_, TUESDAY, Ai5RIL 7, 1868, gum gzlvsrtimtents. -_~....f,v~...\,.....,.....-#4 v u uvv II`lV\iIli~1Iwu-v- eo"\;17:"1aN"1s1:ENT LICENEE: qo1'ICII.:. Hl`illu 1:0 mm .__._ VUCFI. parties as have received their cor- : tlcamfrom the County License Inspec- tor and who have not obtained the .~..-._.__-_ _____. --or--uqxvrrinl CA'U'1`I()N I . m (unit: uyu By order. - --., -. .......---. 1111? Crown Attorney`: Oico, 2 | . mo, March 12, 1868. 543111 -nXrT: OLIVER, In AA A: ULLV nu, Importers of 1lm' 1HvYo1|go struut, Toronto. i is horehy given, thnt`llohot't Mc- uw has no longer any inl(`l`(.'Rt in Lot ,. lissn. his h1'_otlw1-Du\'it1 hoing the ; nnd that ho, Rolnurt .\lcBridv. is '('.~|`(ln<|1l`f0|' debts cuturnctctl in with said pmpt-t'ty. 1l()liliR'1` MCBRIIWJ. t.....\t. In l!~'l'.)-` 5.3; To Machinists. NOTICE.` NO'IGI_' mm @;w1aM@am aawmsv 3' Tailors. roluil. , _ `\'A;\' & ()LVI\'ICR. -114 \'i)hgn Stx'u(.'t.. Toronto. .:. %SIE]ETH[HIl@ EW EXT WEEK B.'W. SMITH, Sllcriif Co. 1 -In ') Ur-ucn0l'ul mu be always applications. cunnuunicnlioms zgddrouod ms` or ulhvrs, mlativo lo Hzmk muln-rs. ` 1 luunbL~r of Post Olcon to not as Suviugs Bunk My next. 1\nI'\--v-Iv

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