Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Nov 1969, p. 17

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- nd US Work Wantedf Work Wcmted Real Estate for Sale Real Estate for Sale Real Estate for Sale HOUSE for sale, 2 miles north A. BA AR S WILL baby-sit, eveningsq. J SMALL bouse at Welcome.o!Nwnvle roman 623-285.451Phon 88-272 afer fve. bath, newly renovated Inside Plumbing & Heatin PITING, Interlor and cx- R cARD 42-4 and eut 1l heat, on 1 acre lot. Phoet823-7127 rorIAplmDeKdiae,21 Ae .possession. Asklng sNelsen L Bowmanvift King St. - E. 44-2 Ltd., Realtor A .Ho 1,0.May be seen by ap- ___ 38-t PTRL U S .Io poinbmenb. Cali 987-4272. SEPICTA KPE TRU 1O Soe63-53REAL ESTATE AND 45-t! PUMPINGBrc and Bîelc- 576-8090 BowmanUe 3CLberty N Peter Kowal, Jr. BERT TQMPKINS 1 Phone 623-2756 NrhBowmanvhlle bdoncoset 2-24 -REALTOR 8 Barbara st., Bowmanville Not west area, 3 erom BEDROOM BUNGALOW, and GENERAL INSURANCB Phoe Newtonville 786-2552- 40-tf spllt level witb attacbed gar-, forcest shopping. 111 hcnith SZ King St. W. Bowmanvil.@ ______27,500________________sale. 8 otae Cail Coileet 7-tf asrcnBa.jae Asking $2750wt odtri.8 atae 623-2453 REUPHOLSTER FLOOR CO. Clset Tuno R. ____ 45-1 6 room bungalow, one year Close toaTdntonnRd.irnaculate condition. O UR CHSRFEtDt C ON C RE TE New 4 bedroarn 2 storey Hot water eated. Listed at OCHIS-FeEsbaeMachine and Hand Trowel 'home bcbng complcted. 100' x1 W.$2,0 ihtrs 623-522 inciistrii Finshin1436' lot. Cali for information.iRwb 623525 Fnisin 6 rooni split level, very Whv'tus Uhisterand Commercial Newcastle Fmoder n ndesign. 011 bot air Whtes phosY 623-3922 36-bf' Lovely ranch style home onFRAK1 et Abtached garage. Ask- 55 King St. E - Bowmanviiic --- - - -- - Il12' x 150' lot. Two car gar- iA__ ng $27,500 with ternis. 32-tf SPi. I11LN g. edrwilbl1is 6 room rural bungalow on 1CE:IA Barns - Houses - Garaits, Etc. niortgage. Asking $29,500. lobs 100 !t. x 315 tt.' This AC E ANAise Newtanvile dweliing bas many added EXCAVATING GENERAL CARPENTRY New 3 bedrooni brick bun- features such as heated breeze- LODN RNHNÎRpisgalow o 10 acre lot. 840' way. Couid quallfy under SOadGa- ,TpNCI nd ear frantage on paved raad. 1.400 V.L.A. Asking $32,000 witb F111 Deiivered Phone 623-3984 :sq. ft. living area. Asking, Bowmanville ternis. 2.Her ATR ERICE 1-t f$27,500. Ternis. Thrcc bedrooni centraliy Iola 0 ce aio gaad Reaonaie ate -~t' TTD-'te'c' fBlackstock cnted home on corner lot. Splendid buildings weil locat- 423-5756 - BOWMANVILLE' A ftul ~25 acres ideal for învcstment Baul lwn $d17rn6c.00.n $,00.0-erace 011, BURNERS - FURNA CES or building lot. Anxious taOnlr 760 20 acres vacant ln ngo WVilson & Vowles CLEANED seil. Asking $11,400 with North Bowmanviiie rond. Priced at$800pe Ownedanoeatdb PLUMBING REPAIRS $4,000 down. Lovely three bedroon itn- acre. PUlL VOWLES PHONE HAMPTON Kendal His galow In residential area. After 9 p.m. - BEATNG SECIAISTS263-151Two scenîc 10 acre lots.i Close te schools, churches, etc. 011 and Gas . Installations Mail Addressu: Fotg n3ras n a-$800 em.J a t6333 Plumbing Repairs P.O. Box 43 - Bowmanviile cd. Ideal for ski-dooing, .iust "Make An Offer" P. Kowal - 623-5868 130-tf minutes from Oshawa Ski Club. Large brick home in central_________ 45-1 17 Liberty St. N., Bowmanvilie __ _ ----- Asking $7.000. Ternis, part of town, lot Is 65 x 160. Phone 623-7591 FRANK BRINK L'ý Acre Lot Asking $23,000 with ternis. NESTLETON 38-bf Trenching Fenced building lot west of Bowmanvile Area Réfrigeration SEPTIC TANK-ekn skn 2.500 Six roorn frame and stucc aud INSTALLATION Bowmanvill edgeeofontown. Mightbe per- Ap linc SrvCe R..0 6, BOWMANVILLE Two building lots in town.fect foiý future development Ap la c ev OSUNDAY CALLS Ca1frdbis Oniy $$21.000. Commercial and Domestlc I623-7201 Taunton Road fOrano Refrigeration - Miik Coolers . PhneBET YE ~72' x 220' building lot. Ask-ý Eight rooni borne in centre Phone ERT623-5774gage ing $5,000. Ternis. o! town. House Is quite rnod- Niglt. 623-377,~- ern and very clean on large L nderH ardware77 M O RT G A G.. E Garnet Ricard - 623-7397lob. Only $21.500. sud r d waECR reM O EyWIIf Hswke - Orono 983-5274 Pontypool and_________M_0_NE_ Helen McDonald - 623-3911 Eight rooni summer home DIGGING and INSTALLING If you have Invested money Iu Wayne Marchant- 623-2945 on Hilîside Ave. Excellent for a home lb is probahly tht best Lloyd Atchison - 786-2959' two familles. Just requires SEPTIC BEDS icollateral you have. For exM-Dd , eating systeni. Only $10,500. ALL TYPES EXCAVATING ample, by using this equity at Ma c eons - -62.3-3911 Ternis. Scaboard Finance mont home- Graham Dallas 263-21911 Sand and Gravel ýowners can obtain a iowerlEdwln Jeans - 62.1-7152 50 Highway No. 35 iloBRYADMNR interest rate than Is possile .nGrls73-87 5 acres of good productive als RRNYRDMANREon a persoalJon Ad a n rîi - - 72-81 ay lbai fronbing on High- for saie, dclivered. Phone Asonai ban.-A35:at Seaboard you can borrow up iRe ; - - 75-33 ways 35 and 115 anly 2 miles Pay e C nstucton a 8%of the value o! your 45-l! froni Orono. Barn anid springs Parneeronstroceicase.tev8non property. $49,000. Ternis. NEWTONVILLE j more. Setu for cash today.Hlh y15 786-2512 ____Manager: Ocrs!highanpa15 B 'Y A M Mr a e *Sc~<JNNF'rnixed bush. Excellent Invest- PLUMRING & ETN P. 0. Box 177 franting an Highway 115. Only SALES & SERVICE BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO $22,000. Ternis. <I'ormtrly Darnes & Byamn) Phone: LkeOtai 24-HOR 623332697 acres fronting on lake. Oîl Burner Service 6332 14 Frank St. - Bowmanvllle Service rond along No. 401. SEPTIC TANKS'AND S EA B O A RD Phone 623-3111 'Only 1/2 mile east o! Bowman- TILE BEDS - PHONE FIN N C NWASLE ndr o ville. $180,000. Good ternis. *' HAMPTON Z328 struction, 3 bedrooni bricki Orono Area TYRONE 263-2650 f C O M PA NY bungalow. 011 bented, 4-piece' 55 acres sandy loam, lovely 15t OF CANADA LIMITED bath. Attacbed garage. Ask- f corner praperty plnntcd witb 45-1 ing $23,900. smnil pines. Asking only WILSON NEWCASTLE: New chalet $20,000. Ternis. QIL BURNER Personal style, 4 bedroorn brick home Junction 115 and 35 HYGIENIC Supplies- (Ruhber witb living and dining rooni. Lovely 48 acres o! ralling Sals ad ervce aos) aild asba r Two bnthrooms. Nice patio. land between twa main bigb- FURNACE iNSTALLATION plain senled envelope wibh fWorkasbp aed. mt-ways. Owner bas really e- price lst. Six unniples 25c- ui adcpd duccd this property to ssdI FURNACES CLEANED 24 sampies $1.00. Mail Order N OR T H 0F BOWMAN- inaw. $20.000. AND SPACE HEATERS Dept. T-28. Nov.-Rubber Ca.. VILLE: il acres witb 7 room-rn Fr Blackstock Box 91. Hamilton. Ont. 1-52 cd home. 011 beated, 3-pce.,HrtFr bath. Barn. Garage. 100 acre fanm only 1 mile 986-5521 Notice ta Creditors EAST 0F' COBOURG: 8 i frai Bowmanville. New barn 18-tfR ooe 2soeyhme 1 wibh box stalîs. Home com- ___- __.. NOTICE TO CREDITRS rooned 2 sorey brnen0r In bbc Estate o! ELMO WES- henbed, 4-pce. bath. Garage. pltely man aved r. Corne UNDERCOAT LEY SISSON, deceased. On 1/' acre lot. Asking $23,000. noly$0,0.Trs ing nly$10.000 Tenis VOUR AUTO NOW Al persans bavingclisTen. f "Building Lots" Preventu Rust against bbc estate o! Elmo Wes- NEWCASTLE: Building lot. ley Sisson, inte a! the Town Asking $5,500. 'Il large building lots cear During Wlnter Weather of Bowmanville, In bhc Counbýy MPEGOE c C esaren. Priced at anly 1 * of Durhami, deceased, wbo MPEGOV:iare1 $2.900 wltb $900 down and one Dring Your Car lu NOW for a died on or about bbc 6th day building lot. Askin g $4.500. nirtgnge for balance. These o! October, 1969, are bereby Ternis, lots just listed Sn acb fast be- FALL UNEUP notified ta send In ta Strike & 4-TEN ACRE LOTS: Suit- fore bbc builders snnp the'm Alil Work Dont hy Strike, Solicitors for the able for 1,200 sq. It. homesrl up Estate, Box 7, Bowmanville, Priced frai $4.500 and up.Neonle A iclor- Hrr Rec acra!tOntario, on or before tbbc lObbwonile AI aylr -Bary Ryerftday of Noveniber, 1969, full BUILDING LOT: in Haîp-l 10 acres parcel. Close to W ~partIculars o! their caii. tan. SIze 66' x 115'. Asking Higbway 401 - 2. Loveiy la- Irnnediabely atter tbc said $6.000. Ternis.cainfrbne $820 ' ~ bbc asts !bcdcae il2,00s.!.bidn iblt day of November, 1969, EAST 0F BOWMANVILLE:' Ganaraika $5 King SL W. Bowmanville be dlsbributed amongst the bedroorn living quarbers. Ali 100 acres with 1,600 ILb ont Phn 2-14 parties entitled themeta, hav. conveniences. Remainder work- bbe Ganarska River. Only1 Phone_____623-4 45-1 ing regard only ta dlaimns o! ahop. On 'î acre lob. Ask- anc o! its kind. Must be seen. _____________whlcb bbc said solicitors for îng $26,000. Privabe rond, His, bush and bbc Esta te shail then bave clear land. Only $36,000. 'notice. a oranil, BOWMANVJLLE : Lovely1 Telns DATED tBwavle completely enovated 3 bcd- this 2tb day o! October, A.D. roorniborne. New wiring andý Alter 9 p.m. cali: bk.A IOR 1969. pîuning, etc. Al modem TIE&SRKcneine.Frpae et ran k pon -7-93 W o îc t rs f r b state raI location. I o Barno ski 723-5787 t Oi n ofG~ C Ea Elmo W esley Sisson, EA'ST 0F OSHAW A: Loveiv aul Peteruon -'723-8322 u iuw Ç1030 Bx7 treed 20 acre parcel. Maple, Norm Wetherup 723-4809t 0 '01 RD BOWMANVTLLE, Ontario. oak and beech. Nice building!IPst Vea o 623-3077o F 81- AR l-43-3 site. Askîng $20,000. Ternis.! ... Direct Toronto Lino 9227971 RESULTS COUNTI PORT BRITAIN: Hobby re- 'Dane Found i treat. or retirement home . 3 1Kay Brown Listings needed by a Firrn Consult a Member et the acres with good brick home. R vit a rovn Rcor ofSals' arn. hen house. Price $20.300.Roy~ Foster Cali for courteolis service. NEWTONVILLE* 3Andy Sutc Local Representatives: * V.I g*t ojuiihome1,wstOrey hom Lua Hall, Bowmanvllle 6231-5211 bath. Low taxes. Asking IMMd feaucage, Bowmanville $14.500. 623-3711 Oaa rs fic:MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE OSHAWA: 4 bedroom 2 Osbas, Aea Oficestorey brick home with living Nrt1 401 Park Rd. Cloverleaf, Oshawa & District and dining room. 011 heated.' Frsnk Smith, 4-pce. bath. Finished rec. T A Oshawa 376-0330. Real Ett Board room. Garage. Paved drive- RA -__ way. Anxious to sei. NORTH 0F' ORONO: 10 acre APDUUIUTIftA lobsulable for 1.200 sq. ft. i MKULLIUML NEWTONVILLE: 3bedroom Im; ½%-st.orey home. 011 heated: CUSTOMv W ORK wlth 3-pce. bath. 122' x 175' MASSE lot. Asking $18,o00.00. NEWCASTLE: 2 acres with, " PLOUGHING * DISCING * SPRAYING 8 roomned 2 storey modernized, * home. Barn. Garage. Love-, " CULTIVATING GRAIN SOWING ly, treed. New Tire " CORN PLANTING * BALING * MOWING Ater Hourt Please Cali: LOWEE " RAKING* COMBINING PhYllis Mecîobbie - 6237159: *GRAIN and CORN DRYING Sid Osinga 623-2401 Gary Hancock 983-5155 Ask for l CORN PICKING and SHELLING Harry Coutta --725-2849 1D b B y n George Vanflyk- 62343784H DêO. B ya tTaOWNf La62-.98 2 1M Ra JVeerman -987-42871TONLi & onl ;08%Davidien - BethanyM30 1 Bus. RES. Wesley Ander ion - 349-2669 263.301 6343S DII Ru -Little Drîteia 20131 -Orono -Orono 623-3965 623-3150 983-5801 983-9119 45-1 D Mm and Mrs. Doug Grant ýand family and ber mother, -Mrs. C. Moase, Lindsay, were ;Saburday dinner guests with Mr. Marvin Ncsbitt and Mr. Ted Lennard. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Camp- bell, Karen, Rick and Rod, at- tended bbc annual Camipbell reunlon on Sunday atbbtbe hm o! Mr. and Mms. Howard Mc- Mullen, Port Permy. Other guests weme Mrs. Jean Hackcr rand daugbter Betty, Midiand; SDr. Robert Bonney, Mrs. Bon- ney and boys. Gaît; Mm. and Mms. Don Edwards and tam- ily, Peterborough, mnd Mm. and Mrs. Wm. Bradley, Bowman- ville. On Thursday, Mrs. Grant Camipbell acconipanied Mms. Camai Mormow, Mms. Etbci Mnckie and Mr. Robert Brink- mac,ail nurses on bbc staff ai Port Perry Hospital, ta bbc seminar on bospibal techniques at bbc Rock Haven Motel, Peterborough. Mr. mnd Mrs. Gardon Gi- son were Wedcesday mid-day dinner gucats witb Mr. and Mms. Will Wickett, Little Brit- min. Mm. H. Tbomntoc, Toronto, was a mecent enlier at tbe Gill- sons. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hudson mttendcd bbc Daimymen's Ban- quet at Cedar Bmme Golf Club at Markham on Wednesdmy evening. Mm. mcd Mms. George Wind- sor, Stouffville, wcme Wednes-ý day dinner guests with ber father Mm. Eli Mairs. Mr. Mairs spent, Wednesdny ta Saturday with bis daughter and son-in-law, Mr. mnd Mrs. Bud Vi-r-ue and fmmily, Bow- manville. On Tbursdmy be had another appoinbmect at Tht Princess Margaret Hospital for fumthcr treabmenb. Frienda are pleased that Mrs. Larmer Hyinnd rcturned home tram Port Permy Hospi- tai on Fmiday and Mrs. Gardon Cooledge meburncd on Sunday tollowing mn appcndectomy. Improved hemlbb Is wisbed fom bath these ladies. Mr. mcd Mrs. Joe Smets, Bmamalen, visited Saturday witb- Mm. and Mrs. Clarke Wil- liams. On Sunday Mm. and M. Wilianms weme evening dinner guests wibh Mm. and Mm. Clarence Beatty, Elizabeth- ville. Mr. mcd Mn. Neil Lee, Deb- by acd David, moved during, tbe week into their new/bome in bbe soutb of the village. Welcome ta Mr. acd Mmm. Clarence Ginn wboinoved on Saturday into their home whicb tbey pumcbnscd tram bbc Neil Lees. Knock! Knack! Wba's there? It'u bbc goblins - brick or treat. Hallowc'en had amived at at and it was a gala even- Ing tor bbc little folk (ages bwo years - ?). Sane littie ones had ta be camied in, others carried out and aoie littie cîf said, "Momniy take me." Witcbes, gbosbs, hoboca, bigli- waymen weme a well-behaved mannerly group as they ac- ccpted their "shell - outs.", Thanks a million?-- I forgot FARMERS! :TORS ....e TRACTORS FOR SALE t Dorted TractorsIl EY FERGUSON - 1968 and 1967 Models 135, 165, 175r Working Hours: 600 1200c -s, Ail Trators in Excellent Condition 'R PRICES TRAN YOU HAVE EVER t DREAMED 0F! e Information .17 MWA TRACTOR IMPORT ' JNE N. (%4 mile north Taunton Village) c AU Gren Sd Groers AlI Geen od Gower Phone 725-9674 and 723-4471n Oshawa also a very aid bonnet and gloves. Mrs. H. Fauter and Mrs. Low servcd us a deHlius lunch. Tht next meeting will be at tht home o! Mru. Martin Nianders. Plans were made for tht sending away of old wool- lens ta be made into blankets. rbey are ta be ln the firut week of November at Mru. Couraux, M'rs. H. Fasters or at Mrs. W. Niercers. Picase put thernln bags suibable for shipping. A carload o! ladies are planning on abtending bbe WI Conven- tion in bbc Royal York for anc day. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Couroux were back ta their cottage and sbut It up for bbc winter. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cmrrubb- ers and farnily upent Sunday afternoon with ber parents, M4r. and Mrs. H. Foster. The Scouts, Cubs, Guides mnd Brownies bad fine tinies at bheir Hnllowe'en parties last week at tbc sehool. There was a lot of! min dur- ing bbc past weekend wbicb sbould put lots of moisture in the .ground. Ib is a good tbing bhat it came in rain instead o! snow. Much o!fbthe bbcth emperabure was around 50 degrees. The UCW meeting thha nonbh lu being held at bbc home cf Mrs. Garland Cath- cart the second Wcdnesday ln November insttad o! the first Wednesday. Tht Church Boarda e! New- tonville and Newcastle cburch- es are to meet ln Newtonville Cburch this Sunday evcning at :30, November Oth. Miss C. W. Stewart and Miss Marion McKelvey attended the OObbh Annlversary o! bbc St. iaviour's Anglican Cburch in Drono Sunday aiternoon. Guett speaker was the Bishop Mmrcb, iuhop o! tht Yukon wbo is n0w metlred and lives iCob- :urg. Tht Newcastle chair vere the uinJgers. Lunch was mrved aiter te saerie, YELVERTON The C.G.I.T.-sponsomed Hal- loweýen prty held ln tbe Yel- verten Cbhurch Hall on Frldmy evecing was well attendcd by a vmmety o! gbosbs, ghouls and an assombed miescellnny of Hallowe"en pretogee. Th e evcning wms niuch cci oyed by bbch smnîl fry ln omgmnized games, etc. Judges for bbc costumesu were Mm. acd Ms.. Lawrence Staples and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brown. Prizes were awarded as fallows: Besb Hmlaowe'cn costume. MIS$s Gloria McCullougb;, mout or- Iginal costume, Master Max Buxten; best comic costume, Master Alan MeGilI; costume for besb-dmessed, Miss Dianne Frauts (newcomem to our cern- munity); best dmessed couple, Quintin mcd Darreil Robinson; !unniest dre&-std couple, Glen Wright mcd Paul McGill, Voungest persan ln coutume, Master Clifford Wright, Meut disingulshed costumes, Cathy Bristow, Karen Bcyd, Trmy Maionfeit. Proceeda c! tbe evening's collection weme don- ated to UNICEF. On Satumdmy evening Miss Lorraine Shea eoflt1etwood entertalned a numbtr of her teen-age friecds at their love- ly new tarin home of ber par- ents, Mm. aud Mrs. Murray Shea. A pleasant evening vas repottd by those ln attend- acu. Mm. and Mni. Jack Wilson and Mr. aud Mr$. Norman Wilson ttended the wedding of Lomna's clece, Miss Taylor on Satumday ln Toronto. Another wedding oi local In- temest wns that ef Mm. Roy Hamilton acd Miss Madeline Hairtwig at Orono United Cburcb !ollowed by reception at the Acres and social even- ing at Mm. and Mns. oss Han- llton's. Congratulations are extecded tote cnewlyweds. (Balance held over) mnanvile, Nov. , M to ay Thank you - Thank The Canadian Statesman, Novr you - Thank you - and so it went froin six p.rn. to about 8:30 as& tiny hands grasped their treats. About 10 pani. the100 last four or five straggled ln but due to, a litte fore-lghtiPon c aC some to, spart. Nestieton was lndeed tortu-, nate _' no damage bemng donc,1 HeId in Bowmanvilý to property. Other centresjMonday, November Srd, 1969. following another.vehieleý ton were flot s0 lucky. When oclosely on Highway 2, resuit- cailed pranksters destroy prop- Judge R. B. Batten preuided ing in property damiage exceed- erty. then Haflowe'en is no witb Assistant Crown Attrne ng $100. longer fun, but may Hallowe'- K. Stubington, George Pli en continue ta be observed for as Legal Aid duty courisel. the sake of the littie cnes and Constable Sailey, alrcraft of- Tflbgday, November 4. 1969. may the smart alecs ste the ficer Downsview Detachment In the absence of Judge R. folly of their ways in order OPP, was here for the day and Baxter on vacation, Judge Gea. that one fun-laving night may described bis activities dlock- Gardhouse prtsided with As- be preserved. ing speeders on Highway 115. sistant Crown Attorney K. Suaday Services He said that when a suspect- Stubington. Legal Aid counsel There was no service in the e d vehicle là; observed tram the was Mervin Kelly. United Cburch but a n umber plane two or three clockings James Sunday, R.R. 3, Port from here joined with Black- are taken with a stop watch Hope, charged with impaired stock for their annual fali an- over the T-marks on the pave- driving bad his case dismissed. niversary.1 ment. He then radios to the Mrs. Sunday, mother of eight, InttPresbyterian officer in the Intercepter car stated her husband had been IntePresbyterian Church 'who stops the described vehic- trying to fix the car radio Sunday marning Mr. Morley le, confirma by radio it lu the which may have caused tht car Mitchell spoke of the life af correct anc and served tht to weavtý on the road. Const. Jesus as portrayed in Matthew. driver witb a ticket. There Dryden et a previous hearlng,i Jesus was born to be King Of were Il such convictions. said Mr. Sunday was quite co- the Jews and to have author- James A. Murree, age 56, 371 operative whcn stopped at a Jt vtesu sad "yKigom is ot Abert Street, Oshawa, plead- service station. His lawyer ask. ofsu thiwd bu o!h King- o ed not gulty of impaired driv- cd for an acquittai as thereq om ta c orne.buCorndth ist- Ing on Highway 2 August 29th. had been no accident. The ianst cma sner th chKinstb He was rcpresented by G. Boy- charge was disniissed. doing ail thcy can for the 111cy, Osaa Jerry Wcsk, Galt, now resid- the poor and the hungry. Mrs Constable W. Helmer, OPP, ing ln Regina and represented R. Dvisn pesidd a t* followcd Mr. Murrce west on by G. L. Murdock, Oshawa, argan. Highway 2 shortly after one entered a plea ai guiity for arn. from Courtice Road wat- driving a motor vcb1cle on ching as the vehicle veeredCounty Road 57 wbile impair- KEDLb:ck and forth fromishoulder ed wîth aicohol. Theca s on bis dome ligbt and tried1 Two breathalizer readings Weil Hallowe'en has corne unsuccessfuIly ta stop bhc driv- sbowed .15. He was convlcted and gone. The weatber was er. A radio call ta Osbawa' and fined $100, costs $3. clear and quite warrn. It is Police Deparbment brougbb John Lilley, cbarged with thougbt there were about 100 two cruisers and the three cars impaired driving July 2, 9:45 who came calling around, most boxed in the accused's vehicle p.m. Darlington Townsbip, o! them well dressed up for on Bond Street. In the officer's pleaded guilty. Const. Moan in- the event. We have not heard opinion the driver was impair- vestigated a car on Nash Road of much damage donc. Some ed and he was taken ta New- going at a slow rate af speed, windows werc decorated. castle Dctacbment and charg- weaving. As this was his sec- 1 did not get the list of ed. ond charge in a year, be was names of the door prize win- Mr. Murree described hlm- sent to mil for 14 days. ners in time ta pub themn in self as a higb steel worker Coombes Transport, Malton, last week for the Guides and wha suffered a back injury two were convicted on two charges Brownies bazaar. The first door years ago and was stili on com- of overloading June 23. On the prize went ta Mrs. Turansky. pensation. He explained that first charge the fine was $25. the second ta Denise Fry, tbe he had a bottle of beer at two costs $3. Second charge the third door prize ta Dora Mac- p.m. and after supper went ta fiews$0cst$3 Donald and the fourtb ta Mrs. thc Legion wbere be picked up Pat Kelly Construction, Cob- Lycett. The Guides also wisb- a friend and went ta the ourg, charged with an averioad ed ta thank those who had friend's bouse ta watch TV. o! 5100 pounds were flned $51, made it such a success by don- Late in tbc evcning be started costs $3. ating se many articles. out for Orono ta pick up bis Laidlaw Transport Ltd., The surveyars were down wife frarn bis son's house in Hagcrsville, represented by G. recently surveying Gardon Orono. When be was driving Macklan, Vice-President cf the Langstaff's two lots. The size east on Higbway 2 he suffered firm, charged with excess aver- of the anc with the red bouse paralysis of bis arms and legs. loading, pleaded not guilty. on ib bas been boa smail for rnaking Ib difficult ta drive the The firm was convictcd and tbc bouse ta be fixed up 50 car He turned around and the fine was $19.50 and $3 coats. more land was added ta it and headed for borne. He denied Scbmidt Silos Lbd., R.R. 1, tbc line maved over ta tbc seeing tbe officer and insisted Gads Hill, Perth, charged wibb west Mr. and Mrs. Forth and be bad only gone as far as the iperabing a truck on 401 wibb- family from Oshawa moved Town Line not Courtice Road. aut a red light on an ovcrbang- Mrs. Royth osr an d id Conviction brougbt a fine of Ing Joad, pleaded not guilty. wcnt tay FSircerSaudaReid $100 and costs, or 15 days, and Kelvin Schmidt of the firrn attend the 25th wedding anni- an automatic suspension of lie- argucd the measuremnents versary o! Mrs. Foster's broth- ense for tbrec monthc. sbould have been from the er, Irving Sinden. Tbey %rere Joseph Starr. Hampton, trailer hitch and not tram tbe. also going ta visit ber parents, pleaded guilty of hlegal os body of the truck. Tht firni Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Sinden. session of liquor and was fined was convicted and fined $50, Mr. Tom Faster motored bis $25 and casts, or five days. He and $3 costs. grandmotber, Mrs. M. E. Fos- was granted 14 days ta pay. Leonard L. Golding, 990 terta isi be dagbtr, rs. WiliamGra, 9 Due ~ Olive Ave., Oshawa, cbarged ter o vsitherdaugter Mr. Wllim Gry, 0 Dke t.,on Nov. 1. 9:45 a.m with in- George Russo and husband, in pleadcd guiity of carelesu driv- paired drlving ln Township of Buffalo, Saturday. She lasbay- ing September 6. Constable W. Clrepedd uly h ing but Tom returned home. Helmer, OPP, arrivcd at 8:30 tesarkc led d14 uint.15Tpe The Kendal WI met Tues- p.n. at the scene of an acci- tests.sHewd .14 nid .1 nde day evening, October 28 at the dent on Higbway 401. He cnt. He1 wa convic$3 edrn d home ai Mrs. A. Low witb tbc found Mr. Gray's car mn the in.uit 10 days. president, Mrs. Helen Hender- north ditch of the wesbbound Harold Ross Taylor, 147- son in charge. We were pleas- lane. The accused told bim he cd ta bave Mrs. Davis, aur was eastbound and passing a District President. and Mrs. car when his wcnt out of con- Werry witb us from SaUna, brai, across thteniedian and Mrs. G. Catbcart and Miss C. wesbbound lanes and Into the W. Stewart were our conven- ditcb. The fine was $100 and ors for Historical Research. costs, or 15 dayu. Miss Stewart bad chosen for Dennis Goddard, R.R. 1, tbc rol ail ea diWbat you are pleaded guilty ta leavlng thc gaing ta miss; about the anc scene of an accident on the CNAA sN t room. scbool." Most of the lad- Oth concession of Darlingten jeu had attended the one roomn October 7tb. The fine was $35 R u .rn SIRLI echool and stili thougbt tbcY and costs, or seven days. Re-Bad O.0 were *gond. Mrs. Davis brought Robert Cornell, Kitchener, W greetings from bbe other Insti- pleaded guilty of impaired SteoRs W N butes and told o! ber first trip driving September _tb o to the WI Convention ln the County Road 2 Clarke Town- TOASTMASTER Royal York. She gave sanie sbip. He admitted having tbreeT fne suggestions on tbc way glasses and two botties ai beer TOWN and COUNTRY WIs can be made better. One and said be was very sleepy gond idea was ta give words tram staying up all nigbt cur- L y r C k ofpraise ta aur helpers. She ing tobacco on bis fatber's L y r C k closed ber talk witb a poem tarmn and expli md that be II Heard Sometbing Good drove bis brotber's car be- C TRI VALLE5Y BORDIEN' :- FANCY INSTANT . PEACHES Hot Chocolatço: BAE!39c 2 SAVE 20a - OVEN CROCK T0oL BAS SAVE 17ec2 an 6 C *, DINETTE SUMMIT MARGARINE ICE - CREAM^ 41b,.$1.00 7 9cGa 1000/t Pure Vegetable 0Oi1 Assorted Flavours BRIMFULL IUMATOES SAVE lic3JTins 9é; ROBIN HOOD TOASTMASTER ANGEL FOOD WHITE SLICED CAKE MIX BREAD pkgs. 48c 4 95r SAVE 110 14 _____________ ROBIN HOOD POUCH PACK CAKE MIXESAVE 2i103 S 47c, LDYKSTRA'S -, v i FINE QUAL1TY", MONUMENTS AND MANKMERS - or STFFORD" Stafford Brother. " Monuments*4 BOX TED 318 D'undas Mt. E. - W Phone Whltbr 6684558-n -OIN )NE IG 2lb. 9 jan uezema 6 ..ourt I Church St., Oshawa, 4 e manded in custody -ta Iv. te appear In Cobourg Com*1z on a wounding charge laid by Dorothy Perdue. No bail -.was allowed In thecicrcumgtÉùd5s, but wiii be -considered -atvthe Nov. 10 appearance.. Raymond Brent Sisson.>-61 cee St., Oshawa, cbarged' 1I brcaking Into bis parents i> e and threatening bis fatherA a kniie was bound over for, a ycar on bis own $200 bond aAid to be of good behavior.. .He agreed to this. Larry Ross Cobbledick;.'ý-6, Newcastle, was chairged at'le5 a.m. Oct. 25bh witb bittln& a parked vebicle and not stopp- ing. He pleaded guiltyi Ht .wUU apprchended by CorporaL »*Id out by the cemebery wbchem_j1 car had gone Into thc diteh. It was observed he had been drlnking. He wns convi«.lýd and the fine was $100, cosùt.la3. or In default 20 days in jail. He was giveri anc wcekte pay. A !urtber charge of-fail. Ing in produce a Hkee brougbb a fine of $25. $3..oests or in default five days.. - ' Robert Krisbko, 17, Newton- ville, cbargcd witb obtuinxg moncy by taise pretence on October 8tb aitheb A & P .stàre, pIeaded guilty. He electell % be tried by Judge Gardc. hlu$e. The A & P store cashc'd-,tht cheque as tbcy had ofth---&ôe this before for tbe tamilv. Sen- tence wns detcrrcd ta Mây-4970 and in bbc meantime to2i4t&e restitution for money st. Wm Barclay, R .R. 4, _:oW- manville, was chnrged- with driving a mator vebicle"catre-. lessly on October 13th.zI:-e plended guilty. Mr. Bothwell bad given a signal fora Ipft turn and bbc Barclay caE ikd- ded into lb. The charge brouit a conviction ai $100, $3 couts or In default 10 days and 'ho was given two weeks ta pay- Charles Wayne King -ulled ta appear on a rape -ehatge and a bench warrant -Was issued.7: There will bc na coûfvt'on Remembrance Day, Nove1jhber Ilth.

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