Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Nov 1969, p. 10

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r t-.- -~ t ** S S -, 't 30 ~ CnadianStat n, aNwianville. Nov. 1, 190 4ItIHAMPTON 'W-' itle Hampton Miss.wjth Mr. and Mrs. Murray Uëlalie Axford clebratedlAxford were Mr. and Mrs. E. hersecndbirthday on Satur- Wright, Mrs. James Mu lier, dfay' n entertajned tefo-Mx'. William Nash, Mrs. Ron- imm*9g uesUt, Lee Anne aid Clemens, Mrs. William Wlilté, Bret and Brad Cie-,Axford and Miss Betty Wright. Mens, liarryl Muller, Stuartl radMs Hse mt Nash an-d Jennifer' Nash -Mr* ad Mhrs Hske ithr MrgetonSt--a v isited ls hrdywt r guet~ o _ at*rdyjand Mrs. Donald Prescott, BrookIin. Caliers at the Hos- HAYDON i ~ken Smiths this past ekn were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smiths - ftv. nd s.Hopa nd family, Milton, and Mr.9 Itv an Mrs Hokins, Mr.'Russeli Ormiston, Enniskilien, Russell Ormiston, Enniskiilen, who was their supper guest. Wer Wednesday supper guestsi Mrs. A. L. Blanchard visited0 nt Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashtan's. on Sundayvith Miss Elsec Mr. and, Mr. Les Taylor,1 Stainton, Oshawa, and attend-1 ]Burketon, were Sunday vislt-1 ed the anniversary service at &s at Mr. and Mrs. Leslie! Simcoe United Church. Graham's.- One Hampton deer hunter . Mr. an-d Mns. Wayne Black-: Mr. Don Adcock bias a nice burn. Orono, were tea guests;supply of venison for his of-Mr. and Mrs. W. Blackburn! freezer this year. On Monday on Sunday.* he shot an over 200 lb. buck Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Thomp-,right here in Drlington town- son and Cynthia, Bowmanville, gship. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Thompson,1 Mr. and Mrs. Perey Dewell, Lèskard, were Saturday ev.en- Douglas, Carolyn and David iitg dInner guests af Mrs. A. were Sunday dinner guests of Thôompson in hanar of R. M.'Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink. Thoenpson's birthday. Saturdav callers with Mr. and .. Mrs. A. Thompson was a'Mrs. Perey Dewell and family Su. nday dinner guest of F. A.' wer Mr. and Mrs. Allan Me- OMond, Bawmanville. ýKessock and Miss Muriel .Mir, and Mrs. Alfred Gar-l Smith, Thamesford. riod, Barry and Lori Ann'Ms ah ikyetr wére Monday dinner guests of Ms ah ikyetr Mrn,.'-ànd Mrs. Charlie Garrard tained four young guests on the -ccasion, Mr. and Mrs. Alf-'ýSaturday for tht occasion of rdGanrard's wedding 'anni- her seventh brithday and took rdthem bowling after lunch. versary.R Hallowe'en night was quiet Refreshments were served. in aur village, no damageý Mrs. Lorraine Lapham andý bêéing dont. The children eall- girls were weekend guests- ptL st the homes for trick orwith Mr. and Mrs. Howard! treats, and many had a box: Farrow, Port Hope. colecting maney for UNICEF Saturday evening visitors' and later gathered at thewith Mr. and Mrs. Ealî-Luke1 xchoal house and were treated and family were Mr. and Mrs. te chocolate milk and cookies. . William Dobroshinsky of Osh- Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gar-îawa. rard 'visite-d Mn. and Mrs., Saturday evening viitortsl Cécil Wood, Oshawa, on Tues-, with Mr. and Mrs. gRon Luke d1ay, celebrating Mr. and Mrs.1 and fiamily were Mvr. and Mrs. Charlie Garrard's wedding an- Bon Jon'alh of Port Pry lliVesary.Master Brian Klein Nein-' huis celebrated his fourth WES EYVILE birthday on Saturday and en-, Many fail birds which re- ,Kitin, .Mrs. Ann Klein, Misse" niained close by lawns and: Mary Lou and Lori Hunt and hqbses, aeem ta have disap-avIster Norman Hunt, Miss pémýed since the arrivai of wet' Michelle Means, O s h a w a. weither. They may have taken Other gutats wene Mr. and teniporary shelter somnewhere j Mrs. Henry Klein Nienhuis, or linally departed for thei Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Ken south. The cali of the wild was Chamberlain, Oshawa, Mr. heard in a different way by mi and Mrs. Les Hunt and Mr hocis holder ont night at the' Bah and Miss Kathy 'Vander- beginning of lest week. Sev-!belt. eX01 animais Indulged in. a! Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holroyd' chorus of howls and yapping were Saturday evening visi-i that iasted for some Urne, as tr ihM.an r.Sun le they were enjoying the very Lamb ta help celebrate Mr.! bright moonlight. In abouti Lamb's birthday. Other guestsý hait. an hour'the chorus res-i present were Mr. and Mrs. urpied for a shorter time. Wolv- MuiePallard, Mr. and Mrs.: es have been seen in the neigh- Caec titn r ii borhood by daylight but It 1 Mrs. Grant Werry, and Mr.' not unusual for them ta linger and Mrs. Elwyn Dickey, Bow- .4ear a bonuse, and these sound- é ,d- & few rods away. manville. Mrs. W. E. Nicholr returned Mr- and Mns. James Smnales homne from, Part Hope hospitali Sr. were out for Sunday din- list week. ner with Mr. and Mrs. Robert 1 Mrs. J. Anderson who basi Sm.iles, Oshawa. spent the past twn weeks wtth' Mi&-s Karen Ballard enter-ý her daughter Mrs. Clarence! tained last Thursday on theý Niiols, returned ta her homel occasion ai' hen 5th birthdaY.ý In Westmneath duning the week-1 Friends who were present ced. were Lee Anne White, Lori Linda Thorndyke calme up White, Davey Jansma, Ronald 'ramn Kingston dunlng the Moffatt, Jeffery Subudski,' weekend ta attend a gathering Linida Gordon and June nt Waterloo. Sharon Thorndyke Wh-eelack. Mr. and Mrs.ý was bomne for a short time, Ralph Ballard attended thtý driving back ta school ta Un4ttd Church Presbytery Re-' Scarbarough on Monday morn- ! union banquet at Solina Hall' ing. Nov. 3. Sharon is takinglon Saturd'ay.1 uecond year psychology at jM! ain alrMs Waterloo, going up every Sat- 1 Marian Artym, Mrs. Lena Ko-: urday for lectures. The course1 zak and Mrs. Subudski at-i wlll end in *April, 1970. tended tht Anglican church'si There lu cansiderable activ-,Evening in Paris supper ne-[ lty at the lakeshore withlcently where the ladies pre-i brush being eut ta make dlean' sent received a lace garter: the way fer hydro survtyons whle the men got a handie-1 Who are working there. "bar moustache. H.u-nting seasan lu here again1 Last Wednesday Mrs. Grace! en R. Haskill went on Satur- 1Chant, Hampton, and Mrs. Clay and Arnold Austin lefti Reford Camneron and Mms during the weekend. Mrs. Ross i! Charles Vivien, Bowmanville,i Corel us-f 0Port, Hop Is ent a vis.wih- M., - 1 were weekend visitons with crowd. relittives at West Guifnrd, Weil, the month of Octoben' Haliburton.' has came and gone and d ac- Mrs. Keith Davey attended cording to astranlogy. if youi the Ontario Cnuncil fan Child- wère hern under the sign of hood Edueation in the Skyline. Libra you were infiuenced byj iNte], Toronto. love and beeuty. Libra Pn Mr. and Mrs. Ailan Ta'ylor,:!Pie make good iawyers, jour- David and Marilyn, visittd Mr.'i nalists, judges and fashion and Mrs. Les Johnson, West! designers. Women make gaadl Hill. teachers and are good at en.! Mn. and Mrs. Wilinid Bow- tertaining, thus it goes for! man and Eric visited nt Mn.,ý Octoher. Now, as we'ne intaI Franklin Tambiyc's, Stoney, Navembcer, for yau who wene i Crcek. ,born under the sign of Sean-ý Mn. and Mns. A. A. Ernimett' pia, you are apt ta go ta wide spent a iew days with friecds' extremes, vau're tither very. In 1ontreal. gond on you can be veny bad, Mn. and Mnu. S. R. Nichais but one af the greatest gifti of Port Carling have been vis-'1 i youn ability ta be veryi iting relatives bere befone leav- caurageoij; have lots aife-! ing fon their winter home in, ergy, ad are spurned into Fiorida.i action very quickiy. Th is age Mr. and Mnu. Wilfrid Bow-' we are entering is called "The man were necent dinner guests 1 age of Aquanlus" mnd is tht, et Mn. Eventon White's, Beth-' eleventh sign of the Zodias.; esda. In mythology, Aquarius is; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Griffon.' pîctured as an oid man pour-! Mnu. Richard GriffIn, Mn. mcd: ing water nto athe mouof' Mr&. Fred Sarnis attended the fish. They even have a play~ golden wedding celebratIon for:ý on, Broadway called Hain and Mr. and Mns. Tam Peters fi its theme long is called "Tht Oshawa nt the home ai Mr.! Age of Aquarius", acd theyi Garfleld Peters. !tell us Aquenlus ix a mind j Mrs. Wilfnld Bowyman eremit- 1 expanding age. WeIl. per-I ly spet an aiternoon w1t.h'hep.so , but te young eIj b" & aJdwd, put Mop. i i.miu-ided i4to sn tey need the uneetofdmg e Edns Woo d mcdm . Mr. and Mns. Alli oung- PnIzes were » e MIows a"Il exd ht md whn inail'Welcorne te Mn. and Mrs.1 man. Toronto. Rev. and Mn. the tudire party. -Mr.Cr 5 rePt U &Au&ismnel *E m U M M E John Smallman and-littie son' R C Hopkins were Sunday Giïnblett, Mms. Je BnsidMý neaiit wt' Aartliugrseindedwho have moved into tht j;- guests oai r.Mn.md Mns. Mn. Eari Prescott Mr«. Flnr ing th.is gtiff ta tht ones will- Tyrone United Church was'with Us', with Mm. GondynI Mi-s. Ro"s MeRoberts. Mt-s. Hardy bot ne. Arthur Yauegman, ece Turner. Mn. George Al- icg to listen, hecause tbey, nicely decorated by thte Ex- Brent as otrganist. Your min- 1J. Woadley. Mn. A. Knowlton Mr. Ted Skinner of Guelph. Mr. acd M-ru. H. VanDorp dread, Mn. F. Parte. 50-50 smell a dollar in It fan them.'plorens and leader Mrs. J.Èister Rev. Hfopkins wouid ap-j and Mn. .Gltnn Rundît attend-; Miss Anne Skinner, Toronto,' ccd family wene Sunday din- draw won by Mrs. F. L. Byam. They know nothing aofaitro-'Woodiey, and becutiful flow-1preciate youn cailsicifanmingied a leadership meeting aàt!eçpent tht weekecd with thein!nen queutsoaiMn. and Mns. M.~ Thee Tynône 4-H Club bad logy an what 'The Age o1 ensl were in loving memnory ofih im of any speciai ceeds fan: St. Andncw's United Chunch iParnts, Mn. and Mns. Lloyd' Rensink,- Whitby. tihein sjxth meeting et the Aquantus' means, or wbat the tht late Mn. Rns% Knowlton,' visita at home or in hospitals, Oshawa, Mocdey evenicig. l Skinner. ;Mn. and Mns. R. Shaw and home ai Mrs A. Knowiton aid, aid man pauring waterlfor the aitenoon Thankoffer-jand etc. Ccli 263-2953. Mn. and Mru. F. L. Byain,1 Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Alldread.1 Charles, -Oshawa, visièted Mn. from 7 te g p.m. Fitteec girn into the mouths oai fi h eally ing service. Rev. R. C. Hlop-1 Mns. F. Generecux, Robbie, Mns. Otto Vîrtue, Mns. W 'Bowmanviile, were Sundeyl and Mrs. E. A. Virîtue. and aur two leaders attended means. If tihese druga are ex-'1 kins conducted the service'1 Dehhie acd Barbare, Maciila.j Park, Mn and Mrs. Earl Ireu- guestu of Mn. and Mrs. George' Miss Mary Niddeny, Hamp- tht meeting. We discussed pacding tht mi.nd, how eomne-and Rev. Wesley Herbent, spent tht weekecd with ber cott attecded tht Oddfeliows Alidnrecd. * ton, Miss Gail Grtaham. Hay- aur eighth meeting. Sorma they don't expind them B.A.. who iu this yearth parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. turkey dinner et Port Penny. Mn. acd Mns. Raiph Stender'don, were Sundcy dinnen girls demnonstrated how tn enough ta see where they're i Chai nmac ai tht Oshcàwe IDodd. Mn. ccd Ms-s. F. L. Byam, acd sons -have moved ta Newý- lguests af Mn. and Mrs. W. make hot garlic bread, and hcadiýng. like an early death, Pneshytery, as guest speaker,' Mn. and Mrs, A. J. Hoar, Mns. Otto Vintue visittd Mrs.1torivilit, baving sold their;Rahm. two types of salad. Mrs. sickness, growing old toiwbo chose bis tapie on "Tht' Tynone, Mn. and Mrs. George A. Spicer. Bowmanvillt home here.. Mn. end Mrs. Ken McQuaid K'nowlton and Mns. Lambert soon, or if they'ne lucky mcd!Gneatest Git". Mrs. Lloyd'White, Bowmanvilie, end Mns. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hath-1 Pet Waadley spent the and Daccy, Oshawa. Mrs. F. talked to the gnoup on pienie do survive. just whct wili! Ayre of Bowmanville wasiILeila Werny, Onono, attecded enly. Lakeview, visited bis weekecd with Danlene Rowe,!A. Werny, Bowmnanville, were and patio suppens. W@ closed they have passed on te any1 guest soloist acd fevored us! a famiiy gathering et the mother Mns. Annie Hathtniy. Bowmanvilie. !Sucday supper guesta ai Mr. aur meeting with the bnead offsprng they might tan- with two solos. "Spirit ofý home of Rev. and Mrs. T. W. Ms-s. Menton Mevin and Mr. and Mns. Hugh Murphylacd Mrs. A. J. Hoar. and salads we lied made. ýceive ic leter luie. God" acd "Gad Hcth Not' Acdrews, Toronto, in hocor' boys, Oshawa, Miss Sandra Bçwmanville. Mrs. Edith Mur-' U.C.W wili be held et tht Don't fonget our lest meeting Bye now, set you aIl cextf Promised." Tht chair sanglaif Mn. and Mns. H. Awde who Lea Gibson, Orono, wene Sun- pby wene Sundmy dinner home of Mrs Aldin Hoan, Noe on Monday, Nov. 1Oth, at week! _____an anthem. "God Himseif luI wtte e cently marnied. day__supper guests af Mns. guests with friendu in Whitby. l2th at 8:15 pan. ___ 6pirn. et Mru. À. nowlton's. Get your beautiful Esmond blanket, free, either of these ways: 1. Open a g.ç.w Central savings account of $200 or more 2. Add to your p[sn Central savings account by $200 or more CENTRAL Central offers you the highest rate of interest ini its history, on your savings. The famous -Esmond thermal blanket-luxurlous, warmth with- out weight blanket in the popular 72" x 90" size. Your choice of three beautiful de corator colours - blue, rose and white. The above offer expires November 29, 1969. Pick up your luxurious Esmond blanket -fret! Only one to a customer. ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION 19 Simcoe Street Nottis, Oshawa 23 King Street West, bowmanville A'

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