Settinci Was Trinity United Church Mr. and Mrs. George Clifford Gibso n, shown in the above photo, chose Sat- urday afternoon, October 4, 1969, at 2:30 o'clock for their wedding in Trinity United Church, Bowmanville. The brid e is the former Miss Susan Elaine Hol- royd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ho lroyd of Hampton, and the bridegroomn is the son of Sergeant and Mrs. George GibsonSr., Shilo, Manitoba._ d. 1- ds ly Cr J_ Ld a a 'e is )f le ,n is o0 ;s )f y .e p GIBSON - RO0LROYD was the Reverend G. K. Ward Mr. Findlay, the arganist, ne 'Me marriage of SuBaII companied soloist Mr. Rocm Elaine Holroyd, daughter Of Metcalf who sang two love]3 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holroyd, wedding songs. .Hampton, and Mr. George Given in marriage by hei Clifford Gibson, son of Ser- father, tihe bride looked radi geant and Mrs. George Gibson ant in a formai A-line Vie ~r. Shilo, Mvanitoba, was sol torian era styled gown 01 mdin Trin ity United "V~Çl~ich.Bowanvlle onSatrayon taffeta. The bodice and ur, Ocober 4, 1969,at- cI.ffs f the gown were ac, 2:30 o'cock. oely4,arrange- cented by rows of Chantillý 2ents o cushion muarrande lace, appliques of daisies and setans of tusine msand seed pearîs. Highlighting hei grass formed an attractive gown a ulcter train which fell from hei oetting for the ceremony. The shoulders. The train was ale pews were marked by a red accented by a border of Chan- rose and red, white and blue tilly lace, daisies and seed streamers. pearis. Her headpiece wasa The officiating clergyman matching pilîbox with a sil illusion veil. She carrieda cascade of red and white ADULT sweetheart roses. Her matron of honor was Mrs. Lionel Hickey. aunt of COUNS LLING the bride, who was attired in and matching headpiece. She SERVICEcarried a rosette of white oar- nations bordered by green If you want to do foliage. The bridesmaid was something about your her sister Lynette and the two education . . . you junior bridesmaids were Miss probaly cn. *Jeanna Morisette, cousin of probbly an.the bride, and Miss Kely Sce Yur Auit ickeY, a niece. All were See our dult similarly attired in shrim] Counsellor coored mini-dresses accented by white Chantilly lace capes EVERY MONDAY and matching headpieces, short wrist gloves and white EVENING ýshoes. Ail carrîed pigtail bou- quets of white carnations and 7 to 9 p.m. ant the ishrimp tinted yellow munis. Mr. Robert Gibson, Mani- BOWMANVILLE toba. brother of the groom, HIGH SCHOOL was best man and ushers were Mr. William Ho]royd, brother Guidance Office of the bride, and Mr. Joe Strychalski, cousin of the The service is free - bride. confidential - and no The reception was hcld at The Acres where guests were ,aPPOIntment is received by the bride's mo- necessary. ther who wore a brown vel- vet ensemble with matching GRA ND OPENING November lOth VIOLET COOK AND JOAN WHILLANS J/her J7riencIs and1 (Parons TO THE JiU T PNYJU R L BIAUTY su,01 hat an~d gold accessories. Hen corsage was of white carna- tions finted yellow and gold cushioned munis. She was as- sisted'by the groom's mother who chose a yellow coat and dress enemble and brown ac- cessories. Her corsage was the saine as the bride's mother. Followmng the wedding supper a dance was held with music provided by Mr. Mike Pank- hurst, a dise jockey. Before leaving for thein fhoncymoon in Niagara Falls, the bride donned for travel- ling a white and gold dress and coat ensemble witih black accessonies, complemented by a corsage of ned and white sweetheart roses. Mr. and Mrs. Gibson will be residing in Shelburne, Nova Scotia. A radar plotter with the Canadian Air Fonce, the bride attended public schools ini Calgary, Bowmanville, and Hampton, Bowmanville and Courtice High Sdhools from. which she graduated in 1967. The groom attended publie schools in Kingston and Ono- mockto, New Brunswick, and gnaduated in Manitoba befone becoming a steward with the Royal Canadian Navy. Guests attending were frorn Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ton- onto, Nova Scotia, Hamilton, West Hil, Brockville, Oshawa, Bowmanville and Hampton. Pnior to bher manniage thie bride was a guest o! honor at a shower given by Mrs. Vivian Hunt and Mrs. Vi Ruddy, Hampton. F'ollowing the wedding re- heam-al Friday evening the bride's parents entertained ini their home with a buffet sup- DOWN - CRANDALL Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Gary Down, sh own in the marriage vows on Saturday afternoon, August 23, 1969, tine's Roman Catholic Church, Dundas, Ont. Formerly dall, the bride is the daughter of Mrs. W. J. Crandall Mr. William Crandail, and the groom i s the son of MV R.R. 2, Bowmanville. Autumn Weddinci in G d St, Augustine's Roman Cath- Solic Church, Durudas, Ont., enhanced wîth white stand- l ards cf gladioli and carna- -tions and with pink nosegays and bows marking the guest pews, was the setting for the marriage on Saturday after- nooin, August 23, 1969, at 3 e o'clock o! Miss Marilyn Pose ,r Crandail, daughter o! Mn.. eW. J. Crandali of Dundas and e the late Mn. William Crandail, and Mn. Genn Gary Down, son of Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd eDown, R.R. 2, Bowmanville. Rev. W. P. Murphy, uncle o! the bride, was the officiat- 9 ng clergyman and Miss Na- dine Litwin played the wed- ding music and accompanied thie soloist, Mr. Nick Geno- vese. Given in rnarriage by hier gnandfathcr, Mr. Reg. Cran- dail, thie bride wone a ful-. lengtih gown o! white crepeC i empire styling with high necklmne and short sîceves. The gown skia-t flowed into a graceful cathedral train, and the front o! the dress was higblighted by a full-length lace paeld. A jewelled head- piece held ber fingentip veil, and ber cascade bouquet was of white carnations and ste- phanctis. Mm-s S. Smith of Hamiliton was natron of honor and the bnidesmaids were Mms. R. C. Caflhan, Grand Farka, North Dakota, and Mim Janet D Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Edwin Howe arfe shown i the above photo as they eut R.R. 2. Bowmmavifle. 'fley the wedding cake at the reception folio wing their marriage on Saturday after- were attined alike In formal- noon,, Septeniber 27, 1969, at 3 o'clock i St. John's Anglican Church Fort Hope. lengh 5i~'Vl* ~ <>~The bride is the former Miss Marcia El aine Elliott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ue qtoea ffVadibClayton EUliott, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr-. and Ma-s. Harvey Howe, al jewe~ckEu e ¶ r bow of'Garden Hill. Photo by Udvarhelyi moef4,us Iqwvcriu A-line dreas with niatching A corsage of yellow siweet-niben of the teaciiing staff n=ay 1lpqi' 0c1.White Jacket acclented by a corsage heant rose coenplemented her of Eastdaie Collegiate, Osh- mi it'. afetio*s acesrMd of white iniuature carnations ensemble. Mr. and Mn-. Down awa. VthaU *bsmnd tulle, and pink, .weetheart roses. are residing at 230 Nipigon Several showens were given 14" .,Wlkalo!Oshw#t The grocom'a niother amssted St., Apt, 612, Oshawa. in honor of the bride by M M, ÏMnssilue igt» receve and choue an. A-line The bride, who attended friends and relatives, includ- 1r. eIIiWeden , iress of aqua shantung with Hamilton schools, is a gradu- ing a miseellaneous showe M* d 1Mr. »MU Cre-n. atcbIlng jack e orsage ate cf MeMester University gîven by thie groom' aunt, *Il Dps. i ~Uowsweebeart roi e n~d Isa member ot the teacb- Mrs. Hanry Worden, RJàt 2, fitr.wlkng on *éir W staff o! Central Cofleglate, Bowmaatville. Friand cithi -ie trip toIee Cé&- Also a high aduocil bride sud groom i anlo uIton.Gutswer- ibrd wore an usm teachen., the groom attended aiso held a 01e2entabon sweby vthe. bride's mothen'greer lunen dreas and Md5 Courice Hgh School'and Mr-, shower and party in their W" bl Ptut ug.o.à Muet Uâvs«ty. 94 ii ahonor. I H?« -* EWOT The Canadian Stateun2an, Eomnile, Oct. 29- 1969 3 in D ndasBouquets of! 'nmniIn autinnn shades of yealw end Irtadorned the altar ofSt ENNISKILLEN john's Anglican aiurch, Port Hope, whien the marriage of My~. and m. Hraold Mé- Kxnowlton. Our deepest sym. Miss Marcia Elaine Elliott Bryen, Lindsay. were visitors pathy to his famulY. and Mr. Ronald Edwin Howe with Mr. and 1fr.. M. J. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Drew,, was solernnized on Saturday Hobbs. Hampton, were visitors at Mr. aiternoen, September 27, 1969 M.r. and Mns jiniMuliler and Mrs. S. Lamb's Saturday at 3 o'clock. The bride is the andDarryl, Ohaw, Mr. and evening. daughter o! Mr.' and Mrs. Mns. Ron Clernens and boys, Mr. and Mns. Ivan Sharp, Cizyton Rlliott of Gardn l]M1r. and Mrs. Murray Axford and girls were guests of Mr., and the groom is the son of aind Melanie, Hainpton, were and Mrs. Bill Mmhaffy, Black- Mr-. and Mms. Harvey Howe, guests witli their parents Mr. stock, Sunday. aloo of Garden Hill. and Mrs. E. Wright. Mr-. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn Rey. Canon W. M. Nahnby Mr. and Mrs. Donald wearn aceomPanled Mr. and Mrs. Jim Officiated at the double ring and family, Chatham, were Swain and were dinner guests ceremoey. and the wedding visitors with Mr. and Ma-s. A. on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. music was played by Mrs. J. L. Wearn oven the weekend. Elmer Harris, Almonds, and Meeking. -Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lyons attetnded anniversary services The bride, who was given snd Dean, Orangeville, spent et the Almonds church. in marniage by her fathen, the weekend witii Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Irwin wore a formaI len.gth gown Mms. M. PoUlard. and Rodney accompanied bur of white crepe with empire MU. Bey Veale, Murdoch- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brown, waistline and long eleeves. ville, Que., was weekend gustNewoastle, were Sunday cal. The neckllne and "SIst wene of Mr. and Mms. Ted Werry. ers of Mr. and Mn.. Robert adonned with nuffles, and ap- Missl Jackie Veale, nurse in Knapton, Brampton. pliques of Venise lace daisies training at Woman9s College, Mr. and Mrs. F. Pethick aecented thie bodice and Toronto, was also a weekend and 'Bill, Scarborough, wete siceves and aiso edged the guest. Sunday visitors of Mr. and, cathedral train. A headpieoe Mn. and Mrs. A. J. Werry Mx%. S. Pethick. of aluilar lace daisies caught and familY attended thle 'rnuu Mr. and Mms. E. Clark, Bow- her long veil, and she cannied familY gathering, a pot luck rnanville, Mr. and Mm. Ed. a bouquet of yellow roses, supper on Saturday evening Coombes and girls, TorontVo, white daisy 'munis and ste at Orono Hall. wene Sunday visitors of Mm±, phanotis. Miss Shirley Tabb, Hayd.on, E. Page. Mrs. Mervin Smith , was spent the weekend with Mi,£ Mr. and Mrs.. E. Carlson. niatron cf honor for her sister Sharon Werry. Etobicoke, Miss Gail Stainton4 and the bridesmaids were Sonry, Mrs. F. Dorland wa nurse in trining, Scarborougli M3ss Judith Elliston, Misses omltted froni accompanying Hospital, Toronto, Mr. Tomr Beverley and Constance Howe, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. WerrY and Hockin, Port Perry, wene sisters of the groom. They Mr. and Mrs. H. McGiII to the weekend visitors o! Mr-. an4l wene attired in identically 25th Wedding Anniversary 01 Mm. L. Stainton. styled gowns of chiffon over Mr and Mrs. Ross Page. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn taffeta with empire waist, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp were Saturday evening callers cap sîceves, and chiffon train were Sunday dinner guests of at Mr and Mrs. Earl Parrott's, !alling from a back bow. The Mr. and Mrs. Murray Sander. Oshawa. matron o! honor wore an ap- son, Raglan. Mrs. Herb Stainton return- ricot colored guwn and tihose Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb, ed home on Sunday from o! the bridesmaids were of a Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lam spending a week's vacation darker shade. They wone visited Mr. and Mms. Kenneth with Mr. and Mrs. C. English; Miatching bow headdresses, Lamib, Oakville. . Bowuranville. and their bouquets were o! Mr. Lyal Bu'ock M.r. and Mr. and Mms. Ivan Sharp rust and yellow daisy 'munis. Mrs. Ray VanlMeer and fam- and girls were receint visitors Mr. William Scott was Lest ily, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Brock of Mr. and Mrs. R. Vitue. man and the ushers were Mr. and girls, Bowmanvulle, Mrs. Mark Elliott, brother of the Carl Piper and girls, Maple GET CASH TODAT bride, Mr. Rick Howe, brother Grove, wene callers at K. Mc- FOR OLD APPLIANCES o! the groom, and Mn. Wayne Gill's. THROUGH Munroe. This community was shock- ETATESMAN The reception was held at ed when hearing of the sud- Durhiam Mernorial Temple den passing of Mr. Ross CLASSIFIEDS where thie bride's mothen ne- oeived wearing a moss green shantung jacket-dress, rs feathered hat, black acces- soe'ues and gold rhd o:- U $ 3 ea e s~ # u î/ l~ ~ oeiving by the groom's mother who wore a dark green wool EmPloYee: "Bou, 1 came to sec If you coud ralse myM suit, white bat and accessor- sala.ry.,, les and pdnk orchid corsage. The adornment toppin.g the Boss: "«Get baek to work mnd don't worry. I've managed bride's wedding cake was tihe to ralse It each pay day so far, haven't I ?" same decoration which adora- ed the wedding cakes at the CLOTHES CARE HINTS: above photo, exchanged marriages of the bridels tgrandnotlhen and mother. Prevent Contagion - germa cannot live In treshly cleaned.. at 3 o'clock in St. Augus- Be! ore leaving on their clothlngr, have them cleaned regularly her. ... we also moth-' Miss Marilyn Rose Cran- wedding trip to tihe East coast, proof them at no extra charte. 1 of Dundas and the late the bride donned a brown and [r. nd rs.Llod Dwnbeige tweed suit with brown RD Ir ndMs.Loy owaccessries and yellow orchid RE ROSS BLOOD DONOR CLINIC _______corsage. Mr. and Mrs. Howe Lions Centre - Wednesday, November 5th are residing In Cobo>urg. 3rden IHili PrtHoe i o l san Occupational Therapy Assist- BOWMAN VILLE ant, and i. the granddaughter w - ' So! Ma-s. Arthur- Frise and Mr. , and Mis. 0. B. Elliott, fomer CLEANERS residents o! Bowmanville. U 84 KING ST. W. 623-5520 'Mbe groom also attended Port m s Hope High Sehool and is an tM D" We Speclalize in Shirt Laundering"l empflof c Eldorado Nuclear CL5,ftflL LUI. PRICELESS I RED CROSS VOLUNTEER BLOOD DONOR CLINIC Wednesday, November 51h 1969 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. t. 9:00 p.m. Lions Centre, Bowmanville ecorne 'À -Ni1X1NG ST. IL âý -l A FRMMLY A