Delicious Grapefruit Growi, A proposed prograin of bodyl Cailed "Growth and Develop-! as is religion. 1 suppose that W'owth and development andlment and You". the course aimsl most parents would wish that social at t i t udes recelved among other things to develop their children follow their overwhelniing support by a through education. soundimToral values and this would meeting of more than 200 par- knowledge and attitudes ta~ be impossible ta contrai ln the ents at a meeting at the M. J. hurnan growth and develop- classroom 1 for one abject ta Robba senior public school in ment and supplement and sup- I te fact that relilgion is not H~ampton recently. port parents in their job of included in this program for A1l that remains now fa ap- educatlng the student concern-, it goes hand ln band wlth moral ,proval of the programn by the ing his or ber personal grawth 'attitudes and the intimacies of N~orthumiberland and Durham and development. t if e." county board of education be- Teacher Harvey Webster un-, Immediately. another parent 'tore it is lnstituted as part of derlined the words supplement1 stood up and said that, while the grade 7-8 health course at and support in his openlng re- he agreed that parents shauld hie school. marks ta the parents. He said, set the example, chlldren today 1."It'a not sex education. there "Teenagers have the rght to are lnfluenced by so many ex- Ino such thlng. It f is Tlply know. We therefore developed terior forces thaf. the school a tacet of the health program a programi with the help of var- ought ta complement and ex- designed to better acquaint pu- ious agencies and government pand on what is taught in the pils about theniselves, those departments and then present-ihome. around themn and their place In ed It to a representative group, 1-He said, "I think the home society", according to one of the o! 10 parents. After some and school worklng together co-authors of the program.4 Miss changes, the present form was1 will build a better persan and Mary Ruth Osborne, a health, present to the board of educa- I'pm ail for that." guidance and physical educa- tion last week and now ta Allan Werry. a father of tion teacher. you." three and a Darlington town- The program is dlvided into shlp councillor, said, "I heartily * four sections; grade 7 boys' endorse this program. They grade 7 girls, grade 8 boys anM should be taught such matters fia grade 8 girls. The girls' and' both in the home and in the £/Fr 11S S/M TMI/S boys' sections tln each grade school." Attendlng only as a £iTTL SONvo, W/I parallel each other with slight- parent and not as a representa- OLU ly more emphasis ln the grade tive of the township council. e0//RF/NE PLMDN 7 course an understandin- he continued, "Furthermore, I 1 their awn sex and in the grade vill recommend ta the Dar- Y> C NT8 course of understanding the lingtont council thàt they sup- Wov~RONG opposite sex. sl h os port this pragram 'fully." Mis Osorn sad te bys!He went an ta say that a S and girls wilI be taught separ- similar pragram Is in opera- ately most of the tinie but for tion in several Ontario cen- certain tapics such as dating, tres including Toronto, London, I it is possible classes would be Scarbarough and even ln Ont- combneddepndin onthearia caunty wbich ls Just "«next A few weeks ago, it was mentioned in The States- cmbri nd eelings af the! oo1 maurtyad eeigsofte oo" man that the boys at Pine Ridge Sehool had planted students themselves. - Examiner'gaerisesbogtbc rmFoiafu er The course was given a step.grpfutsesbogtakfomFriaor as by step explanation with op,- ago by J. M. Paterson and Wm. Vooys and now had portunities for questions at the h heir own tree in production. This picture flot only same time. Appoint Holley to confirms this, but the Editor has ____apld h HA V Y only one parent rose ta spea. UU ~ in opposition. He saîd he ap- Indiain Affairs PARTNERpreciated ail o! the work and C lbaeG dnW effort that had gane itt pre- ORONO 983-5206 paring the program. But I ESSO HOME REAT SERVICE think sex education Is as much -a private and persanal matteri DEPARTMENT 0F MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS ORDER MADE BY THE MINISTER UNDER THE PLANNING ACT 1. Ail lands lui the Township 1. Ail lands iln the Township of Cramahe, ln the County of Perey, ln fthe County of of Northumberland, more Northumberland, more par- partlcularly descrlbed ln tlcularly described ln thei th1e Sehedule, are designat- Schedule, are deslgnated as ed as areas of subdivision areas of subdivision contrai contrai under clause b of under clause b of subsee- subsection 1 of section 27 flan i of section 27 o! the of the Act. Act. Dated at Toronto this Dated at Toronto this RsclC oe "~tenth day of October, tenth day o! October, On Oct. lSth Prime Minister *1969. 1969. Tru-dcau aninounced same '~W. DARCY MCKEOUGH, W. DARCY MeKEOUGH, changes ln the Parliamentary Minister o! Municipal Affairs. Minister o! Municipal Aflaîrs. Secretaries among which !S the SCHEULESCHEULEshift o! the Northumberland- SCHEULESCHEULEDurham Member o! Parliament ;.ALL AND SINGULAR those ALL AND SINGULAR thase Russell C. Honey fram Reg- 2ertain parcels or tracts o! land certain parcels or tracts o! land tonal Economic Expansion ta and premises situate, lying and and premises, situate. Iying and Indian Affairs and Northera being in the Township o! being i the Township o! Develapment. Cramahe, in the County o! Percy. in the County o! North- In making the announcement Northumberland, and being umberland, and beiag the Prime Minister stated that icomposed of: composed of: lhe hoped ta gîve as braad a Lots 11, 12, 13. 14. 13, 16, 24. Lots 2, 3. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10,o.11Irange o! experience as possi- 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,' bli thei Parliamentary Sec- 84, and 35, in Broken Front 21, 22, 23, and 24, ini Concession retaries- -Concession; 1, Mr, Horiey said that he had Lots 11, 12, 13, 14. 15, 16, 17, Lots 2, 3. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, il. beea advised last week by the 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, Prime Minister of bis lnten- 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, and 21, 22, 23, and 24, ini Concession tion ta make ibis change and 25, in Concession I, SAVING Il; that he was very pleased with AND EXCEPTING those parts Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8. 9, 10, 11, 12, it. of Lots 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, and 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, "It was a real oppartunity ta 32 that, as o! the date o! this 22, 23, and 24, ln Concession~ work with the Honorable Jean Order, are wîthin the Town of III; Marchand in the establishment Colborne; Lots 3, 4. 5, 6, 7. 8, 9, 10, il, 12, o! the new Department of Lots 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 13, 14, 15. 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 2 1. Regional Economic Expansion 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 22, 23, and 24, la Concession. but the Department is naw 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, IV; operatîve and from this tîme and' 35, la Concession II, Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, , i10, 11, 12, on its function will be largely SAVING AND EXCEPTING 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19. 2 0, 2 1, administrative. However, wlth those parts o! Lots 27, 28, 29, 22, 23. and 24, ln Concession the Honorable Jean Chretien, 30, 31, and 32 that, as o! the V; Mnister af Indian Affairs and date o! thîs Order, are withln Lots 3, 4. 5, 6. 7. 8, 9, 10. 11, 12, Northern Development, there the Town o! Coîborne; 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. 21, ls a cantinuhng challenge and Lots 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, and 24, ln Concesion excitement in policies for nat- 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, VI; ive peoples and ini the develap- 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32. 33, 34, and Lots 3. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, il, 12, ment o! Canada's Arctic thati 35, la' Concession 111; 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18. 19, 20, 21. makes this Departracat the Lots il, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, and 24, la Concession anc that has the greatest chai- :-.1.8, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, VII; lenge and appeal for nie at 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, and Lots 3, 4. 5, 6, 7. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, this time," Mr. Honey said. 25: in Concession IV; 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 2 1, Lots 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, and 24, in Concession 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, VIII; OBT ÂR1 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, and Lots 3, 4. 5, 6, 7. 8. 9, 10, i1, 12, O IU R 35, ln Concession V; 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21. Lots 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 22. 23, and 24, ln Concession MRS. W. H. BATES 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, IX; Following an illness of one 27. 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, and Lots .1, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, month, the deatb of Mrs. W. 35, in Concession VI; 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, H. Bates. il Flett St,, aged 62 Lots 11, 12, 13, 14. 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, and 24, la Concession. years, occurred on Wedinesday, 18. 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, X; October 15, 1969, at Oshawa 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32. 33, 34, and Lots 3, 4. 5, 6, 7. 8. 9, 10, 11, 12,1 Gencral Hospital. 35, ini Concession VIL, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,' 19, 20, 21,1 Daughter of the late Mr. Lots 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, and 24, la Concessioni and Mrs. Richard Nichais. he 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23. 24, 25, 26, XI; * omer Malvîna Jane (MilIte) 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, and Lots 12, 16, 17, 18, v), 20, 21, fNiîchais was born at Walls- 35. inl Concession VIII; 22, 23. and 24, ini Concessioný end, Northumberland, Eng- Lots 11, 12, 13. 14, 15, 16, 17. XII; landI and recelved ber educa- 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, Lots 16, 17, 18, 19. 20, 21. 22,1 tion at Newcastle-on -Tyne. 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, and 23, and 24, in Concession XIII;'1 England, On December 22, 35, ini Concession IX, Lots 20, 21. 22, 23, and 24, laj 1928. she marrled Mr. William Lats Il. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. 17, Concession XIV; Henry Bates wbo survives. 18, 19. 20, 21, 22. 23. 24, 25, 26, Lots 23 and 24, in Concesso A resident o! Bowmaaville 27,-28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, and XV; and Ifor maay years. the deccased 35, ln Concession X. Ail islanda in the Township. had lîved aIil Flett Street Note.Note:for severai years. She was a Zqote:Note:member o! St. John's Anglican Tt is Important ta note that Il la important ta note that Cburcb and was also a mcm- this Order may affect the val- this Order May affect the val- ber a! the Ladies' Auxillary Idity of any future agreement ldity o! any future agreement in Branch 178, Royal Canadian for the sale of land and the for thc sale o! land and the Leglon. A housewl!e, ber chie! 'palldlty o! a dced, mortgage validlty o! a decd, mortgage orý Interests centred around ber1 or lease and it Io recommended lease and it Is recommendcd homne and famlly. that advice be sought before that advice be sought before Survlvlng, besides ber huis- entering into any sucb entering into any sucb band, are three daughters and, transaction, transaction. a nc son. Mrs. Wm. Parker [t should aiso lie noted that It should also be noted that thc' (Reva> a! Oshiawa, Mns. Helaz t he regulations relatlng ta land regulations relating ta land and Jobst (Lydia) of!. Calgarv. and buildings in this Order buildings ln this Order May not AlLa.; Miss Wiljvia Bates of niay not b. the only regula- be thec anly regulations ap-I Whltby and William R. B.ates fions applicable in thei area plicable in the area covered by 0o! Oshawa. Six gradchfldme covered by the Order. Prier ta the Order. Prior to devcloplng 'also survive. developlng land or erecting land or erectlng bulldings, The funeral scrvice was hid 'building., consideration Must con sideration Must b. given ta tram the Morris Funeral C ap- b. given to these and other these and other regulations el, Bowmanvllle, on FMlav, regulatoms snd urocedures that and procedures that may be October l7th.' and, wsa'CIn- rnay b.e utab»dised by The established by The flepartment ducted by R6'. T. Grâeeoa Depau pt o! Municipal AI- of Municipal AffaiTa or such St. JohnI's AngI1can Chur<ch. taIn, orach othw rdepart- ather departmes* Usmi- .!tag~et was ln Bowman- Mu s - RRhasHaltb, wan R esith, Land udFor- vilW .emetery. lm* d I»ts an es, an 1 ourU Ïd libearers mer Mm"w. L.n6 sud Fçtwtis, sud es tÀ n oUTtftsu ý rton. J. GibIo., XIane, Tow'li sp wi~iioii. Xn!orstloM alZU G.Panot~u ud i é12 Mr. and Mrs. Vertil MeMuilen On Saturday, Oct, 111h, Mm.lîýure bride and groom, was the;Mrs. Dianne EndIcot, Miss' and M1rs, VertIl McMuUlenicentre o! attraction. On citherlJulie Harrison and nicces Mms. cclebrated their golden wedd-, side werc white spiral candies Beth Bradley and Mrs. Marilyný îng annîvcrsary witb a famiiyy la gold holders and aiso a love- 1Hcwson served the guesîs. dinner at Memorial Park club-I ly arrangement o! white car- iMms. June McMullen passed' bouse where the famiiy pre- nations wîtb the geenemy the wedding cake. sented them with a beautiful'touched up with gold. i Mr. and Mms. Mc.Mulleni chest o! silver. Poumung tea wemc Mrs. Ernie1 were married In Lindsay Oct.i Later at Centennial Hall Hallowell, Miss Elva Orchard. 8th, 1919 attended hy the& their !amily, Mrs. Oneta Endi- Mrs. Howard McMullen and'igroorn's sister the laie Mrs.*, catt, Mrs. Ola Stevens, Mms. Mns. Ted Werry. Miss Laverne'Ola Sisson and ber husband the' Grace Endicott. Mrs. Rena Orchard receivcd the gifts. late Kari Sisson.i ILathangue, Mrs. Lorma Gray Granddaughtems Ann Latb-ý Guests wcre presclîr from and Allan McMullen eceived angue and Sharon Gnay too Toronto, Ottawa, Peterborough,, the guesis, assisted by Mrs. charge o! the gucst book whlle Lindsay, Alliston, Omiemee, Evelyn Werr.y. Mrs. Carat Mitchell, Mrs. Joan Orono, Betbaay, Janetville,i A long table centred the ball Malcolm. Mrs. Yvonne Endi- Nestieton and Bowmanvîtte. on wbicb a beautiful wedding, cott, Mrs. Johann Endicott,; -photo by Rehider cake decomated ta white wt touches of gold and pale green!1 topped by a large gold "50" ia N EL T O front of whicb stood a mimia- ___________________ (Intended for last week) ough on Sunday and ealled on' i ncere sympathy is extend- Canon Asbmone and Mns. Aib- N EEDALIFT? edta Mr and Mrs. RicliarWimarc iS. Joseph's Hospîtali death of hem mother, Mms.' Civic Hospital. Charles Gist, who died in A number of former neigh-i Civic Hospital, Peterborough., boums ti Nestieton and viciai-' SFriday. October 17th. The' ty called ai the Comstocki ifuncral was Monday, October Funeral Parlours, Peterbor- 20 from Comnstock's Funeral ough. in respect o! tbe laIel RENT Parlours with interment in Mrs. Charles Gist. RE TWelcome Cemetery. Mr. and'Mrs. Lawremcu' Mr- AOn Tucsday a!temnoo)n Mm.: Lai-ghlin and family visited ~and Mrs. George Johns visit- ber parents, Mn. snd Mrs;. N EN ~ - d Mr. David Johns ini Oshawa: Glover Ross at Tavistock on J'W I Hospital. Frien&5 wiIl be Sunday. CAR pîeased to -hear that he is pro-, Mr. and Mrs, Robent Rhodes, gressin-g !avoumably, follow- Little Britain, Mnr. and Mms.' FROM . . . ing surges-y., Raiph Bowers, Ian, Todri and! M r. and Mrs. Charles Briggs Craig, Tyrone. were Sunday, fl spent a few days in Kitchemeri evening dine- guest.swt M aoDONALU ýand Waterloo recently, ea]-iMm. and Mrs. George Bowers.! îng on Mrs. Jean Hill, the' Mr. and Mns. Norman Wsir-' Fww Fisbers and Mr. and Mrs.i minglon. Toronto, spent Sat- FORD Thomas Briggs. Thanksgiving' urday with Mn. and Mrs. 813Kiogs s. W., osa.,. 1 visitors with Mr. and Mr.s., Grant Thonipson and were 576-1800Briggs were Miss Margaret: dinrier ancd suppcr guests. Duckwortb and Mms. Rose Mm. Kitchener Burton ne-, Mmnê.a gnai, eIuu Deal. Toronto. and Mrs. Ar-', tumned home !rom Toronto oIy-. Weekly - Menthly thùr Pgarce, Oakville. last week aftcr spending con- U..S.bhRetS. r., and Mrs. Wilfmed Vine' siderable time with the Payne, M»njyed Friday at Uic Inter-1 !arily w'hilc their parents, KNTAAAR jnetianal Ploughing Ma tc h Mm. and Mrs. Jas. Payne, nerParis. ýwr nvcto o etr Iaughlin visited theircorusin,l A correction please - The. AG Ut1D01 n ee Fo-lirat Cartwrisht Ladies' Aux-J by Lois Bergen Carrot River High School Carrot River, Sask. Winner Senior Division, Royal Canadian Legion Essay Contesi She stood looking aI the white cross beneath the spruce trees. Many times in yrears past she had corne here and visited Ibis lasI shrine to a beloved brother. This had been their favorite trep. It xv;is here they had shared sec- rets. They had a]ways been close friends, sharing their hopes and dreams. Now thev were ail dead under that white c r oss. Kevin had teased her mercilessly, but she had oaiy laughed. He had been several vears aider than she, but they had been inseparable buddies. There had been nlo utIle girls living close by. As a resuit she had become quile a tombov. She looked wistfully down ta the valley where they had r aced across the meadow. She could stili see him stand- ing there. triumphantly, with his blue eyes laughing, and his blond hair blow- iag in the wind, his lithe frame grace- fui and poised ready ta jump anto bis panv and gatlop away. Ile had ]oved the crocus bloomimg in the early spning, the robin's nest in the etrabapple tree, and the swinging bridQe across the gurgling streani. Thev had gone fishing down the river in the sumnier-time. They had rolled up their blue jeans and waded to the aid rowboat. Mom had always packed a delicious lunch. They had spent several borns in solitude and quiet, tnt havu-'g ta talk ta understaad. The zolder silence enveloped tbcm like a halo as they drifted lazily down the river. Ia the autunin they had walked through the forest, exploring nature and sharing Ibeir discoveries. They had neyer discovered whether the wood- pecker they bad called "Charlie" stayed ail winter or not. In winter tbey had gome sleigh rid- ing. Tbev had harnessed their two sbaggv ponies bo the sleigh, and had a fabulous time swooping over the snowd n fts. They had grown up together. H-e had had a "hot rod'" in his early teens. How proud] *v the 'v had roared around the litile town of Serey. Times had changed and years bad passed. She. bad gone to and he had joined the air force. She had neyer forrned a close friendsbip, and always had looked forward to holidays at hnme. Then therc, was the war. H1e had been anxious ta get imb 1he war so that he cou.ld have a ihare ini the intimate conversation, rern-mber- ing, THEIR youth and TI-EIR wars, which Gramps and Dad had indulged in. Then he had gone overseas. He bai written letters, and when the,, stopp-red, she had panicked. Then her fe-ars hr>td been confîrmed. She was sure he wouîld have dipd bravplv-,. fighting fui the endi. There neyer had been anYthing coward- Iy about bum. Several years had passed since that; fateful day' wheni the family' had rpreiv,- cd the formai letter statiag- that Kevin was reported missiag in France. She turned away and a sob wracked her weary and tired body. Those days were gone. Onlv memories-painful memories-remained ta torture ber, There was pain in remembering but a sad joy trio. The years woulcl pass bv, but she would not forget bim. H1e had neyer been selfisb. 1He had a]ways shar- ed bis happiness. feeling deeply and sensitively. I-e had been the mast per- fect brother amy girl could evr'r have bad; intelligent, kind, and uaderstand- ing. The pain was still there, the emni- ness, the lonelimess, ovn'îwheiming her emotions. She seemed devaid of feeliniz except foi the hollow and continuou.q pain of remembering. Indeed, life had passed ber by. Now stuc was rio longer \'oung. Every November 1l, slip would pay ibhis lasi tribute ta an uinkmawni soldier, ber brother. The pain of rpmcmbering would tear ber mind apart. The tears rolled dowm her fui rowed chrcks. Wrathfully she hurled the defiant words: "He foug-ht for bis couintry, he died for bris rountry; what did hus <'oua- tr 'y give ta him?" Ia the hollow echoes of ber rnemory she knew the aaswer, A simple answer, but so covcPted. While he had lived be had been frre. Now 1,e had passed bis !reedom ta the penie he loveci and ta the manvY people who could neyer thank bim for bis sacrifice. She lifted tearful eyes to the bcav- en.ç and realized the truth. Tt was God's will tbat Kevin bad Jeft Ihis parth. Shçý rould oalv pray that she wouild fiad the sanie peace that lic bad met. "For mea must fight. and wcimen must weep". Yes. she and manv others had wept and were weepinz. This November Il,' as vori sep the crosses, tbink of Kevin and bis cantri. bution ta his cauatrv. Thiak of tbe poppies growing on the graves Qif 4de soldiers in Flander's fields, whn ' juçht valiantly for wbat tbey behieVý#d was right, Remember the unknown soldieri wbo gave their hives for vhiuîr frpedom. H-ave they diec ini vain? Wh;;, do you owe to the Kevins of the world? thé C=aiml Stateoean, BownvMfe, Oct. 29, 1069 200 Hear Proposai at M. J. Hobbs ScbooI M eting lr en 0tà# si uPpports Plun for Dody Cro wth Scho olProgqrum ing at Pine Ridge School OBITUARY w JAýMS AIHUR WERRY farmn Mr. Werry had e~e reading, gardening and lIn- Death has called one nt this ventîag labor savîng devîces. area's oldest and most re- He also became an expert in spected ritizenx In the pra t.he culinary arts. In hisde of .Iamei Arthur Werry cftrlinRgypar- he dereased kept Ennhiskllen, who wasç born on arn open mind. and his falth i n the Werry homestead, Rne-young people and love f Or landvRIe". nt ElcIad, 96 years chiidren %vas always present.. ~ ago and where he spent thé He wa- an ardent follower tif early part, nt his lUfe Hiý: football, particularlv sInce * death occurred nt. Memorial ntn- grandsons ,vere memberg Bowmnanville. ofl varbaîp teamn5. Sunday. October 12, 1969. fol- M Wer suridb' lowlng an tllnes o!nt wo twa sons and tN,-o daughter ... week. Francis W. Werrv. Mrs. H-. 1-e was t.the son n! the la e Meii (la' res . t William Werry and Elizabeth Werry. Enniq'kilfr and Mrs. Bray and attended Soluna J. Borrnwdalp (GrAc-e). 0,hq- Srhool. Mr. Werrv on MaY wa. Thlrtet'n erandchlldreni 20, 1899. marrled the former and .311 reat-grandchiidren L Nora Jane Bines. wha pre- also survive. deceased hîn,'in 1957. Thev The funeral service was held moved ta Ennlsklllen In19. fromn the Northitt Eflinit A farmer. he wa.q forced by: Funcral Home. P1,3 n%,rP.nville, ilines!; ta discontinue this en' onr Wed1nesdav, Octohr'r 15. arid terprise after 30 years. and warodutdby RM. uipon bis retirement 39 year.3 Sanderson of Toronto. a li- ago they moved to the Village Urne friend. arnd 11ev. R. C. of Ennisklllen. The deceas;ed Hopkins o!f Enniskiillc n inted was a member a! Ennisklllen Church. 11ev. Sandier.ýon pa 'd United Church, and was a1so tribu te ta a life welI spent some years ago, a memnber of and chose for bis text 11I Timon. the Order o! Foresters. thy 4-7, fram one of St. Piul'i In hi-, early years Mr. Werry.,' letterF - "I have faught t was à stroag worker In the gond figh t. 1 have finishier i m . sons of Temperance m ve-~ course. 1 have kept the faith". ment at Sauina, whlch, no' Interment was ln Hampton doubt. dld much to form biýs Cemnetery. exemplary character and wlll-, Pallhear-ers were Messrs. lngness ta serve bis Church. Francis Olde. St. Thomaq*: .He put heart and sou)i nto Meredith Maffatt. Clarence ail phases of church work and Werrv. Dr. George Werry, rarely ever mlssed worship Oshawa; Messrs. Edger Wright, on the Sabbath unless stek- Ennikillen, and Harold Pas- ness prevalled. For many coe. Sauina. years he "'as superintendlent Manv, beautirul floral trk- of Ennisl:illen Sunday Schoolendatos nd esap and also asslsted at Burketan of s,mpathv- frnm reais Sunday School for some tîme and friends. far andf near. e,.- Mr, Werry completed 50 years sdteeploeadhc service as Recordlng Steward pesdtedc oeadhg which was a unique record In ete edb h ersd Church anmais, Ten grandsons of the decea- iSince retlrlng from the ed. Messrs. Alan. Clark, Grant~. deliclous fruit and was most impressed. The tree is B_ Eert. Bill and Ted Werry, .rb growing in the hothouse at the school and almostiSunday, October 26th, will be'and Garth McGill. Brian Bor- alongsîde is an orange tree as well with fruit hanging!NsltnUie hr a-l wdeadRlpVru.ed niversar..also twn grandsoon 'of the' 1"1p on it. Mr. Paterson is shown painting out the excellent, y.ot f%-Cao gS.E. Werry-, Messrs. GIeéun crop on the grapefruit tree. BySot e--Caolgand John Werry, Sauina. wkrm and Camping fiower hearers. htnlng eat'li ~ -____ -_______ Eleven Boy Scouts were side of the aislp Pt the Fih- lliry emnstatin n Nv.chasen, at the discretion of eral Home and forming a serai- >. 8Vh ill bDe iii the tanship, the Scouters, for this canoeing circle at the graveside. ,=..ddig 8h wil b inthe ownhipand camping trip. On Satur- ~~dding Hall, Blackstock. Watch for, day they commencpd their L IA ~ ~ JL aer.canoeing on Pigeon River o!E IA E H IL Mr. andf Mrs. Roy Knapp,. Highway 35 and stayrd a Wsterdown, are visiting with rBase Camp on Scouts' Island4- lb Mr. and Mnr. Malcolm Emer- overnîght. On Su.nday the 4HCu son. On Sunday they called'parents met tihe boys at'Emily The fourth mertinc of thi on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Emer- Park. E1îzabethv ille 4-H Club wV'e son, Peterborough. The~ purpose o! this outing held at Mrs, Beptt's home ,prli Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gi- was ta qualify for badges. For October 20th- The 4-H Pled-9 son were hasts on Saturday~ this the boys must be able tn as ie n u olc evening ta the Blackwater read a compass, handie a'wsgvnad u olcl Hunt Club meeting. Mr. and canoe (steening and paddling) 'A Supper lJtsh Featurinco Mrs. Bruce Gilison, Cheryli !ollow a map, recagnize anc1 Cheese or Eggs" was answer-. and Victor, Clarkson, wvere 'name birds, trees, animais' ed. We have chosen "Ths Sunday visitors. ýand the formation o! knoils. Gourmet Girls" as aur club There y Service Later, they must write a "log" name. "Casserole Cookery, Teewas no service ini the'o! thc exvedition ta ýfinalize Easy Top Stove Main Dishe3, Prebyterian Church (Bally-: the qualifications. and Desserts" were discusseri. duff Anniversary'). or in theý The leaders were Don Bar-Weaeatradmkeac. serole at home for aur famlly, United Cburch (Cadmus An- rabaII. Barry Malcolm, HaroldI "Vaniety in carried binchri niversary) Crawford. Jimn Soane, .Perrv and selectinz a balanced! me'sl InCadmus United Church1 Grandel. The Scouts were at a restaurant or cafeteria Sunday morning Reverend R.1 Clint Sleep, Chris Vine,St-wr asodcun. Snd C. White, Oshawa, the guest, yen Williams, Steven Craw-wchmkn ad wrappincf speaker, was assisted by Rev- 1fard, Paul Christensen. David vwas nldd at di.c erend Victor Parsons. Rever-'Malcolm, D e nni s Malcolm,ý stnEch embernpresen Send White c1iose "Our Loyal-!Ben Crawford, Murray Archi- the kind af sandwich she l~ t ies" as the theme for hisý bald. Tom Wottcn and Brianý made and brought wlI*X- îý_:' splendid address. Mr. Haines.Sleep. -Ico the fînger food cho-Set presided at the organ . Mrs.! Six boys of the Part 'Perry These wpre lateî- enio,.ed wlth Lamne Thompson favored with1 Scouts .incd the group and, bot chocolstp made byau a solo with Mrs. Gardon' everyonp seemed ta tboi-ougb- hasteFîses-. Doris, Diane and St.rong accampanying. Next' ly enjay the adventure. 'Marlène Beatty._______ The Last Remembrance I I £ * 1; o I t~. i