_______________________ 1010.îo h vtsiting ln the area.' M4, Elton Brock 864. Gall, He w.. .eOrt ale by Mn., MiUison 664, Hlda Brock 658. Peeling o ber tot their Team Standing. ofo r-mer home ai-e a of Oshawa Teams, Pins Pts. A busload of 46 Bowman-, D. Bagneli --- - --- 21209 31' PI-on 62 -3 03ville Rotarians and their wives G. Wilcox - 21204 31 visted, Mohawk Race Track M. Etcher - 21129 29 __________________________________ t Milton on Monday atter-IMoe Richards 21351 27 noon and evening. Acrn.B. Mastyn -- -- 21816 2 Mn-. J. H. Alldread was a' Robert Jaques, Toronto; Mr.! 10 reports. everyone b.d a V. Prout -----_ 21280 26 guest at the Wikle - Hooper Gordon Jaques, Waterloo, and !gaod time, trying their luck L. Piper - ----- 20883 24f wedding ln Georgetown an'Mr. Normian Vanstone Ofi and funds nt betting on the, O. Etcher .-- 20541 22 Saturday. Queen's University, Kingston, trotters. Some did well - Oth-;B. Richards- - 20845 21 Mr. and Mrs. Doug Andrews, were weekend guests of Mr.: ers will be eatlng peanut but- E.F, Brock. 20079 1 - of Stoney Creek were week- i and Mrs. Byron Vanstone. ter sandwiches for a week Or G. Piper -- 20023 il end visitors wth Mrs. An- ýHis hast of friends and!; twO. Top 10 Averagesc rw'paets, Mr. and Mrs. acquaintances will be sorry taý A reminder to stock up foriM. Etchr - 18 250 Jack Brough, Harsey Street. 1Iearn that, Mr. Nelsan Qsborne the big "trick or treat" night, iV. Prout - . 21 249t If yau have been away or: had the mistortune at falling Hallowe'en, coming up on Fr1-' L. Pliper ---- 21 247ý have had out-af-town guest.ilat bis cottage an the week-iday. Octaher 3lst. Matorists' .Ryod 2 93 In yaur homes. please give us! end and Is now recuperating1 will need to be alert that evn-D . Breod -- 2-1 225 c a cail by dling 623-3303. We lin Oshawa Generai Hospital îng as youngsters. n he e.x- oc 2 2 appreciate the items for use following hip surgery on Mon- cieet r p .altiG. Wilcox 21 223t ciemn, reat o b teýL. Welsh - -2t 222è ln this coîumn. Iday. ýforgetful of traffic. More , 1 caution by mot.orists wlll help D, Bagneli 21 222r Mr. and Mrs. A. Greig.. Mrs. Margaret Lucas andi oaodufruaeacdns B. Marin 21 22l11 Third Street. were ln Toron-: Suzanne spent the weekend ln ta avH.d nforolndteaccid2nts to iast Sunday ta .loin In a Winnipeg, Man., where they and parents should also 1m enls2 2 famliy celebration ln honor Of attended the graduation of1 press their children with the the 80th birthday of the form- Lt G F. (Rick) Lucas. Rick 1eed ta be rys.Cailreful hen er's father, Mr. Arthur Grelg. was Pr esented with the award csingr s hirnsou'd Mrs. John D. Brown and for highest academic stand - wear mu sks with good vision Misq Francis' Young, Cren- ing in ail the flight trainingan alo bghy core mhwMssar getso tccourses. costumes. shaw Mis., ae gestsof te iMr. and Mrs. 'Herb Calmer. former's brot.her-in-lIaw and' Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Beech. 1 Orchard Vlcw BIvd.. spent the sister, Mr. and Mrs. C. Raby. town; Janice and Bannie. weedi icee tte- They will ipn w ek.Toranta, attended the christ-: hm !cuis i.adMs with Mr. and Mrs. Raby. 'ening party at the home Oomeoosn, r n r. 'Mr and Mrs. H. S. Jaques,iMr. and Mrs. Keith WordenEml ushnltndwie - wha have been in Tanzania (nec Lois Ashton), Mona Lisa 1hthher oatten e s o re!te for the past two years, return- Apts.. Oshawa. foiiawing the hglgt !teOtbret cd ta Bowmanville on Satur-I baptismal services of baby' They attended the dance heldý day and are presently with'Richard at Ebenezer Church. at the Rouler Skating Rink inI lierparnts Mr an Mr. Mr Chrle Peiin o~Bingeman Park where there ber aretsMr.and rs.ý M. Carle Pelin ofwas an attendance of 2,000. Byron Vanstone, King Street Pennsyivania. a former resi- Music was by Bobby Glmbyý WeUt. dent o! Bowrnanville. rid;,and his orchestra and during Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Jaques,.i manager af the Seymour POW-' the evening variaus groups en- Woodstock, M r and M r s.er & Lig ht Company _back ln tertained. The final number wa, "Canada" sung by a choir of 50 marching school chiidren TVs Salvage Tie Af fer led by Bobby Gimby. On 'Su nday, Mr. and Mrs. Clmer . and relatives attended the Octoberfest Interfaith Service Blowig 3-O Leadthe sermon was given by His hEldin e aditorium when Againsf Lindsay Jrs, mn~Cria ee wilAn;è hmp t a egnng av'. 1horme îpe andlthat thev':Lea ion Ladies te apply pressure and make a were outahot 46 ta 32, the' comeback it shakes the op-! loeais were satisfied with a Higlh Single, J. Burton 231 posation up and can weaken; draw, but drew plans ta High Triple, J. Burton 613! their confidence. The Balti-Ichange this when they again! Over 200 Games more Orioles experienced thisi met Lindsay ut the local J. Burton 231-216 E. De-ý and ikewise so did Bowman- arena this pa Sunday. , meter 208, B. Partner 205-202.'ý villes Cable Tee Vees in Lit-, As the shots an goal wouid,'M. McNulty 204, G. Downey, tie Britain last Friday night., indicate, Bob Jackman in the. 201. With a 3-0 lead going into the !net for the Tee Veei was in- Team Standing last bal! o! the game the Teeý strumortal in saîvagin'g bte Vees saw it quickly chunged 1tic. Effr!n!eieaehs ry -------1 te a -3 cor nttheend0f'vitminpillsaund! any athlete1 Partner------------------------ 101 tihe second period and! a 5-al ouir! u.e his enthusiasm as1 Sheehan ----- ---------- ---- 9 cleadlock by the end of the! an example. Dotîg Sleep is Blake ---- 6 game. buck in town and! wili be AVerages Taking into accaujnt that w'th the Tee Vees ta assist J. Burton 190 they were playing on Lind-, Bob in between the. post M. Blake ----------- --1871 -dutiies. B. Partner------------------ -182ý SIapshots From Stands: R. Va'nessa -- --- 180ý Man oftheplaersareM. Murtindale .-- - --- -- 179ý May ! ieplyes rM. Gray ------------------ 179 nnn !~~oU'owing Bob Jacknian's e!-1E eee 7 Keep p on fart and enthusiasm with teir own brand ef hustle and'A. Bute .-- --- ------- 1791 c r ntdetermination. Bave CowellliN Sheehan - ------ ----- 1741 another to play a major part'G ony - 16 SH. Simnick -- ------ _ 1631 af fairs in the resuits of the game IGMudc ._---------15 Dave's line of Steve West and!.Mrdc -- 5 DRny oanal une 'L. Aduir ---- 151 t he easy w ayusNiu a ttne! i M. McNuity- 145 soli tw-wa effrt.Thede- 1 D. Richards-------- ------ 140 fense corps led by Sandyý1R ahae ---- i3 Read the Pulitzer Prize Brown, Warren Aider und R. Bafthîue- --- _---------- U "nýtgChristian Science Dan Nor~ton were quite im-J . Dilling ------------ 129 onitr Rarely more th,,n pressIve and gave Lay, Do T Brown 103 20 paes, tis eay-to- and Cari pran! thut the abilityi ______ 20pae, hi as-t- is there. T[he future iooks1 _______ read daily newspaper gives bright ahear!, se folks tune iii' ySu a complete grasp of your sets, the Tee Vees are 11k national and wold affairs. eoming on strang. ibe.rty Belles Pes fashion, sports, busi- REHOBOTH Christian Reformed Church seurot Street Minister: Rev. A. Vatndpngerg, B.A., B.D.. M.Th. Phone 623-7407 Worship Services 10:00 A.m. 7:00 p.m. Rack to God Hnir Diai 1310 Radio Every Siînday 10:30 a.m. "Everyone Weicome" TRINITY UNITED CHUR(H Minister- Rev. George K. Ward, B.A., B.D. Orgariist- Mr. William M. Findlay, B.A., A.C.C.O., A.T.C.M. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1969 10:00 a.m. "SOUL BUILDERS or STATUS SEEKERS ? Rex'. George K. Ward Church Scbool Hours Begitnncrs, Kindergarten and Trimarv t)cpt%. At 10: 15 A. Junior, Intermediate and Senior I)epts. At 11:00 R.m. ST. PAULS UNITED CHUR(H Minister - Rev. H. A. Turner, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mr. R. Metcalf, A.R.C.T., A.C.C.M. cS~erv ices 9:45 arn. - Church School 11:00 &.m. - "The Joy of Harvest" 7:00 p.m. - "A Game of Naughts end Crosses" (iuest Preacher REV. ROBERT BRAWN, B.A., B.D. Associate Minister of Cobourg United Church *At the Evening Service Mr. Chas. King of the Oshawa Civit Band, and former French Horn player in the Toronto Symphony Orchestra, wilI provide special muuic. October Zlmt High Single- M. Leaman 249 *High Double- M. Leamun 4821 Games 200 and Over C. Wray 201, W. Coombes' 202: M. Gibson 206, J. Luxton 207, M. Colvilie 212, H. Rey- nolds 213, B. Locke 219, C. Roberts 220, J1. Alexander 233, L. Cole 236-206, O. Patticîr! 234-235. M. Leaman 233-249. Team Standings Capt. Pins Pts. Reynnlds , -11510 I10 Gibsori------11463 10! Coombes - 11259 9 Locke --- 11234 & Shackleon -- - 10817 8 Leanman 11283 7ý IColville 11007 7 iBate 10723 15 1 Patfield -- 10119 .3 Blunt 10)069 a r Averageq L. Cole - 229 O. Patfield- 21.5 H. Reynolda - 2041 C. Ro)bertîs 204. J. Alexander . -1 9q' W. Combes M.19 M. Leamun -190 MIXED LEAGUE October 17, 1969 Ladies 111gb Sinirie Helen Reynolds 688 Ladies' Hith Triple Sandra Stainton 683 Men's Hligh Sintie Larry Piper 313 Men's HIgh Triple Larry Piper 805 Helen Reynolds stili holds high average for the ladies, twith 220 and Morley Etcher lead.s the men with 250. Dvae Rrynoldq took al . Qaç-. from 7'tnn Brock. and One tcher. Larry Piper, Yior flichprd. <ordl Wilcox ,nr9 mrHrPîcr ea;ch tonk 2 games frn Morley Etcher,ý Bob Richards, Don Bagnel, Brian Martyn and Vince, Prout. 300 (james and Over La rry Piper 313, Hap Pal- mer 303, AI Wray 303. 250 Games and Over AI Wray 256, Dave Reynolds 283, Jane Smith 260, EMon Brock 252, Vince Prout 264, Sandra Stainton 250, Hazel Donoghue 253, Ernie Dickens 284. Larry Piper 267, Gal MflIlson 258, Ted Bagneil 251,; Duke Brunt 250-275, Gard! Wicox 252-288, Tom Millsonl 275, Eillen Moore 254, Hee Reynolds 268, Don Bagýni 278, Moc Richards 259-295, Bob Mitchell 259. Lou Welsh 257î. 6S0 Triples and Over Larrv Piper 805, Gord Wil- cox 784, AI Wray 782, Mac Richards 757, Vince Prout74, Dave Reynolds 739, Duke Brunt 732, Hap Palmer 731, MarleY Etcher 686. Sandra Stainton 883, Don Bagnel Mal, Tom MiUaoo 673. Oeo. PIier1 Cnhip- TVc Pll nail The Canadiaxi Statesman, nowmanville, Oct. 22, 1969 7 iE0 àfi% l ,w y "N-E I 8WElui ker, Doug Slcep and lat but show that Bowmanville ha! not lenst Bob Jackman. aone gond hockey players. Ra * v and Don have used left. The Lcke Electrofia Defect Li dsa S uau 6 4 asially the ame lines this wrked up quite a iar veekend with Larry Devitt' with the Part Hope sandIat pvoting for Rick Woolnercrew, maybe this wiil con- In an attempt ta compen- Junior C squad. The Tee as a balancer! unit. A special and Kim Rogers; Dave Cal-itinue into aur hockey seasan. sate for their lpei h Vees, led by Lnrry Devitt nod alsa goes ta Sandy BrownweladDnyNarwr-Creondnad roou final portion of the game in:-adLryDvtfoanql ed with Steve West at centre.'picture tubesi n an gnme Little Britain. the kcal Jun- with two goals and two as-adLryDitfoanil while the fine puck contrai of !spirite! hockey. Came on Tee iars displayed hustie and.ssa puller! smoothly as a, out sincere effort. Jae Hir- Doug Parker, Doug Taylor! Vees, tune in on this Port drive on Sunday ta capture a unit displaying plenty of en-' cock has proven te be a handy and Joe Hircock comprised'Hope crew! 6-4 win aver the Lindsay thusîasm. Other scorers were man with the stick and as a the cother Une. - crew. Kim Rogers with two and, resuit potter! two goals in Lit- If Punch came back t,-) Tor- Greider, Crawford, Wiiiis. Doug Taylor and Steve Wet;tl BitinFrda ngh.A enta behind the bench of an. Gel Cash Today these names sound familiar. with one each. Greider wîti gond passer and handy man other team how wouid ho be ýThey shouid. since the W1:)mtw a nr! Dwîght Blewett and.with thea puck around the net receiver!? Weil, this Sunday FrOdA uiue bined with the local tln;t Jim Willis with singles - can bea great assot ta any wve aiso e aFpas-t coach re- compose a strong contender in caunted for the scoring an be- hockey team. tîîrning ta aur tnwri in the through the centennial midget plav- haîf af the Lindsay club. The following players have persan of George Cawker.i 9 T A T E S M A N downa. However. il will take Slapshots From Stands. har! their naines placed on George will be rolling inta' C L A 9 9 1 F 1 E D 8 more than throe players ta' Once again Bob Jackmianl contracta during the past town with his Part Hope crew: Poo8330 dofeat this high spirited pre-1 turner! in an outstanding ef - week: Dan Norton. Jerry Mur- anti I amn certain that the1Pon 2339 sent edition of Bowmanvllel fort i goal ta keep the locals phy, Terry Stark, Doug Par- -Cable crew are anxiolus ta ____________ o ofl~ a- 1wg.1J~ I - AI z7 McGREGOR I.D.A. REMEDIES PHONE 623m5791' ..I..L.2,. »ess, and the arts. Read the newspaper that 91 % of Congress reads. -m - ---- - Pleese send me the Monitor for 1 lyear $26 [] 6mm.$U3 El3 mos. $650 E Check or moviey order enclosed 8111 me Street cit etate l THE CHRIAN 'SCIENCE MONITORb Box 125, Aster Station Boston, Massachusetts e2123 135111 niesr PRESCRIPTIONS KING STREET WEST