Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Oct 1969, p. 14

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'1d 4 BneCndaiSaemn ownffle, oct. ga.ilm MrEADEN[ Uand USEU A_ ___ Bàrths InS Memorîamm Cards of Thcmks Coming Events Articles for Sale ! Articles for Sale' Help Wanlted 1 Auction Salsccio Sie BJTWZII- Boy and Irene1 GARROD-In lovlng memory 1 1 would like to express mnyj Old Time Dance. Tyrone GUITAR. Gibson Dove, likei MeINTOSH apples, S'1.4-5 peèr TWO Class "A" mechan-ies WEEKLYSelgatry.O.2th arhpY to announce the lof John Garrod who left us! appreciation to those who senti Hall. Oct. 1l. Music by Bob new.__623-5060. ____-4 1-1*' bushel. Call after 5. 623-2646. required immediately. PhoneLISTO K .ALSa friur1fMr lr bofrt ftheir son Daniel Rov October 18, 1942, and Frank fruit and cards and visted meBurton and the Band. Every.. 10-FOO,'FT duc boat,$25. Tele- 41-li623--4682 or -é3-17. 1-:liVuhamCK hemoem hoseolsgoa On Setember 25, 1969, at Me- Gari-od who left us Oct. 12, durinig my recent illness. 1one welcome. 41-1, phone after 4 p.m. 623-5975. McTNTOSH apples. Beurre! LADIES who drive can makç rn vr hr. :1pm ro.icuignwTfo MOrial Hospital, Bowmanville . 196:3. Dean Grills. 41-1* Cartwright Uin Cemee 41-1 Bosc pears, also other varieties.1 $80 weekly with Fuller. Bow- Seln1oss ate wn, soe e iigrfieao Specal hans toDr.H. . Jst a vo wee yu wIl Anua Meting Wenesay ATER for sale and delivered'L. A. Squair, North of B.T.S. manville & country. 623-59454 1 Iudeand staff on maternity. a lways be. We wish teo express sincere October 15, 8 p.m.. Blackstock Cl Cliff Ptik 623-2313. 41____ ___ _______hei etc 41-1 Treasured forever In aur thanks ta Bowrnanville Pire UnftedChurch. P41-11t 4 -* __ __'R37t Ce, AShieeec halenwchsefàd n hi memory. 1Brigade for their promptness -_______ -__-------___________________ i SrUBSirtees. vergrens. *prietor. 2-f Ise etwe.Lwec EURS -Hello there. my -Lovingly remembered byiand also frlends and neigh- -The Acres-Rest-aura-nt wil HRE re lecrcHoo, Urrant rbs. e Phorene a Kindergarten child while ____HriCek hri ed Diame Is Scott William and 'l Mrs. John Garrad and famnllv. bors for their assistance ait 1 be serving Thanksgiving Din- j gond condition. Newcastle Mrs. Treybal, 623-2161 , Mearns mothealworks. 623-2700. arrived at Memorlal Hospeital, urbrnfie ner this Sunday and Mondav, 987-4531. 41-11 Ave. North.4~1 41-1' eal estate. fuprturdlh Aooef.4- Bowmanville on October1 GP.AHAM-In loving memnory Wmn. J. Mailley. 41 -1 from 12_noon to_8 p.m. 41-1 j. __wnMcnt-hSHOT-RDR-oo -witd.! I s Mary Page, MainSre Slig 1969. 1 weighed In at 8 lbs.'of John David Graham who - hree u t ice-Ir'lrorad soePICK y0i.r onMIts'cneialdi orl Tî ' thefumnitue anti ôuseho Chree u eKthn eevi n hl.Telephone icngnasurung.e- ehny auraOcoe 15%½ ozs.aandm arnnjoining pathel asheOf. 41-12,j19p5.:es.wBrowteiew karlmthphonefortuintervieobr987-4231ow18, Faler an, phone ffryotergiews 98-Mr31.1MltlenaTa1blyn pase aayOcobr 2,195.Wewih a hak ilthseer Studa. ctbe lth'263-8418. . _- --1- .--4_-,ewcastle. Caîl 987-4474 be- Newcastle, 41-2,would like ta settlie nt n happy family of Steve, Karen To serre yau may be forgotten, who gave to our presentation For reservations telephone Nhelae-r.1rd ria lind Terri Leigh. 41-1 To others a part of the past. at the Enniskillen Commun- 8859-25927, Port Hope. Rowe POTATOES for wînter star-' fore coming. Bring container.lvî itic ontfi t oba1Ms aby' But ta us who loved you and ýIty Hall where we were pre- Tours. 40-2 age, $2.25 per 75 lb. bag. Joe 41-.,prMeAbL oeratr t5.'oeNorho rno nld 1ÏOSS-To Donald and Joyce lest Yeu. sented with a lovely. gold B Bouma,- re2e3-2y8oer.25 Apply i see this home offered o aejig iceet eFii (ne Hoey)a dugherSusI Yur emrie wil away'swvelrocer.i .H.S. Red Cross Students ma62-87 8t GENUINE Indian rug. size, person ta Curvply Wood Pro-1 with a reserve bld. TdJck ane HoElizabethon toer us2 Yurremrlast. lwysswvJ oer.d ineRkkr Car Wash at Slaght and Mc TOH pIes. $1.5n 'bus.., 10 x 15, just two months old., ducts. Orono. 41-1ison. Ted Spenceley,Auto- erc;csoe.2oo anEgzaehcontainer. 37. o ad ineRekri Cok' ar412atrdy Oan1drngcotchairs.oset o eaoabefferroordees -»69 at Ottawa Civile Hospit.al. i-Ever remembered by Mabel. 41-1* Coo.'10a prag . atra. ct.eriIT7H5cPoset oresnal ofr eusdHELP harvesting Christmas, es ap ihs rn e 41-1 41-1- . 8 0an -3pm c 51 St. Phone 623-5958. 4 1-1' Can be seen at 68 Ontario St.' trees. Cal' after 5p., SeinModyOtbe20owrlnmwr. oo We would sincerely like ta'poi ar-4- ISTUDEBAKER Servic92-206eo.WiteBo 1.at 1 o'clock p.m., thle Dra nes niu evtcar Marricige McLAUGHLIN - In loving1 thank our friends. relatives Chartered bus ta Plowing, and used parts. Graham's PLOUGH, Cockshutt. 2-fur-i Millbrook. J. Hofert. 40,21 Fat-mers' 13th AnnulFî niuridwsa.mn ~iEWMAN -POSTER - Mr. y o a dear so andl and neîghbours for the presen- Match held In Paris, Thtis aag,416-26-2233. 43-tf'row onl rubber. gond con-> MATURE-woman to baby sit Feeder Sale. Selîîng îhu adntol.A ahn a andd rs.Ramy.Potermawy Ocobet13r196.wocasonc0taub25h 13,in Pot6Hoe 85-c2casioeBnYNofo oelin furitueWdtion TrckPoattrmH'ope'.8re-5ho25c7.drn i my eseve t DuhorCout chne.dinng rom xtesio R.R. 5, Bawnianville, an- Bob was:1 Anniversary. Tours. 41-1 or applianrces, call Elmer, gond condition. 263-2060. home four days a week. Tele-ý Sales Arena, Orono. elnice uhadwt nounice the marriage of their A beam aof sunshine, Lamna and Jack Wilson Hampton: business 263-2294. 41-I phone after "i-, 623-*2962.. 41-1 yemr-olds, 2-year-oid.sokgasdosodrcigcar daughter Katharine Elizabeth, A ray of hope 4î-I Hallowe'en dance, Saturday.1 29-tf TRANSISTORISED Volt Met- PART-TIME janitors, part-' and grass calves.Alctte5k.hecaissdbadfo toMî.Rae JhnNwmn Ta pssdthoghor lvs ____rOctober 18, 9 - 12, Legion - - . nd- l I teM.RgrJh emn htpse hog u leîHall. Bowmanville. Music 'TWO boys' winter-cas n er. 7 ft. pool table with ac- time and full-time waitresses Igae n odi utbednn om n antbd son of Mr. Arthur Newman, but once Sincere thanks ta nurses, Royal Ambassadars. Prizes matching hats, sizes 4 and 5, cessories. some 3 months oldifor shift work. Apply The Rlots Manaherpoand. haAi Orono, an Priday. Octaber the And was gone. especially on 3rd Floor, Drs., for costumes. Bar. $3.00 a! both blue. Phone after six - rabbits. Phone 623-2989 after. Voyageur, Waverlev Rd. 41-1i RiMngradAcine obnto odadeeti third, nineteen hundred and .-Lovingly remembered by' Sproull and Westgarth for copl. 41-21 * 87-4994.41-1* four.-_14*A MARRIED man for milk4-' tv.ec LarneHrrs sixty-nine at Orono, Ontario. mont, dad, Linda Janis and their splendid care and kind- cLLOYD.- - __ _ b. -_ p ,aCnlerk; Charinntllie Reid, Autoosion-m Ili Heefrdra l, Kel. _______ uin y tyinM- O SERBNG le. 13" wheels. with sun hardly used. Price Includes: stores. Job suited to some-; tractors. full line fm- Forthcoming 'OEI oigm mor alHos ital. remember ee THURSDAY NIGHT, 8 o'clock' canopy, excellent condition. two heavy blankets. pillaws one who is tired of the rigors chinery, hay, grain, fmiue hrdy coe t Mvarriages a dear daughter and sister Mms. Beulah Vivian. Sosre yte ir Phn -7139. 1 ~and s 7pads 63-806. 4Telephone' and pressueortuchine :antueecpoery0 c uto al flvs.c Mm ad .r. eranWebRozella Pearl. who passed! 41-l* Chamber of Commerce 12 --- -aden--- -gl f---7 .m.26-8886._ 41 --i ieok.Ashr1we adCtllough Bras.. Lot 8Co'mpmnt.2hedoHr- 1& ad . eranWebawy ctbe 1, 96.JUILE AVLIN oa,$60; boy's hockey 'qi-ATTENTION Farmers. new a permanent position for onel1 10, Ma nvers. 2 12vi ie at odm hrhr at of Pontypool wlsh ta announce aay hoctabersm14, ndm1966. j JUBILEE Pnk ela OS AWAILlON bent, sIze8, 0 eulp- j i165 bushel grain aks lo6 who takes pride in his work. of'Highway 35 at Co.1orcw wthaleb'sde4 t.he forthcaming marriage of A nto uwesmil anima esnIhouldlie a ank red èh_ e-a- OS H_'W A8-tf 44ment.se $10. leph-1 one wagon wtans, also 6-Older applicants not neces-, 4 miles North-West0fBt-ISohrnhfrsdeDc thi agte.Mrln lz-atee ue, c atires. Two used 130 bushel; sarily excluded. Apply in 'an\' W ejandan, 1 Shrtorna bet. t M. Rnal Pankin No one misses hrmr for cards, flowers. fruit, visits; pades, Toronto, November .5 'NEW 40 ft. heavy duty TV tanks. Don Frew and Sons,! rsnI Terms cash. Sale a.1:0jHrfr God t . Nale.Franklin, j than us, land Inquiries. Special thanks i 7. 8, Pth, For tickets and à eln n n ntald;lcsak96568o id-RA SAE41-I1pm1e akon e:mnh o ' r.ad - Mariget tkepac i~And when old times we do to Dr. Sylvester. nurses and; reservations Phone 885-2527,1 $48.95. Antenna only. Iinstall-' q12-08.4-2 q ,ESAECARFFR Spenceley, Auctioneers 4.1sd-eieyrkPruo Pontypool United Church oni recaîl staff on the 3rd Floor. Me-j Port Hope (Rowe Tours).- ed,$17.00. Phone 623-2006. W4a400.--------î A ,full__ tacirtanre prade, nt Satrdar Nveber8,Nhats henwe isshemaialHositla nIlev.an 0 m 29-ftELVNATR au a ma ti cagtat nagntoorrowanxiil' ucton aleofartcle an ST hlerwle mtof 3 ar !t 3:00 p.m. 4Most of Ril. Mrs. Gilchrist. Thank v'ou. dishwasher, brand new. are.Epresdmngrt hnsa ehc' uto n.15 M -o rc _____________________ Sadly missed by dad. sisters A .(Pny Hbad Kendal United Church An- G.E AUTOMATIC -defrost $39995, awonre27.7 . elpyuplextrc aagertis-> shed. Saturayevning c wtkaks'uIun fm i and brothers an familles. 41.1*niversarv Sunday. Octaber refrigerator; set of French Comne in and check aur-clear- hing tou lexpdcora sin. i:Dubewrdoe gt\gcierhy.gan.Sm Deaths ad rthr a41aile.1*1 l 9th. 2:30 p.m. Speaker. G. E. doors. ag.alga o-anepi nohrKlin Mebe of mo ni state ta 1:Dble. dressrtasao' oshlburiuee 41AR-1BetlardgthSud -l gond tocxpres TanceorieonthrKln 1wsteepesmy sincere'T. CrozierB.A., Cambourfle. dition. Phone 987-4621. M Br o.ms elEtt ai.desrt CLR.Brh4dt-Sd:11, *1 orAppliances. J-Mar EquCnatilydG'kthn caiesphpin-rpry0 Sea uko denly et Belleville an Satur- I WEBB-.In îoving memory of 1appreciation te friendsan'Se din5 nd 7 1k 'sheled amn mnt a.. 441ing1t. B..aLrds.n.l.aVce-Presidn, .1icrt. BabfietulE½ Lt3 on ot da, cabr .199,Brtha a adeax- wife Hilda Barrett and 1relatives ffir cards. flowerls ao412freMeaeran wp., 12tmop: dyt br d, 1969,f te lt ohr h passed away l and visits while a patient In- DRIED ta ard crn e Bo wmanville. 41-I ýKeith Ltd. Realtor. 181 Eg-1ifezrars o:eeti atfFaevleCmtr dthBod ieoth aemte.wosilage. Phone t raie linton Ave., Toronto 12, Tele- stoves, aid couch. largeqat MWerkley Clark, In hem 9th jOctober 9, 1968. 1Meora HsptaBowman- Chartered bus ta Toronto pickup or delivery. Browrviev\,LSadPA S poe4733.4-5iydseca adwo em ah.N eev.Sl year. Mother of Mrs. Clinton O! wamen bomn, a preciaus'l ville. A special thanks 1.0.ttathe Engieberi. Humperdench Parms, Newcastle, 987-4474. .APPLESoandsmall Quehene 4ea7-r.at.1:00 p.m. Carl Hicksona Burley (May). Mrs. Lloyd gem. I Dr. Westgarth and Dr. H.' Show, Maple Leaf Gairden,j 1.fi $00 useCstm GasLdI bushels of ather articls aJAcine.Raao idi Stephenson (Bessie). Lewis. AllInlving truc and kind. Rundle and nursing staff In Fridav, .November 28th. Tele- - - ___ urday night 7:15. Cli!Pt-753495.4. Arthur, Newcastle. Mrs. Jack Of God«s good gifts an earth: Maternity Ward forrcame andj phone 885-2527 Port Hope j FORD harvester with grass Macs, Spy%. Baldwin%, Russets, TORONTO STREET I ick, Auctioneer.4lI D)elvin (Raye), Mrs. Cecil The best a man could find.' kindness. Bîîgî. jRowe Tours. 41-3 land 2-owcobues. are.o1ne0Greening :e cse O t usa.Otbr1-Cm Tamlinson (Kay). Belleville; -Sadly missed by husband i Veronica Camene, ame Ail- TOI1bus 0oats. Phoney983-503:tThursday, OctabErO-.peedsraloAmb'Ho~ ~Irs GanetLitle Myrie) Thrntn. augterHeaher I 11 elvrtne nnuC eAll T uke Yburonot. Poe 48-0-2' $2.00 bushel Irequimes ArinSl !7hAne tiscnitn !9 e Mlrs. Ray Reid <Eleen), Shan- sons Garfield and John and - Supper on Monday, Oct. 13 -Ooo 4-2 ANJOU and WINTER PEARS experienced maie plant Sunny Hill, Reideli rdcinjisee.casfedF...ts. nonville and Patricia (deceas- daughtem-in-law Joan. 41.1* I would Ilke ta take this 0p j cammencing ai. 3:30'.mAd MODEL 12. 3" Magnum Win-! CRAB APPLES Sale- 40 head o!feitrd dHiten.1cudn rs ed); sIlster o! James Broad. I potunty ta express mv sin- mission, adults only $2.00 and ichester pump gun, new con-, Bring baskets% ACCOUNTANT j Ayrshire cattle, 25 heei rs os pigr.be n Belleville. Survived also byiALs giethns t e~vscide l0 adpesho- ditian; .303 British sporting gret- ranchidrn. estd Fr ermnene ad irnty vey ads toe r lavses n idr f 1.00 4d1r-1 rlenwcnito.Poe Pick at your ow,n risk Apply in persan or Phone 15 hcad due ta freshnsn'pehefsfrm ucnte 14grandchildren and five 1friends adnihor o.esOre 1lroe e niino931 . 4P l'hX 141-49160Select group of cattel on ie sHrmseOmh great -granchidre. RItevvan Pemasnceandmighigh producingfloersdams. ad Sale 83to12and Maplees Frma46s49-a6044-canoduiDada- et Bush Puneral Home, Belle-I we suggest: prayers during my stay in Me-; Durham Holstein Club Ban- - '---d-i-oadsStto- Ko-ul ole.Suti o 4Vile. Srvie wa hed ai1 M unt awn marial Hospital. Bowmanville, quet will be helli Priday. iINSULATION, blawing etlh- 1"MILES;EAST FROM VANTE Communty Livesc Ex' Sremkr.3uts ,yilp.. SMonde ainermenti M utL w nd the General Hospital, October 24 ai. 6:45 in' Maple' od with Rock Woal Work- Oronov iveti Pod ea emtey Nw- Me oia Pr Oshawa, and special i.hanks ta: Grave Church Hall. Tikesmanship guarantecti,, f rc eîod ree trckngwth saes aso102 pudsmil «sl.41-1* r.Sru.,Rl n 41-1 Man or .voman ta supply COfl in 200 miles. Lunch aalbeqoa t. h rpryo ______roze__ Pias erguson. I Phoning 263-2325. Dr. C. R.;Newcastle 987-4531. 41-tflIsmr nBwavll rmrSl i :3 ..Jc c-Amtrn rssliga maria Hasital owmavillei viit th Par Offce 411*1 nyanewishng taspcn imphxty, hor nd Mofat AROT j a ame 0finthan w'ît Cai, PedgreeReadr; Ca thefalm ocatd et3ocus Hil GAUD, Howard C-At Me-I For courteous advice, please Mrs. Stella Becch. Re.getseae. 4.2SD washer parts. motors, 1C AT 'aleig Poduets. an iear icksonPAeigeerReebro igwyN.'7 en on Snda, ' weekend 1nWnsr orapleis ntoel aie- t1$~~~j ~TP 50 weekly part Unie - $1001Ont., Lindsay 705-31499 iee ta aka f I~owad Octber 169, 732633We wih taexpress aur, will aiso be taken te Jack1 tised i ne of furniture. Paddy's 1 ndu fl ime. Write '402HhwyN.7 No-Ti -eHowaed huad of Eavalinej orsincere thanks ta the manylMiner's Bird Sanctuary ta sec Market, Hampton, 263-2241. ýI'sadane design and pre- _and__isau o thfodetlstblsh ;'eoe ubn fEaie1friends, relatives and neigh- brl nFr ____________42-tf' cison engineering ta ed erdsin Otara. sartei l Simpson, sted fatheomtlh- ONEfortta u ,urng te meentmigration. F es-, ___The_______- teCT pric.dped ep.JK)A033, wllsi b ulc utonfr180b tergmnftjr ~ Simsan sep-ai.ero! alp bdrom aarmen. C1lboums who werc a great comn- 1ervatians Phone 885-2527,1 EODTtNhT oer~al erfo aprmaneDE he4005 Riche)Klie rndMs r Da anPeire atlgusar va ~~~utt-251 E41iti.Punral omefPrtaHpe.41-1 ati rtor (tede-ns) 40 bTrusty CAT aI 3:30 o'clack Tuesday aftemnoon. ONE anti two bedroam apart- fhexTe mesaee0'lient condition. Oshawa Yu~ol aeaCME ~ / amrsdne os2at ae1 on ut ~Interineni. Bowmanville Cerne- ments. Phone 623-2292. 39_3 sympathy, fl1o ral1 tributes, MONSTER BINGO TV 1Supply Limiteti, 723-_8131.' TOP an that '.,-ton before FE-E ,D- SALESMAN-- Concession 1, Tawnsi n ar qimn d is. tey411donations ta the Heari. Pund 50-tf Iinter stomms corne. Cartwright, firsi. fam notRersetsaalb.A- ____- jONE bedroom upstairs apart-, and variaus other kîndniess Next - nayTo service and seli livcstock o Bumketan: fridgc, wsigkno niWloSl ~s GOODANEthl-A th! ,ment, centrally loceted. Diel'were very much appreciated. S7:45 P.and NEWesHalley 4 barfmorontcarburrti.- GOODAN, thelAi. he I623-012 1-i7:45us ad RilesEeedsHasto!yTrontbtorort achne. angetemombia-nadAutioners.41- Golden Plaugh. Cobourg, on' 3-1. 4- Special thenks ta Dr. Sylves- R DB R ors 750 CPM, $39.95. Days. Popular Makes ai Hope and Lindsay area. An tien stove, electnîc fou hm-- ~unday, October sth, 1969, SEVEN-roam bhouse easi. a!f ter, the Rev. D. Harris antid ~LJJPh 0oin e 751-2295. evenings DISCOITNT PRICES individual wvelI verseti in dair.v er stove, bedroom suiektc- utonslslngaur thlSiner o! Bowmanville Newcastle. Phone Newcastle the Marris Funeral Chapel. O S H A W A- --'284-6487, 1680 Midland Ave., We nov seli herd operations feeds andi en suite, hardtop2-he'dyOc.1ai103ar.te In her 86th year. wife a! thei987-4456, 4î11 Mrs. Stephen Jeffcry .* Annuel Turkey Supper, St.; unit 2, Elcarbo~rough, Ont. ' ALLOUTTE 1ýNOWMOB!LES feeding '.'orld be requir cd. trailer, chesterfielid car ate ammciey ri lae uterJ.Godmnstep- ,FURNISHED bdor anti Family. 41.11 Joseph's Auditorium. Libertv: -38-4 Watch the papier for arrivai S ..rY commission. incentive'qatt o ih te Lutheof J. GoPetmanorough-rognmlfaarjin______e home._St._S_______________ S1,1lof maqhanti ynua!adishes, other and bey, afuilestuNe andean- 41 1 hn ofo ysr Iv t. S:,0unday ctoer 9ID & R SPORTS Appîx in w'riting onrlv proi~Od-' atce miothr a! red, eteboua;ntlmn np62t3hm.I-hn7G10fr8ys.iv ~ :0ani6 ..AduIts $1.75,1,.jdvateno Clarence, BawmanvA lle. send 623-7108. 41-M VILLAGE SALES ing details o! qualificationsolok.Terms cash.Lw nldn 5yugHrfr A vemy sronncerestthofnkssta -mv1chiltiren 75c. Tickets solti 67 King St. W., Bowmanville rMada ft no e 130mledietlcNrt ! ena ~ar. ornt; istr f rsTREE-betiroom bhouse In i many frientis anti neigbbors ol neiace ee1 orj Poe63321adRN A S 'nd exppilneLD cAcine.4- n 3car avswihn N. J. Woodley (Pearl), Mms. 1Newtonviîîe; possession Nov. i for their kindness ta my fam- otiets a.Preksere.yuj REnE63-42SadRS MAR13IILL HrrsClr Sklnner. Relsted et the 1il -h-e-Iwasin-he-bspîal.Sbop. Mary C Shoppe. Mrs., FULL LINE 0F Janetville 14 Station Street '___-ppciîelvta 0-50 Northcutt Ellioti. Puncra 20 CESad cottage, southi20ACEan For the meny cartis, mesgs!Gog Chanlenti 623-2283, Mrs.ISO TN O D 705-124-2ffl MARKHAM, ONTARIO I Fridav, Oct. 10 --CmpeebsaeDC4tco.Mi- ,Horne. Puneral service was. o! Bancroft, tiuring hunting ji ~~Rx' n MHenn7833,Mrs. W. jcj INUNDAY.îî-îdispersal ai. Risi. Far o!7aplsMiedscM-No belti at 2 o'clock Tuestiay; seasan. Newcastle 987-4040. Ms ogfrthi iis jWilks, Newcastle 987-4940,1____ 3t 41-1 - heacl o! regisiee oste in,1 mnr prae.lienw afternoon. Interment BowA,- 41-1* speciel thanks ta Dr. McKenzieI Mrs. J. Bruton, Orono 983-5145.- __-- Middle-Acied Man frcsh., springers. bretiat pn!r anirkM-ern manville Cemctery. 41-1 THREE bedroomn bungalow n aPics agrtHs 1I BS ULT heifers. aise Surgepien 1dscsddm1,i.trl jusi. outside Hampton $150. Drs. foangeBrbecr a r. Toi _____- ____PARK . SVEET CORN ILvsokFrSl eurt o rgesv ikrat uoai ahmpo.3fros eto SISSON, Elma, W.W. D.D.S.' damage tieposît. Cl 725-836n01 Lae.ngerer and tfra n-,i SUNNYIDEM PARK .Newon-(gli-; line). Surgei -tî arw nt o utvtr cA eoilHsia.Bw fe .4-1Fomb ie.rssaty ingsTaff o! IN O orfresh use or freeznl I33PG.M.Vgl.,etn Lumber Company miking parler, Surge P 2 a 4Gog ht he ~avileonModa, ctbe 3RO patmnt auls'taGecrl ndiMO STR IN O orville 786-2518. --41-1 vcu up ne 4. 1969, Elmo Sisson a! Bow- 3 Only Cenrl tet. Ap- s t neaiHospital for kind-I hrdvNrh rdsFutM re'RGSEE usx rm i o m nil r ii ut.68puts ev lih.2ganbnes . nv eta.Hatd p esadcame. ilmb 2-66.41-1 teporyofFc anville In his 84tb vear. Be- iacs.Imediate possession.' Joyce Slatem. 41.1* i!7.45 HIGHWAY 115Musahbe. 725-6966.iene pliances. Iof he 118 weekst te a veihsat !tclete j$90. 623-7264. 41-1 6L!18___10___ ___Mury__ 'bidig atral admiles south of Stauffil neeao.pu av mr .!ames M.. Burns Lake, Bý.3C.; IX omdhucnrl4l-1* ceustomer relations lOth Concession o!f akhm arierltmsl00bs - 1 /SR Hnriso,>ety)I rie*tvetier68LcaTh LDDnnani o Rnansdt. sHAonAExcuin PRBRD eellg ufoteFo Iteviw9rte orB4miesNW ! aAhe, ran.aprx.1,00baeso etiiers' lives during hem l1 -11-11Y LI7 IIensed - Cail - a manilhea;eti teck room 41.11 time. Now the !amily equeits! ETTE OHN 'OR rn adhaedtc oon4 man" (3 seil), "Perses 3mltie ahnr,15 thtbrws fdnto. nO1TTIE OCEDJOH RANSA.ND andiwhite pet. Beagle AnceA aponai etngéc BORE o bater'cnvneceandATNTO FRES d) at thr.Het n ecryCret uamtc tjshe Mwis o! adonatn 1.0' 0F RBRVANtween Tymone and Ens onaecn rup patient at C DREK anti uset satitles for sale; also .. . monthly health prograv-cyidnrr2000mls the issner ani M Intn A Iensn AvN g R ABB ,kîllen. -CaI -725-7969. 41-1 Ilaonhe rta. RN adl bnItiles. haîters. blankets, bats in lelverton, Nestieton andti cinateti. pnegnanry teei.hy grnsaw reig at ce urch. of Bibe Site, araant hesae !Jh TWOLaeapmc..t f nablatenda.N.c n Haotonantiboots, etc. Liberty Blackstock Areas Note: A henti withloso'hvytuysvwain tuhe Cane BibleySocieua. IOr, an La n Rabhthet.eate !h' TeUlD hoaok ethed m Nn A.Ina2632297 Pon ;Stables, Phone 263-23031. Your farming experience Is type anti productionwhmcieoktaeati6bg gowers. be respecteti. 41 -If the Township 0! Dalingtoniraat frmr Mernonial Park PORT PERRY 4î- - 39-4*, what we necti: If you arc a some gooti show prset.bc1his hsefet n Inhe_____ofuramdeilat undywofd leae e-14021fermer anti want extra money, Also seîling - 605 lbs o w his mg ihs rps _______In h Caunty an ra.d- abot uI nay. woud please98-3e-2Cars for Sale we have a position anti oppor-, milk quota (monthlyps-binktleneecrraw Floer -the14th day of' June. 1469. are'; - ------- - I-3.*W DIGO' 5 LMUH unn -- tunlty for ynu. dateti cheques acreptt nmwr oe enmwr herehy notifiedti tasenti In tn '59' PLYMO'61 , rin M - A"a rapidly cxpatig ut, If emangeti witbonrste ihrce nicar ft.ha undersigneti on or before Xanted to Rent Hoand BRANcmanBnoardrclua1pno asl) Sreml cn otmchis niu VAN' BELL E the ISth day o! November r _ oar'Phone Blarkstork 986-4959. industryv we urgently requine. transfen system, Chmintbeniqecarab 1969. full particuirars o! theIr B EGINNING Nov. 1. unfurn- Vanted 2 miles east of 41-li bath fuil-time anti pant-timel hulk tank 2835 lb. cpctcrae rnptvcrl 623-5757 estate wIll ha distributeti hav- albus o ne aduit .' al vrtNbe.wcasîflti est. ffer Service Depertment. milkcr units, miik prsat re etoltst rnpn Ing regard only ta t.haedimjs Abstainer. Write Ativertiserimae !actory workers; New- ON HIGHWAY 2 acetbe. ti. hoed6371 rFl-iepstoe e tanr Tepoet t hs. niu ls nicia a! ofwhich the untiersIgned shan 162, e/o The Canadian States- castle Bowrnanvillle anti sur-.O AE URAE 2-5548. e 623-411 oh'ndietimet positiong with MstOel . ha rop.e h eort ug.v ag then have notice. man, P.O. Box190, *wa-rudn ra.J. Anderson UcI -I oE Unition :pte - - yUr rlsent fmrnin apera N. take Hrouheeboay h niu Dated at thf, City of Oshawa Ville- 41-1 Smith Co. Ltd., Newcastle. leI - odto ou rsn arigoea 4 11ml. Eun -P S , B L W R -, , ! _ _-Pe t sP a r t-t im e p o s iti n gi v e s y a i.î' t a a m b e r ig h t t P te b a o h a n i , C n . 5 E m l T w . tXlbdrooms, &Pt «, lut n..... .-i aJaLÂERS, CONTROLS, OIL ONE maIe black anti tan an opportunii.y ta learn ne w- 'filtratio n plant. makelftunImienthoTono-- H eCMPRYS%nprva bthWlt r nd rvumuflTANKS - Lots In toek hounti, twa yeams aid. New-' est farmlng methotis. while et iight, ta Smith TwpMuimninBkInOeead MIhium t2l NYgiEN Sies-Bbertanville 786-2579 after s. 41-1 j ncreasing yaur ernings anti ripai Office, then rnaklaoh 4ml es.Tri ah Ir 3 % ingtst , stb. ci 8 aee; . Rubbe GOOD USED CLOTHTING __ __- --~ oiin mlf.tmpoet iet eev.Friuasl a Ohw.uwt ee aii al war. <oa iL otadi o h nir aiy Watdt u' I o'ean experienceti femm, Smnith Twp., PTeroa1:0an ahnm .~f 'I 1IEI~EY TO: lot. Write. flg, a& 8 pE IC i _L__ Z ' ndfermer. you're the rlght men :County. Giving Up rilkbs ..Ctl t30 ..Fe Thelnn I 011a.0la0.ea4MilOp. * GArLs'BoBsownndJUICE ap pies aipemium ,For nersonal interview. i messNo reserva.Trnsnt taintre.Luc ~ . ~~B=i' B; 190SE, pries picked up In bulk t write .ta Na-Churs Plant Foond ash. Sale 1 pm., unte C: aalbe. Cr iko, M c O& 1u40-2 41-2e 40-2 agera and Auctioneers.4-'3495.4- t f,

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