Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jan 1968, p. 6

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In the Coumcil Chamber ci Tuedý everalng accepted thi recommendatlan af the Boarc of Works ConmI1ttee and se. ePted- the lowest tender foi tie construction of the ne'v IM IHall - Police Statlor »Ucn. This was the Vaný licof Cnstruction Company Whltby, tender li the amou-r ci $359189. This acceptpnct Io subjeet to the aprroval « the Ontario Muncipai Board. It was announceci this weet that Jury & Lovell's Bowman. Ville Drug Store has a nem :manager Who took over or January lst, lni the persan ci D. Neale McLean. Mr. Mc, Letn graduated wlth tirst clasi 11onori and a Bachelor oi thence ee. In Pharmac3 froreth Ulerslty of Toron. tailn 1965. He has been or Sthe Bowmanville staff sine( Sthat time and la a native oi j lri4say. A native af Bowmanvlle JE. "Ned" Rehder, son of Mr and Mrs. C. E. Rehder, Beeci Ave., has received a dis. tlngulshed honor. Now a con. sulting engineer ln Montreal, Mr. Rehd&r has been nomin« ated to write and present the officiai exehange paper froni the United States to the In. ternational Foundry Congres, meeting this year ln New Delhi, India. .anuary Il- One of Bownianville's oldest business blocks was threatened by fire early Tuesday evenlng, when a blaze broke out in the basement of Eaton's Order Office. Known for many years as the Martyn building at the corner of King anc Division Sts., the structure housed a large number o: business firms as well as ten- totebasement. local Kinsmen Club turned over to Memorial Hospital a - further $1,020 worth of equip- ment. This brings to $5,545.00 the value of equipment don- ated by Kinsmen and Klnettes to the Physiotherapy Dept. since 1961. The equipmenl donated included an ultra violet/infra red lamp, electric traction machine, hydrocollat- or and cart and a linen cart. Lewis Clark, R.R. 3, New- castle, was the winner this wveek of the local contest that bas been conducted at Beaver tumber. On Monday evening he was presented with a Westinghouse portable tele- vision by Manager P a ul Andrus.. January 18- On the afternoon of Friday, December 30, 1966, Memorlal 6UARD AOAINST THE z WHAT IFS OF HOMEOWNINO ycu7ve probably asked your- self thcse questions: Whet if someone feuls on my pnopentY and sucs me ... What if my home is burglarized. . What if a fire Icaves nme with just a foundation fuxl cf smoldering ashes? The answen ta these and naany more WHAT IF perils of hameawning je a ]Hameowner'a package policy. WC Cmxi give yau complete ideta1ls STUART a JAMES 1 GENERAL INSURANCE 21 Ki"i et. 9. Bowmanvllle Offie 1 Realdence Hospital wus presented wl ig two wheelchafre and a prt )n sure breathlng assister by t e Ladies Auxiliary ta the Roy rd Canadian Leglon (Bran c178), Bawmanville. A don r tion ai a $1.000 electrocardi w graph machine wae made 1 )n the same group just one ye i-aga. Y, The presentation ai t at Bowxnanville District Har, ce cultural Saclety's Charter w of mnade by the Director of ?i 4 District af the Ontario Honi bk cultural Assooclation, Mrs. a- Stephens, Harwaod, ta t w retlrlng president ai the lac )n organization, Mrs. Lawren of Maman. The ceremany ta< c. place during the annual met ea ing held at Trnnty Unit i Church Sunday School9 .y Wednesday evcning. 1. At the organizational mca )n ig ai the Progressive Assaci .e tion for Northumberland-Du i ham iPari Hope last wee Garnet Rickard ai Bowma: e, ville was elccted Presider ,Louis Cane, Cobourg; Robe :h Fair, Port Hope; Jae Feddcni - Clarke Township-, Howai - Sheppard, Roseneath and Mi tDawn Poole, DarlIngton Tawl iship, were elected vice-preE ie dents. Mrs. Muriel Ewr m Cobourg, was elected secr i- tary and Reg Fallis, Cavx ss Tawnship, Treasurer. w January 25- Norman J. Scott, former: af Braokdale-Kingsway Nur st cries, town, and now Id Toronto, has a new part tin gjob. He Is anc ai the new a] ke pointees ta the erplt >r Toronto and Regian Canservi y tion Authority. Mr. Scott h Ig also been re-appointed ta tl Id Board ai Governors ai tl 7e University o ai lh )f Bo wmanville's newest bu i- mness, Frederick's Pharmac: d will have the frosting wipe d off the front windows and t1, doors open for custamers tc morrow, Thursday. Proprietc eFred Tippins and the sta. d will be on hand ta administE a ta your needs. 1- On Frlday evening ln tli 0 Legion Hall, Magistrate R. 1 Baxter was honored at a dir ýner held ln recognition ai hi 25 years on the bench. February l- a Last Saturday was a big da cfor two 16-year-olds, Mar *Jane Oke of Bowmanville an Victor Irving ai Unianvilli *They took part in the Car adian Championship Figur ISkating finals at Willowdal rand won the 1967 Junior Pai 9title. Their almost flawleE aperformance was shown a0 CBC Television News late *that evening. The Balmoral Hotel, mor recentiy called the Bowmani ville Hotel, now has a nei ýname. In future It will b called The Castie Hotel. À huge new sign was Installe proclaiming the ncw name thi wcek. IC. Tivcy. Peterborough, an Rary Gibbs, san ai Mr. an Mrs. Jack Gibbs, Tyrone, wer a couple af happy hockey play ers when they were chose the autstanding novice player during Young Canada Nlghl at the arena on Thursda3 They received autographe sticks from injured Mapi Leaf hockey player Brit Selb3 the banored guest. February -- It was announced this weel that effective February 9tÛ. Orono will have a new Post master ln the persan o Charces R. Gray, a native o Newcastle and since 1960 member ai the Past Offici staff in Bowmanville. A framed picture ai H.M.C.F Bowmanvllle was presenteà b., His Warship Mayor Ivai Hobbs ta President Mauric Conway ai Branch 178 ai th, Royal Canadian Legian or Monday evening. The presen tation ai this gift from th< town was made at the meet Ing ai Town Cauncil held Il the Council Chamber. Several from Bowmanvilii and area attended the recep tian at the Oshawa Golf Clui an Tuesday, Jan. 3lst ta wei came Gardon E. Willey, th# -. - IDEAL TIME 0F YEAR FOR HOT0 CHOCOLATE A deliclous and nutritious drink for after school or b.d time, - DELIVERED DAILY TO YOUE 1)00E GLEN RAE DAIRY CHOCOLATE >MILK nome 3 cQut Glen Rae -Dairy Plu ~~M IWGST. W. IRONS 4=.444 EOWMMWVILL [th manville, on Monday, Feb- s- ruary 20, 1967. Mn.. Marilyn he Coty, who ha. been supervisa: 'ai for the paet threc ycars, wil ch be nianagig the travel agency a- at Its new location. .- The 12 anti-rabe clintes by heid by the Hcalth ai Animais ,ar Branch ai the Department of Agriculture ln six municipalil he tics ai Durham Caunty iran ti- Feb. 3rd te 9t werc wcll ras attended; 5,864 doge and cats ro. were vacclnated. ti- February 22- F. At least 500 construction Ne jobs are expected to, be crèat- ai cd ln the Bowmanville area Lce when deveiapment ai the ok $15,000,000 St. Mary', Cemeni t- Company plant compiex gets ed under way, possibly by the end on ai March. Staff Sergeant A. Barker, t- former O.C. ai the Bowman- la- ville Detachment ai the OPP, ir- was guest ai honar at a dinner ,k, given by a group ai hbs n- friends at the Lions Com- it. munity Centre on FrIday cv- ,rt enlng. Sergeant Barker, whc ia, le now stationed in Ottawa, rd was presented with a leather s. attache case. r- Steve Dalesch, Newcastle, i- Timmy ai this year's Easter L, Seals Campaign, attcnded the ,e- luncheon meeting ai the Bow- n manville Rotary Club at the Flylng Dutchman last Thurs- day ta launch the campaign. ly March 1- ~.s R. John Jeifrey ln an ad- of ventisement ln this Issue an- ne nounices the opening ai Jef- p- ircy's Superette, Liberty St. n South, in the premises form- a- eriy accupied by Thickson's as store. à: Pupile at Central Publie îSchool had an unexpccted holiday an Monday whcn part o-fa the heating machinery broke y, down. Repaire were made in d time ta have the large build- le ing warm for Tuesday's class- »- es. r The payroli ai the Goodyear ff Tire & Rubben Company ai r Canada, Limited, plant here reachcd $3,701,892 ln 1966, a ie gain of $281,000 over 165, plant B. manager J. T. Taylor announc- e. d today. Is Charles Carpenter ai Court- tce has an Intercsting hobby that completely filîs his spare Ly time. For the past 20 years .he a been whittllng away at id many creations. Ris most re- ecent effort that took over 130 Ihours ta make le a beautiful rtotem pale marking Canada's gs On .T0eunndL.evening at the ýn Liberai Nomination Conven- nr tion ln the Orona Township nHall, E. Richard Lovekin, age e42, Newcastle, a weli known lawycr, was selected as the VLiberal Candidate for Durham )County ln the forthcoming AProvincial Electian. He de- ýd feated Rager Kirkpatrick ai IPart Hope, a teacher at Trin- ity College School. dOn Friday evening, L. M. ýd Jahnstan, Assistant Deputy ,eMinister ai Education for On- rtario, officially opened Court- -n tce Secondary School that has r undergane tremendous ex- It pansion and aiteration witli the addition ai a ncw Voca- sr tional Wing. Principal J. E. te Speers weicomcd him ta the It was annaunced this week that H. Robent Moorcraft, B.A., M.Ed., ha. been appointcd as k Supt. ai Public Schoals li 'Dallngton Township, effective -August 1, 1967. He has been If Supervising Principal since )f sept. 1965. a Sharlene Cain and Connue SBradley put on a tremendous kshow at the Plantation Bawl over the weekend ta win the yOntario Senior Girls Doubles. >Thcy avcraged 210 per game. SLater this month, they will e rail off for the Canadian title. n Maroh 15- - Local Red Crase officiais eare very pieased with the ne- ;- sponse by tawn citizens duning n Manday's canvass for fns Total receipts ta date are e $1,508.28. -On Fniday afternon, a bni b cercmony was held atth -Castie Hotel, King St., for the eofficiai reopening aif the estab- Ioa Durham County Farmene Ca-aperative lI Orono United Church last week. a special "Martgage Burning" ceremony was held. Taking part ln this historic occasion wene Presi- dent John Knox, President et the stant ai the project John Stane and Manager Ennie Spry. Mareh 29- Sharlene Cain and Connue Bradley averaged aver 200 per gaine te wln the Yauth Bowl- ing Canadien Senior Girls double champlonship canler thls week at Taronto's Aprile Lanes. The Bawmanvllle pair won by 150 pins aven runner- Up Northern Ontario. At a meeting oi the Kinsmen Club last week, donations totalllng $600 were made te, the Cystlc FIbrosis Fund. The elub's C. F. Chaininan Don Brown presented the cheques ta Jerry Cavey, the CV. re- presentative fnom Peterbor- ough. A chèque for $300 was donated by teho Kln NOa $100 by the Kinettes. Residents of Bowmanville face a raise af 6.89 ln the mili rate this year, but this Is a smafler Increase than ln sev- eral nearby municipalities. On ia residence here having an assessed value of $3,100, the increase li taxes Is $21.30. The net Increase Is less than $1 a month, when taklng Into consideration that the special charge of $12 for garbage Is now Included ln the total amount. AprIl 5- Canada's 1967 5-pin ladies' bowling champion Is Mrs. Wm. Joli, Prospect St., Bow- manvmle. She not only won the title last week but shatter- ed several records ln the process. Averaging 288 dur- ig the competition ln Winni- peg she came wlthin 19 pinsi of equalllng the bowler who1 won the men's championship and who also set some new records. Construction on the new1 CPR bridge on Elgin Street le making good progress as can! be seen in the above photo,1 but no definite date for com-1 pletion has been announced.i The wooden bridge burned down a couple of years ago. Harv Britton, Newcastle's1 Public Utilities Commissioni Manager for many years has1 retired, but will stay on forî a while to Indoctrinate hisi successor Tom Messenger and1 Mrs. Stan Powell who will be( ln charge of the office. Mr.j Britton has spent over half a( century ln the electrical field.i April 12- Clarke High School's superbt presentation of Acts IV and V of "Hamlet" won the top hon- ors ln the Southern Kawartha District of the Robert Simp- son Drama Festival in Co- bourg on Saturday evening, and received an ovation from the large and enthusiastie audience.1 A Grade 12 student af Bow-î manville High School, Pearl Diane Hoar, was selected this week from over 2,300 second- ary school students to attend a six weeks Science and Math.t course at Lakefield this sum-s mer. She was one of 35 who were chosen, and Is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hoar, King St., Newcastle.s Bowmanville's Ont a r io Champion Bantams continued their winning ways last week- end ln the final tournament of the season at Trenton. Theyr won their four games and1 took not only the champion-c ship but also the Grande Championship as well. They defeated two teams from Pet- erborough, one from Ottawa and then finished off Bellevilles on Sunday 8-3.r On Monday evening, some- thing new happened at New-f castle when Mrs. Alice Doreen Nesbitt, the first woman Business Directory i Âccouniancy f RAY J. DILLING Chartcrcd Accountant 93 Chunch Street 623-3861 WM. 3. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty St. S., Bowmanville Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL B.Comm. Chartered Accountant W/2k King St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 BTJRROWS, SELBY & CO. Chartered Accountants 323 King Street West Oshawa, Ontario 725-6451 - 728-7554 William A. D. Selby, C.A. G. Edmond Burrows, C.A. C h ir op ra c 1c G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St. Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By appointruent D e n fa DR. W. M. RUDELL, D:..S. 75 King St. E. Bowmanvile Office Hours : 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Office Phone - 623-5790 Res. Phone Newcastle 987-4261 DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. 75 King St. E. Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 pan. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Telephone: Officç. 623-5459 DR. E. W. SISSON L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in hie homne 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville Phone 623-5604 e Office Hours:2 9 a.m. to 6 pan. daily i Closed Wednesday - Saturdayi DR. STANLEY GE&TZ 67 King St. E., oianil Office Hours : 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday Closed Saturday and Sunday Phone 623-7662 Insurance-1 DONALD A. MaeGREGOR Life, Auto. Rame Insurance 5 lgSt. W., Dowmanvile Phnone 053-5903 Mo r tgage S SADIE RMILTON - ORONOr Phane 983-5115t Firet Martgage Funds Pl Remldences - Farmnai Business Properties op to metry KEITU A. DILLETT, O.DM N Optometrist lu 143 Klng St. E. - Bowinanville hi Office Hours: By appointaient B: Telephone 623-3252 w mon - ues -Thurs. -ri, tk 9 a.rn. te 5 p.m. c Thursday eveainga 'm Wedand Sat - 9 - 13 counciflao nx the hlstany ai the village was swonln. She re- places H. C. Bonathan. Aprîl 19- Duning the Skating Carnival here an Friday evening, Hie Warship Mayor Ivan Hobbs on behaif ai the town, present- cd Mary Jane Oke and Victor Irving with sultably cngraved wrist watches. They were be- ing honored for winning the Junior Paire skating champion- ship for Canada. The three 1967 Bowling Champions who bnaught wond- enfui credit ta Bowmanville, Doris Joil the Wamen's Singles Champion ai Canada, and Shanlene Cain and Connie Bradley, the Canadian Youth Bowling Senior Girls' Doubles Champions, were honored at Liberty Bowl on Monday cv- cning. Hie Worship Mayaor Ivan Hobbs presented each with a suitabiy inscnibed wrist watch, the gifte ai the town. Each aiea neceived a three- picce set ai smart iuggagc fromn local Bowling Leagues. large clver trays fnomn the Liberty Bowl, silver charm bracelets fromn Smith's Beverages, and pen and pencil sets from Fred- erick's Pharmacy. Howard Cryderman. R.R. 2, has anc ai those rarities of nature, a dual-purpose Short- horn caif that le pure white, a real aibino. It was born about twa weeks aga, with pink cyce and pink ekin, but athcrwise apparently narmal. An albina cali happens about once lin 10,000 blrths, accord- ing tai Mn. Cryderman. April 26- Calvin Crago, R.R. 4, reports that anc af hie Angus cows gave birth this wcek ta twins, bath lni goad health. Appar- ently, twins are quite a ranity in Angus circles. On Friday, Apnil 2lst, at Ebenezer Christian Education Centre, Karen Hawke, daugh- ter ai Mn. and Mre. Rase Hawkc, R.R. 2, reccivcd the hlghest award ln Guiding, the Gold Cord. At the Town League Hockey Banquet recently, the cham- pionship Olympia Restaurant team wae honored and pre- sentcd with trophies. NichaIs Matons tcam was prescntcd with the champion- ship traphy at the annual Junior Hockey League Ban- quet on Saturday cvening. May 3- Bawmanville'e newest li- dustnial devclopmcnt was an- nounced this week by Walter Frank Real Estate who dis- closed that Naseau Steel Cruis- eis Ltd ai Staufiville have purchased 16 acres ai the Short farm. They plan ta etant construction within thnee monthe ai their plants, inciud- Ing a 10.000 square foot weld- Ing building and a 7,000 square foot work finiehing building. This week marks the 35th annivcrsany ai Oshawa Wood Products. Mr. Cccil J. Faund has been at the hclm aIl these yeens, with capable assistance fromn hie son-in-iaw Wm. J. Henry and a lange, efficient staff. This weck The Statesman le pleased ta announce that the oldeet (in terme ai years in business) car dealer ln the Caunty ai Durham has juet passed hie 45th annivensary. W. refer ai course ta Roy W. Nichols ai Courtice and Bow- manville. Agricuitunai Representative A. O. Daîrymple acquincd a permanent new assistant aven the wcekend ln the persan oi T. Ronald Sutherland, a recent graduate ai the Agnicultunai Callege, University ai Guelph. May 10- At the Mother and Daugh- ter Banquet ai the let Girl Guide Company lest Thurs- day at Memorial Park Club House, Guide Pet Anderson wae the recipient ai the Ail Round Cord. This monning, President Walter Frenk ai W. Frank Real Estate annaunced thet his firmn had completed the sale of five acres ai land on the Short farm ta National Granite oi St. John's, Quebec. This fi-m w-111octe uetnonh a Pack sid Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanviile, on Tues- day aiternoon ta present wool 1011e thcy had made as their Centennial project. Thcy wiil be ueed by young patiente and nay also prove beneficlel by pnaviding a pattern for patients needing thenapy. May 24- Fine ai unknown onigin rwept through what had al- nost become a landmark for lais axea, Varcoe's Dance Pavillan as ut was known when It was bult many yeans aga, ust cast ai the Oshawa bauxidany an Hlghway 2. Mennill Van Camp, Wardcn of the Un.ited Counties ai Northumberland and Durham, and Reeve ai Cartwright, was honared on Thursday nlght lin Blackstock Recrattan Centre when 224 pemsns sat down ta lhe traditional Warderi's Ban- quet sponsored by Cartwright Lownshlp. Thrft entrise fr=mtho 'M The Canadban Stateuman, Eowmanvile, jan. 3, 1968 1967Highlights From (anadian Statesman files At an impnessive service Sunday aiternoon et Oraop Cemetery, membens ai Orono s1 Odd Fellows Lodge Na. 436 and Heathen Rebekeh Lodge Nri. 334, dediceted e memonial ta the memory of their deceased members. Brench 178 ai the Royal J. Hobbs School in Darling- ton Township continued their winning ways at Lindsay KI-1 wanis Music Festival last week. Choir Two placed first e. their class, obtaining a mark of 84. Carol Wight in the girls' solo (14 years and under) placed third with a mark ai 84. Cindy Lou Ayre, girls' solo (16 years ad under) obtained a mark af 85 ta place first. May 31- A pair of Mallard ducks made their home at Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fletcher's last fal on Liberty St. North. They becamne almost a part of the family and, apparently llkedi the place so well, they decided ta raise a family there. This week, 15 ducklings are strutt- ing around the place as though they owned it. Newcastle will have two new ministers in the near future. It Is understood that the Rev. E. C. Woodland of the United Church has received a caîl ta a Toronto Church. This week the Rev. D. R. Dewdney is reported to have announced that he will be leaving St. George's Anglican Church aiter many years. It is understood that the Ontario Municipal Board has appraved the construction by the town af the propased new police, fire department and court building on Church Street. June 7- On Thursday aiternoon, theI auditoriumn of Bowmanville High School wvas filled with students, teachers, relatives and friends of two teachers. Mr. Gordon Elliott and Mr.,. Agnes Lewis, who have given, long and faithful service ta the school and who are retir-'i ing this year. Miss Beth James ai Pem- brokeshire, Wales, is visiting Durham County at present as guest ai Mr. and Mrs. James Coombes and family. She is here on an exchange visit and will remaîn ln Canada until August, touring Essex, Well-f ington, Lennox and Addington,E Dundas and Glengarry Coun- ties. She thinks Durham Is qquite similar ta her home caunty where she works onf the 208-acre family farm. 1 M. J. Hobbs, retiring Secre-1 tary-Treasurer af the Darling- tan Township. Area School Board, was highly commend- ed for his long record ai serv- ice ta education in the munici- pality at a dinner given at the Acres Restaurant in his honor an Monday by the Darlington Township Area School Board. lune 14-1t j ail1 Wérkers Recmme rCanadian Legion held a special [parade on Saturday marning ta the Cenotaph where a short dedicatian service was held. This observance was ln con- nection with Veterans' Week, Saturday, June lOth ta Satur- day, June l7th. The contractars have start- ed work on Bowmanville's newest municipal building on Church Street. lune 21- On Tuesday evening, New- castle Guides and Brownies held their big night ai the year when several Brownies flew and walked up ta Guides. [Feature of the program was the presentation of three Gold Cords ta members af the lst Guide Company, Lois Barch- ard, Janice Rickard and Bren. da Henning. Kendal's Harvey Jackson Memorial Park w~as the scenc on Sunday afternoan ai a Clarke Township Centennial Service featuring special music and an address by former School Inspector Allan A. Martin, B.A. Last month ln Newcastle, a municipal hydro official, whose accomplishments had become almost legendary, retired. Har- vey S. Britton, popularly known as "Mr. Hydro" in the bustling Durham County town ai Newcastle, gave up his active business lufe for a well- earned leisure. lune 28- Floyd F. Kersey was ardain- ed ta the Ministrv ln the Angli- can Churcli ai Canada on May 4th af this year at Christ Church Cathedral in Mont- real. Rev. Kersey is servin', in Ifie Parish af Arundel, Que., in the heart af the Laurentians. There are five churches in his charge. He is well knawn ta many in the Bawmanville area and was born in Hampton. Rev. Kersey is the youngestý san ai Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Kersey, Hampton. Greig's Hairstyling moved over the weekend and are! now accupying their heauti- ful establishment where Ab- ernethy's Paints were located. lulv 5- Three athietes from Bow- manville High School and one irom Clarke High returned home in a happy mood an Monday aiter competing in an athletic meet at the Universit ai New Brunswick. Bruce Simpson won the midget pale vault, Greg Adams won the junior pale vault, Mike White ai Clarke won the midgcet juv-' enile throw and Lloyd CiitonI came second in the long and triple jump. A. D. Miller ai North Bay, farmerly ai Bawmanville, was winner ai the car at the Lions Club Carnival an Saturday. Ou Tuesday night, June 27, M. J. Hobbs School, Hampton, hit the success boom once mare. This time they held an Awards Night and a Gradua- tion Dance. Ardmona - Faney PEACHES tURIcs QflhID~TOMATO or SOUUI VGTAL HEINZ - STRAINED BABY FOODS MEINZ JR. F000S RASPIERAI ertR BEY IGA iAMSPECTN ICA CATSUP LANCIA SPAGHETTINI SPAGHETI or MACARONI luer.> c DL43'l FANCY RED 12 SIZi ICA DONUTS RHDINAS IGA PIE DEMPSTERI sEXHIBITION ROLLS OAKERI DEPARTIPENT 2 kso 249t Pkg cf 7,L rROZEN F00US DENATMENT BIR SEYE ORINK 1 z FAASERVALE 2l FANCY PEAS '83g'49 BOOTH cou FILLETS 43 c HIGION ER HADDOCKR ITR Pkg-149C COFFEE RIC H 1c DAIRY DEPARTMENT MONARCR PARCHMENT MARGARINE 2L3 CANADIAN SI S 11 CHOICE NEW ZEALAND LAMB SAL SHORT CUT.WHOLE OR HAIE LEG 0Oc LAMB -I4 LMB IN A BASKET FRONT O' LAM B .21 c LOIN LAMB CHOPS ,.49c ICONOMY PACK-9-11 CHOPS 1/ PORK LOIN M*65c> SUNNYMORN RINOLESI SLID SIDE BACON itycu59C LEAN, MEATY SIDE SPARE RIRS L 55c. PRICES EFFECTIVE JAN.1,4.5 &1L VIE RISERVE THE RICNT 10 LIMIT 0UeNITIS SALTISS2UES GAVFOR 49OIALcVU GOLDEN RIPE BAN ANAS L8.100 P.E.I. POTATOES39C MOAL Ress- CAJIACA N. 1 LUME LNIONS l,2ct F. F9z - - - w w - V--Bs W - -V ------ wBq Ont. Civil Servants JOn Jan. 1, 15 employecs et tarnlng the jail et Cobourg andil ,the United Caunties jeul will offices for the Crown attarney become provincial civil serv-land assistant et the counte ente. building. The change le the resuit ai The historlc jeul building et the provincial gavernmcnt as- Cabourg will become vaca ti~ suming the cost ai the admini- when the detention centi~ ,stretion ai justice, cames Into use. Coupled with this, was the It'le expected that the caun- announcement Wednesday that tics wîîî receive rent for thae 'the new Kawantha regional de- Conpoeuo' ures tention centre, in which the Cran pos ccul tor' qates. counties have an interest, wilî otinapes ane is estit- b. crected et the exdsting 'Miii- ofl$,60appr aean xpendture brook rcf ormetory. oaice1,0 or aleraonstoranh The govennmcnt ai Northum- ossicetatmake roomiotonean berland - Durham will b. ne-asitn t Cwn ttny lieved ai the expense ai main- Geoffrey Bonnycastie. Once the. detention centre is completed, municIpalities I BLIJIAII the. regian will be required to have holding celle for tempor- Gueste with Mn. and Mrs. ary anneet ai accused persans. Frank White an ChristmasOthers will be tnansponted Day and Boxing Day were directiy ta the. centre. Richard White ai Trenton, Mn. and Mrs. Haig Bothwell and femiiy ai Peterborough,T. Mn. and Mrs. Harold WhiteTrent Appoints and family, Mn. and Mrs.Li Harry Ryiey and family, Mn. io fie and Mns. Kenneth TornanceLiio fie ai Corneli University, Ithica, The appaintment of Richard N.Y., Mrs. Larny Parker, Tar- ante, Mn. and Mn.. Kenneth J. Bowman as student aid and Syer, Cevan. ihigh echool liaison afficer was Miss Margaret L o w e s. announced todey by T. H. B. IMarkham, spent Christmas Symane, Preeldent and Vice- holidays with her parente,' Chanclo ofTetUvr Mn. and Mrs. Donald Lowes. it cloya.rntUvn Mn. and Mrs. Norman Neals,' iy Elmvale, Lieut. Comm. Rex Mr. Bowman wiil deal with Cern and Mrs. Cern ai Ottawa applications for student boans wcre guets with Mn. and and provide secondary schoole Mrs. RasCern on Tuesday. with Information about admis- Mn. and Mrs. Arnold Wi]- sion requiremente and courses lieme and their dauglater available et Trent. Danlene ai Trenton spent A greduate ai Canleton Uni- Christmas with Mn. and Mrs. vensity, where lac specialized Geonge Neals. in history, Mn. Bowman isa iThe birth ai Randoîpla Wil- 'native ai Belleville and ne- liem Neels on December 23rd' ceiv.d hiseleementany and sec-, makes four maie generations ondary education in Trenton. ai the Neais famiiy et Beth- Befone hie appointment ta eny. The proud parents are Trent, h. teught histany et Mn. and Mrs. Rase Neals; Sarnia Central Collegiate and grendpanents. Mn. and Mrs. maet recently wes guidance George Neals; gneat-grand- counsellor et Cobourg District nanents, Mn. and Mns. Herb. Coliegiete West. Neels. Mn. Bowman coeched tnack A Cammunity Carol Ser- and football teame et Sarnia vice was held in the United and Cobourg and was e mcm- Church on Sunday evening. ber ai the Canadien Club et Mrs. William Piercy was or- Cobourg. He ie marricd and genist for the service andîhe. ane chiid. directed the. senior and junior chains li several numbers, with the congregatian jaining G- in singing many oid familier Gel Cash Today canais. Scriptune p aescse g e e wene need by Rev. William Fo- l ppine Piercey. The oiiening received ir lA pin e wes deignat.d ta suppiy through Christmas cheer for needy families. Oid fachioned coal S T A T E S M A N ailelmpewere used for light- CLASSI FIE DS ing, e strange contreet ta the. electnical heating eystem in Phone 623-3303 the chuncla.»-i '-i I 'j A I '"j "r HOLIDAY SPENDING LEFT YOU STRAPPEDO ) ...uand. Sh ow it! -1 -il ME i9-

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