Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jan 1968, p. 5

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-T -*~" Bowmanville. were Monday supper guests with the for- A mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A h ît, QH. G. Freeman. 5 ~Mr. Sam Dewell, Hampton, ' ' Mr. Ait Dewell, Bowmanvilip. Mms Bruce Tilison, Editor Phone 987-4213 spent New Year's with their sister, Mr, and Mrs. Arthurl Martin, Martin Rd. King St. 771 West. i H oc ey AMr. and Mrs. Meli Shielsi - I lew c tstieand Mrs. Fred Wright and 'I family. Base Line. Mr. and Mrs. Ross AllUn anI 'P..sta N e sM r M m esýand family. Newcastle, Mr . , Soial nc1 ~ersnalNeed Mor Mem ers penand Mrs. Dave Cryderman. 'f Newcastle - The Hocke, Is It the night set for such a King.M.ad rsCrc ' Moter' uxliry which meeting? W o u i d another Cryderman and daughter Su-' '" Newcastle-As this is the date, see the coming events. usually meets on the first Mon- first edition of the year 1968. Calllng all parents întere'st-! day of each month will hold ngto vn a teno a.Gepwt r n may we extend to ail of aur: ed In giving their children1 their meeting on the second, meeting make a difference ta Mrs. H. Cryderman, also Mrs. readers a "Happy New Year"'figure skating lessons. This is Monday this time, January 8th.1a better attendance? ,January Ruby Sammerville, Oshawa,1 and wish for you and yours for boys as well as girls, elss It is the sincere hope of the ils the manth they change the nd Ms Betce addy,: the healthiest and best days es are soon to get underway. present executive and the few ý executive. Wi hr efwToronto. ahead of you. :The Newcastle Recreation active members that a good ' out due ta the fright of taking Mr.LC.Swdnatd- Man 0 ar fledsa i Committee have set a registra- turnout will be an hand this an office? No one is really ed the reception held for Mrs. neighbors didn't enjay their!tian date for Saturday, Jan. first meeting of the New er forced ta take an office. Others it.hev sion, ohawa, on Christmas or New Year's duei 6th at the Memorial Arena. Lately, meetings have had have, however, he]d office bith oasin ofhr O ta the flu bug which bas If you have mare than on from a s many as 12 ta as few1 since the graup was farmed be- birh day. TdFoe cerainy gtte seera don.child ln the famlly lnterested as two members ln attendance. cause no one else wauld take We certalnly hope that ail of la taking iessons, the fee for No graup can function for too it. This seems hiardiy fair,!Ms er aci.M.ar you are naw an the mend and the first child Is $2.00 and long wlth so few in attend-lyet s0 many are wîuîîng ta sit Mrs. Paul Mclntyre and wii fellie lvig gan. $1.00) each additianai chlld în, ance. For same of the newer, back and let others do the iBrenda, Oshawa, spent lasti wil fel ikelivngagan. the same family. See the; hockey players whose moth-1 work ail Hockey Mothers Thudayeeig t Mr..Brns Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jase advertisement eisewhere on!ers haven't as yet joined thislshauld be sharing ln. adMs ans held Christmas et home. Guests this page for tîme. auxiliary, the foliowlng infor-i If the meetings canttnije ta' Mr. and Mrs, S. S. Morton were Mrs. Jase's sister, Mrs. 'ihmeration Comte e i s made available ta ý carry on as theS, have in the weë sunaist er d usn J. Boddy af Toronto, and twa h erainCmite s o ilraieteipst hsaxlaywl aewt e itradhsad of their sons, Donald, with wishes again ta remind ail the you S O llrelz-h asii uilaywlMav ihr.EcridOsb Senior Citizens of the atter- need for this auxiiiary. Theyl ta tbrow ln the spange and s.. and Mrs.orne,,C n d ' bis wife and family of Bramp-nonstu frthm ec have, ln the past, purcbased1 it is the boys who wili lose. If Town. ton, and Douglas tram Trura, Mna hog rdyfo team sweaters and equipment.1 you can't make It ta the meet-, Dr. Rabt. C. Allun, Brook-ý:i N.S., and Miss Doreen MeKay 1 p.m. until 5 p.ni Several Thev have pald entry fees for ings an the night set. let some- ln. M.Jh liCa- from Beeton, Ont. Douglas, hae ae ut ta play card as going Into tournamentsi one of the executive know and pigo, Illinois, receatlv visif- B N LS O N who eavs toay Tuesay)cbeckers and swap stories ot and also hav'e catered at team If another evenine is .marecdteranad c',M. from Maiton Alrport, spn the pa st, but there are otîhers banquets. They have support- suitable and would bringa and Mr.. S. S. Morion. the seasan's boiidays wlth i stili ta corne out and jaîn ln ed the Artificil Ice Associa- larger attendance: they are Mr. Bob Brown, Miss Linda' parents and also at the home eeM.andteros. Rbr ha-tian, and are now ln the pro-i wiiling ta try holding th- Grey, Oshawa, Mr. and Mq1' S T E A K OR 1 of brother Francis, hi le M.adMs oetSe cess of purcbasing first aid meeting on anather eveninc. Carl Bradley, Zion, werýý and family. e iole n th clebatonequipment for each team. The ' The executive reaiize therheMaren d.e Mr. and Mrs. John James tearns spansared b y the Moth-, a tew wh'o can't corne out, but Ms. W . H rown. end daughter Susanne, left the New Year's Eve, et the homerae Tyke, Atom, Pee Wee, wb ar hirsaewe village on Sunday ta retura Louis MacLean, bis wîfe andi Bantam and Mldget. If youi7 asked ta at other occasion,. to their home at Mount Royai, fml aTrao r n boy is ln the age group of There are fer toa many whvALo Quebec.lnMrs.oJamesMrs and forme r ind a mess. the Mrs. MacLean were elso cele- betxveen six end 16 and he . bave neyer corne out and neyer horer hyvstwt Linda brs hl' rtn hi 5bwdlga-pays on eny of the Newcastie'offer la any way ta help this Siricere sympathy is extend- .,jniversary and most members teems, be is being supported auxiiiary remaîn active. Won't ed ta the family of Mrs. R. mother and grendparents, Mrs., o ahterfmie ted by the Hockey Mothers' Aux- you try your best, for your M. Cale who passed awav on Mrs. homa Lenard.Also 1 o a hckey player, are you a ýta be as active a member as. Mr. 'and Mrs. W. Craig, Mr. Z r.Th omvsiLennard. Aohn so, Oupfiers-' nigbor Hockey Mother? There is a ýyou possibly can, and try toaend Mrs. Sarn Buttery, Ms tbe vsltd itiJon' pa- a emaoriel Hospitai. Bow- ated hs ex eeinMeio uter5er NwTENDER FLAVOURFUL SQUAR enand rs. Johndmestthes Mrimanville, thîs week, are: difference. ,atn hsnx etnMro utr eeNwTý anto)and Mrs. Jon.ams K te-George Colas, Mrs. Edaa Whet keeps the mothers January th, in the Lions Years guests of Mr, and Mrs.; e_ mEd r ilo wa nvilie E]A. liott, Mrs. Rhea Gray, Mrïs t ram attending the meetings? Room at 8 p.m. B1ob Crejg and also heiped, 'r _____________of_______________- -celebrete Cindy's birthday. Frthose f vou wbo didn't Alice Morris and Mrs. Janei- -~u Mr. and . Mrs. Laurence D see bby Jaes whle sh > Shawv: la Oshawa General Hos- i A i r lU A P For o ae hiese a ial r. yFse . r. A P L E Svery, Oshawa; Mr.ad Mrs. R U M here, she took the place of tbe pa, Ms ayFse r Jim Savery, David and John! Bowmnvlle ditoialusuilySympatby of this cam- also the parents of the latter. Brockville; Mr. and Mrs. Elgin wrte yhrvery proud KE D .munity is extended to Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon BessieýSax'ery, Cherx'l, Doug andý toana werbaedet a nsere. AKE D L Charles Ellis and family, and and femily. !aoM. nd rs Bb' Q DEVO BR N an LU A P torial we hav CaroloMr.eanldoMrs. relaivONBRnNthenud-LUMr. JUh Othr hrstas dianer Happy New Yeer ta al' ýaioterlavsntbsu- M.Jh McGuirk speat 'Blackburni, Oshawa; Mr. andi gusswth MCristaads. e-Sry htIws o be den passing of husband and:New Year's holiday with MissiMrs. John Kinghorn, Elaiael ugh-seni inanynewslas wek.'fthe. 1,atrciaHook and ber mo-iDavid and Brent, Zion, Mr.ý ters and their busbaads and Once again tbe Cbristmas endý Don't forget tbe montbly, ther at Point Claire, Quebec. Glen Blackburn, Kemptviile;1 famlly; they were Mr. and New Year's festivities are oven!ý euchre part3' on Saturday; Mrs. Roy Van Camp, ivh_ Miss Jean Wiilett, Toronto; M.,'ei R EKA Mrs I.Dods f uringan ad it seems incredible tiat' evening in the C. E. Heuat e nd Mrs. Neil Brownell andiand Mns. Y. Blackburn and nMrI. Dndds. V. htal Cetnilyrisahingtaio8p.m1 femily, Mrs. Charles Depew,!Brian, Mr. and Mns. Leslie afSeboog.the past. Let us ail try ta Meaple Grave annuel con-p Bowmanville, wene SundayWes, M. arry Wehis, '~Swifts Premnium M s.GrgeWtisboron-mae 96. godyer gregationai meeting will bei dinner guests witb the for- :Jean Baker, Saline; Mr. and bheid on Jan. 20tb, commenc- men's son and wife, Mn. andiMrs. Ran Welsb, Foxhooa, 1-1b ta, spent tbe .Christmas and! The Sundey School concert, ing witb a pot iuck supper: Mrs. Sam Van Camp and:were New Yean's guests of Mr. it5 of ReveandMns. Eari Wai- louite enjoyabie but the et-1 Mr. Norman Drake of the' A number of friends of Mr) Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Allia, ton. Tbey wene ail New Yean'sitendance was not very large. Osbawa Men's Hostel wili bel and Mrs. Bill Colville, Base Mr. John Allia, Klrby; Mr.! ' Day dinner guests et the home There wene a number of reci-p gîest speaker et aur service Line, gathened at thein bomeJand Mrs. Bruce Steinton, 4;9SWIFTS PREMIUM of Mn. and Mrs. Douglas WaI- talions and sangs. Mrs. Cetb- next Sunday. taseteadyerot idsOshewa, wene Mondey guests ' ton and famiiy.; cant's cless gave e short skit 1 Between 20 and 25 Barber-' were shawn on some of the ý of Mr. end Mrs. Ken Sheekle- D. U. U A CpI. and Mrs. Ron Hewklns and Mn. Saelgrove gave usi shop Choristers (O s h a w a' tnips teken by Mn. and Mrs.;tan. fflE M DU and family, Ottawa, spent the iselections on bis record play- Chapter) deiigbted the audi- CoIvilIe and Mr. and Mrs.. Mr. and Mvrs. Fred Sheekle- z VII! I Christmas and New Year'si.er. Carols were sung by e plence with some Cnristmes1 Sam Van Camp. ýton and Denny, Oshawa; Mns. %K CT TG hoUideys et the home of Mr,;.iaccampanled by Mrs. Keitb music in tbe place of oun1 Mr. and Mrs. Ted Fole, R. Sheckleton, Mn. Gordon' Swkins' mother, Mns. Rosei Wood. asual choir, wbo serve us!Mr. Don Foiey, Mns. Pearl iShackleton and i Bîly, werel ~5borne. Miss Catherine Stewart spent weîî. Hockin, Base Line, Miss Vir-1witb Mr. and Mrs. Gerald ~LE î[ ~ IT/ A~ Sevna Nwcsti mmbr'Christmas Day witb ber cou- Mr. and Mns. H. G. Free-,ginia Smith, Oshawa, were Sekeona ody lTml L II #~I.. 41fthe Bowmaaviile Canadieniins, Miss Marlon and John1 man and their families, nean-, Monday guests, with tbe for-! Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lebmaa ik eglrSz Jr SV 5 Legonen frens. njyed:'cKelvey and on Baxing Day, îy 40 in number, assembled' mer's sisten, Mns. Hilda Col-!and family, Miss Miidred Phi]-' q§ the gela evening held et the enjoyed a family party la in the churcb basement aýn1 well, and Mr. Irwin Colwellip, Ashburni, a r odaO R yB49 ~~egion, New Years Eve. Tononto. Boxing Day, Dec. 26tb, for a Bowmanville. get fM.adMs og Y P U 9 ýJrA lfr be ed reMr. and'M lkWlonbsbe a.fmî e-togethen, bad sup-! Mr. and Mrs. Onville Hind-1 Reynolds, Danny and Julie Ban Spray -z ieSV 0 lreHoad QGr ey, Mr. andthe hospital in Bowmanvilief per wben e very enjoyable, man and deugbtens, Hampton, Lehmen returned home after Mrs.Howrd uineyMn.for a tîme. 'time wes enjoyed by ail.! Mns. L. Hiadmen spent Newihalidaying witb their cousins.'D Geo r H e endy inipe, eMrs. wenbnChickmasInMmie Dotfoet4HGrsCu!M frd odunv du-isited est week wnthJn. randD O DO R A NT 99C Gneors. Hendry, nieadMrs. Befone christmas I iitedThere were six othens absent.! Yeer's Witb Mr. and Mrs. Misse ua a JnCeg Colgate 100 - Family Size SAVE 20c his friend, Miss Pe 'ynHospital elso Miss Selen a Achievement Day will beighter aof Mrs. L. Hindmaa. !Mns. Bah Davies, Hagersville., 14-oz. of Otaw; M. ed Ms. eckThentel et Sunset Ladge in, beld et Maple Grave on Jan.1 Mn. and Mns. Howard Gaod-1 Mn. Eric Shackleton neturn- Adams and Mr. and Mrs Bown'.nviile and found them l3tb. Theme is "The Wonid oflmrh3an miySoe-dt Crtn Uivst, O alA T EP I 79 Bruce Tilîson. The highIight ý af aiytSwn- d ta Cnto niensr3 r A T S P I 9 of ~~ii thfvelg rvero e y gaod bealth, Foods in Canada". Visitorsi by, were Christmas visitors'Ottawa, an Sundey ate when Mn. Qulnney, a "no, I The White Glft Service onp welcome. with bis brother, Mn. andIsprŽndiflg the bolidays et home. XýÂ can*tdance man rom along!Christmas Sundey was quite On Wednesdey evening, Mns. Manford Goodmunpb.y, I Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rlcb-ý o orSopn ovnec time back, showed expert foot- cd thatteneanid it is reprt- Dec. 27tb, about 70 neighbons1 also' jained bis brotbers wboeards and family wene withi work wben he danced thed thre was a generous and friends getbered et the!ail met et their sisten's endlMiss Ruby Lane, Town, an! W om a ns Bakery polka. For those of you wbo ,offering. On the lest Sunday S.S. No. 3 Base Line scbool- busband, Mr. ad Mns. Char-!;New Yeal's Day. bos o o uc upr e anokadfml, a- M.edMs.TmGlehr bavei al hla eas eadintheseayofth yeans heerefo apo lck upandls anlestd amlydak-y r.onfMs.tohellghyearP od ct Howard cîry out that hejT. J. Saelgnove chose a New Christmas deconations end ville. Bowmenville. were Mondey ,mtD coudn' dnce yu'n l fo eYear's subjeet ai' looking back-~ the frieadly atmospbere plus! Mrs. Allen Snowden, MnI. guests ai' Mn. and Mns. M.' JN W AVAILABLE IN THE rea tea wen. heArifcil wand but also forwand la the the many deliciaus kinds of Jim Snawden, Mn. and Mrs.!Marchant. BOWMANVILLE STORE re Asstre tiowbe nseorstiia Chistian life. The choir sangfood mede the getbening a Len Goodmunphy and daugh-ý Mr. and Mrs Ficd Twist, rsDal finst 1968 dance et the end of eha Have You Done For pleasent success. Euchne, Losti tens, Mn. and Mrs. Ron Rog--rs'Whitby, is Sandra Ie, & themotb Te Asoiaio ~JequsY"' wbich wouid be a Hein. and otber gemes were! and deughtens. Maple Gno-ve,!Kinigston. wene New Yean'sY bas declded thet wlth such 1gaod question fo ask ourseÎves 1 enjoyed by ail. Mn. and Mrs. Mn. Sam Snowden, Oshawa,' visitons with Mn. and Mns. E. 1~ fotok Ce0and peese ýas t the begînning ai' the New!Neil Brownel, Mn. and iMrs Mn. Daàve Sowqnnxirp Miss JaTn-iTwiist. A(_n fl- cînî r - - Taylon's, Janetvilie. 5 Domino Frozen - 14-oz, Pkgs. Mn. and Mns. Ken Cochrenp, foA and Dewn et Mrs. A.Sutton's , P O T iro r Wa nsaw. r- Mn. andi Mrs. Rae Cowlîag ýý eMIYX 'EM OR MATCH 'EM Whithy. Mn. and Mns. Les' J Domino Faney Regular Cut Frozen EASTWAY CLEANERS LTD. WotGREENd OR WAXMr.BE Wr. artWtten amin anni RENORW X E Specials on Cash and Carry fM. ndy.C ilS;mis apnd! VYUe Ric. H mptn;Mr. and Mrs.i ale (FOR ALIMITD TIMEONLY)Fred Griffia and i'emily, MissA] (FOR ALIMITD TIMEONLY)Judy Lee, Mr. and Mns. Fredî Semis, Albert and Stuant,i -sL 2 PECESUTE PLIN)- - $Miss Donne Semis, Mn. Don T WE 2 IC ,IE(LI)Griffin, Oshawa, with Mrs. R.Op At the J. W. Bowmen's 2PAIRS TROUSERS OR SLACKS --- were: Miss Myntie Tamblyn,ý SKIRS (LEAS EXRA) - - - -Toronto, Mnr. Frenklin Tamb- 2 SKRTS PLEAS EXRA) ynPetsy end Billy, Stoney, DRSESETR)Creek, Mn. Lloyd Avery. PLIN DESES(LEToETR )Bowman and Roland. Otherý hlilday visitons: Mn. Richard, (No Limit) ý Bowmaa and Miss Mary Anna Burmingham, Montreai, Missý VIk1~ AC - IIC CCT ~r ii -%nIÂÂI ~ rLinda Bowen, Tonahto, Mn.i DOMI K~ING ELrTJI JTJJEASTI OF.jTHE 'OSHAWA TOWVVN UINEGary Kenyon. Waterdown.i ~~~holidays with Mr. and Mrs., KingSt.cn Simpsc PHONE72.5-49j Bruce Bowman, St. Paul,' Mina. ý& - - - - - More Christmas and Newj Year'a visitors next week. i ;u~W The Canadian Statesman, Bowxnanvllle, Jan. 3, 1968 SFinesi Red Brand Beef WOAST )AST RE END )AST PER VALUE RINDLESS 'T B.A CON - ,L. 6 5 Sifts Premium Brown and 49c SAUSAGE /aVa c. OLLS 59 lb Serve 8-0z. pkg. 49 SHOP WiTHCONFIDENCEI' 9 mmd mud m" uâs ad td «NWm ,h.thr Frah, Frum « et rmoea GOVERNMENT-INSPEoeDI JFresh Produce Feai PICK 0F THE CHIQUITA CROP GOLDEN YELLC -BANANAS California Grown Sweet Eating RED GRAPES Ontario Grown Canada No. 1 Small Grade Cooking ONIONS"& Own Bra ndsj1 Deep Cut fDER LOUR :E ,LOWS ;ize 93c COMPARE 63c COMPARE $1.19 65C 59C SAVE 13e 2 for 45c COMPARE 39c SAVE 17e 4 for 99c. SAVE lic ANS lO-oz. Pkgs. :IANS4for99c 2 Rail Pkgs. Bathroom Tisi Ardmona Fancy - 14-oz. Sticed or Haives PEACHES 4 Dog or Cet Healtho 16-oz. Tins PET FOODS 11 Omaer Choice - 28-oz. TOMMTES MeCormick's Salted or Ir 1-lb. pkg. SODA BISCI Instant or Quick - 48-o2 QUAKER OI IALL ADVERTISED ITORONTO NEW I and I OSHAWA T jAVAILABLE IN TI AMPLE FREE PARKING Effective Until Closirig, Saturday, Jan. 6, '68, i Il Merchandise Is Guaranteed To Give 100% 1 RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUi .r Thurs. and Fri. Nights ' MINMIO [MON STORES LIMITED )n Avenue (Highway No. c cb lures l35C Features SAVE 24e sue 4for$1 z. Tins SAVE 160 1. for $1.00 SAVE 16o Ofor$ 1.00 Tins 4for$ 1.00 rlain SAVE 4c JUIS 39C z. Pkg. SAVE 60 %TS 39C 1) ITEMS IN VSPAPERS ['MES J rHIS STORE n Bowmanville sLtisf action ANTITIES. tiI 9 p.m. - IN Est 2 .0q oii m '*

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