Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jan 1968, p. 3

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,,Present ScroII ta )urham Cc The Duuham County Grain1 4Corn Competîtion heid their *annual banquet reoently in the ,Blackstock Communîty Center ,,under the auspices af the .Durham County Sali and Crop .,flYrovemntAssociation. A lous be lunch was serv- 4by the omen af Black- Ick Unte Church. The speaker was Dr. Ramsis Gîrgis who is a plant breeder with the Crap Production De- pautment of U.C.O., was intro- - duced by Don Stapies af Orono. Dr. Girgis has studled bath ln Egypt and Germany. Dr. Girgis' address was an the subject o-1 developments ln corn. Somethlng that causes a ueddening af the skln af corn kernela has been repouted by a number af farmeus, Its cause la not known, but It la not due ta >overheating ln drylng and It does not affect the germination or yld fram the affected coun kerneis. Dr. Girgis sald uesearch la now be- ing done on smaller corn plants ta try and increase yild, but he warned that be- cause a corn plant was smal It dld not necessailiy mean It wauld be hîgheu yilding, this wouid oniy be true If the corn variety had been selected for hlgh yld. Another develop- mrent ln the corn lndustry la the more extensive use ofii Bowmanville Couple Celebrate Golden Anniversary orn King1 ed that It la Important ta get' the correct size af plate in the planter for the particular hy- brid that Is belng grown, this varies wlth Hybrld and kernel, size used. Most af the coun that Is now planted la ai the Dent type, research la now be- j ng done uslng Flint coun, this1 It la belleved wll help extend the area In whlch coun la grawn. Foiiawlng the address Har- z vey Wuight, the Sal and Crapa s Speclalist. gave a repart an the corn growlng conditions andl the management practices used in the caunty this past seasan. The average yleld for the cam- petitian had risen from 83 bushels per acre in 1966 ta 110 bushels In 1967. The weather In 1967 was unusual in that May was coider than usuai, maklng plantlng late. The crop recelved the Most heat units In the manth af June rather than July or August whlch are usualiy the months uecelvlng the moat heat units. There was buunlng when Atrazine was applled in 2 Ibs. af ail but thîs did not apparently affect the final crop. In mast cases 1 lb, ai ail is ta be puefeured ta 2 Ibs. The best yieids this year were abtained with stands of be- tween 20,000 and 22,000 plants peu acre. This was when al the other practîces were aisa at their hest such as drainae, produce more unlfoum corn fertillty, weed contrai, etc. Mu. plants, but may passesa amail- Wright said in some other er seed. Dr. Glugis emphasiz- caunties there has been a tend- ency ta reduce the row wldth ta 30 ta 32 inches and this ENNIS ILLEN cauld be advantageous where On Saturday evcning, Dec. 3th, at Memoriai Park l a purse of money ta the honored cou' E N IS IL EN the machîneuy. especîaliy the Ciubhouse, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morris, George received mnany cards and gifts from frii The first Christmas Co- auvestlng machinery, can1Street, were honnred gucsts at a faniilv dinn er party and acquaintances, including messages1 ceut under the auspices ai the handie these uow widths.1 Sunday Schooi can be termed The resuits ai the Grain marking their fiftieth wedding anniversary. About 65 ernor-General of Canada, the Prime a real successful event. Par- Corn Competîtion were an-1 members of the famiiv attended. A delicious roast Russell C. Honey, M.P. The evening c( enta and friends attended ta nounced by Mu. A. O. Dal-lbeef dinner was served by ladies of Mlemnorial Park a social hour and dancing. the extent that seats weueurympîe, the Duuham County soi in fewrs hr a rsnaino at a "premnium", in short the Agicutural Repuesentative. A________ ftrads ýcews reettino Community Hall was fiiled speclal fuamed scuail was prg beyond its seating capacity. pared for the Durham Caun Tyrone, weue Christmas Day Supeuintendent A. J. Weruy King by Dan Stapies ai Orona. calcurs at Mr. and Mrs. Roy. was the capable MC. Each The wlnneu ai the scroll is IGraham's. N E S T L E T O N ciass fuam the tlny tata in Ceresmare Farms, R.R. No. 4.ý Mr. Tom Potis vwas Christ- heBeginners' Ciass ta the Bowmanviiie, with a yild af mas Day dinner gzucst of Mu. <ntendied for last week> H1-fauvev'Mlor.Yletn n r n mature aduits of the Senior 135.4 busheis peu acre. and Mus. Roy Graham and Mr. Mau\'in Nesbitt was a , Mr. aind Mrs. Lloyd Huniter,'Wiliiams and Bible Clasa puesented an en-ý At the banquet a campe-i family'. 'ooî iio nStra otPry n u n u.Tedyw terainng umer iretedtiionwashei t gusa he Christmias pguests at iho, and Christmas Day dinner'Malcolm Emerson, Nestletan. Ronald Wiliiar *bv their respective teachers. number ai keuneis ai corn In a1 home of Mu. and Mus. Artlimrguet with Mu. and Mus. Gen., Christmas Day xisitors with, Oshawa. Thequait aithepefou- jr.Thewineu wee Ms.Read and Lytine weuc M' Faulkner and famiiy, Oshawa., Mu. and Mrs. Howard Lee and Mu. and Mu. ances ranged from the sub- Glen Skuce, Lindsay, and John and Mrs. Gordon Dudlrý,\, Mr. Kitchener Burton vî,,sit- Clifford were Mr. and Mus. and JaniceV lime ta the ridîculaus S0 Bansma, Burketan. The num- Burlington, Mu. and M-.e )e h oia ihM Bill Weston and family, I-amp-: Day guests w every mood and taste waS ber af keunels was 1967. 1Ciavton Read and boy s, Bo\V.adMs Jmc an n o;Mr n u.WyeWe-Sde n i *satisfied. At the conclusion an-___JaesPyn adon M.anMs.WaneWs-Sale ad i of the pragram Santa Clausa manville. fai']v and Mu. and Mus. Har- ton and boys, Buuketon; Mr. BowmanvilIe. aruived in spîte ai travellingLo rP ie Guests fou Christmas ai the ley Dex'eaux and famiiy, ofi George Gellînger. Caesarea; Mr.' Mu. and Mrs, difficuities. The "smali fry"ýL w r P Ie home of Mu. and Mus. Lloyd Toronto. and Mus. Neil Lee. Debby and gueeted him joyously and Ashton. Ronald and Rav, Mr and Mus. Adeibeut Bea- David and Mu. and Mus. Lamne pouued out their many re- A n u c y weue Mu. and Mus. Iva n cock cn joy\ed the weekend with Le n aiy queta Od Sin Nck is1b Sharp. Linda and Janet, Mu.ieu sister and family at Lon- Mu. and Mrs. Lawvrence Mc- I[ "M«' *tuibuted the many gifts îuorni n Russell Oumiston, Enniskilien, don. Laughlin and Lynn spent Sat- the ChristmasM tors Mu. and Mus. Ross Ashton Mu. andl Mus. Howard urday ta Tuesday with heu e Christmas Sunday mauning G n r l M t r and familv Mu. and Mis. Gurahami and Mu. Edmund parents. Mu. and Mus. Glover N dawned bight and criapy Generai Matous af Canada, Arthur Jackson, Markharn, Moechami were holiday visitors Ross, Tavistock. cold praviding seasonal wea- today announced reductions in were Tuesday dinner guests with MVr. anid Mus. Fred Mc- Moîîday visitors with Mu. ; ther for the cangregating of the maximum suggested re-1 at the Ashton borne. Goveun, Lakefield. ani Mus. Malcolm Emerson worshippeus at the chuuch tail prices afitis Viva andl Guests of Mus. M. Belutim, - Mu. and Mus. Orarn Moore weue Mu. and Mus. Don Stutt' service. Our minister's mes- Epic madels imported from Birdie and John, were, oni and David weue Saturday ev- and Michàel, Bowmanville; Mr.' sage was based an the famil- Bitain. Reductions are eff ec- Chistmas Sunday, Mu. and Oýning dinner guests with Mu. 'and Mus. Meuvyn Bird, Janice ./Jesus birth as told in Luke 2. from $77 on a Standard Sedan Rhonda and Susan, Osýhawa,,, Nancy; Sunday, with Mu. and and Mu. Bruce Witheuly and 1, he c .hoiu's anthems biended ta $96 on a Station Wagon. Mu. and Mus. George Bocrtuifni,Mus. Gil AveuvY and family, boys, Oshawa. ~ith the verbal message and Vîva puices staut at $1,8o9' Georgie and Cheryl, Taunton, Littie Buitain and Christmas rM.adMs Gog -es fthey sang "Away in a Man- F.O.B. Montreal. Epics start :tM.ad Ms.Knlui, Dy'vtlu adMs m p and Mu. and Mus. Maurice ger" and "When the Little $1,821 F.O.B. Montreai. Oshawa, Miss Cecelia Schoun-: Jenkitis, Whitby. Nesbitt and famiix' weue l Lord Jesus Came". Before deubeck, Enniskillcn. Mu. and Mus. Grant Thomp- Christmas visitors with Mu. pronounceing the beniediction Mu. and Mus. Walter Love- sol' spent Satuuday ta Mon- and Mus. Goudon Heaslip, Port iprClerk of Session Mu. Ross HAYDON r idgJyeadCaules, Ty- day '.vth hieu mather, Mus. W udt u ly ~si n Ashton extended the Season's rone. Mus. Clarence ."cvH. Johonston and sister, Ms u enrMceiOtw, i Greetinga ta the congregation The Christmas service on and Vernon, Pleasant poin,, James Naylor. Peffeulaw and"weue overnight guests with -and pastoral charge from theSudy pedwihsnigwee ustofM.ad u. visited with his matheu, Mus. 1Mu. and Mus. Heaslip. Mu. Chuuch Board. carois. Rev. David Northey!A. Trewin, William and p,-11.,James Thompson who la veuy and Mus. Nesbit.t enteutaincd The Christmas pauty for1 gave a gaod message an' an Chistmas Day. Mu. and ili at Lakeview Manou, Beav-,1Mu. and Mus. John Nesbitt ta! Mus. E. C. Ashton and heu Christmas Sunday. The Ex- Mus. Jack Pott-s and Biliho erton. family took place in th~e plouer girls sang "OLittle wu TNdaiupe ge rsM. and Mus. Hauley Jack- Stua vnn inr Community Hall with 41 Town ai Bethlehem," "001 at the Tuewin home. son and family weue hasts ta a 'Mu. and Mus. Arnold Wi rnembeus present. Besides the Christmas Day" and "Awa3'; Mu. Lawruence T.abh, Cou- familY' Christmas pauty on hiams wen u hostGs t a fmil -usuai deliciaus dinner, a pua- In a Manger". lice, was Sunday suipeu guesi Monda. oTheir ues swu aRyo.una.Gesaw grmwsejydwt ah Mu. Victor Smith and bis; 0f Mu, and Mus. W. Blacýkbuiî is ohr u.R W. Jack-! Mu. and Mus. Clarke Williams, - grm ws enoye wit eah 1Mu. and Mus. George Boweus, ". family responsibie for a mather, Touanto, were Thuus-l and Mus. CowlinEý. son, Miss Marilyn Jackson,Mr alBwsr.nd r. e ~'musical, number. Mu. 0. C. day evening callers at Mus.1 Mu. Kenneth Graham spent Mu. Alan Jackson and Mu and' u aiBwuM.adMs SAshton was the MC. Santa A. Thompson's. Chuistmas with Mus. 11.Mus. Geuaid Jackson* andI Wilfoud Vine and family. Mu. MissPaty Garar andCrosma. failY Por Perv.and Mus. Bert Boweus, Osha- Claus made a brief cal t MsPto .BbTws ard, adi C sman.andmir. aPout Peur'.'. -destuibute gifts. Mu.BbTwsnd ewc, Mrs. L. Griffin. Mu. Ml Saturday xisitous wlth Mu. wadM.adMs ap --weue Wednesday e v e n i n gi ville Giffin, Blackstock, MrS and Mus. Larnen Hyland weue'Boweus and Ian, Tyrorie. Announc New viaitous with hieu guandpau-1 C. Garuard woue ChuiîmsMrad Mus. Jim McMullen Chistmas Day xisitaus wlth' ent, M. ad Ms.CGarard, 'ay uess o Mr an M-q.ýndCarol, Pontypoal; Mu. and Mu. and Mus. George Boweus etM. and Ms. .Bentfd Garrard. DyBarrsofMu and : MMs. Maurice Samelis and fam- weue Mu. and Mus. Bert Bow- Be% Sbta S oMandMus. W. e nett, a LrAfe GrarBau adily. Peterbouough, and Mu. eus. Oshawva: Mu. and Mus,. ~uiin e veownnviieore fri adyCarkLollimsAndMr.a. evenig vistousai Mu and Mu. and Mus. Stan Cowlicg. Johin Reynolds, Nestieton. ClueWlisadM.an E Shrinks Piles Mrs.D. J. Carneron. Salem, spent Chitmswih Mu. and Mus. Tom McCann. iMus. Arnold Williams and r ý vEmduhmâsuomSnoprentodik a telephone call fuom heu: Mu. . hopsu n with iVi1rs. Hlattie Cale. Mu. and Mn .Cliffrd Jac'k- bmn.erhds aM dr fdmaged e. granddaughteu from Calpelguest of Mu. and Mu..E. M.adiu.Laune o1ndMcel.Dk iî , Kennedy, Flouida, on Christ-ý Thompson, Bowînanville, on Malcolm and family spent Sat- enjoyed Tuesday wvith his ~A rexkowned reeearch institute han mas Eve. Christmas Day. iiudav x'.ith hieu mother. Mus. rnaîher. Mus. R. W. Jacksoni, ap; ...found a unique healing substance h lcbu ami u n u.RyPtuo S. Brooks, Bow.manville, fou sister Miss Marilyn Jackson -"with the ability toashrink hemor- Christmas gathering was heldi and family weue Chuistmas-'the IBrooks' family pauty and and brother, Mu. Alan Jack-, o ~rhoids painlessly. It relieves ite iat Haydon Community Ceni- dinneu guests with Mu. aniSndy it MuadMs.an ~and discamfort in minutes an 1tue on Christmas Day. Those Mu.Buc*aîahu ieke James Millet and family. Wil- 1Mu. and Mus. Donald Mc- :àpeeds up healing ai the injured, iawale, foutBeuaccam *Cailand oys Oshwa, pen iae.present weue Mu. Walter, ing Beach. lwae o h acl!Cl n os saa pn iflamed Bakbtisnsuae.ad Mu ndMs.Loy leofanily' pauty. 'Christmas with his parents,. In case after case, wbile gently Jim, Don Milîs, Mu. and Mus.1 Susan and Fued wcire dinucu M and Mus. Ivrandt Pfrau MuSndMsAAtuuMCaiL .relieving pain, actual reduction Gerald Shackleton and fam-1uetsofMr ad r ., i ii eneti e te fnlyI and faînily.r SML (shrinkage) took place. il-M an0u.F1Ba1 uc .~. n u. Yl nChristmas Day. Guesta lMru and Mus. IlowaudLe Mos imorantofallreslt bunSalmMu. and Mrs. buristms lak ck weue Miss Ruth Proutt, Nestie- and Clifford, Mu. and Mus. Neil Moa imorantofalireult brnSaemChisîasDayton: Mu. and Mus. John Bu- Lee, Debby and David xisited i ..weresothoroughthatthisimprove- John Klnghorn and family.! Mu. Milton Slemonl is si)endi- cM -met wsmintine aersperodTaunton, Mu. and Mus. Wayne; ing the Christmoas hiolidax's c -î nd faily', LindsaY, and their aunt and uncle, Mu. and Nowgr( of many monthis.I Blackburn, Newcastle, Mus.! with his son, Du. andMu Mi A . zvnd Mus. Johin Puoutt, Mus. Robert MeCallin uToronto osa -This was accomplished with ai Cowling, Mr. and Mus. W. Gardon Siemion and fîiOsa.ansuîîday. Souuy la reportr < t:sm Blackuun nd faiiy. Don Mlîs.Guests uwith Mu. aud Mus. , Mus. McCal i aietl offer g :new healing substance (Bio-Dyne) Bakunadfaiy o il.Doit Tlîmpson on Monday as en1a iapient .whicb quickly heips heal injuredý Chuistîmas guests at the, Mu. and Mus. J. Pot.-, Maux, eu My dMu Js.atGMr. al oMis. tardn. et groups cele and stimulates growth af new home ai Mr. and Mus. D. J. Bliad Vi.Mrlie..~bre .Mriand Rs ov, Biack. ca.fand farivspGordChuist- '1 OfS t~~ue C~Famersonete us. oua geî f u n M: . stock and Mu. and Mus. Jim mas with his buother and many NowBio-Dyne isofféred inointFahes-n;auh Hhfax, Clark, B o xvran vi île. O11 Ftllis atic! family, Cadmus. farnily, Bowmauville. ~mum c0 mont and auppository form called Mu. and Mus. C. W. Dawney, Christmas exenillQ. Mu. and Mus. Ar'thur Hy-, Mu. and Mus. George Jahuns ~ ot 5Preparation R.Ak for it et ldirug Anne Marie and Marlene, Mu., Miss Marie Beckett an" landt ciîox'ed Churistmas Dax' enjoyed the holiday with their atore. Satisfaction or your maney Gog Kennedy, Bowman- Donald Tuex'.in. Euniskillcni, with Mu. înnid Mus. Stanle son, Mu. and Mus. Wm Johns: OMSIP r ido.Ville.: weue siippeu -u(,sts of the jMcCalîc alld fml.Lti.familamiy,-a1kam.avaîiab Mr. and Mus. Walter Rahm, rRasa Ashton family on Wed. th Lsotwi' us. and ouaiyxîsiius w.hM.a e ncdyMus. Wm. McCabe and Mu. and Mus. Richard Davison weî'e Mus. Lloyd Siemnu. SsanJos* Coopeu. Mus. Chaules Gist, Peter-r weII as and Fued weue Wednesdrav Mu- Alan Wilson and Suz- baraugh: Mu and Mus. Doug guests of Miss Nancy Johns anne. auuompanlied by Mu and' Davisan, Bienhelm: Mu. and andMu. Wit. Hmpon Mr,; Lloyd Wilson, took heu Mus. Carl Ellot. David and W IN Mu. and Mus. Ross Ashtnxmathpr, Mis. Sid Lockyer, Kim, Leaskdale. On Tuesday i and familyvivsiied Miss. Buaoklin, 10n Malton Alupoutithe Elliatts enteutalnied Mus.ý Emma Weruy, Toronto, On on Satuuday fuom wheue she ': Giat and the Davison familles. iff"I IChristmas Sunday, weni. by 'plane ta spend Chuist-!Mu. and Mua. Lamne McKee! Mu. anid Mî'a. Bruce Gar- mas '.ih lheu son and farni'ly,,weue'hasts ta thielu farnily on[ A) If th rard and Patsy. Keswick. ar-- Mu.aind Mî-s. Stan Lockyer, Sunday. The guests were Mu. by a gr( MI f K F Fcampanied bis mothex- Mus. C;Part Kehîf, BritishCouÈa and Mus. Bert Shea and boys. UI ~ I IF* Gaurard and visited his fa- Chiiinas guests with Mr.i. Fleetwoad: Mî'. and Mua. Jim followii H A IR P ECE ther Mu. C. Gaurard, a patientiDa'.e Wilson and Mus. S. Me-,McKee and family, Ponty- in Memorial Hospital, Box'.- Quade x'.eue Mus. George Wil- pool; Mu. and Mus. Calvin Mc-- B) 0w~ manville. son. Yeiveuîon; Mu. and Mus., Kee and family. Cadmus; Mu. floi rM. and Mus. Lloydvo SlemOn. Alan Wilson and Suzanne,i and Mus. John MeMillen and iv Susan and Fred xvcue 'sIPP(r Nestîpion. and Mu. and Mus. 1 Mus. Grace Short, ai Scaubor- guests ai Mus. F. Toms, En- Lloyd Wilson, Scaubouough. augli; Mus. James McKee, Mu. -' _____lewon1ski ;len nSna. odyv;taswt1u adMs ae rw iw ipe. They also iends, relativesý from the- Gov-1 Minister andi oncluded withi Perth. spent Saturday te Wed. nesday wlth her mother, Mus. Nelson Marlaw. Mr. and Mns. Gilbert Maulow, af Brooklln, were Saturday evening visi- tors. On Sunday, Mus. Mar- low and the Ferulers were din- ner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Symona and famliy. Bowmanvile. a nd evenlng vîsitors with Mr. and Mns. Alvin Mauiaw and iamlly, Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Briggs, Toronto, spent the weekend in their Nestieton home and enjoyed Christmas wlth Mrs. Lorenzo Mountjoy. Mu. and Mrs. Norman Irvine, Bowmanvile. weue Saturday dinner guests wvlth Mu. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip. Mr. and Mus. Dave Frew, Viewiake, weue evenlng visitous and Miss Maujorle Bruce. Port Perry, was a Sunday caller. Best wishes are extended ta the edîtor, staff and readers af this paper for peace and' contentment in 1968. As Tlny TIm would say, "God Biesa Everyone". Darlington Township (ouncil Ac c ou n ts amounting to $538,858.24 weue passed fer payment at the meeting of Darlington Township Coun- cil held Iast week in the Township Hall, Hampton. Reeve H. C. Muir presided, and ail members af councli were puesent. On a motion by Deputy Reeve Cari Down, seconded by Cauncillar Russell Dow.,, H. A. Baruon was re-appoint- ed to be the municipality's repuesentative an the Board oi Directors ai Memorial Hospital for 1968. The Township Clerk was instructed on a motion by the Deputy Reeve, seconded by Councillor Dow. ta iniarm Dariingtan Area P u b i i c School Board that cauncil had further cansidered the pua- posed debenture issue and suggests that there be a tern- 1Mus. Arnold 1 porary uelay u ruu1dg the' family enjayed building ai an addition ta iMu. and Mus Enniakillen Public School. ima and famîiy,ý Councillor Richard Gibbs, seconded by Councillor Ben s. Ralph Sadler Brown, moved that the treas- were Christmas uueu be authauized ta issue vith Mus. Ralph cheques on December 29th ss Vivian Sadler, for wagea and salaries for the peuiod fuomn December 5t s. James Ferier, ta 31st. This was cauui. IW AVAILABLE... The Canadian Stateamn. Ewmauwllle, 3iLn 3, INa LONG SAULI lhomeofMr àand yu, fflnffle, and 'pre sla' (Intended for last week) Chuistmas dinner guesla -otý Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Baker. the. 1» Milles.Owgto'* Ann, Ruth and Garry, Mus. slnui ln the John VuIÙ! May Johns were Saturday famlly, Mr. and Un. W. V- evening guests of Mr. and eyk had Christmas ratu Mrs. Harry Baker, Oshawa. with the J. Vaneyks. Christmas Day guests of Mr. and MUn. Bill Johqss1 the Baker family were Mr. and Lirida. Janetvl1e, and Mrs. Bruce Baker, Tor- Fletchier and Mr. John ~n anto. Mr. and Mrs. Keith son, Oshawa, were Chret1aë Gable and Brian, Mr. and Day guests of thiir pati, il Mrs. John Baker and Ricky. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johtn!q1ý Mr. and Mrs. AI Baker and Christmas Day get'u family were Christmas even- the Smith homne were *rw. îng visitors. and Mrn. F. O. Smith, Mr.up Mr. and Mrs. G. Baker Mrs. Robert Smith and I were Friday evening guests Bowmanvrille, wiclMr. af Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Purdy, Mrs. Roy Boudreau IeIt Bowmanvulle. Dawna, Newmarit. Axn Mr. and Mrs. Keith' Gable Day guests wereXMu. and Brian were Sunday sup- Mrs. Lloyd HarmÀer, jiie, per guests of the Kayacs'. and Beth, and Master H Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gable Weinsheimer, BowmuvI& were Sunday evening visitors Mr. mnd Mrs. Harold Mûr5,« and Christmas evening visi- phy, Margo and Treeor. woe tors were Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Christmas Day gueula of ý« Gable, Mr. and Mrs. Stan and Mns. Boy Meuûgbl[I Gable and Bruce and Mr. and Nestieton. Mrs. John Baker and Ricky. Mr. anld Mns. Dot!$. s Christmas weekend visitors Strawbridge,, Indian E¶t of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Van- were Friday evenlng gmiU't eyk were Mr. Paul Vaneyk of the Cornish's. and famiiy, Mr. and Mus. Mrs. G. H. Aumour û Chas. Penwarden and family. Miss Bertha Armour, Hamtpei Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk ton. were Christmas Dap attended the Varieyk Christ- guests of Mr. and Mrs. 8 mas Eve party beld at the ney Cornish and fml. cZiry Cleaners C/iu.c/e rTali Girl: "Have you a akirt that will make me look ahorter?"ý Saleswoman: "No, but we have a uklrt that will make evy3 one else look longer." CLOTHES CARE HINTS: There are over 200 different klnds of complex nature of the different Inks, treatments are aeldom successful. WEEK 0F FRAYER SERVICES Rehoboth Christian R.! ormed Church Wed., Thurs., Fui. - January 3rd, Ath, ~roup Medîcal ýervices Insurance vith OMIP om the first of January 1968, eOntario Medical Services Insurance Plan will accept plications for Group Insurance coverage. u wiIl find semeai advantages in this new provision: COLLECTOR AND GROUPS: EMPLOYMENT CROUPS: RATES: oupcoverage isavail able 311 groups too. OMSIPwiII roup insurance to small s-minimum size 6 per- Since other plans have in cases required a mini- of at least 20 persons to group cove rage the new :plan will widen the uility of medical insur- omany small groups, as slarge. An innovation offered by OMSIP group coverage is its availabilitytogroupswith some common bond other than em- ployment. For instance, mem- bers of a business or profes- sional association might form a group in order to take advan- tage of more convenient medical insurance coverage. Employment grou ps, those made up of people at a com- mon place of employment, are of course also eligible. The sanie Iow OMSP rates wiff be available ta groups as they are ta individuels: 1W£ Of CONTRA«T 1 YOU PAl " The single ou " The fumly of t» " The lamiyof luruioc. $ S.Oe.@.M&* 110.00 rmii mm*t Mu4ffl mm*i tive Dates of Coverage: he applicant applies within 30 days of the termination of coverage roup medical insurance plan, OMSIP coverage begins on the day ig the termination of the former coverage. ISIP coverage of other group applicants becomes effective three months ig the date when application is received and approved. îolps pay your doctor's hbis. OMSIP pays 90% of Outaris MafidicalAs iËtîu cbdÉet fut. HEALTH INSURANCE REGISTRATION BOARD Modical end iospitai Inuree er wOnterl 21,95 Yonge Street, Toronto 7 COMERMENT 0F ONTARIO Hom. JOHN P. POBARTS, Prime MI,,ister Ink. Beausim b home spot remsoai sth .L.b 4 t k Lt 4 fi ( t 1

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