Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jan 1968, p. 11

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M r. anid Miu. Lelth Byers; h aal weMonday evenlng dinner! BSETO * Pi.ACKSTOCKUKTO 1e aain ttsmn omavleJn , 98 i guests of the Herb Swains. * Cbriatmas Dance Mr. Tony Arambulo, Tor-' Mr. and Mrs. Jim ByersM or t Among New Year's dinner' Jackson anater ames r.ndM.Ro ettad inc pn audyngtsetMna ihhrpar- a g stra e s guests at the home ofMrhome for Chita.M.ndglsoMnay On FrIday, December 22,! and Sunday forenoon withý ents and relatives in Nor- Howard Davey were Mr.an Mrs. W. HonMilign a r n r.H ht n Idh Cartwright High SchooLpaul Rahmn and Mr. and Mrs. wood. Mrs. Kenneth Moxon, Oshawaalso expected.grswr it r.E ht Jedtheir Christmas Dance. Stan- Rahm.Mran s.Jh MeH ld i Bo m vle and Mrs. W. R. Davey, Burkei- Mr. and MY.F oct a h asbe i ihtefu ~1e Grade Twelve's decorat- M.adMs uceTl- and children, Toronto. and to.friends from Trto ad M.obMrr ewoSa 'u tve h itmratin tre Th son burg, spent» the weekend,I George Robertson of Detroit, anuary 2, 1968 terbrook Avenue, Willowdale,I queried Magistrate Baxter.' Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lar-Isome are staigoe ni rnic n saedn h meveral hristma trees. and Miss Lynda Kyte, Guelph, were Sunday guests, and Jane. pleaded flot guilty of careless "Bowmanville is like a mer, Parkhead, were weekend Ne M rs. fwe hAa andGw . a alls h adsr i n d e rsaa nca ndlr. F o ydgK t ean do nMra ndFlo y drtKM wtrm inodro n ttosjfI nt c u rt o 1 96rd ri v nguo ntioh ay1 95 S e p-da g nevtogm ,"nr p li e d M a r- u e5t atpM- 'a n d M rs. H a r o l j M rea"d rs. W L o n y e ar-r. a n M rs R . P oMr . sllh adacndern e the hliday wth Mr' for a holiday with Mr. and Magistrate R. B. Baxter pre- tbe17Hewsrpsnt1in hhahsrgtbndLmr.M.nd r.Alnpn Ci, thi. ui wspovddand Mrs. Hrl Kyte. Mr. an r.Kn*abic,' sided with Crowntr ne ed by G. L. Murdoch, Osh-ý in a casi. "It just keeps Larmner, Karen and Catheline,IMS .Tonyes otMrs. A.Me.r vr1h the. usc asprvidd ndMr. arldMr.an Ms.KG.Gm F. Bonnycastie, E.R1 oe w dam ebc. and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Britain. weed b £ he Privy Council.DvdKyeoid Darlene, Wayne and Shelly, k ciga dt one Lletspopot ced asnonev tem CrwsmnsSunay. OshMa.wer Sunay ue3s fr LgalAid i r. Kigh, suthoun on "Bomanvlle" eacuate Mcaho, lai, heley nd MralndMrshW.GlrdnyM. ad Ms.Mr.Mrcanha at. Donald i ght and r>u talsoM . and M rs. Ao n Taylor- ofMe . M nd ay the M cKees Chron f r ile a os ' un a v ni g f om h s ct- r wn A t r ey B n ystmasai n.w r e Y a ' D ylx ece Doaseiht and PJudy oM. and Mrs. ARo Tayo, !M r. a MndaytMrs earod Covetinfr lealPStage at Buckhorn, ran into! Conviction for the first of- dinner guests. !CaryhandLeghAnnaso. Brown won the elimination lor, Scarborough, spent SUn- joined' other friends at Mr.f iession of liquor fololn a the last car of a "dlot" which j fense brought a fine o! $25 Mr. Douglas Taylor, Diannel Mr. and Mr.Ga1amrIHp; r n r.R rm dance. dywt r n r.Gr and Mrs. Ed Lawson, y i1guilty plea brought a fine of!had slowed to a stop a shortland cost s, or five days, and adDnlM.tnevTYi Janice andStnPlrwebiB mail;Mrad Lunch was served and ev- net Murray and girls, Cress- verton. $2.5 and costs, or five days,: distance south of the junc-Ifor the second $35 and css o eeNwYa' evening at Boyd*s.Mr. ai insWibyad eryone enjoyed punch and well. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Ar-: for Gordon C. Brown, New- tion o! 115 and 35. The in-' or an additional five days. dinner guests with Mr. andfM.ad rsE.oiehdM5 Gwn PtsnPt TayorspntSunaynihtcher spent Monday with Mr.:anville.tigai officer was Con- i He was granted two weeks Mrs. Leslie Taylor, Fred and per.ond Mo Ataoteee ,lc and Monday with his parents and Mrs. Elmer Archer and Robert Carl Mitchell, 146stable L. J. Mahoney, O pa. Mr. and MrsA.Reyan rssuehedCrtas udyan Santa Claus visited us. This and all visited Mrs. J. Forder famîîy, Whitby. 'Britannia Road, Goderich, a I dismissing the charge' John Rowe, 17 Durham formerly o! Burketon,senChd adM.nd rs Lwo joll oldgenlemaggavtpe-manRestHom, Pot Peryon M. an Mi..Maricedocshan on lae bot, agisrateBaxer îmaîkd e tree, plade flo guity ! ChistmsfICChrhamtGaaen HIi;CrhandhMam. nuts to al. na. Samelîs and girls, Peterbor-, pleaded guilty o! having carei that the standard o! care re- illegal possession o! liquor i_________ Mrs. GardonMri r1adole n auy r n Our thanks ta Dave and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Drink- ough, and Mr. and Mis. Vin-i and control o! a motor vehi- quired in operating a car1 December 31. Constable R. ;has been in bdfroe MsSm Moeadgrs Donna Kyte and Jim and water and famuly, Ottawa, cent Archer, Bowmanville, ie whîle impaîred and fail- n w'was considerabîy highcr Paîker with Constable G. rT'1Dý~PJTT~ week. She is ipaig Trno r n i.R Barbara Byers who chaperon- Miss Mable Van Camp, Toi- were Monday guests o! Mr.1 ng to produce a drîver's li- than 25 years ago and that Kozak, OPP, checked a car on EJIZABETHUL JLVIJLLE * Mr. and Mi.Pu1al~WshesîBwavle i ed the dance. We also extend anto, and Miss Helen Van and Mrs. Tennyson Samelis. icense on the request of a this was a borderline case.i King Street, W., at 2 arn. and -catt held ChrsasdneOfadMs.JDKoeOh a *oui thanks to Mel Malcolm Camp, Oshawa, were week- Mrs. Glen Van Camp and police officer. He was repre-1 on ulbtl fwn Itne o atwe) Sna n *Who brought Santa Claus ta end guests o! Mrs. W. W. Van boys, Mi. and Mis. Arthur! sented by E. R. Lovekin. Jam 4 es dadcow idgfun guil bottfe o! winthenfeontd for laitwee Snas' en ahr a-ad i n Mrs Hwarc the dance. Camp. Monday they weîe Van Camp, Port Perry, andiý Evidence of Constable H '.R.4 lae uly a ne h rn et oe Chrh services were heid ISats rnford, spent th wandbyRv ndMs Fe r iliegal possession o! îiquorclimîe it. The officer saidon uc.fr hrsm.ween atTikns Mr (intenae o li ee) iied byorv. ladMrs.Fre Mi Jack Van Camp were Cook. OPP was that he Decmbe 29 CoporthJeM occupants o! the car o the 24th at the church with Mi. and MrD N ot tSat ALLBh~be Season's Greetings ta the Riding and Miss Barbara Sunday guests of Mr. and caiied ta investigate an acci- embr2.CpoaJ.M- hd ense iteVv-an xragdcow R . stafchckofe ccued n Kng;geusRetauanaand gwadiRanitspaehoi"TegCris-M.r.itaonedthMweken.!!o!rhe tatsnn Cdamdp. OCicaa, i.endtrs.Hary an amp On7detnOtobre2 on theGue Rdeiforatinanhadbeensen i th Voa-an xtr god cowd Re.otna"crewet MChariMstaaIdd.teWhntenia moal aIl who read this column, and Mrs. Paul Riding, Mr. and Monday Mi. and Mis. Harryf Eighth Concession af Darling- Shctree a 8 i. efouKng,0 a aer oad n mas Jaurney." Mran Ms.L Mure best wishes for the caming Mrs. Stephen Saywell and Van Camp and Mr. and Mrs.1ton between lots 10 and I ltt eer in .. eh patl Highay 2 andrl ond, Bow- On Friday evenng the Sun-:~ hismwt Mr. and FIEQ1I' yeaî woid iketa xprss iss Margaret Saywell, ail of Jack Dowson weîe guests af i He faund the accused in a and oe o e in is sîceve. mgwy danvli. e newtewr a ho Eld ad. hritbrdsaa OUET rny thanks toalal who sa kind- Oshawa, and Mr. and Mis. the Glen Van Camps, Part' intaxicated condition sitting a h in a $0ad costs: not going fîom the liquor concert for the Sunday school M.RgBeadsn ot AKR Iy phoned or bîought in their Blake Guinter and famiiy. Perry.1 behind the steering wheel of orTsevfiendas Co0lang, ' store ta a residence. He add- childien. Several numbersHoevtd Mr. aneMrs L news ta me, also for ail the Some Hoiidays Visitors: Mr. and Mis. Narman Dv- a station wagon with theo e hahaadthv-1 ff-wr ivn e.Rajtso- ude e subscriptlons given me. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wright sart, Peterborough, Miss Bet- mator running. The vehicle îgnihrmnynrpo cer were checking a con,- ed a film on Peace toward Mi. and Mrs .Bat a OLX ~ ' We in the village were and family were Saturday ty McAthur and Mr. and westbound left the road andpc !mkn ay ett Inthtaprnhdbei Men. Lunch was served after________________ royally entertained last week. evening dinner guests of MI. Mrs. Ardis McArtbur, Tor- struck and broke a guy wire jal ane. Use1 assaulted by a passenger in Santa Claus distributed gifts. R S LT O N ISAFR On Tuesday evening the Jun- and Mrs. Garnet Wright and onto, spent Sunday with their!of a h ydra pale then backcd, Thom as Mrin ltlthis car. t The local yaung people sang t 5R.) BRS. T» day School weîe aut caralling the accasion of Mrs. Gaînpt Tuesday maîning Mi. and'onto the forth shaulder. Ity of illegal possession of in elngdno t imth dfernthme. dAa~ and later weîe treated in the and Lloyd's birthdays. Mon- Mrs. Nanman Dysart flew ta, The station wagon belong- liquor December 16 and again but ta ane of his passengers,; Mr. and Mis. H. Muldrew Dd Christian Education Centre. day the Walter Wrights en- Florida ta spend a few days'îng ta Gerald Allin, had been December 29. Corporal J.' and that they were gaing to had the family home for!r Then an Thursday night. even tertained Mr. and Mrs. Gar- with his parents, Mr. and' iaoaned ta the accused early McGuey said that on the !irst his house ta drink it. iChristias dinner an Sunday. I i i though it was raining, the net Wright, Port Perry, Mr. Mrs. A. Dysart. Miss Ida'that day. He had no driver's ýdate he had information ta: "Very weIl. The charge Mr. and Mrs. H. Quantrill tfodBohr High schoolers- were out sing- and Mrs. Keith Wright and Dempsey went ta Stratford license. jspa 1957 Pontiac in which'against you is dismissed," de-lheld Christmas and had M.- ____ Ing carols and they were en- family and Miss Hazel o! ta visit with Dempsey reda-' Convicition on the fiîstlhe found beer and last Fil- cided Magistrate B a xt er.jRay Quantrill, Mr. and Mis. tRyne by Mr. and Mrs. Oshawa. and Mr. and Mrs. tives for ý.he holidays. charge brought a fine o! $50 day eainhdnortIn tertainedt he agan had infrmaton Constable Parker is nowlH. Halden and Clara, Guelph; MULTIPLELITN SEVCLMTD RyTurner and girls. Lloyd Wright and famiiy. Mr. and Mrs. Merv *yn Gî-iand casts, or seven days, an dIto check the accused in whose ifree ta lay a charge against ýMn. and Mrs. John Quantrilli Sunday we got a little MadMs Ens a-hai jained the Don Pargtr n h eon iedoIIarsfdlothing he again fourd beer.' your passenger but if heland Michelle, Oshawa; Mr.Oshawa itit o 3 snow but Monday it came in mer. Mr. and Mis. Glenn and spent Monday with the! and costs, or an additional ý You were warned ta stay 1cames and denies it thien yau and Mis.J. Currier, Por Hope38Dna t .-Wib earnest, by before night we Larmer and boys, Mr. and Roy Grah ais, Port Perry. three days. out o! Bowmanville. Why do 1 idy find yourself facing a M n MsV Ple a c ock e alEtt or hn ht 6835 really had a white Christ- Mrs. Ralph Larmer and fai- Mi. and Mrs. Barry Duns- Frank Burns Knight, 6 F vano keep coming back?"I charge o! peijury."' had their two sans Allan and,ý]e lE mas. Those who loah farward ily were Mondas' dinner moar and childien. Grand__ ta sleighing, t9baganning, ski- guests o! Mi. and Mrs. Har- Island, New York, Mn.ý and- ing and ski-doong wee vey Yelowlees and family, Mrs. Bev. Dealy and rii, ------ really enjoying theiselves bySlia Toronto, spent Christias with! evening. the Ken Dunsmoors. I I Glad ta report Mr. Dalton M r. and Mrs. Grant Thamp- Mi. and Mis. Jno Kewen Doîreil home frai hospital son and family, Toronto, Mr. and f amiil y, Beaconsville, and rogessng !voîblyand Mis. George Dunbar andQuebec, with her father Mr. andsogat i Jim avr .' ifamily. Scarborough, Mi. and; Eveîett Trewin ls htM.JmMro sMis. Lloyd Wright and fai-1 Monday guests o! Mi. andi R EG ISTERNW O home fram hospital, flo-iywrMna vnn j-Ms tnRh eeM. Ing eye suîgery. lily ee fMonda y enngdinM isStn'ah w1 Mi. and Mis. Walter Kelu- nrgusso!M. o ndM. and Mis. Arthur Rahi, Bow sky, Bancroft, weîe Thuîsdav and Mis. Bill Ferguson andi manville, Mi. Paul Rahm, overnight guests o! Mi. and bos.; Ptebaaug, i. ndMi Mis.Car Wîiht.Mi. and Mis. Keith John- Cameron Porter and Sean,- Mis. McDougald. St. Marys,,fstan and family, Blackstock,' Orono, and Mrs. Cecil Hill lis visitlng Mi. and Mis. with fîiends in Pakenham. 1 Monday guests o! Mrsislis Glenn Laîmer and boys. f r n i.LihBesfVenning, Mi. Wayne and Miss Mi. and Mis. O s i o n d Mi. and Mis. Jim Byers, Mri. Linda were: Mi. and Mis i Wright spent the weekend and Mis. Heîb Swain, Messîs r Gary Venning and Penny, * with their two daughteîs and 1 Ralph and Don Swain, Miss Paît Perry, Mi. and Mis. E. ajilies, Toronto. Louise Moore and Mr. and Little and Sandra, Whitby, is. J. A. Johnston acca- Ms. Bob Bennett, Oshawa, and Miss Franc uan, PortI itt o nïI PanedMi. and Mis. Keith were Christmas Eve dinner Perry.Eeng callers wî Johnston and girls o!BeIlle guests o! Mi. and Mis. Mur-' i nmMs o n nnng ville and spent the weeed ay Byeîs and Miss Janice'and Mis. J. Mott. a with Mis. RoyAvr an Byeîs who is home froifM . and Mis. Gordo family, Tilbury. ýGuelph for the holidays. [Strang Mr. and Mis. Bob other ielatives at the haie o! Mi. and Mis. Eric Barr and It Beaeley fuian Mlto Christmas Day. Mis. M. P. Philp, Scaîboro, flo Mi, and Mis. Albeit Abbott r Duy aIl 7our favorite foods at gary, Mr. and Mis. DavdU Philp and Bradley, Paît Per- of SAVINGS - your shopping bagan and ry eeSnd .Cay.guestha jyour handbag. Our STORE-WIDE LOW M.ad Ms hs mt PRICS an may SUER IG SE- and Oliver. PRICS ad may SPER IG PE-Rev. and Mis. John Romeril CIALS eniible you to SAVE ail along andi !aîily, Courtice, were your food lit. Consequently, you end us a g et o R v. P up wlth shopping bags filled wlth fine auday ust o Rn ev Ps foodi - and then, the LOWER TOTAL Man Ms. o rldti DenON CO ST of your order leaves M OREM . ani is H ro d L -I Buiketon, were Moan da y Lean- Teder , 0guests o! Mi. andi Mis. Ted. LeanORTenrI BAEMcMahon and famiiy. SHOR RI BLAE 1Mi. anti Mis. Allan RabmM or CROSS CUT RIBi and family, Paît Perîy. spenI Sunday with bis parents. Mr ,' and Mrs. Jack Rahm. Chervi R O A *Sand Rickie are holidaying M with their grantipaients this 73p w I I Guests a! Mi. and Mis. Roy, McLaughlin anti Debbie were: 73 Dennis home for the holidays,* fiai Guelph; Mis. Edith Mur I Smarts Red S iarts W hole pby, T rne, Sunda -Tue dqv-Iyl I * aMi. anji..rnî lbwrCmk, Beavertan, Wednestia d es OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS can help you convert your and___ Ms. K e l vSil Sls M . basemnent into a beautiful RECREATION ROOM . . . You P r e s C e l o P a k M r . L u e ' s t r a w e r r ya n dt i M i l wv i l l e J MisAnna Samelîs, Orono, wilI receive instruction in allpae ofcosr tinpu SPUN AC H J AM !Mr. and Mis. Menwin Mount-: ehd o rmn ndapyn lyodadpu joy, Hampton. Mr. anti Mi ' e ehd o rrigadapligpy dadwallboards K24-ni. Russel Mountjay. Kathy Sa-!l L m-els, Bowmanviile, is spend- loyuwl eso nten etma risav lbe1 2 1C Jar igradpaenu, days with her'* . . a s o u e s o n t e n w s a e i i v ua m Kicar -Quart SAVE 18e ly Baokandi boys wcre M LIQUD WA - - $101 f Satuntiay 23îti, Mi. and Mis mi LIQUID WAX $1.19~~~~ Les Beacock, Grant andýý EITRNWPOE7811 Bilan, Mn. and Mis. Don Bea- Dînette Margarine 4Ibs$1.00 Chismo! P, r ndieior ru~ 7811 Fred Motton, Kenn, RortmPON 2811 andi David,. Willowdale, Miss SUMMIT ICE CREAM3 G aL79c Fein Rîtchie, Toronto; o Tuesday evening, Mr. anti wbJt 24-os. Loaves Mis. Larry Nabîey, Cindy and 8 5 Lori Ann o! Port Peîy andm Ms. D eH e. ay or set he SLCE BEA 4fo 8c hrs. . aylo senn Mi. MOSH*AWA WOOD PRODUCIS LTD Christmas weekend with M-, ~* - and Mis. Wilbert R T E;ý: Maîcoîî, 1 elertn.1'JUI .ILOSHAWA SHOPPING CENTR (HOME0F GULITY)and Roy and Miss Marion' ___ RFOOD MARKET *W. OWMA!PILLEI on day with Mr. anti Mis. Don "à%LLCNTm.THE NA flN SIII R f%

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