Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Dec 1967, p. 3

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~4ç~ffOttawa Report_ A n ybod y's OTTAWA - Prime Minister L. B. Pearson gave his wile Maryon the blrthday present the ionged most to get - the announcement of bis decisian tretire from the leader- aei UicheLiberal oarty. Mres. Pearson made na Lt of the fact that she oanted her husband to bow bultsof the heavy responsi- bartdy. Athae r.ears on bervie the epopls Cab Cnt. sHeecrgle that h Mrlearsobut would cry on as Prime dinîster tiher Gavernmet aryPar se- brsof hies tCabietCae- Inetocke ade surred tat the Prnwas onieing se-a leade, but everytcanryhena asweeks d ndlctedutha t he waud retry on wll set t hs ainet eaeaguMes Mrbearsani leftbithCaiet ram ta ade thieda e nxetd anuncement. rei saild prns onfelnrece A BLES tGS ~-~-FOR THE NEW YEAR Have a vsty peaceful year 1t fRied wth joy, and much, iti S. R. James C(g Inusurance - Real Estatei King St. E., Bowmanviile hi er ln r caucus of the Libera e and senators was sur t lmmedlately aiter lui C same day. Here tht 1 bers af the Party heai their leader's own1 announcement that tl heard broacast aver televîsion and circuli newspapers. There has been gru amang the backbenc] 1the Liberal party of h 1the Prime Minlster v giving the Party thi of tough, hard-nosed 1 hpa mlnorlty gavei leader should providt eral members had sald they hoped he soon step down .- a ment that a year ago neyer have been oper pressed.« The coilapse of thg eral -Provincial housin ference polnted up th, and Indecision that h peared ta set ln amoi top echelons ai the 1 Party. The Gover looked bad in the ha af the Canference. rage of crltlcism desç on the heads of the Minister and his mini5 charge of hausing, H- R. Nicholson. That strt ened the Prime Mir resolve ta get out an< the tough job over younger man. Mr. Pearson a yeai had dlsciosed ta close fi that it was hus desire tire ln 1967. When the servatives set their iE ship convention he reci ed that when the U Opposition (the Cons tives) picked a new younger man the pre5 on hlm ta bow out materlally increase. ihave. He to]d friends he had no intention afi ing another general elei Sa the stage was set fa: Pearsan ta depart. But when the Qi problem grew more wlth the passing weeli afit e r General deGa visit - Mr. Pearson b ta wofry that perhap should' stay an until questloh af nationali was settled and confe( tien saved. Quebec L11 sald Iludiy and repeai that Mr. Pearson was only Federai leader whî jayed the confidence af Quebep, people. They w ed thé Prime Minister ta léave the leadershl tifis time wauld only ag vate an already seriaus si tion. Here was the prin( Ingredient for the agi cry that ail leaders1 !rom their frlends: "Yeu Indispensable". But obvi ]y Mr. Pearson did nat that. He bas been a di Miat too long ta recog the speclausness of sudh argument. He aiso te( nlzed that each time he1 pared ta quit samethlng could flaire up that wc give tise ta the demand stay and see It throught finish. A manth ago he made is mind ta resign before nd ai 1967. Prlvately lformed the Presîdent WIN RAIRPIECE' Cilni's Haïr Fashions 24 Division St.- Bowmanviile Prop. - Gxinny and Audrey Osmond OPENING » THURS., JAN. 4 FOR APPOINTMENTS CALL 623-5881 I7 estai. Christmas at home in Miss Inez Symons was a cal-' by Bawmanville wiicî were Canada was describcd by lie. er, Monday nigit. wihMr.'vybauiutote bakgru. nndcd by M FR1. - SAIT.- SUN. JANUARY 19 - 20 - 21 and Mns. Frank Gilmar..............b~orne ta Tyrone la cnjoy tea,IJ Asbby telling what Christmas a . Prelimlnary praparaîlans are couace and cookias ai lie! 15. Mns. H. Bail axplainedý .underway, hy gavernmcnt sur- home ai Mns. Walter Park'ý how many of aur customsi'Mu h veyors, etc., ah tic site ai aur and exchanged guIts. Wiileý wcre ionmed and Berniece I new Poil Office, on main...... 'tiare tie C.G.I.T. Catalans' ýBest cxpîained hiat many af Colon j streel, lormerly tic pnapcnty ' arrivad along wili thein lcard- ýhem are a mixture danivcd' Jerry Lewis, Susan Bay 'af Mn. B. Walkcy. e ri Mns. D. Nortiey, Miss' inaom several orîgins. Tiosel Mts. L. DeSmit, wio necent-: .p Shirley Sykcs and Mns. Ray'ý obicnved hy tic many people iy undarwent sumgery In Oha- Davey, alter alrcady scnenad- Inrom diffanent lands suci as wa Hospital. returned home on ,wi ng ohiar senior cilizens ai! D u t c b Canadien, German Fniday. Tvnonc and Haydon. Canadien, Ukranian, wane de- Special Feature - Two Week-ends Mn. and Mns. Bud Joncs, . ~ IV~XT \VfJIMn. and Mns. George Ail-. scrihed as weIJ as Christmas FR.- SAT. - SUN. JANUARY 26 - 27 - 28 Douglas and Diane ai Edmon- ' )WJ~Iyf~drcad. Mn., M. Gaskin spant! ways in New Brunswick, tn rveheeSaturdey taiN e e a p Christmas with Mn. and Mns., Ncwioundland, and in ticen spend the holiday season with *L. Justice and childran, Rici-: Red River valley. They werc.an 'bis mother, Mns. Bec Joncs.' mond Hill. summaed up by Mns. Ashby,, and otier relatives. orfmnlhn~ ,e.. Mn. and Mni. W. Park and Il ncalling tiat wicn sic ne- - R. AIT. - SU.BUi~ AiDLj1RY 2 - 3 - 4 Miss Canal Maiood, Peter- Y . ' fr""'P S i'upatroage iMn. and Mns. J. Gis attend-i caivcd han cilizensiip jpapers MtnaStraJnur 7a :0p has thea avsiorduic d a Christmas panîy at he heaticjudga told ber Canada tohogew as a vit r n r SMdeninMe ' ast a big success. Our 1home af Mn. and Mns. Eric, wisied han new citizens at U L v ,Hatry Wade.r Milienci, Newcastle. kaap lie memoryao ii1 " rC A I Mn. and Mns. Jim Adams hnst e sa lua asreMn. and Mns. Peter Opnira own country. i i v r spen li Ciisîas ceknd'P'~5, an faily aiGeorgetown,! Ahthie conclusion af tic' 'An Toronto witi Mn. and Mns.: 1; * . spent Christmas with Mn. and programme Mrs. Groeneveld Don Adams and iamiiy. Y Nu àUgo ut .111101'posible 1 in g 1Mn. H. Van Donp and MnI sk d Rev. Ian Muna a Warin winning dramna of a Negro teacher Miss Mari MacDonald:. C. A. Farnatano. j take tic chair for tic alec-1 nsu col cama home from Western Uni- coihlfpar81. 'Mn. and Mmi. Allison Mc-ý lion ai tic 1968-69 officensli ursco. versity, London, for tic hou-' Quinn and iamuly spent; who are: P. Pnes. Mns. .î Sidney Poitier, Judy Geesom, days and Miss Dianne KIM- i Christmas witi Mn. and Mm.' Groanaveid; Pneu. Mmi T. bai ws om lom Sik *j~5* E A - * E Rais Page, Saline, and Mn. Wilson; Vice Pneu. Mns. H.1 Aduits $1.5 Students 1.00 Childre foriid'sspîla, Tnont, KV I. andMn. C. H. McQuinn, Payne: Treas. Mns. H. Reeva"$50i-ulOl . io sias v lWE Bawmanville. " Sac. Mns. Clarence Nicbols;j ________________________ Rev. T. J. Snclgrove leit ARMr. and Mns. C. Clark and ý Con. Sec. Mn. Harold Bail; - Sunday aflernoon to visit Rev. f amîîly wei'c iupper guests1 Rep. la, Official Board, Mns. SPECIAL CIIILDREN'S MATINEE Z and Mrs. R. Norman In Pet- iE1 IChristmas Day af Mn. undj J. Groeneveld; recammended _______________________ 'erborougi, ater which thcy j M. LESLIE & STAFF IMn,. Bill Hosuack, Oshawa.1 member ai Stewards, Mrs. H. will g% on in Niagara Fais. to IMn. and Mmi. S. Cann ld j Best; Pansonage Rep. Mns. A. This la your January show caleàdac viit Mrs. Jeminia Sneigrave. 'Kn t.W;omavle and Harold. Oshawa, vere Thorndyke; Pesbytery dele- Kingýt. . Boinanill Clip out and keep for referenc Mn. and Mns. Harry Lane ai Christmas guesîs ai Mr.1 and, gales, Mrs. E. Barrowclough~ Owe Sond crewceendMr&. G. Canfield. and Mrs. Ken Dinner; Pianist,' May this y.ar mark the arrivai of the dove of peace. lenRae Da* Bowmanville MLK DELIiýERY NEW YEAR's D "Ileic 2l gucîts f Mr. mnd Mes. C.H. Lane.OtherChrltrnas citaThe Canadian Stateannan, Bowmanville De«. y, wth e Lanes Included r iLanadsn rno Ir. s d n t fWl oeMesdames H.Reeve:and Car M tes B ginnrls ron r. ndMrs Ted ral Nichals. GussI M.ad r.Clno Show Nei*ghborliness ~Arena T imer l M.P.'s the National Libera! P'cdera- guests were Mr. and Mrs. T.SoilMedmsA hr- Recently ancw tinie lnz maoncd tion, Senator John Nichai, Henderson and famlly, Mr. and The spirit af the viliagersi township and neigibaring, cause. Tieclcîanup partyL dyke, A. Austin. H. Darke'ws sale tteOrnnt inch, lie so that the PresietcudMrs. Fred Henderson, Peter of Weicame dampened by1 Port Hope ci ti zens. Mr mlarkad the climax of that[ and W. Ashby; Fiower, Mes-' rnw lth enstall ationith e mcm- tan îoriuatn p lafr d CaoM.ndMsJl tragedy shone thraugh last. Brawn's employer contribut- close knit tarniy communityld amsH. Fsarcldrhand cîins. by he sallneai o ird tram the Party's leadership con-1 Gilmer and famliy, Port Hope; we.c nte lOot h fot Eaie. Berniece Baît. Social Action,' Lips tice vention ln thc Sprlng ai !Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Trim , More than 25 men tram' rs. A. Ford. Visiting.Me-Th lc wadotd hyhad 1968. When the decisian was !Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wade and Weicome and tie surround- S ams ..nelanwH- I k;the HokyMtesf 0 rradia, finally made public Senatar 1boys, Mr. and Mr. Ross Brown, infing ngar e ares jainedadsip Ms J Goee w ockrngey MoLli a, S lated ln Nichai convened a meeting 'arty and Shelley. I farces on Tbursday ta help ined irr ~dPei r. ai the national executîve ai Mr. and Mrs. MacGregor a work-bee during coid driz- Barwlu':Nmn-Age dances. a boath at th ziyrantohulaaytFinal M èeting o ,Year arowclougi: ed mneyal n oh .imbling the Liberal party. lJanes, Allan and Debble o arreiy t ain t bu -ofaythe, M Ot' Mesdames H. Au s hoppieng ai nd ote bers ln The leadership convention ;Burllngton, were caliars witi brehenat i te H. Best, K. Dinner. Rt1it aa Mrs. Alilce Jonas on Sunday burned-out dweling ai tic Te.uel fteTw- ONilo odiino e- The dlock cost ln thc ne4gh. ase no tLîers wi te r nOt-atron selacted. Tice[William Brown îamiîy. TheCuc aoteTf-'ONiloncniin iasc. The new president took borhoad ai $600 and slaw e klnd wa on April 4 ta 6 ta pick On Sunday, Mr. Grant Wade . was desttoyad In a lite which sipaiCaeaeat inoftey aiton Fri- tieonaetirleindalwsta techiuad nbeai erected an the souti wafl of and Miss Karen Lee, with Mr. lt a hele o teir ony d a h ero nh etnii-edlcu-the members lhanked Mrs., lie tinic lnifull vlcw -of *1 !rnmant meet ln tic grand new Civic and Mrs. P. R. Lee, Backy and'san, Douglas, and laittite ayDc.lhn the Canrynadwsrfrrdt h Groenaveid for ber fine lead-I spactatots. Timing lis can- a. ev- Cenre ow nde costrc- aso, a Lakar, Wre în ainng *lhamlas. jcil Ciamber of the Tawnship Road Supatintendant. arship for the past two years., trallad inon the penalty box.- openly tion, and nearîng comple- ne& guests with Mr. and Mrs.1 Straaked witi mud and' 1.Tms 1 Jery asik mt wthjMran kd Mrs. G. R.iHt-jiWith alos t doerd met, as would tion. A beautilul new con- Walter Cozens af Scarboraugi ash from hcad ta footthîe, oJery aiuk mhecotitnhaman abkecauoncil iftheye- tiea jobe thado, and some-, a senti- vention hall bas been creat- Mns. H. Trim was a visitor I!relatives, village naîghbars[fcahnci statin lie ondiH!tion! hadRany ab ectamthe rea te s oe oan ateiaiCuinpu orey l )would ed under lie huge grand- on Sunday with Mt. and Mns.land members ai tic Colonel wa linedlilia s oor. Hatifonfailaesummer cmpt1e, ien -i cape fore n , d'Caton plscouatesYLetuu nlycx- stnd-t sntanndPakGaronansdanowane, aPaGreklie Gpatmetond Tasinfrmdabncancl tatjfo faills n Lt 1, on- tin n wrk ar nadedcamansanee uia ty home field of the Ottawa on Monday was a dinner guet' througb witi axe and siovel reconstruction ai the fifth~ cession 4.'STic daiegates were avery ya. 'DRIVE SAFELY. e Fe- Rugi ides fotbal tam.wîtîMn.andMrs.Bcr Trm. ceanng ut ta rbbl whi ne was undar considanatianasked la submit a sketch plan te Fed RoughRider footbll tea. wit Mr. ad Mrs.Bert rim. cearyntict Deepabbetment ba teHiep-tmonttfheir-lintentionsent tas council.l g con- Tic arana bas saating for, Mr. and Mns. Arnold Wade was ioaded on trucks .and 1fe eep i Cuclaantbe nî 1creSundy viitonawiieMr iauad aay.oafsthe' oni gintbe ni ldrift 9,300 persans and a maya- l arenda. v. Jayns, aka-r. Llod algg ameb Needs Study c o n d u c t le d the Febnuary meeting tic ab- - as ap- able stage. an Ms.Bev ansLkL lodKlog e rtiiraugîou thaeI o wn shiiejctions againsîtich construc- ng ie Ticexcuslv horaiofIhe township lire brigade, wauid pass down tliitjudge-I lion ai lwo tripiax buildings >gte TeLibral Libanal li Christmas visitons with Mr. said tie work had ta be dis-ji ment. The Sludy, il was o rnai tetjiles1i Lbrl enlbusiastlc aven lie new and Mns. Sid Stacey and fam- canîinued about 11:30 a.m.j staled, should be complated Main Street. ndllng booked ail avaliable hatel 1 aeM.adMs o itrti eaatohayjsbantly and liaI it did appean prvlwa ie i A bar- accommodation ln lia clty. OLs and Sandy, Mr. and Mns.i While unable ta case lic la place tic fflti line in aiApoa sgve th cede Tar wllbapoic i . Swart. ,Road Superintendent ta pur- Stewart. ' ilbepoic ds-i amiiy grief lort he, laitson, 1 igh prianily bracket. .caeasne iag i Prme cusinsaIti cnvnio M. ndMn C R Frow! lie villagers a canier th,*sl A campiaint from Maurice, United Couinlies ai Norttum- star ln as wel as tha major task ai Mns. Cari Todd and family, brougit innmarerhan.$2.000 I [on- . choosing a new leader. :benland andmDueham. A$2o0ta enli Cnddaesfa h ladr-Starkviile. in contributions from icMINE adventise for pnîces for truck' ( lsters si iihaat eln Mn. and Mns. Bill Kimbail,., _____ LI s h trn hîm ave by mdeanare Port Hope: Mr. and Mns. Don rnas d0 a ta taka adwevantgaai am m i gh.Ohwa eBwl M. uinss Dieclr '.O/C Michael Gibbs, Moos- A motion was passed ask- ., ,A', flew home for Christ- n aiBods Cmite,9 t o a.o k a aT a e ow i la am - fa ndMi y . Jboaks readyd - ' pgn forums acosthe î anmil. JakKmaind Accou l mas and New Year's la b, and Commissions to hav~e,~GNE L e Cn- onJanuary 21 and 22 ai tic Dogirls w and ltiln. a kMn. RAY J. DILLING for Christmas aI tie Gibbs'i James Stuhh was appointed fu e enCanadian pr ou ad laily.Charlered Acutn were Mn. and Ms.Thomas al;as esnaie framjIGR L ogne- iz ca Laaanb cadiats.î r.adM. . M93 Church Street Gibbs, Golden Piough Lodgç-,'Clarke Townsiio ta the Mal ATE 'fliLeladytendp anddascien wi thM.anla- 623-3861 and Mr. and Mns. R. Perfect marial Hospital Board for the1 likly ttnd nd es r airol Nichais and family, Wes ' WM. J. H. COGGINS i and son, Bowmanville. yean 1968.CLBSD sarva- whane thay stand an major lcyville.- Chanlered Accountant Mr. and Mns. Harold Tri- A. otonwas asdcrg1 andre pîîom1ini Mn. G. Walkey ai Port 115 Liberty St. S., Bowmanviîle ivaît, Westan, spclen t the îing tic Police Village an' isrs Those wio wilI be ln tha Hp with Mr. and Mrs. Rovy Phone 63362Christmas weekcnd with ber amount ai $1500.00 fan selting wouid -runnîng ion tic îcadansîîp BesItnheHeaier. -I -______ 62-3612 Tiay wilicld:Exeni i îî and Mn.Mevie WLIM . HLL sister, Mrs. A. Wood and sons. uptwhnprjc iog WILIAMC. ALL'tic Township office and alsoi that ain Miu:ter na f ihM.an MlilB.Comm. iMn. and Mrs. Earl Prescott a uL I 0$500.00 as an annual ligit Faina ner Paul Martin, Jns v n.Ai e ns,, Ciantened Accountant were dinnen guesîs Sundayaochageforaeaindnn ,cion. Sharp, Mnpter Mitchell Mrs. Bea Joncs, Mn. and Mrs.' 3642 King St. E., Oshawa Mn. and Mns. K. Hardy, and, 1966 and $500.00 for 1967. Trnpr MntrBud Joncs. Douglas and Diane. Telepione 725-6539 1Chistmas Day guests ai Mr.î A motion was passed tiat EacMr.nP a nd Rll e giset a G n- BTs.RROW Se ofOshawaOshawa.I ubc Wcfare Minuster Ailan Mac- han daugiter, Mns. L. Peck and & CO.pP-WS SL and Mn,. Ace Abbott,Osa .1 moncys in excesai $6.000,00, gre acn a ondTresrOens aii.Chanlcned Accountants 1Mr. and Mns. D. Southwell;latictheclosait$50Oh eral ohnmav urner. tic rac sn nn?.M.HnyMn 323 King Street West and iamily were guesîs Satur - transfenred ftom tic Revenue ksM-iss AudenereyhMrankin-Oshawa, Ontario I day ai Mn. and Mrs. Irwin1 Intenest Tax Penalties la Re- àuagan Jean Mahnd arn Jste Mn. and yMn.sBobAudrdock, 725-6451 - 728-7.554 'Southwell, Oshawa, and Mon-1 serve for Working Fund. s he Minuster Pierre Elloît Tru- IMrs. Margaret Conaghan, Mn.: William A. D. Selby, C.A. da gusi iic'mle' An amaunt ai $364.65 is la Bert Bunday, al af Toronto, G. Edmond Buno;w., C.A. 'Mn. Gardon Heayn, Prince, ha paid ta the Orono Police 1tihe deau a ela eeu Albert. Trustees fnom tic total cur- adr- Mns eii a.BsoRnuewla n and n. JmCawi C h i r o P r a c iiC A family gathering was rent expendihures unden Sani- da- Front runnens as tie race Ma.nd aiky. m c edChritmsDay ah the talion and Garbage Expenses. erais started werc Mn. Martin. Mn. Mn Nck ana and________________hed sms taly Sar ndM. elyr WoJoinny, wenc Christmas din- G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. home ai Mr. and Mns. Walter1 --Times. ticdl wharpwand up.helwîer Whonar guests with Mr. and Mns. Chinopractor Park. ; h an- a ind 's tesi n ean-Boyd Hanris and lamily. Office : Christmas Eve guests af Mn. en ti o îîtk opr ad M.adM.Lwcc I15 Elgin St., con. af Horscy St. i and Mns. D. Southwclli wcre asC nn f varn- shw ieînnemer ai Buffalo wcna wackand Phone 623-5509 jMn. and Mns. Robent Souti-'G s Co p n that shw no prfrne gueshs with Mn. and Mrs. F.1Ollice Houri: By appinmtentj well and Mn. and Mrs. Irwin -f- ~ga- latter wcrc dinner gucits In I D ing Mn.' Irwin Sauthwell's' onates Ca e ;Iu- NEW TON VILLE jPort Hope wiIh Mn. and Mns.' ______D _____a_ birtiday.' M m iD U On hnstms ayticSohiell Ohaa, elbrt Junior RaL cia TeanulChitascn- e.and Mns. Don Eiliott 75 King St. E. Bowmanville and childrcn spent Chnisîmas rBan e-old cent was ield in lie Sunday and girls, Mns. C. Buriey, Mn. Office Houri : witi ber sister, Mn. and Mns.1 Rccentiy, Wm. Laskaris, te- hear Sciool hall on Mondpy aven- and Mns. Don Vinkie wane 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily A.Hcayn, Scugog Island. j rsti Cnum s'GiIU N ~ UM * .i are lng, Dcc. 18, and as usuai, wlth Mn. and Mrs. Ron Buriay Ciosed Satunday and Sunday' , adMr.T . a- patig nysnte irono ai onui- tiare was a ful bouse. and son,*Newcastl. Office Phone - 623-5790 tonýr r..to a .W e-CmpnpeetdteOoo OMNI L buy Rev. T. J. Snelgnovc was Mn. and Mns. L. DeSmit. Ras. Phone Newcastle 987-4261 Tonoand Mns. R.. Junior Band wlhh a sufliclent j [plo- ciairman and the singing af Joanne and Paul, had Christ-- Bond, Trenton, spent Christ-, number ai carnying cases for nie O anda sancdti po-ma dnnr ih M. nd DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. mas with Mn. and Mns. Neil!music for ail mambens aolaf the 1~I~LSP i an gram. A recitation by Donna F. Saman and famlly, Orona OficeKing SE amniî cînadciden ad :~~Trii~ O JJ~ cog- Cooper was followed. by a Mn. Tuppen Joinstan spentfice9au.ts: .m dy Mn. and Mcir. Ralpi Stenderi Suci an Item was centaIniy , pre- "lChurci Service", abiy put on lie Christmas wcekend in Pet- 1 ..t 6pm al and sans spant Christmas Day needcd ta conserva tic sheets cisc by lie Junior girls and boys, erborough witi Mns. W.j.Ciased Sahunday and Sunday witihate parents, Mn. and1 ofmusic now in use by thce Iud unden tic direction ai Super- Hancock. Tlapione: Office 623-5459 Mns. John Haisma, Brighton. j band. Mn. Laskaris made thc DECEMBER 31 - SUNDAY M~ID-NITE SHO. 1 ha e natCM.Jcs Tic Mn. and Mns. Fnad Handen- DR. E. W. SISSON M.PnyMCy ~ paetto aA.Dni show w ide ti lai. n ndt. iJloesa.h ltm s m r lg O fc n bi o ea dM . P r yM Coy Tor no. I 'ti n to Ab arh ta a Kindrgartn cas stole tic son, Peter and Cana, lat fan L.D.S., D.D.S. Christmas ather son Lloyd bandm aster.-imes. gn Lra ue up "Mcnry Christmas, Everyona", Witi Mn. and Mns. Harry 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville also visihed other membans ai'f tic dalivanad witi real gusto! A Wade wenc Mns. Jean Coch- Phone 623-5604 'ber family. j WESLEYII LLE and ha musical number, "Once Upon nana and Gardon, Mr. Jack Office Houri: M ai a Jolly Snowman", was foliow- Wade and Douglas, Newcastle; 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Ma R. Virlue, Mr. Leon, - d by recitations by Rodney Mn. and Mns. Arnold Wade Closed Wedhesday - Satuday ned aladGae n ltne o at ak CaswliDebbe McDonldand ran, Mn an Mn.Bih DR. TANEY GRTZ andM n. rýJon Moore spet Tic final meeting ai tic(rhef te W ee of CaswllDebie McDoald andGrat, r. nd Ms. IL, DR.SANLY GRTZ Christmas Day withiMr. and United Churci Women for, Marty Brown and Rotinia Wadc and boys. 67 King St. E., BawmanvilleIMts. Thea Dawn and family, 1967 was icld ai tic home aif Aduit Entertainment - Color k Hendenson; musical numbans, Mn. Raymond Bruce spent Office Houri: 1 Lakafiald. Mrs. Harold Bail on Wad- j "Away ln a Manger", "Who is lie Christmas weakcnd ln 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. ! Miss Pal Banns, Monîreal, nesday aflennoon, Dcc. 13Ih,1, coming on Christmas Nigit?"; Toronto with Mn. and Mns. Monday thraugh Thunsday 1 wa gucît lait wcek af Mr.1wViti aven 20 present. Tlýeý Stic gnoup number '"Wa Ana Charlia Waters. 9 a.m. la 4 p.m. Friday j!and Mns. J. Cavens. i president, Mns. Marsia Gnae-' SUN.- MON. - TUES. DEC, 31 - JAN. 1. * Litle Candles", plana duel iv Christmas dinnen guests wlhh Closad Saturday and Sunday Mn!n n J avr neveld opancd tic meetingi Kim and Vicky Hannis; gnaup Mr. and Mn.'" Lloyd CIysdaie Phone 623-7662 rpn iiîa iiM. and wih raa ad eaJnd.n Cmlee ho t :3 pm number "Wa Wish You a iwcteMrhristsmFrrow Mn ____Mr_________________i M Menny Christmas". l and Mns. Phil Gilman, Biaina, TMrs. W. A. Mooncy, Osliawa.1 business was discussed. Tic' Candie Lighting Service by Kim and Kcnny, Mn. and Mns. r a in c e Mn. and Mn., J. C., Cook recommandations ai tic, ex-j T t n in ii Junior girls was loliowed by Ray Tampkins, Siaily and spenl Christmas Eve et t lecutive with rpegard hofm-ey- Il Imm ýl 1 L4,,ý.d 4 «wmý

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