Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Dec 1967, p. 2

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ý y. 1 1 ---ý - ý 1 7wr~www"~ 2 01MS114 BmnownMnyillDec.-27, 1967 was the presentation A Scugo Street at the Srd A. on a(2nCrita im nI ChminBaton Solos by lth Wt71 'lc n 17zi'y' CalIt .fthe ehicebit a telephone Oshawa. i.Je Rke, Mr. aMs m~ Former Student at B.I-I.S. tLrene RMotor ClyeetandnR u d.p Pole. Constable Richard ?Couhl Maple Grove, Misa ke IrnsRltmll mian Investigated the accident. Mr'. Murray MarhaBO.ad va rca, F o ff er S t d e t a t B . 0 Quano Bto Pts Bae. 'Tre mnwere Injured in car on No. 2 Highway 200 feet Damage to the car amnounted manville. Mr' n i.Fal ilM. and Ms The Saflorettes TeamnTila W a collision on Thurs- west of the OýPP Detachment to about $290. Dorland spent ChistnsDYSanoBvre act was ably done by Irene day. at 12:14 p.m. thgt hap-1Office. Victor Tyrreil, age with Mr. and Mi'.C vry awr una vnn xpected to D e of C ancerRietinuller, Judy Piper, Susan penm on o. 2 Hlghwayaet 22, 6PKing Street East Osha- NIKLE Mr. Jim SwaUi,Bakso, guisf Passant and Janet Blake. Rlck Groeneveld, age 25, R.R. 99 Queen Street, the driver of M' n i. e.fwi guests of i. Mr s.Do dysviit < 3f fe s K id ey to isterThere was an excellent pro:- 6. Bowrn vle and Walter tsthhecar tMrcand sustaineda n WarnMrsDenaoriot a:DywthM d ia soloista, Sharon taged 2, aanssMr. and Mrs. Alvin Scott and Dundas, and calle] nM' n grssetC aty Blake and Sharon ed te Memorlal Hospita by broken collai' bone. He recel family Kedaod Grove. Romary Kavelman's broth- been told by doctors that ho posai. "I always kept hoplng Farrow. the Bowmanvllle Area Ambu- ed treatment for this injury Mr'. and Mia. C. Avery and end had ChristmaswtMr Mi.adM.Fly ee er, Kem, is reaching out from han only a few weeks or there would be a chance for Patsy Blake gave a wonder- lance. Mr. Ryhoîchuk who la the Out-Patient Departrnent Linda were Sunday dinner and Mis. A. M.Wen ian MresentClti - hb deathbed to give ber a months to live. hlm," said the 18-year-old girl. fui Baton Solo, the Centennial had sustalned undetermined of Oshawa General Hospital. guesta of Mr'. and Mi'.. IrvIn Oshawa.DawihM.adMsIy chance to Uive - one of bis "I had this In the back of She had refused the offers Twlrl, that comblned dancing Injuries was transferred by the Mr'. Luxton sufféed rainai' Cook, Ajax. Mr'. and Mrs.H.AhoAldadTyoe my mmnd for smre Urne," Ken of hei' sister, Carol Anne, and with the flashlng swlrl of blue samo ambulance to Oshawa Injuries and recelved treat- Mi'. Gea. Pethick, Toroato, visited Mr' n i. Kr i. and Mia .R ehc kIdneys. ad btIdd' hn twshrftir vn eiuî. Centennial flags atop her General Hospital where ho Is ment In tho Out-Patient De- was a visiter' on Sunday with sey, Hampton. Rosernary bas a kidnoy dis.-ai,"ft id'ttin c a er." teIa, rvosy baton. a patient. partment of Memorial Hos- Mr.'.and Mrs. S. IR. Pethick.spnChsmawthM. d eues that isquires 18 bours of fu5sible becauBeof hO cner" "They were always vei'y Atthena!hepoam M.Gonvl adLoptl.M.AlnRoetnPe Miss Elsie Oke.Bw n-MsFly PeicScbo, trestmont ach week on a Good chance close," the father sald as they ail the participants came Francis, 102 King West, a pas- There was approxlmately Ridge School. Bowrnanville,-ville, spent the weendwtan caedo Mi.ndMs Getal macinel sa oeedacetorhaythre an's ned nth amlly Christmaeback anto the stage te wel- senger In the Ryhorchuk car $800 damage to the Tyrrell Mi'. and Mis. Allan Werry UMr . RsDlorlad.E .Pt ,Trno Kea 26 a ormr sudnt t kdnes zay otbo affected. the last at whlch they'1l ail be corne Santa Claus. Then each who bath had received minai' truck la the accident and and family celebi'ated Christ- Mi.RselO itaM. Vstisurn thhody Ke,2,a omrstdn t iny myntyoungsteî's name was an- injuries were kept at the hos- about $200 ta Mr. Luxton!s mas on Su.nday with Mi'. and and Mrs. IyvaSapadweed hM.adMa Nowmnanvllle 11gh School, Is Rosernary, at flrst ieiuctant, together. nounced as she was presented pital as patienta for observa- car. Constable K. H. Ruttan, Mis. Ross Lee, Kedran. girls were guests a i.adO .AhoLi n dylng of lung cancer and basifinally agreed to Ken's pi'a- "It's very difficuit ta be,- t at lu n eevdatonoengt n eeai P was the lnvestigating Suaday evening the Hi-C Mi's. Lloyd AshtoaHyo.Cars eeM' n is lieve this Is really happening,' glft. to return ta their bornes on officer. group did Carol singlng and Mi'. and Mis. FiakM-C .Dlou taa i.E ~~~II M ~~~~sald Mi'.. Kavelman. "Some- T. A. Fannlng, Director -o! Fiday. Brian Metcalf, R.R.,- At two a'clâck anTusy were entertalned later at Mi'. Gi i.DnMGill, Misr.inMi.D.onng M.Ma K i e t s C l b a etinies I'm just about ready to Recreation, pald tribute ta the Bawmanville, who bad also afternoon thee w s da arad Mis. Joe Lake's. Mary Shebib, Mr, a i. i.E J aiioTrno srtseaig"teachers, Miss Harvey and been a passenger la Mr. Rybor- collision on No. 35 Hlgbwav M.adyý rc RiE.Cob n Two Operations Mis. Fowlei', and their assist, chuk 's car, su! !ered a ieg near the Brentwood Motel. i' and iys ieCrit-Ed. Coamrs and MailyTo-Mi.JLnkSdnyNS, Ken undei'went two opera-. ants, Patsy Blake, Brenda injui'y and ieceived tieatmeat Tedieslvle r ei mas with Mr'. aad Mi'.. Fran- Bradley and Brian al Thedrves nvlvd r.HelaGrave, Mr. and M'.Rs C hristmrras S eason tians in February; they con- Renning and Maureen Martin. at the hospitai. Ho was re- Ungr ae67, 9Cm ncîs Reid, Stirliing. flrmed his disease was ma- He also compllmented the stu- leased on Sunday, Christmas Street, Wîllowdale, and Mer- i.adMs s hrPg n aeiSlnM m r '~ linat n cul ntbehat dnt o hesucssofthi Ee--Kathy and Gordon were Sun. wei'e visitai'. with i. .laIn sia gnntan cul nt e ai- etsonth sccsso!thirEv.vil Lazorko, age 37, 49 O'Hara da usswt i.adM'.Pg vrt E'eed 141it ~ y t cr s d by surgery. show and the progress they Constable G. Bruton, OPP, Avenue, Toronto. Lay gestMcCoy roin i. and Mi's. F.aDraper Rtherw lahP r y at A r s I April, dactors discovered bave nmade. Investigated the accident. Dam- LrMi vveeKlyi. r.an Ms .The Bowrnanvillie Kinette la traditional red and green. Rosemaiy bad uremia, which ages ta the Gi'oeneveid car M. Lazorko and hi. passen- Mr. and Mfrs. Geo. Irwin had a ChristmasDa poe Club's annualChChrtsamasatyaTbeyTwerew iven airousa g requfredrtlce-weekiy veitseeklyandshere was abotd31, Bankend Sask., i'ecivedaandPMrs.AngusKingwitti rMi'.tadvMi't.rBrifnRMI.is, Admisions - -, 7 beld at the Acres Restaurant welcomne. -Santa Claus and hMs ta the hospi ta owasb the ',eebr ts $5,000,tanthe hrchabukcrtre, aaet a k Mlemorandsp- rit anBufngLil, M '. J ras on.a BBrs4 eae____ recently, was greatly -enjoyed. efficient beiper were in charge iprte rmbrbod There was a collision on taila the Out-Patient Depart- Mrs. Ella Pattersan, Lind- bourg, Mi'. and Mi. e c lcags...... president Virginia Falrey wel- of Que Kinettes' exchange of She lu talking now o! con- , Saturday eveaing at 8.30 ment for minai' injuries. Mi'. say, Mi'.. Mabei Rowan, Miss Quaici and Danny, saa ao prtas.. Gieddes was the ChaimRlIn O! Kinette Aulad r ey Sleep, a rd ll pi.~., witb careles. driving. and Mis. Jim Rowan, Ur. and Christmaas Sunday get !Ee'ec ramns..5 Que cornnuttee in charge of Chairnian of the Kinettes' - eThere was about $2,000o Mrs. Allan West, Mr. and Mr'. and Mi'.. F. Draer arrnreanng frmueeotes-CfortasPthece taned il3.foe*ChmrgitsDrmUgsrs ar a rs.Mev EglshOsawa Mm ad M'. GrntWer. isand bom,3-8p.. dGr fui paty. Se was ssistd by ue clu niemers fo Que and uthe accident, and damage ta Mi'. and Mi'.. Hei'mair Tais-ad fml hdChits Kinettes Donna Whyte, Pat knitting of Que large numberi a c * I~udleandMaron lagt. ! cildea' bas ad mtt iti on the Lazorko car amauntcd ta ma, Mary Lynna ard Niel, Day dInner with Mi'.adMs RUH OGR Rudl adMaio Saht o cidrn' ht ad it § en i about $300. Constable Ruttan Lakepo't, Mi'. and Mis. Philip Egn eeI orie n Magaificent Yuletlde decora- sets, sacks, mitts, taques, as netgtdti ciet asm omniý eespe ihteE bayer n h aigo r u(FROM PAGE ONE) On Tuesday afternoon at Christmas Day guese o! Mr. famulies. sbcies a aFoia The wide door ta the dinlng- dressed dalla, band sewn cloth- Bwnnil :0ocokteewsatoadMs .Rwn igadmselnosatce, FRMPGON)served by the BwaThl dyee H Atn s walemeSn ed aa ee 'cou roo=wa oulind ltbsmal iig ndmiseilneos atiles (PO MPAGeOECliuete .lubacr clliiononsi1ong on Lit4eMis Mlofie ait dyLitnilecllesinste aongwit tis ommnt:"W reci Christmnas belîs, cach light- whicb bnci been gîven ta Que tempo by Jessica Nimigan. Russell Gilbert, President o! at the westbaund îamp. The Axford, daughtem a/ Mr. and G. Werrys. hv oeCnda îuh ed electr'lcally witbin, offset Salvation Army for distribu- Dolores Fîedericks, Lorri Gaul, . the Bawmnnville Senior Citi- drivers a! the cars invalved Mrs. Murray Ax/ard, was Mr. nnd Mm..F. ektddesl lrd in against evergicen baugbs. A tion at Cbristmas. Linda Richards, Michelle Mai'- zens Club, an behalf of a,, were Vernon Mackenzie, 188 baptized at Noi'tlm i as t e r' Wayne and Marie, . GryteAeasbv tail Christnmas tîe surmount- The lucky winners o! the ris, Donna Hnncock, Joyce ~.;,the guests, thnnked the Kins- John Street, Port Hope, and United Church, (>cbawa, by Beckett, Burketon,MisPtdgeslalo!Cna. .pnklnwith rigbstaranourna hristlasenp iec draSus aneBrdy .ndmea and Kinettes for the en- Howard Albert McMann, age Rev. H. Mellow.. Follawing Goyne, Caurtice, spenChit Edtr.oe."ayyu- joyable outingtan lunch, orna42, 9 Orchaidviee Boule ard. guestsugntheedudt.Mi'. 9ndrmahSuadaywwBtulMvard. selves, %aujdeerters. We'iI tr foi a olaw iclary lck ns wa alo 'r adorSheylGren- heMcMoncaramuntci a rs. Murayandfadludnch,______nd___her___et___Mr.________ lhonts was Que hlghligbt o! the were Kinettes Rena Flsk, Aud- The Beginners Baton Class he extended best wishes ta Constable C. Stephen, Opp, Mis. E9. Wih;lesent were Mrs. Reg Weaving,Anst.takethplcfryrvi- beautifully decorateci roora. rey Sieep, Eleanar Larmer, a perfoimed with surprising te o hitn a h was the lnvestigatiag officer. Mr. and Mrs lNnhad Mm. and Mis. Kelt ciligt heieae tssp ChargesforinshrMmstmcseaanStehenMirm. Ba Msh Jrand bosMman Ms.iipse ta ezeotlgt T h e ta b le s w re a r a n g e d to a sM t idn th e att r n sp - rot k l a T h ei ns e r C a a ki nge woc a c kh a ge, _ _ _ _ _r .__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _r_ _ _ i n d b o y , r , a n fomalarge hllwsquare pastonpre ltent, a:d pa-Do ronthy i T erougCarsl taoke Ya.zie are pending. Damage ta Muller and a 1,Mr.a:Kin and grs wr oeywahr g! wlhQu lae sta th ~Qe winner o! the draw foi' a grass, Cheryl Fisk. Caroline appraximately $300, and there Melonie, Osha Mis ar outolde. There were four ex" fine Christmas cake. Meachim, Christine Milford,A was about $150 ta the Mac- guerite Wright, Stoney Creek, 4utslte Cbristmnas centiepleces, The winaer o! the games Leona Stacey,, Janette Carlson 'Î kenzie car. Mrs. Nomm a rdorýd, Tuc- Deloitte, Plne1Hskn et efl entirely golden, another were Kinette Lirnda McRob- and Corinne Duiocher. L At 4:30 p.m. on Sntumdny a son, Arizona, m m re ad gwlth anc attactive bic andi Preuident Falrey. Card The Baton Beginners also H e scar driven by Howar'd McRab- fard, Mr. an Mrs. Ron Cie- wlthwhm reow erd inaked wit anattactve ing gaes erewonby avea wll ime deonsra-erts, 27 Righ Street, was pull- mens, Brent d Brad, Hamp- #avor, a tiny basket o! Christ- BIngo g aresarare on bl, avew ti meddeonsTh ing away from the curb at 37 ton, Miss enther Griffîn, Montei Rh aer ~as b1~soms Kint p e ntarbarVica e-l, n to.hey wale r hm ine PRMPAEON>King Street East, when It was Mr. and Mr N. Z. Wright.P A splendid Santa Claus, pas residentsM a, 2a Vi- Duitchel, atae Trim, Lind pudding, tea, coffee, pop, mai'- stmuck by a car driven by Due ta iline Mi'.. Wm. Ax- ChatrdAconat (.Tlm Gecides) ai'rivedalterestieadIris uraytesi- n leMitchell, Maurn oveagol.b- Mrs. Ida Westlake garine, sugar, potatoes, and Donald Basil MacPberson, 10 fard was u hie ta attend. glaner with bis assistant elf, Bluat, Donna Whyte and Lynda leen Durocher, Charlene Du- Congratulations and best depending on famlly size, corn Liberty, Place. Damiage ta the Mr. and rs. Harold Skia- Mon trouOhaaTrot amlo -.2e.reece, who was costunred McRabble. rocher, Nancy Brown, Terry wlshes to Mu,.. Ida West- and peas. The wbite gifts two cars amounted ta more ner, Mrs.. Woodiey, Bow- Windsor Wlnie eiaC1s~ Babich and Cindy Luxton, Jake, R.R. 1, Hampton, who froni the churches, canned than $100. Constable Ian manville, . and Mrs. AdamnPie erg asue The Second Year Baton Twirl- celebrated ber 9lst birthday gaods, knitted wear and other Smith was the investigating Sharp, M and Mrs. Ivan Emno crs LnaFrakBabi naonBoxagDa, Tesaypresents fmom the Bowman- afficer. Sharp, Li a and Janet weme ('7). IS' Fnirey, Danna Caoke, Daphne December 26th, spendiag Knette Club, used tays, and H ugh Allen McLean, Ven- Christmas aY guests at Mr. Gordon W.Ritehl, CARIA utR aes ( i1I e Lobb and Sharon Cook aisa the day wlth her, daugbter other gifts donated by ladivid- dame Place, Don Milis, lost and Mrs.t oss Sharp'.. t ~ t a a i- e esThjuenleBn::Twml.Mu. Nelson Fie andi family, askets. diving on Sunday evenlg on was bel at M. and, Mm. E.1 NE FIS- Thear eplasdth adine.an snlnla, i. ndunswee îs utino hTcntaeo te a b ws hi tnsfmiy aBatonaa susa hopiw Cnte73-TB interesting parties around the town this New ors per!ormed with pmecisioun Zion.1 and ep.Theywer Monca rs.Westlake also has Yoar's ee couple of them have somne inno- Pickard, Cathy Brooks, Wendy thrce sons, Tom of Bow- vations that could produce unexpectod resuits. Femgusoa, Christine Wilson, manville, Frank and Perey, One includes the booze in the price of the ticket, Bannie Ford, Peggy Mahoaey R.R. 1, Hamipton, 20 grand- a real bonanza for those eager to get tire most adShleFi'so.hldead17getrn- betM~r r euy, Another starts off with cham- A dashing duet o! Baton chlldren. She has ber own Muea rnk wt hc otlclyk Twiîliig by two young sisters, aVartrnent in ber son Frank's Iga 't i rwuh ch xperien calkl sî,t Irene and Nancy Rietmullem, home and beenuso ber healtb -- hd to iclued ntrcat maaeuîe~Is vcry good for ber "4young" could b. quit. a whoopee night to launch Cen- with exact timing performed years, she Is able ta do ber tennial Yenr plus one. Happy Irangover'!. applly. A group o! fine Bn- owa bousekeeplng. Mrs. ton Twirling Solos !oliowed. Westlake enioyed Christmas 'SANT t t t t t These soloists were Teresa Day with a niece, and hopes ATA- A tiny Item i Toronto newspapors was Payne, Janet Bate, Caileca to do more visiting at New mne of the most tragic Christmas stories one cauld Cooko and Susan Elli. Year's. 4magine. Robert Diplock, dressed as Santa, called Tbe Little Strutters Baton hdcletdfrrtre hle.A haif-hour charya by Cindy Ward, Laurle rLoca l' had colleted reaeddin i rn a asboots and Ford, Janet Townsley, Cindy I later e trippd in hisbig Sana ClausKnowler, Jill Stocker, CariaG oi e i I ta O I fell down a fliglit of stairs. He died in hospital of Phillips. Naacy Rîstreuller. iG 'Auo emn o bai n r~ a fractured ekuli early Saturday. Star Parrell, Sherry Cox anda Sharon McGuey. (FROM PAGE ONE) An exceptîonaîîy Interestîag Lucas and Mi'.. Rietrauller Batona Duet was perfarmed received much applause. This with seemIng case ln comnplote was fallowed by an entertain- accord with the music by ing sklt entitled "Your Bro- Janet Lovekinanad Knthy te' eprwt i. Blake. Mucb appînuse was nîso Stewart Chisbolm, Mrs. J. C. received by four talented Nowlan and Mrs. Bert Payne J yaun sooist, Cthy assntin the cos.t. TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE Court VentureN MUNICIPALMembers Enjoy MUNICIPALSpecial 'Party GARBAGE COLLoCTION sters held If y hweftherOntrlo Medc vvcsa ecyfoPan Onptarlo Hosp1w OMSP m Otal preprovide T H R IL E N O G R A G O L E T O isid Rent Di ann c is -t e w h l an cM P) R O n a n p la I sranB r h c . rsphard iir corDy diff Is an M W.0% i MAMUIAV ,JANUARY l1* 1968 Siter MRelis w o ttnd a (HIRB). pr.mium collecns, mand snswer InqulalesMm"ursthe HaihIs PICKD U JAN 2n poned oiegte a atendscial meeting o!fRgh Court The Heath Insurance Re on Board &bout Ontario's m.d"a or hoSpital insur. Board 18sorig »mn <OltI' GARBAGE WILL BE PCE PTUESDAY, JN.2 Banfod 4;nay'tl r~be~pyiee ctsa nopas Meznbeis of the Iodge were invltsd to attend a lunch fol- lowing the regular meeting o hu to alt W nclei ~*b Court Bownianvillls rne lodge, wben tte wlnaeruf h PEILPUCKUPOFX S TRIES Crsr draw tckt ealth Insurance Reistration Bard Foflowlg the businessof 1' i &t «b7 NORTH SIDE 0F KING ST. -. JAN. 3rca ho evening, a doUdoius tur- *and s.lad suppeî was ssrv- GOVIERNMVENT 0F ONTARIO AND> by manQer. o!the lunch >SR, Mlsu SOUTH4 SIDE 0F KING ST.- JAN. 4th change of amn igfts foi. owod. A draw, the prize donated - ___ T.. STEWART, SUPI. by Sister Edna Baker, was- won by 8Ister Mmn Adcocký r - r r r,. r'r - -, r

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