s -~ - v k.0 VOLUME 113 10 Pages BOWMANV1LLE9, ONTARJO, W DNESDAY DECEMBER 27,,1967 150 Per Copy NUMBER 5, Located at Millbrook Modern Deten-tion Centre To Replace County J ails Landed Immigrant* from Thailand Hitsý the Headlines The announcement by Allan 'posed to adapt part of the will depend on the progress Grossman, minister of reform Millbrook Reformatory for use made or~ other fMatures of the Institutions, that the Millbrook as the maximum security unit departmýnt's Integration plans. Ineformatory will be the home of the centre. The centre's The naniý "Millbrook Reforma. of the Kawartha Regional De- facililties will be completely tory" wjl be dispensed with.......... tention Centre means that five separate from the reformatory and the tbtire complex will be countes In the, district will be and there will be no inter- known es' the Kawartha sprdthe expense of footing mingling of their inmates. Ad- Regional petention Centre. tle ul orpart of the cost >of mitting facilities forthe deten- It had f*n originaily plan- ,,t~poosedInstitution. tion centre wiil aleo be built. ned to coen ruct a regional jail, rNJSVIini Iister sald It Is pro- Work on the now failities near PeteIorough, to serve the cou tE~o Durham, North- umberland, Peterborough, Vic- Storia and 4aliburton. Land was purchaed and planning ,W val*cn Ar y H lpswas undefr 1& The estimat- 0 h1h asto'pac the aging cou.ty afi, s$1,819,000. M.re Than 72 Famiiies itI etm that $100,000 hsbeen spein' by the board adacquis lon, architect's fees and weli digging. The <i~ Iijy C rismas i1tesaid he etention ,~Iore than 72 homes in the Baskets for large familles Barsed fon th iexrignaest!- Ïrea were gladdened by a each contained a whole tur- mates, the nite Counties of Christmas box from the Sal- key, medium size families de- Durham and No humberland- to~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~i VI rdto fgvn epchlrnrcie altro tcost10fnstction, what~~~~ con ae enas hida ayamatoahappinen '.tjg at four1o d1ucepeop Ciai] iiio teefrat ,n EllE Herbert tratronwaf aivingtelpidreappearancd a half tur- of the costories foilowe y te veral mn fohe siritonf l 1 I or4aj . , theoarrivai by BOAC planicasr week of this nativ Chrfistas.T72Cristmn~ as Iaiy uatr oar- ..ut1ies p ITia cnto f Talna50pudJay~ehn h o ~tto ther oens.d aboutenai Each bsket alo contaned et 0 uW cu nEet gusketsmadeaalsuccessful Chrisy.t heery of owllSatai aud sadohranmi htsedth itridos I Â~~ which was weli att ~~~ etd&e erborougpeô n anaih ugdih h oh r pas ngrshtas h 0hsef Poils Hop ured (the membPAEsathO 0. eer a nt.raU~ , coeid hav Cann a's On hestgeaeaî Chis. enenia- Yarno da g l/ istmn as.frP ba te umute haaclseeses. Aenot. w ama lont f ibýcticldn ee Wldya hoe ater fkoor e hrfletd m anyfly pefr y r.gi icnCe f ~ Ale) d d o M onday I taci ve o rnaments. Holly (TURN TO PAGE TWO>e OysvawamGenroms con-aL wreathsbyBOAanlanlargeWeered ibeatis maorduin b s-_of nhaThe dpac500us hallPwas «peW, n kde oetioP.aCrtsyasfenriees ave eenhead th ahef The asabeen a rough seararedetaprstfa crintaiwcandie- spots alonhBowmanvtheemmainyreatic*n D ept k~lepgaI hic e lightuced isfu l hritcey gpla ta sri for ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~t humaor andwf tck.Adeiiu ptlc sres Tea tn Bet and lsTha pTe youner siletes per-rs Rouai eale i h ear. Afor wS arsth ent. oean-coorinstie gi are re o Ir enife reynoappnd Mrs ffCor s Frm.thoe ptan- Both ~ ~ Auioru hi o n leaemn on a e Ms. Egn-eebdy te se ofthemt er a h e id inthe ing part wgerse whe ld boni. ad weIi ow. I ietujhe who s an acmattene rctiemtal rfuse colleu t T n al auditorium astdKtinBla, ronltockeor are la M over og aters ley ofChîsîmasmusicThch I eschpednthat rm of re epea- cs0 h omnil ac itulr hrnFr aadwll hvesmothsalin ws iae d with «Ji nle will usenthe repacl ntea d RZoentin ert et and BrowbaronPerl, araral i la tho coming yeamed.the meBelis"ford t hriva o C hriuptstes" f1'h uioim ioî~Hnig her oMcel lu es. caefrPrSa tlau ohn te w th thr arbagse, cap îîy. Lamontt. Present Service. Pins to HospitalEmplèc1-ees Y ein erePresented, b the following Mrs. Gertrude Hailman (Laundry- 5 yr); s.Ei et I 0 pm Wedriesday, 201h December, Wood (Nursing-5 yr). ~~U'?oad C am n, Keith W. Jackson: BackFotrw ett ihMs ae Illiams ouse- 1 F14 t ia ce Cascagnette (Housekeep.. keepng - 5 yr); Mrs. Gladys BIazcyk(De - 5 yr); Oee.p Road, (Maintenance - 5 yr); yr>; Mins Hilda Sirnnick,(Dietary - 5 yr); Mrs elen, iO fOOpe6 <Ail»> (iretar of Nursing - 6 yr); Grahamn (Nursing - 10 yr>; Mrs. Monica Gray,( ysio- 4tourt Gun- (Maneac - 5 yr); Keiîh W. Jack- therapy - 5 yr). 00»&4 ~ odChairna >* erow, left le rigl Mrs'Tae Cornish, (Nursing Absent - Mrs. Elizabeth Barrett (Laundry 5yr- etir- -31); MM k;Ztte Dillhng ursîng - 5 yr), Mrs Au4rý1y ed). Mrs. Ruth Bate (Nursing - 10 yr); Mrs. rel ~5>~tWP#epnr >,MrsEmmna Widdec be Johnson (Nuruing -. 5 yr). '~~ês~g-1#yr), MMu 'nButler, (Nuraing 5 r); Photograpli by Astor ;Studio, Bowman e i2 TRAGEDY - A compartively new Bowmanville family suffered a tragedy last Wednesday, ,When Courtney Stanton, 33, of 5 Mill Lane was killed in a tw o-vebicleý accident near Cheraw, South Carolina. Mrs. Stanton and her three young child. ren are-now -in South Carolina, for the funerai. Mr. Stanton had returned ta South Carolina to bring back their furniture after theyý had decided ta stay in Canada. No further detailg were available., t. it i.t . t WONDERING - This item was sent ini from Tyrone. Mrs. Sid Cornish of Tyrone advises that her Muscovy ducks have Iayed several eggs this past week. She is wondering what bas caused this. Could it be the unseasonable weather or the impact caused by the contemplated pass- ing of Darlington's restrictive zoning by-laws pertaining to agriculture. Her husband says no one should count their ducklings before they BUSINESS An advertisement in this edition advises that Ginny and Audrey Osmond have opened a hair-styliiig business at 24 Division St., where Huyck's Hairstyling was. This daughter end, mother. combination is quite popular and their many friends will wish them well with the venture. t t t t t MOVING - The whole Goheen fa 'mily have ~ been busy this week carting merchandise from, their present 'handy store location, King $L' West, te the former Carnation Flower SI~ps just west of Marr's Jewellery. The move slbould be completed by the end of the week, Juit i i L *as one of he bofttheirtmformessTore. t wason o te estChisma pesnts they have ever THIANKS - Sincere appreciation is excpressed- to- received. Tlwy'w. b1een working for severai years t'y4 the njany correspondents and other newË gatherers lng ta arrange delivery of an e1ephant and were who took the time laIe last week and eariy this w»eelc ielighted when this one arrlved. Mrs. Connelli s ta send i tre adnw tmsfrt.jse, îrrvedat hezoo th Conei'sstoe ws oveed a hve teesandaderv1 inginas eari with ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tm huebcktofrpcalfo frt4,epan.pssbe !s liis eazoo reop en he tatpring. iahe Dy n-he nx edays -as usul, on't .again ed.e HOCKEY TOUINAMENT Santa Clausbrought him sveral books'that 'h's? 1 meut anxious to read at the earliest. opportunity. nua cenh Friday and Saturday of So far, there hasn't -been time avallable to e ýrm a ce hisweek, there should ie at them. He'll probably hibeînate. this week- some excellent hockey games end, behind locked doors. I ý fat the Memarial Arena during t t t t, t G ro the big Midget - Juvenile THAT'S LIFE - Charie Bickle,, Concession- St, Games Wil c o n lin u-e Christmas presents inciuded a new pipe, probablyl-, throughout the two -àuys. For the best he'Il ever own, two tins of pipe tobacco C oncert more details, check the ad. and a humidor with 25 cigars. That's the way the Downsview Man Wins Kinsmen Ski-Doo SPURRED INTEREST Recently, Port Hope and Co- bourg were declared Incentive areas by the Ontario govern- ment which mens that any industries iocating there wll IThe Tiny Tots Ballet was One local real estate man, delightful. The 11111e dancers with connections ln that area, were Denise Flsk, Jennifer has Informed The Statesman Pettît, Leslie King, Judy Ko- that the new, category for the vacs and Louise Kovacs. two eastern towns has stirred :~Much applause also award- Up considerable Interest with M ~ dh on dnesi h enquiries being received from ~' Pe-Prmary Ballt, A y ulte a few prospective indus- « '~ Chow, Edwina Seto, Carol tis .Trolley, Andrea Ward, Mel- Possibly, Bowmanvilie's new anle Ward, Louise Purdy, tw oni ih ewefl F' amela Cattran, Saliy Brad- advised to check mbt the de- leyandMaron an enian.tails 10 determine If 1hi ley nd Mrlo VanHenian.municipallty might also be de- SThe Prlmary Ballet was clared an incentive. area. We '~danced with grace ln perfect cranycuduesm (TURN TO PAGE I!WO) dtoa nuty Enjoy Tour of Lights Under Kin Auspices The Bowmanviile Kilnsmen *of nIore thln oan hour gave Club's annuai Tour of christ. ther gusts pportunityt mas Lights was greatly enjoy- réily observe the- beautifu] ed by more - Ihan go Senior Crsmsdecorative llghts Citizens on a recent Sunday outslde houses and in the~ evenlng. The Kinsmen cailedgrudo!hmstogou forther edely uess WIhthe town and in neighborlng their cars, and during a drive areas. Tony Molloy,, Chairman of lhe Rinsmenla Comxnunity Tobacco Sales Service Cosumittee was I charge Of arrangements for the event. He was asslsted by LD own SiIgntly cinMen PrèsidêntRoWod ward and a Spécial Commit- Tobaco m" ai pri tee composed of Kinette loI Tobccosals ai pocu Vice Preuident Connie Wise on the bouthera Outarie mn, Iinette Treasurer Rub anction market a", dowu Woodward, and Kinsmen Co mightiy froni lut year. munity Service Commnit- Up te 8aturdaly, wheu lb. members Gordon -Wilcox market eleaed for a two- WaiYne Therteil. woek Chrstum r ecee a s.Aller -the drive'wîa compi U9,84594U3 Pounds a b ou .4 'theei. ~or llgw t»"-S per ceaI 0f lie broUqht by their Kinsm. taa'OWp. bostf t0- Mortl,'Park Cl1 * Ave ePrie. wat 0898 Rouse where a deliclous lunR01h MOUs »e Or uni.dowu about wl-lb hot coffe. and ,tee lu'Qm, &O M %u4- MiaIi.r, -TURN TO.Pe, LTWO) On Saturday afternoon, the winner' of the Bowmanville Krn Ski.,Doo draw appe. a at Erv Brook~s, Supertegt station le collecthm Manielly, 17, of 3W 0 Grand Ravine, Dôwnsyiew, Io uhown bore on hm, al Kin President Roy Woodard, lef t, and Draw Chaiman George ut backigroiwd. 1111 52 Il 1