vwCLASSIFIED Memoi-c mCards of Thanka CmqEVOÏtS Wfeceptiofl* ALL -In loving niemory of My sincere thanks tb Dr. Reserve now for The Evenb, Mr. and Mns. Aîthur L. 111 a dear sister Cora Leona who Rundle and nursing staff of November 16, 17, 18. 42-1 Baly, Blackstock, will b;ec Passed away Ocoe 22, 1984. Memorial Hospital, friends Bazaar in Haydon Chrê pleased to receive their frienda *Since you were caflecCaway, nota, cardu and flowers. vember 22 at 2:.30. 42.2 P*rih -Hall, Blackstock, on ed i rS nanY things to uhare with Lorne W. Hmynes. 42-1 - Saturday, October 28, from ______ Euchre Party, Tyrone Hall, 3-5 and 7.10 p.m., on the c- Otbr1,16 asGay n ana >74,Had you been left to stay. M icr hnat us every Friday night, starting casion of their 50th Wedding . on beh 96. is ao Wlim sw itat a1 * %* U Z OIy prines.m3 6stfll_ _ __M yspresidedhw ith C ro wnrsA ttpr.e8. Aw homdw a, luarhedn ditn m attery .forttoo w eeks. " G o ~ ay in so n a ai w y ing staff of M em arial Hospital, Sriet. 8 dm sio ,lu c a d An l er a 42-1 M agistrate R. B. Ba xtor R.R. a zan lriyl w ae ~ u n i ~Memories of you corne my friends and neighbari'for their Autuxnn Ta-and Bazar, Mr. ad Mrs. HeperoDeanbreach of r ak or eiharad i way; G F. Bandaamyc 1tie, John Greer, quested adjournmetfrtoI o a' okotsm Though absent yau are ever Mrs At hurnd card,. boude Paugh Lodge, Ca- Orano, will welcome their Osaa cing as duty coL1fl weeks.age ent byalbemr Strne, loeaw 42-1 Ibo2 g,- 5p.m. y Oct. 2lst, relatives, neighbours a nd sel for Legal Aid Brc.asla, hre 8fd gaturday, ed awas2 5p..42-1 friends on the occasion of When Lionel Blaikie 869rSepeb se l ih crls hn Aeadr og dear. Cnena .i n etheir 4th Wedding Anni- BacBld9 Hmalonap ear ivn xse d htteofi a4ruh it or a -Sadly missed by sister Hilda, We wish ta thank theNotnieUCW.Fidy versary at the Odd FellowsedheanStob Ilo Rochester, N.Y. 42-1* Hamptan community for theirOc.2,3pm Adis3c Hall, Orano, on Sunday, Octo- ~ e a adhma h iepbi noiqinh a 42-ctber220,fom3 p9..m.Bet A4.plede flt35cy f Ipar hato hewudb o-si ian odto ame ALLIN-I loving memory of kindneifsin prs.nigwd cide 5c ___ wîshes only. 42-11 oîgtocoey osabescey ewsrtre dig iist u.------ed driving August 8. Hie was oi tocls a en ohe ndgan- Art and Elisabeth Jammer. Let's go bowling Sunday ____9 ersno y A .H JMhny Pwanttecis a Snde.avienc wsohar prs andeig grand-dngh ?nohe, an Lon, hopas-42.1 afternoons at Liberty Bowl. M. ndM. . . uriifom C nstbe MacChanc hf h hrg a ensHednoRR. inohe, ________wh pss Special prices 35c .pçr garne. Mapie Grove Road North, will ~., ~,, ~.....and onstable Kitchen ofsht.waTcnvctd u.y . f.as ed away Octoben 22, 1964. Bring the family for saine en- be pleased ta receive thein Downsvjew OPP detachment. seIdauigboiyham. When I arn sad and lonely We wish ta express aur joyablerecreation. 37-6 relatives, friends and neigh- i .M isn avce ispesnec eotwspo And everything goes wrong sincere thanks ta the people hs l¶esosre Iseern to hear you whisper. of Haydon community for the Don't *miss Nestîcton Fal houri at their home on the Thevoi.aicîe, s out bd on igh- sMmer o ra fawn ae Cheen up and carry an. «laveiy caffee table and clothes Suppen in Nestleton United occasion cf their 25th Wedding vhlesotbudnHi-smerfbea Each turne 1 see youn picture hamper that wero presented Church, Friday, October 20, Anniversary, Saturday, Octo- wa 35, cross the double soldship ofwli You seern to sinile and iay ta us. 5 p.m until ail served. Adulti ber 21, 1967 froin 2-4 p.m. hihiromies onaidcars r. eersoimws andwa senuni Don't cry, for I arn sleeping, Wayne and Joan Blackburn. .$1.50, students 75c. 42-1* in the afternoon and 7-9 in~ once force a nonthbound car an ar iastges f isem th vnn.42-1 off onto the shoulder. At High-inberens t.H ae ltpeetodan eomne ei W'll meet again. someday. 42-1* IlNewcastle United Church teevnng ay41 hy ppdt en t.Hdte adtebidn ny rw tonyBn -Sadly missed by daughten JWomen annual turkey supper, Baikie0car and caled thon csti noedahtetheaccse Marjérie, son -in -law Ken, We wish tathank our manyiSaturday, Nov. 4th; sittings N tcBtlrdiossable cJ. anSchul oid to-inspecton, Charles arn gnandchiidren Gregory andfiniad rltvsfo 5, 6, 7 p.m. Tickets, Johnson's N tc chrdiossarge. Acfuiltzbwol idfterported the propr]i h a a ~ pwru i Gail: 42-1 * Tyrone, Long Sault and Beth- Drug Store or Phono 987-4822. NOTICE TO CRtEDiTORS s on o h frontesame condition. Temte ihaqiktme hc i___42-2___________ wa fun onth fooronth esda for the Iovely china cab- 42 In the Estate of GILBERT psegrwaead atyse uter ajund ni5adldhm nosrwu ru BARR-In loving mnemory of inet, clothes hamper and cu NEWTON FOWLER, deceased. consumed one spîlling its con- warrant issued fo1 i ret n ugetdsseddsn mry fathen, Thomas, who pais- and saucer which we roceived. MONSTER BINGO Ail pensons having claims Rv .tence.oBA. ..tet no h loro h * ed away Octoher l9th, 1965, Grace and Bruce Baker. HRD NGT8 eoc gisth saeoGibrdivr'sd.Athe eah- hiwekM an ymteIaMy h 21 Sponsorod by thse Junior Newton Fowlen, late of the On Sunday, October 22nd, vice, a congregational social ment office Constable L. R. citor A. A. H. St! ern aitaeB*e aeti passed away November ath, Chamber of Commerce Town of Bowmanville, in the Tinity United Chunch, Bow- hu ilb edi h hrhJames conducted certain phy- telegnam fnom M.e so o neya ihbn e 1961. ~~~My sincene thanks ta Drs. .TUBILEE PAVILION County of Durham, deceased, ananville, wiîî mark ils 132nd Hall. There will ho an exhi- sical tests. Mn. Stnike request- which he advised tecuth t$0 n die l ag Wondenful memonies, woenEwrt Sylvester, Austin and O SH A WA 8-tf Who died on or about'the 28th Annivensary. Special services bit of pictures,. records and cd that the matten bie adjourn- was applying foI eaci toceadmk ra~e in gold, nre nsria lo o day of December, 1966, are in the morning at il o'clock other items reîating to paît ed until this week when this Magistrate Baxtengv nusnnapcue etndrycrer e surialeflon fo Hot Turkey Supper at Eliza- hereby notified to send in to and the evening at 7 wiil be years in the histony of the aicrwhwstenayong-ahead for exectnofheohaifitdonhselo Thsu itr etnel aecie hiie in bas thvillo United Church on Stnike & Stnike, Solicitors for conducted by the ministen, Churcb. The new bookiet en ofcur, wouho res ent. warrant. Deep; ins hert aaiy memory hors, Estateset. warat Deypfamiiy, neigh-emor Wednesday, October 25, be- th sae Box 7, Bowman- Rev. George K. Ward. The titled, "Wben the Bell Rings", Constable James descrjbed George May, TulîRn ailMlecagdwt i0Duls andCsadaughten-orin-ds gthe monts Adltta1.5psyllforntrtheonoramagesth fnedgoicrsfinnga .Auts and5,vile Onaroonon efreth guest preacher will be the depicting in words and pic- the tests given and read the appeared Auguit 2 hre saga otls hqe Tloe oceih onvr1chîldren (12 and under) $1- 3lst day of Octobor, 197, full Rev. S. R. Henderson, B.A., turos the long and fnuitfui resuits from bis notes. with breach of a in b-oeweitabtnleaai *forgot. M s _____Wls n_4__patcua s oft ei l Toloe t ceis, anoer M. arao ilo. ufe d- , 42.l'pat2-a1 o hen lam. B.D., niinister of Lincoln Rond history of Trinity Church, wiil One defense witness was law which requindamn-wt:alsta 20 -Lcvingiy remembered by 42 fetd1 i e r Hawaiian Immediately aften the said United Cburch, Windsor, Ont. also ho on display. This was a caîîed. Arthur MacLaugblin, muni area cf 1500 qaefo so oga n agtri-style, St. John's Anglican 3lst day of October, 1967, the Mn. Henderson served the Centennial project cf the con- ootsi owsa h for living quartoe.Terter Toyuh cagdwt ______- cere thank you ta mny fiends nesday, Octoben 25, 5 - 7 p.m. distributed amaongst the parties frai 98 a15 adi mr fà pcai mite ft e tM.aie andhebis brdOfbose, aea106 uariotwr eaddetc ut .COTTER--In loving memory an egbn a bi ad, Tickets $2.00, avallable at entitled thereto, having re- nied to the former Betty Sis- Officiai Board. The membens thon Hector and barrowed and rnoved canlientnpl:taperNoe er7 of my dean husband Bruce, gifts and good wisbes sent ta Rickaby's. 42-i gard only ta dlaims of whicb son cf Bowmanvile. Specual of the United Cbùrcb oe înlscrt ii nin.ndfo i ooiaObw *wh passed away on Octobea! me duning my second stay at r the said solicitors for the Wousie willcar be * .a rend nd tfr ish Tb a * 5tW,162 Snyboo Hsitl.Aspcil Kinette Î-'1 Eemsc l eprovided by the wi]l bring the anniversary At that turne, lho added be due to a fne c0 ethe'I~QAL ca5t hai th han of urn thank a Hospwa.skidly Lions Centre, Saturday, Octo- Estate shahl then have notice, senior choir under the direc- social to a close with coffee piaced two botties of beer in ter was adjourneitilti Icfothlth ado ietak otoewos idyDATED et Bowmanville, this tion of Mr. Arthur Coilison, and dessert.th gov cmptietadwkso omitcout MOUE SAN Or live again the paît, drove my wife to Toronto ta ber 28th, 9 p.m. Music, Metro 4th day of Ocoer ..197,teARKEISatmn adweks len Withînmy bent ar memoies vsit ~Sound, CKLB. Dress casul tie&coeAD 97 the Organit ai-d Choir Direc- It is boped that many fniends negiected ta tell the owner townsbip council. WThaill foert ree ait. DaCamnon. 42-IFor tickets, any Kinette o tie& ktor. Organ neciaswl ep ________ Phono 623-7623.Don Cameron 42-2 Solicitors for the Estate tonitsswil o ro and former members of Tnin- about theni. Mn. Warren aidta 4Ié -Always remembenedPhne by3-6our4-2 sibetNwtnFw er, ted before the serviies tity Church will share with M o eitrdMyatne oni e delan wfeFree mrd fiy. h aiyc helt n ky Supen ie ox 7betNetn ole 10:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. the congregation in tbis special Mgistrate Baxte rg(KULKMy\ttndd 42rwf Foec adfml.*TDhWedsaiSrowishe ltaeprss îerveoFiy, Oct. 27, 5-7 Boxmnvl,7nai, Following the evening sn- observiance, a conviction and fined the ing witb a friend ani a e 42-1* D Woudsra Sr.wish t expres serdriverFid$50 ctnd2co5-tswmor ilevonntrdv.s-dditer$buyasomests ordstrn mdvsed tAbuy0so their sincero appreciation ta p.m. at the Salvation Army 41-3____________ days. Thene was an automatic a neighbor se o ig ul T. SPICER--In loving memory relatives, friends and neigh- Hall, Division Street. Tickets413T,, A suspension of license for tbree anto the achool. * -of a dean husband and father, houri for the many acts of may be obtained by 'phoning UATHOTras Iwo Bg ash Wv inners months. "Al T want isaplcfa Arthur H., w ho left us sud - kinidnesses, cards, rece ved at 623-5936, 823-3909. 42-Ï L .I . U J. h rg s o il g lmy w f a d c il r n te lv , Y denly, October 18, 196«5. the timo of their beneavement. Plot ownerî and diroctons Cagso lea possession ywfanchl Like fiiling beaves. the years A special thanks ta Northcutt cf Cartwright Cadmus Union Sunday ichool and churchOflqoladgintbhme i M. ay slip hy Elliott Funenal Home and Rev. Cemeteny are asked ta meet service will ho witbdiCawn on were dismissed. dlean and tidy. I ett n ~ I a -But Ioving momories nover A. VandcnBorg for bis con- at tho Cemetery on Saturday, Sunday on account of Salemi Jack Scbnell, 148 Stanley noighbor and ho odme iiOBDoEr de. soling wards. 42-1 Oct. 21, 2 p.m., for important Thnnkoffering service at 3 Avenue, Etobicoke, and Merle would only ho woneofI -Aiways nemembened by wife . ____business. B. Mountjoy, iOc'y. P.MT. Dne i y 8 ota dbt mover lancdI. a t42-1* U.C.W. Octoben mieeting Street, Toronto, were charged indb "e ic Ruby and family. 42-1* T wauld like ta express my a heîd at the churcb on Septemben 19 witb entering a and now it looka sIfIhv MTE sincene thanks ta my rein- Long Sault Club 50 Turkey l ulighinig aSalyhuh a dead hereaBo 3 -$PICER-In iaving memony ti ves, noighbours and fiendi Suppen, Saturclay, Nov. 4th, Wednesday evening, with thcebipmgaln ithItnttanltey Ifl aksye e ay 31 aia tE Wl ,of n wonderful father Arthur for candi, glfts, flcwens, bak- 1967. Settings at 5 and 6 0peiet n .Jns r-Te eermno nbalbte hr r o ae PooW.ty 835 i. Spicor who passed away ing sent ta me and ta the staff p.m. Aduits $1.75, children siding. Meeting opened with Thywr -.ne nbi ete hr r thmebmn Ms Dvi ..ta November 7. people in bhe sme iuto October 18, 1965. and nurses cf surgical floor of under 12 $1.0 Phono 263-2577, N ese yned . a vd Beautiful memonies slnl Memanial Hospital, Bowman- 263-2121 or 263-2798 for tick- aNrthey rsneawod- kept, ville to Drs. Rundie, Siemon ets. 42-3 fui devotional. Business was :Û awodefu fthr e il ad eXnzean t Rv.- - --- - conducted and it was decided 0f woderul athr w wll ad MKenieandta ev. Dant miss the exciting to send $10.01o ta Five Oaki, nover forget. Nortbey for bis welcome visits. Centonnial Fashion Revicw and for the children .to cal- -Lovingly rememhered by ronc Hall. 42.1* "Portraits tram the Past" leet for UNICEF. Pragrain Audrey and Jack. 42-1* îponsored hy Janetville Cen- was in charge cf Mrs. Lloyd We wauid like to express tenniai Commîittee at Yelver- Siemon. Miss Alice Joncs aur deepest appreciation toalal ton on Wednesday, Oct. 25 at gave a splendid report an honr RIMAR of -aur friendi and neighbans 8 p.m. Admission $1.00. Light trip ta the West and showed tram Bunketon and surround- refreshinents. 42-1 picturos and mementaci. Mmi. MEMORIALh.> Ing *1stricts wbo heiped in SNYIEPR C. Garrard gv igo lgledaiDtitie any way wi a ur shawer beld SNY D AK "Potatoos gin atgtdndr Monrunents - Flat Markers at Dovitt's Hall on Oct. l4th. MONSTE BING Thanksgiving; Mns. L 1 c y d Indeigs oran ned Again our sincene thanks ta TEGS i lu dsigs fr an ned Semon a piano sala; a con- 1Slmcoe St. s..,Oshawa each and ovenyone. Oun door Thursday Night test on naines cf birds, flow-.O L S are~1ran - ~will always ho open ta you ail. ens and trocs by Mmi. Cawl- 723-1002 728-6627- Eldon and Jean Foc. * 7:45 15 SVEfo SREatDYSTA' Offie.4.* TW W V Evesilua 42-1tJRED .BARtN Jon't forget thé card party ~ hr n O EC te T e n d e r . M a . w e e p r e s s a u r d e x o ~ H A W A a t t h e c h o o l o n S a t u r d a y .A.......p.f.n o it r v v a f L e ap er pei s a oony e efop6 tf nig t. YE ~I E , M ' m u T R - V D Ten ersWaned pprciaionto veroneforMrs. Gardon Rice, Sudbury, Rahme's BA station at Courtice has really been - Bawanile Pu i cfloral tributes, calii, candi Mns. Chas. Rice Kingston. hittin~ the jackpot. Recently, two cf their customnersLO PICS flmiJew THE avll ubi and.acts of kindness shown us D A N C E spent several days lait weekwo 10eahPrpitrOvle a.m shonqatyoo yufml se Schoal Board requesti tondons wn90 ah n.reo rileRhei hw on igbt industnial fuel ail during oun turne cf beronve- Bowmanvllle Mldget .iuvenile wîth Mns. Don Cane k ee e ,prsnigHbr eisemr ..3 K4IbS a AVNSaAU at (ATMSpesNo 2 fr timather, Mn.. L. Glmer-Smltb. tan and Ruth, Salem, visited BoWmanville, with bis cheque. The carlier winner was schools ton the present heat- Speci4l thanks ta Mns. D. S tray, O t 21 Mr.'andMor ...BlakburnUp BIGGER. ofCobourg 4ng0sgaslons Delivenies cf Childs and staff at Strathaven, DODSWORTH ORCHESTRA and family n Saturdy v- o lofoisdtiehm I 4,000 a lian aonsu r pve n, p and friends w ho supplied and Tickets cfing. VO~cB N S S V N S l i e b r a n -45o000mallannuai co numpta served lunch at aur home fol- Howand Cordon - 623-7214 Mms. F. Osmond and grand- u E L V E R T O NII-___________ Jng ta S. R. James, Secretany. Frank and Violet Gilmer. Mns. E. R. Thompion and Ou omnt a hc-fclte a eu hswe RS Treasurer, P.O. Box 100, Baw- 42-if Woodvlew Communlty Centre Cynthia, Mm. D. K. Tbomp- Orcmuiywssok aiiishsbgnti ek 8 manville, by Monday, Novem-____ ETIU r,, son, Bawmanville, Mn. L.R. ed ta iearn cf- the accident on at Church Hall with Mr. ber Mh, 1967, stating tixcd onr * MONSTERLf BINGO Thampion and. friend, 'Trn: oggy Sunday a.m. which Murray Malcolmncammno flurtuatinsi.pice per gallon The Centennial Committee chirato an pcfiain. 42-3 O Next M n a ottO and Steven, Bunketon, Strong, son of Mn. and Mns. oniy cmpioyee. vould like ta express their 7:45 P.M. wemc weekcnd visitons a Roy Strong who live on Higb- The Janetvilie - Yelventon sincone thanks toa ai those whoria hepe t mketh pesnt- EDBA NMmi. A. Thompson's. way 35 omît cf Yelventon, and Centennial Cammittee are 1ýZ£-IMa, elpd t mae th prsena- ED ARNMmi. Wm. Nightingale of bis companian, Patricia Hub- planning an intenesting fash- BOWMANVILLE beion theotram n the Paît O SH A WA Fart William, is visiting Mn loy_ froin Bothany. Both we ion show entitled "Portraits The. Canadian Sttman owiumvtpf le, t.188T16? requirod per sot of tendon guides. Write today fan FREE or contact dis tct ni ta m this - __________ money was raised thnough bbtheE -b 2-s documents, whicb wîll ho ne- brochure ta: 60, Amenican dsrc o ndyweme C. Memonial Hospital lait Wed- Street Faim and bbc activities 3WU 2-z i __Lae funded if documents are m- School, Dept. Box 2, Kingston, lfred Allun Woodley, L. Graham, R. Gra- nesday. spnsoed by the Athîtic As- SAVE y Ei -e 'in tbirty days cf above clos- Nafte Age- BOWMANVILLE H. McGill. J. Cunson Sr. is a patient in niai week. 3 9SAEI0 Ing ate othrwie fofeied. 2-1 Mmi. A. Thompian visited Memoriai Hospital, Bowman- This beaves an arnaunt cf lngdie.otenis frfitd.Addmess -_____ Tel._ .421Mr .and Mmi. Osmond, Bow.. ville. Wc wish for ber a $4.500 yet ta ho paid ta corin- ____________ AE1eSV The lowest on any tender manville, an Thuruday. speedy nccovony. pieteiy pay off the caît afin-CHOC. - WHITE - YELLOW SM I nat necessariiy uccopted. 404 Notices Mr. and Mri. j. potts at.. Mr. R. C. Simpson spont a staliing the antificial ice ut L B R A EM XU T. R. HILLIARD, tended bbc piowing match at few days in the bospital me- the rink. Deputy Minister, W anted taBuy hAny persan deuling ta pur- Barrie on Friday and spent contîy ton tests. The Athhetic Association at P L S U YC K I Dept. of Public Works, Ontario chaue poppy weaths ton p lac- bbc weekend with relatives at Mns. Joan Sim pson, Mn. a meeting at bbc nink lait 41-3 OLD cabinet radios. Phono Ing at Cenobaph Nov, 11ile ase Collingwoad. Lois Adams and Mis Susan Tucsday evening pianncd ta ____________________623-5548. 42-10 contact Peton Bathgate, telo- Simpson are spendlng a tew bcid registration ton hockey SAVE i st _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 7e 2-39. 21 as hs ek tonOtoe 2t a heAen.17 9 pg Pets _____623-3997 after 6. 42-i Nightingale C en t en n i a BROWN'S .ESU-TS OUN Iforboinslu escdt fin- or3 N<ËiMAN -ShepÏherd p u p s. -REÊDclaver and alfalta 9j- Temple, Qucen Street, Bow- R W Shce hsya ilb 60 ph* 728-6641 on 723-7195. E. Swain, 986-4331 Blackstock.mavle isaiabe or Mss Elizabeth and Tina surance. 422 2- anquets, receptions, etc. For Kazub are ipcnding a bwa- Couait a Member of tu Mn. Eanl Taylor is te again -* 4-2 -423reservations and Information week -vacation in Jarmilea. opemate bhc rink and work la monthsHUNd rsae el 10CArist a ity e. oxSpucPhon 623-.2545. 42-1 Brown's Busy Bes hed _____ bcommence as eary as mont a od, ras abl. T - ele- Chris ta rie. B x 4-0, o g . rthor ronthly meeting at th ceMweather wilh permit in No- phno98-470 4 -iBehay Otaie 4 -2 Gerg A Bo n home cf Mrs. Wellington Fan- vember.-Times, YR À THREE houndi, h1% years, LIVE poultry, aId teather row, Newcastle.Pln weeGTAS TOA runnlng, $10 cach. M. Keast, ticksi. M. Flatb, R.R. 1, Beth- Insurcmce tinalized fthe bb ...c caming Ca(HOErFdQ ALTY Oroia 83-81. 4 -1 '-' Pono7 n3. 31-tf FM£E Party. Nexb meeting will be MULTIPLE LISTINS SEUVICE 11O»APINE p. f3d4TEBED maie Sarnoyed, DON'T thraw lb out! We bu y AUTO a social evening at the homo threuwb bwo.years aid, witb dog bouse, just about anybhing that's aid, LIFE of, Mr. and Mns. T. Wilson. Osha[Wa & District BTA'fESUANM AK veriy good with cbiidnen, bas an armful ar a houseful. The 128 Liberty St, N.,.flowmanviile* Master Bradley Wilson îs -had obediesice traininig. Ask- !Talisman, Newcastle, even- Phono 623-5136 canvaiescing nt bis borne foi- Real Estcde Boacrd L'SFD FDM AET.10W NY * ts$6M.Phono 623-7510, 42-1 1ings 987-4624, 21-tf i36-tf howing 'mn appîendectomy at)______________ hono 62Z3-8303 ~-k...,r. -....- -* * * *-* -- -~, ******-*~* *.* ~ ..-*.-**-,--.-. **,.'***'-.*-.,.. ADS * **.* An-niversary Speaker